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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (3/18/21)

Will Seven trump the Irish Ace?



Coverage NXT UK 2021

Will Jordan Devlin still be the REAL NXT Cruiserweight Champion?

Though the Irish Ace called out Santos Escobar, he must first defend his title against a leaner, faster Trent Seven! Plus, NXT UK Champion, Walter, speaks!


  • Nathan Frazer VS Ashton Smith; Frazer wins.
  • Meiko Satomura VS Dani Luna; Satomura wins.
  • NXT Cruiserweight Championship: Jordan Devlin VS Trent Seven; Devlin wins and retains the title.


Nathan Frazer VS Ashton Smith!

Ben Carter was the past, but the British Prodigy has transformed for the future! Will the beginning of Nathan Frazer’s legacy begin at the expense of the Prestige?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Smith headlocks but Frazer throws body shots and powers out. Smith comes back and runs Frazer over! Frazer sits up and shakes out the arm and BT Sports Studio cheers. Frazer resets and ties up with Smith again. Smith headlocks, Frazer pries but Smith wrangles him back in. Frazer pries free again, but Smith wrenches and hammerlocks. Frazer reaches back, flying-mares, and Smith sits up in a bit of surprise. BT Sports Studio cheers again as the two reset. They feel out the grapple, knuckle lock, but Smith kicks to wrench and wrench to whip. Frazer goes up, under, waistlocks but Smith switches to GERMAN SUPLEX, but Frazer lands on his feet!

Frazer eggs Smith on, then blocks his boot to spin and sweep the leg, and drop an elbow! Cover, TWO! Frazer headlocks, Smith powers up but Frazer hits a takeover! Smith moves around as Frazer grinds the headlock, and Smith stands up to toss Frazer off. Frazer elbows back, flips around and headscissors to CHOP Smith! Frazer whips, Smith reverses and fireman’s carry for a takedown! Smith has the arm for a keylock but Frazer endures. Frazer fights up, Smith wrenches to a wristlock. Frazer rolls, handsprings and CHOPS! Frazer runs in, Smith sends him into buckles then CLOBBERS him on the rebound! Cover, TWO! Smith keeps on Frazer with a body scissor squeeze.

Frazer endures, pushes back to cover, TWO! Smith keeps on the body scissor, tries a chinlock, but Frazer pushes back again! TWO, Frazer is free and he basement dropkicks Smith! Smith flounders to a corner, Frazer runs in but Smith puts him on the apron. Frazer ROCKS Smith, then springboards to CROSSBODY! Smith rolls through to scoop and suplex Frazer to a BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Smith grits his teeth as he looms over Frazer but Frazer kicks him away. Frazer goes to the apron, Smith drags him up and suplexes, but Frazer fights it off! Frazer shoves then shoulders in, slingshots up and over, rolls to come back around, but Smith denies the suplex with a toss!

Smith runs, Frazer dodges and comes back to SHOTGUN dropkick! Frazer stomps a mudhole into Smith, the ref counts and Frazer lets off to go to the adjacent corner. Frazer springboards, COAST2COAST! Cover, TWO!! Smith survives and shocks Frazer! Frazer goes to a corner and climbs up while Smith is down. SWANTON, but Smith moves! Frazer comes back but into Smith’s BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!?! Frazer survives but Smith looks to end it! Dragon sleeper, but Frazer fights to snapmare! Frazer dodges, QUEBRADA, to the ELBOW DROP DDT! Frazer’s up to the top, for a FROG SPLASH!! Cover, Frazer wins!

Winner: Nathan Frazer, by pinfall

What’s in a name? A man by any other name would still be as impressive as the British Prodigy was right here! Will this be the beginning of Nathan Frazer becoming legend?


Backstage interview with Ilja Dragunov.

He requested this time, so what is it he wants to say? “I want to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry for my recent behavior in my last matches. That’s not the way I am.” But Sam Gradwell walks over to say he knows what happened: “You lost your rag, like a big, unruly baboon, and the Thunderstorm beat you.” Gradwell will keep on beating him! Custody Papers on a Pole Match, he’ll beat Ilja. Rubly in the Bank Ladder Match, he’ll beat Ilja. Singles, tag, No Disqualification- No DQ? Ilja will take that. For once, Gradwell has no comeback. Did Gradwell’s big mouth just get him into big trouble?


Isla Dawn holds another séance.

Voices speak to her from beyond. Isla starts to laugh maniacally. “Unholy. Diabolical.” What darkness is the once White Witch of Scotland about to unleash?



For WrestleMania WEEK, NXT UK Prelude will be a special event to showcase the roster in some must-see showdowns! With more, here’s…

A Message from General Manager Johnny Saint.

“Hello, everyone. This week, Noam Dar has been pestering me for a match with A-Kid for the Heritage Cup Championship. This is the same Noam Dar who has his own talk show where he keeps undermining my authority. So he won’t be getting a title match yet. As General Manager, I’ve decided he can earn it.” At NXT UK Prelude, it will be a #1 contender’s match under British Rounds Rules! Noam Dar VS Tyler Bate, the winner will challenge A-Kid for the cup! “May the best man win.” Will Scottish Supernova or Big Strong Boy head for the Spanish Ace and the Heritage Cup?


Meiko Satomura VS Dani Luna!

The Final Boss could not dethrone the Scary Queen of Scots, but that doesn’t mean the game is over! Will Satomura show that she’s still the best in the world? Or will the Punk Rock Powerlifter power through her and head for the NXT UK Women’s Champion?

The bell rings, the two circle, and the two approach. Satomura KICKS Luna’s leg, then avoids Luna’s retaliation. Satomura backs Luna down but Luna blocks a kick. Satomura rolls to get away, and the two stand off. Luna and Satomura circle, tie up, and Luna wrangles Satomura down with a keylock! Satomura rolls back, breaks free, but Luna avoids a leg shoot. The two circle again, tie up, and Luna waistlocks to throw Satomura down! Luna shifts to a facelock but Satomura slips out to get a headlock. Luna makes that a cover, ONE! Satomura grinds Luna down, but Luna fights up. Satomura slips around to drop toehold, then she floats right to the facelock.

Luna powers up to power Satomura to a corner but Satomura throws knees in! Luna scrambles away and BT Sports Studio cheers. Luna calls for a test of strength so Satomura accepts. They lock up, Luna has the power advantage and she wrenches the knuckle locks. Satomura fights back, kicks then arm-drags Luna down to an armlock! Satomura then drops an elbow! Satomura headlocks, Luna endures the grind and fights up but Satomura just cranks harder. Luna powers up again, throws body shots and powers out, but Satomura holds on to kick and KICK! And KICK! And ROCK Luna in a corner! Satomura whips corner to corner, runs and forearms!

Luna wobbles, Satomura DECKS her with a EuroUpper! Cover, TWO! Satomura is back on the headlock, but Luna fights up. Luna digs a forearm into Satomura’s face and gets to a facelock for a snap suplex! Luna fires up, drags Satomura up and FALL AWAY SLAMS! Satomura rolls away to ropes but Luna pursues. Luna drags Satomura up, but Satomura blocks the whip. Luna forearms, whips but Satomura WHEEL KICKS! Satomura goes to the corner, climbs up top, but Luna kicks her down! Luna drags Satomura up the ropes for a DEAD LIFT SUPERPLEX! Both women are down and the BT Sports Studio cheers! Luna grabs at Satomura but Satomura kicks from below!

Luna throws a forearm, Satomura ROUNDHOUSES! Both women throw forearms, then they both run, Luna LARIATS Satomura down! Cover, TWO! Satomura is dazed but Luna drags her up with a waistlock. Satomura resists the lift, elbows out and PELES Luna down! Luna sits up to get another KICK! Satomura runs, SCORPIO RISING! Cover, Satomura wins!

Winner: Meiko Satomura, by pinfall

And that is why she’s the Final Boss! But she and Luna show respect with a handshake and bow. Satomura may have lost her first shot at the NXT UK Women’s Championship, but will she fight her way to another?


Jinny and Joseph Conners speak.

The Spoiled Princess says, “Since gracing NXT UK with my presence, my win-loss record has been better than most people in the entire roster. But last week, we had one of the so-called people’s favorites break the rule.” Conners says it’s funny how Piper Niven & Jack Starz are walking around, going on about a victory they only won because of an illegal maneuver. As far as they’re concerned, that loss is null and void. But Conners says he and Starz are going to go 1v1, and there will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Starz’s 15 minutes are about to expire. Will the Queen’s Righteous Knight prove Starz is NOT worthy?


NXT UK Media catches up with Dani Luna backstage.

How is she feeling after the match? Well, she didn’t win again, but that was Meiko Satomura, the Best in the World. Just gotta try again. Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster come by to help Luna with her jacket and water, and the three head out together. Does Luna have friends in South Wales Subculture?


Walter is here!

The Ring General now stands at 713 days as NXT UK Champion! And he goes to the ring and gets a mic to address the WWE Universe. “I’m standing here in front of you as the longest reigning NXT UK Champion in history. Ever since I arrived, I dominated this brand! I ran through everybody in front of me: British Strong Style; Joe Coffey; Dave Mastiff; Ilja Dragunov! That list goes on and one.” Walter is still here for competition. So he is speaking directly to Johnny Saint, “Look the world over and find the next challenger for me. Finde someone that is worth it!” But here comes Rampage Brown! Rampage gets a mic of his own and stands face to face with Walter.

“Mr. Saint doesn’t need to search the world looking for an opponent. He just needs to look in his own backyard.” Walter is dominant, only because he hasn’t faced Rampage! Whenever Walter is ready, just let Rampage know. Walter turns away with a smirk, but Rampage turns him back to face him! Walter pushes Brown but Brown shoves him down! Rampage tells Walter that when these two finally face off, his reign will end! Is the Ring General going to be in for a shocker against Rampage Brown?


Xia Brookside has Nina Samuels accompany her in the gym.

Xia gets the squat bar up and asks Nina to set up the resistance bands for her so she can super set. Nina does, but Xia says not that high. Nina grumbles as she sets it lower, and then Xia finishes the squats so now Nina has to remove the weights for her. Xia gets to work with the band while Nina does the work. Xia tells Nina to fetch the kettle bells. “Oh, and you may as well as grab the chalk while you’re over there, as well.” Nina drops the kettle bells then goes back for the chalk. Xia tells Nina to fill her water for her jug. Be quick, Xia wants to wrap this up. Xia chalks her hands, works with the kettle bell, and Nina brings the bottle back.

Xia notices it’s a bit wet on the outside. Nina mockingly repeats her, “A LiTtLe WeT~.” Xia purposefully kicks over the chalk bucket and tells Nina to clean it up. And don’t forget to get your own workout in. Nina grumbles as she picks up the bucket. The month is almost up, will Xia have something special for Nina’s final days as her assistant?


NXT UK Media catches up with Kenny Williams and Amir Jordan.

The Lucky Yin asks how the Bhangra Badboy is feeling, but Amir doesn’t have time for this. Kenny can’t believe Amir’s still going on about this. Amir of all people should know it was a knee jerk reaction. Oh, haha. Is Kenny still using that excuse? When these two first met, Kenny told Amir he’s a bit of a chancer, but he promises now to stick to the rules. Especially in two weeks, when they fight for the NXT UK Tag Team Championships! Kenny got them a tag title opportunity? Yes! They have a tag team title opportunity! Amir says he and Kenny don’t need to cheat. They’ve won fair and square before, they can do it again.

Amir wants Kenny to promise him, and he does. They can’t wrestle Pretty Deadly alone. In that case, join in on the session! Kenny and Amir get in, but will they be ready for Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley?



It was already going to be big because of WrestleMania Week, but it’s just gotten bigger! Walter VS Rampage Brown for the NXT UK Championship is happening!! Does Walter’s reign only have three more weeks left?


NXT Cruiserweight Championship: Jordan Devlin VS Trent Seven!

Though the Irish Ace doubted he could do it, the Artful Dodger DID make weight! At 204 and some change, Seven is under the 205 barrier and he finally gets to challenge Devlin! But will dropping weight be enough? Or is Devlin then, now and forever the best Cruiserweight in the world?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and we see how a Seven measures up to an Ace!

Seven rushes Devlin but Devlin dodges, only for Seven to counter CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! Seven whips, Devlin holds ropes and boots but Seven blocks to throw Devlin out! Seven goes out after Devlin to CHOP him again! Seven scoops Devlin to snake eyes him off barriers! The ring count climbs, Devlin throws body shots and forearms! Devlin goes to steel steps but Seven blocks the bump to bumps Devlin instead! The count is 7 as Devlin gets in but Seven drags him back out to refresh the count! Seven CHOPS Devlin, Devlin stumbles around the way but Seven CHOPS him more! Seven puts Devlin in now, but Devlin BLASTS Seven off the apron! Devlin PLANCHAS, but Seven moves!

Seven full nelsons Devlin for a SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX to the floor!! The ref checks on Devlin and he’s okay to continue, so Seven gets Devlin in the ring. Cover, TWO! Seven keeps his cool as he drags Devlin up. Seven CHOPS again, has Devlin in a corner and fires off machine gun CHOPS! The ref counts, Seven throws hammering fists but the ref backs him off. Devlin kicks low, clubs Seven and CHOPS him in return! But Seven turns things around and CHOPS Devlin off his feet! Devlin staggers up, headlocks Seven, but Seven powers out to hip toss Devlin down! Devlin gets up, Seven scoops and SLAMS him, to then run and drop the leg, brother! Cover, TWO!

Devlin survives but Seven keeps his cool. Seven drags Devlin up, fakes the chop to facelock but Devlin wrenches out to URENAGE! STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Devlin keeps his focus as he sits Seven up to KICK Seven in the back! Seven writhes but Devlin stomps him down. Devlin drags Seven up, wrenches to a back suplex BACKBREAKER! Seven writhes again while Devlin looms over him. Devlin stands on Seven’s head and talks trash. BT Sports Studio boos but Devlin KICKS Seven while he’s down! Seven goes to a corner, Devlin stomps him! Seven ends up in the corner, Delvin drags him around and uses the POST to Bow ‘n’ Arrow stretch Seven!

The ref counts, Devlin lets go at 4, and the ref reprimands. Devlin brings Seven out to throw haymakers, a ring count starts, but Devlin APRON BACK SUPLEXES Seven! Devlin pushes Seven in, stalks him and then clamps on a chinlock. Devlin digs a knee into Seven’s back but Seven endures. Seven reaches up to SLAP Devlin, so Devlin pushes Seven down to scrape his soles on Seven’s face! Devlin drags Seven up, JABS him then CHOPS him! Seven drops to his knees and Devlin paces around him like a shark with blood in the water. Devlin drags Seven up to whip him and elbow him down! Cover, TWO! Seven shakes his head and shouts, “No!”

Seven is still in this but Devlin smirks as he CHOPS Seven again. Seven ends up in a corner, Devlin CHOPS, but Seven turns around to fire off more CHOPS and body shots! Seven fires off forearms, lets off as the ref counts, and whips Devlin to ropes. Devlin reverses, and CLOBBERS Seven with a clothesline! Cover, TWO! Devlin looms over Seven again, drags him up, and scoops him, to SLAM him and drop the leg, brother! Cover, TWO! Seven survives but he checks his face. Devlin stomps legs, then ties them up, but Seven resists the Cloverleaf with SLAPS! Devlin staggers away, Seven gets up to bob ‘n’ weave and CHOP! And CHOP!

Seven fires up, fakes Devlin out again and hits the DDT! Both men are down and BT Sports Studio fires up! Devlin goes to a corner, Seven fires up, and he runs in, but Devlin dodges! Seven BOOTS Devlin, hops up, reels Devlin in, SUPER THROWBACK!! And then a scoop to the EMERALD FLOWSION!! Cover, TWO!! Devlin survives that flurry and Seven can’t believe it. Seven and Devlin slowly rise, and Seven glares at Devlin at ropes. Seven runs to clotheslines Devlin out! And then Seven builds speed to DIVE!! Direct hit and Devlin hits barriers! Seven puts Devlin in fast but is slow to getting back in. Seven drags himself up the corner, and PHOENIX SENTONS, but FLOPS!!

Devlin avoids disaster, then hurries to get the legs! FOUR LEAF CLOVER!! Seven endures Devlin’s take on the Cloverleaf, powers up, and reaches for the ropes! Devlin sits deep, but Seven keeps reaching out! ROPEBREAK!! Devlin doesn’t let go, he drags Seven away! Seven turns the hold into a cradle! TWO!! Seven trips Devlin to get a HALF CRAB! Now Devlin endures as Seven pulls back! Devlin gets the ropebreak! The ref counts, Seven lets go at 2, and both men are down! A standing count begins as they’re both down, and Seven gets on Devlin at 6. Seven wristlocks in the waistlock, ripcords, but Devlin HEADBUTTS!

Devlin still has Seven’s arm, but Seven grabs the ropes to resist! Devlin gets Seven off ropes for a moment but Seven grabs them again. Seven blocks Devlin’s kick, fires off CHOPS and SLAPS over and over, then brings Devlin back up. Devlin blocks a back hand, fires off Kowata Kicks, and Seven drops to his knees. Devlin gives more kicks, ripcords, but Seven gets around the saido to ripcord Devlin, SEVEN STAR LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!?!? Devlin survives and Seven is shocked! Seven fires up, gets Devlin up to the torture rack, but Devlin flips out of Birminghammer to fireman’s carry Seven! TICKING TIMEBOMB!! Cover, TWO!?!! Seven survives but Devlin drags him to a drop zone.

Devlin climbs up, but Seven CHOPS a leg out! Seven climbs up behind Devlin, gets a full nelson, for a SUPER DRAGON SUPLEX!?!? Devlin staggers about, into a torture rack, for the BIRMINGHAMMER!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!! Devlin saves himself at the last second and Seven is in disbelief! If he was just over a little further from ropes…! Devlin slowly gets back up and Seven fires himself up. Seven waistlocks and wants the wristlock but Devlin holds ropes. The ref tries to separate them, and Devlin digs his fingers into Seven’s eyes!! Devlin brings Seven around, ripcord to DEVLINSIDE!!! Cover, TWO?!??! HOW?!!?

Devlin can’t understand, but he won’t let it bother him. Devlin goes up top, to 450 SPLASH onto Seven’s back!! Cover, Devlin wins!!

Winner: Jordan Devlin, by pinfall (still NXT Cruiserweight Champion)

The Man from Moustache Mountain was able to do so much after going so far, but it just wasn’t enough! The Irish Ace stands tall, and now he’s got a clear path to Santos Escobar! Will Devlin defeat the pretender to the throne and stand alone as the one true Cruiserweight Champion?

My Thoughts:

A very good NXT UK, and what great news that we’re getting an extra special episode for WrestleMania Week. NXT UK Prelude will surely be on a pseudo-TakeOver level like how we’ve seen NXT USA give us special episodes (Great American Bash, Halloween Havoc, New Year’s Evil). Dar VS Bate in a Heritage Cup Contender’s Match, and then after a pretty good interaction between Walter and Rampage Brown, Rampage is skyrocketing right to a title match at that event. It may be no fault of Rampage’s that he hasn’t been built that strongly, but I just don’t see him taking the title off Walter, despite how great it was for him being able to shove Walter down.

Satomura VS Luna was a good match, but of course Satomura wins. Luna having SWSC join her backstage is an interesting note, not sure it really means anything but who knows. Jinny & Joseph have a good promo, Conners VS Starz will be good, and who knows how this guides the overall story with them and Piper. Isla has another spooky scary video, Xia making Nina do all that extra work was alright but again I feel like they’re missing the mark on making Nina the assistant. Nina should either be even further humiliated than doing menial chores, or she should be scheming and failing to mess with Xia.

Name change aside, Nathan Frazer/Ben Carter is going strong, he’s going to be just fine to circle back to the Cruiserweight Championship when Devlin VS Escobar settles things, and they could even lean into the fact he’s learning British wrestling by having him try a British Rounds Heritage Cup Division match. Seems strange we haven’t seen A-Kid lately but I suppose he doesn’t always have to be around if there just isn’t much to do or say. I hope A-Kid gets to be in the VIP box for Dar VS Bate, though, the same way Gallus was for the tag title contender’s match. And speaking of, Amir & Kenny VS Pretty Deadly will be good, but Kenny is totally cheating. It’ll probably fail, it’ll cause Kenny and Amir to break up, but he’s totally cheating.

Devlin VS Seven was great stuff, awesome stuff even. Seven does so well with character stuff, the selling and the drama, it is still a shame again that he wasn’t the inaugural Heritage Cup Champion but he could always circle back to that after this. But obviously, after Devlin called out Escobar, both on NXT UK and then last night on NXT USA, it was clear we were getting Devlin VS Escobar at Stand & Deliver and here we are. Devlin VS Escobar will be great, and I would hope Devlin wins. Escobar is not really a strong champion when he has El Legado help him so much, and he has been bordering (and probably breaking) the 205 line even more than Buddy Murphy was a couple years ago. Let Escobar move on to the North American Championship scene or even NXT Championship, Devlin will dominate the Cruiserweights to set some reign records.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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