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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (4/27/21)

NXT hears from Adam Cole BAYBAY!



NXT Coverage 2021

El Legado del Fantasma targets the NXT Cruiserweight AND Tag Team Champions!

Santos Escobar leads his legion of luchadores against Kushida and MSK! Will the Emperor of Lucha secure a second chance at the championship the Time Splitter took from him?


  • Mercedes Martinez VS Dakota Kai w/ Raquel Gonzalez; Martinez wins, by disqualification.
  • Toni Storm VS Zayda Ramier; Ramier wins.
  • Bronson Reed VS Austin Theory w/ The Way; Reed wins and will challenge Johnny Gargano for the NXT North American Championship.
  • Killian Dain & Drake Maverick VS Imperium; Imperium wins.
  • Ember Moon & Shotzi Blackheart VS The Robert Stone Brand; No Contest.
  • Six Man Tag: El Legado del Fantasma VS KUSHIDA & MSK; El Legado wins.


Mercedes Martinez VS Dakota Kai w/ Raquel Gonzalez!

Mean Ms. Martinez wants after the NXT Women’s Championship, but she knows as well as anyone that #CobraKai always watches Big Mami Cool’s back. Will Mercedes run through Dakota to get at Ricky Desperado?

The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally up as they tie up, and Dakota gets an arm. Dakota wrenches to a wristlock but Mercedes hits low and headlocks for a takeover. Dakota headscissors and squeezes tight, but Mercedes moves around to hop and hop and pop free, then she ROCKS Dakota with a slap! And then an uppercut! Mercedes whips, Dakota reverses and hurdles, but gets caught! Dakota falls on her face, Mercedes slaps her around then drags her up over an OVERHEAD toss! Dakota gets up only for Mercedes to rally with clotheslines! Mercedes adds a SPINEBUSTER, high stack covers, TWO!

Dakota gets to a corner, Raquel coaches her up, but Mercedes fires forearms! The ref counts, Mercedes lets off to get Dakota up. Dakota slips out of the scoop to turn Mercedes around for a DDT! Cover, TWO! Dakota drags Mercedes up, whips her to a corner hard, and Mercedes flops down for the BOOT WASH! Dakota drags Mercedes to a cover, TWO! Fans rally as Dakota drags Mercedes up and chokes her on the ropes! The ref counts, Dakota lets off at 4, and Mercedes goes back to the corner. Mercedes throws body shots but Dakota CLUBS her down! Dakota stops because of her bad arm, but keeps after Mercedes. Mercedes fires off hands, but Dakota hits a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Dakota grows frustrated but Raquel tells her to shake it off. Dakota drags Mercedes back up, clubs her down, then digs a knee into Mercedes’ back. Dakota hooks Mercedes’ arm and pulls back, but Mercedes drags Dakota to a cradle! TWO, and Dakota BOOTS Mercedes to a corner! Dakota goes Around the World, but the boot misses! Mercedes is on the apron, gets Dakota’s leg stuck between ropes and fires off forearms! The ref counts, Mercedes lets off at 4, and hauls Dakota up top. Mercedes climbs up but Dakota elbows her away! Mercedes CLUBS Dakota, drags her into the crucifix, and hits a CLIFF HANGER! Cover, TWO!! Dakota survives and shocks Mercedes!

Mercedes stalks Dakota as she rolls, and drags her up to ROCK her with an uppercut! Mercedes hits a forearm in the corner, runs but into a drop toehold! Dakota goes Around the World again for the BOOT! Mercedes flops out of the ring as NXT goes picture in picture!

Dakota grits her teeth, but lets the ring count start on Mercedes. The count reaches 5 of 10, Mercedes finally sits up, and she drags herself back into the ring at 8. Dakota stomps Mercedes at the ropes but the ref counts. Dakota lets off, drags Mercedes up, and drags her to dig a knee into the arm. Dakota pulls back on both arms now for a grounded motorcycle stretch. Mercedes endures but sits up into a proper motorcycle stretch! Dakota gets both boots into the stretch, then body scissors for a clutch, TWO! Dakota fires forearms into Mercedes, keeps up the squeeze, but Mercedes pushes back to a cover! TWO, and Dakota lets Mercedes free to AX KICK her down!

Dakota stands on Mercedes, mounts an arm for a deep armlock, but Mercedes fights up. Mercedes throws hands, Dakota hits back! Dakota RAMS Mercedes into buckles, and then does it again! Dakota traps an arm around ropes and pulls! The ref counts, Dakota lets off and snapmares Mercedes to a cover. TWO, and Dakota gets frustrated. Dakota pulls on the arm, Mercedes endures but Dakota shifts to a short arm scissor! Mercedes goes after Dakota’s face and hair, then rolls her to a deep cover! TWO, and the two reset as NXT returns to single picture!

Dakota gets Mercedes up, throws her out, and then goes out after her with a smirk. Mercedes ROCKS Dakota in return and RAMS her into the apron! Mercedes puts Dakota in, gets on the apron but Dakota kicks her low! And BOOTS her and KICKS her and hits a DRAPING CODE BREAKER!! Cover, TWO!! Dakota is furious as Mercedes survives! Dakota scuffs Mercedes with her boot, toying with her. Mercedes hits back, Dakota CLUBS her and the two go back and forth! Mercedes ROCKS Dakota, Dakota hits back and now they brawl on their feet! Dakota HEADBUTTS, then runs, but Mercedes side-steps to ROLLING ELBOW!

Mercedes fires up and the fans are with her! Mercedes gets Dakota up for forearms and CHOPS on repeat! The ref counts, Mercedes lets off, and she reels Dakota in for a BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! But not just one, ANOTHER! And then a lift for a SNAP BUTTERFLY! Dakota gets up after that modified Three Amigos, only for Mercedes to WRING her arm out! Dakota flops out of the ring, Mercedes pursues, and Raquel stands in her way! The ref is counting, Dakota is back in, and she distracts the ref so Raquel can take a shot! Mercedes dodges it to DECK Raquel! Mercedes gets in, blocks a boot and KNEES Dakota back! Mercedes fireman’s carries Dakota, Raquel gets in to BOOT Mercedes down!!

Winner: Mercedes Martinez, by disqualification

Raquel throws Mercedes out of the ring and dares her to get up! Raquel throws clubbing forearms on Mercedes over and over, then THROWS her into the boards! Raquel then POSTS Mercedes, and says SHE is the champion! Raquel scoops Mercedes to LAWN DART her into the boards!! A message has been sent to Mercedes and the entire NXT Women’s Division! But will this scare Mercedes off? Or only motivate her more?


Backstage interview with Shotzi Blackheart & Ember Moon!

A busy few weeks as they’re going to have a match tonight before a title defense next week against The Way’s Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell. Shotzi & Ember take on the Robert Stone Brand tonight but aren’t looking past them. As for Candice & Indi, same trash, new day. And we all know they’ve lost their way. But as the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, they- Are being given flowers? McKenzie, you shouldn’t have! Franky Monet walks in, notices the flowers, and says someone must have a secret admirer~!

Franky grabs the card, and sees that these are from Dexter Lumis?! Ember x Dexter?! No way, Ember’s married, so these must both be for Shotzi. Oh nonononono! They both keep trying to pass the bouquet, but how do we know these really are from Dexter Lumis?


Cameron Grimes goes accessory shopping.

The Carolina Caveman is still flush with cash, so “watch out now.” He wants something like the one in the picture, just way shinier. He’s here to get something for a certain someone: himself! Is this gold? Nope, chocolate. No one should sell a chocolate watch. Grimes wants the most expensive, blingiest watch possible, so that’s why he’s here! What they got? Oh they’ve got something for him. Great! Because he’s got nothing but time! Though he does get impatient. What will be recommended for the king of doge coin?


Grizzled Young Veterans are in the ring.

James Drake points out tonight’s main event is MSK, our NXT Tag Team Champions, are in a Six Man Tag. But does Zack Gibson see a trend? MSK will compete in any sort of match except for the one that matters: defending the titles straight-up against GYV! Gibson says that MSK are a great little tag team, but they’re the two biggest knob heads Gibson’s ever seen! The titles don’t make the men, the men make the titles! And GYV are the leaders of this tag team division! The world desperately needs to fire that GYV will bring! And if some snowflakes melt, then so be it! They are the Grizzled Young Veterans, SSSSOON to be recognized as the next and most important NXT Tag Team-

Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher interrupt! Ciampa hates to be the kind of guy that walks out here and interrupts another man while he’s talking, but Ciampa’s been listening to the similarities between these teams. They’re the Grizzled Young Veterans, but Ciampa & “Toothless Timmy” are grizzled and veterans. GYV wants to be tag team division leaders, but Ciampa & Thatcher know a thing or two about leading. And they all want to face MSK to become the next NXT Tag Team Champions. Now, last time they were in the ring together, GYV happened to find a way to win. Ciampa can’t help but respect that, and #DoubleT even watched old footage of them and took some notes.

Thatcher found a lot of strengths, but then there was this one show, TakeOver: Cardiff. How’d that go again? Shoes off if you hate Gibson! If you hate Gibson, shoes off! Ciampa takes a shoe off, to BASH Gibson with! Drake gets mugged, and then DECKED! Ciampa stomps Drake, Gibson saves his tag partner, and the suit jackets are torn! Ciampa and Thatcher hold their shoes up, but will they sssoon get their hands raised after a match?


Backstage interview with Drake Maverick & Killian Dain!

A huge match tonight, but can they stay on the same page against Imperium? Oh, this is all very convenient. Drake is clearly suspicious, but Dain says it’s the same as any week: you ask for it. Interesting. Drake has been watching wrestling for a long, long time! This is either going to be Dain sucker punching Drake and he joins Imperium, or Dain just ditches him. It’s happened a million times! Well in the immortal words of a great man, “You gotta have faith.” Was that George Michael? Will wrestling history repeat itself for Rockstar Spud & Big Damo?


Tian Sha speaks.

Xia Li, in Mandarin, gives NXT a warning. “One empress fell, while another was crowned. But no matter who sits on the throne, all kingdoms will fall to Tian Sha. Anyone who stands in-between Tian Sha and destiny will be… eliminated!” THE Tian Sha breathes smoke. Will they burn the NXT Women’s Division to the ground and stand atop its ashes?


Isaiah “Swerve” Scott is back in “the lab.”

“See, Swerve ain’t gonna fret. But you attacked me a couple weeks ago after our match, the first thing that came to my mind was, ‘Damn, what a coward.'” But then Swerve through about this, and is actually proud of Leon Ruff! Swerve didn’t think Ruff had it in him. But now that we know that he does, fighting at ringside, backstage and so on, it’s obvious the ring can’t contain them anymore. So Swerve’s got an idea, since the ball is in his court and all. Falls Count Anywhere. Since Ruff wants to play the game, Swerve will play and will play with Ruff’s life! It all goes down next week, but where will it end?


Toni Storm VS Zayda Ramier!

Before the match, The Lightning From Down Under gets a mic to address the last couple of weeks. “Zoey Stark, you owe me a thank you. Cuz at TakeOver, I made you famous!” In fact, people only know Stark thanks to Storm! But when history is written, Stark will merely be a footnote in Storm’s legendary career. The next chapter reads: Toni Storm ENDS Zoey Stark! And hopefully Stark is watching because every time she’ll slap this rookie, she’ll imagine it’s Stark. Storm is talking up a storm, but will she be the one struck down for overlooking a rookie?

The bell rings and Storm rushes Ramier to BOOT her down! Storm drags Ramier up to whip and BOOT again! Then she drags Ramier up to ROCK her with a haymaker! Ramier is in a corner but Storm TOSSES her across the way! And then back the other way! Ramier gets to ropes but Storm runs to SLIDING LARIAT! Storm drags Ramier up, wrenches and scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Storm bends Ramier back in a rack, Ramier flails and kicks as Storm shouts, “ZOEY!! THIS IS YOU!!” Storm keeps Ramier trapped until she gets frustrated and shoves her away. Ramier is in another corner and Storm stomps.

Ramier fires back but Storm ROCKS her with an uppercut! Storm gets Ramier up to whip, but runs into an elbow! Ramier boots then runs, fires off forearms and clubbing shots, but Storm shoves her again. Storm ducks the heel kick, ducks the enziguri, and GERMAN SUPLEXES Ramier with some sauce on it! Ramier flounders up, Storm runs corner to corner and back body blocks! Storm keeps going, HIP ATTACK! Storm drags Ramier up, reels her in, and… Chooses not to hit Storm Zero? Storm gets Ramier up in a fireman’s carry, puts her up top, and then climbs up. Storm underhooks Ramier up top, but Zoey Stark storms to ringside!

Storm swings on Stark but Stark gets clear! Storm goes back to Ramier, Ramier throws haymakers and forearms! Ramier sends Storm down, then adjusts for a SHOOTING STAR!! Cover, Ramier wins!!!

Winner: Zayda Ramier, by pinfall

Not even Ramier can believe it! Lightning never strikes twice, but Toni Storm can get upstaged twice! Will this only add to Storm’s fury towards Stark?


El Legado del Fantasma speaks.

“Kushida. No one gets one over on Santos Escobar and lives to talk about it!” Joaquin Wilde says that if not for MSK, Kushida would be in the hospital. Raul Mendoza says as for MSK, they were lucky at TakeOver. Those titles are in the wrong place. Escobar says they’re both right. “Which is why tonight, in the main event of the evening, we make a statement.” And then they’ll get all those titles! Escobar vows to once again be Emperor of Lucha, but will the champions prove they’re the rightful owners of the titles?


NXT returns and LA Knight wants to talk to ya!

After last week, everyone’s talking about Kyle O’Reilly stepping out of the shadow of Adam Cole, right? WRONG! Everyone’s talking about Knight getting the W on Dexter Lumis, and the one getting an eyeful in the front row is his “little pop tart,” Indi Hartwell. Indi, Knight wants to talk to you. She did a great job putting it on for the camera, but he saw a twinkle in her eye meaning there was a tingle in her loins, and there’s nothing wrong with that! After Dexter disappoints her, check with Knight’s references, and there’s plenty! They’ll tell you to the letter, that there’s nothing like an L A night! And that’s not an insult, that’s just a fact of life, YEAH!

Knight heads out, but Ever-Rise walks in? They have Ever-Rise mugs, “What a dummy.” But does McKenzie have a question about their smash hit Saturday social media show, Ever-Rise Live? Nope! Back to the ring!


Bronson Reed VS Austin Theory w/ The Way!

The Colossal One has a big opportunity tonight! All he has to do is get past #TheRealSuperstar, and he can get another shot at Johnny Gargano and the North American Championship! Will Reed wreck The Way all day?

Indi is also rather mopey at ringside. Perhaps she, like everyone else, thinks Lumis is flirting with Shotzi & Ember? Either way, the bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Reed powers Theory to a corner, and lets off as the ref counts. Theory resets with Reed, they circle and tie up again. Reed powers Theory back to another corner, the ref counts but Theory turns things around to pie-face and flex on Reed. They tie up again, Reed headlocks and grinds Theory down! Reed bops Theory with a palm strike but Theory throws body shots. Theory reverses the headlock onto Reed, but Reed powers out. Fans rally as Reed runs Theory over!

Theory bails out, calms down, and gets in. Theory dodges, kicks and forearms Reed to then run, but Reed knocks Theory out of the air! Theory ends up on an apron, The Way checks on him, but Reed HIP ATTACKS him down! Theory hooks the rope with his feet, Gargano helps him get back up, but Reed comes in around the way! Gargano gets away before Reed CLOBBERS Theory! Theory flounders around, Reed tells Gargano to back off, but Gargano tells Reed to worry about Theory. Theory is in the ring, Reed pursues, and Theory somersaults to dropkick him down! Reed gets back up and shakes it off, and now he’s mad! Reed runs in but Theory dumps him out!

Theory fakes a bad shoulder, Gargano SUPERKICKS Reed! Theory PLANCHAS and takes Reed won! The Way is fired up, except for Indi, and Theory stomps Reed down. The fans boo as Theory gets Reed up and whips him, but Reed reverses! Theory stops from hitting steps, and then dodges to send Reed into steps rib first! Theory puts Reed in the ring as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns and Theory has Reed down with a chinbar. Reed endures and fights his way up, but Theory knees low! Theory stomps Reed’s arm, then sits him up to clamp on another chinlock. Reed endures again as Theory digs his knee in, and fans rally as Reed fights up again. Reed powers out of the hold to CLUB and ROCK Theory! Reed whips, but Theory denies the powerslam to stomp Reed won! Theory does the W to Reed’s face, and jumps, but Reed dodges the elbow drop! Theory goes back to the apron, slingshots back in, but Reed trophy lifts and DROPS Theory! Reed rallies with BIG forearms and Theory wobbles around! Reed whips to BODY BLOCK!

Theory flounders as fans fire up, and Reed runs in to SPLASH him! Choke grip for a COLOSSAL CHOKE SLAM! Reed has the fans fired up as he runs in to BACK SENTON! Cover, TWO! Theory survives and The Way is relieved. Gargano coaches Theory but Reed watches Theory go to a corner. Reed runs corner to corner but Theory drop toeholds him into buckles! Theory hurries to his feet, somersaults again, for a BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally while Theory grows frustrated. Theory drags Reed up, fireman’s carries, but Reed is too big and strong for that! Theory keeps trying but Reed shoves him, fireman’s carries and SAMOAN DROPS! Cover, TWO!

Reed keeps his cool as he thinks of what else to do. Theory is in a drop zone, fans rally up for Reed and Reed drags Gargano up. Reed suplexes but Theory slips out and SUPERKICKS! Reed wobbles but stays up, Theory reels him in! “This is The Way!” But Reed suplexes Theory first! Both men are down, the fans fire up, and The Way starts to panic! Well, except for Indi, who is still sad and distracted by- Wait, Dexter Lumis is here?! The Tortured Artist must want to explain what we all saw earlier! Gargano is the first to notice and he gets Candice away. Indi sees Dexter and says she doesn’t want to talk to him. But he follows her as she goes around the corner.

The ref sees Dexter and tells him to leave, he has nothing to do with this match. Indi gets in the ring, but Dexter follows her to the apron. They look at each other and Indi tells him to shut up, he talks too much. What? Theory whips Reed but Reed reverses! Lumis gets Indi out of the way but he takes the hit! Reed sees Gargano creeping and DECKS him! Then Reed hits Theory with a LARIAT! Theory flops to a drop zone, Reed fires up and goes up top! TSUNAMI SPLASH!! Cover, Reed wins!!

Winner: Bronson Reed, by pinfall (will challenge for the North American Championship)

Gargano now has a big problem on the horizon! Will Reed rip that title away from The Way? And what of the love story that is #InDex? Can Lumis get Indi to hear him out?


Backstage interview with Kushida & MSK!

Tonight, these three team up in the main event against El Legado, so how are they feeling? Wes Lee is excited, as is Nash Carter, they’re going to be on fire! Three champions united, and Wes wants to show appreciation for Kushida taking them under his wing and helping them transition to NXT. That’s part of why they came out to make the save last week. Three is better than one, after all. 3v3 is what it’s gonna be tonight on NXT! Kushida likes that! And they will show them why they’re champions! Because that’s why they’re M-S-KUSHIDA, all night and all day!


NXT returns as The Way argues backstage.

How has this happened?! Cameraman, go away! But what happened to Theory having Reed’s number? Guess he had the wrong number. Ugh…! And now Reed’s got a title match! This is Dexter Lumis’ fault! Candice says it’s also Shotzi’s & Ember’s faults! “Those two hussies are trying to steal your man,” Indi! Indi should’ve gotten those flowers! Candice has seen the googly eyes they make at Dexter! What are they gonna do about it? Indi storms off, she’s mad! That’s good for The Way, but will The Way get their way in next week’s title match?


Killian Dain & Drake Maverick VS Imperium!

The Belfast Beast may have history with the German Hatchet Man, but that and what’s going on with him and Maverick are two separate things. Will Maverick take Dain at his word and get even with Imperium? Or will one of the many classic pro-wrestling scenarios turn out to be true?

The teams sort out, Maverick steps up to Fabian Aichner, but Dain insists he start so Maverick lets him. Dain and Aichner circle, approach, and tie up. Aichner waistlocks and lifts but Dain throws Aichner off first! Aichner gets to a corner, Dain eggs him on, and they go again. Aichner CLUBS Dain, but Dain withstands it. Aichner whips but Dain blocks and reverses and scoops, but Aichner slips out! Aichner tries to scoop but he’s not strong enough! Dain rocks Aichner, whips and trips and DIVIDES him! Dain gets Aichner up, fireman’s carries, but Aichner fights free to get a facelock. Dain powers up but Marcel Barthel tags in. Aichner sunset flips but Barthel hops on for a sleeper hold!

Aichner kicks Dain, Dain stays up and throws Barthel off to clothesline Barthel out! Fans fire up while Barthel grows frustrated. Barthel returns, Dain dodges and ROCKS him with a EuroUpper! Dain scoops and SLAMS Barthel, then tags Maverick in. Maverick gets help with the slingshot senton! Maverick throws haymakers on Barthel, but Barthel blocks the whip. Barthel reverses, Maverick goes up but gets caught going over! Maverick slips free, dodges and duck sand dropkicks a leg out! And then basement dropkicks Barthel down! Barthel kicks back and CLUBS Maverick down in return! Barthel clamps on a chinlock, then back suplexes, but Maverick lands on his feet!

Maverick goes under Barthel, goes up but ends up in an Electric Chair. Maverick makes it a huricanrana! Maverick hurries up top, but Barthel WRINGS him off to the mat! Barthel drags Maverick up, puts him in the ropes and tags in Aichner. Imperium has Maverick set up, Dain protests but Aichner still gets his dropkick in! Barthel BOOTS Maverick down but Dain rushes over! The ref does his best to keep Dain contained as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Barthel stalks Maverick to a corner. Maverick drags himself up the ropes, Barthel runs in to EuroUpper him back down! Barthel drags Maverick up with a chinlock, then throws him to the Imperium corner. Barthel runs in but Maverick dodges! Barthel stops from hitting Aichner and Maverick drop toeholds Barthel down! Maverick shoulders into Aichner, sends Barthel into buckles, but Aichner tags in! Aichner grabs at Maverick but Maverick kicks him away! Barthel runs in to DECK Dain! Aichner drags Maverick back to stomp him down! Aichner scoops and hits a BACKBREAKER! Aichner drops an elbow, covers, TWO!

Maverick snarls and roars as he gets up, but Aichner is on him again. Aichner throws Maverick around by his jeans! Maverick gets mad and throws more body shots! Maverick fires off haymakers, Aichner shoves him but Maverick kicks back! Maverick leaps but into Aichner’s arms! Aichner SLAMS Maverick back down! Maverick’s pants are falling apart but he drags himself over towards his corner. Dain reaches, Barthel tags in but Dain sends him flying! Aichner drags Maverick back again, but misses the elbow drop! Both Aichner and Maverick are down, and fans fire up! Maverick flounders his way over, reaching blindly, but Barthel trips Dain up! Maverick thinks Dain ditched him!!

Aichner BOOTS Maverick down!! Aichner drags Maverick by his hair, stomps him in the corner, and Barthel adds on! The ref counts, Imperium won’t let up, but Dain returns! Dain rallies on Imperium with big clotheslines! BIG splash for Aichner, and a TOSS for Barthel! Big Damo is fired up and goes out after Barthel, but Barthel BOOTS him down! Barthel tells Wolfe to watch Dain, and Wolfe gets a chair! Wolfe wants to smack Dain, but doesn’t? Is this their history coming back around the other way? Barthel is upset Wolfe couldn’t finish this, but Maverick DIVES and takes Barthel down!! Dain helps Maverick up and in, and they elbow Aichner! Dain TOSSES Maverick at Aichner!

Maverick fires off on Aichner, Dain scoops Barthel and then stares Wolfe down. Barthel gets free to RAM Dain into steps! Aichner reverses a whip but runs into Maverick’s boots! Maverick goes up and CROSSBODIES! But Aichner rolls through! Pop-up to the EURO BOMB!! Cover, Imperium wins!!

Winners: Imperium, by pinfall

Despite the dysfunction from the united Imperium, they are united in their victory! Will they pull Dain & Maverick apart by force as they continue their global expansion?


Pete Dunne speaks.

“You know what’s funny? I hear everyone talk about new opportunities, but nobody is mentioning my name. It’s because I’ve got that whole locker room shook!” Dunne is the toughest competition in NXT! Just look at Kushida. Kushida stepped up to Dunne, and Dunne put him out. That title is Dunne’s whenever he wants. Or maybe Dunne could go home, slap Walter and take back the title HE made famous. Johnny Gargano could step to Dunne, but we all know the way that’d go: a Bitter End!

As for Karrion Kross, he doesn’t scare Dunne. Dunne doesn’t need smoke and mirrors. “Trust me, mate, when I walk into a room, the mood changes.” So Dunne claims he is the baddest man in NXT, and dares anyone to prove him wrong! Will the Bruiserweight become whatever champion he wants to be? Or will all the champions choose to take him up on his open challenge?


NXT checks back in with Cameron Grimes.

Grimes checks the quality of this golden watch. He wants to make sure it’s working. He can’t hear it go tick-tock! Karrion Kross would hate this one. But this does look like the one to Grimes. What fine detail. Grimes says it’s perfect! He’ll wear it out, so ring it up. This is so good! Not a bad watch, kid. But it’s not a million dollar watch. TED DEBIASE?! The Million Dollar Man laughs in Grimes’ face and takes his leave. Grimes is so upset! Will Grimes ever get even with DeBiase?


Ember Moon & Shotzi Blackheart VS The Robert Stone Brand!

The Way wants the titles, and supposedly, the Tortured Artist wants their hearts. But will the Evolved Shenom and wild child be able to focus on Aliyah & Jessi first?

Wait, there are more gifts waiting ringside? The champs check them out, as there’s no harm in free candy and a fruit basket. But then The Way ambushes them! Indi DECKS Shotzi over the barriers, and Candice tosses Ember! Indi & Candice keep after them, and SMASH the gifts on them! There’s even mini cupcakes! Candice smashes those into Ember’s face! Indi SMASHES a glass vase full of flowers on Shotzi’s head! Referees rush in to stop this, and the Robert Stone Brand grab the belts, claiming they’ve won! This wasn’t a title match! Chaos needs to be sorted out, but will this all lead The Way to actually taking those titles off the champs?


Adam Cole has an exclusive interview at his home.

He finishes a phone call, and asks when the show is on the road. They’re waiting on him. Oh, is that so? Cole will call this person back, and then hangs up. Arash Markazi thanks Cole for his time, and asks about his recovery. He’s been better, for sure. But he’s also been worse. Cole has even wrestled through worse, looking back at his 403 day reign as champion. The War Games matches, and the peak of his run, he had a broken wrist. 100% or not, he’s still way better than the roster.

Looking back, was it a mistake to turn on his brothers in the Undisputed Era? Cole knows Arash is new here, but he doesn’t make mistakes, he makes decisions. Cole decided he didn’t want to carry the UE anymore. And not just carry them, but carry NXT on his back for the four years he’s been here. Cole may have delivered the first shot, the others lost sight of what the UE was about. They turned on him.

Well, Kyle O’Reilly opened and main-evented the show last week, so what does Cole say to those calling Kyle the new face of NXT? Cole says people get so excited when they get to say, “This is going to be the next big thing.” Kyle got really, really lucky at TakeOver. Cole had Kyle beat way earlier in that match. People think Kyle’s ready for the main event spot, but he’s not. There’s a reason Kyle’s been here for four years and people are just now recognizing him at this level.

Cole knows the anxiety Kyle is dealing with, and the doubts he has about the main event and the NXT Championship. And the reason for that is because this is very real. Only time will tell if Kyle will ever be ready for the top spot, but as long as Cole is in NXT, Kyle’s never taking Cole’s spot. Then what about the new NXT Championship picture with Karrion Kross? The NXT Championship race has always been the most competitive. And now with Kross at the top, he can say he’s one of the best. Cole never lies, and Kross is good. “Is he great yet? I don’t know.” When you think about the first time he won the title, that freak injury may not have been a mistake. Kross wasn’t ready.

And Kross hasn’t dealt with Cole. So if and when Cole decides to go back for the NXT Championship, Kross is on the clock. So where does Cole go from here? None of your damn business. Cole is just upset, bothered and pissed that people think Kyle is going to replace him, the man who carried this brand. No matter where Cole goes, you will see the best damn Cole you’ve ever seen, that is a promise. Is this done? Cole is burning up in this heat. And you could’ve kept him from waiting, y’know. This is absurd. This is not how you conduct business.

Cole gets up, and we see Kyle is watching this at the Capitol Wrestling Center. Kyle just shakes his head. Will Kyle make sure Cole is the one who understands the new pecking order?


“Pressure Makes Diamonds.”

The Diamond Mine is coming to NXT. But who will it produce? And will they shine bright with gold?



After the attack from The Way, William Regal raised the stakes! The NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship match becomes a STREET FIGHT! Will Candice & Indi regret trying to take care o’ business before the bell?

And not only that, in two weeks, the NXT Women’s Championship will be on the line! Will Mercedes manage a comeback against Raquel for the devastating attack earlier tonight?


Six Man Tag: El Legado del Fantasma VS KUSHIDA & MSK!

Just as Santos Escobar became the UNDISPUTED NXT Cruiserweight Champion, he put that title on the line, and lost it! Will he redeem himself alongside his cohorts? Or will the champions prove they’re must-see as well as worthy?

Tensions are high but the teams sort out. Kushida and Wilde start, and Kushida dodges the immediate shoot-in. Wilde keeps his distance but Kushida hops on for a body scissor and knuckle lock. Kushida wrenches, Wilde spins through and pulls hair to throw Kushida down! Wilde does a dance but Kushida drop toeholds Wilde down! Kushida wrenches, Carter tags in, snapmare and slingshot senton! Tag to Lee, he slingshot knee-board sentons! Lee drags Wilde up but Wilde jawbreakers back! Wilde kicks and puts Lee in a corner, then tags in Mendoza. Legado double whip, then double SPINEBUSTER! They split the wishbone, and basement dropkick sandwich! Cover, TWO!

Mendoza drags Lee away, bumps him off buckles, and tags Wilde back in. They choke Lee, stomp him down, then Wilde brings Lee around to knee low! Wilde elbows Lee, runs but into Lee’s dropkick! Wilde ends up outside, Carter tags in, and they fire off strikes on Mendoza! Kick, kick and ENZIGURI to a DOUBLE STOMP! They dropkick Escobar off the apron! Tag to Kushida, Dream Sequence! Shout out to Motor City before Kushida handspring heel kicks Wilde down onto Legado! The fans are fired up as NXT goes picture in picture!

Kushida dares Legado to come back, but they cool off before Wilde goes back in. Kushida tags to Carter, Wilde tags to Escobar! Escobar circles with Carter, they tie up and Carter waistlocks. Escobar elbows out hard, wrenches an arm to a wristlock, but Carter rolls and handsprings and flips to arm-drag Escobar away! Escobar dodges the dropkick and KICKS Carter while he’s down! Escobar stomps Carter, drags him up and clubs him back down. Escobar is after the arm with a Fujiwara, then adds a chinlock like a modified crossface. Carter moves around, Escobar keeps on the grind, and he stomps Carter’s arm! Escobar drags Carter up, CHOPS him against ropes, then runs to dropkick Carter down!

Carter ends up outside the ring, Escobar goes out and whips, but Carter whips Escobar into the desk! Escobar ends up pulling the desk hood off as he falls back! Carter puts Escobar in the ring, Legado distracts and Escobar kicks Carter down! Escobar drags Carter up in a facelock for a KNEE SMAHS! Escobar gets Carter for a grounded cobra twist as NXT returns to single picture. Carter endures, fans rally and duel, but Escobar bends Carter’s arm way back! Lee coaches Carter, but Escobar SNAP locks the arm! Escobar kicks Carter, tags Mendoza in, and they mug Carter. Mendoza wrenches, YANKS the arm, and chicken wings to SHOVE Carter into buckles!

Mendoza gets Carter up, he and Carter brawl but Wilde tags in. Legado CHOPS and kicks Carter, then Wilde brings Carter around, but Carter cradle counters! TWO, and Wilde hurries to WRING Carter’s arm out! Wilde soaks up the heat, scuffs Carter and pushes him around. “These are the champs?!” Mendoza tags in and Wilde digs his boots in. Mendoza stomps away, Wilde talks more trash, and Mendoza kicks Carter again. Carter fights back but Mendoza knees and CLUBS him down! Mendoza stomps Carter, tags Wilde, and Legado mugs Carter again. Wilde drags Carter up, and snap suplexes! Cover, TWO! Wilde grows frustrated but he drags Carter up to bump him off buckles.

Tag to Escobar, he stomps a mudhole into Carter, but lets off as the ref counts. Escobar gets Carter up for another knee smash! Escobar hooks an arm with a double wristlock but Carter fights back! Escobar CLUBS Carter, gets him up and taunts Kushida as he SLAPS Carter. Escobar back suplexes but Carter lands on his feet! Carter dodges and tags in Kushida! Kushida rallies with SHOTEI after SHOTEI! Atomic drop an da whip for Wilde, hip toss and basement dropkick! Escobar rushes Kushida but Kushida goes around to ARM BULLDOG! FAST BALL for Wilde, and a PENALTY KICK to his arm!

Lee tags in, he tags in Carter, and MSK combines for the PUSH-SAULT! Cover, Mendoza breaks it! Lee ROUDNHOUSES Mendoza! Kushida opens the ropes for MSK, and they DOUBLE DIVE into Legado! Legado hits the boards, fans are fired up, but Escobar trips Kushida off the apron! Escobar keeps him away as Carter tags Lee. Escobar POWERBOMBS Kushida through the announce desk! Mendoza trips up Lee, Carter DECKS Wilde! Carter goes out to check on Kushida but Mendoza RAMS Carter into the steel steps! Lee is all alone with Legado as fans rally and duel again! Lee fights out of the corner, and ENZIGURIS Wilde!

Lee handsprings into a dropkick from Wilde! Wilde drags Lee up, throws him into the corner, and runs corner to corner for the LARIAT! Mendoza tags in, he LARIATS! Escobar tags in and he LARIATS! The Legado train continues with more LARIATS and tags! Kushida has medics checking on him, Escobar is back in and he DOUBLE KNEES Lee! Escobar drags Lee up, Mendoza tags in, then tags Wilde. BRAINBUSTER to the HIP TOSS SPLASH! Cover, TWO!?! Lee still lives and Legado can’t believe it! Wilde drags Lee over, tags Mendoza back in, and they whip Lee. Lee holds ropes, dumps Wilde out and then sends Mendoza’s dropkick into Lee!

Mendoza waistlocks but Lee throws him out Escobar is up top, FROG SPLASH FLOPS! Lee hurries for his corner but Wilde brings him back. Lee BACK HANDS Wilde, SUPERKICKS Mendoza, and PELES Escobar! Carter returns and fans are thunderous! Hot tag to Carter! Carter SUPERKICKS Wilde! BOOTS Escobar! Mendoza SHOTGUNS Carter! Kushida gets up!? Kushida wants back in!? He gets in but Escobar BOOTS Kushida down! PHANTOM DRIVER for Kushida!! Escobar grins as Legado sets Carter up, for the RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP GAMANGIRI! Cover, Legado wins!

Winners: El Legado del Fantasma, by pinfall

Escobar crushes Kushida and his amigos annihilate MSK! They hold the belts up as if they’re already champions, but will things be very different when the titles are truly on the line?

My Thoughts:

This was yet another awesome NXT! Opening with the NXT Women’s Championship story was a great move, and it was a great match. I sensed an unofficial double turn here, as Raquel and Dakota were somewhat Face for a moment while talking trash to Franky Monet, and Mercedes was Heel with the way she brutalized Io Shirai and a few other characters. At the same time, if any brand can experiment with Tweener VS Tweener, it’d be NXT. Raquel VS Mercedes for the title in a couple weeks is going to be a huge match, that is for sure. Toni Storm getting beat by the “rookie” was a great way to push the story with her and Stark. Their rematch is going to be a lot of fun, but I am surprised we didn’t completely shift to Storm VS Sarray. Maybe that’s after the Storm VS Stark rematch.

Grimes shopping for an expensive watch and then being upstaged by DeBiase was awesome. I was just thinking that they needed to get DeBiase on NXT, and here he was! I really hope this leads to DeBiase “hiring” someone to face Grimes in a proxy feud, possibly for a vanity belt Grimes makes himself. I have no idea what that belt would look like but it’d probably look hilarious. Ciampa & Thatcher starting stuff with GYV is great, that will be a great match to bide time while Legado goes for multiple titles. I wish Xia Li’s promo had subs, because I swear I didn’t see any and I don’t speak Mandarin. Of course, I’m sure the bottom line is that Xia Li & Tian Sha are a team and will be coming for the tag titles soon enough.

Speaking of, pretty sure the flowers “from” Dexter were all part of a plot Candice has cooked up to motivate Indi. It almost backfired with Lumis going out to “explain” things, but the match of Reed VS Theory kept that from happening. But naturally, Reed wins because of all the chaos, and gets his shot at Gargano. That is going to be a fun match, but I feel like Theory will redeem himself by helping Gargano screw Reed over. As for Candice & Indi VS Shotzi & Ember, now that it’s a STREET FIGHT, that could go either way. This could be how The Way wins the tag titles, as there will be no disqualifications and no count-outs.

And also speaking of no count outs, Swerve VS Ruff in a Falls Count Anywhere match is an interesting choice, but not a bad one. I was expecting “I Quit” but that might be too much for a grudge match just for pride. I feel like the winner will go after a title after this, and could be telling as to who wins what. Dunne calling out all the champions, including the UK Champion, is a bold move, but Dunne against any of them would be great. I like that Maverick expected Dain to join Imperium but that was a good way of subverting Maverick’s expectations, and then our own because it was Wolfe who looked like he might turn and join Dain. That’d be quite the twist, but I doubt that happens.

The Six Man Tag main event was awesome stuff, but it should’ve been obvious that Legado was going to win. You can’t continue this properly if the challengers don’t get one over on the champions. Each of those matches will be very good, maybe even TakeOver worthy, but I would think Kushida retains since Escobar had plenty of time with the Cruiserweight Championship and could easily move on to the North American Championship. The tag titles might be harder to call, as MSK came in so strong but Legado’s been hard at work on their end. There could definitely be shenanigans so that MSK doesn’t look weak, and they can build up even more in the chase. Maybe the chase could get fans live at the CWC to actually like them.

My Score: 9.3/10

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)

WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

All Shows On Demand

Powered by RedCircle

Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (9/20/24)




Whose game is it?

While Bayley & Naomi take on Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton, LA Knight defends his WWE United States Championship against Andrade El Idolo!


  • WWE United States Championship: LA Knight VS Andrade; Knight wins and retains the title.
  • Giovanni Vinci VS Apollo Crews; Apollo wins.
  • High Stakes Tornado Tag Match: Bayley & Naomi VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win and


The Bloodline arrives.

They go through the metal detectors, but obviously it goes off for Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa given they’re carrying the WWE Tag Team Championships. Security asks to pat them down but the Guerrillas of Destiny refuse that. Jacob Fatu walks in, he also sets the detectors off, but he HEADBUTTS and SUPERKICKS security out of his way! The Samoan Werewolf asks if anyone else wants a pat down. That’d be no thank you. Will Fatu, Tama & Loa tear into more than just security guards tonight?


WWE United States Championship: LA Knight VS Andrade!

The Mega Star’s “Hit It & Quit It” tour has come to the capital of California, ready to defend his title again! Will LA win this for Sacramento, CA? Or will the title soon belong to El Idolo?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who has gold in the Golden State!

The bell rings and the fans fire up as the two circle. Andrade offers a handshake, the fans rally for Knight, and Knight takes the handshake. They circle, tie up, and Knight wrenches to a wristlock, only for Andrade to trip him. Andrade steps through, Knight cradle counters! TWO, Andrade kicks low, but Knight fights the underhooks! Andrade avoids the cravat and bails out, Knight says it was that close. The fans applaud, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Andrade breaks free of a wristlock to CHOP! Knight CHOPS back! Knight whips, Andrade KICKS the backdrop away! Then CHOPS again! And again! And again! Knight blocks one to ROCK Andrade again and again! “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Then a CHOP! Andrade kicks low, then puts Knight in a corner. Andrade CHOPS, then whips corner to corner. Knight reverses, Andrade goes up and out! Andrade ROCKS Knight, goes up a corner, then leaps to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Knight stays in this and the fans rally up. Andrade keeps cool, brings Knight into a chinlock, and the fans rally again.

Knight fights up, Andrade shifts to a headlock, but Knight powers up and out. Andrade runs Knight over, things keep moving, and Knight UPPERCUTS Andrade down! The fans fire up while Knight catches his breath. Andrade bails out, checks his teeth, then he drags Knight out! Knight fires hands but so does Andrade! Andrade then kicks low, brings Knight over, but Knight blocks the bump off the desk! Knight SMACKS Andrade off the desk! And again! And again! “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” The ring count climbs but Knight winds up to SMACK Andrade off the desk again! Knight puts Andrade in, then takes aim.

The fans rally, Knight slingshots, BIG shoulder tackle! Cover, TWO! Andrade stays in this but Knight stays on him. Knight brings Andrade up to RAM him into a corner! The fans rally as Knight RAMS Andrade again. Knight whips corner to corner, runs up, but Andrade puts him on the apron. Andrade ROCKS Knight, goes out to join him, but Knight fires body shots! Knight torture racks! But Andrade fights with elbows! Andrade is free, and he POSTS Knight! Knight falls to the floor and Andrade climbs up! The fans fire up as Andrade aims, to ARIHARA MONSAULT! Down goes Knight and the fans fire up again!

Andrade and Knight sputter on the floor, right next to the belt on its podium, and SmackDown goes picture in picture.

Knight and Andrade slowly sit up, and Andrade stands to roll into the ring. Andrade then goes back out, points to the belt, and fetches Knight. Andrade RAMS Knight into the barriers, then puts him in the ring. Andrade covers, ONE!! Knight is tougher than even all that, but Andrade stalks him to a corner. Andrade stomps Knight again and again, then puts him in the drop zone. Andrade tries to position Knight just right, and gets caught into a cradle! TWO!! Andrade KICKS Knight low! And CHOPS him into the corner! Andrade wrenches, reels Knight in, and hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Knight is still in this and Andrade is frustrated.

Andrade clamps on with another chinlock, and he squeezes tight on the hold. Knight endures, fights up, and he fires body shots! Knight is free to run, but he runs into a kitchen sink knee! Cover, TWO! Andrade keeps cool as he stalks Knight back to the corner. Knight stands up but Andrade pie faces him. Andrade talks trash, pie faces Knight more, then throws haymakers! Andrade stomps a mudhole in, the ref counts, and Andrade stops. Knight comes back with haymakers! Knight spins to DISCUS LARIAT! Then Knight drags Andrade back up, for a BIG back suplex! But Andrade lands out! Andrade wrenches Knight, CHOPS him, and SmackDown returns to single picture.

Andrade whips, Knight reverses, but Andrade FLYING FOREARMS! Both men are down again and the fans fire up! Knight goes to a corner, but Andrade kips up! The fans fire up and Andrade storms over to Knight. Andrade stomps a mudhole into Knight, then goes corner to corner! CIEN BUCKLES as Knight moves! DDT! Cover, TWO! Andrade survives and Knight is frustrated, but the fans continue to rally. Knight stomps a mudhole now, “YEAH! YEAH!” Knight lets off as the ref counts, runs corner to corner, and he KNEES Andrade in the face! The fans fire up again, and Knight whips Andrade back into the corner! JUMP NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!

The fans fire up again as Andrade stays in this. Knight drags Andrade up, “This is Awesome!’ as Knight puts Andrade on the very top. Knight climbs up behind him, but Andrade CLUBS away with elbows! Then he ELBOWS Knight off the corner! Andrade sees Knight is in the drop zone, and he smiles as he stands up! MOONSAULT DOUBLE! Cover, TWO!! Knight survives but Andrade feels how close he was! Andrade sees Knight go to the corner, he pounds the mat, “SI! SI! SI!” Andrade runs corner to corner now, CIEN SHADOWS!! Cover, TWO!! Knight survives but Andrade stays close. Andrade reels Knight in, but Knight suplexes first!

Andrade slips free, and JAWBREAKESR! Knight staggers, Andrade runs, but into a scoop! Knight powers up to POWERSLAM! The fans are thunderous as Knight goes up! They spell it out with him, “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!!” JUMPING MACHO ELBOW! But that’s not all! Cravat and- NO, Andrade rolls Knight up! TWO!!! Knight escapes, but the boot feint ELBOW hits!! Cover, TWO!!! Knight survives again, and yet Andrade grins! Andrade is enjoying this like the fans are! Andrade drags Knight up and to the corner, then he goes up top! Andrade drags Knight up to join him, but Knight fires hands! Andrade HEADBUTTS Knight!

Knight staggers back, Andrade adjusts, but Knight JUMPS right up! Knight wobbles, Andrade ROCKS him, then leaps! But Knight avoids the missile dropkick!! Knight hurries to cravat, B F T!! Cover, Knight wins!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall (still WWE United States Champion)

YEAH!! The Mega Star holds onto the belt, even with how hard El Idolo hit him! Knight shows Andrade respect, offers a fist bump, but Andrade insists on a handshake. The handshake is accepted, and Andrade heads out. But will we see these two run it back one day?


Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton talk backstage.

The Queen of the Ring listens to Tiff go on and on about getting ready for the day. Tiff says she was in the nail salon, bragging to everyone how she and Nia are gonna beat the brakes off of Bayley & Naomi. It will feel so good to send one of them packing and never see them on SmackDown again! Nia says, “You go girl. Oh, and Tiffy, don’t forget. Bayley and Naomi are coming after my title, so if you lose tonight, it might be a good idea if you leave SmackDown. Tootles.” The Irresistible WWE Women’s Champion gives Miss Money in the Bank a fair warning, will Tiffy make sure she doesn’t mess things up for them?


Andrade returns backstage.

But waiting there with a grin is Carmelo Hayes. He asks what was that. Melo hasn’t seen someone choke like that since the Kings faced the Lakers. And it couldn’t have been H1M. But hey, put the fries in the bag, bruh, and watch Melo- Andrade pie faces him! They brawl, and Andrade throws Melo into a road case! Now security and refs rush in but the brawling keeps going! Andrade THRWOS Melo down, bumps into a cameraman, but Melo is back up! The refs get them to separate, will we end up needing to see “game six” from these two after all?


Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns met in Atlanta.

Bad Blood isn’t for a few more weeks, but the American Nightmare and the #OTC wanted to meet face to face, one to one, on hallowed ground that they have in common: Georgia Tech’s Bobby Dodd Stadium. Cody being a Georgia boy and Roman being a former Yellow Jacket, it all lines up perfectly. Both men go to the 50 yard line, the Undisputed WWE Championship on Cody’s shoulder. Roman speaks first. “Do you see the ground you stand on? Everything you put your eyes on in here… It’s mine. Years ago, I shed blood, sweat and tears on this field. Many times. So that means this is my field. And if this is my field, that means this is my stadium. And if this is my stadium, you better believe this is my city. What have you down for my city?”

Cody takes a moment and sees Roman’s seven cars. Subtle. “Your stadium? You know what’s on the other side of this stadium? Right over there.” No, what? Tech Wood Studios. Down the street, Center Stage. Just that way. It’s what used to be The Omni is now State Farm Arena. “Multiple generations of my family have bled for this city, and in this city. You played football here. Thank you. And then you went back to the beach. This is your field, but this is my home.” Roman says that’s very good. This is Cody’s home. But why not cut to the chase? Enough history lessons, let’s get to the facts.

Cody signed himself into a lose-lose situation. He has everything to lose, and he is dealing with people who have nothing to lose. Take Roman for example. They took Jimmy from him. They took The Wiseman from him. They took The Bloodline, and they took the ula fala. Roman has nothing to lose. For the first time in a long time, there is no weight on his shoulders, it is all on Cody. Roman is a man with no country. Cody says Roman’s acting like this is supposed to surprise Cody. Cody told Roman before WrestleMania the first go around, Roman would be standing like he is now: a chief without a tribe.

Cody says yes, they took Jimmy, and they took Paul Heyman, and they took the ula fala. But they think Roman’s got nothing to lose? Because Cody says he sees that and raises Roman another. Take a look around the WWE, and a good, hard look. “We’ve already got a Tribal Chief. It’s not you. And we have a WWE Champion that’s not you. So if you can’t even beat your own Bloodline, who’s standing here right now? I’ll tell you who. It’s not the biggest box office attraction in the history of WWE. It’s not that guaranteed WrestleMania main eventer, no. It’s the guy they used to call… Roman… Reigns.”

Roman asks what Cody wants. Just tell him what you want. What does Cody want? Cody wants Roman’s word. Cody wants Roman’s word that he will have Cody’s back so that he can have Roman’s. Roman says he gives Cody his word. He will have Cody’s back. But just understand this: When it’s all done, Roman will take back what’s his. Both men go to leave, but they end up walking into each other. Cody says it’s not Roman’s to take. Roman says Cody’s in his way. Cody steps back, but Roman says Cody is still in his way… in life. The OTC goes back to his convoy, and Cody watches him go. Will these two be able to work together long enough to tear down Solo Sikoa?


Kevin Owens watches all this.

And he isn’t sure what to make of it. Byron Saxton walks over to talk with Kevin. We all know the extensive history between Kevin and both men, Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns. After that face-off we just saw, what are his thoughts? Kevin takes a moment, but then just leaves. As if Kevin wasn’t conflicted on this journey alongside Cody, is this only making that internal struggle harder?


Giovanni Vinci VS Apollo Crews!

The Pride of Italy was perhaps taking his in-ring return far too lightly. Not only was he not listening to the ref, he got caught by a simple roll-up! Will it be #VeniVidiVinci for real now? Or will he end up on Crews Control two weeks in a row?

As Vinci goes to the ring, he is already out of his luxury tracksuit, and he is already laser focused on Apollo. The bell rings and the two tie up. Vinci knees low, CLUBS Apollo, then fires haymakers in the corner! The ref counts, but he has to pull Vinci away from Crews. Vinci storms back up, CHOPS and UPPERCUTS on repeat, but lets off as the ref counts. Apollo CHOPS back! And ROCKS Vinci with forearms! Vinci throat chops! Vinci kicks low, whips Apollo to a corner, then runs up. Vinci blocks the boot, and he short arm LARIATS! Vinci snarls, drags Apollo from ropes, and he rains down fists! The fans boo but Vinci lets off to stomp Apollo.

Vinci drags Apollo up, scoops and SLAMS him into ropes! Then Vinci scoops and SLAMS Apollo into ropes again! The ref wants to check Apollo but Vinci scoops and SLAMS Apollo again! The fans boo and the ref reprimands, but Vinci drags Apollo up. Vinci hoists Apollo up, but Apollo sunset flips, and high stacks! APOLLO WINS!!

Winner: Apollo Crews, by pinfall

Well, Vinci can’t make an excuse this time. But then he is a sore loser and BOOTS Apollo down! The fans boo but Vinci sends Apollo into barriers! Vinci puts Apollo in, storms up on Apollo, and reels him in for a suplex! BRAINBUSTER! The fans boo but Vinci tells Apollo not to disrespect him! Vinci may not have had vittoria tonight, but will he make an impact on the roster one way or another?


Backstage interview with Kevin Owens.

Byron apologizes for finding him again, but is he more comfortable to talk about Cody and Roma now? Kevin says y’know what? No offense, Byron, but if Kevin’s gonna talk about it, he might as well do it out there. Kevin heads for gorilla, what will The Prizefighter have to say about Cody’s truce with the OTC?



About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)

WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

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Powered by RedCircle

Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Match Results & Ratings: 9.19.2024

Victory Road was damn good, but behind us now. So let’s see how the build for Bound for Glory starts!



Well hot damn, Victory Road was a solid night of action, surprises and an overall enjoyable watch. Even with the major let down segments of SDL and the Knockouts Tag, they were placed right in the middle…so there was energy aplenty for the last four matches. We do get to see where they’re going with Bound For Glory in about 6 weeks.

My fantasy booking has The System, ABC and Hardyz heading towards a championship 3 way dance. DeMALISH is done, so at least Masha is back on the singles circuit. Lets hope she makes short work of Lish and/or Tasha.

Time to see where the early steps take us on the way to Bound for Glory.


  • First Cla$$ (KC Navarro & AJ Francis) vs Sinner & Saint ( Judas Icarus & Travis Williams): First Cla$$ win via Down Payment/Frog Splash combo – ** 1/4
  • Matt Cardona vs Rhino: Cardona DQ’d – My time wasted
  • Knockouts Tag Championship: Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) (c) vs Kendal Grey & Carlee Bright: Spirefire retains via Pressure Drop – * 1/2
  • Texas Death Match: JDC vs Mike Santana: Santana wins – ** 3/4
  • Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & Tasha Steelz w/Alisha Edwards vs Masha Slamovich & The Hardyz: Hardyz win via Twist & Swanton combo – *** 1/4



Lish talks smack, Masha comes out, Lish says she doesn’t even understand her – AND FINALLY – Masha speaks English. So she runs down Lish, says she’s sick of her but Tasha jumps Masha from behind. Lish grabs Kendra, attacks Masha and we see Tasha and Lish beatdown Masha until Jordynne makes the save for Masha. The System comes out to tip the numbers game, but then The Hardyz come out to save Masha and Jordynne. 

Santino’s goofy music hits and I guess we’re heading to the 3×3 since Lish is still injured. Masha Slamabitch and the Hard Boyz will fight Tasha and System boys. Arianna’s music hits before Santino can say something to Jordynne, and she declares Jordynne gets an NXT friend next week to fight Rosemary and Wendy Choo. I just like Santino and Arianna playing together. It’s wholesomely moronic. 

First Cla$$ (KC Navarro & AJ Francis) vs Sinner & Saint ( Judas Icarus & Travis Williams)

KC and Travis start off, KC hits some athletic counters, taunts a little and extends the hand but Travis turns it into an Arm Whip, tags in Icarus, they Double Team, AJ blind tags as KC rope runs, Spiderman pose in the ropes, AJ levels  Icarus, KC takes out Travis, hits the tandem move The Deposit, into Tennessee Whiskey. KC tags back in, Snapmare into Footstomp and a near fall before AJ tags back in. They go for a tandem move on Icarus in the corner, but Icarus dumps KC to the outside, turns a Suplex into a DDT, and then crawls to Travis for simultaneous tags as Travis is working KC over. KC powders, tries to change sides but Sinner and Saint tandem redirect the dive. Inverted Suplex for a near fall.

AJ comes in, Lawn Darts Icarus into Travis, Down Payment, Frog Splash from KC…and First Cla$$ win!

Matt Cardona vs Rhino

Obviously just a step towards the eventual PCO versus Cardona, prolly at Bound for Glory. So this match is useless and Cardona has no reason to lose.

Cardona tries to pick his spot, but just gets his Foot picked out of mid air, and Rhino throws Cardona around the ring, Lariat, sets up for a Gore…but Cardona powders. Rhino follows and Suplexes Cardona onto the ramp, throws him back in and a Throat Chop from Cardona finally gives him some space. Missile Dropkick for an unnecessary pinfall, and then just grinding the Forearm into Rhino’s face in the corner. 10 Count Punches turned into a Powerbomb from Rhino for 2.

Rhino goes to get a chair, the ref admonishes him, Rhino throws the chair in, Cardona uses it in front of the referee and gets DQ’d. Radio Silence on Rhino after the DQ, Cardona looks to continue the punishment but lights go out and PCO attacks. Chokeslam, goes for the PCO-Sault, but Cardona powders and runs away. PCO goes full Ric Flair, attacks the chair and then PCO-Saults a steel chair.

Well…that’s new. 

Knockouts Tag Championship: Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) (c) vs Kendal Grey & Carlee Bright

You know how I’ve said these titles are useless right? Now they’re being defended against…no one. Bright Grey? That’s not even a Crayola Crayon color. I think I would enjoy constipation more than this match.

Jody and…Grey?… start and its just slow, headlocky, I guess trying to get across Grey’s amateur background, but it looks terribly…meh. Dani tags in and now my attention is peaked. Powerbomb attempt but Grey tries to slip it into a Cradle, Dani kicks out, catches Grey and Sack of Shit into Kip Up. Tandem Stalling Suplex after the tag, but only 2. Dani gets tagged in, they don’t seem to be taking Grey super seriously, so Grey finally kicks off and gets the tag to Bright. Okay, Cartwheel Knees is unique offense, not the Cheerleader Back Handspirng, I can respect that. Oh nice Standing Moonsault from Bright. Grey tags in, Jody takes a few seconds too long for the “blind tag”, Senton off the ropes to kill the two NXT girls, Pressure Drop, title retained.

Burn these belts and push Dani as a singles. 

Texas Death Match: JDC vs Mike Santana

Jade looks like she’s cosplaying Peg Bundy during the intros but…ya know…not complaining. And it sounds like they’re doing the rules correctly with pinfall and then 10 count. So, that’s nice the rules seem to be clear.

JDC tries to attack Santana as he comes in from the crowd, Santana turns it around as expected and starts running JDC from corner to corner, Enzuigiri and multiple Bootwash corner spots. Santana looks for a Cannonball, but JDC powders, so Santana stalks a little, Tope con Hilo connects! Santana finds some chairs as the morons start chanting for tables when it’s 4 minutes in. That chant just screams inbred and stupid anymore.

Santana puts the two chairs back to back and looks to hit the old Eddie Kingston spot on JDC, but JDC fights it off, 10 count punches that JDC counters with the Powerbomb through the back to back chairs. Trash can and kendo stick time for Dango. Dude, Stomp is soo 1999 but its apparently cool in Texas. DOWN AND DIRTY on the trash can from JDC! But he can’t cover since now he’s selling his own pain for dropping on a can. Santana smartly powders and JDC tries to remember how to walk. Santana crawls up to his feet bleeding, but he also found a Barbedwire Bat! Dango tries to grab him, BAT TO FACE! Of course they head to a commercial right as the match gets bloody…sigh.

So we’re back and they’re fighting in the crowd, or no, some staging area about the crowd. Dango is bleeding, Santana is bleeding, Santana counters Dango and hits a Piledriver on the stage for 2! Brawling up some steps, JDC kicks off Santana and connects with a Tornado DDT for 2! Santana rolls over and flops off the stage as he crawls to…somewhere. JDC with the low speed pursuit, he finally charges and gets tossed into some broken barricade makeshift something! Santana slams a production case into Dango a few times, as Dango tries to crawl up a table to get away. Santana walks back up to the stage, and stops himself mid-charge. FINDS A LADDER. Santana gets the ref and someone else to hold it, goes to the top of the ladder…and Splash through JDC on the table.

Takes entirely too long, so while it looks cool its pretty stupid. 1-2-3, the pinfall happens, but lets see if the 10 count holds. 10 count goes through, Santana wins.

Moose attacks afterwards and just beats the tar out of him with a chair.

Hendry comes out, Kaz interrupts, Nic Nemeth basically agrees to fight everyone. So Santino makes it shot and succulent, and decides for Hendry and Kaz to have a number 1 contender match next week. Nothing of crazy merit was said during the promo, so I decided to take Santino’s directions and go for short and succulent. 

Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & Tasha Steelz w/Alisha Edwards vs Masha Slamovich & The Hardyz

Well right after intros they cut to a commercial, so maybe we won’t get anymore. Tasha and Masha start off, and throw fists fast, things stay close and they trade. Masha gets the advantage after a Drop Toe Hold into the middle rope, kick to the face, running knees and Tasha tags out to Eddie. Masha doesn’t care she wants to fight Eddie but Eddie cheap shots Matt on the apron and Matt tells Masha to tag him in. So Eddie doesn’t look like a completely shitty heel, and the crowd pops for a Hardy.

Matt chokes Eddie along the ropes, Leg Drape attack and tags in my name is Jeff. A little classic Hardy tandem work, Myers just runs in, stack the dorks, Splash version of Poetry in Motion. System gets Lariated out, Tasha tries to attack Matt but Masha eats Tasha. Whips her 3 times into corners and Poetry in Moscow. All of the System is on the outside, so Masha goes to the top, Senton off the top rope and Bowling Balls The System. Ugh…picture in picture is awful…stop with commercials at bad times. I really miss the commercial free YouTube version.

So to no one’s surprise, of course The System take control during the distraction break, Masha is being isolated, Eddie tags in and he’s taking his sweet time for a chop. So again, Eddie doesn’t make contact. Masha drops Tasha, ducks the men, hot tag to Jeff! Jeff lights up Eddie, looks for Whisper in the Wind but Myers pulls Eddie out of the way and Jeff hits nothing. And unlike Jinder, Eddie didn’t bump to a breeze. Eddie tags out to Myers, Russian Leg Sweep and Front Face Lock is keeping Jeff down. Jeff fights back up, but Myers clocks him. Myers tags in Tasha, and Tasha goes with the Knife Edge Chops on Jeff, mocks the Jeff dance, then twerks in his face before tagging Eddie back in.

Myers attacks Matt off the apron and even Masha, but Jeff starts to fight back, goes for the Whisper again, and this time connects on both! Jeff tags in Matt, so he starts working through the System boys. Neckbreaker into the Delete Headsmashes for both members of the System. Side Effect on Myers for only two. Matt calls for the Twist, the crowd responds well, but the Twist is countered, Lish grabs Matt’s foot but the referee sees it. EJECTION! Poor Tami-Lynn, she doesn’t wanna go, Hardys and Masha laugh and sing the Hey Hey Hey song, Lish says no so the ABC walk down and pick her up and carry her out. Twist of Fates for everyone, Swanton Bomb from Jeff, Hardyz and Masha win!


Overall Score: 6/10

Serviceable in regards to setting up most of the threads for Bound for Glory. The actual wrestling could’ve been a lot better, but for a starting point, it could’ve been worse. Xia Li getting her new name revealed, which I like. Some kind of Thunder reference, mixed in with the fact her vignettes give Mortal Kombat vibes, its very cool. The Knockouts Tags definitely feel like useless metal, Santana and JDC was probably better to experience in person, because the commercial break broke the momentum…and Gods damn was that finish sooo slow. At least the Texas Death Match rules were correct.

Crowd was also hot for the Hardyz, so the combination of “evil Russian” dropping the accent and proving to be a Hardy fangirl and get the Hardyz babyface rub sets up Masha nicely. She should be the next face of the Knockouts Division.

Next week we’ll hopefully get a touch more clarity or reasons for multi-person shmoz matches. But reasons are reasons, and this moved in logical enough directions.

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