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Mitchell’s NJPW Summer Struggle Results & Report! (8/29/20)

FINALLY! Jingu Stadium!



NJPW Summer Struggle

NJPW finally reaches the end of the Summer Struggle!

The special return event from NJPW wraps up in the biggest way possible! KOPW 2020, the Double Championships and more, all in Jingu Stadium!


  • Master Wato VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Kanemaru wins.
  • KOPW 2020 Fatal 4 Way Finals: El Desperado VS Toru Yano VS SANADA VS Kazuchika Okada; Yano wins and is the current KOPW 2020 Trophy Holder.
  • NEVER Openweight Championship: Shingo Takagi VS Minoru Suzuki; Suzuki wins and becomes the new NEVER Openweight Champion.
  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship: Hiromu Takahashi VS Taiji Ishimori; Ishimori wins and becomes the new IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion.
  • IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: The Dangerous Tekkers VS The Golden Aces; The Dangerous Tekkers win and retain the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.
  • IWGP Heavyweight & Intercontinental Double Championships: EVIL w/ Dick Togo VS Tetsuya Naito; Naito wins and becomes the new IWGP Heavyweight & Intercontinental Double Champion.


Master Wato VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru!

The Way of the GrandMaster has been a hard road, mostly because of having to deal with the many henchmen in Suzuki-Gun. Can Wato overcome and prove he belongs?

The bell rings and fans are fired up already. Kanemaru kicks low, headlocks tight, but Wato powers out and things speed up. Wato hurdles and back elbows to back and sobat! Wato keeps on Kanemaru with kicks and a whip corner to corner, but Kanemaru puts Wato on the apron. Wato hits back, springboards in, but into Kanemaru’s dropkick! Fans have to cheer that impressive aim but then rally up for Wato. Kanemaru drags Wato up to throw out, then he whips Wato into railing! Kanemaru hops the railing to guillotine leg drop! Wato is down, Kanemaru catches his breath and returns to the ring. A ring count begins and climbs to 10 of 20 before Wato stands. Wato is in at 12 but Kanemaru scoops him into the Tree of Woe!

Kanemaru toys with Wato, then runs in to basement dropkick! Wato is still stuck and the ref works to free him but Kanemaru laughs at Wato. Kanemaru drags Wato up to club him hard on the back! Kanemaru drags Wato into a Camel Clutch! Fans rally, Wato pries at the hold and scoots back to get a ropebreak! Kanemaru lets go of Wato to stomp him down! Kanemaru eggs Wato on and Wato hits forearms! Kanemaru rakes the eyes! The ref reprimands but Kanemaru drags Wato up. Kanemaru throws a strong European Uppercut, then whips corner to corner. Kanemaru runs in to BOOT! Kanemaru brings Wato out, Wato hits back but Kanemaru rakes the eyes! Kanemaru runs, but into Wato’s leaping kick!

Fans fire up as Wato grits his teeth. Wato fires up, aims from a corner, and runs to DYNAMIC DROPKICK! Kanemaru tumbles out of the ring, Wato runs and FLIES with the tornillo PLANCHA! Direct hit and the fans are fired up again. Wato drags Kanemaru up, puts him in, and the fans rally as Wato hits a SPRINGBOARD UPPERCUT! Wato keeps going, he runs to the corner to monkey flip Kanemaru! Cover, TWO! Fans cheer as Wato keeps going, brings Kanemaru up to wrench and trap the arms. Kanemaru fights out of the Mouse Trap, and dropkicks Wato down hard! Fans cheer as both men are down, and rally up as the two stir. Kanemaru sits up, scowls as he brings Wato up for a scoop and slam!

Kanemaru goes to the top rope, but has to land out of his moonsault as Wato moves! Wato elbows and KICKS back! Wato runs, but the ref is a shield! Wato pushes the ref aside, Kanemaru tilt-o-whirls but Wato blocks the victory roll. Kanemaru kicks Wato back, drags Wato up and scoops to the dragon sleeper, INVERTED DDT! Kanemaru paces as the fans rally up again. Kanemaru has his whiskey, but Wato ducks to BOOT! Wato dodges to SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE! Fans fire up as Wato drags Kanemaru back up, MOUSE TRAP DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Kanemaru escapes the trap but Wato fires up more!

Wato waits for Kanemaru to rise to fire off the strike fest! QUESTION MARK KICK! INVERTED BOMB! Kanemaru is down but Wato drags him to the drop zone. Kanemaru revives and rolls Wato up! Kanemaru wins!!

Winner: Yoshinobu Kanemaru, by pinfall

Was Kanemaru playing dead? Wato is furious, but despite being called the GrandMaster, he is still very much a young wrestler. Will Wato learn a lot from this loss?


KOPW 2020 Fatal 4 Way Finals: El Desperado VS Toru Yano VS SANADA VS Kazuchika Okada!

One of the most unique concepts, certainly in NJPW’s history, has been a big success already, and it takes its next big step! Desperado can use his finishers again, Yano doesn’t have to kick out at one, and Sanada can win by more than just submission, but it could still feel like 3v1 for the Rainmaker. Will Okada win his own concept to become the tentative Mr. KOPW 2020?

But as Okada finishes up his entrance, Sanada and Desperado jump Yano! The bell rings to get this on record as Okada tries to help. Sanada and Desperado club and double whip Okada to a corner. Desperado elbows, Sanada adds his own. Yano wants them to wait a minute! Yano gets it. And he apologizes to Okada as he runs in to add his own elbow! But then Yano rolls Okada up! Sanada and Desperado stomp the cover apart and Okada gets away. Sanada and Desperado start shoving each other, their momentary alliance over already. Yano pulls Desperado’s mask to throw him down! Sanada whips Yano, Yano holds the ropes and taunts. Sanada runs at Yano but Yano dumps Sanada out!

Okada clubs Sanada, and he wants Yano to fly in a combo move! Yano fires up, builds speed, but Desperado drags him out! Okada clubs Sanada, throws him in and Desperado clubs Yano down. Okada elbows Sanada on the back, Okada kicks Desperado as he comes in, and now Sanada and Okada work together. They double whip and double elbow Desperado down, then set him up for a basement dropkick sandwich! The fans like what they’re seeing as Okada offers an LIJ fist bump! But it’s to fake Sanada out and Okada kicks low! Okada snapmares, cranks on a chinlock, and now Yano returns. Yano again apologizes for what he did earlier, and he’s exposed a corner.

Yano whips Sanada corner to corner to the safe corner and adds a back elbow. Okada adds his, feeds Sanada to Yano’s atomic drop, then they trip Sanada to catapult him into the bare buckles! Okada lifts Sanada, REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Cover, but Yano pulls Okada off. Yano covers while apologizing, Okada stomps him! The fans cheer as Yano asks what the heck. Okada says it doesn’t matter that they’re both Chaos! And now these two brawl! Okada hits, Yano responds, and fans rally up. Okada rocks Yano, but Yano cradle counters, TWO! Yano apologizes again but Desperado clobbers Okada! Desperado rakes Yano’s eyes, whips him but Yano stops himself before hitting bare buckles. Desperado runs in but Yano drop toeholds him into those buckles!

Yano rolls Desperado, Sanada breaks it! Yano kicks Sanada, Yano whips but Sanada reverses and Yano gets the bare buckles! Sanada trips Yano up, and puts him in Paradise! Fans cheer as Sanada goes corner to corner, but Okada is there to defend Yano. Okada wants them to go 1v1 so Sanada obliges. They brawl, Okada throws a EuroUpper but so does Sanada. Yano asks they not forget about him as Sanada whips Okada. Okada dodges to elbow Sanada down! The fans fire up with Okada, Okada brings Sanada up to whip him to a safe corner. Sanada goes up, out and springboards in! Okada dodges, scoops but Sanada reverses to dragon sleeper! Okada flails, moves around, scoops again, but Sanada fights out. DRAPING MAGIC KILLER! Cover, TWO!

Okada survives but Sanada keeps his cool. Also Yano is still stuck. Sanada brings Okada up for a backbreaker, then he goes to the corner. Sanada moonsaults but lands on his feet as Okada evades! Okada shotguns Sanada and Sanada falls on Yano, freeing him from the Paradise Lock! Yano flops out of the ring, Sanada and Okada are alone. Sanada elbows Okada away, Quebrada to the dragon sleeper! Okada hammers away but Sanada cranks on the hold! SKULL END! Desperado climbs up and leaps, FROG SPLASH onto them both! Desperado kicks Sanada out and drags Okada up. Guitarra del ANGEL! Cover, TWO!! Okada survives but Desperado isn’t done there! Desperado drags Okada up, underhooks, but Okada resists Pinche Loco to back drop! Desperado gets up first and rakes Okada’s eyes!

Desperado runs, Okada dropkicks him down! Okada gets the arm, DEEP IN DEBT! Desperado endures, grabs at the ref, but Okada yanks him away! The ref is down, Deep in Debt is still on! But Yano attacks from behind, rolls Okada up, YANO WINS!?!

Winner: Toru Yano, by pinfall (tentative Mr. KOPW 2020)

It was a LOW BLOW! Yano used a low blow on Okada! Yano apologizes to Okada while he accepts the trophy! Will the Producer, of all people, be the first-ever Mr. KOPW by the end of the year?


NEVER Openweight Championship: Shingo Takagi VS Minoru Suzuki!

The Dragon welcomes all comers, and now he has to deal with the Meanest Man in the World! Who wins this match that will surely redefine the term, “slug fest?”

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this battle finally happens!

The two want to fight but the ref has them wait for the bell. When the bell rings, these two fire off! Suzuki boots, forearms but Shingo is right there with him. Suzuki fires off several forearms but Shingo hits back with a Polish hammer! Shingo whips, Suzuki reverses and wrenches on a facelock. Shingo counters with a suplex! Fans cheer but Suzuki bails out. Shingo pursues and whips him into the barriers! Shingo drags Suzuki up, jabs and CHOPS against the post over and over and over! Suzuki stumbles away, Shingo puts him in the ring but Suzuki throws haymakers! Suzuki drags Shingo into a draping triangle hold! The ref counts, Suzuki lets go at 3 to run and BOOT Shingo off the apron! Shingo hits railing but Suzuki is right on him again.

Suzuki whips Shingo into railing! And then brings him around to whip into more railing! The ref reprimands but Suzuki takes his time punching away on Shingo. Suzuki boots Shingo, pushes the ref away and SLAPS Shingo! Suzuki laughs as he hits Shingo harder! Suzuki knees low, brings Shingo around to ram him into more railing! The ring count begins, Suzuki gets in at 4 of 20. Suzuki watches Shingo stagger about and goes back out to throw him into more railing! Suzuki puts Shingo in the ring, fans cheer as this match continues properly. Suzuki stomps Shingo but Shingo grits his teeth. Suzuki stands Shingo up and chops him, talking trash at the same time!

Suzuki chops and ROCKS Shingo, then snapmares to KICK Shingo in the back. But Shingo scowls as he eggs Suzuki on. Suzuki keeps kicking, Shingo wants more! Suzuki kicks, Shingo fires up to CHOP! Suzuki CHOPS, Shingo CHOPS, repeat! Shingo gets the edge, Suzuki catches a chop to knee low! Suzuki runs, but into an elbow! JAB and LARIAT! Both men are down but Suzuki is smiling! Suzuki heads to ropes while fans rally up. Shingo runs into the corner, blocks Suzuki’s boot and corner clotheslines! Shingo whips corner to corner to hit another clohtesline! SNAP SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Shingo stays fired up as the fans continue to rally. Shingo toys with Suzuki now, but Suzuki laughs as he throws forearms!

Suzuki whips and BOOTS Shingo in the corner, then snapmares to Penalty Kick! Cocky cover, ONE! Shingo grimaces but Suzuki grins as fans rally. Suzuki toys with Shingo now, giving him toying kicks. Shingo gets up to ROCK him with a right! Shingo has to chuckle now as Suzuki throws a forearm. Shingo gives it back and Suzuki nods. Suzuki throws another forearm, Shingo fires them back and the fans fire up as this gets fast and furious! Suzuki gets an edge, but Shingo gives forearms from all sides! Shingo ROCKS Suzuki and eggs him on, but Suzuki ROCKS Shingo back! Shingo wobbles, stands back up, so Suzuki ROCKS him again! Suzuki runs, into another back elbow.

Shingo runs, into a boot! Suzuki runs, Shingo clohteslines on the ropes. Shingo runs, dodges the boot, but Suzuki dodges the lariat to get the sleeper hold! Suzuki spins Shingo around but Shingo back drops out of the piledriver! Suzuki ducks the sliding lariat, Suzuki boots but Shingo comes back, only to be spun back into the sleeper! Suzuki wraps on tight but Shingo endures. The fans rally up, Suzuki cranks tighter and Shingo starts to fade! Shingo gets his second wind, but Suzuki squeezes it out of him! Suzuki spins Shingo, Gotch hold, but Shingo kicks against the driver! Shingo fireman’s carries, Death Valley Driver! Both men are down but Jingu is fired up!

Shingo and Suzuki stir, Shingo rises first but Suzuki follows. Shingo fires himself up, runs, PUMPING BOMBER! Cover, TWO!! Suzuki survives but Shingo keeps his cool. Shingo shouts and drags Suzuki up but Suzuki’s like dead weight. Shingo winds up but Suzuki boots, and boots, and boots! Suzuki tries for another but Shingo slips up under it, pump handle and lift, MADE IN JAPAN!! Cover, TWO!?! Suzuki survives and Shingo can’t believe it! The fans fire up again as Suzuki and Shingo rise. Shingo pump handles to torture rack, but Suzuki escapes Last of the Dragons to HEADBUTT Shingo from behind! And then from the front! Shingo eggs Suzuki on and Suzuki HEADBUTTS him down!

Suzuki dares Shingo to rise, SLAPS Shingo from all sides over and over with fast palm strikes, then keeps Shingo standing to keep going! But Shingo JABS and HEADBUTTS outta nowhere! Shingo runs, Suzuki follows and gets around, only for Shingo to still torture rack! Suzuki fights out, gets a sleeper hold on, then spins Shingo. Shingo spins through to LARIAT! Suzuki stays up, Shingo LARIATS again! Suzuki powers up to stay up but Shingo LARIATS him again! Shingo runs, into a dropkick! Both men are down and the fans are fired up again! Suzuki rises as fans rally, but Shingo gets head to head with him. They headbutt on the mat, throw forearms back and forth, then Shingo keeps Suzuki up to ROCK him again!

Suzuki ROCKS Shingo back, eggs Shingo on, and Shingo ROCKS him back! Suzuki smiles again as he ROCKS Shingo with another forearm. Suzuki eggs Shingo on, Shingo ROCKS him back! Both men are on wobbly legs but Suzuki ROCKS Shingo again. Shingo ROCKS Suzuki back. Suzuki bluntly headbutts Shingo! Shingo drops to a knee, Suzuki scowls but Shingo headbutts back! They go back to forearms back and forth, fans rally up, and Suzuki just keeps hitting Shingo! Shingo hits back but Suzuki ROCKS him again. And again! Suzuki just CLOBBERS Shingo with that forearm! Sleeper hold!! Shingo flails, fades, fans rally up but Suzuki spins Shingo around! Shingo gives a nod to his late mentors as he Gotch lifts for the PILEDRIVER!! Cover, Suzuki wins!!

Winner: Minoru Suzuki, by pinfall (NEW NEVER Openweight Champion)

The Dragon has lost his treasure! Suzuki triumphs and takes the title for his own! With what it took out of Shingo, what will it take for anyone to take the title from Suzuki?


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship: Hiromu Takahashi VS Taiji Ishimori!

The Ticking Timebomb couldn’t get revenge on the King of Darkness, but he sure isn’t about to let the Bone Soldier pile on. Will Hiromu have “fun” sending Bullet Club a message?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this rematch a long time coming begins!

Taiji boots the bad arm right away! He dodges Hiromu’s back hands, boots again then throws forearms! Hiromu forearms back and we have a brawl already! Taiji throws more forearms, runs but sees Hiromu drop down. Taiji stops to bring Hiromu up and whip but Hiromu reverses to follow. Taiji stops, dodges, and tilt-o-whirls, but Hiromu stops it part way! Hiromu powers up, Taiji slips off to waistlock, Hiromu standing switches and German Suplexes, but Taiji lands on his feet! Taiji dodges Hiromu, comes back, tilt-o-whirl takedown on the arm! Hiromu gets out, clutching his bad arm, but Taiji goes up and MOONSAULTS! Direct hit on the outside as fans fire up. Taiji gets in commentary’s face before putting Hiromu in.

Taiji climbs up and aims at that bad arm! 450 SPLASH ON THE ARM! Hiromu writhes, Taiji grabs the arm, rolls Hiromu and gets the YES LOCK! But Hiromu gets the ropebreak! Taiji lets go and smiles, knowing he has Hiromu right where he wants him. Hiromu walks around the way but Taiji follows. Taiji CLUBS Hiromu on the bad arm, wrenches the arm to a hammerlock and clubs it again. Taiji puts Hiromu in, drags him up to a corner and climbs up to wrap the arm around the ropes! Hiromu clubs Taiji while the ref counts, and Taiji stops at 3. Taiji CHOPS Hiromu, then CHOPS him again! Taiji whips Hiromu corner to corner, Hiromu slides out and it’s a cat ‘n’ mouse game! Hiromu comes back to SUNSET FLIP, but Taiji lands on his feet out of the bomb!

Taiji forearms then hammerlocks the bad arm to POST it! Hiromu falls, clutches the arm and the ref checks on him. The ref tells Taiji to stay back but Taiji refuses, and he puts Hiromu back in. Cover, ONE!! Taiji is upset with the count but he sneers as he looms over Hiromu. The fans rally up, Taiji kicks Hiromu but Hiromu chops back. And chops again, but it doesn’t bother Taiji. Taiji kicks, runs but into Hiromu’s huricanrana! Hiromu stands, runs corner to corner at Taiji, and corner clotheslines! Hiromu snapmares Taiji to basement dropkick him out of the ring! Fans fire up as Hiromu takes off the shoulder tape! Hiromu goes to the apron for a FLYING JOHN WOO! The dropkick sends Taiji into railing!

A ring count begins as both men are down on the outside. Hiromu is up, drags Taiji around and puts him in. Hiromu drags Taiji up, suplexes for the Falcon Arrow! Cover, TWO! Hiromu grows frustrated but he focuses on getting his arm moving. Taiji is in the corner, Hiromu runs corner to corner and clotheslines! Hiromu runs corner to corner again but Taiji follows to dropkick Hiromu down! Taiji keeps moving, but he runs into an OVERHEAD SUPLEX! But Taiji lands on the ropes?! Hiromu hurries to get Taiji into the fireman’s carry, but Taiji pops up, POISON RANA!! Hiromu flounders, Taiji runs, but into another OVERHEAD! And this time he crashes into buckles! Both men are down, fans fire up again as both stir.

Hiromu is up first, drags Taiji up to a fireman’s carry, DYNAMITE PLUNGER! Cover, TWO!! Taiji survives but Hiromu keeps his focus as fans cheer. Hiromu fireman’s carries again, Taiji slips off but Hiromu blocks the knee. Taiji deflects the clothesline, boots, then runs, but Hiromu clotheslines at the ropes! Hiromu runs, Taiji reels him in, GERMAN SUPLEX! Hiromu is up!? Hiromu GERMANS Taiji! Both men rise, Taiji and Hiromu fire up to collide with clotheslines! Neither falls, Taiji runs but into a LARIAT! Hiromu can’t cover, he’s too exhausted! Fans build back to a rally as Hiromu rises. Hiromu fires himself up, fans clap along, and he drags Taiji to a suplex. Hiromu lifts, BRAIN BUSTER! Cover, TWO!!

Taiji survives again but Hiromu keeps his focus. Hiromu drags Taiji back up and fans rally. Hiromu dragon sleepers, lifts, but Taiji slips out to go after the bad arm! Hiromu resists, swings punches but Taiji ducks them. Hiromu wheelbarrows to a COMPLETE SHOT! Fans fire up again, Hiromu drags Taiji back up to the dragon sleeper and suplex, but Taiji slips out! Taiji gut wrenches, to the CIPHER UTAKI! But Taiji can’t cover, because now HE is too exhausted! Fans rally as Taiji goes to a corner. Hiromu stirs but Taiji rises. Taiji aims from the corner as Hiromu sits up. Hiromu stands, Taiji hits the tilt-o-whirl takedown to the YES LOCK!! Hiromu endures as Taiji cranks back on his neck and shoulder! Hiromu moves around, reaches, and gets the ROPEBREAK!

Taiji lets go in frustration but Hiromu isn’t done yet. Taiji takes aim, drags Hiromu up, but no Bloody Cross as Hiromu arm-drags out! Hiromu swings Taiji around, Taiji blocks the huricanrana to BUCKLE BOMB! But Hiromu rises up!! Taiji KNEES him, Hiromu SUPERKICKS! Hiromu runs, into Taiji’s LARIAT!! Both men are down again and the fans are thunderous! Taiji drags Hiromu up, the fans rally but Taiji goes for Bloody- NO! Fireman’s carry, CORNER DEATH VALLEY! Hiromu fires up again, drags Taiji back up to a fireman’s carry, and swings for TIMEBOMB!! Cover, TWO!?! Taiji survives and Hiromu is raging!

Hiromu uses that rage to power up and drag Taiji up again. Dragon sleeper, lift, and TIMEBOMB- No! Taiji fights through to INVERTED BLOODY CROSS!! Then Taiji drags Hiromu into the YES LOCK!! Hiromu flails, kicks, but Taiji just rolls him away from the ropes! The Yes Lock is on even tighter! Hiromu TAPS, Taiji wins!!

Winner: Taiji Ishimori, by pinfall (NEW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion)

The Timebomb has been defused! Bullet Club has even more gold now! Taiji mocks Hiromu with the belt that was just his before leaving. Will Bullet Club conquer the night with Evil and Naito still in the main event?


IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: The Dangerous Tekkers VS The Golden Aces!

It was only back in July that Taichi and Zack Sabre Jr. won these titles off Kota Ibushi and Hiroshi Tanahashi, but they made it feel like much longer with all the taunting they’ve done. But now, Dominion is revisited, and the Golden Aces have another chance! Will Ibushi and Tanahashi truly put the “golden” back in their team name?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and Taichi mocks Tanahashi’s muscular reveal while he takes off the cloak. The teams sort out, and we start with the Maestro, and despite Tanahashi really wanting to, Ibushi!

Fans rally right from the bell, Ibushi waits, and Taichi slowly circles with him. They approach, but Tanahashi points out ZSJ getting in! Ibushi kicks ZSJ down and then Tanahashi jumps in! The Aces go after Taichi together with clubbing forearms, then they double elbow ZSJ down. The Aces whip Taichi, double elbow him, Tanahashi drops an elbow, Ibushi corkscrew splashes! The Aces shake hands and drop elbows together! The fans fire up for the air guitar! Ibushi tags Tanahashi in and Tanahashi dares Taichi to stand. Taichi does, Tanahashi does and hits leaping forearms! Tanahashi DECKS ZSJ, but Taichi DANGEROUS SAIDOS! ZSJ DECKS Ibushi while Taichi covers, TWO!!

ZSJ digs his heels into Ibushi but Taichi toys with Tanahashi. Tanahashi rolls to the apron but Taichi pushes him off. ZSJ throws EuroUppers on Ibushi, Taichi drags Tanahashi up and scoops him, snake eyes on the railing! Tanahashi is down right in front of commentary, Taichi drags him back up, ZSJ keeps beating Ibushi up as Taichi chokes Tanahashi on the rails! Red Shoes reprimands, Taichi keeps going but Ibushi turns things around on ZSJ! The ring count begins as ZSJ whips Ibushi into railing. The count reaches 10 of 20 as Taichi whips Tanahashi into railing. The count is 15, Taichi puts Tanahashi in at 16, just to bring him back out and whip into more railing!

Taichi takes his time fetching Tanahashi, and chokes him with camera cables! Taichi mocks Tanhashi, Ibushi rushes over but ZSJ drags Ibushi away in a sleeper! The ring count begins again, reaches 10 of 20 again as the Tekkers do whatever they want to the Aces. The count is 15, Taichi puts Tanahashi in at 16, but keeps him in this time for a cocky cover. Red Shoes refuses, he saw everything that happened. Taichi drags Tanahashi up to bump him off buckles. Tag to ZSJ, ZSJ drags Tanahashi into a full nelson, then spins him for a cravat. ZSJ cranks on the neck, then uses his legs to CRANK the neck! Cover, TWO!

ZSJ keeps close to Tanahashi and tags in Taichi. Tanahashi endures the chinlock with the boot digging in! Taichi kneels on Tanahashi’s chest, but he stops to tell Ibushi to stay back. ZSJ and Taichi now have reverse roles in cranking Tanahashi’s neck while digging in boots. Red Shoes reprimands, ZSJ stops but Taichi cranks a little longer. Fans rally for Tanahashi but Taichi tags ZSJ. ZSJ drags Tanahashi around by his ears, hooks the face, then wraps on a straitjacket stretch. The fans rally, Tanahashi fights up, pries free of the hold, and turns it around on ZSJ. ZSJ turns it back, drags Tanahashi down, and CRANKS his neck again!

Taichi tags in, he kicks Ibushi off the apron, then toys with Tanahashi. Fans rally up and Tanahashi gets angry with every toying kick. Taichi talks trash, Tanahashi throws forearms! Taichi chokes Tanahashi to the corner! Red Shoes reprimands, Taichi stops, and whips Tanahashi corner to corner but Tanahashi reverses. Tanahashi blocks the gamangiri, hops up and leaps, crossbody! Both men are down and the fans fire up. Tanahashi and Taichi rise, crawl, hot tag to Ibushi! Ibushi blasts ZSJ off the apron, boots Taichi and whips, SPINNING POWERSLAM! PLANCHA onto ZSJ! The fans fire up as Ibushi keeps moving, standing shooting star! Cover, TWO! Ibushi keeps his cool as he soaks up the cheers from the fans.

Ibushi drags Taichi up, full nelsons, but Taichi breaks free and elbows back. Taichi waistlocks, but Ibushi blocks the saido and elbows free. Taichi back KICKS, talks trash and then front KICKS! Ibushi just brushes that off to KICK back! Has Ibushi flipped the mean streak switch? Taichi stays standing, fans cheer as Taichi kicks back. Ibushi KICKS! Taichi shakes it off, kicks again, but Ibushi grits his teeth to KICK! GAMANGIRI outta nowhere! ZSJ DECKS Tanahashi and now Taichi has Ibushi to himself. Off come the pants! Taichi aims from the corner, but Ibushi blocks the superkick to back KICK! Taichi BOOTS, Ibushi keeps going, Taichi ROUNDHOUSES! But Ibushi ROUNDHOUSES back! Both are down and fans fire up!

The two stir as fans rally, Ibushi and Taichi crawl, hot tags to Tanahashi and ZSJ! Tanahashi blocks a boot to DRAGON SCREW! Tanahashi stomps ZSJ to the apron, puts the leg through the ropes, for a DRAGON SCREW! Fans fire up as ZSJ writhes and Tanahashi grabs the legs. Tanahashi gets the Cloverleaf but ZSJ gets to the ropes. Tanahashi lets go fast, waits for ZSJ to rise, and runs, but ZSJ counters Sling Blade to a backslide! Tanahashi resists, the two struggle but that bad leg hurts ZSJ’s chances. Taichi DECKS Ibushi then BOOTS Tanahashi! The Tekkers drag Tanahashi up to finish him! Red Shoes reprimands as Taichi chicken wings, but Ibushi missile dropkicks ZSJ down! Ibushi has Taichi, Tanahashi gives him the DRAGON SCREW!

Ibushi and Tanahashi now target ZSJ as they did a couple days ago, and he gets the DRAGON SCREW! Fans are thunderous as Ibushi takes care of Taichi. Tanahashi aims at ZSJ, but ZSJ counters Sling Blade to the arm scissors! ZSJ gets the other arm for Yes, I’m Far Away From Home!! Tanahashi endures as ZSJ keeps shifting, twisting and pulling!! Ibushi and Taichi are busy on the outside, ZSJ adds a leg! Tanahashi endures so much pain, Ibushi stares down at ZSJ. Ibushi pries Tanahashi free, wants to blast ZSJ but Taichi runs in with the metal fingers! Ibushi KICKS the hand away! V-TRIGGER for ZSJ! BOOT for Taichi! The Aces give Taichi the GOLDEN BLADE!!

Fans are thunderous as the Aces drag ZSJ up, GOLDEN BLADE!! Tanahashi is feeling the electricity, Ibushi keeps Taichi down with a PLANCHA! Tanahashi is up top, for the ACES HIGH crossbody! Then he goes back up, HIGH FLY FLOW!! But ZSJ moves!! It flops, and the Tekkers bring Tanahashi up, for ZACK MEPHISTO! Cover, the Dangerous Tekkers win!!

Winners: The Dangerous Tekkers, by pinfall (still IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions)

ZSJ and Taichi SURVIVE against the Aces! Ibushi is in shock that things turned around so suddenly. Will the Golden Aces find a way back to the titles? Or have the Tekkers shut them out for good?


IWGP Heavyweight & Intercontinental Double Championships: EVIL w/ Dick Togo VS Tetsuya Naito!

Speaking of Dominion revisited, the King of Darkness won the New Japan Cup, betrayed his friends in Los Ingobernables de Japon and joined up with The Spoiler and Bullet Club! His reign has defined the Summer Struggle, but will the Uncontrollable Charisma change it all back?

The introductions are made, but as Evil drops the Intercontinental belt at Red Shoes’ feet, Dick gets in Naito’s face. Naito kicks and throws him out! Fans cheer that, but Evil BELT SHOTS Naito with the heavyweight title! Evil was one step ahead and now he stomps Naito on the outside! The bell rings so this is on record, and Evil chokes Naito on the railing. Evil CLUBS Naito, then stomps him around. Fans are silently upset as the Bullet Club Low Sweet. Evil grins at the cameras but fans start to rally up for Naito. Evil drags Naito up and whips him into railing! Dick taunts Naito as Evil looks around for things. Evil has a pair of chairs! Evil puts one chair around Naito’s head and has the other one. Everyone knows Naito loves baseball, so Evil gives Naito a HOME RUN!

Naito writhes and Evil paces, and Evil poses as he stands on Naito. Evil eggs Naito on, gets back in the ring, and Red Shoes reprimands. Dick gets away with standing on Naito! Fans rally for Naito but Evil unties the blue corner’s buckle pads. Bullet Club loves that corner. Red Shoes starts a ring count, Naito stirs at 7. Dick taunts Naito but Naito stands at 11 of 20. Naito stands at 13, hobbles over at 15, takes a second and is in at 18! Evil stomps Naito down right away, then whips him into the bare buckles! Naito falls down, screaming in pain, but Evil just stands on him with a cocky pin. Red Shoes refuses to count but Evil is fine soaking up the heat. Fans rally, the app users cheer for Naito and boo Evil, but Evil brings Naito up.

Naito throws body shots but Evil whips him back into the bad corner! Naito writhes again but Evil mocks his pain. Fans rally, Evil drags Naito into a chinlock. Naito endures, even as Evil digs his knee in. Naito fights up, fans rally, Naito throws body shots. Naito runs, Evil dodges and Dick trips Naito up! Evil cools off but fans build to another rally. Naito stirs, Evil just soaks it all up. Evil drags Naito up, spins him for a neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Evil grows upset with Red Shoes, and the fans continue to rally for Naito. Evil paces, pretends like he can’t hear them, then drag Naito back up. Evil suplexes but Naito blocks! Fans rally more, Naito keeps blocking suplexes, and now Naito tries a suplex! Evil blocks, gets Naito up and over but Naito slips out to waistlock.

Evil elbows him away, whips Naito but Naito reverses, tornado but no DDT! Evil kicks the legs out, runs, but into Naito’s shotgun dropkick! Both men are down and fans fire up again! Naito and Evil stir as the rally continues. Naito sits up, Evil follows, and Naito throws haymakers and kicks. Naito clubs, whips, but Evil reverses. Evil swings on Naito but Naito ducks to baseball slide Dick! Fans cheer that, then Naito boots Evil to huricanrana! Evil gets to a corner, Naito runs and hits the rocket kick! COMBINACION CABRON! Naito poses as fans fire up again. Naito drags Evil up, turns him and hits a neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Fans keep rallying as Dick coaches Evil.

Naito rises, brings Evil up with him, then swings him to a backbreaker and wraps on Pluma Blanca! Evil endures but Dick has a chair! Red Shoes reprimands, checks on Evil at the same time, but Naito lets go so he can swing on Dick. Dick gets away, Naito goes back to Evil but Evil kicks low. Naito blocks, Evil gets around and pulls hair! Naito breaks free, kicks but Evil blocks and hands it off to Red Shoes, and Evil mule kicks low! Evil grins and nods as he catches his breath. Naito rises as the fans rally again, and Naito gets to a corner. Evil runs corner to corner, Naito boots but is blocked! Evil turns Naito sideways, has him on the ropes, DRAPING STOMP! Evil soaks up the heat while Naito clutches his head.

Evil goes out to the apron and drags Naito up. Evil fireman’s carries but Naito blocks by holding ropes! Naito elbows and clubs Evil, Red Shoes tells Dick to back off, but Evil rakes Naito’s eyes! Red Shoes reprimands, Evil stops but fireman’s carries again. Naito fights out and sweeps the legs! Naito drags Evil around, DRAPING NECKBREAKER! Both men are down on the ground and fans cheer! Dick checks on Evil as the fans rally back up. Naito rises and a ring count begins again. Dick gets Evil some water, but Naito rises at 10 of 20. Naito drags Evil up, puts him in at 14, and fans cheer that this is continuing.

Naito gets up, drags Evil up to the top rope, and Naito climbs up to join him. Naito fires off forearms then steadies himself, SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO! Evil lives but Naito keeps his cool. Naito drags Evil up, hammerlocks and hooks, but Evil resists! Evil fights out, Naito CLUBS him on the back then stomps him. Naito gives toying kicks to Evil as he eggs him on. Evil grins as he stays down, it seems he’s learned from Jay White. Naito keeps kicking Evil, drags him up and whips, but Evil reverses and redirects into the bad corner! Naito hits the buckles and falls again, but the fans slowly build to another rally.

Evil and Naito slowly rise, Evil aims at Naito in the white corner, and hits a BIG corner clothesline! Evil hoists Naito up top, climbs up to join him, and fans are silently worried as Evil stands up. Evil stands Naito up, for a SUPERPLEX! Naito sits up but flops right over! Cover, TWO!! Evil is furious and so is Dick, but Naito still lives! Evil drags Naito back up, fireman’s carries, DARKNESS FALLS! Cover, TWO!?!? Naito survives and shocks Evil! Fans rally for Naito but Evil drags Naito back up. Evil slashes the throat, spins Naito around, but Naito denies the STO! Naito waistlocks, Evil rams Naito back into the bad corner! Evil whips, Naito reverses, TORNADO DDT! Both men are down but the fans fire back up.

Naito rises slowly, but Evil follows. Naito and Evil are in opposite corners but Naito runs for the rolling heel kick! Naito hammerlocks, hooks and lifts, GLORIA! But Naito doesn’t bother covering out of that, he stalks Evil and drags him up in the corner. Naito climbs, brings Evil in, TORNADO INVERTED DDT! Cover, TWO!! Evil lives but Naito isn’t deterred! Fans cheer as Naito drags Evil back up. Naito wrenches, but Evil rakes eyes! No Destino as Evil shoves Naito and gets in Red Shoes’ face. Dick SMACKS Naito with a chair!! EVERYTHING- NO! Naito denies Evil his favorite and ELBOWS him back! Fans cheer as both men lean on each other to stand. Naito fires off more elbows, both men fall to their knees again, but Naito gets up to fire off even more elbows.

Naito swings one more elbow, Evil waistlocks and shouts to Dick! Naito switches and shoves Evil into Dick! Naito kicks, whips but Evil reverses, and uses Red Shoes as a shield! Naito stops himself and that causes his leg to buckle! Both men are down again but the fans rally again. Evil pushes Red Shoes into the bad corner?! The bare buckles hurt Red Shoes and he asks what the hell! But this is so Dick can get in unrestrained! Dick stomps Naito, the app fans boo and jeer but Dick soaks up the heat. Dick drops an elbow on Naito and then has Naito set up for Evil. Evil drags Naito up, he and Dick give Naito MAGIC KILLER! Evil drags Naito around, but here comes BUSHI! Bushi won’t let this go and he dropkicks Evil down!

Bushi DECKS Dick and tells Naito to stay in this. But Gedo is here! Gedo goes after Bushi’s eyes! He insults Bushi and knocks him out of the ring! Gedo RAMS Bushi into barriers while Evil grabs more chairs. Evil aims at Naito as the fans rally. Naito kicks Evil first! Dick uses the SPOILER GARROTE! Dick chokes Naito, Evil JAMS Naito with the chair! But here comes SANADA! Sanada dropkicks the chair into Evil! And he dropkicks Dick, then fireman’s carries for the TKO! Gedo gets in to get a BOOT! CODE BREAKER! Gedo flounders out, Bushi and Sanada DOUBLE PLANCHA onto Gedo and Dick! LIJ keeps the Bullet Club stooges away so now it’s just Evil and Naito all alone! Fans are thunderous as Naito and Evil stir.

Evil and Naito slowly rise, and Naito dodges Evil to enziguri! Naito whips, Evil reverses but Naito hits leaping forearms! Naito aims from a corner, runs, tilt-o-whirl, DESTINO!! Cover, TWO!! Evil survives but Naito still isn’t done. Naito drags Evil up, wrenches, tilt-o-whirl but no Destino as Evil grabs Red Shoes! Evil mule kick LOW BLOWS Naito!! Evil runs, and LARIATS Naito!! Cover, TWO!!! Naito survives and Evil is furious! Evil seethes while the fans rally up again. Evil hobbles and wobbles but he slashes the throat. Evil drags Naito up, spins him around, but Naito elbows out of Everything. Evil still tries, Naito spins him, reels him in, escapes and flips over, but Evil falls so whatever Naito wanted, it was more like a sloppy DDT!

Both men slowly rise, Naito basement enziguris! Naito fires himself up, drags Evil back to his feet, but blocks the low blow! Red Shoes reprimands, Naito elbows and SLAPS! Scoop, VALENTIA! Naito drags Evil back up, tilt-o-whirl, DESTINO!! Cover, Naito wins!!

Winner: Tetsuya Naito, by pinfall (NEW IWGP Heavyweight & Intercontinental Champion)

The Double Championship returns to Naito! Jingu is thunderous with this victory for LIJ over Bullet Club! Naito stands tall as he makes history by becoming a two-time double champion, as he was the one to start NJPW on this path. Naito is given a mic to speak to the fans both at Jingu and at home.

“Buenos noches, JINGU STADIUM~!” 21 years since NJPW has been here, and Naito is honored to have been part of this midsummer night main event. How did they like it? The fans cheer because they loved it! To win in Jingu Stadium, with everyone watching around the world, and those here enduring the heat, he thanks you for being part of it! But of course, with times being what they are with the pandemic and shut downs, we have endured, to see a bright light at the end of the tunnel! Let’s all overcome together!

Naito says that this is the end of the Summer Struggle, and though fans live aren’t allowed to shout even with masks on, he still wants to do the LIJ tradition from the heart. This is the best way to end the finale of Summer Struggle, especially in Jingu. “BUSHI! SANADA! HIROMU! TAKAGI! Y Naito! NOSOTROS, Los Ingoberrrrrrnableeees~! DE! JA! PON!!” The fans cheer and the fireworks begin! A perfect end to a powerful summer! Naito poses under the lights and the fireworks, this image alone might inspire young fans into becoming wrestlers the same way seeing wrestling in this stadium inspired him. Will Naito continue to blaze his trail in NJPW history now that he has both belts back?

My Thoughts:

What an incredible ending to Summer Struggle, and just an incredible event all its own! Wato and Kanemaru even put on a good match so there was no skipping anything! Kanemaru playing possum was both brilliant veteran work but also some confusing story telling, because I honestly thought he just landed safely out of Wato’s move for a second there. But it works to show Wato still has a ways to go, so there’s clearly going to be more with him going against Suzuki-Gun. Suzuki-Gun came out on top tonight overall, with Suzuki having a great match with Shingo and winning the Openweight title, and then to my surprise, Dangerous Tekkers retaining the tag titles. They pulled the rug right out from everyone at the end there with ZSJ and Taichi getting Tanahashi that quickly with the combo move. I’m starting to wonder if Ibushi still turns on Tanahashi, just as the Tekkers tried to do all this time.

The KOPW Fatal 4 Way was a lot of fun, I didn’t expect Yano to be stuck in the Paradise Lock that long but it did great to keep some lightheartedness in that match. And while I expected Okada to lose his own invention, I could not have foreseen it being Yano who came back around to win! This is the one thing Suzuki-Gun didn’t win tonight, and I was hoping Sanada would get it, but I’m not disappointed that it’s Yano. KOPW is going to have every match be a special stipulation as put forward and voted on, I’m just as curious as commentary about what Yano will come up with. And that was another thing not even really part of the show but great on NJPW as a company, they got English commentary going live with Japanese commentary!

I pretty much got the Junior Heavyweight and Double Championship matches backwards in my predictions Thursday. I thought NJPW would give us more feel good moments, but Hiromu losing and Golden Aces losing set us up for the happy ending of Naito winning! Hiromu and Taiji have a great match and of course the arm comes into play. Naito and Evil was incredible stuff, and it was great to finally have LIJ guys even things with Bullet Club. Sanada and Bushi take care of Dick and Gedo, but I almost thought that would lead to Naito losing so Evil can take on the rest of LIJ in his reign. We could still get stories like that, where Evil and Sanada face off as former tag partners and tag champions.

As for Naito, he wins because he vows to do double duty by defending each title individually. That is very daring, and it might even become a major thread in New Japan Road tour before we get to G1 Climax 30 in the Fall. The dates for G1 Climax were posted and wow, 19 events within 30 days from 9/19 to 10/18. That really jams a lot into a little time, but the G1 is mostly about the Heavyweight Championship. Maybe whoever isn’t in the G1 can take Naito on for the Intercontinental Championship just so Naito stays active.

My Score: 9.4/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (5/1/24)

Jay White is on a Rampage!



Will Angel Dorado breathe with the Switchblade?

After battling in the Casino Gauntlet, and then over the Unified AEW & ROH Trios Championships, Jay White and Dante Martin are on a Rampage to go 1v1!


  • Jay White VS Dante Martin; wins.


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Dynamite Results & Report! (5/1/24)

Kenny Omega returns!



What will The Cleaner have to say to The Elite?

Finally, Kenny Omega returns to AEW! But given how his friends, The Young Bucks, gave Tony Khan a piledriver, will his homecoming be a dour one?


  • AEW TNT Championship: Adam “Edge” Copeland VS ??? w/ The House of Black; wins and
  • Samoa Joe VS Isiah Kassidy; wins.
  • Claudio Castagnoli VS Brian Cage; wins.
  • Serena Deeb VS Mariah May w/ Toni Storm & Luther; wins.
  • FTW Championship: Chris Jericho VS Katsuyori Shibata; wins and


Tony Khan speaks.

“Welcome to AEW Dynamite. I’m here live in Jacksonville, Florida, and I’ll be producing tonight’s show here in the offices of the Jaguars. I wish I could be live there in Winnipeg for Kenny Omega’s return in his hometown tonight at a perfect time. Unfortunately I’m not cleared to leave Jacksonville, Florida, due to the actions of AEW’s Executive Vice Presidents, Matthew & Nicholas Jackson, and the reinstated Jack Perry.” Something’s going wonky with Tony’s video as he explains the head and neck injuries suffered… And then The Bucks cut in to say they’re “losing” Tony. Technical difficulties. Sorry, TK, they lost connection.

But hey, Tony may not be here, but the Bucks are. And some of you may be asking, how is that cool after what they did last week? How are they not fired? Well, see, iron clad contracts, with a founder’s clause. They won’t get into the details, but let’s just say that they and their colleagues are not going anywhere. And in those same details, it says that if Tony Khan cannot physically be at an event, the EVPs would succeed him. In other words, The Bucks are in charge now! With that said, they’re going to run the new show open! It’s all Elite, as in all Bucks, all Jack and all Okada! They said they wanted to change the world, is that change just more of themselves?


Swerve Strickland is here!

Winnipeg cheers as Prince Nana leads the way for the AEW World Champion! Swerve takes the mic to say, “What’s going on, everybody? Three matches, three shows, in one week. That is the type of champion that All Elite Wrestling deserves, and that is the type of champion that Swerve said he was always gonna be.” The fans cheer that! Swerve says what AEW does not deserve are selfish, greedy, childish, power hungry EVPs that think they can just throw their weight around without any kind of consequences. Swerve stands on his words: What the Bucks did was a b*tch move. Now that’ll be handled at some point, but Swerve will get to business.

Who is going to be Swerve’s opponent for Double or Nothing? The fans ask “WHO? WHO? WHO?” and Swerve says he doesn’t know. Winnipeg doesn’t know. But whoever it is, come, present yourself. But wipe your feet before you step into whose house? “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” But then The Bucks interrupt on the tron. They tell the champ congrats. But guess who else are champs: The Bucks! And uh, they also wanted to stop by because something else has been bothering them. It seems that success has gone to Swerve’s head. The first time he talks after winning the big one, and he badmouths his bosses, the EVPs, on national television, and using curse words?

The network hated that, that is a fine. And maybe Swerve just needs a dose of humility. How do you do that? Well, how about The Bucks arrange the very best, the perfect opponent, for Swerve at Double or Nothing? This man happens to be one of the best Canadian pro-wrestlers of all time. He’s a former champion, and hasn’t been around. But he’s waiting at the go position, ready to meet Swerve! Hit the music in three, two, one. GO! It’s… Christian Cage?! The fans are a bit torn as they were hoping for a different Canadian star, but The Patriarch leads Mother Shayna, Nick Wayne & Killswitch/Luchasaurus to the ring.

Christian gets a mic as he goes up onto the apron. He steps inside, Shayna Wayne by his side, but Nick and Killswitchasaurus lurking outside. There are fans who cheer on Christian, and then he sucker punches Swerve with the mic!! Christian fires off hands and knocks Swerve down, and Nana can only cower in a corner! But Swerve gets up to fire back! And he DECKS Nick! And he BOOTS Killswitch! But then Shayna gets in Swerve’s face. Killswitchasaurus turns Swerve around to HEADBUTT him! And he CLOBBERS Nana! Christian snatches the world title, drags Swerve up, KILLSWITCH on the belt!!

The fans are again torn, but Christian then drags Nana up! He holds Nana in place so Nick can hit WAYNE’S WORLD! Christian then goes back to the mic, and he looms over Swerve to tell him, “There’s something you should know about me. I never forget. I haven’t forgotten that some months ago, you broke into my son, Nick Wayne’s gym and left him in a pool of his own blood. I haven’t forgotten- Keep it down while I’m conducting my business!” The fans boo but Christian says he didn’t forget that at one time, they were a tag team at the biggest show in the history of this business, and Swerve lost! Swerve embarrassed Christian!

Christian’s been waiting for the right moment to make him answer for those mistakes, and Swerve went and won the world championship. It seems like there’s no better time than right now to make Swerve pay for those mistakes. Christian will embarrass Swerve the same way Swerve embarrassed him. Christian will end Swerve’s reign before it even begins, and make him a footnote in the history of AEW! The fans boo more but Christian says he heard that speech last week, Swerve talking about his path to this title, how grueling it was and how he put every ounce of himself into it, to where his own daughter doesn’t even know him.

Christian tells Swerve that when he’s done with Swerve, Swerve’s daughter won’t want to know him! But Christian will promise Swerve this: Swerve’s daughter will have a father she can be proud of for the rest of her life! Christian tells Winnipeg that the same way the Colorado Avalanche walked into their house and took their championship dreams away, Christian will walk into Swerve’s House at Double or Nothing and rip this AEW World Championship from his hands. But Swerve, know this: “The pain has just begun.” And with that, Luchasaurus PULLS Swerve’s hair out of his head! Luchasaurus shows off the braid, will that only be the first trophy The Patriarchy takes?


AEW TNT Championship: Adam “Edge” Copeland VS ??? w/ The House of Black!

After defeating The Rated R Superstar, as well as Mark Briscoe & Eddie Kingston, at Dynasty, the House of Black has answered the call of the #CopeOpen. However, they’re going to keep us guessing until the very moment it’s time to fight! Malakai Black speaks from the shadows that everyone expected him to come out here, all the bells and whistles. But why should Malakai fight Edge now, when watching what he did to Edge infiltrating Edge’s mind is so much more rewarding? Malakai laughs, but then who is coming for the gold? It’s the Aussie Juggernaut, Buddy Matthews! The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if the House Always Wins!

The bell rings and the fans rally up as Edge and Buddy stare down. The two tie up, Buddy headlocks, but Edge powers up and out. They RAM shoulders and neither falls. The two reset, tie up again, and Edge headlocks. Buddy powers up and out, they RAM shoulders, and again neither falls. The fans rally as the two circle, tie up, and Buddy headlocks for the takeover. Buddy holds off the headscissors but Edge powers through. Edge has the headscissors, Buddy kips free, but turns around into a headlock takeover. Buddy headscissors, Edge kips free, but Buddy sweeps to a cover! ONE, and Edge sweeps to a cover, ONE!

Buddy kip sup and stares Edge down and the fans cheer. Edge and Buddy circle, tie up, and Buddy waistlocks. Edge pries at the hold, switches back, and he CLUBS Buddy. Edge back suplexes, Buddy lands out and RANAS! Edge tumbles out, Buddy builds speed, but then he stops as Edge is ready. The two stare down, Edge eggs Buddy on, and Buddy kicks him. Buddy whips, Edge reverses and TOSSES Buddy out! Edge builds speed but Buddy hurries in, Edge DUMPS Buddy back out! Edge gets moving and DIVES! Down goes Buddy and the fans fire up! Edge shakes out his arms and gets to his feet as Dynamite goes picture in picture.

Edge storms his way over to Buddy at the ramp, drags him up, and sends him into the steel steps! Edge refreshes the ring count, then stalks Buddy to the barriers. Edge brings Buddy around to whip him hard into the railing! The fans fire up as Edge storms over to Buddy, CLUBS him on the back, but then Buddy kicks back! Buddy SMACKS Edge off barriers, makes him take a seat, then runs to KNEE Edge into barriers! Buddy shoves Edge down, then brings him back up to ROCK him with a forearm! Buddy puts Edge in the ring, storms his way up the steps, and then storms up to Edge. Edge throws body shots and forearms in return!

Edge has Buddy in a corner, but Buddy shoves Edge away. Buddy runs up, into a kitchen sink knee! Buddy sits up clutching his stomach, but Edge pushes him down for a cover, TWO! Buddy bails out, Edge pursues, and Edge brings Buddy around to SMACK off steel steps! Edge ROCKS Buddy with forearm after forearm, but then Buddy WRINGS Edge’s arm into the apron! Buddy rolls into the ring, Edge drags himself back up, and Dynamite returns to single picture. Buddy runs up but Edge fires hands! Edge bumps Buddy off buckles, then HOTSHOTS him! The fans rally and Edge drags himself back up, to RAM into Buddy, only for Buddy to make it a DDT!

The fans rally while both men are down. Edge and Buddy rise up, and Buddy stomps Edge to a corner. Buddy stomps a mudhole in, the fans boo and the ref counts. Buddy stomps Edge more, then CHOKES him! The ref counts and fans boo but Buddy lets off at 4. Buddy drags Edge up, snapmares and KICKS him in the back! Edge writhes while Buddy soaks up the heat. Buddy sits Edge up, runs and stops to clamp on a chinlock! Buddy grinds Edge down, almost has a Bulldog Choke, but Edge endures. The fans rally up as Edge moves around, then rises to his feet. Edge RAMS Buddy into a corner, but Buddy holds on tight!

Edge flails, pries at the hold, and he RAMS Buddy into the corner again! Buddy won’t let go, and Edge starts to fade! The fans rally up again and Edge fights up. Edge RAMS Buddy in again, gets free this time, and comes back, but into a BOOT! Buddy runs up, but into a FLAPJACK! The fans fire up while both men are down again! Buddy rolls to the apron on one side, Edge goes to another. Edge finds Buddy at the corner, but Buddy fires hands! Buddy climbs up now, but Edge resists the lift! The fans fire up as Edge throws body shots then haymakers! Buddy gives those right back, they hockey scrum right up top!

Buddy HEADBUTTS and both men fall back! They both hit apron and then the floor! The fans fire up while the ring count begins. Both men stir at 4 of 10, flounder at 5, and sit up at 7! They stand at 9 and slide in! The fans fire up as this match continues, and the two start throwing forearms! Edge gets the edge, but Buddy still hits back! Edge stands, reels Buddy in but Buddy wrenches out to shove and FOREARM! Buddy runs, but Edge follows to FOREARM! Edge runs, Buddy swings, Edge dodges, but then Buddy dodges! DOUBLE CROSSBODIES collide! The fans fire up again as both men are down!

The ref checks both men, Buddy sputters and has some blood in his mouth. Medics are called over, is Buddy already done for? He gets checked on while Dynamite goes picture in picture.


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