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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (2/21/23)

Will Bron break the Maharaja?



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

Will the burden of being champion break Bron?

The Modern Day Maharaja says Bron Breakker is going to crumble as NXT Champion, but will he be the one that breaks down before Roadblock?


  • Ilja Dragunov VS Trick Williams; Dragunov wins.
  • Chase U w/ Thea Hail VS The Dyad w/ The Schism; The Dyad wins.
  • Jacy Jayne VS Indi Hartwell; Jacy wins, by disqualification.
  • Gallus VS Malik Blade & Edris Enofe; Gallus wins.
  • Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone VS Tony D’Angelo w/ Channing Lorenzo; Tony wins.
  • Ivy Nile w/ Tatum Paxley VS Alba Fyre w/ Isla Dawn; Fyre wins.
  • NXT Championship: Bron Breakker VS Jinder Mahal w/ Indus Sher; Bron wins and retains the title.


Ilja Dragunov VS Trick Williams!

The Czar returned again to go after the Irish Ace, but Carmelo Hayes’ hype man was collateral damage. Trick hast he mic as he makes his entrance to say, “Reporting to you live, the best entertainer alive has finally arrived. And tonight I came out here to prove to you that I can do more than just talk.” Trick says he can back up everything he says! So Dragunov can come out here in his long robe, call himself the Mad Dragon, and orchestrate an imaginary band. But tonight, “that big headed bum” gets beat into oblivion! Trick tells Dragunov that it’s good pain makes him feel alive. Because tonight, Dragunov will be on cloud nine as Trick orchestrates an ass whooping!

But speak of the Czar and he appears! Trick has a lot to prove, but will he see why Dragunov is #UNBESIEGBAR?

But while Dragunov enters the ring, Trick sucker punches him! Fans chant, and even sing, “Whoop That Trick!” and the bell rings! Trick runs at Dragunov, into a clinch and SLAM! Dragunov headlocks, Trick rolls it to a cover, TWO! Dragunov still grinds Trick, they go to ropes, and the ref counts. Dragunov lets off to KICK Trick! Trick gets up and he RAMS Dragunov into a corner! Trick grinds his forearms in, but the ref counts. Trick lets off at 4, swings, but misses! Dragunov CHOPS, CHOPS again, then headlocks. Dragunov grinds Trick down, but Trick fights up. Fans rally, Trick lifts but Dragunov hits a flying takeover!

Trick fights up, powers Dragunov to ropes and powers out to headlock back. But Dragunov hits a takeover even then! Dragunov grinds Trick, but Trick fights up again. Trick throws body shots, powers out again, but Dragunov RAMS him! Trick comes back, Dragunov sidesteps and hits another BIG takeover! Trick rolls to a cover, TWO! Trick DECKS Dragunov with another sucker punch! Trick drags Dragunov up, scoops, SLAMS, then mocks the conducting. But Dragunov KANGAROO KICKS, then gets up to SPINNING CHOP! Fans fire up, Dragunov runs in at the corner, forearm smash! Snapmare, cover, TWO! PEANLTY KICK!

Trick stands but Dragunov CHOPS, and CHOPS! Dragunov shakes out his hand, then clinches Trick, Trick throws body shots, CLUBS Dragunov, but walks into another CHOP! Trick whips, Dragunov reverses and runs in to KNEE Trick! Snapmare puts Trick in the drop zone and Dragunov climbs, but Trick kicks the leg out! Dragunov still throws elbows and kicks. Dragunov CLUBS Trick on the back! Fans fire up, Dragunov brings Trick up, and CLUBS him again! Dragunov eggs Trick on, kicks him around, and CLUBS him again! Fans fire up with Dragunov, he clinches, whips, and clotheslines Trick in the corner!

Dragunov throws Trick down but Trick kicks him again! Trick ROCKS Dragunov, Dragunov throws hands again. But Trick SHOVES Dragunov down! Dragunov hits apron and then floor, but fans return to singing, “Whoop That Trick~!” But then JD McDonagh saunters out to ringside. Trick goes out after Dragunov, puts him in the ring and covers, TWO! JD lurks ringside while NXT goes picture in picture.

Trick drags Dragunov up, scoops him, but Dragunov slips off to shove and ENZIGURI! Trick staggers, Dragunov staggers, but Trick knocks Dragunov down! Trick stomps away, CHOKES Dragunov on ropes, then grabs legs for a CATAPULT GUILLOTINE! Dragunov sputters, the ref checks him, but Trick drags Dragunov up. Trick whips, Dragunov holds ropes, and he BOOTS back! Trick runs back in to ROCK Dragunov! And CHOP! Dragunov staggers to another side, but Trick bumps him off buckles. Trick stands Dragunov up to CHOP! Dragunov CHOPS back! Trick ROCKS Dragunov, stomps and fires off fast hands!

The ref counts, Trick lets off, and he drags Dragunov back up. Trick reels Dragunov in, but Dragunov blocks the lift! Trick wrenches and whips Dragunov hard into buckles! The ref again checks Dragunov but he’s still fighting back with kicks. Trick stomps Dragunov, drags him up again, and whips him hard into the other corner! Trick is certainly backing up his word right now as he stands over Dragunov. Trick stands Dragunov up, whips him again, but Dragunov stops himself! Dragunov ELBOWS back, CHOPS again, but Trick blocks the kick! Trick THROWS Dragunov into the ropes! The ref checks as Dragunov again clutches his neck.

Trick storms up on Dragunov, whips him to ropes, and POP-UP UPPERCUTS! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov is still in this and Trick grows frustrated. NXT returns to single picture as Trick clamps on a cravat neck wrench. Fans rally, Dragunov fights up, but Trick thrashes him around. JD is now on commentary and says his eye is almost 100%. Fans rally as Dragunov fights up against the cravat. Trick still thrashes Dragunov but Dragunov fights the hold! Dragunov breaks free, waistlocks, but Trick CLUBS him! Trick switches, but Dragunov throws elbows! Trick shoves Dragunov away, but Dragunov hits the CONSTANTINE SPECIAL!

Fans fire up while both men are down! Trick and Dragunov rise, and Dragunov CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Dragunov whips, Trick reverses, but Dragunov holds ropes again. Dragunov BOOTS Trick, fires off boxing elbows, and Trick falls! Trick kicks the leg out! Trick throws body shots, ROCKS Dragunov, but Dragunov PELES right back! Fans fire up again and Dragunov pushes himself up. “This is Awesome!” as JD says Trick better get moving. Dragunov runs in to KNEE Trick, snapmare, and go up! Third time’s the charm for the KING KONG KNEE DROP! Dragunov roars and fans fire up with him!

Dragunov stalks Trick, waistlocks, and lifts! Trick throws Dragunov away! Trick sweeps, Dragunov jumps over it, but Trick EDDY GORDO KICKS! Fans fire up again, Trick hits the SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Dragunov survives and Trick is beside himself! Fans hope they “Fight Forever!” but this has to end somehow! Trick runs in, ROLLING- NO, Dragunov blocks the kick and makes it a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO, FALLING FOREARM!! Fans are thunderous as Dragunov powers up and he waistlocks. Trick still fights, pries the hold open, but Dragunov Gotch lifts! SINGLE LEG SUPLEX!!

Fans fire up again as Dragunov roars! Dragunov goes back to the corner, “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!!” TORPEDO MOSCOW!! Cover, Dragunov wins!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by pinfall

JD is furious, but Trick could not beat down The Czar like he promised! Dragunov glares at the Irish Ace, will these two look to stand and deliver on another grudge match?


Jinder Mahal speaks.

“I could’ve confronted Bron Breakker on my first night back, just like everyone else does. But I waited. In this business, timing is everything. The NXT Championship on Bron’s shoulder is getting heavier. The boos from the crowd are getting louder. And that frenetic energy that Bron has is getting weaker. And he’s falling into the same trap as last year. Stand & Deliver was in the distance and look what happened. This year, I’m the one who messes up all the plans.

“Tonight, there’s gonna be a lot of shocked faces in the audience. Get ready to see the same reactions when I became United States Champion at WrestleMania 34. The same reactions when I defeated Randy Orton and became WWE Champion. I’ve made a career out of shocking victories. And tonight, get ready for the next one, as I become the NEW NXT Champion.” The Modern Day Maharaja has made his proclamation, but will he fail to follow through?


Fallon Henley is on the phone.

She’s leaving a voicemail for Brooks Jensen to apologize for last week and Valentine’s Day. She promises she was coming from a good place, so she hopes he’ll text or call back. Josh Briggs walks in and knows he’s not answering. He said Jensen needs time. Well, did he tell Jensen that she wants to talk? He knows by the ten texts and five messages she’s left. Fallon sighs but Briggs tells her to listen. The two of them are all he’s got and he’s not getting in the middle of it all. But Fallon doesn’t understand! If Zack was Kiana’s brother, why did she let it go on for so long? Briggs tells her to stop, and yes it’s weird, but Fallon, you were wrong! You ruined Jensen’s big night!

But he won’t answer the phone! And… It was her tag partner’s big night. Fallon sees that. She wants to apologize to Kiana, in person. Will the Cowgirl make things right in the stable?


Meiko Satomura is with some NXT prospects.

“Today, you will learn to train my way. Can you survive?” They say yes, so they get set to begin. Roxanne Perez hurries over and asks if she can join in. Meiko says yes. They all do sit-ups, then push-ups, well into the double-digits. They then do circle squats, and fireman’s carries. One after another, the trainees drop out, but Roxie sticks with it. Next is 1000 SQUATS! Roxie sticks with it into the 700s but she’s the last one! She and Meiko make it to 1000, and she’s still standing. Roxie thanks Meiko for the session, but Meiko reveals it’s not done. Now, the real training begins! Roxie is game, but will she survive against the Final Boss?


Tyler Bate is here!

The Big Strong Boi is coming off a big strong win off Grayson Waller, and he goes to the ring to get the mic. “Hello, big strong boys and girls.” Fans duel, “We Want Waller!” “No We Don’t!” Bate says that a man of many words he is not, but he couldn’t help but sense the good vibes. He wants to come out here and share some gratitude. In sojourning the Atlantic to be here full-time in the USA, Bate must say, the love he’s received from most of the fans has infused in him a passion unbeknownst to his former self. He thanks us for that “spiffing support.” Even if it’s against Grayson Waller, Axiom, or Bron Breakker at World’s Collide.

But some things are just meant to be, right? Bate believes in the natural unfolding of things and in timing. So then, NXT, Bate will say this. Together, we are about to embark on a mystical journey! But then here comes the Schism! Joe Gacy tells Tyler, “We were preparing for Rip & Jagger’s match, and we couldn’t help but hear what you are saying. And we believe in some ways, that you and I are kindred spirits. We are forward thinkers.” Bate thanks Gacy for that, but he’ll pass on drinking whatever Kool-Aid he’s given his friends. Ava Raine says that The Schism may be kindred spirits with him in some ways, but not in all ways.

Gacy says Bate is funny, and he’s right. “The journey a man takes does matter. You just have to be careful who you surround yourself with. These people, they won’t help you. The Schism is a true family! While you left yours all the way across the ocean, groups like Chase U preach togetherness in the face of division. We gave Thea just a glimpse of what life could be like with us. And maybe, you would like to feel the power of our division right now. Heed our message.” Bate is all alone and surrounded. He has no one, but The Schism are four roots, one tree! But wait! Here comes Chase U! They chase The Schism off the apron, and it’s go time, after the break!

Chase U w/ Thea Hail VS The Dyad w/ The Schism!

NXT returns and the match is already going, with fans fired up for Chase U! Chase stomps Rip Fowler, tags in Duke Hudson, and they double whip Rip to ropes. They double elbow Rip down, Duke covers, ONE! Duke wrenches Rip, RAMS shoulders, then wrenches and RAMS him again. Fans stay fired up as Duke RAMS Rip again. Tag to Chase, they whip, trip and elbow drop! Cover, ONE! Chase stays on Rip with a facelock but Rip powers him to the corner! Jagger Reed tags in, he holds Chase in and Rip clotheslines! Rip short arm LARIATS, then Jagger fires off hands! Jagger CHOKES Chase but the ref counts.

Jagger lets off, the fans boo, but Jagger snapmares Chase to then stomp him down! Jagger drags Chase up, short arm LARIATS, and covers, TWO! Jagger clamps onto Chase to cobra clutch. Chase endures, fans duel, “FOUR ROOTS!” “CHASE U!” with the majority on Chase U’s side. But Rip tags in, The Dyad ripcord FOREARMS Chase down! “You think you’re a leader?” Chase throws body shots but Rip stomps Chase down. Rip gut wrenches for a SHOULDER BREAKER! Cover, TWO! Rip clamps onto Chase and grinds forearms into his face. Fans rally, Chase fights up, and Chase reaches out, only for Rip to drag him away.

Jagger tags in, another ripcord FOREARM knocks Chase down! Cover, TWO! Jagger clamps onto Chase with another clutch and even JAMS his knee in! Chase endures, fans rally up again, and Chase fights up. Jagger ripcords, ROCKS Chase, and has the arm again. Chase throws hands in return! Chase reaches out but Jagger knees low! Jagger whips Chase away, Chase goes up and under and hot tags Duke! Duke rallies on The Dyad with big forearms! SIDEWALK SLAM for jagger! JAB, JAB, JAB for Rip! Flip, flop and “U!” ELBOW! SENTON! And then Duke RAMS Jagger into the corner again and again!

Duke TOSSES Jagger at Rip! Fans fire up and Duke drags Jagger up. Jagger JAWBREAKERS, but Chase tags in! Chase blocks Jagger’s kick, hands it off to duke, ENZIGURI and a whip, ELBOW and BOOT to a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Thea is a little panicked having Rip down on the floor outside by her, but Chase tags Duke back in. Duke turns Jagger, Chase runs, but Rip clotheslines him out! Duke CLOBBERS Rip! But Jagger rolls Duke! TWO!! Duke runs in but Jagger BOOTS! Rip tags in, Duke DECKS Jagger then DECKS Rip! But Rip drags Duke out of the ring! Duke DECKS him again! Only for Jagger to DIVE! Duke is sent into the desk, and NXT goes to break!

NXT returns again and Rip clinches Duke. Duke fights up but Rip brings him back down to chinlock. Duke fights up again and pries free to arm-drag! Rip turns around into a BIG back drop! Hot tags to Jagger and Chase! Chase rallies on The Dyad, CHOPS and ROCKS and atomic drops each of them! Chase tells Rip off but Jagger pulls hair! Chase ROCKS Jagger in return! Chase fires off haymakers in the corner, but Rip goes after him! Chase kicks low, brings Rip around, and even catches Jagger! COMPLETE SHOT DDT COMBO! Fans fire up, Chase whips Jagger but Jagger reverses. Chase BOOTS Rip, Jagger waistlocks but Chase switches.

Jagger elbows free but Chase dodges the punch to hit a NECKBREAKER! Chase goes up top, to SUPER MOONSAULT Rip! Chase goes back up and fans are thunderous! FLYING CROSSBODY! Cover, Rip breaks it! Fans are fired up for “NXT! NXT!” Chase crawls, Jagger brings him up and throws a haymaker. Chase throws it back, so Jagger throws another. Chase throws a haymaker, Jagger throws it back, repeat! They fight as they stand up, they go shot for shot and then Chase gets the edge! Chase even DECKS Rip for good measure! Jagger ROCKS Chase, but Chase is powering up!

Chase throws hands, Jagger whips but Chase turns it around to a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Spell it out! C! H! A! S! E! U! What’s that spell? CHASE U!! But Ava creeps over to Thea. Chase tags Duke and shields Thea. Duke shoulders Jagger, then SLINGSHOT GERMAN SUPLEXES! But Rip sneaks a tag! Duke fireman’s carries Jagger, Rip throat chops Duke! Then DOUBLE CODE BREAKER!! Cover, The Dyad wins!!

Winners: The Dyad, by pinfall

The four roots used the numbers against Chase U’s “false family!” Duke gets mad and says Thea has to grow up and Chase has to let her grow up! “Is this a university or a charity?” Duke leaves in a huff while Thea hugs her cone. Thea blames herself but Chase tells her it’s not. Will Chase stop coddling Thea? Or is the trauma from The Schism too deep?


Robert Stone talks with Von Wagner.

Suit Man Stone asks Von if he’s made his decision yet. About what? Stone wants to know if Von is ready. Von asks what Stone expects from him. To share his deep, dark secrets? Von is here to kick ass and take names. Oh, good, real original, we’ve never heard that one before. But then Tony D’Angelo & Channing Lorenzo walks in. The Don asks if they’re interrupting. They are! Good, because they have a problem here. Last week, Von stole their North American title match from them! That doesn’t sit well with Tony or The Underboss. Von asks, “You talking to me?” Hah, clever. He should be a comedian.

But Stacks assures Von it won’t be funny when The Don throws a beat down on him! Oh, so they want a match? Now we’re talking. Stone wants Von to think. Don’t do this. Von agrees with Stone, and respectfully declines. Oh, respectfully? What? Stacks knew Stone was Von’s manager, but he didn’t know he was Von’s daddy, too. Stone has Von stand down but Tony tells Stacks that this is more like being a soccer mom. Stone’s probably got juice boxes and orange slices for Von and his imaginary friends. Stacks says instead of a contract, they should’ve brought a permission slip. Von gets mad now! They wanna fight? They’ve got one!

Tony says good, and he heads out with Stacks. Stone gets mad that Von just played into their hands! Von tells Stone to shut up, but will Stone be proven right? Or can Von still be a winner doing things his way?


Backstage interview with Charlie Dempsey & Drew Gulak.

McKenzie Mitchell is with these two gritty grapplers, and says everyone wants to know: Why did Gulak turn on his friend, Hank Walker, last week? Uh, friend? Are we reading the same dictionary here? Walker was not Gulak’s friend, he was some guy asking for help. Walker is the kind of guy who says he wants it, but that doesn’t mean he’ll get it. Gulak came to NXT not to hand out participation trophies, but to find the best of the best. And that is just not Hank Walker. That’s because Walker is a nice guy.

“To be successful here, you can’t be afraid to rip limbs from limbs. You can’t be afraid to step on people’s throats to get what you want, or tear their ligaments until you feel them snap. And that doesn’t describe Hank Walker. But do you know who that does describe? That’s Charlie Dempsey.” The two head out, will they tear limb from limb to become the best in NXT?


Sol Ruca speaks.

“What I love about the ocean is that no two waves are the same. They’re big, they’re small, they’re unpredictable. The NXT Women’s Division is the same. And that makes it quite challenging, but that’s what also makes it so fun. How boring would it be if everything was easy? Every day, I pick something. Something in the ring, some crazy gymnastics or skateboarding thing I see on TikTok, and I try it. And at first, I suck at it, and I feel like the biggest loser. But I keep at it and keep at it. I don’t care if it takes me three hours, and I eventually start to get it and I’m super pumped. When I finally hit something, it is the best feeling ever. I feel like I conquered the world.

“That’s the feeling I chase in the ring. And that’s the reason why I want another match with Zoey. Because eventually, I’ll nail that flip, land that trick, and there will even be a day that I beat Zoey Stark.” The Sol Surfer is in it to win it, but how long will it take?


Jacy Jayne VS Indi Hartwell!

The Toxic Traitor says SHE is the attraction now. But she has to prove she can stand on her own two feet first. Will she be more impressive than #IndiWrestling? Or will Indi show NXT is no longer toxic?

NXT returns and Indi makes her entrance. The bell rings and Jacy circles with Indi. They tie up, Indi wrenches and YANKS the arm. Indi wrenches again but Jacy knees low! Jacy CLUBS Indi, CHOPS her, then ROCKS her! Indi shoves Jacy back, ROCKS her, CHOPS her, but Jacy knees low again. Jacy whips but Indi reverses. Jacy bounces off buckles, Indi whips her into more buckles! Indi then short arm LARIATS! Fans fire up as Indi short arm LARIATS again! Jacy ducks the third to hit a NECKBREAKER! Jacy runs to add a SENTON, then she SENTONS again! Cover, TWO! Jacy is frustrated and shouts that it’s about HER!

Jacy stands Indi up but Indi throws body shots! Indi ROCKS Jacy, whips her out to the apron and then brings her in, only for Jacy to slip away! Jacy HOTSHOTS Indi down, then slides in to stand Indi up. Jacy whips, RAMS and clinches to throw knees. Jacy snapmares to PENALTY KICK then MULE KICK! Cover, TWO! Jacy is shrieking but she clamps on a chinbar half nelson. Fans rally for “INDI WRESTLING!” but Jacy tells them to shut up as she leans on the hold. Indi endures, fights up, but Jacy hops on! Indi stays up, but then drops to a knee! Indi sputters, Jacy says she sucks! Then she tells fans to shut up!

Indi gives a thumbs up as fans rally, and she stands up again. Only for Jacy to throw her down! Jacy says SHE is impressive, then thrashes Indi around. Indi still fights up, Jacy hops back on, but Indi RAMS her into buckles! And again! Indi THROWS Jacy off, Jacy staggers up and runs back in, but Indi ROCKS her! And again! Indi kicks, CLUBS and DECKS Jacy! Fans fire up as Indi hits a SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO! Jacy survives but Indi keeps on her. Indi stands Jacy up to CLUB her. Indi puts Jacy in the ropes, UPPERCUTS and BOOTS her down! Indi brings Jacy up to a fireman’s carry, but Jacy slips off! Jacy POSTS Indi!

Jacy then THROWS Indi into buckles! Jacy screams, runs and CANNONBALLS! Jacy has a wild grin and she drags Indi back up. Jacy stomps away on the corner, the ref reprimands but Jacy tells him to back off. Jacy stands Indi up, gives her a kiss on the cheek, for a BOOT WASH!! “IT’S ABOUT ME!!” Fans boo but Jacy isn’t done with Indi. “You’re just another number!” Jacy sets Indi up again, but GIGI DOLIN APPEARS! She TACKLES Jacy and fans are thunderous!

Winner: Jacy Jayne, by disqualification

Jacy gets the win but Gigi gets revenge as she RAMS her into barriers! And then MORE barriers! Gigi stomps but misses! But Gigi pursues Jacy to the back! Jacy might be facing some Toxic KARMA here! Will Gigi get even with Jacy as we’re on the Road to WrestleMania?


Roxanne’s training with Meiko Satomura continues.

They tie up in the ring, break, and Roxie again thanks Meiko for training with her. But they’re wrestling in two weeks, so why- Meiko stops Roxie there. No talk, only train. Okay. They tie up again and again. They practice kicks, in that Roxie has the kick pads and Meiko kicks at her. And then they spar with some mat wrestling. Roxie gets her turn to kick, grapple, and run the ropes. Meiko is like a statue as Roxie rams into her! That last one did it, though! Meiko says that is all for today, and Roxie thanks her again. Meiko says that to win, it comes from the heart, not the muscle. See you in two weeks. Roxie nods, and she knows what she’s up against now. Will the Prodigy be ready for the legend?


Backstage interview with Zoey Stark.

McKenzie asks The Hunter about the in-depth look at Sol Ruca, but Zoey stops her there. “I don’t give a damn what Sol Ruca wants. If she loves the ocean so much, she can go there, stay there, and never come back.” Zoey won, she is done with Sol. But here’s a question for McKenzie: Why does Meiko Satomura just automatically get a title match?! Uh, because- Zoey stops McKenzie again to add more questions. “Is it because Roxanne is such a little fangirl that she buys her a flight from Japan, and then just says, ‘Oh let’s go ahead and have a title match.'” McKenzie says it’s because Meiko is a living legend, and perhaps one of the most recognizable women’s wrestlers in history.

Zoey says that should be HER match! But then all the other women are kissing Meiko’s ass to earn Meiko’s respect! There is a reason that some of the best in the business respect what ZOEY does. But she’ll say this: If Meiko were to step into the ring with Zoey, Zoey will show us who the REAL Final Boss is! Zoey storms off, but is she getting in over her head?


Gallus VS Malik Blade & Edris Enofe!

Mark Coffey & Wolfgang agreed to give Pretty Deadly a tag title match, but as the theme song says, Malik & Edris are far from rookies. Will Malik & Edris earn their own tag title opportunity with a win over the champs? Or will we see Gallus Boys On Top even in non-title matches?

The teams sort out and Malik starts against Mark. They tie up, Mark puts Malik on ropes, the ref counts and Mark lets off. They tie up again, Malik puts Mark on ropes, and Malik lets off. Mark shoves hard, they tie up again and Malik headlocks. Mark powers out, Malik cartwheels around but Mark avoids the dropkick! Mark TOSSES Malik, then tags Wolfgang. Wolfgang EuroUppers Malik, CLUBS him, but Malik hits back. Wolfgang UPPERCUTS again, hooks the arms, but Malik fights. Malik flips up and over, but Wolfgang CLOBBERS him! Tag to Mark and Gallus mugs Malik. Mark UPPERCUTS Malik but Malik hits back!

Mark ROCKS Malik, brings him around, fires off more uppercuts, but fans rally for Malik. Malik throws hands, but Mark ducks to half nelson SLAM! “Gallus Boys on top!” Mark drags Malik up again, wrenches and RAMS Malik, but wait. Who are these two bringing out a cake? They’re dressed like Pretty Deadly but aren’t, but Mark hurries to stop Malik! Malik rolls, throws Mark into buckles, and then ducks the boot to hot tag Edris! Edris rallies on Mark, DROPKICKS Wolfgang, and then dodges Mark to yoyo and LARIAT! Edris goes up and up and SWANTONS onto Wolfgang! Fans fire up as Edris hurries up top again!

Edris aims at Mark, to MACHO ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Pretty Doppelganger motion to the cake while Malik tags in. They suplex Mark, ENZIGURI BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Mark survives, Wolfgang TOSSES Edris! Edris gest up but Wolfgang CLOBBERS him! Malik throws Wolfgang out but Mark CLOBBERS Malik! Tag to Wolfgang, he drags Malik up! Gallus hit a FOREARM POWERSLAM COMBO! Cover, Gallus wins!

Winners: Gallus, by pinfall

#GBOT, but they are curious about the cake. “Happy Anniversary?” One of the messengers says, “On behalf of Pretty Deadly, we would like to congratulate you on your two-year anniversary of losing the NXT UK Tag Team Championships to Elton Prince & Kit Wilson.” Mark DUNKS the guy’s face into the cake! And Wolfgang BOOTS the other guy! Then they CLOBBER each of them and throw them both out HARD! But then the REAL Pretty Deadly attack from behind, with chairs! They focus on Mark, and they whip him into the steel steps! Wolfgang comes back but gets mugged, then sent into the steps!

Pretty Deadly whip Mark back in! Then they throw Wolfgang into Mark! They say they’re not about fun and games anymore, this is THEIR tag division! They get Wolfgang up, SPINEBUSTER on the steps!! Fans are torn as Pretty Deadly hold up the belts over Gallus. Elton & Kit are ready, but will they be able to take back the titles at Roadblock?


Dabba-Kato speaks.

“Apollo Crews. I can feel your anger. But that was me for over eight months! You were so busy looking into the future, you forgot about your own past. Let me remind you who helped you become the Intercontinental Champion at WrestleMania. For every big moment you ever had, I was there! You may have come back to NXT, but why? And where’s my call? Then on Vengeance Day, you thought like good old times, I came to help. I came to hurt. Apollo Crews can’t stand on his own. Without me, he has no future. APOLLO! Yeah, you might be the one who brought me into this world. But I will be the one who takes you out of it!”


Stevie Turner streams.

“Uh, hello, excuse me. Hi, guys! Stevie Turner here, and I am oh so excited for WrestleMania season. This week, I’ve been getting questions in on the NXT locker room, so I want to introduce my Stevie Randomizer! Oh, here we go. So who is it gonna land on? Lyra Valkyria! Get your questions in. Lyra is a woman of mystery, but she is no match for my fast fingers. Lyra follows the way of The Morrigan, a shapeshifting Irish deity associated with war. Sounds a bit freaky-deeky to me, but okay. Here’s a super chant from Charismatic Evan. ‘What’s with Lyra and her feathers?’

“It links back to the Morrigan. It takes the form of a raven in battle. Apparently, ever feather Lyra wears represents a battle she’s won. And here’s another super chat from Lil Clark. ‘How far do you see Lyra going?’ Well, Lyra is talented. But eventually, she will have to cross paths with me. And we know how that would go. She is no match for my forward thinking.” Vic Joseph wants to ask his own question, but Stevie apologizes, the stream is over. She signs off, but will all be answered when the Fourth Dimension collides with the supernatural?


Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone VS Tony D’Angelo w/ Channing Lorenzo!

Suit Man Stone wants Von to open up and be more than a meme, but will Von end up the butt of the joke once again? Or will Von prove he doesn’t need to change to do better?

NXT returns and makes his entrance. The bell rings, fans rally for Tony D as he and Von tie up. Von pushes The Don to a corner but Tony turns it around to then throw hands. Von shoves Tony, Tony whips and ELBOWS Von down! Tony brings Von up for body shots, but Von RAMS Tony into a corner! Von RAMS into Tony again and again, throws elbows, then brings Tony around for knees. Tony wrenches to ROCK Von! Von swings, misses, but he KNEES Tony down! Stacks coaches Tony but Von drags Tony up to whip him to a corner. Von then runs in to clothesline! Von smirks, whips Tony but Tony dodges to TACKLE Von!

Fans fire up, Tony fires hands on Von, but Von HEADBUTTS back! Von runs, BOOTS Tony down, and fans boo. Stone takes a seat and Von asks what he’s doing! Stone says he’s waiting on Von. Von is annoyed but he goes back to Tony. Tony ROCKS Von! Tony whips, Von KICKS him, and Von LARIATS! Von rains down fists on Tony, then drags Tony up to CLUB away on him! Von scoops Tony to SLAM him, and then drops a BIG elbow! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Tony but Von stalks him to a corner. Von CLUBS Tony, then bumps Tony off buckles. Von knees Tony low, and again, then whips him corner to corner, for another clothesline!

Von whips Tony corner to corner again, hits another clothesline, and then eggs Tony on. Von taunts The Don, whips him again, but Tony dodges! Von hits buckles and falls! Stacks says that’s what he gets! Fans rally for Tony, he and Von both stand up slowly. Tony runs in to CLOBBER Von! And again! Tony clinches to BELLY2BELLY! Stone is disappointed as Tony ROCKS Von, whips him, and hits a SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up and Tony waits on Von to stand. BADA BOOM! Cover, Tony wins!

Winner: Tony D’Angelo, by pinfall

Stacks celebrates with The Don and Stone asks Von why he even took this match. Kelly gets in the ring to interview Tony, asking about the continuing issues with Dijak. Tony says they could get into that, but Tony wants to talk about his guy’s loyalty. Stacks could’ve taken that Open Challenge with Wes Lee, or he could have Tony’s back. And Stacks chose to help Tony. Stacks says it’s family over everything. Tony appreciates that. Stacks gets it. But y’know who doesn’t? Mr. Street Justice Dijak! Tony tells Dijak that he’s been at this a couple of months, it is time to put this to an end. Kelly asks how Tony means that.

Funny she asks. He and Stacks have been going over some ideas, and Tony decided that he’ll handle it in the ring. “Dijak, listen. Me and you, one last time, NXT Roadblock, in a JAILHOUSE STREET FIGHT! Cuz listen, when it’s all said and done, I’m gonna be putting you in solitary confinement! You’ve got seven days to answer, don’t make me come find you.” The Don has thrown out the challenge, but will Dijak be more than happy to lock Tony up?


Backstage interview with Nikkita Lyons.

McKenzie says it is good to see her on the road to recovery, but also notes that no one has come forward as the attacker. Is there anything Lyons can tell us about that night? Lyons says her surgery was a success, that she’ll be out for 11 or 12 MONTHS, but her goal is to be back before a year is gone. She can’t tell us who it was, she was clipped from behind. One moment, she was walking outside, and the next, she was done. But in walks Tiffany Stratton. “Why is anybody still talking about you? All this is is a waste of TV time when it should be focused on The Center of the Universe.” Lyons says Tiffany sounds real sus.

Tiffany? Sus? Please! On the list of important things to do with her life, attacking Lyons in the parking lot is at the bottom of Tiffany’s list. Actually, even below the bottom. What’s below the bottom? Well, anyway, if it were Tiffany, Lyons wouldn’t be out a year. She’d be out PERMANENTLY! O M G, Tiffany Epiphany! What if Lyons vanishes from NXT for a full year? Ready, GO! Tootles. Tiffany leaves, Lyons is at a loss for words. Will Lyons make sure that no matter when she gets back, she starts her comeback with Tiffany?


Tatum Paxley is watching from the Diamond Dojo.

Ivy Nile walks in and asks about the Lyons situation. Still no idea who attacked her. We just know who didn’t. Is Ivy ready? Yep. Good luck out there. Wait, Tatum isn’t coming? No, she doesn’t wanna… Wait, is Isla getting to her? No, but- Tatum, c’mon, your Ivy’s partner. Isla is just doing this to get in their heads. Right, right. Ivy heads out, and Tatum looks to the Diamond Mine logo. Will Tatum crack under the pressure?


Carmelo Hayes checks on Trick Williams in medical.

He throws Trick a bottle of water and says he did the damn thing. But then smacks him a little too hard on the back. Melo is still proud of Trick. Trick says if they run it back, they know what time it is. Trick’s ready to get outta here and get some food, but Melo wants to watch the main event first, because he wants to see who comes out of it with the NXT Championship. Tyler Bate walks over to tell Trick that that was serious stuff in there against Dragunov. And dealing with a loss is always tough. But the journey has peaks and valleys. That said, good timber doesn’t grow with ease. The stronger the storm, the stronger the trees.

Trick likes that Dr. Seuss stuff! It’s like Bate is 25 and 75 at the same time. Thanks! Bate takes that as a compliment. Melo has a compliment here, and he doesn’t give those out that often. Bate is a strong minded dude, confident in who he is, but Melo knows who he is, because Melo is Him. Melo also points out to Bate that his journey has nothing to do with the NXT Championship. That’s all Melo. Trick Melo Gang head out, but will the Big Strong Boi show Melo the “natural flow” of things?


Ivy Nile w/ Tatum Paxley VS Alba Fyre w/ Isla Dawn!

The Diamond Mine has been under attack physically and always come out on top. But the sinister Scots have been getting at them mentally, and that might be a bit different. Will Fyre break the Diamond Pitbull? Or will the Diamond Pitbull put out the Fyre?

The bell rings and the two step up. They circle, tie up, and Fyre throws Ivy down! But Ivy fireman’s carries! Fyre fights free, shoves Ivy and SLAPS her! But Ivy just scowls, and TOSSES Fyre to a corner! Ivy fires off hands, Fyre pushes her back but Ivy ROCKS her! Cover, TWO! Fyre gets to ropes, Ivy whips but Fyre blocks. Fyre gets around, shoves Ivy into the ropes, and then stomps away! Ivy sputters, Fyre brings her up and suplexes to the GOURD BUSTER! Fans duel but Fyre PENALTY KICKS Ivy! Cover, TWO! Isla still smiles as Fyre clamps onto Ivy with a hammerlock. Fyre drags Ivy up and RAMS her into buckles!

Ivy staggers, into a LARIAT! Fyre snarls as she looms over Ivy. Fyre stands Ivy up, hammerlocks again, and she chinbars. Ivy pries that away but Fyre HEADBUTTS her! Fyre whips but Ivy reverses to send Fyre into buckles! Fyre staggers, swings, but Ivy counter punches! Ivy fires off hands, but Fyre knees low! Fyre whips, Ivy RANAS! Fyre ends up in a corner, fans fire up and Ivy runs in to CALF KICK! Ivy then scoops to carry Fyre, but Fyre slips free! Gory Especial, but Ivy sunset flips! TWO!! DIAMOND DRAGON!! But Isla distracts the ref! Tatum gets onto the apron to protest, but Fyre RAMS Ivy into Tatum!

Fyre snapmares Ivy away, SUPERKICKS, and then she drags Ivy back up! Gory Especial, GORY BOMB! Cover, Fyre wins!

Winner: Alba Fyre, by pinfall

Tatum supported Ivy and ended up costing her at the same time! Will Fyre & Isla soon take over the NXT Women’s Division as the devious duo they are?


Fallon meets Kiana in her office.

Giana sends Fallon in and Fallon sees it’s a new office. Kiana says that’s because business is great. Good to hear. But, she knows she ruined Valentine’s Day. She’s been thinking, and… Fallon admits she was wrong about Zack. Kiana surely had her reasons, but she also could’ve just said Zack was her brother. Kiana says she just wanted Fallon to trust her, but look how that turned out. Fallon apologizes again, and says she wants to get past this so they can defend their NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships. Will Kiana accept the apology? Kiana says they’re all human, so of course she accepts. Jealousy is a human emotion, after all.

Uh, Fallon’s not jealous. Fallon, it’s okay to admit it. Jensen and Kiana are spoken for and- And Fallon is happy for them. Well, okay, Kiana will believe Fallon is telling the truth, so long as Fallon believes Kiana. As in she has a brother, right? As in, believe Kiana has Jensen’s best interests at heart. Partners? Partners. They shake on it, but will this trust go all the way past Stand & Deliver?


Backstage interview with Wes Lee.

McKenzie is with the North American Champion and says it was a bit of a chaotic start to the Open Challenge last week. Wes agrees, but loved every minute of it! Wes does have a sore neck, though, and he gives Von his props. Von brought it. With Roadblock coming up and Stand & Deliver after that, what is next for the champ? Wes says this is why he loves her, she always has the hard hitting questions. He’d love to make it to LA as the NA Champ, but he can’t look too far ahead or he’ll forget what’s right in front of him. And Wes knows the fans love the open challenge as much as he does, and that there are plenty of cats who want their shot.

So next week, he’ll do it again! Wait, really? Yeah! Wes in the ring at 8 PM Eastern, seeing who is gonna step up, is just perfect. Okay, okay, but this puts him at a disadvantage. Why does he continue to do this? Wes says it’s just who he is. Then McKenzie loves that. They high five and Wes heads out, but who will snatch up the golden opportunity?


NXT Championship: Bron Breakker VS Jinder Mahal w/ Indus Sher!

There’s no denying that one year ago, the Big Booty Nephew got a big shock at the hands of the Show-Off. But he’s also grown and learned since then. Will he learn from his mistakes? Or will the Modern Day Maharaja make history repeat itself in more ways than one?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Bron hits a roadblock two weeks early!

The bell rings and fans sing “BRON BREAKKER SUCKS~!” a la the John Cena chants. Bron and Jinder tie up, Jinder waistlocks and SLAMS Bron! Then he runs to run Bron over! Fans rally behind Jinder as he talks trash on Bron. Jinder and Bron circle, tie up, and Jinder waistlocks again. Bron switches, Jinder elbows free and runs, to run Bron over again! Jinder says he’s a real champion! Bron gets up and Jinder backs off. But then Jinder fires off forearms, whips, but Bron hurdles the back drop to run Jinder over! Fans bark as Bron runs Jinder over again. Things speed up, Jinder leaps but into a SPINEBUSTER!

Bron clamps onto Jinder but Indus Sher gets Jinder out of the ring! Only for Bron to FLY and bowl them all over! Fans bark it up and Bron puts Jinder back in the ring. Jinder swings but Bron blocks to counter punch! And then HOTSHOT! Bron gets in, runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, btu DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Indus Sher get on the apron, but THE CREEDS attack! Julius & Brutus go after Veer & Sanga, refs rush out, and the brawl is on as NXT goes picture in picture!

The brawling goes up the ramp, even as security and producers get involved. Jinder kicks Bron, CLUBS Bron, puts him in a corner, and whips corner to corner hard! Jinder runs in to RAM into Bron, and then he CHOKES Bron on the ropes. The ref counts, Jinder lets off, but then digs his knee in to dig Bron into the mat. The ref counts again, Jinder lets off to CHOP Bron. Bron CHOPS back! Bron ROCKS Jinder, wrenches his arm, and has a hammerlock. Bron RAMS Jinder into buckles, and stalks Jinder as he staggers away. Bron wraps the arm around ropes and pulls! The ref counts, Bron lets off, but he puts Jinder in another corner.

Bron RAMS into Jinder, and again, and again. Bron lets off as the ref counts, to then scoop and SLAM Jinder! Cover, TWO! Bron clamps onto Jinder’s arm and grinds the shoulder. Jinder fights up, Bron wrenches, but Jinder elbows him away. Jinder CLUBS Bron, whips him corner to corner, but Bron stops himself to go up and over! Bron then gets the arm, ARM CODE BREAKER! Bron facelocks, stands with Jinder, and wants the arm again. Jinder endures the armlock and NXT returns to single picture. Fans rally, Jinder stands, and he scoops, only for Bron to slip free. Bron picks Jinder up to TOSS him! Cover, TWO!

Bron clamps back onto the arm, but Jinder fights up to pull on Bron’s ears! Jinder puts Bron in the ropes, lets off, but then BOOTS Bron down! Bron falls to the floor, Jinder goes out and SMACKS him off the desk! And again! Jinder brings Bron around and RAMS him into steel steps! Fans fire up and duel while Jinder refreshes the ring count. Jinder RAMS Bron back into the steps! Jinder drags Bron up by his straps to put him in the ring, and then covers, TWO! Jinder rains down fists while digging his knee into ribs! Jinder lets off, fans are torn, but Jinder stands Bron up. Jinder reels Bron in, but Bron blocks the suplex!

Jinder throws body shots, CLUBS Bron again, then CLUBS him again and again! Fans duel, Jinder drags Bron back up and suplexes again. Bron blocks, to suplex Jinder high and hard! Fans fire up while both men are down, and the barking continues. Jinder stands, Bron throws hands but Jinder gives them back. Bron throws haymakers but Jinder throws body shots. Bron eggs Jinder on, and they go fast ‘n’ furious! Fans fire up, Bron gets around, GERMAN SUPLEX! And then another GERMAN SUPLEX! Bron then whips to SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up again as the straps come down! Bron waits on Jinder to stand while he aims from the corner.

Jinder staggers, but he sees Bron gearing up so he bails out! Bron hurries out, he throws body shots on Jinder, and SMACKS him off the desk in return! Bron then brings Jinder around into the ring, but runs into Jinder’s JUMP KNEE! Jinder suplexes high and HARD! Cover, TWO! Bron is still in this, he isn’t still champion for no reason. Jinder fireman’s carries Bron, for the GUTBUSTER DROP! Cover, TWO! Bron continues to show his toughness but Jinder SLAPS him! Jinder stands Bron up, SLAPS him again, and then again! Bron RAMS Jinder into a corner! Bron throws shoudler after shoulder!

The ref counts, Bron lets off, but Jinder BOOTS him! Jinder goes up, but Bron is right up after him! SUPER STEINER! Bron then hurries to stand Jinder up, suplex, POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Bron’s busting out some wild stuff but Jinder wasn’t a former champion for no reason, either! Bron goes back to the corner, he goes up top now, and leaps, but Jinder BOOTS him out of the air! Jinder calls for the end, he wraps Bron up, but Bron arm-drags free! SPEAR OUTTA NOWHERE! Cover, Bron wins!

Winner: Bron Breakker, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

Jinder wanted to derail Bron’s Road to WrestleMania Weekend, but he was the one getting run over! But wait! Melo is in the perch! Bron looks up to see him, but wait, someone is taking over the controls? NXT Stand & Deliver is coming, yes, but- WAIT! WALLER?! Grayson Waller is hijacking the show! He tells HBK, “You won’t let me on the show tonight, huh? But that’s okay, I took a plan out of the old DX playbook, and I took over the production truck! Didn’t I, idiots? Do not press that button! Because I’m the main event. I’m the new Showstopper! You’re Mr. WrestleMania? Well I’m Mr. Stand & Deliver! And that’s gonna be my show.”

Waller won’t be held back, even though he knows they’re gonna try. So how about talking about it? Two weeks, at NXT Roadblock, a very special episode of The Grayson Waller Effect, with the special guest being SHAWN MICHAELS! Waller asks what HBK thinks about that? Waller pushes past the cameraman and says no one can stop him, HE runs this now! But will Waller regret riling up the living legend?

My Thoughts:

Really good NXT, but not much of a main event. And I don’t mean that because it was obvious Bron would win, but that they didn’t give it a lot of time. They shoved two promo segments in right before it, taking away from time that really should’ve gone to this match. Granted, Wes Lee is good on the mic and I do like that he wants another open challenge before Roadblock, and possibilities are endless right now. But at least in Bron VS Jinder, they had time for Indus Sher to get involved, only to brawl with The Creeds. And I also like Waller calling out HBK in this fashion, because as he said himself, it was very Degeneration X. I bet on next week’s talk show segment, HBK brings out his proxy for facing Waller at Roadblock.

The other promo shoved right in before the main event was also well-done. Fallon makes amends with Kiana, next week will surely set up a tag title match for Roadblock or even Stand & Deliver, and there are a lot of choices there, too. But I just feel like they could’ve waited to have that promo later. I guess we’re to believe that with Fallon having that promo with Briggs in the first hour, and then the promo with Kiana in the second hour, Kiana’s business is located just one hour away from the Performance Center. But what I also liked out of the promo is that Kiana said Fallon is jealous. She implied it more that Fallon is feeling lonely seeing Kiana and Jensen together, but how do we know it isn’t jealousy from seeing Kiana is the one with Jensen and not Fallon?

Great opening match from Dragunov VS Trick, probably the best match all night. Trick looked great even in losing, but of course JD McDonagh was ringside to keep his eyes on Dragunov. McDonagh VS Dragunov is of course going to happen, can’t wait to see that. Tyler Bate had a good promo but he was obviously just waiting at the end for The Schism’s music to hit. Good tease of Gacy VS Bate, but also great to have Chase U to back Bate up. That’d be a fun Mixed 8 Person Tag. We got a really good match from Chase U VS The Dyad, but of course Ava and Thea become a distraction. Dyad wins, Duke is upset with Chase again, this could put some real stress on the Mixed Six I thought they’d do.

Bate also had a good promo with Trick that then branched into setting up Bate VS Melo. Melo likely wins to give him momentum going into Stand & Deliver and the title match with Bron. Good match from Gallus VS Malik & Edris, but naturally Gallus wins. The Pretty Deadly delivery boys with the cake were a good fake-out for the real Pretty Deadly to attack from behind. I kinda hope that after using the chairs and steps, we get a No Disqualification type tag title match to up things from all the previous times we’ve seen these teams face each other. And good promo from Dabba-Kato to call out Apollo, I kinda want that to have a stipulation, too, since there’s so much animosity.

Really good stuff out of Von, Stone, Tony & Stacks. Von is basically one-dimensional on purpose because he doesn’t care to open up, though he oddly did show some character by using “You talking to me?” on Tony & Stacks. Von VS Tony was good stuff but of course Tony wins. Tony calling out Dijak for the Jailhouse Street Fight is cool, though that name doesn’t really work. How is it a street fight, aka a fight in the street, if it’s in a jailhouse? Just call it a Jailhouse Match. That match will be awesome no matter what, though, and could go either way. As for Von, still unsure where this is going but I’m sure they’ll make the ride worth it.

Good stuff from Jacy VS Indi but I did not think Gigi would show up tonight. And certainly not before Jacy’s match was over. But I guess Gigi and Jacy can have their grudge match for Roadblock, and then the winner moves on to something bigger at Stand & Deliver. Stevie Turner continues to deliver her livestreamer promos well, but I guess Cora is still out for undisclosed reasons. Maybe Lyra VS Stevie is interrupted by Cora and we get Lyra VS Cora for Roadblock or something. And good promo from Lyons to establish her recovery timeline, and fittingly mean response from Tiffany. Maybe the reveal of who attacked Lyons is part of Roadblock and it somehow makes a match between the culprit and one of Lyons’ only friends, like Indi or Lyra.

Sol Ruca had another good vignette, and Zoey Stark had a good response to it. Zoey calling out Meiko was rather surprising, and I’m pretty sure Meiko wins that match. Meiko and Roxanne had good stuff in the workout vignette. It established the difference in their power levels, making it clear Roxie is the underdog champion, but Roxie will definitely still retain the title. Again, doing such a big match for Roadblock is confusing, but again, we could get something that at least NXT sees as bigger for Stand & Deliver, like Roxie VS Cora or Roxie VS Jacy. If Roxie isn’t beating a legend at Stand & Deliver, Roxie needs to settle things with someone she has a personal grudge against.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!

AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (7/26/24)




Who will be waiting in the wings for the AEW World Champion?

In the wake of Blood & Guts, twenty men compete in the Royal Rampage battle royal! But who will stand tall at the end as the next #1 contender?


  • 2024 Royal Rampage: ??? wins and will challenge for the AEW World Championship at AEW Grand Slam.
  • Lance Archer VS ???
  • Kris Statlander w/ Stokely Hathaway VS Leila Grey; wins.
  • Fatal 4 Way Tag: Private Party VS The Righteous VS The Outrunners VS Rush & Kyle Fletcher w/ Don Callis; win(s).


The 2024 Royal Rampage!

While Bryan Danielson will challenge Swerve Strickland for the AEW World Championship at All In, that is for All In. This match will see TWENTY of the best battle it out for a shot at the AEW World Championship on September 25th! Who survives here in Texas to go to New York for AEW Grand Slam?


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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; Knight wins.
  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: The Bloodline wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; Nia & Tiff win.


Nick Aldis is on the phone.

He has a lot going on, but he’ll call back. The Bloodline steps up, and Aldis says sorry, given their actions last week with Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens that gave Tonga Loa an eye injury, Loa is not cleared to compete. So unfortunately, The Bloodline must forfeit their spot in the tag team gauntlet. Tama Tonga asks what Aldis just said, but Aldis says he heard just fine. Forfeit? They ain’t forfeiting nothing! Solo Sikoa has Tama stand down. And he appreciates Aldis’ concern, but The Bloodline is not forfeiting. Understood? Loa is part of The Bloodline, but so is Jacob Fatu! So instead, it will be Tama Tonga & Jacob Fatu in that match. If that’s okay with Aldis.

Aldis says it is, actually. They’re still in. Solo tells Fatu to bring those titles back home. Solo wants all the titles on SmackDown. The Samoan Werewolf steps up to replace The Silverback, will any of the other teams survive that match now?


LA Knight heads to gorilla.

And he tells the cameras, “LEMME TALK TO YA!” The Mega Star says we’re making a pitstop before SummerSlam. Santos Escobar couldn’t remember how many times he’s been dropped on his head by Knight, so Knight will be the professor, class is in session, and we’ll teach Santos some history. Then in Cleveland, Logan Paul isn’t learning math, he isn’t learning statistics or English. But he will be taught what it’s like to get his keister kicked in by the Mega Star! YEAH! And no matter what class, the curriculum is always the same, with everybody saying… L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!! Knight makes his way out, will he be rolling into SummerSlam? Or will Santos pass the test?

LA Knight VS Santos Escobar w/ Elektra Lopez!

The bell rings, Santos runs up but Knight dodges to JAB! JAB! JAB! Santos headlocks, Knight powers out but Santos runs him over. Things speed up, and Knight hip tosses! And then arm-drags! Knight has the armlock, the fans rally, but santos fights up. Santos pulls hair, the ref reprimands, but santos puts Knight in a corner. Santos whips, Knight reverses to WRING the arm and drop a leg on it! Knight wrenches and YANKS the arm again and again. “YEAH! YEAH!” Knight whips, then ELBOWS Santos down! The fans fire up with Knight and he RAMS Santos into a corner. Knight climbs up to rain down fists!

Fans “YEAH!” all the way to seven times before Santos YANKS Knight down! Santos kicks and stomps Knight in the corner. The fans boo but Lopez mocks Knight’s “yapping.” Santos CHOPS LARIATS Knight! Santos CHOP LARIATS again, then reels him in for a snap suplex! Santos stands up, brings Knight up to SLAM him down, then he steps through for a SHARPSHOOTER! Knight scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Knight then stands to fire off haymakers! Knight whips, and he LARIATS Santos down! Knight brings Santos up but Santos drop toeholds him into ropes! Santos distracts the ref and Lopez SLAPS Knight!

Santos runs in to 619! A shot taken at Rey Mysterio, and Santos soaks up the heat while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Santos DOUBLE KNEES Knight in a corner! Cover, TWO! Santos is annoyed but he clamps on a cobra clutch. The fans rally as Knight endures. Knight fights up, throws body shots, then runs, to SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Knight whips, Santos reverses and scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Santos is annoyed again and he stalks Knight to a corner. Santos says this is not Knight’s game, it’s Santos’s! Santos rains down fists in the corner but lets off as the ref counts. Santos soaks up heat, but Knight ELBOWS him back! Knight whips Santos hard to a corner, then SHOVES him in!

Knight stomps a mudhole, “YEAH! YEAH!” Knight goes corner to corner to KNEE Santos down! Knight whips, Santos reverses but Knight ducks the lariat to kick and DDT! Cover, TWO! Santos stays in this, Lopez coaches him, but Knight is on him first. Knight lifts Santos to a torture rack, but Lopez slides in! The ref stops her, that distracts Knight, and he lets Santos down. Lopez backs off as Knight storms over, and Knight goes back for Santos. Santos ELBOWS Knight! Santos runs, but into a POP-UP POWERSLAM! The fans fire up while both men are down! Lopez again gets on the apron but the ref tells her to stop.

And here comes LOGAN PAUL! ONE LUCKY- NO, Knight dodges to LARIAT! Logan falls, but Santos SUPERKICKS! Santos brings Knight around, fireman’s carry, PHANTOM- NO, Knight slips free to B F T! Cover, Knight wins!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall

But then Logan CLOBBERS Knight after all! The fans boo as the Maverick stomps away on Knight! Logan drags Knight up, but Knight RAMS him into a corner! Knight stomps away on Logan now, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight runs corner to corner, but Santos KNEES Knight down! The Emperor helps the champ up, and they beat Knight down together! Then Santos drags Knight into the drop zone for Logan as he goes up top. Logan FROG SPLASHES Knight! The fans boo but Logan soaks it up. Logan leaves Knight down and out, but will Knight be the one leaving The Land with the gold?


Backstage interview with Naomi.

Byron Saxton asks her why she thinks Blair Davenport initially showed her respect, only to then attack her from behind. Naomi doesn’t know the issue with Blair is, because she hasn’t even done anything to the newbie! But Blair is playing mind games, which won’t work. Naomi has something for Blair, though. Not only will Naomi make Blair #FeelTheGlow, but she’ll respect it! And then in step Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair, and they say that’s right! Blair is a Lame, and she gets what is coming. Just like Alba & Isla will. Speaking of, Bianca & Jade are gonna call out the champs-for-now and handle business.

Naomi says go handle it, then. The StrongEST Duo heads out, will they be able to get that rematch with the wicked witches?


Backstage interview with Logan Paul.

Byron catches up with The Maverick and asks him what happened. Logan says that’s an appetizer for SummerSlam, the first course of a three course meal. Logan will whoop Knight, in his hometown, in front of his friends and family, everyone he knows and loves. Plus, he got off the phone with “Mr. Cleveland” himself, and there will be a surprise homecoming planned just for Logan. Then can we get an idea of what- Nope! Silly question. But tune in next week, it’ll be a great night.

Logan promises Knight that he won’t just be facing the US Champion at SummerSlam. Knight will be facing the pride of Cleveland, the ultimate underdog turned top dog, and Knight ain’t ready for that. YEAH! Logan is more confident than ever, but will that make things that much sweeter when LA beats Cleveland’s own in his hometown?


Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair head to the ring!

Just as promised, they’re here to call out the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. Bianca & Jade get the mics, and The EST says she loves the fans and would stay her all day, but she’ll cut to the chase. Alba & Isla have been ghosting Jade & Bianca ever since winning at Clash at the Castle. Alba & Isla said they’d be here tonight, right? Right. And they’d bring the titles, right? Right. So where they at? The StrongEST Duo looks around, and tell the champs to stop duckin’ ‘n’ dodging. Come to the ring with the belts, and get these hands. The music hits, but then Alba & Isla hit from behind! The Unholy Union beat down the former champs!

Alba digs her boots into Jade, then CLUBS her down. Isla drags Bianca up but Bianca fights free! Bianca spins Isla, torture racks, but Isla lands safe on the apron! Only for Bianca to DECK her! Jade then grabs Alba, and hoists her up to THROW her out onto Isla! And in heels! The fans fire up while Alba & Isla regroup and retreat. Will there be no running from the storm that is coming for them?


B-Fab talks with the Street Profits.

It’s time to do this. It’s their moment, their time. And in steps Terence Crawford! The boxing champ is here, and he shakes hands with everyone. B-Fab says The Profits may not be Crawford, but tonight, they will be whooping feet! And from Ford to Crawford, Black Airforce Energy, go do your thing on August 3rd. Crawford appreciates that. But for real, he’ll be watching them, too. Good luck out there. They hug it out, Dawkins is ready to turn up! Will the Profits be up and win their golden tickets to the titles? Or will taking on five other teams be a tall order even for them?


Tiffany Stratton looks at her Money in the Bank briefcase.

It is being held together by colorful tape after what Bayley did to it last week. Nia Jax walks over and says don’t worry, she’ll get Tiff a brand new briefcase that will be perfect for her. And Tiff could cash in on Bayley tonight, but Nia has that guaranteed match at SummerSlam, and Nia would hate Tiff dropping the title so soon. Tiff says she’d never do that to Nia. Besides, Tiff just wants to get revenge. Nia says she thought so. Tiff still pouts over her busted briefcase, but will she and The Queen of the Ring bust up Bayley and Michin in return?


WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet!

Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa are still champions after facing A-Town Down Under a second time, so now it’s on to something new. Six teams are going to compete until only one team stands tall, who survives to go for the gold this summer?

The first team out? The newest combo of Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews, who are ready to #BurnTheShips and sink the competition! Their opponents? Legado del Fantasmo’s Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo! Will they look to add to the legacy and finally grab those tag titles?

Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews VS Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo!

The bell rings and Legado just attacks! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but the cousins stomp away on Corbin. Angel stays in to stand on Corbin, Berto RAMS Crews into steel steps! Angel then runs up, but Corbin dodges and SPLASHES! Corbin reels Angel in for a short arm LARIAT, then he reels him in for an ELBOW! Then a SIDE EFFECT! Cover, TWO! Corbin stands Angel up but Angel CHOPS! Tag to Berto, and Angel sidesteps so Berto can GAMANGIRI! Roll-up, SUPERKICK, and Corbin tumbles out! Berto DIVES and down goes Corbin! Legado stands tall while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Berto drags Corbin up, manages a fireman’s carry, but Corbin fights free with elbows. Corbin ducks a buzzsaw but not the ENZIGIRI! Berto runs corner to corner but Corbin TOSSES him into buckles! DIY are watching backstage, hot tags to Angel and Crews! Crews rallies on Legado, mule kicks and BOOTS Angel, then dodges Angel to LEAPING LARIAT! The fans fire up with Crews as he kips up! Angel takes a swing, Crews gets under to GERMAN SUPLEX! Crews holds on, and he GERMAN SUPLEXES again! And GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Angel flounders, fans fire up, and Crews goes corner to corner to SPLASH!

Crews pushes Angel out of the corner, goes up top, and FLYING- KNEE from Angel! Angel underhooks to TIGER BACKBREAKER! Cover, Corbin breaks it! Berto runs up to LARIAT Corbin up and out! But Corbin drags Berto out to RAM him into steel steps! Angel KNEES Crews, reels him in, WING- NO, Crews slips free! Corbin sneaks a tag, Crews BOOTS! END OF DAYS! Cover, Corbin & Crews ELIMINATE Legado! But no time to rest, here come the Street Profits!

Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews VS The Street Profits!

Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins take their time stepping up to the ring, and Ford starts against Crews. They circle, Crews kicks then whips. Ford goes up and over then handsprings away. Ford smiles, Crews smiles, and things speed up! Crews handsprings over Ford’s dropdown, then he hurdles! Crews drops then DROPKICKS Ford, and he brings Ford back up. Crews suplexes, holds Ford up, but Ford slips free to back suplex! High and hard for Crews, Dawkins tags to cover. TWO!! Crews is somehow still in this, but Dawkins brings him up. Dawkins whips, Crews goes up and over and keeps moving. Crews jumps the dropdown then whips.

Crews hurdles., Dawkins handsprings, and DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Hot tag to Corbin, hot tag to Ford! Ford fires hands on Corbin, but Corbin UPPERCUTS! Ford falls to the apron, but he RAMS back in! Ford slingshots, into a HAYMAKER! The golden gloves hit hard, and then Crews says let’s do it! Corbin runs, Crews TOSSES him out onto the Profits! The fans fire up as the Wolf flies, and SmackDown goes back to break!

SmackDown returns again and Corbin has Ford up top! Ford fights with body shots, then he HEADBUTTS Corbin down! Corbin hurries to his feet, and gets under Ford’s leap! Corbin BOOTS Ford, goes up, and he FLYING LARIATS! B-Fab panics but Corbin hauls Ford up for a POWERBOMB! Flip over, but then Ford ENZIGIRIS! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Corbin and Ford crawl, hot tags to Dawkins and Crews! Dawkins rallies on Crews, but Crews avoids the splash! Crews comes back to SPLASH! Crews runs, but Dawkins ducks to ENZIGIRI! Crews comes back to ENZIGIRI!

The fans fire up with Cres, but Dawkins catches him for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Cover, Corbin breaks it! Ford runs up, Corbin DECKS him! Corbin runs in at the corner, but Ford dodges and Corbin POSTS himself! Dawkins runs at Crews but Crews DUMPS him out! Ford and Crews stare down, then they both build speed! They both FLY out onto the other’s partner! The fans are thunderous, Crews puts Dawkins in, and then Crews goes up top. “This is Awesome!” as Crews FROG SPLASHES but has to roll through! Dawkins DECKS Crews with a big right! Tag to Ford, and Dawkins brings Crews up.

Dawkins whips, pop-up, REVELATION! Cover, Profits ELIMINATE Corbin & Crews! Corbin & Crews put up a valiant effort, but the Profits move on to face… #YESBOY! Pretty Deadly!

The Street Profits VS Pretty Deadly!

Kit Wilson & Elton Prince run up, run in, then Elton bails out! Kit rolls Dawkins, TWO! Kit hurries to cradle Dawkins, TWO! Kit tries a roll-up again, with tights! TWO, and Dawkins FLAPJACKS Kit down! Kit flounders, Dawkins tags Ford. The Profits double whip,. then CLOBBER Kit! DIY likes that, and then the Profits hit a BACK SUPLEX SPLASH! Elton runs in, but he gets a DOUBLE FLAPJACK onto Kit! Ford covers Kit, TWO! The fans rally, Ford CLUBS Kit, then brings him up. Kit RAMS Ford, swings, but into a back suplex! Elton tags in and Kit slips free. Ford kicks and suplexes, but Elton CHOP BLOCKS Ford!

But Elton miscalculates, Kit still takes a BRAINBUSTER! Elton stomps Ford around, drags him to a cover, TWO! Elton pushes Ford to the corner, Kit tags in, and they stomp away on Ford’s leg as Elton holds it down! The ref counts, Kit UPPERCUTS Ford, then he tags Elton. Now they stomp the leg while Kit holds it! The ref reprimands, Kit lets off and Elton ROCKS Kit with a right. Pretty Deadly say “YES BOY~!” They sing it, even, still pitching their musical. Tag to Kit, but Ford fights with body shots and elbows! Elton blocks a kick, hands it to Kit, and Elton KNEES Ford’s hamstring!

Ford grits his teeth, clutches his leg, but Kit cravats to CHOKE him against ropes. Kit lets go, Elton DECKS Ford, and Kit basement dropkicks! Kit drags Ford around for a HALF CRAB! Ford clamps onto the ROPEBREAK! So Kit DDTS the leg! The fans rally for Ford but Kit taunts Dawkins. Kit then sucker punches him! Kit goes back to Ford, the ref stops Dawkins, and Kit stomps away on Ford’s leg. Kit pulls on the foot, but Ford resists the turnover! Ford kicks at Kit again and again, but Kit still steps over! Ford fights and BOOTS free! Elton tags in, but hot tag to Dawkins! Dawkins rallies on Elton, then whips.

Elton reverses but Dawkins hurdles and UPPERCUTS! The fans fire up with Dawkins and he aims at a corner. Dawkins runs in to CYCLONE SPLASH! ENZIGIRI! Cover, TWO! Elton survives but the fans rally up. Dawkins whips Elton, Elton grabs ropes and BOOTS, then tag to Kit. Dawkins ROCKS Elton and whips, but Elton reverses. Hurdle and DDT! Kit covers, TWO! Dawkins survives, Pretty Deadly seethes, but Kit tags Elton. They run UPPERCUT after UPPERCUT, then Elton RAMS Dawkins so Kit can UPPERCUT again! Fireman’s carry, ASSISTED GUT BUSTER! Cover, Ford breaks it!

The fans are thunderous and Kit is furious! Kit whips but Ford reverses and TOSSES Kit out! Elton DUMPS Ford out! Dawkins ROCKS Elton! Ford tags, Dawkins lifts Elton, BLOCKBUSTER DOOMSDAY!! Cover, Profits ELIMINATE Pretty Deadly! But here comes The OC’s Gallows & Anderson! We hit the halfway point of this gauntlet, will the Profits survive? Or are things about to get Too Sweet? We find out, after the break!

The Street Profits VS The Good Brothers!

SmackDown returns as Karl Anderson JUMP KICKS Ford! Then Luke Gallows SPLASHES in the corner! Anderson snapmares, covers, TWO! Ford survives but Anderson stalks him to ropes. Anderson CHOKES and CLAWS Ford, but he lets off as the ref counts. Anderson snapmares Ford, clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Ford down. Ford endures, reaches out, and the fans rally. Ford fights up, throws body shots, and pries the hold open, but Anderson kicks low! Anderson CLOBBERS Ford, covers, TWO! Ford is still in this but Anderson drags him up. Anderson whips Ford to the corner hard, then tags Gallows.

The Good Brothers mug Ford, then Gallows runs to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Gallows stands Ford up to scoop and SLAM him! Tag to Anderson and Anderson covers, TWO! Anderson brings Ford up and around to scoop and SLAM! Cover, TWO! Anderson clamps on a neck wrench, and even pulls on Ford’s ear! The ref reprimands, Anderson lets go, and fans rally up. Tag to Gallows. the Good Brothers mug Ford more. Gallows then brings Ford around, snap suplexes, and covers, TWO! Gallows HAMMERS away with elbows, then clamps on a chinlock. Ford endures, the fans rally up, but Gallows leans all his weight on Ford.

Ford fights up to his feet, throws body shots, but Gallows CLUBS him down. Gallows scoops Ford, but Ford swings around to DDT! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Both men crawl, hot tag to Anderson! Anderson whips Ford to an open corner, runs in, but Ford TOSSES him out! Anderson slips apron and falls to the floor! Gallows runs up but Ford DUMPS him out! Hot tag to Dawkins! Dawkins builds speed and he FLIES onto The Good Brothers! Dawkins avoids hitting the desk and the fans are thunderous! Dawkins roars, puts Anderson in, and then runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!!

Anderson is frustrated but he tags Gallows. The Good Brothers haul Dawkins up for a fireman’s carry. Anderson runs but Ford trips him! Dawkins rolls Gallows up, PROFITS ELIMINATE GOOD BROTHERS!! The fans fire up and yet… That leaves The Bloodline for last. As if this team wasn’t dangerous enough, the Profits are practically running on fumes at this point! Can Ford & Dawkins survive? Or will they fall victim to the Samoan Werewolf and Good Bad Guy? We find out, after the break.

The Street Profits VS The Bloodline!

SmackDown returns again and Tama beats Dawkins down in a corner! The fans chant “SOLO SUCKS!” but Tama tags Fatu. They DOUBLE HEADBUTT Dawkins down, then Fatu drags him up. Fatu bumps Dawkins off buckles, runs in and SPLASHES! Tag to Tama, and he runs up, gets a boost from Fatu, BIG CANNONBALL! Dawkins goes down but the fans chant, “WE WANT ROMAN!” Solo soaks up that heat while Tama CHOKES Dawkins on ropes. The ref counts, Tama lets off, and Solo CHOKES Dawkins now! B-Fab protests but Solo gets away with that. The Bloodline raise their ones, then Tama tags Fatu.

The mugging continues, and Fatu HEADBUTTS Dawkins down. Solo says that’s right, take them out. Fatu CHOKES Dawkins then HEADBUTTS! The ref backs Fatu off but that lets Solo get a cheap shot in! Fatu BITES Dawkins’ fingers! Fatu then stomps him around, and he runs corner to corner, but Dawkins dodges! Fatu’s splash gets him stuck on the ropes! Solo is upset as Dawkins crawls for his corner! Fatu slumps back, the fans rally as hard as they can, hot tags to Tama and Ford! Ford LARIATS, LARIATS then dodges to SPINEBUSTER! Tama flounders, Ford SUPERKICKS Fatu! Ford drags Tama up but Tama slips around to back suplex!

Ford lands out! Ford kicks, KICKS and- NO, Tama ducks the enzigiri! Tama CLUBS and whips but Ford reverses! Ford runs up, but Tama puts him on the apron! Ford ROCKS Tama, climbs up and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Tama stays in this, and DIY is intrigued. Ford hurries up the corner again, but Tama ROCKS him! Tama goes up to get Ford, SUPERPLEX! Cover, Dawkins breaks it! Fatu runs in but Dawkins TOSSES him back out! Tama runs to slip and trip Dawkins up! The Bloodline mugs Dawkins, but Ford FLIES over the corner!! Down goes everyone! Ford rises and the fans are thunderous again!

Ford puts Tama in, climbs back up, and Solo is stressing out! FROM THE HEAVENS, but Tama moves! Fatu tags in, Ford hobbles up, into a LARIAT! Fatu DIVES onto Dawkins and takes him out! Fatu returns for Ford, but Ford dodges and runs, but into the POP-UP- DDT!! Ford takes Fatu… NO, Fatu is rising! POP-UP SAMOAN DROP!! Fatu then puts Ford in the drop zone, BEST MOONSAULT EVER!! Cover, Bloodline wins!

Winners: The Bloodline, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships)

Replacing Loa wasn’t a detriment, it only made the team stronger! And now that they’re targeting the tag titles, will The Bloodline dominate under Solo Sikoa like they did under Roman Reigns?


Grayson Waller & Austin Theory interrupt!

They don’t care what Corey Graves & Wade Barrett are talking about, they’ve got stuff to say. Last week, they would’ve beat Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens easy, if not for Terence Crawford! But they’re not just talking about it, they’ll do something about it! That little 120 pound Terence is walking around backstage, so y’know what? Terrence is gonna come out and apologize to the greatest team of the world! Oh, wait, is he scared? Nope, here comes Terence Crawford! The fans cheer as Omaha’s own undefeated and undisputed champion makes his way out. Waller says this is a big moment. The pound for pound top boxer in the world is in the ring with them!

And the thing is, Terrence, last week, you disrespected ATDU. Terrence handed Cody a chair, so it is only fair he apologize to them. The fans boo but Waller says they don’t understand. This is not just for helping Cody, but for thinking he belongs in the ring with A-Town Down Under. Terrence might be the best boxer, but this is pro-wrestling. And look at Waller when he’s talking! If Terrence takes one more step, Waller’s boy Theory will knock you out! Theory says he isn’t trying to- BLAM and Terrence knocks Theory out!! Waller bails out, what was that about apologizing? Waller helps Theory out of the ring, is Theory going to come to his senses about this “team?”


Cody Rhodes speaks.

The American Nightmare is part of the Japan live tour, doing what he promised in bringing the Undisputed WWE Championship all across the globe. But he takes a moment to reflect, and do something wrestlers shouldn’t do and look back. Cody looks back on his win at the Royal Rumble, nearly having his WrestleMania main event taken from him, only for the people to help him take it back. He reflects on the fight of his life against Roman Reigns to do what he said he’d do, and #FinishTheStory. He was surrounded by friends, family, fans, a conquering hero, and The Bloodline was no more. Or so he thought.

“But this new doppelganger version, a pack of wild cats with nothing to lose, running around and feasting on anyone who stands in their way… Chaos reigns without a true lion to lead the pack. And because of that chaos, now I sit here alone. My friends, my allies, my partners, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens, destroyed trying to fight by my side while I watched. I head to SummerSlam a man on an island. A man who has the deck stacked against me. A man who will have to fight with every ounce of pride and energy that I have. But I also head into SummerSlam the champion.

“And I know that i have to bring all of my fire and passion to this fight, because I owe it to the people to defend this championship and not let it slip back into the hands of The Bloodline. Solo Sikoa is a dangerous man. He stepped up, declared himself the new Tribal Chief. He has proven he is ready to take on that mantle of responsibility and do whatever it takes. I used to think Solo wan’t ready. But now, not so sure. I need to look into his eyes and see what kind of man he really is. Before we battle it out int he main event of SummerSLam, I challenge you to meet me in the ring next week, face to face, one on one.

“So I can look into your eyes and see if you are indeed ready. Because in this moment of solitude, I know that I am.” The American Nightmare is ready for another fight of his life, but will he be leaving The Land still on top of the mountain?


Backstage interview with Andrade.

Byron Saxton says last week, El Idolo had an incredible match with Carmelo Hayes, and he won. So what is next on the agenda? Well, Andrade is thinking United States Championship. But then Carmelo Hayes steps in and says, “Just because you beat me one time, you think this is over?” It isn’t over until Melo wins. Oh, no, Melo is done, because he missed. Oh, is that so? How about how the crowd didn’t miss Andrade the last two years he decided to leave. Put it in perspective: LeBron James, one of the greatest, even he has an off night. Happens to the best of us. Okay, but Melo isn’t LeBron. He’s more like… Bronny Jr.

Melo says yeah, he is like Bronny, because it’s his time now! So step aside! Andrade says if he wants one more match, then okay. Melo says that’s all it’s gonna take. Melo leaves, not shaking Andrade’s hand. But will Andrade make sure The Message gets through to H1M?


Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton!

The Role Model has the title, and that puts a target on her back. The Queen of the Ring is waiting for SummerSlam, and even then, Ms. Tiffy in the Bank can strike at any moment. Will the Head Baddie in Charge help Bayley get past the bullies? Or will nothing stop the Irresistible Force and #TiffyTime?

Oh no! Nia attacks Michin from behind! She and Tiff stomp Mia around, even as the ref reprimands. Nia HEADBUTTS Mia, Tiff says this is what she gets, and Nia whips Mia hard into steel steps! But here comes Bayley! Bayley has a kendo stick and she runs off Nia & Tiff! Bayley stays by Mia’s side, but can Mia even compete now? Nia & Tiff set the briefcase aside, and same goes for the kendo stick and title belt. Tiff steps in, Bayley still wants this fight even with Mia down and out. The bell rings, Bayley runs up to THESZ PRESS! Bayley rains down fists, Tiff powers out, but Bayley hits another THESZ PRESS!

Tiff gets up again< Bayley headlocks, but Tiff powers out. Bayley hits buckles, Tiff headlocks, but Bayley powers out. Tiff runs Bayley over, says it’s time, and runs. Tiff handsprings over Bayley’s drop down, shows off, then dodges Bayley! Bayley KCISK a leg out, then rains down fists! The fans cheer, Tiff slips free but Bayley runs to SLIDING ELBOW! And SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Bayley keeps her cool, Mia checks her arm, and Bayley CLUBS Tiff down. Bayley stomps Tiff, taunts Nia, then brings Tiff around. Tiff RAMS Bayley into buckles! Tiff stomps away, lets off as the ref counts, then struts around.

The fans are torn as Tiff stomps Bayley. Tiff whips Bayley to the corner, but Bayley uses that to CLOBBER Nia! Tiff ROCKS Bayley, pushes her down, then taunts Bayley. Tiff whips, Bayley slips out to the apron and ROCKS Tiff back! Bayley BOOTS Nia for good measure, then HOTSHOTS Tiff! Cover, TWO! Bayley clamps onto Tiff, and Mia is up! The fans rally, Bayley brings Tiff up and wrenches, but then Nia YANKS Mia down! Nia fireman’s carries to SAMOAN DROP to the floor! Tiff HIP ATTACKS Bayley, then TIFFY STOMPS! Cover, TWO!! Bayley survives but she and Mia are in bad shape as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Tiff stomps around. She runs up to STINK FACE Bayley! Nia must’ve taught her that one. Tiff drags Bayley to a corner, TWO! Tiff drags Bayley up onto ropes, then CHOKES her! Tiff lets off as the ref counts and YANKS the rope. Bayley sputters, Tiff whips her to a corner hard, and Bayley falls to the mat. Tiff soaks up the cheers and jeers, then she drags Bayley up. Tag to Nia, they double whip Bayley hard into their corner, then Nia SPLASHES! Tiffany handspring back ELBOWS! Nia drags Bayley out, covers, TWO! Nia taunts Bayley, soaks up heat and mocks the fans’ tears.

Nia brings Bayley up but Bayley fires hands! Bayley leaps on to GUILLOTINE! But Nia RAMS her into a corner! Bayley flops down, and Nia stands on Bayley’s back! The ref counts, Nia steps off, and she soaks up more heat. Nia bumps Bayley off buckles, tags Tiff, and Tiff runs in, to SPLASH Bayley! Tiff brings Bayley out, CLUBS her, and clamps on a chinlock. Bayley endures, the fans rally up, and Mia clutches her back while down on the outside. Bayley fires body shots, Tiff shoves her to SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO! Tiff is annoyed but she drags Bayley over. Tag to Nia, and Tiff feeds Bayley to Nia’s scoop and SLAM!

Nia runs to drop an ELBOW! Cover, TWO! The fans rally but Nia sits Bayley up into a cobra clutch! Bayley endures, pulls Nia’s hair, and fights up to her feet. But Nia RAMS her into the corner! Tag to Tiff, and Nia RAMS Bayley again. Tiff stomps Bayley around, puts her in a corner to whip corner to corner, then she handsprings in! Bayley catches Tiff in a waistlock! GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans fire up while both women are down! Mia rises again and the fans rally! Bayley crawls, but so does Tiff. Hot tag to Nia, and she CLOBBERS Bayley! Nia whips Bayley to the corner, runs in, but Bayley dodges! Nia POSTS herself, Tiff tags in!

Tiff grabs Bayley’s legs but Bayley BOOTS her away! Hot tag to Michin! Mia rallies on Tiff, hits a NECKBREAKER, then a FLAPJACK! Mia kips up and roars! The fans fire up, Mia KICKS Nia while hitting the TORNADO DDT on Tiff! Cover, TWO! Tiff survives but Mia builds speed to DIVE onto Nia! Down goes Nia and the fans fire up again! Mia heads up a corner, and MISSILE- NO, Tiff avoids the dropkick! Tiff tags Nia, Nia runs in, but Mia dodges! Bayley sneaks a tag, Mia ENZIGIRIS! Bayley runs to KNEE Nia down! Bayley puts Nia in a drop zone, then climbs up! MACHO ELBOW!! Cover, TIFF BREAKS IT!

The fans fire up and Mia storms in! Mia & Bayley mug Tiff then TOSS her! Nia hoists Mia up! Bayley makes the save, but the ref gets Mia out of there. Tiff CLOBBERS Bayley with the briefcase! Nia CLOBBERS Mia, then sets Bayley in the drop zone! A-NIA-LATOR!! Cover, Nia & Tiff win!

Winners: Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton, by pinfall

The Queen and “Princess” of the Ring stand tall together, having crushed the WWE Women’s Champion! Will they do it all over again in Cleveland to crown a NEW WWE Women’s Champion? Or can Bayley find a way to survive SummerSlam?


The Bloodline speaks.

Solo Sikoa tells Cody Rhodes, “I will see you face next week. The same night that my colleagues will bring back the tag team titles to The Bloodline, the night before I bring back the Undisputed WWE title to The Bloodline, at your expense. In one weekend, The Bloodline will handle family business. And if Roman Reigns got a problem with that… You know where to find me. So he can end up like Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, and Cody Rhodes, and ACKNOWLEDGE ME.” Solo is again adorned with the red ula fala, and The Bloodline raises the ones. But will they be the ones ruling over SmackDown after SummerSlam? Or can Cody overcome the odds once again?

My Thoughts:

A very good SmackDown, but clearly prerecorded from last week, given a lot of SmackDown stars are part of the Japan house show tour right now. The main clue was that they’re still in Nebraska, with Terrence Crawford making another appearance. Now yes, they also gave Cody a promo where he confirms he’s in Japan, but WWE social media has been sharing video of Jade, Bianca and Bayley being overseas as well, so they definitely had to tape this before today. But even so, Terrence Crawford also had a good segment getting to humble A-Town Down Under, and this will be just another reason Theory leaves Waller.

Very good promo from Cody to call out Solo, and good response from Solo after. Solo keeps bringing up Roman, so you gotta think Roman is returning next Saturday to make sure Solo doesn’t win the title. Though, that’s because we’re definitely getting Bloodline winning the tag titles. I can’t be sure if Loa’s bad eye is legit or kayfabe, but I’m pretty sure Bloodline was winning the gauntlet either way. Awesome stuff in that match, though also scary stuff like Crews taking that back suplex. I appreciate them wanting to go a little harder for the moment but they gotta be careful. And great showing from The Profits especially, so who knows if they feud with Bloodline after next week.

Really good promo from Knight leading into his match with Santos, and great match from Knight and Santos. Great win from Knight, but of course Logan Paul shows up to go after him. Now, Logan standing tall tonight almost feels like the go-home on the title, but then they are still doing a segment next week. If Knight not only ruins the homecoming but ends up standing tall in a brawl, then unfortunately for Knight, Logan is going to retain the title. Andrade said he wants said title, too, before being interrupted by Melo. There’s a good chance Melo beats Andrade next week with some shady tactics, but it would bide some time if Logan’s gonna still be champ and needs another Face contender.

Good promo from Naomi to put Blair on notice, and good segue into Jade & Bianca calling out Alba & Isla. Alba & Isla doing the sneak attack sets up the tag title match quite nicely, but Jade & Bianca standing tall gives us the go-home math that Alba & Isla retain. For that matter, they have Great American Bash first, so they’re definitely retaining through NXT to then go to SmackDown and retain again. They’re being less spooky now, but I wouldn’t mind if Alba & Isla at least used something sneaky to win so that Jade & Bianca aren’t necessarily weakened by the loss.

Good promo from Tiff and Nia to again nod towards Tiff getting a custom briefcase, and them making that loose promise that Tiff won’t cash in on Bayley yet. Very good tag match tonight with Mia playing up being beat up for most of it. Even then, Bayley and Mia almost won if not for a briefcase shot, so that technically protects Bayley in the loss. Now, regardless of what might happen next week, I’m still sticking by Bayley “surviving” Nia, only for Tiff to try a cash-in. Tiff promised Nia that Nia would get her shot, but once that’s over, Tiff can go right for Bayley, and then who knows how that goes.

My Score: 8.8/10

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