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Mitchell’s WWE Survivor Series Results & Report! (11/26/22)




Survivor Series goes to war!

For the first time ever, WWE combines Survivor Series and The Match Beyond! Will The Bloodline still be standing after taking on five Brawling Brutes?


  • Women’s WarGames: Team EST VS Team Damage CTRL; Team EST wins.
  • AJ Styles w/ The OC VS Finn Balor w/ The Judgment Day; Styles wins.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey w/ Shayna Baszler VS Shotzi Blackheart; Ronda wins and retains the title.
  • WWE United States Championship Triple Threat: Seth Rollins VS Bobby Lashley VS Austin Theory; Theory wins and becomes the new WWE United States Champion.
  • Men’s WarGames: The Bloodline VS Team Brutes; The Bloodline wins.


It’s the Survivor Series Kickoff show!

Join Kayla Braxton, Kevin Patrick, Booker T, Jerry “The King” Lawler and Peter Rosenberg in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action here tonight!


Backstage interview with Shayna Baszler & Ronda Rousey.

Megan Morant says we all saw what they did to Raquel Rodriguez, and Ronda pretends to feel terrible. Raquel got involved in their business, she started it, but they ended it. And it was the most fun Ronda’s had in a long time. Shayna agrees there. But tonight, Ronda defends her SmackDown Women’s Championship against Shotzi, and after what happened to Raquel, Shotzi says this is personal. Oh is it? They couldn’t tell between all the whining and crying. Does Megan know what it’s like to dislocate someone else’s elbow, ripping the tendons and separating a part from themselves? It sounds like tearing a turkey leg off. Feels like it, too. Not that Megan would know.

But another sound that’s so different is snapping an ankle. These two revel in the sounds of torturing another human, but will Ronda feel the wrath of the Wild Child soon enough?


Black Sabbath’s War Pigs plays.

And Ozzy himself is here to sing, “Time will tell them they are power mad, making war just for fun! Treating people just like pawns in chess, wait until their Judgment Day comes!” But that day is now, as the cage descends! “Satan laughing spreads his wing! OH LORD, YEAH!” Ozzy himself says, “Welcome to WarGames! HAHAHAHA!”


Women’s WarGames: Team EST VS Team Damage CTRL!

In a battle against Bayley, Dakota Kai, Iyo Sky, Nikki Cross & Rhea Ripley, Bianca Belair, Asuka and Alexa Bliss have recruited Mia Yim and THE MAN, Becky Lynch! This war for control of the Women’s Division has gone #BigTime, but who will survive the sadistic steel?

The teams sort out and stepping up for her team is the RawEST Women’s Champion herself! Bianca leads by example, and meeting her from Team DMG CTRL is #CobraKai, who has FOUR WarGames matches under her belt from her days in NXT! The door closes, the bell rings, and fans fire up as we get five minutes of 1v1. They tie up, go around, Dakota pulls hair but Bianca turns it around. Bianca dribbles Dakota  off buckles, then TOSSES her across the way! Bianca kicks low, brings Dakota up, but Dakota fights free of the bomb. But Bianca DROPKICKS Dakota into the second ring! Fans fire up as Bianca kips up.

Bianca storms over, but into a HOTSHOT! Fans rally for “E S T! E S T!” Dakota grins, Bianca chases Dakota in the gap, then drags her into the second ring with a waistlock for a SLAM! Bianca holds on, drags Dakota up again, then ripcords and whips her away. Bianca runs in but Dakota goes up and over. Bianca blocks the roll up and handsprings away. Dakota runs in but gets run over! Bianca paces around Dakota, drags her up and fireman’s carries. Dakota blocks the lawn dart and CLUBS free. Dakota pulls the ponytail but Bianca blocks! Bianca uses her ponytail to whip Dakota at the wall! Dakota stops herself, dodges Bianca, but runs into a BACKBREAKER!

Dakota crawls to a corner while the clock ticks down. Bianca runs in but Dakota dodges to POST her! Then BOOT WASH her against the steel! Dakota digs her boot in and stomps away as we have two-and-a-half minutes left. Dakota mocks Bianca and fans are torn. Most boo and Bianca crawls away, but Dakota ax kicks her down! Dakota CLUBS Bianca, stalks her to the gap, and BOOTS her into the first ring! Dakota stalks Bianca and CLUBS her again. Dakota pushes Bianca to a corner, runs in, but Bianca elbows her away. Bianca BOOTS Dakota away, then slips into the gap to ROCK Dakota!

Fans fire up as Bianca rushes in, spins Dakota around and suplexes high and hard! Both women are down and fans fire up as we hit the one minute mark! Bianca kips up and fans rally again! Dakota swings but and they fire off fast hands! Fans fire up, Bianca shoves but Dakota dodges! Dakota kicks, avoids the hair whip, then SCORPION KICKS! Bianca staggers, Dakota runs in, roll but into the ALLEY-OOP BOMB! Bianca kips up again at 30 seconds! Bianca TOSSES Dakota into steel! And then back the other way! Dakota staggers up and Bianca reels her in, for a POWERBOMB into the steel!

The last ten seconds tick away, and now IYO SKY rushes in! The Evil Genius also has great WarGames experience, she dodges Bianca and handsprings! Bianca dodges but Sky SHOTGUNS then kips up! Fans fire up as now DGM CTRL has the numbers advantage for three minutes. Sky wrenches, whips and WRINGS Bianca, but she handsprings through! Bianca eggs Sky on, dodges her in the corner, but Sky goes up to FLYING RANA! Bianca ends up in the gap and her team shouts for her to get up. Kai & Sky surround Bianca, but she throws big forearms! Bianca DECKS Kai but Sky DIVES onto Bianca!

Kai & Sky have Bianca in the second ring, whip her to a corner, clothesline and back elbow, then a BOOT! Bianca sits down, SHINKANSEN arrives! BOOT WASH and SWINGING- Wait, Sky is going a little too hard. She boots Bianca instead, even though fans boo. Bayley tells them to shut up, like they could do what Sky did! Kai & Sky mug Bianca, drag her up, but Bianca blocks the double suplex TO DOUBLE SUPLEX THEM! Fans fire up and we’re at the one minute mark! Bianca drags Kai up, chicken wings, but Sky springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK Bianca down! Sky & Kai stomp Bianca down at the ropes, then pace around.

We’re under 30 seconds as Kai & Sky double whip Bianca into the steel! Bianca flounders but the countdown is back! And it’s ASUKA who rushes to the ring! Fans fire up as the Empress of Tomorrow dodges Kai! They each dodge kicks but Asuka gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Sky rushes over and fans fire up to see the Joshi Strong Style rivalry reignite! They each evade, fire off forearms, and Asuka gest the edge! Asuka whips, Sky reverse but Asuka stops herself. She dodges Sky but Sky tiger feints and arm-drags! Sky dodges, whips, and ROCKS Asuka at the ropes! Sky runs but Asuka HIP ATTACKS! Asuka runs, Sky follows, dodges, but get a POP-UP KNEE!

Asuka URAKENS, URAKENS, SOBATS, KICKS, CHOPS and SWEEPS, to a SLIDING KICK! Fans fire up as Asuka hurries to a corner. Asuka climbs up but Dakota rushes her! They brawl up top across the gap! Asuka gets the edge, and goes all out with that KICK! Bianca helps out, and they drag Dakota from the top to a trophy lift! Bianca TOSSES Dakota into the steel! Asuka leaps to MISSILE DROPKICK Sky! Fans fire up but we’re at one minute! Bianca and Asuka high-five and catch their breath. Asuka keeps on Sky, Bianca keeps on Kai, snap suplex! Sky and Asuka brawl, the countdown returns! Bianca digs her boots into Kai!

Nikki Cross rushes to the ring, but she doesn’t get in the ring yet. Fans fire up as she brings out a kendo stick! Nikki sends that one in, and another, and then some trash can lids! Asuka storms over, but Nikki SLAMS the door shut on Asuka! Nikki keeps adding to her arsenal but Boston wants tables. Nikki leaves it at this, though, and she JAMS Bianca with a lid! Then SMACKS her on the back! Nikki SPLASHES Bianca in the corner, then goes up to TORNADO DDT! Nikki fireman’s carries Asuka for a LANDSLIDE! Nikki fires up and fans fire up with her as she LASHES Asuka with her leather jacket! Bianca gets some, too!

Nikki shakes the cage, we’re already under a minute as she just grins through the steel. Nikki SMACKS Bianca with a trash can lid, Sky & Kai mug Asuka. Nikki fishhooks Bianca’s face, Kai gives her a kendo stick to make the camel clutch hurt even more! We’re at ten seconds again as Sky hooks up Asuka in a camel clutch. Team EST sends Alexa! The Five Foot Fury dodges Nikki and SHOTGUNS Kai! She hits an STO on Sky, BOOTS Nikki, then ROCKS her with haymaker after haymaker! SHOTGUN! Fans fire up as Asuka and Alexa get some things. They double whip Sky, ROCK her with a right, then BULLDOG her on a trash can lid!

Bianca helps Alexa RANA Dakota onto a trash can lid! Fans fire up but Nikki fights back! Throat chop for Alexa! Nikki CLUBS Alexa, has a kendo stick, but Bianca grabs it from her! And BREAKS it on her knee! Nikki just laughs that off, and climbs up the cage! But Bianca stops her! Dakota and Iyo SMACK away on Bianca with kendo sticks! Nikki has reached the top of the cage, but escape does nothing but forfeit in this match. Alexa & Asuka SMACK away on Kai & Sky now with kendo sticks! Nikki just kicks her feet and smiles as she watches Bianca WHIPLASH Kai! And WHIPLASH Sky! But Nikki laughs as she SUPER CROSSBODIES them all down!!

Boston is thunderous for the insanity of Nikki Cross! And now the countdown returns! DMG CTRL sends Bayley! The Role Model finally gets involved now that her team has done enough damage. Bayley looks under the ring, and she brings out a LADDER! It may not be a table but fans still love seeing it! Bayley gets the ladder in and Dakota helps her bring it over. Sky SMACKS Bianca with a trash can lid while Alexa & Asuka go after Nikki. Bayley brings out another ladder?! This one enters the ring, too, the others keep scrapping, and fans chant, “We Want Tables!” Well Boston, HERE’S A TABLE!

Bayley drags the table over, Bianca RAMS Dakota into a corner, and Bayley gets the table in. Sky kicks Alexa into the second ring, Nikki wraps Asuka’s arm around ropes, Bayley SUNSET BOMBS Bianca into buckles! Dakota helps Bayley set up the furniture, and they bring it over for Sky to put in the gap. They RAM the table into Bianca to trap her in the gap! DMG CTRL mugs Bianca, then smacks her off the table! Bayley says this is THEIR match now! DMG CTRL mugs Asuka & Alexa, snap suplex for Bliss! Nikki uses Bianca’s braid to SMACK her head off the table! DMG CTRL help Sky with the LIONSAULT onto Alexa!

Fans boo as Bayley snap suplexes Asuka. Then DMG CTRL helps Kai DOUBLE STOMP Asuka! Bayley taunts Bayley, but the countdown is back. Team EST sends “Michin!” She grabs trash CANS, and CHUCKS them in at DMG CTRL! Bayley boots Alexa, stomps Asuka, but Mia keeps throwing in cans. Mia gets in and RAMS Bayley with one! Dakota leaps, but into a can! Nikki runs into a FLAPJACK! Sky swings but misses, Mia kicks the lid into Sky and JAWBREAKERS her off the edge! Mia drags Dakota around to TOSS into steel! Mia gives Kawada Kicks to Dakota through the ropes, and then she kicks Sky aside. Mia gives Dakota a SPIKE RANA onto a lid!

Nikki jumps on for a SLEEPER! Mia stays up as Nikki thrashes her around! Bianca fights free of the table in the gap! Bianca TOSSES Bayley to a ring, Asuka CLUBS Sky! We’re under a minute as Mia DIVES from ring to ring to take out Bayley! Sky and Asuka try to drag the other down in a corner, Alexa is after Nikki, Bianca tries to set up the table. Bayley stops Bianca, but Bianca puts Bayley in the gap. Bianca DECKS Bayley, Mia and Kai meet at the other side. There’s brawls in ever corner of these rings! Asuka and Alexa each try to suplex Sky and Nikki, then Bianca and Mia get control of Bayley and Kai. Bayley SUPERPLEXES Bayley!

Mia SUPERPLEXES Kai onto a trash can lid! Alexa SUPERPLEXES Nikki and Asuka SUPER GERMAN SUPLEXES Sky! And the countdown is back! DMG CTRL’s last member is released! Rhea the Eradicator is loose! She DECKS Alexa, SHOTGUNS Asuka, HEADBUTTS Mia, BOOTS Bianca then stomps and KNEE SMASHES her! Alexa goes up but Rhea ROCKS her first! Rhea RAMS Bianca into Asuka, then ROCKS Asuka before she GERMAN SUPLEXES Bianca! Alexa LEAPS but Rhea catches her and suplexes her! And then TOSSES her into steel! Nikki is after Mia, Kai and Bayley go after Bianca.

Kai stomps Asuka, Rhea and Nikki mug Mia. Fans rally for the final entrant in Becky, but there’s still over a minute left on the clock. Nikki laughs as she watches her team mug everyone else. Rhea puts Asuka in the PRISM TRAP! Sky runs and runs and runs, to BASEMENT DROPKICK Asuka out of the Prism! Bayley high fives her teammates, and they put Asuka in the gap. They drag her into the second ring, but Mia kicks Rhea down! Mia CHUCKS a can into Rhea at the corner! Mia fires up and runs in, FULL METAL CANNONBALL! Becky paces, Asuka fights off DMG CTRL, but Sky SHOTGUNS her down!

Mia DIVES, but Bayley catches her! Sky SMACKS away on Mia with a lid! Then Kai hits a DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS! But here comes THE MAN!! Becky storms right into the ring, and now WarGames can truly “begin!” Becky fires off forearms on everyone that steps to her! Sky fights back and shoves Becky away, but Becky puts her against the steel tp JUMP KICK! Kai runs in, Becky dodges to KICK her! Becky BOOTS Nikki, then Becky SMACKS Sky off ladder rungs! Becky fires off forearms and uppercuts, but then dodges! Nikki SMACKS Sky with a can! Becky kicks and SMACKS Nikki, then puts the can around Sky!

Becky brings Nikki around to SMACK off the can, then keeps in on Sky as she climbs up the corner! The MAN’S LEG DROP! Sky is down inside the can and fans fire up! Becky then grins as she stalks up to Bayley. Bayley is very afraid but Becky dares her to get up. “Come fight me, ya little bitch!” Bayley swings but Becky fires back! Fans fire up as they brawl back and forth, then Becky gets the edge! SOBAT! Becky stomps a mudhole into Bayley against the steel! Fans fire up but now Rhea steps to Becky. Becky swings but Rhea blocks! Rhea HEADBUTS Becky, pump handles, RIP- NO, Becky slips out! But Bayley returns!

Becky DECKS Bayley but Rhea hits RIPTIDE!! Cover, Asuka BUZZSAWS it apart! Bayley swings but misses and gets an URAKEN! Nikki is after Alexa, Dakota TOSSES Mia into steel! Rhea and Asuka brawl, but Rhea ducks! Becky blocks the uraken, and saves Asuka from Rhea. Becky dodges Rhea, Asuka hits her with BLUE MIST!! Fans fire up but Bayley CLOBBERS Asuka! Bayley ROCKS Becky, drags Asuka up and SMACKS her off buckles! But Becky rolls Bayley! TWO, and Bayley UPPERCUTS Becky! Bayley puts Becky in a Tree of Woe and taunts the fans. Bayley CHOPS Becky, then STOMPS her down!

“The Man? The Man?! I’m the damn Role Model!” Bayley drags Becky to the gap, wraps her up, ROSE PLANT ONTO THE STEEL!! Cover, Asuka breaks it! Nikki fires off on Asuka, Sky joins in. They double whip but Asuka reverses! Bianca sends Sky up, but keeps her from climbing. Sky kicks Bianca, Asuka goes after her! Everyone is swarming, Kai SMACKS Asuka with a can! DMG CTRL have Asuka and mug her, but Mia and Alexa join in! Then Bianca adds on! But Nikki SMACKS Bianca down with a kendo stick! DMG CTRL fight off Asuka and Alexa, and Nikki give Alexa a DRAPING NECKBREAKEAR!

Asuka and Kai fall, Bianca gets Bayley for a POWERBOMB! But Sky is up on the very top of the cage! SUPER OVER THE MOONSAULT!! Direct hit on Bianca and Mia but Sky’s so wiped out, she can’t cover! Boston loses its mind as ALL TEN women are down around this double ring! “This is Awesome!” and the ten start stirring here and there. Nikki RAMS into Alexa, then SLAMS her down! Nikki brings out HANDCUFFS! “You think I forgot? YOU THINK I FORGOT?!?!” She shouts but Alexa SLAPS her! So Nikki cuffs Alexa, Alexa resists, but Nikki still brings her over, Nikki reaches for the cage, but Alexa gets the cuff, to hook on to Nikki!!

Nikki is furious, but Alexa brings her off the ropes with an Electric Chair! For a SLAM onto a trash can!! They’re both down while the others rise up. Rhea runs but Asuka dodges, CODE BREAKER! Asuka runs in to HIP ATTACK, but Rhea catches it! To TOSS Asuka into steel! “That’s for my eyes!” But Mia CLUBS Rhea and tosses her to the other ring. They brawl, but Rhea hooks Mia up! But Mia sips out of Riptide to get a SLEEPER! Rhea runs to crash through the ladder!! Fans lose their minds all over again! Bianca and Becky stand against Bayley, Kai & Sky, where this all began at SummerSlam! And fans are thunderous for it!

The two sides talk trash, and then they brawl! But that’s 3v2! Kai & Sky have Becky while Bianca scoops Bayley t SPINEBSUTER on a can! Kai hops onto Bianca but she fights Kai and Sky off! Torture rack for Kai, KISS OF- NO, Kai lands out, but into a MANHANDLE SLAM! Sky runs in, pops free of the clinch, but into a KISS OF DEATH!! Fans fire up as Bianca TOSSES Bayley into the gap! Becky knows fans want tables, so she and Bianca get the table! They position the table in a corner, Bianca puts Sky on the table and Becky goes up to the very top! Bianca puts Kai on the table, and stops Bayley from going after Becky!

Torture rack, KISS OF DEATH into the steel!! Becky is up at the top, for a SUPER MAN’S LEG DROP!! Cover, Team EST wins!!

Winners: Team EST, by pinfall

Now THAT was Big Time! Becky, Bianca, Asuka, Alexa & Mia stand tall together, having kept Damage Control from taking over! Is this just the beginning of another big time comeback for The Man?


The Bloodline meets in the private room.

Jey has something to talk with Roman Reigns about. “Uce, from day one, I knew as soon as we started hanging around with Sami Zayn, Uce, I knew he couldn’t be trusted, Uce.” He’s why they lost the advantage! Jey heard Sami and Kevin Owens talking it up! Sami lied right to Jey’s face! The only reason he didn’t go get Sami was cuz Roman didn’t give the order. So what’re they gonna do about it? Roman says, “What’re we gonna do? Jey, I don’t know how to tell you. But this is what you’re going to do. You’re going to go out there and be the Right Hand Man and do what I say, while I’m going to be the Tribal Chief and worry about everything else. You understand me?” Jey says yes.

Roman tells Jey he will look Sami in the eye, man to man, and will know if Sami’s telling the truth. Roman will know where Sami’s loyalties lie. Just focus on tonight. Jey nods and fist bumps. Roman then tells Paul Heyman to get Sami. Heyman gets out his phone and makes the call. The confrontation is coming, but will Roman like the answer he gets when he confronts Sami tonight?


AJ Styles w/ The OC VS Finn Balor w/ The Judgment Day!

Once part of the same club, once good brothers, but now enemies torn apart by arrogance and darkness. This has to end somehow, but will it be the Phenomenal One that comes out on top? Or will Survivor Series be reeeeeeeal?

The bell rings and fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Finn gets around to a waistlock. Styles wrenches out to switch, but Finn pulls at the arm in return. Finn goes to ropes, Styles lets go but then Finn headlocks. The ref counts, they both let off but then Finn shoves Styles away. Styles keeps his cool and circles with Finn. They tie up, Finn gets the arm and wrenches. Styles chinbars to get a facelock but Finn backs Styles into a corner, The ref counts, both men let off again, and Finn pats Styles on the shoulder. But Styles blocks his cheap shot! Styles CLUBS the leg, KICKS the leg out, then KICKS it again!

Styles KICKS the leg out again, drags Finn around, and DDTs the foot! Finn hobbles away as Styles says he’ll pick Finn apart piece by piece! Styles ROCKS Finn, whips him corner to corner, then scoops Finn on the return for a BACKBREAKER! Fans fire up, Styles stalks Finn to a corner and has the leg. The ref counts but Styles lifts Finn for a SHINBREAKER! Fans rally as Styles tells Dom to shut up. Styles KICKS Finn’s leg out, and Finn says, ‘C’mon, AJ, we’re boys!” Styles says, “Not anymore!” Styles throws hands but Finn gives them back! Finn backs Styles down, throws body shots, but Styles HEADBUTTS in return!

Styles HEDBUTTS Finn to back him down and Boston rallies up for Styles. Styles bumps Finn off buckles, Finn staggers away, but then Finn victory rolls and STOMPS Styles down! Finn springboard stomps again and again, but stops as the ref counts. Finn snarls as he walks on the bad leg and fans boo. Dom and Priest soak up the heat for Finn as Finn brings Styles up. Finn DECKS Styles, bumps him off buckles, then CHOPS! Finn whips Styles corner to corner, then brings him out to a BACKBREAKER! Cover, ONE!! Styles is showing his toughness but Finn snarls. Finn drags Styles up but Styles throws body shots!

Styles backs Finn down with forearms, whips, but Finn reverses. Styles sunset flips but Finn rolls through to basement dropkick! Cover, ONE!! Finn looms over Styles while fans boo, but he hooks Styles up with a cobra twist! Styles endures while Finn pulls on the hold. Fans rally up and Styles fights his way around, but Finn CLUBS Styles on the back. Finn shoves Styles to ropes, ROCKS him in the back, then does it again! Fans boo as Finn drags Styles back up. Finn shoves but Styles ROCKS Finn! Styles fires off more shots, whips Finn to ropes, but Finn turns hip toss into a cobra twist! Styles endures all over again!

Fans rally and the Good Brothers coach Styles up. Styles throws elbows into Finn’s leg and gets free to hip toss! Finn gets up, Styles CLOBBERS him again and again! Styles snapmares, runs and SLIDING FOREARMS! Fans fire up and Finn staggers to a corner. Styles runs in to clothesline! Fireman’s carry, USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO! Styles is annoyed but he keeps on Finn. Styles brings Finn up but Finn trips him to DOUBLE- NO, Styles avoids the stomp! Styles goes to the apron but Finn KNEES him in the ropes! And again, and again! But Styles blocks to DRAGON SCREW the leg in the ropes!

Fans fire up as Styles aims, but Priest distracts the ref so Dom can trip Styles! But Gallows & Anderson surround Dom! Gallows UPPERCUTS Dom, he and Anderson mug Dom, but Priest rushes over! The Good Brothers and the bad boys brawl and Boston fires up! Gallows TOSSES Dom away, then ROCKS Priest! Gallows DUMPS Priest over the barriers! Anderson keeps after Dom, the brawl spills into the crowd! Fans fire up, Styles DECKS Dom and sends him over the barriers for the Machine Gun! Those four all disappear into the night, Styles finally has Finn 1v1! But Finn counter atomic drop to a cover, TWO! Styles rolls Finn, TWO!

Styles torture racks but Finn slips free to sunset flip! TWO! Finn runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, to SLINGBLADE Styles down! Finn snarls as he goes to the corner and takes aim. Fans boo but Finn runs at Styles, but into an ENZIGURI! Finn wobbles, Styles reels him in to suplex into buckles! Cover, TWO! Fans rally while both men are down. Styles rises up and he brings Finn up. But Finn RAMS Styles into the corner! Finn shakes his bad leg, but Styles catches him to roll! But Finn rolls through, DOUBLE STOMPS! Both men are down again but Finn grins as he stands back up. Finn hobbles and stomps Styles around.

Styles sits up, Finn stomps him down again, talking trash all the while. Finn talks trash to Boston, too, and then he stomps Styles more. Styles eggs Finn on and Finn kicks him more! “Is that all you got!?” Finn runs and BOOTS Styles! But Styles just fires up! Styles blocks the boot, fires off the Phenomenal Blitz, but Finn ducks under to dragon sleeper! But Styles fireman’s carries! Finn slips out, ELBOW DROP DDT! Cover, TWO! Styles survives but Finn snarls as he goes to ropes. Finn drags Styles up, reels him in, and mocks the Clash! But Styles grabs a leg and drags Finn down! Finn kicks Styles away, ROCKS him, but Styles PELES!

Finn wobbles, but he PELES in return! Both men are down and Boston fires up! Finn and Styles stir, Styles goes to a corner. Finn runs in to CHOP! Finn whips Styles corner to corner, Styles reverses and clotheslines! Styles whips Finn out to put him back in! But Finn dodges to put Styles in the gap. Styles ROCKS Finn, slingshots, but into a fireman’s carry! GUTBUSTER DROP! Cover, TWO! Finn is furious and he drags Styles up to a fireman’s carry. USHIGOROSHI! Finn drags Styles up in a dragon sleeper, but Styles slips out of 1916! Styles ELBOWS Finn from a corner, goes up the corner, and QUEBRADAS into the ELBOW DROP DDT! Cover, TWO!

Both men are down from copying each other’s signature favorites, but Styles drags Finn into a drop zone. Styles goes to the corner and climbs up top. Fans fire up as Styles 450’s, but he has to roll through as Finn moves! Finn SHOTGUNS Styles down! Styles is in a drop zone and Finn laughs as he climbs up! Fans boo but Finn jumps, only for Styles to move! Finn’s leg jams, Styles rolls him into the CALF CRUSHER!! Finn endures but Styles pulls way back on the leg! Styles pulls way back, but Finn DRIBBLES Styles’ head on the mat! Styles lets go and both men are down on the mat again.

Fans rally up as Finn rises. Styles stirs but he’s dazed from being treated like a basketball. Finn ROCKS Styles with a haymaker, and then another! Finn throws body shots in the corner, then more haymakers! Styles ROCKS Finn back! Styles backs Finn down, but Finn hits back. They go back and forth, faster and faster, and fans fire up! Finn CHOPS, Styles CHOPS back! Then ENZIGURIS! Finn goes to a corner, Styles runs in, but Finn puts him back on the pron. ENZIGURI, but Styles DECKS Finn! Styles adjusts, springboards, PHENOMENAL FOREARM!! Cover, Styles wins!

Winner: AJ Styles, by pinfall

The leaders battled for their teams, and in the end, this was phenomenal! But is this truly the end of the war? Or will Judgment Day come back around to tear down The OC?


SmackDown Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey w/ Shayna Baszler VS Shotzi Blackheart!

The Baddest Woman on the Planet has been acting more like a snotty bully as of late, but that’s fine, because the Wild Child knows exactly how to handle bullies: step to them and expose them. This got a lot more intense after just last night when Ronda and Shayna broke Raquel Rodriguez’s arm, will Shotzi avenge Big Mami Cool while taking the title? Or will Rowdy Ronda rip Shotzi apart like a Thanksgiving turkey?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Shotzi can TCB, tank care of business!

The bell rings, Ronda doesn’t sweat Shotzi, but Shotzi fires off fast hands! Ronda SAYANAGIS Shotzi but Shotzi comes back with more fast hands! Another SAYANAGI, but Shotzi comes back! But Ronda ducks the enziguri to get an ANKLE LOCK! Shotzi endures, reaches out, but Ronda YANKS her from ropes. Ronda and Shayna both talk trash on Shotzi, but Shotzi rolls and throws Ronda away! Shotzi runs in to CANNONBALL! Ronda flops out of the ring and Shayna is actually a little worried. Shotzi builds speed but Shayna shoves Ronda away to take the DIVE! But Shotzi still drags Ronda up to RAM her into steel steps!

Shotzi puts Ronda in the ring, ROCKS her with a forearm, then ROCKS her again! Shotzi runs, BOOTS Shayna off the apron, but Ronda rushes over! Shotzi dodges to LARIAT Ronda from the ropes! Shotzi goes up top, leaps, CROSS- BODY SLAM! Ronda turns momentum around in a split second! Ronda kicks Shotzi around, kicks her hands out from under her, then CLUBS her down. “I could beat you with my feet!” But then Shotzi grabs a leg, trips Ronda, and stomps Ronda down! Shotzi roars, and drops a leg, but into a leg scissors! Ronda tells fans they’re going to get an ankle for a souvenir!

Ronda puts on the ANKLE LOCK! Shotzi fights right up to ENZIGURI! Ronda still holds onto the foot, but she is wobbly! Ronda drags Shotzi up and wraps her up, rolls and has a STRAITJACKET LEGLOCK! Ronda says Boston doesn’t care about Shotzi because they’re not making any noise. Fans chant “We Want Sasha!” but Shotzi fights free to fire off fists! Ronda BOOTS Shotzi down then fires off at the ropes! Ronda drags Shotzi up, puts her through ropes and CHOKES her! The ref counts, Ronda looks at her “watch,” then lets off at 4. But Shotzi CLOBBERS Ronda!! Shotzi sputters, but she drags Ronda up again.

Shotzi has Ronda on the ropes, for an APRON DDT!! It was a nasty landing and both women are on the floor. A ring count starts, but Shotzi stalks Ronda. Shayna rushes in but Shotzi BOOTS Shayna! Shotzi kicks off Ronda to hit a SLICED BREAD on Shayna! Shotzi refreshes the count, storms up on Ronda and blocks a boot to TOSS Ronda into the crowd! Shayna runs in, Shotzi TOSSES her, too! Here’s that front row seat Shotzi promised last night! CROSSBODY and fans go toppling over! Fans nearby lose their minds seeing that! Shotzi stands up and drags Ronda back up. The ring count is climbing, Shotzi hurries to throw Ronda over the barriers.

We’re at 7 of 10, Shotzi puts Ronda in at 8. Shotzi climbs but Ronda meets her with a KNEE! Ronda brings Shotzi around, SUPER SAYANAGI!! Ronda crawls to cover, TWO!!! Shotzi survives and Ronda is furious! Ronda drags Shotzi around, rolls to fireman’s carry her, PIPER’S PIT!! Ronda says this is for the fans! ARMBAR!!! Shotzi taps, Ronda wins!

Winner: Ronda Rousey, by submission (still SmackDown women’s Champion)

Shayna returns to hand the belt to Ronda while fans boo. Shayna was the real advantage for Ronda here, will anyone be able to stop the Baddest Woman on the Planet when she has back-up like that?


Sami Zayn meets with Roman Reigns.

He knows they wanted to talk, so is now a good time? The perfect time. How is Sami feeling? Good! Tonight’s a big night, right? Always a big night for the Bloodline. But about last night… Was Sami talking to Kevin? Sami admits it, he was talking to Kevin. Roman sighs. Then he asks Sami this: Why’d he lie to Jey about it? Sami says he didn’t lie, he just withheld information. But it was only because Jey had the match that night. The advantage was on the line, Sami didn’t want to put things on Jey’s plate. Jey already has trouble trusting Sami outright, Jey wouldn’t have understood, Sami didn’t want to put that on his plate.

And Sami didn’t initiate, it was Kevin who talked to him. Kevin talked, then left, and that is the truth. And what was it that Kevin said? Kevin said that Sami should be the one to turn on The Bloodline before they turn on Sami. Kevin’s Sami’s friend, right? Or was. Roman gets that. But Roman wants Sami to understand that this is family. This is blood. Roman needs Sami to look him in the eyes and Roman needs to know if Sami is with them, or will stab them in the back. Sami say she is with Roman. Roman needs to understand that. There are five people on the whole planet allowed to be in this room: Heyman, the Usos, Solo, and Sami. That’s not lost on Sami, that means the world to him.

It means the world to Sami that Roman took him in as family. Sami will not let Roman down tonight. He will not let Roman down any night. He is with The Bloodline. Roman looks at Sami, Sami looks at Roman, and Heyman watches them both. Roman stands up, and tells Sami to stand up. Sami does stand, and Roman smiles. Roman says, “Let’s do it.” Roman HUGS Sami! Sami thanks Roman, but then the look on Roman’s face seems different. Did Sami really convince Roman he’s genuine? Or is Roman the one who convinced Sami?


WWE United States Championship Triple Threat: Seth Rollins VS Bobby Lashley VS Austin Theory!

The Visionary and the All Mighty battled for this belt 1v1 and the Visionary won, and that didn’t sit well with the All Mighty. But then, just as Lashley brutalized Rollins, the Youngest Mr. Money in the Bank did something with his briefcase never thought of before and he cashed in on the US title! Lashley kept Theory from taking the title, but now all three men will battle for this belt at the same time! Will Lashley take back what was his? Will Theory prove he isn’t the future but the NOW of WWE? Or will Rollins #BurnItDown in Boston?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if anyone can dethrone Seth Freakin’ Rollins!

The bell rings and Lashley CLOBBERS Theory right out of the ring! Fans sing “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” and Rollins says okay, let’s have this 1v1. Theory gets back in, Rollins CLOBBERS him right out! Lashley and Rollins brawl, Lashley RAMS Rollins into the corner and then RAMS him again and again and again! Lashley runs side to side to RAM Rollins, then hit a NECKBREAKER! Fans rally for Rollins but Lashley brings him around to suplex. Rollins knees free, CHOPS, but Lashley just glares at him. Rollins CHOPS, CHOPS, and ROLLING- NO, Lashley gets around but Rollins fights the full nelson! Rollins PELES Lashley away, runs in but is put on the apron.

Rollins ROCKS Lashley but Theory trips Rollins up! Theory RAMS Rollins into barriers! Theory snarls and stares Lashley down. Lashley storms out but Theory slides in. Lashley slides in but Theory fires off forearms and stomps! Theory rains down fists but fans boo. Theory drags Lashley up, but Lashley suplexes Theory! Lashley carries Theory around then SLAMS him down! Rollins springboards in, but into a back drop! Theory kick but Lashley blocks to ELBOW him away. Lashley then clotheslines Theory in a corner, then clotheslines Rollins in the other. Lashley RAMS into Theory, then he RAMS into Rollins!

Fans fire up, Lashley has Rollins but Theory runs in. Lashley catches Theory, COMPLETE SHOT DDT COMBO! Lashley fireman’s carries Theory to then RAM into Rollins! Lashley roars and fans fire up! Rollins stagger sup, Lashley kicks low and gut wrenches to the Canadian Rack, AK-47! Cover, Theory drags the ref out! Fans boo but there’re no disqualifications here for that. Theory runs form Lashley but Lashley drags him out of the ring to TOSS into the timekeeper’s area! Fans fire up and Theory has a chair! But Lashley blocks it! Lashley throws the chair away, YANKS Theory into a fireman’s carry, but Theory slips off!

Theory shoves Lashley but Lashley stops from being posted. Lashley ELBOWS Theory away, but Rollins FLYING KNEES! Direct hit on Lashley and Rollins RAMS him into steel steps! Fans fire up and Rollins hurries to pull the steps apart. But Theory CLOBBERS Rollins! Theory rains down fists, fans still sing “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” Theory has the steps and he RAMS Lashley down! Then he RAMS Rollins down! Theory puts the steps down a moment, but he sees Lashley getting back up. Theory picks the steels up to SLAM them into Lashley! Theory puts Rollins in the ring, somersaults and SHOTGUNS Rollins down! Cover, TWO!

Theory stomps away on Rollins but fans boo as he paces about. Theory drags Rollins up, bumps him off buckles, then throws haymakers and body shots. Theory digs his knee in but fans sing “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” Theory goes out after Lashley to SMACK him off the desk! Theory RAMS Lashley into barriers! Theory slides back into the ring to drag Rollins up, but Rollins cradles! TWO!! Theory CLOBBERS Rollins, covers, ONE!! Theory looms over Rollins, DECKS him, then pie faces him around. Rollins seethes as Theory talks trash and pushes him around. Theory ROCKS Rollins, pushes him around, and says this is HIS time!

Rollins ROCKS Theory! And again! And again! Rollins CHOPS, ROCKS, repeat! Fans “WOO~!” as Rollins CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Rollins whips, Theory reverses but Rollins CLOBBERS Theory! And again! And then redirects Theory to SLINGBLADE! SUPERKICK! Fans fire up and Theory bails out, Rollins builds speed to DIVE onto Lashley! Direct hit, and Rollins builds speed again to DIVE onto Theory! Rollins keeps moving, he DIVES and hits Lashley again! Rollins gets up but Theory runs in! Rollins sends him out, builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit on both opponents and Boston is thunderous!

Fans sing “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” as Rollins brings Theory up. Theory shoulders in, somersaults, but into a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO! Both Theory and Rollins are down and Lashley slides in. Rollins hurries to kick Lashley back out, then he goes to a corner. Fans fire up and sing for Rollins again. Rollins soaks it all in, then aims at Theory, Rollins runs, but Lashley drags Theory out of the way! MILE HIGH SPINEBUSTER! HURT LOCK on Rollins! But Theory jumps onto Lashley for a SLEEPER! Rollins pries at the hold while Theory squeezes tight! Lashley lets Rollins go so he can TOSS Theory out of the ring!

Rollins returns to kick low and hook the arms! PEDIGREE!! Cover, TWO!! Lashley survives because Rollins isn’t The Game, but fans rally up behind Rollins as he gets back up. Rollins drags Lashley into a drop zone and he hurries to a corner. Rollins climbs, PHOENIX- NO, Lashley moves, Theory throws Rollins out! Theory runs at Lashley, SOMERSAULT BLOCKBUSTER! Theory calls for it, fans boo but Theory drags Lashley up. Fireman’s carry, A-TOWN D- NO, Lashley slips off to get the HURT LOCK!! Theory endures, pushes off the corner to get a cover! FROG SPLASH OUTTA NOWHERE!! Cover on Lashley, TWO!?!?

All three men are down and Boston cannot believe it! “This is Awesome!” as all three men start to stir. Rollins watches Theory go to ropes. Rollins storms over but Theory shoves back. Theory swings, misses, but he ELBOWS Rollins. Rollins PELES Theory, but Theory fireman’s carries! Rollins slips off, runs and ROLLING ELBOWS! Then the turn and DRAEM SM- NO, Theory ducks to ROCK Rollins! Theory hooks the arms, but Rollins fireman’s carries! Lashley drags Theory off into a DOUBLE HURT LOCK?!? How is Lashley doing that!?! But they both RAM Lashley into the buckles! Lashley runs, but Theory jumps over, Lashley POSTS himself!

Rollins ROCKS Theory, SUPERKICKS Lashley, DREAM SMASHER for Theory!! Fans are thunderous again and Rollins aims. Rollins sees his targets line up, he runs in to leap off Theory and STOMP Lashley! Theory whips, but Rollins throws Theory out but Theory ROCKS him back! Theory goes up top, Rollins is right after him! SUPERPLEX and roll through to a FALCON- SPEAR!!! Theory falls onto the cover, and Theory wins?!?!

Winner: Austin Theory, by pinfall (NEW WWE United States Champion)

Boston boos because they can’t believe the sheer luck of Theory! The Youngest TWO-TIME United States Champion in WWE history leaves Boston victoriously, is he truly The NOW?


Jey talks with Roman again.

What did Sami say? Is he lying to Roman, too? Roman looked Sami in the eye and he saw everything he needed to see. Alright. Jey accepts that answer, but Roman is still very cryptic. Is this going to turn out good for Sami? Or very, very badly?


Men’s WarGames: The Bloodline VS Team Brutes!

The Tribal Chief has done whatever he wants to whoever he wants in the WWE, all thanks to having The Usos, Solo Sikoa, and even the Honorary Uce, Sami Zayn, by his side. But now, there won’t be any surprises, because they’re all here in the open, and so are their enemies! Will Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, Ridge Holland, Pete Dunne & Kevin Owens take advantage of their numbers advantage win last night? Or can nothing stop a united Bloodline?

Stepping up first for the Brawling Brutes is the Bruiserweight! “Butch” enters his FOURTH WarGames, will that in itself be a powerful advantage? Stepping up for the Bloodline is Jey. Roman hugs it out with his Right Hand Man, will Jey make the family proud? The bell rings and the five minutes start ticking away. Jey and Dunne stare down from opposite rings and Jey talks trash. Dunne is snarling, Jey tells “Butch” he’s in the big boy league! Dunne dares Jey to get in his ring, then! Jey steps through the gap, but he hesitates. Dunne keeps egging Jey on, fans chant, “Let’s Go, Ucey!” Jey rushes in and Dunne is right on him!

Dunne fires off hands, whips and CLOBBERS Jey! Dunne drags Jey around to wrap an arm in a hammerlock. Dunne grabs the other hand, and he bends fingers back! And then the elbow! Jey endures but tapping out wouldn’t matter now anyway! Dunne isolates that arm to STOMP it! Dunne puts that hand against the steel and he bends the fingers against the chain links! Jey fights but Dunne BOOTS the hand! Jey scrambles away, clutching his fingers, but Dunne is right on him at the ropes. Dunne wraps that arm around the ropes and tortures Jey with a hammerlock and chinbar! Dunne CLUBS Jey, then brings him around.

Dunne whips but Jey reverses to TOSS Dunn into steel! Jey CLUBS Dunne back down, then stalks him. Jey drags Dunne up for a POP-UP NECKBREAKER! Jey watches the clock as we are under two minutes. Dunne sits up but Jey eggs him on. Jey wrenches for an ARM CODE BREAKER! Dunne writhes and Jey circles around him. Dunne KICKS Jey’s leg, kicks from below, but Jey DECKS Dunne! Jey clutches that bad hand as we reach one minute. Jey hammerlocks and whips Dunne into the steel! Dunne writhes and crawls his way to the other ring, but Jey follows him. Jey eggs Dunne on, but Dunne gets the fingers!

Dunne ends the fingers, and STOMPS them on the steel in the gap! Jey shakes out the hand as he crawls away, but Dunne is right after him. Dunne hauls Jey up to KIMURA! Jey gets to ropes to stay standing, and he SLAMS Dunne down! The countdown is done, the Brutes send Ridge the Fridge! Ridge storms in, he dodges Jey to run him over! And again! Ridge then ducks ‘n’ dodges to FLYING SHOULDER! Ridge helps Dunne get up and the Brutes bring Jey up. Jey mule kicks and UPPERCUTS Ridge! Jey whips, Ridge reverses but Jey KICKS him! Jey runs, into a POWERSLAM! Ridge waits for Jey to stand, he runs in and SPLASHES in the corner!

Ridge keeps going, another SPLASH! And then another SPLASH! And another! Dunne adds a forearm smash, Ridge comes back to SPLASH again! Ridge HEADBUTTS Jey down, then he and Dunne coordinate! They beat their chests, watch Jey rise, and then they HIGH LOW Jey down! Dunne and Ridge then isolate the arms, to DOUBLE KNEE DROP them! Jey crawls to a corner as he still has one minute all alone. Dunne bends the fingers again, then Ridge pulls on a leg! Jey can only endure as Dunne digs his knee into the hand, then STOMPS it! Jey flops away into the other ring as we reach 30 seconds.

Dunne and Ridge stalk Jey, torture his hands and arms again, and then STOMP both arms at once! The countdown is done, but the Brutes are waiting. Here comes Ji- No? Roman says SAMI is next? Jimmy accepts that, and this could be a test for the Honorary Uce! Sami takes his time walking to the ring, knowing the Brutes will be right on him. Sami calls to Jey, fans cheer on “SAMI USO!” as he walks up to the steps. Sami walks in, Dunne has Jey but Jey TOSSES Dunne into the steel! Jey and Ridge brawl, Jey whips but Dunne TOSSES Jey! Now Sami attacks! Sami fires off on Ridge, DUMPS him into the gap, and then stomps away on him!

Fans fire up as Sami jumps and stomps and kicks Ridge around! Sami has Ridge in a corner, he fires off haymakers,  but Ridge dodges to EuroUpper and EuroUpper and EuroUpper! Ridge fires off haymakers but Jey catches Ridge on the ropes. Sami DECKS Ridge! Sami pats Jey on the back but Jey pushes him away. Jey and Sami argue, but Dunne is up top! Dunne BOOTS Sami, BOOTS Jey, then MOONSAULTS them both down! Fans fire up as the Brutes regroup. Ridge storms up to pick bot Sami and Jey up! DOUBLE BACK DROP! We’re under a minute now as Ridge dumps Jey into the second ring.

Ridge stomps a mudhole into Jey, then he backs up. Jey stands, Ridge runs in, but Sami pulls Jey out of the way! Ridge hits steel! Dunne goes after Sami but Jey goes after Dunne! Jey TOSSES Dunne into steel, but the countdown is done! Here comes the Scottish Warrior! McIntyre storms his way over, Jey and Sami are ready. McIntyre steps through the gap and both Sami and Jey go after him! He pushes them both away to CLOBBER Sami and TOSS Jey into steel! McIntyre TOSSES Jey into the other side! McIntyre then TOSSES Jey into more steel! McIntyre scoops Jey, to LAWN DART Jey into steel!

But Sami leaps! But McIntyre catches him! OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! McIntyre then clinches Sami in the other corner, for another OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Jey staggers up, into a SPINEBUSTER! McIntyre says “I’m feeling pretty Ucey right now!” He drags Jey up to CHOP in the corner! McIntyre hoists Jey up top as we reach one minute on the clock again. McIntyre climbs up after Jey, fans are torn, but Sami trips McIntyre up! But Ridge TOSSES Sami into steel! Jey kicks McIntyre, fire hands on Ridge and Ridge falls. But Dunne springs up! Jey ROCKS Dunne, sends him tumbling away, but McIntyre sits up! SPIDER SUPLEX!

McIntyre gets out of the Tree, he dodges Sami, and hits a FUTURE SHOCK! But the countdown is over, and now the Bloodline sends Jimmy! McIntyre has Sami on the top rope but Jey trips McIntyre! Jimmy brings out a TABLE! Boston fires up as Jimmy sends in the furniture, and both Sami and Jey hurry to set it up. Jimmy sends in another table! And then a third! The Bloodline quickly turns the tables but Jey doesn’t want Sami to bother. Jey will set this one up, and Jimmy tries to keep the peace. But Sami and Jey start shoving! Jimmy tells them all to chill, and Roman doesn’t like what he sees.

The Brutes rush in but they get mugged 3v2! Jimmy tosses Dunne, and he tells Jey to help keep the Brutes down. The Usos mug McIntyre while Sami sets up a table. The Usos TOSS McIntyre into steel! Jimmy ROCKS Dunne then TOSSES him, too! Sami brings the table into the second ring, we have one minute left again as Sami and Jimmy set the table up against a corner. Jey stomps and kicks the Brutes down, then Sami stomps McIntyre in the corner. Sami stands on McIntyre, “This is the Bloodline!” Jimmy KNEES Dunne down, then Sami drags McIntyre up. Sami and Jimmy work together while Jey checks his hand.

But the countdown is finishing as McIntyre hits a GLASGOW KISS! Then one for Jimmy! Here comes KEVIN!! Jey ROCKS McIntyre, but Kevin is searching under the ring. Kevin finds chairs! Kevin throws those in a few at a time, then he storms up. Kevin JAMS Jimmy. JAMS Jey, then SMACKS Jimmy! Jey gets a chair, the chairs CLASH, then Kevin SMACKS Jey on the back! Kevin sets the chair down to DDT Jimmy on it! Then he CANNONBALLS into Jey! Fans fire up as Kevin goes up top, SWANTON BOMB onto Jey! Fans fire up again as Kevin gets the chair and CHUCKS it at Jimmy! Down goes Jimmy!

Kevin gets the chair back to SLAM DUNK it on Jey! But now Kevin and Sami meet. Ridge CLUBS away on Sami! Sami falls, Kevin and Jey brawl. Jey SMACKS Kevin with the chair! Jimmy rains down fists in Kevin while Ridge and McIntyre mug Sami. Jimmy SUPERKICKS Ridge, but Dunne JAMS Jimmy with a chair. Dunne SLAMS Jimmy’s hand on a chair but Jey DECKS Dunne! McIntyre suplexes, stalls, and SLAMS Sami! Fans rally as McIntyre puts Sami in a corner. McIntyre stomps and ROCKS Sami on repeat. Dunne GAMANGIRIS Jey but Jimmy sets up a table. Kevin BACK SUPLEXES Jimmy through the table!

McIntyre CHOPS Sami, Ridge stomps Sami, Dunne forearm smashes Sami! We’re under 20 seconds as McIntyre stomps away! The countdown finishes, and the Bloodline sends The Enforcer! Solo fires up and goes to the ring. The Brutes stomp a mudhole into Sami but Solo CLOBBERS Ridge! Solo fires haymakers on Ridge, Dunne fires forearm on Solo. Solo shoves Dunne away to LARIAT him down! Solo TOSSES Dunne into steel! Ridge uppercuts Solo over and over, whips, but Solo reverses! Ridge comes back, into a SAMOAN DROP! Fans fire up with Solo, and then he stares Kevin down. They both step into the gap, and they fire off haymakers!

Fans fire up for the brawl and Solo HEADBUTTS! Solo whips but Kevin reverses and Solo hits steel! But he just shrugs it off?! Solo snarls, but Kevin SUPERKICKS him! Solo stays up, another SUPERKICK! Solo is still up so Kevin stomps a bare foot! Kevin reels Solo in but Solo fights the bomb to back drop Kevin on the steel! Kevin writhes, we’re at another one minute mark. And now, Solo stares down with McIntyre. This is for Clash at the Castle! They brawl with big haymakers, Solo ROCKS McIntyre but McIntyre BOOTS Solo! Solo SUPERKICKS and McIntyre goes to a corner! Solo roars and runs in, HIP- FLYING HEADBUTT!!

All eight men are down and the countdown is done! And finally, The Fella is in! Sheamus storms to the ring but Sami holds the door closed! Sheamus and Sami tug-o-war, but Sheamus wins that to then SLAM the door shut on Sami! Sheamus gets in to CLOBBER Jimmy, CLOBBER Jey, and CLOBBER Sami! Sheamus clotheslines Jimmy into the gap! Then he scoops Jey for an IRISH CRUSE BACKBREAKER! POWERSLAM for Sami! Fans fire up as the Celtic Warrior then goes to the corner of the second ring, for a DOUBLE FLYING LARIAT! Both Usos are down but Roman is preparing for his turn. Sheamus TOSSES Jimmy into steel!

Sami swings wild but misses. Sheamus clinches but Sami kicks free and fires off haymakers! Sami whips but Sheamus reverses to send him into steel! Sheamus helps the Brutes stand back up and fans fire up. The OG Brutes TRIP SPLASH Sami and the Usos against the steel! And then they fire off haymakers! McIntyre stomps Solo to keep him down while the rest get beat down! Solo HEADBUTTS away on Sheamus, whips him, but Sheamus fights the fireman’s carry! Sheamus swings, but into a clinch! Sheamus fights that, too, while McIntyre smothers Jimmy. Sheamus and McIntyre stomp Solo and Jimmy down.

Sheamus fireman’s carries Solo, he climbs up a corner, and hits Solo with a SUPER WHITE NOISE!! Both men are down, but the countdown is done! The Head of the Table finally joins the action, and WarGames can finally end! Roman helps the Bloodline regroup in one ring while the Brutes are all in the other. The ten men all stare down, fans fire up, and the chants of “UCEY! UCEY!” return. The Brutes rush the Bloodline and the brawl is on! Sheamus has Roman and Roman ROCKS Sheamus! Roman ROCKS McIntyre! Roman ROCKS Ridge! He ROCKS Dunne, then he ROCKS Kevin! The Tribal Chief locks ‘n’ loads to SUPERMAN PUNCH Sheamus!

Fans are torn as Roman looks around at the battlefield. Sheamus staggers up, Roman lets out the battle cry! But Sheamus KNEES Roman away and TOSSES him to the gap! Sheamus has Roman on the ropes, and McIntyre helps keep Roman there! But then the Bloodline go after them! Ridge and Dunne go after the Usos and Sami, somehow, someway, the Brutes put everyone in the Bloodline on the ropes! Fans fire up for a QUINTUPLE BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! They all go past TEN, and then to TWENTY, and then to TWENTY-FIVE!! That’s 125 beats in total!! Fans are thunderous as the Brutes all sort things out with the Bloodline.

Sheamus throws hands on Roman but Roman hits back! McIntyre and Kevin join in, they all have a bone to pick with Roman! The others go to stop the Bloodline, Sheamus swings but Roman ROCKS him with an uppercut! And another! Roman fireman’s carries but Sheamus fights free to shove and KNEE Roman down! Fans fire up as Sheamus aims from a corner. “BROGUE! BROGUE!” And Sheamus runs at Roman, but Solo takes the BROGUE! Roman SPEARS Sheamus! Cover, Dunne breaks it in time!! Sami fires off on Dunne! “You know who that is?! That’s the Tribal Chief! You understand who you’re dealing with?!”

Sami ROCKS Dunne but Dunne ROCKS Sami! Jey runs in, but Dunne dodges and the SUPERKICK hits Sami!! Not that Jey really cares, but Jimmy gets mad at him. Dunne BOOTS Jey, hops up top, but Jey ROCKS Dunne! The Usos climb up and have Dunne, SUPER ONE D!! Cover, Ridge breaks it!! Ridge drags the Usos up, but they shove him away to DOUBLE SUPERKICK! Ridge wobbles, Roman SPEARS Ridge through the table!! Fans lose their minds as Roman crawls out of the wreckage. But right to McIntyre’s feet! McIntyre drags Roman up, TOSSES him into the first ring, and then brings him towards a table!

McIntyre drags Roman up, reels him in, but Solo SUPERKICKS McIntyre! SPINNING SOLO through the table!! Solo roars, but Kevin gives him a STUNNER!! Cover, Roman breaks it! Kevin and Roman stare down now, and fans fire up seeing these two meet again! Kevin and Roman circle, Kevin shouts, “I’m not done with you! Not by a long shot!” Kevin SLAPS Roman, then the haymakers start flying! Roman ROCKS Kevin with an uppercut, runs in but into a STUN- NO, Roman powers out to SUPERMAN PUNCH! Kevin crawls, Roman steadies himself, “OOAH~!” Roman runs in, into a SUPERKICK! Kevin whips Roman for a POP-UP POWERBOMB!!

Kevin fires up, Roman staggers up, into a STUNNER!! Cover, Sami stops the ref!! Sami said he was on Roman’s side, and this just proved it! Kevin glares at his best frenemy, but fans chant “SAMI USO!” Sami and Kevin stare down and Sami says it doesn’t have to be like this. Kevin is a friend but Roman is Sami’s family. Oh, is this family? Kevin has Roman, but he blocks Jimmy’s superkick! Sami LOW BLOWS Kevin!! Fans boo, because it’s one thing to show loyalty, but it’s another to literally go below the belt! Sami seems conflicted about it, but he tells Roman that he did this for him. Roman nods, Sami runs in at Kevin, HELLUVA KICK!!

Kevin falls against Sami and Sami holds him up, and Sami looks at Jey. Sami pushes Kevin down into the drop zone, and he offers him up. Jey goes up, USO SPLASH!! Cover, the Bloodline wins!

Winners: The Bloodline, by pinfall

The Honorary Uso just turned on his friend of 25 YEARS to side with the Tribal Chief. And Roman hugs Sami for it! Even JEY hugs Sami!! With Sami finally sitting at the table on the Island of Relevancy, is there no stopping The Bloodline from running everything in WWE?

My Thoughts:

What a wild Survivor Series with WarGames for the first time. Obviously this was going to end up bookended by the WarGames matches, and with ladies first, they gave us an awesome opener, and from a strategic standpoint, it made so much sense to have Bianca, Kai & Sky start because they had WarGames experience. And the trend still stands, the team that wins numbers advantage loses. To be fair, I’m not sure how that serves the story with Bianca still Raw Women’s Champion and Kai & Sky still the tag team champions. If it went the other way around, maybe there’d be something because Bayley would want one more shot at Bianca.

Now, with Becky getting the win, maybe Becky wants a Raw Women’s title match but Bayley says “Not so fast!” and we get a great match between those two to name a #1 contender. Meanwhile, it can also set up Alexa & Asuka VS Kai & Sky again, but with Nikki stepping in to feud with Alexa instead. Also I like that Nikki’s ring gear was a villainous recolor of her Almost Super Hero outfit, because there was clearly the lightning butterfly still on it. One detail that was played up well was Rhea and Mia not being able to join Judgment Day and OC since Styles VS Finn was right after.

Styles VS Finn was awesome stuff, and I did like that the Good Brothers brawled with Dom & Priest to the back. Styles winning makes sense with all the wins Judgment Day got through cheating, but I can’t really say this was definitive. There’s always a chance the factions just move on to other feuds, but I can’t be sure how that would work, either. Shotzi VS Ronda was… Well, that apron DDT was awful, but probably because Ronda, through no fault of her own, just didn’t wanna take it. Self-preservation is a hard instinct to fight off but you kinda have to as a pro-wrestler sometimes. Without that, things moved pretty smoothly, but it didn’t help that Boston only wanted Sasha Banks to return and nothing else. And again, it was obvious that Ronda was going to retain, so that didn’t help, either.

Great Triple Threat for the US Championship, and I suppose it’s also a case of perspective how that finish felt. For one, a Spear that stops a Falcon Arrow, only to result in the third guy winning was very creative. Theory was either opportunistic or lucky, I saw it as lucky, but sometimes stuff happens differently live than planned on paper. Either way, Theory winning the title was a surprise, I thought Rollins was going to keep on rolling through the year. But maybe now Rollins and Theory feud 1v1 to prove who is truly the better man.

And we had great promos leading up the main event to keep in question whether or not Sami will stay loyal to The Bloodline. They did a great job keeping it rather vague on how Roman was feeling, and then it all showed itself in the match as Sami saves Jey, who was always doubting him, and even sinking to new lows to betray Kevin. Which is also great given Sami’s story with Kevin because it was Kevin who betrayed Sami first in NXT, and now Sami betrayed Kevin here on a bigger stage. The Bloodline wins to also keep the trend of the advantage actually being a disadvantage, and now this must be pushing past the Rumble to give us something big for WrestleMania, which makes a lot of sense really. They stumbled onto something great with “Sami Uso” and they’re going to keep it going.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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