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Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Reports! (9/24/21)

The Grand Slam continues!



AEW Rampage coverage

AEW goes into extra innings for Rampage!

If you thought Dynamite hit it outta the park, wait for Rampage to step up to bat! Will the AEW debut of the #SuperKliq be just as elite?


  • CM Punk VS “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs; Punk wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Adam Cole & The Young Bucks w/ The Elite VS Christian Cage & Jurassic Express; Cole & The Bucks win.
  • Chris Jericho & Jake Hager VS The Men of the Year w/ Dan Lambert; Men of the Year win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Santana, Ortiz & The Lucha Brothers w/ Alex Abrahantes VS The Hardy Family Office; Santana, Ortiz & The Lucha Brothers win.
  • Anna Jay VS Penelope Ford; Ford wins.
  • Lights Out Tag: Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston VS Minoru Suzuki & Lance Archer; Moxley & Kingston win.


CM Punk VS “Powerhouse” Will Hobbs!

For the first time anywhere in seven YEARS, the Best in the World wrestles on television! But while he defeated the speedy and relentless Darby Allin at All Out, will Punk be pulverized by Team Taz’s personal titan?

Team Taz on commentary (Taz and Ricky Starks) are really excited to see what Hobbs will do to Punk. The bell rings and Punk dropkicks Hobbs right away! Hobbs hobbles as Punk KICKS his leg as they go along the ropes! Punk dropkicks the leg and Hobbs ends up in a corner. Punk fires off as the fans fire up for him, but Hobbs shoves him away. Hobbs gets to another corner but Punk is right after him again. Punk whips, Hobbs blocks, so Punk grinds Hobbs’ face on the ropes. Hobbs headbutts back and Punk falls against the ropes himself. Hobbs CLUBS Punk, fans boo but Hobbs whips Punk. Punk reverses and drop toeholds to then SNAP the deathlock!

Fans rally as Hobbs gets away and Punk keeps after the legs with KICKS! Punks clinches, wrenches, hooks Hobbs up and hits a Russian Leg Sweep! Punk flips off Hook since he’s ringside, too. Punk grins and he brings Hobbs up to a fireman’s carry! Hobbs fights and Hook gets on the apron! Punk rushes Hook but he gets away, and he turns around into Hobbs’ BODY CHECK! Cover, TWO! Hobbs rains down rights, fans boo but Hobbs and Team Taz soak up the heat. Hobbs sits Punk up to neck wrench then CLUB away on his chest! Hobbs grins as he paces, but Punk throws body shots and haymakers! Hobbs knees low, reels Punk in and whips him hard into buckles!

Punk falls but the fans rally up harder for him. Hobbs tells them to shut it then he whips Punk hard into more buckles. Hobbs drags Punk up again, ROCKS him with a right, but Punk manages to stay up for just a moment to get to ropes. Hobbs hauls Punk back up to suplex, but Punk slips out to O’Conner Roll! TWO, Hobbs runs in and CLOBBERS Punk again! Taz says that’s “getting trucked,” and Hobbs is definitely a monster truck of a human being. Hobbs gets Punk up to CLUB him down, puts Punks on ropes, chokes him, but lets off to run and STRADDLE ATTACK! Not the cleanest but Hobbs snarls then grins as AEW goes picture in picture.

Hook and Hobbs chest bump for that one as Punk is still down. Hobbs drags Punk onto the apron to SLAM his chest into the edge! Punk sputters, Hobbs SLAMS him again! Hobbs then takes aim and ELBOWS Punk against the apron! Hobbs goes into the ring, argues with the ref but Hook gets his shot in on Punk! Hobbs is having fun now as he waits for Punk to stand. Hobbs scoops and SLAMS Punk, then steps on him! AEW returns to single picture as Hobbs gloats. Hobbs hauls Punk right up into a bearhug! Punk endures, fans rally up behind him, and Punk throws elbows to get free! But Hobbs just wraps on a bearhug from behind!

Hobbs squeezes tight, throws in some short headbutts, but Punk throws more elbows! Punk gets free, ROCKS Hobbs with a forearm, but Hobbs ROCKS Punk back! The hands keep flying, Punk gets the edge then sobats! Front kicks! Whip and calf kick! Hobbs is right up but he swings into a swinging NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up as Punk goes to a corner. Hobbs rises, Punk runs corner to corner to SHINING WIZARD! Then he reels Hobbs in for a clothesline! Punk thinks of what to do and fans fire up as he climbs the corner! Punk grins as he stands up, points to the sky, MACHO ELBOW!! Cover, TWO!! Hobbs survives but Punk nods his respect.

Fans chant, “You Still Got It!” for Punk as he brings Hobbs up. Punk fireman’s carries for the GO- NO! SPINEBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!! Hobbs can’t believe Punk survives but he isn’t done with him, either! Hobbs hauls Punk back up, pump handles and lifts, but Punk slips out to a SLEEPER! Punk is a backpack and Hobbs fades! Hobbs fights back up, back suplexes high and hard! Hook applauds but fans rally back up for Punk. Hobbs stands first, he brings Punk up and scoops, to RAM him into buckles! OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE! Cover, TWO!! Punk survives again and Hobbs thinks of what he has to do to finish it.

Hobbs goes to a corner! He mocks the go to sleep hands, but Punk throws hands! Punk climbs up to get Hobbs for a SUPER- NO! Hobbs blocks the Steiner to get Punk up, but Punk SUPER STEINERS after all! Hobbs lands bad, Punk covers, TWO!! Punk wants the arm but Hobbs fights it! Hobbs ends up in a Triangle Hold but he dead lifts Punk for the POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Punk survives and NYC fires back up! Hobbs gets mad, he hauls Punk back up, and he ROCKS Punk with a right! Hobbs taunts Punk but Punk hits back! They forearm back and forth, and Punk gets the edge again. ROUNDHOUSE! Hobbs falls against ropes and Punk fires up!!

Hook gets up, Punk goes after him! Hobbs runs in but Punk sends him into Hook!! Fireman’s carry, GO TO SLEEP!! Cover, Punk wins!

Winner: CM Punk, by pinfall

Punk manages to smile through the pain because he came out the winner! Punk pats Hobbs on the shoulder to show he respects the powerhouse, but Taz says they’ll just go back to the drawing board. Will Taz have an idea how to stop The Best in the World?


AEW looks at the growing animosity in the women’s division.

Thunder Rosa says she has “two of the biggest senoritas here in AEW trying to get a piece of me.” But she’s not afraid of Nyla Rose OR Jade Cargill. Rosa does on her own, fights her own battles, she is Thunder Freakin’ Rosa and she fights like a dog! Jade says she will give the fans what they want. But Nyla was the one who betrayed her in that Casino Battle Royale, from behind! This is way more personal than business. Nyla tells everyone that they know where to find her. Pull up if you want, she’ll put you down! Who proves themselves the fiercest in AEW on the road to the title?


Six Man Tag: Adam Cole & The Young Bucks w/ The Elite VS Christian Cage & Jurassic Express!

The #SuperKliq is reunited and it feels so good! But will they be feeling even better when they take on Captain Charisma, Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus in their first AEW match together?

Rampage returns and Christian makes his entrance. Jurassic Express follows and Arthur Ashe Stadium sing along and swing along with Tarzan Boy. The trios sort out and Christian starts with Cole. They circle, the fans are fired up, but then Cole tags out to Matt. Fans boo but Christian shrugs it off. He and Matt tie up, Christian waistlocks and drags Matt to the mat. Christian does push-ups on Matt’s back but Matt gets up in a huff. Matt pie faces but Christian ROCKS him with an uppercut! Matt gets pointers from Nick and Cole, Matt and Christian tie up with knuckle locks. Matt kicks low, clubs and hammers away on Christian’s back, then throws off his shirt to ROCK him!

Matt swivels the hips, whips Christian corner to corner but misses in the corner to get CHOPS! Christian climbs up, rains down fists, and fans count along as he goes way past 10 to get 15! Christian puts Matt on ropes and stands on him to choke! Slingshot and uppercut! Matt flounders, Christian goes up and hits a flying uppercut! Cover, TWO! Tag to JB and they double whip for a double hip toss! Nick runs in, he gets a FLAPJACK! JB adds a basement BOOT! Cole gets in, but then he bails out when JB shows punch. JB goes back to Matt but Matt throat chops! Tag to Nick, he goes up and drops ax handles on JB’s arm. Tag to Matt, he goes up and jumps but into JB’s kick!

JB uses Matt to get up and around, he knuckle locks Nick then kicks matt. JB has both Bucks in knuckle locks, then goes up the ropes to rebound and DOUBLE ARM-DRAG! Fans fire up as JB kips up and stares down Cole! The Bucks regroup on the outside, Cole eggs JB on but then hops down. JB chases after Cole, but he runs into DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Luchasaurus and Christian storm over to brawl with the Super Kliq! Matt and Cole double whip Christian into a post! Luchasaurus choke grips Nick and brings him up, but Nick lands on the apron! But then Luchasaurus kicks Nick’s legs out and he hits the apron!

Matt rushes over but Luchasaurus ROCKS him! Cole runs into a haymaker, too, but Nick BOOTS Luchasaurus from the apron! Quebrada, but Luchasaurus dodges! Luchasaurus choke grips but Matt WRECKS him with a dropkick from the inside! Cole puts JB in while Cutler sprays down the Bucks, then Matt tags Cole in. Cole tags in Nick, he gets JB up in a Camel Clutch, the Bucks both run and build speed, and build speed, and then stop to kiss Cole on the cheeks. Fans love the brotherly love before the Bucks double handspring basement dropkick! The fans are fired up for the Super Kliq as AEW goes to break.

Rampage returns and Matt tags Nick in. They have JB alone, but they both DECK Christian and Luchasaurus off the apron! Matt whips Nick in but JB BOOTS! JB goes up and over Matt, Nick sunset flips and sends JB at Matt. Matt has JB but JB boots Nick! JB standing switches to whip Matt into JB! JB elbows Cole, rolls under the Bucks and hot tags Luchasaurus! Luchasaurus rallies on the Bucks with big shoulders and a BOOT for Cole, too! Luchasaurus throws hands, DECKS Nick then pops Matt up for a FLAPJACK! Cole runs in to get a back drop! The Bucks regroup but get DOUBLE LARIATS! NYC is thunderous for the man-dinosaur as he choke grips the Bucks!

Cole gets in to BOOT Luchasaurus! Luchasaurus staggers but he handsprings under the double superkicks! And he goes Matrix to avoid Cole’s boot! Luchasaurus kips up to TAIL WHIP and gets Nick! Cole ducks to avoid the ROUNDHOUSE so it gets Matt! Luchasaurus choke grips Cole and also Matt, CHOKE SLAM INVERTED DDT COMBO! Nick goes up but Luchasaurus gets him for a SUPER CHOKE SLAM! Cover but Matt breaks it! Christian gets in to go after Matt and they go outside the ring. Luchasaurus signals to JB and tags him in. Cole shoves JB away to save Nick from Thorasic Express, and they both SUPERKICK Luchasaurus!

Christian gets in to give Cole a REVERSE DDT! Christian blocks a superkick to hook Nick up but no Killswitch! SUPERKICK! JB gets in, Matt feints the kick to DDT instead! The Bucks regroup and Matt tags in. Nick PENALTY KICKS Luchasaurus, Matt fireman’s carries JB. Nick goes up, JB slips off t shove Matt into the corner! JB goes up Matt to SUPER STEINER Nick then GERMAN SUPLEX Matt! DIVING HEADBUTT from Christian outta nowhere! JB covers, TWO!! Matt survives and fans are thunderous! JB gets the leg, SNARE TRAP STF!! Matt is caught, but Gallows gets on the apron to distract! JB lets off Matt to swipe at Gallows but then Matt gets up.

JB rushes in, Matt sidesteps to then SUPERKICK! JB still rebounds to LARIAT! Both men are down and fans fire up again. A standing count starts but both men crawl for their corners, hot tags to Luchasaurus and Cole! The throw fast hands, Nick and Christian brawl in a corner! Matt and JB return to brawl in the other corner! Cole stops the choke grip but gets a HEADBUTT! ENZIGURI all the same, but they BOTH BOOT! Nick throws Christian to the ramp side but JB clotheslines Nick out. JB sends Matt out to join him, JB FLIES to take out Matt but Nick SUPERKICKS JB! Christian SPEARS Nick down the ramp! Christian gets Nick up but Matt LOW BLOWS!!

Matt throws Christian OFF the stage and he hits wall on the way down! The Bucks get JB up and bring him over to TOSS him off, too! In the ring, Cole grins as he has Luchasaurus all alone, but Luchasaurus sits up like the Deadman! Cole kicks but Luchasaurus blocks to choke grip. Cole slips out of the slam to 52 Fake Out! SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO!! Luchasaurus is still in this but Cole SUPERKICKS him! And then goes to a corner! Cole climbs up, PANAMA SUNRISE!! Bucks add on the B T E TRIGGER!! Then they set up for the BOOM SHOT! Cover, Super Kliq wins!!

Winners: Adam Cole & The Young Bucks, by pinfall

That is why they’re All Elite! JB crawls his way back to Luchasaurus and Cole says something to him as they stare down. Will Cole drop the boom on Jungle Boy Jack Perry soon enough?


Chris Jericho & Jake Hager VS The Men of the Year w/ Dan Lambert!

Le Champion & Rock Hard Hager aren’t ones for all the toxic, cringey trash talk American Top Team’s manager is spewing, let alone the fake tough guy egos from All Ego & The Closer. Will egos be deflated and bodies broken when the Inner Circle bring the fight to the “Boys of the Week” in NYC?

Arthur Ashe Stadium sings Judas for Jericho as the teams sort out. Jericho starts with Scorpio and fans fire up. Jericho soaks it all in before he ties up with Scorpio. Scorpio arm-drags then gloats while Ethan applauds. Jericho CHOPS Scorpio in return! And again, and again! Jericho whips and CLOBBERS Scorpio then gets Scorpio back up for a back suplex! Jericho flips off Ethan for good measure, too. Jericho brings Scorpio around to whip him into a corner and clotheslines. Fans count as Jericho gives more clotheslines up close. Jericho gets all 10, Scorpio falls over, and Jericho brings him over to the corner. Tag to Hager and they double whip Scorpio for a double shoulder tackle!

Hager brings Scorpio up but gets a jawbreaker! Tag to Ethan and he runs, into a BIG hip toss! Hager gets Ethan up, throws hands in the corner then lets off. Jericho chokes Ethan while the ref is busy with Hager, then Hager comes back to Belly2Belly! Cover, TWO! Hager keeps on Ethan with chicken wings and tags in Jericho. They throw hands on Ethan, Jericho CHOPS and whips but Ethan reverses. Jericho kicks Ethan away, spins him around but Ethan slips free to ROUNDHOUSE Jericho down! Ethan rains down rights then soaks up the heat from NYC. Jericho gets to ropes, Ethan chokes him on the ropes, then lets off so Lambert can get a cheap shot in as AEW goes picture in picture!

Ethan argues with the ref, Hager protests about the cheating but Ethan bumps Jericho off buckles. Tag to Scorpio, the Men of the Year mug Jericho then Scorpio fires off fast hands. The ref has him back off, Ethan stands Jericho back up and Scorpio comes back with more haymakers. Scorpio brings Jericho to a neutral corner, hoists him up top then throws more hands. Scorpio backs up to get a running start into a big haymaker! Scorpio climbs up to join Jericho, but Jericho resists the superplex! Jericho throws body shots, shoves Scorpio down then adjusts to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Scorpio CLUBS Jericho down then scrapes his soles on Jericho’s face.

Scorpio drags Jericho over, Ethan tags in, and they mug Jericho. Ethan CLUBS Jericho, ROCKS him with a right, then fish hooks Jericho’s face! The ref counts, Ethan lets off but he tags in Scorpio. The Men of the Year mug Jericho, Scorpio pie faces and whips to get Jericho for a SLEEPER! Jericho fights up to back suplex Scorpio down! Both men crawl for their corners, hot tags to Hager and Ethan! Hager dodges Ethan to DECK Scorpio, then he dodges Ethan again to come back for a corner clothesline! Hager then goes side to side, BIG forearm smash, to a POWERSLAM! Hager is fired up and NYC fires up for him. Hager runs to LARIAT Ethan down! Cover, TWO!

Hager paces around, brings Ethan up and whips him to ropes, but Ethan holds ropes. Ethan puts Hager on the apron, but Hager ROCKS him with a right! But Scorpio trips Hager up! Lambert chuckles as Hager staggers, and Ethan LEAPS for a FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! Direct hit as AEW returns to single picture! Both men are down on the outside but Ethan gets up to put Hager into the ring. Tag to Scorpio, they mug Hager, then Scorpio stretches Hager back in a chinlock. Fans rally, Hager fights up and RAMS Scorpio into buckles. Hager is free but Scorpio CHOP BLOCKS him before he can reach Jericho!

Scorpio brings Hager over, tags Ethan and they mug Hager again. Ethan CLUBS and kicks and whips but Hager stops himself to come back. They collide heads but Hager comes back to LARIAT Ethan down! Fans rally up again as Hager and Ethan crawl. Hot tags to Scorpio and Jericho! Le Champion rallies with big shoulders, then he triangle jump dropkicks Ethan away! Scorpio puts Jericho outside but Jericho goes up fast to FLYING AX HANDLE! Jericho fires up and NYC joins him as he CHOPS Scorpio! Jericho whips, Scorpio reverses but Jericho holds ropes to avoid the dropkick! LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Scorpio survives but Jericho tags in Hager.

Hager TOSSES Scorpio across the way, then goes to the corner for the HAGER BOMB! Cover, TWO! Scorpio survives again but Hager whips him to ropes. Pop-up for the FLAPJACK, then the ANKLE LOCK! Scorpio endures, Ethan gets in but Jericho tackles him! WALLS OF JERICHO as the quick hour transition happens, and Lambert is freaking out about Jericho having Ethan when they’re not legal! Jericho can’t hold Ethan as he crawls out of the ring, and then Hager takes a swing on Lambert! Scorpio rolls Hager up, TWO!! Ethan DECKS Jericho, Hager gives Scorpio an URENAGE! Cover, Ethan breaks it! Jericho clotheslines Ethan out then PLANCHAS!

Hager gets up, has Scorpio for a whip and catches the crossbody for a SLAM! Hager runs to BOOT Scorpio down! Hager runs but Lambert trips him up! Scorpio gets an inside cradle from in, Men of the Year win!!

Winners: Men of the Year, by pinfall

Lambert is soaking up all the heat because it’s what he wants, but Ethan & Scorpio get CLOBBERED by Hager! Lambert is still running his stupid fat mouth but then he sees Ethan being thrown out right next to him! Jericho and Hager drag Lambert into the ring! Lambert begs for mercy, but Junior Dos Santos emerges from the shadows! Not to mention Austin Vanderford and even Paige VanZant! And now Andrei Arlovski and Dalton Rosta! American Top Team is coming to save their obnoxious leader, and Hager lets Lambert go when he sees Jorge Masvidal entering the arena! The Men of the Year have courage again and they say GET ‘EM!

Jericho and Jericho brawl with Arlovski and Dos Santos, but Rosta jumps in to SPINEBUSTER Hager down! Vanderford goes after Jericho, VanZant talks some trash, and Masvidal just enjoys watching what his friends are doing. Lambert coordinates traffic, Men of the Year sit Jericho up, and VanZant gets to load up and box away on Jericho’s gut! Masvidal gets to top it off with a RUNNING KNEE! Lambert raises Scorpio’s hand in victory as American Top Team and Men of the Year leave the Inner Circle’s hardest hitters down and out! Will the rest of Jericho’s crew have something to say about this?


8 Man Tag: Santana, Ortiz & The Lucha Brothers w/ Alex Abrahantes VS The Hardy Family Office!

While the Proud ‘n’ the Powerful are rivals to Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero M, as well as hungry for those AEW World Tag Team Championships, they won’t stand for Big Money Matt’s many minions doing what they want in their city! Will Santana, Ortiz and #CeroMiedo put some fear in the hearts of Private Party, The Butcher & The Blade?

The eight men stare down in the ring, no teams sort out so the bell rings and it is a brawl! Fenix has Blade, Ortiz has Marq Quen, Santana’s after Isiah Kassidy and Penta as Butcher all in a line! Fenix whips Blade out, Penta does the same to Butcher, but Private Party reverses PNP. Quen & Kassidy run but into SUPERKICKS from the Lucha Bros! Lucha Bros whips Private Party to Santana & Ortiz, and they TOSS them out to join Butcher & Blade! Fans fire up as Santana and Fenix each take a corner. Penta and Ortiz build speed, we get QUADRUPLE AERIAL ATTACKS!! Hardy is astonished as Fenix puts Blade in, he and Santana coordinate, UNO DOS TRES! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS!

Penta and Ortiz work together, wheelbarrow SPLASH combo a la the Lucha Bros! Penta covers, Butcher breaks it! There’s more brawling as Kassidy goes after Ortiz, but Quen and Butcher knock Fenix and Santana off the apron! Butcher and Blade stomp Penta, Private Party gangs up on Ortiz for the ASSISTED ROLLING DDT! Penta fights back against the mercenaries, a BOOT for Blade and a tag to Fenix! Fenix springboards over Butcher, he JABS Blade to SUPERKICK Butcher! But Blade catches the somersault to suplex him to Butcher! The mercs can’t Drag The Lake as Blade has to go after Penta! Butcher still POWERBOMBS Fenix all the same!

Fans rally up as Hardy has his scissors! He wants to cut Ortiz’s hair! But here comes ORANGE CASSIDY! Jack Evans rushes to intercept but gets an ORANGE PUNCH! Cassidy leaves as fans are thunderous for “FRESHLY SQUEEZED!” Blade whips Fenix and CHOPS him in the corner, the match rages on as AEW goes to break!

Rampage returns and Fenix hot tags to Santana! Ortiz gives him an assist with the schoolboy into the CUTTER on Blade! Santana feeds Blade to Ortiz’s FLYING CODE BREAKER! Santana SUPERKICK to TU LO SABE! Ortiz intercepts Quen to whip him, pop-up but Quen uses that to RANA Santana into Ortiz! Quen keeps moving to FOSBURY FLOP out onto Ortiz! Santana BOOTS Kassidy and whips him, then runs in into a BOOT! Kassidy goes up for a FLYING STUNNER! Penta gets in but Kassidy dodges. Penta pops Kassidy up on the corner to SUPERKICK him down! Torture rack and BACKBREAKER DROP! Fans fire up with Penta and he SUPERKICKS Butcher!

Penta runs to KICK Butcher’s leg! “CERO! MIEDO!” Penta whips, Butcher reverses and then dodges to BODY CHECK Penta down! But Fenix springboards in, into a choke grip! Butcher whips, Fenix tiger feint rewinds to the HEEL KCIK! Blade gets in to get a forearm, but he dodges Fenix’s footwork in the ropes, to BOOT him! Blade whips, Fenix reverses but Blade comes back, LARIAT! Both men are down in the ring and fans fire up again. Santana gets in, fans are thunderous as he gets Blade up. Blade knees low, scoops and SLAMS then tags in Quen. Quen is up top, but Ortiz trips Blade! SHOOTING STAR, but Quen has to land on his feet as Santana dodges! SLINGBLADE from Penta!

Penta gets Quen up, Fenix coordinates with him, L B DRIVER!! Ortiz keeps it going, he and Santana give Quen the STREET SWEEPER!! Cover, PNP & LB win!!

Winners: Santana, Ortiz & The Lucha Brothers, by pinfall

The HFO tried and failed, they were the ones to pay! But with the dance card still open, will Santana & Ortiz find their way up the ranks to challenge Fenix & Penta for the gold?


Backstage interview with Matt Hardy and Jack Evans.

Tony Schiavone notes it was a rough night out there, and Hardy had to drag Evans to the back before it was even over. Yes, it was a tough night to start. But the HFO’s night isn’t over, because The Bunny’s new best friend, Penelope Ford, will end Anna Jay’s triumphant return! And what’s really upsetting Hardy is Cassidy! Every time Hardy goes to cut someone’s hair, Cassidy sticks his nose in Hardy’s business! If Cassidy has the guts, he’ll accept Hardy’s challenge! Hair VS Hair, Orange Cassidy VS… JACK EVANS! What?! That wasn’t the deal! Jack, you’re going to face Cassidy, and you better win! Has Hardy’s mouth written a check Evan’s hair can’t cash?


Sammy Guevara and Fuego Del Sol are here!

And the Spanish God has his cue cards! Feugo helps show them off for this silent promo. “Queens, New York City! It’s time for the Spanish God to become-” OH NO! Miro attacks from behind! He DECKS Sammy and KNEES Fuego down! Taz and Starks love this, but Sammy saves Fuego from Miro’s wrath! Miro shoves Sammy into the stage frame and then CLOBBERS Sammy! But Fuego jumps on as a SLEEPER! Miro THROWS Fuego off hard, then has wild eyes as he eyes the edge of the stage. Miro TOSSES Fuego off!! Fuego crashes through spare tables down below! Fans lose their minds, Starks is excited, and Miro drags Sammy over to put him in GAME OVER!!

Sammy doesn’t tap but Miro shoves him down. Miro takes the cue card that reads, “The NEXT TNT Champion!” and tears it in half! Will Miro do that to Sammy’s body and spirit when they battle for Miro’s prized possession?


Andrade El Idolo speaks.

“I am in AEW to fight. I am smart enough to know when I need help. When I beat Pac, I didn’t need help.” His assistant, Jose, knows better than to interrupt Andrade’s matches, because he’ll end up like Chavo. What Chavo did was unacceptable. Andrade won but he has honor in his matches. So he’ll beat Pac again, and there won’t be any excuses this time. Will the Bastard turn things around on the self-proclaimed Face of Latinos in the coming rematch?


Anna Jay VS Penelope Ford!

Number 99 has been a bit busy with both keeping the Dark Order in line and dealing with both Ford and The Bunny going after her and Tay Conti. But there are no friends allowed ringside for this one, it’ll be a true 1v1! Will the Queenslayer slay the Superbad Girl?

Wait, before Ford even gets to the ring, Jay runs back up the ramp to ROCK her with a forearm! Jay then throws Ford down the ramp and into the ring! Jay gets in, the bell rings, Ford hurries to take her jacket off, and she starts firing off haymakers back on Jay! The jacket kinda gets involved there, Ford throws it aside to fire off forearms. Ford whips, Jay holds ropes and then dumps Ford out! Jay goes out to get Ford up and whips her into the POST! Ford flounders, Jay dares her to get up, and then she RAMS Ford into the apron! Jay puts Ford in, fans rally up behind her as she runs in and back elbows Ford!

Jay whips Ford corner to corner, runs in and back elbows again! Jay keeps moving and she elbows Ford down! Jay gets Ford up, wrench to DANGEROUS JAY HEEL KICK! QUEENSLAYER SLEEPER! Ford flails, pries at the hold but here comes The Bunny! Jay dares her to do something but Bunny just waves. Ford blindsides Jay, hangs her out to dry and runs side to side to BOOT Jay down! Ford mocks the fans booing and then drags Jay back in to choke her on the ropes. Ford dares fans to boo but she lets off as the ref counts. Bunny talks trash right in Jay’s face as AEW goes to break.

Rampage returns and Jay is forehead to forehead with Ford as they talk trash on each other. Ford shoves but Jay shoves back. Ford SLAPS, Jay SLAPS back! Jay gets around and wants the QUEENSLAYER again! Ford RAMS Jay into buckles but Jay holds on so Ford RAMS her in again! Ford gets free the third time, Bunny shrieks to distract, but that’s to slip Ford the knuckles! BRASS KNUCKLE SHOT!! Cover, Ford wins!!

Winner: Penelope Ford, by pinfall

Superbad is even worse when it has a best friend! As such, Ford and Bunny mug Jay with stomps and hammering hands. But here comes Tay Conti! She rushes down the ramp and dodges Bunny to elbow her down! She tackles Ford and rains down fists, but Bunny hits Conti back! Bunny stomps Conti and Ford gets those knuckles out again! Bunny sits Conti up and Ford DECKS her! The HFO returns to be security for these girls because here come the Best Friends! Orange Cassidy, Kris Statlander, but not just them! The DARK ORDER’s Silver, Reynolds, Angels & Vance are here, too! Even Colt Cabana, Stu Grayson & Evil Uno! They ALL storm the ring and the HFO runs for it!

Jay & Tay are surprised to see the Dark Order united again, but that’s because deep down, friendship matters more than their petty squabbles. Reynolds offers a handshake, but Uno gets sheepish and decides to leave. Stu goes with Uno and Cabana finds himself stuck in the middle. Is there still something deep down that needs mending?


AEW has big things for next week planned already!

Next Wednesday’s Dynamite will be where Sammy Guevara settles the score with Miro, with the TNT Championship on the line! Plus, Cody Rhodes tries to put the pieces back together as he teams with “Big Shotty” Lee Johnson against Dante Martin & Matt Sydal. And after what we just saw, we’re going to see Penelope Ford & The Bunny throw down with Jay & Tay! And just made official, Jungle Boy gets his 1v1 match with Adam Cole! But Rampage has plenty, too, with the Hair VS Hair match, Orange Cassidy VS Jack Evans! Who gets shaved bald as part of Big Money Matt’s mad obsession with Freshly Squeezed?


Mark Henry interviews tonight’s main event players!

He starts with Suzuki-Gun and asks them why they accepted a Lights Out match. Lance Archer answers, “Why would we accept this Lights Out match? Because Cincinnati was a little bit of homefield advantage for Moxley. But we’re in New York City and I’m about to put my big boot up your fat ass in the Big Apple.” Minoru Suzuki says, in Japanese, that he’s going to butcher the pigs! Eddie Kingston doesn’t want to hear anymore and Archer tells him to never interrupt Suzuki. Kingston says he does what he wants, and he’s ripping his shirt up as he says he does respect Suzuki. Archer can kiss Kingston’s ass, though, because New York is HIS city, B! Straight up bullets flying!

Moxley calms Kingston down and Kingston is ready to go. Moxley tells Suzuki that he is the Giant Chicken to his Peter Griffin, he’s been trying and failing to kill him these last two years. Archer, the next chapter of their never-ending feud begins tonight in NYC! It’s LIGHTS OUT! LET’S GO! Henry says this is enough talk, it’s time for the main event! It’ll be Lights Out, but whose lights get put out in the Grand Slam main event?


Lights Out Tag: Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston VS Minoru Suzuki & Lance Archer!

AEW says this match is unsanctioned and is not liable for whatever these four wild cards decide to do to each other! As such, the Murderhawk Monster already brings kendo sticks with him as he and the King of Pancrase make their way out to the ring. Oh hey there are AEW ring crew guys. Archer DECKS one, kendo SMACKS the other, all in time for KAZE NI NARE~! But then it’s replaced by Wild Thing as the Maniac and the Mad King make their entrance from the bleachers. And the brawling begins already! The bell rings as Archer POSTS Kingston and Suzuki gets a chair! Suzuki JAMS Moxley, gets another chair, and Archer bumps Kingston off the apron.

Moxley follows Suzuki up the ramp and Suzuki wants to recreate the last time these two were in Japan! Suzuki lets Moxley have a chair, and challenges him to a duel! They CLASH chair against chair, and Suzuki disarms Moxley to JAM him low! Suzuki KNEES Moxley down but here comes Kingston! Kingston throws forearms, Suzuki rocks him with a body shot. Suzuki and Kingston are in the ring and NYC fires up for Kingston as he CHOPS! Suzuki just smiles and Kingston CHOPS again! Suzuki grins and Kingston CHOPS again! Suzuki laughs it off! Kingston readies himself and Suzuki CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Kingston hits an STO!

Kingston bails out, looks under the ring, and brings out a TABLE! Fans like this already as Kingston puts the table in the ring. Kingston stomps Suzuki, puts the table in the corner and then storms after Suzuki to CHP! Moxley keeps Archer down as Kingston whips. Suzuki blocks by holding ropes so Kingston CHOPS him again. Kingston whips, Suzuki kicks back and then fires off hands! Kingston staggers, Suzuki BOOTS him through the table! Moxley gets up top but Archer is there to catch him in a choke grip! Moxley breaks free, fires off forearm after forearm then runs, into a BOOT! Suzuki PENALTY KICKS, then Archer fetches those ring crew guys just to DECK them!

Then Archer gets another to scoop and SLAM him, then finds the last one to bring him over. Suzuki gets Moxley to the apron as Archer adds the last ring crew guy to the pile, then he brings Moxley around to CHOKE SLAM him onto the ring crew! All five men are down and fans are fired up for Suzuki-Gun. Archer puts Moxley back in then drags out a leather strap!? Suzuki and Moxley brawl, forearm back and forth! Moxley gives boxing elbows, runs but Suzuki follows and gets around SLEEPER! Archer has the strap, Suzuki ROCKS Moxley and Archer wraps the strap around Moxley’s neck! Archer puts Moxley over the top rope to HANG HIM!! This is unsanctioned so anything goes, but AEW goes to break!

Rampage returns once more and Archer has taped Moxley’s hands up behind his back! Kingston flounders on the outside as Moxley sits up and Archer LASHES him on the back! Suzuki has a turn  and he LASHES Moxley on the back, then the chest! Suzuki then chokes Moxley with the strap while Archer gathers up things. Suzuki puts Moxley in a HALF CRAB! Archer has a trash can and the lid, and the ref tries to have him reconsider, but Archer scares him off. Suzuki drags Moxley up for Archer to SMACK him with the lid, then SMACK and SMACK and SMACK again and again! Suzuki gets a kendo stick while Archer uses the strap to LASH Kingston!

Kingston fights back against Archer but Archer bumps him off the apron. Suzuki SMACKS Moxley with a kendo stick, Archer LASHES Kingston down, then Archer gets in to scoop SLAM Moxley down! Moxley grits his teeth as he lands on his own arms, but Archer uses the strap to sit Moxley up. Suzuki slaps Moxley but Moxley spits on him! Archer keeps Moxley still for Suzuki to ROCK with a right hand! Suzuki then BITES Moxley’s forehead! Archer SMACKS Moxley’s legs with a kendo stick, then chokes him on the ropes! Moxley is already red going into purple but the fans rally for Kingston to get up. Archer SMACKS Moxley, SMACKS Kingston, and then soaks up the heat.

Moxley stands up in the corner, Archer runs in but only gets buckles! Moxley fights with shoulders and headbutts! Suzuki kicks low, BITES Moxley’s head, but Kingston is in! Kingston CHOPS Suzuki-Gun back and forth! ENZIGURI for Suzuki, MACHINE GUN CHOPS for Archer! Archer isn’t bothered and even flips Kingston off, so Kingston pokes him in the eye! Kingston puts Archer in a corner for MORE Machine Gun Chops! Fans are thunderous as Kingston reloads and fires off more Machine Gun Chops! Then he reels Archer in for an EXPLODER! Suzuki slithers around and he grins as he reels Kingston in for a SLEEPER! Archer is up, Suzuki feeds Kingston to the HELLICOASTER!

Archer stomps Moxley in a corner, Suzuki fetches chairs from under the ring. Archer stomps Moxley, stomps Kingston, and Suzuki gets in. Archer stands Kingston up, Suzuki sets up the chairs back-to-back. Archer gets Kingston up top and in position, but what is going on? HOMICIDE is here!? He IS, but entering from the crowd side! He gets a chair to JAM Suzuki! And JAM Archer! And then a nasty chair shot to Archer’s back! Homicide frees Moxley from the tape! But Suzuki kicks low and throws Homicide out. Suzuki gets a chair and aims at Moxley, and Moxley pretends his hands are still bound! Suzuki JAMS Moxley, then sets the chair down to reel Suzuki in.

But Moxley springs the trap, PARADIGM SHIFT to the chair!! Archer choke grips but Kingston URAKENS! URAKEN again! Archer still choke grips Kingston, but Moxley kicks Archer for a PARADIGM SHIFT! Homicide helps out and gives Kingston the trash can. Kingston SMACKS Archer on the back with it then puts it around Archer’s head. Kingston has a kendo stick and he SMACKS away on the can!! The dents grow bigger and bigger, deeper and deeper, and then Kingston just breaks the kendo stick on it! Cover, Kingston & Moxley win!

Winners: Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston, by pinfall

But Moxley and Suzuki still brawl on the outside! Moxley throws Suzuki into steel steps to make it end for now, then he goes into the ring to celebrate with his maniacal friends! Will things only get wilder from here for Moxley & Kingston, let alone all of AEW?

My Thoughts:

What a wild, awesome night for Rampage! Even after two hours for Dynamite, Arthur Ashe Stadium still had energy to give because AEW was still giving them things to get fired up for. Weakest match on the card was Ford VS Jay, and as soon as Bunny came out to distract and help Ford, it was just a vehicle to set up other things. Ford & Bunny VS Jay & Tay on Dynamite next week was the real match they were setting up all along, and it gave Dark Order some TV time to further the dysfunction within the faction. Meanwhile, I knew Cassidy’s feud with HFO was leading to Hair VS Hair, but it was a brilliant swerve for Hardy to make Evans the guy to face Cassidy in that match.

Punk VS Hobbs was pretty good but that Super Steiner double counter spot was ROUGH. Probably should keep that off of the moveset unless Punk’s facing someone who can do a flying somersault. Punk of course wins, though, but as I said for Dynamite, who is Punk to face next? Ricky Starks is still healing up and he also has his story with Brian Cage to one day wrap up, so is Team Taz going to get a new member? We got a good promo from Rosa, Jade and Nyla so I fully expect a Triple Threat to go a long way in determining a new #1 contender to Britt Baker. Also fully expecting Nyla to take that pin since she’s had her match with Britt and Jade needs to stay strong even in losing while Rosa moves on to have her rematch with Britt.

The Six Man Tag was awesome stuff but what else would we get from a match with the Super Kliq? At the same time, of course Super Kliq wins, the Elite is basically reinvigorated with Cole joining. Cole VS JB should be a really good one for Dynamite but I would think Cole wins there, too. Jericho & Hager VS Men of the Year was good stuff until the end with Lambert helping Scorpio get a quick roll up. And apparently this is turning into an “invasion” angle with American Top Team, aka MMA fighters, invading rather than another wrestling promotion. I still don’t get why this is how it is but whatever.

The 8 Man Tag was even more awesome stuff and the Faces win. The HFO’s loss was a good way to compel Hardy to make the Hair VS Hair challenge and everything that happened after Jay VS Ford. The Lucha Brothers VS Santana & Ortiz looks to be the way they’re going and that’s great, that is going to be a great feud. Andrade had a good promo to hype up his rematch with Pac where things are supposedly going to be fair and square now, and Miro attacking Fuego and Sammy was a great way to set up the TNT Championship. The usual math says Miro standing tall here might actually mean Miro loses, but I don’t really see that happening because of how dominate Miro has been.

Learning about Cody in a tag match for Dynamite makes me hope he’ll have a crisis of confidence moment after losing to Malakai Black. He might take his frustrations out on Dante, Sydal and even Big Shotty, going further down the path of “He’s a Heel who thinks he’s a Face.” Then the Lights Out Tag was an awesome main event, but what a surprise that Homicide makes his AEW debut by saving Moxley and Kingston. Definitely seems like the only way for Moxley & Kingston to win while Suzuki-Gun is still technically strong in AEW. Archer also taking the loss was the way this was going to go so that Suzuki himself stays strong. Maybe Suzuki gets his first win in AEW off Kingston since Moxley is being kept strong as a big name on the roster.

My Score: 9.1/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Battle of the Belts Results & Report! (10/19/24)

The 12th edition!



Can the Violent Artist dry up the reign?

Kyle O’Reilly called out Kazuchika Okada and the challenge was accepted! Who walks away the AEW Continental Champion after Battle of the Belts 12?


  • AEW World Trios Championships: Blackpool Combat Club VS The Dark Order; The BCC wins and retains the titles.
  • AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada VS Kyle O’Reilly; Okada wins and retains the title.
  • Lance Archer & Brian Cage w/ Don Callis VS Jon Cruz & Jack Cartwheel; Archer & Cage win.
  • AEW Women’s World Championship Title Eliminator: Mariah May VS Anna Jay; Anna wins and earns a title opportunity.


The events of Collision bleed over.

The Blackpool Combat Club beat Top Flight in an AEW World Trios Championship match, but the pain continues! Claudio drags Dante to the stage, reels him in, but here comes John Silver with a chair! Silver SMACKS Claudio, and the rest of The Dark Order rushes the ring! Silver JAMS Claudio, but Moxley sends Reynolds into steel steps! Uno is mugged 2v1, and Marina RAMS the briefcase into Reynolds! The Dark Order tried to be heroes, but they’re just getting hurt for it! Moxley GUILLOTINE FACELOCKS Uno, then shoves him down. Claudio takes the chair to SMACK Silver! Silver is put in the ring, and Moxley grabs a mic.

“Hey, Dark order. I’m gonna give you a chance to fight for your lives. I’m gonna give you a chance to fight for your dreams. I’m gonna give you a chance to live your dreams, fight for your careers. Everything you’ve worked for for the last five years in AEW, I’m gonna give you a chance right now. Hey ref, you work for me, get your ass in the ring. We’re going to put the Trios Championships on the line again, right now! Ring the bell!” The fans boo but apparently Moxley has the power to do this. Can Uno, Reynolds & Silver turn the tides to take the power back?

AEW World Trios Championships: Blackpool Combat Club VS The Dark Order!

The bell rings, Silver stands, but Claudio UPERCUTS! Claudio fires fists on Silver, the ref counts but he also has to reprimands Marina for getting too close to Uno and Reynolds. Claudio stops stomping to haul Silver over. Tag to Yuta, and he drags Silver up to ROCK him! The fans boo but Yuta ROCKS Silver again. Silver goes to a corner, but Yuta CHOPS! Silver fires hands in return! The fans rally up but Yuta CLAWS Silver’s face! Tag to Pac, the mugging continues, and Pac stomps Silver down. Pac drags Silver up to hit a BIG back suplex! Pac paces, drags Silver up, and he tags Claudio in. Claudio ROCKS Silver, then stalks him.

Silver CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! The fans “WOO~!” as Silver fires more and more CHOPS! But Claudio scoops and SLAMS him! Claudio scoops and SLAMS Silver again! And he scoops and SLAMS Silver again! Tag to Yuta, and he climbs up. Claudio helps out, ROCKET LAUNCHER!! Cover, UNO BREAKS IT! The fans fire up as Uno fires off on Yuta, but Claudio clamps on a DRAGON SLEEPER! Pac helps drag Uno from the ring, and Yuta stands Silver up. Yuta bumps Silver off buckles while Uno gets mugged! The fans boo but Claudio DUMPS Uno into the front row! Yuta tags Pac and the mugging continues.

Pac taunts Silver, then SOBATS! And KICKS! And SOBATS again! The fans rally for Johnny Hungy while Pac runs, and Silver LARIATS!! The fans are thunderous as Silver powers up! Reynolds rises, Silver heads that way, hot tags to Reynolds and Claudio! Reynolds dodges Claudio, BOOTS Yuta, then ROCKS Claudio! And again! And he hits Pac, too! Reynolds fires off shots to everyone, but Claudio DECKS him! Claudio powers up, runs, but Reynolds dropkicks legs out! Reynolds grits his teeth, fights through the pain, and he runs, but into a gorilla press, and GUTBUSTER! Right into the bad ribs from Wednesday!

Claudio steps through, turns Reynolds over, SHARPSHOOTER! Reynolds endures! Reynolds fights! He grabs at the belts waiting on the apron! But Claudio drags him all the way away! Claudio sits deep, but then Yuta has a chair!? The ref stops Yuta, but that’s so Pac can go up and DIVING DOUBLE STOMP Reynolds!! NOW Reynolds taps, BCC wins again!

Winners: The Blackpool Combat Club, by pinfall (still AEW World Trios Champions)

Yuta adds on CATTLE MUTILATION! The record books will say BCC won two matches in a row, but we all know how they pulled it off. And then the mugging just continues as Moxley steps on Uno and Pac kicks away on Silver. Reynolds continues to suffer the arm submission while Moxley makes Uno take a seat. Uno SLAPS Moxley! Moxley DECKS Uno, CHOKES Uno, and then Marina SMASHES Silver’s arm with the briefcase!! Here comes Garcia & Private Party! BCC retreats, but the damage has literally been done. Top Flight also rise back up, but it is a little too late. Orange Cassidy finds his way out here, is he going to reconsider what Garcia told him during Collision?


AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada VS Kyle O’Reilly!

The Elite is still golden after WrestleDream, but The Rainmaker might’ve taken the wrong tactic with the Violent Artist. Will Kyle kick Okada off the throne? Or will it continue to reign in AEW?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is really elite around here!

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. They feel things out, then Okada backs away. The fans rally for “A E DUB! A E DUB!” for making this a match. Okada and Kyle tie up, Okada waistlocks but Kyle wrenches to wristlock. Okada rolls, wrenches back, and the fans duel. Kyle squats to then spin and drop toehold! Kyle floats to a facelock then waistlock. Okada endures, fights up, and he pries the hold open. Okada wrenches, waistlocks, and trips Kyle to tie up the legs. Okada pulls on the legs, floats to a headlock, but Kyle fights up. Okada grinds the hold, but Kyle pries the hold open. Kyle arm-drags Okada down to a top wristlock.

The fans applaud this technical exchange, but Okada fights up. Okada puts Kyle on ropes, lets off slowly, and Okada feints the shot to pat Kyle on the shoulders. The fans applaud while Okada grins. Kyle storms up but Okada blocks the kick, only to get a SLAP! Kyle spins to trip Okada, and he top mounts for palm strikes! Okada defends but Kyle goes for an arm! Okada clasps hands so Kyle adds a leg for leverage! Kyle can’t pry the hands apart, so he rolls to have the ANKLE LOCK! Okada scrambles around, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Kyle lets go to then drop a KNEE on Okada’s arm! Kyle kicks Okada around, and BOTB goes picture in picture.

Okada goes to ropes, Kyle stalks him to a corner, and Kyle KICKS! And KICKS! The ref reprimands but Kyle KICKS again! Kyle wrenches Okada, wristlocks, but Okada UPPERCUTS! Kyle knees low, runs, but into a FLAPJACK! Okada grins as he shakes out his bad arm. Okada drags Kyle up, brings him around and bumps him off buckles. Okada brings Kyle around again, to bump him off more buckles! The ref reprimands but Okada just grins. Okada brings Kyle around again for another buckle bump! Kyle falls over, the fans cheer, and Okada brings Kyle up. Okada whips Kyle corner to corner hard, and Kyle bounces off buckles!

The fans cheer, Okada revels in it, then he goes back for Kyle. Okada stands Kyle up, turns him, and hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Okada clamps onto Kyle with a chinlock and he grinds Kyle down. Kyle endures, pries at the hold, and fans rally up. Kyle fights up but Okada wrangles him back down. Kyle pries at the hold again, but Okada digs his knee into Kyle’s back! Kyle still pries a finger! Okada KNEES Kyle in the back before his grip breaks! Okada still lets Kyle go anyway, and he brings Kyle back up. Okada CLUBS Kyle on the back, but Kyle shakes his head. Kyle fires body shots and forearms!

BOTB returns to single picture as Okada eggs Kyle on! Kyle fires mores shots, but Okada ROCKS and UPPERCUTS Kyle down! The fans are torn while Okada paces. Okada looms over Kyle, kicks him around, toys with him really, and then stands Kyle up. Okada bumps Kyle off buckles again! The fans are torn, but Okada scoops Kyle to SLAM him down! The fans fire up as Okada goes to the apron, and Okada grins as he slingshot- NO, Kyle moves! And he comes back to kitchen sink knee! The fans are torn as Kyle stalks Okada. Okada rises, Kyle fires knee after knee, then a KICK! SLAP! KNEE! LEG SWEEP!

The fans are torn again while Kyle paces. Okada staggers to a corner, but Kyle runs in to forearm SMASH! Kyle wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER! Okada ROCKS Kyle, Kyle hammerlocks and spins Okada, HAMMERLOCK DDT! The fans rally and duel while Okada goes to the apron. Kyle storms over, brings Okada up, and grabs a leg. Okada fights back with forearms, but Kyle still DRAPING DRAGON SCREWS! Okada is stuck in the ropes so Kyle goes to the apron. Kyle goes up the corner, takes aim, and KING KONG KNEE DROPS on the apron! The fans fire up while Okada flounders into the ring.

Kyle hurries back up the corner, to KING KONG KNEE DROP the leg! And then, HEEL HOOK!! Okada endures, reaches out, but Kyle shifts around for a KNEEBAR!! Okada still endures as Kyle twists the leg! The fans rally, Okada kicks at Kyle, but Kyle catches that foot! DOUBLE HEEL HOOK!! Okada flails, but he shakes his finger, he won’t give in! He CLAWS Kyle’s face! The ref reprimands and counts, the fans boo, but Kyle lets Okada go first! Okada grits his teeth and stands up, but he hobbles on that bad leg. The fans rally again as Okada storms over to Kyle. Okada brings Kyle up, but Kyle fights the scoop!

Kyle is free and Okada hobbles. Kyle KICKS the bad leg! And KICKS it again! Okada hobbles around, but Kyle is on him with a whip. Okada reverses, runs in, but Kyle dodges! Kyle comes back in, but Okada pops Kyle up, Alabama Lift for the REVERSE NECKBREAKER! A little double-edged given the bad knee, but both men are down! The ref checks Kyle, and BOTB goes back to picture in picture.

Okada shakes out the bad leg as he sits up, and he crawls over to Kyle. Okada drags Kyle by his leg and they go outside, for Okada to RAM Kyle into railing! The fans fire up, and Okada brings Kyle around to RAM him into the railing again. Okada paces, brings Kyle up again, and puts him in the ring. Okada stalks Kyle, brings him up, and bumps him off buckles again. Okada hobbles away, but then comes back to whip corner to corner. Kyle hits buckles hard again, and Okada runs up to ELBOW! The fans cheer and Okada looms over Kyle again. Okada scuffs Kyle, eggs him on, and Kyle rises up. Kyle swings, but into the MONEY CLIP!

Okada squeezes tight, Kyle flails, and Battle of the Belts goes to break!

BOTB returns and Okada SHOTGUNS Kyle down! The fans fire up while the ref checks both men. Okada and Kyle both stir, so a standing count starts. Kyle pushes himself up while Okada slowly sits up. We hit 5 of 10, but both men stand. Okada scoops to TOMB- NO, Kyle slips free, UPPERCUTS, and has the GUILLOTINE FACELOCK as we hear the five minute warning! Okada endures, even as Kyle thrashes him! Okada drops to his knees, so Kyle lets go, to KNEE him down! Okada sits up, but avoids the Penalty Kick! Okada scoops, but Kyle slips free to have the ANKLE LOCK!! AND GRAPEVINE!! Okada flails and fans fire up!

Okada endures, reaches out, crawls forward, but Kyle puts on more pressure! Okada grits his teeth to lurch into the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer but Kyle lets go in frustration. Okada bails out, time still on his side. Okada hobbles but grins because he knows that. Okada refreshes the count, and he grins. But Kyle goes to the apron to FLYING KNEE! Okada dodges! Okada kicks low and DDTS to the floor! Okada grins, he’s now just playing to run out the clock. Okada drags Kyle up, puts him in the ring, and then steps back in. Okada reels Kyle in, scoops and SLAMS him, then goes to the corner.

The fans duel as Okada climbs, for the MACHO ELBOW! The fans fire up as Okada winds up, for the… MIDDLE FINGER! Okada grins, reels Kyle in, but Kyle fights the ripcord! Kyle wrenches, ELBOW KNEE VICE! Then he wrenches again, ELBOW BREAKER! But Okada still LARIATS! Okada drags Kyle back up, wrenches and- Kyle dodges! But Okada DROPKICKS! Okada hauls Kyle up, ripcords, RAIN- BOOT! KNEE! Strike fest! SLEEPER! Okada slips out, ripcords, but into a GUILLOTINE FACELOCK!! Kyle has it on tight this time, but Okada powers up! Okada powers Kyle into a LANDSLIDE!!

Okada drags Kyle back up, ripcords, RAINMAKER!! Cover, Okada wins!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall (still AEW Continental Champion)

With minutes to spare, The Rainmaker comes through with his Rainmaker lariat! Okada leaves with the title, meaning The Elite is still dripping with gold! Will no one ever stop their domination?


La Faccion Ingobernable speaks.

Or in this case, Rush laughs. Rush says that is what happens with LFI! And this message is for everyone! They will destroy every single wrestler and every single faction in this company! Dralistico says they will BURN! And then we see Mortos CHOKING Hologram!! The minotaur will not let it go that he lost the Best 2 Out of 3 Falls to Hologram at WrestleDream! Rush says remember: When you mess with the bull, you get the horns! LFI stands on Hologram and throw up the fists, who will be next to get those fists in their face?


Lance Archer & Brian Cage w/ Don Callis VS Jon Cruz & Jack Cartwheel!

The Murderhawk Monster and The Machine are the newest acquisitions for the Don Callis Family, and they’re being put together with one mission: grab tag team gold! We know #EverybodyDies, but will the question now be, Who Betta than Cage and Archer?

The teams sort out, we get the California boys of Cage and Cartwheel first. Cartwheel offers Cage a handshake, but Cage just CLOBBERS him! Cage storms up on Jack, ROCKS him, and then has him in a corner. Cage goes corner to corner, but Jack cartwheels to dodge! And he handsprings to dodge again! The fans fire up as Jack runs, but Cage pops him up for a FLAPJACK! Then a SUPERKICK! Cage flexes, Archer taunts Jack, and Cage stands Jack up. Cage TOSSES Jack to the corner, then dares Cruz to tag in. Cruz doesn’t wanna, so Cage runs up! Cruz dodges Cage, takes a swing, but Cage catches that! Cage makes Cruz tag in!

Cruz pleads with the ref but Cage TOSSES him across the way! Cruz CHOPS, CHPOS and CHOPS, but Cage doesn’t even flinch! Cage ROCKS Cruz, whips him to the Callis corner, then UPPERCUTS! GAMANGIRIS! And hoists him up top! Tag to Archer and he LARIATS Cruz off the corner! Callis says call the police and the paramedics. Archer drags Cruz up, to SUPLEX TOSS him away! Cruz flounders but Archer rains down fists! Archer dares Jack to do something! Jack fires a haymaker, but Archer DECKS him for it! Tag to Cage, Jack comes back to cartwheel, but Cage DISCUS LARIATS! Then he reels Jack in, puts one out, and he combines with Archer, CHOKE SLAM BOMB!!

Cruz staggers up, Archer scoops him, and with Cage, they hit a BLACKOUT POWERBOMB COMBO!! Cover, Callis’ monsters win!

Winners: Lance Archer & Brian Cage, by pinfall

Callis joins his #MurderMachines to celebrate, but will they really celebrate when these two take over the tag division?


Backstage interview with The Undisputed Kingdom.

Lexy Nair is with Roderick Strong, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett, but also Beast Mortos. They wanted to talk with him, but are mostly feeding him fried chicken… Roddy says, “BEEEAST! Thanks for joining us.” Bennett gives Mortos more meat to eat, and Roddy says they really need to talk. What is going on with Mortos? Something seems off. Mortos growls but Bennett says no, he’s just confused. Mortos taking out Hologram like that? Not cool. Taven can’t believe LFI got Mortos to wear a polo shirt! Mortos never even wore a shirt when hanging out with The Kingdom. Not cool! And what is Mortos doing fisting (with) two other dudes? Really not cool.

But the most disappointing thing of all, is that this is all happening without The Kingdom! Roddy says they’re not mad, just disappointed. The Kingdom leaves but did Mortos even care what they said while chowing down on meat? If they keep trying to get Mortos back, will LFI make The Kingdom one of their targets?


AEW Women’s World Championship Title Eliminator: Mariah May VS Anna Jay!

While there were some legitimate complaints made by the AEW Women’s World Champion, she doesn’t really help herself when she looks down on the rest of the roster. Will The Glamour continue to grow her ego here tonight? Or will Anna prove she’s the real Star of the Show?

The bell rings and the fans rally up. Anna and Mariah circle, tie up, and go around. The fans duel, Anna waistlocks, but Mariah wrenches to YANK the arm! Anna wrenches back to wristlock. Mariah pulls hair but Anna twists the wrist. Mariah wrenches, waistlocks, but Anna switches to then headlock. Anna hits the takeover but Mariah has the headscissors. Anna kips free but Mariah headlocks for the takeover. Anna headscissors, Mariah kips free, and the two stand. Mariah wrenches, Anna wrenches, then Anna hammerlocks. Mariah reaches back but Anna stays back. Mariah tries down low but Anna still stays back.

Mariah ELBOWS Anna and wrenches to ELBOW BREAKER! Mariah wristlocks, but Anna rolls, wrenches, snapmares, and SLAMS the arm on the mat! Anna then cording holds to grind Mariah down. Mariah fights up, pulls some hair again, then rolls back. Mariah SLAPS Anna! Anna wrenches and YANKS the arm, YANKS it again, then WRINGS it out! The fans rally, Anna stands Mariah up but Mariah JAWBREAKERS! Mariah throws Anna down, then runs to SHOTGUN! Anna flounders, Mariah covers, TWO! Anna is tougher than that but Mariah clamps on with a cording hold. Anna fights up to arm-drag free!

Anna runs to run Mariah over! Then another cording hold for knee after knee! Anna whips, and she runs ot HEEL KICK in the corner! The fans fire up, Anna keeps moving, but Mariah sends her into ropes! Mariah rains down fists, but the fans boo and the ref counts. Mariah stops at 4, then stomps Anna around. Mariah smothers Anna, rains down more fists, then lets off as the ref reprimands. Anna goes to a corner, Mariah storms up, and Mariah TOSSES Anna across the way! Anna tumbles, Mariah eggs her on. Mariah TOSSES Anna across the way again! The fans boo but Mariah drags Anna up into a corner.

Mariah CHOPS, then CHOPS again! Anna is stinging but Mariah scoops her for the MARIAH-GO-ROUND SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Mariah has the smug, teasing smile, and she soaks up heat while BOTB goes picture in picture.

Mariah clamps onto Anna with a cording hold, and she digs a knee into Anna’s head. Anna endures, fights around, and fights to her feet. Mariah throws her down by her hair! The ref reprimands and Mariah “apologizes” before she brings Anna up. Mariah puts Anna on ropes, hooks her arms, but the ref counts. Mariah lets go, to then SHOTGUN Anna in the back! Anna falls, Mariah covers, TWO! Anna toughs it out but Mariah just shrugs. Mariah drags Anna up, suplexes high and hard, then covers. TWO, but Mariah puts Anna in an ARMBAR! Anna endures, clasps hands, fights around, and rolls to stack Mariah! TWO as Mariah lets Anna go!

Mariah ROCKS Anna, reels her in, but Anna cradle counters! TWO!! Mariah runs up, Anna rolls her up, TWO!! Mariah escapes again, and she wrenches an arm for a SITOUT ELBOW BREAKER! Anna writhes and clutches her arm while Mariah soaks up heat. Mariah stomps Anna, drops a knee on the arm, then drops another knee on the arm! Mariah drags Anna up, whips her to ropes, but Anna slips around to wrench. Mariah stops the hook kick to wrench and ARMBAR DDT! Cover, TWO! Anna stays in this and Mariah grows frustrated. Mariah drags Anna into a cording hold, then gives Anna a kiss on the cheek!

Anna endures, Mariah taunts her and the fans, then adds a chinbar. BOTB returns to single picture and Anna endures. The fans rally as Anna fights up, and Anna fires body shots! Mariah ROCKS Anna in return! Mariah ROCKS Anna again, puts her in a corner, and CLUBS her! Mariah whips corner to corner, runs up and UPPERCUTS! Mariah whips the other way, but Anna dodges this time! Mariah still storms after Anna, but Anna SLAPS! Mariah CHOPS! Anna CHOPS! Anna fires forearms, puts Mariah in a corner, and CHOPS again! Anna whips corner to corner, runs up and hits a forearm SMASH!

Anna TOSSES Mariah, runs up and hits another forearm SMASH! And then another TOSS! Anna fires more shots, then whips Mariah. Mariah reverses, but Anna grabs ropes! Mariah runs up, but into a FLAPJACK HOTSHOT! Anna runs to CLBOBER Mariah! The fans fire up with Anna, and she runs up to ROCK Mariah again! Anna puts Mariah up top, wrenches, DANGEROUS JAY KICK! Then ICONOCLASM! And a SHOTGUN! Mariah tastes some of her own medicine! Anna covers, TWO!! Mariah survives but Anna shakes her head. Anna drags Mariah up, but Mariah ROCKS her! And SAI- NO! Anna fights that, to SAIDO! Cover, TWO!

Anna grows frustrated as Mariah stays in this. The fans rally up, and Anna storms up on Mariah. Anna drags Mariah up, and has the QUEENSLAYER SLEEPER!! Mariah flails, reaches out, but then she BITES Anna’s arm! The ref reprimands but Mariah hits the DANGEROUS SAIDO! And then a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Anna survives and Mariah grows frustrated again. Mariah and Anna both rise, and Mariah reels Anna in. Mariah puts Anna in ropes to DRAPING DDT! Cover, TWO!! Anna survives Mariah striking like a Viper, and Mariah is getting mad now! Mariah rises up and the fans rally again.

Mariah drags Anna to her feet, ROCKS her, then puts her up top. Mariah CHOPS, then gets space. Mariah runs up, STARTUSFACTION! And then a RUNNING KNEE! Mariah won’t stop there! STORM- NO, Anna trips her to a jackknife! TWO!! Mariah escapes but Anna kicks low! Gory Especial, but Mariah sunset flips it! TWO!! Both women scramble to their feet, Mariah HEADBUTTS!! Anna wobbles, Mariah reels her in! Fireman’s carry, but Anna slips free! MOUSE TRAP! ANNA WINS!!

Winner: Anna Jay, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the AEW Women’s World Champion)

Mariah is speechless! She thought Anna was unworthy, and yet that arrogance is why Anna won! And Tony Khan calls in to say we don’t have to wait long! Two weeks from now, Collision in Philadelphia, Mariah May VS Anna Jay, with the title on the line! Will Mariah avenge herself in the rematch? Or will there truly be a new Star of the Show?

My Thoughts:

A great Battle of the Belts, especially with the events of Collision spilling over. BCC beating down Top Flight, fighting Dark Order, and then having another match was all great stuff to really get heat on them. And speaking of the Collision crossover, great bit with Garcia & Private Party rushing out there, and then Cassidy eventually going out there once BCC was on the retreat. As we saw for Collision, the other Faces are expecting Cassidy to step up but he is reluctant to, given his history with the various members of BCC. At some point, The Conglomeration members might also think Cassidy should step up, and he’ll be compelled to fight.

Speaking of Conglomeration, great match from Okada VS O’Reilly, and I do appreciate them pushing this close to the time limit. Great win for Okada, and his card is wide open now, ready to face just about anyone. LFI had a very good promo to follow up what they did on Collision, but also to show Hologram is not out of the woods with them. Hologram might even be the third man alongside FTR to fight the full LFI. Mortos and Undisputed Kingdom also had a great promo together, very funny stuff. That’s also a Six Man Tag we could see, and just about any trio could come out of this to challenge BCC next.

Really good first showing for the #MurderMachines, Archer & Cage, but that combo Blackout Powerbomb needs some work to smooth out the wrinkles. I feel like they’ll be stepping to Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara for the ROH World Tag Team Championships first, given The Bucks are Heels. And great main event from Mariah VS Anna. I am very pleased to see they had Anna win here. It works for Mariah’s character as her arrogance cost her, and now we’ll get an even better title match in a couple weeks. I don’t see Anna winning that one, though, because again, we need to see Mina Shirakawa work her way to the title so she and Mariah can fight it out.

My Score: 8.7/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Collision Results & Report! (10/19/24)

Does BCC truly run AEW?



This golden night begins with a Collision!

The Blackpool Combat Club claims they run AEW, but Top Flight isn’t going to let them do what they want! Will Action, Dante & Darius take the Trios Championships from Pac, Claudio & Yuta? Or will they be made an example of?


  • Ricochet VS AR Fox; Ricochet wins.
  • Kris Statlander VS Harley Cameron; Kris wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Daniel Garcia & Private Party VS The Premier Athletes; Garcia & Private Party win.
  • Orange Cassidy VS Bulk Bronson w/ The Iron Savages; Cassidy wins.
  • Jamie Hayter VS Brooke Havok; Hayter wins.
  • Kyle Fletcher VS Atlantis Jr; Kyle wins.
  • The House of Black VS Alpha Zo, Chris Nastyy & Olumide; The House of Black wins.
  • The Outrunners VS La Faccion Ingobernable; LFI wins.
  • AEW World Trios Championships: Blackpool Combat Club VS Top Flight; The BCC wins and retains the titles.


Jon Moxley speaks.

“Regarding the AEW World Championship, nothing has changed. Nothing is different. Nothing changed last Saturday night, nothing has changed since the moment I arrived in AEW. Nobody ‘owns’ that belt, it doesn’t belong to anybody. It’s not for Bryan Danielson or anybody else. It’s for the position that only man has sat in that chair. That is me. Somebody spent a lot of money on that belt and it’s really supposed to mean something. It’s just gold and leather, but when I look at it, it is the symbol of everything I hate in this sport. It’s the symbol of everything I’ve been fighting against for years. Everything that AEW was not supposed to be.

“If nobody else is going to say it, I’ll say it. Nothing comes for free in this world. But tonight, we give this Top Flight a gift. A shot at the World Trios Championships, won’t that be so great? They think they’re gonna hit a button, ride up an elevator to the top of this sport, that’s not how this works. There is no elevator. You are standing at the foot of a mountain, and the mountain looks like this.” Moxley points to Pac, Claudio and Yuta in turn. “We will win this war, cuz our cause is just, and our power is pure, and our enemies are weak in spirit. It’s a big night for you, Top Flight, but it is not your coronation. Tonight is a public execution.”

The Maniac paces, and the warning has been issued. Will Action, Darius & Dante still go through with the match?


Ricochet VS AR Fox!

The One & Only wants everyone to understand that to be The Best in the World, you don’t say it, you show it! So then will Ricochet show everyone in AEW and around the world that he IS the best? Or will he just be a guest star on the Whole Fox’n Show?

The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, then break. Ricochet trips Fox, rolls him to whip him, but Fox reverses. Ricochet rolls over the dropdown, then ducks ‘n’ dodges. Fox hurdles, somersaults, but Ricochet sunset flips! TWO, and Fox rolls Ricochet up, TWO! Both men clinch, Ricochet headlocks, but Fox powers him to the corner. The fans rally, Ricochet hits a takeover, but Fox headscissors. Ricochet kips free, roles reverses, Fox kips free. Ricochet sweeps, covers, ONE! Both men kip up and the fans fire up for the standoff! Ricochet and Fox nod, fans in the know chant “LUCHA! LUCHA!” and things reset.

Ricochet gets around, headlocks, but Fox powers up and out. Ricochet runs Fox over, covers, ONE! Fox is up but Ricochet kicks low. Ricochet whips, Fox reverses, and fans duel as Ricochet rolls off Fox’s back, rolls under, then handsprings to RANA! Kip up and DROPKICK! Fox tumbles out of the ring while the fans fire up again! Ricochet then DIVES! Direct hit and Fox hits railing! Ricochet puts Fox in, goes up the apron, then springboards, FLYING LARIAT! Fox flounders, Ricochet STANDING SHOOTING STARS! Cover, TWO! Fox stays in this but Ricochet stays cool. Ricochet stalks Fox while fans rally up again.

Ricochet drags Fox up, CHOPS him to a corner, and the fans “WOO~!” Ricochet stands Fox up again, to CHOP again! “WOO~!” The ref counts, Ricochet whips Fox corner to corner, but Fox goes up and over! Fox rolls, Ricochet chases, but he splashes into buckles! Fox trips Ricochet, then aims from the apron, Somersault roll and deadlift ANARCHY! And DROPKICK! Ricochet tumbles out of the ring now and Fox builds speed! The fans fire up as Fox FLIES! Down goes Ricochet and the fans are thunderous! Fox slides back in, builds speed but Ricochet moves! Fox handsprings to the apron to BOOT Ricochet!

Fox runs up the corner, MOONSAULT! Down goes Ricochet and the fans fire up again! Fox drops an elbow on Ricochet, then stalks him to the railing. Fox puts Ricochet in the ring, Ricochet goes to a corner, but Fox ROCKS him! Fox brings Ricochet around, ROCKS him again, then again! Fox brings Ricochet around to whip, then he runs in, BIG elbow in the corner! Ricochet sputters, the fans rally, and Fox reloads. Fox runs in again, FLYING BOOT! Ricochet falls over and the fans fire up, but Collision goes picture in picture.

Fox drags Ricochet to a cover, TWO! Ricochet stays in this but Fox stomps him down. Fox drops a knee on Ricochet, covers, TWO! Fox CLUBS Ricochet to a corner, then stands him up. Fox CHOPS, Ricochet goes to another corner, but Fox CLUBS him again. Fox CHOPS, Ricochet frowns, and Ricochet ROCKS Fox! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! And ROCKS him again! Fox kicks low, then DDTS! Ricochet is spiked! Fox pushes him to a cover, TWO! Ricochet shows his toughness and bails out of the ring, but Fox pursues. Fox brings Ricochet around, grabs a chair, and he makes Ricochet take a seat before he ROCKS him.

Fox runs a lap around the ring, and comes in to- LARIAT from Ricochet! The fans cheer, Ricochet makes Fox take a seat, and CHOPS him! Ricochet takes a lap, high-fiving as he goes, but Fox SHOTGUNS him down! Collision returns to single picture as Fox puts Ricochet in. The fans hope they “FIGHT FOREVER!” but this is just the opener! And then Battle of the Belts after this! Fox puts Ricochet up top, and he ROCKS Ricochet! Fox climbs, but Ricochet fires body shots! Ricochet goes up top, and he SUPER SWINGING NECKBREAKERS!! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous! A standing count starts, but both men go to corners.

Ricochet and Fox drag themselves up, and Ricochet runs in corner to corner! Ricochet RAMS Fox, goes to the apron, but Fox ROCKS him first! Ricochet throws Fox down by his hair, but Fox kips up to PELE! Fox brings Ricochet up but Ricochet ROCKS him! Fox comes back, DRAPING DDT! Roll through and tuck, PACKAGE POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet survives but Fox goes to the apron. Fox springboards, Ricochet dodges! Ricochet comes back, fights off a fireman’s carry, and then runs, to KICK Fox’s back drop! Fox ENZIGIRIS, Ricochet BUZZSAWS! Fox goes Matrix but Ricochet still avoids the enzigiri.

Fox fights the waistlock, switches, but Ricochet mule kicks, then BACKFLIPS into the GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Fox survives and Ricochet is frustrated but the fans love it! The fans rally for “A E DUB!” for making this match happen. Ricochet goes up a corner, aims, and SHOOTING STARS, but has to roll through! Fox runs up, but into a BOOT! Ricochet goes up, but Fox goes up! ARABIAN PRESS FLY! Fox is right up top, 450 SPLASH! Cover, TWO!!! Ricochet survives and shocks Fox! The fans lose their minds over it, too! Fox slaps Ricochet around but Ricochet SLAPS back! Fox BOOTS Ricochet!

Fox drags Ricochet up, crosses arms and scoops, but Ricochet slips free! Ricochet UPPERCUTS, but Fox ROKS him! Ricochet HEEL KICKS, then HALF ‘N’ HALF! Then V-TRIGGER! Fox falls over, Ricochet lines up a shot! AX KICK! Ricochet doesn’t stop there, he dragon sleepers, for the VERTIGO DRIVER!! Cover, Ricochet wins!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall

That match was definitely #OuttaThisWorld, and Ricochet comes out on top! Ricochet grabs a mic to say, “Stockton, what’s good?” Ricochet wants to say that he is here in AEW because this is where the BEST WRESTLE! The fans cheer that! Ricochet says he has yet to be pinned or submitted in this ring. And that’s funny, because there’s someone who keeps putting their nose in his business. The fans should know who. Konosuke Takeshita, it doesn’t matter where you go. You may be champion, but you can go to Canada, Mexico, Japan, or somewhere in the US. Wherever Takeshita goes, Ricochet will be waiting to kick his ass!

Ricochet says it doesn’t matter who has his back, from Don Callis to Kyle Fletcher, because Ricochet will knock down opponent after opponent until he gets Takeshita 1v1 in this ring to become the NEW International Champion! The fans rally behind Ricochet, and Ricochet knows they know. They know that Ricochet isn’t from this planet, he is Outta This World! The fans fire up, but when and where will The One & Only take on The Alpha?


Daniel Garcia & Private Party speak.

Red Death says Moxley and his crew wanna come in and take over AEW. Then they’ve got The Young Bucks & Jack Perry just sitting back, letting it happen. They act like it’s all okay. It’s not. And the thing is, The Elite isn’t willing to handle the responsibility it takes to truly handle those championships. But good news! He and Private Party will relieve them of their duties. Garcia says Zay to talk to ’em. Kassidy says the word isn’t complicit, it is complacent. The Bucks have become complacent cowards! Private Party will not sit back and watch BCC take over AEW. AEW changed Kassidy’s life!

Zay would rather die fighting than watch AEW go down in flames. And if Private Party has to lead by example by beating The Elite’s asses and become the NEW AEW World Tag Team Champions, then so be it! Marq Quen says there you have it. He can’t paint a better picture. And before they beat The Elite’s asses on Dynamite, there’s business to handle tonight. Stockton, the mission continues, let’s get it! Garcia, Quen & Zay are ready, but will the Premier Athletes stand in their way?


Kris Statlander VS Harley Cameron!

The Galaxy’s Greatest is now #BornAgainKristen, and she wants to return to what made her great in the first place. But will she keep her comeback going? Or will this wacky Aussie show one of her many talents is winning?

The bell rings, Kris and Harley circle, and then they step up. Harley calls for a knuckle lock, Kris accepts, and then Harley pokes Kris in the eyes! But Kris denies Sole Food! Kris rolls Harley to her feet, but Harley tilt-o-whirl sunset flips, TOW! Harley comes back, leg sweep and jackknife, TWO as Kris bridges up! Kris spins Harley around, reels her in, and hauls her up! But Harley RANAS it down! TWO! Kris escapes, bypasses Harley, and then scoops her, for a BACKBREAKER! Kris fires up and the fans fire up with her! Kris drags Harley up, scoops and SLAMS, then paces around again. The fans rally as Kris drags Harley up.

Kris suplexes, holds Harley up, and the fans cheer! Kris waits for the count of TEN before she SLAMS Harley down! The fans fire up as Kris flexes the pythons. Kris drags Harley up, whips her to the corner, then runs in for a LARIAT! Kris whips corner to corner, runs up, but Harley dodges! Harley ROUNDHOUSES from the apron, then HOTSHOTS! Kris sputters, Harley drags herself back up, and Harley puts Kris in the ropes. Harley CLUBS away, then AX KICKS Kris down! Harley goes up, in, runs up, tilt-o-whirl DDT! Cover, ONE?!? Harley is furious but Kris is tough! Harley kicks Kris around, taunts her, then pushes her.

Kris sits up, but Harley SLAPS her! Harley fires a forearm, and another, and another! Harley winds up, but Kris blocks! Harley dodges the lariat to mule kick, front kick and ENZI- NO, Kris ducks it! DEADLIFT GERMAN! Harley flounders, Kris runs in at the corner, UPPERCUT! Kris goes side to side, KNEE! Kris reels Harley in, FISHERMAN DRIVER!! But then Kris lines up another shot, DISCUS LARIAT! That’s not the end, she scoops and tucks Harley, STATURDAY NIGHT FEVER! Cover, Kris wins!

Winner: Kris Statlander, by pinfall

Kris wins but she’s not done as she grabs the mic. “One thing about me is that I am never afraid to test myself and prove that I am THE toughest and THE strongest here in AEW.” The fans cheer that! Kris says one person has been a real pain in the ass. So Kamille, Kris is calling you out! Time Kamille finally met her match! And as for Mercedes Mone, Kris will make sure you have a front row seat. The Galaxy’s Greatest wants to take on The Brickhouse, but will she make it through that obstacle to then get at The CEO’s TBS Championship?


Six Man Tag: Daniel Garcia & Private Party VS The Premier Athletes!

We just heard from Red Death and friends and they are in a fighting mood. But of course we have to hear from “Smart” Mark Sterling… “Folks, the Premier Athletes have decided to take care of these three punk kids for all the disrespect that they’ve been showing our great EVPs, Matthew & Nicholas Jackson. And of course we’re doing this for an opportunity at what I do best, and that’s climb the corporate ladder!” Now the people here in Stockton are surely just smart enough to play along. When he says, “Athletes!” you say, “Rule!” Nothing else! Hands in. Ohhh~…! “ATHLETES!” “SUCK!!” Sterling isn’t that smart is he?

The trios sort out, Tony Nese starts against Isiah Kassidy, and they circle. They feel things out, but then Ariya Daivari gets in to CLOBBER Zay! The fans boo as Nese & Daivari stomp Zay. They bump him off buckles, Nese tags Daivari and they mug Zay. The ref counts, The Premier Athletes stop, and Daivari tags Nese back in. They stand Zay up for more mugging! The fans boo, the ref reprimands and counts, but Nese stops at 4. Nese then clamps onto Zay, brings him around, and whips him to the corner. Zay uses that to triangle jump STUNNER Woods! Nese waistlocks, Zay wrenches to knuckle lock and CHOP!

Daivari runs in, Zay dodges, then goes up and up to FLYING ARM-DRAG RANA COMBO! Zay runs up, Nese headlocks, but Quen tags in. Private Party play leapfrog to then DROPKICK! Daivari returns, atomic drop and DROPKICK! Woods runs up, they block his boot to KICK and NECKBREAKER! DOUBLE STMOPS added, and the fans fire up! Sterling says don’t touch him, he’ll sue! Quen leaves Sterling alone to tag Zay. Private Party double whip Nese, Quen sets up and Zay runs in, PARTY IN MOTION! They switch, Quen gives us AFTERPARTY IN MOTION! Zay paces, drags Nese up, then scoops to SLAM!

Zay goes to the corner, climbs up, and the fans rally up. But wait, Stokely Hathaway is here? Zay says stay back, but Nese trips him up! Nese kicks Zay out, distracts the ref, and The Premier Athletes beat Zay down! Sterling even gets a cheap shot in! The fans boo, Quen & Garcia protest, but the ref has to stop them from getting at Nese. Nese taunts them while Collision goes picture in picture.

Nese fetches Zay into the ring, drags him to the Premier Athlete corner, then tags Woods. Woods fires big hands on Zay, then brings Zay around to bump off buckles. Woods stands on Zay, drags him up, and CLUBS him on the back! Zay sputters, Woods distracts the ref, and Sterling CHOKES Zay on ropes! Quen & Garcia are helpless to help Zay, and Woods drags Zay back up. Woods ROCKS Zay, Zay hits back! They fire forearms back and forth until Woods knees low! The fans rally for Zay but Woods CLUBS him back down! Woods stands on Zay at the ropes! The fans taunt Sterling but Woods brings Zay back up.

Woods whips Zay hard into a corner! Zay flops down, Garcia coaches him up, but Woods steps to Garcia. Woods whips Zay into the corner again, and hard, while Collision goes to break.

Collision returns, Woods fireman’s carries Zay for an F- NO, Zay lands out! Zay blocks Woods’ kick, then steps over, SPINNING ENZIGIRI! The fans are thunderous as Zay and Woods crawl! Zay pounds the mat, makes his way over, hot tag to Garcia! The fans fire up as Garcia rallies on The Premier Athletes! Garcia fires haymaker after haymaker, then Garcia stomps Woods in a corner. Nese runs up, but Garcia just adds him to the mudhole! The fans are thunderous, but here comes Daivari now! Garcia switches, GERMAN SUPLEXES, and then he dodges Nese! GERMAN SUPELX! Woods runs up, Garcia gets around, but Woods elbows free!

Woods swings, Garcia dodges, REBOUND GERMAN!! The fans are thunderous for #SuplexDanny! Garcia runs corner to corner, but Woods BOOTS him! Woods reels Garcia in, suplexes, but Garcia slips out to kick and SWINGING NECKBRAEKER! Cover, TWO! Woods survives, Stokely is still watching from the ramp, and the fans rally up. Garcia steps through, SHARP- NO, Daivari CLOBBERS Garcia! The fans boo, Daivari soaks up heat, but Quen SPRINGBOARD MISSILIE DROPKICKS! Quen kips up but Nese throat chops! Nese TOSSES Quen out, Zay runs up! Zay fires off forearms and CHOPS! Nese ROCKS Zay back!

Nese whips Zay, Zay reverses, but Nese reverses back! Quen is there for SILLY STRING! Private party fire up, and they run to DOUBLE DIVE! Down go Nese & Daivari! The fans rally up, Woods staggers over to Garcia. Garcia kicks low, but Sterling gets on the apron! The fans boo, but Woods rolls Garcia up! TWO!! Garcia is free, he dodges Woods then SHOTGUNS him down! The fans fire up again as Garcia tags Zay. Zay tags Quen, then Zay puts Woods up top. Quen runs in, for some GIN & JUICE!! Cover, Garcia & Private Party win!

Winners: Daniel Garcia & Private Party, by pinfall

Stokely is NOT happy, because this proves Private Party doesn’t need him! They did need this big win, though, and now they’re rolling towards Dynamite! Will these three earn some SHOTS, SHOTS, SHOTS at The Elite’s championships?


Jake “The Snake” Roberts speaks.

“What are we going to do next? That should be the question in your mind. When Jake Roberts tells you something, you know you can take it to heart. Trust me when It ell you, you cannot outrun the bull. Outrunners, you can run but you cannot hide. Rules and bones were meant to be broken. That’s the reason they made them. Trust me. We’re just here to tear the hell outta everything. That’s what you gotta think about when you step into the ring with us.” When you mess with the bull, you get the horns, so will Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd be gored through by La Faccion Ingobernable?


Orange Cassidy VS Bulk Bronson w/ The Iron Savages!

Mark Briscoe is facing Chris Jericho in a Ladder War on Dynamite, and Kyle O’Reilly is facing Kazuchika Okada later tonight on Battle of the Belts. Will Freshly Squeezed earn himself a golden opportunity? Wait, Jacked Jameson tells all the “fat morons and skinny idiots” to shut up. He is the Shredded Savage, and these monsters are Bulk Bronson & Beefcake Boulder! But hold up. What he sees in the ring is a member of The Conglomeration, a team featured on every show this company has. Meanwhile, Iron Savages must have been renamed The Melatonin Savages, because they keep getting slept on!

So tonight, the flavor of the Savage Sauce is going to be Orange Crush, because Bronson is gonna crush Orange! They are sippin’ sauce, livin’ hoss, and taking all the Low T meat-riders to #TIDDYCITY! Cassidy just sighs, and Jameson keeps talking trash that Bronson’s gonna kill ’em! The bell does ring, Cassidy dodges Bronson, and hits an ORANGE PUNCH on Jameson! Then he dodges Bronson, comes back, ORANGE PUNCH! Bronson staggers around, into BEACH BREAK! Cover, Cassidy wins!

Winner: Orange Cassidy, by pinfall

All that trash talk and what’d it get Jameson? Bronson got beat like he wasn’t even there! Cassidy has win number 175, if you can believe it. Will he finally make it to that world championship level before he hits 200?


Jamie Hayter VS Brooke Havok!

An Open Challenge was put out last night on Rampage, though it was directed mostly at Mrs. Superbad, Penelope Ford. Surprise, surprise, Penelope chose not to answer it. Instead, Brooke is looking to wreak havoc in Stockton, will she bring down a former AEW Women’s World Champion? Or will she learn that Hayter Hits Hard?

The bell rings, the fans rally up, and the two fist bump to show there’s respect. they tie up, Hayter waistlocks and SLAMS Havok. Havok fights up, fires elbows, then runs, but gets run over! Hayter dusts herself off, keeps moving, but Havok drops. Hayter avoids the dropkick, then shrugs. The fans fire up, and Hayter stomps Havok right on the butt. Hayter bumps Havok off buckles, then runs her corner to corner to do it again. Hayter stomps a mudhole in, but lets off to soak up Stockton’s love. Hayter drags Havok up, ROCKS her again and again, then stomps her. Hayter stops as the ref counts, then whips. Hayter BOOTS Havok down!

The fans fire up while Hayter paces. Hayter drags Havok up, reels her in, and suplexes, but Havok slips free! Havok shoves, dodges, and dropkicks a leg out! Havok aims to SUPERKICK! Hayter wobbles, Havok rolls back to go up, but Hayter uses that to lift! SWINGING BACKBREAKER!! And a rough one! Havok writhes but she’s still in this somehow. Hayter hauls Havok up, HAYTERADE!! Cover, Hayter wins!

Winner: Jamie Hayter, by pinfall

It was probably over with that Haytbreaker on overdrive, but Hayter punctuates the victory. Wait, Penelope is on the tron. “Oh, hey, Jamie, are you really confused why I attacked you? I’ll tell you why. Because unlike you, most of us have to work for our opportunities. Do you even know who my partner was in my last TV match? You! And you wanna talk about backstabbing b*tches? Well you’re the backstabbing b*tch! I was out for two years, do you know what that does to someone’s mind? And not once did you even check in on me. Meanwhile, you were gone for a year and you come back to a damn parade at Wembley Stadium.”

Penelope says too many have forgotten who she is, especially Hayter. But Penelope is back, and she’ll make sure what two years of pain and anger really looks like. Penelope is here to take everting that Hayter cares about. And she won’t let anyone forget who Penelope Ford is again. Hayter says okay, fine! But will Hayter make sure Penelope regrets calling her out?


Backstage interview with Daniel Garcia & Private Party.

Lexy Nair is with the winning side tonight and says that was a phenomenal win. Say that again, say that again! What a PHENOMENAL win! Yes, that’s good! Wait, Cassidy steps in. Garcia says he’s been hoping to talk with him. Cassidy sees what it is like out there, yeah? It isn’t about being a hero, it isn’t about being tough guys. It is about holding each other accountable. They are coming to Cassidy because he’s been there before, he beat all these guys before, and it’s time to step up. Cassidy says yeah, he’s been there before. And every time he steps into the ring with one of those guys, it changes him.

Cassidy says he is no leader. He’s just not that guy. Freshly Squeezed heads out, Garcia is disappointed. But will things change when push comes to shove?


Kyle Fletcher w/ Don Callis VS Atlantis Jr!

The last time these two met, it was June of this year when The Protostar defended the ROH World Television Championship against the CMLL second generation star. Atlantis won it then, but then he lost it recently to Brian Cage. This rematch is therefore not about gold but about pride. Will The Aussie Arrow strike Atlantis down this time? Or will history repeat itself from the CMLL anniversary show?

Kyle throws his jacket at Atlantis to then CLBOBER him! The bell rings and Kyle rains down furious fists from all side! The fans boo but this is the attitude change from siding with Callis over Ospreay. Kyle paces around, drags Atlantis up, but Atlantis fires back forearms! The fans cheer but Kyle knees low. Kyle TOSSES Atlantis out, then goes out to throw him into railing! The fans boo while Atlantis flops over, but Kyle just soaks it all up. Kyle drags Atlantis up again, brings him around, and whips him into more railing! The fans continue to boo but Kyle flexes on ’em. Kyle refreshes the count, then watches Atlantis.

Kyle takes aim and runs in, but Atlantis scoops to a BACKBREAKER! Atlantis puts Kyle in while fans fire up. Atlantis climbs to CROSSBODY! Atlantis bounces off, keeps moving, and he tilt-o-whirl RANAS Kyle! Kyle stagger sup, into a wrench and CUTTER! The fans fire up while Kyle bails out. Atlantis runs to FLY! Down goes Kyle and the fans fire up! Atlantis high-fives the front row, then he goes back for Kyle. The fans cheer as Atlantis waves a fan’s Mexican flag. Atlantis puts Kyle in, but Kyle comes back to CALF KICK! Atlantis falls, Kyle takes aim, and he PENALTY KICKS Atlantis down! Kyle flexes, fans boo, but Collision goes picture in picture.

Kyle soaks up more heat, then takes his time walking down the steps. Kyle stares down the fans as he goes, then claims he can’t hear them. Kyle refreshes the count, he’s taking a little too long toying with Atlantis. But Kyle stands Atlantis up, pushes him against the railing, and CHOKES him in front of the fans! The ref says stop but Kyle CLUBS Atlantis! Kyle says he stopped so chill. Kyle drags Atlantis up to put him in, and again pretends he can’t hear the fans. Kyle goes back into the ring, taunts the fans, then gets up in one guy’s face. The guy chants right at him, and Kyle feints a punch. Kyle then says “SUCK IT!” and goes back to Atlantis.

Kyle stomps Atlantis, taunts the fans, then stands Atlantis up. Atlantis CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOSP again! Kyle knees low in return! Kyle whips, Atlantis reverses, then Atlantis runs up to MONKEY FLIP! Kyle flounders to the other corner, and Atlantis runs in, but into an ELBOW! Kyle seethes while Atlantis sputters. Kyle dusts himself off, stands back up, and he runs up to stomp Atlantis down! Kyle soaks up more heat while Collision returns to single picture. Kyle taunts Atlantis, drags him up, and RIPS at the mask! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but Kyle still opens up the eye hole.

Atlantis gets pissed, and he CHOPS! CHOPS! But Kyle kicks low! Kyle runs, into a POP-UP PUNT! SUPERKICK! And then a LARIAT that sends Kyle up and out! The fans are thunderous, Atlantis builds speed, and he DIVES! Direct hit and Kyle is sent into railing! Kyle grits his teeth while he drops to his knees, but the fans rally for “LUCHA! LUCHA!” Atlantis puts Kyle in, goes up the corner, and he MISSILE DROPKICKS! Atlantis hurries to cover, TWO! Atlantis is frustrated, but he goes to a corner. Atlantis runs corner to corner, goes up again, but no monkey flip this time! Kyle runs in, but into the torture rack!

Kyle slips free, shoves, and SNAP HALF ‘N’ HALF! Atlantis writhes but Kyle grins. The fans boo but Kyle stalks Atlantis. Kyle drags Atlantis up to give stiff Kawada Kicks! That’s a shot at Ospreay there, then he brings Atlantis up. Kyle grins as he underhooks the arms, and Callis says do it! Break Atlantis! But Atlantis fights free! Wrench, hammerlock, half nelson, takedown! TWO!! Kyle escapes that Atlantis Cradle, then puts Atlantis on the apron. But Atlantis blocks a haymaker, RAMS in, but Kyle uses that to DRAPING DDT! Kyle strikes like a Viper but he isn’t done! Kyle joins Atlantis on the apron, to APRON BRAINBUSTER!!

The fans lose their minds, and Kyle pushes Atlantis in to haul him up! Another suplex, another BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, TWO?!? Kyle is shocked and the fans are electric! Kyle argues with the ref and even Callis can’t believe it! Kyle seethes, scoops, but Atlantis fights to turn things around! Atlantis marches around, but Kyle turns things back around! But Atlantis turns it back around! Kyle swings to roll Atlantis, and then deadlift suplex, but Atlantis slips free! Atlantis ROCKS Kyle! Kyle ROCKS Atlantis! Repeat! Atlantis runs, goes up, rebound and DESTROYER!! Atlantis hurries up top and the fans are thunderous again! FROG SPLASH!!

Atlantis won’t stop, he goes back up! FROG SPLASH, onto knees!! Kyle saves himself and he drags Atlantis back up. Kyle puts Atlantis on the corner, climbs again, and Callis already says goodbye, he knows what’s next. TOP ROPE BRAINBUSTER!!! Cover, Kyle wins!

Winner: Kyle Fletcher, by pinfall

The Protostar has unlocked a whole new level of aggression, and Callis joins him in the ring, mic in hand. Callis says, “Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention? Kyle Fletcher has something to day.” Kyle takes the mic to say, “I am ready to talk. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t waste my breath on you idiots anyway. I mean I am ready to talk this Wednesday, and you will listen. Especially you, Will!” Kyle claims he will finally tell us why, will anyone like what he says?


BREAKING NEWS for Fright Night Dynamite!

Kris called Kamille out, and the match has been made! Two female titans will do battle, but who stands tall on the night before Halloween?


The House of Black VS Alpha Zo, Chris Nastyy & Olumide!

Brody King may have lost to Darby Allin at WrestleDream but he won’t let that slow him down. He reunites with Buddy Matthews & Malakai Black, will AEW remember that The House Always Wins?

The trios sort out and Brody starts against Chris. The fans bark but Chris’s team hypes him up. Chris runs up, but gets run up! Brody DOUBLE CHIPS, so Chris tags in Olumide! The fans rally as Olumide steps to Brody. But then “Dark Fox” Olumide tags out to Zo. So Brody tags in Malakai! The fans rally for “ZO! ZO! ZO!” but Malakai just BOOTS Olumide! And then he blocks Zo’s lariat to ELBOW! Malakai blocks Olumide’s kick to JUMP KNEE! Tag to Buddy and the fans fire up. Buddy builds speed to slide! The California boys slide into the ring, but Brody & Malakai are there! They ROCK and TOSS Zo & Chris!

Olumide sees he is alone, and says fine then! He swings, Buddy stops him, but Olumide still gets shots in! Brody TOSSES him to a corner! Olumide boots Buddy away, boots Brody, but Buddy GAMANGIRIS! Brody goes up after Olumide, and the fans rally up! SUPER DUPER PLEX! Malakai adds DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS! Malakai then goes up and out to QUEBRADA onto Chris! The fans fire up, Buddy steps in, but Zo runs up, only to take the METEORA! Brody SENTONS Olumide! Buddy puts Zo in a corner, Brody goes to the corner, and CERBERUS hits Zo!! Buddy covers, House of Black wins!

Winners: The House of Black, by pinfall

And there is the violent reminder! Will nothing stop these three from taking over AEW once again?


Backstage interview with Thunder Rosa.

Lexy is with La Mera Mera and says she hasn’t been in AEW since August. She got hurt, then showed up in England. When will she come back? Rosa says unfortunately, she suffered a concussion, but she has been cleared. While out of action, she went home to Mexico for International Girls’ Day, then she went to London this past weekend to win a championship. Then the Mexican Embassy honored her and- Harley says this is an injustice! NO justice! It is HER time! Hey, she is having a moment! This has been unruly and unfair and- Rosa says this is unfair! Then she DECKS Harley! Harley says Rosa will be the next to feel her wrath!

Harley writhes, but when she gets back up, will she and Rosa have quite the Collision in the ring?


The Outrunners VS La Faccion Ingobernable!

Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd have risen to new heights, in part thanks to working out with FTR. But will the Youngest Men Alive keep rising up the ranks? Or will El Toro Blanco y The Beast Mortos stampede right through them towards the top spot in AEW?

The teams sort out, Truth starts against Mortos and the fans rally up. The two circle, tie up, and Mortos powers Truth to a corner. The ref counts, Mortos lets off slowly, to then SMACK Truth! Truth gets heated and the fans fire up, and the two circle. Truth dares Mortos to bring it! Mortos and Truth each rev up, run up, and Mortos CLOBBERS Truth! The fans are torn as Truth stands back up. Truth says he’s got this! They rev up again, run, and Truth hurdles! Then he drops down to DROPKICK! The fans fire up and Truth runs in, but Mortos picks him up! Truth hits FLYING HEADSCISSORS! And another FLYING NHEADSCISSORS!

Truth wrenches Mortos, tags Turbo, and Turbo takes the handoff to wrench. But Mortos HEADBUTTS! Rush tags in, runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Turbo hurdles! Turbo runs, Rush follows, but Turbo ROCKS him! Rush ROCKS Turbo! They go forearm for forearm and the fans fire up! Rush CHOPS! Turbo CHOPS! Repeat! The fans “WOO~!” as the CHOPS keep going! Both men roar, Rush shoves to CHOP, CHOP, and CHOP! Rush runs, but into an ELBOW! Turbo flexes, tags Truth, then The Outrunners double whip. They DOUBLE ELBOW Rush down! The fans fire up for the spin ‘n’ flex, but Dralistico gets on the apron.

The ref reprimands Dralistico, Truth runs up, but Mortos CLOBBERS him! Rush BLASTS Turbo, then LFI mugs Truth in their corner. Rush CHOPS and Truth sputters. Mortos tags back in, but Truth CHOSP back! Mortos keeps Truth from Turbo, DECKS him, then hauls him up. Mortos whips, ELBOWS, then NECK TWISTS! Cover, TWO! Truth survives and the fans rally up. Mortos drags Truth up, tags Rush, and LFI mugs Truth again while Collision goes picture in picture.

Rush fires more hands, then he scuffs Truth. Truth rolls to the apron but Rush drags him back in. Rush clamps on a chinlock and squeezes tight. Truth endures, fights up, but Rush wrangles him back down. Rush leans on the hold, fishhooks Truth to make him smile, but lets go as the ref reprimands. Rush stalks Truth to the ropes, CHOKES him, but steps away as the ref counts. So Dralistico CHOKES Truth instead! Rush drags Truth up, and SHOTGUNS him to a corner! Rush storms up to ROCK Truth again! Rush drags Truth up, wrenches and KICKS him, then snapmares with some force. Rush has the arms for a motorcycle stretch!

Truth endures, Rush tags Mortos, and LFI double whip to DOUBLE LARIAT! Mortos high stacks, TWO! Truth survives, goes to a corner, but Mortos storms up. Truth fires hands, Mortos SMACKS him back down! Mortos has a leg, to DDT the foot! Truth crawls, Mortos has his leg again, HALF CRAB as Collision goes to break!

Collision returns as Rush runs up to fake the dropkick, and he BOOTS Truth! Rush rolls back and tranquilo! The fans are torn but Rush then taunts Turbo. The fans fire up for Turbo, but Rush goes back to Truth. Truth runs up, into a SNAP POWERSLAM! Rush drags Truth over, DOUBLE STOMPS, then tags Mortos. Mortos goes up, to FLOATING BULL SENTON! Cover, TWO! Mortos drags Truth up, whips him back in, but Truth BOOTS back! Truth ROCKS Rush, ELBOWS Mortos, repeat! Mortos CLUBS Truth out of the ring! Dralistico runs up, but Truth dodges! Dralistico’s chop hits post

Rush grabs Truth’s legs, but Truth BOOTS him away! Truth hurdles over Mortos, but Mortos grabs the waistband! Mortos whips, Truth rolls off Mortos’ back! Hot tag to Turbo! The fans are thunderous, Rush tags in, but Turbo rallies on LFI! Haymaker after haymaker, and then scoop SLAM after scoop SLAM! Turbo scoops Rush to SLAM again! And he scoops Mortos to SLAM again! Turbo flexes, the fans fire up, and Truth steps in! Turbo scoops Truth to SLAM him onto Mortos! And then scoops to SLAM him onto Rush! The fans fire up and The Outrunners wind up… MEGA POWERS HANDSHAKE! Then DOUBLE ELBOW DROP!

The Outrunners wait on Rush, scoop and run, but Dralistico tripos Truth! The ref missed it, Rush slips free to DECK Turbo! Mortos PLANCHAS onto Truth! But Turbo POWERSLAMS Rush! Wait, Dralistico just tosses the bright green cables! The ref asks what the heck, but Dralistico gets in the ring! Turbo DECKS Dralistico! Turbo fires up, the fans are with him, and he storms up on Rush. Turbo brings Rush up, suplexes, but Dralistico trips him! Rush covers, LFI wins!

Winners: La Faccion Ingobernable

This might as well have been 3v2! The fans boo and Turbo protests, but the ref never saw a thing! But now LFI beats down Turbo just because they can! The fans boo, Truth storm sin to shield Turbo but that’s just a 3v2 beating! WAIT! Here comes FTR! The fans fire up as Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler storm their way out! LFI get shots in while they still can, and then they brawl 3v2 with FTR! But now The Outrunners are up! #FTRunners turn the tides 4v3! Dralistico takes haymakers, Rush drags his brother to safety! LFI retreats, but will they prove to FTR who the real Top Guys are?


Sammy Guevara speaks.

“I’ve been here for the past five years. I take a lot of pride in being called an AEW Original. Because of this place, my life changed for the better. So the best way I know how to repay AEW is to make sure every single time I get in that ring, I give you a moment you’ve never seen before. For me, it’s always the same. But the way I get there needs to be different. The way I realize my destiny is by going against the best. And one of the best just had a hell of a debut on Dynamite. He’s a man I watched since I was a kid, so I went to Tony Khan personally and I asked for this match.

This Wednesday, for the first-time ever, live on Dynamite, it’ll be Sammy Guevara VS Shelton Benjamin! Get ready for another moment.” The Spanish God is on his way back, but will he be ready for the Standard of Excellence?


AEW World Trios Championships: Blackpool Combat Club VS Top Flight!

This main event is going to be a Collision for sure! Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta & Pac did their best to beat a lot of different teams into submission on Wednesday, but it only stoked the flames of rebellion. Will the Swiss Superman, Decoder & Bastard just have to break their opponents in mind and body? Or will Action, Darius & Dante finally add some gold to their luggage?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who really runs things around here!

The trios sort out and Pac starts against Action. They circle, feel things out, then tie up. Pac waistlocks and SLAMS Action, then floats to a facelock. Pac makes it almost a gut wrench, but then he floats around to headlock. Pac grinds Action down, but Action fights up. Pac puts Action on ropes, the ref counts, but Pac backs away at 4. Action watches Pac closely, and then Pac whips. Action reverses to wrench, but Pac wrenches back. Action rolls, handsprings, cartwheels, and wrenches to WRING Pac out! Action then knuckle locks, CHOPS, and he goes up, up and around to FLYING ARM-DRAG! Then DROPKICK!

Action headlocks but Pac RAMS him into the corner! Yuta tags in and fans boo as Yuta fires hands! Yuta digs his knee into Action, lets off as the ref counts, and the ref warns Yuta. Yuta drags Action but Action kicks, KICKS and handsprings over, hot tag to Darius! The fans fire up as Air Wolf SLAMS Yuta down, then rolls to a sunset flip and stack, TWO! Yuta runs up, Darius ducks, dodges and bypasses to DROPKICK! The fans fire up but Claudio tags in! Claudio scoops to SLAM Darius! And then UPPERCUT! Darius sputters, but Claudio storms up on him. Claudio whips, Darius ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Claudio LARIATS!

Claudio hauls Darius up, suplexes, but Darius slips free! Tag to Dante, and he fires hands! The fans fire up but Claudio shoves Dante. Dante dodges to JUPM KNEE! Dante suplexes, but Claudio blocks! Claudio wrenches to LARIAT! Angel Dorado is down but Claudio brings him back up. Claudio suplexes, Darius saves his brother! Claudio runs up, LARIATS Darius but Dante dodges! Dante DROPKICKS Claudio out of the ring! Dante hurries up but Claudio HOTSHOTS him! Darius runs up, Claudio RAMS him back! But Dante runs up, POETRY IN FLIGHT! Dante keeps moving, but Pac trips him up!

The fans boo but Darius WRECKS The Bastard, only for Yuta to CLOBBER him! Action mule kicks Yuta! ARABIAN PRESS! Down goes Yuta and the fans fire up with Th eSight to See! He tells Dante to go, and Dante DIVES, but Claudio catches him! And POSTS him! Top Flight is in trouble while Collision goes picture in picture.

Claudio drags Dante up, fireman’s carries, and marches around the way. Claudio goes up the steps, WASTELAND SLAMS Dante into the ring, then tags Pac. Pac steps in to stomp Dante. Pac drags Dante up, whips him to a corner hard, and Dante tumbles up then down the buckles! Pac paces around like a shark with blood in the water. Pac BOOTS Dante, drags him up again, and bumps him off buckles. Tag to Yuta and Yuta CHOPS! Dante is stinging but Yuta brings him around to hook a leg, FISHERMAN SUPELX! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect but Yuta does hold on to the leg., Yuta drags Dante over to tag Claudio.

Claudio takes the other leg, BCC drags Dante to their corner and stomp away! Claudio looms over Dante, but Dante fires body shots! Claudio UPPERCUTS Dante down, stomps him again, then tags Pac. The stomps continue, and then Pac drags Dante up to reel him in. Pac snap suplexes Dante and goes to a corner. Pac runs in, but Dante dodges! Pac hits buckles, but he hurries to stop Dante from getting away! Pac drags Dante away and tags in Claudio! Claudio stomps Dante again, then hauls him up. Claudio ROCKS Dante, fires hands in the corner, then UPPERCUTS! Dante sputters, Claudio stares down Top Flight, and Collision returns to single picture.

Claudio whips Dante corner to corner, runs in, but Dante dodges! Claudio POSTS himself! The fans fire up while Dante crawls! Claudio scrambles back in, hot tags to Yuta and Darius! Darius CLOBBERS Yuta and fires off fast hands! The fans fire up as Darius whips, but Yuta reverses. Darius catches the leapfrog into an atomic drop! BULLDOG HOTSHOT then GAMANGIRI! The fans fire up for the STEP-IN FLATLINER! Darius brings Yuta up, but Yuta JAWBREAKERS! Pac tags in and he runs up on Darius! Darius goes up and over, Action GAMANGIRIS! Pac staggers, Action SHOTGUNS Pac into Darius’ GERMAN SUPLEX!

Pac sputters, the fans fire up, Darius hauls Pac up with a deadlift suplex! Action SPRINGBOARD 450 SPLASHES! Cover, Claudio breaks it with a gator roll! And a deadlift POWERBOMB! Darius runs up to fire hands on Claudio! Claudio TOSSES Darius out, and Yuta BUSAIKU KNEES! Dante SUPERKICKS Claudio out! Dante goes up and up, but Pac SHOVES him down! Dante hits apron, but Claudio hauls him up to THRWO into steel steps! The ref reprimands The BCC but Pac CLOBBERS Action! Yuta UPPERCUTS, Claudio UPPERCUTS, Pac UPPERCUTS, repeat! They again and again, UPPERCUT after UPPERCUT! Feed to Pac for a TOMBSTONE! Cover, BCC wins!

Winners: The Blackpool Combat Club, by pinfall (still AEW World Trios Champions)

Top Flight just got grounded after BCC railroaded them there! But now they keep on the beating! The fans boo but here comes Moxley! The Maniac himself is here, accompanied by Marina Shafir. They join their team in the ring as the beating continues. Moxley whispers to Pac, and Pac drags Action up. Moxley looks Action in the eyes, and then DECKS him! Claudio continues to hammer away on Darius, but here comes Lio Rush! He gets mugged, but Leila Grey asks they stop. Marina ROUNDHOUSES Leila! Marina TOSSES Leila up, and Collision ends with more mayhem! Who will ever stop the reign of terror that Moxley has started?

My Thoughts:

A really good Collision, with the only real filler being The House of Black winning their squash match. Great match from Ricochet VS Fox with a great win from Ricochet, and a pretty good promo for him to call out Takeshita. If they want to sell what he said, Ricochet should go to the same other promotions Takeshita visits. Like if Takeshita goes back home to Japan and DDT Pro, have Ricochet go after him after a match. And as far as having a match, this should culminate at Full Gear to really stretch out Takeshita trying to avoid Ricochet until he just can’t. Kyle VS Atlantis was also a great match, and great win for Kyle. Kyle saying he’ll tell all on Wednesday is of course going to set up Kyle VS Ospreay, perhaps also for Full Gear.

Very good match from Kris VS Harley, which Kris of course wins. Kris calling out Kamille is great, and a little annoyed they’re making us wait for Fright Night when Kris VS Kamille could just happen next week to give us Kris VS Mone at Fright Night instead. But whatever, this is the usual Tony Khan Women’s Division pacing, because surely Kris VS Mone is what he wants for Full Gear. That does make sense, because for one, Mone as a character would want the big money moment on a PPV, not on TV. And regardless of where/when it happens, it is hard to say that even Face Statlander beats Mone for the TBS Championship.

Harley also had a good moment with Thunder Rosa. Rosa knocking Harley on her ass was great, and Rosa VS Harley will be fun stuff. It can definitely help Rosa get back up and into title conversations, and she should be going for Mone and the TBS title because chasing that history of “first woman to hold both AEW belts” is some good stuff. Meanwhile, Hayter demolished Havok, and she’ll have really good stuff with Penelope Ford, and on a personal level, I do feel for Penelope missing two YEARS of action. Penelope probably wins a match from cheating, but then loses to Hayter in the rematch so that Hayter can go back for a championship.

Great match from LFI VS Outrunners, but the cheating spots LFI pulled off were a bit clunky. LFI of course wins to spark more interaction with FTR, and LFI VS FTR will be great stuff whenever they do it. And then great stuff in this larger story of “Who runs AEW?” Garcia & Private Party had a great promo to call out The Elite, they had a really good match with The Premier Athletes and therefore a really good win over them. Cassidy squashing Bronson while also knocking down Jameson was good stuff. Then Garcia asking Cassidy to take a stand against BCC was good stuff. Cassidy has good reason for wanting to avoid BCC, but Cassidy’s role in this story is now making that random promo with Jerry Lynn work out.

And then speaking of the BCC, very good promo from Moxley to open, and great main event with Top Flight. BCC of course won, but the beatdown that bleeds over into Battle of the Belts is actually pretty good stuff. BCC are just agents of violence and chaos, and they booked the third hour, so might as well segue from one show right into the next.

My Score: 8.8/10

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