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Impact Coverage

Andrew’s Impact Wrestling Rebellion 2020 Night 1 Results & Match Ratings

Now we’ve reached the first empty arena show for Impact Wrestling; and it happens to be Night 1, of their Rebellion AXS TV special.



Now we’ve reached the first empty arena show for Impact Wrestling; and it happens to be Night 1, of their Rebellion AXS TV special.

“Smiley” Kylie Rae faces off against “The Hottest Flame” Kiera Hogan; as the night is capped off with a now Unsanctioned Match, between Sami Callihan and Ken Shamrock.

A part of me is almost disappointed since Impact really steps things up for Pay-Per-Views; conversely, we may finally get a good TV special. So it sucks that they lose the PPV revenue stream, but selfishly…this should be fun.

Let’s hear how the Impact Tag Team champions are spending their quarantine in Canada.

Rebellion Ratings:

  • oVe (Jake & Dave Crist & Madman Fulton) vs Tommy Dreamer, Rhino & Crazzy Steve: Rhino wins via Gore – ** 1/2
  • Dez & Wentz vs XXXL (Acey Romero & Larry D) vs TJP & Fallah Bahh: Dez wins via Spiral Tap – *** 1/4
  • X Division Championship: Ace Austin (c) vs Willie Mack: Mack wins via 6 Star Frog Splash – *** 1/2 – TITLE CHANGE!!
  • Kylie Rae vs Kiera Hogan: Kylie wins via Smile to the Finish – *** 1/2
  • Unsanctioned Match: Ken Shamrock vs Sami Callihan: Shamrock wins via Ankle Lock – ***


Rebellion Results:

oVe (Jake & Dave Crist & Madman Fulton) vs Tommy Dreamer, Rhino & Crazzy Steve

Crazzy Steve ends up being a nice surprise since it’s been a couple of years. Jake and Tommy start off, and we get some early comedy. Jake does a kip up, which inspires Tommy to try it himself. After failing twice, he calls for Steve and Rhino to assist him, and he achieves the team assisted kip up.

With the little bit of comedy over, we get a few rotations with each man feeling the other out. Steve bails when Fulton hits the ring, proving he’s “not THAT crazy”; letting Rhino do the heavy lifting. We get a few nice back and forth spots, oVe has nice moments cutting off Dreamer and Steve at different points. Fulton clears the ring, tosses Steve into the rest of people on the outside, Rhino Lariats Fulton out of the ring, hits the Gore on Dave Crist; picking up the win for his team.

After the match we find out that Eddie Edwards and Tessa Blanchard are both not present for the show. Josh FaceTime interviews with Eddie, Eddie is distraught but had to make the decision for his family. So we’re left with questions about what will happen with the World title.

Dez & Wentz vs XXXL (Acey Romero & Larry D) vs TJP & Fallah Bahh

The beginning of this match starts much like you would anticipate from TJP and Dez. The Rascalz duo keeps TJP isolated a bit, some fun Cruiserweight style spots. Fallah tags in right before the commercial, but Acey breaks up the pin as the commercial hits. So XXXL ain’t doing a whole hell of a lot beyond watching so far. But I doubt they have great cardio, so I suppose it’s the logical way to get them to 12-15 minutes.

Just as I say that, we come back from commercial and Larry D is in the match against Fallah. So we got big boy on big boy violence. Acey gets in right before the second break; as XXXL is still in control. Commercial ends and it’s still Acey with Fallah; Fallah does manage the tag to TJP, so the match finally picks up.

Lots of quick action, sliding in and out, not a ton of tags, but everyone gets a signature spot moment. Acey hits the Pounce on Dez, but Dez manages to kick out. A few nice kicks and speed spots from Wentz, capped off with a Springboard Twisting Cutter and then Spiral Tap from Dez; The Rascalz bring home the win. An okay match that was improved by the big move spam for the finishing sequence.

X Division Championship: Ace Austin (c) vs Willie Mack

This was a solid back and forth, however, there were a few miscues. Willie didn’t quite catch Ace for the Samoan Drop, Ace leaned into the Coast to Coast and the Stunner on the top rope looked awkward. There were a ton of huge moves and interesting spots; Ace even played up the heel aspect with the early slow roll and constant powdering.

Willie kicking out of The Fold was great, Madison’s commentary helped any of the slower or awkward spots. Just a really solid match, but it could’ve been a lot better if some moves were hit a little better. Maybe it’s amplified from the empty arena aspect, but it should’ve been better on paper. I’m happy that Willie finally got a belt; but the match disappointed a little.

Kylie Rae vs Kiera Hogan

Kylie starts off with her adorable antics, folding her shirt, trying to be get Kiera to smile, and failing a bit. Kylie pulled off some great mat wrestling and sharp arm drags to give her an early shot at her STF finisher (Smile to the Finish). Kiera went for the Greco Roman Knuckle Lock, and Kylie looks off and says “should I trust her”; so Kiera pops off with “WHO are you talking to”, without missing a beat Kylie says “The cameraman…”. I popped too hard at that; but it starts off with enough personality and solid wrestling to stay invested as we go to the commercial.

This match gets fantastically hard hitting and aggressive. There was a Japanese style fighting spirit forearms spot, traded Superkicks; and a few big corner spots. As the match went on, the smile started to disappear and Kylie was getting more and more angry. Kiera got a little cocky, Kylie picked her ankle and slapped on the STF; didn’t do much smiling to the finish, but Kiera tapped out. Great match, crisp spots and would’ve probably stolen the night if it had a few more minutes.

Unsanctioned Match: Ken Shamrock vs Sami Callihan

So in what started off in the ring; Callihan jumped out immediately to start with out of the ring brawl. There was some trading of blows, before they went to the back; and then we got a cinematic match. Callihan and Dexter Lumis go to the same barber, then he decides to use some of Mr. Fuji’s racist dust; topped off with some nice chain wrestling. By that, I mean he grabbed a chain from a garbage can and tried to take out Shamrock with it.

Shamrock with a little bit of a comeback, but oVe shows up to help out Sami. They call for Sami, Sami shows up – Thumbs Up – Thumbs Down – then he takes out oVe with a baseball bat. So he puts the nail in the oVe coffin, then faces off with Shamrock and they want to finish this. Shamrock says outside, some old Western music starts to play; and it’s framed like a final showdown gun fight.

Sami goes for the Sleeper Hold a few times to try and finish the match; but Shamrock rams him back into a production truck.  Judo throw to follow, Ankle Lock…and Sami passes out. So it wasn’t quite the old gun fighters last stand, but it had a nice feel.


Overall Score: 7/10

Now this was interesting in the sense that nothing was bad; but it still felt a little flat. Impact has been benefiting from the last few weeks of Madison on commentary; but the card changes and empty arena just feels weird. Yes yes – there’s a joke in there that this feels like old TNA with an empty arena, but at least the performers put on a damn good show.

Kylie had a great first major showing in Impact, Sami has separated from oVe but he ultimately failed and we have a new X Division champion. Lots of things to like, some things may be taken awkwardly; but really…nothing bad. Should also be interesting how they handle the fact that only Michael Elgin is present for the Championship match.

Maybe an interim situation? Maybe Elgin wins by default? Maybe they find the Dragon Balls and Shenron wishes this all away. Find out next time…on Rebellion Night 2!


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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 2.13.2025

Two title matches, against opponents that….well…you wouldn’t expect. Let’s see how it goes!



Well TNA hasn’t done a bad job at splicing in the NXT talent with the TNA talent, while keeping things building and looking interesting. I’ve heard a few complaints about TNA not explaining who the NXT talents are, but that’s irrelevant. WWE is the biggest show in the game, no one needs to talk about the more established brand. If you don’t know who some of the NXT talent is, that is a you problem. It’s not like a certain other brand that randomly debuts Indy talent who only regional or super hardcore fans have heard of. Everyone from NXT in this crossover has been established on WWE programing before.

So I like where things are going, lets see if the momentum continues!


  • TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Joe Hendry (c) vs Jake Something: Joe retains via Standing Ovation – ***
  • Elegance Clique (Heather & Ash) vs King Bees: Elegance wins via Seated Springboard Spanish Fly – ** 1/4
  • Sami Callihan vs Frankie Kazarian: Who cares, this wasn’t anything
  • Cora Jade vs Xia Brookside: Cora wins via Jaded – ***
  • TNA Knockouts World Championship: Masha Slamovich (c) vs Savannah Evans: Masha retains via Requiem – (-) *
  • Josh Alexander vs Eric Young w/Jabronis: Eric Young wins via Piledriver – *** 1/2



TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Joe Hendry (c) vs Jake Something

Oh we’re starting with this? Okay.

Early on its similar situations; Collar and Elbow tie up is deadlocked, Jake runs Joe over a couple times with rope run Shoulder Tackles but Joe returns the favor and then hits his Stalling Suplex into an Irish Whip to the buckle sending Jake chest first and a near fall. Jake tries to fire up out of it, a few Chops and looks to keep up the momentum, but Joe counters with a Scoop Slam and we go to commercial. We come back from commercial and Jake is working Joe over with Forearms against the ropes, Joe does go for two flash Cradle attempts for near falls but a Lariat takes off Joe’s head and gives Jake a near fall of his own. Jake starts laying in the Wrist Control Short Rainmakers before playing to the crowd and starts looking to continue the offense but Joe has a small flurry. A little back and forth, Joe counters a Whip with one of his own, but Jake coldcocks him with a Forearm and starts laying the Haymakers into Joe who’s grounded in the middle of the mat.

Crowd wills Joe back to his feet, Euro Upper gets a little space, but Jake cuts him off again and drops him on the apron. Jake looks to hit the ropes for something huge but Hendry pops back in and Lariat drops Jake. Jake eats some Slams and Lariats, Sack of Shit into the Kip-Up and turn, calls for the Standing Ovation but Jake blocks it and drives his shoulder into Hendry’s gut to wrest control back. Jake does the Warrior psyche up, looks for Into the Void but Hendry dodges it, Hendry eats a few Lariats, returns one of his own that sends Jake to the outside but Jake lands on his feet and pulls Hendry to a seated position and does…some kind of Running Forearm through the ropes thing? It looks stupid.

Jake goes to the top rope, Joe cuts him off, Avalanche Sack of Shit, Kip-Up, Standing Ovation called for…and…CONNECTS! Hendry retains.

Oh Mokuba cuts in as soon as Hendry retains. “Myyy brrrooottthhheeerrr”, but Santino’s music hits Jake attacks Joe, Santino gets into the ring to try and stop it, Nic comes to Ryan’s aid when Jake looks to go after Ryan next, Superkick rocks Jake, Nic goes for another but Jake powders and Nic Superkicks Santino. 

Elegance Clique (Heather & Ash) vs King Bees

Heather starts quick, Danni is getting isolated after Heather knocks Charity off the apron. A little bit of quick offense and near falls, Ash hits an Implant Buster/Front Dropkick combo for another near fall. Danni starts to fight back, but Heather cuts off Danni and tags back in Ash. Ash tries to keep Danni down, but she fights back up again, strikes, chops, stereo Facebusters instead of Crossbodies is at least unique. Simultaneous tags and Charity starts dominating the Elegance Clique, Ash makes the save, Danni tags back in, Charity tries to set up Heather for a Doomsday style move, but Heather counters with a Frankensteiner that sends Charity into the ropes, crotches Danni, Ash gets in a few shots, Seated Springboard Spanish Fly from Heather and the match is done! Ash and Heather do the lipstick insult post-match stuff, so Spitfire comes out to run them off.

Sami Callihan vs Frankie Kazarian

Mance Warner attacks Sami before the match, Sami is laid out on the ramp. Kaz thinks he got an easy win, but Sami stumbles to the ring to fight.

Sami hits a Stunner when Kaz gets a little too excited at the easy prey, Mance and Steph run back down the ramp to guarantee interference costing Sami the match. Kaz slaps on his Chicken Wing and Sami taps out. Very nothing match, but it leads to Sami grabbing a mic and calling Mance out into a fight. We get a security pull apart.

Cora Jade vs Xia Brookside

Cora comes out cocky and arrogant, doing the relaxing on the turnbuckles taunts, Xia gets offended, takes it to Cora a little and returns the taunt. Cora doesn’t seem super pleased by that, but Xia stays one step ahead of her early on, even doing her cute little wiggle to show off a bit. Cora has to powder, then run away from Xia, slide back into the ring and cries to the referee that her injured knee is acting up. So it slows down Xia enough to get got, Xia gets rocked a few quick attacks from Cora and she keeps Xia grounded. Cora pushes Xia into the corner, does the Kevin Nash Leg Choke, Xia tries to fire out but eats a Lariat for a near fall from Cora. Springboard Stomp to the back gives Cora another near fall, Snap Suplex…too many random pinfall attempts and Cora is starting to show a lot of frustration about not having an easy night.

Bow and Arrow Submission from Cora, Xia tries to fight out, but Cora pulls her down by the hair and goes right back to the Bow and Arrow. Snamare escape finally from Xia, she blocks a punch of Cora strikes and peppers her back, a sequence of Lariats into a Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors which sends Cora to the corner. Back Elbow Feint from Xia seats Cora, Broken Wings after a little dance, Russian Leg Sweep from Xia for two. Brooksy Bomb attempt, Cora counters, Xia counters Cora but Cora hits a V-Trigger to rock Xia. Cora goes for Jaded but Xia counters, Running Knee Lift from Cora into Jaded and Cora wins.

Rascalz come out to cut a promo, explain the Ace alliance is just a convenient pairing. They call out Wes’ new crew, they think they’re gonna handle things because they have numbers, Ace shows up behind Wes’ crew, a brawl ensues where the heels stand tall after a few Low Blows and triple teaming Ace. Wes did mention something about going after the Tree House since the Rascalz don’t have any gold. So as Wes, Tyriek and Tyson walk out, we’re left to wonder what they’re gonna do with the Tree House. 

TNA Knockouts World Championship: Masha Slamovich (c) vs Savannah Evans

Masha tries to start quick because Savannah is actually imposing her size and power on Masha. I’m not totally sure how to feel about this since Savannah has no established reasoning for being a real challenge but Masha is selling her ass off. She eats a Spinout Sideslam and this just makes Masha looks like kind of a jabroni. Masha went from an Undefeated Russian Terror to now she’s getting woman handled by a lower card wrestler who’s rarely been on episodes and was even gone for like 8 months.

This is a terrible match, it doesn’t make Savannah look impressive, it makes Masha look like a joke. I’ve mentioned that the Knockouts Division is pretty terrible, but they shouldn’t agree with me so hard that Masha is selling for Savannah. Masha hits the Capo Kick to rock Savannah, tries a Sunset Flip after Evans blocks the Requiem, but a little back and forth, Savannah gets kicked in the head but still grabs Masha, Masha tries a Sunset Flip again but Savannah just sits down on her for two. This is…dumb.

We shouldn’t be seeing a competitive match with enhancement talent, Savannah even grabs Masha and hits some kind of modified Fireman’s Carry Suplex for a near fall. PK and Sliding Dropkick from Masha, this is going on too long and been too close. Sole Butt into Requiem and the misery if over. This was logically insulting garbage,

Josh Alexander vs Eric Young w/Jabronis

Josh starts off hot, taking it to EY, EY even tries to escape the ring but Josh keeps him in close quarters and lays EY out a few times. EY stumbles to the corner like a Bushwacker and tries to escape again, but Josh grabs him and eats a poke to the eyes for his effort. EY does the Kevin Nash Corner Footchoke also. A move I rarely see we saw twice tonight…odd. Josh fires up and lays in the Forearms, whips EY to the corner, Flair Flip, tries to bait Josh with a Shoulder Tackle through the ropes, Josh side steps, kicks EY to seat him and lands the Low Crossbody for a signature pop and the jabroni duo stalk Josh to get him distracted so EY manages a Stun Gun to take the control back.

Commercial kicks in and when we come back EY is still in control. Clubbing blows across Josh’s neck as he drapes him over the apron. We all know why EY is going after the neck, and some Stomps and looks to choke him so the referee admonishes EY. While admonishing the Jabronis go after Josh. Josh slides through EY’s legs after a rope run, a bit of locomotion Cradle attempts but EY goes to the corner to try and recover, when Josh follows EY grabs him, chokes him from the seated position and then drops a Knee on the neck. A nice back and forth, EY throws Josh tries to get some control back and EY lands a Dropkick from the corner as they both slowly meet the 10 count. Strike Exchange, off the ropes, Back Body Drop from Josh, into Stinger Splash, Rolling Senton, and King Kong Knee Drop from Josh for two!

Josh looks for the Ankle Lock, but EY gets the ropes immediately, Josh looks for the Spicolli Driver, but EY slips it, throats Josh with the top rope, Macho Elbow for two! Josh hits the Styles Clash to a solid pop, but only a two count! Josh looks for something up the buckles, EY counters him and looks for the Avalanche Piledriver, but Josh counters that, Ankle Lock, transition into Sharpshooter, Jabroni distraction, more back and forth with Josh and EY, Ankle Lock attempt again, jabronis interfere again and slide in the Casey Jones mask. EY clocks Josh, Piledriver, EY wins.

Overall Score: 5/10

On paper two main title matches seem interesting unless you follow the product and know the challengers aren’t deserving and have no build. Jake is someone I’d like to see get pushed, but he never does, and I mostly blame his gimmick name. Something is funny for the Indies, but completely moronic to try and brand on even a marginally legit brand. Savannah didn’t deserve the offense she got in, the Knockouts title looks bad, Masha looks bad after that, this Knockouts Division is literally on life support. The Knockouts needs the NXT Women’s Division like fish need water to live. This is a painful low for the Knockouts. When I look back at the Dollhouse era as miles above this…that’s a sad perspective. Also, where the hell is Lei Ying Lee? She officially signed and has been used like twice since putting pen to paper. She is needed to make this Knockouts Division less awful.

There was definitely some stuff to like. Santino suspending Nic drags things out well, Ryan’s irritating smarmy character is great, Xia looked good in her match Cora, the main event was very good and the impending 6 man with Ace, Rascalz and Wes’ Crew should be fun.

A lot of this show felt like filler or just matches for the sake of matches. But it was at least mostly tolerable, and I have a little intrigue with this Mustafa Ali faction.

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Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 2.6.2025

Can the Nemeths take the titles off of the IWCs favorite tag team Fraxiom?



Fandango (JDC) made an appearance on NXT television, Joe Hendry was in the Royal Rumble, and TNA got plenty of name drops between all of the WWE programming. So it’s nice to see this partnership is coming off very healthy early on.


  • Tyson Dupont w/Wes Lee & Tyriek Igwe vs Ace Austin: Ace wins via The Fold – ** 3/4
  • 10 Knockouts Battle Royale: Rosemary vs Jody Threat vs Dani Luna vs Ash by Elegance vs Heather by Elegance vs Tasha Steelz vs Alisha Edwards vs Jazz vs Savannah Evans vs Xia Brookside: Savannah Evans wins the title shot – ** 1/2
  • The Hardy Boyz & Leon Slater vs The System: Jeff wins via Swanton Bomb – ***
  • Matt Cardona vs Mike Santana: Santana wins via Spin the Block – ** 1/2
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: Kaiba Boys (Nic & Ryan Nemeth) vs Fraxiom (c) : Fraxiom retains via Ryan is an Idiot – *** 1/2



Joe Hendry comes out to kick off the show with his concert, and he opens with a “We Are The Champions” parody of “Hendry Is The Champion”. Next song is “Joe Hendry Won the Belt” which is pretty solid and a little arrogant, but so is his entire shtick, then he calls the trope and starts up a song with “This Is The Part Where Somebody Cuts Me Off” and that Somebody…is SOMETHING, Jake SOMETHING. Jake says he talked to Santino for a title shot next week…okay. 

There’s a backstage interview with Masha, and yeah…she sounds very lame when speaking English. The aura is gone, she’s still a great wrestler but hot damn are her promos like Chinese Water Torture.

Tyson Dupont w/Wes Lee & Tyriek Igwe vs Ace Austin

Collar and Elbow ties ups start things off slow until Tyson takes a cheap shot during a break and then runs Ace over off the ropes. Ace tries the Hip Toss but fails, Tyson counters with one of his own, Ace lands on his feet, rolls backwards, chops at the legs with some Sweep Kicks and then gets a quick 2 with a La Magistral. Ace keeps the strikes and Cradles flowing until Tyson sandbags him during an ill advised Suplex attempt, Ace tries something off the ropes to regain momentum but eats a Pop-Up Powerslam for two! Tyson with back to back Stinger Splashes, Whips Ace chest first into the corner, Ace bounces out and turns around to eats a Corkscrew European Uppercut for another near fall.

Tyson tries to take the fight out of Ace with the Full Nelson, but Ace is energized by the crowd. Ace uses the corner and his knees to break the Full Nelson, almost eats another Pop-Up but Full Extension Dropkick gives Ace new life. Rockstar Kick Combo, Russian Leg Sweep, Click Click Boom for two and Ace keeps chopping at the bigger man with Round Kicks to the lower body. Tyson goes for the Warrior Splash and MISSES! Ace turns that into a Fold off the ropes and wins!

Post match beating and The Rascalz show up for the save.

10 Knockouts Battle Royale: Rosemary vs Jody Threat vs Dani Luna vs Ash by Elegance vs Heather by Elegance vs Tasha Steelz vs Alisha Edwards vs Jazz vs Savannah Evans vs Xia Brookside

Lish decides to mouth off to Jazz immediately and eats The Clamp right off the bat and then hell breaks loose. Cora Jade is on commentary and she’s solid. Lish eliminates Tasha thinking she’s clever and then gets double teamed by Spitfire, so she gets dumped out after her betrayal. Elegance Clique was under the ring but Ash kept her nails visible so Dani pulls her out from under, and Heather was holding on, while Jody gets pulled from the other side. So Dani gets a goofy power spot, Heather gets eliminated, then Dani gets eliminated, Rosemary Spears Jody and eliminates her.

ASH tries to get her, Rosemary and Savannah to attack Jazz and Xia, but Ash doesn’t really attack and Xia and Jazz take control. Ash and Rosemary eliminate Jazz. Xia gets excited and eliminates Rosemary and Ash, Savannah tries to take advantage of the situation but the crowd is all for Xia. Xia manages to get Savannah over the rope to the apron, but Cora gets up off of commentary to distract Xia, Savannah tries a Chokebomb on the apron, Xia fights it off with biting the hand and then eats a headbutt from Savannah to eliminate Xia. So Savannah gets a title shot while Cora Jade mocks Xia for losing.

Eric comes out with the two jabronis and they look even lamer coming out in white hoodies. They look like AEW fans, not professional wrestlers. I love EY leading a group, be it World Elite, SAnitY, Violence by Design or whatever this will be known as…but these dudes are garbage. Steve Maclin interrupts the EY rant, so it should be interesting where Steve lands on this. Maclin asks a great question, why didn’t EY just tell him this was the plan when he knows he earned his trust. Maclin says “As long as they’re with you…I’m not”. So Maclin doesn’t declare himself an enemy, but he just says they’re not cool anymore. Oh and Josh’s music hits. I guess he hasn’t left yet.

Josh is a make-a-wish kid apparently, bald Canadian off, this is like Reptile vs Sub Zero, next week we get EY vs Josh as Josh’s Swan Song. Could be a solid match, so I’m not mad about it…I just hate the jabroni duo. 

The Hardy Boyz & Leon Slater vs The System

Leon and JDC start, things get a little weird but JDC tags out to Eddie, Leon has Arm Drags for all and tags in Matt for a little tandem Extreme Elbow into the hyperextended arm action, Matt tags in Jeff for more tandem Arm attacks on Eddie. More Hardy party, Eddie is eating boots like he’s Tony Atlas. Poetry in Motion the classic way, JDC finally gets sick of watching Eddie get dogwalked, but System is getting stacked up and English Poetry in Motion on JDC and Eddie, Moose got knocked off the apron and a commercial break.

Oh look, Moose had Leon in the corner but Leon was fighting out of it. The other System members try to do something but Leon is fighting them all off, looks to fly, but Lish jumps on the apron to block the dive. Leon jumps over Lish and Moose just catches him with an Apron Bomb. Leon beats the 10 count and Moose just jumps on him and tags in Eddie. Kobashi Chops from Eddie, blind tag from JDC, Rocket Launcher into the Forearm for the Slingshot Elbow and JDC tags in Moose to maintain the pressure.

Eddie tags in and wipes out the Hardys, Blue Thunder Bomb, Senton and Down and Dirty from The System, but the Hardys barely make the save to stop the pinfall. Leon counters JDC’s Brainbuster with a Small Package, Leg Lariat from Leon, simultaneous tag and it’s Jeff and Moose. Jawbreaker for Moose, Mule Kick for Eddie, Manhattan Drop on Moose, Jeff is rolling with the classics. He calls for the Twist, JDC and Eddie break it up so it turns into a schmoz as Leon just Slingshots himself into the System. Feint Kick rocks Moose, Hardys take out the others, Leon wanted to go for his Corner Jump but Moose cuts him off with a Pump Kick. Leon dodges the Lights Out as Moose Posts himself, Leon takes out the other members. Plot Twist from the Hardyz, Jeff lets Leon hit the Swanton 450 first, then Swanton Bomb gives Jeff another pinfall victory over Moose.

This better be leading towards a Jeff X Division Championship shot, because that’s two visible pinfalls now.

Matt Cardona vs Mike Santana

After the typical chicken shit powder into rope retreat, Santana hits a few Chops and starts movin, Cardona tries to powder again but Santana hits the dive to lay out Cardona. He throws Cardona back in the ring, Cardona powders again and trips up Santana on the apron to finally take advantage of things. There is a “We Want Chelsea” chant going as Cardona takes the advantage. Cardona is making more faces at the camera and crowd then connecting with moves that really matter. A few Irish Whips, a Rude Awakening, just very slow and boring since there’s no real tension in this match. Santana counters for a Cradle, Mule Kick after Cardona is back up, a little rope run into the Rolling Buck Fifty, but only for two.

Santana wants to Spin the Block and misses, Enzuigiri from Santana, Cardona tries to catch Santana off the ropes with Radio Silence but Santana turns it into a Spicolli Driver for two! A slow climb up the corner allows Cardona to crotch Santana into the seated position, ReBoot time, Tiger Driver for two. Radio Silence attempt, Santana catches him, Buckle Bomb, Guerrero Frog Splash, SPIN – THE – BLOCK!  Santana wins.

NXT Tag Team Championships: Kaiba Boys (Nic & Ryan Nemeth) vs Fraxiom (c)

Little grounded Greco-Roman wrestling between Nic and Axiom, Frazer blind tag does take Nic by surprise as Frazer runs circles around Nic for a while before a Dropkick connects from Nic and tags in Ryan. Stereo Shot to Heart spot from the Nemeths. Ryan’s offense is purposely kinda corny, and it’s funny when Frazer finally bests him you just very audibly hear the “Oh Shit” and Fraxiom do a little tandem action rush, Locomotion Dives from Fraxiom, Nic counters Frazer, catches Axiom’s foot and then makes Axiom kick Frazer. Arianna is on commentary and its hilariously ditzy. She says something like “That’s really awkward, he kicked his friend…”, it’s so…adorable in a vapid way.

Back from commercial, Ryan is trying to fight back against Axiom, but a blind tag from Frazer, a Poison Rana into Double Superkicks and a Running Shooting Star is a very close two. Ryan slips a Suplex from Frazer for a Cradle, only two but it gives Ryan space to tag out and Frazer tags out so Nic is riding the hot tag, Stinger Splash into his 10 Shots to the Heart Elbow drops, but Axiom kicks out. Axiom goes for a desperation something and Nic connects with a FAMEasser for two! Enzuigiri from Ryan actually connects, Nic tries a quick pinfall but nope only 2. Ryan tags in and cuts off Axiom while pushing him back into the Kaiba corner.

Nic is trying to keep Axiom grounded, and tags back in Ryan, and its just classic isolation offense. Nothing flashy, oh, Ryan posts himself Nic blind tags but Axiom tags out. Rope Run Lariats, Slingblade, Frog Splash from Frazer but only two! Phoenix Splash attempt misses, Implant DDT from Nic for…two and a half. Nic tries to lift up Frazer, but the twisting Enzuigiri drops Nic and Frazer tags in Axiom. Axiom comes in deliberately, a few strikes, but Nic counters, Superkick on Axiom, Frazer slips and Nic Superkicks Frazer, Danger Zone and Hollywood Ending in stereo! 1-2-KICK OUT!  Ryan tries to whip Nic at Axiom, but Axiom moves, Axiom dodges Ryan but then gets grabbed into an Implant DDT from Nic, Ryan tries something but Axiom and Frazer are rolling, Superplex, Golden Ratio, and Nic makes the save! Ryan is looking for something under the ring, Nic admonishes Mokuba for trying to use a chair, Axiom Dropkicks Ryan into Nic, Nic falls out, Ryan eats the finish and Fraxiom retain!


Overall Score: 6.5/10

Well…I can’t be too angry at all of this. Yes the Battle Royale was dumb and really just put a spotlight on how pathetic the Knockouts Division is right now, but Tessa’s promo was solid, Mance and Steph was a good promo, Hardyz was a good match, main event was a good match…and nothing was really offensive. Yes I hate the Jabroni Squad with EY now, but they didn’t talk, much like usual, they barely exist. Ace and Tyson had a decent opening match and I am a little interested in what Mustafa is building.

Also we get another Jeff Hardy pins Moose moment, so if this doesn’t turn into Jeff getting the X Division title shot then I’m gonna be Brooklyn confused. I have also finally figured out what Arianna Grace’s whole gimmick is, its just Ariana Grande’s character from Victorious and Sam & Cat. Since I didn’t really watch it closely (not really my generation, but AJ did have random Nickelodeon crap on growing up) it didn’t click until we’ve been hearing her talk more during the TNA commentary, and she does the same air headed, vapid yet adorable way of speaking and comes across with a measure of innocence.

But yeah, an okay show if you ignore the Knockouts. At least the NXT partnership will bolster the weakest part of TNA since NXT does truly have the most stacked women’s division at the moment.

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