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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (6/9/22)

Will the Final Boss still reign?



Will Diamond Mine’s Pitbull crush the NXT UK Women’s Champion?

Meiko Satomura has faced and conquered many opponents as NXT UK Women’s Champion, but will she be able to break Ivy Nile? Or will Ivy break her?


  • Kenny Williams VS Mark Andrews; Andrews wins.
  • Symbiosis VS Tate Mayfairs & Oli Blake; Symbiosis wins.
  • Amale VS Eliza Alexander w/ Xia Brookside; Eliza wins.
  • NXT UK Women’s Championship: Meiko Satomura VS Ivy Niles; Meiko wins and retains the title.


Kenny Williams VS Mark Andrews!

The Scum of the Earth has ended up tasting some of his own medicine and is now facing the consequences. Will the High-Fiving, Stage-Diving Skateboarding Rockstar crunch Kenny Cockroach? Or will Kenny find another way to survive?

The bell rings and Andrews approaches, but Kenny bails out. Kenny wants to check around the ring, thinking there’s someone waiting to get him. Kenny doesn’t find anyone under the ring, so he gets back in. Only to bail out the other side and check over the barriers. No one is hiding but Kenny says he is sick of stalkers, and he wants the ref to do his job. The ref is doing his job, he’s counting Kenny’s time being outside the ring. But then Andrews dropkicks Kenny and goes after him! Andrews CHOPS, forearms, CLUBS and CHOPS Kenny around the way, then ROCKS him with another forearm!

Andrews puts Kenny in the ring and fires off more forearms. Andrews BOOTS Kenny again and has him in a corner. Kenny kicks Andrews away but runs into an arm-drag! Andrews keeps on the arm, Kenny fights up but Andrews puts him on ropes. Kenny rakes Andrews’ eyes! The ref reprimands but Kenny hits low and whips Andrews to ropes. Andrews slides under to PELE! Kenny staggers, Andrews runs in at the corner, and blocks the boot to put the leg on ropes. Andrews tiger feints the leg, ROCKS Kenny, then grabs the leg. Kenny SLAPS Andrews, but Andrews just scowls as he hits a DRAPING DRAGON SCREW!

Kenny crawls to the apron and Andrews pursues, only for Kenny to kick the leg out! Kenny then POSTS Andrews, and brings him around to WRING the arm into the apron! Kenny then puts Andrews in and hurries to stomp away on the bad arm! Kenny jumps on the arm again and again but lets off as the ref counts. Andrews chops back but Kenny CLUBS him. Kenny snap suplexes, floats to a cover, TWO! Kenny wants a faster count but the ref says his is fair. Kenny clamps onto Andrews with a chinbar and neck wrench but Andrews fights up. Fans rally but Kenny hits low. Kenny back suplexes, Andrews lands on his feet and back suplexes Kenny in return!

Kenny goes to ropes, Andrews grabs at him, only for Kenny to HOTSHOT the arm! PELE to the arm! Andrews crawls away but Kenny is after him with a wrench and stomps to the arm, then Kenny SLAMS the arm. Kenny scrapes his soles on Andrews’ face, talks trash on him, and CLUBS him on the back. Andrews CHOPS, Kenny knees low! Kenny snapmares, covers, ONE! Kenny clamps onto the bad arm again and pulls it while standing on Andrews’ head! Fans rally, Andrews fights up, and Andrews throws body shots and CHOPS! Andrews breaks free, then wheelbarrows to STOMP 182! Fans fire up while Andrews grits his teeth.

Andrews brings Kenny up but Kenny reverses the whip. Andrews slides but Kenny stops the Pele with a chicken wing! Kenny wants the crossface but Andrews fights it off. Kenny knees low, suplexes again, STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRE from Andrews! Fans fire up while both men are down! Kenny checks his chin while a standing count starts. Both men stand at 4, Andrews KICKS and CHOPS on repeat! Kenny swings, misses, and Andrews kicks the leg out! Andrews brings Kenny around, avoids the Pele to the arm to STOMP again! Andrews reels Kenny in, but with the bad arm! His lift doesn’t work out, and Kenny CLUBS the bad shoulder!

Kenny reels Andrews in, but Andrews uses the other side for the SIDE EFFECT! Cover, TWO! Kenny survives but fans rally up. Andrews gets his bad arm moving so he can DECK Kenny with a forearm! Kenny kicks from below, so Andrews CHOPS! They both stand, Kenny throws hands but Andrews throws CHOPS! Kenny throws more forearms, but Andrews ENZIGURIS! Kenny yoyos but Andrews dodges to tilt-o-whirl. Kenny stops the DDT, tries a suplex, but he throws Andrews down as he goes for Stun-Dog! Kenny wants the chicken wing and crossface but Andrews fights free! Victory roll, TWO!!

Kenny hurries up to BOOT the bad arm! Kenny runs, yoyos, LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Andrews survives and Kenny is furious! Kenny CHOPS Andrews on the back, throws him to a corner and kicks him, then puts him up top. Kenny climbs up after Kenny, goes after the bad arm, but Andrews throws body shots. Fans rally as Andrews CLUBS away on Kenny, then HEADBUTTS him down! Andrews adjusts, but Kenny bails to the apron. Andrews throws hands from above, but Kenny gets the bad arm! BIG HOTSHOT! Kenny smirks but fans boo as he slides in. CHOP BLOCK to the leg! But wait! Tiger Turan is on the apron!!

Kenny brings Andrews up only to see Turan! They stare down, Kenny swipes at Turan but he gets away. Andrews gets Kenny in a cradle, and wins!!

Winner: Mark Andrews, by pinfall

Kenny’s beside himself! He was right to think Tiger Turan would show himself, but he let it get the better of him! Will Kenny confront Tiger Turan back? Or will he just huddle in a corner so no one can sneak up on him?


NXT UK shares what happened after last week’s episode ended.

Trent Seven went backstage after telling Tyler Bate that he was done, and the reporter asked what he meant by all that. Seven didn’t want to elaborate, he just wants to be left alone. But next week, we will hear from Seven, and what he has to say about what’s next.


NXT UK Media catches up with Mark Coffey.

They ask him about Joe Coffey being silent. Does he have anything he can tells us about Joe? Mark wishes he did, but no, Joe hasn’t even spoken to him. Mark’s been leaving him messages but- Oh, Mark’s phone starts ringing. Mark excuses himself, and answers. It’s Joe! Where’s he been? … No, no. Okay, sure. Mark understands. If Joe needs anything, just call him, or mom, or dad. Okay, then. Just take as long as you need. Catch you later. Mark hangs up, but looks worried. Is the Iron King ever returning to NXT UK?


Symbiosis VS Tate Mayfairs & Oli Blake!

Eddie Dennis, Tyson T-Bone and Primate have all had their troubles with Wild Boar, but after that Dog Collar Match, perhaps it is all behind them. Will the pack be able to move on? Or will “The Greatest Pro-Wrestler Alive” and another new addition to the roster make a huge impact on the NXT UK Tag Division?

The teams sort out and Tate steps up against Primate. They approach, tie up, and Primate puts Tate in a corner. Primate gets in Tate’s face but the ref counts. Primate lets off, and Tate springs onto him with a headlock! Primate back suplexes, Tate lands on his feet and things speed up. Tate dropkicks Primate, then wrenches an arm to a wristlock! Tag to Oli and they mug Primate. Oli wrenches, Primate wrenches and wristlocks. Oli rolls but Primate wrangles him back down! Primate snarls but Oli gets up to cartwheel. Primate whips Oli to a corner to CLOBBER him! Primate then whips Oli to ropes to CLOBBER him again!

Primate stomps Oli and Dennis approves. Primate drags Oli up, CLUBS him to the corner, and tags T-Bone. Symbiosis mugs Oli, T-Bone throws a heavy forearm into Oli’s back, then does it again and again, before a BACKBREAKER! T-Bone then suplexes Oli and twists him around to a NECKBREAKER! T-Bone stomps Oli, tags Primate, and then T-Bone drapes Oli on the ropes for Primate’s AX HANDLES! Fans boo but Priamte shoves to ROCK Oli, then hits a BIG back suplex! Dennis tells fans to be quiet with their jeers but Priamte bumps Oli off buckles. Tag to T-Bone, they double whip just to send Oli back in!

Symbiosis throws Oli down to DOUBLE STOMP him! Fans boo, “You Suck! You Suck!” but T-Bone scoops Oli to FALL AWAY SLAM! T-Bone covers, TWO! T-Bone brings Oli up but Oli wrenches out! Oli reaches but T-Bone keeps him from Tate! T-Bone tosses Oli, but Oli comes back and rolls under, hot tag to Tate! Tate dodges T-Bone to fire off fast hands, and then a step-up ELBOW! And a RUNNING KNEE! Cover, ONE!! T-Bone is up quick, the ref has to keep Primate back, and T-Bone tosses Tate! Tate gets on his feet but gets CLOBBERED! T-Bone drags Tate up, Dennis is laughing, and T-Bone scoops Tate to tag Primate.

Primate goes up as T-Bone hits a POWERSLAM! DIVING HEADBUTT! T-Bone DECKS Oli, Primate covers Tate, Symbiosis wins!

Winners: Symbiosis, by pinfall

The pack is moving in the right direction, but will they find their way to the gold? Wait, T-Bone and Primate give Dennis a rather strange look. THEY ATTACK DENNIS! Fans are loving this as Dennis gets what he deserves! POWERSLAM and the DIVING HEADBUTT! Fans chant, “You Deserve It!” as the pack leader has now been kicked out of the group! Will T-Bone & Primate find their way to the gold now that they don’t have to follow Dennis?


NXT UK Media catches up with Ilja Dragunov.

The champion isn’t scheduled for anything, so what brings him by? He’s here to see the legend herself, Meiko Satomura, defend her title against Ivy Nile. And that is because Dragunov admires Meiko and her will to go up against the very best, just as he has against Roderick Strong and will continue to do. The Czar and the Final Boss are fighting and representing NXT UK to show us all that they’re the strongest brand in the world. Will NXT UK stay strong as the Final Boss takes on Ivy Nile?


NXT UK shares what happened backstage last week.

After their victory in the Tag Team Championship Triple Threat, Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter were greeted by great applause from the locker room. They hugged it out in celebration, and said this wasn’t just a win for Smith & Carter, but a win for so many people out there, from friends to family to those who have watched the journey from the beginning. The ones who have seen the struggle, the good and the bad, who still believed in Smith & Carter, and for Smith’s little girl. She can say that on June 2nd, 2022, her father and his tag partner became NXT UK Tag Team Champions.

The Hottest Tag Team Under the Sun are Ready and Forward, Always Forward. But what is next for the Freshest Tag Team Champions in the WWE?


Amale VS Eliza Alexander w/ Xia Brookside!

The French Hope wants to be done with the brat and the bully, so she’s starting with the bully. Can Amale put #LizzieEvo in her place before doing the same to Xia? Or will Eliza bash Amale up and end this with a bitter defeat?

The bell rings and fans rally behind Amale as she circles with Eliza. They tie up, Eliza pulls hair and puts Amale in a corner. The ref counts, Eliza lets off and Xia cheers, but she’s the only one. Amale swipes at Xia and then resets with Eliza. They tie up, go around, and Amale puts Eliza on ropes to then snapmare and run her over! Things speed up, Amale jumps over the drop down but runs into a kick! Eliza BOOTS Amale, runs, but Amale follows to then RUNNING NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up with Amale and she mocks Xia’s swagger. Amale runs to basement dropkick Eliza! Cover, TWO!

Amale drags Eliza up, CLUBS her, then brings her up to BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Eliza flounders to a corner and Xia is worried. Amale runs side to side but Xia gets Eliza to safety! Amale goes out to chase Eliza back into the ring, and even avoids Eliza’s elbow drop! Xia shouts at Amale and Amale shouts back, but Eliza HOTSHOTS Amale’s arm! Xia is happy as Eliza runs to BOOT Amale in the ropes! Fans boo, Xia tells them to shut up, but Eliza just soaks up the heat. Eliza drags Amale up to CLUB her back down! Fans boo as Eliza kicks Amale around. Eliza digs her boot into Amale at the corner, but lets off as the ref counts.

Amale sputters, Eliza drags her up but fans rally. Xia is annoyed by that, but Eliza knees and CLUBS Amale down. Amale flops out of the ring but Xia wants her back in. The ring count starts, Eliza lets Amale get her in, and Eliza snapmares Amale. Eliza pulls Amale’s hand, and brings her up to KNEE her back down! The ref checks on Amale but she’s okay to continue. Eliza straddles Amale to slap her around, then clamp on a Camel Clutch! Amale endures, fans rally up, and Amale fights up! But Eliza SLAMS her back down! Eliza clamps back onto Amale, getting the arms in, for a true CAMEL CLUTCH!

Xia says the fans are stupid, Eliza is winning! But Amale endures and fans rally up again. Amale fire sup, fights back with body shots, and she ROCKS Eliza with a forearm! Eliza gives it back, so Amale gives another! The forearms go back and forth, fans fire up for the “FRENCH HOPE! FRENCH HOPE!” Eliza ROCKS Amale, but Amale fires off the forearms! Eliza shoves Amale away, runs in, but into a BOOT! Xia is worried, Amale ENZIGURIS Eliza! Eliza staggers, Amale runs and LARIATS! And ELBOWS! Amale gets Eliza back up, whips but Eliza blocks to ROCK Amale! Eliza whips Amale to a corner but misses the splash!

Amale clotheslines and BULLDOGS Eliza down! Xia freaks out as Amale covers, TWO! Eliza survives and Xia breathes easy. Eliza gets up, but Amale runs in to get around and FULL NELSON SLAM! Cover, TWO! Eliza survives again but fans rally for Amale more. Amale drags Eliza up, puts her in a corner hard, then runs side to side, BOOT WASH! Xia is furious and she’s on the apron, so Amale BOOTS her down! Amale dodges Eliza’s sucker punch to roll Eliza up, TWO! Eliza kicks the leg out, runs, and KNEES Amale down!! Cover, Eliza wins!!

Winner: Eliza Alexander, by pinfall

Xia may have taken a shot from Amale’s boot, but she ended up helping Eliza win all the same! Will Amale ever be through with these two? Or can she find a way to isolate them and get a fair fight?


Damon Kemp finishes up a bench press.

Wolfgang is there and says that’s good stuff. But he has something to show Damon. There’s more to training than the gym, and he’ll learn how to do things the way Gallus did. C’mon. Damon didn’t quite get that, but he goes with Wolfgang to… a pub? This is where the real work begins! They have a pint, and Damon is starting to like the Scottish way. they’re getting drunk and groggy, but it’s fun. They’ve got a lot in common. Damon says he appreciates Wolfgang and Wolfgang says he appreciates Damon. But that was just the first five rounds. We’ve got a lot more to do. Damon runs to throw up…

Wolfgang says after a few more of these, they’ll be ready for Sha and Dar. What’s Damon say? Damon nods, he could get used to this Irish thing. Er, Scottish. But will getting plastered really help the Diamond Mine’s Muscle Gopher get ready for the East End Butcher and Scottish Supernova?


NXT UK Media catches up with Lash Legend.

They bring up her big win over Emilia McKenzie and ask her her thoughts. She says it’s always a big win when Lash Legend is the winner. No one can step to her. Not Emilia, not anybody. She is the one and only, okay? Better recognize. Lash then gets upset when in walks Myla Grace. Grace is tired that Lash is walking around like she’s above everyone else, when the only time is she’s above anyone is when standing up. When it comes to passion and attitude about being here in NXT UK, Lash doesn’t measure up to Grace. Oh is that so? All Lash hears is bark bark bark from a small dog, but no bite. Adios. Will Lash learn whose bark is worse than their bite if she gets in the ring with Grace?


NXT UK Women’s Championship: Meiko Satomura VS Ivy Niles!

The Final Boss has yet to be stopped, even after facing just about every woman on the NXT UK roster. However, Diamond Mine’s Pitbull is one of a kind and undefeated in her own right. Will Ivy add to the Creed Brothers getting the NXT Tag Team Championships by getting this title? Or will Ivy learn why Meiko is also known as “The Best in the World?”

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and it is time to see who can withstand the pressure of the main event!

Meiko and Ivy circle as fans rally up. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Ivy manages to push Meiko to ropes. Meiko turns it around, but lets off to then get a headlock and takeover! Ivy pushes around, gets back on top but Meiko kicks her at her. Ivy has the foot and rolls with Meiko, but Meiko kicks her away. Ivy rolls again, wants the Half Crab but Meiko kicks free. Fans applaud and the two reset. They approach, knuckle lock, and have a test of strength as they go shoulder to shoulder! They’re in a deadlock again, both trying to find that point of leverage. Meiko kicks, wrenches, wristlocks and then KICKS the leg out to get a top wristlock.

Ivy fights up with a bridge, then pushes her way up to her feet! Fans applaud, and Ivy NORTHERN LIGHTS! Meiko gets away to ropes, but she resets. They each KICK the other’s leg but Meiko’s kicks sting more. Meiko then block Ivy’s kick, trips her, and goes for a high stack. Ivy pushes back, but Meiko just gets the arm for an armbar! Ivy slips out, floats around, clinches but Meiko blocks the roll to a headlock. Ivy fights up, Meiko spins around to drop toehold! Meiko floats to the facelock and fans rally up. Ivy rams Meiko into the corner, but Meiko turns things around. Meiko throws knees, then CLUBS Ivy down.

Meiko whips Ivy to a corner, runs in and forearm smashes! Fans fire up, Meiko scoops Ivy for a gut wrench suplex! Cover, TWO! Meiko brings Ivy up, snapmares as fans rally, and Meiko wraps Ivy up in a seated cobra twist. Ivy endures, powers her way out, but Meiko lets off to KICK Ivy in the back! Meiko clamps back onto the headlock but Ivy headlocks in return. Ivy hits the takeover but Meiko headscissors. Ivy moves around, headstands and pops free. Fans applaud the technical exchange and the two tie up again. Meiko headlocks, Ivy throws body shots and powers out, only for Meiko to ram shoulders.

Ivy doesn’t fall, so Meiko ROCKS her with a forearm and runs to run Ivy over! Fans fire up, Meiko runs and CROSSBODIES, but Ivy rolls through! Ivy brings Meiko up to FALL AWAY SLAM! Ivy does push-ups off Meiko’s back! Ivy facelocks and brings Meiko up to ROCK her! Meiko ROCKS Ivy back, Ivy hits an STO! Ivy turns Meiko over with a leg, ties up the legs, then grabs the arms for a Queen Angelito Stretch! Meiok endures, fans rally up, but Ivy stomps her down! Cover, TWO! Ivy is annoyed, but she brings Meiko up to wrench an arm. Meiko kicks low, wrenches back and KICKS Ivy more, to then sweep the leg!

Meiko drops knees on Ivy, covers, TWO! Meiko clamps onto an arm, Ivy fights up but into a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK! Ivy’s other arm is caught in a leg scissors but she powers out. Meiko KICKS and KICKS Ivy around! Meiko brings Ivy up, but Ivy KICKS back! And KICKS Meiko down! Cover, TWO! Ivy is growing frustrated but she clamps onto Meiko. Meiko slips out to get the arm, then throws more KNEES and even an UPPERCUT! Ivy wobbles, Meiko UPPERCUTS again! Meiko whips, Ivy reverses but Meiko WHEEL KICKS her down! Cover, TWO! Ivy is still in this and fans rally up. Meiko brings Ivy up as fans rally up.

Ivy fires off kick after kick and then an ENZIGURI! Meiko goes to a corner, Ivy runs in, forearm smash! Ivy keeps moving, going around the world to CALF KICK! Ivy goes up top, drags Meiko into the dragon sleeper, ROLLING CUTTER! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up as both women stand. Ivy shoots in, waistlocks but Meiko throws elbows! Meiko PELES Ivy down! Meiko drags Ivy back up, reels her in, but Ivy blocks the suplex to snap suplex! Ivy ENZIGURIS again! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up while Ivy grows frustrated. Ivy drags Meiko up, headlocks, but she holds off Meiko’s saido suplex!

Ivy throws down elbows, runs, but into a ROUNDHOUSE! Meiko drags Ivy up, for a DDT! HANDSPRING KICK! Cover, TWO!! Ivy survives and Meiko brings Ivy back up. Fireman’s carry, but Ivy fights to get around. Meiko just picks Ivy back up, only for Ivy to get the DIAMOND DRAGON!! Meiko is dropping down, but she pushes back to slip out and get the cover! MEIKO WINS!

Winner: Meiko Satomura, by pinfall (still NXT UK Women’s Champion)

Fans give a standing ovation for just how close Ivy Nile came to dethroning Meiko! But in the end, Meiko’s experience helped her against Ivy’s youth and ability! Meiko shows Ivy respect by offering her a hand, and the two hug. Fans applaud the great sportsmanship. Will Ivy find her way back towards a title sooner rather than later? Who will step up to the Final Boss next?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode, with very good follow-up from last week. Smith & Carter had a very good moment backstage with everyone, with what was surely genuine emotion for this great honor of becoming champions. They’re going to have a very good run, I am sure. Seven not wanting to comment after the show and time for him to talk next week is a good next step in this, and you can be sure Bate will show up to get Seven’s explanation in person. That might be the moment that leads to Bate and Seven fighting each other. Also I like that while Mark Coffey is worried about Joe, Wolfgang is having fun hanging out with Kemp. Maybe Gallus is coming to an end?

Great opening match between Andrews and Kenny, and of course Tiger Turan showed up to mess with Kenny. Andrews wins, Kenny is mad, Kenny will definitely want a match with Tiger Turan in an attempt to unmask him. And it’s gotta be Amir Jordan, it just has to be. Symbiosis gets a good win off Tate & Oli (I have a feeling Tate & Oli were the other masked guys used to mess with Kenny a couple episodes ago), but T-Bone & Primate mutinying was quite a surprise. I almost expected Wild Boar to walk out and essentially revive The Hunt, but guess not. And of course talks smack and gets in another match. I feel like she should’ve faced Myla Grace before Emilia, but this is a good chance for Myla to step up and get more airtime.

A good match between Amale VS Eliza, but I feel like Eliza winning here was the wrong move. Amale should’ve won despite Xia’s distractions and then Amale will challenge Xia to take her own without Eliza being around. Good promo from Dragunov, it is a nice touch that a top male champion nods respect to a top female champion. Meiko VS Ivy wasn’t the best NXT UK Women’s Championship match, but it was a really good showing for Ivy. Ivy has taken well to pro-wrestling but she still needs some polish. The phrase “diamond in the rough” is of course apt given she’s in Diamond Mine, so hopefully she can get those final pieces of the puzzle, as well as WWE not screwing this up.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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