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Mitchell’s NJPW Wrestling Satsuma no Kuni Results & Report! (4/28/21)

Things are heating up!



NJPW Wrestling Satsuma no Kuni

NJPW’s gold shall be refined with fire!

Roppongi 3K is back on top of NJPW’s Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Division, but will Desperado & Kanemaru drag them right back down?

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • 8 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The United Empire; The United Empire wins.
  • KOPW 2021 YTR Style Blindfold Match: Toru Yano VS EVIL w/ Dick Togo; Yano wins and retains the KOPW trophy.
  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Roppongi 3K VS El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru; RPG3K wins and retains the titles.


8 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The United Empire!

Bushi, Sanada, Shingo Takagi and Tetsuya Naito have been taking the fight to Jeff Cobb, Aaron Henare, Great-O-Khan and the new IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, Will Ospreay, all up and down the Road to Wrestling Dontaku! But will Wrestling Satsuma be where the ungovernable become the conquered?

The teams sort out and after an LIJ fist bump, the Empire attacks! They all spill outside, and Takagi brawls with Ospreay! The bell rings to get this on the record as Ospreay claws Takagi’s face and chokes him against railing! Ospreay BITES Takagi’s ear!! Does he think he’s Tyson? Khan and Naito brawl on the ramp, Henare is after Sanada and Cobb has Bushi. Khan blocks a kick and carries Naito to RAM him into the ring apron! Ospreay wraps Takagi’s arm around a post and pulls him into it! Takagi fights free to whip, but Ospreay reverses and Takagi hits railing! The ref tries to restore order, and Khan puts Naito in. Finally, we have two wrestlers in the ring, and Khan scoop SLAMS Naito down! Cover, TWO!

Fans cheer and rally up for LIJ but Khan taunts Naito with his ponytail. Khan unleashes Mongolian Chop after Mongolian Chop, but Naito blocks! Naito swings a chop but Khan blocks it! Khan throat chops, then hits a crane stance, just to DECK Naito with a haymaker! Khan covers, TWO! Only Ospreay and the Empire cheer for Khan as Khan tags Cobb. Cobb gets Naito up for a headbutt. Henare joins in, they double headbutt! Henare & Cobb double whip, then double shoulder Naito down, for a KICK and GACHIMUCHI MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Cobb is surprised but he drags Naito over. Cobb sets Naito up on the ropes, Ospreay hits a DRAPING DOUBLE STOMP!

Ospreay BLASTS the LIJ corner then claps it up for himself. Cobb stomps Naito, then drags him over to tag in Khan. The Empire mugs Naito but fans rally for “L I J! L I J!” Khan drags Naito up but Naito throws a haymaker! Then another! Khan eggs Naito on, and then grabs the ear to CLUB it! Khan runs, but Naito elbows him down! Naito adds the basement dropkick and both men are down! Fans fire up as Naito crawls, but Khan drags him from the corner. Naito gets up but Khan ducks the enziguri to kick and club and CHOP! Khan whips, Naito hits a flying shoulder tackle! Both men are down again and fans fire back up. Naito and Khan crawl, hot tags to Ospreay and Takagi!

Takagi runs Ospreay over with a shoulder, then scoop SLAMS him! Takagi whips, Ospreay reverses but Takagi waistlocks. Ospreay switches, Henare comes in but Takagi fights free. Takagi sends Henare into Ospreay, then DOUBLE LARIATS! Cobb gets in, Takagi tries to scoop but can’t, and Cobb clubs him. Cobb whips Takagi to a corner, runs in, but misses the back elbow. Takagi kicks and reels Cobb in, but Cobb suplexes! Takagi fights that off to suplex Cobb in return! Takagi fires up with “OI! OI! OI!” and fans join in. Takagi kicks Ospreay, throws elbows into his shoulder, then runs for a sliding lariat, only for Ospreay to dodge.

Ospreay and Takagi trade dodging and blocking kicks, Ospreay fights off the Gory Especial, but Takagi suplexes, into STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRE! Ospreay goes up, spins, but no rana! Takagi swings Ospreay into Bushi’s basement dropkick! Bushi DECKS Khan, Takagi tags Sanada. The Calm ‘n’ Fury whip but Ospreay kicks back! Sanada blocks the next kick and ducks the enziguri, only for it to hit Takagi! Ospreay slides under Sanada, dodges his clothesline, and tags Henare! Sanada fireman’s carries but Henare slips off. Henare shoves Sanada to a corner and runs in but into an elbow. Sanada Quebrada but Henare gets under.

Sanada blocks the boot, trips Henare up, and puts the Ultimate Weapon in Paradise! Henare can’t get free and Sanada gets the fans to cheer louder and louder. Sanada then dropkicks Henare out of Paradise, and out of the ring! Henare staggers up, into Sanada’s PLANCHA! Sanada tells Khan to back off, and he puts Henare in. Sanada aims from the apron, springboards, but Henare gets under. Henare comes back to SHINING WIZARD in the corner! Henare whips, Sanada gets past him but leaps into Henare’s arms! Henare pops Sanada up to a suplex! Henare BLASTS the LIJ corner, then takes aim from the neutral one. Sanada stands, and BOOTS the Spear away!

Sanada fireman’s carries and throws to the dragon sleeper, but Henare slips through to spin Sanada. Sanada escapes the fisherman to waistlock and GERMAN SUPLEX! Both men are down, Sanada gets Henare up for forearms. Henare reverses the whip, and scoops for a BERZERKER BOMB! Tag to Cobb and Cobb gets Sanada up. Cobb and Henare double whip Sanada, then Cobb runs in, only to miss! Sanada dropkicks Henare’s legs out, but Cobb blocks Sanada’s rana! Cobb gets Sanada up, but Sanada ranas through after all! Hot tag to Bushi! Death Mask stomps Cobb, catches him and spins him to a DDT! Cover, TWO!

Bushi kicks and whips but Cobb reverses, only to run into a swing kick! Bushi springboards to missile dropkick! Bushirooni! Fans fire up and Bushi reels Cobb in, but no fisherman screw! Cobb RAMS Bushi into a corner, Ospreay BLASTS LIJ’s corner, Khan corner clotheslines Bushi! Khan feeds Bushi to a ROUNDHOUSE SANDWICH from Henare & Ospreay, then feeds Bushi to Cobb’s ATHLETIC PLEX! Cover, but Takagi breaks it! Ospreay throws Takagi out, Khan and Henare hurry after Naito and Bushi. Cobb drags Bushi up, whips but Bushi holds ropes. Naito gets in to elbow and ENZIGURI Cobb! Khan gets the CLAW on Naito, and then drops an elbow!

Sanada dropkicks Khan, Henare BOOTS Sanada, and Takagi CLOBBERS Henare! Takagi dodges Ospreay’s springboard to elbow, JAB and YUK- No! Ospreay dodges to handspring, into a GERMAN, but Ospreay lands on his feet! Ospreay ENZIGURIS, but Takagi rebounds! Takagi lariats but Ospreay slips through it! Ospreay gets Takagi up but Takagi RANAS?! Takagi LARIATS Ospreay out of the ring! Fans are thunderous for LIJ as they watch Cobb get up. Takagi feeds Cobb to Bushi’s ENZIGURI, and then they double whip. Cobb blocks the double hip toss to ram them into each other. Cobb DECKS Takagi, Bushi rolls Cobb, TWO!!

Bushi misses the enziguri but comes back with the heel kick! Cobb wobbles, Bushi runs back in, but no Code Breaker! Cobb pops Bushi up but Bushi makes that a rana! Cover, TWO!! Cobb escapes and CLOBBERS Bushi! Cobb drags Bushi back up, whips and reels him in, for a TOUR OF THE ISLANDS!! Cover and the others keep LIJ out, the Empire wins!

Winners: The United Empire, by pinfall

Los Ingobernables de Japon have lost! But the war for NJPW has only just begun. Ospreay holds his IWGP World Heavyweight Championship in Takagi’s face. Is Ospreay planning on defeating Takagi again to prove his dominance? Or will the Dragon be the one slaying him this time?


KOPW 2021 YTR Style Blindfold Match: Toru Yano VS EVIL w/ Dick Togo!

The Producer and definitive Mr. KOPW 2020 is still working on keeping the 2021 trophy, but the King of Darkness wants it for his own! Will Yano see it coming when Everything is Evil? Or will Darkness Fall, and take a loss?

Now, what makes this “YTR Style?” Well, instead of starting with blindfolds, the goal is to put one on your opponent before getting a pinfall or submission! Without a blindfold, falls won’t count! That said, the introductions are made, the KOPW trophy is presented, and we’ll see who can win by blinding the other!

Yano’s introduction is the longer, yet he is impatient with Evil and Dick Togo. Bullet Club Low Sweets, and both men go for blindfolds! They rush each other, Evil kicks low and whips Yano to a corner. Yano reverses, tucks his blindfold, and unties the red buckle pad! One down, three to go, and he tosses it to Evil! The ref still won’t allow buckle pads to be weapons so he fights with Evil about it. Yano gets the blindfold on Evil and rolls him up! TWO!!! Evil narrowly escapes, Yano argues the count, but Evil puts the blindfold on Yano! Evil spins Yano around, but Yano escapes the STO! But now Yano has no idea where anything is!

Evil kicks, clubs and whips Yano, but Yano stops himself because he’s scared to run into anything! The ref and Evil argue, and Dick SMACKS Yano with the buckle pad! Yano gets free of the blindfold but Evil goes out after him. Evil starts looking under the ring, and he finds chairs! Dick distracts the ref and Evil JAMS Yano! Evil puts a chair around Yano’s head, and hits the HOME RUN! Yano is down but Evil gets him up. The ref is still busy with Dick, and Evil gets tape! Evil tapes Yano to the railing, and then puts a blindfold on him! Yano is already trapped, the blindfold is just to mess with him! The ring count begins, Yano tries to get free, but both hands are stuck!

The count is past 10 of 20, and then 15! Yano is hulking up and he manages to throw the blindfold off! The ref realizes what really happened and goes out, but Evil gets past him. Evil pushes the ref aside, and stomps away on Yano! Evil even chokes Yano while Dick stays in the ref’s way! The ref gets past Dick, gets Evil to back off, and with help from Young Lions, Yano is freed. Evil and Dick are already plotting something more, and Evil drags Yano up. Fans rally for “Y T R! Y T R!” but Evil kicks Yano low. Evil brings Yano around, and blindfolds Abe!? Now Abe really can’t see it coming as Evil RAMS Yano into the timekeeper’s area! The table completely topples over!!

Evil claps and fans rally while the Young Lions help Abe. Evil drags Yano up, puts him in the ring, and drags Yano up. Evil whips Yano, into the bare red corner! Yano’s tactics have backfired again! Evil puts a blindfold on Yano before he covers, TWO!! Yano is still in this but Evil stomps away on him! Evil stands on Yano for a cocky cover, but the ref says that’s on Yano’s neck. Evil steps away to drag Yano back up. Evil reels Yano into the cobra twist, and gets help from Dick! Dick lets go before the ref sees, but then helps out again. The ref sees this time and counts, but Dick lets go at 4. Evil lets Yano go, covers, TWO! Yano gets the blindfold off again, Evil paces as fans rally up.

Evil drags Yano up but Yano fights back with body shots! Evil rakes Yano’s eyes! Evil kicks Yano out of the ring, then distracts the ref so that Dick can blindfold Yano and stomp away on him! Dick stops before he gets caught, so Evil goes out and stomps Yano himself! Evil pushes Yano under the ring! Evil and Dick Too Sweet while the ring count begins. Yano has all but disappeared and the count reaches 10 of 20! Fans rally as the count continues, but where is Yano? We’re at 15 of 20 again, Yano appears out the one side and gets in at 18! Evil stomps Yano for somehow saving himself, and then drags him up. Evil runs, but Yano dodges!? How?!

Wait, how did no one notice those GIANT eye holes he cut in the bag?! It’s less a blindfold and more a mask now! Yano rakes Evil’s eyes and whips him into the bare corner! Yano takes off the “mask” and Dick protests but Yano gets Evil up. Yano dodges Evil’s punch, shoves him into Dick, and then Belly2Belly suplexes! Everyone is down but fans rally up! Yano gets a spare blindfold, and goes after Evil! Evil fights that off, whips Yano but Yano stops from hitting bare buckles. Evil runs in but Yano sends him into buckles! Yano wants to low blow but the ref won’t let him! Yano puts the blindfold on the ref?! Evil shoves Yano into the ref, then blocks Yano’s low blow!

Dick returns and tries to get a blindfold on him, but Yano fights it off! Yano puts the blindfold on Dick and shoves him down, but Evil LOW BLOWS Yano! Evil gets another blindfold, puts that on Yano, but Yano MULE KICK LOW BLOWS! Yano puts a blindfold on Evil and now everyone is wearing one! Fans cheer and rally as Dick bails out of the ring and Yano starts to stir. The ref comes to and gets his blindfold off. Wait, where is Dick going? Dick goes up the ramp and backstage as Evil and Yano are facing a standing count. The fans rally for “Y T R!” as we reach 9, but both men take the blindfolds off and sit up! The ref lets them get to their feet, Evil kicks and runs, but into an atomic drop!

Yano trips Evil to catapult him into bare buckles! Yano gets a blindfold, puts it on Evil, but the lights go out! DICK!! That’s what he’s up to! Evil gets his Darkness Match after all! And when the lights come back up, Evil has Yano in a blindfold, and is using Dick’s Spoiler Choker!! Yano is all but out, Dick returns, and Evil drags Yano back up. Evil runs, and LARIATS Yano down!! Cover, TWO!?! Yano survives and Evil is shocked! Evil gets Yano’s legs and steps through for the SCORPION DEATHLOCK! Yano endures, and doesn’t even realize he’s so close to the ropes because of the blindfold! Fans rally for him and Yano reaches out, but Evil drags him away! Yano endures, but Evil sits deep!

Yano gets the blindfold off, and that’s the same as a ropebreak under YTR Rules! Evil lets go but the damage has been done. Evil says he’ll finish this now, and he puts the blindfold back on. Evil gets Yano up, spins him around, EVERYTHING- NO! Yano slips out, but Evil sends the ref into him! Yano rakes the ref’s eyes, thinking it was Evil! Evil kicks low, Dick gets in, and they double whip Yano at the blue corner! Dick runs in to back elbow, then Evil runs in to clothesline! Evil and Dick vow to end this, but Yano fights Magic Killer off! Yano sends Evil into Dick, then gives them DOUBLE LOW BLOWS!

Yano puts the blindfold back on Evil, pulls it tight, and feeds Dick to Evil! Dick gets EVERYTHING IS EVIL!! Evil takes off his blindfold and realizes what he did to Dick! Yano LOW BLOWS Evil again!! Blindfold on, Yano rolls Evil up, Yano wins!!

Winner: Toru Yano, by pinfall (still Provisional Mr. KOPW 2021)

Yano plays by his own rules and wins by them, too! Evil tried to pull one over on Yano, but Yano proved he is the ultimate trickster! Yano then gets a can of gold spray paint? Because he’s going to restore his KOPW trophy to the proper color! Will Yano and this trophy continue to shine all through 2021?


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Roppongi 3K VS El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru!

Sho & Yoh have the titles back, but are hungry for more! Will RPG3K make a dent in Despy’s confidence? Or will the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion once again be a double champion?

The introductions are made, the tag titles are raised, and we see who really runs the Junior Heavyweight Division!

Yoh starts against the Heel Master, Kanemaru, and fans rally up as the two circle. Yoh and Kanemaru approach as the fans clap, “R P G! R P G!” Kanemaru and Yoh tie up, Yoh wrenches to a wristlock but Kanemaru rakes eyes! Kanemaru wrenches the arm, YANKS on it, then wristlocks. Yoh rolls, kips up, handsprings and wrenches but Kanemaru breaks free. Fans cheer that exchange as the two reset. Kanemaru and Yoh circle, but Desperado gets in to blindside Yoh! Kanemaru DECKS Sho, he and Despy mug Yoh, then double whip. Kanemaru runs in but Yoh dodges to dropkick Desperado down! Kanemaru CLUBS Yoh, runs but into a dropkick!

Fans fire up for Yoh as he stomps Kanemaru down. Yoh drags Kanemaru, CLUBS him, then DECKS him with a EuroUpper. Yoh gets Kanemaru up, Sho gets in and they double whip. Kanemaru stops himself to stomp Sho, but Yoh kicks and whips. Kanemaru reverses to dropkick Yoh’s leg out! Sho runs in but Kanemaru dumps him out, and Desperado goes after him with uppercuts! Kanemaru paces around Yoh as Desperado throws Sho into railing. Kanemaru stomps Yoh’s leg, drags him back up, and whips him to ropes to then dropkick the leg again! Yoh writhes, that’s his repaired leg, after all. Kanemaru tags Desperado, and they split the wishbone!

Desperado taunts Yoh, drops a knee on his leg, then taunts him more as he stomps the leg. Desperado JAMS the leg in the leg scissor, then talks more trash. Desperado gets Yoh up for a SHINBREAKER! Yoh falls over, Kanemaru tags in, and Desperado kicks Yoh to the apron. Kanemaru drags Yoh to a corner to SLAM the leg into the post! Desperado is after Sho again as Kanemaru BOOTS Yoh’s leg! And again! Red Shoes reprimands, Desperado joins in and he SLAMS Yoh’s leg into the post, too! Kanemaru and Desperado back off, Yoh flops to the floor, and Sho checks on him. Red Shoes has everyone go to their corners and a ring count starts.

Sho coaches Yoh up as the count climbs to 10 of 20. Fans rally up for “R P G!” again as Yoh gets to his feet at 15! Yoh hobbles up and in at 17! Kanemaru stomps Yoh, kicks him at the ropes, and eggs him on. Yoh throws hands, Kanemaru kicks the bad leg! Kanemaru drags Yoh over, tags Desperado, and Desperado splashes down on the leg! Cover, TWO! Desperado was a bit lax with the cover but he drags Yoh back up. Desperado gets the leg but Yoh sunset flips the shinbreaker! TWO, and Desperado stomps Yoh! Yoh blocks the clothesline, Desperado CHOPS, but Yoh PELES! Fans fire up as Yoh and Desperado are both down! Hot tag to Sho!

High Voltage rallies on Suzuki-Gun! Kanemaru reverses a whip but Sho stops himself, to then dump Kanemaru out. Sho sweeps the legs and dropkicks Kanemaru off the apron! Sho blocks Desperado’s kick, throws forearms, then runs to run Desperado over! Fans fire up with Sho as he aims from a corner. Desperado slowly gets up, Sho runs corner to corner and clotheslines! Sho whips, reels Desperado in and fires off KICK after KICK! Fans fire up with Sho again as he powers up, and KICKS Desperado down! Cover, TWO! Desperado grits his teeth but Sho is still after him. Sho waistlocks and dead lifts Desperado, but Desperado elbows free. Sho ROCKS Desperado, runs, but into a lift!

Sho fights off the spinebuster and fires off more forearms. Desperado reverses the whip and Kanemaru trips him up! Kanemaru drags Sho out to whip him hard into railing! Sho is stuck, Kanemaru runs to leap frog and leg drop Sho off the railing! Fans have to admit, that was good. Desperado CLOBBERS Yoh while Kanemaru casually returns to ringside. Kanemaru gets Sho back in, Desperado holds Sho down, and Kanemaru runs to RYDER KICK! Cover, TWO!! Sho survives the onslaught and Desperado is frustrated. Tag to Kanemaru, and he drags Sho around to hook him up for a Camel Clutch! Sho endures as Kanemaru bends him back!

Kanemaru changes up his grip but Sho fights to get his arms free. Sho reaches and gets a ropebreak with a foot! Kanemaru lets him go, but drags Sho up again. Kanemaru elbows Sho on the back, then feeds him to Desperado’s boots! Tag to Desperado, he stomps Sho around, then talks trash as he gets Sho up. Desperado scoops and SLAMS Sho down! Yoh is back up and he coaches Sho but Kanemaru tags in. Kanemaru gives toying kicks to Sho before he stomps him again. Kanemaru still toys with Sho, gets him up and slaps him around, but Sho throws forearms! Kanemaru rakes eyes and whips, but Sho reverses to kitchen sink knee!

Sho and Kanemaru crawl for their corners, hot tag to Desperado and he stomps Sho down! Desperado spits at Yoh, drags Sho up, and Suzuki-Gun double whips, only for Sho to DOUBLE SPEAR! Fans fire up as Sho and Suzuki-Gun are down! Hot tag to Yoh! Yoh rallies on Desperado with big forearms and elbows! Desperado reverses the whip but Yoh hits a FLYING FOREARM! Yoh kips up, that bad leg is doing just fine! Yoh wants Desperado to get up, and fans rally behind him. Desperado is in a corner, Yoh runs in and back body blocks! Yoh turns Desperado to hit a NECKBREAKER! Yoh goes to a corner, climbs up top, and leaps to missile dropkick! Cover, TWO!

Yoh makes sure his leg is alright as he gets up and goes back for Desperado. Yoh gets Desperado up and reels him in, but Desperado fights the suplex! Desperado wrenches the arm but Yoh ROCKS him with a forearm! Desperado ROCKS Yoh back! Yoh ROCKS Desperado! They keep trading forearm for forearm, Yoh gets the edge but Desperado comes back, with a kick to the leg! Desperado gets Yoh up but Yoh EuroUppers! Yoh makes sure his leg is ready, as he suplexes, but Desperado fights, shoves and SPINEBUSTERS! High stack cover, TWO!! Yoh survives and both men are down! Fans build to another rally, Desperado gets Yoh up and reels him in for underhooks.

Yoh powers up to back drop Desperado away! Yoh gets to his feet, but Desperado kicks the bad leg again. Desperado reels Yoh in, but Yoh suplexes for a FALCON ARROW! Yoh fires up, gets Desperado up for a pump handle, and BITTER END!! Cover, TWO!?! Desperado survives but Yoh fires up! Yoh gets Desperado up again, underhooks, but Desperado fights it off to wrench and SHINBREAKER! Desperado holds the leg out for Kanemaru to SHOTGUN! Desperado gets the leg again, for a STRETCH MUFFLER! Yoh reaches and flails but Desperado drags him from ropes! Desperado thrashes the leg, Kanemaru keeps Sho outside, but Yoh keeps reaching!

Desperado rolls Yoh away to get both arms! NUMERO DOS PLUS! But Sho gets in to break it up! Kanemaru clubs and throws Sho out, then keeps after him to whip into railing! Sho comes back to CLOBBER Kanemaru! Fans fire up as Desperado gets mad. Desperado gets up while Yoh is in a corner. Desperado vows to end this, and he drags Yoh up to reel in. GUITARRA DEL ANGEL! Cover, TWO!! Desperado is frustrated again but he gets Yoh up. Fans rally, Desperado underhooks, but Yoh fights off Pince Loco! Yoh avoids Loco Mono, waistlocks, Desperado switches, but Yoh Shiranuis into the ELBOW DROP DDT! Both men are down and fans fire up again!

Yoh and Desperado crawl, hot tags to Kanemaru and Sho! Kanemaru boots but Sho stays up to fire off forearms! Sho runs but into a calf kick! Kanemaru grits his teeth, gets Sho up and reels him in to scoop for the BRITISH FALL! Cover, TWO! Kanemaru drags Sho back up, reels him back in, but Sho fights the suplex! Sho powers up to suplex Kanemaru! Kanemaru grabs Red Shoes to stop the suplex! Kanemaru kicks, runs and tilt-o-whirls, but Sho throws that off to SPEAR Kanemaru down! Cover, TWO! But into the KIMURA! Yoh intercepts Desperado as Kanemaru endures the double wristlock! Kanemaru kicks and reaches but Sho cranks the hold more!

Desperado barrels into Yoh and breaks the hold! Desperado and Yoh bail out but Sho focuses on Kanemaru. Fans rally up with Sho and he gets Kanemaru up to knuckle lock and wrench, to an elbow breaker! Someone goes into railing as Sho runs, but Kanemaru dodges. Kanemaru tilt-o-whirls to DDT! Both men are down again and fans fire up! Sho and Kanemaru go to opposite neutral corners. Kanemaru runs corner to corner and BOOTS Sho! Kanemaru scoops and SLAMS Sho, then heads up top. MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Sho survives, Kanemaru is upset, but Red Shoes says the count is fair. Kanemaru goes back up a corner, dares Sho to get up, and then leaps, but Sho dodges!

Yoh dropkicks Kanemaru! Desperado SPEARS Yoh! Sho GERMAN SUPLEXES Desperado! Sho fires up and GERMAN SUPLEXES Kanemaru! Sho holds on to GERMAN SUPLEX again! And then the pop-up to the ARMBAR!! Kanemaru flails, Sho pulls back harder, and fans fire up! Kanemaru rolls but Sho pulls now that he has the mount! Kanemaru endures the Disarmer, and gets a ropebreak with a foot! Sho lets go but fans rally as he gets to his feet. Sho drags Kanemaru back up, reels him in, and gets him up. Kanemaru fights the bomb off and rakes Sho’s eyes! Yoh SUPERKICKS, Sho BACKSTABBERS, and Yoh SHOTGUNS! Fans fire up with RPG3K as they power up!

Sho waits for Kanemaru to rise, and they get him up, but no 3K! Kanemaru rakes eyes, runs, but into DOUBLE KNEES! Then 3K!! Cover, but Desperado breaks it! Desperado stomps Sho, rakes Yoh’s eyes, but Red Shoes won’t let him close that fist! Yoh still dodges Loco Mono, for DOUBLE SUPERKICKS to send him flying! Yoh builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit at the ramp! Sho fires up and he takes aim with his bow! Sho gets Kanemaru up, reels him in and traps the arms, for SHOCK- NO! Kanemaru reverses to a double wristlock victory roll! TWO!! Kanemaru trips Sho to jackknife bridge, TWO!! Sho escapes and LARIATS Kanemaru inside-out!

Fans are thunderous as Sho gets Kanemaru up again! CROSS-ARM DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!?!? Kanemaru survives and fans fire up again! Sho shouts to Yoh and RPG3K regroups. Sho gets Kanemaru up, brings him around, tucks him in, and Yoh climbs up! STRONG X!! Cover, RPG3K wins!!

Winners: Roppongi 3K, by pinfall (still IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions)

The shout-out to Roppongi Vice wins it for Sho & Yoh! They prove that they’re going to continue right where they left off when they had to give these belts up! But Desperado stares Yoh down, non-verbally telling him not to get ahead of himself before thinking he can be Mr. Junior Heavyweight. Sho gets the mic and says, “Good evening, Kagoshima!” Thanks to their power, RPG3K defended their belts against Kanemaru & Desperado, so he thanks the fans for that. The Junior Tag titles are with RPG3K right now, but they’re not done fighting! Isn’t that right, Yoh?

Sho hands the mic to Yoh, and Yoh says, “That was a tough one, but we pulled it off. Thanks for your support. But it isn’t done with this defense. Coming up is the big festival, Dontaku in Hakata. I want these good vibes to continue to flow.” Yoh then wants him AND Sho to “go at it for the singles belt.” Sho nods and likes that idea. Tonight, Yoh will let Sho close this out. He hands the mic back to Sho, and Sho says, “After today, Kagoshima has once again become a very special place for us. Thank you all so much!” Kagoshima, from here on out, RPG3K and NJPW will “increase the voltage!” Will these two pump it up to 11 and take over the entire Junior Heavyweight Division?

My Thoughts:

A very good event as part of a two night Wrestling Satsuma. Yes, I skipped the first few matches, and I feel like the only thing I missed was Taichi sending a message to Guerrillas of Destiny by bringing out a ladder for what I believe is going to be a ladder match for the iron fingers. The 8 Man Tag was very good, LIJ losing was actually quite the surprise to me, but I suppose the United Empire needed to win. It makes sense, with Ospreay VS Takagi one more time, now for THE IWGP World Heavyweight Championship, is awesome, and all the momentum going into it will make it even better. Takagi will lose, I’m sure, and Ospreay will use that momentum to go against Okada one more time in another epic showdown.

Yano VS Evil was hilarious! The KOPW series is great, all the best parts of goofy, comedic, overbooked pro-wrestling, and that is why Yano wins again and again. As far as comedy wrestling goes, that was no less than 5 stars. I don’t know who is next for Yano, but I am sure it will be another instant comedy classic. Who knows who will take that trophy off of Yano, but that match is going to be awesome. The Junior Tag title match was great stuff, too, a really strong and of course serious match, and it makes a lot of sense for RPG3K to retain. Assuming Yoh doesn’t win the singles title off Desperado, RPG3K can still go on quite a run with the tag titles, making up for lost time.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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