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Mitchell’s NJPW Best of the Super Juniors Results & Report! (5/24/23)

Round 9, part 2, FIGHT!




B Block has the bottom of the ninth!

Round nine wraps up for Best of the Super Juniors, and we see who from B Block joins Mike Bailey and Titán in the semifinals!


  • Lio Rush & Yuto Nakashima VS Mike Bailey & Oskar Leube; Bailey & Leube win.
  • Six Man Tag: Taichi, DOUKI & Taka Michinoku VS The House of Torture; The House of Torture wins.
  • KUSHIDA & Ryusuke Taguchi VS Hiromu Takahashi & Titán; Hiromu & Titán win.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: BUSHI VS Francesco Akira; Bushi wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Dan Moloney VS Clark Connors; Moloney wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Master Wato VS Kevin Knight; Wato wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: YOH VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Kanemaru wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: El Desperado VS Robbie Eagles; Desperado wins.


Here are the current B Block standings.

YOH: 6-2, 12 points
Master Wato: 6-2, 12 points
El Desperado: 6-2, 12 points
Robbie Eagles: 5-3, 10 points
Francesco Akira: 4-4, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
Clark Connors: 4-4, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
Kevin Knight: 3-5, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
Dan Moloney: 3-5, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 2-6, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
BUSHI: 1-6, 2 points [ELIMINATED]


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: BUSHI VS Francesco Akira!

So what if the Black Mask and Nova Fireball are out of the running? In the end, this is about pride and points! Will Bushi be tranquilo? Or will Akira conquer him for the United Empire?

The bell rings and fans rally up as the two stare down. Bushi and Akira slowly circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Bushi powers Akira back to ropes, the ref counts, but Akira turns it around. Bushi turns it back around, then kicks Akira’s leg. Akira shoves Bushi, throws a forearm, and Bushi gives it back. They go back and forth, Bushi gets the edge, and Bushi runs, into a CALF KICK! Bushi bails out but Akira PLANCHAS out onto him! Direct hit and fans fire up. Akira throws up the crown, then he pulls Bushi’s shirt off him. Akira stands Bushi up to CHOP! Then Akira brings Bushi around the way to SMACK off the apron.

Akira then runs Bushi into the POST! Akira brings Bushi up and puts him in the ring. Fans rally as Akira pounds the mat. Akira climbs up the corner, Bushi rises, and Akira leaps, but Bushi gets under! Akira wobbles, and Bushi dropkicks the legs out! Fans fire up while both men are down. Bushi gets Akira’s legs, and steps over for a CROSS HEEL! Akira scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer, Bushi lets go quickly, and he stomps Akira’s legs. Akira goes to a corner, Bushi brings Akira up, and Bushi CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Fans rally as Bushi puts a leg in the ropes and pulls!

The ref reprimands, Bushi lets off, but he dropkicks the bad leg! Akira clutches the knee, Bushi pushes him down to cover, TWO! Fans rally more as Bushi stomps the leg and drops an elbow on the knee. Bushi has a toehold and he pulls back! Akira crawls but Bushi stomps the leg. Bushi steps over to have a modified Calf Killer! Akira crawls, reaches out, and fans rally. But Bushi goes to add a crossface! Akira still reaches the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Bushi lets go at 4, and fans rally again. Bushi paces around, stomps Akira’s legs, then SMASHES the knee on the mat! Akira clutches the leg, but Bushi’s back on it.

Akira kicks with his good leg but Bushi stomps the bad leg! Bushi grabs the leg again, but Akira turns the smash into a wheelbarrow and victory roll! STOMP 182! Fans fire up while both men are down again! Bushi sputters and flounders to a corner and Akira crawls to the opposite. Akira runs in to clothesline! Akira keeps moving to UPPERCUT! “Osaka, IKU ZO!” Akira runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS! Bushi goes to a corner, Akira runs in and Bushi puts him on the apron. The leg jams but Akira still ROCKS Bushi! Akira climbs up and leaps, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Bushi is still in this but the fans rally up.

Akira brings Bushi up, reels him in, but Bushi fights off Speedfire! Bushi kicks but Akira blocks! Bushi ROCKS and runs in, but into a SNAP GERMAN! Fans rally, Akira crawls and pushes Bushi to a cover, TWO! Bushi survives and fans rally up. Akira hobbles, brings Bushi up but Bushi CLUBS at the leg. Fans rally for “A! KI-RA!” and he blocks a kick to spin Bushi into a HALF ‘N’ HALF! Akira roars, fans fire up, and Akira runs, but Bushi gets around to shove and dropkick the leg out! Fans fire up again as Akira hobbles, and Bushi runs in, but Akira blocks the Code Breaker! Akira throws Bushi away, but Bushi comes right back! CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally as Akira is still in this. Bushi goes to a corner and he roars! Fans fire up as Bushi climbs, and Bushi calls his shot! M- SUPERKICK! Bushi staggers back then falls over! Akira gets moving, SLIDING KNEE! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up and Akira aims from the corner. Akira pounds the mat, fans clap along, “A! KI-RA!” Akira shakes out the leg, but he can’t get it to work. Akira storms up on Bushi instead, brings him up, but Bushi dropkicks the leg again! Fans fire up and Bushi goes to the corner! MISSILE DROPKICK to the leg! And then Bushi SMASHES the knee! Bushi’s changed up the formula to have the CROSS HEEL!!

Akira crawls, reaches out, but Bushi rolls him away from the ropes! Bushi pulls on the hold, kicks Akira down, and AKIRA TAPS! Bushi wins!

Winner: Bushi, by submission (gains 2 points; Akira earns 0)

Los Ingobernables de Japon conquers the United Empire! Will LIJ be the ones rising up the ranks towards all titles in the Junior Heavyweight Division?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Dan Moloney VS Clark Connors!

The United Empire’s newest recruit faces Bullet Club’s newest recruit in a battle of beefy Junior Heavyweights! Will #DaDrilla prove he is THE “Abunai Gaijin?” Or will he be brought down by a strong shot from 100 Proof?

Connors and Dan both want to fight, so they meet at the ramp! Fans fire up as the brawl is on! Connors gets the edge, but then Dan hits back! Dan kicks and CHOPS Connors, then follows him along the way. They end up in the front row and Dan ROCKS Connors into taking a seat on a fan’s lap! Dan then drags Connors up to SMACK him off the apron! Young Lions clean up the mess, but then Connors throws a chair! And then he runs Dan all the way to the back all and RAMS him into it! Connors shouts and barks at fans, drags Dan up and they go right into the crowd! Dan turns things around to sit Connors down again!

Dan throws hands, CHOPS Connors, and then BOWLS him through chairs! Fans are just barely getting out of the way as Dan drags Connors up to ROCK him and CHOP him! Gedo is upset, Young Lions do their best to stay with these two, and now Connors turns things around with haymakers! Connors brings Dan back to ringside and throws more hands! The ref reprimands but Connors tells him to shut up. Connors ROCKS Dan with a right, but Dan kicks Connors’ leg out! Connors staggers away but Dan chases after him. Dan makes Connors take another seat and he throws more haymakers!

Dan CHOPS Connors and Connors falls over through the chairs! The Young Lions are pushed aside as Dan drags Connors up and snapmares, to KICK him in the back! And KICK again! And CHOP him down! Fans fire up for the savagery, but Gedo is pissed. Until Connors throws a body shot, then SMACKS Dan off the bell! Gedo likes that, and Connors CHOPS Dan on the back! Dan writhes, Connors stomps him. Connors brings Dan up, grinds his face along the railing, and then goes to a back corner. Connors finds a metal bench! And he RAMS Dan down with it! Fans boo but wait, where’s Connors going now?

Connors gets another bench! But Dan CHUCKS the first one at him! Connors falls over and the ref says this has to get in the ring, this has just been a fight! Fans rally for “MO-LO-NEY! MO-LO-NEY!” as he brings Connors to the ring, but Connors POSTS him first! Connors yells right at the fans and then brings Dan up. Connors puts Dan in, fans applaud that this is finally in the ring, and the bell sounds! Then Connors TOSSES Dan out! Connors rains down fists and fans boo, but Connors drags Dan up. Connors snap suplexes Dan to the floor! Dan writhes, and Gedo says nothing’s wrong with this.

Connors aims, runs in, but Dan back drops Connors away! Fans fire up with Dan, and Dan high-fives TJP on commentary! The ring count starts, Dan goes back to Connors, and Dan stomps Connors around. Dan puts Connors in, fans cheer, and Dan slowly returns to the ring. Connors crawls to a corner, Dan tells Gedo to STFU, and then he CHOPS away on Connors! Connors shoves Dan away, but Dan CHOPS him again! And again! And again! Dan brings Connors around, whips and DROPKICKS! Fans fire up for that and Dan throws up the crown. Dan drags Connors up, Connors fights, but Dan still hits the FISHERMAN DRIVER! Cover, TWO!!

Connors survives and Gedo is freaking out, but Dan again tells him to STFU! Dan drags Connors back up, and fans chant for “ABUNAI GAIJIN!” Dan likes that, but Connors fights the lift. Connors wrenches out but Dan CHOPS him! Dan whips, Connors reverses and then Connors runs in at the corner, but into a SUPERKICK! Dan runs in, but into a POWERSLAM! Both men are down and Gedo fires up! Gedo wants Connors to finish this, and Connors aims from a corner. Fans rally, Dan rises, and Connors SPEARS him! That was almost a Gore in itself! Connors tells Dan to get back up, he wants another!

Dan rises, staggers, into another SPEAR! Connors roars, but he’s not done! Connors drags Dan up, but Dan is deadweight! Connors says F that, and he gets Dan up! But Dan wrenches out to choke grip, and he shoves Connors to ropes! They both tumble up and out! Fans fire up while both men hit the floor! The ring count begins, Connors and Dan head for each other! Connors throws forearm after forearm and then rips at Dan’s shoulder tape! The count is past 10 as Connors brings Dan up. Connors whips, but Dan reverses! Connors hits POST! Then Dan hits the GORE!! Fans are thunderous, Dan gets in at 18!

Connors is still down, he is out! DAN WINS!

Winner: Dan Moloney, by count-out (gains 2 points; Connors earns 0)

The Gore proves superior to the Spear, and #DaDrilla is the more dangerous foreigner! Did Bullet Club back the wrong savage? Though, judging from Connors’ tantrum, ripping up railing and tossing chairs, he’s still very dangerous.


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Master Wato VS Kevin Knight!

The Way of the Grandmaster is so close to the semifinals, but he must not falter now! Will Wato win his way into the semifinals? Or will The Jet change Wato’s flight plans in the end?

Knight copies Wato’s pose but Wato shrugs that off. Then a female fan lets out quite the yell, but for who? The bell rings and the fans rally up already. Knight and Wato circle, tie up, and Wato headlocks. Knight powers out but Wato runs him over! Fans cheer and Wato keeps moving. Knight drops then hurdles, Wato leaps then bypasses. Wato hurdles and Knight leaps! Wato arm-drags Knight but Knight jukes to arm-drag Wato back! Knight trips Wato to a cover, ONE! Wato sweeps to a cover, ONE! The dropkicks cancel out and both men kip up. Fans fire up as the two get face to face. Knight mocks Wato’s pose, then pushes him back.

Wato eggs Knight on, and Knight throws a forearm! Wato throws it back, Knight throws another, and fans rally as they go back and forth. Knight gets the edge, whips, but Wato holds ropes to stop. Wato BOOTS back, runs, but Knight avoids the bulldog. Knight runs in to springboard and FLYING ARM-DRAG! Wato bails out but Knight PLANCHAS! Knight flexes and shouts “TSUYOI! <I’m strong!>” Fans fire up and Knight brings Wato up. Knight also says he’s cool and handsome. The ring count is 8 of 20 as Knight gets Wato up, and Knight puts him in at 10. Fans cheer and Knight stomps Wato around.

Wato goes to ropes, Knight whips him, to tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Wato stays in this. Knight eggs Wato on, brings him around, and CLUBS him in the back. Knight CLUBS Wato again! Wato goes to a corner, Knight brings him up but Wato throws body shots. Knight knees low, whips corner to corner, but runs into a boot! Wato runs to BULLDOG! Fans fire up and Wato brings Knight up, but Knight swings. Wato gets around, ZIGZAG! Fans fire up again while both men are down. Wato and Knight sit up, the fans rally, and Wato aims. Wato runs in to rally with elbows and a BOOT!

Wato whips Knight to ropes, and he CALF KICKS Knight down! Fans fire up while Knight bails out. Wato builds speed to FLY! Direct hit and down goes Knight! Fans fire up with Wato and the ring count starts. Wato goes back to Knight and says “Iku zo, minai-san! <Let’s go, everyone!>” Wato puts Knight in, springboards in, but is a little short so he has to double hop to UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Wato stomps Knight, CLUBS him down, and drags Knight up. Knight fights the German Suplex, switches and shoves, but Wato avoids the dropkick! Wato rolls Knight into VENDAVAL! Knight endures and fans rally up!

Wato pulls Knight back, Knight keeps fighting and kicking around, and he gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer and Wato lets go quickly. Wato fires up, the fans rally with him, and he brings Knight in. Knight fights the German Suplex again and arm-drags free! Wato ends up in a corner, Knight runs in but into a BOOT! Wato runs, but into a DROPKICK! Fans fire up while both men are down again! Knight and Wato stir, and Knight goes to a corner. Knight aims, Wato rises, and Knight runs in, to STINGER SPLASH! Snapmare and SLIDING SHOULDER! Fans fire up and Knight SPINNING SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally while Knight is surprised. Wato stirs, Knight pounds the mat, and he brings Wato back up. Knight pops Wato up but Wato fights the Sky High! Wato CLUBS Knight, goes to a corner, and BOOTS him away! But Knight comes back with a clothesline! Knight puts Wato up, “It’s time!” UPPER ROOM! Fans fire up and Knight crawls to the cover, TWO! Wato is still in this and Knight is beside himself. Knight goes to a corner, he tunes up the band, and fans rally. Wato rises, he dodges the superkick to roll Knight up, TWO! Knight SUPERKICKS after all! And on the rebound, SKY HIGH! Cover, TWO!!

Wato survives again and Knight can’t believe it! Fans fire up, Knight goes back to a corner, and he wants Wato to rise! Wato sits up in a daze, staggers to his feet, SPIKE- NO, Wato stops the DDT to ROUNDHOUSE! And SCREW HIGH- NO, Knight swats the kick! Knight springboards to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!! Wato escapes and Knight is shocked! Fans fire up but Knight resets in the corner. Wato rises again, Knight runs in, SPIKE- NO, Wato pops him around to TSUTENKAKU!! Bridging cover, Wato wins!!

Winner: Master Wato, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Knight earns 0)

The Way of the Grandmaster still has a way to the semifinals! But it is still not an easy way. Can Yoshinobu Kanemaru come through for him with Yoh? Or will Wato still end up on the outside looking in?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: YOH VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru!

Mr. Direct Drive finds himself in a “win and you’re in” situation, but surely the Heel Master will look to be a spoiler. Will Yoh #StunTheWorld by making it to the semifinals? Or will Kanemaru come through for Master Wato?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. The two feel things out, tie up collar ‘n’ elbow, and Kanemaru powers Yoh back to ropes. The ref counts, Kanemaru lets off but Yoh avoids the cheap shots! Yoh kicks low, whips, and avoids the dropkick to the leg! Yoh brings Kanemaru up, Kanemaru rakes the eyes, and Kanemaru runs, but Yoh cartwheels to dodge! Yoh dropkicks Kanemaru’s leg out, and fans fire up as he kips up. Yoh stomps Kanemaru’s leg, drags him up, and wrenches to kick the leg again. Yoh whips, Kanemaru holds ropes and he BOOTS back! But things speed up as Yoh drops, bypasses and drop toeholds.

Yoh runs but Kanemaru avoid the basement dropkick to SMASH the knee! Fans fire up, Kanemaru runs in and he dropkicks the leg! Fans rally while Yoh clutches the knee. Kanemaru drags Yoh up, throws him out, and then goes out after him. Kanemaru brings Yoh around and grabs the leg, for a SHIN BREAKER! And then Kanemaru swings the leg into the POST! The ref checks Yoh as he clutches his leg. Yoh is somehow okay to continue to a ring count starts. The count reaches 10 of 20 and Yoh is still down. Yoh crawls his way over to the ring, slides in at 15, but Kanemaru is on him with a whip, and a dropkick to the leg!

Yoh writhes and flails but Kanemaru is after that leg. Kanemaru steps over and YANKS it! And he does it again! Yoh writhes, Kanemaru drags him to a corner and then the apron! The ref reprimands but Kanemaru SLAMS the leg into the post! And then Kanemaru BOOTS the leg against the post! The ref reprimands, but Kanemaru gets the leg again, to SLAM it back into the post! Fans rally while Kanemaru slides back into the ring. Yoh crawls free of the corner, but Kanemaru stomps the bad leg! The ref counts as they’re in the ropes, and Kanemaru lets go at 4. Kanemaru drags Yoh out to drop an elbow on the knee!

Kanemaru traps the leg in a toehold, but Yoh fights back with a chinlock. Kanemaru digs his knuckles into the knee and that gets Yoh to stop. Kanemaru pulls back on the leg, but Yoh endures. Fans rally, Yoh crawls back and reaches out, to the ROPEBREAK! Kanemaru lets go but kneels on the knee to keep on the pressure. Yoh sits up and grits his teeth, but Kanemaru stomps the leg! Yoh eggs Kanemaru on but Kanemaru just stomps the leg! Yoh stands and still eggs Kanemaru on, but Kanemaru kicks the leg out! Kanemaru whips Yoh to ropes but Yoh falls! The ref checks Yoh and fans rally up for him, but Kanemaru takes aim.

Yoh rises, Kanemaru rushes over and has the leg! But Yoh fights him off with elbows! Kanemaru kicks the leg, brings Yoh up, but Yoh sunset flips through! TWO! Kanemaru kicks the bad leg! Kanemaru whips, Yoh reverses and DROPKICKS! A bit double-edged but it sends Kanemaru out! Fans rally, Yoh goes to the ropes and he fires up to PLANCHA! Direct hit and Yoh roars! Fans fire up with him but he has to sit back down from the pain in his knee. The ring count starts, and it reaches 10 of 20 as Yoh crawls. Yoh stands at 13, hobbles after Kanemaru, and he pushes Kanemaru in at 16.

Yoh hobbles, brings Kanemaru up to scoop and SLAM, then Yoh goes up to TWISTING VADER! Cover, TWO! Yoh keeps cool as fans rally again. Yoh brings Kanemaru up but Kanemaru rakes eyes! Kanemaru runs, tilt-o-whirls, but Yoh slips through to FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Kanemaru survives and the fans fire up. Kanemaru goes to a corner, Yoh runs in and ELBOWS! Yoh hoists Kanemaru up top, climbs up after him, but Kanemaru slips under! Kanemaru dropkicks the bad leg! And then Kanemaru brings Yoh off the corner, SUPER SHIN BREAKER!! Kanemaru SLAMS the leg off the mat for good measure!

Yoh manages to stand but Kanemaru dropkicks the leg out! Kanemaru steps through, but Yoh cradles him! TWO!! Yoh brings Kanemaru up, FALCON GOROSHI!! But that was double-edged given it impacts his bad leg! Fans rally while both men are down, and Yoh drags himself up with the ropes. Yoh fires up and he tunes up the band. Kanemaru rises, Yoh aims, but Kanemaru uses the ref as a shield! ENZIGURI! But Yoh comes back with a LARIAT! Both men are down again and fans rally back up. Yoh crawls over to Kanemaru, brings him up, has the full nelson, but Kanemaru fights it! And mule kicks the bad leg!

Kanemaru trips Yoh and steps through, FIGURE FOUR!! Yoh endures as Kanemaru thrashes around! Yoh shakes his head, reaches out for ropes, flails and claws at the mat, but Kanemaru is keeping him stuck at center! Yoh fights to drag Kanemaru along, but Kanemaru puts on more pressure! Kanemaru thrashes around and around, Yoh claws at his hair, but he shakes his head! Yoh fights, flails, swims his way there, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans fire up while Kanemaru lets go of the hold. Kanemaru drags Yoh up, brings him around, scoop and SLAM into a drop zone! Kanemaru goes up, for the MOONSAULT but FLOPS as Yoh moves!

Yoh goes to the corner while fans are thunderous. Yoh aims, and SUPERKICKS!! And then full nelsons, to DRAGON SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!!! Kanemaru escapes at the last possible moment! But Yoh pounds the mat and the fans rally behind him! Yoh slashes his throat and vows to end this! Yoh underhooks, but Kanemaru fights the lift! Kanemaru shoves, SAMSON CLUTCH! TWO!! CROSS LEG CLUTCH!! KANEMARU WINS!!!

Winner: Yoshinobu Kanemaru, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Yoh earns 0)

The Heel Master DOES come through for Wato! At 6-3, and with losses to The Rogue Luchador AND Sniper, Yoh is ELIMINATED!! Will he just have to try harder next time?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: El Desperado VS Robbie Eagles w/ Kosei Fujita!

With Yoh’s loss the way is open so that whoever wins here moves on! Will the Rogue Luchador join his sorta-rival in the semifinals? Or will the Sniper prove that The Mighty Don’t Kneel?

The bell rings and fans rally up already. Desperado offers a handshake and Eagles considers it. Eagles accepts it, and the fans cheer the sportsmanship. The two circle, tie up, and Eagles wrenches an arm. Desperado slips through to wrench and hammerlock, then he spins Eagles to a headlock. Desperado then wrenches an arm, but Eagles rolls, handsprings and wrenches back to also hammerlock. Desperado reaches back, then drops and rolls to wrench again. Desperado wrenches again, and has the wristlock. Eagles drop toeholds Desperado and floats to a facelock, but Desperado slips out to hammerlock the arm.

Desperado SNAP LOCKS the arm, but Eagles moves around. Eagles fights up, gets around to waistlock, and ripcords Desperado to a wrench. Desperado trips Eagles, runs, but Eagles drops to then hurdle and hip toss, but Desperado makes that a takedown into the STRETCH MUFFLER! Eagles scrambles away and gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer and Desperado lets off quickly. Desperado again offers a hand and Eagles takes it. Desperado helps Eagles up and the two reset. They circle, fans rally and seem pretty even between both men. Eagles encourages them to get louder and the fans oblige.

Eagles and Desperado circle and tie up. Eagles trips Desperado but Desperado kicks him away. Eagles comes back and goes up and around on the ropes to wheelbarrow, victory roll, and steps through, but Desperado kicks him away. Eagles aims his finger gun and fans cheer. Eagles offers Desperado a hand, but then the fans start up “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” and Eagles revels in it. “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” “ROBBIE!” “OI!” “ROBBIE!” “OI!” “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” Eagles aims his finger guns at Desperado and fans cheer. Even Desperado applauds, and he accepts Eagles’ hand.

Eagles helps Desperado up, and KICKS him in the leg! Desperado is annoyed and Eagles eggs him on. Desperado CHOPS Eagles, and Eagles smirks. Eagles CHOPS Desperado in return! Fans cheer, Desperado nods, and he CHOPS back! The CHOPS go back and forth, then Desperado headlocks. Eagles powers out but Desperado runs him over! Things keep moving, but Desperado gets Eagles’ legs to YANK it! And then he drops a leg on the leg, and ties Eagles up in the Indian Deathlock! Fans cheer and Desperado taunts Eagles by drumming his legs and saying “Robbie Robbie Robbie!” Eagles tells him to shut up.

Eagles sits up to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! But Desperado “falls” and puts on the pressure! Eagles reaches out, scrambles, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Desperado says he needs help and Eagles shouts for Red Shoes to do his job! Red Shoes undoes the deathlock and then Desperado says “oops” and he kneels on the leg. Desperado gets up, then he stomps the leg! Fans rally, Desperado drags Eagles up and suplexes, but Eagles slips out, to SNAP SAIDO! Fans fire up and Desperado bails out. Fans rally, Eagles thinks about his options, and decides to go out instead of run anywhere. Eagles brings Desperado up, and makes him take a seat!

Fans are used to this from Connors VS Moloney as Eagles CHOPS Desperado! Eagles grabs the leg to KICK it! Desperado walks it off to the back but Eagles pursues. Eagles ROCKS Desperado with a forearm, Young Lions keep this separate from the fans, and Eagles digs his knee into Desperado’s knee. Eagles stomps the leg, brings Desperado back to the ring and POSTS him! Eagles roars and fans fire up while Desperado writhes. The ring count starts, Eagles takes a moment for his own leg, and then he slides in at 7 of 20. Desperado rises at 10, slides in at 11, and Eagles grabs his leg for a spinning toehold!

Eagles then turns Desperado over, ties up the legs, and has an Indian Deathlock of his own! Desperado flails, crawls, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Eagles lets off fast but then drags Desperado back for another deathlock! Eagles gets the fans going on another “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” and Eagles punctuates the “OI OI OI!” with smashing the knees into the mat! “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” SMASH SMASH SMASH! “ROBBIE!” SMASH! “ROBBIE!” SMASH! “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” SMASH SMASH SMASH! Eagles grins and fans applaud. Eagles takes a bow then steps off of Desperado’s legs.

Eagles stomps the legs, but Desperado throws body shots. Eagles stomps the leg again, and he stalks Desperado to a corner. Eagles gives toying kicks, taunts Desperado, and CHOPS him! Desperado frowns, turns things around and CHOPS! Eagles turns things around and CHOPS the leg! Desperado sits down and fans rally up. Eagles stands Desperado up to wrench, but Desperado blocks the whip. Eagles KICKS the leg, whips corner to corner, but Desperado reverses. Eagles bounces off buckles, into a BIG back suplex! Fans fire up while both men are down, while Desperado shakes out his leg.

Desperado stands, he brings Eagles up, and he suplexes high and hard! Fans cheer, Desperado crawls to a stack pin, TWO! STRETCH MUFFLER! Eagles scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Desperado lets go slowly, and SPLASHES the bad leg! Eagles writhes but fans rally up. Desperado stomps to get his bad leg working, and he drags Eagles up. Desperado again mocks the “Robbie Robbie Robbie,” but Eagles throws body shots. Desperado isn’t bothered and he eggs Eagles on. Eagles chops but Desperado CLUBS him! Desperado gets the leg, Eagles fights with elbows, but Desperado kicks the bad leg!

Desperado whips, Eagles reverses, but Desperado holds ropes to stop himself. Eagles runs in, but into an ELBOW! Eagles comes back again with a LOW 619! Fans fire up while Desperado flounders. Eagles springboards, Desperado slides out, but Eagles just faked him out! Eagles FLYING CHOP BLOCKS!! Fans fire up while Desperado crashes down! Eagles puts Desperado in, springboards, and he MISSILE DROPKICKS the leg! Step through, EAGLE LOCK!! Desperado endures the Ron Miller Special and crawls right to the ROPEBREAK! Eagles lets go and he hobbles up. Fans rally and Eagles vows to end this!

Eagles drags Desperado up, reels him in, but Desperado throws shots into the back! Eagles kicks Desperado’s leg, but Desperado CHOPS! Desperado kicks, Eagles blocks, but Desperado fights the backpack! Desperado shoves Eagles to ROCK him against the ropes! Desperado runs, but into a BOOT! Eagles roars, runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO! And back to the STRETCH MUFFLER!! Eagles endures, Desperado gets the arm! NUMERO DOS!! Eagles flails with his one free arm, but Desperado drags him away! Eagles sits up and shifts, DESTROYER!! Desperado flops to a corner and Eagles goes to the far side.

Desperado sits down, and Eagles METEORAS! Fans fire up but that was double-edged given the bad knee! Eagles crawls to the cover, TWO! Desperado is still in this, and Eagles brings his kneepad down to relieve some pressure. Eagles hobbles his way to the corner and climbs up. Desperado crawls away out of Eagles’ range, so Eagles hops down. Eagles hobbles over, pushes and kicks Desperado around, and then eggs him on. Eagles taunts “Despy,” then SLAPS him! Desperado chops, but there’s not much to it. Desperado throws more chops but they’re not strong. Eagles ROCKS Desperado with a right!

Desperado comes back to ROCK Eagles! Eagles ROCKS Desperado! Fans duel as Desperado throws another forearm, and Eagles CHOPS! Desperado CHOPS! Eagles CHOPS, Desperado ROCKS, but Eagles kicks the bad leg! Desperado dropkicks Eagles’ bad leg! Desperado fires up, SHIN BREAKER, and then another- NO, sunset flip! Step through, EAGLE LOCK!!! Fans are thunderous as Desperado flails, reaches out, but then Eagles drags him back! Desperado grips at his own mask as he fights the pain! Desperado reaches, claws, but Eagles puts on the pressure! Desperado still reaches out for the ROPEBREAK!

Eagles lets go in frustration and grits his teeth. His own legs are hurting but he hobbles back up. Eagles eggs Desperado on, KICKS at the leg, and again! Desperado falls over but Eagles still has to sit down from his own leg pain. Eagles hobbles back up, to KICK Desperado in the chest! And again! And again! Desperado eggs Eagles on so Eagles runs, into a DRAGON SCREW!? Desperado turns things around on Eagles, and has the STRETCH MUFFLER! Eagles rolls to a cradle, TWO!! Eagles shots in, SCHOOLBOY BRIDGE! TWO!! Desperado smacks his leg into working, runs at Eagles, but Eagles hooks the arms! The two fight for backslide control!

Desperado spins Eagles, kicks the leg, and gut wrenches for GUITARRA DEL ANGEL! Cover, TWO!! Eagles survives and fans are fired up again! Desperado hits his leg into working, and Desperado roars! Desperado brings Eagles up, underhooks, PINCHE- NO, Eagles RANAS, but Desperado blocks that! STRETCH MUFFLER, but Eagles rolls him into the- NO, Desperado fights the step over to get the leg! Eagles CLUBS away on Desperado’s back, but Desperado still has the STRETCH MUFFLER! Eagles scrambles around, but Desperado thrashes and bends him! And gets the arm for NUMERO DOS!!

Eagles endures, reaches, sits up again, shifts again, but Desperado blocks the Destroyer! Desperado tucks Eagles in from there, CRUNCHY!!! Cover, TWO!?!? Eagles survives and fans are thunderous again! Desperado roars and he grabs a leg again. Eagles kicks with the free leg, but Desperado says not good enough! Eagles kicks and kicks and kicks, but Desperado says it’s still not enough! Eagles kicks more and more and more! Desperado shouts, “C’MON!!” and Eagles shouts, “F YOU!!” Desperado GROUND DRAGON SCREWS!! And then STRETCH MUFFLER!! Eagles endures but Desperado gets the arms! NUMERO DOS PLUS!!!

Eagles endures, shakes his head, but Desperado drags him from ropes and bends him back! Eagles verbally quits, Desperado wins!!!

Winner: El Desperado, by submission (gains 2 points; Eagles earns 0)

The Sniper couldn’t shoot down the Rogue Luchador! The official announcement is made but everyone knows, Eagles is ELIMINATED!! Will Eagles just have to reload and try again next year? And again, everyone already knows but the announcement is made that Desperado is moving on! In fact, he’s the number one seed, having beat Wato earlier in the tournament! Eagles tells him Desperado better not lose now, and fist bumps him before taking his leave. Desperado shows further respect by starting up the “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” one more time.

Desperado then gets an icepack, and a mic. Fans cheer, and he says, “Thank you. But that match, man, I… Ahhh we’re live right? Ah, okay. I can’t say what I want to. But anyway! Me and Robbie, you guys watching to the end, what did you think?” The fans cheer because they loved it! “Thanks Robbie, it wouldn’t be this without you. So… I’ve been in this position with a mic a few times now. But you might not know I’ve never won BOSJ. Now that I’ve come this far, I have to win this thing, right?” Fans like the sound of that! Desperado vows to close this year and be THE Best of the Super Juniors! Will the Rogue Luchador finally have the trophy he’s always wanted?


Here are the FINAL B Block standings!

El Desperado: 7-2, 14 points [SEMIFINALIST]
Master Wato: 7-2, 14 points [SEMIFINALIST]
YOH: 6-3, 12 points [ELIMINATED]
Robbie Eagles: 5-4, 10 points [ELIMINATED]
Francesco Akira: 4-5, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
Dan Moloney: 4-5, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
Clark Connors: 4-5, 8 points [ELIMINATED]
Kevin Knight: 3-6, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 3-6, 6 points [ELIMINATED]
BUSHI: 2-6, 4 points [ELIMINATED]

My Thoughts:

An awesome finish for the round robin in B Block, with a touch of surprise. For one, I didn’t think Bushi would beat Akira, but that is great for LIJ to have another win on top of Titan going to the semifinals. And I really liked just how much Moloney and Connors brawled around the arena before officially starting the match. We definitely need more Moloney VS Connors, perhaps through a United Empire VS Bullet Club story. And great interplay of the top four in these playoff situations. Wato winning and Yoh losing was a bit of a surprise, I really thought Yoh was gonna have a part to play in the semifinals. Instead, the nod goes to Wato, who has been pretty solid his whole run.

Then the main event was awesome stuff, a pure “win and you’re in” scenario after the other matches sort out. I figured Desperado was winning, he obviously had the better record going in but also has just felt stronger, even with that early loss to Kanemaru. Desperado is the top seed in B Block, I believe that puts him against Titan, which means Wato faces Mike Bailey. Interesting how those match-ups are of similar wrestlers, Wato and Bailey being martial artists with Desperado and Titan being luchadors. I said yesterday that Titan’s chances would depend on who he’s facing, and now I sadly feel like the semifinals is as far as he get. But Wato VS Bailey and Desperado VS Titan are going to be awesome matches all the same to add to an already big wrestling weekend.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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