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Mitchell’s WWE Royal Rumble Results & Report! (1/27/23)

3… 2… 1! BRR!



Time to play it by the numbers!

The Road to WrestleMania begins right here with the Royal Rumble! Who will make it through 29 other superstars to then main event in Philadelphia?


  • 2024 Women’s Royal Rumble match: Bayley wins and will challenge for a title at WrestleMania 40.
  • Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Fatal 4 Way: Roman Reigns VS Randy Orton VS AJ Styles VS LA Knight; Roman wins and retains the title.
  • WWE United States Championship: Logan Paul VS Kevin Owens; Logan wins, by disqualification, and retains the title.
  • 2024 Men’s Royal Rumble match: Cody Rhodes wins and will challenge for a title at WrestleMania 40.


It’s the Royal Rumble Kickoff Show!

Join Jackie Redmond, Booker T, Wade Barrett and Peter Rosenberg in discussing, analyzing and predicting all of the action tonight!


Backstage interview with Rhea Ripley.

Kayla Braxton walks up to the Women’s World Champion as she is “very deep in thought.” Kayla asks if it’s okay to talk for a second. Rhea says, “Only if it’s for a second.” Kayla says Rhea is watching the ring, what’s going through her mind. Just looking at it, remembering last year when she won it. And wondering who is gonna pull it off this year. Which woman is gonna win the 2024 Royal Rumble match? And, who are they gonna challenge? Because if they choose Mami, they’re just throwing away their golden ticket to WrestleMania. But Rhea wouldn’t put it past them.

Kayla notes Rhea won from number one, so any advice to who ended up number one tonight? Rhea laughs and says, “Good luck, because there’s only ever been one woman to accomplish that, and that’s me. And it’s gonna stay that way.” But Kayla’s been here long enough, time to leave. Kayla agrees and hurries away. Will the winner of the Rumble choose to press their luck by choosing the Women’s World Champion?


Backstage interview with Paul Heyman.

Byron Saxton is with The Wise Man as he holds onto Roman Reigns’ Universal Championship, and Byron says that tonight, Roman Reigns has his back against the wall in this Fatal 4 Way. What kind of mindset is Roman in knowing he could lose the championship without actually losing the match? Heyman says that’s a good question but it’s also only a half-truth. Byron’s better than that. Tell the truth. Welcome to the final night of Roman’s reign. That’s how the WWE wants it, right? WWE doesn’t have a system set up anymore for a champion that last three and a half YEARS! They don’t have a system to promote a dynasty anymore!

WWE doesn’t want the New York Yankees, the Boston Celtics, the LA Lakers or the Dallas Cowboys! They want a champ in, a champ out, and a new replica title while we’re at it! That’s the new system, isn’t it? It isn’t designed for Roman Reigns! For Roman to be a champ going on four years! That is why “this villainous James Bond,” Nick Aldis has put Roman Reigns in this Fatal 4! This practically guarantees Roman loses! Keyword: practically. The last time Roman was put in a situation like this, it was across the bay. And what’d he do then? He stacked Daniel Bryan and Edge, pinned them both.

Now Heyman is not suggesting tonight, Randy Orton, LA Knight and AJ Styles get stacked. But he’s not suggesting they won’t, either. Because in the end, Roman defies the odds. Roman goes past three and a half, heads towards four, and heads to WrestleMania 40 as not only Your Tribal Chief but as reigning! Defending! Undisputed! WWE Universal Heavyweight Champion! And while the panel can sit there and offer predictions, this, ladies, gentlemen and Byron Saxton, is what they call… a spoiler. Heyman heads out, but will his “spoiler” be what gets spoiled by a contender?


Peter Rosenberg takes us on a tour of backstage.

Peter Rosenberg walks over and Grayson Waller & Austin Theory mockingly call him “Sam Roberts.” Wow, nice haircut. Peter corrects them but says it’s okay, he likes them. Theory’s going into his third Rumble, how is he feeling? How is he feeling? He’s Austin Theory! He’s a veteran of the Rumble now. Then has he imparted wisdom on Waller? Yes, and they’re gonna do something special. Something that hasn’t been down in roughly 20 years! Two men are going to win the Rumble, and those men will be Waller & Theory. They don’t care who it is, whether it’s CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, or Austin-

No, wait! Waller would never throw Austin out. A-Town Down Under for life! Peter says okay and he heads further along. He’s going along the path to gorilla, and oh, there’s CM Punk! Punk, please wait there, Peter will be right with you! But first, it’s R-Truth! Why is he in the batting cage? Truth says sup, dawg! This is a whole different set of balls. He wants to reenter for a new number. These don’t open like those balls last night. Truth, these are MLB baseballs. What? No, Truth doesn’t play baseball. The Rumble lottery had balls that pop open to get a number. Well, okay. You keep at it, Truth. Judgment Day 4 Life. Gesundheit.

Peter heads out and very exciting for him now. Chicago’s own CM Punk! Punk thanks Peter and he was just Facetiming Larry. Larry misses Punk. Peter points out ten years ago, the last time Punk was in a WWE match, it was the Rumble. Did he ever imagine being back here? No, but that’s the great thing about life and about the WWE. It isn’t the same old Punk, in that he is a bit older. But he’s still the Best in the World. Any nerves? He seems calm. Oh, he is calm, but if he said there were no nerves, he’d be lying. He left because things no longer made him nervous and he needed to fix that. So he is nervous, but he’ll make those butterflies fly in formation.

Then welcome back. Punk appreciates it. They shake hands, and Peter continues through gorilla to get on the runway, and boom, the curtain. The portal to glory! Peter walks out on stage to see the fans and this reminds him so much of the time John Cena came back at spot number 30 and won it all. Can the panel hear him? Booker confirms, they can. Peter says Booker should’ve made his return this year so that he could go on this shorter ramp and not blow himself up before sliding into the ring. Ha ha. But Booker admits, that’s a good point. Peter says hi to the fans, they cheer as we’re nine minutes away from the main show.

St. Pete is ready for history to happen, but there’s still plenty of kickoff show so stick around!


Backstage interview with Triple H.

Kayla says it is intense already, but what is special about the Royal Rumble? What is special about tonight? HHH says it is the fact it begins the road to WrestleMania, and perhaps the biggest WrestleMania of all time this year! 30 men, 30 women, pour their hearts and souls into that ring all for one thing, and that is to live the dream of main eventing WrestleMania 40! That road starts here. On top of that, there are already 40 THOUSAND PLUS screaming maniacs about to blow the roof off of Tropicana Field. So what’s special about tonight? Everything! It all begins here. And like the man said, if you’re gonna come and you wanna rumble, you better be ready.

So then HHH will answer the question with a question of his own: “Are you ready?” Fans fire up but he says, no no, ARE! YOU! READY?!? The Game has set the tone, who will answer by winning it all?


“This place is special.”

Hulk Hogan tells us that he spent most of his life around St. Pete, Clearwater, Florida. “Beautiful to look at, rich with wrestling history. It shaped some of the best. So if you’re gonna waltz down here and kick the hornet’s nest, then you better be ready. And not just any ‘ready.’ Rumble Ready.” Everyone works out to the max, until they’re sweating and panting. Hogan knows what it takes to win, and he also knows that “nights like tonight are when names are made, legacies primed, and tickets punched. Unfortunately for a few, you gotta go through him.” The Fatal 4 Way looms, and everyone loves a prize fight!

“WWE Universe, let ’em hear ya, brother! Clear a path! Because the Royal Rumble is here! Whatcha gonna do when the Royal Rumble runs wild on you!?”


Pat McAfee is here!

Corey Graves is upset but the fans love that Pat is back! He is going to be special guest commentator for the night and Michael Cole is ready to have some fun right alongside him!


2024 Women’s Royal Rumble match!

Just as The Game and the Hulkster said, it is time for 30 hungry and determined superstars to pour their hearts and souls out in the ring, but only one will get to punch their ticket to WrestleMania 40! Who wins big to then move on to the biggest Showcase of the Immortals in history?

First out, it’s the Queen of Harts, Natalya! And joining her as number two, it’s NAOMI! She returns to make an impact on the Rumble, will we all #FeelTheGlow? The bell rings and fans are fired up already to welcome Naomi back. Naomi fires up being back home, and she shakes hands with Natty. The two former champions circle, tie up, and Natty headlocks, Naomi powers out, but Natty runs her over. Natty cheers herself, but things speed up. Naomi hurdles, Natty waistlocks, but Naomi pries the hold and booty bumps. Naomi whips, Natty dodges and Naomi hits buckles! Natty gets Naomi up to sit her down! Natty steps on Naomi, but Naomi RANAS!

Fans fire up and Natty gets up, but Naomi slides under! Naomi kangaroo mule kicks, but Natty blocks. Natty trips Naomi, dropkicks her, and now we get entry number three! It’s BAYLEY! The Role Model had a bad reaction to her number last night, but will she make the best out of a bad situation? Bayley stares down Naomi and Natty, welcomes Naomi back, and then revels as the fans cheer her on. Bayley fires off on Natty and Naomi but Naomi hits back. Bayley knees low, whips Naomi to a corner but Naomi reverses. Bayley reverses back but runs into the TWERK ATTACK! Natty then DISCUS LARIATS! REAR VIEW from Naomi!

Naomi gets Bayley for a BULLDOG, but Natty basement dropkicks them both! Natty throws Naomi at ropes but Naomi holds on! Bayley helps out, she and Natty mug Naomi then go to lift her out! Fans boo but Naomi fights them off. Bayley ROCKS Natty, whips her, and then ELBOWS Her down! But now we get entry number four! Naomi JAWBREAKERS Bayley, but here comes Candice LeRae! The Poison Pixie is here, she runs down and slides in to then fire off on Bayley! Natty fights with Naomi while Candice stomps away on Bayley! Fans are torn, but then Natty drags Candice back to scoop.

Candice slips free, kicks low, and she kicks Natty’s legs out. Then BUZZSAW! Then the step-up CODE BREAKER SENTON COMBO, taking down Bayley and Natty! Naomi stares Candice down and they tie up. Candice arm-drags, but then Naomi dodges, scoops, but Candice RANAS free to ENZUGIRI! Bayley runs up to CLOBBER Candice! Fans fire up but Candice hits back. Bayley CLUBS Candice, RAMS her to a corner but Candice fights. Natty tries to scoop Naomi up and out again but the countdown is back. Entry number five is… JORDYNNE GRACE?! The TNA Knockouts Champion is here?!?

Grace, who took her title off Naomi, runs in to run Candice over! And Bayley over! And Natty over! And then she sends Bayley into Natty to GERMAN SUPLEX Bayley! And then scoops Natty to SLAM her! Candice leaps, but Grace catches her to POWERSLAM! Naomi stares her rival down and fans fire up! They hug it out! Fans cheer that, but then they start firing off forearms and the fans cheer that even more! Grace ROCKS Naomi, scoops her, but Naomi slips free to BOOT! Grace ELBOWS in return, then pump handles, MADE IN JAPAN! Grace drags Naomi up, pushes her to ropes, but Naomi holds on.

Bayley CLUBS Grace, stomps Natty, but Natty holds on. Grace CLUBS Bayley back, then she kicks at Natty. Natty still holds on, the countdown is back, and we get entry number six. It’s INDI HARTWELL! Indi hurries down to reinforce Candice, she throws Bayley down and CLUBS and JABS Bayley! And then LARIARTS Natty! And LARIATS Grace! Bayley hits back but runs into a SPINEBUSTER! Candice teams up with Indi, WHEELBARROW SPLASH! The Way work together to go after Bayley, but Natty storms in to get her own shots. Grace almost throws Candice out but Candice holds onto ropes!

Bayley fights back as Indi and Natty both try to throw her out, and then Bayley lands on the apron! Bayley slides back in to safety! Natty scoops Candice but Candice resists. The countdown is back, number seven is ASUKA! The Empress of Tomorrow just won the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships back, and now she’s in the Rumble! Bayley is rather confused by this, she thought she had this solo. Naomi stomps Bayley in the distraction! Asuka MISSILE DROPKICKS Indi and Natty down! Fans cheer and Asuka says she’s here to help Bayley! Well, okay, if she says so. They double whip Natty, then DOUBLE LARIAT!

Fans cheer as Asuka signals high-five, but then leaves Bayley hanging to go after Indi. DMG CTRL double whip, then DOUBLE LARIAT again! They get Indi up but Indi fights back with forearms! Indi whips, Asuka reverses and Indi goes up and over! Indi holds on but Asuka ROUNDHOUSES her! HIP ATTACK misses and Indi has Asuka! Bayley saves Asuka, fires off on Indi but Indi DECKS Asuka! Indi drags Asuka up and out but Bayley BLASTS Indi to ELIMINATE her! Fans cheer but the countdown is back. Number eight is… IVY NILE! The Diamond Pitbull gets her Rumble debut, and she’s ready to take a bite out of the field!

Ivy dodges Bayley, tilt-o-whirls and RANAS her, then ELBOWS Asuka! Ivy whips Asuka into a corner, runs up and DROPKICKS! Ivy scoops Naomi, to POWERSLAM! Fans fire up with Ivy as she stares down Natty. Natty dodges Ivy, makes her sit down, but Ivy turns that around to send Natty to a corner. Ivy ROCKS Natty, Natty RAMS into Ivy! Candice fights Grace off, Bayley and Asuka go after Naomi but she fights them off. Naomi ROCKS Bayley but Asuka ROCKS Naomi! Bayley talks trash on Maggle Cole, but the countdown is back. Number nine is… Katana Chance! The former WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion hurries to get revenge!

Candice dodges Katana but Katana handsprings to RANA! Then she KICKS and KICKS Asuka to sweep the legs and basement dropkick! Grace runs in, Katana dodges, but Grace turns wheelbarrow into back suplex! Ivy scoops Candice to FALL AWAY SLAM! The two seem to be indirectly competing as powerhouses. They both suplex Katana and Candice to show off their stalling powers! Then they both SLAM them down! Fans fire up as Ivy and Grace kip up and stare down. They go after each other, block and dodge, but then Ivy ROCKS Grace! Grace PELES Ivy! Fans fire up while Asuka fights off Natty.

The countdown is back, and number ten is here! It’s BIANCA BELAIR! The EST marks getting through one third of the field, and she slingshots in to fire off on Bayley and Asuka! Bianca CLUBS away on Asuka but Bayley runs up! She and Asuka mug Bianca, but the fans rally as Bianca turns double whip into DOUBLE BLOCKBUSTER! Bianca TOSSES Bayley up and over, but Bayley holds on! So Bianca TOSSES Asuka! Asuka holds on, Katana runs up but Bianca elbows her away! Bianca scoops Katana to FALL AWAY SLAM! Katana staggers up, Bianca fires off in the corner! Fans count and Bianca goes all the way to seven before Candice goes after her!

Bianca backflips over Candice to RAM Candice into Katana! Then she fires off hands on them both! But Bayley gets Bianca! Bianca backflips up and over her, then wrenches to suplex! Fans fire up as Bianca SPINEBUSTERS Candice, then gives Katana the GlamEST Slam onto them both! The countdown is back while Bianca HANDSPRING MOONSAULTS all three!! Number 11 is Kairi Sane! DMG CTRL has three members in, and the Pirate Princess is ready to help Asuka and Bayley! She flies in to CLOBBER Bianca! Then she dodges Katana to INTERCEPTOR SPEAR! Fans fire up with the Kabuki Warriors!

Bayley also joins in the celebration btu still seems like a third wheel. They all mug Bianca anyway but she fights back. They whip Bianca, trip her, then KICK, AX KICK, BULLDOG and DOUBLE BASEMENT DROPKICK! DMG CTRL makes sure the ESET is the sorEST. They throw her at ropes but she holds on. The Kabuki Warriors mug Bianca but Candice has Bayley for a SLEEPER! Bayley throws Candice away, Asuka runs in, but Candice puts Asuka on the apron! Kairi runs in, she’s also put on the apron! The Kabuki Warriors stay off the ground, Bayley runs in but Candice throws her out, too!

But then DMG CTRL swarms! They drag Candice up to TOSS her and ELIMINATE her! The countdown is back, and number 12 is… TEGAN NOX! The Girl with the Shiniest Wizard flies in, then DECKS Bayley! And DECKS Asuka! And fires off on Ivy! Nox CLOBBERS Ivy, UPPERCUTS Bayley, and then hits Naomi. Nox choke grips Katana to CHOKE SLAM! Nox fires up, and CANNONBALLS Bayley! Nox hurries up top, and hits a MOLLY-GO-ROUND on Bayley! But then Grace CLOBBERS Nox, hauls her up, but Natty makes the save! Natty & Nox mug Grace but Grace shoves Natty. Natty DISCUS LARIATS in return!

Nox and Natty hug it out as tag partners, but then Natty whips Nox! Nox reverses and TOSSES Natty out to ELIMINATE her! But then Bayley TOSSES and ELIMINATES Nox!! Bayley says that’s what they get! The countdown is back, and “lucky” number 13 is… Kayden Carter! The party ramps up as Katana’s teammate is here! Kayden helps Katana with the SILLY STRING RANA on Bayley! Then a BOOT WASH! then IMPLODER LEG DROP! Kayden runs up to BOOT WASH Asuka! KC Squared get Asuka up but Kairi runs in! Kairi is sent up and over, but she manages to GRIP the apron and stay off the floor!!

Fans fire up as Kairi fights gravity, Asuka tries to help her, but Katana BOOTS Kairi! They ELIMINATE Kairi, and then Bianca HANDSPRING KICKS Asuka down to ELIMINATE her! Bayley is all alone, and upset that the plan didn’t work out. Then Bayley gets mugged by Bianca and KC Squared, but the countdown is back. Number 14 is… “Shh! It’s Chelsea.” Chelsea Green, that is! Chelsea struts her way into the ring, but Bianca TOSSES her up and out! Cheslea lands safe, she won’t be eliminated so fast this year. But then Bianca TOSSES her the other way! Chelsea stays safe, slides in, and hits a ZIGZAG?!

Fans fire up with Chelsea but then Grace SPINEBUSTERS her! Grace and Bianca stare down as the strongEST in this match and fans love it! Grace kicks Bianca, whips, but Bianca reverses. Grace goes up but skins the cat! Fans fire up as Grace ELBOWS Bianca then whips her out! Bianca stays on the apron, RAMS into Grace, and then Bianca dumps Grace out. They brawl on the edge, this is risky as Bianca torture rack’s! APRON K O D!!! Grace falls, Bianca ELIMINATES her!! The fans are thunderous as Bianca proves she really IS the StrongEST! But Bayley CLUBS Bianca! The countdown is back, and number 15 is… Piper Niven!

Chelsea’s pal is here, marking the halfway point of this match. But KC Squared is after the Hot Mess! Piper hurries, she catches Chelsea before she hits the floor! Chelsea smiles, but then so does Piper! Piper fakes Chelsea out, no dumping here. Piper sets Chelsea on the steel steps, then storms into the ring. Katana RANA blocked, Piper makes it a POWERBOMB! Kayden hops on, but Piper SLAMS her onto Katana! DOUBLE SENTON! Ivy runs up but gets a HEADBUTT! Piper wrenches and reels Bayley in, SAIDO! Chelsea helps get Bayley in a corner, Piper scoops Naomi to SLAM! Chelsea gets Naomi in another corner.

Piper SPLASHES Ivy, then SPLASHES Bayley, then SPLASHES Chelsea as Naomi gets away! Piper panics a bit, Kayden CLUBS away on Piper! Bianca joins in, as does Ivy! They know Piper is the biggest in the fight so they gotta stop her now! They drag Piper up, the countdown is back. Number 16 is… XIA LI! The Exterminator returns from her excursion to NXT, and she rushes into the ring! Xia BOOTS Kayden! And BOOTS Bayley! And HEEL KICKS Ivy! And DROPKICKS Piper! Kayden kicks and whips but Xia reverses to send her to a corner, RISING FIST! Clinch and EXPLODER! Xia fires up and fans are torn, but Chelsea gets Xia!

Xia turns chicken wings into torture rack! But Piper runs up, only for Chelsea’s boots to hit her! And again! Xia spins, UFO NECKBREAKER! Xia drags Chelsea up, Bianca holds on to kick Naomi away, and Bianca is safe. Piper goes after Xia, CLUBs her, Bayley BOOTS Katana. Bianca scoop SLAMS Naomi, then SPLASHES! The countdown is back, and number 17 is… ZELINA VEGA! La Muneca spreads her cybernetic wings before getting into the ring. She ROCKS Katana, pushes her aside, but Kayden goes for a buckle bump. Zelina turns that around, GAMANGIRIS Kayden, then climbs the corner to METEORA!

Bayley scoops Ivy, Zelinda kicks Katana’s legs out to KNEE her down! Zelina wheelbarrows Naomi to send her into Naomi! But then Piper storms up on Zelina! Zelina dodges, runs, and fires off forearms! Piper HEADBUTTS back, then whips Zelina to a corner. Zelinda goes up but gets caught before she gest over! Piper spins Zelina but Zelina uses that to DDT!! Fans fire up and Zelina hops on, but Chelsea SUPERKICKS Zelina down! KC Squared mug Xia, then MONKEY FLIP SENTON onto Piper! The countdown is back, and number 18 is… MAXXINE DUPRI! She makes her Rumble debut, ready to SHOOOSH everyone!

Maxxine dodges Bayley, tilt-o-whirls and RANAS! Maxxine says “A THANK YEW~!” but Bayley fires off on her in return! Bayley whips Maxxine, Maxxine tilt-o-whirl again, and goes around and around to RANA Bayley! “A THANK YEW~!” But Piper storms up on her! Maxxine fires forearms but it doesn’t do anything! Piper shows fist and Maxxine falls! Maxxine then grabs Piper’s leg to anchor her. Bianca helps Zelina hop on, but Piper blocks Code Red! So Bianca KNEES Piper to get it to work! Fans fire up and Bianca helps Zelina get Piper up! They go for the ropes but Piper holds on! Kayden helps out, but that’s not enough!

Chelsea makes the save and she fights the others off. Bayley keeps after Maxxine, Piper BLASTS Kayden out to ELIMINATE her! But the countdown is back and number 19 is… NIA JAX! The Irresistible Force storms her way up, confident as ever. Nia catches Zelina off the top rope to THROW her into Xia! Xia hits Nia with shoulders and headbutts, but then Nia picks Xia up to put her on the apron! HEADBUTT, Xia falls, Nia ELIMINATES her! Ivy goes after Nia but Nia pushes her up and over! Nia POSTS Ivy, Ivy falls, Nia ELIMINATES her, too! Chelsea runs up but Nia scoops! Piper runs in, Nia sends her into Chelsea!

Nia comes back, Piper sends her into Chelsea! Piper suplexes but Nia is too big! So Piper RAMS Nia into Chelsea! And again! And again! Poor Chelsea, she’s a ragdoll now! Piper tries to wake Chelsea up, Nia DECKS Bayley! And DECKS Bianca! Zelian runs up, as do Bayley and Bianca! They all work together but Nia HEADBUTTS them all away! Nia and Piper run in, to SANDWICH Chelsea!! Then Nia HEADBUTTS Piper! Piper runs up, but Nia scoops?! To SLAM Piper onto Chelsea! Nia soaks up the heat, but Naomi FLYING CHUCKS! Nia falls onto Chelsea! And number 20 is here! It’s SHOTZI! She rides her tank to the ring!

Fans fire up for The Wild Child while Naomi brawls with Piper. Nia CLOBBERS Naomi in return! Naomi DROPKICKS Nia down, then Piper SENTONS! Noami hits a LEG DROP! Shotzi goes up, BALLPIT SENTON!! Fans fire up and Maxxine swivels her hips a la Otis! REVERSE WORM! Maxxine, Shotzi and pretty much everyone gets Nia up! They all push her, but Naomi EXPLODES free!! Fans boo as Nia proves she is be the strongest! Bayley TOSSES Maxxine to ELIMINATE her! Nia HEADBUTTS Piper, Shotzi goes after Zelina. Nia shoves Piper up and out, BLASTS her down and ELIMINATES her!

Fans boo but Nia waits for someone to bring it., Katana runs up, but Nia scoops her! Nia trophy lifts Katana to TOSS her onto Piper, Chelsea and Xia to ELIMINATE her! The countdown is back, and number 21 is… BECKY LYNCH! The Man has come around to St. Pete and the fans are thunderous! And Becky eyes Nia! Becky dodges Nia, fires off fast hands, then UPPERCUT! SOBAT! Clinch, but Nia elbows free! Nia HEADBUTTS Becky, throws her out but not down! Becky KNEES, KICKS and climbs up! Becky MISSILE DROPKICKS Nia down! Fans fire up with Becky, but Zelina runs up! Becky gets around, dragon sleeper!

Shotzi runs up, Becky kicks her! DOUBLE DDTS! Bayley runs up, but into a BECKSPLODER! Becky hits a forearm in the corner, then sends Chelsea into Bayley! Nia runs in but Chelsea dodges, the SPLASH hits Bayley! JUMP KICK for Nia! JUMP KICK for Bayley! Chelsea pulls hair, but Becky throws her out! Becky sees Chelsea on the apron, pats her on the head, and shoves her down! Becky ELIMINATES Chelsea! Fans fire up and the countdown is back. Number 22 is… Alba Fyre! Isla Dawn accompanies her wicked companion to the ring, and Fyre gets in to SUPERKICK Bayley! Fyre TOSSES Bayley at ropes!

Bayley holds on, Bianca runs in! Fyre gets her for a TORNADO DDT! Fyre kicks Zelina, Gory Especials, but Shotzi runs up! Fyre blocks and manages to add Shotzi to the GORY BOMB! Fans fire up as Fyre and Becky brawl. Nia sends Fyre to a corner, misses and Fyre SUPERKICKS! Becky whips Fyre, Fyre reverses to put Becky outside! Nia runs up and CLOBBERS Fyre! Nia drags Fyre up to throw her over, but Fyre holds on! Nia gloats, though, as she SPLASHES Becky and digs her boots in. Naomi has Bayley for a CORNER BULLDOG! The countdown is back and number 23 is… Shayna Baszler!

The Queen of Spades wastes no time to get in, she CLOBBERS Becky! And DECKS Bayley! And twists Fyre’s arm for a double wristlock suplex! But Bianca waistlocks, only for Shayna to switch and GERMAN SUPLEX! Shayna throws Fyre again, then kicks Shotzi to gut wrench SLAM! BIG KNEE for Shotzi! Nia runs up, but Shayna manages to SAYANAGI! Fans fire up and Shayna goes after Fyre. Fyre fights her off, Shotzi kicks Becky away to then CROSSBODY! Bayley drags Bianca up by her hair and goes for ropes! Bianca kicks her away, the countdown is back and number 24 is… “Valhalla,” Sarah Logan!

But wait, is that R-TRUTH!? He’s in the wrong Rumble!! He slides in, sees everyone in the ring, and then sees Nia! He calls for a timeout, he thought this was the Men’s- Nia TOSSES Truth! Pearce is there to tell Truth this is the WOMEN’S Rumble! Sarah gets in, but Nia TOSSES her out and ELIMINATES her! Sarah is furious and wants after Truth!! Pearce gets Truth out of there while Naomi JAWBREAKERS Nia! Naomi runs, Zelina ROCKS her at the ropes. Zelina runs in to METEORA! The countdown is back and number 25 is… MIA YIM! Michin is ready to prove she’s the Head Baddie In Charge!

Mia dodges Fyre to then SPRINGBOARD TORNADO DDT! Mia ROCKS Becky, Shayna waistlocks but Mia switches! Mia catches Bayley, URENAGE DDT COMBO! Mia SOBATS Shotzi, reels her in and shouts out Styles, only for Nia to CLOBBER them both! Naomi TOSSES Fyre but Fyre holds on! Mia goes after Becky, Fyre shoulders in but into a KICK! And then HEATSEEKER! Fyre falls back, Naomi ELIMINATES her! Becky fires fists on Mia, Shotzi bumps Bianca off buckles, and Bayley CHOKES Nia on the ropes while talking trash on Maggle! The countdown is back, and number 26 is… ZOEY STARK!

Fans fire up as The Hunter runs up and springboards in to MISSILE DROPKICK Mia! And SUPERKICK Becky! And then she spins Naoim around, short arm LARIAT! Stark kicks Shotzi’s legs out to then SLIDING KNEE! Stark stomps Zelina, reels her in, but Zelina RANAS free! Zelina kicks low, hops on, but Shayna drags her off the Code Red! KIRAFUDA KLUTCH! Shayna throws Zelina up and over, but Zelina HOTSHOTS! Shayna kicks, misses, and ends up on the apron! Zelina ROCKS Stark, KICKS Shayan, and RANAS, but Shayna blocks! Shayna gets Zelina up, Stark GAMANGIRIS so Shayna can BOMB Zelina onto Fyre, and that ELIMINATES her!

Stark & Shayna mug Naomi in a corner, the countdown is back again, and 27 is… ROXANNE PEREZ! The Prodigy of NXT is here, even with her NXT Vengeance Day title match on the horizon! Roxie gets in, dodges Stark and hits a THESZ PRESS! Becky runs up, Roxie ROCKS her! Roxie runs to fire off on Shayna but Shayna whips her away. Roxie reverses to then UPPERCUT! Roxie sends Stark into her, UPPERCUTS again, then runs to tilt-o-whirl RANA Stark! Roxie kips up and fans fire up with her! But Bayley TOSSES Roxie! Roxie holds on, skins the cat, and she RANAS Bayley away! But Nia storms up on Roxie!

Roxie dropkicks legs out, ROCKS Nia, but Nia URENAGES Roxie down! Shayna runs up to get Nia in a TRIANGLE HOLD! Nia powers up and deadlifts Shayna to TOSS her and ELIMINATE her! Nia HEADBUTTS Mia, and TOSSES her out to ELIMINATE her! Nia CLUBS Stark, Shotzi runs up but into a kick! Nia reels Shotzi in to get her up, and she BOMBS Shotzi out onto Shayna and Mia to ELIMINATE her! The countdown is back and number 28 is… JADE CARGILL!!! The storm has arrived in WWE and the fans are thunderous! Nia snarls as the “new girl” finally makes her in-ring debut!

The fans are losing their minds as Nia and Jade are face to face! Then they fire forearms! Jade gets the edge, but Nia fireman’s carries! Jade fights free of that, to fireman’s carry back!! And then WIDOWMAKER! Jade aims and BOOTS Nia to ropes! Then Jade scoops Nia, to TOSS and ELIMINATE her!!! Nia is stunned and even Becky’s jaw drops! The fans lose their minds again and Becky says that’s what Nia gets! Bayley goes after Jade but Jade ELBOWS her away! Jade ROCKS and SUPERKICKS Becky! Jade runs in but Becky dodges, Jade POSTS herself! And the countdown is back! Number 29 is… TIFFANY STRATTON!

The Wrestling Barbie makes her Rumble debut at a prime spot, and she runs right up to go up top, and she SWANTONS everyone! Fans fire up for #TiffyTime, and she stares down Becky. This is a rematch from their NXT Women’s Championship feud, and they fire off forearms! Tiff LARIATS Becky, whips her, then SPINEBUSTERS! Roxie runs in, Tiff dodges to cartwheel ALABAMA SLAM! Tiff runs corner to corner to handspring and ELBOW Becky! Tiff snapmares Becky to DOUBLE STOMP! Tiff drags Becky up to TOSS her, but Becky holds on! Becky ROCKS Tiff but Tiff ROCKS Becky!

Tiff grabs at Becky but Becky holds on. Bayley goes after them both, then lifts Tiff up. Bianca fights off Roxie and Stark, Roxie ROCKS Stark! Roxie lifts Stark, the countdown is back, and number 30 is… LIV MORGAN! Fans fire up as Liv makes her return at the most opportune moment! Liv takes her time, then runs up to CODE BREAKER on Stark! BACKSTABBER for Bayley! SLINGBLADE DDT for Tiff! ObLIVion for Bayley!! Fans fire up but then Stark SUPERKICKS Liv! Stark whips Liv but Liv reverses to send Stark up and out! Stark ROCKS Liv, but Liv BLASTS Stark and ELIMINATES her!

Fans fire up and Liv says thanks! Tiff cartwheels again but Roxie swings free of the Alabama to RANA Tiff to a corner! Roxie runs in, Tiff dumps her out! Roxie dangles, Tiff BOOTS her and ELIMINATES her! “Tootles, loser!” Iyo Sky is watching backstage, knowing someone here could be challenging her soon. But the same goes for Rhea Ripley as she also watches. The fans fire up as the final seven brawl! Bianca is after Liv, Jade is after Becky, Naomi has Tiff, and Bayley is the odd one out. Bayley helps Naomi against Tiff, but then Jade trophy lifts Becky! Bianca does the same to Liv! They DUMP their opponents away, and stare down with each other!

Fans are thunderous as these two step forward, but Bayley and Tiff CLOBBER them! Fans boo but Bayley rains down hands on Jade. Tiff tries to lift Bianca but Bianca CLUBS her down! Naomi DROPKCIKS Bayley! Jade BOOTS Naomi! Jade bumps Naomi off buckles, Naomi turns things around to fire off forearms! Naomi whips, Jade reverses then hits a SPINEBUSTER! Becky runs up and clinches, but Jade fights the slam! Jade fireman’s carries and puts Becky up top. Becky kicks Jade but Jade fires hands! SUPERKICK! Becky falls, but she holds on by one hand! Naomi DROPKICKS Jade! Naomi runs, but Jade puts her into the ropes!

Becky falls!! Then Jade TOSSES Naomi! Jade ELIMINATES Naomi AND Becky!!! Fans can’t believe it! Meanwhile, Tiff puts Liv on the apron, then Bianca! Bianca ROCKS Tiff, she and Liv drag Tiff up and over, they mug Tiff but Tiff fights back! Liv CODE BRAEKERS Tiff, Tiff grabs Bianca’s hair! Bayley BOOTS Bianca, she and Tiff fall, Bayley ELIMINATES them both!! And we have our final three: Bayley, Liv and Jade!! The fans are thunderous again as these three stare down. “This is Awesome!” as Bayley has already lasted over an hour. These three fire off, Bayley going after Jade! Jade ROCKS Bayley, Liv tosses Bayley!

Jade CLUBS Liv, Liv ENZIGIRIS back! Liv fires hands, Jade hits back, Liv runs up to ObLIV- NO, Jade blocks! Bayley runs up, Jade dumps her over! Bayley holds on, Jade brings Liv up to throw her over! Liv holds on, she and Bayley mug Jade, deja vu from how things went with Bianca! Jade holds ropes, kicks Bayley and Liv away, but Liv stops her from skinning the cat! Liv and Bayley mug Jade, Jade fights back! BOOT for Bayley, kick and KICK for Jade! Liv runs up, but Bayley gets away, Liv RANAS Jade down! Bayley DROPKICKS Liv down!! BAYLEY WINS!!

Winner: Bayley, from number 3 (2024 Women’s Royal Rumble winner)

Incredible!! The Role Model promised it, and she came through! Will DMG CTRL soon own ALL the gold on Raw and SmackDown? As for everyone else, how will they find their way down the Road to WrestleMania?


Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Fatal 4 Way: Roman Reigns VS Randy Orton VS AJ Styles VS LA Knight!

All three challengers have reason to tear into the Tribal Chief, and Nick Aldis made sure the Tribal Chief would have to deal with them all at once! Will the odds finally be too much for even Roman Reigns to overcome? Or will he find a way to smash ’em, stack ’em and pin ’em just like he did at WrestleMania 37?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is truly the Head of the Table!

The bell rings and fans fire up as the four stare down. Styles and Knight argue, but Orton keeps his eyes on Roman. Roman watches his three challengers as they all turn their attention on him. He wants them to hold on, but they all creep up! They go after Roman in the corner and fire off! Fans fire up as they all stomp Roman! Knight then CHOKES Roman, Styles and Orton dig boots in. They keep firing off on Roman, but then Styles starts a brawl with Knight! Knight fires back, ‘YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” The fans keep saying that as Knight RAMS Styles in a corner!

Knight fires hands but Styles CHOPS in return! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Orton has Roman on the outside, keeps on him with UPPERCUTS, but Styles CHOPPS Knight! Knight CHOPS back! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Orton SMACKS Roman off steel steps while Knight LARIATS Styles! Knight TOSSES Styles out, storms out after him, but Orton fires hands on Roman. Knight SMACKS Styles off the desk! And again! And again! “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Pat even joins in on “YEAH!” Roman storms up on Knight but Orotn get shim, BACK SUPLEX on the desk!

Fans fire up and Knight says okay, BACK SUPLEX on the desk for Styles! Knight says that was good, huh? But then Orton kicks Knight to back suplex, only for Knight to land out of it! Knight SMACKS Orton off the desk again and again, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” The fans cheer as Knight then lines up a shot, but Orton dodges the knee, to BACK SUPLEX Knight on the desk! Orton snarls as he goes back for Roman. Orton fires hands, then RAMS Roman into the steel steps! Roman writhes, but Orton looms over him. Orton drags Roman up and puts him in the ring.

Orton stalks Roman, paces around him, then stomps a leg! Even Heyman felt that one! Orton stomps Roman’s other leg, then stomps Roman’s hand! Roman writhes, Orton just stomps his other hand! Orton kicks Roman around, stomps him on the face, and Roman staggers up. Orton clotheslines Roman up and out! Styles CHOPS Orton! And ROCKS him! And CHOPS! And ROCKS! Styles whips, Orton comes back to LARIAT! Orton rallies on Styles, dodges and SNAP POWERSLAMS! Fans fire up but Knight runs in! Knight fakes out the powerslam to SLIDING KICK! Roman returns but Knight gets him for a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP!

Fans rally as Knight stomps on Orton, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight lets off to spell it out, “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!” KNEE WASH! Knight then DECKS Styles off the apron! But Roman CLOBBERS Knight! Cover, TWO! Roman stomps Orton’s hand as payback, then he stomps Knight down. Roman huffs and puffs, throws fists down on Knight, but hears the fans chant, “ROMAN SUCKS!” Roman wags his finger, he stalks Knight to a corner, and he BOOTS Styles off the apron. Knight kicks Roman in return! Knight throws hands but Roman ROCKS him! Roman fires point-blank clotheslines in the corner!

Fans boo as Roman goes up to nine, then runs side to side, LEAPING LARIAT! Fans boo more but Roman sneers. Roman paces around Knight, drags him up, and HEADBUTTS him back down! But Styles CHOP BLOCKS Roman! And KICKS the leg! And KICKS it again! Styles kicks Roman to ropes, whips, but Roman reverses to back drop! Styles flies high and lands hard from that one! Roman hobbles a bit but he soaks up the heat as he raises the finger to the sky. Roman then locks ‘n’ loads, aims at Knight, and runs up, but Knight dodges! Knight JABS! JABS! And JABS!

Knight has Roman wobbling around with every punch, then DECKS him! Fans fire up, Knight whips but Roman reverses. Knight LEAPING LARIATS! Then DDTS! Orton returns, but Knight scoops him to SLAM him! Cover on Orton, TWO! Knight storms up on Styles but Styles BOOTS him! Styles goes up, adjusts, but Knight ROCKS him first! Styles almost falls to the floor but Knight drags him back up. Knight fires more hands, then climbs up after Styles. Knight hoists Styles up but Orton CLUBS Knight! Orton whips Knight to the other corner, runs up, but into a BOOT!

Knight goes up, leaps, FLYING BULLDOG! But then he goes right up after Styles, to SUPERPLEX! Fans fire up while everyone is down, but Roman stands! Roman swings, Knight spins that around, B F T!!! Cover, Styles breaks it!! Orton drags Styles up but Styles fires off the Phenomenal Blitz! LARIAT takes Orton down! Styles fireman’s carries Knight for USHIGOROSHI! All four men are down again but Styles shakes out his leg. Styles hobbles after Roman, brings him up, but Roman UPPERCUTS! Styles ducks the lariat to PELE! Styles reels Roman in, gets him up, STYLES CLASH!!! Cover, Knight breaks it in return!!

Fans rally up, Orton sends Knight into the ropes! Orton gets Knight hanging out, for the DRAPING DDT! The fans fire up as Orton hears those voices in his head! Orton watches Knight, but Styles is lurking! Orton sees him, runs up, but Styles ROCKS him! Styles goes up, but into an RKO!! Orton gets Knight, RKO!!! Orton snarls, Roman runs up, RKO!!!! Orton crawls to the cover, but SOLO SIKOA YANKS THE REF FROM THE RING!! As if the Fatal 4 Way wasn’t saving Roman one way or another, The Enforcer has to get involved! Orton glares at Solo, Solo storms up but Orton gets him!

Solo gets free, to SAMOAN SPIKE!! Fans boo as Solo storms in, drags Knight up, and SAMOAN SPIKES!! Solo roars, and he drags Knight onto Orton. Solo is helping Roman stack bodies! Solo looks for Styles, finds him on the outside, and he takes aim. Solo runs in, HIP ATTACK through the barriers!!! But Styles got out of the way!! Solo takes himself out of this! Roman sees the gift Solo put together in the ring and grins, but then realizes what happened to Solo. Roman looks around, and Styles PHENOMENAL FOREARMS!! Roman’s on the stack?!? Styles covers, TWO?!?!?!

Whoever it was that kicked out saved everyone from Styles taking this one! Styles is beside himself but “This is Awesome!” Styles goes to a corner, he watches the other three stir, and Heyman is panicking. Styles goes out and looks under the ring. Styles brings out a chair! Styles brings the chair into the ring, but Heyman tells him to stop. Styles ignores Heyman, aims at Roman, and JAMS him! Then SMACKS him! Then SMACKS and SMACKS and SMACKS! Then he JAMS Roman up some more! Styles glares at Knight and JAMS him, too! And SMACKS! And SMACKS! And SMACKS!

Styles says one more, and he points at Orton. Orton rises up, and he pokes Style sin the eyes! Orton UPPERCUTS Styles away, but Roman SPEARS Orton!! But Roman can’t make the cover before Orton flounders out of the ring! Knight gets Roman, BIG back suplex! ELBOW DROP! The fans are thunderous again, Knight fires up, and he clinches, but Roman shoves him into Styles to trip up the forearm! SUPERMAN PUNCH for Knight! SPEAR for Styles!! Cover, Roman wins!!

Winner: Roman Reigns, by pinfall (still Undisputed WWE Universal Champion)

The Tribal Chief literally used his opponents against each other, and he survives in St. Pete! The Road to WrestleMania is still going through the Island of Relevancy, but can Roman make it through Philadelphia?


WWE United States Championship: Logan Paul VS Kevin Owens!

The Maverick runs his mouth like no other, but he’s (mostly) found ways to back it up. However, he said his steel reinforced punch could knockout anyone, but The Prizefighter took that shot and stood back up! Will Kevin #JustKeepFighting until he’s once again United States Champion? Or will Logan find a way to KO KO?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Logan will regret being so ImPAULsive!

The bell rings and Kevin stares down Logan’s smug smirk. Logan wants a handshake, and Kevin smirks at Logan’s stupid joke. Kevin kicks low and fires off hands! And CHOPS! And stomps away at the rope! The fans fire up while Logan bails out. Kevin goes out after Logan but Logan kicks back. Logan whips, Kevin reverses and he sends Logan into barriers hard! Kevin then storms up to bring Logan around, and send him into more barriers! Kevin shouts, “This is MY show!” and the fans fire up! Kevin CHOPS Logan, SMACKS him off the apron, and pushes him into the ring. Logan runs up, Kevin dodges and ELBOWS him down!

Kevin SENTONS onto Logan, then covers, ONE!! Logan is still in this but Kevin drags him up. Kevin CHOPS Logan and fans fire up! Kevin tells the Logan Paul fans to “SUCK IT!” then GERMAN SUPLEXES Logan! Logan ends up in a corner, Kevin runs in, but Logan bails out! Fans boo but Kevin goes out. Logan RAMS Kevin into the apron! And he SMACKS the bad hand on the apron! Logan says boohoo, he don’t care. But then Kevin CLOBBERS Logan! SENTON on the floor! Kevin looms over Logan while the ring count climbs. Kevin stands Logan up to CHOP! Logan sputters, Kevin CHOPS him again!

Kevin pushes Logan in to the ring, but then Logan STOMPS Kevin’s bad hand! And PLANCHAS hard! Logan drags Kevin up, RAMS him into the apron, and then throws knees. Logan POSTS the bad hand! And again! Kevin clutches his hand, Logan RAMS him into the steel steps! Logan fires up, fans boo, but Kevin gets in. Logan springboards in, CROSSBODY on Kevin! STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Logan clamps onto an arm for a double wristlock! Kevin endures, fights up, and throws body shots. Kevin HEADBUTTS Logan, whips, but Logan reverses to clamp on an IRON OCTOPUS! Logan tortures the bad hand!

Kevin endures, powers free, throws elbows, but Logan knees low! Logan wrenches the arm, arm-drags Kevin, and he punches away on the bad hand! Kevin endures, fans boo, but Logan rips away the protective tape! The ref reprimands as Kevin grabs at Logan’s nose! Logan knees low, UPPERCUTS and UPPERCUTS, then UPPERCUTS Kevin down! Fans boo but Logan grins, as he runs to SPLIT LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Kevin SLAPS Logan! Logan and Kevin slowly stand up, Logan puts Kevin on ropes and wraps the arm around ropes! Logan pulls on the arm, the ref counts and Logan lets off.

Logan then runs up to KICK the rope! The rope jams up Kevin’s arm, then Logan CHOKES Kevin! Logan lets off to soak up the heat, and he mocks Rey Mysterio! But Kevin ducks the 619! And he LARIATS Logan down! The fans fire up and Kevin grits his teeth, before he SENTONS, but onto knees! Logan saves himself, drags Kevin up and CLUBS him. Logan UPPERCUTS, then UPPERCUTS, then UPPER- NO, Kevin hooks those arms! Logan fights the backslide so Kevin knees low, fisherman, AOI SHODOU!! Kevin shouts out another KO with that shot, but he and Logan are both down as the ref counts.

The fans rally, Logan stands, but Kevin HEADBUTTS him! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Logan ends up in a corner, Kevin CHOPS away on him! Then stomps away on him! Kevin goes corner to corner and back again, “SUCK IT!” CANNONBALL! And then another CANNONBALL! Logan flounders but Kevin climbs, and Kevin FROG SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!! Logan survives but Kevin doesn’t lose his focus. Kevin goes right back up, to SWANTON BOMB but onto knees!! Logan does it again, and he hurries up top now! Logan SWANTON FLOPS as Kevin moves! Both men are down while fans rally up!

Logan goes to the apron, Kevin goes after him! Kevin drags Logan up but Logan HOTSHOTS him! And then slingshots, to BUCKSHOT!! Logan hurries back up, to DIVING SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!! Kevin survives and Logan can’t believe it! Logan’s got a bloody nose but he wipes that away, then fires himself back up. Logan storms after Kevin to UPPERCUT, then he puts Kevin up top. Logan climbs, tells Corey Graves that he said no man can superplex Kevin. Watch this! Well, Kevin proves Corey right with the SUPER FISHERMAN BUSTER!! Cover, TWO!!! Logan survives again but Kevin keeps his cool.

The fans rally up again as Kevin stands. Logan stands, Kevin runs up to kick and- NO, Logan stops the stunner by pulling on the bad hand! Logan KICKS the arm, then undoes his own hand tape. Logan winds up that steel fist, but Kevin SUPERKICKS first! Then whips for the POP-UP- NO, Logan gets free! Only for Kevin to kick! Logan powers out of the stunner, ONE LUCKY PUNCH!!! Cover, TWO?!?!?!? Kevin survives the knockout fist and Logan has no idea what to make of that! Logan calls to his buddy, but the ref spots him! The ref tells security to eject “Jeff!” Logan pleads with the ref but there’s nothing he can do!

Jeff pretends he’s not trying to do anything, but Logan still goes up. Logan leaps, Kevin gets under, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Wait! A-Town Down Under runs out here! They vouch for Jeff, but then Theory is the one who sneaks the brass knuckles to Logan!! Fans boo as Logan hurries to equip them! But Kevin rolls Logan up! TWO!!! Kevin blocks the brass knuckle punch and he PUTS THEM ON!? BRASS KNUCKLE PUNCH!! Cover, but the ref sees the knuckles?!?!? Kevin forgot to hide the evidence! The ref DISQUALIFIES him!!

Winner: Logan Paul, by disqualification (still WWE United States Champion)

In Kevin’s defense, he forgot hot to be a proper scumbag after redeeming himself after all these years. Logan survives, but Kevin says screw that! He CLOBBERS Logan! And RAMS him into steel steps! Kevin clears the desk! Fans fire up as Kevin hauls Logan over, gets him up, POWERBOM through the table!!! The fans are all fired up because Kevin puts Logan in his place! But will Kevin have to #JustKeepFighting if he wants to get that belt back?


2024 Men’s Royal Rumble match!

With Roman Reigns still Universal Champion, and Seth Rollins still World Heavyweight Champion, those are the two to choose for a main event on the Grandest Stage of Them All! We’re 70 days away from the biggest WrestleMania of all time, but who survives 29 other superstars to have a guaranteed spot on the card?

Starting off the Rumble at number one is JEY USO! Well, he is Main Event Jey! And joining him as entry number two is JIMMY USO?!? The brothers are gonna fight it out to start!? Yeet VS No Yeet, that is the question! The fans are losing their minds already as the bell rings. The Usos step to each other, and they agree that they gotta do what they gotta do. They start throwing hands, and fans “YEET!” for Jey! Jey counter punches, punches, and punches! Jey pops ‘n’ locks and does the bounce, to ROCK Jimmy! Jimmy goes up and out but he holds on! No yeet yet, and Jimmy GAMANGIRIS! Jimmy storms in, but into a SAMOAN- NO, Jimmy slips free!

Jimmy kicks low, pops ‘n’ locks to UPPERCUT! Jey blocks the superkick, ducks the Dragon Whip, and he SUPERKICKS Jimmy down! The fans fire up and Jey goes up the corner. Jey USO SPLASHES onto knees! Jimmy’s the only one who knows Jey better than Jey! But now the countdown is here, and number three is… Grayson Waller! The Aussie Icon has a mic to say that he’s gonna make this a Grayson Waller Effect! He doesn’t care about this sibling rivalry! Main Event Jey is a flop! “Yeet” is the most cringe thing he’s ever heard. Jey coming out first lik he’s gonna do something, no wonder Bloodline kicked him out!

Jey SUPERKICKS Waller off the apron! Waller is still in this because he never actually got in the ring, though. But Jimmy whips Jey! Jey reverses, sends Jimmy up and over, but Jimmy holds on! Waller somersaults to COMPLETE SHOT! Waller drags Jimmy up and says he acknowledges the Bloodline. They mug Jey and fans boo! Waller talks trash, Jimmy drags Jey up to the ropes, then he and Waller try to dump Jey out! The countdown is back already, and Jey fights off the others while number four is here. “EL! IDOLO!” WHAT!? ANDRADE ALMAS IS BACK?!? The fans are thunderous as he makes his way to the ring!

Waller is confused as to who El Idolo even is, but Andrade steps to him. Waller shoves Andrade, Andrade CHOPS! Waller fires hands, CLUBS Andrade, and runs, into the boot feint and ELBOW! Jimmy stomps Jey, but then runs up on Andrade. Andrade dodges to CLOBBER him! Jimmy and Waller are in corners, Andrade fires up and the fans are with him! Andrade has Jimmy CIEN SHADOWS! Then CIEN SHADOWS for Waller! Then snap suplex, Uno Amigo! Fans fire up as Andrade hits Dos Amigos! And then Three- NO, Waller fights it! Cravat and KNEE! Waller then BOOTS Andrade in the corner!

The countdown is back, Jimmy fires off on Jey, and number five is… CARMELO HAYES! Fans fire up as we see the Royal Rumble debut of… HIM! Melo makes his way down to ringside, dodges Waller, and springboards to FLYING LARIAT! Melo fires off on Waller, dodges Jimmy and the SUPERKICK hits Waller! Melo SUPERKICKS Jimmy, then coordinates with Jey. Melo baits Waller into Jey’s SUPERKICK! Andrade gets up, he circles with Jey and Melo. Melo kicks Andrade, Jey joins in and they mug the returning Idolo. But Waller somersaults ack in, into the FIRST 48!! Melo clotheslines Waller up and out to ELIMINATE him!

Fans fire up for Melo, he don’t miss! Andrade stomps Jey, Melo fires hands on Jimmy.  The countdown is back, and number six is… SHINSUKE NAKAMURA! The King of Strong Style has won a Rumble before, will he win another? Fans fire up as Nakamura fires off on Melo, BOOTS him to the corner, then gives Melo BAD VIBRATIONS~! Nakamura puts Melo on the top rope, runs in, but Melo dodges the knee! Nakamura elbows Melo, INVERTED EXPLODER, but Melo lands out of it! Melo springboards, into a GAMANGIRI! SLIDING KNEE! Nakamura and Jimmy stare down, and Jimmy offers a handshake. Nakamura ROUNDHOUSES him!

Nakamura fires off on Andrade, ENZIGIRI! Andrade staggers, Nakamura brings him up to bump him off buckles. Now for more BAD VIBRATIONS! The countdown is back, number seven is… SANTOS ESCOBAR! The Emperor of Lucha is here and he takes his time going to the ring. Andrade turns things around on Nakamura, Jimmy and Jey brawl, and Melo stays out of the way. Santos GAMANGIRIS Jey, ducks Nakamura’s kick and CALF KICKS back! Jimmy waistlocks but Santos elbows free, to JUMP KNEE! Santos goes corner to corner to DOUBLE KNEE Nakamura! And then DOUBLE KNEE for Jimmy!

Santos sees Melo running in, POP-UP GUTBUSTER! And then he locks eyes with an old friend. Fans fire up as Santos shakes hands and hugs Andrade. Is El Idolo going to be Ungovernable? Yes! But ty hen Santos goes to throw Andrade out! Andrade reverses that, puts Santos on the apron, then runs up! Santos kicks him back, they brawl, Andrade CHOPS but Santos KNEES back! Jimmy hoists Nakamura up, Andrade stomps Jey, and the countdown is back. Number eight is… KARRION KROSS! The Final Testament’s ferocious leader makes his way out, Scarlett and Paul Ellering accompanying him.

Kross storms in to fire off on Melo! Kross shoves Melo to LARIAT him inside-out! Fans boo as Kross and Jimmy stare down, Kross fires off on Jey instead! Jimmy grins, and he runs in to HIP ATTACK Jey! Fans boo as these two continue to mug Jey. Nakamura stomps Melo, Jimmy and Kross agree on No Yeet. Andrade and Santos run up and they brawl with Kross and Jimmy. Nakamura goes after Melo, Andrade goes after Nakamura! The countdown is back and number nine is… DOMINIK MYSTERIO! Fans boo as hard as they have all night as Dirty Dom makes his way out, and Dom just soaks it all up as he gets in the ring.

Melo turns things around on Jimmy, Nakamura stomps Andrade, and Jey turns things around on Kross. Dom doesn’t hurry in, he revels in the boos. Dom then slides in when there’s an opening, and he goes after Kross! Wrong choice! Kross EXPLODERS Dom away! Kross fires off on Dom, then he goes after Nakamura. Dom goes after Jey instead, and Kross hauls Nakamura to ropes. Nakamura holds on, and the countdown is back. Number 10 is… CARLITO! The fans fire up for Caribbean Cool as he makes his way down to the ring. Santos stares him down, and Carlito slides in, only for Santos to slide out!

Carlito fires off on Dom, on Nakamura, on Andrade, and then back to Dom! Carlito whips Dom but Dom kicks back! Dom runs again, but Carlito CLOBBERS him! Fans rally up and Carlito brings out… AN APPLE! Carlito takes a bite, but then Santos returns! Santos throws Carlito out but Carlito stays on the apron! Santos and Dom nod, but Carlito SPITS the apple in Santos’ face! Carlito TOSSES and ELIMINATES Santos!! The fans fire up, but then Kross goes after Carlito. The countdown is back and number 11 is… BOBBY LASHLEY! Kross hits Carlito with The Final Prayer, but he’s gonna need a hope and a prayer against The All Mighty!

Lashley storms in and he SPEARS Nakamura! And SPEARS Jimmy! And MILE HIGH SPINEBUSTERS Andrade! Dom cowers in a corner to avoid Lashley, then he kicks low! Lashley just gets mad! Dom runs, into a SPEAR! Kross sees Lashley, and fans fire up as these two stare down. Lashley runs in, Kross sends him into Carlito to BLAST him off the apron! Lashley ELIMINATES Carlito, then SPEARS Kross anyway! Lashley TOSSES Kross to ELIMINATE him! Melo and Andrade go after Lashley, but Lashley is disappointed. Wait, AOP makes their way out here?! Lashley hoists Melo up but he sees Akam & Rezar.

Andrade CHOP BLOCKS Lashley, he and Nakamura get Lashley up! Lashley lands on the apron, DECKS Nakamura but Andrade GAMANGIRIS! Kross YANKS Lashley down to ELIMINATE him!! Fans boo but Lashley just goes after the Final Testament! That’s a 3v1 mugging, until the PROFITS rush out here! Dawkins & Ford LEAP into the fight and these six all fight to the back! The fans fire up and the countdown is back again! Number 12 is… LUDWIG KAISER! The Impeccable German has to avoid the brawling first, but he still makes his way to the ring. GAMANGIRI for Melo! Ludwig throws down fists while fans boo!

Ludwig hits a PENALTY KICK on Dom, then forearms on Jey! Dom kicks, Ludwig blocks, “NEIN!” UPPERCUT! Nakamura tries to dump Melo out, Andrade fires off on Jimmy, and Ludwig stomps Dom. Ludwig then goes after Nakamura with fists, but the countdown is back already! “Lucky” number 13 is… AUSTIN THEORY! Mr. ATL heads to the ring, RAMS into Ludwig, then somersault SHOTGUNS! Theory storms up on Jimmy but Melo fires off on him! Theory ELBOWS back, then hits ATAXIA! Theory TOSSES Melo up and out but Melo lands on the apron. Melo holds ropes to keep in this, but Theory kicks at him.

Jey tries to throw Ludwig out, Nakamura fires off on Andrade, and Jimmy is after Dom. The countdown is back again and number 14 is… FINN BALOR! The Prince is here but he better hurry while Dom is dangling! Finn slides in, he DUMPS Melo and ELIMINATES him! Finn helps Dom up, then they mug Ludwig! Finn hits Andrade, Andrade hits back. Dom stomps Theory, Andrade whips but Finn reverses to SLINGBLADE! Finn rains down fists on Andrade, throws him over but Andrade holds onto ropes! Jimmy UPPERCUTS Ludwig, Finn stomps away on Andrade. The countdown is back again and number 15 is… CODY RHODES!

The fans fire up as The American Nightmare marks the halfway point of this match, “WHOA~ OH~!” Cody gets his pyro then gets in the ring, to CLOBBER Theory! And CLOBBER Finn! Theory fireman’s carries but Cody slips free to dragon sleeper. Theory knees free, but Cody dodges to springboard, CODY CUTTER! Cody TOSSES Theory and ELIMINATES him! Fans fire up as the weight belt goes flying! Free souvenir! But then Finn fires off on Cody! Dom adds on, they stomp away. Jimmy and Ludwig mug Jey, but the countdown is back again. Number 16 is BRONSON REED! This match just got that much bigger!

Reed slides in, he CLOBBERS Cody! And HEADBUTTS Nakamura! reed drags Cody up, sends him into Nakamura, and then he SPLASHES them both! Finn & Dom go after Reed, they double whip, but he crisscrosses them to DOUBLE LARIAT! Reed puts Finn up, then picks Dom up! He double fireman’s carries, for a DOUBLE SAMOAN DROP! Meanwhile, Cody fights off Ludwig and Jimmy. Andrade fires off on Reed, dodges him in a corner, then boot feints, only for Reed to TOSS and ELIMINATE him! Fans boo, but then Cody and Nakamura stare down. Nakamura says “C’MON~!” So Cody fires off shots! Nakamura fires back!

Cody ducks a kick but not the WHEEL KICK! The countdown returns, and number 17 is… KOFI KINGSTON! Kofi has always made moments in the Rumble, but will he finally win one? Kofi fires off on Ludwig, THESZ PRESS and fast hands! Nakamura tries to suplex Cody out but Cody fights free! Kofi CROSSBODIES Ludwig, Cody DISASTER KICKS Nakamura! Cody drags Nakamura into a CRHOSS RHODES HOTSHOT! Nakamura falls, Cody ELIMINATES him! Fans fire up, but then Ludwig ELBOWS Kofi down. Cody goes after Jimmy while Finn & Dom go after Reed. Ludwig scoops Kofi, Cody rains down TEN punches on Jimmy.

Ludwig goes to throw Kofi but Kofi flips that to RANA Ludwig! Ludwig hangs on, but Kofi TRIANGLE JUMP KICKS! Ludwig falls, Kofi ELIMINATES him! The countdown is back and number 18 is… GUNTHER! Der Ring General storms out here, ready to avenge last year’s loss. He’s disappointed in Ludwig, though. Gunther gets in, Kofi fires off on him! Gunther shoves and CHOPS Kofi down! Finn kicks but Gunther CHOPS him down! Dom runs up, CHOPS, but Gunther just frowns. Gunther CHOPS Dom down! Jey RAMS into Gunther, but Gunther turns him around, to CHOP him down! Jimmy likes that, offers a handshake, but Gunther DECKS him!

Reed scoops Gunther! Gunther fights free, and CHOPS! Reed wobbles, and Gunther SCOOP SLAMS him!! Fans fire up, but Cody stares Gunther down. They revisit last year’s Rumble, Cody kicks and RHODES UPPERCUTS! But Gunther CHOPS! Kofi runs up to ROCK Gunther! Kofi goes to dump Gunther out! Gunther holds onto ropes, he and Kofi brawl! Gunther CHOPS Kofi down, then drags him up! Gunther drags Kofi to the top rope but Kofi holds on! Gunther DECKS Kofi, he falls, Gunther ELIMINATES Kofi! No escape artist trick this year. The countdown is back, and number 19 is… IVAR!

The War Beard storms his way down, and he gets in, only for Dom to fire off hands! Ivar grabs Dom by the face, but shoves him away as Finn runs in! SPINNING POWERSLAM! HEEL KICK for Dom! Ivar runs in, Cody dodges but Ivar gets him with a SEATED SENTON! Ivar cartwheels to dodge Jey, and he LARIATS! But Gunther clamps on a SLEEPER! Ivar RAMS Gunther into the corner, fires off elbow after elbow, then roars! Ivar BOOTS Jimmy down! Ivar and Reed stare down, revisiting their recent rivalry! They LARIAT back and forth and fans chant “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” Both men run to DOUBLE CROSSBODY!

The countdown is back, and number 20 is… BRON BREAKKER! The Big Bad Booty Nephew makes his Rumble debut and he runs in to SPEAR Jimmy! Then he POP-UP POWERSLAMS Finn! Bron dodges Ivar, to CLOBBER him! Bron fires up and the fans bark it up! Bron clotheslines Jimmy up and out to ELIMINATE him! Bron SPEARS Finn! Then TOSSES him to ELIMINATE him! But then Gunther stares Bron down. Fans fire up as Gunther grins at Bron, then CHOPS! Gunther reels Bron in, hoists him up, but Bron slips free to trophy lift! Gunther slips free, Bron dodges the chop to SPEAR!! Bron is all fired up, but the countdown is back.

Number 21 is… OMOS! The Nigerian Giant, and MVP, returns at an opportune time. Omos storms right into the ring, Ivar goes after Bron and Cody fights off Gunther. Cody runs up but Omos CLOBBERS him! Omos BOOTS Gunther, CLOBBERS Jey, then choke grips Dom. CHOKE SLAM for Dom!! But reed fires off hands! Omos doesn’t budge! Reed runs, but into a BOOT! Reed is stuck on ropes, Omos DUMPS him out and ELIMINATES him! Ivar runs, springboards, into Bron’s SPEAR!!! Fans fire up as Bron TOSSES and ELIMINATES Ivar! Then Bron looks at Omos. The countdown is back, and number 22 is… PAT?!

Pat is surprised that this is happening! But he takes his headset off and he gets in the ring! Fans fire up as Pat storms into the ring, but then realizes Bron and Omos are the ones still standing. Pat hesitates, then goes up the corner so he can go up and over the ropes! Pat then changes his mind and steps back in, but then changes his mind to go back up and out. Pat hops down and ELIMINATES himself! Fans are disappointed, but then Omos pats Bron’s head. Bron fires off haymakers! Omos sends Bron to a corner, Bron dodges, and then he CLOTHESLINES Omos up and out to ELIMINATE him! But then Dom DUMPS Bron to ELIMINATE him!

The countdown is back, and number 23 is… JD MCDONAGH! The Irish Ace makes his way over, but Bron SPEARS him down! Gunther keeps after Cody, they brawl, Cody tries to haul Gunther up and out! Jey fires off on Dom, and Jey puts Dom up top. Dom fights Jey and Gunther turns things around on Cody. Gunther whips, but Cody KICKS! Cody TOSSES Gunther over, but Gunther holds on! Gunther gets in safe, the countdown is back, and number 24 is… R-TRUTH~! He finally has the right match! Truth sees JD there on the ramp, puts him in, and then Jey clotheslines JD up and out to ELIMINATE him!

Truth says that’s what JD gets! Truth then hurries up, and wants Dom to tag him in? Fans rally up, Dom says no! That’s not what this is! Gunther has a SLEEPER on Dom! Dom wants Truth to get in but Truth wants a tag! Dom JAWBREAKERS free, HOT TAG TO TRUTH! Truth rallies on Gunther, fires those Cena shoulders, then hits the SPIN-OUT BOMB! Fans fire up as Truth says “YOU CAN’T SEE ME~!” Truth runs, but into a BOOT from Gunther! Gunther shrugs, but then Cody goes for a leg. Gunther CLUBS Cody, stomps Truth, so Cody fires off on Dom. The countdown is back, number 25 is… THE MIZ!

The Rumble is now awesome as Miz makes his way out, then gets in to fire off on Gunther! Miz fires “IT KICKS!” Gunther shoves him away, but Miz ducks ‘n’ dodges and tilt-o-whirl DDTS! Then he BOOTS Dom! Miz sees Truth, but he lets off because they’re the Awesome Truth! They DOUBLE HIP TOSS Jey! And they still got the pose down! Miz gets Dom up but then Truth stops Miz! Truth still thinks he’s Judgment Day! Miz tries to explain, but Gunther CLOBBERS Truth! Dom drop toeholds Miz onto ropes, dials it up, 619! The countdown is back, and number 26 is… DAMIEN PRIEST! Senor Money in the Bank is here, ready to add to his golden ticket collection.

Priest DECKS Truth!! Fans boo but Priest is done with games! Priest TOSSES Truth out to ELIMINATE him! But Miz fires off on Priest! Priest trips Miz and fires off hands! Gunther UPPERCUTS Dom! Priest TOSSES Miz but Miz holds on! Priest stands Jey up but Jey fires hands! Fans “YEET! YEET!” but Priest catches Jey for a FLATLINER! Priest ROCKS Gunther, then choke grips, to take him SOUTH OF HEAVEN! Cody runs up on Priest, but into a choke grip! Cody gets free, dodges Priest and sends him into buckles! Cody suplexes Priest to put him on the apron! Priest suplexes back but Cody fights it!

Cody and Priest fight for suplex control, Cody fires forearms! But Priest ROUNDHOUSES! The countdown is back, and number 27 is… CM PUNK! The fans fire up again as The Best in the World is back! And it’s “CLOBBERING TIME~!” Punk storms into the ring, but Priest throws him to a corner! Punk dodges to then ROUNDHOUSE! Miz runs up, Punk spins him around to NECKBREAKER! SHINING WIZARD for Jey! SHINING WIZARD for Dom! SHINING WIZARD for Miz! SHINING WIZARD for Priest! BULLDOG CLOTHESLINE COMBO for Priest and Miz! Fans fire up, Punk throws his shirt off, free souvenir!

But Dom runs up on Punk! Punk blocks that, and he TOSSES Dom out to ELIMINATE him! Fans fire up and Punk says night night. But then Priest ROLLING ELBOWS! The countdown is back again and number 28 is… RICOCHET! The One and Only is back, wearing the colors of Tropicana as he makes his way out. Ricochet gets in, slides under Miz, and springboards to CROSSBODY! Priest picks Ricochet up, puts him on the apron, but Ricochet RAMAS into him! Gunther swings, misses, and Ricochet GAMANGIRIS! Ricochet springboards to CROSSBODY Gunther now! Fans fire up, but then Priest LARIATS Ricochet inside-out!

Priest ELBOWS Miz in a corner, puts him up top, but Miz fights back. Cody helps out, they mug Priest, but Gunther CHOPS Miz down! Miz falls, Gunther ELIMINATES him! Punk kicks Ricochet, scoops, and SLAMS him. Gunther DECKS Priest! The countdown is back, number 29 is… DREW MCINTYRE! The Scottish Terminator can count himself very lucky to come back this deep into the match. Cody goes to throw Ricochet but Ricochet holds on. McIntyre gets in to DECK Cody, DECK Punk, but Gunther BOOTS McIntyre! McIntyre BOOTS Gunther! And he RAMS Ricochet! And then OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY SUPLEXES him!

McIntyre stands Jey up but Jey ROCKS him first! And again, and again! But McIntyre LARIATS Jey and rains down fists! Then McIntyre stares Priest down. They fire off fast hands and the fans fire up! Priest kicks and kicks and kicks, to ROLLING ELBOW! But McIntyre SPINEBUSTERS! Jey is up, he SUPERKICKS McIntyre! Gunther swings, Jey dodges, and Jey SPEARS Gunther!! Jey SUPERKICKS Gunther over the ropes! Jey hurries to push Gunther but Gunther drags Jey up and over to throw down! Gunther ELIMINATES Jey!! But the countdown is back, and number 30 is… SAMI ZAYN!! Fans fire up for the Great Liberator’s return!

Sami storms right in to dodge Gunther and go right after McIntyre! Gunther goes after Sami but Sami fires off hands! Then he goes back for McIntyre! Punk tries but Sami throws hands on him, too! Sami goes back to McIntyre again while Cody dumps Ricochet. Ricochet stays safe on the apron, Priest kicks Sami to scoop him! Sami slips free, TOSSES Priest, but Priest holds on! Gunther goes after Sami but Sami throws elbows! Sami runs to clothesline McIntyre up and out! McIntyre holds on, Gunther CLUBS Sami! Gunther CHOPS Sami, but Ricochet fires off on Gunther. Gunther pushes Ricochet, but Ricochet hits the RECOIL!

Ricochet goes after Priest but Priest choke grips! SOUTH OF- NO, Ricochet slips free, ducks and PELES! McIntyre scoops Ricochet but Ricochet slips free! Ricochet goes to the apron, GAMANGIRIS, then steps back in. McIntyre blocks the kick, and he TOSSES Ricochet up and over to ELIMINATE him! We have our final six: McIntyre, Punk, Gunther, Sami, Cody and Priest! Fans fire up for this star-studded set, and the brawl is on! Sami has Mcintyre, Priest has Cody, Gunther has Punk! Punk fights the scoop, Priest clinches Cody but Cody fights free! Cody underhooks, PEDIGREE! Gunther SHOTGUNS Cody!

Punk KNEES Gunther! McIntyre hits FUTURE SHOCK on Punk! Sami catches McIntyre for a CORNER EXPLODER! Sami aims, runs corner to corner, HELLUVA KICK for McIntyre!! But Priest JUMP KICKS Sami, reels him in, Canadian Rack, but Sami slips free! Sami dodges Priest, clotheslines him up and out and ELIMINATES him!! Fans fire up but then McIntyre DUMPS Sami and ELIMINATES him! And just like that, we’re down to four! Seth Rollins is watching from the VIP skybox, as is Roman Reigns. Gunther talks trash on all his opponents, but the fans are on Punk’s side for this one.

Punk and Cody fire off on McIntyre and Gunther! McIntyre TOSSES Punk while Gunther CHOPS away on Cody! McIntyre CHOPS Punk, CHOPS him again, and Gunther lifts Cody. Cody slips free, springboards, CODY CUTTER! McIntyre suplexes but Punk fights. Cody runs but Gunther LARIATS him down! McIntyre CHOPS Punk down! Gunther stomps Cody, hauls him up, and CHOPS again! McIntyre CHOPS Punk! Gunther CHOPS Cody! These two are competing through their CHOPS! Punk sputters after that last one! Gunther CHOPS Cody, that was blunt. Punk fires hands but McIntyre CHOPS Punk down!

Cody fires hands but Gunther CHOPS! Gunther and McIntyre stare down and talk some smack, but Punk and Cody fire off on them! McIntyre dodges to hit a NECKBREAKER! Cody CHOPS Gunther, but Gunther clamps on a facelock! McIntyre aims at Punk, runs in, CLAYMORE misses as Punk moves! Punk says night night, and he fireman’s carries! But McIntyre slips free! And GLASGOW KISS HEADBUTTS! Gunther has a SLEEPER on Cody, McIntyre helps mug the American Nightmare. Cody ROCKS McIntyre, Gunther SLEEPERS! McIntyre runs in< Cody slips fere, CLAYMORE to Gunther!

Cody runs, but McIntyre CLAYMORES Cody!! McIntyre has his pick of the litter and the fans are torn! McIntyre CLAYMORES Punk!! McIntyre kips up, he looks to the WrestleMania sign, and then he glares back at Punk. McIntyre drags Punk up and says he’s not the same kid he was 10 years ago! Punk’s ass belongs to McIntyre! McIntyre hauls Punk up, but Punk fireman’s carries! Punk dumps McIntyre up and out to ELIMINATE him!!! McIntyre can’t believe it, but his obsession just cost him! Gunther BOOTS Cody! Cody falls, Gunther aims to SHOTGUN Punk!! Gunther then hauls Punk up, GENERAL BOMB!

Gunther gets Cody, but Cody slips free, springboards, but Gunther catches him! Gunther puts Cody on the apron! Cody headlocks and he drags Gunther over!! Cody DUMPS Gunther out and ELIMINATES him!! History repeats itself as far as Cody and Gunther! And Roman doesn’t like that. Cody and Punk are the final two and Rollins can’t help but laugh. Cody and Punk rise up and the fans are thunderous! Cody and Punk fire off hands back and forth! Punk gets the edge, but Cody shoves to JAB! JAB! JAB! Flip, flop, fly, but Punk kicks low! Punk headlocks, Cody powers out, then DOUBLE LARIATS take them both down!

The fans fire up again while Cody and Punk stir. Both men rise, and Punk fires a forearm first! Cody fires one back! They go back and forth, the fans are torn, and then Cody ROCKS Punk! Punk fires a flurry in return, then SOBATS! Front kicks! And fires palm strikes and an URAKEN! Cody goes to a corner, Punk whips corner to corner, but Cody goes up and over to SNAP POWERSLAM! Fans fire up with Cody and he drags Punk up. Cody springboards but Punk catches him! GERMAN SUPLEX! Punk holds on to GERMAN SUPLEX again! And then another! Punk is taking over Suplex City here in St. Pete!

Cody goes to a corner, Punk glances at the Mania sign, then SHINING WIZARD! BULLDOG! Punk snarls and says this is it! Punk says night night, Cody! Punk drags Cody up, fireman’s carries, but Cody fights free to dragon sleeper! But Punk snapmares free! So Cody JABS, JABS and JABS! Flip, flop, fly, BIONIC ELBOW! The fans fire up with Cody again and he looks to Heaven. Cody drags Punk up, dragon sleepers, but Punk fights free! ROUNDHOUSE! Cody stays on his feet but Punk dumps him at the ropes! Cody holds on for dear life! Cody lands safe on the apron and Punk is frustrated.

Punk stalks Cody, stomps him, then points to the sign! That might be premature, but Punk drags Cody back up. Punk fireman’s carries, but Cody slips free! CROSS RHODES!! Cody roars, shakes the ropes, and the fans are with him! Cody then storms back over to Punk, the fans rallying behind him, and Cody drags Punk up. Punk is deadweight, though, and then he suddenly fireman’s carries! GO TO SLEEP!! Both men fall over! “This is Awesome!” as Punk pushes himself back up. Punk glances at the sign again, then drags Cody up. Punk brings him around to another fireman’s carry! But Cody holds onto the ropes!

Cody drags Punk over with a crucifix! Punk kicks and flails to get free! Cody lands on the apron, slides under the bottom rope, but Punk stomps him. Punk drags Cody up again, underhooks, and grins as he hits a PEDIGREE!! If you know, you know. Punk even says he can’t believe he did that. Punk then says night night, and that he didn’t wait 10 years just to lose to “Dusty’s kid.” Punk fireman’s carries again, walks around with Cody, gives another look to the sign, GO TO- NO!! Cody blocks that and says he’s not just Dusty’s kid! Cody TOSSES Punk out, and WINS!!!

Winner: Cody Rhodes, at number 15 (2024 Men’s Royal Rumble winner)

And for the first time in over 25 YEARS, someone goes back to back in the Royal Rumble! Cody points to the sign, the pyro goes off, and The American Nightmare’s story still has a chance! Will he finish it once and for all at WrestleMania? Or will The Tribal Chief have something to say about that?

My Thoughts:

What an awesome Royal Rumble! And that’s even with two different flavors of “Heels surviving” finishes tonight. The US Championship going on before the Universal Championship was quite the surprise, and I would’ve thought the go-home math was in Kevin’s favor. Granted, Kevin gets to stand tall and they could easily make a rematch for WrestleMania, but I didn’t think Logan was gonna be go-home-math proof. As for Roman Reigns, of course the Fatal 4 Way ends up a less than perfect idea from Aldis. The challengers each got to hit their finishers on Roman, only for someone else to break it up, and of course Solo still had to get involved because Roman always needs his henchmen. If nothing else, Orton and Solo are going to have a great feud from here on out.

Great interviews in the kickoff show, and of course Heyman delivers another great promo. To be fair, Heyman is always a great promo. Anyway, great opening with the Women’s Rumble, great returns and even some surprises. These last few years, WWE seems to be working on a working relationship with TNA Impact, given how Jordynne Grace was here, following in Mickie James’ footsteps of being a Knockouts Champion that gets to be on a WWE program. Jade Cargill finally debuting was also great, and she got the honor of eliminating Nia after Nia looked near unstoppable. Jade and Nia is definitely a feud to go with going towards at least Elimination Chamber, maybe even having them both in the Chamber itself.

Bayley winning despite DMG CTRL getting eliminated was a great surprise in itself, as I thought this was Becky’s Rumble to win. Perhaps Becky is going to take the long route, winning the Chamber to be the new #1 contender to Rhea while DMG CTRL’s story plays out. Bayley will surely end up kicked out of the group and then turn her eyes on Iyo’s title. And awesome stuff in the Men’s Rumble. I wish they did more with Jey and Jimmy given how those two opened together, but maybe they wanna hold off on Uso VS Uso for a little longer. And I guess there was no good idea for another Kofi save, since Gunther just gets rid of him.

But we also got great stuff like Andrade’s return, though I hope he and Santos don’t stay at odds, that’s a great combo right there. Great return for Sami, luckily his knee wasn’t that badly damaged (assuming that injury was real at all and not just a way to give him time off). Good return for Ricochet, though it wasn’t like he was going to win either. And yeah, Omos returned. Omos might’ve been a sub for Lesnar since we can’t have Lesnar around right now during the newest round of the sex scandal stuff. But also it made it hilarious when Pat was to enter but he decided to bail because Omos was there. And good stuff with Melo and Bron representing NXT, and great stuff of Gunther and Cody revisiting last year.

Cody and Punk being the last two was a great move. It really made things exciting and unpredictable there, and as such, I actually did not think Cody would win given it was Punk in there with him. Cody gets to go back to back like HBK and Stone Cold, Cody points to Roman, Roman gets mad, that is obviously the match now. This could be a sign that HHH is changing up plans. Maybe Roman isn’t going to break Hogan’s record-setting reign, the number two longest reign of all time, because c’mon, how sad would it be to make Cody lose two years in a row? Cody has to win at WM40 to make WM40 feel like the biggest Mania ever, just as HHH promised.

My Score: 9.2/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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