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Mitchell’s NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver Results & Report! (4/8/21)

TakeOver is far from over!



TakeOver Stand & Deliver

TakeOver: Stand & Deliver fires its second round!

TakeOver: Stand & Deliver finishes as Finn Balor defends his NXT Championship against a man who never lost it in Karrion Kross!


  • Preshow – NXT Tag Team Championships #1 Contender’s Match: Breezango VS Killian Dain & Drake Maverick; Dain & Maverick win and will challenge MSK for the titles.
  • NXT Cruiserweight Championship Unification Ladder Match: Santos Escobar VS Jordan Devlin; Escobar wins and is THE NXT Cruiserweight Champion.
  • NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Shotzi Blackheart & Ember Moon VS Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell; Blackheart & Moon win and retain the titles.
  • NXT North American Championship: Johnny Gargano VS Bronson Reed; Gargano wins and retains the title.
  • NXT Championship: Finn Balor VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux; Kross wins and becomes the new NXT Champion.
  • Unsanctioned Match: Adam Cole VS Kyle O’Reilly; O’Reilly wins.


It’s the TakeOver Preshow!

Join Sam Roberts, Mickie James & ESPN’s Jimmy Smith in analyzing, discussing and predicting all of night two’s action!


Samoa Joe interviews Karrion Kross and Scarlett Bordeaux.

Joe thanks them for being here, and wants to take them back: TakeOver 30, Kross wins the title. But then he goes backstage, his injury is found, and he has to give the title up. What was that like Well it’s no surprise that he was pissed. Everyone sees it as a blink of an eye, Kross showing up, competing for the title. But that’s not how it is. Kross won’t give his whole career story, but it all led to that night at TakeOver. But for that injury to ruin it, it felt like it was all for nothing. Now some would say Finn Balor is the greatest ever. What will he do to take that title from Balor? Kross will light him up. To drag someone to deep waters, you need power. Balor doesn’t have power, Kross does, so this idea that Balor will control the pace is absurd.

Then let’s imagine to the end of tonight. Kross wins and is holding the title. Kross came here not to sit back but to become a champion. He will go after more titles even after this. Does Kross see what Balor says about him relying on emotions? Kross doesn’t give a damn what Balor has to say. Balor will say what he has to in order to play the mind games, but none of it will work. Joe appreciates having these two here, and wishes them best of luck. Kross heads right off stage, is he going to head right back to the top of NXT?


Joe now interviews Finn Balor.

These old rivals meet again, and when it comes to TakeOver, Joe knows personally that Balor is nearly spotless. He has a long streak of consecutive wins at TakeOver, with just one little blemish. But moving on to tonight, is this the type of man that Balor feels could add another blemish? Balor has proven time and time again that he can stand and deliver. If anyone has to deliver at TakeOver, it’s Kross. Last week, Balor and Kross found they shared similar paths. Ascending the ranks, grabbing the titles, but then letting them go because of injuries. Does Balor know how long it took for him to get back feeling like himself? Well, that was months, maybe even years. Going into this, Kross only just a few months back, that’s impressive.

Joe wants to touch on that. Kross has rushed back a bit, is this going to be a mistake on his part? Balor says underestimating Balor is a mistake. Kross should want to be 100% confident in his physical form if he’s going to take on the Prince at his peak. Now obviously, Kross is big and strong and ferocious. How does Balor defeat that? This isn’t that new to him. But what Balor does is drag them into territories they don’t want to be in, he takes them into the deep waters, and drowns them slowly but surely. JOe sees Balor speaking of Kross, this isn’t even how Balor was back when Joe faced him.

Balor says that he has proven himself over and over again for 20 YEARS but has to worry about someone unproven just pisses him off. How many times does he have to prove he is the best in the world? But now he’s an underdog at TakeOver? that’s a joke! That is what drives Balor! Balor promises us that tonight, he will do what he has done for those 20 years, and that is deliver on a promise to win. Will the Prince’s determination be what defeats Kross? Or will it be what defeats himself?


Backstage interview with Shotzi Blackheart & Ember Moon.

Candice is already tweeting she and Indi will win tonight, what are their thoughts? Shotzi laughs! Ember says The Way has lost their minds. But these two will not sweat this, because that’s not their way. They will #TCB, and steal the whole damn show! But time to get painted up for TakeOver! Candice, Indi, welcome to the FIRE PIT~! Shotzi howls to the moon, and she’s fired up enough for both of them! But will they burn down The Way or just crash ‘n’ burn at Stand & Deliver?


William Regal collects the Cruiserweight Championship belts.

Devlin gives his over easily, but Escobar is too busy getting taped up to even pick his belt up. These belts will be suspended high overhead in the Ladder match, who will be getting theirs back to start TakeOver?


NXT Tag Team Championships #1 Contender’s Match: Breezango VS Killian Dain & Drake Maverick!

With MSK as NEW tag team champions, that means we need new contenders! Tyler Breeze & Fandango have been on the outside looking in lately, will they get another chance to get back to the top? Or will the Belfast Beast and his little buddy finally be firing on all cylinders to get their first taste?

Breezango are fashionable pirates upon entering to go along with this year’s WrestleMania theme. The teams sort out, Dain starts with Prince Pretty, and the two circle. They approach, Breeze dodges to strike a pose. Dain takes the pirate hat and throws it away! Breeze runs but into a scoop! Breeze slips out, wrenches, tags Fandango but Dain throws them both around! Dain drags Dango over, tags Maverick and he climbs up to drop ax handles! Maverick headlocks, grinds Dango down, but Fandango powers out to run him over. Dango swivels hips, runs, but Maverick drops and hurdles. Dango sunset flips, Maverick stays up and swivels HIS hips!

Dango gets free as Maverick goes into overdrive. They push each other, Dain gets in and backs Maverick down but Maverick’s out for blood! Dain gets Maverick over to the corner and tags in rather sharply. Maverick has Dain wear the pirate hat! Dain isn’t amused but Dango uppercuts him! Dango fires off but Dain knees low and EuroUppers back! Tag to Maverick, and he’s a human weapon, snapmare body block! Maverick throws JABS on Dango, kicks low but Dango shoves him down! Maverick comes back but into a tilt-o-whirl SLAM! Cover, TWO! Dango looms over Maverick, drags him up and CHOPS him to the corner!

Dango brings Maverick around, bumps him off buckles, and then throws hands! Fans rally and duel, Breeze tags in, and Breezango mugs Maverick in their corner. Breeze brings Maverick around to DECK him, then brings him back up to whip corner to corner hard! Maverick writhes and Breeze drags him back over to kick him down. Breeze stomps Maverick and drops a leg! Cover, TWO! Breeze clamps on with a chinlock and he grinds Maverick down. Fans rally as Maverick endures, but Dango keeps swiveling at Dain and that annoys him. Maverick fights up, Breeze CLUBS him then puts him in the corner to tag Dango.

Dango fires off, whips corner to corner hard and Maverick hits the mat. Cover, TWO! Dango drags Maverick up to ROCK him with an uppercut but fans rally up for Maverick. Dango suplexes and hangs Maverick out on the ropes, then tags Breeze. They make it rain, and then DOUBLE BOOT Maverick down! Cover, TWO! Breeze drags Maverick up, back suplexes, but Maverick lands on his feet! Maverick hits Dango, BOOTS Breeze, goes around but Breeze keeps him cornered. Maverick scrambles and gets past, hot tags to Dango and Dain! Dain rallies on Breezango, and DIVIDES Dango with the body block! Dain goes up and out and CLOBBERS Breeze! Dango runs into an URENAGE!

Dain slingshots to SENTON ATOMICO! Fans fire up with Dain, he fireman’s carries Dango but Breeze runs in! Dain catches Breeze, FALL AWAY SAMOAN DROP combo! Cover, Breeze breaks it! Maverick gets Breeze out and Dain whips Dango to a corner. Dain back elbows. Maverick runs in and is put out to tag in. They coordinate, BOOT ENZIGURI COMBO! Tag to Dain, Maverick climbs but has to leap at Breeze, into a SUPER MODEL KICK! Breeze saves Dang, mule kicks then they DOUBLE SUPERKICK! Cover, Maverick breaks it! Fans fire up as Breeze drags Maverick up to throw him out! Dango goes to a corner, Breeze gets Dain up but Dain throws Breeze into Dango!

Dain tags Maverick, and Maverick hurries up after Dango! SUPER STEINER!! Maverick dropkicks Breeze for good measure! Maverick and Dain look to high five, but instead it’s Human Weapon, ROCKSTAR SPUD BOMB! Cover, Dain & Maverick win!!

Winners: Killian Dain & Drake Maverick, by pinfall (NEW #1 contenders to the NXT Tag Team Championships)

Well that was a unique way to win. Will the Beast of Belfast and Rockstar Spud show that Carter & Lee might be must-see, but they aren’t unstoppable?


Backstage interview with William Regal.

What are the thoughts of the NXT General Manager about TakeOver’s first night? Night one was incredible! Every match, every competitor, they gave it all they could. And now a new set are stepping up to do the same, and he couldn’t be more excited. Speaking of, we know Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly each arrived with their own security details. Does he care to comment as to why? Regal says he is taking every step to keep the peace because of how combustible this situation is. Has Cole been fined for that shot he got in on Regal? No, he hasn’t and will not. Is that because Regal thinks tonight will be punishment enough?


Samoa Joe interviews Kyle O’Reilly.

Very soon, it will be Kyle and Cole in an Unsanctioned match. So much has changed the last year, and now we’re in a world without the Undisputed Era. What does that change mean for Kyle? Well it’s hard to say. it’s been a rough time for the entire world. But Kyle has this internal struggle. He admits that it felt good to be in the UE. From their first moment arriving here to NXT, they were getting titles, wins, merchandise checks, it was euphoric. But something had to give. He lost a part of himself. If Kyle was to save his soul, he had to get away form that ‘gang mentality.”

But Kyle speaks of that, yet he and Cole have gone after each other anywhere they can. HIs words and his actions aren’t really matching. Kyle admits Joe is right. But when it comes to Cole, you fight fire with fire. If Kyle has to sink down to Cole’s level, then Kyle will do that. There’s obviously history, and a brotherhood that was betrayed. When does it stop? Kyle says he’s been struggling with that for the better part of a year. Ironically, it was Cole who made decisions for him. Cole would set Kyle free. Kyle found himself in interesting positions and opportunities that way. He lost his NXT Championship matches, but still felt like himself, because he fought with honor and intengirty, and on his own.

So having that ability, to fight with honor, but now in an Unsanctioned match, that quality doesn’t really coincide with it. Does Kyle have what it takes to beat Cole? Yes, he does. And the follow-up is of course, what are we in store for? Kyle isn’t here to set expectations. “This will be as one-sided as it gets.” Kyle wants to finish him as quickly and efficiently as possible. So does Kyle have what it takes? We’ll see after the match.


Now Joe interviews Adam Cole.

Joe has followed Cole’s career for a long time, and one thing he’s always seen is that Cole is calm, cool and poised. But lately, when it comes to Kyle, some of that poise falls away. This is very personal now. Joe is correct. Cole and Kyle have known each other for 12 years. Cole is offended because without Cole, Kyle doesn’t make it to WWE. And this is how Kyle repays him? SO that is why this is personal. An unfortunately casualty is the loss of the UE. Is Cole trying to prove he was the backbone of that group? That was already known, Cole has proven that, so of course it’s come to this.

Then what does victory look like tonight? When will Cole be satisfied? It’ll be when Kyle realizes after the match, after the beating he’s taken like no other, he’ll think to himself, “I really shouldn’t have messed with Adam Cole.” Win or lose, does Cole see a world where he and Kyle coexist again? Right now, that seems impossible, It’ll depend on how Cole feels. It depends on if Cole every feels like he can be around someone like Kyle. If Kyle apologizes and realizes how foolish he’s bene, then maybe. “As long as he knows he has an ass beating coming first.”


Poppy performs live!


NXT Cruiserweight Championship Unification Ladder Match: Santos Escobar VS Jordan Devlin!

Worlds collide and a mistake will be corrected! But there can only be one! Will the Leader of Leaders or the Irish Ace walk in the footsteps of the Heartbreak Kid and be the UNDISPUTED champion?

The introductions are made, the belts are already hanging overhead, and we see who rises above to stand atop the entire division!

The two fire off with fists at the bell! Devlin even gets a headbutt in there! He ROCKS Escobar, counter punches then whips, to then CLOBBER Escobar with an elbow! Devlin is fired up but Escobar headlocks. Devlin powers out, drops and hurdles, and arm-drags Escobar down! Escobar headscissors, Devlin pops free to jackknife but covers don’t matter. Escobar wrenches to underhooks but Devlin wrenches free to kick a leg. Escobar turns ripcord into headlock takeover! Escobar goes after legs but Devlin kicks him away. Escobar blocks the clinch with an elbow, whips but Devlin slips out of the tilt-o-whirl. Escobar kicks low, CLUBS Devlin, and fans duel as Escobar whips corner to corner.

Devlin goes up and over and dodges a boot to get the URENAGE! STANDING MOONSAULT! Fans are divided as Devlin fires up. Escobar bails out, Devlin aims and slingshots but Escobar moves. Devlin mule kicks him away to ASAI MOONSAULT! Direct hit and they bump into the announce desk! Devlin sits up and checks his head but he’s alright. Devlin drags Escobar up and puts him in the ring, then looks under the ring. Devlin brings out the first ladder, gets it on the apron, but Escobar runs over! Devlin lifts the ladder to avoid the baseball slide, and then yanks the ladder back to SMACK Escobar down!

Devlin puts the ladder in the ring, leaves Escobar behind, and stands the ladder up. Devlin climbs but Escobar hurries! Escobar yanks Devlin off the ladder then SMACKS him off it! Escobar gets the ladder and stands it up in a corner. Escobar stomps Devlin, whips him but Devlin stops short! Devlin turns around into a kick, Escobar gets Devlin up but Devlin fights free! Devlin kicks and whips Escobar, but Escobar reverses to send Devlin hard into the ladder! Devlin tumbles over and out to the floor and fans are fired up! Escobar goes out and goes around the way, talking trash that this is HIS bingo! Escobar runs in at Devlin, and CLOBBERS him against the Plexiglas!

Escobar’s fans are thunderous, and they cheer as Escobar brings out another ladder! Escobar leans the ladder against the boards but Devlin EuroUppers! Escobar bumps Devlin off the apron, stomps him down, then goes into the ring to fetch the second ladder. Escobar stands this one up under the belts already, but Devlin gets in. Escobar dropkicks the ladder into Devlin! And he lets the ladder fall on Devlin’s legs! Devlin staggers up, Escobar has the ladder and he RAMS Devlin in the gut! Devlin ends up in a corner, Escobar RAMS him again and again! And even as Devlin sits down! Escobar runs to DROPKICK the ladder into Devlin’s gut!

Escobar goes out and looks under the ring again. Escobar brings out a third ladder, puts it in, and then stomps Devlin down. Escobar stands the first ladder up, fans duel as he climbs, but Devlin anchors a foot. Escobar STOMPS him down for it! Escobar drags Devlin up to SLAP him down, then fetches the other ladder. Escobar sets that ladder up on the top of a corner, KICKS Devlin down, then grins as he taunts him. Escobar SLAPS Devlin again, whips him, but Devlin reverses and Escobar runs into the ladder!! Devlin scowls and drags himself up on ropes. Devlin sees the ladder standing up and heads that way, but Escobar DROPKICKS him down!

Fans rally and duel, Escobar rains down fists on Devlin and then catapults him! But Devlin uses that to get up! Devlin paws at titles but Escobar grabs at him! Devlin leaps for a FLYING DDT!! Fans chant, “This is Awesome!” as Escobar and Devlin writhe. Devlin pushes the ladder over to get at Escobar, but Escobar hip tosses him out! Devlin is by that second ladder, Escobar builds speed and DIVES! The Tope sends Devlin into that ladder! Fans shout, “That was Awesome!” as both men are down! Escobar says he’ll finish this now as he gets up and goes to the ring. Escobar stands the first ladder up again but Devlin hurries into the ring!

Escobar is frustrated and he pushes the ladder over. Escobar talks trash and KICKS Devlin while he’s down! He even calls him a cockroach! Escobar kicks Devlin around, chuckles and brings him up to reel him in. Escobar underhooks but Devlin fights the driver to back drop Escobar onto a ladder! Escobar clutches his back as he writhes, and Devlin flounders around after him. Fans rally and duel, the two head for each other, and they start throwing hands while on the mat! Fans fire up and duel as the two go back and forth! Devlin ROCKS Escobar, stands him up and throws more forearms, but Escobar comes back with his own!

Devlin fires off body shots and ROCKS Escobar, to then reel him in, only to get a KNEE! Escobar runs, but into a SPANISH FLY!! Devlin goes to a corner, dodges Escobar and lets him bounce off buckles to then hit a slingshot CUTTER! Fans rally and duel while both men are down. Devlin gets a ladder and brings it over to Escobar. Devlin stands the ladder up, but Escobar pushes it to a corner. Devlin HEADBUTTS Escobar down! Devlin climbs the ladder but Escobar hurries up the other side. They brawl at the very top, Devlin gets the edge and knocks Escobar down! Devlin adjusts as fans duel, Devlin is on the very top, as he SUPER MOONSAULTS!! Direct hit and fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” while both men writhe on the mat!

Devlin drags the ladder to be under the belts, starts to climb it, and Escobar is somewhere on the outside! But here comes LEGADO! They tip the ladder over and Devlin falls right out of the ring! Escobar’s rabid dogs are after Devlin! If they couldn’t be tag team champions, they aren’t going to let their leader lose his title! They RAM Devlin into steel steps! Escobar drags himself over and thanks his men. They head back, Escobar gets in and stands the ladder back up. But Devlin is up again! Devlin hobbles around, and he TOSSES the other ladder at Escobar!! Devlin then stands that very ladder up beside Escobar’s, but Escobar tries to stop him.

Devlin CHOPS Escobar but Escobar clubs him back! They brawl and Escobar reels Devlin into a facelock. Devlin fights free to reel Escobar in for a SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Fans lose their minds while both men are down on the mat! “This is Awesome!” and far from over! Devlin drags himself back to the pair of ladders, sets one right under the belts, and begins to climb! Devlin is almost at the top but Escobar is back! Escobar climbs the other side, hits Devlin low, CLUBS him over and over and over, and reaches for the belt! Devlin headbutts Escobar then bumps him off the ladder! Devlin reaches, but Escobar HEADBUTTS Devlin off, and Devlin falls through the third ladder!!

Fans lose their minds and Escobar finally has the belts to himself! Escobar reaches up, grabs them, and brings them off the hook! Escobar wins!!

Winner: Santos Escobar (UNDISPUTED NXT Cruiserweight Champion)

The Leader of Leaders, the Champion of Champions, and now THE champion of the Cruiserweight Division! Granted, he had help again, but that in itself is proof of his legacy’s power! Will Legado del Fantasma reign over Cruiserweight and Lucha Libre wrestling forever?


Backstage with MSK.

The NEW NXT Tag Team Champions are feeling really good. It was hard to sleep last night because of how excited they are. They have side plates even! But they now have new contenders in Dain & Maverick. They’re ready to see what those two will be bringing. They faced them in the Dusty Cup, and now MSK are the champs. They’re not losing these belts. Not now, not ever! So any predictions on Balor VS Kross and Cole VS O’Reilly? Well okay. They say it together. One, two three… Coreilly. Wait, they disagree? Well uh… Okay, Balor VS Kross. One, two three… BROSS. Well one way or another, someone’s losing. Just not MSK!


NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Shotzi Blackheart & Ember Moon VS Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell!

TakeOver, welcome to the FIRE PIT! The Wild Child and Evolved Shenom are only the second-ever team to hold these belts, but they don’t want their run to end so soon. Will they not only Stand & Deliver but #TCB? Or will Candice & Indi Wrestling find a way to take those titles?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and one way or another, history is again being made on TakeOver!

The Way attacks the champs right away! Indi bumps Ember off buckles then scrapes her out while Shotzi and Candice brawl! Shotzi hasn’t forgiven Candice for what happened to Tank Mk I! Indi waistlocks and SLAMS Shotzi, Candice hits the step-up senton! Cover, TWO! Candice RAMS into Shotzi in the corner, digs her shoulder in, and lets off as the ref counts. Tag to Indi, Indi brings Shotzi around to fireman’s carry and Snake Eyes off Candice’s knees! Indi then adds a SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Shotzi gets up but Indi kicks and whips her to CLOBBER her! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Shotzi but Indi is after her at ropes. Indi bumps Shotzi off buckles and tags Candice.

Candice runs in to back body block Shotzi, then snapmares her for the NECK SNAPPER! Cover, TWO! Shotzi gets to the apron, Candice digs her boots in! The ref counts, Candice lets off, and Shotzi grits her teeth as she gets up. Candice grabs Shotzi but Shotzi headbutts low! Shotzi fires forearms, but Candice CLOBBERS her down! Another cover, TWO! Candice drags Shotzi into a top wristlock and thrashes her around. Shotzi endures, fans rally up and Shotzi fights up. Candice throws Shotzi by her hair! Candice drags Shotzi over, tags Indi in, and Indi stomps Shotzi down. Cover, TWO! Indi is annoyed, she kicks Shotzi at the ropes then drags her up.

Indi throws Shotzi through ropes and EuroUppers! Tag to Candice, Indi BOOTS Shotzi to the apron and Candice is there to stand on Shotzi! Candice lets off at the ref’s count to cover, TWO! Another cover, but Candice’s feet are on the ropes! The ref sees that so she doesn’t bother counting. Candice drags Shotzi up, bumps her off buckles, and The Way mugs Shotzi in the corner! Fans rally, Shotzi fights back, but Candice keeps her from Ember! Shotzi kicks Candice away, Indi tags in, and Indi drags Shotzi away from Ember! Another tag and Candice drags Shotzi up by her hair. Shotzi breaks free to ENZIGURI! Fans rally as both women are down and Shotzi goes to her corner. Hot tag to Ember!

Ember rallies on Candice, DECKS Indi for good measure, then wrenches Candice to kick, kick and fire off JABS! Ember pops, locks, and says, “SUCK IT!” Ember spins and DECKS Candice! Oh you didn’t know?! Fans are all fired up with Ember as she drags Candice up to throw her into a corner. Ember runs corner to corner to splash! Candice is down, Ember rises up top, but Indi is there to distract! Candice hits ropes to trip Ember up! Tag to Indi, the Way goes after Ember together but Shotzi rushes in to yank Indi down! Shotzi clubs Candice, climbs up behind her, but Indi gets back in! TOWER OF DOOM!! That was some kind of Super German Powerbomb Plex! Cover, TWO!!

Indi is shocked that Ember still lives! Indi stalks Ember to a corner, stomps her in, then drags her out. Cover, TWO! Indi stalks Ember, brings her up and whips her to ropes, for an IMPRESSIVE SPINEBUSTER! High stack cover, TWO!! Ember still lives, but Indi drags her over to tag in Candice. The Way coordinates, but Ember shoves Candice into Indi! Hot tag to Shotzi! Shotzi climbs, and CROSSBODIES The Way down! Indi bails out, Shotzi ROLLING ELBOWS Candice! Shotzi double chicken wings Candice for a TIGER PLEX! Candice flops out to join Indi, Shotzi tags Ember! Ember holds the ropes open, Shotzi builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit sends them all into barriers!!

Ember watches as Shotzi and The Way get back up. Ember hurries to a corner, climbs up, SUPER CANNONBALL to The Way! Ember puts Candice in, tags Shotzi, they coordinate, DOMINATOR CUTTER!! Cover, TWO!! Candice survives but Shotzi fires up! Shotzi drags Candice over but Candice rolls her up! TWO, SUPERKICK! Candice DECKS Ember for good measure! Candice tags Indi in, The Way drags Shotzi up and whips her, for a flapjack to the 3D!! Cover, Ember breaks it!! Fans are thunderous as Ember saves this, but Candice throws Ember to the apron. Candice kicks Ember down, Ember KNEES her back! Indi drags Shotzi up but Shotzi breaks free to ENZIGURI!

Hot tag to Ember! Ember climbs up, aims at The Way, Shotzi tags back in. DOUBLE ECLIPSE!! Shotzi climbs and aims at Indi! STAGE DIVE SENTON!! Cover, Shotzi & Ember win!!

Winners: Ember Moon & Shotzi Blackheart, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions)

No fear, no quit, and no losing just yet! Will the second-ever be the best ever as they continue on with these young titles?


NXT North American Championship: Johnny Gargano w/ Austin Theory VS Bronson Reed!

The Gauntlet Eliminator sifted through the potential to find the Colossal worthy of this opportunity! Will Reed bulldoze through Johnny TakeOver? Or will we all see that he is still Johnny Freakin’ Wrestling?

The introductions are made, and Gargano gets a little too into his. The title is raised, and one of Gargano’s biggest challenges in a long time begins!

Gargano circles around Reed, Reed corners him, and waistlocks to slam Gargano, then run him over! Reed whips, Gargano goes up and over, speeds up, ducks and dodges and RANAS, but Reed cartwheels through!? Things speed up again and Gargano leaps, only for Reed to SWAT him out of the air! Reed hauls Gargano up and military presses into the FALL AWAY SLAM! Reed stalks Gargano to a corner, clubs him then rams into him, then throws hands! Reed elbows Gargano down, then drags Gargano right up to the fireman’s carry! Gargano fights to get to the apron, he ROCKS Reed, snaps the ropes at him, then slingshots and SPEARS! Reed stays up!?

Gargano runs at him to fire off haymakers, but Reed CHOPS him down! Fans want that “One More Time!” so Reed CHOPS Gargano off his feet again! Reed sees Gargano get to a corner and he runs in, but misses! Gargano LARIATS but Reed stays up! Gargano runs to LARIAT again but still Reed stays up! Gargano kicks, but Reed scoops, only for Gargano to slip off and chop block! Gargano runs and leaps to LARIAT Reed down! Gargano drives elbows and knees into Reed, backs up and KICKS him to apron! Reed stands, Gargano WRECKS him with a dropkick! Gargano is targeting the stomach as he slingshots and PLANCHAS, but is caught!

Reed pops Gargano back up, but Gargano rakes eyes to get free! Gargano RAMS Reed into the corner of the announce desk, stomach first! Reed shoves Gargano away and hobbles around the way. Reed gets in the ring and he hobbles to a corner. Gargano runs in to RAM him in the corner! Fans say it’s still “Big Boy Season!” but Gargano fires off fists in the corner! Theory counts along but Reed stops it at 5. Gargano tries to sunset flip, but Reed stays up. Reed drops but Gargano avoids the sit-down! Gargano CLUBS Reed on the back, hops up and leaps to SPLASH! Cover, ONE!! Gargano CLUBS Reed on the back, and again, and then straddle attacks him.

Gargano gets a cobra clutch and he grinds Reed down. Fans rally, Reed fights up, but Gargano throws in knees! Gargano wrangles Reed to the mat, he pulls on the hold, and drives more knees in! Reed fights up, Gargano leans on the cobra clutch, then becomes a backpack! Reed RAMS Gargano into buckles! Reed gaps for air, runs but Gargano boots him! Gargano hops up, leaps, but into a POWERSLAM! Theory coaches Gargano up as he and Reed slowly rise. Reed DECKS Gargano, and again! Reed whips and CLOBBERS Gargano with a body block! Gargano staggers to a corner, Reed SPLASHES him! Reed choke grips and CHOKE SLAMS him down!

Gargano flounders, Reed grits his teeth and storms over. The ref checks on Gargano and has Reed stay back. Gargano is alright, so Reed drags Gargano up. Reed suplexes, Gargano fights with knees but can’t get free! Reed gets Gargano back up to a fireman’s carry and DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Gargano survives the #JaggedEdge, but Reed keeps his cool. Gargano gets up, but stumbles and flops. Gargano rolls to the apron, Reed drags Gargano up and to a corner. Reed climbs, tries a deadlift suplex but Gargano resists and trips Reed up! Then Gargano GAMANGIRIS Reed, to hit a DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO!!

Reed crawls while Gargano slaps himself to fire up. Gargano throws more forearms at Reed but Reed choke grips! Gargano fights the two-hand choke slam, fakes the superkick to mule kick! Gargano goes for Standing Sliced Bread, but Reed turns that into a suplex SLAM! Fans fire up as both men are down! A standing count begins, Reed stands first and drags Gargano to a drop zone. Reed goes to the corner but Gargano rolls away. Reed hurries after, drops a senton, but misses! Gargano ghost pins, TWO!! Reed narrowly escapes but Gargano BUZZSAWS! Gargano runs, into a tilt-o-whirl and snapmare. Reed ducks the Buzzsaw to Electric Chair, but Gargano POISON RANAS!!

Gargano runs, tilt-o-whirl for the takedown! Reed resists the crossface but Gargano KNEES him in the ribs! Gargano puts on the GargaNO Escape!! Reed endures, fights his way over, drags Gargano with him, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Gargano holds on but lets off at 4 in frustration. Gargano sees Reed on the apron, aims from the ropes, and slingshots, but Reed ROCKS him! Reed hauls Gargano to the crucifix, for a COLOSSAL RAZOR’S EDGE! Gargano crash lands in the ring! Reed climbs back up, TSUNAMI FLOPS!! Gargano avoids guaranteed destruction, to SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Reed survives and Theory is frustrated for Gargano, who is exhausted!

Gargano goes to a corner, and calls upon the powers of DIY! But Reed blocks the superkick! And HEADBUTTS, to short-arm LARIAT! Reed climbs up but Theory goes after him! Gargano grabs at the ref, Reed CLOBBERS Theory, but Gargano trips Reed up! Gargano throws haymakers, climbs up top, and SUPER STEIN- NO! Reed slips through it to haul Gargano up for a POWERBOMB!! Gargano flounders to ropes as Reed covers, Theory gives Gargano the ropebreak!! Reed knows Theory had something to do with that, and he goes out to storm after him. Theory plays dumb, which isn’t that hard, and Reed grabs him with both hands!

Gargano DIVES, but Reed catches him and uses him to BOOT Theory! Then he TOSSES Gargano at Theory! Reed goes into the ring, the ref starts a ring count, but Reed builds speed?! Reed DIVES!! Theory gets BLASTED into barriers! Gargano RAMS Reed into the barriers, puts him in and slingshots, but not One Final Beat! Reed catches Gargano to hit a CRUNCHY!! Cover, TWO!! Gargano is proving he is superhuman like he has in the past, but Reed drags Gargano up and reels him in. Reed gets Gargano up but Gargano fights and RANAS! Reed hits ropes in the stomach, Gargano SUPERKICKS! Fakes and SUPERKICKS again! Reed SUPERKICKS back?!

Reed goes up the corner, fans are thunderous as he MOONSAULTS but FLOPS! Gargano is on the apron, he slingshots in, ONE FINAL BEAT!! But Reed still sits up!? Gargano ONE FINAL BEATS again!!! Cover, Gargano wins!!

Winner: Johnny Gargano, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

The Colossal did so much in just two days, from winning a gauntlet eliminator to taking NXT’s Iron-Man to his limit! But in the end, Reed hit his limit, and Gargano took over once again! Will The Way’s father figure continue on to again define NXT’s new era?


NXT Championship: Finn Balor VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux!

The Prince, one of the greatest champions in this brand’s history. Mr. Doomsday, one of the fastest to reach the top title. Stamina, experience, strength, confidence, aggression, determination. This match has it all, and will determine the future of this brand! But will Balor keep his crown and cross Kross off his list? Or will he fail to Stand & Deliver, and instead #FallAndPrey?

The introductions are made as these two stare down face to face the entire time. The belt is raised, and we see if 20 years is enough to cancel the apocalypse!

Kross and Balor only back off for the bell, but get right in each other’s faces again. Fans rally and duel, Balor looks Kross up and down one more time before they tie up! Kross throws Balor down, Balor gets right back up, and gets right back in Kross’ face. They tie up again, Balor gets an arm but Kross shoves him away. Kross wags his finger, it won’t be that easy to get after the repaired arm. The two circle, Kross waistlocks but Balor goes after the arm. Balor wrenches, grinds the shoulder, but Kross grits his teeth. Kross fights up, scoops, but Balor slips off. Kross knees low and hard, but Balor just grins?! Scarlett asks what’s so funny, but Balor and Kross go again.

Balor headlocks, Kross powers up but can’t power out as Balor grinds. Kross pulls at hair but the ref reprimands. Balor grinds more, Kross powers up and finally powers out to run Balor over! Balor gets up and still grins! Fans rally behind Balor as he and Kross circle. Balor kicks but now Kross laughs at Balor. Balor’s power and strikes don’t scare Kross, even as he kicks and CHOPS! Kross TOSSES Balor for thinking he could match up! Balor grins all the same. Kross is getting annoyed as Balor just stretches and resets. Then Balor SLAPS Kross! Fans are fired up as Kross seethes. Kross roars, and RAMS Balor into the corner!

Kross RAMS into him again and again, then ROCKS him with a right! “Is this what you want?! Now you’re gonna get it!” Kross whips corner to corner then RAMS into Balor! Kross whips back the other way but Balor moves and Kross POSTS himself! Balor pulls the bad arm against the ropes! The ref counts, Balor lets off but just a moment before he pulls the arm into the ropes again! The ref counts, Balor lets off to then fire uppercuts on the arm! Balor wrenches, steps over and grinds the arm down. Scarlett coaches Kross as he endures and fans rally up. Kross fights to move around but Balor shifts to a chinlock. Balor even traps an arm for a modified half straitjacket!

Kross endures as Balor pulls back, and he powers up to make Balor a backpack! Kross RAMS Balor into buckles, then clotheslines, elbows and clotheslines again! Balor staggers and stumbles away, Kross gets the bad arm moving. Kross brings Balor around and snap suplexes him! Balor almost gets thrown more than anything! Kross stalks up behind Balor, drags him back up and puts him in the Tree of Woe! The ref reprimands, Kross stomps Balor then backs off, to run corner to corner and KNEE Balor! That was dangerously low! Kross looms over Balor, fans rally up but Scarlett says it won’t help. Kross hauls Balor up but Balor goes for a takedown! Balor gets an ARMBAR!

The bad arm is caught and Balor pulls on it as hard as he can! Balor’s sideways rather than on his back, but that helps with leverage! Kross fights up to bridge and rolls! Kross dead lifts Balor, but Balor shifts to get an ARMBAR DDT! Kross writhes, Balor is after the arm with a double wristlock! Balor hammerlocks the arm on the mat, and SNAP locks it! Balor grinds the arm, SNAP LOCKS again, and Kross is clutching the elbow. Balor CHOPS Kross in the corner, wraps the arm around the ropes, then stomps Kross down! Balor again has the arm on ropes, the ref counts, but Balor again lets off with a stomp! Kross walks along ropes, Balor stalking behind him.

Balor pushes Kross, CHOPS him, but Kross resists the whip. Balor mule kicks, Kross gets mad but then he crumbles to the mat! Is this another liver shot like with Kyle O’Reilly? Balor stomps away on Kross at the ropes, and fans fire up! Scarlett checks on Kross as Balor backs off. Balor gets Kross up, bends him back against the ropes, and crossface forearms to the GUT! The ref backs Balor off but he runs, into a KICK from Kross! Whatever pain Kross is feeling, he fights through it to get Balor up. Kross scoops, and RAMS Balor into buckles, then all the way to the other! But Balor slips out to ELBOW DROP DDT! Both men are down and fans fire up!

A standing count begins, Kross clamps onto Balor’s foot with his good arm! Balor kicks Kross but Kross holds on! Kross gets Balor up and clinches for a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Roll through to CLOBBER Balor! Kross drags Balor up, reels him in, Canadian rack to the BOMB! Cover, TWO! Balor survives but barely, and Kross grimaces as he clutches his stomach. Kross mocks the finger guns and then shouts, “DOOMSDAY!” Kross hauls Balor up but Balor GUILLOTINES! Balor throws knee after knee, then trips for the DOUBLE STOMPS! Balor runs to PENALTY KICK! Fans fire up, Balor gets Kross’ arm for a grounded cobra twist!

Balor punches away on Kross’ side, then gets a standing cobra twist! Kross endures, fans rally and Scarlett is furious! But Kross powers out to hip toss Balor away! Kross seethes, fires up and runs, but into a SLINGBLADE! Balor aims, runs in but into a LARIAT! Kross drags Balor right back up, and hits the DOOMSDAY SAIDO!! But Kross isn’t satisfied with that! He wants to end Balor! Time’s up, and Kross winds up. Kross runs, into a PELE! Balor runs to SHOTGUN DROPKICK! Kross staggers, Balor runs and SHOTGUNS Kross into buckles face-first! Kross is in a drop zone, Balor climbs up top, COUP DE GRACE!! Cover, TWO!?!? And into the SLEEPER HOLD!!

Balor is caught but gets up, reaches for ropes, but Kross pulls him back! Balor rolls through to DOUBLE STOMP! Balor fires up and the fans are there with him! Kross groans in pain as Balor aims, and PUNTS him in the side! Balor fires off kicks and knees and elbows! Balor gets the cobra twist again, and drags him down to the mat! Kross sits up, Balor keeps his shoulders up and Scarlett coaches Kross. Kross endures, powers right out of the hold, and hammers away on Balor’s head!! Is Balor out?! Kross lets off before the ref can check, and dead lifts to GERMAN SUPLEX! Balor sputters but he’s awake. Kross storms over, drags Balor up, reels him in and DOOMSDAY SAIDOS!!

Kross still won’t finish it here, he wants to clean Balor’s clock! Balor staggers, Kross runs, BLINDSIDE FOREARM!! But that’s not enough, yet! Balor staggers up, into the DOOMSDAY FOREARM!!! Cover, Kross wins!!

Winner: Karrion Kross, by pinfall (NEW NXT Champion)

The Prince has been dethroned!! The apocalypse has returned!! Kross wins back the title that he never truly lost! But will he now get to finish what he started so long ago? Will ALL of NXT have no choice but to #FallAndPray?!


Backstage interview with Santos Escobar.

What a match for the title to become UNDISPUTED Cruiserweight Champion. That Devlin guy just kept coming back. It didn’t matter what he did, but Devlin kept coming back. Well he did have some help. Hey, Legado es familia. And Escobar will say this again so no one forgets: Escobar is the UNDISPUTED Cruiserweight Campeon, the Emperor of Lucha! Is it as simple as that? Or will Devlin still come back for more?


Unsanctioned Match: Adam Cole VS Kyle O’Reilly!

Who could have imagined it’d come to this? The Undisputed Era wasn’t the start of the friendship between these two, but it turned out to be the end. But with nothing holding these two back from leaving it all in the ring, just how does this end between the former Team Future Shock?

Extra security enters to keep these two from fighting before the bell. O’Reilly enters first to show off his new gear and rock out to his new theme song, now that he is purely Mr. Axe ‘n’ Smash! Cole also has new gear and a remix of the UE theme to go with it! The introductions are made, the bell rings, and TakeOver ends with the end of an Undisputed Era!

Cole and Kyle stare down, and then they just fire off! Kyle rocks Cole and back shim down, but Cole turns it around to fire off! Kyle ROCKS Cole, and again, and again! Kyle whips to BOOT Cole in the corner! Kyle whips the other way to BOOT him again! Cole flops against ropes but Kyle runs, into a BOOT from Cole! Cole runs but Kyle dumps him out hard! Kyle slingshots to PLANCHA! Direct hit and Kyle is right into an ARMBAR! Cole stomps Kyle to get free, then backs off as Kyle gets up. Cole then RAMS Kyle into Plexiglas! Cole brings Kyle up, brings him around and whips him into more Plexiglas! Fans fire up and duel as Kyle tackles Cole!

Kyle rains down rights, gets the legs and catapults Cole into the boards! Cole flounders away, Kyle stalks after him and whips him into more boards! Cole flops down and Kyle goes to fetch a chair! Kyle sits the chair up, knees Cole into having a seat, and then KICKS Cole as he sits up! And KICKS, and KICK- But Cole blocks to kick back! Cole brings Kyle over, but Kyle resists the lift to back drop! Kyle pushes Cole into the ring, hurries in but Cole RAMS him into a corner! Kyle gets a guillotine! No need for ropebreaks in this, either! Kyle climbs up, Cole pops free and shoves Kyle down to the floor!! The ref checks on Kyle because his neck isn’t even 100%!

Cole goes out, drags Kyle up and throws him into the barriers! Cole gets more chairs out and puts them in the ring. Fans rally and duel, Cole aims and JAMS a chair into him! Cole SMACKS Kyle on the back! “Is this what you want?!” Cole puts the chair in the ring, and then drags Kyle up to throw him into the girder! Cole puts Kyle in the ring, CLUBS him down, then digs a chair edge into the back of Kyle’s neck! Cole lets off and stalks Kyle around the ring. Cole brings Kyle up, whips him corner to corner hard, and Kyle bounces off buckles to hit the mat! Cole says Kyle ruined it, and he gets a chair that has the Undisputed Era’s CFOS logo on it!

Cole brings Kyle over to NECKBREAKER onto the chair!! “This is what YOU wanted!” Cole drags Kyle up again and whips him to a corner hard! Kyle falls, Cole drags him up and wrenches the neck! Cole throws crossface forearms, then drags Kyle up to waistlock. Kyle resists the lift, pries free and double wristlocks for a takedown! Kyle wants a Kimura but Cole throws knees! Cole fireman’s carries, USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO! Kyle survives but Cole seethes even more. Cole tells Kyle, “I made you who you are! You would be nothing without me!” Cole pushes Kyle around, kicks him, but Kyle just grits his teeth! Kyle throws a forearm, Cole gives it back!

It’s a brawl, Cole knees low then runs but into a KNEE! Kyle runs but into a BOOT! Cole runs but into a kitchen sink knee! Fans fire up, Cole staggers up and Kyle clamps on to throw more knees! Kyle KICKS a leg, ROCKS Cole with palm strikes, then kicks to sweep the leg! Fans chant, “We Want Tables!” but Kyle glares at Cole as he gets a chair. Kyle sits the chair up, runs at Cole to forearm smash, then he hits an elbow breaker to a back suplex ON the chair! HEEL HOOK! Cole rolls and gets ropes but the ropebreak won’t work! Cole BOOTS Kyle off the ashigarami and gets away. Kyle stands on the apron, aims and LEAPS to DROPKICK Cole into the chair!

Cole is down but so is Kyle, and the fans fire up again! Kyle gets up first, drags Cole up and puts him in the ring. Cole gets a chair and aims, but Kyle KNEES low! Ax hits but Smash gets a chair!! Cole defended himself but still gets hit by the chair itself! Cover, TWO!! Kyle seethes as he looks at what’s available. Kyle goes outside, and brings out a CHAIN! Kyle brings it into the ring, but Cole gets Kyle in the ropes, DRAPING NECKBREAKER on the chain!! Cover, TWO!! Kyle survives that hangman’s steel, but Cole gets the chain for his own now. Cole laces the chain around a rope, gathers up the rest and goes after Kyle’s head! Kyle defends, ROCKS Cole, but Cole hits back!

They brawl while also fighting over the chain! Kyle rebounds to DECK Cole! Kyle gets the chain back and ties it… around his own foot?! Kyle sits Cole up for STEEL KOWATA KICKS! Kyle has to reset the chain while Cole staggers, but Cole trips Kyle up! Cole steps through, the chain is part of the FIGURE FOUR! The Nature Boy never thought to do that! Kyle endures, Cole cranks and thrashes, but Kyle rocks the boat to reverse the pressure! Cole endures now, powers Kyle back over, but Kyle throws hands! They brawl while in the Figure Four and DOUBLE HAYMAKERS knock them both down! The hold is undone, fans rally up and Kyle sits up.

Cole follows, and he throws another forearm! Kyle knees, forearms, palm strikes and kicks! Kyle runs but Cole uses the chain to literally CLOTHESLINE Kyle! Cole then wraps Kyle up in chain for a BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO!! Kyle survives and Cole can’t believe it! Cole gets a chair, sits it up near a corner, and grins as he sets up another chair with it, back to back! Cole hobbles over to Kyle, drags him up and brings him to the chairs with a fireman’s carry. Kyle slips out, waistlocks, but the neck won’t allow the German Suplex! Kyle ROCKS Cole, Cole elbows Kyle away! Cole GERMAN SUPLEXES Kyle, Kyle ends up in the chair, SHINING WIZARD!! Cover, TWO!!!

Kyle survives that tumble through steel but Cole keeps focus. Cole goes outside, pulls the steel steps apart, and drags Kyle over to the base! Cole’s used steps to devastate Kyle once before, is he going to do it again?! Cole drags Kyle up and around, suplexes, but Kyle slips out! Kyle GUILLOTINES Cole while he’s on top! The elevation makes for strong leverage! Cole is fading out, but Kyle lets off to KNEE Cole down! Kyle decides to use the steps now and he drags Cole back up! Kyle has Cole up but shoves him away? Perhaps Kyle doesn’t want ot sink to Cole’s lever. But then Kyle drags Cole back up, only for Cole to RAM him into barriers! Cole gets away but Kyle chases him down to BOOT him!

Kyle clears off the announce desk, and fans are happy to see this! After all, a desk is a table! Kyle puts Cole on the desk, climbs up to join him, but Cole ROCKS Kyle first! Kyle ROCKS Cole back, and they brawl up top! Cole throws forearm after forearm after forearm! Cole then brings Kyle up, assesses the area, but Kyle suplexes first for a BRAINBUSTER on the desk!! Cole flops to the floor while Kyle stays on the desk, but fans are thunderous! Cole manages to get up, and manages to crawl away past the timekeeper. “This is Awesome!” as Kyle gets up, paper notes stuck to him. Kyle stalks Cole, but Cole SMACKS him with a spare monitor!!

Cole drags Kyle up, puts him back in the ring, and Kyle flounders and flops. Cole brings out a TOOLBOX from under the ring! Cole opens it up, and dumps out everything inside it! Another chain, a tire iron, a monkey wrench and… A pair of pliers! Cole likes those, and he brings them to Kyle! Cole goes after Kyle’s face! Kyle blocks, Cole kicks low and stomps him down! Cole goes back for the tire iron! Cole aims, Kyle KICKS a leg out first! Kyle gets the tire iron but Cole PELES! Kyle yoyos to LARIAT! Fans fire up with Kyle and he brings Cole up to BRAIN BUSTER again! Cover, TWO!! Cole lives and the fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” again!

Cole flounders, Kyle gets that chain he tied to the ropes! Kyle wraps the chain around one of Cole’s arms, and gets a FULL METAL ARMBAR!! Cole endures this steel cross armbreaker! Cole fights up, but now he’s in a steel TRIANGLE! Cole endures, but he can’t dead lift! He’s fading fast, but he gets his second wind! And the TIRE IRON! Cole CLOBBERS Kyle’s ribs with it!! Kyle writhes and Cole grins as he’s free. Fans hope these two “FIGHT FOREVER!” but this has to end somehow! Cole and Kyle each get a chair, “Both These Guys!” use them to sit up, and “This is Awesome!” Cole and Kyle take seats in front of each other, and Cole talks trash to Kyle.

Kyle BOOTS Cole in the face! Cole throws a haymaker, Kyle throws a forearm! Cole returns the forearm, so Kyle gives him another! Cole and Kyle get out of their seats and start throwing more shots! Kyle gets the edge, but Cole LOW BLOWS!! Not illegal but not fair, either! Cole aims as Kyle sputters and crawls. Kyle gets up, Cole SUPERKICKS! Cover, TWO!!! Kyle survives and Cole is furious! The fans are thunderous again while Cole tries to figure out what he has to do to end Kyle. Cole gets a chair again, and he puts it around Kyle’s head! Cole gets another chair, the ref says he shouldn’t do this but Cole tells him to shut up!

The ref keeps insisting, but Cole DECKS him! “When I say, ‘Shut up,’ you shut up!!” The fans even tell the ref, “You Deserve It!” Cole goes back to Kyle, to a corner, and he climbs up. Kyle flounders up, Cole leaps, PANAMA SUNRISE!! Cover, but the ref is out so there’s no count! Cole would’ve won, as the fans point out by counting to 10! Cole tells the ref to get up now! “Are you stupid?! Get up!” Cole shoves the ref but he’s out cold. Cole looks back at Kyle, and figures if this has to continue, he’ll just do more damage. Cole stalks Kyle to the ramp, carrying a chair with him. Cole THROWS the chair at Kyle’s head!

Cole hobbles after Kyle as he flops off the ramp, and he RAMS him into the boards! And again! And again! But Kyle YANKS Cole into the boards now! Cole and Kyle get up, Kyle gets a GUILLOTINE! Cole stays standing to RAM Kyle back into the boards! Cole is free, fans rally up and Cole drags Kyle up. Cole gets Kyle back on the ramp, but Kyle gets the GUILLOTINE again!! Cole stays up, LEAPS, and both men CRASH THROUGH THE STAGE!! They fall through the steel grate and to the floor below!! Cole emerges first! Cole kicks THROUGH the side of the ramp, just to get at Kyle?! Cole drags Kyle through the hole and puts him back onto the top of the ramp.

Kyle crawls back towards the ring, and the ref has finally recovered. Cole hobbles after Kyle, one of his hands cut and bloody. Kyle stumbles and falls again, and Cole thinks he has easy pickings, until Kyle falls all the way out of the ring. Cole pursues, drags him up, and brings him back to the base steps! Cole suplexes, to BRAIN BUSTER Kyle onto the steel!!! Kyle even flops onto the toolbox on the other side! Cole drags Kyle, limp as he is, and puts him back into the ring. Cover, TWO!?!? Kyle BARELY gets a shoulder up but that’s enough to stay in this! Fans are electric while Cole is shocked! Cole gets to his feet, brings Kyle back up, and fans rally and duel as hard as ever.

Cole brings the knee pad down, takes aim and runs, but Kyle flops over! Cole sits Kyle up, again tells him he’s nothing, and again runs, but Kyle ducks the Last Shot! Kyle gets the leg and gets the HEEL HOOK!! Cole boots Kyle again and again, but that leg gets caught! DOUBLE HEEL HOOK!! Cole writhes and flails, but he gets the chain! STEEL KNUCKLE!! Cole is free, and he sputters over to a corner. Cole hops up and aims at Kyle. Kyle gets up, Cole leaps, PAN- NO! Kyle fireman’s carries to USHIGOROSHI Cole! PENALTY KICK! Kyle gets up, brings HIS knee pad down, and wants to show Cole his own LAST SHOT!! Cover, TWO!?!? Cole survives but Kyle can’t even register frustration!

Kyle grits his teeth, gets a chair, turns it upside-down, and gathers up the chain. What is Kyle creating in his mind? Kyle brings the chain to the corner, piles it on, and then gets the chair. Kyle puts that chair around Cole’s leg, and then heads for the corner. Kyle flounders his way up the corner, but Cole gets up and uses that chair to SMACK Kyle off the top! Kyle falls to the mat, Cole gets sits the chair upside-down, and drags Kyle up. Cole puts Kyle in the ropes in the corner, gets around the corner and climbs up. Cole says he is always going to be better than Kyle! But Kyle LOW BLOWS Cole!! Payback for a moment ago, and Kyle gathers the chains again!

Kyle wraps his leg up in the steel, locks it in, and aims at Cole! Cole is on the chair, STEEL GUILLOTINE KNEE!!! Cover, KYLE WINS!!

Winner: Kyle O’Reilly, by pinfall

Incredible! Kyle brought out every ounce of aggression he could muster, and he crushes Cole one and for all! And for that, Stand & Deliver’s Unsanctioned main event gets a standing ovation! But will either man be able to stand after what they’ve put themselves through? Kyle gets to his feet, but a neck brace, back board and stretcher are needed for Cole. Will Cole ever be the same again? Kyle leaves, having settled the score, but where does this win take him next?

My Thoughts:

Night one was already awesome, night two was pretty epic! We got another surprise kickoff show match in Breezango VS Dain & Maverick, but it was a really fun match. Dain & Maverick win to face MSK, but I feel like this is to continue the story with Imperium. Alexander Wolfe specifically will show up, maybe get in Dain’s head, and that costs him and Maverick so that Dain & Maverick can then shift over to face Imperium while MSK get their first defense in the books. We did get good interview promos conducted by Samoa Joe, but just for Balor and Kross. Those were still very good promos, and I hope Joe keeps coming back to do these for other big TakeOvers.

Opening with Escobar VS Devlin was a great choice, it was definitely a good ladder match and made great use of the Capitol Wrestling Center’s space. I again groan at Legado having to help Escobar, but it is as I sadly knew would happen: the majority of the Cruiserweight Division is in the US, and the world is still rather wary because of COVID, so it’s just easier for the wrestler who lives in the US to get the title. No offense to him or his literal legacy as El Hijo del Fantasma, but as far as I can tell, that is the reason he won tonight. I have no idea who steps up next, but hopefully they finally get to be the one that dethrones Escobar.

The NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship match was very good, but it was natural for Shotzi & Ember to win. However anyone feels about them snatching those titles right off of Raquel & Dakota, Shotzi & Ember need to keep their reign going a bit to really build these titles. The North American Championship was great, Theory was involved at just the right amount, and Reed still looked like a monster given he still had such a great showing after having a gauntlet eliminator last night. Reed not getting the title might hurt a little if he’s to ever move up to the top title, but who knows. With Lumis and Knight starting a feud, no idea who is next for Gargano, but that might be set up as soon as NXTuesday.

Balor VS Kross was awesome, probably Kross’ best match since coming to NXT. I am a little surprised Kross won but it does make sense. It is almost cliché for wrestlers to say they never lost whatever title they gave up while injured, but that’s only because it’s true, and so for Kross, it is great for him to get this belt back to give us what we would’ve gotten almost a year ago. Balor is still great so he can do whatever he wants next. Challenge Gargano? Finally face Walter? Either one, but especially the latter so that we also get what we would’ve gotten almost a year ago. Hell, Balor becoming the first man to hold prime NXT and NXT UK titles would be fitting of the greatest star in NXT history.

Then Cole VS Kyle in their Unsanctioned match, HOT DAMN that was awesome! They were very creative with everything used, and I figured Kyle would win this. Cole can be written off, maybe return to action on Raw or SmackDown, start relatively fresh and add to his great resumé. I’m pretty sure it’s rarified air as one of the only NXT Triple Crowns to then add any other WWE belt. Kyle has finally broken free, he can easily go after Gargano or Kross with this momentum. Hell, why stop there? Kyle is billed at 200 pounds, that’s a Cruiserweight, let Kyle the first and only THREE-TIME tag champ check off ALL three belts to be NXT’s first GRAND SLAM winner! Then one day, Kyle and Balor can circle back and we will have a battle to see who is truly the best in the NXT history books!

My Score: 9.7/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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