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Mitchell’s NXT Halloween Havoc Results & Report! (10/22/22)

Something wicked this way comes!



Halloween Havoc 2022

This is Halloween! Everybody laugh ‘n’ scream!

NXT Halloween Havoc is back again, and so is Shotzi Blackheart as its host! But the real headline is the NXT Championship Triple Threat! Will the numbers spell disaster for Bron Breakker once again?


  • Vacated NXT North American Championship Ladder Match: Carmelo Hayes VS Wes Lee VS Von Wagner VS Oro Mensah VS Nathan Frazer; Wes wins and is the new NXT North American Champion.
  • Casket Match: Apollo Crews VS Grayson Waller; Apollo wins.
  • Weapons Wild: Cora Jade VS Roxanne Perez; Roxie wins.
  • High Stakes Ambulance Match: Julius Creed VS Damon Kemp; Julius wins and keeps Brutus in NXT.
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Mandy Rose VS Alba Fyre; Mandy wins and retains the title.
  • NXT Championship Triple Threat: Bron Breakker VS JD McDonagh VS Ilja Dragunov; Bron wins and retains the title.


It’s the Halloween Havoc Kickoff Show!

Join McKenzie Mitchell, “Stone Cold” Sam Roberts and Busted Open Radio’s Dave LaGreca in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action on the scariest night of WWE’s year!


Shotzi Blackheart and Quincy Elliot are backstage!

Our Halloween Havoc cohosts are with Apollo Crews and Grayson Waller, and the wheel! Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal! Where it lands, that is the stipulation for tonight’s match! Waller knows, just get to it! Save it for later, Waller. Shotzi has everyone step back and SPINS! Waller says he’s not scared, but he wants Coal Miner’s Glove. Blindfold match? NO, it’s a Casket Match! You win when you stuff the other inside and slam the lid shut! Apollo loves it! Is Waller ready to hold his breath? Happy Halloween~! Waller is speechless for once! Will he shut up when the lid shuts closed?


Alba Fyre speaks.

“Mandy Rose, if you wanna fight fire with fire, then meet me here tomorrow night.” Fyre waits on the Haunted Trail, but will the Toxic Goddess show?

Toxic Attraction responds.

Jacy Jayne says Alba is such a freak! But if she wants to fight fire with fire, let’s play! Wait, Mandy can’t be serious. She’s not going, is she? What do they mean? Of course she’s going! What does Mandy have to fear? She’s the most dominant women’s champion ever, and they’re Toxic Attraction! Yeah, but that doesn’t mean she has to go! Mandy says she’ll beat Alba down, drag her back here, and finish this in the ring. Mandy heads out, Gigi and Jacy think this is crazy, but will Mandy find a way to retain the title?


Chucky introduces the show.

Halloween is his favorite time of year. And last year, your old pal made sure there was plenty of violence. This year, there’ll be even more! A title hangs in the heavens, and one man goes through hell to get it. Playing with fire is good clean fun, but Mandy Rose might get burned by Fyre. Some deserve to feel pain, but all three men in the main event welcome it! A dog faced gremlin meets a machine and a bloodthirsty psycho second only to Chucky. “This is gonna be a war! Not to mention, caskets, ambulances and more mayhem this guy can ask for.” Enjoy the carnage, enjoy the fun, enjoy Halloween Havoc!


Quincy Elliot is on stage.

“Queen of Halloween, AWAKEN!” Shotzi has her saw! She welcomes us to the scariest night of the year! “Halloween Havoc, it’s SHOWTIME!” Shotzi howls to the moon, and it’s time to get spooky!


Vacated NXT North American Championship Ladder Match: Carmelo Hayes VS Wes Lee VS Von Wagner VS Oro Mensah VS Nathan Frazer!

The A Champion tried to keep this belt by any means necessary, but it backfired when Solo Sikoa took it from him. But a technicality then took the title from Solo, and now Melo must fight to get this belt back! Will he use every Trick in the book to be The A Champion again? Or will we truly get a NEW champion here tonight?

The introductions are made, the ladder hangs high above, and we see who brings down the other four to be the one!

The bell rings and fans are fired up already. The five look at the belt, and then at each other. Melo says duh, let’s get a ladder. But Wes SUPERKICKS him first! Then LEAPS on him outside the ring! Von throws Frazer into Oro, clotheslines Oro then throws Frazer back in to SPLASH them both! Von throws shoulders, runs in but into a BOOT! Frazer & Oro fire off, double whip, dodge and DOUBLE SUPERKICK! Von falls out, Oro and Frazer look up. Oro knees low, whips Frazer to a corner but Frazer goes up and over! Things speed up, Frazer ducks ‘n’ dodges and CLOBBERS Oro! Oro bails out and Frazer goes to a corner!

Frazer SUPER CROSSBODIES Von! Fans are thunderous for Frazer and he hurries to look under the ring. Frazer brings out the first ladder! Frazer slides that in the ring, hurries to grab it, but so do Oro and Melo! All three men stare down, Oro and Frazer DOUBLE CHOP Melo! Melo leaps the ladder, but the ladder gets him on the return! Then the ladder gets Wes! And then Oro & Frazer RAM Wes, then THROW the ladder at him! Melo RAMS Frazer inot the ladder, he kicks and whips Oro but Oro WRECKS Von! Melo KNEES Oro, Frazer DECKS Melo! Frazer stands the ladder up, to COMPLETE SHOT Melo into it!

Fans are thunderous as Frazer is all alone again! Frazer hurries to set this ladder up under the belt! Frazer climbs, but Oro drags him back down. Oro clinches to EXPLODER! Frazer flops out of the ring and Oro hurries up. But Wes gets a ladder of his own in, and then brings Oro down. Wes blocks a kick but Oro hits the ROLLING KICK! Melo CLOBBERS Oro, then he folds up this first ladder. He slams it but Wes avoids disaster! Oro blocks a ladder bump to elbow Melo and back drop him on the ladder! Melo writhes, but Wes SHOTGUNS Oro onto the ladder! Wes hurries but VOn returns! Wes dropkicks a leg out and Von bumps off the ladder!

Wes RAMS the ladder into Von, then corners him with it! Wes BOOTS the ladder over and over to jam it into Von! Wes then goes up to rain down fists! Fans count, but Von shove shim away! Wes ducks the ladder toss, but not the BOOT! Robert Stone is fired up as Von sets the ladder up! Fans boo but Oro returns. Von SMACKS Oro into the ladder! Von RAMS Frazer! Frazer avoids being cornered and he RAN- NO, Von blocks the rana to POWERBOMB Frazer on the ladder! Fans lose their minds while Von THROWS the ladder at Wes! Von stands a ladder up under the belt now, but Melo climbs it! Von DECKS him first!

Von throws hands, shoves, but Melo ducks ‘n’ dodges and tilt-o-whirl FACEBUSTERS! Fans fire up and Melo picks up the ladder. Melo climbs as fans duel, but Frazer springboards and MISSILE DROPKICKS Melo down! But then Wes rides a ladder down, onto Frazer! Fans lose their minds over that one! All five men are down, “This is Awesome!” and still just beginning! Oro SCISSOR KICKS Wes onto the ladder! Oro DROPKICKS Von, then LIONSAULTS Wes on the ladder! A little double edge, and Melo SUPERKICKS Oro! Melo pushes ladder aside, catches Oro’s boots, and he puts him in ropes!

Trick puts the ladder under Oro, FADE AWAY onto the ladder!! Melo drags the ladder up, RAMS Frazer, then brings Frazer around, Melo takes his shot, but Frazer catches him! INVERTED SPANISH FLY onto the ladder!!! Fans lose their minds all over again after that one! But Von CHOKE SLAMS Frazer! Von stands the ladder up, Wes rushes in, Wes slips through the choke slam to ENZIGURI! And FLYING CHUCK! And ROLLING KICK! Von flops out of the ring and fans fire up, but Melo LARIATS Wes and himself out of the ring! Oro is alone with the ladder, and he sets it up under the belt! Oro climbs, but Trick gets in the ring!

Trick tips the ladder, Oro LEAPS but wipes out on the ropes before wiping out the others! Refs hurry to check on them all, and Trick looks to climb?! But then Stone gets in the ring! Managers climb up the ladder but Trick stops Stone and SLAMS his hand on the ladder! Stone CLOCKS Trick with a shoe! Trick tips the ladder and Stone wipes out on the ropes now! Fans are electric for “NXT! NXT!” as EVERYONE is down! Oro manages to crawl back in, he stands the ladder up and climbs, only for Von to stop him! Von YANKS Oro down, TOSSES him, but Oro skins the cat! Von RAMS Oro with the ladder, then RAMS Melo with it!

Von roars and TOSSES the ladder onto Wes and Frazer! Frazer gets a double tap from that ladder while Von goes out to look under the ring. Von finds a BIG ladder and brings it out. The front row assures him he can bring it out, but they almost get bopped! Oro fires off on Von, Von CLOBBERS him then CLOBBERS Melo! Von sets this ladder up as a bridge between ring and barriers and fans fire up. Wes GAMANGIRIS Von into sitting on the ladder! Frazer is up top, FROG SPLASH on Von through the ladder!!! Fans lose their minds all over again! Frazer gets up from the wreckage, but Wes is in the ring. Wes FLIES onto Frazer!

Oro SHOTGUNS Wes! Melo dodges Oro to leap off the barriers for the FLYING LARIAT! But Wes CANNONBALLS Melo! Wes fires up as he grits his teeth and the fans are behind him! Wes brings out another ladder from under the ring, and this is a BIG one. Wes struggles with it but he puts that ladder in the ring, only for Von to CLOBBER him! Von stands one of the other ladders up and fans chant “NO! NO! NO!” But Wes climbs it! Von grabs at Wes, brings him down, and trophy lifts him! Von TOSSES Wes to the commentary table!! Wes crashes ‘n’ burns and fans lose their minds a fourth time! And this is just the opener!

Von is climbing! Fans freak out, but FRAZER returns! Frazer fires off hands and brings Von down! Frazer kicks Von away, reaches up, but Von grabs him! Von brings Frazer around, but Frazer RANAS Von out! Von drags Frazer off the apron to TOSS him into the barriers! But Oro WHEEL KICKS Von! Oro has a smaller ladder and Frazer helps RAM it into Von! Von goes over the barriers! Frazer and Oro nod to each other, they RAM Von again for good measure! And then they dump go up the barriers, to SLAM the ladder down on Von! And again! And again! Von is wedged in there, and fans fire up with Oro!

Oro and Frazer then see a clear path to the belt. Oro pushes Frazer over and hurries in! Frazer hurries after, they both climb, and they brawl up top! Fans rally as the forearms fly, but Oro hooks Frazer. Frazer resists the suplex, they both throw forearms again, and Frazer grabs the belt! Oro CLUBS him first, grabs for the belt, but then Oro clinches Frazer to shove him down HARD! But Melo RAMS a ladder at Oro’s legs. Oro jumps up, Melo climbs at him, the ladders are wedged together. Melo YANKS Oro down, TOSSES him out, and then hurries up the main ladder! Fans are going nuts, but Wes runs up the other ladder to FLYING FOREARM!

Melo falls, fans are thunderous again, and Wes throws hands with Melo over the ladder bridge. They go back and forth, Melo DECKS Wes but Wes comes back with a ROLLING ELBOW! Melo comes back but Wes trips him up! Melo hits ladder on the way down! Wes hurries up and over him! Melo grabs Wes, CLUBS and throws body shots, they brawl on the ladder bridge. They throw hands fast and furious and fans are loving it! Wes throws body shots, he ROCKS Melo, then climbs up. But Melo crawls up behind and anchors a foot. Wes kicks Melo, but Melo keeps holding on! Wes kicks free to METEORA on the ladder!

Wes keeps himself in the ring and he hurries back up! Wes climbs, fans are thunderous, Wes gets the belt and he wins!!

Winner: Wes Lee (NEW NXT North American Champion)

The Must-See Kid finally has the belt he’s been after for so long! His first singles title and fans chant, “You Deserve It!” With all Wes endured, both this year and in this match, will anything ever stop him now that he’s champion?


Somewhere on the haunted hiking trail…

Toxic Attraction arrives together, and Gigi gets into the spirit. “We’re here~!” Okay, don’t be so dramatic. They’re gonna go look for Alba, beat her down, drag her ass back to the arena, and then Mandy will beat her to retain the title. Correction: Mandy & Gigi can go look for her while Jacy stays in the car. Jacy got a broken rib on Tuesday. Oh, suck it up! Gigi says it’ll be easy! It’s 3v1! It doesn’t matter how many bats Fyre has, they’ll get her. It’ll be a No Contest, even! Jacy says they don’t need her. One half of the best tag team champions, one of the most dominant women’s champions- Stop, Jacy, you’re coming along. Don’t be so scared.

They exit, Jacy clings to Mandy, but they each get a flashlight and start looking. Jacy is already wanting to go home but Gigi really likes how spooky it is. Jacy gets spooked easily, but then a zombie speaks! BOP! Jacy! Oh, whatever! Let’s get going! They leave whoever that was behind, and then find a spooky ax murderer. Oh, and the mansion at the end of the trail. The three head in, and Gigi loves it! Jacy says Fyre isn’t in there, they can go back to the car. The door opens on its own… “Mandy, come and play~!” Toxic Attraction steps inside, there are arms reaching out from the walls, but no Fyre. Mandy suggests splitting up. Doesn’t she watch horror movies? Don’t ever split up!

Gigi teases Jacy and Jacy asks why she’s like this. Cuz Gigi loves Halloween! And Mandy loves her title. The faster they find Fyre, the faster they end this. Whoever finds Fyre first, scream and the others will rush to her. Then the statue moves! Jacy runs off afraid. She even gets spooked by wheels hanging from the ceiling. Jacy apologizes to Fyre. She kicks at a dummy that pops up in a chair. Is Fyre in here? She kicks another dummy! Something moves behind her. But then Fyre snatches Jacy from behind the movie screen! Gigi laughs it off, thinking Jacy is just being Jacy. Wait, Chucky? What’s he doing here? “Wanna play?” Tea party? Vampire needs dental work.

It’s kinda cold. Someone is offering a drink? Gigi says she’s good, but then it’s FYRE! She SMACKS Gigi off the table! Fyre stalks Gigi, throws her around the hallway, but Gigi hits back! They brawl, Gigi smacks Fyre with plates! Gigi SMACKS Fyre with the fridge door! Someone’s in the fridge! Fyre BOOTS Gigi into the fridge! Fyre has Gigi stay cool in there while she goes looking for Mandy. Mandy low blows a spook trying to spook her. Then she plays the organ, only for the organ to play itself! Mandy shrugs it off, but FYRE is there! And BAM, she hits Mandy with the bat! Mandy throws Fyre into a wall, then KNEES down some Jason wannabe.

Fyre hits Mandy, swings but hits a barrel! Mandy grabs the bat to RAM Fyre! She told you she’d fight fire with fire. But then Pumpkin Head takes the bat from her! Fyre hooks Mandy up but Mandy scrambles free. Only to come face to face with a ghoul and a well! Fyre gets Mandy in a SLEEPER! Fyre takes Mandy with her to the car and Jacy begs Fyre not to take her! Fyre asks what they always say. There’s Toxic Attraction, and then there’s everybody else? Well, Fyre’s not everybody else. She cracks Jacy and Gigi one more time, before driving back towards the arena!


Casket Match: Apollo Crews VS Grayson Waller!

The wheel sealed the fate of these two men during the kickoff show, but now one man will be put inside that old pine box. Will Apollo not just see Waller’s demise, but be the one to make it a reality? Or will the Grayson Waller Effect change the future?

The bell rings and the hands start flying! Fans fire up as Apollo ROCKS Waller, but Waller elbows him away. Apollo DROPKICKS, then he tackles Waller to rain down fists! Waller pushes Apollo away but Apollo ROCKS him and CHOPS him in the corner. Waller gasps but Apollo ROCKS and CHOPS again. Apollo whips, Waller reverses but Apollo goes up and over, only for Waller to LEG LARIAT! Waller rains down fists and fans boo. Waller goes to the corner, goes up and walks the rope, BALLER ELBOW! But then he mocks the Dead Man’s sit up. Apollo copies that, too! Waller kicks but Apollo blocks!

Apollo shoves Waller out of the ring, then slingshots, but Waller gets away. Waller goes for legs but Apollo kicks him away to ASAI MOONSAULT! Fans fire up as Waller goes down, and Apollo brings Waller around the way. Apollo ROCKS Waller, then ROCKS him again! Apollo eggs Waller on but Waller crawls back. Waller kicks the leg out, then he cravats to throw knees! Waller reels Apollo in but Apollo fights the suplex. Apollo gets around to lift, but Waller fights free! Waller runs, but into an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplex! Waller writhes and crawls away but Apollo pursues him into the ring.

Waller mule kicks then sliding kicks! Apollo goes down, fans boo, but Waller stomps and CLUBS Apollo. Apollo throws forearms but Waller kicks low. Waller whips but Apollo reverses to TOSS Waller again! Apollo goes out after Waller but Waller throws body shots. Apollo ROCKS Waller back, then he SHOTGUNS Waller onto the desk! Booker T and Vic Joseph give them room as Apollo rains down hands on Waller! Waller uses one of Vic’s pens on Apollo’s eye! Waller throws hands, RAMS Apollo into barriers, then stands on Apollo’s head. Waller talks trash, he drags Apollo up, and he POSTS him!

Fans boo as Waller stalks Apollo. They go to the apron, Waller throws hands then fireman’s carries. Apollo fights free, hoists Waller up top, then he climbs up. Fans actually duel as Waller resists the superplex! Waller throws body shots, then he THUMBS Apollo in the eyes Apollo falls, through the casket lid!! Is that a win or not?! The refs talk it out, Waller celebrates, but the refs say no, you have to CLOSE the lid, not break it! But then the lights go out! And when they come back up, Apollo is GONE!? Waller then looks up the ramp, and the druids bring out a new casket! Apollo says this is ending one way or another!

Waller rushes out, Apollo DECKS him, then RAMS him into steel steps! Apollo then pulls the steps apart, but Waller throws knees! Waller goes to bump but Apollo blocks to SMACK Waller off the steps! And again! And again! Apollo then brings up the other half, and SLAMS it down! Waller avoids disaster, but Apollo dodges his haymaker to scoop and FALL AWAY SLAM! Waller writhes and fans fire up! Apollo hobbles over to Waller, and the other steel steps, and jumps up to MOONSAULT off! Fans fire up as the new casket is finally here! Apollo has the lid open, he puts Waller in the ring, and he stalks Waller to a corner to clothesline!

Apollo runs to clothesline in the corner again! And then again! And then again! Apollo stomps a mudhole into Waller and then some and the fans fire up! Apollo fireman’s carries for a GUT BUSTER DROP! Waller flounders, Apollo pushes Waller closer, and then a little closer. Waller falls inside the casket, and Apollo crawls out of the ring. But Waller blocks the lid! Waller JABS Apollo, then leaps to push Apollo partway in! Waller SLAMS the lid on Apollo, then shoves him all the way it! But Apollo blocks now! Apollo drags Waller in to join him! They brawl inside the casket, both men DECK each other!

Waller and Apollo stare down while fans fire up. Waller scrambles into the ring but Apollo drags him out! Apollo TOSSES Waller to the floor, then gets out to FROG SPLASH from the casket! Fans fire up for Apollo while Waller crawls away. Apollo pursues, the lid opens again, and Apollo waistlocks Waller on the apron! Waller holds the corner, throws some elbows, but Apollo ROCKS him again. Apollo gets in the ring to ENZIGURI! Waller wobbles, but Apollo runs, into the STUNNER!! Both men are down and fans are fired up again! Waller mocks the Dead Man again with the throat slash, and he drags Apollo up.

Waller gut wrenches Apollo, but Apollo turns it around! Apollo turns Tombstone into GUT BUSTER! Waller flounders towards the casket and Apollo crawls after him. Apollo shoves Waller in, but Waller gets his fingers in between lid and casket! Waller JABS Apollo, somersaults, but Apollo blocks the stunner! Waller elbows, and choke grips! But Apollo throws elbows! Apollo POSTS Waller, then POP-UP SPINEBUSTERS Waller into the casket! Apollo slams the lid shut and wins!!

Winner: Apollo Crews

Apollo promised he’d leave Waller in the dark, and it must be very dark inside that casket! Will this win help Apollo’s future be very bright?


NXT checks on Chase U.

Professor Andre Chase thanks the students for submitting their Halloween Havoc history reports, and is very pleased by many. But some were the “drizzling sh*ts.” How could they not have remembered the location of Halloween Havoc 1995? Duheim, you’re better than that! Chase gets so mad because he know show bright they are, and he wants them to succeed. But there’s a new transfer student: Duke Hudson. But how?! Bodhi, give Duke a chance. But Chase will be watching him closely. Duke knows that, and he assures everyone that he’s here to learn. He’s very excited to get to know them all.

Bonus question for extra points: Halloween Havoc 1996, who did the Outsiders beat to win the WCW Tag Team titles? Bodhi says the Nasty Boys. Sorry, that was wrong. The Steiners? No, not them, either. Anyone else? Duke says it was Booker T & Stevie Ray, Harlem Heat. Yes, that is correct, and a very historic night. Thea is impressed but Bodhi is upset. Class is over, you are dismissed. Bodhi feels bad and he goes to Chase. They don’t trust Duke, but Bodhi just has to be better in class. Bodhi agrees, and says he’ll be better prepared. Is Duke really here to get a degree? Or is he playing some kind of long game?


Backstage interview with Pretty Deadly.

How confident are they going into their tag title defense against Malik Blade & Edris Enofe? Kit Wilson says they’re as tasty as ever with not a care in the world. Elton Prince says “those chaps want to shock the world, but the only thing shocking is that they’re getting the time of day from these dandy highwaymen.” Kit says there is a full itinerary as tag team champions. SIDE PLATE CHECK! But then the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, Kayden & Katana walk in. Typical PD, more concerned about looks than wins. They think they’re the greatest? KC Squared says different.

Uh, the only thing PD is worried about is what outfits they’re gonna wear this Tuesday. As for Kayden & Katana, well, break a leg. Well, we’ll see who walks out on Tuesday with their titles. But with both sets of titles on the line, will we see both pairs lose it all?


Weapons Wild: Cora Jade VS Roxanne Perez!

Speaking of championships, these two were NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, but jealousy and pride got in the way. The Generation of Jade won’t let anyone get ahead of her, not even her former best friend. Will she break the Breakout Star to then make NXT all about her? Or will Roxie use anything and everything at ringside to bring about a new generation?

Roxie brings a trash can with her, but it’s not about the can. She opens it up to bring out a skateboard! Roxie is bringing back what Cora used to break this friendship! The bell rings, kendo stick meets board and board wins! But Cora dodges the next swing to bail out! Roxie pursues, uses the board to shied herself from trash can lid after trash can lid, and Cora gets worried. She tries a broom but nope, Roxie JAMS her with the board! Roxie bumps Cora off the apron, puts her in the ring, and brings the board with her. Roxie swings but Cora kicks lows! Cora gets the board and she takes a swing, but into a leg sweep!

Roxie smacks Cora’s head off the board again and again! Then she pushes Cora and board out of the ring to crash on the floor! Fans fire up and Roxie builds speed, to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up with Roxie! Roxie CLUBS Cora and Cora hurries into the ring. Roxie brings out a TABLE! Fans fire up to see that, and Roxie sets the table up against the barriers. Roxie looks for Cora but Cora’s hiding. Roxie checks under the ring but then she sees the feet sticking out. Roxie drags Cora out but Cora SPRAYS Roxie! IT was maybe bug spray or spray paint, but Cora drags Roxie around to SWING her into the barriers! And again! And again!

Cora drags Roxie up and puts her in the ring, then she puts a chair in the ring. And another chair! And another! Fans duel as Cora keeps adding things, including a trash can. Cora stomps Roxie down, arranges all the chairs into a pile in a drop zone, but Roxie grabs one. Cora steps on the chair to trash Roxie’s hands! Cora SMACKS Roxie with the trash can! Cora puts the can on Roxie, then she KICKS the can! And stomps it! And DOUBLE STOMPS it! Then she kicks Roxie out of the ring! The ref checks on Roxie but she’s okay to continue. Cora pulls Roxie out of the can and SMACKS her with the lid! And again!

Cora gets a broom and she SMACKS Roxie with it! And again! Cora then grabs the bull rope to LASH Roxie with it! And again, and again, and again! Cora CHOKES Roxie with the rope, then makes it a gag in the CAMEL CLUTCH! Cora taunts fans then she shoves Roxie down. Then she spots the chain! Cora brings that chain around with her, but Roxie dodges! The chains lash the steel steps, and Roxie LASHES Cora with the rope! And again! And again! Cora kicks low, kicks the rope away, then whips Roxie, but Roxie reverses! Cora hits steel steps and crawls away! Roxie rushes over to THESZ PRESS!

Roxie rains down fast hands, then she SMACKS Cora with a trash can lid! Roxie runs in again, UPPERCUT sends Cora into the barriers! Fans rally as Roxie smacks Cora off the apron then puts her in the ring. Roxie gets Cora’s kendo stick! Roxie SMACKS Cora, and SMACKS her, and SMACKS and SMACKS and SMACKS! Cora cowers in a corner but Roxie wrenches her and hooks her up, KENDO LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! Cora is still in this but Roxie snarls. Roxie UPPERCUTS in the corner! Then rolls and UPPERCUTS again! Roxie reels Cora in and hops on, but Cora SLAMS Roxie into the corner!

Cora staggers away while Roxie drags herself up in the corner. Cora runs in to SHINING WIZARD! Cora shoves Roxie down, covers, TWO! Fans rally as Cora drags Roxie around to a drop zone. Cora goes up the corner, but Roxie ROCKS her first! Roxie SLAPS Cora, climbs up, they brawl with body shots, and Roxie climbs up! SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO! Cora scrambles away to the outside and wants to run away? Roxie won’t let her, and she chases Cora into the crowd! They go up the bleachers, up to the perch, and Roxie gets a foot. Cora BOOTS Roxie away, but Roxie comes back! Cora kicks Roxie and CLUBS away on her!

Cora drags Roxie up, scoops her, and SLAMS Roxie on the perch floor! Roxie crawls and Cora looks at what’s below. Cora pops some railing off the perch and moves it aside! Cora tells Roxie, “After everything I did to you, after everything I did for you, this is what-” Roxie ROCKS Cora! Cora wobbles on the edge! Roxie throws more forearms, but she holds back. Cora begs for mercy, so Roxie just TACKLES Cora off! They both fall through the table below!! Fans lose their minds while both women are in the wreckage. Fans rally as Cora drags Roxie up, knees low, and smacks her off the apron. Fans duel as Cora stalks Roxie.

Cora drags Roxie up, bumps her off the apron again, then pushes her into the ring. Cora drags Roxie up, “You were NEVER my friend!” Cora underhooks Roxie, but Roxie turns things around! Back drop onto the chair pile! “And you were ALWAYS my best friend!” But Roxie hops on, POP ROX onto the chairs!! Cover, Roxie wins!

Winner: Roxie Perez, by pinfall

The Breakout Star gets vengeance on her former friend! Will this be the end of it between them?


A figure lurks in the shadows.

A mask is dropped into the fire, and it burns up. Is this the reemergence of who we think it is?


Shotzi heads to the ring!

In her Beetlejuice best, the hostess of Halloween Havoc is back and she has the mic. “I told you Halloween Havoc would be the most blood curdling, terrifying and horrific night of the year. Mwahahaha! And so far, we have had ladders, and caskets, and a haunted house, oh my~! And we’ve seen two women butcher the last remnants of their friendship. And, there’s still so much more to come! MWAHAHAHAHA! Including… My cohost?” Where’s Quincy? Fans cheer for him but no one has an answer. Oh, here comes the Super Diva! And he’s a banana! Quincy struts his way to the ring and says, “Hey.”

Shotzi didn’t realize he was gonna have more than one costume. He is the sweetest banana she’s ever seen. Well, good to see she thinks this costume is appealing. But we all know Quincy is the best of the bunch. Wait, what is Lash Legend doing come out here? She wants this all to stop! It’s bad enough they let the Green Goblin host this instead of yours truly! She’s the one and only, you can’t- Uh, Lash, don’t you know? Lashing Out was canceled long ago. And Lash ain’t near as fabulous as Quincy & Shotzi. So she can take her little shoes and skirt her way back to the back, okay? Fans fire up for that one!

Lash tells “Banana Nut” to hold the hell up. Lash will not let someone from SmackDown host this when Lash could do it better. Lash, Lash, Lash. You have so many great qualities: tall; athletic; explosive. But girl, hearing you talk is way more horrifying that could happen on Halloween. Lash tells Quincy to watch himself but Shotzi howls at her! Quincy, you are the Scream Queen and Shotzi loves you, but she’s got this. She HEADBUTTS Lash! And then kicks her, and hits a DDT! Quincy shouts, “That’s what you get!” Will Lash learn to think before she speaks to someone as ballsy as Shotzi?


The Schism speaks.

Joe Gacy says “It’s not only on Halloween that people wear masks. They wear them all year long.” Rip Fowler says, “For months, we’ve cultivated peace to help people remove their masks and reveal their true selves. To become something better by joining us under The Schism’s tree.” Jagger Reed adds that instead of hearing them, “they spit in our faces. Now, our message to this brand won’t be delivered by will, but by force.” Gacy tells Red Hood that she’s proven herself. Is she ready to remove her mask? She nods yes, so this Tuesday will be her moment! She will remove her mask, and the world will see the full force of Schism!

They’re not afraid to show their true selves! While the world hides behind their masks of wealth, vanity and lies, The Schism must illuminate our mistakes and our hypocrisy! They tried peace, so what happens next is our fault. “Four roots, one tree.” Just who is this as Little Red Riding Hood? And just what will she and The Schism do to mold NXT into their image?


High Stakes Ambulance Match: Julius Creed VS Damon Kemp!

Normally, you fight for yourself in a match as brutal as this. But this time, Julius is fighting for all of Diamond Mine! He wants revenge for Roderick Strong, he wants to keep his brother, Brutus, here on NXT, and he wants to put Kemp in his place for all that he did! Will Julius prove no one is colder than him? Or will the Golden Gopher cause the Diamond Mine to collapse once and for all?

Kemp brings a chair with literally Julius’ name on it, and it isn’t hard to see why. But Julius throws pumpkins at Kemp! Kemp smacks those away, but he gest bopped on the head! And then Julius MISSILE DROPKICKS in! The bell rings and Julius fires off! Julius whips, scoops and POWERSLAMS! Kemp scrambles away but Julius storms over. Kemp KNEES him down, then grabs the chair! Julius dodges the swing, waistlocks and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Kemp staggers up, Julius RAMS him into ropes and out of the ring! Julius rains down forearms, then he RAMS Kemp into barriers! Fans rally for Julius as he RAMS Kemp into the apron!

Julius gut wrenches to SUPLEX Kemp to the floor! Julius throws forearms and they end up in the back. Julius keeps hitting Kemp and pushes things towards the ambulance! Fans back there fire up as Julius smacks Kemp off the door! Julius opens the ambulance up, puts Kemp in, but then Kemp uses a crutch to keep the door open! Julius keeps trying but Kemp JASB him with the crutch, throws crutch after crutch at Julius, then storms up. Kemp SMACKS Julius around with the crutch, but Julius grabs hold! Julius throws the crutch away, but Kemp JAMS him with a fire extinguisher! Julius kicks back and grabs the extinguisher to BLAST Kemp!

Fans fire up as Kemp flounders away! Julius pursues, drags Kemp up, and brings him back towards the back, But Kemp hits a BIG back suplex to the floor! Kemp smacks Julius off the apron, then off the desk! Kemp RAMS Julius into steel steps and those go moving! Kemp slam dunks a pumpkin down on him, too! Kemp pulls the steel steps apart, and he RAMS Julius down with the steps! Fans boo as Kemp drags Julius up. Kemp scoops Julius, carries him to the back, and fans boo as they head for the ambulance. But Julius slips off to ROCK Kemp! They fire forearms back and forth, then Kemp knees low! But Julius RAMS Kemp into a crate!

Julius throws Kemp down, stomps him, but Kemp kicks a leg out! Kemp SMACKS Julius against the ambulance door. Kemp puts Julius in the doorway, and SLAMS the door on him! Julius slumps but Kemp SLAMS the door again! Julius is dazed, Kemp drags him up and pushes him at the door. Julius resists, Kemp gets him inside, but Kemp waves good-bye. Julius BOOTS the door into Kemp! Julius KICKS Kemp, SMACKS him with food from catering, then ROCKS him with forearms! Julius rams Kemp all the way into the POST! Julius puts Kemp in the ring, pushes steel steps aside to get the BASE steps!

Julius puts the steps in the ring, but Kemp WRECKS him with a dropkick! Kemp drags Julius back into the ring as fans boo, and he positions the steps. URENAGE on the steel steps! Kemp roars and stands on the steps like he’s won the gold medal. Kemp sits and rests while Julius flops out of the ring. Kemp grabs that chair of his, and he positions the steps near the apron. Fans boo as Kemp brings his chair out with him, but Julius ROCKS Kemp, then aims for the steps. Kemp blocks to SMACK Julius off the steps! Kemp finds a wheelchair and says this is what Julius will need. But Julius kicks the chair into Kemp!

Kemp rams Julius with the wheelchair but Julius rams it back into Kemp! Julius makes Kemp take a seat, and then he uses a crutch to trap Kemp in the wheelchair! Julius wheels Kemp around, to RAM him into the steel steps! Julius stomps Kemp while he’s down, stuck in the chair! Julius sits Kemp up and fans rally as he wheels Kemp around the way. Kemp gets the crutch out but Julius CLUBS away on Kemp! Julius DUMPS Kemp out of the chair, then he goes up to the apron. Julius leaps, Kemp BLASTS him with the extinguisher! The stomp still connects but both men are down! Julius staggers away and finds the stretcher.

Julius RAMS Kemp with the stretcher! Kemp staggers up, Julius keeps after him, but Kemp pushes back and POSTS Julius! Kemp grabs his chair, fans chant, “Use the Pumpkins!” Kemp SMACKS Julius with the chair! Julius throws the ring bell! Kemp guards with the chair, but then throws it at Julius! Julius ducks, then SMACKS Kemp with the timekeeper’s table! They brawl to the back again, Julius ROCKS Kemp and Kemp knees back. Kemp DUMPS Julius into the crate! Kemp wheels that crate and RAMS it into the ambulance! Kemp brings the crate back, to RAM it into the ambulance again! Kemp drags Julius up and scoops him, to SLAM him into the ambulance!

Kemp closes one door, but Julius’s fingers block the other! It is double-edged, but Kemp just does it again! Kemp fires off hands on Julius, but again Julius keeps the door from closing with his hands! Julius kicks and forearms and TACKLES Kemp into spare armchairs! And then he SLAMS him on catering! And ELBOWS him through the table! Julius slams down armchair after armchair on Kemp! Kemp runs away to ringside but Julius has Kemp’s steel chair! Julius SMACKS Kemp with it! Fans still want pumpkins but Julius SMACKS away on Kemp with the chair! Fans count along, Julius gets FIVE! Then SIX! SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE! TEN!!

Fans are thunderous as Julius gets the payback, but he adds an ELEVENTH for himself! Julius drags Kemp up, brings him around, and he POWERBOMBS Kemp on the stretcher! Fans are stunned seeing that! Julius puts Kemp’s chair on him, then LARIATS it into him! Julius drags Kemp up, and hauls him back to the ambulance. Fans fire up, and Julius throws Kemp in! The door closes, Julius wins!

Winner: Julius Creed (Brutus Creed stays in NXT)

Fans are thunderous for Diamond Mine’s alpha male as he sends Kemp to the hospital! Julius avenges Roddy and he keeps Brutus with him in NXT! Will the Creed Brothers now be ready to fight back towards the tag titles?


Mandy’s Range Rover returns!

Fyre drags Mandy out of the car and kicks her along towards the arena. Fyre and Mandy brawl, Mandy kicks back, and she enters the building! Fyre is all smiles as she chases after Mandy, and now they end up on stage! Fyre ROCKS Mandy, and we’re at ringside! Fyre CHOPS Mandy and fans rally for “AL~BA! AL~BA!” It’s finally time for the title match! Will the Toxic Goddess’ reign be burned to the ground?

NXT Women’s Championship: Mandy Rose VS Alba Fyre!

The bell rings, Mandy swings but Fyre dodges to CHOP! And CHOP! And ROCK! Fyre ROCKS Mandy more, then she stomps a mudhole into Mandy at the corner. The ref counts, Fyre lets off, and Mandy drop toeholds Fyre into buckles! Mandy fires off forearms, lets off to finally take off her jacket, and she storms up, into a wrench and TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Fyre stomps Mandy down, stomps her more, and she climbs up the corner. Fans fire up for Fyre, but Mandy shoves her down! Fyre hits apron on the way down! Mandy hurries out after Fyre, SMACKS her off the desk, and then dribbles Fyre against the side!

Fans duel as the ring count climbs. Mandy throws hands, Fyre throws body shots, but Mandy CLUBS her! Mandy RAMS Fyre into the apron, puts her in the ring, and runs in to RAM Fyre in the corner! Mandy runs corner to corner to RAM into Fyre again! Mandy scoops Fyre to FALL AWAY SLAM! Fyre writhes and Mandy grins. Cover, TWO! Mandy drags Fyre up to dribble her off the mat! Mandy drags Fyre up to snapmare and KICK! Mandy paces while she snarls, and she drags Fyre up by her hair. The ref reprimands but Mandy throws Fyre down by her hair! Mandy wrenches an arm and CLUBS the shoulder.

Mandy bumps Fyre off buckles, stomps a mudhole into her, then lets off to soak up the cheers and jeers. Mandy puts Fyre on ropes to CHOKE her! Mandy lets off as the ref counts, then she drags Fyre up to ROCK her! Fans duel, Mandy whips, but Fyre holds ropes to elbow her back. Fyre then dodges in the corner, but Mandy blocks the kick! Mandy spins Fyre, Fyre dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS take them both down! Fyre and Mandy rise, they throw forearms back and forth. Mandy gets the edge but Fyre gives all those shots back. Mandy knees low, whips, but Fyre SUPERKICKS! And then suplexes for a GOURD BUSTER!

Mandy sits up, into a PENALTY KICK! Fyre KICKS and KICKS, then has Mandy in a corner. Fyre runs in but Mandy dodges! Fyre comes back, into a SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO! Fyre survives, showing the toughness of the former Forever Champion of NXT UK. Mandy snarls, she drags Fyre up and fans rally up. Mandy reels Fyre in, underhooks the arms, but Fyre fights free! Fyre fireman’s carries, WIDOWMAKER! Cover, TWO!! Mandy survives but Fyre hurries right up top! SWANTON BOMB!! Cover, but Gigi & Jacy drag the ref out of the ring! The ref argues with them, EJECTS them, but Jacy gets at Fyre! Fyre SUPERKICKS Jacy onto everyone!

Mandy runs in, Fyre dodges the knee to HEADBUTT! Gory Especial, GORY BOMB! Cover, but there’s no ref! Fyre would’ve won twice over by now!! Toxic Attraction always has to interfere and Fyre is furious. Fyre checks on the ref, gets him in the ring, but then gets a TOXIC HIGH LOW!! Gigi & Jacy put Fyre in! Mandy aims, KNEE FROM A ROSE!!! Cover, Rose wins!!

Winner: Mandy Rose, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Champion)

Toxic Attraction never lets their goddess fight alone! Mandy survives to have her one-year title reign, will anyone be able to defy the damn numbers game?


Backstage interview Nikkita Lyons & Zoey Stark.

Tag Title Tuesday could be their  night. One year ago at this exact event, Zoey Stark’s life changed and she wasn’t even sure she could ever compete again. She thought her career was done, and she definitely didn’t think she’d get a title match again. But look at her now! Stark and Lyons are at the doorstep of the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships, and all they gotta do is kick the door down! Lyons has been focused on winning a title, but her reason for winning is Stark right here. And she can’t wait to hear, “AND NEW~!” Malik & Edris join in on that. They can’t wait to hear that for themselves.

Edris tells Zoey not to worry, she’s about to be a TWO-TIME NXT Women’s Tag Team Champion! And Malik says Tag Title Tuesday will be “enthusiastically exhilarating!” Lyons says those #YESBOYS won’t even know what hit them! Two teams, one dream, ready to SHOCK THE WORLD! The four of them head off to party, but will they be partying even harder after NXT this Tuesday?


NXT Championship Triple Threat: Bron Breakker VS JD McDonagh VS Ilja Dragunov!

They say all men are created equal, but you see these three men and you look at anyone else, and you can see that’s not true! The Big Booty Nephew is a two-time NXT Champion with the genetics and the first-hand experience to know what he’s getting himself into. The Irish Ace is calculating and cold, and he revels in both the pain of his opponents and of his own. And the Czar fought so hard as NXT UK Champion, the only one who could hurt him was himself! But now, these three collide, and the one thing that’s 100% sure is this is going to be one for the ages! But will Bron find a way to break two opponents at once? Or will all this havoc end with a new alpha male in NXT?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who gets a trick and who gets a treat!

The bell rings and all three men watch each other. Ilja BOOTS JD and fires of fin the corner! Bron shoves Ilja away to go after JD himself! Ilja returns the favor to fire off on JD with a CHOP! And a forearm! Bron drags Ilja back and then throws haymakers! Ilja whips Bron way to fire off on JD! Bron pushes Ilja away, and now they get in each other’s face. But JD CLOBBERS them both! JD stomps Bron, CLUBS Ilja, then whips Bron. JD dropkicks the legs out, then drops a leg! Then he whips Ilja out of the ring to suplex Bron! Cover, ONE! JD snarls, he brings Ilja up for a short arm LARIAT!

JD CHOPS Bron in a corner, stomps him, then digs his boot in, Ilja CHOPS JD on the back, JD elbows him away. JD sends Ilja into Bron, then goes to back suplex. Ilja blocks, throws elbows, but JD has him spin around to a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! JD throws Bron out to fire off on Ilja. JD CHOPS Ilja, but Ilja eggs him on! JD CHOPS again, but Ilja CHOPS back! JD kicks low, DECKS Ilja, then paces around. JD ROCKS Ilja, ROCKS him again, but Ilja knees low and fires off more! Ilja swings into the BACKBREAKER, URENAGE, STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up as JD drags Ilja around. JD whips Ilja into a corner hard and Ilja bounces off buckles to fall to the mat. JD storms up and stomps Ilja. JD CHOPS Ilja, whips, but Ilja reverses and JD tumbles up and around. JD GAMANGIRIS back, but Bron runs in! JD dumps Bron out! But Lija runs in, only for JD to KICK him! JD KICKS Bron away, trips Ilja and SLINGSHOT TORNILLOS! Fans rally for JD as he looms over Ilja. JD drags Ilja but Ilja blocks the ripcord! Ilja then uses that momentum to hook JD, but Bron DOUBLE LARIATS them both! Bron puts JD in the corner, clotheslines, then clotheslines Ilja in the other corner!

Bron goes back to clothesline JD, and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes! JD flounders away but Ilja throws knees on Bron. Ilja waistlocks but Bron blocks! Bron breaks the waistlock, shoves Ilja, but Ilja tiger feints, but into an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Bron stalks Ilja, drags him around in a facelock, and then whips. Ilja reverses, Bron ducks ‘n’ dodges and CLOBBERS Ilja! Fans bark and Bron stalks Ilja, but JD rolls him up! TWO! JD runs away but Ilja elbows Bron! Ilja throws knees, he CLUBS Bron, and then he waistlocks. Bron fights the lift, he arm-drags free, but Ilja BOOTS him away! Bron turns around to turn dropkick into SPINEBUSTER! Cover, JD breaks it!

JB runs away again, and fans applaud his “shrewd” strategy. Bron is annoyed but he warns JD while he drags Ilja. Ilja blocks the suplex with a fisherman, they go around, and Bron throws body shots. Bron suplexes but Ilja slips out! SLEEPER HOLD! Bron stays up, Ilja hops on as a backpack and throws down elbows! Bron drops to his knees and Ilja continues to hammer him! But JD CLUBS Ilja! And then LARIATS into an arm-drag! Ilja has JD down for HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS!! JD guards as best he can, and Ilji CHOPS Bron! Bron frowns but Ilja stomps him to the corner. Ilja CLUBS Bron, Bron throws a body shot!

Ilja BOOTS Bron! Ilja CLUBS JD! Ilja KNEES Bron in the corner! Bron is down, Ilja goes up, KING KONG KNEE DROP! JD SOBATS Ilja and reels him in! But Ilja blocks again! Ilja reels JD in, fireman’s carries, but JD throws elbows. Ilja DEATH VALLEY DRIVERS JD onto Bron! Fans fire up for Dragunov as he goes to the apron! Ilja climbs the corner, he takes aim, COAST2COAST!! A two for one with JD and Bron both taking that shot! Fans are thunderous as all three men are down! Fans rally up and all three men slowly rise. Bron and Ilja go forehead to forehead, and they trade forearm for forearm!

Bron DECKS Ilja, but Ilja rises to EuroUpper! Bron EuroUppers back! Ilja snarls and rises again. The forearms go back and forth, faster and faster, DOUBLE FOREARMS put both men down! JD applauds with the fans! JD grins but then both men glare at JD! JD wants them to hold on, but Bron and Ilja chase JD out! JD gets back in, he ducks Bron’s lariat but not the back drop! JD wants mercy but Bron says JD is scared. JD turns around into a CHOP! A haymaker! Repeat! JD pinballs around, tries to put his dukes up, but Ilja CHOPS him! Bron and Ilja both TOSS JD out! Fans fire up as Ilja and Bron have the ring to themselves!

Bron and Ilja stare down, fans bark and cheer Dragunov, and Ilja HEADBUS! Ilja blocks the choke grip to cobra twist and HAMMER away on Bron with elbows! Ilja roars, fans fire up, and Ilja runs to LARIAT! Bron stays up to Ilja LARIATS again! Bron gets up, ducks ‘n’ dodges, and he LARIATS Ilja back! Bron drags Ilja up, choke grips then trophy lifts, but JD HEADBUTTS Bron down! All three men fall and fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” all over again! JD drags himself to a corner and drags himself up. Fans rally, Bron trips JD up and throws hands. JD hits back, Bron climbs up, and the brawling continues.

Ilja CLUBS Bron, and brings him around! Bron fights Ilja off, then goes up top, and he SUPER STEINERS JD INTO A POWERBOMB FROM ILJA!! Fans are thunderous, “This is Awesome!” All three men stir and sit up. JD throws a forearm on Bron, he CHOPS Ilja. Bron ROCKS JD, Ilja ROCKS Bron, JD COHPS Ilja! They go around, Ilja throws out some CHOPS but Bron and JD kick and CLUB Ilja. Bron says they’re not a team so they start throwing hands! Ilja CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS them both! Ilja CHOPS JD off his feet to then SENTON! Ilja roars but Bron SPEARS Ilja and himself out of the ring!

Fans rally up and JD builds speed! JD WRECKS Bron with a dropkick, PENALTY KICKS Ilja, and then ASAI MOONSAULTS them both down! Fans fire up and JD stands up. JD snarls and he drags Bron into the ring. JD catches his breath, drags himself up the corner again, but Bron ROCKS him again. Bron climbs as fans bark, and Bron throws elbows down on JD. Bron stands up, but Ilja CHOPS those legs out! Bron sits and Ilja brings Bron out! Bron throws hands to fight, but Ilja still POWERBOMBS! High stack, TWO! FALLING FOREARM! Cover, TWO!!! 450 from JD!! Cover, TWO!!! JD covers Bron, TWO!!

JD tosses Ilja and drags Bron up to suplex! BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO!!! Bron survives and JD is furious! JD calm down as fans duel. JD elbows Ilja, gives him Kawada Kicks, then has the arm. Ilja still resists the ripcord! JD CLUBS away on Ilja, but Ilja shoots around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Ilja holds on, drags JD up again, GERMAN SUPLEX! Ilja still holds on, he drags JD up again, for a deadlift- NO! Bron adds on, DOUBLE GERMAN SUPLEX!! Fans bark it up and Bron goes up top. Bron aims at Ilja, FLYING BULLDOG! The straps come down, Bron roars, and he choke grips Ilja to lift and BREAKKER SLAM! But JD tosses Bron out! Cover, TWO!?!?

JD can’t believe it! He snatched away the finisher but Ilja isn’t done! JD looms over Ilja, but then Bron steps back in. JD and Bron throw hands, Bron gets the edge and he whips JD into a corner. JD goes up and out hard! Bron aims at Ilja, he runs in, but into a KNEE!!! Ilja flounders his way back to the corner and he goes up top! SUPER SENTON!! Fans are thunderous as Ilja wants to hit another! “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!” TORPEDO MOSCOW!!! Cover, JD blocks the hand!!! JD grins as he denies Ilja, but then Ilja glares at JD. “This is Awesome!” as JD stops smiling. The forearms and palm strikes start flying, Ilja JUMP KNEES!

JD flops to the apron and Ilja goes the other way. Ilja goes around the way, into a SPANISH FLY to the floor!! Fans are electric as JD drags Ilja to the steel steps. JD is sadistic, he dribbles Ilja’s head on the floor and isolates the foot in the steps. He shoves the timekeeper aside to take his chair! Fans boo as JD goes back to Ilja, but Ilja avoids the chairshot! TORPEDO MOSCOW!! Both men are down after that, and Ilja flounders his way into the ring. And Bron is there waiting! Bron and Ilja glare, they egg each other on, and the haymakers start flying! Ilja LARIATS then runs, to LARIAT again! Bron stays up but the boxing elbows fly!

Ilja CHOPS, but Bron ROCKS Ilja! Ilja PELES! And GERMAN SUPLEXES! And LARIATS again! Bron falls and Ilja roars! Fans fire up as Ilja stumbles his way to the corner. “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!!” TORPEDO- SPEAR!!! Bron covers, Bron wins!!

Winner: Bron Breakker, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

The Irish Ace and the Czar put everything they had into this, but so did Bron! Bron retains the title despite the odds, will anyone ever stop him?

My Thoughts:

This Halloween Havoc had an awesome start, but it petered out a bit as things went on. We got an awesome opening match out of the North American Championship Ladder Match. That is a great tradition, everyone got to shine in that match, and it was even fitting that Trick and Stone got involved. And Wes Lee winning was the right decision. Though, anyone other than Von was the right choice. Wes gets his journey to come full circle, and we’re going to get a great line-up of matches with him as champion. At this point, Melo could still try to go after Wes, or he could even move up to the top title now.

We got a really fun match for that Casket Match, even though Lights Out would’ve been just fine for Apollo and Waller. That first casket was pretty wimpy, so of course it didn’t end with that. That was a great spot breaking the first casket to bring out a proper casket to finish this. Apollo winning here also made sense, since Waller’s been talking a lot of crap and this is the comeuppance. Apollo can go after a title now, and maybe the North American title if Melo is going to the top title. I also liked the promos from the tag champions and their challengers ahead of Tuesday. I still think we’re going to see Pretty Deadly retain and KC Squared lose, there’s just something about how each of these match-ups line up.

We got good hosting stuff from Shotzi & Quincy, and while I thought Xyon was going to come for payback, Lash Legend mouths off and gets whooped by Shotzi. I definitely expect a mixed tag now of Shotzi & Quincy VS Lash & Xyon. Good group promo from The Schism, and I really am curious as to who Red Hood has been this whole time. And I think we got a teaser that T-Bar is becoming Dijak again, and that is great. Dijak can also be a great addition to title scenes to help build up Wes. I also bet Duke Hudson is part of Kiana James’ plan to take Chase U. Duke & Kiana VS Bodhi & Thea would make for a good mixed tag at some point.

Really good match out of Roxie VS Cora, though there was something a bit off about the perch spot. Maybe it was just how easy Cora popped that railing out. But in the end, Roxie winning was the right move since Cora won before. Roxie is surely being built up as a contender to the women’s title, though I feel like Roxie is gonna need to show a lot more personality to feel right. I think Roxie started to show a bit of that against Cora during the Grayson Waller Effect segment they had, but Roxie needs to turn that up and get real sassy if she wants to keep up with Toxic Attraction.

Really good Ambulance match, but because the Performance Center is small, they couldn’t get the ambulance to ringside. That made for a really awkward pattern of them just going back and forth between ambulance and ringside. But in the end, we all knew Julius was going to win. The Creed Brothers weren’t going to be split up because of this, so the only natural option was Julius to win. Maybe Kemp can have back-up when he returns. I still say he should’ve been part of Gallus all along to tie in NXT UK, but oh well. And while the Creeds could go right after the tag titles, I wonder if they and Diamond Mine take a detour to face The Schism. Roddy can return, Ivy can feud with Red Hood, and we can have some great stuff out of faction warfare before either side moves to titles.

I really like that Halloween Havoc’s other tradition is a cinematic fight scene in a spooky setting, and it’s nice that the women’s division finally got in on that. But I knew from the kickoff show that if they were doing this, Mandy was just going to retain the title again. The shenanigans putting Alba Fyre on top of course meant Toxic Attraction was going to cheat and save Mandy, and after a full calendar year, I am sick and tired of it. Just as with the BS ways Roman Reigns was kept from losing, there have been so many BS ways Mandy’s retained, and it’s just too bad there’s no Women’s MITB in play to take this belt off her on Tuesday to end her reign right at one year.

The main event was an awesome Triple Threat, but Bron winning again is a bit of a buzzkill. No offense to the guy, but Ilja Dragunov should’ve won because he is the better all-around character. Ilja only lost the NXT UK Championship because he got hurt. I did like the moment where JD stops the ref’s hand to deny Ilja, that was very creative, but Ilja should’ve then clobbered JD and get the win off him. Bron wouldn’t have been hurt by that kind of loss, but I do suppose he would’ve lost his second Triple Threat in a year. But Bron is their guy ever since NXT 2.0 started, maybe they’re waiting to build up another star in his same class to take the title. If it’s Melo, that’s going to be one of the few times I actually cheer the Heel on.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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