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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (1/30/24)

Vengeance Day awaits!



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

Will Vengeance come early this year?

Vengeance Day is this Sunday, February 4th, but NXT Champion, Ilja Dragunov, and Iron Survivor, Trick Williams, need to put certain things to rest first!


  • 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Semifinals: Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams VS The LWO; Melo & Trick win and advance to the finals.
  • Roxanne Perez VS Tatum Paxley; Roxie wins.
  • Lola Vice VS Elektra Lopez; Lola wins.
  • Ridge Holland VS Lexis King; King wins.
  • Fallon Henley w/ Wren Sinclair VS Arianna Grace; Grace wins.
  • NXT Heritage Cup Championship Match: Noam Dar w/ The Meta Four VS Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone; Dar wins and retains the cup.


2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Semifinals: Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams VS The LWO!

Trick Melo Gang has held it together this close to Vengeance Day, and there’s big stakes for them both here tonight. Will the best friends make it to the finals so Trick can have it all? Or will Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde refuse to stop their own roll towards gold?

The teams sort out and Wilde starts against Melo, but the fans chant “Whoop Dat Trick!” Melo headlocks Wilde but Wilde pries at the hold. Melo holds on, but Wilde powers up. Wilde waistlocks, Melo bucks the O’Conner, then things speed up. Wilde hits a headlock takeover on the run! Melo moves around, fights up, but Wilde wrenches. Melo goes to a waistlock but Wilde switches. Melo arm-drags free, then arm-drags again! Then he DROPKICKS Wilde down! Melo headlocks, Wilde powers up and out, but Melo avoids the dropkick to then roll Wilde and BULLDOG! Melo wrenches Wilde and tags in Trick.

Trick Melo Gang double whips and Trick DROPKICKS Wilde! Fans rally behind Trick again as he stands Wilde up. Wilde JAWBREAKERS free! Tag to Cruz, LWO double whips to DOUBLE ELBOW! Then they HIP TOSS SPLASH! Cruz adds a LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Trick stays in this but Cruz stays on Trick with a facelock. Cruz puts Trick on ropes to CHOP! Fans “WOO~!” while Cruz whips, but Trick blocks. Cruz kicks low, whips again but Trick reverses. Cruz ducks ‘n ‘dodges and leaps, but Trick catches him for a spinning SLAM! Then a scoop and SLAM! Then another scoop, but Cruz fights fere to dropkick the legs out!

Trick hobbles, Cruz brings him around with a facelock, and Cruz CLUBS away. Trick shoves Cruz, pops him up and UPEPRCUTS him down! Hot tag to Melo and he runs up to CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! Melo MACHINE GUN CHOPS in a corner! The fans fire up, Melo stomps away then lets off as the ref counts. Melo whips, Cruz reverses and runs in, but Melo ELBOWS him away! Melo goes up but Cruz handsprings to GAMANGIRI! Melo falls, Wilde tags in! Wilde goes up and up and SUPER CANNONBALLS! The fans fire up, Trick runs in but Wilde dodges and Cruz FLIES! Cruz takes down Trick and the fans are fired up as NXT goes picture in picture.

The LWO gets Melo up and in, but then Melo ROCKS Wilde! Wilde BOOTS back, storms in and bumps Melo off buckles. Wilde brings Melo around but Melo blocks a bump to give a bump. Melo fires hands, backs Wilde down, then whisp him to the corner. Wilde BOOTS back, Melo staggers, and Wilde ELBOWS him down! Cover, TWO! Wilde is annoyed but he drags Melo up. Wilde snapmares to KNEE Melo in the back, then he chinlocks and has the armlock. Melo endures, fans rally up, and Melo fights to his feet. Melo reaches out but Wilde wrangles him down! Melo fights back up, throws body shots, but Wilde CLUBS him down.

Wilde RAMS Melo into the corner, tags Cruz, and Cruz stomps away. The ref counts, Cruz lets off, and then he drags Melo up. Cruz puts Melo in a corner to CHOP! Melo pie faces Cruz, so Cruz BOOTS Melo, then CHOPS and JABS on repeat! The ref counts, Cruz lets off, and he stomps Melo down. Cruz taunts Trick by holding out Melo’s hand, then he drags Melo away. Melo ROCKS Cruz with forearm after forearm! Melo runs, but into a DROPKICK! Cruz pushes Melo to a cover, TWO! Cruz is annoyed but he clamps onto Melo with a cobra clutch. Melo endures while Cruz leans on him, but the fans rally up.

Melo kicks around, reaches out, fights up, but NXT returns to single picture as Cruz keeps him down. Melo fights up, fights around, and he throws hands! Cruz lets go but then gets the wrist! Melo throws more hands, reaches for Trick, repeat! But Cruz knees low! Cruz reels Melo in to back suplex but Melo lands on his feet! DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! The fans fire up, “This is Awesome!” as Melo and Cruz crawl. Hot tags to Wilde and Trick! The fans fire up as Trick LEG LARIATS! And LEG LARIATS! And then he spins Wilde to body shot and UPPERCUT! Trick runs, Wilde ducks but the LEPAING LARIAT hits Cruz!

Trick scoops Wilde to SLAM him! Fans fire up as Trick lets the hair down. Trick stomps Wilde, then cartwheels to deadlift. Cruz runs in, but into a clinch! DOUBLE BOOKEND! Cover, TWO!! Trick stays cool, shoves Wilde to the corner, then runs up, but Wilde dodges! Melo tags, Trick BOOTS Wilde down! Trick then gives Melo the boost for the FLYING SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Melo drags Wilde to a drop zone, goes up, but Wilde gets up to TRIP Melo! Melo is stuck in a Tree of Woe, Cruz tags in! Cruz runs to GAMANGIRI Trick down, then he SUPERKICKS Melo down! Cruz hurries to the corner, Wilde is up on the other! DOUBLE COAST2COAST!!!

The fans are thunderous and Cruz drags Melo to a cover, TRICK BREAKS IT!! The fans are thunderous again and cheer on “NXT! NXT!” for giving us this as the opener! The LWO gets Melo up but Melo turns things around! But Cruz hits Melo with a NECKBREAKER that CATAPULTS Wilde into Trick for a LARIAT! All four men are down again, Trick and Wilde fall out. Melo and Cruz rise, Melo throws a forearm! Cruz fires one back! The fans rally and duel as they go back and forth, and then just SLAP and SLAP! They fire haymakers, btu Cruz gets the edge with elbows! Melo ROUNDHOUSES!

Melo whips corner to corner, Cruz goes out and then ROCKS Melo! Cruz goes up, MISSILE DROPKICK! Tag to Wilde and Cruz goes up! Fans fire up for Cruz’s PHOENIX- NO, Melo moves! Cruz stumbles up, into the FIRST 48! But Wilde is up top! Melo goes after him first! They brawl up there, and Wilde GOURD BUSTERS Melo! Wilde adjusts, to springboard, into the FIRST 48!! Tag to Trick and Melo DIVES onto Cruz! TRICK KNEE!! Cover, Trick Melo Gang wins!!

Winners: Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams, by pinfall (advance to the finals)

Vengeance Day, thy name is Trick Willy! Trick is gonna go for history as he and Melo go after the Dusty Cup while Trick also goes for THE NXT Championship! But then OBA FEMI attacks the LWO!? And so here comes Dragon Lee! Dragon dodges Oba to ENZIGIRI! Dragon fires off hands, Cruz & Wilde help out, that’s 3v1! But Oba EXPLODES free! He BOOTS Cruz, then TOSSES Wilde into Cruz! But Dragon is up top, and he leaps, into a LARIAT!! Fans are thunderous as Oba imposes his will! Will the Boy Wonder fail to take back the North American Championship against such a mighty Ruler?


Ridge Holland meets with Ava Raine.

Northern Grit meets with the new NXT General Manager, and she understands how he wants all three members of Gallus, but she has to protect him from himself. Just trust her. But he can assure Ava that- Hold on, Lexis King walks in and he congratulates the new GM with a gift basket. It has all the essentials, including the newest, hottest T-shirt on WWE Shop: his shirt. Ridge still wants Gallus but King says he gets it. Ridge is big, bad and has beef, but now is not the time. But King has a big meeting with the GM to talk about all the plans for Lexis King in 2024. They are? Ava doesn’t know what King is talking about.

But she was thinking, she has the perfect start for him in 2024. King VS Ridge, tonight! Now, she has to get to a real meeting, so Merry Christmas, Ridge, here’s a gift basket. Ridge says “Regift,” and he gives King his basket back. See you out there. Now get out. Will Ridge redeem himself while warm up for Gallus by bringing down the Drama King?


Tatum Paxley sighs.

She admires Lyra Valkyria’s picture while saying that she will always be there for her. And she knows Lyra will be there for her, too. Tatum texts Lyra but then Lyra walks in. Tatum is so excited, but Lyra tells her to stop. She got all the texts already. But why did Tatum attack Roxanne last week? Because it’s what Lyra wanted. No, that’s not at all what she said! But Lyra said Roxie was taking up all her time and focus, remember? Yeah, but that did not mean “Put her through a table!” Lyra can fight her own battles, okay? She is literally a champion. Yeah but what if Tatum wants to fight them for her?

That’s impossible! And a really weird thing to say! Yeah but doing the impossible is fun! And when Tatum takes care of Roxie tonight, Lyra won’t even have an opponent for Sunday and she will remain NXT Women’s Champion! No, stop, Tatum! Lyra can’t believe what she’s gotten into. But will The Prodigy not be taken out of the picture so easily?

Roxanne Perez VS Tatum Paxley!

NXT goes picture in picture while Tatum makes her entrance. The bell rings and Roxie hits a THESZ PRESS! Roxie fires off, drags Tatum up and bumps her off buckles. Roxie drags Tatum around, bumps her off more buckles, then stomps a mudhole in. The ref counts, Roxie lets off, then she storms back up. But Tatum RAMS into her! Tatum bumps Roxie off buckles, then tries again, but Roxie blocks to DECK Tatum! Roxie drags Tatum up, wrenches and whips, then runs in at the corner to UPPERCUT! Roxie wrenches Tatum and reels her in, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! Roxie drags Tatum up and SMACKS her off the mat!

Roxie drags Tatum up to CLUB her down, then drags her up again. Roxie cravats for a neck wrench but Tatum endures. Tatum fights around, throws body shots, but Tatum knees her down. Roxie cranks the neck wrench, grinds Tatum into the mat, and it’s a cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Roxie keeps on the neck wrench and NXT returns to single picture. Tatum fights up while fans rally, and Lyra is on commentary and notes she does not understand Tatum’s obsession with her. Tatum rolls free, but Roxie fires forearms! Tatum ROCKS Roxie in return! Roxie ROCKS Tatum again and again and again!

Fans fire up and Roxie whips. Tatum reverses then DECKS Roxie! Tatum DROPKICKS Roxie, then kicks low, high, and ENZIGIRIS! Roxie goes to a corner, Tatum runs in and she CROSSBODIES! Then she underhooks, puts Roxie on ropes, and hits a DRAPING BUTTERFLY PLEX! Cover, TWO! Roxie hurries out of the ring and Tatum shouts out Lyra. Tatum runs to hit the WRECKING BALL DROPKICK! Tatum says she did good, right? Lyra still doesn’t understand. Tatum puts Roxie in the ring, but Roxie DIVES out onto Tatum! Fans fire up and Roxie drags Tatum up and into the ring.

Roxie goes up a corner, but Tatum hits ropes to trip her up! Tatum then fireman’s carries and tells Lyra to watch. Tatum swings but Roxie arm-drags free! Roxie SOBATS, hops on, POP ROX! Cover, Roxie wins!

Winner: Roxanne Perez, by pinfall

Tatum tried to impress Lyra while fighting her battles for her, but it all backfired. Will Lyra take care of this herself this Sunday? Wait, Tatum runs up again! Roxie trips Tatum and fires off hands! Lyra gets in to make the save? Roxie goes to swing but the two stare down instead. Will Roxie take that title back while also ruining Tatum’s fantasy?


Arianna Grace talks with Wren Sinclair.

Arianna says names are everything. So Wren, is that British? Maybe. Well, Wren Sinclair, you surely want to fit in, right? More than you can imagine! Then she’s come to the right woman. Arianna is an inspirational leader around here. Oh, hey, there. “Oh hey there~!” You sound like a ranch girl. Have more confidence, sound elegant. “Well hello there.” And maybe get some fragrances, because you smell like a barn. Fallon Henley says the only thing that smells is that manure coming out of Arianna’s mouth. And stop filling Wren’s head with delusions of grandeur.

Arianna says Fallon is disrespectful and presumptuous. But Arianna will show self restraint. Save it. Show Wren how much of a leader you are by getting in the ring. Fallon will even go talk with Ava. The Cowgirl and the new girl head out, will the Pageant Queen learn a lesson in humility?


Lola Vice VS Elektra Lopez!

The Mayor of Vice City said La Madrina was just using her to be relevant again, but then Lopez fired back by calling out how fake Lola has been this entire time. Will Lola get real with Lopez by getting real violent? Or will Lopez take the Women’s Breakout Star down a notch?

The bell rings and the two run in, and Lopez TACKLES Lola! Lopez fires hands, but Lola turn sit around to fire back! They both get up, and Lola TACKLES Lopez out of the ring! Both women stagger up, Lola dodges a shot to ROUNDHOUSE! Lola headlocks but Lopez POSTS her! Lopez ROCKS Lola, puts her in the ring, and then runs up. Lola ROCKS Lopez, Lopez KNEES Lola! Lola goes to a corner, Lopez runs in but Lola dodges! Lola fires off those fast ‘n’ furious kicks! Lola says she’s the REAL Madrina, then runs in to HIP ATTACK! Lola drags Lopez to a cover, TWO! Lola is frustrated, and she AX KICKS Lopez down.

Lola clamps on a chinlock and thrashes Lopez around, but Lopez fights up. Lopez throws elbows but Lola kicks. Lopez ducks one to roll Lola up, TWO! Lola runs up but into a CHOP! Lopez runs in but into a KNEE! Lola then gets Lopez for a TRIANGLE HOLD! Lopez POWERBOMBS Lola down! The fans fire up while both women are down! Lopez and Lola both rise up, and Lopez ROCKS Lola! Lola ROCKS Lopez! Lopez ROCKS Lola again, so Lola ROCKS Lopez again! And SOBATS! And winds up, but Lopez dodges the boot to DOUBLE CHOP! And DOUBLE CHOP! Fans fire upas Lopez throat chops!

Lopez roars, runs in, and ELBOWS! Then short arm LARIATS! Lopez drags Lola up again, short arm LARIAT! Then a scoop for a SWINGING SLAM! Cover, TWO! Lopez drags Lola around, talks trash on her, but then Lola hops on for a GUILLOTINE! Lopez rolls but Lola has the top mount for forearms! Lopez gets free, but Lola dodges to then HEEL KICK! Cover, Lola wins!

Winner: Lola Vice, by pinfall

Lola just said buenos noches to La Madrina, is she going to be the one and only Latina Heat of NXT?


Dijak sits in his room.

He watches back what happened between him and Joe Gacy, and then Gacy walks in. “So this is where you come to think.” Yeah, thinking about kicking Gacy’s ass again. Can Gacy sit? No, he may not. Okay, thanks. Gacy takes a seat, and Dijak brings out his nightstick. Ooh, that’s cool. Gacy knows Dijak is a man of justice. Dijak asks, “What do you want, you unhinged piece of trash?” Dijak thought Gacy would still be picking the splinters out of his ass. Gacy says he doesn’t want anything, really. And he did get all those splinters out, thanks for asking. He is just here to say that no matter what Dijak does, he can’t get rid of Gacy.

You can put him through a wall, or anything else you can think of, and he’ll just keep crawling back. And if Dijak didn’t get that the first time, Gacy already has a recording on Dijak’s tape! Nice office, by the way. Dijak is furious, and he punches Gacy! But then Gacy gets up and TACKLES him into the wall! They brawl into the shadows, what will it take for these two to settle the score?


Ridge Holland VS Lexis King!

Ava made Northern Grit and the Drama King for tonight, so it is time to see whose 2024 is going to get off on the right foot! Will Ridge be ready for his grudge match with Gallus? Or will King make this his year one way or another?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Ridge pushes King away. Fans rally up as King and Ridge reset. They feel things out, King gets around and he pushes Ridge back. The fans rally up, Ridge and King tie up again, and Ridge clamps onto King’s shoulder, then his head, to CLUB King in the nose! King comes back but Ridge wrangles him wright down! Cover, ONE, but Ridge wrenches to short arm LARIAT as NXT goes picture in picture.

King sputters, Ridge drags him up and wrenches again. Ridge has the wristlock but King fights up to roll, cartwheel, and break free. King SLAPS Ridge! King then baits Ridge to the outside, frolics around the outside then slides into the ring,. King hurdles Ridge, headlocks, but Ridge powers up and out to run King over! Then Ridge SLAPS King right down! King goes to the apron and steadies himself, but Ridge storms up. Ridge drags King by the hair and POSTS him! King flounders but Ridge goes out to drag King up. Ridge UPPERCUTS King, ROCKS him and DECKS him! Ridge puts King back in the ring then storms up.

Ridge whips King to ropes, then hits a BIG back drop! Ridge fires up and eggs King on. King staggers, into a FACELOCK SWING! Ridge then suplexes King, holds him up, and waits until TEN before the SLAM! Cover, TWO! King is still in this but Ridge keeps his cool. Ridge storms over but King BOOTS from below! King RAMS Ridge into a corner, then runs in to clothesline! And CHOP! And CHOP! Ridge ROCKS and CHOPS in return, and on repeat! King KICKS a leg, whips Ridge to a corner, but Ridge reverses. King rebounds, into an OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Cover, TWO! King hangs tough but Ridge clamps on.

Ridge drags King up with an arm wrench then a CHOP! King throws a haymaker, Ridge CHOPS him again! Ridge and King throw hands, then Ridge wrenches to CHOP! King wobbles, Ridge eggs him on, and King claws at the eyes! The ref reprimands but King bumps Ridge off buckles and CHOPS! King whips but Ridge reverses to wrench and short arm LARIAT! NXT returns to single picture and Ridge hauls King up. Ridge wrenches, clamps onto the arm, and the fans rally. Ridge has King on ropes, King holds on, and the ref counts. Ridge lets off, then King HEADBUTTS! King runs up, into a fireman’s carry!

King fights free, then he CHOP BLOCKS! Fans boo but Ridge stays up. King runs up, ducks one lariat, but not the SOUTHPAW! Fans fire up and Ridge bails out. Ridge pursues him but King LARIATS back! Fans boo but King snarls as he puts Ridge in the ring. King AX HANDLES Ridge down, then AX HANDLES again! King stomps Ridge around, brings him up, and he RAMS Ridge into buckles! King uses ropes to get leverage as he digs boots in! The ref counts, King lets off at 4, and he tells the ref not to talk to him like that. King runs up, but Ridge kicks low! Ridge ROCKS King, then UPPERCUTS! King kicks back!

King whips, runs in and SPLASHES in the corner! Then CHOPS! Then snapmares, and KICKS Ridge in the back! Cover, TWO! King clamps right on with a chinlock! The fans rally as Ridge endures and Ridge pries at the hold. King grinds and thrashes the hold but Ridge fights up. Ridge throws body shots, but King kicks a leg out! King turns Ridge for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Ridge is tougher than that but King lines up a shot. King KNEES Ridge in the side, and then again! King sits Ridge up to talk some trash, then he runs, BLINDSIDER LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Ridge is still in this and King grows frustrated.

Fans boo as King paces around. King sits Ridge up to KICK! And KICK! And KICK! He KICKS and KICKS Ridge more, but Ridge stands! Ridge takes more KICKS, then blocks one! Ridge gets under to T-BONE SUPLEX! Fans fire up with Ridge, he hits an EXPLODER! King staggers up, Ridge runs in and SPLASHES in the corner! Whip corner to corner, but King BOOTS back! King runs up, into a scoop! SWINGING SIDE SLAM! Ridge fires up, the fans are with him and Ridge gets King up. Ridge reels King in, but King slips under to mule kick the leg! King hurries to reel Ridge in, “LONG LIVE THE KING!”

But Ridge wrenches out to HEADBUTT! And then a fireman’s carry! SNAKE EYES into some KNEES! Ridge fires off again and again, then turns Ridge around, to BLINDSIDE LARIAT in return! But Joe Coffey is here! Ridge DECKS the Iron King then goes out, but Wolfgang & Mark Coffey are here! Ridge DECKS Wolfie, BLASTS Markus, then throws Joe in the ring! Ridge ROCKS Joe, TOSSES him out, but King SUPERKICKS Ridge in the ropes!! DRAPING CORONATION!! Cover, King wins!!

Winner: Lexis King, by pinfall

The Iron King and his team just helped The Drama King survive Northern Grit! And now Gallus beats down Ridge! Fans boo because now they get chairs! They set the chairs up to put Ridge’s foot in one! Joe aims, and he CON-CHAIR-TOS Ridge’s foot!!! The fans boo, but have Gallus just made sure Ridge will never have redemption?


Andre Chase sits in the back.

Dressed all in black, Professor Chase says, “I can’t believe this is it. Tonight, I say goodbye to Chase University forever. Forever…” Riley Osborne & Duke Hudson walk over, also wearing black, comfort him. Just one more time, okay? They head to gorilla, is this going to be the funeral of Chase U?


Trick Melo Gang regroups backstage.

They handled business, it’s what they do. Two down, one to go! Dusty Cup is right there. Trick then says he was surprised to see Melo in the Royal Rumble this weekend. Melo was surprised to see Trick on SmackDown. Fair. But Trick was looking out, he didn’t trust Theory & Waller to do the right thing. Melo says speaking of trust, Ilja Dragunov is still playing mind-games. C’mon, he can’t be the only one seeing it. He watched Dragunov hug Corbin, and after, Corbin was tweaking. Just saying. Trick appreciates Melo for looking out. But hey, Vengeance Day is about to be cinema! Yeah, Bron & Corbin are bad, but Trick Melo Gang are first and goal right now.

All they need is to hit the game winner, and that’s Trick beating Dragunov to be NXT Champion. But Trick can’t do that if he lets Dragunov get in his head. Trick says he knows who Dragunov is. And like Melo said last week, Trick and Dragunov have been dancing around each other since October. Tonight, they handle it, face to face. Melo tells Trick that at some point tonight, Trick will realize that everything Melo’s been saying is true, and the mind games are real. And that Melo has had Trick’s back this whole time. Trick says aight, bet. Time to go take care of more business. Trick heads out, will he come to see things Melo’s way?


Chase U is in the ring.

Or at least, the former Chase U. Chase, Duke and Riley stand together, and Chase has a mic. “It seems like only yesterday that I was introducing Andre Chase University to the world. And I know I can get a little emotional, a little hot headed. I’ve been known to throw a desk or two. But it’s just passion. Because I knew the impact that Chase U would make, and the imprint that it would leave on the NXT Universe.” Fans applaud that. Chase says it was an institution of higher learning that became a home. It became one of NXT’s biggest success stories! And Chase truly believes that the memories they made together will stand the test of time!

And while he has no one else to blame for the university closing other than himself, Chase wants us all to know how grateful he is that we helped him live his dream. And more importantly, that he got to share that with each and everyone one of us. The fans cheer that. Duke then says that Mr. Chase has been such a positive influence on his life and others. When Duke joined Chase U, he was a very different man, he will admit that. But he saw what Chase U could do for him, and to be honest, when Mr. Chase gave him the title of MVP, that was the greatest day of his life. The fans chant for “MVP! MVP!”

Duke wants us to understand that Chase U is so special, to Mr. Chase, to Duke, to everyone that has ever been part of it. Duke feels it is important that everyone around the world remembers Chase U the way they experienced it. That is why Duke threatened– er, got help from some students, and they made a tribute video for Chase U, so we could all remember what was. So sit back, relax, and enjoy. The video plays and it starts with the final moment last week, when Chase turned off the lights for the last time.

We then return to day one of Chase U, “a place of higher learning.” The students, the classes, and all the #TeachableMoments over the years. And yes, even the hardships. Oh, and Chase’s emotional outbursts. And don’t forget that one time Chase U visited the UK. “Gimme a C! H! A! S! E! U! What’s that spell? CHASE U~!” Wow all that in just three years… But back to present, Chase is emotional. “This whole situation has been a teachable moment. Duke, Riley, I look forward to whatever live brings us next. But ladies and gentlemen, for now… this is goodbye.” But wait, Jacy Jayne makes her way out here?

Jacy, and Thea, are here and Jacy tells Professor Chase, “If you want something said, ask a man. But if you want something done, ask a woman.” Chase says this isn’t the time, they’re saying their goodbyes. Thea countesr with, “Are you?” Jacy admits, she didn’t think she’d fit in. And sure, maybe, just maybe, she came in a little bit toxic. But for the first time in her life, she found herself looking for friends. And then she saw the bonds Chase U had with each other, and Chase brought light back into Duke’s life. And the way he’s protective of Thea is truly inspiring. So then Jacy thought to herself, “Huh. Maybe even I, Jacy Jayne, can actually change.”

So then when Jacy saw the university was in trouble, she just knew she had to stand up and do something about it. Because say what you want about Jacy, but one thing is for sure, she is fiercely loyal to the things and people that matter the most to her. So she had to look not outside but inside to come up with a solution. And she thinks she did just that. Mr. Chase, they won’t be saying goodbye to Chase U tonight. The fans fire up as Jacy introduces the 2024 Ladies of Chase U CALENDAR! WHAT?! 12 very saucy pictures are on screen as the ladies strut their way out! Chase seems the be the only one unsure about this.

Jacy says the projected sales for this 2024 calendar will not only save Chase U from debt, but it will get Chase U to the Promised Land! Wait, what? They will make money because come Sunday, the calendar will officially go on sale! Wait, what does this mean? Jacy says this calendar will not only get them to the next level, but it will get Chase U into the next DECADE! Chase is all fired up now! Chase hugs Jacy, she is everyone’s hero! Jacy is now officially in Chase U! The student section rejoices, is this a new chapter for everyone?


The D’Angelo Family speaks.

The Don says there are two things they take seriously: Business and family. “Those who want respect take respect.” Stacks says it is time to truly take over. And Adriana Rizzo says all her life, she’s heard, “Adriana, that little girl with a big mouth.” And y’know what? They’re right! But ain’t nobody been able to shut her up yet! On the playground, Rizzo had a reputation: throw hands first, talk it out later. Rizzo didn’t just grow up around Tony & Stacks, she grew up with them. She’s ruthless, wise and battle tested.

When your 8th grade crush breaks your heart and you want some payback, who do you call? Rizzo. When you get in a situation where you gotta get your hands dirty, who do you call? Rizzo! Sometimes, all you need is a lady’s touch. Or sometimes, you just need a lady who’s gonna crack someone in the mouth. OTM is getting in way over their heads here. They may have muscles, athleticism, speed and a killer instinct, but so do the D’Angelos. At Vengeance Day, OTM finds out why the streets still belong to The Don! The family is ready, will they make sure Lucien Price, Bronco Nima & Jaida Parker never step up again?


Brooks Jensen finds Fallon Henley backstage.

He asks if she’s got a minute to talk, but she says she’s getting ready for a match. Things sure do move fast around here, huh? She’s crushing it, Briggs is, too. But hey, remember when they went to London and the boys won those NXT UK Tag Team Championships? Good times in the pub, laughed their asses off. It was a blast. Fallon agrees there. Jensen says they should get together- Oh, Wren walks in and Fallon has to get going. Chat later? Yeah, sure. Wren asks if she and Fallon are gonna hang out tonight. Fallon says yeah, and says she’ll see Jensen later. Jensen is feeling lonely and lost, what will it take for him to find his own way?


Chase U regroups backstage.

This is the greatest day of their lives! But then Jacy double checks with Jasmine: make sure Teddy has TEN CASES of the calendar headed to the F&M Bank Arena for Vengeance Day! VENGEANCE DAY~! Chase says Jacy might get sick of him saying this, but thank you thank you thank you! She not only saved the university, but Chase’s life. His LIFE! But then Lexis King walks over and has to rain on the parade. Now, how about a signed copy for the King? Ew, you’re gross, dude. Riley steps up and tells King to back off. Oh, Mr. Osborne, why must you always be in King’s way? Well, Riley feels he’s right where he needs to be: between Jacy & Thea.

King says that is why no one likes Riley. King heads out, and Thea says he is so wrong! Everyone likes Riley! Thea likes Riley! Oh, well, kinda. But then OH SNAP, Dijak and Gacy are still brawling! Chase U gets outta there while security and refs do their best to stop Dijak and Gacy, but the cameraman gets swallowed up by the chaos! Seriously, what is it gonna take to stop them!?


Fallon Henley w/ Wren Sinclair VS Arianna Grace!

The Cowgirl wants to prove she is #TopShelf, and she is going to keep on fighting to build her brand. Will she stampede all over the Pageant Queen to be next in line for the NXT Women’s Championship? Or will she learn to lose with Grace?

The bell rings and Fallon has the fans on her side. Grace says kiss the ring! Fallon says nope, she wrenches and wristlocks that hand instead! Fallon keeps Grace from ropes, but Grace rolls, rolls and rolls! Grace gets free and cheers herself on. Grace blows kisses to the fans, but Fallon grabs the arm to YANK it! And YANK it! And wrench it to grind Grace into the mat. Grace fights up, but Fallon cranks the arm. Grace fights up again, pulls hair, and the ref reprimands. Grace body shots then ROCKS Fallon! Grace whips, Fallon reverses and back elbows! Fallon snapmares but Grace wants her to wait!

Grace plays a “WHAT’S THAT!?” but Fallon still dodges her cheap shot! Fallon arm-drags Grace around, then wrenches. Grace ROCKS Fallon, scoops her, but Fallon slips free to shove and follow. Fallon runs Grace over, keeps moving, and Grace swings. Fallon ducks ‘n’ dodges then trips Grace. Fallon CALF KICKS Grace down! Grace goes to ropes, Fallon runs and slides, but Grace puts up her guard! Fallon waits, Grace drops her guard, then Fallon ROCKS her! Fans cheer and Wren gives thumbs up while NXT goes picture in picture.

Fallon storms back in while Grace cowers to a corner. Fallon runs up but Grace ELBOWS her away! Grace bumps Fallon off buckles, bumps her off more buckles, then bumps her off another buckle. Grace cheers herself on, then brings Fallon to the fourth corner. Fallon blocks the buckle bump to body shot, and then she bumps Grace off the buckle! Then the middle buckle! Then the bottom buckle! Grace staggers around, Fallon rolls her up, TWO! Fallon keeps cool, whips Grace but Grace reverses. Fallon goes up and over, rolls and body scissor cradles, TWO! Grace is up but Fallon wrenches her arm again.

Grace powers Fallon to ropes, arm-drags her, but Fallon holds on to drag Grace into a hammerlock. Grace fights up, she backs Fallon down to ropes, then steps through to wrap Fallon’s arm in the ropes! Grace RAMS Fallon into buckles, then throws her by her hair! Grace drags Fallon up to wrench and back suplex! Grace thanks the fans, then snarls as she storms back up on Fallon. Grace ROCKS Fallon, stalks her to ropes, then pushes her to CLUB her on the back! Fallon drops to her knees, but she throws body shots and forearms! Grace DECKS Fallon in return! Grace drags Fallon up, whips her to a corner, then runs in to ELBOW!

Grace reels Fallon in to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Grace is annoyed but she looms over Fallon. Grace drags Fallon up, whips her to a corner, then storms up to stomp away. The ref counts, Grace lets off at 4 and “apologizes.” Grace then drags Fallon up, stomps her some more, then pushes her into the ropes. Grace digs her knee in but the ref counts. Grace snapmares Fallon down, digs her knee in and pulls on a chinlock. NXT returns to single picture while fans rally up. Fallon endures, fights up, and throws body shots! Fallon ROCKS Grace but Grace ROCKS Fallon! Fallon ROCKS Grace again, whips, but Grace holds ropes.

Fallon dodges the boot, rolls Grace up again, TWO! Grace stands, Fallon whips, but Grace reverses. Grace runs in but into an ELBOW! Fallon runs up, fireman’s carries, but Grace fishhooks Fallon! Grace CLUBS Fallon, then throws her down by her hair! Fans boo but Grace digs her knee into the chinlock again. The fans rally up, Fallon fights up, but Grace smacks her off the mat! Grace smothers Fallon into the mat, then lets off as the ref counts. Grace returns to the chinlock stretch but the fans rally up. Fallon endures, fights up, but Grace throws her down again! And again! Fans rally with “YEEHAW! YEEHAW!” and Fallon rises up!

Grace clinches, Fallon breaks fere! Fallon blocks a kick to SOBAT back! And HAYMAKER! Grace staggers, into a LARIAT! Fallon SHOULDER TACKLES, then she fires up! Fallon runs in to ELBOW at the corner! Fallon keeps moving, RUNNING FACEBUSTER! Grace bails out, hurries for the ramp, but Fallon slides out to DECK her! Fallon puts Grace in, but WAIT! Is that Jakara Jackson!? The ref stops her from getting in the ring, but Lash BOOTS Fallon down! Lash puts Fallon in for Grace to cover, Grace wins!!

Winner: Arianna Grace, by pinfall

Even Grace is surprised she won, but she has the Meta Four’s grudge against Fallon to thank for it! Is Grace’s ego only going to be even worse now? Are Lash & Jakara just asking for trouble?


OTM speaks.

Jaida says her whole life, people have been trying to put her in a box, knowing damn well she won’t fit in it. What is wrong with them? Lucien says that when you look different, walk different, hit different, people will realize they don’t like “different.” Nima says that’s what OTM is about, though. Best believe that they’re gonna run through the whole of NXT, causing nothing but straight disruption. And for those dummies, Tony, Stacks & Rizzo, they gonna find out real quick why Out The Mud is just more than a phrase, a nickname, an acronym. It’s a way of life! Scrypts says talk to ’em!

Jaida won’t stop because someone else is intimidated by her potential, that is not her problem. And she’ll wipe the floor with the Women’s Division! If they got a problem with it, then that’s on them. She ain’t changing for nobody else. She came from nothing, and so did they. Preach! Scrypts says NXT is gonna find out real quickly that you don’t play games with OTM. They played the game for awhile, but now they’re done. Time for everyone else to play by OTM’s rules. The streets ain’t for everybody, and at Vengeance Day, The D’Angelos learn they should’ve stayed on the sidewalk. OTM is ready, will they be the ones that run this?


Wait, Dijak and Gacy are still brawling?!

And not just that! They’re on top of a production truck! Dijak CLUBS away on Gacy while refs tell them to stop and get down! Dijak has Gacy look down at the dumpster below, and says that’s where trash belongs! Gacy says no, it’s too high! Gacy CLAWS Dijak’s face! Gacy throws hands as he gets back up, but Dijak kicks low! Dijak TOSSES Gacy into the dumpster!!! The refs freak out but Dijak laughs! Has Dijak just exterminated “the roach” once and for all?


Bron Breakker is on the phone.

He’s talking with someone about his wild Royal Rumble debut on Saturday. Yeah, it was nuts. Then Baron Corbin comes in and sarcastically says, “Yo~, Mr. Royal Rumble! What do I do? Do I bow down? Do I shake your hand? I dunno.” But Corbin does know that he was impressed by Bron. He was like SPEAR Finn, then see ya! SPEAR Jey Uso, then see ya! SPEAR Omos, buh-bye! But seriously, how about a phone call? That pop was crazy but Corbin had to watch it on Peacock? He thought the Wolf Dogs were better than this! That they were finally on the same page. Wait, whoa, what’d Corbin just say?

Spear, Finn, sese ya later? No, after that. Veins popping? No, what did he just call the team? Bron heard him say Wolf Dogs. Last week, Corbin hated that like it was the worst idea in the world. Well, it got stuck in his head like a bad song, okay? But stop worrying about the past, about the Wolf Dogs- That’s the second time. It’s a thing now. No it’s not. Just focus on the now! The Dusty Cup, Trick Melo Gang. They both owe Melo one, and Trick is riding high. Until Bron spears Trick’s ass like he did Jey Uso on Saturday, on their way to winning the Dusty Cup AND becoming NXT Tag Team Champions.

Corbin says it has been a long time since he’s had some gold, he is with Bron on that. Go Wolf Dogs. Corbin says Bron just ruined it. NOT! Fist bump! Bron knew he’d come around. But will these rabid animals tear into Trick Melo Gang and get their hands on the Dusty Cup?


NXT Heritage Cup Championship Match: Noam Dar w/ The Meta Four VS Von Wagner w/ Robert Stone!

The Scottish Supernova is incredibly confident as ever, so he is merely humoring Vicious Von with this shot at his Cup. Will Dar still be feeling like Supernova 11 after tonight? Or will Von shock the world by tearing down the Dar Dynasty?

The introductions are made, the cup is raised, and we see if it takes two or four to beat Von!

The bell rings on round one and the two circle. Dar and Von feel things out, Dar gives some kicks but Von stays up. Von swings, Dar dodges and headlocks but Von powers out to run Dar over! Dar goes to a corner, Von runs up to keep him cornered, but then Dar slips under. Dar kicks and KICKS, but Von blocks! Von shoves Dar then runs him over! The fans fire up, and Stone’s sons are watching from the crowd to cheer Von on. Von storms up on Dar, facelocks but Dar wrenches out. Dar KICKS the arm, KICKS it again, then wrenches it. Von uses power but Dar kicks a leg again. They go around, Von rolls and rolls to kip up and arm-drag!

Fans fire up as big bad Von shows he can do technical wrestling, too! The fans rally for Von while Dar gets up. Dar storms up to SLAP Von! Von RAMS Dar into a corner! Von RAMS into Dar again, then hoists him up and SPINEBUSTERS! Von rains down fists, then he hauls Dar up in a gut wrench! Dar clamps onto a leg but Von powers through to TOSS Dar away! Dar is dizzy, Lash coaches him up, but Von storms back up. Von stalks Dar while we’re at the final minute of this round, GUT WRENCH PLEX! The fans rally up while Von stalks Dar again. Von hauls Dar up, fireman’s carries, and he spins to F5 Dar!

Dar groans in pain but Stone tells Von to stay on Dar. We’re under 30 seconds, did Von forget there’s a time limit on this stuff? Von unwraps his wrist tape, and he punches away on Dar! Last ten seconds, Dar guards while Von rains down fists! Time’s up, Von rains down more shots! The ref has Von back off, but Dar is still in some trouble.

Dar: 0; Von: 0

Stone coaches Von during the refresher, and Lash has to drag Dar! Von goes for Dar but Stone stops him! Von takes a swig of water, Dar manages to stand and Oro coaches him up. But the bell rings for round two, and Von runs in to CLOBBER Oro! Von DECKS Dar, LARIATS Oro up and out, and the fans are thunderous! But Dar is there to NOVA ROLLA! Cover, Dar scores!

Dar: 1; Von: 0

Fans boo but Von let the adrenaline distract him. Von makes his way back to his corner for the refresher while NXT goes picture in picture.

Dar is feeling a little better now but Stone makes sure Von’s steady. Both men hydrate, round three begins, Dar runs up, and he fires off in the corner! Von shoves Dar away but Dar comes back with KICK after KICK! Dar CHOP BLOCKS Von! Dar then runs, and he SLIDING KICKS Von! Von tumbles to the apron while Dar flexes. Dar soaks up the heat, taunts the Stone Family, then he SLAMS Von’s leg on the apron! Dar brings Von to the corner, the ref reprimands, but Dar STOMPS Von’s leg! Dar then throws down hands to keep Von down, but lets off as the ref counts. But then Dar comes back to DROPKICK Von’s leg!

Von flounders away and Dar slides in to BLINDSLIDE LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Von toughs it out but Dar keeps his cool. Dar goes up a corner, then leaps, but Von catches him! CHOKE SLAM!! Cover, TWO!! Dar survives and the Meta Four applauds, but Von drags Dar up again as NXT returns to single picture. Von reels Dar in, suplexes, and we’re at the one minute mark. The fans count along, and Von waits until THIRTEEN before the SLAM! Stone and his sones, Cash ‘n’ Carter, fire up while Von goes out after Dar. Lash & Jakara bark at Von, but then Oro distracts so the ladies can anchor Von!

Fans boo and we’re under 30 seconds, but Von can’t shake loos! So Fallon & Wren attack! They want payback for earlier anyhow, so here it is! Fans fire up as the ladies brawl, and then Von shoves Dar. Dar wants Von’s leg but Von stays up! We’re at 10 seconds, Dar kicks away at Von, CHAMPANGE SUPER KNEEBAR!! Von endures, and time’s up!!

Dar: 1; Von: 0

Dar won’t let go now! The ref reprimands, Dar lets off, and now it’s just Stone and Oro helping the guys to their corners. Dar hydrates, Stone fires Von up. Dar runs in to BOOT Von! Von still DECKS Dar! Cover, TWO!! Dar survives that haymaker but Von drags Dar up. Von choke grips, but Dar ELBOWS! And SUPER PUNCHES! And SUPER PUNCHES! Dar noogies Von, throws elbows, and mocks the surgical scars! Von blocks a shot, and he stands back up. Von scoops Dar to SLAM him down! Fans fire up but Von wobbles as bit. Dar stands, Von runs in, but Dar DUMPS Von out! Dar then goes out, to BOOT Von into steps!

Dar runs up again, and he DROPKICKS Von’s bad leg! Von hobbles while fans boo, but both men get in the ring. Dar aims, runs up, but Von BOOTS Dar!! Von hauls Dar up, fireman’s carries, but Dar fights free! Dar runs up, but into a JUMP KNEE!! Von shakes that bad leg out, Oro talks trash but Von still runs in. Dar dodges, Von POSTS himself! Dar rolls Von, jackknife bridge, and Dar WINS!

Winner: Noam Dar, by pinfall (still NXT Heritage Cup Champion)

A 2-0 sweep in four rounds, but once again, his entire team had a part to play in it. Dar and Oro then go and taunt Cash ‘n’ Carter, and that pisses Von off! Von HEADBUTTS Dar, DECKS Oro, and then clears the desk! The fans fire up and Stone says do it! He even helps clear things out of the way! Von gets Dar up but Oro runs in! Von catches that kick, and he reels Oro in! Von BOOTS Dar, then POWERBOMBS Oro through the desk!! The fans are thunderous for Von, will he get another shot at knocking Dar out?


Ava reprimands Dijak.

She can’t believe he did that! What is wrong with him!? Does he WANT to be suspended?! Because she doesn’t really have any other choice! Dijak says she DOES have another option! Dijak, get your finger out of her face, she is the GM. Then give him Gacy at Vengeance Day for No Disqualifications. Seriously? After what he did tonight? How do you think Gacy is in any condition- Knock knock. What?! Gacy sits up and says hold on. No DQ sounds like fun to him. He’s in. Gacy is crazy, but he and Dijak have their match. Dijak almost looks unhappy to be getting what he wants, but will Gacy make sure Dijak gets what he deserves?


NXT returns and Trick Williams is in the ring.

The fans chant “WHOOP DAT TRICK!” but Trick says, “Let’s get straight to business. Vengeance Day being five days away, I got a lot on my mind. Dragunov, come out here.” The NXT Champion obliges and the fans cheer as he joins Trick in the ring. Dragunov tells Trick, “I love this look on your face. I love it! You are ready to fight on Sunday, aren’t you? So trust me, so am I. I am ready to fight for my life against the hottest WWE superstar. We will whoop dat Trick.” Fans cheer and Dragunov offers a handshake. Trick says not so fast, and says not this time. Dragunov, you are even smarter than you look.

And it is fitting that Dragunov sees himself as The Czar. Because if there’s one thing Trick knows about czars, it is that they are willing to do anything, and he does mean anything, to stay on top. Dragunov asks what Trick is getting at, because he feels Trick has got this voice in his head that has given him really, really bad advice. Maybe Trick shouldn’t let Melo color your judgment with wrong information. And maybe, Trick, you should remind yourself that this rivalry is built on respect. Respect? Maybe Dragunov’s right, maybe he does respect Trick. Dragunov respects Trick enough to push their match back to Vengeance Day so Dragunov could have the advantage.

Trick thinks Dragunov has been playing him this whole time! Trick has a good mind to take off his lemon pepper steppers and fight him right now. Dragunov says he did not come out here so Trick could insult him. Do you understand how truly destroyed Dragunov’s body was to where the medical team did not clear him? Does Trick wanna know why? Because in 2023, Dragunov destroyed his whole body for this brand! He pushed this brand to the next level! Pushed his opponents to the next level! And most certainly, pushed Trick to the next level! Dragunov is willing to do it all over again, and yet this is the way Trick talks to him?

Dragunov knows Trick would never face Dragunov at less than 100%. True, Dragunov did push Trick to the next level. But Dragunov also pushed things back so that Trick would end up double-booked. Yes, Trick, of course, that was Dragunov’s “master plan!” Genius stuff, right? Dragunov didn’t force Trick to accept. Dragunov just wanted Trick to have the biggest match on the biggest stage, and Trick took it. Dragunov is so sorry about that. And yes, Draugnov plays mind games. But that was with Baron Corbin, who made this all very personal. But is it Dragunov’s mistake that Trick is the victim of his own success?

Did Trick & Melo not burn a path through the Dusty Rhodes Classic? Didn’t they rightfully earn a place in the finals? Is that somehow Dragunov’s fault? Maybe, just maybe, Trick should be more concerned about Melo. Because this past weekend, at the Royal Rumble, Melo had his moment in the sun, and now he needs Trick for further glory when Trick should really be focused on himself. Whoa, whoa, whoa, don’t worry about Trick’s focus. He is focused on Vengeance Day, don’t worry about that. People will be chanting, “Whoop Dat Trick!” from the moment the curtains open until the fat lady sings, believe dat.

And newsflash, Dragunov: Trick Melo Gang is gonna win the Dusty Classic, and then Trick will go toe to toe with Dragunov to win that NXT Championship. Fans cheer that, and Dragunov says that is a sweet little dream. Trick tells Dragunov that he is focused, and yet Dragunov can see Trick is not. Because Trick doesn’t even know who to trust right now. And, if you asked Dragunov’s honest opinion, their rivalry has made Trick more the man that he is today than Melo ever did. No, no, you leave Melo out of this. Dragunov gladly will! Because this isn’t about Melo! This is about Trick! And if Trick just shows the slightest sign of weakness on Sunday, Dragunov will break him piece by piece, and unfortunately destroy everything that Trick has built.

Trick tells Dragunov that there is no one, including the Mad Dragon, who can destroy what Trick’s built. The fans cheer and Trick says he ain’t the same Trick Willy that was in the ring with Dragunov last time. This Trick ain’t trying to prove himself, this Trick knows what’s his! Trick’s gonna fill the world in on his destiny. Dragunov says he talked about this look on Trick’s face, and he loves it. Because he knows that Trick, as always, will give his everything. So Trick, you will write history. Just not the history Trick wants. Then may the best man win, partner. They shake hands, the fans cheer, and Dragunov hugs Trick like he did Corbin!

Trick is shook, and Dragunov smiles. But then BRON & CORBIN ATTACK!! Fans boo and bark as the Wolf Dogs beat down Trick! But Melo rushes in to go after them! Fans fire up as the Dusty Cup finalists have it out! Bron hits Melo low, scoops him, but Trick makes the save to ROCK Bron! Melo SUPERKICKS Corbin! Then Trick Melo Gang BLAST The Wolf Dogs outta the ring! Refs rush out to stop this, but then Trick looks to Dragunov. Dragunov stands, he and Trick stare down. Melo realizes he might’ve divided Trick’s attention in the wrong direction. Will Trick choose his own aspirations over… HIM?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT, and a very packed go-home. Wild stuff with Dijak and Gacy going from promo to brawl, and then from brawl to a “dumpster fall” spot. Gacy still getting up to accept the No Disqualification match was good stuff, too. Gacy has actually done a decent job shifting from The Schism’s leader to this almost like Deadpool of NXT, and that No Disqualification match is going to be some wild stuff. Really good stuff out of Tatum, Lyra and Roxie, great win for Roxie but I didn’t think Lyra would bother with saving Tatum. But at the same time, Lyra is the purer Face right now, she wouldn’t leave someone to get beat up, even though Tatum did bring it upon herself. Still pretty sure Lyra wins and that will be Roxie’s sendoff to SmackDown.

Speaking of sendoffs, Lopez of course lost to Lola Vice to put Lola over while Lopez moves on to SmackDown, given she has rejoined Santos Escobar in the new Legado Del Fantasma. Good promo from Ridge and King to set up a match, and good match that Gallus of course interferes with to make sure Ridge loses. Ridge taking that damage to his leg, maybe they wanna extend this towards Stand & Deliver, so this allows Ridge some time off so that he can make a big return closer to March, and he goes after Gallus to get some kind of big match for WrestleMania Saturday.

Good stuff with Grace, Fallon and Wren that also steered things towards Fallon & Wren VS Jakara & Lash, which also had a part to play during the Heritage Cup match. I did like how they had Von “forget” the rules at first, but I was so hoping he’d get a knockout win. A 2-0 sweep was kinda lame, but hey, Von got to put Dar through a table so that was fun. And with how Dar keeps cheating and surviving, he is just asking to get knocked out, so I would love for Von to get a rematch either closer to or part of Stand & Deliver, where Von wins by knockout. And you can still make it exciting, like Dar has a point and we’re getting near the end of the sixth round, then BAM! Knockout wins it for Von!

Really good stuff out of Chase U. The tribute video was a lot of fun, and I appreciate them revealing Jacy’s plan here. Now, a sexy calendar is not quite where I thought Jacy was going. I thought it was either way more innocent or way more lewd than that, but for all anyone knows, that calendar really will be “too much” for WWE to be selling officially. Wait… Is this NXT parodying Mandy Rose having her lewd photo account and letting her go because of it? I would hope not but I also wouldn’t put it past anyone to have that as a core reason for this angle. But anyway, I did also like that Riley is defending the ladies from King, and that Thea almost confessed her feelings for Riley.

Solid promos from The D’Angelos and OTM to hype up their Mixed Six, and it feels like that match can really go either way. With the Dusty Cup winners getting a tag title match, I feel like The D’Angelos will end up winning so they have momentum going into the next title feud. Speaking of, awesome match from Trick Melo Gang VS LWO, but of course Trick Melo Gang wins to add that drama. Trick is double booked, and I like that Dragunov pointed out it wasn’t his idea for Trick to go for multiple things. I could see Wolf Dogs, Bron & Corbin, win so they can challenge Tony & Stacks (classic Heels VS Faces), and then Melo screws Trick out of the title against Dragunov.

At the same time, Trick Melo Gang could win it all, from the Dusty Cup to the NXT Championship, and only when they go for the tag titles does Melo go after Trick in the open to set up Trick VS Melo for the title. Either way, I’m thinking we see Melo VS Trick at Stand & Deliver in what will be Melo’s sendoff since he’s been all over SmackDown lately.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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