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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (4/22/21)

Moustache Mountain is back in business!



Coverage NXT UK 2021

Tyler Bate and Trent Seven reunite as a team!

The Big Strong Boy beat the Scottish Supernova at NXT UK Prelude, but now we see how things go in a tag match! Will Moustache Mountain still be the top against Noam Dar & Sha Samuels?


  • Eddie Dennis VS Joe Coffey; Coffey wins.
  • Dave Mastiff VS Sam Gradwell; Gradwell wins.
  • Jinny w/ Joseph Conners VS Dani Luna; Jinny wins.
  • Moustache Mountain VS Noam Dar & Sha Samuels; Moustache Mountain wins.


Eddie Dennis VS Joe Coffey!

The new and improved Hunt crashed Gallus’ return to NXT UK, but now the alpha males will battle it out! Will the Iron King slay the Welsh Dragon in both men’s return to in-ring action?

The bell rings and Coffey circles with Dennis. BT Sports Studio rallies up as the two tie up, and they go to ropes. The ref calls for the break, Dennis lets off but Coffey is ready for the cheap shot! Coffey fires body shots, Dennis headlocks but Coffey powers out and goes the other way to POUNCE Dennis out of the ring! Coffey pursues on the outside, throws more body shots then RAMS Dennis into the apron! Coffey puts Dennis in the ring, follows after but Dennis uses ropes as defense. The ref has Coffey back off and Dennis says this is wrestling, not boxing. Dennis comes back to headlock but Coffey powers out. Coffey clinches to throw more body shots and even knees!

Dennis slips around to ROCK Coffey with a forearm to the back! Dennis then spins Coffey for a judo hip toss! Dennis grinds the arm, sits Coffey up for a chinlock and leans on the hold. “Wrestling, not boxing!” Dennis gets Coffey with a cravat and cranks the neck, but Coffey throws him. Dennis holds on tight and drags Coffey down! Coffey endures, fights up, and throws body shots again. Coffey throws Dennis but Dennis still has the cravat! Dennis grinds Coffey down, but Coffey fights up to throw more body shots. Dennis snapmares Coffey to drop a knee on his head! Cover, ONE!! Coffey grits his teeth but Dennis clamps onto the shoulders.

Dennis gets the cravat back, grinds Coffey again, but Coffey fights up to scoop and TOSS Dennis away! Coffey gets to the opposite corner, runs in but Dennis denies the send-off! Dennis hits a CRAVAT PLEX! Cover, TWO! Coffey survives and Dennis is furious with the ref’s count! Dennis snarls as he looms over Coffey, and stomps him to ropes. Coffey gets up, Dennis kicks and uppercuts back, but Coffey throws body shots. Dennis ROCKS Coffey, then whips and CLOBBERS him with an elbow! Dennis rains down furious forearms, but the ref reprimands about hair pulling. Cover, TWO! Dennis seethes but he brings Coffey up.

Coffey throws even more body shots, then dodges Dennis’ retaliation, only to run into Dennis’ GUN SLINGER SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Coffey survives again and Dennis is losing his cool! BT Sports Studio fires up as Dennis looms over Coffey. Dennis stomps Coffey to ropes again, then digs his boots in at the ropes! The ref counts, Dennis lets off, and Coffey gets up to headbutt low! Coffey throws more body shots, then forearms! Dennis staggers, bobs ‘n’ weaves and fires off forearms and CHOPS! Coffey shoves Dennis but Dennis ROCKS him! Coffey comes back with another HEADBUTT! Coffey shoves and clinches Dennis for an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly!

Dennis is down, fans fire up and Coffey takes aim. Coffey runs Dennis over with shoulder after shoulder then a LEAPING shoulder tackle! Coffey gets Dennis up for a back suplex SLAM! RUNNING ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO!! Dennis survives but Coffey keeps his cool. Coffey drags Dennis up in a waistlock but Dennis resists the dead lift. Coffey shoves Dennis down, gets the legs, but Dennis kicks him away! Dennis runs in but into a buckle! Coffey goes up but Dennis anchors his feet! Dennis gets Coffey in the crucifix, for SEVERN BRIDGE!! Cover, TWO!?!? Coffey lives and Dennis is beside himself! Dennis gets up, snarls and drags Coffey back up.

Dennis dragon sleepers and suplexes, but Coffey escapes and shoves to RAM Dennis into buckles, then hit a SPINEBUSTER! Coffey has the legs, Dennis resists but Coffey gets the BOSTON CRAB! Dennis endures as Coffey sits deep! But Tyson T-Bone appears! And Primate from the other side! Coffey lets Dennis go to CLOBBER Primate, but Dennis rolls him up! TWO!! Dennis’ pack couldn’t help him steal this one! Coffey dead lifts and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Both men are down, T-Bone and Primate creep up again, but Gallus is here! Wolfgang and Mark brawl with the brutes, but Primate sends Wolfie into steps! T-Bone sends Mark into barriers!

Coffey whips, Dennis reverses and puts Coffey on the apron. Coffey forearms back, goes up and up and CROSSBODIES! Dennis is up, Coffey runs in, GLASGOW SEND-OFF! Coffey keeps going, ALL THE BEST FOR THE BELLS!! Cover, Coffey wins!!

Winner: Joe Coffey, by pinfall

But with Joe’s back-up down, T-Bone & Primate attack him! The ref reprimands but they aren’t letting up as they stomp and hammer away! But Wolfgang and Mark are back up! They get back at T-Bone and Primate then throw them out of the ring! Mark DECKS T-Bone, Wolfgang dares Dennis and his pack of animals to come back for more! Is Gallus going to get back on top while taking these wild dogs down? Or will Headmaster Dennis have a master plan for taking Gallus’ kingdom from them?


Ilja Dragunov reflects on his recent struggles.

From losing to Walter in the brutal NXT UK Championship classic, to how he would lose his cool every time someone chopped him on the back, to how he almost brutalized officials in that rage, there is much for him to take in. Will Dragunov be able to reconcile his wrath with his pursuit of the title?


NXT UK Media catches up with Gallus backstage.

Wolfie, Markus and Joe are fired up after that fight with Dennis & The Hunt, “Who’s on top?” “Gallus Boys on top!” But all the noise gets Rampage Brown’s attention. Joe says he saw Rampage VS Walter. It was brutal. And Joe’s been there, “It’s a bitter pill to swallow.” But Rampage promised Coffey a rematch so if he’s still up for a scrap, give him a call. Rampage nods, will we see these two throw hands again?


Dave Mastiff VS Sam Gradwell!

The Bomber didn’t want to hear the Thunderstorm blather on disrespectfully, so he shut him out. Literally, even, as he wouldn’t let Gradwell into the UK Performance Center. But will Mastiff have to shut Gradwell up more forcefully in the ring?

The bell rings, Gradwell and Mastiff approach, and they tie up with collar ‘n’ elbow. They go around, Mastiff puts Gradwell on ropes but the ref calls for the break. Mastiff lets off clean and eggs on “yogurt” Gradwell. Gradwell and Mastiff circle and tie up again. They go around, Gradwell goes for a waistlock but Mastiff has the arm. Mastiff wrenches to a hammerlock, Gradwell slips around but Mastiff switches the hold right back on. Gradwell tries again but again Mastiff puts it on. Gradwell elbows hard, gets around and shoves Mastiff! “Who’s the yogurt now?!” Mastiff blocks Gradwell’s punch to ROCK him with forearm after forearm!

Mastiff whips, kitchen sink knees Gradwell down, then grabs him by his tiny mohawk to set him up for the SOMERSAULT SENTON! And another! Cover, TWO! Gradwell grits his teeth but Mastiff clamps on with a chinlock. Gradwell fights up, Mastiff ROCKS him with a EuroUpper! Mastiff reels Gradwell into a fireman’s carry but Gradwell fights with elbows. Mastiff keeps him up top for a ROLLING SENTON, to a BACK SENTON, but onto Gradwell’s knees! Gradwell CLUBS Mastiff to a corner, drags him out to CLUB him more, then brings him around to CLUB him again! Gradwell keeps after Mastiff’s back, snapmares him down and JAMS the knee into his back!

Gradwell CLUBS him with another forearm, covers, TWO! Mastiff is still in this but Gradwell is fuming. Gradwell stomps Mastiff, eggs him on, and drags him up to CLUB him again! Gradwell wraps on another chinlock and grinds Mastiff down. Mastiff endures, fights up, but Gradwell knees low! Gradwell grabs Mastiff’s beard and calls Mastiff a daft yogurt, but Mastiff HEADBUTTS him! Mastiff whips, follows and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO!! Gradwell survives but swings into a waistlock! Mastiff shoves and DECKS Gradwell! Mastiff gets Gradwell up again, runs and LARIATS! Both men are down as Mastiff put a lot into that one!

Gradwell gets to a corner, Mastiff gets up and takes aim! Mastiff runs corner to corner, but his back tightens up. Mastiff still storms over, but Gradwell is on the apron. Gradwell HOTSHOTS Mastiff, then fireman’s carries him!! SAMOAN DRIVER!! Cover, Gradwell wins!!

Winner: Sam Gradwell, by pinfall

To say this was huge is an understatement! The Thunderstorm strikes down a Proper British Heavyweight, will this lead to even bigger and better opportunities?


Aoife Valkyrie speaks.

“The time has finally come. To rise to the challenge. To step out of the shadows. To show what a Valkyrie is truly capable of. What we do is fleeting. It lives for now, for this moment only. And this is my moment.” Next week, Aoife gets what she wants: Meiko Satomura. Will the Valkyrie be able to clear the Final Boss?


NXT UK takes a closer look at Emilia McKenzie.

Just 20 years old out of Coventry, England, she’s back in NXT UK after two years away from a trip around the world. British women’s wrestling is great and she is honored being part of it. The next step is to prove herself here, and is very lucky to have trained under the best. Millie has pushed herself and has always had that mentality. She hopes to make a name for herself on this brand now that she’s back.


Jinny w/ Joseph Conners VS Dani Luna!

The Spoiled Princess called out the punk rock powerhouse over her fashion sense, or lack there of in Jinny’s opinion. Will Luna prove that it isn’t how you look, it’s how you fight, that matters in NXT UK?

The bell rings and Jinny circles with Luna. They tie up, Luna waistlocks and slams Jinny down. Then she drags Jinny back up to slam her back down! Jinny resists the third, gets a ropebreak, then elbows Luna away! Jinny SLAPS Luna, but Luna runs back in! Jinny uses ropes as defense, then gets a cheap shot in! Jinny throws Luna down by her hair, ground ‘n’ pounds, then lets off as the ref counts. Jinny drags Luna up, stomps her, kicks her, then brings her up, only for Luna to shove her away. Jinny ROCKS Luna, knees Luna, then traps her arms in an Iron Octopus! Jinny claws Luna’s arm while she locks the hold in! Luna endures, stays on her feet, but Jinny claws her more!

Jinny lets Luna free just to KNEE her low! Jinny throws more forearms, more knees, and wrenches. Luna hits back but Jinny hooks her arms up again to rain down furious elbows! Jinny gets another Octopus with Luna already on her knees! Luna endures again as Jinny throws in elbows. Luna powers up, gets to her feet and throws Jinny off! BT Sports Studio fires up as Luna runs corner to corner, but Jinny boots her! Jinny rolls but Luna blocks the kick to gut wrench suplex! Luna holds on, drags Jinny back up and hits another gut wrench suplex! Luna fires up as Jinny flounders, and Luna drags Jinny up to dead lift standard suplex! Cover, TWO!

Jinny survives but Luna keeps her cool. Conners coaches Jinny but Luna brings her around to a fireman’s carry. Jinny fights free, throws body shots and ROCKS Luna. Luna ROCKS Jinny back and it’s a brawl! Jinny SLAPS Luna again, but Luna DECKS Jinny! Luna fires up and LARIATS Jinny to a corner! Conners gets on the apron, the ref tells him to stay back, but Luna runs him off. Jinny kicks Luna’s leg out! Ripcord to the ROLLING KICK! Jinny gets Luna in an Oklahoma Roll, and wins!

Winner: Jinny, by pinfall

The Fashionista gets an assist from Conners and gets the win off Luna. Conners encourages Jinny to teach Luna a lesson, so Jinny stomps away on Luna, then reels her in for an STF! Conners and Jinny talk trash to Luna right in her face, but here come South Wales Subculture! Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews run Conners and Jinny off! Will the Modfather and Rockstar make sure Conners and Jinny learn respect?


NXT UK Media interviews Sid Scala.

After last week’s main event, Kenny Williams cheating to defeat Amir Jordan, do we have any updates on the two? Sid spoke to Williams earlier today and has come to terms with him, but now Jordan barges in! This can’t be how this ends for him and Williams! He wants a rematch! Sid has spoken to Williams, and he has agreed to a rematch already, under No Disqualifications. Even better! But there is one condition: for Williams to agree to this, it will be Loser Leaves NXT UK. This is up to Jordan to take the deal.

Jordan takes a deep breath, looks at the contract, and takes the pen! Jordan signs on the dotted line, and vows that no one is taking this away from him! But will the Chancer take NXT UK away from the Bhangra Bad Boy?


NXT UK hears from a new recruit!

“I am Rohan Raja!” He’s 6’1″, British born, Australian raised and Canadian trained! Raja is finally home at NXT UK, making his debut next week against Teoman! Teoman has been making his opponents tap out to the crossface, but Raja doesn’t quit! Bring your A Game, because Raja will not give up! Who wins in this showdown of fired up rising stars?


Teoman speaks!

“I will be back in action in NXT UK next week, against the debuting Rohan Raja.” Teoman takes a deep breath as he says, “I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again. I would DIE for my family! I will protect them with honor, respect and FEAR! I’m the Man with the Nezar! I’m the Babo (Boss), Teoman!” But will Teoman be able to boss the rajah around?


BREAKING NEWS for next week!

On top of Teoman “welcoming” Rohan Raja, and Valkyrie challenging Satomura, we will get a Six Man Tag that’s sure to rock the BT Sports Studio! Gallus takes on Eddie Dennis, Primate & Tyson T-Bone, but which trio will be on top?


Moustache Mountain VS Noam Dar & Sha Samuels!

Tyler Bate & Trent Seven have each had their scraps with the Scottish Supernova and that motormouth of his, but now Dar has back-up in the East End Butcher! Will having Sha by his side only embolden Dar to mouth off more? Or will they both be humbled by the Big Strong Boy & Artful Dodger?

The teams sort out and Bate starts against Dar. Sha talks trash enough for everyone, including commentary, as Dar and Bate tie up. Bate arm-drags and Dar hurries to ropes. Dar keeps his cool, circles with Bate, and ties up collar ‘n’ elbow. Bate headlocks, grinds Dar down, but Dar fights up to power out, only for Bate to run him over. Bate arm-drags again and has Dar with an armlock! Dar scrambles around but Bate drags him from Sha! Bate wrenches Dar, Dar reaches for Sha, but Dar throws forearms to get free! Tag to Sha, and Sha talks more trash. Seven reaches out for a tag, and Sha mockingly calls him, “granddad!” Bate tags in Seven, Seven circles with Sha, and they tie up.

Sha headlocks, Seven powers out but Sha runs Seven over! “EAST~!” Seven grabs Sha’s leg, Sha stomps him off and calls him a mug, then runs, but Seven CROSSBODIES! Seven scoops and SLAMS Sha to then drop a leg, brother! Cover, TWO! Seven tags Bate back in, fireman’s carries Sha, and Bate goes up top. WASTELAND to the KNEE-BOARD SENTON! Cover, TWO! Sha survives but Bate gets him up to wrench the arm and YANK it! Bate grinds the shoulder, Sha still talks trash, but Bate wrenches again. Sha ROCKS Bate with a right, CLUBS him on the back, then brings him over. Tag to Dar, he and Sha mug the mug then Dar uppercuts Bate down! Cover, TWO!

Dar bumps Bate off buckles, throws forearms, but mockingly asks the ref the count. Bate kicks low, Dar hits him back! Dar whips Bate but Bate reverses. Dar goes up and over but Bate catches him to a fireman’s carry! Sha tags in, Bate starts up the spin but Sha body shots low and hard! Sha CLUBS Bate, has Bate in a corner and whips him corner to corner. Sha runs in, Bate blocks and KNEES him back! Bate hops up, leaps and hits a FLYING UPPERCUT! Bate gets Sha up, tags Seven in, and Bate wrenches Sha. Sha shoves Bate away but Seven CHOPS him down! Seven reels Sha in, ripcord but Sha gets under the lariat to hit an URENAGE BACKBREAKER!

Sha hammers away on Seven and shouts “EAST~!” Cover, TWO! Seven is still in this, Sha is still after him with a chinlock. Sha bumps Seven off buckles and tags in Dar. Dar kicks Seven in the corner then digs his forearms in. The ref counts, Dar snapmares Seven down and wraps on double chicken wings with his legs, so he can claw Seven’s face with his fingers! Dar lets off, acts like he can’t hear the ref, and then STOMPS Seven’s arm! Dar taunts Bate, stomps Seven’s leg, then the other leg, then the other arm! Dar tags in Sha, they get Seven up and Sha CLUBS Seven on the back! Sha snapmares Seven again to stand on Seven’s shoulder, then KICK him down! Cover, TWO!

Sha drags Seven over, tags in Dar, and Dar drags Seven up to stand on him, and KICK him, too! Seven just gets mad as Dar keeps kicking! Seven gets up but Dar dropkicks a leg out! Dar gets Seven up, bumps him off buckles and rams his shoulder in again and again! Tag to Sha, Seven fights back but Sha fires off haymakers! The ref has Sha let off, and Seven reaches for Bate. Sha scoops and SLAMS Seven! Cover, TWO! Sha argues the count, taunts Bate, but “Granddad” CHOPS Sha! Sha hammers away on Seven, covers, TWO! Sha drags Seven up to drive elbows into his shoulders then wrap on a chinlock. Sha thrashes Seven around, but Seven endures.

Seven fights up as BT Sports Studio rallies. Seven throws body shots, but Sha throws Seven by his hair! Tag to Dar, Sha drags Seven over and Dar taunts Moustache Mountain. Dar gets Seven in double underhooks, but Seven resists the suplex! Or perhaps, is Dar stealing the Tyler Driver?! Seven powers up, slips out and CHOPS Dar! Dar ROCKS Seven, drags him back up, but Seven CHOPS Dar! And then fakes Dar out to clamp on! Dar wrenches out, sweeps the legs, then hammers away! Cover, TWO!! Dar and Sha both argue the count, but Dar drags Seven over to tag Sha in. Sha stomps Seven hard in the stomach! Sha JAMS his knee into Seven’s back, then drops a big elbow! Cover, TWO!

Seven scrambles but Sha catches up and keeps him down. Sha drags Seven back with a facelock and CLUBS him down. Sha gets Seven up and RAMS him into the corner! Dar tags in, throws hands on Seven, but lets off as the ref counts. Dar snapmares and wraps Seven up in a chinlock. Seven endures, reaches, but Dar traps an arm. Seven still fights up, but Dar KICKS him in the chest! Seven catches the next kick, but Dar elbows free to kick again! Seven catches it, CLUBS the leg, then reaches for Bate. Dar holds Seven back, Seven CHOPS free! Dar swings, Seven ducks and CHOPS back again! Seven fires up, and he feints the chop to DDT Dar down!

Both men are down and BT Sports Studio fires up! Seven and Dar crawl, Dar anchors Seven’s feet and drags him back! Seven gets up but Dar ducks the enziguri! Dar waistlocks but Seven elbows free, to switch and SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Hot tags to Sha and Bate! Bate fires off on Sha and ROCKS him with a EuroUpper! Bate whips Sha to a corner, runs in to back elbow, then whips him the other way. Sha reverses, Bate goes up and under and catches Sha for an EXPLODER! Bate kips up and fires up, as does BT Sports Studio! STANDING SHOOTING STAR! Cover, Dar breaks it! Seven shoves Dar out of the ring!

The ref is busy with Dar as Seven helps Bate get Sha up, POWERBOMB! Jackknife bridge, TWO!! Sha survives but Bate tags Seven in. Seven gets Sha up, Bate runs, but Sha breaks free before the rebound! SPINEBUSTER! The ref is busy with Bate and Dar gets in to BOOT Seven in a corner! Dar gets away with it, and feeds Seven to Sha’s scoop for the MICHINOKU DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!! Seven survives and shocks Dar and Sha! Seven crawls to a corner and Sha takes aim. “EAST~!” Sha runs in but Seven dodges and CHOPS back! Seven DECKS Dar, dumps Sha out to join him, and then builds speed! Bate tags in before Seven DIVES!

The granddaddy of all topes takes out Sha & Dar, but here comes Bate! Bate FLIES to bowl Sha & Dar down again! Bate gets Sha in, he and Seven coordinate, torture rack for the FLYING KNEE BIRMINGHAMMER!! Cover, Moustache Mountain wins!!

Winners: Moustache Mountain, by pinfall

The in-ring reunion is a success! Has this partnership been what Bate & Seven have been missing? Will this momentum help Bate take the Heritage Cup from A-Kid? Should all of the NXT UK Tag Division worry about having to climb Moustache Mountain once again?

My Thoughts:

This was a very good NXT UK, but perhaps is more of a way to bridge things to bigger episodes for Spring and Summer. Coffey VS Dennis was good but of course the rest of Gallus and The Hunt show up to brawl. The Six Man is happening next week and that is going to be great. It could go either way, but if Joe Coffey is teasing another go with Rampage Brown, I feel like Gallus has to win that. Coffey lost to Rampage in their first match, and Rampage lost to Walter, so Coffey at least needs momentum going into the rematch to have a chance at winning it. That is, if he’s going to win it. Rampage and Joe Coffey are perhaps two guys who have the misfortune of Walter being in NXT UK because he is so strong as champion, Rampage and Coffey are capped at upper midcard.

Gradwell VS Mastiff was a match that basically came outta nowhere, even with that little skit last week, but what a great win for Gradwell. There’s so much potential for Gradwell, not just in NXT UK but overall, so if he can string together wins to either get at the Heritage Cup or even get a shot at the UK Championship, that’d be great. Dragunov watching himself in replays was a great way to push his story forward without even really saying much of anything. Having Teoman’s next match be against another new NXT UK superstar is an interesting move, but it could turn into a bit of a sleeper hit since Teoman is very aggressive and agile, and I imagine so will Rohan Raja. That match can go either way, but it’ll definitely benefit both men in the long run.

Kenny Williams VS Amir Jordan 2 being a No Disqualification Loser Leaves match is quite the escalation but it is great for story. Williams won already, I have a feeling Jordan wins this time, and loser leaves NXT UK to go to 205 Live or even NXT Prime to challenge Kushida. Williams VS Kushida could even be about the Back to the Future theme they both love. Jinny VS Luna was alright, but of course Conners is a factor. I have a feeling Jinny & Conners are going to be the “mixed tag” team, Luna can team with either Mark Andrews or Flash Morgan Webster and still have a great match, and there’s a chance the first combination loses to compel the second combination to try.

The tag main event and Moustache Mountain’s return was really good, though it clocked in under 15 minutes. Sha & Dar make a good tag team, too, and I really thought they were going to get the upset win there. But Bate & Seven need the momentum, they are still a great team, and so they get the win. Bate may or may not beat A-Kid for the Heritage Cup, but Moustache Mountain really should get back into the UK Tag Division to fire it back up.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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