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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (12/2/22)

The SmackDown World Cup finals are here!



SmackDown 2022

Who challenges Der Ring General?

The SmackDown World Cup finals sees Ricochet and Santos Escobar battle for the right to face GUNTHER for his WWE Intercontinental Championship!


  • Sheamus w/ The Brawling Brutes VS Sami Zayn w/ The Bloodline; Sami wins.
  • Shayna Baszler VS Emma; Baszler wins.
  • Kofi Kingston VS GUNTHER w/ Imperium; Gunther wins.
  • SmackDown World Cup Finals: Ricochet VS Santos Escobar w/ Legado Del Fantasma; Ricochet wins and will challenge GUNTHER for the WWE Intercontinental Championship.


Sheamus VS Sami Zayn w/ The Bloodline!

Once again, Friday is Fight Night! And The Fella is going up against the Honorary Uce, because nothing was truly settled in WarGames other than whose side Sami is on. Will the Celtic Warrior kick Sami out of the way to go after The Head of the Table? Or will Sami be feeling Ucey in Buffalo?

But before the match, the Bloodline get the mics. Jey says, “The Bloodline is now in your city!” Fans are torn as Sami adds, “Guess what, Jey? At Survivor Series, inside of WarGames, the Bloodline yet again leveled up. And do you wanna know why? Because at WarGames, we had the longest reigning tag team champions-” Jimmy says, “No, no,  no, no, my dawg. We’re not gonna do that. I told you in the back, tonight is about you, my dawg.” Of course The Bloodline leveled up, and of course they hashed it out, but Sami was the MVP! The fans were chanting for Sami USO! Buffalo chants “SAMI USO!” even now!

Sami smiles and shows the goosebumps on his arm. Jey says he doubted Sami for a long, long time. He did. He didn’t like Sami. But when Sami decided to stand with the family, he earned Jey’s respect asap. And it is because of Sami that at WarGames, the Bloodline won. Sami says this is too much. He doesn’t know what to say. Jimmy does! And the question is: How you feelin’? Fans already chant “UCEY! UCEY!” Sami looks around and says, “I gotta say, right now, I am feeling pretty freakin’ Ucey, baby!” Sami calls Jey into it, and they DOUBLE SECRET HANDSHAKE! Sami and Jimmy hug it out, but here comes Sheamus and the Brawling Brutes!

Sheamus has a mic to tell “Sam,” “I hate to beat the bullocks out of a fellow ginger, but trust me. By the end of tonight, you will have a massive smile on your face. I think there’s enough talking for tonight, yeah? It’s FIGHT NIGHT! Let’s go!” Sheamus leads Ridge Holland and Pete Dunne up to the ring, the Bloodline stands down, and the bell rings! Sheamus and Sami circle, tie up, and Sheamus powers Sami to a corner. The ref counts, Sami avoids the haymaker, and they tie up again. Sheamus power Sami back but Sami headlocks. Sheamus powers out to run Sami over! Sheamus whips Sami corner to corner hard, and Sami bounces off buckles!

Sheamus drags Sami up to EuroUpper! Sami kicks back, fires off forearms, then wrenches to whip. Sheamus reverses, but Sami blocks the hip toss. Sheamus blocks Sami’s hip toss, then CLOBBERS him! Sami flounders but Sheamus clamps on a Dublin Grin! Sami endures, Sheamus knees him in the back. Sheamus CLUBS Sami, tosses him out, and Sami flounders to his feet. Sheamus goes out after Sami, to whip him into barriers! The ref starts the ring count, the Bloodline and Brutes stare down, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Sheamus stands on Sami’s hand before he stomps it! Sami rolls out of the ring, Sheamus goes out after him, and the Bloodline backs up. Sheamus ROCKS Sami, puts him back in the ring, then glares at the Usos. Sami KICKS the rope as Sheamus step sin, then he hits a DDT! Cover, TWO! Dunne & Ridge coach Sheamus but Sami stomps away at the ropes. The ref counts, Sami lets off, then he sits Sheamus up to rain down fists! Sami CLUBS Sheamus, stalks him to ropes, and CHOKES him! The ref counts, Sami lets off and Sheamus sputters. Fans rally, Sheamus throws body shots, but Sami dropkicks Sheamus down!

Sami and Sheamus are both down but Sami CLOBBERS Sheamus! And CLUBS him, and CLUBS him again! Sami clamps on a chinlock but Sheamus endures. Sheamus fights up, Sami smothers him, but the ref reprimands. Sami stops but Sheamus stands up! Sami is a backpack as Sheamus RAMS him into buckles! Sheamus staggers but Sami BOOTS him! Sami reels Sheamus in, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! The fans rally, Sheamus rolls to the apron, but Sami storms over. Fans cheer on “SAMI USO!” as he drags Sheamus up. Sami hooks Sheamus up in the ropes, and he grins as he steals BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN!

But Sheamus stops it at ONE! Sheamus elbows away on Sami, Sami staggers away, and Sheamus CLOBBERS him! And CLOBBERS him again! Sheamus clotheslines hard in the corner! Then he scoops Sami for a POWERSLAM! Fans fire up but plenty boo as Sheamus storms up behind Sami. Sheamus stands Sami up and hooks him in the ropes, but Sami HOTSHOTS Sheamus away! Sami hurries up top, leaps, but Sheamus catches him! For an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! And then the CLOVERLEAF! Sami endures and fans rally up! The Usos coach Sami and he crawls his way to ropes! ROPEBREAK!

Sheamus lets off at the count of 4 but is frustrated. Sheamus storms up but Sami elbows him way! Sheamus rushes back in but Sami dumps him out! Sami builds speed, and FLIES! Direct hit with the tope conjilo! The Usos are fired up but Sami and Sheamus are both down as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and fans rally as Sami climbs up! But Sheamus ROCKS Sami first! And again, and again, and again! Sheamus CHOPS, climbs up, but Sami fires HEADBUTTS! Sami DECKS Sheamus with a right and fans fire up as he adjusts. Sami leaps, into a KNEE! Cover, TWO!! Sami survives but sits up in a daze. Sheamus and Sami slowly rise, Sheamus drags Sami up and fires off forearms. Sheamus fireman’s carries, then climbs a corner! Fans are torn but the Usos are worried. Sami fights free to SUPER SUNSET BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Sheamus survives and Buffalo can’t believe it!

The Usos coach Sami up, Sami sits up in the corner while Sheamus crawls to the far side. “This is Awesome!” as Sami takes aim. Sami runs corner to corner, but Sheamus turns Helluva Kick into WHITE NOISE!! Cover, TWO!!! Sami survives and Buffalo is fired up! Fans rally for Sami as Sheamus goes back to a corner. Sheamus fires up, he aims at Sami and the Usos warn him! Sami bails out, Sheamus hurries after him! Sheamus has Sami on the ropes, Buffalo fires up for BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! Sheamus goes past TEN to get TWENTY!! Sami flops down and Sheamus aims from a corner again. Fans are torn but Sheamus aims at Sami.

Sheamus beats his chest, but Jimmy gets on the apron! Sheamus DECKS Jimmy but Sami jumps onto Sheamus! Sheamus bucks Sami away, but Jimmy GAMANGIRIS! Sami hits BLUE THUNDER! Cover, TWO!?! The Usos can’t believe it! But then the Brutes get after them! They brawl, but then Solo CLOBBERS Ridge! The 3v2 goes the Bloodline’s way, UREANGE on the barrier! Ridge and Solo brawl, they’re up against the ring! Solo SUPERKICKS Ridge! Sami hurries to run at Sheamus, but into a KNEE! Jimmy distracts the ref, Jey SUPERKICKS Sheamus!! Sami sunset flips, and Sami wins!!

Winner: Sami Zayn, by pinfall

Further proof that Sami is a part of the Bloodline: Jey helped him win! Sami is all fired up, will he be unstoppable with this support?


Legado Del Fantasma speaks.

Santos Escobar says they have only flourished since arriving on SmackDown. Now, he will make sure the SmackDown World Cup belongs in the hands of their perfect enterprise. “Winning this tournament shines a light on Mexico and the superior art of Lucha Libre.” Zelina Vega says we will soon see The Emperor is the very best the industry has to offer. “The results speak for itself. The SmackDown World Cup will give Legado a first class flight to the Intercontinental Championship. And when Santos becomes the Intercontinental Champion, it’ll give Legado an undoubted position of power in WWE.”

Escobar tells La Reina Vega that he likes the sound of that. And he tells Ricochet that he may have made it this far, but the fairytale comes to its final chapter. Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde both say, “Legado reigns supreme.” Will that prophecy come true? Or will Ricochet be the Cinderella Man that wins it all?


Backstage interview with Kofi Kingston.

Megan Morant says Kofi has good news, and he says yes! He is the first to declare for the Royal Rumble BABYYY~! Congratulations on that, but she must get his thoughts on the SmackDown World Cup finals. He likes what he’s seeing out of Escobar but he can’t bet against Ricochet. Both guys have a great chance against Gunther, but then Imperium walks in. Giovanni Vinci asks Megan why she’d waste time on someone who clearly has no respect for this great sport. Ludwig Kaiser agrees, as The New Day spends more time online than in the ring. Okay, guys, look, with you and your new shirts, you should be called “ImperiYUCK!”

But Kofi sees where this is going so he’ll stop it here. They want a match but Xavier Woods isn’t here. But Kofi is willing to engage in singles fisticuffs with any one of them! So the question is, who? WHO WHO WHO? The soldiers step aside for Der Ring General to step forward. Gunther says this is perfect. Tonight, Kofi takes him on. Kofi says okay, but was Gunther just hiding there the whole time? Well, see you out there! Will Kofi, a former Intercontinental Champion, prove to the current champion that speed can win against strength?


Bray Wyatt speaks.

“Y’know what I think’s pretty wild? I think we’re spoiled today. Society has given us this lavish lifestyle. We’re all shrouded in technology, and everyone has manners. Hmm. And I think that we typically forget that once upon a time, we were all just wild animals. Spiders eat flies, even to this day, snakes eat rates. But nobody looks at this like an act of violence. it’s simply just animals trying to survive. Some must die so that others can live. And you don’t wanna be the one, right? We don’t dare talk about these things, even though all these primal instincts are ingrained in every single one of us!

“We don’t dare talk about it, because we don’t wanna be the freak, right? We want to fit into our little place in society and carry on. But they’re still there. I’m not the one that hurt LA Knight.” Highlights show the last couple of incidents involving LA Knight disrespecting Bray, and then getting hurt. Bray says he didn’t do that, “but I heard you. And oh, how you rejoiced. How primal of you. However, if I had been the one, you would all know. Because there’d be none of him left.” Bray puts out a warning to LA Knight and him, but who will strike next?


Shayna Baszler VS Emma!

The Queen of Spades helped be an insurance policy for Ronda Rousey at Survivor Series, but she’s going to do this all on her own. Will Shayna continue to ruin Emma’s homecoming? Or will Emma prove WWE is #AllAboutEmma?

SmackDown returns, and before Emma makes her entrance, Mad Cap Moss walks over. Moss asks if she’s alright and she says she’s good. But she’s realizing five years is a long time away, and so much has changed here. Emma sees the competition is tough. Moss has her stop doubting herself. It isn’t that the competition is tough, it’s that she needs to remember who she is. The Women’s (R)Evolution wouldn’t have happened without Emma busting her butt. And sure, the game has changed, the competition is tough, but Emma belongs here. Emma thanks Riddick for that, and then she kisses him for luck.

Emma makes her entrance and the bell rings. Fans rally, the two tie up, and Shayna waistlocks. Shayna SLAMS Emma down, floats all over her, then slaps her around. Fans boo but Emma shrugs that all off. Emma and Shayna circle, tie up, and Emma wrenches and headlocks. Emma spins and waistlocks and spins Shayna to then snapmare and ghost pin! TWO! Fans cheer as Emma is showing Shayna just how good she is. Things speed up, Emma tilt-o-whirls and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS! Cover, ONE! Emma storms up after Shayna on the apron but Shayna HOTSHOTS an arm! Shayna storms in and drags Emma up to WRING that arm!

Shayna stands on the arm to YANK it! Emma shakes out the arm but Shayna grabs it, twists the wrist and bends the elbow to then double wristlock. Emma endures but Shayna bends the arm back! Emma avoids the cover but Shayna keeps on the arm. Shayna twists the arm but Emma fights up to roll Shayna up, TWO! Shayna CLOBBERS Emma! Shayna gets the arm again, twists it around and isolates it, but Emma rolls through to KICK Shayna! Emma throws body shots and forearms, but Shayna ROCKS her back! Emma comes back to LARIAT Shayna! Both women are down and fans rally. Shayna runs in but Emma elbows her!

Emma ROCKS Shayna, ROCKS her again, and again! Emma backs Shayna down, whips, but Shayna reverses. Emma holds ropes, then sidesteps Shayna to put her in ropes, DRAPING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Emma hurries to bring Shayna up and underhook the arms. But Shayna fights and the arm gives up! Shayna RAMS Emma into a corner, but Emma dodges the knee! Emma has Shayna in a TARANTULA! Fans cheer and the ref counts, Emma lets off at 4. Emma climbs, but Shayna kicks the rope to trip her up! Shayna then KICKS Emma, and THROWS her down! KIRAFUDA KLUTCH!! Emma fades, taps, Shayna wins!

Winner: Shayna Baszler, by submission

Shayna just took all that pep talk from Moss and tore it apart! Then she PENALTY KICKS Emma’s bad arm! Fans boo as Shayna isolates the arm, but here comes SHOTZI! Fans fire up as the Wild Child stands up to another bully! Shotzi dodges, fires off forearms on Shayna, but Shayna KICKS Shotzi back! And KNEES Shotzi down! Shayna looms over Shotzi, clamps onto one of her arms, and twists the wrist! Fans boo as Shayna isolates that arm, but here comes RAQUEL!? Raquel Rodriguez has a broken elbow but she’s still here! She storms right up to the ring, stares Shayna down, and then gets in the ring!

Shayna leaves and fans boo. Bully Baszler backs away, and says it took all three of them. Will Shayna have to face the consequences soon enough?


Lacey Evans is “getting back to basics.”

She jogs in camouflage and boots. “You are the product of a elite training of the most powerful fighting force in the world: The United States Marine Corps.” The drill sergeant puts her through the training. Lacey has found herself in the crowd with the whiners and the weak, so something had to change. “A Mustang gets a tune-up. A boxer goes to training camp. A Marine goes back to basics.” The journey continues, when and where will we see a renewed and redeemed Lacey Evans?


Ricochet speaks.

“So it’s come down to this: Mexico VS the United States of America. Santos Escobar VS Ricochet. From the moment that the competitors were announced, everyone’s been asking me this one question, and that’s, ‘What would it mean for Ricochet to win the SmackDown World Cup?’ I think it’s pretty obvious every time he walks out the curtain. It would mean everything. And if this is the route that Ricochet has to take to finally get his rematch for the Intercontinental Championship with Gunther, then you’re looking at the winner of the SmackDown World Cup. Santos, I hope you’re ready.”


Kofi Kingston VS GUNTHER w/ Imperium!

The New Day’s high-flyer brings the Power of Positivity to hold it down, but he isn’t just facing one of the foot soldiers. Will Der Ring General prove that the mat is sacred? Or has he gotten rusty waiting for someone to step up?

SmackDown returns as Imperium makes their entrance. The bell rings, Kofi and Gunther circle, but Vinci talks trash. Kofi kicks at Vinci but Gunther rushes over! Kofi avoids the back hand to KICK Gunther, CLUB and KICK, but Gunther shoves him way. Kofi dropkicks back! Gunther stays up so Kofi fires off more kicks, Kofi headlocks but Gunther counters with a BACKBREAKER! Gunther stomps Kofi, talks trash, then stands him up to EuroUpper! Kofi crawls to ropes, Gunther brings him up but Kofi fires body shots! Kofi ROCKS and KICKS, but Gunther turns Kofi with a facelock to CHOP him down!

Imperium talks more trash while Gunther stalks Kofi to ropes. Gunther stomps Kofi, kicks him around, and stands him up again. Gunther snapmares Kofi, and uses his feet to TWIST Kofi’s head! Fans boo but Imperium cheers. Kofi crawls to ropes, Gunther is on him again and pushes him to ropes. Gunther CLUBS Kofi in the back! Gunther shoves Kofi again but Kofi ROCKS Gunther back! And KICKS! And fires off body shots! Fans fire up, Kofi has Gunther in a corner, but Gunther turns it around to CHOP Kofi down! Kofi writhes but Gunther stalks him to a corner. Gunther kicks Kofi around, Kofi sputters and sits up.

Gunther drags Kofi up and whips him to ropes. Kofi holds ropes, then dumps Gunther out! Gunther is on the apron but Kofi CALF KICKS him down! Kofi builds speed but Ludwig trips him! Fans boo but Gunther BOOTS Kofi back down! Gunther reels Kofi in, but BRAUN makes his way out! The Monster of All Monsters isn’t gonna let Imperium screw Kofi like this! Ludwig and Vinci get Braun’s attention but that’s not good! Braun chases Ludwig! Vinci LEAPS, but into Braun’s arms! Braun POSTS Vinci then TOSSES him away! Ludwig jumps on, but Braun TOSSES him, too! Fans fire up as Braun storms after the soldiers!

But Gunther hauls Kofi up! Kofi slips out of the bomb to hit an SOS! Cover, TWO!! Gunther survives and bails out while SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Gunther has a SLEEPER on Kofi! Fans rally as Kofi endures and fights up to his feet! Kofi throws body shots, kicks, and more shots! But Gunther drops back! Kofi rolls that to a cover, TWO! Gunther swings but Kofi counter punches! Kofi fires more hands, but Gunther whips Kofi, only for Kofi to dropkick the legs out! Gunther hobbles, Kofi DOUBLE CHOPS! And DOUBLE CHOPS Gunther on the back! And DROPKICKS Gunther to ropes! Gunther swings but Kofi dodges to LEAPING LARIAT! Gunther is down, Kofi runs for the “NEW~ DAY~! BOOM DROP! Fans fire up with Kofi as he goes to the corner!

Kofi and fans clap, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Kofi spins, but Gunther avoids the Trouble in Paradise to GERMAN SUPELX! Kofi lands on his feet! Gunther runs in, into a SWING KICK! Kofi goes up, STANDING SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Gunther stays in this but Kofi kicks him around. Kofi drags Gunther up, KICKS his leg, KICKS it again, but Gunther blocks the whip. Gunther whips Kofi but Kofi goes up and up and leaps, into a CHOP! Gunther hauls Kofi up into a waistlock, for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Gunther grows frustrated but he has the legs! BOSTON CRAB! Kofi endures as Gunther sits deep!

Kofi crawls, reaches out, fights his way over, but Gunther lets off to shift into a CROSSFACE! Gunther pulls on the hold but Kofi endures. Kofi stands up, slips out the back, and KICKS Gunther’s leg! And again, and again and again! Gunther CHOPS! Kofi catches Gunther again, but Gunther gut wrenches Kofi off! But Kofi slips free of that to SUPERKICK! Gunther comes back to SHOTGUN Kofi into a corner! Gunther hauls Kofi up. GENERAL BOMB!! Cover, TWO!?!? Gunther can’t believe it! But this is the toughness of #GrandSlamKofi! Gunther drags Kofi back up, reels him back in, but Kofi CHOPS back!

Gunther SLAPS Kofi! Gunther scoops and POWERSLAMS! Cover, Gunther wins!

Winner: Gunther, by pinfall

A big win in a big fight for the Intercontinental Champion! That #LastSymphony was what finished this, but was using a powerslam a message to the Monster of All Men? Is Gunther looking past the two men in the World Cup finals tonight?


Sami Zayn exits the Bloodline locker room.

This time, there’s a number pad on the door, so only those with a password can get in. Sami types it in to lock it, and Sami says they’re heading out to eat. He knows a great place, he hopes everyone’s hungry. But Jimmy wants Sami to hold on. Sami and Solo can go together. Sami’s been making enemies, the Enforcer will do his job. Well, alright. Let’s go, Uce! Sami & Solo head out, and the Usos talk. Sami may be Bloodline, but he still ugly. Jimmy can’t believe Jey is okay with “Sami Uso.” Jey can’t either. He never thought he’d see the day. But Jimmy asks if Jey ever got to confront Sami for lying to his face.

Jey says no, but Big Uce said he saw what he needed to see looking at Sami. And we saw how WarGames went! They got the win! YEET! But then SHEAMUS attacks, with a shillelagh! Sheamus wishes them luck on Monday. And if the Usos make it through, Sheamus & Drew will be waiting on the other side! Sheamus heads off, shouting, “BANGER! AFTER BANGER! AFTER BANGER!” Will Jimmy & Jey make it through Elias & Matt Riddle just to run into the Celtic Connection?


Damage Control is here!

Bayley, Iyo Sky & Dakota Kai are here, shrugging off the loss at WarGames with the fact that they still have the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships. Bayley says, “DING DONG, idiots! Especially you right there! Sit down with your dumb hat. Trust me, trust me, we don’t wanna be here in stupid Boof-alo, either. But I’m pretty sure, uh, Michael Cole must’ve missed me, huh? That’s why we’re here. SmackDown needed ratings so they knew they could count on Damage Control. You guys saw that footage, right? That was less than a week ago, okay/ We were in WarGames less than a week ago.

“The three of us combined were inside that match for a total of 95 minutes and 19 seconds! DO any of you idiots realize the magnitude of that? Do you know what that does to our bodies? Of course you don’t. Because you dummies cheered for Becky Lynch when she won. Oh gimme a break! She was in there for a cup of coffee!” Fans cheer for Becky but Bayley says Becky’s not here, so the fans can shut up. Bayley was gonna give Becky some credit for stepping up, but never mind, the fans ruined that. Enough about Becky, Bayley wants to talk about the SmackDown Women’s Division. No one had the guts to step up and face DMG CTRL!

And as the longest reigning SmackDown Women’s Champion in history, that really disappointed Bayley. So now they’re here to be SmackDown’s Role Models! You can look up to her, Sky & Kai. But wait! Here comes Liv Morgan! “Bayley, Bayley, Bayley. It seems like you have a problem with the Smackdown Women’s Division. Well on behalf of the locker room, I’m here to address it. One, two, three… Seems fair.” Liv rushes the ring! She trips Dakota, drags her out and RAMS her into steps! Sky runs in but gets sent into barriers! Liv h Bayley alone now and TACKLES her! Liv rains down fists and fans fire up!

But Kai & Sky return to beat Liv down! DMG CTRL mugs Liv 3v1, but wait! Is that… TEGAN NOX?! Nox is back and she slides in to go right at her old friend, Kai! Then she DECKS Sky, DECKS Bayley, CLOBBERS Kai, and kicks everyone! UPPERCUT for Bayley! Nox stomps a mudhole into Bayley but Kai & Sky go after her! They set Nox up for Bayley to LARIAT! Fans boo another 3v1 mugging! But Liv returns with a kendo stick! She SMACKS Kai, SMACKS Sky, and SMACKS Bayley! The stick is broken and fans fire up! Nox runs in with the SHINIEST WIZARD!! Tegan Nox is back, and just like Liv, SHE stepped up! Will DMG CTRL fail to take over even the blue brand?


Karrion Kross speaks.

Scarlett Bordeaux deals tarot cards while Mr. Doomsday says, “This universe is one giant storm. It’s chaos, randomness. And I embraced this truth a long time ago. I embraced it. Others, they struggle with this reality. And the more they fight against it, they come to find it puts them all in places they really don’t wanna be. I showed Drew McIntyre this. And I had to teach Mad Cap Moss. That you don’t walk against the wind. But now, now it’s time to take someone else into the eye of the storm. Scarlett.” The card dealt is “The Emperor,” REY MYSTERIO! “Tick-tock.” The apocalypse is coming for the lucha legend, will Rey’s time run out?


Uncle Howdy speaks.

“Do you know the man who lives next door? How well do you know their name? Why can’t you all see? I know what he thinks. I know how he feels. It’s all fiction. Trust me. Revel in what you are.”


SmackDown World Cup Finals: Ricochet VS Santos Escobar w/ Legado Del Fantasma!

The King of Flight or the Emperor of Lucha Libre. The trophy awaits on its pedestal, and Der Ring General awaits with his Intercontinental Championship. There must be a winner, who will be the one and only SmackDown World Cup Champion?

SmackDown returns as Ricochet makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two rush in to tie up. Escobar waistlocks, Ricochet wrenches out and wristlocks. Fans rally for “U S A!” but Escobar rolls and wrenches back. Ricochet rolls, handsprings, and backflips to break free! Fans fire up and the two reset. Escobar signals to Cruz but Ricochet sees him. Escobar rushes in but Ricochet ROCKS Escobar! And again! Ricochet runs, but Cruz is there again! Escobar CLOBBERS Ricochet from behind! Escobar then throws Ricochet out while Vega loves what she sees on commentary. Ricochet hurries back up, ROCKS Escobar and springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK!

Ricochet runs and DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp! Ricochet puts Escobar in quick, Vega is worried, but Wilde distracts now in that wild looking suit. Escobar gets away, Ricochet waits on him. Escobar steps in the ring but into a DROPKICK! Ricochet headlocks but Escobar puts him on the apron. Ricochet shoulders Escobar away but he again has to watch for Wilde, He forgets about Cruz and Cruz shoves Ricochet down! Fans boo, the ref suspects something is up, so he EJECTS Cruz & Wilde! Vega is furious but this is the right thing to do! Escobar is shocked, Vega complains to the ref, so the ref EJECTS HER, TOO!!

Escobar is beside himself as all his sidekicks are sent to the back! Fans sing “NANA NA NA! HEY HEY HEY! GOOD-BYE~!” as this is now 1v1, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns, Escobar has Ricochet in a stretch but Ricochet fights free with body shots. Ricochet ROCKS Escobar, ROCKS him again, and CHOPS in the corner. Ricochet whips corner to corner, Escobar reverses but Ricochet goes up and over. Things speed up, Ricochet rolls off Escobar’s back then rolls under to RANA Escobar to a corner! Ricochet runs in to DROPKICK! Fans fire up, Ricochet runs back in to RAM into Escobar and go to the apron. Ricochet slingshots but Escobar trips him up! Ricochet tumbles down, Escobar takes aim! He draws his “bow,” and shoots the ARROW FROM HELL! Direct hit and Ricochet hits the desk hard!

Fans fire up and the ring count starts. Escobar gets a drink of water, he drags Ricochet off the desk and into the ring. Cover, TWO!! Ricochet survives all that but Escobar drags Ricochet around. Escobar has the legs, and he has a LION TAMER! Ricochet endures, he turns over, and he kicks free! Escobar turns him over to drop an elbow on the back! Escobar drags Ricochet and hooks the legs up, to then grab at the arms! Ricochet resists but Escobar pulls Ricochet into the ROMERO SPECIAL! Fans rally as Ricochet endures, and Escobar turns it to a cover, TWO! Ricochet escapes, Escobar drags him up and fireman’s carries.

Ricochet grabs ropes, fights free, and Escobar staggers away. Escobar runs in but Ricochet dodges! Ricochet shoulders in, ROCKS Escobar with a right, then brings Escobar up. Escobar fights the suplex, to suplex back! Ricochet fights that, suplexes again, but Escobar is on the apron. They brawl on the edge, Escobar gets the edge, but Ricochet BOOTS Escobar down! Escobar swipes but Ricochet avoids it to SUPERKICK! Escobar wobbles on his feet, Ricochet SHOOTING STAR ATTACKS! Both men are down and SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Ricochet has Escobar up top. They brawl with big haymakers and forearms, but Escobar gets the edge. Ricochet staggers away, Escobar adjusts, but Ricochet springs right up after him! SUPERPLEX! Fans fire up while both men are down on the mat. Ricochet crawls to the cover, TWO!! Escobar is still in this but Ricochet doesn’t let frustration get to him. Fans rally for Ricochet as he and Escobar stand. Ricochet ROCKS Escobar, Escobar ROCKS him back! Ricochet kicks low but Escobar kicks back. Ricochet uppercuts, Escobar JABS and ROCKS! Ricochet fires boxing elbows and an UPPERCUT!

Ricochet runs, Escobar dodges, but Ricochet dodges back, HEADS COLLIDE!! Both men are down in a daze and fans rally up. The fans count along as the standing count starts. Both men slowly stir, crawl around, and Ricochet reaches for Escobar but Escobar flops out of the ring. A ring count starts now and Escobar takes his time to recover. Ricochet hurries out after Escobar, but he’s just as wobbly. Escobar baits Ricochet into a corner of the barriers, then moves! But Ricochet just jumps onto the barriers! Escobar joins him, they brawl up on the tightrope! Escobar SUPER STEINERS Ricochet to the floor! Buffalo loses its mind over that one!

Escobar puts Ricochet in, covers, TWO!! Ricochet is still in this and Escobar is seething. Escobar sees Ricochet hasn’t moved much so he covers again, TWO! Escobar stomps Ricochet for still fighting back. Escobar then runs to stop, whistle and drop an elbow! Fans boo as Escobar bends Ricochet back in a chinlock stretch! Ricochet endures, so Escobar puts Ricochet in the corner. Escobar CHOPS and Ricochet drops to his knees. Escobar puts Ricochet up top, GAMANGIRIS, and then climbs up after Ricochet. Fans rally and Ricochet fires haymakers back! Escobar falls and fans fire up! Ricochet adjusts, but Escobar bails out!

Escobar climbs up from the outside, CHOPS, then climbs up after him. SUPER STEINER, but Ricochet lands on his feet!! Fans lose their minds again, Ricochet V-TRIGGERS and NORTHERN LIGHTS, rolls through and deadlifts to the BRAINBUSTER! And then a LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Fans can’t believe it but Escobar is still in this! Both men have been champion before, this proves how much they want to be champion again! Fans fire up, as does Ricochet. He runs at Escobar to DROPKICK him into buckles! Escobar is in the drop zone, Ricochet goes up top! Fans are thunderous for the SHOOTING STAR onto knees!! Cover, TWO!!!

Escobar can’t believe it, but his last second turnaround didn’t end this! Escobar fires off knee son Ricochet, drags him up for more knees, then fireman’s carries! Escobar throws more knees, PHANTOM- VICTORY ROLL! TWO!! Ricochet V-Triggers but Escobar dodges to POISON-RANA!! Cover, TWO!! It’s like Escobar’s seen a ghost! Escobar snarls, looks around as he tries to figure out what to do, so he just rains down furious fists! The ref backs Escobar off, but Escobar fireman’s carries, and then climbs the corner! Fans are thunderous and Ricochet slips off to CLUB away on Escobar! Ricochet adjusts and jumps, SUPER POISON-RANA!!!

Escobar staggers around, into a V-TRIGGER! SUPERKICK! HEEL KICK!! Escobar goes down and Ricochet heads up! Ricochet 630 SENTONS!!! Cover, Ricochet wins!!!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall (SmackDown World Cup Winner)

The One and Only did it! He shouts, “I TOLD YOU~!” Fireworks go off as Ricochet holds up the trophy! But then Gunther makes his return, title on his shoulder. Ricochet stares down Der Ring General, and the countdown to their showdown is on. Two weeks from now, we see the Intercontinental Champion VS the SmackDown World Cup Champion, but who will be THE winner in this long awaited rematch?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown to build off WarGames and head for the holiday season. For one, a great opener from Sheamus VS Sami, especially with the growing story of The Bloodline. Naturally, Sami gets help from the Usos now to win the match, and naturally, Sheamus wants after the Usos for it. Sheamus & McIntyre VS The Usos is a given as Elias will surely turn on Matt Riddle on Raw. And Sheamus & McIntyre VS The Usos is going to be an awesome match next week, in which I’m sure Sami will be pivotal in the Usos retaining. And as I’ve been saying, this all builds towards the long term story that Sami and Kevin will be the ones to take the tag titles.

Really good promo from Bray Wyatt, and he is clearly talking about Uncle Howdy when he says someone was happy LA Knight got beat up. Uncle Howdy had a good promo, too, to further make us doubt Bray is being genuine. I bet LA Knight’s response next week is to also claim Bray is playing us, and that he’ll expose Bray, and then maybe we get Bray’s first match back as part of the Christmas Friday episode on the 23rd. And there has been talk of a special stipulation match for the Royal Rumble involving Bray, so a simple singles match can have a wonky finish that then requires a rematch with the stakes raised.

I couldn’t be sure how well that promo Emma had with Moss was, because they didn’t do the best with catching Moss’ part. Sure, it’s live TV but WWE is usually on top of this stuff. Emma VS Shayna was a good match but fans didn’t give actually damn until the very end when Shayna was beating up on Emma. Great to see Shotzi going after Shayna to keep things going from Survivor Series, and interesting to see Raquel given her elbow is kayfabe broken. I’m not sure if this is building towards Shotzi VS Ronda II or a tag team blow-off, but I’m surprised there wasn’t more with Kross & Scarlett with Emma & Moss.

Speaking of which, decent promo from Kross and Scarlett to call out Rey Mysterio. That’s a bit of a surprising choice but I suppose Kross has to feud with someone while all titles are in a holding pattern. Lacey Evans gets a new vignette series, and it seems HHH is going to fix the parts Vince mucked up. Y’know, making her a Heel after a month of making her feel like a Face. Lacey does do a good job of being a Heel, and can be a Face if given the chance, I just hope HHH keeps things consistent rather than swerving for the sake of swerving. And a really good promo from Bayley for Damage Control starting a SmackDown story. Liv and the returning Nox looked great in fighting them off, I feel like Liv and Nox would make a great tag team to fight Sky & Kai for the women’s tag titles.

Good promo from Kofi and Imperium to set up Kofi VS Gunther. That was a great match, and Braun Strowman is clearly still poised as the real threat to Gunther. Braun ran off Imperium, Gunther still beat Kofi, further building Gunther’s strength as champion. Braun VS Gunther has to happen come Rumble, the WWE’s Big Four really should have the midcard titles on it. That said, great promos from Escobar and Ricochet, awesome match from Escobar and Ricochet, and Ricochet winning makes sense. I forgot he did not have his rematch for the title, so Ricochet is going to give Gunther an awesome match in a couple weeks, though in a losing effort.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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