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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (12/16/21)

Who goes for the Cup next?



Coverage NXT UK 2021

British Prodigy, Spanish Sensation, and a golden opportunity!

Noam Dar has been the most brash and boastful NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion, but Nathan Frazer and A-Kid are coming for the cup!


  • Joe Coffey VS Charlie Dempsey; Dempsey wins.
  • Kenny Williams VS Danny Jones; Williams wins.
  • NXT UK Heritage Cup #1 Contenders Match: A-Kid VS Nathan Frazer; A-Kid wins and will challenge Noam Dar for the cup.


Joe Coffey VS Charlie Dempsey!

The Iron King wants NXT UK to stay Gallus’ Kingdom, and that means teaching Die Familie’s newest “brother” he chose the wrong side in this fight! But will Dempsey dissect this Gallus Boy like the technical machine he is?

The bell rings and Coffey circles with Dempsey. They tie up, go around, then break. They go again, Coffey powers Dempsey to ropes, lets off, ties up at the ropes again, but the ref counts the ropebreak. Coffey lets off as fans sing “Gallus Boys On Top, Gallus Boy~ On Top~!” Coffey and Dempsey tie up, knuckle lock, but break. They go again, Dempsey breaks one grip but Coffey gets away before Dempsey can wrench. They tie up a third time, Coffey wrenches but Dempsey slips through. Coffey still wrangles Dempsey but Dempsey kicks Coffey away. Fans cheer the technical exchange as the two go again.

They knuckle lock, Dempsey headlocks and hits a takeover. Dempsey grinds Coffey, floats to a lateral press with a wristlock but Coffey keeps an arm up. Dempsey wants the leg for his inverted Bow ‘n’ Arrow but Coffey slips out! Dempsey facelocks, headlocks and grinds, but Coffey throws body shots. Coffey powers up, powers out, and runs to CROSSBODY! Dempsey is sputtering but Coffey whips him and CLOBBERS him in the corner! And then again! And then a scoop for a RUNNING SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Coffey drags Dempsey up to clinch to a cording hold. Dempsey fights back with a facelock then powers up. Coffey holds on as Dempsey tries to whip.

Dempsey tries again, and hits a hip toss! But Coffey still has the arm to drag Dempsey back down! Coffey throws fists to the ribs, Dempsey fights up to go up and headscissor! Dempsey is free, but Coffey comes back for the arm! Coffey wrangles Dempsey but Dempsey reaches up to headscissor! Dempsey drags Coffey down, pushes up to add pressure, but Coffey fights with elbows and fists. Coffey moves around, pops free and has a butterfly deathlock! Dempsey wants the arm, Coffey punches him down! Dempsey tries to clinch but Coffey knocks him down. Dempsey throws body shots, Coffey DECKS him! Coffey even eggs Dempsey on!

Dempsey reaches for Coffey’s nose, but Coffey stands on both knees and STOMPS! And Dempsey thought he had brutally innovative ideas! Coffey throws hands, Dempsey staggers into the corner and Coffey fires off body shots. Dempsey dodges the haymaker and Coffey’s hand hits buckles! Coffey blocks a whip but Dempsey grinds a forearm into his face. Dempsey whips, Coffey reverses, then he whips Dempsey again. Dempsey holds ropes, ROCKS Coffey, and then BRIDGING ARM-DRAGS Coffey into buckles! Dempsey drags Coffey up, throws EuroUppers, then GUT WRENCH SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO! But Dempsey holds onto Coffey with a chinlock!

Fans still rally for Coffey as he fights up, but Dempsey has the arm for a wristlock! Coffey scoops and SLAMS Dempsey down! Dempsey gets up, Coffey headbutts low, but Dempsey gets the arm again! Dempsey has a deep hammerlock, then fires body shots as Coffey can’t guard! Dempsey’s EuroUpper floors Coffey! Coffey headbutts but Dempsey DECKS Coffey with another EuroUpper! Dempsey stomps away on Coffey, then drags him up to facelock. They fight in the clinch, Dempsey throws more EuroUppers! Coffey catches one but Dempsey fights the backslide with pure power! Coffey still tries, and he dumps Dempsey over!

Dempsey throws body shots, Coffey fireman’s carries! Dempsey fish hooks the nose! Dempsey gets the facelock, cravat, but Coffey blocks the suplex! Dempsey throws more EuroUppers, then snapmares to RAM shoulders! Dempsey runs, RAMS Coffey again, then runs, but Coffey jumps! Dempsey catches Coffey for a BACK DROP! Cover, TWO! Dempsey wants the arm but Coffey clasps hands. So Dempsey throws body shots. Dempsey has a one arm full nelson! Coffey endures, Dempsey goes after Coffey’s busted nose! Coffey endures, Dempsey lets off to ROCK him with a forearm! Dempsey clinches, has the arm again, wrenches through, but Coffey fights with a leg!

But Dempsey jumps on for a GUILLOTINE!! Dempsey CLUBS away on Coffey, but Coffey powers up to a suplex! Dempsey slips out, waistlocks, but Coffey switches and shoves Dempsey to a corner. Dempsey stops from hitting buckles, only to turn around and crash head to head with Coffey! Both men go down and the ref checks on them. Fans rally as both men are okay to continue. Dempsey crawls to ropes, Coffey stands at center. Coffey says no mercy, and he throws EuroUppers! Dempsey gives them back, and fans rally as they go back and forth! “You wanna do this then, huh?!” The EuroUppers are heavier and faster, and Coffey gets the edge! But Dempsey hits the bad hand!

Dempsey ROCKS Coffey with palm strike after palm strike, but Coffey dodges to fire off shots from all sides! Coffey has Dempsey wobbling, but Dempsey counter jabs! Coffey DISCUS LARIATS! Both men are down again and fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” Fans rally back up as Dempsey and Coffey stir. Coffey crawls over to Dempsey, they stand up and Dempsey blocks the body shot to get the wristlock! Dempsey wrenches, Coffey resists the takedown, and Coffey arm-drags free! Both men stagger up, Coffey BOOTS from the corner! Coffey goes up and up and CROSSBODIES! But the bad hand keeps Coffey from covering!

Coffey sees Dempsey in the corner, run sin, GLASGOW SENDOFF! But here comes Teoman & Rohan Raja! They’re violating the ringside ban to save Dempsey! But then here comes Gallus to reinforce Coffey! Wolfgang and Markus dare Die Familie to start something! But Joe turns around and Dempsey RAMS him into steel steps! The firms brawl while Dempsey puts Coffey in the ring! Dempsey CLOBBERS Coffey, then has the DRAGON SLEEPER!! Coffey is fading fast! Coffey is OUT, Dempsey wins!!

Winner: Charlie Dempsey, by submission

Die Familie regroups quickly before Gallus can get at them! Has Dempsey ended the blood feud before it’s even begun?


Sid Scala speaks.

“Congratulations are in order as last week, Tyler Bate & Trent Seven, Moustache Mountain, became the new NXT UK Tag Team Champions. But now it’s time to find their first challengers. On the first show of the new year, Oliver Carter & Ashton Smith will take on Symbiosis. And the following week, Dave Mastiff & Jack Starz will go up against Teoman & Rohan Raja. The winners of those two matches will face off to determine who will be the first challengers to the new NXT UK Tag Team Champions!” A mini tournament to kick off 2022, but who will rise up to challenge the Big Strong Boy & The Silver Fox?


NXT UK hears from Jordan Devlin.

“In the morning, my face is a little puffy. I’ll put on an ice mask while I do my crunches. I can do a thousand now. My penthouse overlooks Dublin city, my city, and all the little people below. I drive fast, with the top down. I like the way the wind blows in my hair. I look amazing.” The fans adore him, worship him. Why wouldn’t they? Devlin’s more than a hero, more than just an Ace. He is more than Ilja Dragunov could ever be. Ilja fights for his family, his fans. Pathetic. Ilja needs their love, their approve. All Devlin needs is Devlin. But will Devlin learn that not even the Irish Ace measures up to UNBESIEGBAR?


Moustache Mountain is here!

The BT Sports Studio fans are all fired up to see these two wearing the NXT UK Tag Team Championships around their waists! Tyler Bate & Trent Seven fist bump and “Too Tweeze” the fans. Fans chant, “You Deserve It!” as the two get in the ring and get the mics. Seven says, “What a night that was. Whew! What a moment in time. And I tell you something, I’ll tell you all and you, I think I needed that. I really do.” The last eighteen months have been rather strange. Rather wild. But they’re back! And they’re here, and Moustache Mountain are NXT UK Tag Team Champions!! Fans cheer for that one!

Seven continues to say that it goes without saying, there were times where they fell short. They fell short against Grizzled Young Veterans, and once against Pretty Deadly. But… Fans sing “Champions~! Champions! Ole ole!” There was a moment last week that made Seven think, “What happens if we don’t win?” Seven saying it out loud, it’s fine. But what does Seven do if they lose these? Where does Seven go from here? What does he do if he hasn’t got gold? To be honest, Seven isn’t sure how long he has left, that’s all. He doesn’t know what he’d do if he didn’t have these. Fans chant, “Fight Forever!”

Seven says wait, he DOES have these! And he’s got Bate! And as long as he’s got those, he’ll keep on fighting! He’ll keep on going for as long as it takes! Tyler says that sounds like music to his ears. Fans sing, “Trent Seven Army” as Bate says it has been a long, tough, treacherous ascent up the mountain. But with the power of patience, hard work and the energy that the fans give to them, they now stand here as the first team ever, EVER, to have held NXT AND NXT UK Tag Team Championships! They’re the best! The best! At least, they think so. Tyler can say it again and Seven will never get sick of it.

But wait, quick check. Tyler Bate, weren’t you the first ever UK Champion? Correct! And he’s also been Heritage Cup Champion? Correct! And now he has the NXT UK Tag Team Championships! CORREC’ INDEED! That makes Tyler the first-ever GRAND SLAM WINNER IN NXT UK HISTORY!! Fans sing and chant again, and Seven says Bate is the “Biggest, Strongest Boy.” Or as the fans put it, #GrandSlamBoy. That’s got a nice ring to it. Seven thanks the fans, and that is all that’s left to say. He speaks for Tyler and everyone in the back, and every single person who has stuck it out here and there, that helps bring the brand together: Thank You.

Thank you to the fans for tuning in! Without the fans, this isn’t possible! So from here on, it is only onwards and upwards, with a very, very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Will 2022 be the Year of the Moustache?


Oliver Carter & Ashton Smith speak.

“The hottest team under the sun” aren’t going to make any cheesy New Year’s resolutions, because the goal remains the same: NXT UK Tag Team Championships. Carter says he’s got ice on his neck and wrist, time to add gold around the waist and make the look complete. Smith isn’t sure about that, but this isn’t about when. NOW is the time! Ready and forward, always forward! Will the Predator Killer & Prestige make it through Symbiosis’ T-Bone & Primate in the New Year?


NXT UK hears from Meiko Satomura and Blair Davenport.

“I know Blair was a champion in Japan. But I never met her in Japan. Blair, why did you come to NXT UK? To fight me, yes?” Blair admits, she’s been chasing that one match that she never got. It is in NXT UK, Meiko VS Blair. Meiko knows Blair is one of the best, but she cannot match THE best. Meiko is the Final Boss, but Blair is the Top Foreigner that conquered Japan. Now Meiko is the foreigner in Blair’s homeland. And it will be nothing but flawless victory for Blair Davenport! Will the Ichiban Gaijin open the new year as the new champion? We find out in three weeks!


Kenny Williams VS Danny Jones!

The Scum of the Earth, #KennyCockroach, has an endless list of ways to weasel into a win. And as he makes his entrance, he gets a mic to tell “Danny Boy,” he’s got the night off. Get out. Williams doesn’t want Danny, he wants Mark Andrews! So go on, get out. Fans fire up for Danny, but Williams says for him to get out and find Andrews. Danny refuses, so guess we’re doing this the hard way. Kenny puts the mic down, takes off his jacket, and the bell rings. They circle, tie up, and Williams waistlocks to wrangle Danny down and has a thrashing facelock! Danny fights up, Williams holds on but Danny wrenches out to a wristlock and he wrangles Williams.

Williams tries to kick free but Danny rolls him to a chinbar. Williams gets ropes, Danny lets off. They go again, Williams headlocks and grinds Danny again. Danny powers up but can’t power out. Danny throws a body shot, then powers out to run Williams over! Things speed up and Danny runs Williams over again! Whip and kitchen sink knee! Cover, TWO! Danny scoops Williams, but Williams slips out to CHOP BLOCK! Williams CLUBS and STOMPS Danny into the corner, then jumps on him again and again! Williams says, “Hi, Mark!” to taunt Andrews while he KNEES Danny in the corner. Williams drags Danny up but Danny throws body shots.

Williams KNEES low, headlock takeover to a cover, ONE! Williams scrapes his soles on Danny’s face, then CLAWS him! Williams SLAPS Danny, but that only angers him! Danny fires forearms again and again then DECKS Williams! Danny TOSSES Williams into one corner, then the other! And then SHINING WIZARD to EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Williams survives and he rolls to ropes. Danny storms after him, drags him up, but Williams HOTSHOTS him away! Williams gets in to CHOP BLOCK the leg from the front! Williams stomps away on Danny’s knee, then he says, “Are you watching, Mark?!” Williams says Danny is unlucky! BAD LUCK DRIVER!

Williams mockingly asks, “You want one more? He wants one more.” BAD LUCK DRIVER again! Cover, Williams wins!

Winner: Kenny Williams, by pinfall

Message sent through one Welshman to another! Will Kenny Cockroach get his match with the high-fiving, stage-diving, skateboarding rockstar?


Symbiosis speaks.

Eddie Dennis says, “Last year’s words belong to last year’s language. But next year’s words… await another voice.” T-Bone says it’ll be a new year, and it’ll be a new beginning. Things are gonna change. Primate adds that, “He threw us to the wolves, and eventually we will return, leading the pack.” “That voice,” Dennis says, “is Symbiosis.” Will the Headmaster’s monsters unleash their aggression on the entire field to get at the gold?


Next week is a Special Holiday Edition!

What does that mean? Who knows! The best gifts are a surprise, after all!


NXT UK Media catches up with something going backstage.

It’s in the men’s bathroom! Williams emerges and sarcastically says, “Help, help! There’s been a terrible accident! I found~ him~!” Williams attacked Mark Andrews in the bathroom!! Andrews needs a doctor, his arm’s been hurt! Did the Scum of the Earth just exterminate Subculture in NXT UK?


NXT UK Heritage Cup #1 Contenders Match: A-Kid VS Nathan Frazer!

The Spanish Sensation and British Prodigy met before in a Triple Threat to determine a challenger for NXT UK Champion, Ilja Dragunov. A-Kid won then, but did not take the title from The Czar. Now AK and Frazer meet again, going for what Noam Dar holds. Will El Nino Anonimo return to the title that put him on the map? Or will Frazer look to soar higher than ever before?

The bell rings and round one begins. AK and Frazer shake hands to show there is sportsmanship and respect, and fans cheer. Fans rally up as the two tie up, and Frazer arm-drags but AK headscissors. Frazer kips free, the two reset. They knuckle lock, AK rolls, trips Frazer and floats right to a headlock. Frazer keeps his shoulders up, rolls AK to a cover, ONE! AK holds onto the headlock but Frazer fights up. Frazer powers out, AK CLOBBERS him with a flying tackle! Cover, TWO, and AK gets the chinlock. Frazer endures, fights up and slips out to a hammerlock. AK rolls, kips up and wrenches back to reel Frazer in for a headlock.

Frazer powers out, AK arm-drags and kips up to dropkick Frazer down! Half nelson cover, TWO! AK wants the arm! Frazer moves around to resist, fans rally up and AK wrenches as the minute mark. Frazer spins through, monkey flips, but AK holds onto the arm! AK wants the Fujiwara but Frazer still moves around. AK settles for the wristlock, and he TWISTS it hard! Frazer endures, moves around, thirty seconds left as AK wrangles Frazer again. Frazer gets up, rolls and handsprings to get free, sweep, cover, ONE! AK sweeps, covers, ONE! AK kicks but Frazer ducks and kips up but AK block the superkick!

We’re under 10 seconds as AK ducks the dragon whip! AK headlocks, Frazer powers out, and the round is over!

A-Kid: 0; Frazer: 0

Fans are fired up after such a fast and furious finish to the first three minutes! Both men refresh, but AK is already breathing pretty heavily. Frazer seems to have the speed and cardio advantage, but now we go into round two. Fans rally up already as the two go again. AK waistlocks and SLAMS Frazer down! Frazer fights up, fights the waistlock, but AK SLAMS him down again! Frazer fights up, pries the hold, switches and shoves to hurdle and drop. Frazer then DROPKICKS AK down! AK gets up, Frazer arm-drags and has the cording hold. AK endures as Frazer shifts to a top wristlock. AK bridges, headstands to headscissor, and he wrangles Frazer down.

Frazer moves around, headstands and hops free, but AK dodges to springboard and arm-drag! Frazer recovers to springboard, arm-drag and slip around to ghost pin! TWO, and AK staggers up into a leg pick! AK sits on it, TWO! Frazer tries the sunset flip but AK slips out to high stack, only for Frazer to roll it back! Frazer gets the fall!!

A-Kid: 0; Frazer: 1

Even Frazer is a bit surprised he got that one! AK tries not to be frustrated but being a former Heritage Cup Champion, he knows well that the first fall is so important. The bell rings on round three and AK rushes corner to corner! Frazer avoids the corner clothesline, ducks the jump kick, but AK ducks the roundhouse, only to get hit with the HEEL KICK! AK rebounds off ropes to DYNAMIC DROPKICK! Frazer gets up, swings, but into a GERMAN SUPLEX! AK holds on for a bit of a bearhug, and he drags Frazer up as fans rally and duel. Frazer bucks the waistlock, AK comes back to NORTHERN LIGHTS! And roll through to ARMBAR!!

Frazer clasps hands, AK uses his heels to break the grip! Frazer scoots around, ROPEBREAK with a foot! AK lets go quickly as time is of the essence. AK rushes in but into an elbow! Frazer jumps up and headscissors AK to ropes, then CHOPS him! Frazer whips, AK reverses and reels Frazer into the IRON OCTOPUS! Frazer steps back to the ropes, but AK KICKS him as he lets off! AK CHOPS Frazer at the ropes with under 90 seconds, then he whips. Frazer reverses to OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Frazer ducks and dodges to QUEBRADA to the ELBOW DROP DDT! Cover, TWO! Frazer keeps his cool as fans rally up.

We’re under a minute already as Frazer brings AK up. Frazer ROCKS AK, and ROCK Shim again. AK ROCKS Frazer back, but Frazer throws another forearm. AK gets around to a SLEEPER HOLD! We’re at 20 seconds, AK lets Frazer go to LEG LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Ten seconds left, FUJIWARA ARMBAR, and a finger bending grip! The bell saves Frazer!

A-Kid: 0; Frazer: 1

AK is frustrated again, he almost had Frazer there. Frazer refreshes, he still has the advantage. The bell rings to give us round four! Frazer and AK step up as fans rally, and Frazer swings, but into the SLEEPER! Frazer snapmares free, and SHOTGUNS AK down! AK is in a drop zone, Frazer goes up top! FROG SPLASH, but he has to roll through as AK moves! AK rushes in, into a SLINGBLADE! Frazer’s mentor, Seth Rollins, would be proud of that one! Frazer reels AK in, ANARCHY SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! AK survives and stays in this match! Fans rally and duel as we reach two minutes. AK and Frazer rise, Frazer throws a BIG forearm! AK shoots in to get the SLEEPER!

AK thrashes Frazer, then lets go, but runs into the ROLLING BOSTON CRAB! AK’s ribs already have tape, he’s in a bad way! But AK manages to power up and roll through to a victory roll, TWO! Frazer ducks and dodges, but AK turns Quebrada into SLIDING GERMAN! AK hurries back in, DYNAMIC DROPKICK! Cover, AK ties it up!

A-Kid: 1; Frazer: 1

The Spanish Sensation saves himself here, now we’re at square one in round five! Will it all end here? The bell rings, AK runs in again to GAMANGIRI! And then FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Frazer survives but AK floats to a waistlock. Fans rally for “NXT! NXT!” as Frazer throws elbows. AK holds on, Frazer bucks him at the ropes. AK kips up, into a SUPERKICK!! Cover, TWO!! AK survives but Frazer keeps his focus. Fans duel as Frazer goes to a corner. Frazer goes up top in an instant, but AK GAMANGIRIS again! AK then climbs up, but Frazer throws body shots to fight the superplex. AK turns Frazer around but Frazer throws more hands.

Frazer slips under AK to DROPKICK him! AK stays on the top rope but Frazer climbs up after him. Frazer stands AK up, for a SUPER FALL AWAY POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Frazer doesn’t waste time being surprised, we’re at one minute! Frazer goes up, MOONSAULT, but AK moves! Frazer lands on his feet, rains down fists, but AK headscissors to the ARMBAR!! Frazer scrambles, AK makes it an omoplata! AK CLUBS away and gets RINGS OF SATURN!!! Frazer endures, but he nods! Frazer quits, AK wins!!

Winner: A-Kid, by submission (NEW #1 Contender to the Heritage Cup Championship)

With 25 seconds left in the fifth, A-Kid is going back for the Heritage Cup! But he still shows Frazer the respect he earned in this match. Will the Spanish Sensation dethrone the Scottish Supernova when these two meet in the ring again?

My Thoughts:

Another great NXT UK, for what feels like the last real episode for the year. They advertised the holiday episode next week, which if it’s like last year, will be more of a clip show or year in review episode. We got a great celebratory promo from Moustache Mountain that was a well-deserved victory lap for them. They officially announced it so everyone realizes, Moustache Mountain have made history as a team, and Bate has made history as an individual. I do also appreciate Seven being a little real with us, that he isn’t a spring chicken and won’t be wrestling forever, but he certainly wants to go until the very end.

We also got good promos from the first match-up of the unofficial tag team tournament. I would like to think Carter & Smith win against Symbiosis to then take on Die Familie, given the beef they had from a few months back. Joe Coffey VS Dempsey was a great match, even with the teams rushing out to start stuff. Maybe we won’t get a Six Man yet until we see how the tag title scene goes. Devlin had a great vignette to build how arrogant he is, and a good Meiko VS Blair vignette to hype up their match. Kenny Williams and Danny Jones had a very good match, and Kenny attacking Andrews definitely helps push their match back to 2022 after the holiday break.

The Heritage Cup contender’s match was great stuff, and I oddly didn’t see A-Kid winning here. I thought he’d already had his time in the midcard with the Cup, it was time for Frazer to move up and AK to move on. But it was another well-done way of booking the match. The first round had a great finish, and Frazer getting the first fall put the pressure on AK for some good story telling. AK comes from behind, gets the win, and he’ll have a great match with Noam Dar. Pretty sure Dar finds a way to win, though, his reign really only just started and should keep going.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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