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Impact Coverage

AJ’s IMPACT Wrestling Results & Review 6/10/21

AJ is back from Florida, so that means Impact coverage is back! How do they set the stage for Against All Odds?



Ahhhh that was a fun little out of state assignment. Oh right… IMPACT today. Almost forgot but, hey it’s the last one before Against All Odds. AEW and IMPACT will have a Summit. Morrissey will face Willie Mack again to get under the nerves of Rich Swann before their match. Rosemary gets her warm up for the Knockout’s Championship and Joe Doering has to get some rust off when he faces Kojima this Saturday with Eddie Edwards tonight.


  • Havok vs Rosemary: Rosemary wins via pinfall – **
  • Tasha Steelz vs Kimber Lee: Tasha Steelz wins via Falcon Arrow – ** ½
  • Petey Williams & Trey Miguel vs Chris Bey & Rohit Raju: Trey Miguel wins via Armbar – *** ¼
  • Joe Doering vs Eddie Edwards: Eddie Edwards wins via DQ – N/A
  • No Disqualification: W. Morrissey vs Willie Mack: Morrissey wins via Big Boot – *** ½



The show opens up with Scott and Tony Khan getting to talking but Don Callis comes out to talk about the potential Triple Threat with Callihan, Moose and Omega by trying to convince both of them that Sami Callihan. The two owners actually… come to the agreement that Callihan won’t be in the championship match. Moose against Kenny Omega at Against All Odds.

…whoever wins, gets Sami Callihan at Slammiversary!

Havok vs Rosemary-

Since both these ladies are so familiar with each other, Rosemary takes it early win two Spears and locks in a Chancery hold but Havok breaks out and lets out her aggression. After a bit of craze and bedlam going on and Rosemary actually miracles a win so Havok will not be part of the Knockout’s Championship match this Saturday.
(Aftermath: Susan, Deonna and Kimber beat down Havok and Rosemary and Susan demands Tasha comes down for the match against Tasha that was scheduled)

Tasha Steelz vs Kimber Lee-

Tasha has a quick and fiery advantage but the strength of Kimber comes into play and takes it to Steelz, pillar to post. Tasha actually comes back with her own strikes to get some distance but Kimber uses her strength again to take it to her smaller opponent. When Kimber goes to the sky though, Tasha capitalizes on the opportunity by finishing Kimber Lee with a driver.

Petey Williams & Trey Miguel vs Chris Bey & Rohit Raju-

Petey and Rohit start it off and is very back and forth so in comes a little more speed than technical with tags from both sides. More and more tags to everyone comes in as more speed and hitting comes in from every side. Trey showed the most offense for his team, taking a lot of them down during the match, even 2 on 1s and sooner, rather than later, locks a armbar and gets the win for his team.
(Aftermath: Ace Austin comes in with Mad Man Fulton and tries to stack the deck in his favor but Josh Alexander comes in to even the odds and everyone helps out to do an Avalanche Canadian Destroyer with a double powerbomb to hopefully eliminate Madman from the match this Saturday.)

Joe Doering vs Eddie Edwards –

Joe takes it early to Eddie, basically man handling him in all corners. Doering absolutely takes Eddie apart with strikes and laying into Eddie with his weight but Eddie gets a burst of energy and suplexes Joe to separate himself from Doering but VBD comes in and attacks Eddie to get a disqualification.
(Aftermath: VBD attack Eddie more and more but Kojima runs in to run off VBD and hits a Cozy Lariat to take Joe Doering out of the ring.)

W. Morrissey vs Willie Mack-

Morrissey gets the first blood by hitting Mack with a punch and even uses a personal Balaz favorite with a Foot Choke in the corner. Even though Willie gets a punch or two in, Morrissey hits harder and goes to the outside to continue the beat down. Willie gets the separation and uses the weapons first with a chain and chair. Willie gives a good amount of offense but Morrissey shows how ruthless he is with chair shots (Aye we got another viewer) and digging the chair against Willie’s face. Morrissey gets too much hubris though and Willie gets a measure of revenge with the chair. Willie goes to get the Six Star on to Morrissey with a chair but misses, more things ensue but a Big Boot with the chair in the face to Willie and a Massive win for the Massive man.
(Aftermath: Morrissey tries to do more damage to Willie but Rich comes out to stop him and security attempts to break them up. Swann gets hit with a Stinger Splash but Swann gets the last laugh with a Chairshot as the show ends.)

Final Thoughts:

This was a pretty damn good show. Not going to lie. It even started with Tony Khan and I didn’t push it away. I like the fact they are making Moose and Kenny a one on one, I like that they acknowledged the fact that Sami has been on the rise and will give him the grand stage of a Championship match. A lot of things are looking good. My one and only gripe is having too many potential multi-wrestler matches. They teased Callihan to be in the championship match, they teased Jessica Havok to be in the Knockout’s match, there is a five way for the number one contender for the X Division championship. I know you want to try and make it exciting but, you don’t need multiple multi matches.

Other than that, it was a good wrap up show. Hopefully Against All Odds will live up to the hype that the last show had and be a great way to start Slammiversary.

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 10.17.2024

Three titles on the line in two matches! Digital Media, International Heavyweight and X Division tonight!



Well we know El Hijo del Vikingo will be at Bound For Glory, my assumption is challenging for the X Division title, but hopefully we get some kind of direction on what he’s doing. The Northern Armoury again, is a cool name wasted on a jabroni stable of Josh Alexander and mooks. Masha’s whole challenge feels a bit fast forwarded, while I think she’s great and her winning is perfect for her story since she’s 0-4 against Jordynne (if memory serves), it really feels rushed.

Let’s see what else gets fleshed out since we do have the Pick Your Poison matches for the terrible PCO & Cardona angle. So let’s just get those over with and bury memory of anything in and around this awful storyline.

Hopefully the show isn’t just filler mediocrity today!


  • Digital Media and International Heavyweight Championship NODQ Match: PCO (c) vs Rhino: PCO retains via PCO-sault – * 1/2
  • Brinley Reece vs ASH by Elegance w/Personal Concierge: ASH wins via Rarefied Air – zero
  • X Division Championship: Speedball Mike Bailey (c) vs Leon Slater: Speedball retains via Flamingo Driver – ***
  • Matt Cardona w/Eddie Edwards & JDC vs Mike Santana
  • Matt Cardona vs Nic Nemeth: Nemeth wins via Danger Zone – ** 3/4



Digital Media and International Heavyweight Championship NODQ Match: PCO (c) vs Rhino

Slow lock up and Shoulder Tackles lead to going outside of the ring and incorporating chairs very quickly. Rhino whips PCO into the steps, stands the steps up and tries to smash his face into the edge, but PCO counters and throws Rhino through the steps. Cookie Sheet spot, Backdrop onto steps, but this is a very…plodding match. PCO hits Rhino with a chairshot, puts Rhino ontop of a stack of chairs on the apron, aims for the Deanimator, but Rhino rolls away and PCO crashes and burns.

Trash can time, very slow trash can time. Rhino looks to Powerbomb PCO into the can, but PCO counters and posts Rhino. Rolls him into the ring with the can and more slow can shots. Chokeslams Rhino onto the can, Rhino powders, PCO looks for the Dive and Rhino chucks another trash can into his face as PCO continues to just miss big moves and eat ass (not in the good way). Rhino places the trash can in the corner, Rhino looks for the Irish Whip but PCO counters and Rhino makes contact and bounces out. PCO sets up some chair art, looks for a Moonsault, but Rhino gets up and Powerbombs PCO through the chairs for 2! The crowd calls for the Gore, but Rhino grabs a table. That’s new…the wrestler grabbing a table before the crowd asks for it.

Rhino sets up for the Gore through the table, PCO side steps, PCO-sault, and PCO retains.

This match was paced poorly, plodding, and just generally a waste of 10 minutes. The crowd responds well to PCO, but that doesn’t mean the match was worth literally anything. 

Nemeth has a promo about his Pick Your Poison match with Cardona later, typical Fighting Champion, show stealer, blah blah, wannabe Shawn Michaels. 

Brinley Reece vs ASH by Elegance w/Personal Concierge

What in the Barbie’s dreamhouse fever dream is a Brinley Reece? 

ASH fakes the hand shake and cheap shots into the corner, Concierge applies lipstick to ASH while she’s hitting Brinley and then Brinley counters and smears the makeup. So ASH going for a Hot Mess reference, both Chelsea Green and Aespa aren’t amused. They go for some comedic power spot of Push Ups and Shoulder Tackle attempts with Brinley stone walling ASH. Brinley throws ASH into a corner, ASH manages to pop her over onto the apron and kick her off. I’m not really sure what I’m watching, this has been mostly comedy, but since Brinley is effectively a nobody, its just more of ASH being comedically narcissistic and…its kinda lame.

Brinley counters a Bow and Arrow into a Cradle, then tries to hype herself up with some mountain climber thing into a Cartwheel Lariat for two. Brinley’s offense looks…almost as inane as ASH’s comedy. Scorpion Deathdrop from ASH into the Rarefied Air and thankfully its over.

ASH starts a new gimmick of marking up the loser with makeup and biting or kissing her forehead, so Xia Brookside makes a save. At least they remembered there’s a thread with Xia, but this has been a rough 30 minutes to the show.  

X Division Championship: Speedball Mike Bailey (c) vs Leon Slater

I expect a spot fest that is somewhat fun but no real chance for Leon. 

Fast start with rope runs, nothing moves and the simultaneous moron Dropkick spot that I detest. And immediately after the moron Dropkick spot Bailey grabs a Hammerlock and the “speed kills” concept changes with zero psychology. Dives, counters and both of them get a chance to do some unique counter before Bailey gets the best of things after the Triangle Moonsault and posting Slater and going at him with a litany of  kicks, Arm Wringers and Drags. Speedball lights Slater up like the dummy from Three Ninjas and the match hasn’t looked close for about 3 minutes. Speedball keeps working the Hammerlock, Slater tries a Back Handspring spot and the sell on the arm finally comes through. But Speedball eats a Jawbreaker and then a Flying Kick from Slater before Speedball goes for his Round and Axe Kick combo into the Running Shooting Star…miss. Feint Kick from Slater, they trade charging Pump Kicks, Enzuigiri from Speedball and a desperation Sliding Straight Kick from Slater to have them both down selling.

Speedball keeps going for the Hammerlock and Slater finds small Back Elbows and quick strikes to try and push Speedball off. Jumping Snapmare from Slater to finally get Speedball to relent, telegraphed Plancha that Speedball has to get in position for…stupid cooperative spot fest crap. Speedball does silence the momentum with a Sweep, Backflip Knees, attempt Thrust Kick, but Slater Matrix Dodges and pays back the Sweep and Backflip Knees to Speedball. Tiger Feint from Slater, Speedball tries to run back to the ring, sees the Feint coming and jumps onto the top rope for the Asai Moonsault to counter. Throws back in Slater, Ultima Wepaon, misses but Speedball lands on his feet, charges, eats a Blue Thunder Bomb but only two. Slater charges, Speedball turns it into the Spanish Fly for 2, Backstabber Hammerlock, Speedball looks for the Tornado Kick but eats a Shotgun Dropkick. Kicks Bailey to the outside, Tornillo over the corner ring post, Slater sells the arm a little as he tries to climb for the Swanton 450, Speedball picks him off, Avalanche Corkscrew Brainbuster, Slater tries again, but Speedball moves, goes for a Hammerlock Camel Clutch into a few quick kicks, Tornado Kicks, Ultima Weapon, and Flamingo Driver to retain.

After the match, the Vikingo highlight reel plays and the match with Speedball is officially announced. 

Maclin comes out after the promo package, calls out the Northern Armoury after the beatdown last week and yeah, I think we all see where this is going. Josh insults Maclin, calling him a scumbag, saying that without Josh people who got fired wouldn’t have a place to come. And its just very cookie cutter validation from a delusional former face who still believes he’s the hero. Maclin stops caring, tries to fight the three of them and of course the numbers catch up with him. They zip tie Maclin, Maclin spits on Josh and the beatings continue. C4 Spike leaves Maclin laying and this really was not surprising or worthy of air time. 

Matt Cardona w/Eddie Edwards & JDC vs Mike Santana

Santana comes through the crowd with his chain, wraps it around his fist and levels everyone before the bell. So the match never really starts, Santana goes full Dump Matsumoto and takes people out with a chain. He grabs a mic, tries to call out Moose, Moose doesn’t take the bait so Santana goes hunting. Santana is looking for Moose, gets blindsided by a baseball bat and Moose says “be careful what you wish for”, and walks off while Santana is writhing.

Matt Cardona vs Nic Nemeth

Before the match, Frankie Kazarian comes out to commentary, so I guess we’re still not in the clear for the main event of BFG just yet.

They trade a few quick strikes and spots, Cardona misses a Missile Dropkick but Nic Monkey Flip into the 10 Count Shots to the Heart. Cardona does manage to land a quick punch and start working over Nemeth. Full Mount punches, a little mocking paintbrush smacks, throws him outside and Wrecking Ball Dropkick sends Nic into the guardrail. Nic tries to fight back, but a well positioned thumb to the eye and throwing Nic from the apron into the steps gives Cardona plenty of time to gloat. We get the typical deliberate slow heel offense during a picture in picture commercial break. Lots of corner spots, Forearm being dug into the face, short punches and working Nic up the turnbuckles. Superplex attempt, but Nic fights it off since we come back from commercial, but Cardona crotches Nic with the ole jumping onto the top rope.

Reboot from Cardona gives him a two count. Radio Silence attempt, turned into Snake Eyes and then a Jumping DDT for 2 from Nemeth. Tuning up the band….Superkick caught and Implant DDT from Cardona for two. Cardona tunes up the band but Nemeth stumbles into hitting Superkick first for 2. Danger Zone attempt but Cardona holds the ropes, Lariat, and tries a Powerbomb but Nemeth slips it, Fame ASSer for yet another two. Nemeth tries a German Suplex, Cardona grabs the ropes, referee is out of position so Cardona hits the back kick Low Blow. Looks to set up Radio Silence and PCO’s music hits.

PCO assaults the security that Cardona had, Cardona is super distracted and eats a Danger Zone.

Kaz jumps Nemeth from behind and Joe Hendry makes the save. Kaz announces that he’ll be the special guest referee for the match. An unnecessary angle for involving Kaz…but at least its not a straight up Triple Threat.


Overall Score: 2.5/10

HAWT GAHBEEG. Some people probably liked the X Division match, but I don’t care about spot fests that have no psychology and just rely on car crash spots and move surges to pop a crowd. The main event was mid at best, but the wrinkle in the BFG main event is just dumb. The only positive things from this episode were:

  1. Vikingo officially getting the X Division shot at BFG
  2. Rosemary calling Spitfire Stop and Go because of Green & Red hair
  3. The fact it ended

Even if Bound for Glory is a decent card on paper, this build is worthless. I feel like its doing more harm than good like those Game Freak Pokemon leaks. This was one of the most difficult episodes of iMPACT! to sit through in a while. At least my Dodgers are up 5-2 in the bottom of the fifth. That’s nice to see.

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

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FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

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Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

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Classic POD is WAR

Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 10.10.2024

After Hurricane Helene ruined the tapings last week, we get to see how truncated the Bound For Glory build becomes!



Last week coverage got skipped because the tapings were delayed due to Hurricane Helene, so they just ran a clip show essentially. I don’t blame them for having to figure out something to pivot because they had a show to fulfill, but I’m not gonna cover a clip show of matches we’ve already seen or whatever.

So now let’s get back up to speed with the murky Knockouts picture since Wendy Choo, Rosemary and Tasha Steelz seem to be picking fights with Sol Ruca, Jordynne Grace and Masha Slamovich, World Title should be Nic versus Joe Hendry, but Kaz could always angle his way into something, and the tag team title picture is some combination of ABC, Hardyz and The System.

Let’s see where everything will go since we kind of lost one week of Bound for Glory hype.


  • Wendy Choo, Rosemary & Tasha Steelz w/Alisha Edwards vs Jordynne Grace, Masha Slamovich & Sol Ruca: Jordynne wins via Juggernaut Driver – ** 1/2
  • Josh Alexander vs Eric Young: Josh wins via Jacknife Pinfall – **
  • Hardy Boyz vs The ABC: No Contest – ***
  • X Division #1 Contender: Laredo Kid vs Jason Hotch w/John Skyler vs Leon Slater: Slater wins via Swanton 450 – *
  • Nic Nemeth & Joe Hendry vs First Cla$$: Nic wins via Fame ASSer – ** 1/4



Wendy Choo, Rosemary & Tasha Steelz w/Alisha Edwards vs Jordynne Grace, Masha Slamovich & Sol Ruca

Wendy and Jordynne starts off and Jordynne just lights her up, rocks her with Forearms, hits the Reverse Suplex, Vader Bomb and looks for the Juggy Driver in 30 seconds, but things start to move in the favor of the Brick City Demons, Jersey Devils even. But when Rosemary and Wendy look for a tandem suplex, Jordynne gets away, tags in Ruca and Ruca Springboards in and goes for some fun high spots. She does slip on her reverse block feeding into the corner, but nothing that looks bad, just an obvious hitch. Ruca hits her little surfboard pose on Rosemary, but the showboating costs her, the heels take a few short cuts and Tasha tags in to try and isolate Ruca. Corner strikes into a Shiranui, but only 2. Camel Clutch from Tasha, but she hasn’t finished anyone with that…so just wait for Ruca to fight up, Tasha drives her back into the heel corner and tags in Wendy. Snapmare into the Neck Twist for two from Choo. Ruca keeps struggling to try and get to her corner, she uses her length to kick off and counter another tandem Suplex attempt from the demons. But Ruca is crawling too slow and Rosemary stops her and start beating on her in the far corner. Ruca with a Sol Snatcher! Rosemary powders and Ruca crawls for the tag.

Tasha collects Rosemary for the heel tag and Masha gets the tag from Ruca, and Tasha gets eaten alive. Masha lays in the savate kicks, catches Tasha, Gutwrench Powerbomb, Russian Death Device on Wendy when she comes in to try and save, but a thumb to the eyes has Masha retreat to her corner, Jordynne blind tags, Juggernaut Driver on Tasha, faces win but there’s some tension with Masha and Jordynne.

Cool name wasted on Josh and his Jabroni squad. I want to like it but this group is the typical High School group project partners of one person who carries all the weight and two useless idiots. 

Nic comes out to talk, and coming off a mid 6 person match and a lame backstage segment, I really hope this goes somewhere. Nic says his name, so he appears, and Joe comes out for the promo in the ring spot. My assumption is that some heel will crash the party to help fill the next 3 or 4 weeks before Bound for Glory, but I just don’t want this to languish. After a some circle jerk, Hendry does bring into question the JBL situation, and Nic just kind of hand waves it and says he’s the threat not JBL. Oh First Cla$$ interrupt the promo, I didn’t have them on my BINGO card, but since KC Navarro took Swann’s place, they have been a ton more fun. 

AJ tries to take credit for Hendry’s ascent, Hendry chides him a little by a little medley of the classics and AJ redirects his attention to Nic after getting a little worked up. KC and AJ are fantastic. Tag match is made, Santino appears, calls them FIST CLASH and its happening tonight!

Josh Alexander vs Eric Young

Things start off basic, Collar and Elbow tie up, but Josh gets the best of things, throws EY around a little but nothing really high impact hits until EY manages a nice Dropkick to stifle Josh’s control. Josh powders, EY collects him, but Josh used the downtime to recover and starts laying into EY again. Strong Irish Whip, Flair corner bump from EY but Josh baits EY and connects with a big strike that drops EY on his ass for the Low Crossbody Dive. We move to terrible picture in picture while EY is just getting walloped on the apron. Methodic slow offense for Josh, even 10 Count Corner Punches, EY tries to catch him with a Back Elbow but Josh pulls him into the turnbuckle to stop any comeback from happening while we’re in picture in picture.

Finally out of PiP, and Josh is still in control working limbs and keeping him in the corner eating punches. EY ducks a punch, fires back, Irish Whip into a bounce out Northern Lights Suplex Hold for two from EY! Getting back to his feet, Josh snaps an Uppercut, then runs EY over with a Big Boot and grounds EY with the ole Headlock. EY counters with the Jawbreaker and tries to fire, connects with a few big lariats, Discus Lariat, Spicolli Driver attempt but Josh slips it, tries to run the ropes and eats a Power Slam from EY! Piledriver call, but Josh slips behind and goes for the Kurt Angle Germans, EY fights off the third, hits the Spicolli Driver for two! Macho Elbow attempt but the two jabronis of Josh’s group come out, distract the ref, crotch EY and Josh slowly climbs the corner with arrogance but EY counters him, drops him, connects on the Macho Elbow, but only for two! German Suplex from EY, Piledriver set up, but the jabronis interfere again, numbers game gives Josh the Jacknife Pinfall win.

Nerd squad beats down EY, they pan to a backstage shot of Maclin being handcuffed and taken out. Josh goes for the chair around the ankle shatter it heel thing, who cares. I have no interest in any of this. Josh’s heel turn has been forgettable aside from his new music, his two jabronis are worthless and this EY and Maclin pairing is being wasted on this filler imbecile angle. 

So Santana comes out to talk and call out Moose, its a fairly basic and boring back and forth. Santana does get a good line calling Santana a Baby Boy Bitch, but then The System jumps Santana. ABC and the Hard Boys make the save, so Santino comes out to officially make Moose vs Santana a BFG match and kicks off the tag team match right now! 

Hardy Boyz vs The ABC

Matt and Chris Bey start off, simple Collar & Elbow into a corner, clean break, Bey with an eventual Headlock Takeover, but nothing super interesting, Matt counters and goes into his own Headlock. Matt eats a Dropkick from Bey after a Shoulder Tackle, so we get both teams tagging out in the babyface nice Japanese pro wrestling way. Drop Toe Hold from Ace into a La Magistral for a quick count and then an Arm Drag keeps Ace in control. Jeff eventually gets his own Wringer and Arm Drag into four Neckbreakers, Wrecking Ball Dropkick and tags in Matt. Poetry in Motion the classic way! Quick tag back to Jeff, Assisted Facebuster from the Hardyz for another near fall, and Jeff is keeping Ace on the ground. Ace fights up, but Jeff tries to cut him off a few times, but Ace kicks out of Jeff’s grab and tags in Bey. Corner Splash, Enzuigiri into a Missile Dropkick for 2. Hardy with a Jawbreaker into the Mule Kick to tag out to Matt. Bey slips Matt’s move, double Enzuigiri and now ABC are keeping Matt isolated.

After a little more offense, Matt manages a counter, simultaneous tags and Jeff and Ace are legal. Russian Leg Sweep from Jeff into his Leg Drop Prawn Hold for 2. Bey eats a Plot Twist, but The System runs out to attack everyone.

So I guess we really are getting the triple threat that I wanted a few weeks ago. Solid match, but I called that in September, including it being a Full Metal Mayhem match!

X Division #1 Contender: Laredo Kid vs Jason Hotch w/John Skyler vs Leon Slater 

Indie stupid start of dumb stuff a quick cover and Triplicate Simultaneous Dropkick. I really hate that spot…I also really don’t care for any of these guys. Laredo is just a body but useless when it comes to a real threat, Leon Slater is fun but too new and inconsistent, and Hotch I probably like the most, but he’s held back by the fact The Good Hands are a joke. I also dislike Laredo doing all of the Eddie Guerrero stuff…that doesn’t make me care about him it makes me think about Eddie. So its just stupid.

Roundhouse Kick from Laredo misses, Enzuigiri from Hotch sends Laredo to powder, Slater with a Handspring Back Elbow to wipe out Hotch, Slater goes to the top for the Swanton 450 and wins. A very quick, spotfest that means nothing. Sure Slater gets a title shot next week, but I’m not invested, don’t care and have no faith he’ll actually win.

Nic Nemeth & Joe Hendry vs First Cla$$

First Class attacks Hendry during his entrance promo, Nemeth hits the ring to even the odds, First Class is rocked outside and the faces stand tall as the referee tries to get control and we head to PiP. There’s like 5 minutes left in the show and you need to cut to a commercial? Grow up…seriously time your garbage better.

Offense is basic, KC gets the best for Nic, tags in AJ and he just literally stands on Nic and uses the size advantage. I’m glad we’re not missing anything that matters, but seriously, who cuts to commercial in the last 10 minutes of the show? Back to a real picture, AJ hits a Senton for 2 and then AJ mocks Hendry’s turn around as Nic has been isolated since the picture in picture. Nic finally fires out of the corner with punches and a few kicks but AJ won’t let go. Whips him into his own corner and knocks KC off the apron. Nic tries to dive to Hendry, AJ catches him but eats a DDT, Nic tags in Hendry, KC tries to do something after recovering but eats the Sack of Shit, Kip Up, and Hendry tries to lift AJ but can’t get him up at first. Superkick from Nic, Hendry gets AJ up for the Attitude Adjustment and Hendry calls for the Standing Ovation…double goozle, but Hendry pulls off a Danger Zone and Nic laughs. Hendry allows Nic to tag in, two Superkicks send AJ out but KC blind tags, 305 from KC, goes for the Blessing in Disguise bout eats a Super Kick, and Nemeth hits the Standing Ovation and does the turn to Hendry, Fame ASSer ends the match.


Overall Score: 4.5/10

This episode definitely felt rushed. Over use of Santino, Jordynne showing up a few times and Nic and Joe trading showboat barbs in a rather meaningless main event. A filler X Division match with a bunch of people with no story, probably just leads to Bailey defending and Wentz officially claiming his rematch for Bound For Glory. Northern Armoury again, is a cool name, but with a bunch of dweebs. Also as much as I wanted to see Masha face Jordynne so she can get her first win and really spark a run…just fast tracking passed Rosemary added to the episode seeming rushed.

Stuff happens, natural disasters cause problems, I get it. But this episode definitely suffered from just feeling like far too much odd exposition and filler content to make me count minutes left in the episode.

If you don’t watch TNA weekly, this was probably alright…but I’m definitely not feeling what they put together.

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

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Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

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