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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (7/28/22)

NXT UK strikes gold!



It’s a big summer blowout for NXT UK!

Not only will Briggs & Jensen defend the tag titles, THE NXT UK Championship is on the line as Ilja Dragunov takes on Wolfgang in their first-ever singles encounter!


  • NXT UK Tag Team Championships: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen VS Mark Andrews & Wild Boar; Briggs & Jensen win and retain the titles.
  • Amale VS Blair Davenport; Davenport wins.
  • NXT UK Championship: Ilja Dragunov VS Wolfgang; Dragunov wins and retains the title.


NXT UK Tag Team Championships: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen VS Mark Andrews & Wild Boar!

The new champs are still the new champs after taking care of former champs, Pretty Deadly. And now, Briggs & Jensen return to BT Sports Studio to defend these titles against the High-Flying, Stage Diving Rockstar and his feral friend. Will The Yanks be 2-0 against the UK? Or will this new South Wales Subculture bring the belts home?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see which side of the pond these belts reside.

The teams sort out and Jensen starts with Boar. They circle and feel things out. Boar rushes in and puts Jensen on the ropes but Jensen turns it around. The ref counts, they reset and knuckle lock. They break, then collar ‘n’ elbow. Boar wrenches an arm and YANKS it, then wrenches again. Tag to Andrews, he goes up top and DOUBLE STOMPS Jensen’s arm! Andrews wrenches the arm to a wristlock, Jensen fireman’s carries, but Andrews slips off to shove him to a corner. Jensen boots but Andrews blocks, tag to Boar. The leg is put in the ropes, TIGER FEINT and DRAGON SCREW, then Boar has the leg to CHOP away on Jensen! DRAGON SCREW into buckles!

Boar gets the leg again, then DRAGON SCREWS again! Jensen hobbles but Boar RAMS into him. Jensen tags Briggs, whips Boar, hurdles and hurdles again, then Briggs gets in, DOUBLE SHOULDER TACKLE! The good ol’ boys fire up, they both slide out and DOUBLE HAYMAKER Boar off the ropes! Boar makes it to Andrews to tag, and Andrews springboards, into Briggs’ arms! Andrews slips out of the scoop to dropkick! Andrews wrenches Briggs’ arm, wristlocks, but Briggs scoops again. Andrews cranks the arm to get free, but Briggs scoops again! Andrews twists the wrist again, but Briggs tags Jensen. Briggs then suplexes Andrews to TOSS to Jensen for a POWERSLAM!

Fans fire up and Jensen says, “That’s how we do it!” Jensen drags Andrews up to CLUB him down, then covers, TWO! Jensen chinlocks and he grinds Andrews down. Andrews endures, fights up, and throws body shots. Jensen CLUBS Andrews, brings him up, but Andrews JAWBREAKERS! Andrews ROCKS, CHOPS but Jensen clinches. Jensen puts Andrews in the corner to CHOP LARIAT! Tag to Briggs, he brings Andrews around in a SLEEPER! Andrews endures as Briggs leans on the hold and the fans rally up. Andrews fights up but Briggs CLUBS Andrews down. Briggs keeps on the chinlock but Andrews fights up again.

Andrews throws body shots, Briggs tags Jensen, but Andrews fires off forearms and CHOPS! Briggs CLUBS Andrews, puts him in a corner, and Jensen fires off forearms! Jensen snapmares and CLUBS Andrews in the back! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up as Jensen clamps on a chinlock of his own. Andrews endures, fights up again and he throws more body shots. Jensen CLUBS Andrews, whips him to the corner, but Andrews dodges the splash! Briggs tags in and stops Andrews from reaching Boar. Another suplex and toss, but STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRE outta nowhere! Briggs is shocked, Andrews lips around him, tag to Boar!

Boar rallies on the good ol’ boys, firing off haymakers on Briggs! Boar roars and runs to LARIAT! Briggs stays up so Boar goes again, LARIAT! Briggs drops to a knee, Boar runs again, but into a BIG elbow! Briggs drops an elbow but misses! LEG DROP from Boar! Cover, ONE!! Boar SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up and Boar storms around. Boar looms over Briggs and waistlocks?! Boar drags Briggs up but Briggs elbows out. Briggs puts Boar in the corner, tag to Jensen, and Briggs whips Boar into Jensen’s clinch. Boar switches it around, Jensen elbows now, but Andrews tags in! Jensen run sin, into a GAMANGIRI!

SHOTGUN GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Andrews tags Boar back in. Andrews dropkicks Briggs off the apron and Boar is up top, FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Jensen survives but fans fire up! Boar runs in at the corner to RAM into Jensen! Boar keeps moving, but Jensen LARIATS him down! Tag to Briggs, he BOOTS Boar down! Andrews tags in, but Briggs intercepts with a suplex! Briggs holds Andrews up for 10 but STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRE returns! And Andrews uses Briggs to jump off and SHOTGUN Jensen down! Andrews is up top, FALL TO FLOP!! Briggs tags Jensen, they give him the COUNTRY HIGH LOW! Cover, Briggs & Jensen win!

Winners: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen, by pinfall (still NXT UK Tag Team Champions)

The homefield advantage didn’t change things from that Fatal 4 Way. Briggs & Jensen win again, will the Yanks continue to reign over UK?


NXT UK shares footage from after last week’s episode.

Tyler Bate was fuming backstage, but he cooled off. He spotted the camera and got right up in it. “Trent, this is a message for you. You broke my heart, man. I loved you like a brother. You can’t run forever. I’m coming for ya!” Will the Big Strong Boy have his revenge on the absolute dirt worst, Trent Seven?


The match has been set!

An NXT UK press conference made it official! The Final Boss, Meiko Satomura, will defend the NXT UK Women’s Championship against the Warrior of the Sun, Sarray! And it’ll be NEXT WEEK! As such, Sarray spoke to the Japanese audience to say that “Satomura-san is recognized by everyone in Japan and around the world. However, I’m not going to stay down forever. Next week I will definitely be the new NXT UK Women’s Champion. Sarray is the sunrise. Meiko Satomura is the sunset.” Meiko’s response was that “Everyone tries to beat me, but no one can. Sarray has the ability to challenge me, but I will remain the strongest until someone beats me.”

The two had their photo op, and the stare down was very tense. Will Meiko prove to even her junior that she IS the Best in the World?


Amale VS Blair Davenport!

Whether or not The French Hope was on The Gothic Heiress’ mind when she returned, these two both want another chance at the NXT UK Women’s Championship, and must battle the other to get there. Will Amale keep her hopes and dreams alive? Or will everyone, even Meiko and Sarray, #BewareTheHeir?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. They tie up, go around, then break. Blair rushes in, Amale dodges to then arm-drag Blair around, and she avoids the dropkick to Oklahoma Roll! TWO, Blair knees low and drags Amale up for a headlock. Amale endures the thrashing, throws body shots and powers out. Things keep moving, Amale CLOBBERS Blair and fans fire up! Amale BOOTS Blair down and then runs, basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Amale drags Blair up. Amale talks some trash then bumps Blair off buckles. Amale runs side to side but Blair dodges the wash to GAMANGIRI!

Blair scoops Amale for the SLAM! Blair scuffs Amale to ropes, kicks her out of the ring, then goes out after her. Fans boo but Amale fires body shots. Blair CLUBS Amale, whips her, but Amale reverses! Blair hits barriers, but she avoids Amale’s boot! Amale gets stuck on the barrier and Blair throws her down by her hair! Fans rally for Amale but Blair puts her in the ring. Cover, TWO! Fans rally up again but Blair drags Amale up to ram shoulders! And again! Amale sits up, throws hands, but Blair CLUBS her! Amale wrenches, cording holds, then top wristlocks. Amale grabs at Blair, throws body shots, but Blair knees low.

Blair whips Amale to ropes to run her over! Cover, TWO! Blair clamps onto Amale but Amale fights back. Blair still gest the COBRA TWIST! Amale endures, fans rally up, and Amale RAMS Blair into a corner! Amale runs corner to corner but into BOOTS! Blair runs and GAMANGIRIS! Amale stays up but staggers to a corner. Amale rushes back at Blair, dodges her lariat to hit a LARIAT! Amale rallies on Blair, runs in at the corner and clotheslines! Fans fire up but Blair shoves Amale away. Blair BOOTS Amale, goes up and leaps, but Amale dodges! Blair’s bad leg jams! Amale hits a BULLDOG! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally and Amale snarls as she drags Blair up. Blair fights the waistlock, throws elbows, and is free to BUZZSAW Amale down! Cover, TWO! Amale is still in this and Blair is frustrated! Blair hurries to get Amale up, but Amale throws body shots. Blair CLUBS Amale, suplexes, but Amale slips out to waistlock and GERMAN SUPLEX! Blair flounders to a corner, Amale runs in to BOOT WASH! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up and Amale drags Blair up. Amale hooks Blair up but Blair throws elbows! Blair rolls Amale up, TWO! BLAIR TIGGER And then FALCON ARROW!! Cover, Blair wins!

Winner: Blair Davenport, by pinfall

The French Hope fought hard but Blair just hit that much harder! Will she be waiting right on the other side of that Joshi dream match for her own title shot?


Oliver Carter sits down at a nice table.

He enjoys a bit of champagne and smells the roses, then takes pen to paper. Teoman reads the message. “Hello. As you have been inviting me to join Die Familie, I thought I would come over for a nice family dinner. So I decided to enjoy myself. I’m sure you’re all cool with that. As you all jumped me last time, our beef is still on. And I did say I would run through you all.” Die Familie sees the evidence of Carter enjoying their luxuries. Rohan Raja will be next! Sincerely, The Hottest Superstar Under the Sun! Carter sent his message, will Raja send one back?


NXT UK checks in with The East End Bookie.

Sha Samuels just wants some peace and quiet. But there are still those calling to get their cut. Vultures! Sha taps out, he’s got nothing. Then give up your shoes. Fine… Take the socks as well, why don’t ya?! And that was just the morning. A little later, Danny Jones finds Sha trying to nap and he asks for his cut. Sha has no money! Then how about the track suit? Fine… And then the next layer goes to another fellow, as well as Sha’s hat! It’s barely even noon and NXT UK Media asks how Sha’s been. How’s he doing?! He’s lost all his money! Noam lost the cup and is upset with Sha! And there are still more coming to collect! Sha gives up his last hoodie, and then yells tot he sky!


Andre Chase U arrives!

The top of the class is coming to NXT UK! Bodhi Hayward, Thea Hail and Professor Chase himself are all going to be here next week!


NXT UK Championship: Ilja Dragunov VS Wolfgang!

The Czar respects the Last King of Scotland, and the Last King of Scotland respects The Czar. However, respect only goes so far when you fight with everything your heart and mind can give! But will Dragunov continue the Era of UNBESIEGBAR? Or will Wolfgang dethrone him and truly be THE Gallus Boy on top?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if there’s still respect between them when the dust settles!

The two circle as fans rally and duel. They tie up, go around, and Wolfgang powers Dragunov back to a corner. The ref counts the ropebreak, Wolfgang lets off but Dragunov keeps his guard up. Wolfgang steps aside and Dragunov steps out of the corner. They reset, tie up again, and are in a deadlock as both men dig deep. Dragunov manages to push Wolfgang back a couple steps, but Wolfgang pushes him back. Dragunov powers up to push Wolfgang back but Wolfgang puts Dragunov in the corner again. They reset again, Dragunov gets a headlock, but Wolfgang powers his way to a headlock of his own.

Wolfgang hits a headlock takeover, Dragunov gets a headscissor but Wolfgang kips free. Roles reverse as Dragunov hits a headlock takeover. Wolfgang kicks around, fights up, and fans rally up. Wolfgang throws body shots, powers out and they RAM shoulders. Fans rally, Dragunov headlocks Wolfgang. Wolfgang powers out again, they RAM shoulders but Dragunov keeps going! They RAM and RAM, but Wolfgang rebounds to run Dragunov over! Wolfgang scoop SLAMS Dragunov, but Dragunov kangaroo kicks! Dragunov eggs Wolfgang on, then sidesteps him to hit a BIG headlock takeover! Fans fire up for the technical exchange!

Dragunov grinds the headlock, Wolfgang endures and rolls to a cover, TWO! Dragunov lets Wolfgang go, but Wolfgang blocks the body scissors! So Dragunov JAPANESE ARM-DRAGS Wolfgang overhead! Dragunov keeps on Wolfgang with a facelock but Wolfgang fights up. Wolfgang powers out, but Dragunov shoots in to get the legs! Wolfgang stays up so Dragunov lifts him! But Dragunov’s own back gives up! Dragunov drops and writhes, the ref checks on him, and Wolfgang isn’t sure what to do. Dragunov says he can continue and stands up, but Wolfgang DECKS him! Fans rally and duel as Wolfgang DECKS Dragunov again!

Dragunov is furious, eh fires off forearms on Wolfgang! But Wolfgang puts Dragunov in a corner. Dragunov OBOTS then JUMP KICKS! Dragunov fires up to fight through the pain, and he runs in at the corner. Wolfgang catches him out of the air to TOSS him into the other corner! Dragunov is down in a heap but Wolfgang drives a knee into the back! And again! And then drops an elbow on the back! Wolfgang chinlocks and digs his knee in to stretch Dragunov back. Fans rally as Dragunov endures, but Wolfgang drops another elbow! Wolfgang gets the legs but Dragunov fights the turnover. Dragunov kicks Wolfgang away, then goes Matrix, only to fall over!

Wolfgang feels a bit torn about fighting Dragunov when he’s in this bad of shape, but he still runs to BASEMENT SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov survives, despite his back hurting, but Wolfgang looms over him. Dragunov stands so Wolfgang throws a forearm. Dragunov gives it back, Wolfgang gives another! Wolfgang has Dragunov in a corner, he snapmares Dragunov and KICKS him in the back! Dragunov seethes but Wolfgang drags him back up. Dragunov throws a LARIAT! And another! And then he fires off palm strikes! Dragunov runs, but even just hitting the ropes hurts that back!

Wolfgang choke grips and shoves Dragunov into ropes to tweak the back more! Wolfgang drops another elbow, TWO! Fans rally and Wolfgang is still a bit conflicted, but he gets Dragunov up to whip into buckles! It wasn’t even that hard but that sore back is very weak. Wolfgang whips corner to corner, Dragunov stops himself to elbow Wolfgang! Dragunov is just crazy enough to scoop Wolfgang wit the bad back! But he falls over! Wolfgang covers, TWO! Wolfgang keeps on Dragunov with a rear bearhug! Dragunov endures, fans fire up and Dragunov fights up again. Dragunov throws elbows and is free!

Dragunov wobbles but he still CHOPS the chest, CHOPS the leg, then CHOPS Wolfgang’s back! Dragunov waistlocks and lifts, but his back won’t let him finish it! Wolfgang elbows Dragunov away, avoids the enziguri, then shoves Dragunov to CLUB the back! Wolfgang shoves again, but Dragunov PELES! Fans fire up and Dragunov grits his teeth. Dragunov roars and runs in at Wolfgang, to JUMP KNEE! Dragunov falls over, because now even his leg is hurting! But Dragunov forces himself to climb, for the KING KONG KNEE DROP!! Wolfgang sputters but Dragunov roars! Fans fire up with Dragunov as he drags Wolfgang up.

Dragunov tries to scoop but that back holds him back again. Wolfgang wrenches, but Dragunov body scissors to drag Wolfgang down! HAMMERING ELBOWS! And a BACK SENTON! Dragunov keeps using double-edged offense, but the fans rally for him to keep going. Dragunov stands again and he uses his side to rebound off ropes, to LARIAT! But Wolfgang stays up to Dragunov LARIATS! And LARIATS! But then Wolfgang LARIATS and down goes Dragunov! Cover, TWO!! Wolfgang drags Dragunov up, torture racks him, and hits a DROPPING BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov survives and fans are thunderous!

Fans rally up as Dragunov stirs. Wolfgang snarls, drags Dragunov up with a facelock, but Dragunov shoots after a leg! Dragunov clubs at the knee, but Wolfgang stays clamped on to suplex. Dragunov cradle counters, rolls through it, FALLING FOREARM!! Cover, TWO!! Wolfgang survives the clobbering shot and fans are thunderous again! Dragunov drags himself to a corner, to the apron, and up the corner?! Fans fire up for “UNBESIEGBAR!” as he stands up, for a SUPER SENTON!! But his back!! Dragunov shouts in pain while both he and Wolfgang writhe on the mat! Dragunov drags himself to the corner as Wolfgang slowly sits up.

Both men stand and fans are fire dup! TORPEDO- EUROUPPER from Wolfgang! Wolfgang scoops for the CABER TOSS!! Cover, TWO!?!? No one can believe Dragunov survives! Fans love “NXT! NXT!” as Wolfgang hurries to a corner and climbs now! Dragunov stands and climbs up after him! They both throw body shots, Dragunov CLUBS Wolfgang over and over and over! But Wolfgang SHOVES Dragunov down! Dragunov flounders back up and fans fire up! Wolfgang SLINGSHOTS, into a KNEE!!! Dragunov slaps himself to get back in this, and he deadlifts Wolfgang into the BRAINBUSTER!!

Dragunov aims and shouts, “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!” TORPEDO MOSCOW!!! Cover, Dragunov wins!!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by pinfall (still NXT UK Champion)

Somehow, someway, the Czar keeps hold of this title! He fought through the pain, he fought against Wolfgang’s own toughness, and he shows respect to the Last King of Scotland! Wolfgang shows respect back, but then who is next for Dragunov to face?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for NXT UK, though not as awesome as I would’ve expected for having two title matches. Given that NXT UK records episodes in batches, this tag title defense happened before Briggs & Jensen VS Pretty Deadly because that match was wild. But in the end, I figured Briggs & Jensen would win anyway. I’m not sure who Briggs & Jensen will lose to but there’s plenty of time for a tag team to be built up to do it. Carter and Die Familie had a very creative promo to set up the next part of their feud, and I guess Dempsey is the strongest member of the faction since he’s clearly being left as Carter’s third and last opponent.

Good promo from Tyler Bate to warn Trent Seven as we’re still building towards their match. Good “press conference” promo from Sarray and Meiko, and I like that with the match now official, there’s tension building between them. That is going to be an awesome match, and I still feel like it could go either way. Meiko’s had a great reign, and other than Blair getting one more shot at her, I don’t see why Sarray can’t take this title now. Blair is of course poised for a shot after a great win in that match with Amale. A bit shorter than expected but this episode did need time for the main event.

Now, clearly there’s a discrepancy between how NXT UK scheduled their episodes and how NXT 2.0 is writing theirs. NXT 2.0 said Chase U had come and gone from the UK, but next week is when we’ll see them actually visit the UK brand. I’m happy we’re still getting Chase U in the UK, I can’t wait to see how Chase, Bodhi and Thea interact with the UK stars. Hilarious bit from Sha, he’s broke and desperate, almost like “Bum Ass Corbin” from a year ago. I’m curious to see where Sha and Dar go from here. Maybe now is the time for Dar to move up in the rankings and try for the top title? Dragunov VS Wolfgang was great stuff, and it was quite the twist that Dragunov had to fight through a bad back. Dragunov retains, and with little other contenders, give me Czar VS Dar!

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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