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Mitchell’s New Japan Cup Results & Report! (3/9/21)

New Japan Cup, day 4!



NJPW New Japan Cup 2021

Will the New Japan Cup reach a Skull End?

After getting in each other’s faces all week, Tomohiro Ishii and Sanada battle in the New Japan Cup! Will the Stone Pitbull bite off more than he can chew?

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • 8 Man Tag: FinJuice & HenarACE VS Bullet Club; FinJuice & HenarACE win.
  • Six Man Tag: Chaos VS Los Ingobernables de Japon; Chaos wins.
  • 2021 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Yuji Nagata VS Yota Tsuji; Nagata wins and advances.
  • 2021 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Tomohiro Ishii VS SANADA; Sanada wins and advances.


8 Man Tag: FinJuice & HenarACE VS Bullet Club!

The Flamboyant One wants revenge on the Fang Revived, while David Finlay and Henare prepare to face Chase Owens and Jay White, respectively! Will Hiroshi Tanahashi be the ace in the hole for his team? Or will we Breathe with the Switchblade before he takes on the Hammerhead?

Tanahashi shows off the muscles and fans cheer. Bullet Club gets impatient with the checks, then insist the ref keep Taguchi Japan back. Bullet Club Low Sweets, and Henare dares Jay White to stay up. Fans rally as the teams sort out and White does start with Henare, but then shows off his own muscles. The bell rings and Henare fires up as he circles with White. But then White tags Gedo in! Henare dares Gedo to bring it, and the two circle. But then White slips in to distract and Gedo clubs Henare! Henare doesn’t budge, and he DECKS Gedo! But then White gets in to attack and whip Henare! Henare comes back to CLOBBER White!

White bails out, Henare drags Gedo up for headbutts, then tags in Tanahashi! HenarACE mugs Gedo, Tanahashi wrenches Gedo’s arm over and over then twists the wristlock. Finlay tags in and climbs up to drop ax handles on Gedo’s arm! Finlay wrenches Gedo’s arm, tags Juice in and Juice climbs to drop ax handles on the arm! Fans fire up as Juice tells Bullet Club to “Suck it!” But Gedo pulls Juice’s hair, only for Juice to pull Gedo’s beard! Tag to Finlay, and he clubs Gedo’s beard! Finlay brings Gedo up by his beard, wrenches it, and then tags Tanahashi. Tanahashi hops up the rope to drop ax handles on the beard! Gedo clutches his face while Tanahashi air guitars at Bullet Club.

Tanahashi brings Gedo up for strikes, but runs into a cheap shot from White! White gets away but Tanahashi still hits Gedo before the sneak attack. Tanahashi runs but White trips him and drags him out, to throw him into railing! Henare gets in and Gedo “begs” for mercy, and the ref is busy with both of them while White whips Tanahashi into railing! Chase puts Tanahashi in and Gedo tags to White. White drags Tanahashi up, pulls Tanahashi’s hair, then tags in Kenta. Kenta goes up to drop ax handles on Tanahashi’s hair! White and Juice talk trash while Kenta drags Tanahashi up by his hair. Chase tags in, he climbs up and he drops ax handles on the hair!

Taguchi Japan protests but the ref is busy with them while all of Bullet Club chokes Tanahashi on the ropes! Chase drags Tanahashi around to stomp Tanahashi’s leg, then he tags in White. They stomp Tanahashi’s legs, then White stomps the left leg, then the right leg. White mocks the fans clapping for Tanahashi before he gives one leg a KNEE JAMMER! White clamps on with a standing toehold, and Gedo tags in. Gedo digs his fingers into Tanahashi’s face! The ref counts and Gedo lets off at 4 to complain to the ref. Gedo then CHOKES Tanahashi! Tanahashi gets his foot on the rope, White pushes it off, repeat while the ref is busy with an angry Taguchi Japan.

Gedo lets off, tags in Chase, and Chase brings Tanahashi up for a headlock punch! Tanahashi goes to a corner, Chase runs in to forearm smash, then reel Tanahashi into a short arm lariat! Cover, TWO! Chase brings Tanahashi up but Tanahashi fires off forearms! Chase kicks low, Tanahashi hits back with more forearms, but then Chase kicks again! Tanahashi blocks the Jewel Trigger into a DRAGON SCREW! Fans rally as both men are down, and they both crawl for their corners. Hot tag to Finlay! Finlay whips Chase, Chase reverses, but Finlay goes up and over. Finlay dodges and ducks to elbow smash Chase! Finlay blows up the Bullet Club corner, but Kenta runs in!

Finlay hits Kenta first, he and Juice DOUBLE BULLDOG! Juice fires up, Finlay hits Chase with an uppercut in the corner! Juice scoops Chase for a BACKBREAKER, Finlay hops up and adds his ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up as Finlay drags Chase up. Chase fights off the exploder with elbows but Finlay knees low. Finlay runs but into Chase’s boot! Chase runs but into Finlay’s elbow! Finlay runs but into Chase’s rebound BACKBREAKER! Fans fire up again as both men crawl, hot tags to White and Henare! Henare fires off forearms and CHOPS on White, whips him but White reverses. Henare ducks and dodges to hit a FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE!

Henare gets White up, White slips out of the suplex to kick low, but Henare counters White’s suplex with a suplex! Fans fire up with Henare as he drags White back up. White fights off the exploder, but Henare CHOPS him! Henare runs in to clothesline and fireman’s carry to a RUNNING SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! Henare keeps focus and fires up more. “AOH! AOH!” White staggers up, but Gedo grabs at Henare! Henare kicks Gedo away, White throws a forearm but Henare doesn’t budge! Henare ROCKS White, reels him in, but no Urenage! White slips out, spins around and hits a DDT! Hot tag to Gedo! Gedo drags Henare up to hit a jawbreaker! And a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!

Gedo is furious but fans are thunderous! Gedo crawls over to the corner to grab his brass knuckles! The ref stops Gedo but Chase has his Texas Heavyweight Championship belt! But Finlay dropkicks Chase down! Finlay PLANCHAS out to take Chase down! Juice gets in to intercept Kenta with JAB, JAB, JAB! LEFT HAND O’ GOD! Juice fires up and coaches Henare but Gedo still takes aim with the knuckles! Henare blocks that to HEADBUTT! White gets Henare with a sleeper! Tanahashi gets in to SLINGBLADE White! Henare fires up, drags Gedo up and reels him in, for a fisherman to torture rack, and DEATH VALLEY BOMB!! Cover, Taguchi Japan wins!

Winners: FinJuice & HenarACE, by pinfall

The Hammerhead stares the Switchblade down as his teammates celebrate. Will Henare tear through White in the NJCUP and then face his mentor, Tanahashi? Will Finlay beat the Crown Jewel and maybe even get that Texas Heavyweight title? Or will Bullet Club turn the tables and take over the tournament?


Six Man Tag: Chaos VS Los Ingobernables de Japon!

Technically we did just see this the other day. But the Stone Pitbull and Cold Skull are battling later tonight, changing the dynamic! Will the Rainmaker and High Voltage help the Fierce Warrior prepare for the Dragon? Or will Shingo Takagi keep on winning with Tetsuya Naito and Bushi by his side?

The teams sort out, and after the LIJ fist bump, Takagi steps up to face Hirooki Goto in a preview of the NJCUP’s second round! Fans rally up as the two circle, and then the two tie up. Goto headlocks, Takagi powers out and they ram shoulders! Neither falls so they run an dram again! Goto forearms, Takagi forearms, repeat back and forth! Fans fire up as they keep going, and Takagi gets the edge! Takagi runs but Goto stays up from the shoulder to ram back! Takagi rebounds to run Goto over! Takagi brings Goto up, tags in Naito, and LIJ mugs Goto. Naito clubs Goto down, drags him back up, and clamps on a cravat. Goto throws body shots, Naito cranks harder, but Goto puts him in the Chaos corner.

Sho tags in and now Naito gets mugged. Sho stomps Naito, he and Goto drag him up to whip him corner to corner, then they double shoulder Naito over for a kick and elbow drop! Chaos hits LIJ’s corner and fans fire up. Okada joins in as they drum away on Naito’s back! Fans cheer and Sho grinds down on Naito’s arm. Naito gets up, Sho wrenches it and hits an elbow breaker! And another! And then another wrench to bend the fingers, for a third elbow breaker! Sho runs, but Naito elbows him away. Sho keeps going but he runs into an atomic drop! Bushi runs in to RANA Sho, Takagi runs in to blast the Chaos corner! Takagi and Bushi go out after Goto and Okada while Naito snapmares Sho.

Takagi POSTS Goto and fans fire up as he and Bushi keep Goto and Okada down. Naito drags Sho up, wrenches his arm and twists the wrist. Fans rally as Sho hits back but Naito hits low. Naito hammerlocks Sho’s arm, tags in Bushi, and Bushi stomps Sho down. Bushi puts Sho in a corner, and wraps Sho’s arm around the ropes to pull! The ref counts, Bushi lets off and stomps Sho. Bushi CHOPS Sho, then CHOPS again! Cover, TWO! Bushi stomps Sho more, drags him up, wrenches the arm and gives him an elbow breaker! Tag to Takagi, Bushi wrenches Sho again and Takagi CLUBS Sho’s arm! Takagi brings Sho up to knee him against the ropes!

Takagi talks smack to Goto before he whips Sho and knees him again! Takagi runs and runs Sho over! Takagi double guns at Goto, covers Sho, TWO! Goto is there but Takagi stares him down. Tag to Naito and Naito drags Sho up to wrench his arm. Bushi climbs to drop ax handles on Sho’s arm! Naito covers, TWO! Chaos coaches Sho up but Naito is on him first. Naito YANKS Sho’s arm, stomps it, and has Sho in a corner. Naito whips Sho corner to corner, runs in and rocket kicks! Leg sweep and COMBINACION CABRON! Naito poses, fans cheer, and Naito covers, TWO! Naito drags Sho up, Sho throws forearms but Naito wrenches the bad arm.

Sho keeps throwing forearms, Naito wrenches the bad arm again. Sho keeps throwing forearms and Naito lets go. Naito goes to hit Sho but Sho hits first! Sho runs, but into Bushi’s cheap shot! Sho DECKS Bushi, but Naito kicks and whips Sho. Sho reverses but Naito reverses back. Naito tornado but no DDT as Sho suplexes him down! Fans rally up, Sho tags in Okada! Okada forearms and whips, Naito reverses, but Okada dodges to CLOBBER Naito with an elbow! Okada fires up, DECKS Takagi, then whips Naito corner to corner. Okada runs in to back elbow Naito, kick low and DDT! Cover, TWO! Okada gets fans rallying with the clap-clap-clap-stomp as he circles Naito.

Naito gets up but blocks the Alabama lift. Naito clubs Okada, kicks but Okada blocks to forearm back. Okada whips but Naito holds ropes to then boot Okada away. Naito spins Okada around to hit a neckbreaker! Fans fire up as both men are down again. Naito and Okada crawl, hot tag to Takagi and he taunts Goto while also kicking Okada around. Okada fights off the Gory Especial to get the MONEY CLIP! Takagi rams Okada into buckles and runs, but into Okada’s boot! Okada hurries and hot tags Goto! Goto rallies on Takagi, DECKS Bushi, then runs corner to corner at Takagi for MURAMASA! And BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Goto fireman’s carries Takagi but Takagi slips off.

Goto kicks low, throws forearms then whips Takagi. Takagi reverses and runs in but blocks the boot. Takagi powers through to clothesline Goto! Takagi suplexes high and hard, covers, TWO! Bushi gets in to hit the Chaos corner while Takagi drives elbows into Goto’s shoulder. Takagi runs but Goto dodges the sliding lariat. Goto kicks, runs, LARIATS collide! Neither falls, LARAITS collide again! Takagi fires up, runs, but Goto follows, only to get the elbow, JAB, and- No, Goto LARIATS first! But Takagi is right up to LARIAT Goto back! Both men are down but fans fire up. Takagi and Goto stir, hot tag to Bushi and he DECKS Sho! Bushi brings Goto up, dropkicks a leg out and DDT’s! Cover, TWO!

Bushi keeps his cool as he drags Goto up. Goto reverses the whip but he runs into Bushi’s swing kick! Bushi goes up and leaps to missile dropkick! Bushirooni! Naito joins in and gets Goto up to whip. Naito kicks, Bushi sunset flips and sets Goto up for the basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Naito makes sure Chaos stays down while Bushi drags Goto up. Bushi reels Goto in, wrenches him but Sho KNEES Bushi down first! Naito dropkicks Sho’s legs out, but turns around into Okada’s FLAPJACK! Okada sees Takagi, Takagi blocks the boot to JAB and LARIAT! Takagi fires up with “OI! OI! OI!” and fans join in.

Takagi and Bushi gets Goto up, double whip, but Goto breaks the clothesline to ROCK Takagi and DISCUS Bushi! Takagi blocks the suplex to suplex back but Goto slips out. Takagi fights off the back suplex with elbows and knees, and Bushi joins in to double whip Goto corner to corner. Bushi runs in, Goto dodges and Goto CLOBBERS Takagi. But Bushi ENZIGURIS Goto and reels him in. No Fisherman Screw, Goto fireman’s carries to an USHIGOROSHI! Goto fires up, dragon sleepers Bushi and tells Takagi this is for him! G T R!! Cover, Chaos wins!

Winners: Chaos, by pinfall

The Fierce Warrior gets the better of LIJ, and he stares down with Takagi. Will Goto slay the Dragon in the NJCUP? Or will Takagi take down two pillars of Chaos in a row?


2021 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Yuji Nagata VS Yota Tsuji!

Blue Justice never dies, but he has to prove he is still strong! Will he do that going against this very strong Young Lion?

The bell rings and Nagata circles with Tsuji. They feel out the grapple, go around and Nagata gets a headlock. Tsuji slips out the back and waistlocks but Nagata switches to a facelock. Tsuji switches back, Nagata wrenches free, but Tsuji rolls and wrenches again. Nagata rolls and boots Tsuji away! Fans cheer the technical exchange as the two reset. They tie up, Tsuji wrenches to a wristlock, but Nagata wrenches through. Nagata steps through to the wristlock but Tsuji spins and wrenches to a hammerlock then a headlock. Nagata endures the grind but Tsuji hits a takeover. Nagata headscissors back, but Tsuji moves around and powers free.

Tsuji jumps on another headlock, but Nagata fights up to his feet. Tsuji grinds, Nagata throws body shots and powers out, but Tsuji runs him over! Fans cheer Tsuji’s strength and he stomps Nagata. Nagata gets up, Tsuji throws forearms, then Tsuji has Nagata in a corner. Nagata eggs Tsuji on so Tsuji forearms more. Nagata hits back but Tsuji rocks him and stomps away in the corner! Red Shoes counts as Tsuji digs his boots in, so Tsuji lets off at 3. Tsuji brings Nagata up to snapmare into a chinlock. Nagata endures as Tsuji squeezes tight. Tsuji grinds Nagata down, Nagata moves around and gets a ropebreak. Tsuji holds on until Red Shoes counts, and then Tsuji stomps Nagata.

Tsuji scuffs Nagata with his boot but Nagata gets up. Tsuji throws forearms, Nagata eggs him on so Tsuji throws more forearms. Nagata kicks, kicks and KICKS Tsuji in the leg, to then KICK him in the back! Fans cheer as Nagata looms over Tsuji. Nagata brings Tsuji up to wrench the arm and hit an elbow breaker! Tsuji ends up in a corner, Nagata forearms and wrenches him to another elbow breaker! Nagata clamps onto the arm and wants a Fujiwara! Tsuji endures as Nagata pulls back on the arm and fans rally up. Tsuji moves around, and gets a ropebreak with a foot. Nagata lets go at Red Shoes’ count then stomps Tsuji down. Nagata keeps stomping but Tsuji gets up.

Tsuji throws forearms but Nagata ROCKS him with a right, then wrenches the arm for another elbow breaker! Tsuji falls over but Nagata watches him sit up. Nagata KICKS Tsuji in the bad arm but Tsuji just powers up! Tsuji dares Nagata to hit harder to Nagata KICKS and KICKS! Nagata KICKS Tsuji in the face, then runs, into Tsuji’s dropkick! Both men are down and fans fire up! Nagata gets up first and goes to a corner. Tsuji stands, fires up and run sin to forearm Nagata! Tsuji scoops and SLAMS Nagata, to then run and somersault senton! Tsuji runs again to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Tsuji keeps his cool as he gets Nagata’s legs, but Nagata kicks him away.

Nagata kicks low, KICKS hard, and KICKS Tsuji to a corner! Nagata KICKS Tsuji down, but brings him back up to whip corner to corner. Nagata runs in to BOOT Tsuji, then reels him in. Tsuji fights off the exploder but Nagata ROCKS him, to then BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Nagata drags Tsuji back up, suplexes him, but Tsuji slips out to roll Nagata up! TWO, and Tsuji gets the legs! BOSTON CRAB, but Nagata powers out! Tsuji holds onto the ropes to jackknife! TWO, and Nagata gets a CROSSFACE! Tsuji pries free but Nagata clubs him back into the hold! Fans rally as Tsuji endures but Nagata pulls him back!

Tsuji crawls and reaches, but Nagata rolls him away from ropes! Tsuji BITES Nagata’s hand! Red Shoes reprimands, Nagata clubs away on Tsuji for that, and then Nagata moves Tsuji around to a Rings of Saturn, Ghost Pin! TWO, and Tsuji has the cover, TWO!! Nagata keeps his cool but fans rally up. Nagata KICKS Tsuji in the chest again, but Tsuji sits back up. Nagata KICKS him down! Tsuji shakes his head and gets back up, so Nagata slaps him around. Tsuji gets around, rolls Nagata up, TWO! Tsuji arm-drags Nagata into TOKEN! Cover, TWO!! Tsuji knees low, whips, but Nagata reverses. Tsuji dodges the boot to SPEAR! Cover, TWO!!

Nagata survives but Tsuji fires up! Tsuji gets the legs and turns Nagata over for a BOSTON CRAB! Tsuji sits deep, Nagata endures, and then Nagata powers up for ropes! Tsuji drags him away and sits deep again! Nagata refuses to give in, and he powers up, but Tsuji adds as much weight as he possibly can! Fans rally harder and Nagata gets up to get the ropebreak! Tsuji lets go, drags Nagata right up, and scoops him, only for Nagata to slip off! Tsuji runs back in, into a KITCHEN SINK KNEE! Both men are down but fans fire up! Nagata gets up, eggs Tsuji on, and Tsuji throws a forearm! Nagata gives it back but so does Tsuji! Tsuji and Nagata stand up tall and start throwing more forearms!

Fans rally as they pick up speed, but Nagata ROCKS Tsuji and he starts to wobble. Tsuji fires up to fire off more forearms, but Nagata ROCKS him back with more! Tsuji steadies himself at the ropes and fans fire up again. Tsuji throws forearm after forearm, but swings into an EXPLODER! Nagata gets up as fans rally and he runs at Tsuji in the corner. SHINING WIZARD, and the SAI- NO! Tsuji gets a takedown and cover, TWO! Tsuji SLAPS Nagata, SLAPS him again, and then SLAPS him again! Tsuji runs, but into the WHEEL KICK! Nagata fires up and he brings Tsuji into the SAIDO! Bridging cover, Nagata wins!

Winner: Yuji Nagata, by pinfall (advances t0 the next round)

Blue Justice continues in the NJCUP! Will he be able to stay strong and continue to the end?


2021 New Japan Cup Opening Round: Tomohiro Ishii VS SANADA!

Tensions have been rising with every encounter between these two. Now it explodes as they battle in the NJCUP! But will the Stone Pitbull bury the Cold Skull? Or will there be a Skull End in the first round?

The bell rings and the two stare down as fans rally up. Sanada and Ishii circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Sanada wrenches to a wristlock, but Ishii throws body shots. Ishii wrenches to a wristlock, clubs Sanada’s arm, then hammerlocks. Sanada slips around to hammerlock back but Ishii slips around. Sanada headlocks but Ishii gets the hammerlock. Sanada gets the hammerlock back, spins Ishii to a snapmare, then chinlocks. But Ishii slips right out to have a hammerlock. Sanada fights up, Ishii wrenches him to a wristlock, but Sanada rolls and handsprings and cartwheels to handspring, wrench, headlock and takeover!

Fans cheer the display of technique and agility, but Ishii fights his way up. Sanada holds on tight but Ishii throws body shots. Ishii powers out, Sanada rams him with a shoulder, and things speed up. Ishii fakes out the hurdle, but Sanada dodges the clothesline. Ishii dodges the boot but Sanada trips him up! Ishii avoids Paradise and fans cheer as the two start shoving. Ishii eggs Sanada on so Sanada throws forearms. Ishii throws them back and fans rally as the two brawl back and forth. Ishii gets the edge, runs, but Sanada boots him! Sanada runs but Ishii runs him over! Sanada bails out, Ishii pursues and puts him right back in. Ishii sits Sanada up to KICK him in the back! And again! And again!

Sanada gets up and gets in Ishii’s face, before he CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Ishii doesn’t flinch so Sanada CHOPS again. Ishii CHOPS Sanada off his feet! Ishii uses his body to back Sanada into a corner and then he throws forearms. Fans rally as Ishii keeps hitting Sanada, then gives him toying kicks. Red Shoes reprimands, but Ishii mockingly asks Sanada what’s wrong. Sanada gets up and CHOPS Ishii. Ishii doesn’t flinch so Sanada throws forearms. Ishii eggs Sanada on, the forearms keep flying, but Ishii DECKS Sanada with one! Fans cheer while Ishii backs away and Red Shoes checks on Sanada. Sanada is okay to continue and fans rally up, “I-SHI-I!” “SA-NA-DA!”

Ishii drags Sanada up but Sanada blocks the back suplex. Sanada throws elbows, then forearms, but again Ishii just tanks them. Ishii slaps Sanada then forearms. Sanada reverses the whip, Ishii comes back from the corner but Sanada dropkicks the legs out! Both men are down, fans rally up, and the two stir. Sanada stands first, drags Ishii up, but Ishii throws forearms! Ishii whips, Sanada reverses then hurdles, hurdles and dropkicks! Fans fire up as Ishii bails out. Sanada aims and PLANCHAS! Direct hit and down goes Ishii! Fans rally and Sanada encourages they get louder. Sanada then goes back for Ishii, puts him in the ring, then gets the legs! Sanada ties Ishii up in Paradise!

Sanada stands on Ishii and fans cheer. Sanada again encourages them to get louder, and they get louder and louder! Sanada gets the right volume and runs at Ishii, to dropkick him out of Paradise! But Ishii is just annoyed! Ishii grabs Sanada by the face to CHOP him! And ROCK him with a forearm, then CHOP, forearm, repeat! Fans rally, Red Shoes wants Ishii to let up but Ishii just stands Sanada back up for more! Red Shoes reprimands, Ishii pushes him away and keeps firing off forearms and CHOPS! Red Shoes gets in between them but Ishii headbutts Sanada! Ishii gives a stomp before backing off, and Sanada is right up! Sanada uses his shoulder to bump Ishii around.

Ishii shoves Sanada, throws a forearm, but Sanada is rolling with the punches! Sanada EuroUppers, Ishii fires up but Sanada uppercuts again! Sanada has Ishii in the corner and digs his boots in! Red Shoes counts, fans rally again, “I-NA-I!” “SA-SHI-DA!” (Not in point?) and Sanada lets off at 4. To then shove Red Shoes!? Sanada rains down forearms over and over on Ishii! Red Shoes comes back and has Sanada let off, and fans rally up again. Ishii staggers about as he gets up, and Sanada whips him corner to corner. Ishii reverses, Sanada goes up and out then springboards back in. Ishii avoids that but runs into a back suplex! But Ishii’s right up!?

Sanada swings into Ishii’s back suplex! But Sanada is right up! Ishii avoids the dropkick, Sanada avoids the clothesline, but Ishii back suplexes again! Sanada is right up?! SHOTGUN DROPKICK! Fans fire up again as both men are down! Ishii stirs and rolls over towards Sanada, but Sanada sits up first. Sanada stands, drags Ishii up, and whips him to a corner. Ishii reverses, but Sanada boots him away! Ishii gets around Sanada to CORNER GERMAN! Sanada slumps down the buckles and fans rally up again as Ishii stands. Ishii drags Sanada up, hoists him to the top rope, then climbs up to join him.

Sanada resists the suplex, Ishii keeps trying, and Ishii gets Sanada up for a STALLING SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Sanada survives and fans fire up again! Ishii gets up and dares Sanada to stand. Sanada rises, Ishii runs, but Sanada avoids the lariat to spin Ishii to a dragon sleeper! Ishii spins around to dragon sleeper Sanada then shove him to a corner. Ishii runs in, Sanada elbows him away, and Sanada hops up. Ishii blocks the Sanada Quebrada with an Electric Chair lift! Electric Snake Eyes! Ishii runs but into Sanada’s dropkick! Sanada drags Ishii back up as fans rally, and he puts on the dragon sleeper! Ishii resists Skull End by trying to pull Sanada down, but Sanada stays up.

Ishii reaches for ropes, Sanada brings him away and fireman’s carries, TK- NO! Ishii lands on his feet and he has Sanada in a dragon sleeper! Sanada slips through, tries to suplex, but Ishii fights that off. Sanada throws forearms, then spins, into Ishii’s BIG forearm! Fans fire up again as both men fall over! Ishii rises first and he goes back to Sanada. Ishii drags him up, reels him in, and lifts, for a POWERBOMB! High stack cover, TWO!! Sanada survives but Ishii fires up. Ishii aims as Sanada rises, but Sanada blocks the lariat, only for Ishii to spin and LARIAT from the left! Ishii runs and LARIATS from the right! Cover, TWO!! Ishii grows frustrated but he drags Sanada back up.

Fans rally hard as ever as Ishii suplexes. Sanada fights free, but runs into a GERMAN! Sanada lands on his feet to fireman’s carry and TKO! But Sanada can’t make the cover, he’s too tired! Fans rally again as both men stir. Sanada gets to the apron, encourages the fans to get even louder. Sanada aims at Ishii, springboards and missile dropkicks! But Ishii is right up, only to run into Sanada’s LARIAT! Sanada dragon sleepers, Ishii throws hands, and Ishii is free! Ishii runs into Sanada’s cravat, standing Sliced Bread, and DRAGON SLEEPER! Sanada drops back, SKULL END!! Ishii is caught in the body scissors but he fights to move around!

Sanada squeezes tight, Ishii starts to pry free but he also starts to fade! Ishii reaches around, pushes with his legs, but Sanada stays hooked on! Sanada pulls as hard as he can on Ishii’s head! Ishii starts to fade again and Red Shoes checks, Ishii gets a second wind and gets the ropebreak! Sanada lets go and fans cheer. Fans rally up again, Sanada drags Ishii back up, and Sanada hoists Ishii onto the ropes for a MAGIC SCREW! Cover, TWO! Sanada vows to end this, and he drags Ishii back up. Sanada scoops but Ishii elbows him away. Ishii enziguris but misses, and Sanada goes to body scissor. Ishii slips out the back to waistlock, Sanada switches, but Ishii bucks him off.

Ishii runs in, Sanada full nelsons but Ishii breaks free. Sanada just switches to chicken wings and the TIGER SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Ishii narrowly escapes but Sanada heads up top, for a ROUNDING BODY PRESS to Ishii’s back! Sanada goes back up, to ROUND BODY- FLOP!! Ishii avoids disaster and fans are thunderous as they rally again! Sanada and Ishii go to opposite ends, and Sanada stands first. Sanada runs in at Ishii but Ishii boots him! Sanada comes back but into another boot! Ishii runs but Sanada gets around to QUEBRADA, to the dragon sleeper! Sanada drops back, Ishii rolls through and sits Sanada up! Ishii runs but Sanada avoids the sliding lariat!

Sanada kicks but Ishii blocks so Sanada forearms and sobats! Ishii ENZIGURIS! Both men are down again! Fans are fired up again and rally, “SA-NA-DA!” “I-SHI-I!” Ishii crawls over to Sanada and sits him up. Ishii runs, SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Sanada survives and Ishii is furious! Ishii fires up and fans join in as he drags Sanada up. Ishii suplexes, Sanada fights free and wrenches to a fireman’s carry! Sanada throws Ishii to the dragon sleeper, but Ishii slips around to spin and suplex! Sanada slips out to the dragon sleeper, but Ishii gets free! Sanada follows Ishii and O’Conner BRIDGES! Cover, TWO!?! Ishii narrowly escapes and shocks Sanada!

Fans are thunderous again and both men hurry up. Ishii LARIATS, but Sanada is up! Ishii fires off boxing elbows but Sanada gives them all back! Sanada hits a ROLLING ELBOW, Ishii HEADBUTTS! Sanada staggers back and Ishii falls to a knee, but Ishii fires back up! Ishii runs, but Sanada RANAS! Ishii is right up, into a pop-up CUTTER! Sanada hurries up top, for the ROUNDING BODY PRESS!! Cover, Sanada wins!!

Winner: Sanada, by pinfall (advances t0 the next round)

Almost out of nowhere, Sanada gets the win and is moving on! Sanada gets the mic and fans already anticipate what’s coming. “Everyone. I know you guys are doing the thing, but we can’t turn the lights off in here. But why don’t we do it with the lights on for the first time?” Fans don’t mind that. “For this New Japan Cup, I ranked second in the fan vote to win it. I will win this.” And one more thing: “Of all the towns in Japan, I like Okayama the most. OI, Okayama! See you next time!” Though Sanada couldn’t have his romantic lighting, will he shine even brighter against Blue Justice?

My Thoughts:

A very good event, but again I skipped things with Evil’s part of Bullet Club. He of course won again, and then the same for Jeff Cobb getting the win for the United Empire. Those two are going to have a lot of momentum going into their match next round. The 8 Man Tag was fun, but Henare getting the win for his team makes sense, given the math and the tournament. White has to beat Henare to then face Tanahashi, right? Just like I don’t see Cobb VS Khan, and we aren’t getting Goto VS Okada, we’re not getting Henare VS Tanahashi since they’re HenarACE. The Six Man was also good, and I think Goto won here just to keep even with Takagi in momentum. His match with Takagi could go either way, but I’m leaning towards Takagi winning again.

Nagata VS Tsuji was good but of course Nagata won, Tsuji is still a Young Lion. But as I said before for him and the other Young Lions in this crop, they’re getting great showings and stories to make up for not being able to go on excursion right now. Ishii VS Sanada was a great match, and Sanada winning makes a lot of sense. While Ishii is great, Sanada has been building steadily over the years and is just any given moment away from truly being in that uppercard. Beating Ishii, surely beating Nagata in the next round, and then meeting the winner of Ospreay VS ZSJ, Sanada could really go on a tear towards the finals. There are quite a few possibilities still for the NJCUP finals, but EVIL VS SANADA to really cap off the story that was built last year would be strong stuff for Sanada’s rise to the top.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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