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Mitchell’s Hyrule Puro-Resu Results & Report! (10/31/23)

Will a Desert Flower bloom in the shadows?



The Legend of Zelda: The Ring of Destiny, Chapter 48

Aveil is the first Gerudo to have a shot at the HPW Triforce Championship, will she also be the first to hold it? Or will the Hero’s Shadow still reign?


  • HPW Trios Championships Hardcore Match: The UnderWorld Order VS Los Taros Locos; The UWO wins and retains the titles.
  • Million Rupee Championship Wrestling Roulette Match: Hollywood ReDead w/ Ted Beedle Ossi VS Donny B. Kool; ReDead wins and retains the title.
  • HPW Termina Championship: Ganon VS Hinox; Ganon wins and retains the title.
  • HPW Goddess & Death Mountain Championships, Winner Takes All: Midna VS Veran; Midna wins and retains the titles.
  • HPW Triforce Championship: Kage VS Aveil; Kage wins and retains the title.
  • Hyrule Warriors Match: Link wins and will challenge for the Triforce Championship at HyruleMania 4.


HPW and HXS TV set the scene!

Once again, we return to Hyrule Coliseum for the epic battles that shape the future. And to inspire the wrestlers of the future, the men and women of HPW are going to put it all on the line here and now! Another field of THIRTY-THREE will battle until there is only one standing as this year’s Hyrule Warrior! But who will they be facing at HyruleMania 4? The Hero’s Shadow has looked nigh unstoppable in his 484 DAYS as Triforce Champion, but a Desert Flower is looking to once again bloom with gold. Will Aveil be the first female to hold this most prestigious title? Or will Kage continue to cast his shadow over Hyrule?

Meanwhile, the Twilight Princess continues to wear two crowns as she reigns over both the Death Mountain Championship’s Open Division and the Goddess Championship’s Women’s Division. However, she is still chasing the legendary status of the Sorceress of Shadows. Midna is putting up BOTH her titles against Veran in ONE match, will she stand tall? Or is this where she rolls the dice and loses it all? And speaking of risking it all, the entire UnderWorld Order is in action tonight, putting up all of their belts! Scaldera, Gomess & Death Sword cheated Los Taros Locos the first time, will they get lose fair and square this time? HPW Clash of Fates 2023 starts now!


HPW Trios Championships Hardcore Match: The UnderWorld Order VS Los Taros Locos!

The UWO might as well change their name from UnderWorld to underhanded with how they kept these belts at Treasure Island. But King Nicolas Foolyere wasn’t going to let that go without consequences, so now the stakes are raised! Will Rojo, Blanco y Azul get the gold? Or will there be more tricks up the proverbial sleeves of the UWO?

It’s of note that Ted Beedle Ossi isn’t with Scaldera, Gomess & Death Sword, perhaps staying back to help Hollywood ReDead prepare for his title defense. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who is more hardcore!

HyruleProWrestling TriosChampionships2 UWO2 by Cartridge88

The bell rings and the brawl is on! Rojo with Gomess, Azul with Death Sword, and Blanco with Scaldera! Fans fire up, Gomess and Death Sword throw Rojo and Azul out, but Blanco blocks a punch to CHOP! Blanco knuckle locks with Scaldera, then goes up and up and he FLYING ARM-DRAGS Scaldera away! Death Sword whips Azul hard into railing, and Gomess SMACKS Rojo off the apron. Gomess and Death Sword then focus on Blanco in the ring. Blanco eggs them on, but Scaldera RAMS Blanco into a corner! The fans boo as Scaldera RAMS into Blanco again and again! Death Sword and Gomess storm over and they all stomp Blanco down.

Scaldera roars while fans boo, and then Death Sword & Gomess drag Blanco up. They double whip Blanco corner to corner, then they double whip Scaldera in to SPLASH! Scaldera then feeds Blanco to a double shoulder tackle from Death Sword & Gomess! Fans boo but the UWO soak up the heat. Gomess has a cocky cover on Blanco, ONE! And then Rojo slides in with a chair! He SMACKS Death Sword in the back! And JAMS Gomess, before he SMACKS Gomess on the back! Scaldera runs up but Rojo JAMS him, too! Rojo SMACKS Scaldera on the back and fans fire up! Azul hobbles while he looks under the ring, and brings out another chair!

And then Azul brings out another chair, and another chair, and another chair! Rojo puts those chairs together in a pile with the one he brought in, then he stomps Scaldera. Rojo and Azul drag Scaldera up, but Scaldera fights the double suplex! Scaldera then picks Rojo & Azul up to DOUBLE BACK DROP! Scaldera roars again, but Blanco is back with a ROLLING ELBOW! Scaldera wobbles, but then he roars at Blanco! Blanco roars back and kicks low, to then scoop Scaldera and SLAM him onto the chair pile! Scaldera writhes his way out of the ring, and Taros Locos stomp Gomess and Death Sword.

Los Taros Locos toss Gomess out and they mug Death Sword. Azul & Rojo double whip Death Sword to a corner, then Blanco & Rojo double whip Azul in. Death Sword BOOTS Azul down! Rojo runs in but Death Sword puts Rojo on the apron and HOTSHOTS him! Scaldera is there to YANK Rojo off the apron and to the floor! Blanco runs in, ducks the lariat from Death Sword and WRECKS Scaldera with a dropkick! Death Sword storms over to the ropes but Blanco GAMANGIRIS! Death Sword staggers away and Blanco grabs one of the chairs from the pile. Blanco sits it up and makes Death Sword take a seat.

Blanco throws hands on Death Sword and fans fire up! Blanco tells Death Sword off in Español and then runs, but Death Sword stands up to choke grip him! Death Sword lifts Blanco but Blanco kicks free! Blanco runs up but Death Sword scoops, SIDEWALK SLAM onto the chair! Fans lose their minds while Blanco writhes! Death Sword pushes him into a cover, but Azul breaks it! Fans fire up as Azul CLUBS away on Death Sword. Gomess is back and he SMACKS Azul with a trash can lid! Rojo runs in, Gomess sidesteps to then SMASH Rojo with the lid like it was a shield! Fans boo while Gomess drags Rojo to a cover, TWO!!

Scaldera storms back in, he brought the trash can, and it’s full of goodies! Scaldera dumps the can out, and there’s kendo sticks, a baseball bat, a steel chain, and… a tambourine? Scaldera picks up the tambourine and fans start chanting for it. “TAM-BOU-RINE! TAM-BOU-RINE!” Scaldera shakes the tambourine and fans cheer more. Scaldera looks around at the crowd and he shakes it a bit more, and the fans fire up more. But then Scaldera throws the tambourine down and flips everyone off! Fans boo but Scaldera picks the trash can back up. Scaldera puts the can over Rojo, then he and Gomess each grab a kendo stick!

Scaldera SMACKS the can! Then Gomess SMACKS the can! Scaldera SMACKS the can, Gomess SMACKS the can, repeat! Fans boo while Rojo suffers! But then Azul gets up, with the tambourine! Azul shakes the tambourine, the fans fire up, but both Scaldera and Gomess turn around slowly to glare at Azul. Azul shakes the tambourine more, he’s like a rattlesnake. Azul swings, but Scaldera SMACKS him with the kendo stick first! Gomess SMACKS Azul! Scaldera SMACKS Azul again! But then Azul dodges to SMACK Gomess with the tambourine! Fans fire up for “TAM-BOU-RINE! TAM-BOU-RINE!” as Azul body shots Scaldera with the tambourine!

Azul roars and the fans fire up again, but Death Sword CHUCKS a chair into Azul’s face! Azul falls and fans boo but Death Sword storms over. Death Sword drags Azul by his legs, and then turns him over for a SAND CRAB! The fans boo as Death Sword sits deep on the hold! Gomess grabs the tambourine! “You think this is a joke? You think this is a game?!” Gomess digs the tambourine’s tiny metal cymbals into Azul’s forehead! Fun fact: those are called “zills.” Azul endures as the zills dig into his eyebrow, too! But then Blanco is up and has a kendo stick! Blanco SMACKS Death Sword right in the head!

Death Sword lets go of Azul’s legs, Scaldera rushes Blanco but Blanco SMACKS Scaldera! And again! And again! Scaldera tumbles out of the ring, Blanco SMACKS Death Sword again! Gomess fires forearms on Blanco but Rojo is free of the trash can! Rojo SMACKS Gomess on the back with it! Rojo puts the can down then helps Blanco bring Gomess around. They DOUBLE SUPLEX Gomess onto the trash can! Gomess writhes but Rojo pushes him to a cover, TWO!! Gomess still writhes but he keeps his team in this. Scaldera runs back in but Rojo & Blanco both dodge. They double mule kick then reel him in! DOUBLE SUPLEX onto the trash can!

Scaldera writhes now, the can even flatter than before! Death Sword BOOTS Rojo! Blanco kicks Death Sword, reels him in, but Death Sword throws body shots. Death Sword knees low, whips Blanco to a corner, then runs in, but Blanco BOOTS back while going up and out! Blanco springboards back in but Death Sword gets under! Blanco blocks Death Sword’s boot! And KICKS the leg! Death Sword hobbles, and Blanco HEADBUTTS him! Blanco reels Death Sword in for a fireman’s carry, GORON DRIVER! Cover, but Gomess SMACKS Blanco with the trash can lid! Gomess again keeps his team in the match!

Gomess SMACKS Blanco with the trash can lid while he’s down! Fans boo but Gomess tosses the lid aside, and finds the steel chain! Gomess wraps his fist with it, and he dares Blanco to get up! Fans boo, but then Rojo & Azul get back up! Azul shakes the tambourine and fans go wild. Gomess is furious and he turns around, “Are you s-” Rojo CLOBBERS Gomess with the baseball bat! Bat on bat!! But then Scaldera POUNCES Rojo into Azul! Azul falls out of the ring, then Scaldera drags Rojo up! Pump handle and BITTER END!! Cover, BLANCO BREAKS IT! “This is Awesome!” as Blanco saves the team!

Scaldera glares at Blanco and Blanco glares back while they’re both slowly standing back up. They both roar at the other and then fire off fists! The fans are electric as this match truly gets fast ‘n’ furious! They go around, Scaldera gets the edge with boxing elbows, then winds up, but Blanco SPITS in his face! Scaldera is getting even angrier now! Scaldera goes to bite Blanco’s face!! But Azul SMACKS Scaldera’s leg with a kendo stick! Scaldera falls back, and then Blanco DOUBLE STOMPS him! Blanco and Azul coordinate, and Azul runs the ropes, Blanco boosts Azul onto his shoulders, and they spin around while fans fire up! BOOSTED SPLASH! Cover, TWO!!

Fans chant “FIGHT FOREVER!” but this is just the beginning of the show! Rojo returns and Los Taros Locos regroup. They clear out the busted trash can and chairs, then Rojo and Azul go looking under the ring. They find a TABLE! Fans fire up again as the table is put in the ring. Blanco stomps Scaldera while Rojo & Azul set the table up in a corner. Blanco drags Scaldera over to that corner and Los Taros Locos sit Scaldera up against the table. Fans fire up as Blanco slaps his thighs and goes to the opposite corner. But Death Sword pops up from that end, and BLASTS Blanco with fire extinguisher fog!!

Blanco sputters, Rojo rushes over but he also gets blasted! Azul slides out the side, Death Sword keeps blasting, but the extinguisher is empty! Azul runs in, Death Sword swings the extinguisher itself! Azul dodges, and he drop toeholds Death Sword onto the extinguisher! But then Gomess runs Azul into a POST!! Azul goes tumbling from the impact! Gomess then gets back in the ring, grabs the chain again, and he LASHES Rojo with it! And again! And again! Rojo flounders, Scaldera is up, and he CYCLONE BOOTS Rojo down!! Gomess says, “Let’s try this again!” and he wraps his fist in the chain!

Blanco staggers around blindly, into the STEEL CHAIN FIST!! Fans boo as hard as they can but it doesn’t matter, Gomess drags Blanco up into the crucifix! SCYTHE’S EDGE through the table!!! Fans lose their minds and Gomess drags Blanco from the wreckage. Cover, the UWO wins!

Winners: The UnderWorld Order, by pinfall (still HPW Trios Championships)

Fans are upset, but there’s nothing they can really say because there was no such thing as cheating in this match! Will any team ever stop this reign of terror?

Oh, of course, Ted Beedle Ossi comes out to celebrate with his team. Beedle gets a mic and, though fans are still booing, he says, “Incredible stuff, huh? Give another round of applause to YOUR Hyrule Pro-Wrestling Trios Champions!” Fans chant “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” instead. Beedle shrugs that off and says, “Well, if you thought that was something, just you wait! We’re gonna keep this gravy train rolling with the main course! Ladies and gentlemen, YOUR Million! Rupee! Champiooon~! HollywoooOOOOD~, REEEEDEEEEAAAD~!” As if the fans weren’t loud before, they erupt with boos as ReDead makes his entrance!

Oh, and it seems Amy, Beth, Joelle & Meg Poe are still hanging around the UWO as they accompany ReDead, two on each side. ReDead is wearing a purple cape with white tassels and an off-white top hat with a purple band and feather. Why does this look so familiar? But since he’s on his way, that must mean ReDead’s having his match next!

HPW Million Rupee Championship Wrestling Roulette Match: Hollywood ReDead w/ Ted Beedle Ossi & The Poe Sisters VS Donny B. Kool!

Beedle applauds as ReDead & the Poe Sisters step into the ring. Then the OG, #OriginalGeru, makes his entrance. Beedle still has the mic to say, “And now, per the deal I made with Nicolas Foolyere, please bring out… The WRESTLING ROULETTE!” Everyone applauds as stage hands bring out said roulette wheel, though it’s a lot spookier than expected with the skull and crossbones pattern. That’s a lot of possibilities, too. Casket match? Buried Alive!? Barbed Wire?! There’s also a road case accompanying it, and they’re both wheeled down to ringside. Beedle then says, “Ladies, if you’d please.”

The Poes go out and stand by the wheel, and Joelle being the eldest sister, she grabs hold to spin! The wheel spins, fans cheering for the ones they want to see! Around and around it goes, and it finally stops on… a BULLROPE MATCH! The HPW ring crew hurries to bring a rope out of the road case and to the ring. ReDead and Donny are strapped in, the belt is raised, and we see if the UWO’s gamble pays off!

HyruleProWrestling MillionRupeeChampionship5 by Cartridge88

The bell rings and fans fire up while the two tug-o-war immediately! ReDead is bigger, he brings Donny in one step at a time. Donny digs his heels in, but then lets himself go forward to ROCK ReDead with a forearm! Donny throws hands, backs ReDead to a corner, then stomps a mudhole in! And he doesn’t have to let off because this is No Disqualifications! The Poe Sisters protest, though, but Donny ignores them to drag ReDead out of the corner, using the bull rope. Donny drags ReDead up, but ReDead claws Donny’s face! The ref reprimands but can’t do anything about it as ReDead puts Donny against ropes.

ReDead kicks Donny low, CLUBS him, CLUBS him again, then brings him around to bump him off a corner. ReDead steps up and over the top rope, then steps back in under the top rope, wrapping Donny’s arm around the rope. ReDead uses the bull rope to help pull Donny’s arm against the top rope! And Donny can’t reach ReDead, even as he kicks at him! ReDead laughs as he lets off and kicks Donny low again. ReDead throws hands on Donny, going high then going low to keep Donny guessing. Donny kicks back and fans fire up! Donny then pulls on the bull rope to YANK ReDead into the top rope!

ReDead sputters and fans fire up. Donny throws ReDead out of the ring, making sure he goes between top and middle rope. That helps free Donny’s arm, and he takes aim to PLANCHA! Direct hit on ReDead and the fans fire up! Donny stands and he fires up now! Fans chant “YA BETTER BELIEVE IT!” as Donny swaggers and smirks at the Poe Sisters. The Poes boo and give thumbs down, but then ReDead stands up. ReDead yanks the bull rope to turn Donny around and knees him low! ReDead then whips Donny into railing! Then ReDead uses the bull rope to reel Donny back in and whips him hard into more railing!

Fans boo while Donny slumps down but the Poes cheer. ReDead soaks up the heat from the fans, then storms up on Donny. ReDead grabs some slack of the bull rope and he LASHES Donny on the back! Donny writhes and fans boo but ReDead just high fives each of the Poe Sisters in turn. Then ReDead LASHES Donny with the rope again! Donny writhes, ReDead drags him up, and puts him in the ring. Then ReDead slides in, gathers up more slack, and he LASHES Donny again! The rope is starting to leave marks on Donny’s orange, newt-like skin! ReDead stomps Donny, then sits him up to tie up the arms.

ReDead has the bull rope arm trapping the free arm in a modified straitjacket stretch! Fans rally as Donny endures ReDead digging a foot into his shoulder blades and pulling on the bull rope! Is ReDead going to choke Donny out like this?! Donny falls over, but that helps relieve pressure! Donny is loose and he gets up to LARIAT! ReDead wobbles, so Donny LARIATS again! ReDead staggers back, Donny reels him in with the bull rope to LARIAT him down! Fans fire up as Donny LARIATS ReDead again! And again! Donny uses the bull rope to pull ReDead along, and he starts swinging him around! Donny sends ReDead into a corner hard!

Fans fire up as Donny storms up on ReDead and digs his boot in, or rather his bare foot in. Donny scrapes and scrubs ReDead’s face while the Poes protest. Donny goes running side to side, and he gives ReDead a BOOT WASH!  Rusl jokes that ReDead’s face could use some cleaning. Fans fire up, and Donny sits ReDead back up. Donny goes again, but ReDead holds onto the rope! Donny only gets halfway, and ReDead reels him in to CLOBBER him! Fans boo again but ReDead wraps the rope around Donny’s neck! ReDead CHOKES Donny with the rope! Fans boo more but the Poes cheer ReDead on as he drags Donny around!

Donny kicks and flails, ReDead drags him up, and he goes to throw him over the top rope! Donny fights, and he pushes off the ropes to knock ReDead over! Donny rolls back to a cover, TWO!! ReDead lets the rope go and Donny can breathe again! ReDead CLUBS Donny, but Donny trips ReDead! Donny steps through but ReDead boots him away! Donny pulls on the rope but so does ReDead and they tug-o-war. Donny again lets himself be pulled in, but ReDead ducks the kick! ReDead rolls Donny up, TWO! ReDead swings, Donny gets around him and uses the bull rope in the waistlock for a GERMAN SUPLEX!

Donny holds on and fans fire up as he brings ReDead around. Donny GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Donny brings ReDead up a third time, but the Poes get on the apron! The ref reprimands Joelle, Beth and Amy, but where’s Meg? She sneaks in from behind and she SMACKS Donny with a chair! Fans boo as Meg scurries away, but she leaves the chair in the ring. The ref looks around but doesn’t see Meg and then ReDead grabs the chair! ReDead SMACKS Donny! And SMACKS him again! And SMACKS him again! The ref reprimands but can’t do anything else about this, and then ReDead wedges the chair into a corner.

ReDead drags Donny up, whips him at the corner, but Donny holds onto the bull rope to stop himself! Donny has a lot of the slack! And he LASHES ReDead! And LASHES, and LASHES, and LASHES! Fans fire up, Donny whips, and he sends ReDead into the chair! Fans are thunderous as ReDead staggers and Donny Hebra Lifts! Donny spins and spins for a FACEBUSTER! AKA, You Spin Me Right Round! Cover, TWO!! ReDead survives and Donny is stunned but the Poes are relieved. Fans rally up for Donny as he hurries to the corner. Donny climbs up, but ReDead gathers up the slack! Donny can’t go higher than the second rope!

Donny hops down, stomps ReDead again and again, but ReDead LASHES Donny from below with the bull rope! Donny rains down fists from all sides, then goes back up the corner. Donny hits the FROG SPLASH!! Cover, but the Poe Sisters all drag Donny away!! Fans boo as hard as they can and the ref reprimands but the Poes hurry away. Donny is furious, but ReDead grabs hold of the rope to YANK Donny into the apron! ReDead then pushes Donny from the apron, just to YANK him back into the apron! ReDead drags Donny into the ring, scoops and SLAMS him, then runs! DEAD LEG!! Cover, ReDead wins!

Winner: Hollywood ReDead, by pinfall (still Million Rupee Champion)

The Poes return to celebrate with ReDead as he holds up the belt and stands over Donny. Another win from a stacked deck, will anyone ever stand a fair chance against the UWO?


Ganon is here!

Fans fire up to see the HPW Termina Champion, but uh… he doesn’t have a match scheduled for tonight. The Gerudo Ace heads to the ring, gets himself a mic, and he shouts, “GREAT PLATEAAAUU~! How the hell are ya?!” Fans cheer and Ganon grins. “Good to hear it. But I do have to ask… What in the hell is this company doing!? I know this isn’t Treasure Island, but c’mon! What happened during September that you forgot to include me on this show?” Some fans boo and some laugh, and Ganon says, “Seriously! I’m HPW’s one and only Triple Crown Champion! Triforce title, Trios titles, and now the Termina title! Triple T Ganon right here!”

Wait, here comes HPW General Manager and King of Hyrule, Nicolas Foolyere! Fans cheer and he thanks them. And he tells Ganon, “On behalf of HPW Management, I would like to apologize for leaving you off this event’s card. Except the problem was, we couldn’t reach you! You didn’t call us back, you didn’t read our texts, you didn’t respond to emails! Apparently, you were too busy partying after your big win in August.” Ganon looks confused. “Since when did anyone call or text me?” Ganon brings out his phone and checks. “Ohhhhh, right!” he says. “I got a new Sheikah Slate to commemorate the occasion.”

Ganon shows off the new Sheikah Slate 28 with gold trim. “Yeah, I didn’t recognize the numbers on the phone calls or texts, and like, emails? Pfft! Just DM me next time. Oh, well, those’re pretty full, too, actually.” Ganon laughs and winks at the camera. Foolyere says that’s not much of an excuse. “But it’s a little late to do anything about it now, you’re not even dressed to compete!” Ganon smirks and puts his mic and the belt down, so that OFF COME THE PANTS! He’s got his wrestling tights on underneath! “Oh, well, okay,” Foolyere says. “In that case… Whoever gets out here first gets their shot at the Termina Championship!”

Fans fire up and cameras watch backstage as a lot of male wrestlers rush from the locker room! The Dark Forces’ Volga races against Master Kohga, Garo Master, Doomknocker, Darkhammer, and even King Bulblin, but standing in their way at gorilla position is HINOX! They all look up at his one big eye and he asks if anyone minds if he takes this. They all shake their heads no and back off. But then Doomknocker CHOPS! Hinox doesn’t even flinch, then he HEADBUTTS Knocker down! Hinox storms out through the curtain, and we have our match!

HPW Termina Championship: Ganon VS Hinox

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Ganon gets past his biggest challenge yet!

HyruleProWrestling TerminaChampionship

The bell rings, and the fans are already going wild as these two stare down. Hinox and Ganon step up, and Ganon also has to look up at the cyclops. Ganon then stomps on Hinox’s foot! Hinox hobbles, Ganon fires off forearms to put him in a corner and fans fire up. The ref counts, Ganon lets off at 4, then he CLUBS Hinox! And CLUBS and CLUBS and CLUBS him again! Hinox shoves Ganon away, Ganon runs back up but ELBOWS him away! Ganon staggers, fans fire up, and Ganon runs in again to clothesline Hinox against the ropes! Hinox stumbles, Ganon CLUBS him again, and then stomps him into a corner.

The ref counts, Ganon lets off to soak up the cheers and jeers, then he goes to the far corner. Ganon calls his shot and runs corner to corner, and he hits the CANNONBALL! Ganon drags Hinox from the corner to cover, but that itself is a tall task. Cover, ONE!! Ganon is surprised as he watches Hinox sits up and shakes out the cobwebs. Ganon stomps Hinox, but Hinox just glares at Ganon. Ganon stomps again but Hinos stands up! Hinox grabs Ganon around the neck! Ganon CLUBS the arm to get free and he ELBOWS Hinox. Ganon spins but Hinox SWATS the discus! Hinox then HEADBUTTS Ganon! Ganon stumbles to ropes while fans fire up!

Hinox has Ganon up against the ropes and he hushes the crowd. Then he CHOPS Ganon! Fans “WOO~!” while Ganon sputters and coughs. Hinox puts Ganon in a corner, and he hushes the fan again. CHOP! Fans fire up as Ganon drops to his knees! Ganon coughs more while the fans chant “One More Time! One More Time!” Hinox nods and he stands Ganon up again, has the fans quiet down, but then Ganon gets up and under and DUMPS Hinox up and out of the ring! Fans fire up as Hinox staggers up to his feet and Ganon goes to the apron. Ganon aims and FLYING SHOULDER TACKLES Hinox down!

Fans fire up as Ganon stands back up. Ganon stalks Hinox as Hinox goes to the railing. Ganon ROCKS Hinox with a forearm, then CHOPS him! Hinox scowls then rushes Ganon! Hinox picks Ganon up and runs him all the way to the other side, to RAM him into railing! The front row goes wild as they almost get Ganon in their laps! Hinox brings Ganon around and puts him in the ring. Hinox hurries up to the apron and steps in, but Ganon gets a leg! DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! Hinox is stuck up on the top rope, but Ganon drags him back into the ring, underhooks, DEMISE DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Hinox survives and fans are thunderous!

Ganon snarls and he tells Hinox to get up. Hinox rises slowly, Ganon reels Hinox in, but Hinox is too big to lift! Hinox back drops Ganon away! Hinox staggers while fans fire up, and Ganon drags himself up with ropes. Ganon storms up and he ROCKS Hinox with a forearm! Hinox HEADBUTTS, Ganon stumbles back but stays up with the ropes. Ganon kicks low, throws forearm after forearm after forearm, but then Hinox throws a heavy body shot! Ganon coughs and sputters as he goes to a corner. Hinox storms up and he throws more body shots! The ref counts, Hinox lets off, but then adds a BIG back elbow!

Ganon sits down in the corner, shakes out the cobwebs, and the ref reprimands Hinox. Hinox “apologizes” as he backs off, and then he drags Ganon out of the corner. Hinox drops a BIG elbow, covers, TWO! Ganon coughs and sputters again but he’s still in this! Fans rally and duel as Hinox waits on Ganon to get up. Hinox powers up his right hand, Ganon turns around, but Ganon sees the fist in time and he drops right out of the ring! Fans are torn between cheers and jeers but Hinox frowns. He tells Ganon it was that close, but Ganon says to get off it. Ganon paces around outside while the ring count starts, and more fans start to boo.

Fans start singing “Ganon sucks, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, Ganon sucks, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, Ganon sucks, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, Ganon sucks!” Ganon tells them to shut up with that crap, but the ring count is 7 of 10! Ganon slides into the ring, but then he bails back out as Hinox storms up on him! The fans keep singing, “Ganon sucks, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, Ganon sucks, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, Ganon sucks, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, Ganon sucks!” Ganon kicks the railing and tells them to shut up but that just encourages the fans to keep going. Hinox then goes out after Ganon!

Hinox choke grips Ganon, but Ganon kicks low! Ganon throws forearms on Hinox, then RAMS him into the post! Ganon brings Hinox round the way to whip into steel steps! The steps are knocked over and fans fire up! The ring count is climbing again and Ganon slides back into the ring. Ganon lets the count climb while Hinox drags himself up with the railing. The count hits 7 of 10, Hinox hobbles over and rolls into the ring. Ganon runs up to KICK Hinox right in the face! Ganon then drags Hinox up and CHOKES him on the ropes! The ref reprimands and counts, Ganon lets off, then he KICKS the rope to jam Hinox up!

Fans are torn and the ref reprimands but Ganon ignores the ref and brings Hinox around. Ganon reels Hinox in, but Hinox is still too big to lift! Ganon CLUBS away on Hinox’s back, tries again, but Hinox back drops Ganon again! But Ganon uses that to sunset flip! Hinox stays up, then HIP DROPS! Ganon narrowly avoids getting crushed under Hinox!! Ganon breathes a sigh of relief, then hurries to run and- Hinox choke grips! To CHOKE SLAM! Cover, TWO!!! Ganon survives by nanoseconds and the fans are thunderous! Hinox is frustrated, and he powers up his fist again! Hinox shouts for Ganon to get up!

Ganon staggers up, Hinox shouts and swings, but Ganon dodges! Ganon runs, rebounds and KICK OF CALAMITY!! Cover, Ganon wins!!

Winner: Ganon, by pinfall (still HPW Termina Champion)

A sudden turnaround at the end, and the Gerudo Ace is still on top! Wait, wait, why’d the lights go out!? The lights turn back on, and IGOS DU IKANA is in the ring!! Ganon turns around, ELEGY OF EMPTINESS!!! Fans go nuts as Igos stands over a sputtering, dazed Ganon! Igos then kneels down and tells Ganon, “See you… on New Year’s Eve!” Then the lights go back out! And when they come back on, Igos is gone! The Ruler of Ruin wants Ganon for HyruleMania?! Is Igos looking to take back the Termina title to end the year?


HPW Goddess & Death Mountain Championships, Winner Takes All: Midna VS Veran!

The Twilight Princess has had the Goddess Championship for the second time since April 1st of this year, and has had the Death Mountain Championship since HyruleMania 3, December 31st, 2022. She’s held onto them both through double header after double header, and now she puts them both on the line at the same time! Will Midna still be the first and only HPW Double Champion? Or will the Sorceress of Shadow soon shine with all that gold?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who is the goddess atop the mountain!

HyruleProWrestling GoddessChampionship2 Midna by Cartridge88

HyruleProWrestling DeathMountainTitleNew Midna by Cartridge88

The fans are already chanting “This is Awesome!” as these two stare down. Midna and Veran both smirk at each other, then step forward. They’re practically mirror images as they’re face to face, and then the two tie up! Fans cheer as the two go around, and Veran puts Midna on ropes. Midna turns it around, but Veran turns it back around. Referee Maron Ronron calls for the ropebreak, then counts. Veran lets off slowly, and fans applaud as she steps back. Midna dusts herself off and tosses her hair back before she resets with Veran. They circle and tie up again. Veran powers Midna back but Midna turns it around to put Veran against ropes.

Maron counts the ropebreak again, Midna lets off at 4, and then fakes a forearm to then pat Veran on the shoulders. Fans applaud as Midna steps back, and Veran gives a sarcastic smile as she resets with Midna. They tie up again, Veran headlocks and hits the takeover. Midna kicks around but Veran denies the headscissors. Veran grinds the headlock, but Midna keeps moving around. Midna reaches out and has the ROPEBREAK with a leg! Maron counts, Veran lets off quickly, and she gives Midna space. Fans applaud the sportsmanship again, and Midna takes her time standing back up. Fans rally as the two circle again.

They tie up, go around, Veran puts Midna on ropes but Midna turns things around to put Veran in the corner. Maron reprimands and Midna lets off slowly, but then she CHOPS! Fans “WOO~!” while Midna smirks, but Veran frowns. Veran puts Midna on ropes to CHOP back! Midna shoves Veran to then CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Midna whips, Veran reverses but Midna holds ropes. Veran runs up but Midna BOOTS her! Midna trips Veran, has the leg and steps through, but Veran boots her away before the Figure Four! The two stand off and the fans cheer. Midna and Veran reset, circle, and feel things out.

Midna shoots in for a leg, Veran fights the takedown with a facelock, and Veran grinds Midna down to the mat. Midna fights back up and slips out to wrench an arm to a hammerlock. Veran moves around, rolls, headscissors, and spins to throw Midna down! Midna tries to get free but Veran squeezes tight. Veran pushes up for more pressure but Midna endures. Fans rally and duel, “Let’s Go, Midna!” “Let’s Go, Veran!” “Let’s Go, Midna!” “Let’s Go, Veran!” Veran pushes up again but Midna uses that to turn Veran over, and Midna pops free to stomp Veran! Veran glares up at Midna so Midna keeps stomping her!

Veran avoids a stomp to roll Midna up! TWO, and Veran BOOTS Midna! Midna stays up and rebounds, to BOOT Veran! Veran rebounds, Midna dodges, but Veran BOOTS her again! Midna tumbles out of the ring and fans fire up. Veran hurries to the ropes to PLANCHA! Down goes Midna and the fans fire up even more! Veran gets the crowd to be even louder, then drags Midna up. Veran puts Midna in the ring, stomps her to a drop zone, then goes up the corner. BEETLE BOMB! Cover, TWO! Midna survives the onslaught and fans fire up again. Veran frowns but stays focused, and she drags Midna up.

Veran reels Midna in, but Midna fights the lift! Midna Hebra Lifts Veran but Veran fights with furious clubbing shots! Veran tries again but Midna still fights the lift! Midna drops and trips Veran and has an ANKLE LOCK! Fans fire up as Midna busts out a new addition to the arsenal! Veran flails and reaches out, but Midna drags her from ropes! Veran scrambles in the other direction and reaches for those ropes! Midna drags Veran back again, but then Veran rolls to send Midna into a corner! Veran runs in, but into a BACKBREAKER and BUCKLE SHOT! Veran staggers into a clinch, and EXPLODER!

Fans fire up as Midna takes aim from the corner. The fans duel, “Let’s Go, Midna!” “Let’s Go, Veran!” and Midna runs in, TWILIGHT- NO, Veran slips away! Midna staggers up, Veran waistlocks then ripcords, BEE STING! Midna drops to her knees and leans back, but Veran keeps hold of the arm. Veran reels Midna in, tucks the arms and lifts, but Midna kicks and flails her legs! Veran stands Midna up to ROCK her with a forearm! Veran then brings Midna back in, tucks the arms again, and lifts for the BLACK TOWER! Veran has to turn Midna over for the cover, TWO?!?! Fans are thunderous as Midna survives Veran’s best shot!!

Veran herself is stunned, and she practically pleads with Maron about the count. Maron says no, that was still just two! Veran hurries to get Midna’s legs, but Midna kicks and scrambles! Midna grabs the ropes, Maron counts as Veran holds on, and then Veran stomps Midna in the stomach! Maron reprimands but Veran drags Midna back from the ropes, gets under the legs and grabs for the arms, but Midna resists. Midna reaches out with one free arm, but Veran drags her back! Veran reaches for that arm, but Midna gets a leg free! Fans fire up as Midna kicks and stomps Veran while she’s upside-down!

Veran lets Midna go, kicks but Midna ducks to roll her up! TWO, and DOUBLE BOOT- NO, they both block! They stare down while fans fire up again, then they both throw the legs down to start throwing forearms! It’s fast ‘n’ furious and the fans are all for it! Fans chant “YES! YES! YES!” as Veran and Midna keep throwing shot after shot! The forearms start slowing down as the two run out of steam, but then Veran ROCKS Midna! Midna stumbles away, steadies herself, and then snarls as she comes back to ROCK Veran! Veran comes back to swing but Midna gets under and spins Veran around, cravat to a KNEE SMASH!

Veran staggers backwards onto ropes and Midna CHOPS! Maron reprimands, that was a little high, but Midna just CHOPS again! Midna CHOPS- NO, Veran blocks this one! Veran SAYANAGIS Midna down, wants the arm, but Midna scrambles towards ropes again! Maron counts, Veran lets go and Midna gets out. Veran rushes up again, PLANCHA, but Midna slides back in! Veran staggers, maybe jammed a foot in the landing, and Midna WRECKS her with a dropkick! Veran hits the commentary table while fans fire up again. Midna grabs Veran by the hair! Maron reprimands, but Midna SMACKS Veran off the desk!

Fans are torn but Midna SMACKS Veran off the desk again and again and again! Rusl’s drink spills!! Is he cursed or something?! Maron has a ring count going, Midna brings Veran around and whips Veran hard into steel steps! Midna slides into the ring and lets the count climb. Veran drags herself up with the apron skirt as the count hits 7. Veran drags herself in at 8, stands up, and Midna SPEARS her down!! Cover, TWO!! Midna is frustrated but she talks to herself to calm down. Midna paces, grabs the legs and steps through, FIGURE FOUR! The leglock is on and fans are thunderous as Veran endures!

Veran reaches out, but she’s far from the ropes! Her shoulders are down, Maron counts it as a pin, TWO as Veran sits up! Veran grits her teeth and glares at Midna, but Midna eggs her on with a wild eyed grin! Midna even SLAPS Veran! Fans are going nuts as Veran SLAPS back! Midna SLAPS, Veran SLAPS, they’re having a SLAP fight while in a leglock!! Midna SLAPS Veran down, it’s a cover, TWO as Veran sits back up! Midna SLAPS her again! Veran CLAWS Midna’s leg!! Maron reprimands, Veran stops but Midna still lets go of the leglock. And she BASEMENT BOOTS Veran down! Midna drags Veran to a drop zone and climbs!

Fans are thunderous as Midna reaches the top, but Veran trips her! Midna ends up in a Tree of Woe! Veran glares at Midna while she’s upside-down, and then rains down fists! Maron counts, Veran lets off at 4, then she sits Midna up out of the Tree, then climbs up behind her! Veran brings Midna up to the very top rope, for a SUPER BACK SUPLEX!! Fans go nuts as both women are down again! Veran crawls toward Midna, Midna turns on her side, but Veran turns her back onto her back. Cover, TWO!!! Veran is completely beside herself but “This is Awesome!” for the fans! Veran grits her teeth, and she again goes for the legs!

Veran tries for the Spiderweb one more time, but she struggles to even keep Midna’s legs trapped. Veran just grabs the legs and turns Midna! SAND CRAB!! Midna endures as Veran sits deep! Fans rally as hard as they can both ways, but Midna grits her teeth. Midna claws at the mat, reaches out, but she’s so far from ropes! Veran sits back as far as she can, but she seems to be struggling to hold on! Veran adjusts and sticks to one leg for a HALF CRAB, but Midna uses that to roll underneath! Midna has both legs in a deep Prawn Hold! TWO?!?!? Everyone is shocked and both Midna and Veran have to check with Maron! Yes, that was somehow just two!

Veran and Midna rush in, fire off more shots, they both stagger and stumble, Veran swings again, but Midna catches her! Midna gives her a spin and spin and NECKBREAKER DRIVER!?! What in the world!?! Veran sits up in a daze, into TWILIGHT SLEEP!!! Cover, MIDNA WINS!!

Winner: Midna, by pinfall (still HPW Goddess & HPW Death Mountain Champion)

The Twilight Princess busts out something new, and it pays off! She still reigns over two divisions, will anyone ever stop her?

As for Veran, she ends up in a familiar position from just earlier this year. The fans chant “Thank You, Veran!” as she walks off into the night. Will the Sorceress of Shadow find somewhere to belong in the modern era?


HPW Triforce Championship: Kage VS Aveil!

Darkness still reigns over this title, and therefore all of Hyrule. However, this Desert Flower has already shined with gold once, and wants to shine again. Will Aveil clear the skies of this Dark Cloud? Or will Kage survive this Clash of Fates?

Normally, Aveil wears red, but has also worn white and gold. Tonight, she wears bright blue, as if signaling the old coloring for this title. As for Kage, he brings back the white gear with black trim like he did for HyruleMania 3. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is headed to HyruleMania FOUR!

HyruleProWrestling TriforceChampionshipKAGEedition

The bell rings and fans rally up as the two stare down. They circle, feel things out, but then back away. They circle more and fans rally harder as they approach again. They tie up, Kage powers Aveil back, but Aveil turns it around. Kage digs in his heels, pushes Avail back and they return to center. Aveil headlocks, grinds the hold, but Kage powers up and powers out. Kage swings, Aveil ducks and gets around and has the headlock again. Aveil hits a takeover, Kage headscissors, Aveil kips free and roles reverse. Aveil headscissors and Kage kips free, he ducks Aveil’s enziguri, but she rolls away, and fans applaud this opening exchange.

Kage and Aveil stare down, reset, and circle again. They tie up, Aveil headlocks, but Kage fires body shots. Kage powers out, Aveil RAMS shoulders, but Kage stays up. Aveil glares, runs again, and RAMS Kage again. Kage snarls and shakes his head, Aveil ROCKS him with a forearm! Aveil runs again, Kage gets around her and waistlocks. Aveil fights the lift, throws elbows, then drop toeholds. Aveil floats to a facelock, Kage rolls but Aveil rolls with him. Fans applaud and Aveil floats to a headlock. Aveil pulls back, it’s almost like a Bully Choke. Kage endures, rolls Aveil to a cover, TWO, and Aveil holds the headlock.

Kage fights up as fans rally, and Kage spins to arm-drag Aveil, but Aveil arm-drags back! Aveil has the armlock, shifts to a cording hold, but Kage snarls as he kips up. Aveil arm-drags Kage again! Aveil has the armlock again as fans applaud. Kage kicks around, reaches for the ropes, but Aveil stands him up for another arm-drag! And then a DROPKICK! Kage bails out in frustration while Aveil flexes and the fans cheer. Aveil then builds speed, but Kage avoids the wrecking ball dropkick! Kage ROCKS Aveil with a forearm and fans boo. Kage brings Aveil around the way, to whip hard into railing! Fans boo more as Kage storms up on Aveil.

Kage stands Aveil up, CHOPS her against the railing, and then brings Aveil around to put in the ring. Kage pushes Aveil to cover, TWO! Kage stays focused as he drags Aveil up into a chinlock. Kage grinds Aveil down and the fans rally up as Aveil endures the knee in her back. Aveil pries at the hold, fights up to her feet, but Kage throws her down by her hair! Fans boo and Sahasrahla reprimands. Kage drags Aveil up to put her in a corner, and he CHOPS her! Kage whips corner to corner, but Aveil goes up and over! Aveil keeps moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges and LEAPING LARIATS! Down goes Kage and fans fire up with Aveil!

Aveil waits on Kage to sit up, and she KICKS him in the chest! And KICKS him again! And again! And again! Aveil winds up to BUZZSAW! Cover, TWO! Kage sputters while Aveil stalks him to ropes. Aveil CLUBS him on the back, UPPERCUTS him against the ropes, then whips. Kage reverses, Aveil ducks ‘n’ dodges and tilt-o-whirls to RANA Kage out of the ring! Fans fire up, Aveil builds speed, and she WRECKS Kage this time! Fans fire up, Aveil brings Kage up and puts him in the ring. Aveil then aims from the apron, springboards and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Kage is still in this, and Aveil hurries to bring him up.

Aveil reels Kage in, but Kage fights the suplex. Aveil CLUBS Kage, tries to suplex again, but Kage still blocks it. Kage throws body shots, then he suplexes! But Aveil kicks and flails to fight that! Kage tries again, but Aveil knees free! Aveil wrenches, hooks Kage up for a MOUSE TRAP, TWO! Kage escapes, Aveil hurries to roll him up! TWO, and Aveil sunset flips! Kage flails to stay up, drags Aveil up, but Aveil wheelbarrows to victory roll! TWO, Aveil rebounds but Kage avoids the Penalty Kick to roll Aveil up! TWO, and Aveil blocks Kage’s kick! Aveil KNEES Kage back, then reels him in, to suplex and GOURD BUSTER!

Fans fire up as Aveil then goes to the ropes to LYNEL-SAULT! Cover, TWO! Aveil grows frustrated but the fans rally behind her. “AVEIL~, AVEIL AVEIL AVEIL~! AVEIL~…! AVEIL~…!” Aveil hurries to a corner and climbs up. Aveil aims, but Kage trips her up! Kage ROCKS her, climbs up after her, and brings her up. Aveil resists the superplex, throws body shots, then ROCKS Kage! Kage holds onto ropes to stay on the corner, then ROCKS Aveil in return! Kage brings Aveil back up but Aveil HEADBUTTS him! Kage wobbles, Aveil HEADBUTTS him again and he falls! Fans fire up as Aveil stands, to 450 SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

Aveil is frustrated as Kage is still in this. She drags him back to the corner and sits him up. Aveil rallies the fans and they clap along. Aveil goes corner to corner and back again, but Kage slips out of the ring! Aveil stops from running into buckles, and then she takes aim. She slingshots, but Kage moves out of the way! Kage SUPERKICKS Aveil down! Kage roars in anger but the fans boo. Kage drags Aveil up, puts her in the ring, then drags her up to full nelson. Aveil resists the lift! She uses her own leg for leverage in breaking the full nelson, then ROCKS Kage! Aveil runs, but so does Kage! BOOT FEINT to BACK ELBOW!

Kage roars again and he drags Aveil up. Full nelson and SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Aveil sits up in a daze and fans boo as hard as they can. They chant “YOU STILL SUCK! YOU STILL SUCK!” but Kage ignores that to full nelson again. Another SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Aveil flops and flounders to ropes, and Kage takes aim. He draws his sword, runs side to side, MASTER SWORD! Kage brings Aveil up but she’s kinda deadweight. Even so, he gets up and under, but Aveil grabs the ropes! Fans cheer as hard as they can as Aveil holds off the Electric Chair Lift! Kage lets Aveil down, to HOOK SHOT!

Aveil flops down into a corner, Kage drags her up and puts her up top. Kage Electric Chair Lifts, but Aveil throws down fists! Aveil then victory rolls Kage, TWO! Aveil and Kage scramble to their feet, and Kage blocks a kick! Kage ducks the enziguri, but not the REWIND HEEL! Aveil runs and springboards, CROSS- MASTER SWORD!! Kage knees Aveil outta the sky!! Fans boo so hard but Kage drags Aveil up again. Electric Chair Lift, the tuck, and DARK CLOUD DRIVER!! Cover, Kage wins!!

Winner: Kage, by pinfall (still HPW Triforce Champion)

The dark cloud still hangs over HPW, yet there is no reign for this Desert Flower! Will Aveil have to fight even harder than this to get another shot at the top? As for Kage, he’s staying ringside? He’s sticking around to watch the main event!?


Hyrule Warriors Match!

Once again, THIRTY-THREE stars will align in HPW to battle for that golden ticket to HyruleMania 4. And with the champion casting his shadow at ringside now, who will be able to shine through as the worthiest contender?

The first entry is… GROOSE! Wow, the Skyfall Stud starts us off in back to back years, what’re the odds? Second is… YUNOBO! The third-generation Goron wrestler is here, will he make it to the end? And third is… DARKHAMMER! Three big bruisers are starting us off, will any of them make it to the end?

The bell rings, the three circle, and fans rally up. Hammer ROCKS Yunobo, ELBOWS Groose, then uses his tail to sweep Yunobo’s legs! Hammer runs to SENTON onto Yunobo! Groose runs up on Hammer to throw hands, Hammer throws hands back and they brawl! Groose puts Hammer in a corner, stomps away on him, and Yunobo staggers up. Groose drags Hammer up, Yunobo helps out, but Hammer holds onto ropes to resist. Groose lets off to JAB! And JAB! And JAB! Yunobo watches as Groose JABS and fans chant “GROOSE! GROOSE! GROOSE!” Groose then powers up, but Hammer bumps Groose off buckles first!

Hammer throws hands on Yunobo now! Hammer backs Yunobo down, whips him to ropes but Yunobo reverses to BACK DROP him! Fans fire up and even Yunobo is surprised. Yunobo hurries to pick Hammer up, but Hammer YANKS him into ropes! Yunobo sputters and Hammer CLUBS him while he’s down! Hammer goes back to Groose, and gets the RIGHT HAND O’ THE GODDESS! Fans fire up as Hammer falls over, but how’s Groose gonna get him outta the ring? Groose helps Yunobo up, Yunobo shoves him, but Groose explains they still gotta work together to get Hammer up. Yunobo agrees and they drag Hammer to the ropes.

But here comes the first countdown! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number four is… KEVIN! The Dark Forces’ mummy storms his way down to the ring, not even worrying about taking off his silver and purple headdress. Kevin gets in the ring, Yunobo swings on him but Kevin counter punches! Kevin BOOTS Groose, then fires off on him in a corner! Yunobo CLUBS Kevin on the back, but Hammer powers Yunobo to another corner! Hammer stomps a mudhole into Yunobo while Kevin CHOKES Groose on the ropes! Fans boo but there’s nothing anyone can do. Hammer drags Yunobo up and whips him corner to corner hard!

Kevin brings Groose around, ROCKS him with a right, and then Hammer atomic drops Groose! Groose staggers into Kevin’s scoop and SLAM! Kevin then runs, but Hammer ROCKS him with a forearm! Hammer pushes Kevin into the ropes but Kevin fights back. Yunobo runs up and CLOBBERS them both! Fans fire up as Yunobo brawls with Hammer, but then Hammer HEADBUTTS him! That ends up hurting Hammer more than it does Yunobo! Groose runs up to TACKLE Hammer! Fans fire up as Groose throws down hands! Yunobo kicks Kevin, CLUBS him, then keeps after him as Kevin goes to a corner.

Yunobo stomps a mudhole into Kevin, then runs corner to corner to GORO-BALL! Yunobo’s inverted cannonball hits and he rolls right back up to his feet! Then he runs back in to SWINGING BRONCO BUSTER! Yunobo drags Kevin up, swings him around, and throws him at the ropes, but Kevin doesn’t get quite up and over. Yunobo pushes Kevin over but Kevin lands hard on the apron! Kevin clings to the middle rope and keeps a leg up as Yunobo starts stomping! Hammer pushes Groose away and gets some space but Groose storms up on him. Groose stomps Hammer, but Hammer kicks from below.

The countdown’s back! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number five is… “Ladies and gentlemen…” What? “My name… is Chancellor Cole. And I am the special representative of the man with the iron hand and the will to match. The man who is truly the future of not just Hyrule Pro-Wrestling but all of professional wrestling, and who will derail the future of everyone else in this match… BYRNE! LOKOMA!” Byrne finally makes his way out and runs into the ring. Byrne DROPKICKS Yunobo! And he DROPKICKS Hammer! Groose takes a swing on him but Byrne dodges to LOKO MONO! Kevin choke grips Byrne! But Byrne uses his IRON CLAW to pry free!

Byrne kicks Kevin low, UPPERCUTS him, then RAMS him into a corner! Byrne tries to lift Kevin up and out but Kevin holds onto ropes. Hammer is up but he goes after Groose with some forearms. Hammer aims for ropes, whips, but Groose reverses to send Hammer up and out! Hammer holds onto ropes and drags himself back up, Yunobo runs in and BLASTS Hammer off the apron! Yunobo ELIMINATES Hammer! Fans cheer, and Groose shakes hands with Yunobo on the first elimination. The two smile while also kinda staring down. They look over as Byrne and Kevin continue to fight each other in the corner.

Yunobo and Groose discuss whether they should go over and help somebody. Well, Yunobo will help if Groose thinks that’s a good idea. Well, Groose was just wondering if instead, they could work together against both those guys. While these two discuss, Kevin gets loose of Byrne and runs up to DOUBLE LARIAT Groose and Yunobo! Kevin then turns around to BOOT Byrne! Fans are torn, but Kevin drags Byrne up. Chancellor Cole hurries to find things under the ring. We saw this last year, Cole is gonna try and keep Byrne from being eliminated by giving him things to land on that aren’t the floor. He brings out a TABLE!

Fans fire up, and the countdown’s back! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number six is… SKULL KID! Skull Kid, back in his classic skull mask, runs up to SLAP Chancellor Cole! Skull Kid then brings out a chair from under the ring to SMACKS Cole on the back! Fans fire up while Cole scurries away. Skull Kid gets in the ring with the chair, despite the refs all reprimanding him, but then Kevin BOOTS the chair out of Skull Kid’s hands! Skull Kid watches the chair tumble out of the ring, then he looks back at Kevin. Skull Kid apologizes and turns around, but Kevin brings him back around to choke grip! And CHOKE SLAM!

Kevin drags Skull Kid up, DUMPS him up and over the ropes, but Skull Kid lands on the table Cole dragged out! Fans can’t believe it, and even Skull Kid looks around in confusion. He sees he’s on the table, not the floor, and Skull Kid cheers! Skull Kid stands up carefully, and Kevin grabs at him! Skull Kid stays back as far as he can while still being on the table, and is out of reach. Skull Kid taunts Kevin, and Yunobo runs up behind Kevin to waistlock and O’Conner Roll, CHAOS THEORY! Skull Kid hurries in to the ring, he helps Yunobo get Kevin up, and they run him to the ropes to TOSS him up and over! Yunobo & Skull Kid ELIMINATE Kevin!

Fans are rather surprised, but Skull Kid flexes. Groose turns Skull Kid around and both Skull Kid and Yunobo are on guard. Groose stares Skull Kid down with a stern look on his face. Groose suddenly grins and says, “Good to have you back, Kid!” Groose gives Skull Kid a hard pat on the back while fans cheer, and Groose, Skull Kid and Yunobo all flex! But then Byrne runs up behind Skull Kid to TOSS him out! Byrne ELIMINATES Skull Kid!! Fans boo and Groose is angry. Groose and Bryne brawl, Yunobo joins in and they stomp Byrne to a corner. Fans cheer, but then Cole returns! Cole gets in with that chair from before!

Fans boo again as Cole SMACKS Groose on the back! And JAMS Yunobo! The refs reprimand Cole and even call for security, but Cole gives Byrne the chair before running away into the crowd. Now Byrne gets to JAM Groose and SMACKS Yunobo! The countdown’s back! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number seven is… IRON KNUCKLE! Byrne may have a hand of iron, but Knuckle may very well be made of the stuff! Byrne SMACKS away on Yunobo as Knuckle storms down the ramp. Knuckle gets in, Byrne aims but Knuckle BOOTS him first! Fans fire up as Knuckle then CHOPS Yunobo, and HEADBUTTS Groose!

Knuckle has all three targets down, and so he SENTONS GROOSE! And he SENTONS Yunobo! And then he SENTONS Byrne! Fans fire up as Knuckle drags Byrne to a corner and stomps a mudhole. Groose staggers up, but Knuckle ELBOWS him down! Knuckle sees Yunobo getting up and RAMS him into a corner! And RAMS him again! Knuckle HEADBUTTS Yunobo, and he actually takes that pretty well. Knuckle brings Yunobo around to bump off buckles, then JABS! JABS! JABS JABS JABS JABS until Yunobo sits down, then he fires off even more JABS! Knuckle lets off with an ELBOW!

Knuckle turns around and storms back up to Byrne, but Byrne UPPERCUTS! Knuckle wobbles, Byrne CLUBS him, then fires off haymakers! Groose chicken wings Byrne to turn him! Byrne powers out and Groose rebounds, but he ducks the Loko Mono! But Knuckle is there to atomic drop and BOOT Groose down! Byrne mule kicks Knuckle, and clamps on the IRON CLAW! Byrne squeezes Knuckle’s head and pushes him down! Yunobo runs up to DROPKICK SENTON COMBO! Yunobo then picks Byrne up and RAMS him into a corner! Groose keeps Knuckle down with a JUMPING ELBOW DROP!

The countdown’s back! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number eight is… THUNDERBIRD! Another 2023 Dark Horse joins the match! Thunderbird runs, jumps up to the apron, and then springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK Groose! Thunderbird kips up, throws hands on Knuckle, CHOPS Groose, then kicks Knuckle around. Groose ROCKS Thunderbird, fireman’s carries him, but Thunderbird slips free to kick Groose low. Thunderbird runs, Groose swings but Thunderbird slides under the lariat! And then Thunderbird PELES Groose down! Knuckle runs up to run Thunderbird at the ropes, but Thunderbird slips around to send Knuckle at ropes!

Knuckle rebounds and Thunderbird reels him in for a SIDE LEG SWEEP! Thunderbird rolls back to then DOUBLE STOMP Knuckle! Yunobo runs up, Thunderbird dodges him to basement dropkick Byrne in the corner. Yunobo comes back around, but Thunderbird drop toeholds Yunobo into Byrne! Byrne clutches his choo-choo while Yunobo writhes from having hit the choo-choo. Fans fire up as Thunderbird is the only one still standing. Thunderbird stomps Byrne in the corner, digs his boots in, then lets off. Thunderbird drags Byrne up, wrenches an arm and whips, but Byrne reverses. Thunderbird goes up and over and handsprings away!

Byrne rushes Thunderbird but runs into a TIGER WALL KICK! And ENZIGURI! Knuckle gets Byrne for a GORON DROP! Yunobo gets Thunderbird for a GORON DROP! Yunobo and Knuckle stare down and fans fire up as the heftiest in this match both stand up. Knuckle throws the first forearm! They go back and forth and fans fire up more! Knuckle ROCKS Yunobo, but Yunobo ROCKS him in return! Groose gets up and he JABS Knuckle! Yunobo ROCKS Knuckle! Groose JABS! Yunobo ROCKS! Groose JABS! Knuckle ducks Yunobo’s forearm to clinch, but Yunobo fights the urenage! Yunobo shoves Knuckle, swings on him, but Knuckle dodges and Yunobo LARIATS Groose!

Fans go nuts and Yunobo freaks out! Yunobo apologizes to Groose, but then Knuckle clamps on the REBONACK CLUTCH! Knuckle adds the body scissors, too! The countdown is back! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number nine is… RIJU! The Gerudo Sisterhood’s smallest yet fastest member is here! As such, Riju slides in and leaps over Knuckle and Yunobo to BLOCKBUSTER Groose! Byrne storms up but Riju slips around, redirects and springboards to CROSSBODY! And then Riju somersaults and SHOTGUNS Thunderbird down! Fans fire up with Riju, but she’s completely ignoring Knuckle choking out Yunobo!

Yunobo flails but fades, and Knuckle drags him up to a corner. Knuckle lifts Yunobo but Yunobo being deadweight is a bit of a problem now. Byrne swings on Riju, she bobs ‘n’ weaves and UPPERCUTS! Riju runs, but Byrne gets around to have an IRON CLAW SLEEPER! He must want to use the same strategy Knuckle just used! Riju flails kicks ropes and pushes back to roll out of the hold! Riju then basement dropkicks Byrne in the back! Groose whips Riju to a corner but Riju goes up and over and handsprings away. Groose runs back up but Riju dropkicks his legs out! Thunderbird waistlocks but Riju resists the lift.

Riju throws elbows, runs but Thunderbird reels her back in. Riju uses her leg to get free and she ENZIGURIS Thunderbird! Thunderbird staggers, Riju runs in, but Thunderbird throws her up and over! Riju lands safe on the apron, then slingshots back in for a FACEBUSTER! Riju drags Thunderbird up, gets him on the top rope but he holds onto the rope to resist! Yunobo fights off Knuckle, Groose throws hands with Byrne, and fans rally up as Groose and Yunobo get the edge. Byrne dodges Groose’s forearm to UPPERCUT! Knuckle shoves Yunobo into Groose, then Knuckle runs in. Yunobo and Groose move, Kevin’s ELBOW hits Byrne!

The countdown is back! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number ten is… HARLEQUIN! The Boisterous Bokoblin is here to represent the Faces of Evil! They had quite the ominous message on social media a couple weeks ago, will Harlequin deliver? He goes right after Groose with furious fists from all sides! Yunobo helps Groose out, but then Harlequin fires off furious fists on Yunobo! He’s like a rabid animal in there! Knuckle JABS Groose! Groose JABS Knuckle! Knuckles JABS Groose! Groose JABS Knuckle! Fans go back and forth, “GROOSE! BOO~! GROOSE! BOO~!” Groose gets the edge, and JABS, JABS and JABS!

Groose swings but Knuckle avoids the right hand! REBONACK CLUTCH! Groose powers Knuckle way back, but Knuckle lets go to send Groose at the ropes! Knuckle swings to clothesline Groose! Fans freak out, but Groose doesn’t go up and over! Knuckle clotheslines again, but Groose still stays inside the ropes! Groose flops down, Knuckle is frustrated, and then Byrne runs up to ROCK Knuckle with a forearm! Harlequin is still going wild, hitting Riju and Thunderbird, then he CHOPS Yunobo! Yunobo frowns at Harlequin, but then Harlequin dropkicks his leg out! Harlequin hammers away wildly on Yunobo!

Riju stomps Harlequin but Thunderbird goes after Yunobo. Harlequin scrambles to a corner but Riju just stomps a mudhole into him! Knuckle brawls with Byrne, Groose flounders to a corner to catch his breath, then he storms up to kick Thunderbird low. Groose stomps Thunderbird, Yunobo looks around but stays back a bit. Knuckle DECKS Byrne, so Yunobo goes after Knuckle! They throw body shots and forearms, Knuckle HEADBUTTS Yunobo! Yunobo shakes it off, and he HEADBUTTS back! Knuckle wobbles, Yunobo runs, and he RAMS Knuckle! Knuckle rebounds to RAM Yunobo! Yunobo rebounds again, but into a POWERSLAM!!

Fans go nuts seeing that feat of strength! The countdown is back! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number eleven is… TALI! The Gerudo Sisterhood is now two members strong, and Tali gets in to stare Knuckle down. Fans fire up as the haymakers fire off! Tali gets the edge, gives boxing elbows, then ROLLING ELBOWS! Tali fires up, Knuckle rebounds, and Tali blocks the boot! Tali spins Knuckle to waistlock, but Knuckle fights off the lift. Knuckle throws elbows to get free, then whips Tali to a corner. Tali comes back to FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! Fans fire up with Tali, and she helps Riju whip Thunderbird corner to corner.

Tali whips Riju in and she back body blocks Thunderbird! Tali runs in to SPLASH! Tali then brings Thunderbird around to TOSS him up and out, Tali ELIMINATES Thunderbird! Tali and Riju high-five, then they mug Byrne. They double wrench, Riju KICKS and Tali CLUBS Byrne, then Tali clinches Byrne and Riju runs. BLOCKBUSTER LEG SWEEP COMBO! Harlequin rushes in and leaps on Tali’s back! Harlequin fires off furious hands while he’s a backpack, but Tali uses that to BACKPACK SENTON! Knuckle’s back to PENALTY KICK Tali! Riju goes after Knuckle but he ROCKS her with a right! Knuckle atomic drops, then BOOTS her down!

Groose chicken wings Knuckle, but Knuckle resists being turned around! Yunobo runs up to CROSSBODY them both down! Fans fire up while all seven are down! Yunobo sits up first and he goes to a corner. Yunobo hobbles over to bring Knuckle up, but Knuckle throws body shots. Knuckle throws a forearm, Yunobo throws one back. Byrne crawls over to clamp the IRON CLAW onto Riju! Tali CLUBS Byrne, CLUBS him again, and Riju is freed. The countdown is back! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number twelve is… SHARKY SHIPWRECK! Fans cheer seeing this TCW legend back in action, and he smells proverbial blood in the water!

Wait, Sharky stops at the end of the ramp, and he goes looking under the ring! Sharky brings out chair after chair after chair, sliding those in one at a time! Sharky laughs as he gets in the ring, picks up a chair, and he JAMS Harlequin! And SMACKS him on the back! Harlequin falls, and while he writhes, he says, “Lucky shot!” Sharky JAMS Groose while he’s still down, then JAMS Yunobo. Sharky SMACKS Knuckle on the back, SMACKS Groose on the leg, SMACKS Yunobo in the arm, then piles all his chairs together in a drop zone. Sharky CLUBS Riju, brings her around and scoops, to hit a BACKBREAKER!

Sharky puts Riju on the chair pile, goes to the corner and climbs, but Riju anchors a foot! Sharky kicks her away, but Riju comes right back to CLUB him on the back! Riju pushes Sharky over! Sharky lands on the apron, but he holds onto ropes to stay off the ground! Knuckle storms over, but so do Groose and Yunobo. They all want to hit Sharky, but they get in each other’s way! Knuckle CHOPS Groose, but Yunobo ROCKS Knuckle! Sharky kicks Riju away, scrambles back inside, and he throws hands on Yunobo. Riju grabs one of the chairs and she SMACKS Sharky on the back! Sharky staggers, and Riju SMACKS him again!

“Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number thirteen is… RUTO! The Zora legend is back in HPW! She runs in and SHOTGUNS Riju down! Ruto throws hands on Tali, kicks Byrne, CHOPS Groose, and kicks Yunobo. Knuckle runs up but Ruto goes Matrix to then CALF KICK Knuckle away! Tali comes back and powers Ruto to a corner! Ruto clubs Tali on the back but Tali RAMS into her again! Riju runs in to UPPERCUT Ruto! Sharky gets a chair again, and he SMACKS Groose! Knuckle clamps the REBONACK CLUTCH on Sharky! Sharky swings the chair back to SMACK Knuckle in the head, and now he’s free!

Sharky swings again, but Knuckle gets away! The chair hits ropes and then SMACKS Sharky in the face! Sharky wobbles, and Knuckle THROWS him up and out! Knuckle ELIMINATES Sharky! Groose gets Knuckle’s arms! Groose turns Knuckle, but Knuckle powers out to send Groose into Yunobo! Yunobo falls over, asks what the goro, but Knuckle reels Groose in for a BIG back suplex! Knuckle then gets up to stomp Yunobo! Knuckle goes back to Groose but Groose hits a fireman’s carry takeover! Groose gets the arms and drags Knuckle up! Groose turns Knuckle to hit the LOFTWING DRIVER!

Fans fire up and Groose drags Knuckle up! Yunobo helps Groose get Knuckle up and over! Knuckle holds on but Groose and Yunobo start stomping away! Knuckle kicks Yunobo, kicks Groose, and stands back up. LOKO MONO!! Fans are stunned as Knuckle falls, Byrne ELIMINATES him!! Byrne then fires off hands on Yunobo while Harlequin goes after Groose with those frantic fists. Byrne clamps the IRON CLAW on Yunobo and smothers him in the corner! Groose TOSSES Harlequin away, but Harlequin comes back to UPPERCUT! Ruto clamps onto ropes to keep from being thrown out by the Gerudo Sisterhood.

“Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number fourteen is… KING BULBLIN! The biggest and bulkiest Bulblin lumbers into the ring, and he CLOBBERS Harlequin! Then he fires off haymakers on Groose! Groose hits back and fans fire up for the brawl! Yunobo kicks Byrne and gets the iron claw off his face. Yunobo tries to throw Byrne out but Byrne holds onto the ropes. Ruto kicks Riju away and throws hands on Tali. Tali ROCKS Ruto, Riju comes back to DROPKICK Ruto against ropes! Tali DUMPS Ruto up and out to ELIMINATE her! Ruto is furious but Tali and Riju wave bye. Harlequin jumps on Bulblin!

Bulblin tries to throw Harlequin off again but he’s holding on tight! They go to ropes, Bulblin puts Harlequin on the apron, but Harlequin still holds on! Harlequin tries to drag Bulblin over with the sleeper! Groose runs up but Bulblin dumps him to the apron! Fans panic but Groose holds onto ropes! Groose kicks Harlequin, but then Bulblin swings! Groose blocks to try and drag Bulblin up and over! Bulblin’s gut is stuck on the top rope, but Groose uses a facelock to drag Bulblin onto the apron! Bulblin holds onto ropes! Harlequin jumps onto Groose’s back! Fans boo, but Groose backs up to RAM Harlequin into the post!

Bulblin storms up but Groose kicks him. Groose throws hands, Bulblin hits back! They brawl on the edge, Harlequin runs up but Yunobo BLASTS him off the apron! Yunobo ELIMINATES Harlequin! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number fifteen is… TORBEVITO! Arrow Club’s Zora luchador is here! Torbevito goes up the apron, onto a corner, and he tightrope walks! PENALTY KICK for Bulblin! Torbevito then hops into the ring and throws hands on Yunobo! Groose POSTS Bulblin and shoves him down! Groose ELIMINATES Bulblin! Groose finally gets back in the ring and throws hands with Byrne.

Groose and Byrne brawl to one corner, Torbevito and Yunobo in another corner. Riju and Tali hang back since there’s only the six of them right now. Groose stomps Byrne, Yunobo HEADBUTTS Torbevito. Torbevito staggers, Tali & Riju coordinate. Tali gives Riju the BOOST for Riju to CROSSBODY Torbevito! Tali then ROCKS Yunobo with a right hand! Tali stomps Yunobo to a corner, Riju stomps Torbevito while he’s down. Torbevito scurries away to a corner, Riju keeps after him. Byrne turns things around on Groose to stomp him down. IRON- NO, Groose holds the claw back! Groose shoves Byrne away!

Riju digs her boots into Torbevito, Tali digs her boots into Yunobo. Groose LARIATS Byrne! Wait, Chancellor Cole is back!? And he finally gets that table! Cole drags that around while Groose looks to throw Byrne out! Refs hurry after Cole again, he has to run away up the ramp now, but Byrne uses the distraction to break free and hit Groose with an EXPLODER! IRON CLAW!! Groose flails and kicks while he’s being smothered! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number sixteen is… MASTER KOHGA! The Yiga Clan cheers as Kohga slides in, grabs one of those chairs Sharky put in the ring, and SMACKS Tali!

Tali glares at Kohga as she turns around. Kohga looks around swings again, but Tali blocks! Tali takes the chair from him! And JAMS him with it! Tali SMACKS Kohga on the back! Riju steps up on Kohga while he’s down, for a SENTON! Torbevito jumps up on Tali for a THROWBACK STUNNER! Torbevito RAMS Riju into ropes, Riju fights, Tali staggers up to help her. Yunobo hits Tali from behind, they brawl, Byrne drags Groose up. Byrne aims for ropes but Groose turns things around! Groose as Byrne against the ropes, kicks him low, but Byrne avoids the clothesline! They both run up, RIGHT HAND O’ THE GODDESS AND LOKO MONO!!

Groose and Byrne both fall back, and Groose tumbles to the apron from under the bottom rope. Kohga WRECKS Groose with a dropkick! Groose falls to the floor, but the refs point out Groose is safe! Kohga is upset, he slides out to go after Groose and put him back in. Kohga slides in, he stomps Groose, and Byrne joins in. Riju knees Torbevito away, CLUBS him on the back, but Torbevito KICKS her in the leg! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number seventeen is… GLUTKO! Another Face of Evil is here! Glutko storms in, and he CLOBBERS Torbevito with that big belly! Riju fires off shots, but Glutko just laughs!

Glutko clamps both hands onto Riju’s head! He picks her up, licks his lips, to which there is an audible “Ewgh…!” from the crowd, but Riju KICKS him in the belly! Glutko lets Riju go, and Tali SPEARS Glutko down! But now he’s deadweight, and a lot of it at that! Even so, Tali & Riju work to drag Glutko up. Kohga and Byrne put Groose in a corner, the dig their boots in, then stomp away. Yunobo goes after Kohga with hands, Byrne kicks Yunobo, and Byrne CLUBS Yunobo while Kohga goes back to stomping Groose. Kohga drags Groose up, tries to lift him, but Groose powers Kohga away, and Kohga scurries to another corner.

“Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number eighteen is… BULIARA! The Gerudo Sisterhood is at maximum power! And as such, she helps Tali & Riju get Glutko up! Glutko desperately holds onto ropes, but the Gerudo Sisterhood, mostly Tali & Buliara, still get him up and over! Glutko hits apron hard, and he falls to the floor! The Gerudo Sisterhood ELIMINATE him! The fans fire up with the Gerudo Sisterhood while Glutko throws a fit. The Sisterhood then go after Groose, after Byrne, and after Kohga. There’s a lot of brawling and stomping, Torbevito goes after Tali again, and Kohga scurries away again.

Tali ROCKS Torbevito, trophy lifts him, but Torbevito slips free! ENZIGURI! Riju ENZIGURIS Torbevito! Byrne SPINEBUSTERS Riju! Buliara CLOBBERS Byrne! Kohga DYNAMIC DROPKICKS Buliara, then scurries away to a corner before Groose or Yunobo can get him. Even so, Groose stomps Kohga in that corner, and Yunobo SENTONS Buliara! And he SENTONS Byrne! And he SENTONS Tali but gets knees! Yunobo writhes but that was a bit double-edged for Tali, too. She shakes out her legs while regrouping with Riju and Buliara. They all hammer the Goron together to keep him down.

“Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number nineteen is… MASTER STALFOS! Kohga is happy to see a teammate rush out here! Stalfos rallies on Groose with big shoulder tackles! He even shoulder tackles Torbevito! Kohga stomps Groose, he stomps Byrne, and Stalfos CLUBS Torbevito. The two Masters leave the Sisterhood to beat up on Yunobo and they focus on Groose. Groose holds ropes and fans rally as he resists! Byrne drags Kohga back to short arm LARIAT! Stalfos lets off Groose to BOOT Byrne, but Groose CLUBS Stalfos! Yunobo holds onto the middle rope as the Gerudo Sisterhood, against mostly Tali & Buliara, tries to pick him up!

Stalfos ROCKS Groose, knees him low, and throws some elbows. Byrne drags Kohga up to put on ropes but Kohga pulls Byrne’s hair! Kohga bumps Byrne off buckles, and again and again and again! Kohga lifts Byrne but Byrne holds onto the top rope to resist. Byrne clubs Kohga and gets free, to then UPPERCUT! Torbevito springboards off ropes to STUNNER Byrne! Torbevito throws Byrne up and out to ELIMINATE him! Chancellor Cole returns from the crowd side just in time to see it! Cole shouts “NOOO~!” and Torbevito laughs at him. Torbevito then stomps Kohga in the corner and digs his boots in.

“Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number twenty is… ODOLWA! The God of Woodfall rushes in to SUPERKICK Stalfos! Odolwa ROUNDHOUSES Groose, dodges Torbevito and comes back to BOOT him down! Odolwa fires off kicks on Buliara, SOBATS, FRONT KICKS and SPINNING ROUNDHOUSES Buliara down! Riju runs up but Odolwa FLAPJACKS her! Then BUZZSAWS! Tali throws hands but Odolwa bobs ‘n’ weaves, to then HEADBUTT! Tali staggers back, rebounds, but Odolwa hurdles over her! Tali keeps moving, and Odolwa CHOPS her down! Yunobo runs up to waistlock, but Odolwa switches and LARIATS Yunobo in the back!

Yunobo staggers, swings, but Odolwa bobs ‘n’ weaves again. Odolwa HEADBUTTS, but Yunobo stays put! Yunobo HEADBUTTS back, but Odolwa stays put! Odolwa roars, Yunobo UPPERCUTS! Odolwa wobbles, but he JUMPING HEADBUTTS! Yunobo falls! Groose turns Odolwa around to JAB! JAB! JAB! Fans chant “GROOSE! GROOSE! GROOSE!” Groose winds up, but Odolwa ROUNDHOUSES Groose again! And SUPERKICKS! And SPIN KICKS! Groose staggers, Odolwa runs up to clothesline Groose up and out! Odolwa ELIMINATES Groose!! The first entrant only makes it two-thirds of the way!

Fans boo Odolwa but he doesn’t care. Odolwa turns to go after Buliara. He CLUBS her to a corner, but Tali storms up on Odolwa. “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number 21 is… ZELDA! The Princess of Hyrule is here! She slides in to DROPKICK Odolwa! And she DROPKICKS Torbevito! Kohga rushes Zelda but she dodges to DROPKICK Stalfos! Kohga comes back, Zelda rolls back to headscissors him away! Stalfos rushes up but Zelda drop toeholds! Stalfos stays up, he drags Zelda up, but she uses that to get an arm for a TRIANGLE HOLD! Stalfos goes for ropes, but Zelda RANAS Stalfos up and out to ELIMINATE him!

Kohga rushes up, Zelda GAMANGIRIS! Zelda then steps in and springboards to get Kohga in a GUILLOTINE! Tali CLUBS Torbevito, Odolwa KICKS Buliara, Riju stands Yunobo’s back to stomp him again and again. Kohga flails, fights up, and he puts Zelda in a corner while she still holds onto the facelock. Tali scoops Torbevito and heads for ropes! Torbevito slips free but Tali blocks his kick. Tali avoids the enziguri but Torbevito REWIND HEELS! Tali falls into a corner and Torbevito storms up on her. Torbevito stomps a mudhole then digs his boots in. Odolwa KICKS Buliara’s leg again and she hobbles along the ropes.

Odolwa KICKS Buliara’s leg again and she falls! Riju keeps stomping Yunobo, then uses the ropes to jump up, but Yunobo catches her to a fireman’s carry! Yunobo dumps Riju out, but she holds onto the ropes! Yunobo stomps but Riju gets his leg to have a HANGING HEEL HOOK! Yunobo drags Riju back in like that to try and pry her off the leg. “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number 22 is… LINK! Now the Hero of Hyrule is here! Fans fire up, Link slides in and he MASTER SWORDS Odolwa! Link SUPERKICKS Torbevito! Zelda kicks Kohga away and Link fireman’s carries him, for a BOMBOS MEDALLION!

Link & Zelda get Kohga up to TOSS him out, they ELIMINATE him together! Torbevito kicks Zelda, Zelda KICKS Torbevito, Link ROCKS him with a forearm. Buliara TACKLES Zelda! Tali DECKS Torbevito! Tali fires hands on Link, Link hits back, Yunobo finally gets Riju off his leg to GERMAN SUPLEX her! Zelda grabs Buliara’s arm and wrenches to a hammerlock. Buliara switches but Zelda switches back. Zelda uses the hammerlock to put Buliara in a corner, then grabs a leg. Zelda lifts Buliara but Buliara kicks her away. Buliara swings but Zelda catches the arm and wrangles Buliara down into a FUJIWARA ARMBAR!

“Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number 23 is… FREEZLORD! Another Dark Horse is here and rushes in to LARIAT Torbevito! And LARIAT Yunobo! Freezlord dodges Tali to then ROCK, CHOP, and LARIAT! Odolwa SUPERKICKS Freezlord! Freezlord staggers back, yoyos in the ropes and comes back to LARIAT Odolwa! Link runs up but Freezlord avoids the Master Sword to run the ropes, and he BOOTS Link down! Riju tilt-o-whirls to RANA Freezlord to a corner! Riju runs in, but Freezlord pops her up on the corner and Hebra Lifts, for a REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Torbevito returns to basement dropkick Freezlord!

Buliara fights around, rolls, and she drags Zelda up for a SPINEBUSTER! Buliara gets Zelda’s legs and CATAPULTS her at the ropes! Zelda goes up and over, but she holds onto the rope and keeps her feet up! Buliara goes after Zelda’s hands, but Zelda hooks her legs on the rest of the ropes. Buliara stomps at Zelda but Zelda still gets back in under the bottom rope. Link throws hands with Torbevito, Torbevito gets the edge and whips, but Link reverses to wrench and HOOK SHOT! Link reels Torbevito in to back suplex, but Torbevito lands on his feet! Torbevito jumps but Link denies the rana with a SLAM!

“Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number 24 is… FIN BALURE! The leader of Arrow Club is here! Fin runs in and he goes right after Link! Fin CHOPS and fires haymakers, and Torbevito helps him mug Link in a corner. Freezlord goes after Torbevito but Fin ROCKS Freezlord first. Arrow Club mugs Freezlord now, and they double whip him to ropes. Torbevito drop toeholds Freezlord so Fin can basement dropkick! They drag Freezlord up and aim for ropes, but Freezlord kicks the ropes to go up and over! He DOUBLE DROPKICKS them down! Yunobo runs up to POUNCE Freezlord! Freezlord tumbles to ropes, Yunobo drags Freezlord up and throws him out to ELIMINATE him!

The Gerudo Sisterhood go after Yunobo together! They get him in a corner and stomp away. Odolwa kicks Tali’s leg out from behind! Odolwa CLUBS Tali, Buliara goes after Odolwa but he ROCKS her with a forearm. Zelda KICKS Odolwa in a leg, then avoids his kick in return. Zelda kicks but Odolwa blocks, slips around and hits an STO! Odolwa then RIDGE HAND CHOPS Zelda down! Odolwa drags Zelda up, but Link runs up to SUPERKICK Odolwa! Odolwa rebounds to DOUBLE LARIAT Link and Zelda! Fans boo but Odolwa soaks up the heat! Tali ROCKS Odolwa! Tali & Buliara pick Odolwa up, Riju climbs, HAMMOCK SPLASH!

“Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number 25 is… LUPAY! The Wild Wolfos is here, but wait, what’s Militron doing here, too? And what’re Harlequin and Glutko doing back out here?! The refs reprimand, but Militron shows the camera a piece of paper. He’s number 26, but he wants to go now?! That’s not allowed! But too late, all four Faces of Evil rush the ring!! Fans boo as hard as they can but Lupay SHOTGUNS Riju! Militron CLOBBERS Tali! Harlequin fires off on Fin and Glutko CLOBBERS Torbevito! Glutko drags Torbevito up, whips him to Militron, and Militron lifts him up, to THROW him out onto the refs!! Militron ELIMINATES Torbevito!

Harlequin laughs as he CHOKES Fin on the ropes! Yunobo CLUBS Harlequin, but then Glutko ROCKS Yunobo! Lupay fires off fists on Fin, Militron SPLASHES Yunobo in a corner! Tali fires off on Militron, he kicks her low and shoves her at Glutko for Glutko to scoop and POWERSLAM! Glutko drags Tali up, whips her to Militron and Militron TOSSES her up and out! Militron ELIMINATES Tali! Fans boo more, but the Faces of Evil just soak it all up. Lupay CLAWS Fin on his back! They get Fin up, but wait, the countdown is back already? “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number 27 is… BAD CROC SCALY! And he’s got the Young Ducks, too!

The Arrow Club rushes in to go after the Faces of Evil! Mack & Rick aren’t in this at all but the refs aren’t gonna stop them after Harlequin & Glutko already broke that rule! Speaking of, The Ducks DOUBLE SUPERKICK GLUTKO! And Scaly clotheslines Glutko up and out!! Harlequin rushes in, the Ducks dodge, Scaly ROCKS Harlequin and he staggers into DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Then Harlequin staggers into Scaly’s grip! GRENADE!! The Ducks drag Harlequin up and out to TOSS him up and out! The Ducks get out, Scaly helps Fin to his feet, and the Swamp Boss and Zora Prince stare down Militron & Lupay. And the brawl is on!

Fans fire up as they scrap all over the ring! The Ducks stomp Harlequin as he crawls away, but Glutko gets up. Glutko CLOBBERS The Ducks from behind! Wait, Torbevito’s up! He runs along the barrier to jump and RANA Glutko into a POST! “This is Awesome!” even though it’s chaotic! The refs all get up, they all start reprimanding and ushering the Faces of Evil and the Arrow Club, and Torbevito helps the Ducks get Harlequin up to mug him all the way back up the ramp. Glutko staggers and chases them down, and this continues into the backstage area. Fin CHOPS Lupay, Lupay CLAWS Fin’s face!

Lupay runs, Fin dodges and comes back, SLINGBLADE! Fin fires up and the fans are with him as he flexes on Lupay. But Militron runs Fin over with a shoulder! Scaly CLUBS Militron for that, then fireman’s carries! Scaly dumps Militron over the top rope, but Militron fights back. Militron HOTSHOTS Scaly away, but Fin DROPKICKS Militron down and ELIMINATES him! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number 28 is… THE GRIM CREEPER! Ted Beedle Ossi sees him off, given Creeper is UWO 4 After Life. At least, that’s what the shirt he’s wearing says. Creeper runs in as Lupay SUPERKICKS Fin!

Creeper runs up and he clotheslines Fin up and out! Creeper ELIMINATES Fin!! Lupay’s pissed that Creeper sniped his target! Creeper says “SUCK IT!” and that just pisses Lupay off more! Lupay goes after Creeper, they brawl, Scaly runs up to CLOBBER them both! Scaly drags Lupay up and just pushes him up and over the ropes to ELIMINATE him! No more Faces of Evil in the match! Scaly then drags Creeper up, but Creeper LOW BLOWS Scaly! Creeper says “SUCK IT!” again, whips, but Scaly blocks! Scaly may be hurting but he’s still too big for little bony Creeper! Scaly reels Creeper in to back drop him away!

Buliara fires off on Scaly, Riju stomps Creeper, Odolwa CLUBS away on Link in a corner. Zelda hops onto Odolwa’s shoulders to POISON-RANA! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number 29 is… GARO MASTER! Garo slides in and LEG LARIATS Zelda! Garo gets around Link to half nelson, spin him, and NECKBREAKER! Garo then spins up to his feet, fires off kicks on Yunobo, then whips. Yunobo reverses but Garo springboards to TORNILLO ATTACK! Fans fire up but Garo is stoic because of that gold bird mask. Scaly storms up on Garo but Garo slips around, fires off kicks, then uses the ropes to go up and up, but Scaly SWATS him down!

Buliara SPEARS Scaly! Fans lose their minds off that one! Riju helps Buliara but Creeper DECKS Riju! Buliara SLAPS Creeper then scoops him. Buliara heads for ropes but Creeper clamps onto the ropes to save himself. Buliara throws knee after knee, but Creeper still stays inside the ropes. Buliara brings Creeper around and POSTS him! Odolwa SUPERKICKS Buliara! Odolwa hurries to dump Buliara up and out, and ELIMINATES her!! Riju goes after Odowla for getting rid of her Gerudo Sisterhood! Odolwa shoves Riju away but Link MASTER SWORDS Odolwa against the ropes! Link tries to get Odolwa up but Odolwa flails.

“Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number 30 is… LADRONA! The Thief Girl runs up, slides in, but then rolls right back out! The refs reprimand but fans cheer as Ladrona smiles and takes a bow. Ladrona argues with the refs about how she’s bending the rules again. But then Scaly goes out and Ladrona turns around. Ladrona screams but Scaly puts her in the ring! Scaly storms in after Ladrona, gets one of her legs, but Garo runs up to LEG LARIAT! Scaly staggers back, Creeper CHOP BLOCKS Garo, and then Creeper hurries to get Scaly’s leg. Scaly is still too big for Creeper, and he CLUBS Creeper on the back.

Creeper hobbles, Scaly reels him in for a GORON DROP! Scaly drags Creeper up, dumps him out and ELIMINATES him! Scaly goes back for Ladrona but Yunobo RAMS Scaly into a corner! Scaly CLUBS Yunobo while Yunobo RAMS into Scaly more! Ladrona clamps onto Garo with a leglock to keep him down. Riju goes after Zelda while Odolwa fights Link off. Odolwa SOBATS, FRONT KICKS, but Link ducks the roundhouse! Link CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS! Odolwa swings again but Link dodges! HOOK- NO, Odolwa ducks the Hook Shot and PELES! But Link rebounds to MASTER SWORD!

“Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number 31 is… SHALE DUG-IN! Another TCW legend is here! And he’s already brining a kendo stick with him! Shale SMACKS Yunobo, SMACKS Scaly, SMACKS Garo while he’s down, and SMACKS Ladrona on the butt as she scurries away! Shale SMACKS Link, SMACKS Odolwa, but Zelda blocks the kendo stick strike! Zelda kicks Shale, takes the kendo stick and SMACKS him in return! Riju DROPKICKS Zelda, and now she gets the kendo stick! Riju SMACKS Zelda again and again and again! Shale BULLDOGS Riju down! Yunobo RAMS Shale, but that’s Goron to Goron, neither falls!

Shale nods and eggs Yunobo on. Yunobo runs again, they RAM again, but still neither Goron falls! Scaly runs up, the Gorons dodge and they both run to DOUBLE SHOULDER TACKLE Scaly down! Shale and Yunobo look to each other and nod. Then they both run to RAM each other again! And again! And again! Then they start throwing forearms! Fans fire up as they go faster and faster, and Shale gets the edge! Shale spins, but Yunobo SWATS the discus lariat! Yunobo spins, but Shale dodges his lariat to run and he CLOBBERS Yunobo! Fans fire up with Shale, but Garo GAMANGIRIS Shale against ropes!

Garo lifts Shale with a leg, Scaly storms up and he DUMPS BOTH Garo and Shale out!! Scaly ELIMINATES them both!! “Three! Two! One! BRR!” Entry number 32 is… DINOLFOS! The top prospect from the Dark Horse Stampede is here! Dino storms right in and he goes right after Yunobo to continue where they left off during Dark Horse Stampede! Fans fire up as they throw big forearms! Zelda kicks Riju from below, Link ROCKS Odolwa, Ladrona does her best to hide under the bottom rope in a corner. Dino gets the edge on Yunobo, runs, and he BOOTS Yunobo! Yunobo rebounds but into a SIDEWALK SLAM?!

Fans lose their minds as Dinolfos shows his strength! Dinolfos drags Yunobo up and goes for ropes, but Yunobo fights back with body shots. Yunobo powers Dino back but then Dino digs his heels in. Dino throws Yunobo, Yunobo gets up and he RAMS Dino! Dino rebounds to BOOT, but Yunobo stands firm! Yunobo throws Dino’s foot down to then LARIAT! Dino stays up as he grits his teeth! Dino and Yunobo slug it out, forearm for forearm! Scaly storms up and he CLOBBERS Dino into Yunobo! Scaly CLUBS Dino, CLUBS Yunobo, but then Dino ROCKS Scaly! Yunobo RAMS into Dino and has him against ropes!

Fans sing “IT’S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN~!” And they count along, “Three! Two! One! BRR!” The final entrant, number 33, is… MAJORA!! Fans freak out as the Monster Mask storms his way down to the ring! Majora steps in, Ladrona gets out of her corner, to go up and over the top rope on her own!? Ladrona hops down and runs away, she ELIMINATES herself!! Yunobo runs up on Majora, but Majora puts him on the apron, and DECKS him with a forearm! Yunobo falls right to the floor, Majora ELIMINATES him! Majora BOOTS Dinolfos and DECKS Scaly! Odolwa runs up but Majora sidesteps him, then DECKS him, too!

Majora drags Odolwa up to TOSS and ELIMINATE him! Dinolfos comes back, swings on Majora, but Majora KNEES him low! Dinolfos sputters and coughs, Majora DUMPS him out to ELIMINATE him! Three in a row for Majora, and he then drags Scaly up. Scaly shoves Majora and HEADBUTTS him! Majora BOOTS Scaly but Scaly stays up! Scaly throws forearms, Majora hits back, but then Riju runs up to DROPKICK Majora! Scaly CLUBS Majora, Zelda KICKS Majora, and repeat! Majora TOSSES Zelda into Scaly! Link runs up to SUPERKICK! Majora wobbles, Riju goes up and up and CROSSBODIES!

Fans are thunderous as Majora topples over! Link helps Zelda up, and they each get a wrist of Majora’s! They count together, “One! Two! Three!” DOUBLE LIGHT ARROW!!! Fans fire up as Link, Zelda and Scaly get Majora up and dump him out! They all ELIMINATE Majora together! And now Link, Zelda, Scaly and Riju are the final four! They all look at each other as they square off. Scaly’s the biggest, so the other three go after him together! Fans fire up, and Scaly EXPLODES out! The others tumble, Riju gets up first, but she runs into a pop-up GRENADE!! Scaly then YANKS Riju right off the mat, throws her over, and ELIMINATES her!!

Zelda ENZIGURIS Scaly! Link MASTER SWORDS Scaly! Zelda DROPKICKS Scaly! Scaly teeters against ropes, Link MASTER SWORDS again! Scaly slumps against the ropes, Link and Zelda work to get him up and over! Scaly holds onto the ropes while he’s upside-down! Link and Zelda coordinate again, and they DOUBLE LIGHT ARROW Scaly in the stomach!! Scaly falls to the floor, Link and Zelda ELIMINATE him!! And now, they’re the last two left! The fans are thunderous, but Link realizes a miscalculation of sorts. He and Zelda stare down as this now has to end in either pinfall or submission.

No one is sitting, except for Kage, as fans chant “This is Awesome!” Zelda and Link slowly circle, and tie up. Zelda wrenches, gets a hammerlock, then shifts to a headlock. She switches sides, Link counters with a back suplex but Zelda lands on her feet. Link turns around and stops her from using the rana. Zelda kicks, Link blocks, then Link spins her around to roll her up. TWO, Link sunset flips, but Zelda rolls through! Link ducks the Penalty Kick, tries another roll-up, TWO and Zelda keeps the arm! Zelda tries to drag Link down into a mounted armbar, but Link rolls and he flips Zelda to a lateral press, ONE!!

Fans fire up again as the two stand off after that exchange. They circle, tie up again, Zelda wrenches and pump handles, MINUET OF THE FOREST! TWO but Zelda hurries to waistlock and O’Conner Roll, with BRI- NO, Link blocks the bridge, pushes Zelda away and gets her for a cradle on the return! TWO, and Link shows Superkick, but he doesn’t follow through? Fans are torn while Zelda is upset. She shoves him, wanting him to get over whatever his hang-up is! Link shoots in to get around and now he O’Conner Rolls! TWO, Link runs back in but Zelda drop toeholds him into buckles!

Zelda runs corner to corner fast, and comes back to DROPKICK Link in the corner! Zelda drags Link to a cover, TWO! Zelda goes for an arm, she wants the chicken wing! Link scrambles and rolls free and fans cheer the newest exchange. Zelda eggs Link on, reminding him they’ve fought before. She doesn’t get why he’s holding back on her now. Link frowns, slaps himself, perhaps also trying to get past this mental block. They go again, collar ‘n’ elbow, and Link headlocks. Zelda powers out, Link swings but Zelda dodges the clothesline. Zelda comes back but Link shoots around her, but Zelda hooks a leg to fight the German Suplex.

Zelda wrenches out to wristlock, but Link rolls, kips up, and arm-drags! Zelda comes back, but into another arm-drag! But Zelda avoids the dropkick! Zelda rushes up behind him, he slips out the back and trips her. Link uses body scissors to turn Zelda over and he bridges back for a HYRULE CLUTCH! TWO, and Zelda wants the Impa Lock! Link scrambles, rolls back to a cover, TWO, and Link SUPERKICKS! Link is conflicted as Zelda wobbles, but he still reels her in for a fireman’s carry! Link hesitates, but he still throws Zelda for a BOMBOS- NO! Zelda handsprings out of Bombos Medallion! Zelda mule kicks, hops back to get on Link’s shoulders and POISON-RANAS! Cover, TWO!

Link is dazed, Zelda is a little conflicted herself now, but she aims as Link sits up. Zelda runs in, SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO! Link is still in this but Zelda doesn’t lose focus. Zelda stalks Link as he crawls, and she runs in, and she PENALTY KICKS an arm! Link clutches the elbow, and Zelda is after him! Link scrambles to stay out of the chicken wing! Zelda gets on him like a backpack, still after his arm, IRON OCTOROCK! Link endures, reaches out for ropes, but Zelda lets off to WRING the bad arm! Link writhes, he kicks Zelda away and goes to ropes. Tiger Sahasrahla has Zelda hold back per traditional rules.

Zelda waits for Link to get up and the two reset. They tie up, Zelda wrenches the bad arm but Link grabs ropes. Sahasrahla counts the break, Zelda lets off, but then she KICKS the bad arm! Link CHOPS her back! And CHOPS again! Zelda blocks the next chop to wrench and PELE that arm! Link MASTER- NO, Zelda avoids getting hit! Zelda gets up behind Link, goes for his arms, but Link drops to victory roll! TWO, and Zelda runs up to jump! KIMURA! Zelda has the double wristlock and the body scissors! Link stays up on both feet as he endures and fans rally up. Link throws body shots, but Zelda pulls on the arm!

Link powers up to pry the body scissors open! Link scoops Zelda to SLAM her, but she holds onto the arm to wrangle him down! Zelda hammerlocks the arm, then works to make it a chicken wing! Link fights the crossface! Link pushes off the mat, Zelda avoids being rolled up, but Link rebounds to MASTER SWORD! Cover, TWO!! Zelda is still in this, and Link shakes out his arms. Zelda stumbles up into a corner, Link runs in to RAM into her! Link goes out to the apron and ENZIGURIS her down! Zelda is in the drop zone, Link goes up. Link shakes out his arms again, before the FIRE ARROW, into a TRIANGLE HOLD!

Zelda has Link’s bad arm in the hold as she squeezes tight! Fans fire up and duel, “TAP! TAP! TAP!” “NO! NO! NO!” Link endures, fights up, and deadlifts Zelda to SITOUT POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Zelda is still in this, but Link is too sore to be upset. Link shakes his arms out again, but Zelda kicks him from below. Zelda kicks Link in the bad arm, but Link kicks her in the leg. Zelda kicks him again but he stands up. Link grabs the leg, turns Zelda over, and yanks her up into a wheelbarrow! Link lifts, but Zelda counters with a BULLDOG! Zelda shifts around to have the chicken wing! IMPA LOCK!!!

Fans are thunderous as Link endures and moves around! Zelda holds on tight, but Link kicks and scoots back! Link kicks and kicks, they’re under the ropes! ROPEBREAK!! Sahasrahla counts, Zelda lets go at 4 and kicks Link away. Zelda storms up to get the bad arms, and she aims! But Link jumps up to RANA!! Cover, TWO!!! Both of them scramble up, Link SUPERKICKS! FALCON ARROW! Link sits Zelda up to run and MASTER SWORD!! Cover, LINK WINS!!

Winner: Link, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the HPW Triforce Championship)

The Hero of Hyrule holds onto the Princess a little longer. He didn’t want it to come down to this, but in the end, he is still the Hyrule Warrior! Link helps Zelda sit up while the fans give this a standing ovation! Kage gets up out of his seat, but not to applaud. He simply watches Link while walking his way around the ring and to the ramp. Link glares at the Hero’s Shadow, will hurting the one he loved be worth it?

My Thoughts:

This one took me literally to this point to get done, because of all the other stuff I’m covering when I probably don’t have to be. (NJPW, ROH, AEW) I have got to be better at scheduling this stuff. I hope that Hyrule Warriors match still felt epic, I really had to rush it. And yeah, it’s Link VS Kage again but this is to lead into probably the biggest HyruleMania ever.

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)

WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

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Classic POD is WAR

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Hockey Talk- A Sporting Frenzy [102224]

Hockey Talk turns into Sports Talk this week as the guys discuss Illinois downing Michigan, a Yankees vs Dodgers World Series, and NHL Frozen Frenzy.



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This week’s installment of Hockey Talk is more of a conversation about sports in general, as the guys have their fingers on the pulse of everything. Patrick is giddy about his beloved Illinois Fighting Illini, announcing to the world that they have arrived as the #20 Illini took down the defending champion Michigan Wolverines, the Illini’s first win against Michigan since 2009! The guys also discuss just what it means to the baseball world to have a New York Yankees vs Los Angeles Dodgers World Series. There is hockey to talk about, as well, as the New York Rangers and Utah Hockey Club continue to look strong in the season’s opening weeks, while the Nashville Predators look to be historically bad. Dave acknowledges his Washington Capitals might be better than he thought, and the guys look forward to Frozen Frenzy on Tuesday. With all 32 teams in action, which games will be worth watching?  The fellas tell you that and much more this week on Hockey Talk.

Today’s hosts: Dave Ungar (@AttitudeAgg) and Patrick O’Dowd (@WrestlngRealist).

  • The Illinois Fighting Illini made Patrick very happy!
  • What a Yankees v. Dodgers World Series means to baseball.
  • The Rangers and Utah Hockey Club continue to roll; the Predators continue to struggle
  • A preview of Frozen Frenzy ’24

About the Chairshot Radio Network

Created in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts, including POD is WAR, Women’s Wrestling Talk, Chairshot Radio daily editions, The #Miranda Show, Badlands’ Wrestling Mount Rushmores, The Outsider’s Edge, DWI Podcast, Bandwagon Nerds, the Greg DeMarco Show, 3 Man Weave, Five Rounds, Turnbuckle Talk, The Reaction and more! You can find these great shows each week at and through our distribution partners, including podcasting’s most popular platforms.

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About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)

WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

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Bandwagon Nerds

Bandwagon Nerds #259: Conflict Commandos

The Bandwagon is divided when it comes to the new Creature Commandos trailer, while Agatha All Along enters its final third on a mysterious note.



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This week, the Bandwagon continues with its review of Agatha All Along, and we find out all we wanted to know about Billy Maximoff but were probably too afraid to ask. Where did Billy come from, and what was his objective over the final three episodes? The guys break it all down for you here. A visit to the trailer park leads to some conflict between Dave and Rey regarding the official trailer for Creature Commandos. Rey was less than thrilled with the trailer, while Dave was much more optimistic about the official start of the new DCU. In  News Around the Nerdosphere, the Nerds discuss Hugh Jackman wanting to sing Neil Diamond, the possible end of the line for the God of War series before it ever got going, and an eye-opening interview from Tom Holland about the future of Spider-Man 4.

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  • @WrestlngRealist
  • @itsReyCash
  • @PCTunney
  • @itsmedpp
  • @ViolentAesop
  • @TheMindlessPod
  • @therealcplatt
  • @ChairshotMedia
  • @BandwagonNerds

About Bandwagon Nerds

Join Patrick O’Dowd, David Ungar, PC Tunney, Rey Cash, and DPP as they keep everyone up on all things nerd, and maybe add some new nerds along the way. It’s the Bandwagon Nerds Podcast!

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY – Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

TUESDAY – Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)

WEDNESDAY – The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

THURSDAY – Keeping the news ridiculous… The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

FRIDAY – DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY – The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY – The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE’s PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS…IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O’Dowd’s 5X5

Classic POD is WAR


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Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts… Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

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Bandwagon Nerds

About Chairshot Radio Network

Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!

 MONDAY - Bandwagon Nerds (entertainment & popular culture)

TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)

WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling) 

THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)

FRIDAY - DWI Podcast (Drunk Wrestling Intellect)

SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast

SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast 


Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends

Patrick O'Dowd's 5X5

Classic POD is WAR

Chairshot Radio Network Your home for the hardest hitting podcasts... Sports, Entertainment and Sports Entertainment!

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