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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (2/5/24)

The story isn’t over yet!



The King of Strong Style isn’t done with the American Nightmare!

Just when Cody Rhodes was free and clear, Shinsuke Nakamura comes back for revenge, in the first bull rope match on Monday Night Raw in SEVENTEEN YEARS!


  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Contenders Fatal 4 Way Qualifier: #DIY VS The Creed Brothers VS Imperium VS The New Day; DIY wins and advance to the #1 contender’s match.
  • Women’s Elimination Chamber Qualifier: Becky Lynch VS Shayna Baszler; Becky wins and advances to Elimination Chamber: Perth.
  • Mixed Tag: Akira Tozawa & Maxxine Dupri VS Ivar & “Valhalla” Sarah Logan; Ivar & Sarah win.
  • The Miz VS JD McDonagh w/ Dominik Mysterio; Miz wins.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: The Kabuki Warriors VS Kayden Carter & Katana Chance; The Kabuki Warriors win and retain the titles.
  • Bull Rope Match: Cody Rhodes VS Shinsuke Nakamura; Cody wins.


Seth Rollins is here!

St. Louis fires up for the Visionary, the Revolutionary, the World Heavyweight Champion, and they sing his song! “WHOA~ OH~ OHH~!” Rollins has a brace on the leg so no competing tonight, but he still gets the mic and revels in the “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” Rollins tells St. Louis, “Welcome to Monday Night Rollins!” The fans continue to sing and Rollins smiles. Rollins says this sounds like a pretty big pop to him. Because he is a Visionary, a Revolutionary and “Seth! FREAKIN’! ROLLINS!” Another big pop, how ’bout that? But it has been one hell of a week in the WWE. And after last Friday, Rollins certainly smells what’s cooking.

Fans boo and Rollins is surprised. The fans chant for “CODY! CODY! CODY!” and Rollins senses they want Cody. The fans cheer that! Well, good news for the fans tonight, because Rollins wants Cody, too! And after last Friday, he’s got more questions than answers so Rollins ain’t wasting no more time! Cody Rhodes, c’mon down! And so he does! The fans now cheer on The American Nightmare and sing his song, “WHOA~OH~!” Cody joins Rollins in the ring and gets himself a mic. “So, World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Freakin’ Rollins, and St. Louis…! What do we wanna talk about?”

Fans chant “ROCKY SUCKS!” and that takes Rollins by surprise. Rollins says he has to be honest, he didn’t think he was ever gonna hear that one. But it has been a hell of a week for Cody. Fans chant “We Want Cody!” and Cody revels in it. The “ROCKY SUCKS!” returns, and Rollins says he’ll cut to the chase. Rollins gets what Cody is going through, he’s been there, but we need answers. Last week, Rollins said his WHC is the most prestigious championship in the entire industry and stands by those words. St. Louis, understand, if Rollins is being perfectly honest, he needs this match as much as Cody does.

Fans boo but Rollins is being real right now. He’s gotta know that he is better than he was the last time they did this dance. He’s gotta know that he is the best! And the only way he can know if he’s the best is if he tests himself against the best, and Cody Rhodes, YOU are the best! Fans cheer that! So let’s cut the crap and let’s have an answer. Is Cody gonna fight Rollins at WrestleMania?! Cody looks around as the fans say “NO! NO! NO!” but then here comes Drew McIntyre! The Scottish Terminator steps on stage, down the ramp, and into the ring. McIntyre gets himself a mic, and he says, “I think I speak on behalf of everybody when I say… What the hell?”

McIntyre laid both men up perfectly for Mania and now they’re gonna screw it all up! Rollins is the only other person that hates CM Punk as much as McIntyre does! Rollins knew how bad Punk would be for the WWE, and McIntyre took him out! They were supposed to be talking about their main event match for the WHC at WrestleMania! Fans seem to like that! McIntyre even had a shirt made! He unzips his hoodie to show the meme! The extra small for Rollins is in the back. But why did Rollins have to get in Cody’s head? And Cody, don’t listen to Rollins! Cody has GOT to #FinishTheStory! McIntyre fakes being dramatic but fans still cheer.

McIntyre says we’ve been talking about it for two years now, and wants Cody to realize all the work he put in on TV, off TV and the media events. Cody EARNED his moment!! Don’t let McIntyre down, don’t let the Rhodes family down, and don’t let the fans all around the world down! McIntyre doesn’t wanna go there, because everyone else already does, but he was close to the man down in Florida Championship Wrestling. Don’t let Dusty down! Cody rolls his eyes and Rollins says hey, don’t be a prick, Drew. What in the world even makes McIntyre think that if Cody doesn’t accept Rollins’ challenge that McIntyre just automatically gets it?

They’ve done the dance twice, and uh, McIntyre lost. McIntyre says we all know there were outside reasons as to why he lost. But is this pot calling kettle black? Didn’t Rollins lose to Cody three times? Then here’s something nice he’ll say. McIntyre heard everything Rollins had to say last week, and everything Roman had to say last Friday. If Rollins is that insecure, McIntyre will tell him personally. Rollins has done an amazing job with the WHC! He worked his ass off every single week to make it mean something, it IS the workhorse title! Ignore Roman, ignore the fans. This is a case where when they fight for Roman’s title, no one “fights” for it, the family gets in the way every time.

Did it to McIntyre, to Cody, to everyone! The WHC is the title of “may the best man win!” Except, y’know, the couple times where stuff screwed McIntyre over, but still. And he has Cody hold on, he’s not done yet. Fans boo that but McIntyre says if Rollins was a real workhorse, he would’ve been shot dead the first time. But 17 injuries later, it is time for someone to do that. Rollins has done an amazing job taking the title this far, but it is time for McIntyre to take it from here. Then McIntyre GLASGOW KISS HEADBUTTS! Cody fires off on McIntyre, DECKS him out of the ring, but McIntyre just grins as he gets up.

The fans fire up behind Cody as he defends Rollins, but McIntyre says maybe it SHOULD be Cody who faces Rollins. Will the Scottish Terminator still get what he wants one way or another?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Contenders Fatal 4 Way Qualifier: #DIY VS The Creed Brothers VS Imperium VS The New Day!

We already know Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne await, but now Raw pits the best of its tag division against each other! Will it be Gargano & Ciampa, Julius & Brutus, Vinci & Kaiser or Kofi & Woods that meet British Strong Style this Friday Night SmackDown?

The teams sort out, and just like on SmackDown last Friday, only two teams are legal at a time. Therefore, Ciampa starts against Woods. The fans rally as these two circle, and the chant of “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” echoes out. Ciampa and Woods tie up, Ciampa headlocks, but Woods powers up and out. Ciampa runs Woods over, then things keep moving. Woods hurdles, then DROPKICKS! Woods brings Ciampa up, tags Kofi, and Kofi RAMS into Ciampa! Woods rolls Ciampa for Kofi to SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Kofi wrenches Ciampa, tags Woods, and they hit the speed combo! KICK, LARIAT, SPLASH and FIST DROP! Cover, TWO!

The fans rally, Woods brings Ciampa up again and wrenches. Tag back to Kofi, he climbs up, and he DOUBLE STOMPS Ciampa’s arm! Kofi scares off Imperium, waistlocks Ciampa but Ciampa elbows free. Things speed up, Kofi hurdles, hurdles, but Ciampa slides to BOOT Kofi! Vinci tags in off Ciampa, but Ciampa DECKS him for it! Kofi DROPKICKS Ciampa but Kaiser POSTS Kofi! Imperium meets at the corner for the DOUBLE DROPKICKS! Kofi is down, Imperium soaks up the heat, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Kaiser CLUBS away on Kofi in the ropes! The fans rally, the ref reprimands, and Kaiser lets off. Kaiser keeps Kofi from the corners but Kofi throws body shots! Kaiser CLUBS Kofi down, then brings him up to whip. Kofi goes up and leaps away from Vinci to CLOBBER Kaiser! Both men crawl, hot tags to Vinci and Woods! Woods rallies on Vinci, BLASTS Kaiser, then whips Vinci to LEG LARIAT! Ciampa gets in to whip Woods but Woods ducks ‘n’ dodges ‘n’ slides to ROLLING ELBOW! Julius whips Woods, runs in but into a BOOT! Woods hits the HONOR ROLL! Fans fire up as Woods dodges Vinci to SUPERKICK!

Vinci goes to ropes, Woods runs but Gargano tags in to SLINGSHOT SPEAR! Woods falls out, Brutus runs in! Brutus sends Gargano into Ciampa but DIY stops from colliding. Ciampa then pushes Gargano so he can ELBOW Brutus! Gargano then cravats Brutus, Ciampa gives Gargano the boost, SLICED BREAD! DIY then aim at The Creed Brothers on the outside, DOUBLE PLANCHAS! DIY sit on the apron, they applaud and pat themselves on the backs! But then they turn around and Kofi DOUBLE SHOTGUNS them down! The fans fire up as Kofi builds speed, but Imperium trips him up! Imperium mugs Kofi while fans boo!

But then Gargano DIVES and wipes Imperium out! But Julius goes up and up and SUPER CANNONBALLS onto everyone!! The fans fire up as those five men are down, but then Woods climbs a corner! But Ciampa CHOPS him first! Ciampa throws body shots, climbs up and fireman’s carries Woods, but Woods CLUBS away on Ciampa! Ciampa CLUBS Woods back, the others are brawling, and Ciampa manages the fireman’s carry again! SUPER AIR RAID CRASH onto everyone!!! The fans are losing their minds as all eight men are down at ringside! “This is Awesome!” as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Gargano brawls with Julius while Vinci has Brutus up top. Brutus tries to lift Vinci! Vinci fights that to BACK DROP Brutus onto both Gargano and Julius! But Ciampa then ROCKS Vinci! Ciampa goes up after him, fireman’s carries, but Vinci throws down elbows! Vinci CHOPS Ciampa, then Kaiser joins in. Imperium goes after Ciampa but The New Day join in! They get Imperium, we get a TOWER OF DOOM!! The fans lose their minds over the Double Powerbomb Superplex, but now Brutus climbs! Brutus aims at Kaiser, to MOONSAULT!! Cover, but The New Day breaks it!

The fans rally up again, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Vinci tags in and he LARIATS with Brutus! And they LARIAT again! Vinci ducks ‘n’ dodges and BODY CHECKS Brutus! Vinci turns around, into a JUMP KNEE from Julius! But Julius turns around into an ENZIGIRI from Gargano! Kofi swings, misses, and ends up in the schoolboy, but he ducks the kick! FAMOUSER for Gargano! Kaiser DISCUS LARIATS Kofi, but Woods fireman’s carries Kaiser to a GUTBUSTER! Ciampa puts Woods in ropes to V-TRIGGER him down! Ciampa runs, but Brutus POUNCES!! The fans are torn as Brutus turns around, Vinci CROSSBODIES!

But Brutus rolls through! Brutus has Vinci in an ANKLE LOCK!! The fans fire up, but then Kaiser runs in! Julius intercepts, OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Julius kips up, he gets Gargano for an OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Julius kips up, Kofi is up top! Kofi leaps, but into a clinch and OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! But Ciampa jumps on Brutus! Julius drags Ciampa off Brutus, then he blocks Woods’ superkick! DOUBLE OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY!!! And the straps come down! Brutus still has Vinci’s leg, but Gargano, Kaiser, and well, EVERYONE attacks the Creeds!! All eight men are down in the ring and the fans are loving it!

Vinci clutches his ankle, “This is Awesome!” as the teams all stir and regroup. Kaiser runs up at Woods to BLAST him down! But Kofi CROSSBODIES Kaiser and himself out! New Day mugs Kaiser, but Vinci LEAPS in! Those four brawl right in front of commentary! Brutus is up top! BRUTUS BALL!! Those five go down and the fans go nuts! Brutus drags Vinci up, puts him in, and Julius is there! Electric Chair but Ciampa tags in before the BRUTUS BALL TOWER! Ciampa KNEES Brutus down! Gargano SUPERKICKS Julius! DIY aims at Vinci! MEET IN THE MIDDLE!!! Cover, DIY WINS!!!

Winners: #DIY, by pinfall (advance to the #1 contender’s match)

The fans give this one a standing ovation, it was an absolute classic! And in the end, the Sicilian Psycho and Johnny Wrestling are heading to SmackDown for a showdown with the Big Strong Boi & Bruiserweight! Will Ciampa & Gargano get another shot at Finn Balor & Damian Priest? Or will it be British Strong Style that faces Judgment Day?


Shayna Baszler speaks.

“The last time I was in an Elimination Chamber match, I destroyed everybody in it in order to get to Becky Lynch. But that didn’t go the way I wanted. But tonight, I don’t have to do all that. I get Becky right away, and I can take care of her and tear her apart limb by limb.”

Becky Lynch speaks.

“Last time I fought Shayna Baszler, I wanted to beat her because my title was on the line. But this time, when I face Shayna, I need to beat her because my future is on the line.” The Man is ready, the Queen of Spades is ready, but who proves they are worthy of going to Perth and fighting for a WrestleMania moment? We find out, after the break!

Women’s Elimination Chamber Qualifier: Becky Lynch VS Shayna Baszler!

Raw returns and Shayna makes her entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. The fans rally for Becky and Shayna is annoyed, but they tie up. Becky waistlocks but Shayna wrenches. Becky gets around but Shayna again gets the arm. Becky clinches, Shayna hammerlocks, headlocks, but Becky slips out to a headlock. Shayna switches then SLAMS Becky down. Becky moves around, goes for an arm, but Shayna rolls and headlocks. Becky slips out again, still wants the arm, steps over, but Shayna stays up. Becky tries the Oklahoma Roll but Shayna blocks that! Shayna goes for the sleeper but Becky JAWBREAKERS! Becky then victory rolls, TWO!

Becky wants the arm again! Shayna shoves her away and the fans cheer the standoff. Zoey Stark watches as her tag partner circles with Becky. Shayna kicks, Becky dodges but then Shayna dodges back! Becky dodges the Penalty Kick, wants the arm, but Shayna arm-drags! Shayna then KNEES Becky in the corner! The fans boo but Shayna just soaks it up. Shayna stalks Becky, drags her up and around to then SLEEPER! Becky runs to ropes and throws Shayna out! Fans fire up as Becky runs, and she WRECKS Shayna with a dropkick! Becky then aims from the apron, leaps, but into the SLEEPER! Becky fights free but Shayna ROUNDHOUSES her!

Shayna storms up on Becky, puts Becky’s hand inside the steel steps’ handle, and STOMPS! Becky writhes, fans boo but Shayna soaks it all up again as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and the forearms are flying! Becky gets the edge but Shayna shoves her. Becky UPPERCUTS, SOBATS and runs, then ducks ‘n’ dodges to CLOBBER Shayna! The fans fire up and Becky runs in at the corner to forearm again! Then she clinches, but Shayna fights around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Becky sits up, into the SLIDING KNEE! Cover, TWO! Becky toughs it out but Shayna taunts the fans, “That’s your hero?!” Shayna gets Becky’s arm, isolates it, but the fans rally up. Becky avoids the stomp! Then she clinches, but Shayna fights the lift! Becky slips around to SLEEPER, but Shayna goes after the arm!

Becky changes sides, but Shayna arm-drags free. Becky runs in but is put on the apron. Becky ROCKS Shayna, goes up, and she leaps to MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! But into the DISARM-HER!! Shayna endures, fights up, and shoves Becky into ropes! Becky sputters to the apron, Shayna shakes out her arm, and she runs up, into a KNEE! Becky has Shayna in the ropes, ROUNDHOUSES her, then goes up top! But Shayna GAMANGIRIS first! Then she TOSSES Becky down! Shayna runs up to KNEE Becky again! Cover, TWO!!! Becky survives by nanoseconds and Shayna is beside herself.

Liv Morgan is watching, she has a qualifier next week. The fans rally, Shayna stalks Becky and waistlocks, but Becky throws elbows. Becky switches, Shayna switches, repeat! Becky hits the EYE OF THE STORM! Cover, TWO! Shayna survives and Becky thinks what she has to do. Becky fires herself back up and the fans are with her! Becky wants Shayna to get up, and then she storms up to clinch. But Shayna slips free, rolls Becky and has the ANKLE LOCK!! Becky endures, reaches out, but Shayna drags her back! Becky moves around, goes the other way, and she rolls! Shayna ends up on the apron, Becky hurries to UPPERCUT, SOBAT and fire off furious fists!

The ref counts, Becky lets off to go to the corner. GUILLOTINE- NO, Shayna avoids the leg drop to HOTSHOT the arm! Shayna wraps that arm around the ropes and tuck sit into Becky’s own leotard! Shayna goes up, but Becky gets loose! Becky ROCKS Shayna first, climbs up after her and they brawl! Becky fires HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT, then gets Shayna up for the SUPERPLEX! Roll through to the ARMBAR! Shayna blocks but Becky breaks the grip! Shayna rolls, gut wrenches and SLAMS Becky down! Cover, TWO!! Becky survives again and Shayna sighs in frustration. Shayna storms up and kicks Becky around.

Shayna says Becky can’t beat her and she knows it! But Becky SLAPS her! Shayna returns fire, they slap and slap and chop, then KIRAFUDA KLUTCH!! Becky flails, reaches out, pushes back to cover, TWO, into the ARMBAR!! Shayna rolls, gut wrenches, but Becky rolls through! She rolls Shayna, dodges the knee, and clinches! MANHANDLE SLAM!! cover, Becky wins!!

Winner: Becky Lynch, by pinfall (advances to Elimination Chamber)

For the first time ever, Becky will be inside the sinister structure that is THE Elimination Chamber! Will Becky use that massive match to return to the Big Time?


Backstage interview with Liv Morgan.

Cathy Kelley says Liv is in her own qualifying match next week against Zoey Stark, how is Live feeling since her return? Well first, Stark is pretty incredible. “But respectfully… these girls have absolutely nothing to do with my business. And my business has absolutely nothing to do with these girls. I had almost one whole year of my career taken away from me, Cathy Kelley. Now just think about that for a second. That is a really long time. So next week… is about my revenge. And my revenge is about Rhea. Ripley. Watch me.” Liv calls out the Eradicator, will the Road to WrestleMania be headed for ObLIVion?


Adam Pearce meets with Drew McIntyre.

The Raw General Manager doesn’t understand what McIntyre is doing, so he wants McIntyre to make it make sense. What is it about “not medically cleared” that McIntyre doesn’t understand? CM Punk isn’t cleared, McIntyre goes after him. The World Heavyweight Champion is out there on one leg, and McIntyre headbutts him! But since McIntyre doesn’t seem to understand “not medically cleared,” how about this? If McIntyre goes home and checks his bank account to find a few zeros are missing, then that means he’s been fined! And if he sees that stupid meme shirt again, Pearce will double it!

What Pearce wants is to maintain some order around here. McIntyre says okay, but instead of shouting at him, why not just do your job? And at this moment, to Pearce’s surprise, Rhea Ripley heads to the ring! McIntyre says she doesn’t look too happy so Pearce should deal with that. Yeah, nice advice. Pearce heads out and McIntyre says at least there’s one strong leader around here.

As for Rhea, the fans fire up as she makes her way to the ring. The Women’s World Champion is taking things into her own hands, and also gets a mic. The fans chant for “MAMI! MAMI!” but Rhea says yeah, Becky Lynch just qualified for the Elimination Chamber. “But I’m not out here to talk about qualifying matches! I’m out here because I want Nia Jax, in this ring, one-on-one, so I can rip her BLOODY HEAD OFF!!” Rhea advises Nia to show up right now so she can fight her! But Pearce says hold on, no, no, no. They both know this is NOT the time for this. Everyone can see Rhea is upset, but this isn’t happening right now.

Fans boo, they wanna see it. Pearce understands what Rhea is after, so here’s what he’s done. He’s giving Nia Jax to Rhea, for the title at Elimination Chamber: Perth. Is that good? Rhea says yes, so Pearce says good, but please, we have to keep the show going. WAIT! Here comes Nia! Rhea grins, Pearce is furious, and he hurries to stop Nia, only for her to blow right past him! Nia ROCKS Rhea, Rhea ROCKS Nia, and Nia bumps into Pearce! Nia and Rhea fire off furious fists, and then Rhea RAMS Nia into the corner! Pearce shouts for security to rush in there! Rhea hammers away on Nia but security pulls her back!

The fans boo, Nia shrieks, then she runs in to CLOBBER them all!! Nia SWATS the security left standing, then shrieks again! The fans boo but Nia goes up the corner! Pearce says no but too late, A-NIA-LATOR!! Nia tells Rhea she’ll see her in Perth! Nia then SLAPS Rhea before soaking up the heat and taking her leave. Is Rhea going to learn to be more careful with what she asks for?


Mixed Tag: Akira Tozawa & Maxxine Dupri VS Ivar & “Valhalla” Sarah Logan!

The Alpha Academy’s Stamina Monster and Alpha Queen are ready to represent, but will they be able to settle the score with the Viking Raiders? Or will all their heart and determination be trampled by the raid?

Raw returns as Ivar & Sarah make their entrance. The teams sort out and then all the teams just rush in! Tozawa & Maxxine dodge to DOUBLE SCREW HIGH KICK! Ivar falls out but Sarah stays up, and she kicks Maxxine into the corner! Tozawa rips the shirt open and the fans go wild! Sarah rushes Tozawa, he dodges to then DIVE onto Ivar! Direct hit and down goes Ivar! Sarah whips Maxxine, she goes up and over to sunset flip! Not the cleanest, but still a cover, TWO! ENZIGIRI! Maxxine handsprings to BACK ELBOW! “A THANK YEW~!” Tozawa tags in, he goes up, and he CROSSBODIES, but Ivar catches him!

Maxxine goes up, she CROSSBODIES and topples Ivar! Double cover, but Sarah breaks it! Sarah swings, Maxxine dodges but not the SOUTHPAW! Sarah drags Maxxine out, but Maxxine LARIATS in return! The ladies are down, Ivar runs up to LEG LARIAT OF DOOM! Tozawa flounders, Ivar goes up, but Maxxine asks hey, h old on. But then Sarah gets Maxxine, POP-UP HEADBUTT! But Tozawa GAMANGIRIS Ivar! Tozawa goes up, SUPER SUNSET FLIP- NO, Ivar blocks that one! He kicks Tozawa away, then choke grips, for a deadlift into the SUPER POWERSLAM!! Cover, The Vikings win!

Winners: Ivar & Sarah Logan, by pinfall

The Academy tried the same trick as last time, but it didn’t work out like before. Will nothing stop the raid from storming up the Road to WrestleMania?


Judgment Day talks backstage.

Finn Balor looks at the two options in the #1 contender’s match. Pete ‘n’ Tyler, DIY. Pete ‘n’ Tyler, DIY. Doesn’t matter to him who they beat. What about Damian Priest? Priest says it doesn’t matter to him, either. Dom shows up, says hey to everybody, and says Rhea is good, just not happy. Give her some space. JD McDonagh says Rhea will be alright. And Nia’s got her work cut out for her now when Rhea gets her hands on her. Priest says no doubt. Rhea’s got her division on lock, and they’ll continue having theirs on lock. Bet. Tonight, JD handles The Miz.

R-Truth walks in and says que paso! What’re y’all talking about? Priest sighs and Truth apologizes for being late. JD says Truth is so lucky he has a match with Miz, or else he’d wipe the floor with Truth. Truth says JD should wipe the windowsills, those’re getting dusty. Dom keeps JD back and they head out for gorilla. Truth knows what’s going on. He feels bad, but he’s in-in now, right? All that before was a pre-initiation, and last week’s beating was a re-initiation, right? Truth, no! There was no initiation EVER. What planet is he even on? Priest, you deal with this. Finn is out. Truth says Finn must feel bad.

Priest tells Truth… Never mind, make yourself at home. Much obliged, DP! Truth sits down, and sees they got a box of shirts just waiting to be sold. And then he gets an idea. What even is going on with Truth’s Judgment Day status anymore!?


The Miz VS JD McDonagh w/ Dominik Mysterio!

The Hollywood A-Lister made the save for Truth but also got beat down, so now he wants his payback! Will Miz trump the Irish Ace? Or will he suffer at the hands of the “Necessary Evil” once again?

Raw returns and Jackie Redmond interviews The Miz at gorilla. After what happened last week, and considering Truth’s “tumultuous” relationship with Judgment Day, how is Miz approaching tonight’s match? Miz knows Truth still believes he is Judgment Day 4 Life, and Miz isn’t sure if that means Truth is crazy or a genius. But one thing about Truth is, he finds that fine line between crazy and genius and that is why we love him, that is why we always have his back. Truth thinks that was an initiation last week, but Miz says that is a declaration of war! The battlelines have been drawn, and the Judgment Day have no idea what’s in store!

Because he is The Miz, and he is…! AWESOME~! The music hits and Miz heads to the ring. The bell rings and Dom distracts Miz so that JD can CLOBBER him! JD drops elbows on Miz, stomps away at the ropes, but he lets off to bring Miz up. JD bumps Miz off buckles, stomps away, then lets off as the ref counts. JD whips Miz to ropes, ELBOWS him down, then talks trash. JD drags Miz up, DECKS him, then stalks him to ropes again. JD CHOPS Miz, whips him to ropes, but Miz catches the dropkick! Miz CATAPULTS JD into the buckles! Then Miz runs not LARIAT JD down! The fans fire up as Miz glares at Dom.

Miz stalks after JD, throws knees and has him in a corner. Miz whips corner to corner, JD tumbles up and out then back in, Miz back drops him away! Fans rally, Miz runs up and clotheslines JD up and out! JD flounders around, Miz goes out after him, but he keeps his eyes on Dom. Miz whips JD hard into barriers! JD tumbles up and over into the timekeeper’s aera and Miz storms up. Miz brings JD up to suplex JD to the floor! Miz grins and fans cheer while JD writhes. The ring count climbs, Miz revels in the cheers, and then Miz brings JD up. Miz SMACKS JD off the desk! Miz puts JD in the ring and aims, but Dom creeps up.

Miz BOOTS JD, JD distracts the ref, and Dom grabs at Miz! Fans boo but JD BLASTS Miz into the desk! Fans boo more, and even Michael Cole and Pat McAfee tell Dom he sucks! Dom just shrugs, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Miz throws elbows to get free of a chinlock. JD knees low, whips Miz to a corner, but Miz BOOTS back! Miz runs up, but into an URENAGE and STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Dom argues the count but the ref says it was fair. JD drags Miz to the drop zone, goes up the corner, but here comes Truth! The fans fire up as Truth is now being a merchandise seller? He throws the R-Truth edition Judgment Day shirts! The fans cheer as Truth goes along, hands shirts, throws shirts, and so on. JD refocuses, MOONSAULTS, but Miz BOOTS him! Fans fire up while both men are down, and Truth is still going through the crowd!

Miz hurries after JD and throws haymakers! Miz backs JD down, kicks and kicks and kicks in the corner! Miz goes corner to corner as the fans fire up, A-LIST LARIAT! Fans fire up and Truth gives more shirts out. Miz goes up to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Dom is annoyed by all the things, but Miz fires up to say, “MASSIVE! BALLS!” Full nelson and- NO, JD arm-drags free! JD runs in but Miz TOSSES him out! Miz then WRECKS Dom with a dropkick! And RANAS JD for good measure! Truth has made it ringside while Miz puts JD in. Truth puts a shirt on over Dom’s head! Dom is upset, it’s not his size! Miz BOOTS Dom down!

The fans fire up, Truth is confused, and Miz gets in to get JD up. JD HEADBUTTS Miz back!! Miz falls, JD goes up, and Truth helps Dom back up. JD MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO!! Miz survives and Truth calls to JD! Truth brings out JD’s cut! Money money money~! JD grabs the money, figures why not, and then Miz full nelsons! SKULL CRUSHING FINALE!! Cover, Miz wins!!

Winner: The Miz, by pinfall

The money goes flying so Truth hurries to grab it up! Dom argues with Truth about what’s going on! Miz leaves the winner, is Truth’s blend of genius and madness going to be just the thing that tears the Judgment Day down?


Imperium meets with Pearce.

Kaiser wants to make absolutely sure, because it is very, very important. Is everything prepared? Pearce says he’ll say it again and much slower: Everything, will be, just as they discussed. Gunther will have a great ceremony, don’t worry about it. It better be, because we are talking OVER 600 DAYS as Intercontinental Champion! This has to be absolutely perfect! It will be just as discussed, Gunther will be more than happy, and if they don’t mind, he needs the room because he has a very important meeting. Speaking of, there’s a knock at the door. And in walks Bron Breakker! Bron smiles at Imperium, Imperium takes their leave.

Pearce welcomes Bron, thanks him for his time, and wants Bron to know that whatever Nick Aldis has promised, he’s overpromised, but Pearce is willing to beat it. They go over the contract, and Bron has a lot to think about. The Wolf Dogs won the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, but is Bron only gonna be in it for himself?


WWE followed CM Punk through his week.

It was time for surgery on his triceps. Always a “fun” day. Punk was checked in, went under, and some time later, he was done. Punk knows the hardest part is doing the simplest things. He is in pain, but it is more mental than anything. He can power through physical pain and therapy, it is the mental and emotional that are the challenge. But the Best in the World plans to have the best comeback of all time.


Imperium is in the ring.

Fans boo but Ludwig Kaiser has the mic to say, “Ladies and gentlemen… I demand all your gratitude for the longest reigning Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion… SIX HUNDRED DAYS of… Derrrrrr RIIING GENERAL~! GUUUNTHERRR~!” And with that, Gunther makes his entrance, and he gets pyro! The fans boo as Gunther is handed the mic, but he just smiles. Gunther says, “To the surprise of absolutely nobody, I’m standing here today, celebrating the jubilee of 600 days as Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. But to be honest, Ludwig, I really appreciate the gesture of setting all of that up. But I don’t want it anymore going forward.

“Because what’s the point? 600 days, 700 days, 800 days. ONE THOUSAND DAYS! All of that is a given anyway! Because one thing will never change, and that is Der Ring General being the greatest and longest reigning Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion of all time! And the matter of fact is, I’m running out of competition here. There is no man back there that is worthy of challenging me for this great championship. I mean, who is it? You tell me!” “USOOO~!” The fans fire up as Main Event Jey makes his way out! Jey goes to the ring, and even Pat is bouncing along to the beat.

Jey is all fired up as he gets himself a mic, the fans chant “YEET! YEET! YEET!” “Main Event Jey Uso is now in your citaaay~!” Gunther gets it, yeah, it’s fun. Simple gestures for a simple audience. Fans boo the insult but Imperium chuckles. Gunther says the last time they saw each other, Gunther eliminated Jey from the Royal Rumble. So he expected Jey wanted to have a word with Gunther, but this is not the way. This is still a celebration, so this is disrespectful. Fans chant “YEET! YEET!” but Jey says no disrespect, Uce. Gunther’s earned his stripes. We all see the work he’s put in. 600+ days, the longest IC Champion in WWE history, the Ring General, Gunther!

Gunther thanks Jey for that. But he also has to say, Jey is accomplished himself. One of the most decorated tag team champions of all time. “Yeet!” Jey was part of the best tag team in WWE history. “Yeet!” Heck, Jey even holds the record for longest reigning tag team champions of all time. “YEET!” And best of all, Jey only had to put in 50% of the work! Fans boo that and Jey says Gunther’s got jokes. But see, this is why Gunther is confused. Unlike Jey, Gunther achieved all of this doing ALL the work, on his own. Fans boo that, but Jey says that just means Gunther’s about to get 100% of this work then! Fans cheer that!

Jey says, “Allow me to reintroduce myself! They call me UUUUSO~! 1000+ days as tag team champ! First tag team to main event WrestleMania! And uh oh, it’s 2024! First singles champion, and if you want Jey to be the NEW Intercontinental Champion, then let me hear ya say ‘YEET!'” “YEET!” The fans want it, Jey wants it, and Imperium is confused. Gunther says good for Jey. After 15 YEARS, Jey finally has the guts to step out of the shadow of his family to achieve something for himself. So Gunther will put it plain and simple: Jey is not the first and he won’t be the last that wants to ride on Gunther’s coattails.

But when Gunther beats Jey, he will beat him worse than his own family ever did! Gunther will beat Jey so bad, he’ll wish for the good ole days where fans couldn’t tell Jey & Jimmy apart! Fans boo but Gunther mocks “Uce!” then shoves Jey! Jey TACKLES Gunther! Imperium jumps on Jey, they mug him, but here comes The New Day! Woods & Kofi run Imperium off, their own issues still not settled! Woods says it is 3v3 now, let’s go! When and where will we see that match? And will we see Gunther VS Jey at WrestleMania?


Shinsuke Nakamura speaks.

“Cody, you want to fight me so badly, fine. You chose a Bull Rope Match because you thought it’ll bring you an advantage. But the only thing it will do is bring embarrassment to your family name when I beat you in the match your family made famous. That is what you will get from this match. Pain. Loss. Shame. I see people saying, ‘We Want Cody~.’ But no, no, no, no. want Cody!” The King of Strong Style will get Cody, but will he regret not leaving well enough alone?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: The Kabuki Warriors VS Kayden Carter & Katana Chance!

The Empress of Tomorrow & Pirate Princess are back on their thrones after winning these titles a couple weeks ago, but the former champions are looking to keep the party going. Will KC Squared be better prepared this time? Or is no one ever ready for Asuka & Kairi?

Raw returns as the Kabuki Warriors make their entrance. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if DMG CTRL still has control!

The teams sort out and Katana starts against Asuka. The bell rings, the two circle and the fans rally. They tie up, Asuka throws Katana away and then taunts her. Katana comes back, dodges Asuka and fires forearms! Katana runs, but Asuka dodges to then CLOBBER Katana! The rest of the Raw Women’s Tag Division watches as Asuka stomps Katana around. Asuka kicks Katana, taunts her, and pie faces her over an dover. Asuka smothers Katana into the mat but the ref counts. Asuka lets off, she drags Katana up and talks trash, but Katana SLAPS her! Asuka says okay, and she gives Katana some Kawada Kicks!

Asuka throws Katana by her hair, then stalks her. Katana fights the waistlock, slips under then goes Matrix to avoid the roundhouse! Roll-up, TWO! SOBAT and Asuka backs away! Katana runs up, Asuka dodges but Kayden tags in. Asuka runs back up, Katana dodges the hip attack to KICK Asuka! Kayden drags Asuka out, Kairi goes after Kayden, but Katana WRECKS the Kabuki Warriors with a dropkick! Kayden then sends Asuka into Kairi, and Katana runs in for the ALLEY-OOP ATTACK! Down go the Kabuki Warriors! Katana says those titles are coming back home with them, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Kairi drags Kayden over. Asuka tags in. the Kabuki Warriors double whip to bypass, KICK, AX KICK, BULLDOG and BASEMENT DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Asuka keeps on Kayden while the other teams are still watching. Asuka keeps Kayden from Katana, Kayden fires forearms! Asuka ROCKS Kayden, whips her to an open corner, then runs up. Kayden BOOTS Asuka, dodges Kairi, then dodges Asuka! Kairi hurries to tag in and climb up! FLYING KABUKI- NO, Kayden avoids the elbow to then GAMANGIRI! Kayden crawls, but Kairi anchors her by a leg! Kairi drags Kayden away but Kayden BOOTS her! Hot tag to Katana!

Katana trips Kairi, BLASTS Asuka, then BULLDOGS Kairi! Fans rally, Katana ducks ‘n’ dodges to SHOTGUN! Kairi ends up in a corner, Katana stomps a mudhole in! Katana roars, the fans fire up, and she A-LIST LARIATS! Katana puts Kairi in ropes, KNEES her, then goes up! GUILLOTINE DOUBLE STOMP! Cover, TWO!! Kairi survives and Katana grows frustrated. Katana hauls Kairi up, whips her to ropes, but Kairi holds ropes and Asuka tags! Kairi BOOTS Katana, Asuka hits the CODE BREAKER! BLOCKBUSTER added on! The fans boo but the DOUBLE SLIDING FOREARM hits! Cover, TWO!!

Katana survives but Asuka coordinates with Kairi. Asuka hauls Katana up but Katana fights the lift! She trips and jackknife bridges, TWO! Katana BLASTS Kairi, dodges Asuka and RAMS her! Katana whips, Asuka reverses but Katana reverses back! Katana blocks the boots, ROCKS Asuka and has her in the ropes. Tag to Kayden, and Katana runs corner to corner for the ALLEY-OOP METEORA! Katana then goes up, Kayden sets Asuka up, AFTER PARTY!! Cover, KAIRI BREAKS IT! Fans boo but Katana TOSSES Kairi! Kayden drags Asuka around and wants to go for more! Tag to Katana and she goes up!

But Kairi trips Kayden! The Keg Stand crashes ‘n’ burns! Kairi then sends Kayden into steel steps! Asuka runs up to BUZZSAW Katana! Tag to Kairi, she climbs and Asuka dragon sleepers, In-SANE DDT!! Cover, Kabuki Warriors win!

Winners: The Kabuki Warriors, by pinfall (still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Asuka & Kairi ruined the party before, and they ruined the party again! But will nothing stop DMG CTRL from having control of the gold?


Jackie Redmond has a sit-down interview with Sami Zayn.

It was before the show began that they sat in the bleachers to talk. It is no secret that Sami’s faced adversity lately. He was in the stands since arriving, what is going on in his mind? And how much of it involves Drew McIntyre? Sami says he has been thinking a lot, and some of it has to do with McIntyre. He’s had a great year, and he remembers back to this time just last year. The period between the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber, the biggest match of Sami’s career, facing Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship in his hometown. Cinderella story, he comes up a little short. He’s learned to not let that eat him up.

But then there was a conversation he had after that match that he can’t get out of his head. Triple H pulled him aside, saw Sami was down, but said he had nothing to be down about. Sami gave the performance of his life out there. Sami is Rocky Balboa, the underdog. Rocky overcame all these obstacles, and sure he lost in Rocky 1, but he goes the distance, makes a name for himself. That is what Sami did that night. And Sami wants us to know, in the ring, he will fight like that every single night. Really, he will give 100% of himself every single time, like it is life or death, because it is for him. If he doesn’t feel alive in the ring, he might as well be dead.

Sami will fight like an underdog, but he isn’t just an underdog anymore. He is a contender now. And he is a contender who will be champion again. Then what is it about being champion? Is there part of him that feels he has something to prove? Yeah, of course. Part of him wants to prove it to himself, but he also wants to prove it to the people in these seats, proving it to them. Proving that they didn’t believe in Sami for nothing. They have believed in him, so he wants to prove they are right for doing so. That is what this is about now. Jackie thanks Sami for his time, will Sami have his time at the top soon enough?


Bull Rope Match: Cody Rhodes VS Shinsuke Nakamura!

Fourteen feet of braided rope, a cast-iron cowbell in the middle, and no rules holding them back! That is what this match has, but what this match means is the American Nightmare continuing a legacy and the King of Strong Style looking to end it. Nakamura attacked Cody out of nowhere at a house show over the weekend, will he make sure Cody falls with the entire world watching? Or will nothing keep Cody from finishing his story?

Fans sing along with Cody’s song for his entrance, but they also sing along with Nakamura’s song for his entrance. The ref straps the bull rope onto Cody’s wrist, and then onto Nakamura. Nakamura gathers up the slack already but the ref has him hold on. The strap is secure, Nakamura tosses the slack to Cody, and then ROUNDHOUSES Cody down! The fans boo but Nakamura fires off knees! The bell rings and this is on record now as Nakamura grins. Fans boo more but Nakamura paces around. Cody staggers to his feet, and he kicks low to RHODES UPPERCUT! Cody and Nakamura fire forearms and the fans fire up!

Cody whips, kitchen sink knees, then shakes the cowbell! The fans cheer for that but Nakamura bails out. Cody pursues, and pulls on the rope to remind Nakamura there’s no leaving! Cody then YANKS Nakamura into the barriers! Cody rains down fists right in front of the fans, the fans fire up, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Cody uses the rope to YANK Nakamura into a post! The fans fire up as Cody YANKS Nakamura back in! Nakamura falls back, but Cody uses the rope to drag Nakamura to his feet, and YANK him in again! Cody gets in the ring, reels Nakamura in like a fish, and then headlocks for a punch! Fans fire up with Cody, Cody runs, but Nakamura YANKS the rope to mess up the springboard! Nakamura stalks Cody, stomps him around, then drags him up. Nakamura bumps Cody off buckles, KICKS him in the corner, then KICKS him again. Cody staggers to a corner, the fans rally, but Nakamura gives Cody BAD VIBRATIONS~!

Nakamura paces but Cody goes outside. But Nakamura YANKS Cody into the apron! Nakamura drags Cody back in, he stands on Cody’s hand, then drops a knee on Cody’s head! Cover, TWO! Nakamura is annoyed but he kicks Cody around. Nakamura stands on Cody’s neck, talks trash, but Cody powers up! Nakamura stomps him back down! Nakamura gathers up the slack to LASH Cody! Then he fireman’s carries Cody to put him on the top rope. Nakamura CLUBS Cody, runs back in, and hits the TOP SHELF KNEE! Cody falls, Nakamura covers, TWO! Nakamura paces around, kicks at Cody, and then KICKS Cody!

Cody grits his teeth but Nakamura KICKS again! The fans rally for Cody but Nakamura kicks, only for Cody to block! Nakamura ENZIGIRIS! Nakamura runs but Cody dropkicks the legs out! Cody steps through, FIGURE FOUR! The fans “WOO~!” and Nakamura endures! Nakamura reaches out, grabs the cowbell and CRACKS Cody! Cody lets go of the hold but both men are down as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once again and Cody fights up out of a headlock. But Nakamura knees low, reels Cody in, and back suplexes, only for Cody to land on his feet! Cody waistlocks, Nakamura elbows free then runs, but Cody follows to CLOBBER Nakamura! Cody goes to a corner, he baits Nakamura in and dodges, SNAP POWERSLAM! The fans fire up with Cody, and he runs to springboard, BEAUTIFUL DISASTER! Cover, TWO! Nakamura is still in this but Cody fires off haymakers. Cody whips Nakamura but Nakamura reverses, then blocks boots to put Cody in the ropes! ROUNDHOUSE and SLIDING GERMAN!

Fans boo but Nakamura storms back in to KNEE Cody in the side! And again! And again! Nakamura paces around, opens up the shirt and he takes aim. KIN- SUPERKICK! Cody then springboards, CODY CUTTER!! Both men are down but the fans fire up! Cody rises, fires off forearms but so does Nakamura! They go back and forth, harder and harder, and the fans rally! Nakamura fires a strike fest, but Cody blocks the kick to CLUB the leg! Cody JABS, JABS, JABS, then flips, flops and- NO, Nakamura kicks low! But Cody avoids the Ax Kick! BIONIC ELBOW! But Nakamura PELES! The rope might’ve been involved in it, too!

Nakamura drags Cody up and reels him in, INVERTED EXPLODER! Nakamura then aims from the corner, runs in, but Cody rolls him up! And rolls through to underhook, PEDIGREE!! Cover, TWO!! Nakamura survives and Cody is beside himself! Cody grabs the cowbell! Fans fire up as he shakes it up, and then aims at Nakamura! Nakamura rises, but he uses the RED MIST!! Cody flails blindly while fans boo, but Nakamura clamps on! Cody snapmares free! Dragon sleeper, CROSS RHODES!! Cody finds Nakamura, covers, TWO!!! Nakamura survives and Cody is stunned! Cody wipes the mist from his face and stands back up.

Cody storms up on Nakamura but Nakamura CRACKS him with the cowbell again! And again! And again! And again! Then KIN- NO, the cowbell was Cody’s shield! Nakamura hobbles, kicks, but Cody ducks it! ROPE YANK LOW BLOW!! And then a YANK to throw Nakamura around, into the CROSS RHODES!! Cover, Cody wins!!

Winner: Cody Rhodes, by pinfall

The American Dream is surely smiling down on his son after this one! Cody finally puts an exclamation point on this chapter with Nakamura, and surely he’ll be in Las Vegas for this Thursday’s WrestleMania Press Event. WAIT! McIntyre CLOBBERS him from behind!! The Scottish Terminator rains down fists and elbows while the fans boo, but there’s nothing that can stop McIntyre! He aims from a corner, CLAYMORE!!! McIntyre looks up at the WrestleMania sign, is he planning to do Cody like he did to CM Punk?

My Thoughts:

A great Raw here, even with them following up the moment on SmackDown that was head-scratching for some and infuriating for others. I do want to note that when it came to the World Heavyweight Championship and Universal Championship situation, commentary was doing their best to smooth it over by saying nothing was official and that this week’s press event in Vegas would be where it is all hashed out. At the same time, that means nothing, it surely does feel like they’re still defaulting to Cody VS Rollins and Roman VS Rock, and clearly everyone in St. Louis was of the mindset that this is a dumb move.

To that point, Cody and Rollins did their best to handle the fans chanting what they wanted to about “We Want Cody (VS Roman)” and “Rocky Sucks!” I also really liked Drew McIntyre voicing those opinions of the fans not liking this change, while still riding that line of being sarcastic and passive aggressive. Also, I really like that McIntyre made the meme into a shirt, I hope WWE sells copies of that to make some serious money. McIntyre beating up Rollins and brawling with Cody, then arguing with Pearce, and then of course attacking at the end of the night, I would hope we get McIntyre VS Cody on the road to Cody VS Rollins, with McIntyre hoping to use that as his way to the title.

Cody VS Nakamura in the Bull Rope Match was great stuff, too, and of course Cody won. Not sure where Nakamura goes from here, outside of perhaps getting in on a Men’s Elimination Chamber match of some sort. Maybe there will be one to determine a #1 contender to the Intercontinental Championship. Jey getting in on Gunther’s “celebration” was a good promo to tease that match, but Gunther obviously isn’t gonna just give Jey the match so Jey has to earn it. Winning the Chamber would be a great singles win for Jey to then get his title match, which could also be an even greater win for Jey.

And speaking of that segment, great set up for a Six Man Tag of Imperium VS Jey & New Day, too, that’ll be a lot of fun. I also like that Bron got to join in during Imperium’s meeting with Pearce to plug his story. I almost want Bron to do a Steiner Math promo on the three brands, aka “THEY SAY ALL BRANDS ARE CREATED EQUAL!” Bron & Corbin are headed for the tag titles but Bron is also being courted by Raw and SmackDown, we could get some interesting story stuff across the entire week of WWE programming with this.

Awesome Fatal 4 Way Tag, and while everyone got a great showing, I do like that it’s DIY winning out. Ciampa & Gargano VS Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne is most certainly about two of HHH’s favorite teams facing off, but I’m not complaining because that match is going to be awesome stuff and both sides deserve something big. But DIY just had their shot, so I would love seeing British Strong Style win to move on to WrestleMania for their big moment. In a perfect world, Trent Seven would get to come back for full British Strong Style so that Seven could counter Judgment Day’s extra guys, but Seven only just signed with TNA Impact back in December.

The Mixed Tag was a little disappointing because it was over so quickly. But I figured Ivar & Sarah would win, and this probably gives Ivar momentum going into the potential Men’s Chamber match. Really good Women’s Tag Title match, about the same as the previous, but I wish the fans got a bit more fired up at the start. They were booing Asuka & Kairi being they’re the Heels, and that is good, but I wish they’d been doing that more to show they were still awake out there.

And once again, great stuff from Judgment Day all night. Rhea VS Nia for the title at Elimination Chamber makes sense, as that leaves the Women’s Chamber match to determine a WrestleMania opponent. Becky VS Shayna was awesome stuff tonight, and of course Becky wins. Liv has a good promo, and maybe it’s just me but she leaned into the crazy girl stuff a little much there. But Liv VS Stark will be a really good match next week, and I would think Liv wins. Not sure who else is getting in this match with quite a few women in the tag division right now. Unless… Jade Cargill makes her return to action? That’d be pretty cool.

And pun not intended but awesome stuff with Miz, Truth and the Judgment Day boys. Another hilarious promo where Truth still doesn’t get that he isn’t actually part of Judgment Day, and then Priest just letting him stay because it’s easier than beating him up again. And then of course Truth finds a way to cost JD McDonagh against Miz. Maybe Awesome Truth isn’t so much getting a title match with Judgment Day but a grudge match with like JD & Dom. Either way, Truth being the comedic genius he is, a national treasure in pro-wrestling, he deserves to be part of WrestleMania somehow, and that’d be a fun way to get there.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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