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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (12/30/22)

The last SmackDown of 2022!



SmackDown 2022

We say good-bye to 2022 with the biggest SmackDown of the year!

Twenty years in the WWE, and John Cena returns to see 2022 off! But will he and Kevin Owens be victorious against Sami Zayn & Roman Reigns?


  • Sheamus w/ The Brawling Brutes VS Solo Sikoa w/ The Usos; Solo wins.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey w/ Shayna Baszler VS Raquel Rodriguez; Ronda wins and retains the title.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey w/ Shayna Baszler VS Charlotte Flair; Charlotte wins and becomes the new SmackDown Women’s Champion.
  • Kevin Owens & John Cena VS Roman Reigns & Sami Zayn w/ The Bloodline; Kevin & Cena win.


Bray Wyatt is here!

The lights go down and the fireflies come out. The light shines behind the door, and when it opens, Bray makes his way out with his lantern. Bray enters the ring, puts out the lantern, and is in the spotlight. Bray grabs a mic and introduces himself to Tampa. “Honestly, deep down, I don’t really think of myself as a good person. Although I do try really, really hard, man. But when I look back on all the horrible things I’ve had to do to get to where I am today, man, honestly, I don’t regret much. However, last week, I did something that I do regret. And I wanted to apologize in all honestly. I attacked a cameraman in cold blood, and he didn’t deserve that, man. He didn’t deserve it.

“And if he’s watching this, man, I want you to know-” LA Knight is here! “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Lemme talk to ya! Oh, I wanna apologize to the little camera man, boo hoo hoo. You gotta be kidding me. The master of the mind games, Bray Wyatt, getting gamed by the man they call the Mega Star, L A Knight. What happened to you, man? You can’t even keep your composure out here, you can’t even finish a sentence, and then you get all embarrassed, and you take it out on a poor cameraman. Wrong place, wrong time for him, I guess.” But Knight isn’t concerned about that. What he is upset about is Bray getting a goon to dress as “Captain Howdy” and assume that takes the heat off him. NO NO!

Knight says Bray is still a responsible party and it’s time to pay the check! “But hear this: You used to be something. You used to be a force.” Fans boo and chant “You Suck!” at Knight, but he tells them to pipe down. Knight gets into the ring and says Bray used to be something. But week after week, all he’s proven himself to be is a fraud and a loser, YEAH! But Knight has the medicine. The Royal Rumble’s coming down the pike. It will be Knight’s first, and he wants to make it a special one! And here’s how he’ll do that. Fans chant, “What?!” and Knight responds, “Huh?!” He tells them to shut up while he’s talking.

The way Knight makes it special is by taking Bray and putting him out of his misery when he breaks Bray like dishes! Bray says, “You little idiot. Who the hell do you think you’re talking to, son?” But Bray has been really patient, and he’s known in the back of mind he could’ve ended this whenever he wanted to. So Knight might be right! Maybe it is time Bray reminds Knight and the rest of us how cruel he can be when he feels like it. Fans like the sound of that! Bray says if we’re talking the Rumble, yeah, yeah, yeah. Challenge accepted! But then UNCLE HOWDY speaks! “Revel in what you are. Revel in what you are. Embrace the dark.”

Knight says that’s another of Bray’s tricks but the lights have gone down again. And here comes Howdy!! Howdy struts his way down the ramp with smoke and a spotlight following him. Howdy takes off the top hat, puts it aside, and goes up the steel steps. Knight is on his guard as he assumes this is 2v1, but even Bray gives Howdy space. Howdy stares Knight down, then looks at Bray. Howdy stands with Bray! Was Knight right all along? But then Howdy catches Bray in a clinch, for SISTER ABIGAIL!! Knight bails out while fans lose their minds! Knight can’t make heads or tails of this as Howdy takes his leave. Is Howdy his own man?


Sami Zayn walks up to the Bloodline locker room.

He knocks on the door, and Paul Heyman opens it up. They hug it out, and Heyman wants to hear how Sami’s Hanukkah. Oh, about as good as Heyman’s Ramadan. Blessed! It’s always a blessed day when Sami gets to see Heyman. So what can The Wise Man do for the Honorary Uce? Sami just figured he and the Tribal Chief should talk strategy. Wonderful idea, but Heyman and Roman Reigns were just talking, and the things Sami said last week, live to a global audience, that pledge of loyalty to the Bloodline and the declarative statements against John Cena and Kevin Owens, that passion that Roman’s always seen in Sami was finally brought to the surface!

Heyman says Roman is very proud of Sami. Sami says Roman looked proud, he seemed really happy about that. Yes, and mensch to mensch, if Heyman could, the whole concept of Roman Reigns, Undisputed Champion, The Tribal Chief, in the middle of the ring with Sami there and the fans are all chanting “SAMI! SAMI!” It just isn’t the right optics. Did Roman say something? No! But… Does he have to? Life on the Island of Relevancy is about staying three steps ahead at all times. But greenlight, delay tactics over, after you, sir. Sami laughs that off and walks inside the room, but Heyman sighs. Is there something just beneath the surface here?


Sheamus w/ The Brawling Brutes VS Solo Sikoa w/ The Usos!

Friday is once again Fight Night! The Fella is ready for the Bloodline’s Enforcer, and we already know this is gonna be a banger! But will The Celtic Warrior or the Street Champion of the Island be having the happier New Year’s Eve this weekend?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up and go around, then break. Fans rally, the two tie up again and Sheamus headlocks. Sheamus grinds the hold, Solo powers out but they RAM shoulders! Neither man falls and fans fire up again. Solo waistlocks but Sheamus wrenches out to an armlock. Sheamus grinds the shoulder, but Solo fights up to throw forearms! Solo powers out, Sheamus ducks ‘n’ dodges to RAM Solo! Solo rebounds to RAM Sheamus! Fans fire up and Solo UPPERCUTS Sheamus! Solo throws body shots, and a HEADBUTT! Solo whips, Sheamus reverses but Solo blocks the hip toss to CLOBBER Sheamus!

Fans fire up, the Usos cheer on Solo while the Brutes coach Sheamus. Sheamus goes to ropes but Solo CHOKES him! The ref counts, Solo lets off at 4, and Sheamus sputters. Solo soaks up some heat but Sheamus kicks low! Sheamus CLUBS then UPPERCUTS then CLUBS again! Sheamus ROCKS Solo, bumps him off buckles, then throws haymakers! The ref counts, Sheamus lets off at 4, and then Sheamus whips corner to corner. Solo reverses, runs in, but Sheamus BOOTS Solo! Sheamus runs to clothesline Solo up and out of the ring! Fans fire up but Solo is furious! Solo grabs a chair! The Usos calm their brother down while SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Solo clamps onto Sheamus’ shoulder! Sheamus grabs at Solo but Solo digs the claw in deeper. The fans rally up as Sheamus endures, and Solo shifts to a chinlock. Sheamus pries at the hold but Solo wrangles him down! Solo digs Sheamus into the mat, then sits him up for the chinlock again. Sheamus fights the hold, fans chant “UCEY! UCEY!” but Sheamus throws body shots and uppercuts! Sheamus runs but Solo fireman’s carries to SAMOAN DROP! Fans rally while Sheamus scrambles to a corner. Solo soaks up the cheers and jeers and mocks Sheamus pounding his chest.

Solo goes to the corner, runs in, but Sheamus LARIATS Solo down! Fans fire up and the Brutes coach Sheamus while the Usos seethe! Sheamus and Solo slowly rise, Sheamus blocks punches to give forearms! Sheamus whips, Solo reverses but Sheamus kicks! Solo roars, runs, but into a scoop and POWERSLAM! Fans fire up with Sheamus and he stalks Solo to the ropes. Sheamus has Solo against the ropes for BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! Sheamus goes past ten to get 15!! Fans are thunderous as Sheamus lets Solo drop down! The Usos shout at Solo to get up, but Sheamus fires up. He pounds his chest, he runs in, but Solo SUPERKICKS first!

Sheamus comes back to KNEE Solo down! Cover, TWO!! Solo survives and Sheamus is shocked! Both men are down, but Sheamus stands first. Sheamus drags Solo up but Solo pulls the beard! Solo HEADBUTTS, but swings into the IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Sheamus drags Solo into the CLOVERLEAF!! Solo endures, he reaches out, but Sheamus drags him from the ropes! The Usos coach Solo and he fights his way back over. Jey pushes the ropes but the ref reprimands! Fans boo, but Jimmy drags Solo out of the hold! The Brutes storm up but Jimmy SUPERKICKS Pete Dunne! Ridge fights with both Usos 2v1!

The Usos get the edge on Ridge, but Sheamus is up top?! DOUBLE FLYING LARIATS take out the Usos!! But Solo YANKS Sheamus into the post! And then APRON URENAGES! Solo puts Sheamus in the ring, to give him the SAMOAN SPIKE!! Cover, Solo wins!

Winner: Solo Sikoa, by pinfall

The Bloodline mugs Sheamus! Dunne gets up, but he gets a SUPERKICK! Ridge gets up, he gets DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Fans boo but Solo grabs that chair again. The Usos dig their boots in, then rain down fists. But Solo puts the chair around Sheamus’ neck! They’re gonna do Sheamus like they did Matt Riddle! But here comes DREW MCINTYRE! The Scottish Warrior storms his way to the ring, he BOOTS Jey and HEADBUTTS Jimmy! McIntyre stares Solo down, and fans fire up as they fire off! McIntyre dodges Solo to clothesline him out! McIntyre dodges Jimmy to CLAYMORE him down!

Fans are thunderous as the Brutes run off the Bloodline! This isn’t WarGames but the war is far from over! Will the Celtic Connection be just the combination that stops the Bloodline from doing what they want?


SmackDown Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey w/ Shayna Baszler VS Raquel Rodriguez!

The Baddest Woman on the Planet has bullied just about everyone on the roster, but Big Mami Cool isn’t backing down. Raquel won a gauntlet match with one good arm, and even with the Queen of Spades being Ronda’s ace in the hole. Now Ronda has no choice but to put up or shut up and defend the title! Will Ronda still be feeling rowdy after tonight? Or will she have to rip Ricky Desperado’s other arm off to stop her?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who ends the year on top!

The bell rings and the two tie up. Ronda tries to turn Raquel but she can’t, and Raquel shoves Ronda away! They tie up again, Ronda puts Raquel in the corner and wraps the bad arm around the ropes. The ref counts, but Raquel shoves Ronda away again. Ronda smirks, and she comes back with shots aimed at the arm! Ronda then SLAPS Raquel, and stands on top of her. Ronda mocks the fans and they boo her. Raquel runs Ronda over! And again! Raquel drags Ronda up, scoops her, and SWINGING SIDE SLAMS! Cover, TWO! Ronda scrambles to a corner then bails out. Shayna is there to coach her while fans boo.

Raquel goes out after Ronda! Raquel ROCKS Ronda, fireman’s carries, then APRON SLAMS her! Ronda tumbles into the ring, clutches a leg, but Raquel puts her in a corner. Raquel then TOSSES Ronda across the way! Ronda ends up in the corner, Raquel runs in to SPLASH! And then again! Raquel runs in again, Ronda ducks and Raquel POSTS herself! Raquel falls out of the ring and Shayna mocks her while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Ronda wraps Raquel’s bad arm around ropes! The ref reprimands, but Ronda then grinds the bad arm against the ropes as she brings Raquel along! Ronda lets off at 4 and Raquel falls against the ropes. Ronda CHOKES Raquel now, and the ref counts again. Ronda lets off at 4, and KNEES Raquel in from the apron! Ronda stalks Raquel, drags her around, straitjacket kneebar! Raquel endures, reaches out but Ronda says she should just tap. Ronda hammers Raquel, but Raquel gets a high stack! TWO, and Raquel ROCKS Ronda! And again! But Ronda blocks to throw a body shot!

Ronda runs in, steps up, ELBOW JAB! Raquel goes to a corner, Ronda runs in but into an elbow! Ronda blocks Raquel’s boot for a FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Ronda mocks Raquel’s hand for bleeding, and then grabs at the bad arm. DOUBLE WRISTLOCK! Raquel endures, fans rally up, and Raquel fights her way up! Raquel fireman’s carries Ronda for a SAMOAN DROP! Fans fire up and Shayna is growing worried! Raquel and Ronda slowly rise, and Raquel runs in to CLOBBER Ronda! And again! Ronda ducks the right but the LEFT comes in! Raquel crawls to the cover, TWO!! Raquel’s bad arm slowed her down but she’s not giving up!

Raquel drags Ronda up, CLUBS her, then scoops her. Fans rally and duel, Raquel swings but Ronda hits an ARMBAR TAKEDOWN! Raquel scrambles, clasps hands, then shifts to get Ronda’s legs! Raquel has the TEXAS CLOVERLEAF!! Ronda endures, rolls, and trips Raquel to an ANKLE LOCK!! Raquel endures and fans boo Ronda! Raquel turns over to BOOT Ronda away! Ronda runs back in, into a FLAPJACK! Both women are down and Tampa rallies up! Raquel drags Ronda up, hooks the leg, TEXANA- NO, Ronda shifts to have the arm! Ronda talks trash, and they tumble over the ropes!

Raquel lands on her feet, she has Ronda up again! Ronda freaks out, APRON TEXANA BOMB!!! Both women are down and Shayna panics while SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Raquel has Ronda up in a suplex! Who knows how long she was holding it, but she SLAMS Ronda down! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Ronda survives by inches and Raquel grows a little frustrated. Raquel drags Ronda up but Ronda WRINGS the bad arm! Ronda goes after the arm and has the DOUBLE WRISTLOCK again! Raquel endures as Ronda leans on the hold! Fans rally and duel, Ronda claws at the mat, then powers through to roll and scoop Ronda! FALL AWAY SLAM! Tampa fires up again while both women are down! Raquel slaps the bad arm to get it going and fans rally with her!

Raquel stands, storms up on Ronda and drags her back up in a scoop! But Ronda sits up to get the arm again! And then she shifts into a SLEEPER HOLD! Raquel flails with Ronda on her as a backpack! Ronda talks trash to the fans, Raquel is fading, and Raquel drops to a knee! Shayna says this is it, but Raquel gets a second wind! Raquel RAMS Ronda into buckles! And again! Ronda still holds on, so Raquel roars, runs and RAMS Ronda face-first into buckles! Ronda is down but Raquel almost posted herself! Raquel runs to BOOT Ronda down! Shayna gets on the apron, Raquel BLASTS her! Raquel runs at the corner, TWISTING VADER! Cover, Shayna gives Ronda the ROPEBREAK!

The ref notices Shayna over there! The fans boo, they know it, too! The ref tells Shayna to back off, and Raquel storms up on Ronda. Raquel scoops Ronda to RAM her into the corner! Raquel puts Ronda up top, ROCKS her, then CLUBS Her! Ronda BOOTS the bad arm! Raquel ROCKS Ronda again! Raquel climbs up after Ronda, fireman’s carries, but Ronda throws elbows! Ronda shifts around for an ELEVATED ARMBAR!! The ref counts, Ronda holds on, and Raquel falls back! RAQUEL TAPS, RONDA WINS!!

Winner: Ronda Rousey, by submission (still SmackDown Women’s Champion)

The Queen of Spades was once again the insurance policy Ronda needed! Shayna helps Ronda celebrate, and Ronda gets the mic, but wait! That music! CHARLOTTE FLAIR IS BACK! THE Queen of WWE has returned! Ronda and Shayna stand their ground as Charlotte struts into the ring. Charlotte gets herself a mic as Tampa goes wild! Ronda says Charlotte’s arm must be better. How’s the rehab? Oh, Ronda already guesses that the elbow’s all better and Charlotte wants to challenge for the title at SummerSlam. Oops! That happened. Royal Rumble is sooner. But depends on how that arm is feeling, right? How’s the Queen feeling?

Fans “WOO~!” and Charlotte tells Ronda no, she’s challenging for the belt tonight! Fans go nuts but Shayna says no, they gotta go. But fans are thunderously chanting, “YES! YES! YES!” Ronda isn’t one to back down from a fight, so she throws the belt down! “You’re on, because I’m feeling spicy!” Shayna keeps trying to convince Ronda not to, because she just had one hell of a match against Raquel! Ronda says so what? IT’S ON!!

SmackDown Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey w/ Shayna Baszler VS Charlotte Flair!

The bell rings, Charlotte BOOTS Ronda down!! Cover, TWO!!! Ronda survives and Shayna is on the apron already! Charlotte BOOTS Shayna down and fans are thunderous! Ronda rises, Charlotte runs in again, SPEAR!! But Ronda turns it around?! ARMBAR!! But Charlotte stacks Ronda! CHARLOTTE WINS!!!

Winner: Charlotte Flair, by pinfall (NEW SmackDown Women’s Champion)

Ronda almost turned Charlotte’s ego around on her, only for Charlotte to turn it back around on Ronda! And now 2022 ends with The Queen back on her throne for a FOURTEENTH TIME!! Will 2023 be the Year of Flair?


The Bloodline talks in their locker room.

They’re sharing holiday stories and Sami says the kids don’t know how good they have it. Roman just wants to give his kids everything that he had growing up. Sami wants everyone to be on the same page tonight. It surely didn’t bother anyone that the fans chanted for Sami while Roman was out there, right? That doesn’t get to Roman at all, right? Roman sits there quietly, and then says, “God no!” Oh, okay, good! Sami didn’t think so. Roman wanted to say this, but the way Sami was locked in, how could anyone pay attention to anything else but what Sami was saying? If Sami has even 10% of that tonight, it’s a night off for Roman! It’ll be that easy!

Yes, it’ll be a great night. A great night for The Bloodline. Yeet! Secret handshake with Jimmy and Sami is feeling good. But will things really be Ucey to end 2022?


The Mysterio Familia Telenovela continues!

As if crashing Thanksgiving wasn’t bad enough, Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio crash Christmas at Grandpa’s house! Rey told Dom & Rhea this wasn’t going to happen again. Dom says he’s just here with open arms to celebrate with the family and Mami Rhea. Rey says they should take this outside. They go outside, Dom shoves Rey! Mama Mysterio goes to slap but Rhea blocks her! So Mama SLAPS Mami! Rhea is pissed, but cops are here! The police arrest Dominik for intruding! Rhea protests, she got hit! Dom told Rhea to get Finn and Priest! He won’t make it in jail! Rhea is furious, this is ruining Christmas! Dom did make bail, but will the Judgment Day learn not to be Grinches from now on?


Hit Row talks backstage.

They’re talking reverse limbo with The New Day! Is this low enough for Top Dolla to jump over? HA! The others in the locker room, such as Ricochet, Mad Cap Moss and the Maximum Male Models, have a good laugh. Dolla says the last time he tried jumping a broom didn’t work out so well, either. Woods says the last time Dolla jumped at all didn’t really work out. Kofi says he isn’t Top Rope Dolla, after all. Adonis says they may have jokes and all, but if Jimmy didn’t save Jey, Hit Row would be the new tag champs. Facts! Now, now, Adonis, let’s not jump to conclusions. Good one from Mace. Mansoor says they’re jumping the shark!

Moss says “Top Dolla? More like Flop Dolla!” OOOOH~! Mad Cap’s still got it! Ricochet says, at least now Dolla knows that it isn’t as easy as Ricochet makes it look. Oh, okay, okay. But then Dolla shoves Ricochet?! Guess that was one joke too far. Will Dolla cool off and learn to laugh at himself? Or will he be hopping mad all the way to a match with the King of Flight?


BREAKING NEWS on Bray Wyatt VS LA Knight!

At the Royal Rumble, it will be Bray’s return to action, in a PITCH BLACK MATCH! But what does this mean? And who will win such an ominous match?


Imperium heads to the ring!

Ludwig Kaiser, Giovanni Vinci & Der Ring General, GUNTHER, are here, and they look to look back at 2022 and their “path of destruction.” What will Imperium have to say about what they’ve done, and where they’re going next? We find out after the break.

SmackDown returns and Ludwig has the mic to say, “Ladies and gentlemen. 2022 was the Year of Der Ring General!” Vinci says that Gunther has proven to be THE most dominant Intercontinental Champion in history! No man on SmackDown will take this title from him! But do not take their word from it, just take a look at the men who tried. A video packages rolls to give highlights of Shinsuke Nakamura, Rey Mysterio, Sheamus, and Ricochet all losing to Gunther. Gunther has the mic now, but BRAUN STROWMAN is here! And he storms his way right to the ring!

Braun steps in, he gets a mic, and he tells Gunther that he noticed something in that video: He wasn’t in it! That means Gunther hasn’t beaten Braun! Now, maybe Gunther’s boys are right, that there isn’t a man that can beat Gunther. But what about a monster? Imperium turns to leave but Braun tells them hold on, that wasn’t him asking for a title match. Braun is telling Gunther! Braun turns Gunther around but Vinci & Ludwig rush in! They mug Braun but he shoves them both away! Vinci tumbles out of the ring, Braun clotheslines Ludwig out! And that leaves Gunther alone! Gunther swings but Braun blocks the chop! And then he CLOBBERS Gunther!

Gunther bails out but Braun says it’s time to get on the tracks! The Strowman Express CLOBBERS Ludwig, CLOBBERS Vinci, but Gunther sends Braun through barriers! Gunther SMACKS Braun with a chair! Ludwig & Vinci drag Braun up for Gunther to SMACK again! Then Imperium sends Braun into steel steps! But that’s not enough, they put Braun in the ring. Gunther KICKS Braun’s arm, and has it in a top wristlock! Gunther pulls on the arm but Braun endures! Referees rush out, Imperium keeps them from Braun! Management get involved, Imperium stops them, but here comes Ricochet! With a chair!

Ricochet hurdles over Vinci! And SMACKS Ludwig on the run! Ricochet gets in the ring, Gunther clears out, but Ricochet still SMACKS him at the ropes! Vinci gets up, Ricochet swings on him! And he swings on Ludwig! Ricochet dares Imperium to do something but Adam Pearce appears to have everyone stand down. Will we get another showdown like last week’s Miracle on 34th Street Fight? Or will this battle need something even bigger to settle the score?


BREAKING NEWS on the next few weeks of SmackDown!

After the brawl between Braun and Imperium, Der Ring General is not going to have a choice! In two weeks, Gunther defends the Intercontinental Championship against Braun Strowman 1v1! Will Braun #GetTheseHands on that title? Or will even a monster fall to the might of Der Ring General?

And after everything we saw after Sheamus VS Solo, next week is the match-up we were always meant to see! Sheamus & McIntyre team back up to face the Usos for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships! Will the Celtic Connection finally be golden? Or will Jimmy & Jey still be the ones?


The Bloodline heads for gorilla.

Sami and Roman are ready, with the Usos talking them up. Will the Honorary Uce & Tribal Chief smash ’em and stack ’em to finish SmackDown?


Kevin Owens & John Cena VS Roman Reigns & Sami Zayn w/ The Bloodline!

The Prizefighter said he was done with Sami, but he continues to be a thorn in the side of the Bloodline. Things escalated and in a move to get ratings, a tag match was made! Kevin could choose anyone as his tag partner, and he chose the SIXTEEN-TIME WORLD CHAMPION! Will KO and Cena become more than just a problem? Or will the Tribal Chief & Honorary Uce ruin the return of the living legend?

Fans are thunderous for Cena’s entrance, but then The Bloodline makes theirs. The titles are raised and the pyro goes off. Then the Bloodline goes to the ring, they raise the belts again, and the second round of pyro goes off. Tampa Bay is fired up for everyone in this match as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns once more and the teams sort out. Kevin and Sami start and fans are fired up already as the two circle. Sami dares Kevin to bring it, and they tie up. Sami waistlocks, headlocks, but Kevin powers out. Sami springboards up and over to CLOBBER Kevin! Sami raises the finger, Roman smiles and fans are torn. Kevin kicks low but Sami denies the stunner! Kevin ROCKS Sami with fists, whips and CLOBBERS him with an elbow! Then SENTONS! Kevin stares Roman down but goes back to Sami. Sami slips out to the apron, Kevin storms over but Sami HOTSHOTS him! Sami kicks low then reels Kevin in.

Kevin fights the suplex to hang Sami out to dry! Sami flops off the ropes hard! Kevin eggs Sami on now! “You’re embarrassing yourself in front of the Tribal Chief!” Kevin then mocks Sami’s bloody nose, and wants Sami to show Roman what he’s got. Fans rally for Sami, but Sami looks to Roman. Roman reaches out for the tag, and Kevin mocks Sami that he’s being a good little lapdog. Sami tells Kevin, “Good luck,” and he tags in Roman! Fans now rally for Cena! Cena reaches out, and Roman tells Kevin to go ahead. Fans chant, “We Want Cena!” That’s something we haven’t heard in a long time, but then Roman CLOBBERS Kevin!

Roman stomps away on Kevin at the ropes, digs his boots in, but the ref counts and reprimands. Roman lets off at 4, drags Kevin up, and hits an URENAGE! Cover, TWO! Roman glares at Cena but drags Kevin back up as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns once again and Sami has Kevin in the Bloodline corner. But Kevin kicks and punches back! Kevin DECKS Roman, then fires off on Sami! Fans fire up but Sami gets around Kevin to HALF ‘N’ HALF! But Kevin’s right up to LARIAT! Fans fire up while both men are down! Cena shouts to Kevin and reaches out! Kevin and Sami crawl, Sami grabs at Kevin’s foot, and Roman trips Cena! Roman fires off hands then RAMS Cena into barriers! Fans boo and Sami runs out to BOOT Cena down! The Bloodline cheers, Sami goes back to the ring and he runs corner to corner at Kevin, but Kevin hits a SUPERKICK!

Both men are down again and Roman is confused! Sami and Kevin crawl but Cena’s still down! Sami runs in but into another SUPERKICK! Kevin whips Sami for a POP-UP POWERBOMB! Cover, Roman breaks it! Roman rains down fists on Kevin, but lets off as the ref reprimands. Roman drags Sami over and tags in. Roman then ushers Sami out, and he takes aim at Kevin. Roman raises his finger, he’s the one. Roman locks ‘n’ loads, but Kevin dodges the Superman to SUPERKICK! Kevin goes up top, FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Roman survives but Kevin fires back up! Kevin whips Roman, to POP-UP- SUPERMAN PUNCH!!

Roman goes to the corner, fans are torn, but Roman lets out the battle cry! But Kevin dodges and the Spear hits POST! Roman flops back and Cena rises up! Fans are thunderous as Kevin and Roman crawl! Kevin and Roman hot tag Cena and Sami! Fans fire up as Cena dodges and then unleashes the shoulder tackles! And then the SPIN-OUT BOMB! And of course, “You Can’t See Me!” Roman is pissed, he runs in, but into a SPIN-OUT BOMB!! Cena tags Kevin, and together, they say “You Can’t See Me!” They run, DOUBLE FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE!! Is that ten? ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT for Roman!! Sami staggers, into a STUNNER!! Cover, Kevin & Cena win!!

Winners: Kevin Owens & John Cena, by pinfall

The Prizefighter and the GOAT just beat the Tribal Chief and his Honorary Uce! Will Sami take the heat for this one? Will Kevin be going after the Head of the Table and the Undisputed Universal title next?

My Thoughts:

A very good SmackDown to end 2022, but perhaps with one very odd move. After a truly great match from Ronda VS Raquel, which I figured Ronda would win with some help from Shayna, it was a great surprise to see Charlotte Flair back. And while the live audience was excited to see Charlotte put Ronda in her place, it all just seemed too fast. Charlotte beats Ronda in a very Flair way, or perhaps a bit Money in the Bank way, but who does it really help? Well, I mean, it helps Charlotte get ever closer to being the first 16-time Women’s Champion so she can parallel her father, but honestly, why not build this up towards the Rumble?

I do appreciate that Ronda was so confident she didn’t back down, giving her character consistency, but I feel like it just hurts Ronda and Raquel that Charlotte is still the favorite, even in the HHH Era. This feels like HHH’s first real misstep since taking over. Another segment that was good but still odd was everyone in the men’s locker room making fun of Dolla for his botched tope conjilo. I do get Dolla getting mad, but why not at Maximum Male Models so we can get a tag match? I suppose Dolla gets to shine as a singles guy against Ricochet, though I don’t see him winning.

Really good opening segment from Bray, Knight and Howdy. Knight still thinking Howdy and Bray were in cahoots was good character stuff, and that helped make Howdy suckering Bray in for that Sister Abigail more effective. The Pitch Black match, as rumored a few weeks ago, is still happening, but Howdy is more than likely going to get involved with that somehow. I’m more curious as to what the Pitch Black match is supposed to be. If it’s the same as the NXT UK World of Darkness and NXT Lights Out match, then that’s a bit lazy on WWE’s part, just having another name for a match where you dim the lights.

I love that we got to see the newest Mysterio family drama. I’m surprised they didn’t try and bring this up on Raw, but maybe they’re building towards something where the Judgment Day ends up on SmackDown so that Dom and Rey keep getting closer and closer to having a match with each other. If they pace it right, that match happens for WrestleMania for a real big blow-off. Speaking of blow-off, good stuff from Imperium and Braun, though I’m surprised Ricochet makes the save and it doesn’t turn into another tag match. Braun does get his title match, though, but I can’t be sure he wins. As great and popular as Braun is, Gunther is just as great and has good Heel heat, so he should keep going with this title.

Great stuff from Sheamus VS Solo, and of course the Usos interfere. But McIntyre making his return was great stuff. The Undisputed Tag title match we were meant to get before now happening to kick off 2023 is great, and while it’d be awesome for McIntyre & Sheamus to reign together, I just don’t see the Usos losing the titles on TV. But at the same time, I don’t know who will be coming after them for the Rumble. And good stuff from the rest of the Bloodline, such as Sami and Heyman with their hallway promo, and the private room promo where Roman again teased being upset but said he wasn’t.

The tag match was great, and I’m surprised there wasn’t something more from the Usos & Solo. But at the same time, Sami and Roman were trying to win on their own, and they end up losing on their own. Sami had a look at the end where he knew he was in trouble. For one, Sami did take the pin, but pretty sure Roman would never take the blame even if he was the one who lost. Sami will surely say he’ll make it up to Roman and Roman says of course Sami will make it up to him, and maybe we get a huge match between Sami and Kevin that determines whether or not Kevin can challenge Roman at the Rumble.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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