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Mitchell’s NJPW Summer Struggle Report! (8/1/21)

Will Chaos still reign?



NJPW Summer Struggle 2021

Will Chaos lose belts before going for more?

After all the madness from yesterday, Chaos and Suzuki-Gun look to raise the stakes as the NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag titles are on the line! Will the champions retain or #JustTapOut?


  • Kazuchika Okada VS Yuya Uemura; Okada wins.
  • Tetsuya Naito VS Yota Tsuji; Naito wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Toru Yano & Roppongi 3K VS Chase Owens, El Phantasmo & Taiji Ishimori; Owens, ELP & Ishimori win.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS EVIL, Dick Togo & Yujiro Takahashi; LIJ wins.
  • NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championships: Chaos VS Minoru Suzuki & Dangerous Tekkers; Chaos wins and retains the titles.


Kazuchika Okada VS Yuya Uemura!

Summer Struggle Sunday starts off with a send-off for a Young Lion! Will the Rainmaker send Uemura off on excursion in style?

The bell rings and fans fire up with Uemura as he steps right up to Okada. Okada is still in his corner but Uemura waits on him. Okada takes his time, circles with Uemura, shoots in, but Uemura dodges to get around and waistlock. Uemura shifts to a half nelson but Okada wrenches out. Okada gets a hammerlock but Uemura switches the hold onto Okada. Uemura cranks the hold to wrangle Okada to the mat. Okada reaches back, Uemura hooks that arm to make it a chicken wing cradle, ONE! Okada facelocks, Uemura makes that a fireman’s carry takedown! Fans cheer the technical exchange as Uemura has an armlock.

Okada fights up, gets a leg, trips Uemura, then drops an elbow on the knee. Okada has a toehold now, but Uemura tries to counter with a chinlock. Okada cranks the toehold, Uemura hooks him with a leg to go for an armbar! Okada clasps hands, rolls to a cover, TWO! Uemura uses a leg guard to keep Okada back but Okada backs off just a moment before shooting back in. Okada has a facelock, Uemura moves around so Okada shifts to a waistlock then chinlock. Uemura fights to his feet, pries at the headlock, but Okada cranks it on harder. Fans rally as Uemura tries to power out, but Okada holds on tight. Uemura fights up, powers up but still can’t power out!

Okada grinds Uemura into the mat and cranks back but Uemura endures. Fans rally up, Uemura fights with body shots and then finally powers out to dropkick Okada down! That was a very Okada like move! Uemura keeps on Okada with a rain of forearms! And a CHOP! Fans fire up again as Uemura paces around Okada. Uemura gets Okada up, scoops and SLAMS him, then covers. ONE, but Uemura hits a BIG jumping elbow drop! Cover, ONE! Uemura tries again, ONE! And again, TWO! Fans rally up as Uemura CLUBS Okada. Uemura gets Okada up, CLUBS away on his back, stomps him down, then drags him back up.

Uemura double wristlocks and throws Okada for a mounted wristlock. Okada clasps hands to resist and he moves around to get the ropebreak! Uemura lets go cleanly, then gets Okada back up. Uemura ROCKS Okada with a forearm, CLUBS him on the back, and ROCKS him in the corner with more forearms. Uemura whips corner to corner, runs in and dropkicks! Then he reels Okada in for a BIG back suplex! High stack, TWO, into a BOSTON CRAB! Fans fire up as Okada scrambles, and Okada gets the ropebreak! The ref counts, Uemura lets off but stomps away on Okada at the ropes! Fans rally more as Uemura backs off to catch his breath.

Okada gets back up and Uemura throws a forearm! Okada doesn’t flinch so Uemura throws another! And another! Uemura runs but into a boot! Uemura just fires up to fire off more forearms! Uemura runs again but Okada’s BOOT knocks him down this time! Okada gets Uemura up, fans rally, and Okada eggs Uemura on. Uemura throws many forearms and a EuroUpper! Uemura runs, dodges the boot, dodges the chop, but runs right into the back drop! Fans rally as Okada gets Uemura back up to snapmare, spin around, snapmare again, then get him up for a leg trip. Okada scoops Uemura to SLAM him down, and scoop SLAMS again!

Okada whips and elbows Uemura down, then drags him back up. Fans fire up as Okada scoops and SLAMS Uemura again! Uemura is dazed from that flurry of offense and Okada backs off to see if he gets up. Uemura grits his teeth, slowly pushes himself up off the mat, and gets to his feet. Uemura throws another forearm but Okada just comes back for more. Uemura’s forearms finally impress Okada, and he ROCKS Uemura in return. Uemura throws another forearm but Okada DECKS him! Okada eggs Uemura on, Uemura growls and shakes his head and gets back up to throw more forearms. Okada ROCKS Uemura with a EuroUpper, runs, but into Uemura’s dropkick!

Fans are thunderous for Uemura as he gets Okada up and traps the arms! OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Uemura fires himself up, beats his chest like Tarzan, then wrenches and clinches Okada again. Okada blocks the suplex this time and fans rally as Uemura keeps trying. Okada eggs Uemura on so Uemura headbutts him! Uemura keeps trying but Okada keeps blocking the suplex. Okada powers out to SHORT ARM CLOTHESLINE! And then ANOTHER! Okada then wraps on the MONEY CLIP! Uemura is fading already but fans rally up and he gets his second wind! Uemura reaches out, scoots closer, but Okada drags him away from ropes! Uemura taps, Okada wins!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by submission

A valiant effort from this Young Lion graduate, and Okada applauds him along with the fans. Okada helps him up so Uemura can soak in the applause. But then Okada whips him and dropkicks him?! Seems Okada wanted to show the upstart how it’s done! Will Uemura’s excursion transform him into someone who can truly stand toe to toe with The Rainmaker?


Tetsuya Naito VS Yota Tsuji!

Just like Uemura, another Young Lion has his send-off! But will the towering Tsuji share the same fate as his fellow graduate?

Naito wore his suit today, so Tsuji’s send-off starts with the long labor of taking it off and putting it aside. Tsuji is patient, having seen this many times from ringside. The bell rings and Tsuji runs Naito right over! Again, Tsuji has seen Naito’s matches so he knows Naito starts off slow and he takes advantage of that. Tsuji gets Naito up to throw forearms, then whips Naito to ropes. Naito holds ropes, boots back, then things speed up. Tsuji hurdles, Naito leaps over, they keep going and Tsuji RANAS! Naito bails out and Tsuji dares him to come back as fans rally up. Naito stays outside so Tsuji goes out after him. Tsuji kicks Naito, bumps him off the apron, then puts him back inside.

Fans cheer as Tsuji stomps Naito down. Naito sits up but Tsuji gets him up to CLUB him and throw forearms. Naito CHOPS, Tsuji CHOPS, repeat! Neither man is backing down from this CHOP fight, but then Tsuji DECKS Naito with a forearm! Fans fire up for Tsuji’s strength, but Naito plays dead as Tsuji tries to get him up. Tsuji stomps Naito, stands him up this time, and whips. Naito holds ropes again so Tsuji throws forearms. Tsuji whips, Naito reverses and wrenches to throw back elbows and forearms. Tsuji forearms back, and again, and again. Naito staggers, Tsuji whips but again Naito reverses, to atomic drop and NECKBREAKER!

Tsuji bails out now and Naito goes out after him. Naito whips Tsuji hard into railing! The ref reprimands but Naito backs off. Naito goes back after Tsuji to whip him hard into more railing. The standing count starts but Naito scoop SLAMS Tsuji to the floor. Naito goes back to the ring at 10 of 20 and Tsuji writhes. The count gets to 15, then 17! Tsuji is up at 18, in at 19! Naito stomps Tsuji now, then digs a knee in with the chinlock stretch. Tsuji gets the ropebreak, Naito pulls back harder, until the ref counts 4. Fans rally while Naito paces. Naito gets Tsuji up, whip him to ropes and back drops him! Cover, TWO! Another try, TWO! Another, TWO!! Fans cheer as Tsuji narrowly escapes.

Naito kicks Tsuij around, brings him up, but Tsuji throws a forearm. Naito eggs him on so Tsuji throws more forearms. Naito fires off forearms in return, then CLUBS Tsuji on the back. Naito scoop SLAMS Tsuji, goes for the legs, but Tsuji kicks him away. Naito kicks Tsuji, whips him, and Tsuji dropkicks Naito down! Fans fire up while both men are down! Tsuji gets up and aims from a corner. Tsuji runs corner to corner to flying forearm smash! Tsuji then scoops, SLAMS, runs and SOMERSAULT SENTONS! Tsuji keeps going to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Fans stay fired up as Tsuji gets Naito back up. Tsuji reels Naito in, but Naito blocks the suplex.

Tsuji gets Naito up but Naito knees free, wrenches an arm and throws back elbows. Naito CLUBS Tsuji, and SLAPS him! Tsuji SLAPS back, so Naito SLAPS again. It’s becoming a SLAP fight! Naito goes back to forearms, then back to back elbows. Tsuji CLOBBERS Naito with a point-blank clothesline! Tsuji gets Naito up, whips but Naito reverses again to back elbow Tsuji down. Naito basement dropkicks, but Tsuji is right up to SPEAR Naito down! Both men are down and fans fire up again. Naito crawls away while Tsuji sits up. Fans rally as Tsuji stands Naito up and throws more forearms. Naito hits back and starts to grin as the forearm brawl continues.

Tsuji fires off several forearms, Naito rebounds off ropes but into a forearm! Tsuji suplexes Naito high and hard! Fans fire up with Tsuji and he runs corner to corner, only for Naito to dodge and ENZIGURI! Naito whips, Tsuji reverses but Naito hits FLYING FOREARMS! Naito gets the legs and turns Tsuji for a BOSTON CRAB! Tsuji endures, powers up, but Naito sits deeper on the hold! Tsuji still works his way towards ropes, and gets the ropebreak! Fans cheer and Naito lets off as the ref counts. Naito stomps Tsuji, gives toying kicks, but Tsuji gets up to SLAP him! And SLAP! And SLAP! Naito fires off more forearms! But Tsuji still SLAPS!

Tsuji runs, gets around the elbow, and twists into a sunset flip! TWO, Naito has a prawn hold, TWO and Tsuji has the sunset flip again! TWO, and fans cheer that close call! Tsuji runs in but Naito back elbows! Tsuji staggers but he reels back, only for Naito to ENZIGURI him down first! Naito gets the legs again, and turns him for a LION TAMER! Tsuji endures this partial turn Crab, but he’s caught! Tsuji TAPS, Naito wins!

Winner: Tetsuya Naito, by submission

Another Young Lion with a lot of heart, but he couldn’t keep up with NJPW’s first IWGP Heavyweight & Intercontinental Double Champion. Naito wants Tsuji to get up and he does. Naito tells Tsuji, “Hasta luego. Adios.” In other words, he’ll see Tsuji whenever he gets back. Will this Young Lion grow into a king of the jungle?


Six Man Tag: Toru Yano & Roppongi 3K VS Chase Owens, El Phantasmo & Taiji Ishimori!

Chaos’ Clown Prince lost his KOPW trophy, while Sho & Yoh are still stinging from yesterday’s loss to Suzuki-Gun, as well as the verbal lashing El Desperado gave them. Can Yano and RPG3K get back in the game against the current provisional Mr. KOPW and the reigning Junior Heavyweight Tag champs?

Chase taunts Yano with the trophy, as well as with the idea that he’d throw it into the crowd. The ref does his check and Yano gets impatient. But Chase wants to make sure Yano has no tricks up his sleeves, or his tights. The trios sort out, Bullet Club Low Sweets, and Bone Soldier Reborn starts with High Voltage. Fans rally as Taiji and Sho circle, feel out the grapple, and each man tries to get inside the other’s guard. They clinch, go around and around, then back off. Taiji shoots in to waistlock but Sho has an arm. Sho pries at the waistlock, wrenches through and wristlocks. Taiji rolls, spins, and wrenches back. Taiji goes from wristlock to hammerlock but Sho slips through to headlock.

Taiji pries at the hold but Sho cranks harder. Taiji powers out but Sho runs him over! Yoh hops in and gets Taiji up to double whip. They get ready for the combo but Taiji holds ropes and ELP trips up Sho! Taiji BOOTS Yoh but Yoh comes back, only to be dumped out! ELP throws hands on Sho, Chase knocks Yano off the apron, and Bullet Club goes after Chaos on the outside. ELP fish hooks Sho’s face, Chase rakes Yano’s face while holding him down against railing. ELP bumps Sho off apron and Taiji hoists Yoh up to drop him on railing! Fans rally up for Chaos while a ring count starts. Taiji puts Yoh in at 7 of 20 while ELP POSTS Sho.

Taiji chokes Yoh, lets off as the ref reprimands, but gets Yoh back up. Taiji DECKS Yoh, whips him to the corner, and Yoh runs into boots from ELP and Chase! Tag to ELP, he mocks Yoh just like Desperado did yesterday. Yoh gets mad and throws forearms but ELP DECKS him! Fans rally but ELP puts Yoh on ropes to stand on him and choke him! Chase also scuffs Yoh with kicks as the ref counts. ELP stops at 4, tags Chase in, and Chase CLAWS Yoh! Sho and Yano protest but Chase whips Yoh to a corner. Chase runs in to forearm smash, then reels Yoh in for a LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Tag to Taiji and he goes up top, and Bullet Club fires up as Taiji leaps, to CLAW Yoh’s back!

Sho and Yano protest more, but Taiji tags ELP and ELP goes up top. Chase gives ELP some help balancing on the post, ELP double jumps, to CLAW Yoh’s back! ELP struts about, does some jumping jacks just to show off, and then he taunts Yano and Sho. ELP puts Yoh in a corner, Taiji gets in and they mug Yoh, but Sho points it out. ELP DECKS Sho, then he and Taiji double whip Yoh corner to corner. Taiji whips ELP in but Yoh avoids the splash to then dropkick Taiji! Yoh turns around and back drops ELP! Fans fire up as Yoh crawls for his corner, hot tag to Sho! Sho rallies on the tag champs, Taiji reverses a whip but Sho puts him on the apron.

Sho sweeps the legs, runs and dropkicks Taiji down! Chase kicks Sho, whips but Sho reverses and Yano trips Chase! Sho runs in at ELP to corner clothesline! Sho wrenches ELP, fires off KICKS, and then takes aim to KICK him down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally behind Sho as ELP crawls. Sho gets ELP in a waistlock but ELP resists the lift. ELP backs Sho into a corner, elbows him back, then CHOPS him! ELP whips corner to corner, Sho reverses, ELP goes up and over. ELP ducks, dodges, springboards and CROSSBODIES! TWO, ELIP somersaults to the LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally while ELP grows frustrated. ELP gets Sho up, spins him to a straitjacket and torture rack.

Sho slips out to pump handle and waistlock, WRIST CLUTCH GERMAN! Fans fire up as Sho and ELP crawl. Hot tags to Yano and Chase! Yano swings on Chase but Chase knees low. Chase steals a page out of Yano’s book by untying a corner pad! But Yano does that with the opposite corner! And Yano’s faster at it so he already has his weapon of choice! Yano SMACKS Chase right in the back! Then whips him at the bare corner! Chase copies Yano again as he goes up the corner. Yano runs in, Chase steps aside and Yano hits bare buckles! Chase rolls Yano up, TWO!! Chase keeps focus as he watches Yano, but Yano dodges the knee!

Yano waistlocks, Chase elbows free, but Yano pulls Chase’s hair to keep him from running away. Chase breaks free, Yano blocks his kick, but Chase rakes eyes! Chase runs, into an atomic drop! Yano gets around to hit another atomic drop! Chase spasms as he falls to his knees, and Yano tags in Yoh! Yoh dropkicks Chase to ropes, then whips him. Chase reverses but Yano hits FLYING FOREARMS! Yoh kips up, Chase kicks back. Chase CHOPS Yoh to a corner, whips him corner to corner but Yoh reverses, and Chase hits bare buckles! Sho gets in and intercepts Taiji with a forearm, then RPG3K coordinates.

Yoh whips Sho in to clothesline Chase, then Sho becomes the step for Yoh to hit POETRY IN MOTION! Yoh gets Chase around and Sho is on guard, FALCON ARROW! Yoh covers, but ELP still gets in to break it! ELP kicks SHo, ROCKS him with a forearm, then ROCKS Yoh! ELP fires off forearms on RPG3K only to run into their DOUBLE KNEES! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS for Taiji, and RPG3K give Chase the BACKSTABBER to SHOTGUN BOOT! Fans fire up with Sho & Yoh as Chase staggers, but Chase fights off 3K! Chase gets Yoh for a dragon sleeper, catches Sho as he runs in, and he hits an URENAGE REVERSE DDT COMBO!

Chase gets Yoh back up, reels him in, PACKAGE DRIVER!! Cover as ELP keeps Sho away, Bullet Club wins!

Winners: Chase Owens, El Phantasmo & Taiji Ishimori, by pinfall

The Crown Jewel shines bright as he grabs the victory for his team! ELP throws the buckle pad at Sho just to add insult to injury, and then Chase gets the mic. “Hey, Yano. Come in here. Say ‘I quit.'” Say it, or they break the trophy! They mug Yano but Yano fights back! Chase blocks the low blow to LOW BLOW Yano! Chase then puts Yano in a figure four STF! Bullet Club continues to threaten the “life” of the KOPW 2021 trophy as Yano suffers. Say it, Yano! Say you quit! ELP claims Yano said he quit, and Chase lets Yano go.

Will Chase give Yano a chance to win back the trophy? Or will he want someone else to step up to the plate in the MetLife Dome?


Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS EVIL, Dick Togo & Yujiro Takahashi!

Bushi, Sanada and Shingo Takagi were again on the winning side against Bullet Club yesterday, but the callous King of Darkness attacked Takagi with the IWGP World Heavyweight belt! And worse than that, part of the belt broke off! Will the Dragon get his revenge for that? Or will the #EvilDickPimps make the end of the weekend Too Sweet?

As Takagi makes his entrance, he holds the belt up to show the plate that fell off because of Evil. Evil grins, clearly proud of that. The introductions don’t even finish as Takagi rushes Evil! Sanada and Bushi take care of Dick and Yujiro while Takagi fires off boxing elbows in a corner! The bell rings to get this on record as Takagi stomps a mudhole into Evil! The ref reprimands, Takagi lets off and gets Evil up. Dick whips Bushi into railing just as Takagi throws Evil out! Takagi CLUBS Evil against railing, then runs him around the way to whip HARD into railing! Takagi drives elbows into Evil’s shoulder, then fires up. Fans cheer him on as he gets Evil up by his hair.

Takagi brings Evil around to put in the ring while Bushi hits Dick back. Takagi stomps Evil, whips him to ropes and KNEES him against them. Takagi then runs to run Evil over! Fans fire up and rally for “TA-KA-GI!” “LIJ!” as he drops a senton! Cover, TWO! Takagi gets Evil back up and signals to Sanada. Sanada sticks a boot out and Takagi bumps Evil off it! Sanada stomps Evil down and keeps him from his corner with a headlock punch! Sanada waistlocks, Evil resists the lift to switch, but Sanada resists the lift to trip Evil up. Evil kicks Sanada away, Sanada rebounds and cartwheels around Evil to then dropkick him! Evil stays up so Sanada dropkicks him again!

Evil is still up, Sanada dropkicks again and finally knocks him over! Evil bails out, Sanada aims, but Evil avoids the Plancha! After all, these two used to be tag partners, Evil knows Sanada’s moves. And then Evil RAMS Sanada into the railing, at the timekeeper’s area! Abe-san is knocked over again! Meanwhile, Yujiro and Dick go after Takagi and Bushi on the other side of the ring. Evil slips away from Sanada and the ref to untie the blue buckle pad. The ring count starts on Sanada while he’s down, and fans rally up as it climbs. It passes 10 of 20, then reaches 15 before Sanada gets up. Sanada drags himself over, gets on the apron at 18, but Evil BLASTS him off!

Sanada hits railing, and the timekeeper’s table! Abe-san and even the Young Lions helping him are all knocked down! Takagi hurries over to check on everyone, and fans rally up again as another ring count begins. Evil smirks as he paces, and someone throws a show into the ring? Is that Abe-san’s shoe? Sanada gets up at 13 and in at 14, so Evil gets him up to whip into the bare buckles! The Bullet Club classic hits! Tag to Dick, he stomps Sanada around then throws haymakers. Dick headlocks and punches Sanada down! The ref reprimands and fans rally as Dick grinds Sanada’s shoulder. Dick wrenches to a hammerlock but Sanada slips around to put it on Dick!

Dick drop toeholds to get the armlock back! Dick snapmares Sanada, runs and FIST DROPS! Cover, TWO! Bullet Club argues the count and Yujiro tags in. Yujiro drags Sanada from his corner to rain down fists. Yujiro sits Sanada up to basement boot! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for “SA-NA-DA!” “LIJ!” Yujiro slaps Sanada around but Sanada fires forearms. Yujiro catches Sanada’s rolling elbow into a dragon sleeper, but Sanada turns around to suplex. Yujiro resists, then BITES Sanada’s hand! Sanada BITES back! The ref reprimands, but men break free of the other’s jaw and back away to opposite ends. Yujiro runs at Sanada but Sanada dropkicks his legs out! Hot tag to Bushi!

Bushi hurries to the neutral corner and the top rope, then missile dropkicks Yujiro down! Fans fire up for the Bushirooni, but Dick and Evil attack! They whip Bushi to a corner, Dick runs in but Bushi steps aside to then trap Dick in the corner. Evil runs in but Bushi boots him away. Bushi headlocks Dick, and he hits a BULLDOG DROPKICK COMBO on Evil and Dick! Bushi DECKS Yujiro off the apron, runs and DIVES! Direct hit and Yujiro hits railing! Fans fire up with Bushi and he gets Yujiro back in the ring. Bushi stomps Yujiro, drags him up, spins him around and hits a DDT! Cover, TWO!

Bushi keeps focus as he gets Yujiro up, but Yujiro spins out of the fisherman. Each man evades the other, Yujiro blocks a kick and throws Bushi down to then basement boot! Yujiro tags Evil and he drags Bushi away from the LIJ corner. Evil whips, Bushi reverses but Evil reverses back and Bushi hits bare buckles! Evil fisherman’s but Bushi resists and hits FISHERMAN’S SCREW! Fans fire up as both men are down, but Bushi makes it to the corner! Hot tag to Takagi! Takagi runs at Evil in the corner, blocks Evil’s boot and clotheslines! Takagi whips Evil corner to corner and runs into clothesline again! Then Takagi suplexes Evil high and hard! Cover, TWO!

Fans fire up with Takagi as he dares Evil to get up. Evil slowly rises, Takagi stands him up but Evil rakes eyes! The ref reprimands, Evil lets off and Takagi kicks. Evil blocks to hand it to the ref, but Takagi’s ready and blocks the mule kick! Takagi has the ref let go of his foot, and he ROCKS Evil with a forearm! Takagi runs but Evil dumps him out! Dick is there to whip Takagi into more railing! Dick puts Takagi in and Evil covers, TWO! Fans rally up for “TA-KA-GI!” but Evil hits a FISHERMAN’S BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Evil is furious but he kicks at Takagi. Evil eggs Takagi on and dares him to hit back. Takagi gets up but Evil pokes him in the eye!

Evil whips Takagi corner to corner then runs in, but Takagi dodges! Bushi runs in to back elbow! Sanada adds his own back elbow, then Takagi clotheslines! LIJ pinballs Evil around with kicks and clotheslines, and Bushi tops it off with a BACKSTABBER! Takagi SLIDING LARIATS! Cover, Dick and Yujiro break it! Sanada and Bushi throw those two out and Takagi fires up with “OI! OI! OI!” Fans rally up with him as he gets Evil up. Takagi pump handles but Evil fights off the lift with elbows. Takagi headbutts, runs, but Evil ducks Pumping Bomber! Dick trips Takagi then tags in! Yujiro also gets in and they mug Takagi in a corner.

Dick and Yujiro double whip Takagi to a corner and Dick runs in to back elbow! Yujiro runs in to BOOT, and Evil runs in to corner clothesline! Evil hits Takagi with a FISHERMAN BUSTER! Dick adds a BACK SENTON! Cover, Bushi and Sanada break it! Evil and Yujiro throw them out and Dick drags Takagi up. Dick throws hands but Takagi grits his teeth and powers up! Takagi ROCKS Dick, runs, but Yujiro gets a cheap shot in! The ref reprimands but Yujiro gets in with his pimp cane. The ref stops him there but Dick uses the SPOILER CHOKER on Takagi! Takagi fights up and pries it off to fireman’s carry Dick! Evil runs in but Takagi swings Dick’s boots into him!

Takagi then shoves Dick into Evil, and DOUBLE PUMPING BOMBERS! Sanada gets in to throw Yujiro out and Bushi gets in, Bushi and Sanada DOUBLE PLNACHA Evil and Yujiro! Takagi corner clotheslines Dick, then PUMPING BOMBERS on the return! Cover, LIJ wins!

Winners: Los Ingobernables de Japon, by pinfall

For the third time in a row, LIJ beats Bullet Club! And Takagi makes sure to get the title belt before Evil can do something. Evil says it won’t be Takagi’s after Wrestle Grand Slam, but will he strike out there like he has this weekend?


NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championships: Chaos VS Minoru Suzuki & Dangerous Tekkers!

Tomohiro Ishii, Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi have built quite the streak in defending these titles and don’t look to stop now! On top of that, the Fierce Warrior and Head Hunter are going for the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships at Wrestle Grand Slam MetLife! Will Chaos still reign in the Summer Struggle? Or will the Meanest Man in the World help the Sliest Wrestler in the World and the Submission Master each become double champions?

The introductions are made, Ishii gets in Suzuki’s face but Suzuki slaps Ishii’s belt away. Red Shoes gathers the belts up, presents them, and teams sort out. Suzuki tells Goto and Hashi to get out of the ring because he wants Ishii! Fans rally up already for “I-SHI-I!” “SU-ZU-KI!” and that’s our starting two! The bell rings, the two rush each other and the forearms start flying already! Fans rally as Suzuki laughs. Ishii fires off many forearms, so does Suzuki, and now Ishii eggs Suzuki on. They keep going back and forth, leaning into each other’s shots! Forearm after forearm, Suzuki finally ROCKS Ishii! But Ishii comes back to ROCK Suzuki! And again!

Suzuki ROCKS Ishii again! Ishii ROCKS Suzuki again! Suzuki ROCKS Ishii and roars! Ishii throws forearms, Suzuki hits back, the flurry continues! Suzuki ROCKS Ishii and he starts falling over! Suzuki gets Ishii to the corner and Taichi tags in. Taichi reels Ishii in but Ishii turns it around to put him in the Chaos corner! Goto tags in and they mug Taichi. Goto CLUBS Taichi but Taichi CHOKES Goto! Hashi gets in and he chokes Taichi! Goto also chokes Taiji and the two back him down to the ropes. They double whip and double shoulder Taichi down, then coordinate for the hip toss senton! ZSJ gets in but he gets mugged! Ishii joins in and Chaos hammers ZSJ!

Goto knocks Suzuki off the apron, Hashi gets Taichi up and Chaos hammers him, too! Fans cheer on Chaos, and Goto stomps Taichi. Goto CLUBS Taichi to the corner, stomps him down, but lets off as Red Shoes counts. Goto gives Taichi more stomps but Taichi gets up to kick back! Goto stomps Taichi back down, digs his boot in, then tags in Hashi. Hashi stomps Taichi now, then drags him up to CLUB him. Taichi goes after Goto with a choke! Hashi drags Taichi away with a sleeper! Cover, TWO! Another try, TWO! Another try, TWO! Hashi keeps his cool and tags in Ishii. Ishii stomps Taichi then drags him up to CHOP him!

Hashi and Goto hold Taichi in the corner but Suzuki runs in to attack Ishii! Ishii hits back and throws Suzuki out, to then CHOP Taichi down. Suzuki throws a fit outside but Goto tags in. Goto snapmares Taichi while Ishii eggs Suzuki on. Goto KICKS Taichi, covers, TWO! Goto keeps Taichi down with a chinlock but Taichi hits back from below. Goto drives an elbow into Taichi’s forehead! Goto stomps Taichi, drags him up and whips him to ropes. Taichi holds ropes, boots back, then runs, only for Goto to run him over! ZSJ gets in, Goto kicks but ZSJ blocks it! Suzuki gets in to STO Goto down, and both he and ZSJ have Goto’s legs for DOUBLE HEEL HOOKS! And Taichi adds a choke!

Red Shoes reprimands but ZSJ and Suzuki let off to go BOOT Hashi and Ishii off the apron! Taichi keeps choking Goto, then kicks Goto out of the ring. Suzuki and ZSJ throw Ishii and Hashi into railing! Ishii comes back to fire forearms on Suzuki so Suzuki hits back! Suzuki DECKS Ishii and Ishii falls against railing! ZSJ tortures Goto with a toehold, then Taichi gets Goto up to whip into railing. Taichi uses camera cable to choke Goto! Red Shoes can’t keep up with everything so Taichi gets away with it. Ishii and Suzuki brawl as the ring count starts and Suzuki DECKS Ishii again. Taichi gets in the ring at 6 but Goto is still down at 10 of 20.

ZSJ gets Goto up so that he and Suzuki can pinball Goto between forearms and uppercuts! The count is 15 of 20, Goto staggers as he gets mugged, but he slips away at 18! Suzuki-Gun keeps him stuck at the apron and Taichi stands on Goto’s head. Tag to Suzuki, Suzuki gives Goto toying kicks but fans rally up for Chaos. Suzuki stomps Goto but Goto still gets up. Suzuki gives him more toying kicks but Goto CHOPS back! Suzuki eggs him on so Goto CHOPS more. Suzuki throws body shots then DECKS Goto! Suzuki kicks Goto at the ropes, digs his boots in, but Red Shoes reprimands and counts. Suzuki lets off and ZSJ tags in.

Suzuki and ZSJ get Goto up and they wrench the arm over and over, handing it off back and forth. Suzuki then holds the arm out and ZSJ BOOTS it! Cover, TWO! ZSJ clamps onto the arm and drags Goto to the corner. Taichi tags in, the Tekkers mug Goto, then Taichi CLUBS Goto on the back. Taichi gives toying kicks now and even pushes Goto around. Goto gets up and CHOPS back! And fires off forearms! Goto runs corner to corner but Taichi dodges and GAMANGIRIS! Fans fire up and rally as Taichi drags Goto from the corner. Cover, TWO! Taichi keeps cool while fans rally, but Goto is dead weight as Taichi tries to lift him.

Taichi stomps Goto around then gets him up. Tag to Suzuki, Taichi stomps and Suzuki kicks Goto. Suzuki wrenches Goto’s arm and drags him down into a Rings of Saturn! Goto endures but Ishii gets in to kick at Suzuki. Suzuki gets annoyed and lets Goto go to DECK Ishii. Then he BOOTS Hashi down just because! Suzuki gets Goto up to SLAP him! Tag to ZSJ, he drags Goto around and uses a cravat for a neck wrench. Fans rally as Goto endures, but ZSJ cranks the hold harder. Goto gets up but ZSJ blocks the scoop! Goto keeps trying, ZSJ hooks a leg with a leg, but Goto throws body shots. ZSJ headlocks, Goto powers out and Goto CLOBBERS ZSJ with an elbow!

Fans fire back up and Goto tags in Ishii! The Stone Pitbull runs at ZSJ, ZSJ dodges, and both men go on a string of ducking and dodging strikes! Ishii spins ZSJ around to suplex but ZSJ slips out for a sleeper! Ishii slips out the side to shove ZSJ to ropes. ZSJ boots but Ishii dodges, only for ZSJ to dodge him. ZSJ comes back but Ishii runs him over! Taichi runs in but Ishii feeds him to Hashi’s forearm! Ishii and Hashi knock Suzuki off the apron and fans rally up behind them. Ishii stalks ZSJ to a corner, gets him up and CHOPS him! Ishii stands ZSJ up to CHOP him again, and again! ZSJ sits down and Ishii eggs him on.

Ishii slaps ZSJ around, gets him back up, but ZSJ EuroUppers! Ishii doesn’t budge, and he CHOPS ZSJ off his feet again! Fans cheer and rally up for “I-SHI-I!” “ZSJ!” as Ishii whips ZSJ corner to corner. ZSJ goes up and comes back to EuroUpper! Ishii swings into a COBRA TWIST! But he powers out to hip toss! ZSJ bridges up to get the cravat but Ishii blocks the snapmare! Ishii waistlocks but ZSJ resists the lift to wrench, wrangle and hammerlock STOMP the arm! Fans fire up as both men are down! ZSJ gets after Ishii’s arm, and he twists the wrist, bends the fingers, and pushes the arm into another hammerlock, to STOMP it from the other angle!

Red Shoes checks on Ishii but he refuses to quit here. ZSJ kicks Ishii around, isolates the bad arm again and gets Ishii up for more wrenching and twisting. Ishii ROCKS ZSJ but that was with the bad arm! ZSJ laughs at Ishii but Ishii hits him again! Again, that’s the bad arm! But Ishii fights through the pain to ROCK ZSJ! ZSJ comes back to BOOT the bad arm, but Ishii eggs him on! ZSJ BOOTS the arm, wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER, but Ishii reels him in! ZSJ fights the back suplex then resists a standard suplex. ZSJ wrenches an arm but Ishii swings on ZSJ, only for ZSJ to catch the arm and spin through to an ARMBAR TAKEDOWN!

But Hashi dropkicks the hold apart! Suzuki BOOTS Hashi, Goto DECKS Suzuki, but Taichi kicks and throws Goto out! The Tekkers regroup as fans rally back up. Taichi gets Ishii up, feeds him to ZSJ’s EuroUpper and adds a mule kick. ZSJ gets Ishii in an IRON OCTOPUS while Taichi goes out after Goto. ZSJ shifts his grip around on the hold but Ishii powers out to throw ZSJ down! Fans continue to rally as ZSJ aims from a corner. ZSJ runs, Ishii avoids the Penalty Kick, and then Ishii clubs the roundhouse kick away! But that was the bad arm again! Ishii swings but ZSJ roundhouses the clothesline away! ZSJ wrenches to PELE the arm!

Ishii comes back but ZSJ avoids the sliding lariat! ZSJ boots but Ishii blocks to spin ZSJ to a GERMAN SUPLEX! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous now! Ishii and ZSJ crawl, hot tags to Hashi and Taichi! Taichi boots but Hashi forearms! Taichi boots again, Hashi forearms again! And again! Hashi fires more forearms, Taichi kicks Hashi’s leg, repeat! Hashi gets the edge, but Taichi KICKS him in the chest! Taichi runs but into a CHOP! Hashi runs and avoids the clothesline to hit the HEADHUNTER! Fans fire up with Hashi and he gets Taichi up to whip him to a corner. Hashi runs in to CHOP Taichi, then brings him around to CHOP! And mule kick, and NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally hard as ever as Hashi brings Taichi back up. Hashi scoops but Taichi slips out ot waistlock. Hashi switches, Taichi resists the lift to PELE! Suzuki and ZSJ blast the Chaos corner! ZSJ is after Ishii, Suzuki has Goto, ZSJ wrenches Ishii’s arm for an ELBOW BREAKER! Suzuki wraps Goto’s arm around railing to pull it! In the ring, Hashi gets to a corner and Taichi runs in to clothesline! Taichi rolls Hashi to KICK him in the back, but Hashi gets right up! Hashi forearms but Taichi GAMANGIRIS! Taichi drags Hashi back up while Goto and Suzuki brawl. Taichi reels Hashi in, but Hashi RANAS the bomb away!

Taichi is back up but Hashi blocks the buzzsaw! Hashi spins Taichi for a BACKSTABBER, into the BUTTERFLY LOCK! Suzuki tries to get in but Goto anchors him to the outside! Taichi endures, flails, reaches, fights up to his feet, but Hashi wrangles him back down! Ishii keeps ZSJ away now but ZSJ RAMS him into railing! ZSJ gets in to get Hashi with a sleeper! Suzuki knocks Goto away as Hashi elbows free. Hashi runs at Taichi but into SEITEIJYUJIRYOU! ZSJ drags Ishii down into an omoplata, and Suzuki has Goto in a standing armbar! Suzuki-Gun has TRIPLE SUBMISSIONS!

Hashi endures, fans rally, and Red Shoes checks on him. Taichi cranks the stretch plum more but Hashi refuses to quit! Taichi cranks harder again and Hashi starts to fade! Red Shoes checks on Hashi as Ishii and Goto try to fight free, and Hashi uses a last gasp to get the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer, ZSJ and Suzuki let Ishii and Goto go, and Taichi eventually does. Fans rally up but Taichi powers up. Hashi slowly rises, Taichi runs, but Hashi ducks Ax Bomber to come back, but into a choke grip! CHOKE SLAM!! Cover, TWO!! Hashi survives and fans are thunderous! Taichi gets up and OFF COME THE PANTS! Taichi powers up and aims from the corner, Hashi rises, but Hashi SUPERKICKS first!

Both men are down again as fans continue to rally. Taichi gets to a corner, and Suzuki’s laugh echoes in the background as he surely goes after Ishii again. Hashi gets up, runs in, but Taichi dodges, and ZSJ runs in with a EuroUpper! Feed to Taichi’s BIG ELBOW! ZSJ gets Hashi back up, Taichi aims, but Goto clobbers Taichi! ZSJ runs in but into a fireman’s carry! ZSJ slips off, rushes Goto again but Hashi SUPERKICKS him down! Goto gets Taichi up, he and Hashi get him up, but Taichi fights free! HOOK KICK for Goto! But Ishii gets in and gets around Taichi to back suplex! Suzuki BOOTS Ishii down, but Hashi LARIATS Suzuki! Fans are electric as all six men are down!

ZSJ flops out of the ring, Suzuki’s on the apron, Goto is near the Chaos corner and Ishii, Hashi and Taichi are all by a neutral corner. The fans continue to keep that high pace as Hashi stirs. Hashi gets up while Ishii bails out, and Hashi crawls to the opposite corner from Taichi. Taichi slowly gets up, Hashi runs in but Taichi boots him! Taichi runs at Hashi, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Neither man falls and Hashi roars! Taichi runs, DOUBLE LARIATS collide again! Hashi falls over, the Ax Bomber wins out! Taichi runs again, but Hashi LARIATS him down!! Cover, TWO!! Fans are thunderous as Hashi gets Taichi back up, fisherman, KUMA BUSTER?! Cover and Goto keeps ZSJ out, TWO?!?!

Hashi is shocked but the fans are fired up again as he gets Taichi back up. Full nelson and spin, but no Karma! Taichi spins around to Alabama lift, but Hashi fights free! Taichi BOOTS, Hashi CHOPS! Taichi roars, gets around, DANGEROUS SAIDO!! Cover, TWO!?!? Now Hashi shocks Suzuki-Gun! Suzuki gets away from Ishii to get on the corner and Taichi hurries over. Hot tag to Suzuki and he runs at Hashi in the corner, to BOOT him! Snapmare and run for a PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO!! Suzuki keeps focus and drags Hashi back up. Hashi throws forearms but Suzuki doesn’t flinch. Suzuki ROCKS Hashi, whips, but Hashi holds ropes!

Suzuki CHOPS him, whips, but Hashi reverses to LARIAT! Both men are down and Goto reaches out. Hot tag to Goto! Goto fires off on Suzuki, whips him corner to corner and hits MURAMASA! Then BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Goto gets Suzuki up to a fireman’s carry but Suzuki slips out to fire off slapping palm strikes! Suzuki runs, Goto follows, Suzuki dodges and gets around to a SLEEPER! Hashi gets in just as Suzuki spins Goto around, and SUPERKICKS Suzuki down! Taichi gets in, he dodges Hashi but then Hashi dodges Taichi, they both run the ropes for DOUBLE LARIATS!! Both men slump down and roll to the apron as Goto and Suzuki rise.

Goto gets Suzuki up to throw forearms, but Suzuki throws them back. They go back and forth, and fans rally as they pick up speed. Things start to slow down but neither backs down as Suzuki ROCKS Goto. Goto eggs Suzuki on so Suzuki ROCKS him even harder! Suzuki eggs Goto on now, so Goto ROCKS him right back! Suzuki laughs that off and ROCKS Goto! Red Shoes reprimands Suzuki using closed fists but Suzuki shoves him away. Suzuki reels back for another closed fist, but Goto headbutts the punch! And again! Goto runs, Suzuki follows and DROPKICKS Goto right down! Fans rally, Suzuki fires himself up, and he gets Goto back up for a SLEEPER!

Suzuki drags Goto up with the sleeper hold, Taichi keeps Hashi outside as Goto turns purple! Red Shoes checks, Goto is fading, but Suzuki spins Goto around! Gotch hold, but Goto fights the piledriver! Goto spins out, gets Suzuki in the dragon sleeper, but Suzuki spins through to facelock and roll back, but Goto gets a facelock in return! REVERSE GTR!! Both men are down but ZSJ gets in! ZSJ drags Goto up into a facelock! Ishii runs in but ZSJ boots his clothesline! ZSJ gets Ishii in a sleeper with modified arm trap! ZSJ shouts to Suzuki as he spins Ishii, but Ishii suplexes instead! Ishii shouts to Goto and Goto rises!

Goto drags Suzuki up, but Suzuki HEADBUTTS! Goto fires up but Suzuki DECKS him! Suzuki gets Goto in the SLEEPER! Spin, but Goto fireman’s carries?! But Suzuki clasps hands to resist the Ushigoroshi and squeeze Goto in a modified sleeper! But Goto powers through! USHIGOROSHI!! Suzuki gets up!? But Ishii LARIATS him down! ZSJ gets back in but Ishii DECKS him! Goto sits Suzuki up, Hashi runs, METEORA! Hashi intercepts Taichi as Goto gets Suzuki in a dragon sleeper! Hashi helps out, G Y W!!! Cover, Chaos wins!!

Winners: Chaos, by pinfall (still NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champions)

Korakuen was already rocking, but they’re even more amped that Ishii-Goto-Hashi retain! Red Shoes raises their hands in victory, and Hashi still wants to throw it in Taichi’s face. Taichi refuses to face Hashi at first, but then Goto and Hashi hold up their Six Man belts. The Tekkers get their IWGP tag belts and we’re back to these two teams talking some smack. Taichi mockingly pats Hashi’s head and ZSJ sarcastically compliments them on a “good job.” ZSJ then gets attitude with Ishii but leaves with Taichi all the same.

Goto gets the mic to declare, “We destroyed Suzuki-Gun!” And he tells the fans thanks for being with them through these eight defenses. But wait, LIJ shows up! Bushi, Sanada and Naito join Chaos in the ring, and Bushi gets a mic. “Champions, congratulations.” But Bushi isn’t satisfied. Chaos talks about defending those titles forever, so they should be up for giving LIJ a chance at revenge. Fans like the sound of that! Goto talks it over with Hashi and Ishii, and a decision is reached: OK! They will give LIJ their shot. Chaos holds up the belts, and Ishii gets in Sanada’s face. Sanada keeps his cool, Naito grins at Hashi, and LIJ take their leave.

Goto gets back on the mic to say, “As champions, we take on any challengers!” He also says he’s so pumped right now, he probably won’t get any sleep tonight. But he vows that he and Hashi will win those IWGP tag titles, so he asks the fans to please support them. And lastly, he wants this to close out as usual, especially since Hashi didn’t get to say anything last time. “Yoshi-Hashi, tell ’em how you feel!” Fans cheer and Hashi says that LIJ is coming for them, but they clearly forgot what Hashi usually says. Hashi will say it again: The NEVER Six Man titles are NEVER changing hands, because Chaos will defend them… FOREVER!

Mic drop from the Head Hunter, but Chaos has a busy schedule ahead of them! Can they get past LIJ 3v3 before the Triple Threat Tag at the MetLife Dome?

My Thoughts:

In a surprising twist, even to myself, I did the whole event! It was a very good event, and we got very good showings from the Young Lions against two top names. Obviously the Young Lions weren’t going to win here, but winning wasn’t really the point of these send-off matches. I don’t know where Uemura and Tsuji are going for excursion but each guy is going to be big when they return, I’m sure of it.

The rest of the night was Six Man Tag Night, in honor of the main event. Yano & RPG3K VS Bullet Club was very good, and naturally Bullet Club wins to put more pressure on Yano and RPG3K in their stories of regaining former glory. LIJ VS Bullet Club in another arrangement was great stuff, and I’m a little surprised LIJ keeps winning, but there’s a lot of time left between now and Wrestle Grand Slam MetLife so the overall series could go back and forth.

The main event was great stuff, but also really long. Chaos winning makes sense, crowning double tag champions in the Tekkers just seemed too much for Summer Struggle. LIJ wanting to get in on the Six Man titles again was a nice little surprise, and that’ll make for a very good match that will also act as a go-home to Wrestle Grand Slam’s Triple Threat Tag. At this point, it is too early to say if Goto-Hashi can pull off becoming double tag champions, but NJPW has really given them a strong run so it could be even just a little in their favor.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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