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Andrew’s IMPACT Results & Match Ratings: 7.28.2022

Kushida makes his Impact debut (2015 was a GFW Amped taping, don’t act like it counts)!



The Guns show last week ended about as well as any long standing TNA fan could ask for. Alex Shelley finally gets the overdue rub for a World title shot. It also turned out to be a good way to have Kushida make his IMPACT debut with the save. 

Tonight should be good since we’ve only got a few more weeks until Emergence, we know the main event; but there are so many potential variables, the rest of the card could go in many directions. Also does Gisele Shaw get murdered by Masha tonight, or does she find a way out of the death note? 


  • Eddie Edwards w/Honor No More vs Ace Austin w/Chris Bey: Eddie wins via Die Hard Driver – *** ¾ 
  • Laredo Kid & Trey Miguel vs Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice: Laredo wins via Frog Splash – *
  • Showcase Match: Tiffany Nieves vs Jada Stone: Nieves wins via Dirty Stack Cradle – *
  • Shera w/Raj Singh vs Josh Alexander: Josh wins via Ankle Lock – * ½ 
  • Rich Swann vs Kushida: Kushida wins via Avalanche Hoverboard Lock – ****



Eddie Edwards w/Honor No More vs Ace Austin w/Chris Bey

Ace plays to the crowd and Eddie attacks him quickly to try and make an example of Ace. But Ace fights back using his agility and unique offense, turning a counter into a La Magistral attempt that Eddie kicks out of quickly. Ace starts toying with Eddie, even pulling out the playing card between the fingers as we remember two things: 1. This is heel versus heel – 2. Ace tried to bang Eddie’s wife a few years ago. 

Counter wrestling gives Eddie a decent length control spot before Ace starts rolling (literally) and going for a few quick strikes and a crisp Dropkick to change up the pace. Ace Spiderman’s and then Eddie misses him between the ropes, Fosbury Flop from Ace for a pretty solid crowd pop. Slides back in Eddie, Triangle Guillotine Leg Drop for a near fall. Ace charges the corner, misses, Gamengiri from Eddie, Backpack Stunner gives Eddie the near fall. Ace is playing the babyface role more clearly after the initial heel tactics, but that’s to be expected. Boston Knee Party misses, head capture Mushroom Stomp, Kenny hops on the apron to distract Ace, Bey tries to neutralize Kenny, the ref ejects them both but not before each man makes their presence more felt.

Spinning Heel Kick from Ace, charge for The Fold and Eddie hits the release Overhead Belly to Belly into the corner as we go to commercial. Coming back, Eddie is lighting up Ace with wrist control chops and a short arm lariat. Three consecutive pinfall attempts from Eddie to try and wear down Ace, as Ace keeps fighting back. A few quick Forearms from Ace, attempted Triangle Kick misses and Eddie hits a Gowan Lariat. Boston Knee Party miss again, Triangle Kick lands for a 2 count. Ace calls for The Fold, Eddie grans the ref so Ace gets frustrated, tries something, Eddie counters out, Ganso Bomb, into TIger Driver into Die Hard Driver for the win!

Laredo Kid & Trey Miguel vs Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice

So it’s nice to see that Laredo Kid has fallen into irrelevance so far that he’s in a gimmick comedy match. At least Laredo will finally get a win. 

Trey and Zicky start, Zicky actually rolls through some of the offense Lucha style and does a little bit of the Eddie Guerrero shoulder shake. Rehwoldt gets a little perturbed and then Swinger and ZIcky put on gimp masks and think they have twin magic going on. Demolition they ain’t…but it’s a little amusing. Swinger tries to switch places but Trey knows and Zicky does get an attack of opportunity. 

I do appreciate the safe word, Pulp Fiction and fun references that commentary is making to try and fill in for a match that is obviously not competitive. It was a little amusing, but honestly went too long for a match that had literally zero suspense. 

Showcase Match: Tiffany Nieves vs Jada Stone

Tasha Steelz comes out to commentary, and Stone comes out looking like she took inspiration from Harlem Heat’s attire, but she’s also playing the happy babyface. 

Nieves is the pompous one trying to take over quickly and not letting Stone even enjoy the moment just yet. Nieves is working her over, pulling hair and stomping. Jada does a little Matrix counter, Cartwheel Kick, Headscissors, Split Legged Moonsault takes too long and wipes out. Russian Leg Sweep, stack cradle and Nieves grabs the rope for the dirty pinfall victory. 

Killer Kelly’s music hits and she saunters down to the ring. She smiles at Nieves as Nieves gets in her face, a shove, then Kelly hits the Pump Kick into a  Key Lock Sleeper, dispensing with Nieves; then Kelly hits the John Woo on Stone and the Double Underhook Facebuster lays out Stone. Kelly leaves her mark. 

Shera w/Raj Singh vs Josh Alexander

A quick shoving match leads Shera to try and intimidate Josh but Josh turns it around and won’t be intimidated. After an across the ring hip toss, Josh grabs the ropes, kicks Shera and then tries to Lariat him over the ropes. It takes three running lariats, but he finally gets Shera over. Josh works him over on the outside, they come back in, Shera tries to regain some ground, Josh fights him off, grabs the ankle and makes the lion tap with the correct amount of ease.

Raj is still in the ring complaining about how Josh took things too far and should’ve been disqualified. Lights go out, Sami stuffs Raj into the mat and then addresses the Maclin & Moose situation. 

Ric Flair Moment of the Week: Impact 6/17/2010 Jay Lethal “WOO” Off

Rich Swann vs Kushida

Swann admitted last week that he feels he’s gotten his groove back after a great 2021 but then falling off a bit after losing the World title to Kenny Omega. This will be a good test for both men.

Kushida got most of the crowd support, Swann even tried to see if the support would volley, but Kushida has the obvious fan excitement. Starting with some quick mat wrestling, Kushida almost gets a position, but Rich spins out of it. Lots of mat and chain wrestling that is just going back and forth but nothing impactful yet.

Float overs, leg trips, bat aways, dueling Dropkick Spot, and both take time to stare at each other. The mirror match has been going on these first few minutes and then Kushida goes for his Inoki influence kicking at the legs, doing the full guard and then jumping on Swann and forcing the test of strength. Kushida eats a little from Rich and then two big Liger influenced SHOTEIS sends RIch to powder, and then a little more Liger reference with the pose and quick feet in the middle. 

Commercial break brings us back to Kushida tying up Rich and a little bit of a modified layout Rings of Saturn before Rich hits a Twisting Dropkick to try and shake out some of the pain. Open hand strike exchange until Rich hits the Sole Butt sending Kushida retreating into the corner. A few big Bicycle Kicks send Kushida to powder, Kushida tries to fight back, Rich gets him against the post and then Rich misses with a chop. Kushida slowly starts trying to find a way back into the match after Rich missed the chop. But not before Rich manages to get in 10 Count Punches and then a little hesitation Bitch Slap. Dueling Crossbody sends both men spilling to the mat. But it does finally give Kushida a chance for continuous offense. 

Big kicks, rope run lariat, Pele Kick, Running Shotei, Bulldog Shoulder Breaker into a Cross Armbreaker which as Rich tries to roll, Kushida turns it into a Russian Armbar before Rich can get to the ropes. Hammerlock Neck Crank, into a Dropkick right to the wrist, a few traded shots and a Sliding Kick to the Left Arm of Rich gives another small breather for both men. Swann with the combination kicks out of the corner, Neckbreaker, Stepover Back Kick for 2. 

Rich goes to the middle rope, Phoenix, MISS! Soccer Ball Kick to the left arm, Cartwheel Dropkick, Hoverboard – blocked by Rich into a Belly to Back Suplex. Kicks, Rich plucks Kushida off the top rope with a Headscissor. Kushida rocks Rich with the Back Handspring Kick, climbs up with him… Avalanche Hoverboard Lock and Kushida wins! 

Overall Score: 6.75/10

Two great matches to bookend the show, but some definite weirdness in between. A gimmick tag match just to keep Swinger and Zicky’s Dungeon storyline active, but fairly useless for the other two guys. A random local talent match that was used to debut the beautiful and vicious Killer Kelly. So I’m happy to see Kelly, but the segment was a little meh. And Josh having a warm up match with a mid carder who always gets attempted to be billed as a monster for like 3 minutes and then ends up jobbing into obscurity. 

I did appreciate getting to see more of the Jessicka character. The C and K cause she’s SIICK line was pretty great. A bunch of people including Johnny Gargano putting over Alex Shelley for finally getting an overdue World Title shot was nice. Honor No More getting hunted by Heath while trying to devise their own way to get what they want really has a screw job written all over it. Now I don’t feel like Honor No More has overstayed their usefulness, I just feel like they didn’t get the chance to capitalize on any early heat. Plus somehow, Impact has made me like Taven. So if they disband and he leaves for AEW or something, I’m never gonna watch him again cause I’d rather get a ghost pepper hot sauce enema than watch AEW. 

But either way, the show opened and closed great, had weird in-ring action in the middle, but solid segments for other stories. A well rounded show all things considered.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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