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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (7/14/22)

Noam Dar VS Mark Coffey, 100 to 1 odds!



Who do you have your money on?

Mark Coffey has his last chance at the Heritage Cup while Noam Dar holds it, with 100 to 1 odds! Will this Gallus Boy defy those odds and finally be on top again?


  • Oliver Carter VS Teoman w/ Die Familie; Carter wins.
  • Amale VS Stevie Turner; Amale wins.
  • NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship: Noam Dar VS Mark Coffey; Coffey wins and is the new NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion.


Oliver Carter VS Teoman w/ Die Familie!

The Hottest Tag Team Under the Sun is on hold with Ashton Smith injured, but that doesn’t mean the Predator Killer is going to be someone’s pawn. Will Carter crush the Babo in front of his brothers in arms? Or will Rohan Raja & Charlie Dempsey be a factor as always for Die Familie?

The bell rings and the two tie up. They go around, Carter gets around to a waistlock but Teoman drops to switch around. Carter wrenches out to a hammerlock but Teoman spins around to put the hammerlock on Carter. Teoman spins Carter around to a headlock, but Carter rolls to make it a cover. TWO, but Teoman holds on. Carter fights up, wrenches out to waistlock, but Teoman throws a hard elbow! Teoman wrenches Carter, Carter rolls and kips to KICK Teoman! Carter arm-drags Teoman down to an armlock. Teoman fights up, hand in Carter’s face, but Carter wrenches to a wristlock.

Teoman pulls hair but Carter breaks free to sunset flip! Teoman drops but Carter avoids the fist drop! Carter mocks Teoman’s Evil Eye by pointing to his own, then he arm-drags Teoman down again. Carter keeps on the arm, fans rally for “Always Forward!” but Teoman powers Carter to ropes. The ref counts, Teoman lets off, but Carter avoids the cheap shot to fire off body shots! Carter CLUBS Teoman, but Teoman kicks Carter in the shin! Teoman whips, Carter flips up to RANA! Carter throws a back elbow then a PELE! Fans fire up but Dempsey gets on the apron. Carter swipes at Dempsey, but Teoman CLOBBERS Carter from behind!

Teoman stomps Carter around while the fans boo. Carter blocks a punch to fire body shots and forearms, only for Teoman to dropkick a leg out! Teoman rains down fists on Carter then seethes as the fans boo. Teoman grins as he drags Carter back up, turns him, and hits a HANGMAN’S NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Teoman clamps onto Carter with a chinlock. Fans rally, Carter pries at the hold, and Carter fires off body shots. But Teoman throws a hard body shot! Teoman digs his knee into Carter’s back for another chinlock. Carter endures, fans rally up again, and Carter fights to his feet to throw body shots!

Carter ROCKS Teoman, and again! And again! But Teoman kicks low! Teoman whips, then grabs Carter for a SLEEPER! Teoman shoves Carter to the ropes to CLUB him in the back! Carter drops to his knees, clutching his lower back. Fans rally but Teoman stomps Carter around. Carter is getting mad but Teoman JAMS an elbow into his head. Fans rally and Carter eggs Teoman on. Teoman storms up but into body shots! Teoman kicks low, CLUBS Carter and brings him around to whip. Another SLEEPER, but Carter sees the shove coming to QUEBRADA! Direct hit! Carter LARIATS Teoman, then LARIATS again!

Carter mule kicks, runs, but Teoman avoids the scissor kick, only for Carter to CLOBBER him on the return! Fans fire up as Carter reels Teoman in, but Teoman snapmares free. SCISSOR KICK OUTTA NOWHERE! Cover, TWO!! Teoman survives but Carter hurries after him. Teoman KANGAROO KICKS Carter into buckles! GEDO CLUTCH, to an O’Conner with tights! TWO!! Carter escapes but Teoman has laser focus. SLIDING FOREARM!! Cover, TWO!! Carter survives and fans are thunderous! They “WOOP! WOOP!” for Ashton Smith as Teoman drags Carter up. Dragon sleeper, but Carter snapmares free.

Teoman blocks a kick and throws Carter, but the ROLLING KICK connects! Fans fire up and Carter aims again, but Teoman drops! Carter ends up on the apron, Raja distracts the ref but Carter avoids Dempsey’s sweep! Carter KICKS Dempsey down, but Teoman rushes over! Carter GAMANGIRIS him away! Springboard and BIG missile dropkick! Carter then goes corner to corner to WHEEL KICK in the corner! Cover, Carter wins!

Winner: Oliver Carter, by pinfall

In an almost 3v1 handicap, Carter comes out on top! Will Carter be ready and forward, always forward? But then Dempsey attacks! Die Familie are sore losers as they stomp away on Carter! Teoman rains down fists while fans boo, and then he tells Dempsey and Raja to drag Carter up. They do as told, so that Teoman can hit him with NEZAR!! The Evil Eye still hits its target, and Teoman pats Carter on the head. If Die Familie can’t make Carter join the, will they make sure Carter can’t stand against them?


NXT UK Media catches up with Sam Gradwell.

They ask him about last week’s confrontation with Trent Seven and his “choice words” for him. Yeah, Trent Seven is the “dirt worst,” isn’t he? Gradwell won’t just stand and- SEVEN ATTACKS! He CLOBBERS Gradwell and then runs off as security and trainers tell him to leave. Gradwell is fuming, will the Thunderstorm make sure Seven gets what he deserves?


NXT UK Media also catches up with Fallon Henley.

How is she enjoying her time here in the UK? So far, it’s been pretty amazing. The food is outstanding, but she is struggling with the time zone change. But then Isla Dawn comes creeping up, grinning and giggling. Um, can Fallon help her with something? She was in the middle of an interview. Isla reaches out to touch Fallon but Fallon backs up. Fallon says Isla’s creepiness shtick isn’t going to work so just go somewhere that’s not here. Isla laughs as she leaves, but has the Wicked Witch found a new little pretty to play with?


NXT UK shares a digital exclusive.

After the show last week, Dave Mastiff found Josh Morrell and congratulated him on his first win in NXT UK, and how it was over Primate. Morrell appreciates that, and Mastiff says Morrell must be feeling great, and thinking he can ride this wave. Unfortunately, he’s going to crash at some point, and that will be next week against Mastiff. Well, alright, Morrell will give everything he has in that ring. Good to hear. The Bomber heads out, is he going to end Morrell’s win streak at one?


NXT UK Media catches up with Wolfgang.

He’s playing around with the football (soccer ball for Americans), and the reporter asks if he heard the comments made by Ilja Dragunov. Yes, Dragunov respects Wolfgang. That’s nice and appreciated. The NXT UK Champion respects Wolfgang. And the feeling is mutual, because how can you not respect The Czar? Look at the list of contenders he’s had. But Dragunov should be careful what he wishes for. It takes a certain kind of someone, a certain mentality to be able to walk into the lion’s den, to get into the ring with a dangerous animal like Wolfgang! Wolfgang will remind everyone just how bad he can be! Someone needs to take that title, so why not Wolfie?


Amale VS Stevie Turner!

The French Hope hoped Blair Davenport’s comments weren’t about her, and Blair made sure Amale understood they were about everyone. But the Fourth Dimensional Superstar just had to get her jabs in, too. Will Amale make Stevie, and Blair, understand not to get on her bad side?

Speaking of Blair, she’s on commentary to watch this one closely. The bell rings and Amale circles with Stevie. Blair knows Amale is strong and smart, but she’s also got a short temper, like a spoiled brat, and that will be her downfall. Stevie waistlocks but Amale resists the lift to switch around. Amale takes Stevie to ropes but Stevie bucks her to run in. Amale deflects the boot to roll Stevie up, TWO! Alame facelocks but Stevie endures. Stevie fights up, wrenches out, and reels Amale into a headlock. Amale endures the grind, throws body shots, but Stevie thrashes the hold. Amale powers out, Stevie runs Amale over and flexes.

Stevie runs, things speed up and Stevie ducks, only for Amale to follow! RUNNING NECKBREAKER! Amale keeps moving and she basement dropkicks! Stevie goes to ropes, fans rally up, and Stevie kicks Amale away. Amale keeps after Stevie but Stevie BOOTS her down! Stevie stomps Amale, CLUBS her, but Amale throws body shots. Stevie CLUBS Amale again, puts her on ropes and CHOKES her! The ref counts, Stevie lets off at 4, then she runs to BOOT WASH! Amale flops down and Stevie is fired up! “Four D, baby! Four D!” Fans rally for Amale but Stevie KNEES her down! Cover, TWO! Stevie is annoyed but she drags Amale up.

Amale throws body shots, Stevie CLUBS her again, then turns her for a neckbreaker stretch! Stevie pulls on Amale’s head with that cravat and Amale endures, until Stevie drops for the NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Stevie fumes but fans rally. Stevie drags Amale up, reels her in, but Amale throws elbows. Stevie throws knees, then Stevie whips Amale. Amale reverses and puts Stevie in a corner, but Stevie BOOTS back. Amale runs in again to CLOBBER Stevie! Fans fire up with Amale and she CLOBBERS Stevie again! Amale drags Stevie up, whips her to a corner and hits a clothesline, to a BULLDOG! Cover, TWO!

Amale is frustrated but the fans still rally up. Stevie goes to a corner, Amale runs in but she blocks a boot to KNEE Stevie down! Amale runs side to side to BOOT WASH in return! Amale drags Stevie up and hooks her up, HOPE BREAKER! Cover, Amale wins!

Winner: Amale, by pinfall

Blair Davenport isn’t impressed, but perhaps NXT UK management is. Will Amale find her way back to an NXT UK Women’s Championship match? Or will Blair make Amale beware what’s coming next?


NXT UK shares what happened after last week’s main event.

Meiko Satomura and Sarray returned backstage, victorious, and Emilia McKenzie was there to greet them. Meiko thanks her protégé, and then thanks the Warrior of the Sun. Sarray thanks Meiko, and says that being able to team up with a legend like her makes Sarray very happy. However, she wants to be Meiko’s next challenger. Will she accept? Meiko leads the way towards the General Managers office, that could be a yes. But Nina Samuels pops in to say her ears are burning. Can Emilia explain what those two were talking about? Nothing to do with Nina. Emilia heads off and Nina frowns. Will Nina have to wait before she can get another “exclusive” scoop?


NXT UK Media catches up with Mark Andrews & Wild Boar.

How do these two feel about the NXT UK Tag Team Championships being held by an American team in Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen? Well, Andrews says he and Boar got up close and personal with those two, and credit where it is due, Briggs & Jensen are a great team. They will do a great job representing this brand on the other side of the Atlantic. But it’s also time those two bring those titles back to the UK, where Andrews & Boar will be the first team waiting for them. Boar tells Briggs & Jensen that Andrews & Boar are going to bring those titles home. Will this new South Wales Connection conquer the NXT UK Tag Division?


Sid Scala speaks.

The Assistant General Manager knows “it has been made clear” that Ilja Dragunov and Wolfgang have respect for one another, but also a desire to compete against each other. So to make it official, in two weeks, it will be Dragunov VS Wolfgang for the NXT UK Championship! Will the Czar be able to fend off the Last King of Scotland? Or will Wolfgang be howling to the moon after the biggest win in his NXT UK career?


NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship: Noam Dar VS Mark Coffey!

The Scottish Supernova has always found a way to hold onto this cup, and that way is usually Sha Samuels. But knowing that, NXT UK is banning the East End Butcher from ringside! Will Dar be able to keep this cup without his insurance policy? Or will Dar and Sha lose a lot on this one against this Gallus Boy?

The introductions are made, the cup is raised, and you can bet this is going to be one for the books!

Round one begins and we see Sha watching and stressing in the back. Dar makes one of the ring crew wear Sha’s hat to be a good substitute. Dar and Mark then circle, tie up, and Mark backs Dar towards ropes. Dar digs in his heels so Mark breaks the grapple. They circle and go again, and Dar goes after Mark’s arm. Dar works to wrench to a wristlock but Mark spins through and wristlocks back. Dar gets the ropes and the ref counts the break. Mark lets off at 4 but then Dar shoves him. Mark won’t fall for that and the two reset with under two minutes. They tie up again, Dar pulls hair to put Mark on the ropes, and the ref counts again.

Mark avoids Dar’s cheap shot kick and smirks. They reset again, tie up, and Mark gets around two a waistlock. Mark SLAMS Dar down at a minute left, but Dar fights up. Fans duel as Dar headlocks but Mark wrenches and wristlocks again. Dar KICKS a leg, then runs in, but into an elbow! Mark goes up the corner but he jumps over Dar’s leg sweep! And he avoids the Penalty Kick! Dar headlocks but Mark slips out to go after the arm. Dar slips free, both men bob ‘n’ weave and Dar headlocks at 30 seconds. Mark powers out and RAMS Dar! Dar stays up so Mark headlocks back. Dar powers out but Mark runs him over!

Mark hurries to arm-drag Dar down, has the arm, ten seconds left! Fans count it down as Mark clinches Dar, time’s up!

Dar: 0; Mark: 0

Dar slaps Mark, Mark SLAPS Dar! The ref reprimands them both for after-the-bell action, this is a warning on them both. Dar and Mark back away to their corners for the refresher and Dar is still not happy with not having Sha. But the second round begins and Dar rushes in! But Mark ducks the Nova Rolla! Mark clamps onto Dar, chinbar, GATOR LOCK!! Dar taps to the half nelson chinbar!!

Dar: 0; Mark: 1

Sha is freaking out because that was barely 20 seconds in the second! Mark says that’s what Dar gets, but Sha does his best to calm down. Dar is only down one, he has plenty of time left. Dar and Mark refresh in their corners, and we get right to round three! Mark eggs Dar on and Dar circles with him. Dar shoots in, Mark avoids that to roll Dar up, TWO! Dar gets to ropes, Mark runs in, but Mark senses the table top coming! Mark rolls Dar with a waistlock to bring him up, but Dar arm-drags free. Mark runs Dar over, then hauls him up for a standing back drop! Fans fire up with Mark as he aims at Dar.

Dar gest to a corner,  Mark runs in to back body block! Mark goes up to FLYING BULLDOG! Cover, TWO!! Dar survives but fans fire up as we reach two minutes. Mark runs but Dar bails out to avoid the forearm. Mark grabs at Dar but Dar ROCKS Mark at the ropes! Dar kicks the leg, then BACK ELBOWS! The ref reprimands but Dar gets in, boot feint to ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Mark is still in this and Dar is frustrated. Dar gets a leg to STOMP it, then an arm to STOMP it! Dar drags Mark around to STOMP the other arm. Mark hobbles up at the minute mark and Dar KICKS. Mark ROCKS Dar with a forearm but Dar KICKS more!

Dar KICKS Mark down, hurries to cover, TWO! Mark grits his teeth while Dar steadies himself. Dar clamps onto Mark with a chinbar and fishhook but the ref reprimands. Dar lets off to elbow Mark at 30 seconds. Dar hooks Mark again, lets off as the ref reprimands, and he goes to suplex. Mark blocks, we’re at 10 seconds, and fans count again. Dar sweeps the leg, takes aim, but time is up! The ref has to stop Dar from the Nova Rolla! Sha is freaking out again!

Dar: 0; Mark: 1

Dar has no choice but to back down to his corner, and Mark also gets some water to refresh. The fourth round begins, Dar rushes in, but he feints the Nova Rolla! Dar goes for a leg, but Mark braces himself and has a cover! TWO!! But Mark wheelbarrows and waistlocks Dar. Dar pries free, drops, kicks out a leg then reels Mark in for more kicks! CHAMPAGNE SUPER KNEEBAR!! Mark blocks, Dar CLUBS Mark, and he has it in!! Mark endures, but it’s still early in the round, so Mark TAPS! Dar ties it up!

Dar: 1; Mark: 1

From how Sha sounds, you’d think Dar won! And speaking of, Dar keeps on stomping and kicking Mark while holding on! The ref reprimands and threatens disqualification so Dar lets go. We start from square one in round five, this could still go either way! Dar aims from the corner while Mark hobbles away. The fifth round begins, and Dar rushes in to DROPKICK Mark in the corner! Cover, TWO!! Mark survives and Dar is furious! Dar looms over Mark as fans rally, and Dar kicks away at Mark’s leg. Mark kicks free with the good leg, and then he catches Dar’s leap to BOOT him! And back suplex! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally and Mark nods. Dar gets away to a corner but Mark pursues. Mark drags Dar up, runs, but Dar drops to deny Mark his attack. Dar gets back to a corner, and he SLAPS Mark! Mark is pissed but he misses in the corner. Dar runs side to side to BOOT! Mark wobbles, Dar runs again, but he has to duck Mark’s clothesline! Mark picks Dar up but Dark CLUBS away! Mark stays up, but Dar kicks off ropes to have the GUILLOTINE! Mark endures as there’s 90 seconds! Mark powers up and out to SLAM Dar with a suplex! Both men are down and fans fire up! Mark and Dar stir and a standing count starts.

Fans rally as the standing count is 5 of 10 but we’re under a minute in the round. Dar and Mark both get up, and Mark ROCKS Dar! Dar wobbles, but he comes back to ROCK Mark! Mark ROCKS Dar, Dar ROCKS Mark, and then Dar throws knees! Mark drops, but he gets up to fire off clubbing haymakers! Fans fire up, Mark whips, Dar reverses but Mark blocks the kick. Dar ELBOWS, but Mark runs in. Mark gets put in ropes and Dar sweeps the legs! Mark is down, Dar goes up at 10 seconds, but Mark is after him! They fight up top, SUPERPLEX in the final second!! Saved by the bell!

Dar: 1; Mark: 1

Sha is somehow still breathing as he stresses out, but it comes down to this sixth round. Will we need overtime to settle this one?

Mark and Dar get up, the round starts, And they approach, only for Dar to bail out! Dar leads Mark on a cat ‘n’ mouse because of Champion’s Advantage, and then he drags Mark down! Mark fights the kneebar off to drag Dar up! Dar fights the half nelson, and he ROUNDHOUSES Mark down! High stack, but with feet on the ropes! TWO!!! The ref never saw what was going on but Mark still escapes! Dar hurries to feint, but Mark CLUBS him first! GATOR LOCK!!! Dar endures, reaches out, moves around, scrambles around, ROPEBREAK! Mark lets off fast and Dar flops out of the ring. Mark hurries out after Dar as fans rally.

Mark hobbles up but Dar ROCKS him! Mark swings, but hits post! NOVA ROLLA!!! But they’re both on the outside! The ring count is climbing, Dar drags himself up at 6 of 10! Mark sits up at 8, heads for the ring at 9, and gets in at 9.99!! With under a minute, Dar can’t believe Mark is still in this! But Dar runs in again, feint to ELBOW!! Cover, TWO!?! Mark survives again, and Dar hurries to run, but into a HUGE forearm! Mark runs to LARIAT!! And then, HALF NELSON SLAM!! Mark keeps moving, SLIDING FOREARM!!! Cover, MARK WINS!!!

Winner: Mark Coffey, by pinfall (NEW NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion)

Sha is losing his mind, because he’s losing a fortune! With just 20 seconds left in regulation, this Gallus Boy IS on top! All those he just won this for celebrate with him! And also come calling on Sha to get that paper. Wait! Joe Coffey is back! He is here to celebrate with his brother! They hug it out and fans cheer! Joe is proud of his brother, because that means this is still their kingdom! Will the fortunes of Gallus be brighter than ever from here on out?

My Thoughts:

A great episode of NXT UK, but especially the main event. Carter VS Teoman was a very good opener, and Carter getting a win was a bit of a surprise with Die Familie all around, but Die Familie also stands tall by beating him down. I thought someone was going to back Carter up, but maybe that’ll happen next time. Good promo segments to set up coming matches. Seven had a great blindside attack on Gradwell, and Isla did good creeping up on Fallon. Those matches will be a lot of fun, but I was surprised by the promo from Mastiff and Morrell. I won’t say Mastiff was being a Heel, but he definitely has that edge of being the veteran to Morrell being new.

Good promo from Wolfgang to call out Dragunov, and of course the UK Championship match was made. That is going to be awesome, but I don’t see Dragunov losing. Amale VS Stevie was a good match but they did not know how to have it and Blair on commentary at the same time. It took them a couple times to realize they could do picture-in-picture of it. Amale of course wins to build momentum, she and Blair are going to have a good match. And we got a decent segment out of Sarray, Meiko, Emilia and Nina. I knew they were going to steer this to the NXT UK Women’s Championship, Meiko VS Sarray will be an awesome match for sure, and with Briggs & Jensen having won the tag titles, there’s a good chance Sarray wins this title so that the women of NXT UK are aiming for a new target.

Speaking of the NXT UK Tag titles, Boar & Andrews have a good promo to call out Briggs & Jensen. I really expected Briggs & Jensen to have a title defense on NXT UK first but they’ll get that done on NXT 2.0. Briggs & Jensen will probably beat Pretty Deadly, and they will certainly beat Andrews & Boar. And then that Heritage Cup Championship was awesome stuff. Now, they always push these to the late rounds, but somehow, they also find a way to pace these out so it is still exciting. Mark getting a submission win in the second was great, and then for it to come down to the wire was great.

Mark winning was the right move, as was Joe Coffey not turning on him. We just got Seven betraying Tyler Bate, and a piss poor execution of Cora Jade turning on Roxanne Perez, so the Coffey Brothers sticking together is the right call.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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