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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (5/13/21)

Who earns a golden ticket through the Gauntlet?



Coverage NXT UK 2021

Who will be the NXT UK Women’s Champion’s next challenger?

Amale attacked Xia Brookside and took her out of the gauntlet, but she’s not getting in it! NXT UK rolls on, and only one can challenge Kay Lee Ray!


  • Heritage Cup Rules: Noam Dar VS Nathan Frazer; Dar wins.
  • Mark Andrews VS Levi Muir; Andrews wins.
  • NXT UK Women’s Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: Meiko Satomura wins and will challenge Kay Lee Ray for the title.


Heritage Cup Rules: Noam Dar VS Nathan Frazer!

The Scottish Supernova doesn’t take the renamed Benjamin Carter seriously, but perhaps he’ll have to after facing him himself! Will Nathan Frazer start to make a name for himself in this traditional British Rounds match?

The bell rings on round one of possibly six, and the two circle as the BT Sports Studio audience cheers. Dar and Frazer approach, Dar gives a testing kick, but Frazer shrugs it off. They tie up, Dar waistlocks and throws Frazer down to get a facelock but Frazer slips out to get a hammerlock. Dar gets up, wrenches to a wristlock and wrangles Frazer down. Dar cranks the arm, Frazer rolls and rolls and handsprings to wrench through. Frazer hits an elbow breaker, then holds onto the wristlock. Dar trips Frazer, steps through to get the leg then goes after the arm for a wristlock. Dar SMACKS the hand, twists the wrist, but Frazer gets up,

Dar holds on as Frazer slips through and wrenches back. Dar spins, breaks free but Frazer leap frogs for a hard arm-drag! Frazer has the armlock, Dar fights back up, and we’re approaching a minute left. Dar gets up but Frazer gets the cording hold. Dar goes to ropes, Frazer lets off and Dar shoves! Frazer runs in but Dar gets away and blows a kiss. The two reset and tie up with knuckle locks. They go for a test of strength, Frazer drops to wrench and headlock takeover. Dar headscissors, Frazer kips free and gets the headlock takeover right back! Dar headscissors again, Frazer moves around, Dar digs in elbows but Frazer pops free!

Frazer brushes off his shoulders and fans cheer. They tie up again at 10 seconds, end up on ropes, the round bell rings but Dar gets in a cheap shot! The ref reprimands and Dar “apologizes,” claiming he didn’t realize the bell rang. The ref lets him off with a warning and we get ready for round two.

Dar: 0; Frazer: 0

Round two begins and Dar is cocky as he circles with Frazer. They tie up, Dar trips Frazer right up to get a toehold. Frazer moves around, Dar digs in elbows, but Frazer counters with a body scissor and rolling clutch! TWO, and Dar ROCKS Frazer with an uppercut! Frazer DECKS Dar with a forearm! Frazer waistlocks, Dar switches to shove and table top and hook arms for a spinning backslide! Frazer still stays up, switches the hooks to backslide. Dar rolls through but into Frazer’s cradle! Frazer scores!!

Frazer: 1; Dar: 0

Dar can’t believe it! He’s down and could lose already! Dar hurries to refresh himself, and is impatient for round three. We start again, Frazer avoids Dar’s strikes, things speed up and Frazer hurdles to dropkick Dar down! Frazer hurries to STANDING SHOOTING STAR! Cover, TWO!! Dar survives and here comes Sha Samuels! Dar’s best pal is here to save the day, as it were. Sha shoves the corner man to the back and takes over. Frazer says it doesn’t matter, he runs and CHOPS Dar in a corner! And then CHOPS again! Frazer whips Dar corner to corner but Dar reverses. Frazer goes up and over and things speed up again. Frazer boots Dar, hops up, but Dar sweeps the legs! Cover, TWO!

Dar stomps away on Frazer’s leg, then the other leg! And then the arms! Sha and Dar fist bump before Dar stomps Frazer to ropes. BT Sports Studio boos as Dar toys with Frazer. Dar KICKS Frazer against the ropes and we’re already at a minute in the third. Dar stalks Frazer, KICKS him against ropes again, but is perhaps toying too much. Frazer catches the next kick, but Dar ducks the enziguri! Frazer avoids a stomp, QUEBRADA DDT! Frazer hurries to the corner with 20 seconds, but Sha barks at him! The ref reprimands, Dar gest up top and wrenches an arm! Final 10 of the round, Frazer knocks Dar away! The round bell rings before Frazer can leap! This time, Dar is saved by the bell!

Frazer: 1; Dar: 0

Frazer still has the lead so he cools off and recovers in his corner. Sha gets Dar some lemonade as opposed to just water, and now we begin again! Round four and it’s a SHOTGUN from Frazer! Frazer gets up top fast, ignores Sha outright and leaps. Dar avoids the splash and comes back with a KICK! Frazer blocks, Dar elbows then back elbows! Cover, TWO!! Sha tells Dar to calm down and focus. Dar puts pinkies out and aims from a corner. Sha knows he wants the Rolla, and Frazer staggers up to his feet. Dar runs but Frazer caches him, roll up and cradle, TWO! ENZIGURI! Frazer hurries, QUEBRADA, but Dar trips him to a KNEEBAR!! Frazer taps, Dar ties it!!

Frazer: 1; Dar: 1

Dar saves himself, but we’re in the fifth and it could go any which way! Frazer steps to Dar and they start brawling with forearms! Frazer gets the edge, CHOPS away, but Dar JABS! Kicks and leg shoot, but Frazer sits on it! TWO, Frazer rolls Dar to Boston Crab, but Dar flips over to victory roll! TWO!! Sha is fired up but Frazer hits ANARCHY! Cover, TWO!! BT Sports Studio stays hot as both men are down. Dar kicks Frazer in the leg! Frazer comes back but Dar BOOTS him! Dar whips, Frazer slides to the apron! Frazer forearms back, but Sha anchors his foot while Dar distracts the ref! Frazer kicks Sha away, springboards in, but Dar dodges! Frazer’s missile dropkick flops, NOVA ROLLA!! Cover, DAR WINS!

Winner: Noam Dar, by pinfall

The East End Butcher is an insurance policy like no other! He helps Supernova 11 win 2-1 in the fifth, but will Frazer have something to say about that?


NXT UK hears from Pretty Deadly.

Lewis Howley says, “Not only are you looking at the NXT UK Tag Team Champions,” #Sideplatecheck, “but your eyes are feasting on the best looking tag team there is.” Sam Stoker says that at first, the fans looked on with uncertainty. Were they pretty? Were they deadly? Could they be both? They knew from day one they’d be in this position. They have ascended to the tag team throne! They beat Gallus by outperforming them! It was the icing on the delicious strawberry shortcake that they are. Their reign has only just begun, because the dandiest highwaymen will be on the top of the mountain for a long, long, long time. #YESBOY!


Trent Seven talks with Jack Starz in the UK Performance Center.

They’ve both been on a bit of a losing streak but it’s alright. There’s always next time. Sam Gradwell walks over to mock Seven’s “bit of role-modeling.” Getting in the good books? Getting involved in everything? Seven may be a founding father but so is Gradwell. And the only thing Seven is to Gradwell is over the hill, overrated, and he is seeing right through this stupid “concerned dad act!” Seven SLAPS Gradwell off his feet! People rush in to stop this from turning into a brawl and Gradwell is fired up! Gradwell says the truth will emerge, but Seven tells him to shut up. Will the Thunderstorm and the Artful Dodger look to get back in the ring and settle the score?


Mark Andrews VS Levi Muir!

The rockstar skater of #Subculture is ready to represent in his in-ring return! Will Andrews show us all what he’s learned from living that life?

The bell rings and Andrews ties up with Muir. Andrews wrenches an arm, has a wristlock, but Muir powers through to wrench back. Andrews rolls, handsprings and breaks free to headlock. Muir powers up to throw Andrews away, then he snapmares. Andrews handsprings through, but the arm-drag is blocked! Andrews shifts to roll up, TWO! Muir boots but that is blocked and Andrews sweeps the leg to STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Andrews keeps cool and he CHOPS Muir, then ROCKS him with a EuroUpper! Muir reverses the whip, hurdles and SPINNING POWERSLAMS! Cover, TWO!

Andrews gets to ropes to catch his breath, then he CHOPS Muir again! Muir throws a EuroUpper, then ROCKS Andrews in a corner! Muir stalks Andrews but Andrews CHOPS him again! And ROCKS him, CHOPS, but Muir uppercuts! Muir storms over in a corner and fires off EuroUppers! Andrews staggers along ropes, Muir brings him around to torture rack! Andrews pops free to CHOP, ROCK, but Muir shoves. Andrews ROCKS Muir again, runs but into a low headbutt! Muir hurries to suplex, slingshot and SLAM! Cover, TWO! Andrews is still in this, but Muir keeps cool. Muir drags Andrews up, ROCKS him with a EuroUpper, then whips him to ropes.

Andrews sunset flips, Muir stays up and drags Andrews up, only for Andrews to CHOP and CHOP and ROCK and CHOP! Andrews keeps firing off shots, Muir whips him away but Andrews slides and PELES! Andrews fires up, runs and 619’s Muir to the back! Andrews springboards back in, but Muir gets under! Andrews comes back, and leaps into Muir’s arms! Muir slingshots Andrews again, for STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRE! Muir bails out but Andrews DIVES! Direct hit into the barriers! Andrews fires up with BT Sports Studio and he puts Muir back in. Andrews climbs, Muir is in a drop zone, FALL TO PIECES!! Cover, Andrews wins!

Winner: Mark Andrews, by pinfall

The shooting star always sees Andrews through! Andrews always gets back up because of that skater life, but will we see him and the rest of Subculture rise up onto the biggest stage in NXT UK?


NXT UK Media interviews Sid Scala.

Has there been any decision on a replacement for Xia Brookside, who was brutally attacked last week? The sure answer is that they’re working on one, but Amale walks in and says that with Xia injured, Amale should be in that gauntlet match. She deserves it! Not a chance! She will NOT be rewarded for what she did! Amale says she deserved to be in the match, and if she doesn’t get what she wants, she’ll just take it! Oh she’ll get a match, alright! NOT the Gauntlet. They are working on a replacement for Xia. Because Xia VS Amale will happen as soon as Xia is medically cleared!

Amale is furious hearing this, and shouts at Sid in French. She storms off, but will Xia respond with actions, not words? As for the substitute, it is to be announced. At this rate, will it be during the match itself?


NXT UK shares footage from after Williams VS Jordan, Loser Leaves NXT UK.

Amir was of course emotional, being banished from this brand because his former friend cheated him. He sat behind gorilla, tears pouring down his face. The ref helped him to the back and had medics prepare. The match was brutal, but the real pain was in the heart. Where will we see Amir Jordan in the WWE next?


Sid Scala sits with A-Kid and Tyler Bate.

Next week, for the Heritage Cup, we see if the Spanish Ace has truly surpassed the Big Strong Boy! As such, the Assistant GM sat with champion and challenger for a formal interview. How has A-Kid’s life changed since becoming Heritage Cup Champion? Much better, really. He says these kinds of stories get us through the hard times, and that has been what the Cup has been for him. AK is reminded that he can do what he wants with life. What would it mean to Bate to become champion? The Cup represents the technical, traditional and rawest aspect of pro-wrestling. It is all what Bate fell in love with this division. Same for AK. The Cup is AK’s, for now.

AK beat Bate once, but Bate says this confidence will be why he fails. He doesn’t have the big match experience. That is the difference here. Then how does AK win? Well AK may be a “master” of the British Round rules, but he has nothing on Bate. Does Bate really believe what he’s saying? Of course he does. Bate sees AK is believing it, too. AK says he’s always been chasing Bate. Bate won the NXT UK Championship, AK was looking up to him. But now AK is champion, and it is Bate chasing him. That is what Bate means. AK fails to see the bigger picture. Bate chasing AK? No, Bate is in his own lane and AK can’t even see it. That is why AK fails.

AK is champion. Yes, for now. Sid says it is happening next week, and both men shake hands. May the best man win. But will it be El Nino Anonimo or the Big Strong Boy that mans up and pulls off the win?


Supernova Sessions has its next guest!

Noam Dar welcomes Ilja Dragunov to his talk show next week! But will Dar be careful not to anger the Moscow Madman?


NXT UK Women’s Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet!

The French Hope hoped taking out Xia would get her in, but it only kept her out! We don’t know who, if anyone, is replacing the second generation superstar, but we do know that only the last woman standing takes on Kay Lee Ray! We start with the Wicked Witch and #SuplexMillie, will either make it to the end?

Isla Dawn VS Emilia McKenzie!

The bell rings and the two tie right up. BT Sports Studio cheers as the two go around. Isla puts Millie on ropes, Millie turns it around but Isla puts her in a corner. The ref counts, the two let off but tie up again. Millie waistlocks but Isla holds off the suplex, so Millie throws Isla down with a mat return. Millie facelocks to a cover, TWO! Millie stays close with an armlock then facelock then roll to cover, TWO! Millie keeps that facelock, Isla fights up and powers out to then knee low! Isla whips, Millie reverses and fires off forearms! Millie kicks low, wrenches and facelocks for a SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Isla lives but Millie keeps her cool.

Millie waistlocks, Isla flails and runs, RAMMING Millie into buckles! Isla stomps Millie around, then PENALTY KICKS! Isla laughs at Millie’s pain before dropping DOUBLE KNEES! Cover, TWO! Isla is furious, she snap suplexes and covers, TWO! Isla CLUBS Millie, throws forearms, but Millie hits back! And again! And again! Millie boots but Isla blocks, so Millie ENZIGURIS! Millie runs and SHOTGUNS Isla down! Isla gets to a corner, Millie fires up and runs in to forearm smash! Millie whips but Isla reverses! Millie slips out, shoulders back in, climbs up top, and slingshot SPEARS! Cover, TWO!! Isla still lives and Millie is shocked!

Millie waistlocks, Isla fights back and snapmares to SUPERKICK! Half nelson, CALL OF THE QUARTERS! Bridging cover, Isla ELIMINATES Millie! The young hotshot is out already, but in her place comes the punk rock powerhouse of #Subculture!

Isla Dawn VS Dani Luna!

Luna watches Dawn rise and BOOTS her down! Dani gets Isla up to gut wrench suplex! And gut wrench suplex again! And dead lift suplex! Cover, TWO!! Isla survives the onslaught but Dani whips. Isla holds ropes, Dani blocks a boot and fireman’s carries, but Isla fights free! Isla CLUBS Dawn, throws forearms, but Dani ducks the kick to LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Dani hurries to get Isla back up, scoops for the FALL AWAY SLAM! Isla staggers back to her feet, Dani runs corner to corner, and RAMS into Isla! Dani brings Isla back up for an EXPLODER! Cover, TWO!! Somehow Isla survives and Dani is frustrated.

Dani drags Isla back up, reels her in but Isla fights with elbows! Isla whips, Dani reverses and runs in, but Isla dodges! Dani POSTS herself, Isla rolls her up, Isla ELIMINATES Dani!! The Wicked Witch has expelled the two favorites that remained but… Oh wait! The FINAL BOSS is the substitute?!

Isla Dawn VS Meiko Satomura!

Isla doesn’t even realize until she looks at the ramp! The Best in the World gets in and Isla looks afraid! Isla rushes and SHOTGUNS Meiko out of the ring! Isla fires off and throws Meiko into barriers! Isla CLUBS Meiko, puts her back in the ring, covers, TWO! Isla is angry now as she rains down rights! Isla drags Meiko up, clubs her, then brings her to a corner. Meiko blocks the buckle bump to fire back with forearms! Meiko bumps Isla off buckles, then ROUNDHOUSES! Meiko KICKS Isla more and more, lets off as the ref counts, but Isla returns to ROCK Meiko with forearms! Meiko hits back, they brawl now, Isla blocks a roundhouse but not the PELE! Cover, TWO!!

Isla is proving a tough witch to defeat! Meiko back kicks, EuroUppers, and then runs to handspring, but Isla dodges the kick! Isla fires kicks back, BUZZSAW and Meiko goes to a corner! Isla wants Meiko to get up, and then she whips, but Meiko blocks! Isla BOOTS the other arm and DANGEROUS SAIDOS! Isla drags Meiko back up, reels her back in, another SAIDO! Isla runs and METEORAS! Cover, TWO!! Meiko survives and Isla is enraged! Isla runs to PENALTY KICK, then jumps, but Meiko dodges the double knees! DDT!! Meiko runs, HANDSPRING KICK! Meiko roars, gets Isla up, and reels her into a fireman’s carry. Isla slips out, rolls Meiko, TWO!!

Meiko has the FUJIWARA CROSS ARMBREAKER! Isla gets up but Meiko rolls her, Meiko ELIMINATES Isla!! The Wicked Witch’s run finally ends, but that just leaves the Spoiled Princess!

Meiko Satomura VS Jinny w/ Joseph Conners!

The Fashionista is in the best position possible, but Meiko doesn’t seem to be worried. The two stare down and circle in this final round of the gauntlet. The two tie up, Jinny uses height for leverage to push Meiko to ropes, but lets off clean while she stares her down. Meiko nods and circles with Jinny again. They tie up, Jinny gets an arm and wrangles Meiko down. Jinny grinds the arm, shifts to a hammerlock then gets the far arm! Jinny turns Meiko into a recliner for a cover, TWO! Jinny stays on Meiko with a facelock, but Meiko fights up to wrench free. Meiko hammerlocks, Jinny throws elbows but Meiko holds on.

Jinny uses her leg to reverse the hammerlock to arm-drag and cover, TWO! Jinny keeps on the arm, wraps on a facelock, and Jinny pulls back on the grovit. Meiko powers Jinny to a corner, the ref counts and they go out of the corner as Jinny drags Meiko down. Cover, TWO! Jinny goes back to the facelock, back to a cover, TWO! Jinny gets a La Magistrol, TWO! Conners argues with the ref and Jinny drags Meiko up. Jinny wrenches, wrenches, and wristlocks to wrangle Meiko. Jinny digs her knee in, Meiko kicks from below and gets free to cover, TWO! Jinny narrowly escapes but Meiko is on her with a headlock!

Jinny fights up, Meiko throws knees and hits a takeover! Jinny keeps her shoulders up as she pushes Meiko. Jinny headscissors but Meiko holds the headlock! Jinny finally gets Meiko to let go, but Meiko bridges up. Jinny clubs her down, Meiko moves around, and Meiko powers free to turn Jinny’s own headscissors into a butterfly stretch! Jinny throws forearms, Meiko CLUBS her and shoves her down! Meiko keeps the pressure on, Jinny fires forearms then essentially snap suplexes from that low! Cover, TWO! The forearms fly, Meiko KICKS, and KICKS, and KICKS! Jinny wobbles, Meiko KICKS her down!

Conners coaches, Meiko runs and WHEEL KICKS Jinny down! Meiko drags Jinny into an STF!! Jinny crawls, reaches, Conners coaches her, and Jinny gets the ropebreak! The ref counts, Meiko lets off fast and Conners barks at her. Meiko tells him to shut up and back off, but Jinny yanks Meiko into ropes! Jinny gets Meiko up, and SLAMS her face into the mat! Cover, TWO! Jinny and Conners are frustrated but Jinny rains rights down on Meiko! Jinny drags Meiko back up, reels her in, but Meiko blocks the suplex to fireman’s carry! Conners distracts so Meiko KICKS him down! But Jinny swings, only for Meiko to catch her! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!

Meiko BUZZSAWS Jinny down, then fires up! SCORPIO RISING!! Cover, Meiko wins!!

Winner: Meiko Satomura, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the NXT UK Women’s Championship)

The Fashionista loses to the Final Boss, and we’re getting an epic rematch! The Scary Queen of Scots will once again take on Meiko Satomura with the title on the line! And as such, Kay Lee Ray appears on stage! She nods and gets in the ring to hold the title up high! KLR bows to show there is respect, and Meiko bows in return. But KLR SUPERKICKS her down!! “How dare you!! I’m the champion here, and no one is gonna change that!!” So much for respect! Will KLR still be the #ForeverChampion when she has to take on the Best in the World all over again?

My Thoughts:

A great episode setting up some big stuff, but sadly for no TakeOver as it was recently announced TakeOver: Dublin was canceled again. I suppose NXT UK could come up with a special separate from the traditional TakeOvers, the same way NXT had themed episodes like Halloween Havoc and New Year’s Evil. But for now, we’ll just have to settle for big time moments, like next week’s Heritage Cup Championship match. The sit down interview promo was pretty good, as it helped build some tension between A-Kid and Tyler Bate. That match could go either way and have some great story coming out of it, so that is going to be very exciting.

The Heritage Cup/British Rounds match opening tonight was a logical move, we knew it’d be no longer than 20 minutes as a segment just on the six three-minute rounds. Sha Samuels helping Dar win made sense, but I did like the twist that he wasn’t out there to start and then replaced the cornerman who wasn’t doing well enough for Dar. Dar is clearly going to be after whoever wins the Heritage Cup Championship next week. Dar also having Dragunov for Supernova Sessions next week is going to be a great segment. I feel that’ll set up more Dragunov VS Sha, but Dragunov VS Dar could be a great match, too.

Gradwell talking trash on Seven and clearly setting up a rematch was good, but maybe there will be something more at stake. Andrews VS Muir was a solid match, and I like that Subculture is getting their own unique entrance filter. It’s very nWo with their logo/name all over and the black ‘n’ white effect. This is a good sign that NXT UK sees something in the group, even with Dani Luna not lasting as long as I expected in the gauntlet. I like that we got a promo establishing that Amale was NOT getting in on the match. NXT UK is doing a great job breaking wrestling clichés, because a lot of the time someone attacking another person means they get what that person was getting.

Amale VS Brookside was a given after last week’s attack, so great to have them say it here. In the gauntlet, Isla had a great run, and it really was a surprise that Millie and Dani didn’t last longer. I am surprised Meiko Satomura was the substitute as opposed to Aoife Valkyrie or Stevie Ray, since this gauntlet was supposed to be about new opportunities and such. But it makes sense that the substitute was going to win, and if that was the case, Meiko was the perfect choice for such a thing. KLR VS Meiko rematch is still going to be a great match, and KLR hitting a historic mark is more than enough for her to give this to Meiko and perhaps join Rhea Ripley and Toni Storm in NXT USA while Meiko carries the belt for the Summer.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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