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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (3/10/22)

Will the Iron King finally have a throne?



The Scottish Supernova defends his Heritage Cup!

Joe Coffey has his first British Rounds Rules Match EVER, and it’s already for Noam Dar’s NXT UK Heritage Cup! Will this finally be Gallus’ Kingdom?


  • A-Kid VS Charlie Dempsey; Dempsey wins.
  • Symbiosis VS Josh Morrell & Danny Jones; Symbiosis wins.
  • NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship: Noam Dar w/ Sha Samuels VS Joe Coffey w/ Mark Coffey; Dar wins and retains the title.


NXT UK Media interviews Charlie Dempsey as he heads to gorilla.

He’s about to face off with the Spanish Sensation, but where is the rest of Die Familie? Dempsey doesn’t need them for this. This is just between him and A-Kid.

A-Kid VS Charlie Dempsey!

Speaking of the Spanish Sensation, he will be visiting NXT in the US very soon, but he has business to take care of first! Will he and the gritty Dempsey settle things mano a mano, just as Dempsey promised? Or will Teoman & Rohan Raja be lurking in the shadows?

The bell rings and the two circle. They feel out the grapple, Dempsey shoots in but AK stays clear. They tie up collar ‘n’ elbow, Dempsey gets around to waistlock then full nelson then cravat and snapmare, only for AK to handspring through. Dempsey nods, that was a good escape. The two feel things out again, tie up, and AK gets to a waistlock. Dempsey wrenches free to have the standing armlock, then he arm-drags AK down to a cover. ONE, and AK slips out to facelock. They gator roll, AK forces Dempsey to a cover, ONE as Dempsey bridges. They reset and AK smirks his respect in return.

They feel out a knuckle lock now, and Dempsey facelocks. AK slips out to wrench and wristlock, Dempsey spins through and bridges back. Dempsey flips through, gets under and NORTHERN LIGHTS! Dempsey has the armlock, and he digs a knee into AK’s face. AK endures, Dempsey starts bending the fingers! AK fights to his feet, arm-drags Dempsey, but Dempsey holds onto those fingers! Dempsey gets an armlock and adds a chinlock. AK fights up, Dempsey wrenches again, but AK rolls and bridges to then turn, and fireman’s carry takeover! AK has the headlock but Dempsey kicks around. Dempsey chinbars to get the headscissors!

AK tries to kick free but Dempsey holds tight. AK moves around but Dempsey pushes up. AK still gets around to headstand, turn Dempsey over and tie up the legs in a figure four knot. AK gets the chin, Bow ‘n’ Arrow stretch! But Dempsey pops right out to a cover, ONE! The two reset and Dempsey eggs AK on. They go around, Dempsey pushing forward. They knuckle lock, go shoulder to shoulder in a test of strength. Dempsey has the advantage here but AK bridges! Dempsey jumps on to push AK down for a cover, TWO as AK bridges back up! Dempsey tries again but AK uses that to go up and monkey flip!

AK rolls back to a cover, ONE as Dempsey bridges! AK works on the legs but Dempsey stays up. AK hops on but Dempsey stays up! AK tries to kick Dempsey down but Dempsey still holds the bridge. AK lets off the knuckle lock to stand on Dempsey, but no! Dempsey is still bridging! AK hops off, Dempsey gets to his feet, and the two go again. Clinch and a whip but AK handsprings. Dempsey counters hip toss to a backslide, and a bridge, ONE! AK has a cradle, TWO! They get up, Dempsey knees low then EuroUppers AK out of the ring! The ref has Dempsey stay in the ring while the ring count starts.

AK gets up at 4 of 10, and takes his time returning. Dempsey and AK circle again, knuckle lock but AK mule kicks! AK arm-drags to a double wristlock, and headscissors! Dempsey tries to kick free but AK holds tight! Dempsey pulls on AK’s arms to bring him around, and Dempsey escapes the headscissors to now have a hammerlock! Dempsey wants the other arm but AK shields it. Dempsey rear mounts and has a chinlock, knee digging into AK’s back! AK pries the chinlock off and gets a FUJIWARA! Dempsey rolls, AK keep son him and bends the fingers! Dempsey claws at AK, fights up, but AK wrenches the arm.

AK ROCKS Dempsey with a EuroUpper, but Dempsey ROCKS AK back with a EuroUpper of his own! AK gives another EuroUpper but Dempsey comes back with his own! AK throws another EuroUpper, then catches Dempsey’s into a backslide! Dempsey fights that off with his height advantage, but AK uses that to slip around and IRON OCTOPUS! Dempsey walks forward, ROPEBREAK! AK lets off to KICK Dempsey in the chest! Dempsey is furious and fires off forearms, knees and elbows! That next KNEE takes AK down! Dempsey paces around him, stomps him, but AK has the foot! Toehold from below!

AK has Dempsey down now, standing toehold but Dempsey boots with the free leg! AK still has the foot! AK twists the ankle, shifts his grip and turns Dempsey over, but Dempsey counters with a headlock. AK keep son that foot, but Dempsey gets AK’s arms to drag him down. Dempsey isolates that arm, wrenches it and he goes for the FUJIWARA! AK rolls, Dempsey rolls with to get a leg! AK gets up to STOMP Dempsey down! Both men are down but Dempsey gets to ropes. AK hobbles over, brings Dempsey up to DECK him with a forearm! Dempsey headbutts low! AK kicks but Dempsey blocks for a DRAGON SCREW!

Dempsey holds onto the leg and drags AK around. AK hops up on the good leg to SLAP Dempsey, SLAP him again, but Dempsey hits another DRAGON SCREW! Dempsey ties the legs up and has the crossface! AK endures, Dempsey digs elbows into AK’s back! Dempsey then gets the arms, CATTLE MUTILATION! And around and around, then the FUJIWARA! AK endures, rolls, Dempsey goes for the leg again! But AK gets up to get the arm! Dempsey tries to clasp his hands, he pushes up to make it a cover, TWO!! AK goes to kick but gets caught, PERFECT PLEX! Cover, TWO!! These two are gasping for air after that exchange!

Dempsey hurries to clamp onto AK again with a headlock. AK gets up, Dempsey waistlocks but AK switches. Dempsey switches back, goes for a full nelson, but AK uses his leg for leverage and breaks free. Dempsey CLUBS AK, pushes AK, but too far and his dropkick misses! Dempsey hurries to get AK in the corner, DRAGON SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! AK escapes but barely! Dempsey crawls over to drag AK up but AK wrenches to a facelock. AK gets Dempsey up but Dempsey blocks the suplex. AK wants the arm, then he gets chicken wings! TIGER SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!!

Dempsey escapes, but AK has the omoplata! He wants the other arm! RINGS OF SATURN, but Dempsey is fighting! Dempsey ends up in a TRIANGLE HOLD! But he deadlifts AK for a SLAM! Both men are down but Dempsey gets his bad arm working. Dempsey CLOBBERS AK into a cover, TWO! Dempsey clamps right back on for a facelock, but AK wrenches and ELBOW BREAKER, to PELE! Dempsey is down, AK gets to a corner! They rush each other, DOUBLE FOREARMS! Dempsey CLOBBERS AK out of the ring! The ref again keeps Dempsey back, but in the distraction, Rohan Raja jumps the barriers!

Rohan POSTS AK, then puts him in the ring! No one else saw it, Dempsey hurries to get the leg and head! INVERTED BOW ‘N’ ARROW!!! AK taps, Dempsey wins!!

Winner: Charlie Dempsey, by submission

Did Dempsey know his Die Familie brother helped him win this? Or was this all Raja doing Dempsey a favor? Either way, will the family continue on to take over NXT UK?


Sid Scala speaks.

The Assistant General Manager has a huge announcement! NXT UK will have a guest coming all the way for the United States- Someone knocks on Sid’s door. He lets them in and it’s Wolfgang. Is this a bad time? Uh, no, this is fine. Okay, then Wolfgang needs something that’ll take him to that next level. Something- Say no more. NXT UK management has noticed the momentum Wolfgang’s been building. And as Sid was about to announce, this works perfectly. Wolfgang will be facing Roderick Strong! Wolfgang likes that, and shakes Sid’s hand. Will the Last King of Scotland be able to put the pressure on Diamond Mine’s Savior of the Backbreaker?


Next week starts a special start time!

With Daylight Savings coming to the States, NXT UK will be 4 PM EST, 8 PM GMT for the next couple of weeks.


NXT UK Media catches up with Aleah James.

With Meiko Satomura VS Isla Dawn on the horizon, who does Aleah think should be next for the NXT UK Women’s Championship after that? Aleah would love to face Meiko in the future, but at this point in time- Stevie Turner interrupts, and she can’t believe Aleah brought a camera crew here just to say the same empty words. Uh, first of all, Aleah didn’t bring them, they brought her here. So instead of worrying about Aleah, maybe Stevie should- Stevie is always two levels and two steps ahead of everyone else. Aleah doesn’t know what Stevie’s going on about so she leaves. Don’t walk away, she has important things to say.

Oh, NXT UK Media wants to talk to Stevie now? Well they had their chance. Stevie walks off, but will either of these two be waiting in the wings after the Final Boss takes on the Wicked Witch?


Symbiosis VS Josh Morrell & Danny Jones!

Eddie Dennis has helped Primate & Tyson T-Bone reload and refocus. Will they finally get a step closer to their prey that is the NXT UK Tag Team Championships?

The teams sort out and Primate starts against Morrell. They approach, tie up, and go around. Primate hip tosses Morrell down, then corners him to throw haymakers! Primate digs his palms into Morrell’s chin, throws a heavy body shot, then throws Morrell! Morrell tries to hip toss back but Primate blocks, so Morrell whips, only for Primate to run Morrell over! Things speed up, Primate shoves, but Morrell jumps up to dropkick Primate down! Tag to T-Bone, and he rushes in, but Morrell jumps over! Morrell CHOPS and CHOPS, then headlocks. T-Bone powers up but Morrell lands out of the back suplex to dropkick T-Bone!

Tag to Jones and he rams shoulders with T-Bone! T-Bone knees low, CLUBS Jones on the back then CLUBS him again. T-Bone whips, Jones ducks and FLYING SHOULDER TACKLES! Jones wrenches, tags Morrell, and Morrell goes up to DOUBLE STOMP the arm! Morrell runs in at the corner but is put on the apron. He ROCKS T-Bone with a right, slingshots, but into T-Bone’s arms! BACKBREAKER! And FALL AWAY SLAM! T-Bone snarls, drags Morrell up and over to tag in Primate. Symbiosis double whip Morrell backwards into the corner, then they throw him down by his head, and DOUBLE STOMP him together! Cover, TWO!

Primate keeps between Morrell and Jones and BOOTS Morrell down! Primate drags Morrell up to DECK him, bumps him off buckles, and tags T-Bone. T-Bone whips Primate in to RAM Morrell, then Primate feeds Morrell to T-Bone’s LARIAT! T-Bone drops a BIG elbow, then deadlifts him to a Canadian rack! T-Bone RAMS Morrell into a corner, then KNEES him down! T-Bone drags Morrell over, puts him on the ropes and CLUBS him on the back. Tag to Primate and T-Bone holds Morrell out. Primate springboards for FLYING AX HANDLES! Primate whips Morrell to ROCK him in the back, then adds a BIG back suplex!

Primate roars and stands on Morrell. He steps on Morrell, hauls him up and DECKS him with a EuroUpper! Primate stomps Morrell to the corner, drag shim up and tags in T-Bone. Symbiosis work together again, but Morrell goes up and Primate gets POST! Morrell rolls under T-Bone to hot tag Jones! Jones rallies on T-Bone with big forearms and uppercuts! T-Bone wobbles, Jones LARIATS him down! Jones run sin to SHINING WIZARD in the corner, but T-Bone fights off the clinch. T-Bone KICKS the leg and KNEES Jones in the head! T-Bone hauls Jones up, puts him in a corner, but Jones back elbows! ENZIGURI!

Jones clinches for an EXPLODER! Tag to Morrell and Morrell gets on Jones’ shoulders! MARIPOSA!! Cover, TWO!! T-Bone survives but Morrell gets going, into a back drop! T-Bone drags Morrell back up, scoops him, and then tags in Primate. T-Bone gives Morrell a POWERSLAM, and then DECKS Jones off the corner! Primate is up top and he hits a DIVING HEADBUTT! Cover, Symbiosis wins!

Winners: Symbiosis, by pinfall

Headmaster Dennis is proud of his pack, because they’re doing just as he promised. But wait! WILD BOAR gets in the ring and SMACKS Primate with a chair!! And then he JAMS and SMACKS T-Bone! Primate gets up, Wild Boar CLOBBERS him! Wild Boar then fires off fast hands on T-Bone! And he shoves Dennis down! Dennis wants mercy, but T-Bone gets him out of the ring! Wild Boar returns and is ready to hunt Symbiosis! Will Dennis and his team have to worry about the past catching up to them before they can look to their future?


It’s the Nina Samuels Show!

Nina Samuels welcomes us back and she says we lucky fans are getting a tour around the UK Performance Center. Nina stops when she spots “poor lonely” Emilia McKenzie. Has Meiko realized that it isn’t worth her time to help the dead weight? Millie snatches the mic to tell Nina that she wants to ask her a question. “How does it feel to be so desperate for attention that you have walk around dressed like a flamingo at 9 AM? Hmm? And that’s enough of the Nina Samuels Show today.” Emilia gives the mic back and Nina is at a loss for words. She has her cameraman cut, but will she figure out a response in the ring?


NXT UK Media spots Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter arguing with Moustache Mountain.

Smith spots the cameraman and asks them to come over. Then he tells Moustache Mountain to tell everyone what he just said about backing out of giving them the rematch! Whoa, they are NOT backing out! Tyler Bate & Trent Seven are noble men and men of their words. They’re going to give Smith & Carter a chance, but the titles need to go on the backburner. Listen to the deal. How about they have two singles matches instead. Therefore, they could potentially earn the rematch at the NXT UK Tag Team Championships. Deal?

They’ll take that deal, easy! One of them will beat Bate, the other will beat Seven, and then they’ll have earned taking those titles away. Well, we’ll see. They now argue about the 1v1 combinations, but management puts that together for them! Next week will be Tyler Bate VS Oliver Carter! Will the hottest tag team on the brand get a leg up on Moustache Mountain from the get-go?


NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship: Noam Dar w/ Sha Samuels VS Joe Coffey w/ Mark Coffey!

The Scottish Supernova loves to joke around, but not when it’s at his expense. He didn’t appreciate Gallus Boys On Talk taking over Supernova Sessions, and he really doesn’t like that Joe Coffey’s first match in British Rounds Rules is already for the title. But will he like it even less when this Gallus Boy is on top? Or will Dar deny the Iron King his throne?

The introductions are made, the cup is raised, and we see if Joe finally has gold here in NXT UK!

These two circle as the clock is ticking. They feel things out, tie up, and Joe throws Dar easily. Dar gets up and to the ropes, then cools himself off before circling with Joe again. They tie up, Dar gets a leg but Joe throws him way again. Dar cools off again, they circle, and then tie up. Dar goes for the arm, he wrenches to a wristlock, but Joe spins through to wrench and WRING Dar out! Joe holds onto the arm, Dar fights up but Joe has the wristlock. Dar rolls but Joe wrangles him back down! Joe has a top wristlock but Dar gets up. Dar gets to ropes, the ref counts the ropebreak, and Joe lets off.

Dar eggs Joe on as they circle again. Joe corners Dar but the ref has him back up. They circle more, feel things out and Dar waistlocks to get a mat return. But Joe slips right out to get the wristlock! We’re under a minute in the first, Joe wrenches the arm more, but Dar rolls. Joe wrings Dar again, sidesteps him and whips, but Dar sunset flips! Joe rolls through to get the legs. Dar rolls through to throw Joe away but Joe cartwheels through. Joe roll Dar up and has the leg, HALF CRAB! Dar rolls through but Joe holds on! Sha keeps Dar aware of the time, and we’re at 10 seconds! Joe wants the Crab but Dar scrambles around! The time is up, Joe has to let go!

Dar: 0; Coffey: 0

Sha protests that Joe won’t back off, but Joe does go to his corner to refresh. Sha tells Dar to use that speed against Joe. The bell rings for round two and Dar circles with Joe again. Dar wants a test of strength so Joe knuckle locks with him, but then Dar KICKS the leg! Joe just shrugs that off and hits back! Joe headlocks for the takeover and he thrashes Dar around. Dar keeps his shoulders up, rolls Joe to a cover, ONE! Dar fights up, Joe holds the headlock but Dar puts him on ropes. The ref counts, Dar lets off, but Joe ducks the kick to hit the headlock takeover again! Dar gest headscissors but Joe kips free.

Joe gets up, he hits another headlock takeover! Dar moves around, gets up, and he brings Joe to a knee. Joe cranks the headlock but Dar powers out, only for Joe to run him over! Joe eggs Dar on, Dar gets up to KICK! Dar eggs Joe on, so Joe wrangles him down with a wristlock! Dar reaches up to headscissors, but Joe pops out and whips. Joe then goes the other way to CLOBBER Dar! Dar gets to a corner but Joe whips him corner to corner! SPLASH at a minute in the round, then Joe whips Dar the other way. Dar goes up then under, but Joe catches him with a waistlock! GERMAN SUPLEX!

Dar flounders and Joe runs in, GLASGOW SENDOFF! Dar is down, Coffey covers, Coffey gets the fall!

Dar: 0; Coffey: 1

With 45 seconds in the second round, the Iron King scores first! Is this already a bad sign for Supernova 11? Sha drags Dar to his corner while Mark helps Joe refresh. Sha says Dar’s been here before, he can make the comeback like he has before. The bell rings, time for round three! Coffey waits for Dar to get up and they go again. Joe waistlocks, SLAMS Dar down, then holds on. Dar fights up but Joe SLAMS him back down! Joe makes it part bearhug but Dar fights up. Dar stomps Joe’s feet, wrenches out and has an armlock, but Joe throws body shots. Dar throws knees in return, but Joe throws more body shots.

Dar throws more knees, but Joe blocks a kick. Dar ELBOWS Joe in the head! Joe gets to a corner, Dar runs in but Joe BOOTS him away! Joe goes up and up and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO!! Dar survives but Sha distracts on the apron! Joe kicks at Sha to get him to back off, then he gets Dar back up. Dar wrenches out and sweeps the legs! Dar switchblade kicks then covers, TWO! CHAMPAGNE SUPER KNEEBAR! But Joe powers up and pries Dar off with a waistlock! Dar elbows free, drops to fire off kicks, then victory rolls, Dar ties it up!

Dar: 1; Coffey: 1

With a minute and 15 left, Dar gets things back to even, but give the East End Butcher the assist. Joe shrugs that off as he refreshes with Mark, now it comes down to the next fall. The bell rings for the fourth and Dar rushes Joe with forearms, Joe hits back with body shots, Dark kicks, feints, then KICKS again! Cover, ONE!! Joe sputters but Dar is after him. Dar wrangles Joe then stomps the arm! Dar flexes on Mark, then stomps Joe’s arm again! And then he stomps a leg! Dar puts pinkies out before he stomps Joe’s other leg! But Joe headbutts low, and again, only for Dar to knee him down! Cover, TWO!

Dar sees Joe get to ropes and he fires KICKS! And KICKS, and KICKS! Dar snapmares, covers, ONE! Dar is frustrated but he traps an arm. Dar mocks Joe’s scar by digging his finger along it. Dar then throws down elbows, stomps Joe to ropes, kicks him, but Joe kicks back! Joe goes to the apron, Dar brings him up but Joe headbutts back! Joe then SLINGSHOT SHOULDERS Dar down! We’re under a minute here, Joe hoists Dar up and tosses Dar for an uppercut! Then OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Both men are down and Sha is worried. Mark coaches Joe, we’re under 30 seconds! Dar and Joe get up, Joe SPINEBUSTERS, to a BOSTON CRAB!!

Dar endures, crawls, ROPEBREAK! Joe lets off, we’re under 10! Joe swings but Dar throws him out! Dar pursues but he runs into hands! They brawl, and the bell rings! Sha and Mark have to separate these two, but Dar still gets a KICK in!

Dar: 1; Coffey: 1

The ref reprimands, that was a cheap shot! But the damage has been done and Mark has to help Joe get to the corner. Will Joe be able to get past that as we enter the fifth? The bell rings, Dar runs in to dropkick at the corner! Dar keeps moving, BOOT! Dar pushes Joe out, runs in again and LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Dar is beside himself, but he puts pinkies out. Dar aims from a corner, NOVA- GLASGOW SENDOFF!! Cover, TWO!! Joe drags Dar up, short arm LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Dar survives and Sha is relieved. Both men are down but stirring. Joe gets up but he staggers. Joe gets a leg but Dar clamps onto Joe’s leg to deny the turn.

Dar kicks free with the free leg and even ROCKS Joe with a haymaker. Dar is up, but so is Joe. Dar KICKS, but Joe just shakes his head. Dar throws a forearm, but Joe just eggs him on! Dar fires more forearms but Joe just leans into them! Joe roars, Dar KICKS away on the leg! Joe blocks, Dar SLAPS but Joe just pulls Dar’s ear! Joe ROCKS Dar, fires off fast hands, and we’re under a minute! Dar ducks the discus but misses his backhand! Joe runs, ALL THE BEST FOR THE BELLS!! But Sha makes sure Dar has the ropebreak!! Mark storms after Sha, and he CLOBBERS him! We’re under 30 seconds, Dar waistlocks but Joe switches and rolls him up! TWO!!

Dar gets up, Joe ducks the heel kick but not the BACKHAND! ELBOW! Dar sets up, NOVA ROLLA!!! Cover, Dar wins!!

Winner: Noam Dar, by pinfall (still NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion)

With just SEVEN seconds left in the fifth, Dar survives the Iron King! And again, give the assist to his cornerman, Sha Samuels. Will Joe Coffey ever win the big one? Will anyone ever break through to take this cup from the Scottish Supernova?

My Thoughts:

A great episode here, with just three matches again. A-Kid and Dempsey had a very good opening match, as technical and gritty as expected. I figured someone from Die Familie would interfere, and it was hard to tell if Dempsey really did know Raja even got involved. I’m sure there will be a promo next week to point it out and they can go from there. And as we learned from NXT on Tuesday, A-Kid is going to be going to the States, I’m pretty sure he’s taken care of all Die Familie story segments by this point. And in return, Roderick Strong is visiting the UK. He’ll have a great match with Wolfgang, and this could even plant seeds for an eventual Diamond Mine VS Gallus story.

Nina Samuels and Millie McKenzie have a match set up through their promo segment, as do Aleah James and Stevie Turner. Meiko VS Isla is in two weeks, so these four future contenders can get their matches in before then. Symbiosis had a really good match with Jones & Morrell, and I am very excited to see Wild Boar came after them already. I thought there was going to be another vignette or even a sneak attack backstage, but he’s being bold enough to go right at them. Not sure how well he’ll do as one man against three, but maybe he gets allies that don’t like Symbiosis any more than he does.

Good promo segment from Smith, Carter and Moustache Mountain, and it does set up matches for the next few weeks. Bate VS Carter, Seven VS Smith, and I’m sure something happens to give Smith & Carter that tag team title rematch. Then we got a great Heritage Cup match, and Joe Coffey looks great again, but in the end, the still loses. Again, not sure what more Joe can do in NXT UK, so maybe that Diamond Mine VS Gallus thing happens pretty soon. As for Dar, he might be holding onto that cup for a long time while so many great singles guys are either tangled up in stories, or just not ready yet.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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