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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (1/31/23)

NXTag Team Tuesday!



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

Will tonight be a TEACHABLE MOMENT?

NXT is planning a Fatal 4 Way tag title match for Vengeance Day, and a Triple Threat will decide that fourth team! Who punches a golden ticket to Charlotte, North Carolina?


  • The Creed Brothers VS Indus Sher w/ Jinder Mahal; Indus Sher wins.
  • Zoey Stark VS Indi Hartwell; Stark wins.
  • DIJAK VS Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone; Dijak wins.
  • Tyler Bate VS Axiom; Bate wins.
  • Stevie Turner VS Dani Palmer; Stevie wins.
  • Charlie Dempsey VS Drew Gulak w/ Hank Walker; Gulak wins.
  • Triple Threat Tag: The Dyad VS Malik Blade & Edris Enofe VS Chase U; Chase U wins and joins the Vengeance Day NXT Tag Team Championship match.


The Creed Brothers VS Indus Sher w/ Jinder Mahal!

Julius & Brutus were denied a New Year’s Evil showdown with Sanga & Veer, but they get their moment just days before Vengeance Day! Will the Diamond Mine finally shine? Or will they be slain by the tigers hunting them down?

The teams sort out, Julius starts against Veer and they tie up. They go around as fans chant for the Creeds, and the two break. They go again, Julius waistlocks then shoves Veer. Veer nods, eggs Julius on, but then avoids Julius’ takedown. Julius waistlocks, Veer elbows free then runs, but Julius drops and Veer rolls. They keep moving, Julius ducks then jumps but Veer blocks the hip toss! Julius blocks a hip toss, and the hand start flying! Veer knees low, TOSSES Julius to the corner, then storms up. Julius slips away but gets clipped. Tag to Sanga, and tag to Brutus. Fans rally up as Brutus and Sanga circle.

The two tie up, Brutus waistlocks but Sanga THROWS him away! Sanga and Brutus go again, and Brutus tries to lift Sanga! Sanga CLUBS Brutus, whips him to a corner, then runs in. Brutus dodges, fires hands from all sides but Sanga shoves back. Brutus blocks a boot! Brutus has a leg but Veer tags in! Veer ROCKS Brutus, Sanga whips Brutus, and Sanga runs Brutus over! Veer drops a BIG elbow! Jinder applauds while fans are torn. Veer stalks Brutus, stomps him down, then stomps him again. Brutus gets up to RAM Veer into the corner! Tag to Julius, the Creeds mug Veer, and then Julius runs to forearm smash!

The Creeds DOUBLE HIP TOSS Veer! Fans fire up as Julius KNEES Veer in the side! Brutus KNEES Veer, then Julius gut wrench SLAMS Brutus on Veer! Cover, TWO! Jinder talks trash, Julius swipes at him, then goes back for Veer. Veer elbows Julius away, tags in Sanga, and they FLAPJACK HOTSHOT Julius down! Sanga throws knees, puts Julius in the ropes and bends him back! The ref counts, Sanga lets off, but Jinder hits a cheap shot! Ivy Nile protests but Sanga stands on Julius’ chest! Tag to Veer, Sanga has the legs and drapes Julius out, for Veer to LEAP FROG ATTACK! Fans are torn while Indus Sher stands over Julius.

Veer throws body shots on Julius at the ropes, then he reaches out for Sanga. Julius throws hands but Veer ROCKS and CLUBS Julius! Tag to Sanga but Julius tackles Veer! Sanga BOOTS Julius for that, then scoops him. Sanga gives Julius SNAKE EYES, and then waits on Julius before he stomps him back down! Tag to Veer, Sanga throws knees, CLUBS Julius down, but Julius TACKLES Sanga! Veer stomps Julius, stomps him more, and then has him at the ropes. Tag back to Sanga, Indus Sher mugs Julius, then double whip. They run Julius over with double shoulders! Sanga stalks Julius, and clamps on a SLEEPER!

Fans rally for Julius as he fights up. Julius stands but Sanga wrangles him back down! Julius fights up, but Sanga knees him in the back! Sanga puts Julius against ropes, kicks him and whips him to a corner. Sanga runs in to SPLASH! Sanga reels Julius in, for a SIDE EFFECT! Cover, TWO! Julius is hanging tough but Sanga throws off his armbands. Sanga drags Julius up but Julius powers Sanga back. Sanga CLUBS Julius in the corner, throws knees, then drags Julius over. But Julius shoves free! Sanga CLOBBERS Julius and smother shim into the mat! Sanga drags Julius back, tags Veer, and they hand off the leg.

Veer has a lock on the leg but Julius uses his other foot to pry at the hold! Julius hops up and ENZIGURIS! Hot tag to Brutus! Fans fire up as BRUTUS SMASH! And SMASH! And back body block for Sanga! BIG back suplex for Veer! Fans are thunderous as Brutus goes out to SMASH Sanga! Brutus drags Veer up to a GERMAN SUPLEX! Brutus roars, and he hammers away with fists! Sanga returns but Brutus DECKS him! Tag to Julius and Brutus STANDING MOONSAULTS! Julius STANDING SHOOTING STARS! Cover, TWO!! Sanga was almost there but Veer survives on his own. Fans rally, Brutus runs in and TACKLES Sanga out of the ring!

Julius drags Veer up, gut wrenches, and he double clutches to POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!?! Veer survives and fans are thunderous again! Jinder panics but he coaches Veer up. Fans rally for “NXT!” as Julius hits the ROLLING SPINEBUSTER! The elbow pad comes off, but Jinder grabs Julius! Ivy storms over and fans rally for her! Veer ROCKS Julius, whips him, but Julius dodges! Only to BLAST Ivy off the apron by accident!! Julius can’t believe what happened, but he turns around into the MILLION DOLLAR LARIAT!! Tag to Sanga, choke grip and CHOKE SLAM! Cover, Indus Sher wins!!

Winner: Indus Sher, by pinfall

Jinder grins as he celebrates with his team, because a win is a win! Will Indus Sher look to take over the NXT Tag Division after Vengeance Day?


Axiom watches NXT UK episodes on Peacock.

Tyler Bate walks over to see it’s Tyler Bate VS A-Kid for the Heritage Cup. Bate was always a big fan of A-Kid’s. They had some excellent matches in NXT. Axiom agrees, A-Kid’s the best. What ever happened to him? Bate says Axiom reminds him of A-Kid. He isn’t sure what it is, he can’t put his finger on it. Axiom says he gets that a lot. But Bate, that Heritage Cup match was very unique, a real masterpiece. How about they create a masterpiece of their own tonight? Bate loves that idea! But then in walks Damon Kemp with sarcastic applause.

Kemp says he was walking around, and overhead them. Friendly competition makes him sick! “I respect your work a lot! I respect your work to infinity!” When Kemp was in NXT UK, he learned that all the Limeys are soft! And the European wrestling style is overrated! And if you ever see A-Kid personally, tell him that Kemp says he’s hot garbage! Well, if Axiom does see A-Kid around, he’ll tell him. Kemp walks off, but Bate says Kemp is a “right wazzock.” A what? A pendejo. Oh! Okay. Bate heads out, will Axiom get that friendly competition? Or will he first take care of Kemp’s attitude first?


Zoey Stark VS Indi Hartwell!

These two had an impressive showing in this year’s Women’s Royal Rumble match, though neither won their ticket to WrestleMania. But Indi also wants to get to the bottom of who attacked Nikkita Lyons in the parking lot. All signs point to The Hunter, will Indi get her to confess?

The bell rings and fans sing, “OH~ Zoey is angry~!” Zoey gets mad hearing that, and then ties up with Indi. They go around, Indi puts Zoey in a corner, and the ref counts. Indi lets off at 4, but Zoey shoves her back. Indi shoves back, then dodges to CHOP! And ROCK! Indi fires off and fans cheer her on. Indi whips, Zoey holds ropes, then Zoey bails out. Fans boo while Zoey throws a tantrum. Indi slips out after Zoey, they go around the way, and Indi avoids the elbow drop! Indi drags Zoey out to RAM Her into the apron, and again! Indi gets in the ring, drags Zoey up by her hair, and into the ropes for an UPPERCUT! And BOOT!

Zoey flops down, Indi drags her to a cover, TWO! Indi drags Zoey up for a short arm LARIAT! And then another! Fans rally but Zoey gets around and claws Indi’s eyes! Zoey snapmares Indi, runs and SLIDING LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Indi sits up, Zoey stomps her on the back. Zoey tells fans that THEY suck, and she clamps onto an armlock and chinbar. Indi endures, fans rally up, and Indi fights up. “OH~ Zoey is angry~!” Indi stands, arm-drags free, but Zoey comes back to CHOP! Indi CHOPS, Zoey CHOPS, repeat! Zoey kicks low, whips Indi hard into a corner, then whips her in again! Zoey soaks up heat and whips corner to corner.

Indi reverses, Zoey bounces off buckles and into a SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Indi gives a thumbs up and fans cheer. Indi puts Zoey in the ropes again, but Zoey avoids the uppercut to HOTSHOT! Indi falls, Zoey slingshots for the ARABIAN SENTON! Cover, TWO! Zoey snarls and she rains down fists on Indi! Indi gets up and flounders to a corner but Zoey snapmares her down. Zoey cravats for a neck wrench but Indi endures. Fans rally, Indi fights up, but Zoey wrangles her back down! Zoey cranks the cravat but Indi still endures. Fans rally up again, Indi fights up again, but Zoey shifts to a facelock. Indi still powers Zoey to a corner!

Zoey powers Indi back, but Indi RAMS Zoey into the corner! Zoey BOOTS Indi back! And then fires forearms! Indi hits back, they go shot for shot, but Indi kicks, JABS and DECKS Zoey! Zoey staggers up and Indi rallies with clotheslines! Indi dodges to SPINEBUSTER! Highs tack, TWO! Zoey is still in this but Indi keeps her cool. Zoey goes to a corner, Indi runs in but Zoey dodges! HEEL KICK! Zoey waistlocks, to GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Indi is still in this but Zoey is frustrated. Zoey waistlocks and drags Indi up, but Indi arm-drags out of the half nelson. Indi scoops but Zoey slips out to fireman’s carry! But Indi flights free!

Indi shoves Zoey away, runs in but is put on the apron. Indi ROCKS Zoey first, then springboards, but Zoey trips her up! Indi crashes down, Zoey drags her back up! Z 360!! Cover, Zoey wins!

Winner: Zoey Stark, by pinfall

Whether innocent or guilty in the whodunnit, Zoey Stark is still the winner here! But then Zoey attacks Indi! Sol Ruca rushes out and chases Zoey off! The Hunter has a target on her own back, will karma catch up to her one way or another?


The Schism speaks.

Joe Gacy says, “A day of vengeance is on the horizon for The Schism.” Rip Fowley says, “We seek vengeance for something that has been owed to us for far too long.” Jagger Reed says, “The NXT Tag Team Championships have been kept from us since The Dyad’s inception.” Gacy says, “Tonight, Rip and Jagger change their destiny by altering others’ reality.” Ava Raine tells Edris Enofe & Malik Blade, “We know who you are. But everyone at Chase University, you worship a false idol. You are not a family. You are abusive, devious, and delusional. School spirit will not help you tonight, because Chase University will fail. There is no unit stronger than the Schism.”

They are four roots, one tree, but will they be the final team to enter the Fatal 4 Way?


Apollo Crews speaks.

“The city of Charlotte. Packed restaurants, tons of foot traffic, bars with lines out the door. Cars flying down I-85. I came out early to feel Charlotte’s energy, and I feel the city’s excitement all the way up here. NXT’s coming, and I’m coming. I need two falls, two pinfalls, two submissions, or one each. I’ve visualized this match a hundred times. Money Melo is gonna be fast, he’s gonna be flashy, but I am ready for Melo’s handprint. My best will always be better than his best. And if Trick Williams wants to get involved, well Trick’s gonna get handled. Melo wants to call me the past and him the future? At Vengeance Day, the past will dictate the future!”

Apollo has spoken, but will he speak his vision into existence? And just who did Apollo see having his back against Trick Melo Gang?


Wes Lee heads to the ring.

The North American Champion is here, ready for his fight with #HardJustice this Saturday! Wes gets the mic to say, “Yo~! We are T-minus four days from NXT back on the road, and we are swangin’ through Charlotte, North Cackalacky, for Vengeance Day.” And it’ll be a big day for Wes literally because he has his biggest test in Dijak. Dijak is back and claims to be serving justice, but ultimately he just wants what’s shining on Wes’s shoulder. Saturday will be tough, Wes will probably take an ass-whooping. But just like Wes did with Tony and Carmelo, the Cardiac Kid will rise as your North American Champion!

But wait! Here comes DIJAK! “Mr. Lee, I want you to soak this in. I want you to soak it all in. Enjoy these moments, because these are your final days as NXT North American Champion. That was a real impassioned speech you gave, really powerful and motivating. But the reality is, it’s not gonna make a damn bit of difference. You had EVERY opportunity to hand me that championship, but you were too stupid to take it, weren’t you? And now… On Saturday, you’re gonna be standing across the ring, staring down the biggest and baddest man in the ENTIRE NXT locker room! And when that happens, I’m gonna rip that championship from your cold hands.”

Wes says that is exactly what Dijak will have to do! You will have to pry this title from Wes’s cold, dead hands! But understand that it’s much easier said than done. Wes didn’t win by accident. Every minute of training, every risk Wes took in and out of the ring, and every trial and tribulation, Wes has FOUGHT! When Wes felt like he couldn’t anymore, the chaotic support from every single one of the fans showed him that he can reach levels he had only dreamt of! So Saturday, Dijak isn’t just fighting Wes. He is fighting everyone on the #WesSide. Fans cheer Wes on! But Dijak says Wes might be fighting for the fans, but they won’t be fighting for Wes!

Wait! Von Wagner is here? He and Robert Stone walk out and Stone “apologizes.” But maybe his ears aren’t working properly. Dijak said HE’S the biggest and baddest? Have they forgotten about Von? Von tells Dijak, “Take those stupid sunglasses off, we’re inside. and I’m right here. And the only injustice is me getting overlooked.” Dijak tells Von that his eyes are focused on championship gold. Dijak has no issue with Von whatsoever. Wes says he isn’t sure about that. Fans chant “WAGNER SUCKS!” Wes says Dijak claims to be the biggest and baddest, but Von claims HE is the biggest and baddest, so Dijak is basically calling Von a liar.

Dijak tells Wes to shut up, and he knows what he’s up top. What? Wes just sees an injustice that needs to be fixed! Wes hears Von and Stone loud and clear about being overlooked. Come Tuesday… We may need to have a new #1 contender to the North American title. So uh… If Von happens to beat Dijak tonight, then Von will no longer be overlooked. Von will be looked at as a contender. And Stone says that is why they’re here! Right, right. So let’s please, PLEASE solve this injustice. Or Dijak can just give Von his jacket now. Dijak throws hands on Von! Von hits back, and fans fire up as the brawl is on!

Von clotheslines Dijak up and out! Refs rush out to stop this, but fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” Will we see this brawl turn into a match? WE WILL! Wes gets out of the way, who wins this battle of behemoths?

DIJAK VS Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone!

The bell rings, the haymakers fly again, and Dijak kicks low! Dijak whips, Von reverses and KNEES Dijak down! Stone fires up, Von scoops Dijak to FALL AWAY SLAM! Fans fire up while NXT goes picture in picture!

Von drags Dijak up to reel him in. Von suplexes but DIjak blocks! Von CLUBS Dijak, tries again, but Dijak still blocks! Dijak throws body shots, then suplexes, TIME TO FLY! Von crashes, writhes, and goes to a corner. Dijak runs in to kick Von and stomp aw mudhole in! Dijak CLUBS Von, Von kicks back and puts Dijak in a corner for elbows! Von whips corner to corner, Dijak reverses hard and Von falls to the mat! Dijak storms up, drags Von up and turns him to a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Von is still in this but Dijak grits his teeth. Dijak clamps on a cravat and grinds Von with a neck wrench.

Von endures, fans rally up, and Von fights up. Von throws body shots, then haymakers! Von whips Dijak to a corner, then lifts Dijak for a POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Von is annoyed but he watches Dijak stand. Von CLUBS Dijak, HEADBUTTS him, then ROCKS him with a right. Von whips, Dijak ducks ‘n’ dodges, then holds ropes! Von runs in but is sent into ropes! Von sputters, Dijak stomps him down, and then rains down fists! Stone protests but Dijak lets off to have the neck wrench again. Von endures, fights up, and he throws body shots. NXT returns to single picture as Von throws hands, but Dijak throws elbows and knees!

Dijak SMASHES then DISCUS LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Wes is on commentary and says it was only right that we find out who is truly the biggest and baddest in NXT. Dijak choke grips but Von fights free! Dijak wrenches, mule kicks, then back elbows hard! Dijak reels Von in but Von suplexes Dijak into buckles!! Fans lose their minds while Dijak flops down. Dijak stands up, Von runs in, and Von clotheslines! Von whips corner to corner, but Dijak BOOTS back! Von still fireman’s carries, but Dijak slips off! Dijak shoves Von away and ROCKS him at the ropes! Dijak runs but Von KNEES him low! Von runs, to RAM Dijak!

Dijak rebounds to RAM Von, then he ELBOWS, ELBOWS and CLUBS Von! Then he SUPERKICKS! Dijak runs, into a BOOT! Cover, TWO!! Dijak survives and Stone can’t believe it! Fans rally for “NXT! NXT!” and Von waits on Dijak. Dijak slowly rises, Von choke grips, but Dijak flips through the lift! To choke grip and HIGH JUSTICE!! Cover, TWO?!! Von survives and the fans are thunderous! Von goes to a corner, Dijak storms up, “This is Awesome!” as Dijak throws elbows. Dijak hoists Von up top, CLUBS him in the chest, then climbs up after him. Dijak choke grips again, but Von elbows Dijak over and over and over!

Von CLUBS away on Dijak, roars, and hits a SUPER BUTTERFLY SLAM!! Cover, TWO!?!? Fans are thunderous, Stone is beside himself, and Wes is loving this! Von gets Dijak up, OLYMIPC- NO, Dijak slips out to have the HAMMERLOCK SLEEPER! Von flails, reaches out, Stone coaches him, but Dijak says this is gonna be Wes’s future! Von is fading out, then Dijak torture racks! FEAST YOUR EYES!! Cover, Dijak wins!

Winner: DIJAK, by pinfall

Hard Justice has proven to be THE biggest and baddest man in NXT! But will he prove he is championship material? Or will Wes Lee prove he is must-see?


Tony D’Angelo and Channing Lorenzo are watching backstage.

Stacks says he can’t stand that Dijak. He’ll probably win the title on Saturday now. But The Don says not to worry about Dijak. “Street justice has no expiration date.” But what was this big impact Stacks was gonna have? Stacks has to take care of a few things. The first or the second? Both. Wow, really? Yeah, he’s the Underboss! That’s what they do. So next week, Stacks gets it done. Tremendous. Now let’s take care of that other thing. They head out, just what is Stacks going to do to handle his business?


Nikkita Lyons tweets out her status.

“Surgery was a success. Thank you deeply to the WWE universe, my Lyon Pride, for all the love and support you show. I’ll be back stronger than I’ve ever been. #ReadyToPounce Also, a big thank you to the wonderful surgeons, doctors and nurses.” It may be another setback, but will Lyons use that to set up a huge comeback?


McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with more.

McKenzie Mitchell says there are many questions surrounding the attack on Lyons in the NXT parking lot, so she has prepared some footage so that we can get a better idea of what happened. Among those on scene at the time of the attack are Valentina Feroz walking away, Dani Palmer, Arianna Grace and Alexis Leddy walking together going inside, and an unidentified woman driving away. There is also Elektra Lopez walking and talking with newcomer Lola Vice, closest to Nikkita but going on their own path. Freeze here, and you see Tiffany Stratton just going through her bag, but maybe she’s hiding the evidence.

And of course, Zoey Stark is spotted walking away, and even Tatum Paxley and Lash Legend at the very end of the lot. Indi Hartwell and Lyra Valkyria come to Lyons’ aid, and we then spot Wendy Choo peeking out of a car window. Did Wendy witness anything? McKenzie says no one is taking credit for this attack, but she will keep us informed if anyone comes forward with information. Who is behind NXT’s newest whodunnit mystery, and why did they do it?


NXT looks closer at Bron Breakker VS Grayson Waller.

The Big Booty Nephew’s NXT record is already golden, but the 21st Century Success Story isn’t impressed. In fact, he’s sick and tired of it. Waller has been running this for the last eight months, and now he’s made the decision that he needs to be champion. New Year’s Evil was going well until a freak accident took Waller out. So at Vengeance Day, their rematch will be inside a STEEL CAGE! Waller says Bron is a wild dog, and Bron admits his temper has gotten the better of him. But no one has taken advantage of it like Waller. Waller is living rent free in Bron’s brain. Bron says his temper has led to both is biggest wins and most crushing losses.

Waller says Bron will beat himself this time. Bron thought he needed to control the anger, but then he realized, with the steel cage all around them, there’s no need to hold back. Bron will beat Waller within an inch of his life, and pin what’s left! But Waller says he can read Bron like a book. And Waller has read that book, so he’ll past this test. Waller will not just beat Bron but he’ll embarrass him! Bron promises to break Waller inside the steel, but Waller went viral the last time he was inside a cage. This is what Waller wanted, but it’ll be Bron’s Vengeance Day. Who survives the steel to bring home the gold?


Tyler Bate VS Axiom!

Even with Kemp being a right wanker, the Big Strong Boy and the Undeniable Truth are going to focus on friendly competition! Will Bate continue to get A-Kid vibes from Axiom? Or will Axiom be even better than that?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Bate powers Axiom to ropes. The ref counts, Bate lets off, and fans applaud the sportsmanship. They reset, tie up again, and Bate has a cording hold. Axiom whips Bate away, Bate goes up and under and then knuckle locks. Bate steps over, headlocks, waistlocks, trips and body scissors to a clutch, TWO! They tie up, Bate cravats and snapmares, but Axiom is right up. Axiom sidesteps but Bate blocks the arm-drag to hit an arm-drag! Bate has the armlock and fans applaud the exchange. Axiom fights up, facelocks, but Bate powers out to keep on the armlock.

Axiom endures, fans duel, and Axiom goes up and around to whip Bate! Bate reverses to hit the arm-drag again! Fans cheer as Bate keeps on the arm but Axiom fights up. Axiom facelocks, Bate fights that, but Axiom goes up and around again. Bate still has the arm, he turns another whip into another arm-drag, but Axiom fights up. Axiom uses the ref for an assist to flip through! But again Bate reverses a whip! And again! Axiom is frustrated as Bate keeps on the arm. Axiom fights up, goes up and headscissors! Bate throws Axiom away, Axiom avoids the elbow to springboard arm-drag, kip up and ENZIGURI! Cover, TWO!

Axiom keeps on Bate with a facelock, fans rally up, and Bate rolls. Axiom rolls with Bate, covers, TWO! The two stand off, Bate SOBATS! Axiom staggers away, Bate runs in, but Axiom arm-drags Bate and himself up and out of the ring! Fans fire up while NXT goes picture in picture.

Both men stir, and Bate stands up first. Bate follows Axiom, UPPERCUTS him, then puts him in the ring. Bate stalks Axiom, brings him up and headlocks, to bop him with a boot! Bate hits the headlock takeover, but Axiom headscissors in return. Axiom pushes up to put on pressure, but Bate moves around. Bate headstands, pops free and has Axiom’s legs tied up. Bate goes back to the headlock but Axiom goes back to the headscissor! Bate kips free, but Axiom holds onto an arm to drag Bate back down! Axiom headscissors again, but Bate moves around again. Bate headstands, pops free and basement dropkicks!

Bate drags Axiom up by an arm and wraps Axiom up in a straitjacket stretch. Axiom endures, arm-drags free, and runs in at the corner. Axiom blocks a boot but not the KNEE! Bate goes up to FLYING UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Bate keeps cool and he keeps his eyes on Axiom. Bate UPPERCUTS again and Axiom goes to rpoes. Bate whips Axiom to ropes, then catches him to a COBRA TWIST! Axiom endures the stretch, pops free and hip tosses Bate down! Axiom waistlocks, they go to ropes but Bate bucks the O’Conner, only to turn around into a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Axiom floats to get the arm, but Bate stacks him, TWO!

Axiom has Bate in a Triangle Hold, and NXT returns to single picture. Fans chant, “This is Wrestling!” as Bate deadlifts Axiom to a fireman’s carry! AIRPLANE SPIN! Fans fire up as Bate goes around and around and around, fifteen times! Bate slows down, staggers a bit, squats, and then powers up to spin MORE!! And then POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Axiom survives and Bate has to catch his breath but fans rally back up. Axiom and Bate rise, Bate spins a few more times before he throws a forearm! Axiom throws a forearm back! Bate fires forearm after forearm but Axiom hits back! Axiom kicks, Bate blocks but Axiom hops the sweep to ENZIGURI!

Bate falls over, Axiom keeps moving, PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! Bate goes to a corner, Axiom runs in, he blocks the boot but gets another knee! Bate goes up and leaps, into an SLEEPER!! Axiom has the body scissors and fans rally up! Bate endures, fights the hold, turns over, but Axiom squeezes tighter! Bate stands, pries at the hold, opens it up, but Axiom waistlocks. Bate bucks the O’Conner again but Axiom kips up, into a RIGHT! But he SUPERKICKS right back! Axiom rolls Bate up but Bate sits on the cover, TWO!!! Axiom escapes and fans are thunderous! Both men slowly rise and fans rally up.

Axiom ROCKS Bate! Bate rebounds, but Axiom avoids the rolling kick! Bate avoids the Penalty Kick, Axiom slips through the roll-up. Bate blocks the Superkick to spin Axiom, Bop up and BANG in! Axiom wobbles, Bate runs and REBOUND LARIATS! Bate underhooks, but Axiom NORTHERN LIGHTS out! Bridging cover, TWO as Bate bridges up! Axiom pushes Bate back down, TWO as Bate gets back up! Underhooks, TYLER- RANA!!! Cover, TWO!!! Bate has the arms again! TYLER DRIVER 97!!! Cover, Bate wins!!!

Winner: Tyler Bate, by pinfall

A big strong win for the Big Strong Boy! “That was Awesome!” but will this earn Bate a title match on the other side of this Saturday? But Bate and the fans show Axiom respect. But then Kemp CLBOBBERS them both! And he hits Axiom with an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Kemp says he told them before, but then Bate chases Kemp off! Will Bate make sure Kemp learns European wrestling is anything but soft?


Isla Dawn speaks.

“In my land, Imbolc is the beginning of Spring. It is a time to exhale all that is behind us, and to mark new beginnings. Tonight, on the Eve of Imbolc, we purge the constraints of the past. We purify the negative energy surrounding us, and we transfigure the uninitiated into members of this house. There has always been a rage inside of you,” Alba Fyre. And she just needed a nudge to reveal it. “Shall we?” Fyre nods, and Isla says they are letting go of their unbridled passions, shed their egos, and relinquish their need for control. “These emotions no longer serve us.” Fyre repeats that, and throws water on the fire. With this, the initiation process has begun.

Isla and Fyre smile as they walk into the night. Will the darkness within Fyre grow stronger with the Wicked Witch’s influence?


Backstage interview with Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams.

McKenzie is with Trick Melo Gang, and Trick is shaking. But he’s just joking. He’s “shaking like booty meat on a Friday night.” Not because he’s scared, but because it’s cold out. “But Trick Willy can’t lie. This whole Apollo thing, I mean, I don’t know. Should I even go to Vengeance Day? He looks, he sees in the future, that’s some Cleo stuff, man!” Melo has Trick calm down. Of course Trick’s going to Vengeance Day. Apollo can stay daydreaming, but they stay scheming. McKenzie notes the match is Best 2 out of 3, so how does Melo see this playing out? Melo says everyone knows him by now, so we know how Melo sees this playing.

“Apollo needs to realize that this ain’t Jackson, that this ain’t Jordan, that these shots I take don’t ever jam.” Melo is of a different caliber! Melo took Apollo from the sidelines to the headlines. Apollo could have a top combine vertical, and his fingertips still wouldn’t reach Melo’s level. Melo tells Apollo that you can be this or that, but until you beat Melo, you can never be HIM. That’s all it is, and that’s all it’s gonna be. But is Melo overlooking the wild cards in the equation?


Roxanne Perez and Toxic Attraction sit down for video interviews.

The NXT Women’s Champion is far, far away from Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne for this final interview before Vengeance Day. Vic Joseph notes Roxie is the youngest woman to ever compete in the Royal Rumble match. How did that feel for her? She was overwhelmed, and so grateful to hear her music hit in front of over 50 THSOUAND people, and make the run down the ramp she’s dreamed of for so long. It was so incredible! Jacy says, “Incredible? More like incredibly pathetic! RoXaNnE~, cOnGrAtUlAtIoNs~! YoU wErE iN tHe RoYaL rUmBlE~!” But you didn’t win! And you’re not going to WrestleMania, but to Vengeance Day, to lose your title.

Gigi says the reason Roxie lost the Rumble was cuz she got put through a table! That look on her face when she realized she got tricked was great. But it’ll all be over for Lil’ Miss Perfect real soon. Roxie says Gigi & Jacy act like they’re best friends, but Roxie knows there is a lot of truth behind what they said to each other last week. Gigi says the truth is that Roxie stands no chance at Vengeance Day. How is Roxie gonna beat them both? She has the same percent chance of winning the Triple Threat as she did winning the Rumble: ZERO! Roxie is good and all, but going against the two baddest women in NXT at the same time, she has NO chance.

Actually, Roxie says she has more of a chance- Jacy cuts her off to say that Roxie had a good run. Eight months in NXT is like a little jog. Good for her! But Roxie peaked at 21 years old. That sucks. But this Saturday, it’s all coming to an end. Roxie says it’s not. But Gigi says it is. At least Roxie can go home to Texas and tell everyone she had a “cup of coffee” in the big time. She just made one critical mistake: messing with Toxic Attraction. And look on the bright side! She can play the “What If” game! What if Roxie stayed in her lane and didn’t punch up? Roxie starts to speak but Jacy cuts her off again, telling her to shut up.

Jacy says “What if” Roxie was a good little girl and didn’t make any waves. Whether Roxie likes it or not, it’s 2v1. Gigi says Roxie’s ride is over, the 15 minutes of fame are over. Roxie storms out, and Toxic Attraction make fun of her for not being able to handle it. Vic says Toxic Attraction weren’t being fair, but Jacy says, “Who cares? After Saturday, she’ll be old news. You’re looking at the next NXT Women’s Champion right here.” Then which one will it be? Gigi says you’re looking at her! Gigi knows everyone, especially Booker, is a big fan of Roxie, and is just trying to find a crack between Toxic Attraction, but there isn’t one.

For almost two years, Toxic Attraction has controlled the NXT Women’s Division. But for the last six weeks, everyone’s been on a vacation from it. That changes on Saturday, as order will be restored when Jacy & Gigi take their rightful spot. This day has been a long time coming, Roxie is just the first one to push it to the edge. But at Vengeance Day, they course correct things back to Gigi- Er, they become NXT Women’s Champion. Jacy notices that “flub,” but before she can respond, ROXANNE POUNCES!! Roxie fires off with all the pent up anger on both of them! She TACKLES Jacy through the set!!

Fans fire up as security rushes in to stop Roxie from tearing into Toxic Attraction more! Will nothing, not even two opponents at once, stop The Prodigy from proving why she IS NXT Women’s Champion?


Stevie Turner VS Dani Palmer!

Updated, online and ready to play, the Fourth Dimensional Superstar is finally back in action! Will Stevie prove that she is always two steps ahead and two levels above? Or will Dani delete Stevie before she even gets started?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Stevie has an armlock, then wrenches Dani to wrangle her to the mat. Dani fights up, rolls, backflips and wrenches, but Stevie gets away. They go again, Stevie waistlocks but Dani switches, only for Stevie to elbow free. Stevie headlocks, Dani brings her down to a knee and handstands to slip free! Stevie avoids Dani’s headlock to BOOT, BOOT and then scrape Dani on ropes! Fans boo, Stevie runs side to side to BOOT WASH! Stevie laughs like mad and she pushes Dani down. Stevie then brings Dani up, but Dani pushes her away. Stevie kicks low, CLUBS Dani, then turns her for a HANGING NECKBREAKER!

Dani staggers to ropes, Stevie snapmares her and clamps on a chinlock. Fans rally, Dani fights up, and arm-drags free! Stevie runs back but into an elbow! Dani dodges to LEAPING LARIAT! And again! Dani keeps moving but Stevie kicks low! But Dani JAWBREAKERS back! Dani runs to THESZ PRESS! Dani rains down wild hands, thrashes Stevie around, and then drags Stevie up. Dani runs, but Stevie reels her in by her tights! Stevie whips Dani away, and BOOTS her down! Stevie hauls Dani up, TWISTING DDT!! Stevie isn’t done there, she drags Dani up, for the SIDE EFFECT! Cover, Stevie wins!

Winner: Stevie Turner, by pinfall

Stevie just rerouted Dani’s connection and has her first win in NXT! Will Stevie soon be the number one trend in wrestling?


Kiana James is on the phone.

She promises to see “Zack” there, and says, “Love you, too.” Fallon Henley then walks over and asks who she was talking to. No one, don’t worry about it. Fallon knew it! She KNEW Kiana would break Jensen’s heart!! Fallon, calm down, it’s not what you think. You don’t even know why you’re upset right now! Oh? Then who is Zack?! But then in walk the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions. Kayden Carter points out the #1 contenders, and how they’re not talking about their upcoming match. Katana Chance says that sounds like trouble. Kiana says sound travels fast around here. But the only sound the champs will hear on Saturday is, “And NEW…!”

Has Fallon been giving Kiana a lot to drink lately? They’ve been a team for like a week while KC Squared has been a team for over a year! Fallon says with all due respect, we all know, we all get it, Katana & Kayden are BFFs. But Saturday is the biggest match of Fallon’s life, so she is going all out. Kiana says they are going all out. Well, we’ll see about that. But either way, the titles are staying with KC Squared. Katana & Kayden head out, and Fallon gets Kiana’s attention. Stay focused for Saturday, but just know this conversation isn’t over. Fallon heads out, is she making a mountain out of a mole hill?


Charlie Dempsey VS Drew Gulak w/ Hank Walker!

The Son of the Gentleman Villain cost the Philly Stretcher and his blue collar protégé last week, so this is all about vengeance before Vengeance Day! Will Gulak lock Dempsey down? Or will the Philly Stretcher be the one getting stretched?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Gulak headlocks for a takeover. Dempsey fights up, hits a back suplex, but Gulak holds on! Gulak has control again but Dempsey headscissors. Gulak moves around, has the legs, but Dempsey keeps shoulders up in the stack. Dempsey pushes Gulak away, they stand, and Gulak facelocks. Dempsey wrenches out, wristlocks, but Gulak grinds forearms. Dempsey wrenches, Gulak gets away, and fans rally up as NXT goes picture in picture.

The two circle, knuckle lock, and go shoulder to shoulder for a test of strength. Dempsey powers Gulak down to his knees, but Gulak powers back up. They go shoulder to shoulder again and now Gulak powers Dempsey back. Dempsey bridges, but Gulak has the cover! TWO as Dempsey gets an arm up! Gulak puts that arm down, TWO as the other arm comes up! Gulak has both arms, TWO as Dempsey bridges back up! Gulak stands over Dempsey, brings him up, but Dempsey monkey flips! Dempsey rolls back to a cover, TWO as Gulak sunset flips! TWO, and Dempsey headlocks to keep Gulak down! Fans applaud as the technical exchange continues.

Gulak fights up to his feet, powers his way to a facelock, but Dempsey snap suplexes to a cover, TWO! Gulak has the facelock but Dempsey stands up again. Dempsey goes for a trip but Gulak uses that to get a cover, TWO! Dempsey fights up, Gulak facelocks, then scoops and SLAMS Dempsey into ropes! Dempsey clutches his legs but Gulak storms up. Dempsey throws body shots and uppercuts! Gulak DECKS Dempsey in return! Gulak hurries to a cover, TWO! Gulak grabs Dempsey’s legs and steps through, but Dempsey resists. Gulak still pushes through to get the deathlock, and then he gets the chinlock for a REGAL STRETCH!!

Dempsey endures, reaches out, but Gulak keeps the pressure on the hold! Dempsey still moves forward, NXT returns to single picture, and Dempsey pries the facelock away! Dempsey turns to trip Gulak into a HEEL HOOK! Gulak kicks away to get free! Dempsey UPPERCUTS, has the leg, DRAGON SCREW! Gulak clutches his knee and fans rally up again. Dempsey covers, TWO! Dempsey underhooks the arm, BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Bridge, and then roll into the BUTTERFLY STRETCH! Gulak endures, fights up, but Dempsey shifts to have a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Gulak endures, Dempsey turns it to a ghost pin, TWO!

ANOTHER BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Dempsey keeps on Gulak with a deadlift GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! “This is Wrestling!” as Dempsey brings Gulak up. Gulak wrenches the arm, CLUBS it, and then has the CROSSFACE CHICKEN WING! Dempsey pries free, arm-drags Gulak away, and storms up, to get the leg! Gulak slips out of the Dragon Screw, but Dempsey gets the leg again! DRAGON SCREW! And then Dempsey has the leg for a HEEL HOOK! Gulak kicks with his free leg, and he gets away! Both men rush in, Gulak blocks the forearm to LARIAT! Cover, TWO!

Gulak clutches his leg and Dempsey goes to ropes. Fans rally up, Gulak headlocks, but Dempsey hits a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Gulak is hanging tough and Hank coaches him up. Fans rally, Gulak and Dempsey slowly rise. Dempsehy runs in, into a SLAP!! Gulak just pissed Dempsey off! Dempsey BOOTS, but Gulak TACKLES Dempsey! Cover, TWO, but Dempsey has a SLEEPER! Gulak rolls out to get the arms! But Dempsey rolls, stands, but Gulak spins. Into Dempsey’s CROSSFACE CHICKEN WING! Gulak moves around, but Dempsey pushes on the bad leg! Dempsey drags Gulak down, body scissors are on!

Gulak fights, gets free of the body scissors, and Hank coaches Dempsey! Gulak runs to ropes and Dempsey is sent  into Hank!! Gulak rolls Dempsey up, Gulak wins!

Winner: Drew Gulak, by pinfall

Hank is dazed, did he just get used as a pawn? Is Gulak using his own student to help him cut corners?


Von is fuming backstage.

He throws a chair at the wall, and Stone says it ain’t working. This is not working. Von throws a locker room bench, and shouts, “YA THINK?!” Stone asks a question: Why does Von have Stone managing him? Stone has been managing Von for over a year now, yet he knows nothing about Von! Who IS Von Wagner? He’s big, he growls, but so do a lot of other guys. If Von wants to get to the next level, then he has to show Stone who he is! He has to show us who he is INSIDE! Help Stone help Von! Stone storms off, will these words help unlock Von’s true potential?


Triple Threat Tag: The Dyad VS Malik Blade & Edris Enofe VS Chase U!

The New Day, Pretty Deadly and Gallus are waiting as there’s still room for one more for Vengeance Day! Will Rip Fowler & Jagger Reed plant the roots of The Schism in Charlotte? Will the underestimated underdogs finally unlock their potential? Or will Andre Chase & Duke Hudson share this #TeachableMoment with everyone? We find out, after the break!

NXT returns as Malik & Edris make their entrance, followed by Chase U’s entrance. In this kind of Triple Threat Tag, only two teams are legal at any given time, so Malik & Edris agree to let the other teams start. Duke and Rip circle as fans rally behind Chase U. Duke and Rip tie up, Rip knees low and whips Duke, but Duke blocks! Duke glares at Rip, reels him in and scoops to SLAM! Tag to Chase, Duke whips Rip and Chase drop toeholds for the “LET’S GO~!” ELBOW! Chase covers, TWO! Chase drags Rip up but Rip gets away to the third corner. Rip CHOPS Edris as part of the tag! Edris steps in and he circles with Chase.

Chase and Edris shake hands, then tie up. Edris wrenches, steps over, then arm-drags, but Chase blocks to step over and La Magistrol! ONE, but Edris wrangles Chase for a La Magi- NO, Chase blocks it to have a cover, TWO! Edris and Chase stand off, and Chase says that was a teachable moment! Fans cheer but Edris rushes in. They go around, Chase bucks the O’Conner, and things speed up! Edris jumps then DROPKICKS Chase down! Chase staggers up, Edris runs in and rolls off Chase’s back to tag Malik before the arm-drag! Malik hurries in, he and Edris double whip, to trip, BOOT and LARIAT! Malik covers, TWO!

Malik facelocks but Chase JAWBREAKERS free! Reed sneaks a tag before Chase whips. Malik reverses, Chase ducks ‘n’ dodges but Reed trips Chase up! Malik realizes what happened, the ref has him exit, and Reed keeps after Chase. Reed fires forearms and DECKS Chase! Chase bails out, Rip drags him up, and The Dyad coordinates, PLANCHA SHOULDER BREAKER! Chase clutches his arm while Rip pushes him around. Fans boo and Duke storms over but the ref has everyone stay back. Rip drags Chase up and puts him on the apron, to SLAM him on the edge! Chase sputters but Rip drags him around.

Fans rally, but Rip hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Rip clamps onto Chase with a cobra clutch but Chase endures. Fans rally for Chase U as Chase fights up. Rip ripcords to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Rip smothers Chase, has another cover, TWO! Rip and Reed are upset but the ref says his count is fair. Rip UPPERCUTS Chase in the back, then clamps on with another clutch. Fans rally, Chase fights up, but Rip ripcords to back elbow! Rip then suplexes, but Chase blocks it! Rip CLUBS Chase down, taunts Duke, but Chase fights up. Chase suplexes Rip! Fans fire up while both men are down! Reed tags in to run and DROPKICK Duke!

Reed turns around, into a BIG back drop! But no Duke means no tag! Thea Hail coaches Duke up but Rip tags back in. Rip goes after Chase but Chase throws him out! Malik & Edris call to Chase, they’re his only option! Chase runs over, but then The Dyad trips Malik & Edris up! Chase has no one, and turns around into a throat chop! Tag to Reed, the Dyad sets Chase up for a POWERBOMB BACKSTABBER!! Cover, TWO!?! Chase survives and everyone is shocked! Fans are thunderous for Chase U, but Rip says Chase is a hypocrite, a joke and a fool! Thea is furious on Chase’s behalf, and Reed runs in, but Chase goes up and over!

Hot tag to Duke! Duke rallies on The Dyad with big hands! Scoop for Rip, SIDEWALK SLAM! JAB after JAB for Reed! Rip rushes in, so he gets JAB after JAB! Flip, flop and U~! ELBOW! Then a SENTON! SPLASH for Reed, a whip corner to corner, and Reed tumbles up and out! Duke runs in to BOOT Reed down! Fans are thunderous as Duke fetches Reed back into the ring. Duke shoulders into Reed, slingshots and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO!! Reed survives but the student section fires up! Duke tunes up the band, but Malik tags in! Malik GAMANGIRIS Duke, springboards and CROSSBODIES Reed!

Malik goes back to ropes, to SLINGSHOT RANA Duke!! Malik is fired up and fans can’t help but fire up with him! Tag to Edris, Malik goes up a corner, FROG SPLASH onto Reed! Edris goes up, MACHO ELBOW!! Edris drags Reed up, fireman’s carries, and Malik runs! ROLLING NECKBREAKER! Cover, Rip AND Chase break it! Fans are electric as “NXT! NXT!” gives them this amazing main event! Thea is also all pumped up as all six men start brawling! Reed tumbles out but Chase and Duke throw Rip out to join him. Malik & Edris DOUBLE DROPKICK Chase U out! Then they build speed, to DOUBLE TOPE CONJILO!!

“This is Awesome!” as Edris puts Reed in! Edris goes back up top, but Reed hits ropes! Edris lands bad up top, and Reed ROCKS him! Reed climbs up after Edris, but Malik CLUBS Reed! Malik climbs up but then Rip YANKS him down! Rip RAMS Malik into steel steps! The Dyad has Edris together now, but Chase sneaks a tag! Chase joins in, and using his physics knowledge, hits a TOWER OF DOOM!! Fans are thunderous as Chase fires up! Spell it out! C! H! A! S! E! U! What’s that spell?! “CHASE U!!” But Ava Raine distracts Chase! Reed CLOBBERS Chase! But Thea YANKS Ava down! Reed is shocked!

Reed runs at Chase, GRIT YOUR- NO, Chase dodges! Hot tag to Duke, and Duke turns Reed! Gory Especial, and Chase adds on, ROLLING COMPLETE SHOT!! AKA the Frat Liner! Cover, Chase U wins!!!

Winners: Chase U, by pinfall (join the NXT Tag Team Championship Fatal 4 Way)

Thea is the most excited of all as the red ‘n’ black now get to compete for some gold! But then we see Gallus appear in the perch and Pretty Deadly appear on stage, with the New Day on the tron! Gimme a C! H! A! S! Well, we know the rest. Congrats to Chase U! This wins means they’re going to Vengeance Day! So then, New Day will see Chase U, and Gallus, and Pretty Deadly of course. Put it together for all these teams! But will this road game be a big win for Chase U? Will Pretty Deadly redo the #SidePlateCheck? Will Gallus Boys be on top? Or will ya bois the NEW~ DAY~, still be your W, W, E, N, X, T, Tag, Team, CHAMPIONS~?

My Thoughts:

Now this was a go-home episode! No need for filling/wasting time with recaps, just give us promos, action and other stuff to hype up what’s coming. Good promo from Apollo Crews, and good response from Trick & Melo. Apollo’s vision seems to foreshadow Oro Mensah being his back-up, as I’m pretty sure I saw his dreadlocks in that silhouette. At the same time, even if someone were to cancel out Trick, that doesn’t guarantee Apollo wins. Melo could win one fall cuz of Trick, Apollo could win one fall cuz Oro cancels out Trick, and then the third fall is truly 1v1. I’m leaning towards Melo since he makes sense as the next challenger to THE NXT Championship.

Speaking of, we got a pretty good promo vignette for Bron VS Waller in the steel cage. And from how they’re talking about it, this is going to be a No Escape Steel Cage match, where the door isn’t an option and climbing the walls won’t win it for you. I am all for that, and I think all Steel Cage matches should be like that to get rid of some of the more overused tropes of a Steel Cage match. Good interview promos from Roxie, Gigi & Jacy, and while part of me wanted Roxie to explode on Toxic Attraction verbally, her going after them directly was just as good. Roxie really should show she has grit, but I feel like her initiating the brawl is tantamount to her standing tall. I hope this doesn’t put the go-home math against her, she only just got that belt.

Stevie Turner’s first match back was pretty good, and I’m actually happy to see they came up with a completely kayfabed chat box for her entrance, as I imagined last week. Good promo from Isla & Fyre to establish that they’re a team now. I was sensing there’d be something building towards Valentine’s Day in a couple weeks, and I think this whole “Who is Zack and what is he to Kiana?” is gonna be the thing. Kiana is gonna reveal that’s like her brother and Fallon’s gonna feel dumb for getting protective of Jensen’s feelings. But with that, I don’t think they win the tag titles at Vengeance Day. That should probably be Isla & Fyre.

We also got a real good “NXT Investigates” promo from McKenzie to point out just how many suspects there really are in the Whodunnit of Lyons’ parking lot attack. Indi VS Stark was a good match to play off that, but I’m starting to wonder if Valentina Feroz did it. Feroz seems like the least likely, so that’d be quite the twist. Given her talk with Elektra Lopez about doing underhanded things, Feroz said she couldn’t do anything to Wendy Choo because Wendy’s a friend. But Feroz and Lyons have no connections, so Feroz could attack her from behind with no problems.

Good promo from Wes Lee, Dijak, Von and Stone to set up Dijak VS Von. That was a good match, but of course Dijak won to have momentum going into the North American title match. I still think Wes wins, but what was really interesting to come out of this was Stone getting fired up telling Von to bring out some personality. Is Von going to suddenly have a gimmick? I can’t even be sure what that’d be. Also, good promo from Tony D and Stacks. I thought Von was gonna be the big guy Stacks went after but then this happened, so maybe Stacks calls out Odyssey Jones or Quincy Elliot to give one of those guys some screen time. And also a win, because I feel like Stacks is gonna bite off more than he can chew.

We also got some great technical wrestling singles matches. Gulak VS Dempsey was not as good as Bate VS Axiom, but I like the detail that Hank takes the hit to tip things in Gulak’s favor. Hank might confront Gulak on that move, and we get closer to Heel Gulak. Then we got just a hilarious and very meta promo out of Bate and Axiom referencing A-Kid. Kemp sticking his nose in things is fine, he needs something to do and honestly should’ve had more time in NXT UK. Bate winning makes sense, he’s also back and needs some momentum. Kemp’s blindside attack definitely earns him a match with both of them in turn, probably winning against Axiom but losing to Bate.

Really good stuff out of the NXT Tag Division tonight, too. The opener of Creeds VS Indus Sher was good, though I feel like maybe they’re going for too real of a fight feel. Julius just came off like he forgot the match flow they discussed. But it was a clever move to have Indus Sher win because of the mishap with Ivy. This will add something more to the Diamond Mine story, and Indus Sher really should be climbing up the rankings. Especially with everything going on in the title story.

Great Triple Threat main event, and as great as all three teams are, it makes sense Chase U won. New Day is Face, Gallus and Pretty Deadly are Heel, so there needed to be another Face team. There’s intrigue in the Chase U story and it can play out in the Fatal 4. And Indus Sher being Heels, if New Day retains (or even if Chase U wins), that’d be a great program going to Stand & Deliver.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (10/21/24)

It’s a badass rematch, Uce!



Time to run it back!

Did Jey Uso disrespect Bron Breakker? He thinks so, and wants to get him back for it in a rematch for the WWE Intercontinental Championship!


  • WWE World Tag Team Championship#1 Contenders Tournament Opening Round: The New Day VS Authors of Pain; New Day wins and advances.
  • Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez VS Damage CTRL; DMG CTRL wins, by disqualifications.
  • WWE World Tag Team Championship#1 Contenders Tournament Opening Round: Rey Mysterio & Dragon Lee w/ Zelina Vega VS The Creed Brothers w/ American Made; win(s) and advance.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: Jey Uso VS Bron Breakker; wins and


The Crown Jewel Championships have arrived.

The attendants shine it up while security checks it. It all looks good, but who will look good once they win it?


Team American Made arrives.

And on their way in, Chad Gable, Ivy Nile & The Creed Brothers cross paths with The Alpha Academy. Otis, Akira Tozawa & Maxxine Dupri hold their tongues, but will American Made show they’re better by advancing in the World Tag Team Championship Contenders Tournament?


Bronson Reed arrives.

The Colossal Aussie is in Philadelphia, but there’s no brotherly love as SETH FREAKIN’ ROLLINS ATTACKS! The Visionary came outta nowhere, and now uses Bronson’s own luggage to beat him down! Security drags Rollins away but Rollins says he’s just getting started! Rollins dares Bronson to join him in the ring, and that’s where Rollins is going! He throws off his blue sequin jacket at someone in gorilla, then storms right to the ring! The fans fire up and sing Rollins’ song, but Rollins grabs a mic to say cut the music! “Philly, let’s get crazy, right here, right now! Bronson Reed! You wanna be famous, big boy? I’ll make your ass famous! Get out here, and let’s FIGHT!”

The fans are fired up, but Pearce says no no no! But then Bronson TOSSES security out of his way! Bronson heads for the ring, but it takes half a dozen men to drag him down! So Rollins then DIVES and bowls them all over! The fans are thunderous but then Bronson RAMS Rollins into the apron! Bronson puts Rollins int he ring, then RAMS him into a corner! More security rushes in but fans boo! Rollins and Bronson are separated, but not for long as they both get free! Rollins BOOTS Bronson, gets moving, but he runs into a DEATTH VALLEY DRIVER! Bronson hurries up top, but Rollins hurries out! So Bronson just FLYING SHOULDER TACKLES!

The fans are going nuts as Bronson clears the desk! Bronson drags Rollins up and HEADBUTTS him onto the desk! The security tries to stop Bronson but Bronson is climbing the barriers! He SHOVES guards off him, one guy becomes a backpack! So Bronson TOSSES that guy onto the rest! And then with Rollins on the desk, TSUNAMI! But only Bronson hits the desk! Rollins avoids disaster and the fans go nuts! Rollins is also going nuts, he wants after Bronson again! Security and even producers herd Rollins away, and Bronson rises up! Bronson goes out into the crowd but he warns Rollins this isn’t over!

The fans sing Rollins’ song again, “WHOA~ OH~ OHH~!” but when and where will The Visionary see Bronson again?


Backstage interview with Damage CTRL.

Jackie Redmond is with Iyo Sky & Kairi Sane and says that tomorrow night on NXT, they have a match with Meta Four’s Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson. They arguably coast DMG CTRL the tag titles, so is there anything DMG CTRL wants to say first? Iyo says that Lash & Jakara are just in the way. DMG CTRL are not done with Jade & Bianca. Soon, they will be WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions again! But then Liv Morgan steps in and says sorry not sorry, she needs to talk about what Nia Jax did to her last week. Jackie, you can go. Thanks, bye. Jackie steps out and Liv talks to camera.

“Nia, if you’re watching this, which I know you are, I know you only came to MY show last week because you’re just jealous of me. You’re jealous of me because I have it all. I have the Women’s World Championship, I have Dirty Dom, I have The Judgment Day, I have Raquel Rodriguez, and after I beat you at Crown Jewel, I’m gonna have the Crown Jewel Championship, too.” Kairi speaks up, “Choto, choto, choto. <Hey, hey, hey.>” Liv says she’s not done, but Kairi says she interrupted THEIR interview. Liv doesn’t care. Kairi tells them to go away, Iyo echoes it, and Liv says oh, they’re mad because they’re talking about the tag team titles.

But see, Liv & Raquel were champions before Rhea cost them. That means they could be tag team champions again any time they want. Iyo says Liv is not skipping the line! DMG CTRL could fight later, or they could fight TONIGHT! Raquel stares Iyo & Kairi down, and Liv says if they wanna fight, then let’s fight. Raquel, Liv, and Liv’s platform shoes leave, will they truly be standing tall after taking down The Evil Genius & The Pirate Princess?


WWE World Tag Team Championship#1 Contenders Tournament Opening Round: The New Day VS Authors of Pain w/ The Final Testament!

Speaking of tag team supremacy, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods want to return to that, even if that means fighting through the biggest and the baddest. And well, that’s where they’re starting! Will New Day be the ones writing this story? Or will Akam & Rezar make this the Final Chapter?

Raw returns and as Samantha Irvin is moving on to a new phase in her career, the legend that is Lilian Garcia is back! She gives the introductions as AOP makes their entrance, Final Testament leading the way. The teams sort out, and Woods starts against Akam. They circle, Woods waistlocks, and then headlocks. Akam powers up and out but Woods ducks ‘n’ dodges, then tags Kofi before he slides! Woods ROCKS Akam, Kofi SOBATS, and Woods mule kicks! Kofi hits a FAMOUSER! Cover, ONE! Akam is tougher than that but Kofi KICKS him back down. Kofi tags Woods, and he PENALTY KICKS AKam! Woods SLIDING LARIATS!

Kofi IMPLODER SPLASHES! Woods goes up the ropes to ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Woods brings Akam up to wrench an arm, and YANK it! And YANK it! And CLUB away on it! Tag to Kofi and he climbs up, to DOUBLE STOMP the arm! Kofi wrenches, RAMS, and grinds the arm! Akam pulls hair, the ref reprimands, but Akam puts Kofi in a corner. Kofi dodges to CHOP! The fans fire up, and Kofi wrenches Akam to tag Woods. Woods goes up to AX HANDLE! Woods wrenches the arm again, but Kam keeps him from Kofi! URENAGE, and Akam DECKS Kofi for good measure! Woods bails out, but Karrion Kross is lurking.

Kross asks if Woods wants to shake his hand now. They can stop this if Woods just shakes his head. The fans rally, the ring count starts, but wait! Miz is watching from the front row now? Kross nods to Miz while Rezar tags in. Rezar CLUBS Woods down, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Woods endures a bearhug from Rezar! Kross talks with Miz, making the sales pitch to join Final Testament. Woods fights with elbows, but Rezar shoves him back. Woods ELBOWS Akam, BOOTS Rezar, but Rezar scoops! Woods fights free, reaches for Kofi, but Rezar keeps him back! The fans fire up as they’re just fingertips away, but Rezar YANKS Woods back! But Woods dodges, hot tag to Kofi! Kofi springboards to AX HANDLE! Kofi rallies with DOUBLE CHOP, DOUPBLE CHOP and DROPKICK Kofi runs, but Rezar dodges to back suplex! Kofi lands out! Kofi BOOTS from the corner, then goes up to SPLASH Rezar down!

Akam gets up but Kofi BLASTS him! Woods is back and he DIVES! Down goes Akam in a heap! Rezar TOSSES Kofi to the corner, runs in, but into the SWING KICK! Kofi climbs, leaps, AX HANDLE! Rezar is down and Kofi runs, to “NEW~ DAY~” BOOM DROP! The fans fire up and clap along, “NEW! DAY ROCKS! NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Kofi aims again, spins, TROUBLE IN- NO, Rezar catches Kofi! FALL AWAY SLAM! Kross cheers while Rezar and Kofi are down. But wait, R-TRUTH IS HERE! He TACKLES Miz! The fans fire up but Kross drags Truth up! Truth BOOTS Kross! Rezar is furious, but Kofi sunset flips! NEW DAY WINS!

Winners: The New Day, by pinfall (advance to the next round)

Truth celebrates with ya bois, they all get some payback on The Final Testament! But uh, Truth hangs around too long. Kross DECKS Truth, and Miz adds on! And now Woods says leave him!? Kross grins, his plan working, but wait! The lights go out! THE PIANO PLAYS! The fans fire up and the fireflies come out, it’s THE WYATTS! They’re all on the corners! And then they LEAP into action! Nikki Cross takes out Scarlett, Erick Rowan & Joe Gacy go after AOP, and Miz scurries away while Dexter Lumis LARIATS Kross up and out! The fans fire up as The Wyatts clear out The Final Testament, and then Rowan CLOBBERS AOP!

The brawling continues, The Wyatts DUMP AOP over barriers, and then Rowan picks Lumis up! He THROWS Lumis at the Authors of Pain! Lumis then adds on more fists, and then the brawling spills into the crowd! Miz is all alone, and he grins because he’s safe. But then UNCLE HOWDY is there! But Ellering rushes in! He gets a MANDIBLE CLAW for it!! Miz runs away and Ellering fades out! The fans fire up, have The Wyatts come to right the Final Testament’s wrongs?


Backstage interview with Adam Pearce.

Jackie Redmond is with the Raw General Manager to say it is yet another chaotic Monday night. How does he plan on getting things under control? But before he can answer, Bronson Reed storms over, only for ROLLINS TO ATTACK! The brawl is on again! Security drags Bronson off of Rollins, only for Rollins to LEAP onto Bronson! Producers rush over to help separate these two, but what IS Pearce going to do if this madness is to stop?


Backstage interview with Jey Uso.

Cathy Kelley is with the Intercontinental Champion and says the tensions have escalated. Ahead of his match with Bron Breakker, could he address the issues going on with The Bloodline on SmackDown? Jey says yeah, it’s a bit ironic. We’re in the City of Brotherly Love but he has no love for his brothers right now. But he said what he said on Friday. It is what it is. But tonight is about this belt on his shoulder. Jey Uso VS Bron Breakker, Round 2. But Jey promises that tonight, the people will here #AndStill Intercontinental Champion, Main Event Jey Uso~! YEET.


Raquel Rodriguez speaks.

Big Mami Cool says Rhea’s business won’t end until she gets the world title back. Mamita, as long as Raquel is here, that will NEVER happen! Bad Blood was a warning, chiquita. Don’t think Raquel forgot what Rhea did to Liv, taking her out with a torn shoulder for six MONTHS. And Raquel hasn’t forgotten what Rhea did to them both when she cost them the tag titles! Reha, the only reason you rose up was because Raquel was gone. But she’s back now, and the smartest thing to do would be walk away. But we all know Rhea won’t. So since Rhea won’t end this, Raquel will. Ricky Desperado has put Rhea on notice, will Rhea heed the warning?


Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez VS Damage CTRL!

Speaking of warnings, Liv & Raquel have sent theirs to Nia and Rhea, and Iyo & Kairi sent one to Lash & Jakara. Who backs up all that talk with a big win here tonight?

Raw returns and we see Meta Four is watching from the front row, again. Will they affect things like last time? Then Liv & Raquel make their entrance, but uh, where is Dominik Mysterio? He gets the introduction but he seems to be absent. Well, whatever, no one needs Dirty Dom here, except for Liv. The teams sort out, and Iyo runs up to TACKLE Liv! Iyo rains down fists, the fans fire up, but Liv gets away! Tag to Raquel, and Iyo backs up. Raquel steps in Iyo fires hands, but Raquel shoves her away. Iyo jumps up but the rana is blocked! Iyo fights free of the bomb, then gest around to hop on for a SLEEPER!

Raquel flails, reaches back, and FLINGS Iyo off her. Raquel then suplexes Iyo, but Iyo slips free! Tag to Kairi, then Iyo redirects Raquel. DMG CTRL shove, trip, and AX KICK! Raquel is down, DMG CTRL run up to DOUBLE DROPKICK! The fans fire up as Kairi storms around. Kairi runs in, but Raquel puts her up top! Kairi gets to the apron, RAMS into Raquel, and then goes back up. Kairi leaps, but Raquel ducks under! Kairi says kiss this, then she goes up, around, and RANAS Raquel into buckles! Tag to Iyo, DMG CTRL double wrench, KICK, and DOUBLE- NO, Raquel fights the suplex! Raquel lifts BOTH Iyo & Kairi!

The fans fire up, but now DMG CTRL slip down! She stays up, but DMG CTRL avoid the double elbows! SLIDING D into Ghost Pin! TWO!! Raquel escapes, Iyo stomps her down, and tags Kairi. Kairi clamps on with a facelock, but Raquel stands up. Iyo runs up, Raquel shoves her back, and then Raquel THROWS Kairi at her! DMG CTRL stays up, Kairi dodges but Raquel LARIATS Iyo! Then she SOUTHPAW LARIATS Kairi! Liv cheers, and already hugs the Crown Jewel Women’s Championship. The fans boo and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Raquel covers Kairi, TWO! The fans rally, Raquel drags Kairi up and gut wrenches to a Canadian rack. Kairi endures the backbreaker rack and the fans rally up again. Kairi fights but Meta Four isn’t that impressed. Kairi slips down, reaches for Iyo, but Raquel brings her around, Kairi dodges the lariat to ROCK Raquel! Kairi jumps, but Raquel catches her! Raquel throws Kairi back but Kairi URAKENS! Kairi then dodges Raquel, hot tags to Iyo and Liv! Iyo SHOTEIS, SHOTEIS and DROPKICKS! The fans fire up as Iyo whips. Liv reverses but Iyo goes out. Iyo HOTSHOTS Liv, then blocks Raquel’s boot!

Iyo puts the leg in ropes, to DRAGON SCREW it! Iyo then DOUBLE STOMPS Raquel on the apron! The fans fir eup and Iyo springboards in! MISSILE DROPKICK for Liv! Liv tumbles, Iyo kips up, and the fans fire up again! Iyo runs in, SHINKANSEN! Iyo drags Liv to the cover, TWO! Liv survives but Iyo scoops her, to SLAM her! Iyo steps on Liv, tags Kairi, and then Kairi tags Iyo back. DMG CTRL stand on Liv, the fans fire up, and Kairi runs for the POP-UP ELBOW! Iyo runs to jackknife bridge, but Raquel breaks it! Kairi is furious, and she runs up to SPEAR, but Raquel blocks it! Raquel SWINGS Kairi around before she THROWS her!

Raquel runs up, but Kairi dodges! Raquel POSTS herself and falls to the floor! Liv is furious now, and she BACK BODY BLOCKS Iyo! And then SHINING WIZARDS !Liv roars and shoves Iyo away. Liv adjusts up top, to leap, into a SHOTEI! The fans fire up while Liv flops out of the ring! Iyo goes to the apron, and she MISSILE DROPKICKS Liv into barriers! Iyo then DUMPS Jakara over! Lash DECKS Iyo! That’s a DQ!

Winners: Damage CTRL, by

Lash steps over, but gets a FLYING ELBOW from Kairi! Kairi & Iyo beat down on Lash! They put Lash in the ring, beat up on her more, but Jakara runs in! The brawl is on while fans boo, and Lash ROCKS Iyo! Lash fireman’s carries Iyo, and swings her into Kairi! Jakara hits the SUGAR RUSH BULLDOG! Then Lash hits the LASH EXTENSION on Iyo! The fans boo as Meta Four again stands tall, but now they stare down Liv & Raquel. BUT HERE COMES RHEA! Lash & Jakara smile, cuz Mami ain’t here for them. Philly fires up as Rhea storms her way out here, and Meta Four says bye. Raquel has Liv stand down, she can handle this.

Rhea runs in, and HEADBUTTS Raquel! Raquel stays up!? Rhea fires hands on her, but Raquel shoves her down! Raquel runs up, but Rhea DUMPS her out! Rhea grins as Liv is all alone! Liv runs but Rhea grabs her by her hair! Rhea reels Liv in, TOSSES her around, but Liv comes back to CODE BREAKER! Rhea comes back to KNEE Liv down! Rhea grabs Liv’s legs, ties them up, PRISM TRAP!! Liv flails, Rhea lifts her higher, but has to let her go when Raquel returns! Rhea DROPKICKS Raquel down! Liv is alone again, but she dodges Rhea to kick and wrench! Liv wants a Cobra Twist but Rhea HEADBUTTS her down!

Liv is dizzy, Rhea hauls her up! Pump handle and RIP- NO, NOW Dom is here! Dom saves Liv, she did need him after all! But Rhea TOSSES Dom in!! The fans fire up as Rhea puts Dom in the PRISM TRAP!! Dom flails, Liv AND Raquel have to drag him out to save him! The fans boo, but Rhea warns them all that it’s only a matter of time. Liv may have the Crown Jewel Championship on her mind, but will she have to watch her back from now until the end of time?


Seth Rollins finds Pearce.

They argue about how things have gone down tonight, but BRONSON POUNCES ROLLINS!! Rollins is sent onto tables and Bronson hammers away! Yet again, these two are separated and Pearce shouts, “ENOUGH! ENOUGH!! Did either one of you selfish bastards stop to think for one second that I was gonna give you what you want? No, of course not! But you are! At Crown Jewel! Bronson Reed, Seth Rollins, a definitive victor! Now get them outta my building!” Rollins laughs as he and Bronson are hauled away, but Bronson says this is the worst mistake Rollins has ever made! Will there be nothing but blood and sand after this showdown?


The War Raiders speak.

“As we walked this path, there’s been setbacks that would’ve ended lesser men.” “But we rise time and again.” “But we’ve shed our armor, and headed to our future without fear.” “We look to our ancestors, the Viking warriors of the past, for inspiration.” “They crossed oceans, conquering everything in their path.” “We, too, have traveled the word, raiding gold far and wide.” “Your time to run and hide… has ended.” Erik & Ivar have made their impact, advancing in the World Tag Team Championship Contenders tournament. Will they completely take over before it is all said and done?


The Judgment Day regroups.

Finn Balor, JD McDonagh & Carlito are in the clubhouse as Dom, Liv & Raquel return. The Irish Ace asks what they think of the new spot, and Raquel says, “You wanna know what I think? What I think is what I need to do is to find Rhea Ripley. And when I do, I am gonna RIP her head off!” Liv calms Raquel down and says they’ll deal with Rhea when the time is right. For now, Liv needs to focus on Nia at Crown Jewel, and the boys need to focus on their tag titles. Right, Finn? Finn says everyone knows he and JD can handle any team on Earth. What he is worried about is Damian Priest making another claim at the World Heavyweight Championship.

Liv thought they were done with Priest. Dom says, “What if I’m the one who beats Gunther for the world title?” The others laugh, except for Liv. Liv says that’s not cool, Daddy Dom could totally beat Gunther. JD has Finn calm down about others wanting the world title, and then Raquel asks Carlito what he even does around here. Uh… Well, let’s just say he brings the cool factor. And he’s the fixer. In fact, he’ll fix this right now. Dom is going to be a champion in no time! Carlito heads out to talk to Pearce. Finn backstabbed Priest over the world title, will he be compelled to do it again to Dom?


WWE World Tag Team Championship#1 Contenders Tournament Opening Round: Rey Mysterio & Dragon Lee w/ Zelina Vega VS The Creed Brothers w/ American Made!

The King of Lucha & The Boy Wonder are ready to reign together, but that’s going to be an uphill battle. Will the lucha legend and the future of lucha libre grab gold for the LWO? Or will Julius & Bronson prove this tag team division is American Made?

Raw returns and American Made makes their entrance. The teams sort out and Dragon starts against Julius. They circle, and Julius shoots right in for the takedown! Julius gator rolls but Dragon gets away to ropes. The ref has Julius back off, but then Julius grabs an arm to wrench. Julius wristlocks, Dragon cartwheels, wrenches, and wristlocks back. Dragon knuckle locks, CHOPS, and then goes up, up and even turns Julius’ trip into a handspring! Julius stops the wheelbarrow but Dragon elbows free. Things speed up, Dragon rolls to sunset flip! TWO! Julius escapes, but Dragon kicks low! Dragon RAMS him into the corner, tag to Rey!

Rey & Dragon double wrench, double whip, to theN SOBAT, KICK and dropkick to the legs! Rey adds a basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Rey spells it out and the fans cheer. But Julius basement suplexes! Julius SLAMS Rey down, tags Brutus, and then Julius gut wrenches Brutus to SLAM him into Rey! Brutus covers, TWO! Brutus stalks Julius to the corner, whips corner to corner, and Rey bounces off buckles! Brutus laughs like a hyena but the fans boo. Brutus storms up on Rey, brings the straps down, and BRUTUS SMASH! Rey can only guard and crawl away. Brutus tags Julius, and they haul Rey up.

The Creed whip, Rey slides under, but Brutus grabs him, Rey BOOTS Julius, ELBOWS Brutus, and then goes up and over. Julius Electric Chair Lifts, but Rey RANAS him out! Tag to Dragon, and Rey holds the way open! Dragon DIVES to take out both Creeds! The fans fire up for the LWO while Raw goes to break!


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Mitchell’s NJPW Royal Quest Results & Report! (10/20/24)

ZSJ in the UK!



It’s a Mighty homecoming for The Front Man!

Zack Sabre Jr. only just won the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship, but he’s putting it on the line against Sanada! Who writes the ending to this storied rivalry’s new chapter?


  • Kickoff Show – Yuto Nakashima & Oskar Leube VS Danny Jones & Brendan White; Yuto & Oskar win.
  • Taiji Ishimori & Robbie X VS Joe Lando & Danny Black; Taiji & Robbie win.
  • Mina Shirakawa & Kanji VS AZM & Dani Luna; AZM & Dani win.
  • Michael Oku VS Kosei Fujita; Fujita wins.
  • Yota Tsuji VS “Drilla” Dan Moloney; Tsuji wins.
  • Shota Umino VS Callum Newman; Shota wins.
  • David Finlay w/ Gedo VS Taka Michinoku; changed to…
  • Gedo w/ David Finlay VS Taka Michinoku; Taka wins.
  • David Finlay w/ Gedo VS Taka Michinoku (for real this time); Finlay wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Robbie Eagles, Ryohei Oiwa & Mascara Dorada; LIJ wins.
  • NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships: Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls VS Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tomohiro Ishii; Shane & Mikey win and retain the titles.
  • IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Zack Sabre Jr. VS SANADA; ZSJ wins and retains the title.


Kickoff Show – Yuto Nakashima & Oskar Leube VS Danny Jones & Brendan White!

Excursion is always an important part of any Young Lion’s growth, but these big boys have really exceeded expectations! Team Youngblood have won the Pro-Wrestling Holland AND wXw World Tag Team Championships since venturing out into the world, will they be red hot in their return to a NJPW ring? Or will they soon owe some golden tickets to these Greedy Souls?

As fans rally, “Youngblood! WOOP WOOP!” things get rather tense between the teams. The ref calms them down, and the teams sort out. Oskar starts against Jones and they tie right up. They go around, equal in height but Oskar has more beef. But Jones turns things around to put Oskar on ropes. The ref counts, Jones lets off slowly, and he mockingly pats Oskar on the shoulders. Oskar shoves Jones back, storms up on him, but Jones headlocks. Oskar endures the grind, powers up and out, and they RAM shoulders! Neither man falls, and they egg each other on. Oskar runs again, RAMS Jones again, then tells Jones to try.

Jones runs, he RAMS Oskar, Oskar RAMS Jones! They RAM and RAM and RAM! Jones ends up in a corner and the fans cheer. Jones backs off, tags White, so Oskar tags Yuto. The fans fire up as these two RAM each other, then start firing forearms! Yuto laughs it all off, but then White fires a flurry! White roars, runs, and RUNS Yuto over! The fans boo, but Yuto is up to RUN White over! The fans fire up while White flounders to ropes. Yuto tags Oskar, but White CLAWS Oskar’s eyes and fires more shots on Yuto! White whips but Yuto reverses to ROCK White! Then he feeds White to Oskar’s scoop and SLAM!

The fans cheer, Oskar taunts Jones then drags White up. Oskar CHOPS and fans “WOO~!” Oskar CLUBS White in the chest, then CHOPS him again! The fans rally behind Oskar and he runs, but Jones gest a cheap shot in! Oskar DECKS Jones for it, ELBOWS White away, but Jones anchors Oskar’s legs! White CLUBS away on Oskar but the ref reprimands. White tags Jones and Jones drags Oskar up. BIG back suplex, then White lifts Jones to back suplex SENTON! White adds his own SENTON while Jones BOOTS Yuto! The fans boo but Jones covers Oskar, TWO! Jones drops knee after knee on Oskar, then stomps him!

Jones clamps on a chinlock stretch but Oskar endures. The fans rally, Oskar fights up, but Jones CLUBS away on him! Jones whips Oskar to the corner, LARIATS, then tags White. White CLUBS Oskar in the back, then RAMS into him! The ref reprimands, the fans taunt Greedy Souls, but White KNEES Oskar down. Cover, TWO! Oskar toughs it out and rises up as the fans rally. White CLUBS Oskar, but Oskar ROCKS White! They fire forearms back and forth, and Oskar ROCKS White! White blocks the scoop and throws down ELBOWS! White KNEES Oskar in the side again and again, but the fans boo. White covers, TWO!

White drags Oskar up, tags Jones, and the Greedy Souls mug him. Jones has the legs, and he turns Oskar! Oskar fights but Jones KICKS and KICKS to have the BOSTON CRAB! Jones wants to use the “Young Lion” move to humiliate Oskar, but he just powers up! The fans rally as Oskar makes it to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Jones lets go at 3, to drop a BIG elbow on Oskar’s back! Jones drags Oskar over, tags White, and White stomps Oskar. White stays between Oskar and Yuto, taunts Oskar, then CLUBS him. But Oskar goes to scoop! White fights it, but Oskar still lifts him! And SLAMS him!

The fans fire up while both men are down! Oskar and White crawl, hot tag to Yuto! Yuto runs White over, but Jones gets away. Yuto dodges White but White blocks Yuto’s kick to CLUB him in the leg! White runs, but into the YAKUZA KICK! Jones CLUBS Yuto! The ref reprimands and the fans boo as Jones whips Yuto. Yuto returns to CLOBBER Jones! Yuto KICKS White again and again, has him in a corner and he KICKS more and more! The fans fire up, Yuto winds up, and he ROUNDHOUSES White down! White is in the corner, Yuto marches around, and the fans rally as he runs back in, METEORA! Cover, TWO!

White survives and the fans rally up again. Yuto brings White up, fireman’s carries, but White fights with elbows again. White waistlocks, but Yuto fights it with elbows! White ROCKS Yuto in the back, then scoops, BACKBREAKER! White fires up, the fans boo, but White tags Jones. White runs in to SPLASH! Feed to Jones’ BOOT, then a SHOTGUN KICK from White! Cover, White intercepts Oskar, TWO as Yuto still kicks out! White TOSSES Oskar, then Greedy Souls drag Yuto up. White suplexes, but Yuto BOOTS Jones away! Yuto slips around White, shoves him into Jones, then fireman’s carries White!

Yuto powers up to DEATH VALLEY BOMB! Yuto and the Greedy Souls are down, and Yuto crawls for the corner! Hot tag to Oskar! The fans fire up as Oskar RAMS with Jones again and again! Oskar powers up to scoop but Jones fights free! Jones runs, but Oskar CLOBBERS him! The fans fire up and Oskar scoops again, to RUNNING SLAM! The fans rally up as Oskar rises. Oskar fires himself up, aims from a corner, and Jones rises. Oskar runs in, but Jones avoids the boot! Oskar fights the German Suplex to switch. Jones ELBOWS Oskar, tags White, and the Greedy Souls bypass Oskar to POWERSLAM!

The fans boo as Greedy Souls line up the shot in the corner. White SPLASHES Oskar, then Jones KNEES him! Jones trips Oskar, has the legs, and CATAPULTS Oskar to White for the BOSS MAN SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Oskar survives and the fans fire up! Greedy Souls drag Oskar up, and White goes to suplex. Oskar fights it, and Yuto runs in to fire shots on Jones! Oskar switches with White for a SLEEPER! Yuto gives Jones a BRAINBUSTER! White is flailing, Oskar feeds him to Yuto’s BOOT! Atomic Drop and LARIAT! The fans fire up and Youngblood says this is it! They aim at White from corners and White rises up.

Oskar and Yuto run in, HIGH LOW KICK COMBO! Cover, TWO!! White survives but Youngblood just gets him back up! Fireman’s carry from Oskar, Yuto goes up, FLYING KNEE F5 COMBO! Cover, Youngblood wins!

Winners: Oskar Leube & Yuto Nakashima, by pinfall

Young Lions no more, Youngblood is flowing! Will Oskar & Yuto extend their tag team dominance to NJPW?


Mina Shirakawa & Kanji VS AZM & Dani Luna!

The Fighting Gravure Idol has been all around the world because the world wants Mina! But will the Rev-Pro Undisputed British Women’s Champion and The Asian Sensation get what they want in a win? Or will they fail to stop the High Speed Superstar and The Inevitable?

The teams sort out and the fans cheer Mina & Kanji. Mina dances to the singing, “Doodoo do-do-do, Mina Shirakawa!” AZM says come on, they don’t have all night. Kanji steps up to AZM and the bell rings. The fans rally behind hometown hero Kanji as she and AZM circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Kanji whips. AZM reverses, Kanji leaps over, and comes back to clinch and whip. Kanji then gets around AZM but AZM switches. Kanji drop toeholds, the fans cheer, but AZM avoids the kick to roll Kanji up. TWO, and Kanji sweeps to cover. ONE as AZM goes matrix. But Kanji trips her, ghost pins, TWO! AZM has it, TWO!

Kanji has a sunset flip! TWO, and AZM sits on Kanji, then handsprings away! The fans cheer and Kanji is a bit surprised. AZM and Kanji reset, and Kanji offers a handshake. AZM says okay, but then Kanji kicks her low! The fans boo but Kanji “apologizes.” Kanji runs, RAMS AZM, then RAMS her again. AZM follows Kanji, tags Dani, and then sets Kanji up for Dani to CLOBBER her! The fans fire up, and Dani brings Kanji up. Kanji CHOPS, Dani whips, but Kanji headlocks. Kanji CLUBS Dani, runs, wheelbarrows, but Dani holds Kanji up for AZM to ROUNDHOUSE into the FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!

Dani stays cool and she brings Kanji up. Kanji CHOPS and the fans “WOO~!” Kanji whips but Dani blocks! And she blocks again! So Kanji ROCKS her! Kanji wrenches, whips, but Dani reverses to clinch and OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Dani runs to SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Dani drags Kanji up, tags AZM, and they double whip. Kanji holds ropes, Mina tags in, and Kanji BOOTS Dani to then ELBOW AZM! Kanji & Mina double snapmare to KICK, KICK, and repeat! AZM grits her teeth, but gets a DOUBLE PENALTY KICK SANDWICH! Mina covers, TWO! AZM toughs it out but Mina stays on her.

Mina stands AZM up but ducks a kick! Fans duel as AZM blocks a kick, avoids Mina’s lariat, then blocks another kick to ROUNDHOUSE! Mina wobbles, AZM runs, but Mina goes up to FLYING CHUCK! The fans fire up, Mina keeps moving, but AZM gets around! AZM reels Mina in for a suplex! Mina roars as she rises, and she blocks a shot to hook the leg, FISHERMAN SUPLEX! No bridge but the fans rally as both women crawl. Hot tag to Dani and she CLOBBERS Mina! And CLOBBERS her again! Dani reels Mina in, but Mina trips Dani to step through. Dani kicks and kicks but Mina SLAPS! Jackknife bridge, TWO!

Dani reels Mina in, brings her up, and POWERBOMBS! Cover, but Kanji breaks it! AZM runs up to TOSS Kanji out. The fans rally with AZM & Dani, and they drag Mina up. They double whip, but Mina reverses to send AZM away. Mina knees Dani, KICKS AZM, then victory rolls Dani! TWO, but Mina steps through the legs. AZM runs up but Mina spins her around, DDT into the SNAP LOCK! The fans fire up for Mina and she brings Dani around. Mina drops a knee on the knee, then gives a shimmy and shake. Mina drops an elbow on the bad leg! Then she steps through for the FIGURE FOUR!

The fans “WOO~!” as Dani endures, and Kanji intercepts AZM! KIMURA! Kanji has AZM in a standing Kimura, but AZM DUMPS her onto Mina! The fans fire up while all four women are down! Kanji and AZM find each other, as do Mina and Dani. The forearms fly back and forth, faster and faster! Mina blocks one to DECK Dani! AZM fires a flurry and ROCKS Kanji! AZM runs up on Mina but Mina blocks a kick to spin and SOBAT AZM! And URAKEN! AZM falls, Kanji pushes her out, and then they go after Dani! Mina & Kanji run, but AZM trips Kanji! Dani blocks Mina’s boot to fire a flurry! Dani whips, Mina reverses, but Dani SHOTGUN KICKS!

The fans fire up with Dani and she storms over to Mina. AZM sits on Kanji, then puts on an ARMBAR! Dani fireman’s carries, but Mina spins through to victory roll, and FIGURE FOUR! Dani endures, drags Mina around, and AZM goes up! DOUBLE STOMPS on Mina!! The fans fire up again, but here comes Kanji! AZM kicks low, runs, but Kanji catches her to STO and handspring! SUPERKICK! The fans fire up and Kanji runs in. AZM puts her on the apron, but Kanji avoids the slide. Kanji roars as she PLANCHAS! Down goes AZM but Kanji clutches a foot. Mina aims at Dani, Dani runs up to meet her!

Mina ROLLING ELBOW! Dani BACK ELBOW! Mina URAKEN! And CALF KICK! Mina runs, into a BOOT! Dani drags Mina back up, fireman’s carries, and pops Mina up into the SPINE BOMB! Cover, DANI & AZM WIN!

Winners: AZM & Dani Luna, by pinfall

What a shocker! This is a big win over THE Rev-Pro Women’s Champion, and Mina says she’s up for a 1v1! Will Dani winning that title off Mina be inevitable?


David Finlay w/ Gedo VS Taka Michinoku!

The Rebel is still IWGP Global Heavyweight Champion after making it through Hirooki Goto just last week, proving he himself is still a fierce warrior. But now he’s up against The Blue Playmaker in non-title action, and- Wait, he wants a mic to speak? Finlay says, “I come from a very long, very, very famous line of savages not too far from here. But you see, it had to be that way because of all you English pr*cks. The Finlays could’ve been pacifists, we could’ve been poets, but you forced our hands into fighting you for EIGHT HUNDRED YEARS. So the last place on God’s Green Earth that is going to tell me when or who to wrestle is this s*it hole right here!”

So Taka, he’s a legend, just like Finlay. But being that is not enough to go 1v1 with the champ underserved. Finlay has been killing dreams lately. You can ask Nic Nemeth, Sanada, Yoshi-Hashi, Hirooki Goto and Goto’s kids. In fact, very soon, Taka can ask Taichi, too. But for now, Finlay is killing Taka’s dreams right here. “The Savage King” has his own Royal Quest for Taka tonight. If Taka wants to go 1v1 against the Global Heavyweight Champion, he has to get through Gedo first. How’s that sound, b*tch? The fans like seeing Gedo in action! Finlay tosses the mic to Taka and Taka says, “So what?! Okay, I will do that. David Finlay, you already die!”

But then Gedo sucker punches Taka! The Blacksmith is ready to get his hands dirty, will he clear out another of Just5Guys before Finlay deals with the Holy Emperor?

Gedo w/ David Finlay VS Taka Michinoku!

The bell rings, Gedo beats up on Taka more, and the fans are torn. Gedo kicks Taka to a corner, stomps him again, and soaks up heat from the fans. Gedo drags Taka up and TOSSES him outside. The ref has Finlay stay back, but also wants Gedo to stay in. Gedo distracts the ref so Finlay can beat up Taka! The fans taunt Finlay, “No One Thinks You’re Irish! No One Thinks You’re Irish! Lala lala-la, lala lala-la!” Finlay flips them off, then shoves Taka into the ring. Gedo stomps Taka more and he talks trash at the same time. Taka fires body shots but Gedo eggs him on. Taka fires more hands, but Gedo pokes him in the eyes!

Taka goes to a corner, Gedo runs up, but Taka dodges! SHINING WIZARD! Taka snapmares, runs, and SHINING WIZARSD! Finlay gets on the apron but Taka BOOTS him down! Gedo stands up, into SUPER K!! The fans fire up with Taka, and scoops. Gedo slips free, but Taka blocks the eye poke, to eye poke! Taka whips, Gedo reverses, but Taka reverses back to wrench, drop toehold, and HAMMER away into JUST FACELOCK!! Gedo taps, Taka wins!

Winner: Taka Michinoku, by submission

But then Finlay stomps away on Taka! Taka beat the Blacksmith but now The Rebel is giving Taka that match! Is this savage going to pick the bones like an animal?

David Finlay w/ Gedo VS Taka Michinoku!

Finlay drags Taka up, suplexes, OVER- NO! Taka slips free, and pokes Finlay in the eyes! Taka whips Finlay to a corner, to SHINING WIZARD! Snapmare and SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO! Finlay is up but Taka Oklahoma Rolls him! TWO, PENALTY KICK! Prawn hold, TWO!! Finlay escapes but the fans fire up with Taka! Taka scoops, but Finlay slips free. So Taka pokes Finlay in the eyes, kicks Finlay in the shin, then SHOTEIS! Finlay staggers, Taka scoops, but Finlay slips free! Suplex, OVERKILL!! Cover, Finlay wins!

Winner: David Finlay, by pinfall

The fans boo but Finlay does pushups to show he still has power to spare. Finlay flips the fans off, not caring what the English think of him. But Finlay & Gedo aren’t done with Taka! Gedo stands Taka up, Finlay aims, and BELT SHOTS Taka down!! The fans boo more but Gedo says that’s what Taichi’s gonna get! Finlay grabs the mic to say one last thing before he goes. And he means this from the bottom of his cold heart: F U~! The fans tell him, “Don’t Come Back!” Will the Holy Emperor avenge his friends when he finally gets his hands on the Savage King?


NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships: Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls VS Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tomohiro Ishii!

TMDK is dripping with gold right now, especially after retaining the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships just last week in the Ryogoku Kokugikan. But now they defend their blue straps against The Ace & Stone Pitbull! Will Hysterical Haste & Mad Mikey stay golden in the Crystal Palace? Or will Tanahashi have a championship going into his final year of wrestling?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if The Mighty are still NJPW Strong!

The teams sort out and the fans already chant, “Go Ace!” They also cheer Tanahashi revealing the abs. Tanahashi puts his coat aside, the fans also chant for “I-SHI-I! I-SHI-I!” Ishii and Mikey get face to face but the ref has them back down. In the end, it is Shane and Tanahashi that start, and Shane teases Tanahashi’s great hair by tossing his own around. The fans rally for Tanahashi as he and Shane circle. They tie up, and Shane powers Tanahashi to a corner. The ref counts, Shane lets off cleanly, then “smashes” the air guitar! Shane runs up but Tanahashi dodges to arm-drag! Shane drags Tanahashi down but Tanahashi turns things back around.

Shane stands but Tanahashi wrenches, wrenches, and WRINGS Shane out. Tag to Ishii and Shane hurries to his feet. Shane RAMS Ishii, but Ishii doesn’t budge! Ishii then CLOBBERS Shane! Mikey steps in but Ishii CLOBBERS him first! The fans fire up as Ishii goes back for Shane. Ishii CHOPS Shane, but Shane eggs him on. Ishii CHOPS again, and again, but Shane wants more! Ishii ROCKS Shane with a forearm! And ROCKS him again! Ishii runs, but Mikey trips him! Shane adds a basement DROPKICK! Shane runs to BLAST Tanahashi while Mikey turns Ishii around to SMACK off the apron! The ref reprimands but TMDK soaks up the cheers and jeers.

Shane drags Ishii up, tags Mikey, and TMDK double wrench to run Ishii over! Then they split the wishbone! The fans duel, Shane stomps Ishii on his way out, and Mikey stands Ishii up. Ishii CHOPS! And CHOPS! But Mikey CHOPS back! And CHOPS again! Fans “WOO~!” while Mikey eggs Ishii on. Ishii CHOPS, but Mikey CHOPS again! Ishii grits his teeth, comes back, and CHOPS again! And again! Mikey knees low! Tag to Shane, and Mikey CHOPS again! The fans rally, Shane drags Ishii to a cocky cover, TWO! Shane keeps on Ishii with a wristlock, and then he KICKS the arm! Shane shakes out the stanky leg, and KICKS again! And again!

Ishii rises but Shane KICKS more! Shane fires forearms but Ishii still stands! Ishii ROCKS Shane, then whips, but Shane reverses. Mikey gets a cheap shot in! Shane runs up, Ishii dodges, and Shane avoids running into Mikey. Ishii runs up, Shane dodges, and Ishii does ROCK Mikey! Shane runs back in, Ishii dodges again, and now Shane runs into Mikey! Ishii dodges Shane again to SAIDO! The fans fire up while both men are down! Ishii crawls for his corner, hot tag to Tanahashi! President Ace fires up and runs, to CLOBBER Shane! Tanahashi BLASTS Mikey, ELBOWS Shane, goes up and CROSSBODIES!

The fans fire up as Tanahashi gives some air guitar himself. Tanahashi drags Shane up, scoops and SLAMS him, then goes up the corner. The fans fire up for the SUNSET SENTON! Cover, TWO! Shane stays in this but Tanahashi stays cool. The fans rally up and Tanahashi runs, but into a BOOT! Tanahashi roars an runs again, but into a DROPKICK! Both men are down and the fans rally again. Shane tags Mikey and Mikey drags Tanahashi up. But Tanahashi fires forearms! Mikey fires back, the fans rally as they brawl! Mikey gets the edge, Tanahashi gets around to waistlock, but has to duck an elbow! Mikey uses that to DDT!

Tanahashi is down and Mikey hurries to BLAST Ishii! Tanahashi sits up, into a SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi stays in this but Mikey says it’s time! Mikey hauls Tanahashi up but Tanahashi fights with elbows. Tanahashi blocks a kick to DRAGON SCREW! Tanahashi then has both legs, and he ties them up to turn Mikey over! TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! Mikey endures and the fans fire up! Shane storms in to fire forearms but Tanahashi doesn’t budge! Ishii storms in, Shane kicks at him but Ishii blocks! Ishii DRAGON SCREWS Shane! And now Ishii steps through on Shane, for a SHARPSHOOTER!!

The fans fire up as TMDK endure stereo submissions! Mikey fights, crawls, ROPEBREAK! Tanahashi lets Mikey go and Ishii does the same with Shane. Tanahashi fires up, runs, and he SLINGBLADES Mikey down! Cover, TWO! Mikey survives but Tanahashi hurries up top! Ishii tries but Shane gets past him, and he UPPERCUTS Tanahashi! Shane fires more hands, then Mikey gets up. Mikey gives Shane the boost, but Tanahashi fires the bomb-superplex combo! Tanahashi SHOTEIS Shane, and Mikey still POWERBOMBS him! Mikey is shocked to see it’s just Shane on the mat! Ishii then ROCKS Mikey!

Ishii kicks Shane out of the ring, and Tanahashi HIGH FLY ATTACKS! The fans fire up as Tanahashi goes back up the corner! HIGH FLY FLOW! But onto knees! Mikey saves himself, and he brings Tanahashi up. But Tanahashi cradle counters, TWO! Mikey runs up to SLIDING LARIAT! Both men are down again and the fans fire back up! Mikey and Tanahashi stir as the fans rally. They crawl for their corners, hot tags to Ishii and Shane! The fans fire up as Ishii dodges Shane, Shane dodges Ishii, and Ishii spins Shane! Ishii hits a BIG suplex! Shane staggers up, Ishii runs in at the corner and LARIATS!

Ishii whips corner to corner, Shane reverses but Ishii bounces off buckles to CLOBBER Shane! The fans fire up again and Ishii storms back over. Ishii drags Shane up and reels him in, but Shane fights the lift! Shane fireman’s carries, but Ishii slips free! Ishii fires a forearm, but Shane fires back! They go back and forth, and then Ishii ROCKS Shane! Shane KICKS, BOOTS, and hooks a leg, REVERSE POWERSLAM! Ishii flounders while fans fire up! Shane goes to the corner, runs up, and PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO!! Ishii survives and the fans fire up! Mikey runs up to BLAST Tanahashi! The fans boo but Shane stands Ishii up.

Shane UPPERCUTS Ishii, Mikey lifts, BACK SUPLEX NECKBREAKER COMBO! Cover, TWO! Ishii stays in this but TMDK says this is it. They drag Ishii up, Mikey scoops, but Tanahashi saves Ishii! SHOTEI for Mikey! TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT for Shane! TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT for Mikey! The fans fire up again, and Tanahashi coaches Ishii up. They both run and dropkick TMDK’s legs out! The fans rally as Tanahashi climbs again. Ishii brings Shane around, hoists him up, and we get a HIGH FLY BRAINBUSTER!! Shane sputters, but Ishii runs to SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, MIKEY BREAKS IT! The fans are thunderous as this continues!

Ishii fires forearms on Mikey, then whips, but Mikey reverses. Ishii grabs ropes to stop, then he BOOTS Mikey! Mikey LARIATS Ishii! Mikey kicks at Tanahashi but he blocks! DRAGON SCREW! Shane rises to “SHORYUKEN!” Down goes Tanahashi! Ishii avoids Shoryuken, waistlocks, and GERMAN SUPLEXES! All four men are down and the fans are thunderous again! “This is Wrestling!” as all four men stir. Tanahashi drags Mikey out with him while Ishii goes to ropes. Ishii slaps himself, and runs up, but into a ROUNDHOUSE! Shane hauls Ishii up to SITOUT POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Ishii survives but Shane calls to Mikey.

Mikey hurries in, and he drags Ishii up. Mikey scoops, Shane runs up, but Ishii slips free to send TMDK into each other! Tanahashi SLINGBLADES Mikey! Shane runs up, Tanahashi dodges, SLINGBLADE! The fans fire up again and Ishii headbutts buckles! Ishii roars, runs up on Shane, and LARIATS!! Cover, TWO!! Shane survives but Ishii roars again! Ishii hauls Shane up to suplex, but Shane slips free! Ishii elbows, Shane UPPERCUTS! Mikey scoops, TANKBUSTER!! Cover, Tanahashi breaks it!! The fans fire up, Tanahashi fights TMDK 2v1! Forearm after forearm, but then Shane clinches! URENAGE BOMB!!

TMDK vow to end this, and they haul Ishii up. Ishii HEADBUTTS Mikey, PELES Shane, and then runs up! But into a scoop! TANKBUSTER AGAIN!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Ishii survives all on his own and the fans are thunderous again! TMDK is beside themselves, but Shane says they’ll just escalate it! Shane goes up top, Mikey scoops Ishii, SUPER TANKBUSTER!!! Cover, TMDK wins!

Winners: Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls, by pinfall (still NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions)

They made it through Bullet Club’s Rogue Army, and they’ve just made it through The Ace and the Pitbull! Shane & Mikey are truly The Mighty, and are THE tag team champions in NJPW, but will they always be undisputed?


IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Zack Sabre Jr. VS SANADA!

The Front Man returns home the conquering hero! He defeated and dethroned Tetsuya Naito just last week at King of Pro-Wrestling in Ryogoku, but was then swarmed by contenders! The Cold Skull got to Zack first so he gets his shot first. Will we see the return of The Gold Skull at the end of a very short reign? Or will ZSJ make him #JustTapOut?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and there are even streamers flying as we add one more chapter to this storied rivalry!

The fans already sing “OH~ Zack Sabre Junior~!” and shift to “F him up, Sabre, F him up!” The bell rings and the two circle. Even Red Shoes gets cheered for and Red Shoes bows in thanks. Sanada gets nothing, but he and ZSJ feel things out. They knuckle lock, clinch, and ZSJ waistlocks. Sanada switches, ZSJ wrenches to wristlock, but Sanada rolls and wrenches back. ZSJ rolls free and the fans cheer the exchange. The singing returns but Sanada steps out. The fans boo but Sanada takes his time walking along the apron. Sanada steps back in, he and ZSJ tie up, and Sanada waistlocks. ZSJ wrenches out to wristlock and he throws Sanada down.

ZSJ headscissors Sanada while fans sing, “Hey~ Sanada! Hoo! Hah! I wanna know~ oooOOOooo~, will you F off, bro!” ZSJ is amused, and he pushes up to put on the pressure. Sanada endures, fights around, and pops free. Sanada has ZSJ’s legs trapped, but ZSJ eggs Sanada on. Sanada jumps for a headlock but ZSJ headscissors back! The fans cheer, but Sanada bridges, rolls back, and again has the legs trapped. Sanada goes back to the headlock but just ends up in the headscissors again! Sanada scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! ZSJ lets go and the fans cheer. Sanada hushes the fans but they just boo instead.

ZSJ and Sanada circle, they tie up, and ZSJ headlocks. Sanada powers up and out, but ZSJ catches him to a COBRA TWIST! Sanada hip tosses free, has a leg, and he goes to tie ZSJ up. ZSJ refuses to be put in Paradise, and he wrangles Sanada into a cradle! ONE and Sanada has the prawn hold! ONE and ZSJ has it! ONE and Sanada has it! ONE, ONE, ONE! Sanada has a toehold but ZSJ uses the British Reel, only for Sanada to make it a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! ZSJ pops free, covers, ONE, but ZSJ headlocks for a takeover! Sanada headscissors, ZSJ kips free, and the fans cheer the standoff! ZSJ and Sanada catch their breath and reset.

The singing continues as ZSJ and Sanada circle again. They feel things out, testing the waters. They knuckle lock, and ZSJ brings Sanada down to stand on a hand. ZSJ twists the other hand around, bends the fingers, and then isolates the arm to STOMP it! The fans cheer and ZSJ apologizes to Red Shoes with a bow. ZSJ grabs Sanada’s hand, and SNAPS fingers! ZSJ bends and twists Sanada’s arm, pushes it down again, and STOMPS it! Sanada writhes but ZSJ sits him up to KICK in the back! The fans fire up as ZSJ brings Sanada up again. ZSJ wrenches, wrenches, wrenches, and whips, only for Sanada to reverse and dropkick the leg out!

ZSJ tumbles out while fans boo, but Sanada pursues. Sanada brings ZSJ up, and puts a leg around railing! ZSJ chinlocks Sanada, Sanada pulls the leg, and then Sanada BOOTS railing! ZSJ gets jammed up, and fans boo while ZSJ falls over. Sanada pretends he can’t hear the boos and goes back to ZSJ. Sanada headlocks ZSJ to bring him around the way. Sanada knees low, puts ZSJ’s leg back on railing, but ZSJ has a CROSSFACE! The fans cheer, Red Shoes reprimands both men, ZSJ lets go but they almost fall over with the railing. Sanada BOOTS the railing again, and ZSJ gets jammed up more. ZSJ hobbles away but Sanada pursues.

The fans tell Sanada off but he encourages it. ZSJ UPPERCUTS Sanada! Sanada eggs ZSJ on and ZSJ UPPERCUTS again! And again! Sanada kicks the bad leg! ZSJ falls over, Red Shoes says get this in the ring, and Sanada brings ZSJ up. Sanada puts ZSJ in, storms around, and brings ZSJ up. Sanada has the leg, for a SHIN BREAKER! ZSJ falls over, Sanada drags him around to put the leg on the rope, and HIP DROPS! The fans boo and Red Shoes reprimands, but Sanada drags him around. Sanada stomps ZSJ’s leg again and again, then has a standing toehold. ZSJ endures, but then Sanada drops a leg on the leg!

Sanada has the toehold in deep but ZSJ uses his free leg to hook Sanada. ZSJ wants the armbar but Sanada fights it. Sanada pulls harder on the toehold, but ZSJ grabs the ROPEBREAK! ZSJ scuffs Sanada as Sanada lets go, but Sanada comes back. Sanada reels ZSJ in but ZSJ fights the shin breaker. Sanada dropkicks the leg! Sanada runs, but ZSJ LARIATS! The fans fire up while both men are down! ZSJ shakes out the bad leg while catching his breath, and the fans sing for him again. ZSJ hobbles over to bring Sanada up, but Sanada stomps ZSJ’s foot! Sanada puts ZSJ in a corner, whips corner to corner, but ZSJ reverses.

Sanada comes back, but ZSJ avoids the dropkick to his legs! Then he uses his legs to NECK TWIST Sanada! The fans cheer ZSJ and he goes to the corner. ZSJ runs up, Sanada dodges, but ZSJ goes up to TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! The fans cheer and ZSJ hobbles up. Fans taunt Sanada with the song, “Sanada is a Tory! Sanada is a Tory!” ZSJ drags Sanada up but Sanada fights the suplex. ZSJ flips around to go for the arm, ARMBAR TAKEDOWN! Sanada clasps hands but ZSJ uses his leg to get inside the grip! ARMBAR!! Sanada flails his way over to the ROPEBREAK! ZSJ lets go quickly and the fans applaud.

ZSJ kneels on Sanada, isolates his arm, and STOMPS it again! The fans rally and sing as ZSJ runs, but Sanada dropkicks the legs this time! And then Sanada DROPKICKS ZSJ out of the ring! Sanada storms up to PLANCHA! Down goes ZSJ and Sanada encourages the booing again. Sanada just likes loud volume, regardless of what it is. Sanada puts ZSJ in, but now the fans sing, “If you all hate Sanada, clap your hands!” And they clap-clap! Sanada fireman’s carries ZSJ, GUT BUSTER- NO, ZSJ lands out to NECK TWIST! And basement DROPKICK! Sanada writhes and the fans fire up again.

ZSJ shakes out his legs and the fans sing more as he rises up. ZSJ hobbles over to Sanada, brings him up, but Sanada suplexes and uses ropes for MAGIC SCREW! Both men are down, but then Sanada kips up! Sanada soaks up the heat, runs at ZSJ, SHINING WIZARD! Sanada isn’t done there, though, as he brings ZSJ up to clinch! But ZSJ slips out, waistlock, O’Conner BRIDGE! But into SKULL END! Sanada uses this rivalry’s history against ZSJ! ZSJ endures but he’s caught in the body scissors! ZSJ fights around, Sanada stands him up to drop back! SKULL END! The body scissors are in again and ZSJ is fading!

Red Shoes checks ZSJ. The arm drops once, but then ZSJ comes back to life! The fans rally, ZSJ wags his finger, but now he’s fading again! Red Shoes checks again, but ZSJ wakes up again! ZSJ grabs at Sanada, fights with his legs, but Sanada squeezes tight! ZSJ fades again, and Sanada puts him in the drop zone! ROUNDING BODY PRESS, but onto knees! ZSJ drags Sanada around into CLARKY CAT! The fans are thunderous but Sanada endures! So ZSJ shifts to the BAD BALLOON REMIX! Sanada fights, kicks around with his legs, but ZSJ grabs that, too! CLARKY CAT G1 EDITION! Sanada still endures, so it’s back to the classic ARMBAR!

Sanada fights, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The fans boo but ZSJ lets go. ZSJ stays cool as he rallies the fans back up. ZSJ goes back to Sanada, drags him up, and scoops, but Sanada fights free! ZSJ UPPERCUTS! Sanada drops to a knee, but ZSJ eggs him on. Sanada stands to UPPERCUT back! The fans boo, but ZSJ UPPERCUTS again! The fans cheer, but Sanada UPPERCUTS again! The fans boo again, but ZSJ comes back. ZSJ UPPERCUTS, but Sanada UPPERCUTS! ZSJ UPPERCUTS again, but Sanada shakes his head. Sanada UPPERCUTS, but ZSJ shakes his head. The fans rally as the UPPERCUTS keep going!

Sanada UPPERCUTS, and UPPERCUTS, and UPPERCUTS! The fans boo but Sanada has a cocky cover. ONE, and ZSJ UPPERCUTS! Sanada UPPERCUTS! The UPPERCUTS get going again and the fans rally up! ZSJ hooks an uppercut, Sanada switches, but ZSJ bucks the O’Conner, to UPPERCUT! Sanada runs up, but into a scoop and ZACK DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Sanada survives but, matching Naito from last Sunday. The fans rally for ZSJ and “T M! D K!” ZSJ paces, sits Sanada up, and PENALTY KICKS! Sanada stands but ZSJ is on him! He hooks a leg, but Sanada slips free of the ZSJ Driver! SKULL END!

But ZSJ flips things around and steals SKULL END! ZSJ drops back, but Sanada rolls free, to have the EURO CLUTCH!! TWO!! Both men escape their own moves and the fans fire up! Sanada fireman’s carries but ZSJ slips down into an IRON OCTOPUS! “This is Awesome!” as Sanada endures! Sanada powers up to fireman’s carry! And T K O! The fans boo Sanada but both men are down. Sanada and ZSJ go to opposite corners as the fans rally up. Sanada stands first, but ZSJ runs in! ZSJ BOOTS Sanada and Sanada staggers to another corner. ZSJ runs in, but into a BOOT! Sanada Quebrada and dragon sleeper!

Sanada inverted suplexes, but ZSJ slips free! PELE to the arm! The fans fire up, but a BLINDSIDE SHINING WIZARD hits! The fans boo but Sanada goes to the corner. Sanada runs in again, SHINING WIZARD!! Sanada drags ZSJ into a drop zone, goes up top, ROUNDING BODY PRESS!! Cover, TWO!! ZSJ survives and the fans fire up again! Sanada drags ZSJ up, clinches, but ZSJ slips free, trips him, and body scissors! ZSJ turns Sanada over, but Sanada trips ZSJ and returns the body scissors! Sanada turns ZSJ over, but ZSJ returns the trip up! ZSJ body scissors, turns Sanada over, and JAPANESE BRIDGE!! TWO!!!

The fans are thunderous as Sanada escapes! Sanada drags ZSJ up, has a leg, but ZSJ SLAPS him! And SLAPS! And SLAPS! Sanada still DRAGON SCREWS! But ZSJ stays on his feet! ZSJ fights through the pain to PENALTY- NO, Sanada blocks the kick! DRAGON SCREW again!! ZSJ falls over, the fans boo, but Sanada lines up a shot. SHINING- NO, ZSJ rolls back into a HALF CRAB, then stepover, and STF! ZSJ adjusts to have an arm! CLARKY CAT, but Sanada fights around! ZSJ steps over, has a leg, CLARKY CAT G1 EDITION!!! Sanada has no limbs, so he verbally quits!! ZSJ wins!!

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr, by submission (still IWGP World Heavyweight Champion)

The hold that won ZSJ the G1 Climax now keeps the world title with him! Sanada felt this was his last chance to win this title this year, but will he find his way back in 2025?

As for ZSJ, after getting the belt from Red Shoes, he drapes it on the ropes. ZSJ shows his rival respect, Sanada returns it, and so the fans show Sanada respect as they applaud his departure. ZSJ then holds the belt up in victory before setting it down again. ZSJ grabs the mic and the fans cheer. The fans sing for “OH~ Zack Sabre Junior~” again. ZSJ has belt and mic in hand and says, “We’re home.” The fans cheer that, and chant “You Deserve It!” ZSJ says no, no, no. Pro-wrestling owes him nothing, but it has given him everything, so he will be a pro-wrestler until the day he dies. Fans definitely cheer that!

ZSJ says this has been his dream since he was 13 years old, even though he didn’t know it’d take him this long. But 66 to 24, that’s a bigger gap, so he’ll take 20 years and change. Now, he was the first British wrestler to win the G1 Climax, but he wasn’t the first British wrestler to be IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. BUT, he is “the first to bring the bloody thing home!” The fans also cheer that! ZSJ says ball’s in your court, English football team, he did his part. But in the lead up to this lifelong aim of his to be IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, he talked about how it was his dream to reach the top of Japanese wrestling.

Well, that dream doesn’t exist without him being a British wrestler, and that doesn’t happen without the fans supporting him for over two decades. The fans applaud, and ZSJ says this is not some lifetime achievement award, he’s just getting effin’ started! The fans like the sound of that! ZSJ reviews his goals for 2024. G1 Climax: smashed it. IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: done that one, as well. Next is Tokyo Dome’s main event. The fans cheer that! ZSJ says he will do what no foreign wrestler has done in the history of WrestleKingdom, and win the effin’ thing!

Sorry, innocent children, he picked up very bad habits living in a country where English is the second language. And he’s been told, he has a rather foul mouth. He’s a naughty boy. But we’ve seen them all, but this isn’t just his day. He is part of a team, a “gaggle of morons” really, but hey. Boys, get your asses out here. Fujita & Oiwa are probably already at the pub. Oiwa’s been at the pub all weekend. C’mon, boys! The fans cheer as the rest of TMDK make their way out here! ZSJ teases Fujita having the “cheeky glint” in his eye. He promises to introduce everyone. No, in the ring, idiots. Look at the size of this one!

Robbie Eagles and his Soul of PWA Championship step in first, and fans cheer “Robbie Robbie Robbie! OI OI OI!” ZSJ says he can do the full introduces. On slap bass, “Mad” Mikey Nicholls. Not just a nickname, by the way, because “Jovial” Mikey Nicholls didn’t have the right ring. But if you see him in traffic, “mad” is apt. On drums, it is “Hysterical” Shane Haste, which is not accurate either, depending on your comedic tastes. Then there’s the Sniper of the Skies, Robbie Eagles! But you get a couple drinks in him, he becomes Bobby C…an’t Say That Word. And then there’s Ichiban Sweet Boy, “Fuji Fuji Fuji!”

The fans cheer, and ZSJ sneaks a jab about Fujita “never” missing flights. And the newest member, Ryohei Oiwa, aka “Roy the Mullet!” The fans cheer on “MULLET! MULLET! MULLET!” Now, the future of NJPW isn’t just bright, it is effin’ ORANGE. And anyone coming after them will get absolutely bloody tangoed! TMDK is mighty, and The Mighty Don’t Kneel! The fans cheer that, and ZSJ says he loves you all very, very much. See you soon. As you were. Mic drop and the real celebration begins! TMDK holds up their gold and their banner! Will they be leading the charge for NJPW for not just 2024 but 2025 and beyond?

My Thoughts:

A great return to the UK for NJPW with Royal Quest, and TMDK was naturally all over this night with the last two matches being with their titles on the line. If I had a little more time today, I would’ve probably covered more, because as I skimmed it, Fujita VS Oku looked to be some awesome stuff. But I guess TMDK couldn’t completely dominate, that’s why they lost to LIJ with Mascara Dorada as their third man. Ironically, I go and cover the kickoff match, but that’s because I saw Oskar Leube & Yuto Nakashima are already dual tag team champions, and that is awesome for them. Plus, great to see Danny Jones again after being part of NXT UK’s later days.

Robbie X turning out to be “Mr. X” for Taiji Ishimori’s match was rather fitting, and Robbie X is now Bullet Club. Good win for them over members of CPF, the faction Callum Newman was in before going United Empire. Speaking of, good showing from him against Shota but it seems even in the UK, Shota is getting that “Super Cena” kind of heat. Well, when it comes to the Reiwa Musketeers, two outta three ain’t bad. Ren Narita is a Heel people love to hate, Yota Tsuji is a Face people love to cheer, but Shota is the Face people hate. Speaking of Yota, great match with Drilla and a great win from it, maybe Yota will challenge Ren for the NJPW World TV title.

Very good tag match for Mina & Kanji VS AZM & Dani, and like with Jones, great to see Dani again after NXT UK ended. Granted, I would be seeing her and South Wales Subculture if I watched TNA… But great win for Dani’s team, especially with her pinning Mina. A Rev-Pro title match between those two will be great stuff, though not sure Dani wins that. It’d add to Mina’s overall story if she went back to AEW to feud with Mariah May while they’re both champions. Add a little “Winner Takes All” to that match.

The Finlay story tonight was really good. Naturally, they played off the historical feud of Ireland and England, but I definitely chuckled at the chant of “You’re Not Irish!” or whatever since Finlay has no Irish accent from being raised in America. Good win for Taka over Gedo, but then of course Finlay goes right after Taka to get an easy win. Finlay VS Taichi for the Global Championship will be great stuff, but I still think Finlay wins. Even if Finlay got this belt back from Nemeth in May, five months and change is still rather short. Finlay probably takes this belt to WrestleKingdom, and maybe then he loses it again.

And as I said at the start, great double TMDK matches to close out the night. The NJPW Strong tag title match was great, but I figured TMDK would retain. Tanahashi should really be building towards a singles feud that feeds this year’s WrestleKingdom, with a Heel using the concept of “You won’t even MAKE it a full year!” Tanahashi will beat that guy, go undefeated the rest of 2025, and then lose at WK20 in 2026. As I type this, Evil probably tries to end Tanahashi early at WK19 and fails. Anyway, great match from ZSJ VS Sanada, with great nods to their previous matches, but again, ZSJ winning was of course how this went. Great stuff for ZSJ, can’t wait to see who faces him at WK19.

My Score: 8.9/10

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