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Mitchell’s NJPW New Japan Soul Results & Report! (7/3/24)

The Climax is around the corner!



The New Japan Soul is burning bright!

Tonight, it’s the G1 Climax qualifier semifinal round! Things are really heating up, but can Boltin Oleg pull off a huge upset against President Ace, Hiroshi Tanahashi?


  • 8 Man Tag: Just5Guys VS Tomoaki Honma, Togi Makabe, Yuji Nagata & El Desperado; Just5Guys win.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The House of Torture; LIJ wins, by disqualification.
  • Six 12 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The House of Torture; LIJ wins.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block Qualifier Semifinal: Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Boltin Oleg; Oleg wins and advances.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block Qualifier Semifinal: Callum Newman VS KENTA; Callum wins and advances.
  • G1 Climax 34 B Block Qualifier Semifinal: Taichi VS TJP; Taichi wins and advances.
  • G1 Climax 34 A Block Qualifier Semifinal: Tomohiro Ishii VS YOSHI-HASHI; Hashi wins and advances.


G1 Climax 34 B Block Qualifier Semifinal: Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Boltin Oleg!

The Ace, The Joker & The Rook are once again NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champions, but they all understand there’s an even bigger prize to be won! Will Tanahashi make up for losing at Forbidden Door on Sunday? Or will Oleg get another shocker and be that much closer to the Climax?

The bell rings, and the fans rally for Oleg! Oleg and Tanahashi tie up, are in a deadlock, but Oleg uses his size to tip the scales. They end up on ropes, the ref counts, and Oleg lets off slowly. Tanahashi kicks low! Tanahashi headlocks, but Oleg powers up and out. Oleg then runs Tanahashi over! The fans fire up and Oleg brings Tanahashi up. Oleg fires forearms, whips Tanahashi to a corner, but Tanahashi comes back to dropkick a leg! Tanahashi grabs that leg to DRAGON SCREW! The fans rally up and Tanahashi stomps Oleg. Tanahashi drags Oleg up, bumps him off buckles, and kicks a leg. Tanahashi puts the leg in ropes, to kick again and again!

The ref reprimands, but Tanahashi lets off with a dropkick! Oleg falls over, crawls, but Tanahashi follows. Tanahashi grabs Oleg’s leg and stomps it. Tanahashi then steps through and sits down for a toehold, then adds the other leg. Tanahashi has the INDIAN DEATHLOCK! The fans rally, Tanahashi eggs Oleg on, so Oleg CHOPS! Tanahashi holds on, Oleg CHOPS again! Oleg back strokes his way to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer and Tanahashi lets Oleg go. The fans rally as Tanahashi brings Oleg up. Oleg fires a forearm! And another! Tanahashi eggs Oleg on so Oleg keeps going! Tanahashi fires a strike fest in return!

Tanahashi runs, but Oleg DROPKICKS! The fans fire up while both men are down. Oleg shakes out the bad leg, storms his way over to drag Tanahashi up, scoop him and SLAM! Oleg runs to SPLASH down! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi is still in this but Oleg storms back up on him. Oleg drags Tanahashi up with a gut wrench! Shake, Rattle and THROW! Then a kip up! The fans fire up as Oleg storms after Tanahashi again. Oleg puts Tanahashi in a corner, fires forearms then whips corner to corner. Oleg runs in to SPLASH! Tanahashi staggers, Oleg scoops him and SLAMS him again! Then Oleg goes up and up and VADER FLOPS!

Tanahashi avoids Oleg’s impact and the fans fire up! Tanahashi rises, rallies the fans and waits on Oleg. Oleg rises, Tanahashi runs and- NO, Oleg fireman’s carries! Tanahashi slips free, and SHOTEIS! Oleg swings, but into TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Tanahashi powers up again, runs, and SLINGBLADE! Down goes Oleg! Tanahashi covers, TWO! The fans fire up and Tanahashi hurries up top! Oleg stands, Tanahashi HIGH FLY ATTACKS, but Oleg catches him!! Oleg pops Tanahashi to a fireman’s carry, for a LANDSLIDE! Cover, TWO?!? Tanahashi survives and Oleg fires up! Only for Tanahashi to catch him in a victory roll! TWO!!

The fans fire up as Oleg escapes, but Tanahashi dropkicks the leg! Tanahashi runs again, but into another fireman’s carry! KAMIKAZE SENTON!! And then Oleg scoops, fireman’s carries, and KAMIKAZE SENTONS again!! Cover, OLEG WINS?!?

Winner: Boltin Oleg, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Incredible! Unbelievable! Yet, it is true! Oleg shows President Ace great respect, and even hugs the ref. Oleg is heading on, will he soon be B Block’s tenth man?


G1 Climax 34 A Block Qualifier Semifinal: Callum Newman VS KENTA!

The Prince of Pace certainly surprised a few when he took down Tokyo Pimp, Yujiro Takahashi, last round. But now, he might have to pick up the pace if he wants to get past Fang Revived. Will Callum conquer this qualifier for the United Empire? Or will Kenta make him #GoToSleep?

Kenta attacks Callum in the corner before the bell! The ref reprimands and fans boo but Kenta fires knees and KICKS! The bell rings and this is on record as Kenta KICKS Callum again! Kenta KICKS, KICKS and KICKS in the corner, then dumps Callum out. Kenta goes out to bring Callum around and whip him hard into railing! Callum even tumbles up and over into the front row! Kenta drags Callum up, brings him back to ringside, just to whip him into more railing! Callum falls in a heap and writhes. Kenta KICKS Callum again, and again, then stalks him along the way. Callum stands, Kenta CLUBS him on the back!

Kenta brings Callum back around again, and POSTS him! The fans rally for Callum and the ref wants this in the ring, but Kenta KICKS Callum more and more. Kenta then puts Callum in the ring, soaks up the cheers and jeers, then follows, only for Callum to DROPKICK him back out! The fans fire up for Callum and he PLANCHAS! Direct hit, though maybe a little high, but the fans fire up with Callum again. Callum shakes out his arms, pops a finger back in place, then stands Kenta up to fire forearms. Kenta goes around the way but Callum follows, to whip him hard into railing! Now Kenta falls in a heap.

Callum kicks at Kenta now, egging him on. Callum drags Kenta up, ROCKS him with a forearm, then follows him to the corner. Kenta kicks back but Callum fires haymakers! Callum whips again, but Kenta stops himself, only for Callum to SHOTGUN Kenta down! The fans fire up as Kenta ends up in No Man’s Land! Callum storms after Kenta as the fans rally and duel. Callum asks for some room, and fans move aside, but Kenta resists the suplex! Kenta stomps Callum’s feet, and he suplexes Callum to the bare floor! Callum writhes on the tiles while Kenta stands. Kenta then KICKS Callum while he’s down.

Kenta KICKS Callum to get him to ringside, then he KICKS him against railing! The ref finally starts a ring count, and Callum eggs Kenta on! Kenta KICKS him again, then drags Callum up. Kenta puts Callum in, which the fans applaud, and Kenta gets in the ring. Callum flounders but Kenta stalks him. Kenta KICKS Callum, stomps him, then kicks him some more. Kenta scuffs Callum then stands over him. Callum guards and kicks back, but Kenta eggs him on. Callum kicks but Kenta KICKS! And KICKS! Callum bails out but Kenta waits on him. Callum sputters and slumps over, but Kenta goes out to KICK him!

Callum still eggs Kenta on? The fans rally up and Kenta KICKS! Callum flops over but he sits back up and eggs Kenta on. Kenta CLAWS Callum’s eyes! The ref reprimands but Kenta lets off, to POST Callum again! Kenta drags Callum up as the ring count starts again. Kenta KNEES Callum, SLAPS him, then brings him around into the ring. The fans applaud, and Kenta drops a knee on Callum’s face! Kenta then drags Callum up to snapmare and knee drop again! And again! And then again! Kenta pushes Callum to a cover, TWO! The fans cheer but Kenta clamps on with a chinlock. Callum endures and the fans rally up.

Callum is turning red already as Kenta puts on the pressure! Callum still reaches out, fights his way over, and has the ROPEBREAK! Kenta lets go and Callum sputters. Kenta kicks Callum around but Callum trips Kenta! Kenta gets up but Callum fires forearms! But then Callum flops over, his legs noodles under him. Kenta KICKS! And KICKS! Kenta eggs Callum on, so Callum fires a forearm! And then another! Callum wobbles but he comes back to fire more forearms. Kenta knees low, whips, but Callum ducks ‘n’ dodges to BOOT Kenta down! The fans fire up as Callum has that second wind! Kenta goes to a corner but Callum rolls and springs up!

Callum runs up to DROPKICK Kenta in the corner! Snapmare and PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! Kenta is still in this but Callum keeps calm. Callum drags Kenta up, but Kenta ROCKS him with a forearm! Callum swings, Kenta shoves him into the ref! Callum ELBOWS back, but Kenta spins Callum around to reel him in. Callum fights free of the suplex, blocks a kick, and ROLLING ELBOWS! Kenta wobbles, Callum runs up, but Kenta ducks! The BOOT takes out the ref!! The fans freak out, Kenta kicks Callum low to DDT! Kenta sees he has an opening, and he goes out to fetch a kendo stick from under the ring!

The fans boo but Kenta brings the stick in. Kenta winds up and SMACKS Callum on the back! And again! And then in the front! Kenta SMACKS Callum on the back again and again, then at the side! But Callum catches the kendo stick! Kenta stomps Callum into letting go, and then he just tees off with the stick!! The fans boo as Callum’s body is marked over and over! Kenta throws the stick away as it starts to break, and then he goes to grab his Defy Wrestling Championship! Kenta gives the belt a kiss, then aims at Callum. Callum rises, but he dodges the belt shot to OSCUTTER!! Cover, but the ref still isn’t back!

Callum is stunned, he would’ve won this! Callum hurries out to fetch the ref and the fans cheer. The ref is still having a hard time shaking out the cobwebs, and Kenta LOW BLOWS Callum!! The fans boo as Kenta covers, and now the ref counts! TWO!!! Callum survives and Kenta is frustrated! Kenta aims from a corner, runs up, BUSAIKU KNEE!! Cover, TWO?!?! Callum survives again and Kenta is furious! Kenta fireman’s carries, GO TO- NO! Callum blocks the knee strike! So Kenta hits a RIGHT CROSS! And another! And another! Callum staggers, Kenta runs up, but into a JUMP KNEE! Callum runs in to HELLUVA KICK!!

Callum goes up and up and he DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS Kenta on the back!! The fans are thunderous as Callum again OSCUTTERS!! Cover, CALLUM WINS!!

Winner: Callum Newman, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Another incredible upset, with a shoutout to the Aerial Assassin! Callum not only pins the Defy Champion, he advances to the qualifier finals! But can Callum keep up this pace and reach the Climax?


G1 Climax 34 B Block Qualifier Semifinal: TJP VS Taichi!

The Public Enemy made it through Satoshi Kojima to make it here, but now he has the Holy Emperor in his way. Will TJP continue to punch above his weight class to get one step closer to the Climax? Or will Taichi end TJP’s Cinderella Story here and now?

The bell rings and the fans rally up and duel, “T J P! T J P!” “TA-I-CHI! TA-I-CHI!” TJP paces while Taichi stretches, and the two circle. They feel things out, tie up, and Taichi being the heavyweight, he puts TJP on ropes. The ref counts the break, Taichi lets off slowly, and the fans cheer the sportsmanship. The two reset and circle again, then tie up. TJP gets around to waistlock but Taichi switches. TJP swim moves to get an arm and wrenches it. Taichi wrenches back, but TJP rolls, spins, cartwheels and drops back to TWIST SCISSORS! The fans cheer as TJP has Taichi down on the mat and keeps on the headscissors.

Taichi fights up, pushes TJP to a cover, TWO as TJP bridges! TJP then twists again and brings Taichi back down! Taichi fights around to headscissor TJP now! TJP bridges, moves around, and he headstands. The fans cheer as TJP stays upright, but Taichi is confused. TJP then pops free, but Taichi avoids the kick! Taichi rolls TJP, ONE! TJP DROPKICKS Taichi to a corner! The fans cheer as TJP runs in to ELBOW Taichi down! TJP gets the fans fired up and then he scrubs Taichi’s face! The fans cheer as TJP goes side to side, but Taichi bails out. The fans boo as Taichi denies the wash, but TJP just waits on him.

Taichi paces around the outside, but then TJP goes for the corner! Triangle jump and- NO, Taichi avoids the dropkick! And he AX BOMBERS TJP off the apron! The fans cheer while Taichi paces. Taichi goes back to TJP, drags him up, and brings him around to whip hard into railing! TJP drops to his knees, Taichi drags him up and through the gate to SMACK him off bleachers! The fans sitting there are excited to be closer to the action, and then Taichi brings TJP around to KICK! TJP falls over and the fans cheer, but the ref reprimands Taichi. Taichi leaves TJP behind and the ring count starts.

TJP crawls his way back, passes through the gate at 8 of 20, reaches the apron at 14, and the fans rally as he pushes himself up and in at 16. But then Taichi TOSSES him back out! TJP returns but Taichi TOSSES him out again! TJP slides in, dodges Taichi, but Taichi dodges TJP! GAMANGIRI in the corner! TJP sits down, the fans rally and Taichi has the ref check TJP. The ref does check but TJP seems fine. Taichi gives TJP scrubs of his boot to the face! The fans boo but that kick pad really gets TJP! Taichi then digs his boot into TJP’s head! The ref counts, Taichi lets off, and Taichi kicks TJP around. TJP fires body shots in return!

The fans rally up as TJP ROCKS and UPPERCUTS Taichi! TJP whips, Taichi reverses and wrenches to HOOK KICK! TJP falls, Taichi covers, TWO! The fans rally up but then Taichi clamps onto TJP with a chinlock. Taichi steps over an arm to have more leverage, but TJP endures. The fans rally up. TJP fights around and reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Taichi lets off and the fans applaud. Taichi paces some more, then storms back over. Taichi gives TJP more face scrubbing! Taichi runs side to side, but TJP jumps up to DROPKICK! TJP then goes up and up to FLYING RANA! The fans fire up while both men are down!

TJP and Taichi go to opposite ends, then stand up. TJP runs in, dodges Taichi and goes Spider-Man to then slide under and sunset flip! TJP then stacks Taichi, only to step over and trap an arm! TJP grabs the other, for the DARK SACRIFICE! Taichi writhes and the fans fire up with TJP! Taichi bails out of the ring and the fans rally behind TJP. Taichi rises, TJP runs corner to corner to triangle jump and DROPKICK! Direct hit this time and the fans cheer! TJP gets Taichi up, puts him in the ring, then goes up a corner. The fans rally again as TJP aims, for a FLYING FOREARM! TJP hurries to whip Taichi to a corner.

TJP runs in to BACK ELBOW, then he sits Taichi down! The fans cheer as now TJP gives some face scrubbing! TJP runs side to side, for the BOOT WASH! The fans fire up more and TJP goes back in for another round! TJP gives more scrubbing, then he runs side to side, for a BOOT WASH DROPKICK! The fans fire up while Taichi flounders, and TJP goes back up the corner. TJP aims but Taichi trips him up first! Taichi RIDGE HANDS, then climbs. Taichi fires another RIDGE HAND CHOP, but TJP wrenches an arm to a double wristlock! The ref counts, TJP slips under Taichi and SUPERKICKS the legs out!

Taichi ends up in a Tree of Woe, so TJP reels him in for a DRAPING FINAL CUT! Cover, ROPEBREAK! Taichi’s long legs give him that save, but TJP pushes him to center. TJP aims from a corner and the fans clap along, “T! J P! T! J P!” TJP aims as Taichi sits up, and he runs in to ONE BY- NO! Taichi dodges the knee! TJP BOOTS Taichi but Taichi GAMANGIRIS back! Both men fall and the fans fire up! Taichi rises, the fans are behind him now, and OFF COME THE PANTS! Taichi gathers his energy, aims at TJP, but TJP ducks the kick! TJP drop toeholds but Taichi reels TJP into a cradle! TWO, and TJP BOOTS the Ax Bomber!

Taichi swings around but TJP gets under. TJP waistlocks, Taichi fights free, but TJP ducks the Pele! TJP gets a leg, steps over, PINOY STRETCH!! Taichi endures and the fans fire up as he fights forward! Taichi claws at the mat and reaches out, and he drags TJP along to the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer while TJP lets go in frustration. The fans continue to duel as TJP drags Taichi back up. TJP wrenches for an ELBOW BREAKER, then holds on to the arm. Taichi fires a forearm, but TJP wrenches for another ELBOW BREAKER! Taichi fires a RIDGE HAND, but TJP wrenches to another ELBOW BREAKER!

Taichi RIDGE HANDS, and RIDGE HANDS, and RIDGE HANDS again! But TJP’s grip does not break! Taichi RIDGE HANDS again, and then swings, but TJP gets around! IRON OCTOPUS!! Taichi powers out to DECK TJP! The ref checks TJP, but Taichi gets him up for a DANGEROUS SAIDO BRIDGE! TWO!! TJP survives and the fans fire up again! Taichi clutches his arm while he slowly sits up. The fans rally harder as Taichi paces around. TJP stirs and Taichi eggs him on. TJP sits up, into a BUZZSAW! Taichi then hauls TJP up to Alabama Lift, but TJP slips free to waistlock! Taichi gets free but TJP AX BOMBERS?!

Taichi URAKENS!! Taichi aims, but TJP SUPERKICKS first!! And then JUMP SOBATS!! Taichi roars and AX- NO, TJP catches him to a MOUSE TRAP! TWO!!! The fans are thunderous as TJP hurries to bring Taichi back up. Taichi breaks free to ENZIGIRI! TJP falls back over and Taichi hurries over. Taichi drags TJP up, runs, AX BOMBER!! Cover, ONE?!?!? WHAT?!? No one can believe it, but Taichi just gears up! TENSHO JUJIHOU!!! And then Alabama Lift, for BLACK MEPHISTO!!! Cover, Taichi wins!

Winner: Taichi, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

As talented and tenacious as TJP is, he just isn’t on that higher level yet! However, Taichi shows him respect, so is there a chance TJP will get there in the near future? And as for Taichi himself, he must now take on that Kazakhstan juggernaut, Boltin Oleg! Will Taichi have a real heavyweight fight on his hands in the qualifier finals?


G1 Climax 34 A Block Qualifier Semifinal: Tomohiro Ishii VS YOSHI-HASHI!

The Stone Pitbull and Head Hunter are allies under Chaos, have been NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champions together, but just as we saw with Oleg and Tanahashi, the Climax means that much more. Who will put their all into this fight to head to the final round?

The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two stare down. Hashi and Ishii slowly approach, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Hashi is taller but Ishii is stouter, and they each work to use those to their advantage. Ishii manages to push Hashi back a step, and then another step, and then onto the ropes. Red Shoes calls the break, but Hashi ROCKS and CHOPS Ishii! Hashi CLUBS Ishii, CLUBS him again, then headlocks. Hashi grinds Ishii down but Ishii fights up. Ishii tries but can’t power out as Hashi holds tight. Ishii wrenches the headlock but Hashi just clamps it on tighter! The fans cheer as Ishii endures.

Ishii fires body shots, powers up but still can’t power out as Hashi holds tight! Ishii eggs Hashi on even now, so Hashi grinds and grinds and grinds! Ishii fights up, throws body shots, then powers out. They RAM shoulders and neither falls! The fans cheer as the teammates dare the other to bring it. Hashi runs, RAMS Ishii, but Ishii rebounds to RAM Hashi! Hashi rebounds to RAM Ishii, then he CHOSP! Hashi runs but Ishii runs him over! The fans cheer and Ishii catches his breath. Ishii kicks at Hashi and eggs him on. Hashi sits up, Ishii KICKS! And KICKS! Hashi gets on his feet but Ishii ROCKS him with a forearm!

Ishii eggs Hashi on again, then fires more forearms! Hashi leans into those like Ishii would! The fans fire up and Hashi ROCKS Ishii! Hashi whips Ishii but Ishii comes back, only for Hashi to run Ishii over! The fans fire up again while Hashi checks his neck. Hashi goes back for Ishii and kicks him around now. Hashi brings Ishii up, CHOPS, but Ishii doesn’t flinch! Ishii eggs Hashi on so Hashi CHOPS! And CHOPS! Hashi ROCKS Ishii, snapmares and KICKS! Ishii grits his teeth and the fans rally up. Hashi SLAPS Ishii! Ishii gets mad and CHOPS Hashi high! Hashi falls and Red Shoes reprimands, that was too close to the throat!

Ishii drags Hashi back up, bumps him off buckles, then CHOPS again! And again! Ishii keeps those dangerously high, then he taunts Hashi while he’s down. The fans rally while Red Shoes warns Ishii. Ishii dares Hashi to get up, then slaps him around a little. Hashi stands up, and he fires a forearm! Ishii doesn’t budge, so Hashi fires more shots. Now Ishii backs Hashi down! Hashi fires forearm after forearm, but then Ishii CHOPS Hashi down! The fans fire up and Ishii finally feels those shots. Ishii goes back to Hashi, drags him up, and CHOPS again! And again! And again! Hashi fires a forearm! Ishii CHOPS again!

Ishii keeps those CHOPS going, Hashi flops over but Ishii just stands him up for more CHOPS! Hashi sits down, but Ishii makes him stand! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! Hashi drops to his knees a third time and Ishii eggs him on. Ishii drags Hashi up, reels him in, but Hashi headlocks to fight the suplex! Hashi CLUBS, ROCKS, BODY SHOTS and CHOPS Ishii! Ishii CHOPS right back! Hashi staggers around, Ishii storms up to CHOP, ROCK and repeat! Hashi is against ropes, Ishii whips him, but Hashi dropkicks the leg! Hashi gets that leg, to DRAGON SCREW! Both men are down and the fans fire up again!

Ishii rolls to a corner while the fans rally up, and Hashi goes to the other end. Ishii drags himself up with ropes, as does Hashi. Hashi runs corner to corner to LARIAT! Now Hashi ROCKS and CHOPS on repeat! The fans fire up as the CHOPS ring out! Ishii sits down now and Hashi catches his breath. Hashi drags Ishii up, whips him corner to corner, but Ishii comes back! Hashi CHOPS, mule kicks, and turns Ishii for the NECKBREAKER! The fans fire up and Hashi goes to a corner. Hashi climbs while the fans rally, and Ishii stands, into the BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Ishii is still in this but Hashi stays calm.

Hashi drags Ishii up, reels him in, fisherman and- NO, Ishii fights free to wrench and SAIDO! Both men are down again and the fans fire back up! Ishii rises, the fans rally, and Ishii watches Hashi go to a corner. Ishii runs up to LARIAT! Hashi shoves Ishii back! The fans fire up, and Hashi CHOPS! Ishii CHOPS! Hashi CHOPS! Ishii CHOPS! They go back and forth, CHOP for CHOP, and they only speed up from there! Ishii CHOPS high, finally feels the sting from Hashi’s chops, and the fans fire up again. Ishii mockingly asks what’s up, so Hashi CHOPS again! Ishii CHOPS again, and they start speeding back up!

It’s just CHOP after CHOP and the fans rally up! Ishii eggs Hashi on while Hashi grits his teeth, and Hashi CHOPS again! The CHOPS keep going, Hashi grits his teeth again, and then they CHOP some more! Hashi is starting to back Ishii down with his CHOPS! Ishii wobbles and the fans fire up! Hashi winds up to CHOP! And DOUBLE CHOP! Hashi roars, runs, and LARIATS! But Ishii stays standing! Hashi huffs ‘n’ puffs and runs again, to LARIAT! Ishii just CHOPS, then runs, but into a LARIAT! Ishii falls, springs up, and he LARIATS! Hashi springs up, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Both men lean on each other as they fall to their knees!

The fans are thunderous while both men slump down onto the mat. Both men stir, and Ishii growls as he pushes himself up. Hashi also rises, and they each take a swing! They each duck, then Ishii fires boxing elbows! Hashi CHOPS! Ishii HEADBUTTS! Hashi runs up to SHOTGUN! Ishii gets up to SHOULDER TACKLE! The fans are thunderous again as both men stand! Hashi swings, Ishii blocks and then ducks Hashi’s backhand! Ishii runs, but into a SUPERKICK! Hashi roars and the fans are with him as he goes back for Ishii. Hashi drags Ishii up, reels him in, fisherman and KUMAGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!!

Ishii survives and the fans fire up again! The fans rally and duel as Hashi rises. Ishii follows and Hashi runs, to LARIAT Ishii down! But Ishii rises up again! Hashi runs in to LARIAT again! Ishii again falls, but Ishii again rises! The fans fire up and Hashi runs again. Ishii swings, Hashi ducks ‘n’ dodges to LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Ishii is still in this and the fans fire up! Hashi rises, brings Ishii up to his feet, and then full nelsons. Hashi spins Ishii to the pump handle, but Ishii fights Karma! Ishii throws elbows, but Hashi LARIATS! Hashi resets, KAR- NO, Ishii slips free! But Hashi avoids the enzigiri! Hashi DOUBLE STOMPS Ishii on the back!

Hashi drags Ishii up again, but Ishii HEADBUTTS! Hashi goes to a corner, comes back, but Ishii gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans are thunderous while both men are down! The fans rally while Ishii rolls away to a corner. Ishii eggs Hashi on, then runs in, to LARIAT! But Hashi rises!? Hashi blocks a lariat, ROLLING ELBOWS, and Ishii falls! Hashi drags Ishii back up, gets his knee ready and runs, but Ishii LARIATS again!! The fans are thunderous and Ishii goes back for Hashi. Ishii drags Hashi up, reels him in, lifts him up, and RUNNING POWERBOMBS! High stack, TWO?!?!

The fans are thunderous as Hashi survives all that damage! Ishii sits Hashi up to run and SLIDING- NO, Hashi dodges! CODE BREAKER! Ishii rebounds, to SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO!!! Hashi survives again! The fans are electric and Ishii roars! Ishii drags Hashi up, reels him back in and suplexes, but Hashi knees free! Hashi wrenches, gets around, pump handle! KAR- NO, Ishii slips free to suplex! But Hashi DDT COUNTERS!! The fans are thunderous again while both men are down! The fans rally as hard as they can while Ishii and Hashi go to opposite corners. Ishii and Hashi rise up, and Hashi roars!

Hashi runs in to LARIAT Ishii from behind! Hashi reels Ishii in now, but Ishii fights the lift! Ishii powers up to back drop Hashi away! The fans fire up but Hashi is right up! Hashi roars, and he SUPER- NO, Ishii blocks the kick to HEADBUTT!! Ishii drags himself to a corner, roars as he rises up, and the fans are thunderous again! Ishii runs but Hashi LARIATS first!! Hashi roars and he drags Ishii to his feet! Hashi reels Ishii in, hoists him up, but Ishii back drops, only for Hashi to make it a DESTROYER!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Ishii survives and the fans are electric! Hashi stays cool and watches Ishii slowly sit up.

Hashi powers up his arm, runs, and he LARIATS Ishii down!! Cover, TWO!?!?! Ishii survives again but Hashi just feeds off the energy of Korakuen Hall! Hashi drags Ishii to his feet, full nelsons, then spins Ishii tot he pump handle! KAR- NO, Ishii slips free to full nelson! DRAGON SUPLEX!! Both men rise again, and Hashi runs up! Ishii ROCKS Hashi! Hashi CHOPS Ishii! Ishii PELES Hashi!! Korakuen erupts as Ishii roars! Ishii runs and LARIATS Hashi down!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Now Hashi survives, but Ishii vows to end this! Ishii suplexes, but Hashi slips free! DRAGON SUPLEX! Ishii rises, into the SUPERKICK!

Ishii just runs!? Hashi SUPERKICKS! And ROUNDHOUSES! And hops on, for EASY PICKINGS!! But Hashi knows that’s not enough, he has to top it off! Pump handle and KARMA!!! Cover, HASHI WINS!!

Winner: Yoshi-Hashi, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

A powerful showdown between teammates, and in the end, the Head Hunter was able to break through the Stone Pitbull! Ishii will miss out on the G1, but will there be something for him down the line?

As for Hashi, he gets the mic to say, “Ishii-san. Thank you very much. Sometimes, words find a way into people’s hearts. And a few words have that power. Ishii doesn’t say much backstage, but when he has talked to me, it has been something inspiring and profound. It is because of Tomohiro Ishii that Yoshi-Hashi is here today.” The fans cheer, and Hashi says that he has seen Ishii walk through the darkness and still carry a light. So that has inspired Hashi to move on to the G1 Climax. He hopes to face Ishii again some time, but for now, Hashi steps forward to the future. Some might not like it, but he will keep marching forward.

Hashi wants us to know that there was a point where he, Ishii and a few others, who he will not name, had to make a decision. But that next step is in the Tokyo Budokan on Friday! Hashi promises victory to earn his way into this year’s G1! So he hopes everyone will watch him then, and see what he can truly do! The Head Hunter is determined, will he always #GetBackUp until he has reached the top?

My Thoughts:

A great return to the New Japan Soul series, and while I didn’t cover the matches, I did appreciate they pulled a little something special with the LIJ VS House of Torture matches tonight. It was meant to be back-to-back Six Man Tag matches, but of course the House couldn’t let LIJ win cleanly so Evil’s trio stormed out there and beat up on Titan, Hiromu & Yota. That brought out Naito, Takagi & Bushi, Takagi was the one to make the challenge for the much bigger Twelve Man Tag, and that was fairly chaotic, but of course LIJ won again. And it seems that on July 5th, the New Japan Soul finale, we’re getting LIJ VS LIJ, Team Hiromu VS Team Naito to perhaps help tease some things in terms of the world title and the G1 Climax.

Speaking of the G1, great qualifiers tonight. Great surprise results in Oleg overcoming Tanahashi and Callum overcoming Kenta, this is definitely Tanahashi as President Ace saying the younger generation is ready to move up. Though at the same time, they do the right move in storytelling by having TJP not get the surprise victory. TJP’s story is struggling to win in much of anything while trying to be new team captain for The United Empire. TJP did great tonight, of course, but it shows that he’s still falling short of the example set by Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher, and even the singles champions within the group, Henare, Great-O-Khan & Jeff Cobb.

Ishii VS Hashi was an awesome main event, and being that they’re good friends and teammates, they know each other so well and were referencing that from start to finish. Ishii is great, but Hashi is essentially the face of perseverance in NJPW, and he has for awhile now been on that push a veteran gets after sticking it out for so long. Both Oleg VS Taichi and Hashi VS Callum will be great finals, great generational match-ups, and I’m rather torn on who gets in. I feel like it’d be more exciting for NJPW fans if Oleg gets a third upset in a row while Hashi gets a win over the younger, faster guy.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (10/22/24)

Something sweet before Halloween Havoc!



Let’s get into the Halloween Havoc spirit!

Before defending his NXT Championship on the Devil’s Playground, Trick Williams meets Ethan Page face to face one more time. Will All Ego try to pull some tricks on Trick before we all get the treat of their rematch?


  • Damage CTRL VS Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson; Lash & Jakara win, by disqualification.
  • Tatum Paxley VS Jaida Parker; Jaida wins.
  • Oba Femi VS Luca Crusifino w/ The D’Angelo Family; Oba wins.
  • Sol Ruca VS Karmen Petrovic; Sol wins.
  • OTM VS Hank ‘n’ Tank; Hank ‘n’ Tank win.
  • Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer VS The Fatal Influence; win(s).


Damage CTRL VS Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson!

Iyo Sky & Kairi Sane are in a fighting mood after The Bougie Bully & Miss Jackson had to stick their noses in DMG CTRL business again! The fans chant “Welcome Back! Welcome Back!” but will this return to NXT be a triumphant one? Or will Lash & Jakara put on the brakes like SKRRRR?

The teams sort out and The Evil Genius starts against Jakara. The fans rally for Iyo as she ties up with Jakara. Jakara pulls hair to put Iyo on ropes. The ref reprimands, but then Iyo pulls hair in return! The ref reprimands them both now, but Iyo waistlocks, headlocks, and hits the takeover, to rain down fists! Jakara scrambles away, Iyo eggs her on, and Jakara runs in. Iyo dodges, Jakara leaps over, then whips. Iyo handsprings through! The fans fire up and Iyo DROPKCIKS Jakara down! Iyo kips up and talks trash on Lash! The ref keeps Lash back, and Iyo tags Kairi in. The fans fire up as DMG CTRL double whip, then trip and AX KICK!

Kairi drags Jakara up to snapmare, and DMG CTRL DOUBLE BASEMENT DROPKICKS! Kairi covers, TWO! Kairi says Lash needs to back up, then she CHOPS Jakara. The fans ‘WOO~!” and Kairi CHOPS! And CHOPS! And fires fast hands in the corner! The fans fire up with Kairi, but Jakara trips her into buckles! Jakara KICKS Kairi into buckles, then drags her up to bump her off buckles. Tag to Lash and Lash brings Kairi around to CHOP! Lash talks trash, but Kairi CLUBS her! Lash just grabs Kairi with both hands! Lash lifts Kairi, but Kairi throws hands! Kairi sunset flips but Lash waves her arms to stay up!

Lash lifts Kairi, but Kairi SLAPS Lash! The fans fire up and Kairi talks trash. Kairi runs, but Lash scoops her! Only for Kairi to have the crucifix! Iyo runs up, but Lash catches her, too! Lash DRIBBLES them in the ropes! Lash TOSSES Iyo, SLAMS Kairi, and covers, TWO! Kairi survives but Lash pushes her around. Kairi goes to ropes, Lash drags her up, but Kairi HOTSHOTS her back! Kairi runs up, but Lash blocks the whip! Lash whips, scoops Kairi, but Kairi swings around into a SLEEPER! Lash endures, but she drops to a knee! The fans fire up as Lash rises, and she FLINGS Kairi away! Kairi stands, but dodges a lariat!

Kairi goes up and over the ropes to RANA Lash out of the ring! Jakara runs in, but Kairi dumps her out! Meta Four regroups, Iyo fires Kairi up, and Kairi FLYING KABUKI ELBOWS Lash to the floor! Iyo aims at Jakara, ASAI MOONSAULT! The Meta Four goes down and the fans are thunderous for “N X T! N X T!” as we go to break.

NXT returns and Jakara fires hands on Iyo. Jakara whips, but Iyo victory rolls, to STOMP 182! The fans fire up while both women are down! Iyo and Jakara crawl, hot tag to Kairi! She steps on Jakara to then BLAST Lash! Then BLOCKBUSTER for Jakara! Kairi DECKS Jakara, DECKS her again, then whips. Jakara reverses, but Kairi SPEARS her down! The fans fire up as Jakara ends up in a corner. Lash runs in, Kairi dodges to SHOTEI! Kairi RAMS Lash into Jakara, then she marches across the ring. The fans fire up and Kairi runs in to RAM them both!  Then Jakara gets the SLIDING D in the corner!

The fans fire up and Kairi climbs! FLYING KABUKI ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Jakara survives but the fans rally up. Kairi brings Jakara up for an Alabama Lift, and ALABAMA SLAM! Tag to Iyo and then she tags Kairi back in. The fans fire up as Kairi runs, POP-UP INSANE ELBOW! Cover, Lash breaks it! Lash drags Kairi up and ragdolls her! Kairi fights, switches, and shoves Lash to ropes. Iyo tags in before Lash bucks the O’Conner Roll! Lash runs up, Kairi dodges, and Iyo springboards, but slips! The ropes get her like the turf monster, but Iyo hurries up to SHOTEI! The fans rally, Iyo runs at Jakara for the SHINKANSEN!

Iyo drags Jakara into the drop zone, then climbs up top! The fans fire up as Iyo goes OVER THE MOON- NO! Jakara dodges, tag to Lash! BOOT for Iyo! Kairi FLYING- NO, Lash catches her again! SWINGING BACKBREAKER! Tag back to Jakara, the fans boo as Lash wheelbarrows Iyo. Jakara runs up, runs up, but WAIT! PIPER NIVEN trips Jakara up!?

Winners: Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson, by disqualification

Piper DECKS Jakara, Chelsea Green slips in to ZIGZAG Lash! The fans go nuts for a surprise return! Lash in her Clueless best dodges Kairi to SLAP Kairi! And BACKHAND Iyo! Piper goes up to VADER BOMB onto Lash!! The fans are going nuts as Piper SPLASHES DMG CTRL!! Piper sets them up for Chelsea to CROSSBODY! These two just made a hot mess, but will this bring Piper & Chelsea to the gold?


Hank ‘n’ Tank are running the merchandise stand.

Ledger is on top of the truck as he tells the crowd, we had a lot of fun in NXT’s return to Orlando. But tonight, it is them AND the 2023 NASCAR Xfinity Series Champion, COLE CUSTER! Cole drives up, he shakes hands with Hank ‘n’ Tank. This truck ain’t the Double Zero but it still runs. But then Out The Mud walks over and says Cole just parked in their spot. He may be a special guest, but this is their show. Hank ‘n’ Tank says last they checked, NO ONE has a special spot. If they have a problem with tonight’s guest, then let’s settle this in the ring. Bronco Nima says fine. The special guest can even have a front row seat when OTM beats Hank’s ‘n’ Tank’s asses.

Cole gets on the megaphone to say let’s tell Ava then. And with that, a match is made! Will Nima & Price drag Hank ‘n’ Tank through the mud? Or will Cole welcome Hank ‘n’ Tank to the winner’s circle?


Sol Ruca, Brinley Reece & Karmen Petrovic exercise in the NXT gym.

Sol spots Brin as she finishes the squats, and then Brin asks them about Ashante THEE Adonis trying to give her a rose. Like, take the hint, man. Sol did notice that, but she also noticed Karmen might be- “Interested,” says Adonis. And Karmen, he couldn’t help but notice they shared a look last week. They were feeling each other. Is that so? Well, Adonis cost her a match, so she was just returning the favor. Well, Adonisly, he was just assuming- Yeah, he was. And you know what happens when you assume. Adonis asks what that is, and Karmen smirks. Brin says hey, she’s not interested, so enough of that.

Adonis says we’ll see. He leaves, Sol tells Karmen that she can’t deny there is something. Right, because they know what Karmen likes and what’s best for her. But they don’t. But you’ll find out. Karmen heads out, Sol asks what this is about. Brin says this is a “canon event.” Emotions are running high, but who is just setting themselves up for a fall this Fall?


NXT is headed to the 2300 Arena!

Yes, once the home to ECW in Philadelphia, NXT plans on going to the extreme on Wednesday, November 6th! Will you be ready for #NXT2300?


Tatum Paxley VS Jaida Parker!

While twisted Tatum is focused on wicked Wendy Choo for toying with her emotions, this is about Miss Parker not caring about anybody but herself. Will Tatum shows what happens when she plays rough? Or will Jaida play for keeps on her way to settling things with Lola Vice?

NXT returns and Tatum makes her entrance. The bell rings and the two tie up. Jaida waistlocks, but she thrwos Tatum by h er hair! Jaida talks trash on Tatum as she puts her on ropes. The ref cuonts. Jaida lets off, but Taum just smiles. Jaida runs up, Tatum dodges and thrwos Jaida down by her hair! JUMP ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Tatum keeps on Jaiad with a chinlock but Jaida stands up to throw her away. Tatum returns to roll Jaida up, TWO! Tatum puts on the body sicsosrs! Jaida endures the squeeze, but Tatum rolls her around and around and around! Cover, TWO! Jaida is dizzy but so is Tatum.

Tatum finds Jaida, and DROPKICKS! The fans fire up and Tatum runs in to CROSSBODY in the corner! Tatum whips Jaida cotrenr to corner, runs in, but Jaida catches the crossbody this time! Jaida puts Tatum in the ropes to CHOP! The fans fire up, and Jaidra runs up for the TEARDROP! Jaida high steps, the fans fire up, and Jaida KNEES Tatum in the side! Jaida stomps away at the ropes, but lets off as the ref counts. The fans duel but Jaida ROCKS Tatum in the back. Jaida then INVERTED SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO! Tatum toughs it out but Jaida drags her into a motorcycle stretch. Lola is watching as Jaida steps over on Tatum.

The fans rally up as Tatum endures. Tatum fights up, even as Jaida digs her head into the shoulder blades. The two spin around, Jaida waistlocks but Tatum elbows free! O’Conner Roll, TWO! Tatum flounders to ropes, Jaida runs in, but into a BOOT! Tatum dodges Jaida again, and SMASHES her off a knee! Jaida goes to a corner. the fans fire up and Tatum runs in! Tatum rallies with big forearms, and a BOOT! ENZIGIRI! The fans fire up, Tatum storms over and reels Jaida in. Tatum torture racks Jaida for a RACK DROP! Cover, TWO!! Jaida survives but Tatum brings her up. Jaida RAMS into Tatum, reels her in, but Tatum cradle counters! TWO!!

Jaida escapes, then ducks an enzigiri! Jaida brings Tatum in, but Tatum slips free of the suplex to roll Jaida! Jaida comes back, HIPNOTIC! It wasn’t all of it, so Jaida just runs to HIPNOTIC!! Cover, Jaida wins!

Winner: Jaida Parker, by pinfall

Tatum is tough, but Jaida is- OH, here comes Lola Vice! Refs and security stay in the way, even as Jaida wants after Lola! And then WENDY GRABS TATUM! Wendy has the Night-Night Clutch, and she drags Tatum, into a crate?! Wendy closes the crate, and is abducting Tatum! What nightmares will Tatum have this close to Halloween?


The No Quarter Catch Crew talks backstage.

And in steps Lexis King. He apologizes for interrupting, but he really just wants to thank them all again for helping with The Gentlemen’s Duel. But see, even though he won clean, Lexis feels there are people still doubting him. He doesn’t get it. Charlie Dempsey says around here, a change in perception takes time and can be a little rough. Lexis gets that, but he also realizes that he and Charlie have a lot in common. Technical prowess, fantastic facial hair, and a couple second generation guys trying to figure stuff out. But Lexis wants to get people to stop seeing him as a loose cannon. He’s a straight shooter now.

And he knows he joked about the Heritage Cup, but here’s no joke: people respect Dempsey. Surely Dempsey’s dad does, too. That is why Lexis needs to win that cup. It can give Lexis the respect he needs. Dempsey knows the feeling of stepping out of a father’s shadow. But does Lexis really think winning this cup really will change things? It’s worth a shot. Dempsey believes in what Lexis is trying to do. Myles, go tell Ava that Lexis will get a match. Myles asks, Huh?” Dempsey tells Lexis that he is getting the match for the cup, but it probably won’t get him what he wants. Lexis says, “We shall see.”

The two shake hands and Wren Sinclair says all Lexis needs now is a cornerman. Lexis thinks on that. He heads out, but who can this Drama King call upon after how he’s treated everyone?


Wendy Choo continues to wheel out her Tatum-in-a-box.

Je’Von Evans & Cedric Alexander see that and stay back. Axiom & Nathan Frazer walk over, and they note that in back to back main events, Je’Von was so close to becoming #1 contender. They tell him it’s fine, he’ll get there. Commiserations to the Young OG, back at the final hurdle again. But hey, Je’Von is young, there’s still time. Je’Von asks if Frazer’s trying to make fun of him or something, but Cedric has Je’Von calm. Frazer says hey, he’ll win the big one. Eventually. Like, it’ll take awhile, but still. Just get used to it, kid, Frazer dealt with all that stuff when he was Je’Von’s age. Axiom asks Frazer what he’s trying to do, but then Je’Von SLAPS Frazer!

Axiom keeps Frazer back, Cedric holds Je’Von. Je’Von says that is what happens! But then Wes Lee is there. He knew it was a matter of time before someone got under Je’Von’s skin. But hey, hate comes for you in all directions. First, it’s your age. Then it’s because you’re too successful. But again, Je’Von’s got time for that. Wes laughs as he walks away, and Cedric keeps Je’Von from getting too heated. What will it take for The Young OG to get some respect?


Stephanie Vaquer & Giulia speak.

La Primera says, “To be the first woman from South America to wrestle all over the world, I had to walk down unknown roads. Getting to places no one has ever reached, I am making history. I built myself up from scratch. And it wasn’t by accident, it wasn’t by luck. You hear the cliche about traveling the world, I have done it. I have conquered Europe, Japan, South America and Mexico. And not only that, I have collected championships all over the world. I have proven I am made of fire, and it doesn’t matter how many heads I have to crush. My goal… getting to WWE.”

The Beautiful Madness says the two of them met in Japan “standing across the ring from each other.” In that ring, there are no friends, there is no alliance. But they became friends after. Coming to NXT, they learned how different it is here, and that there was only one person Giulia could trust. someone who knows how hard it is as she does, with the same goal in mind. They don’t have titles around their waists, but once they finish with Cora Jade & Roxanne Perez this Sunday, that’s the next step. A dream tag match is on the horizon, who will stand tall after the Halloween Havoc?


An attack just went down backstage?!

Adriana Rizzo is down? Chairs and broken wood are everywhere as Luca Crusifino & Channing Lorenzo check on her. Tony D’Angelo storms in and asks what happened! They should for medical, and Rizzo clutches her elbow. Tony says he can watch over Rizzo, Luca has to go handle Oba! Luca & Stacks head out, but who would dare poke the bear with this attack on The D’Angelo Family?


Oba Femi VS Luca Crusifino w/ Channing Lorenzo!

The Ruler is 1-1 with The Don, and wants the NXT North American Championship back. They’re escalating things with Tables, Ladders & Scares this Sunday, but will the Consigliere be crushed before then? Or is there no such thing as a weak link in the D’Angelo Family?

The bell rings and Luca says he’s not afraid. Oba shoves, but then Luca dodges to fire fast hands! Luca whips, Oba reverses but Luca SHOTGUNS him! Luca runs but is put on the apron! Oba runs up, Luca ducks the boot to HOTSHOT that leg! Luca runs in but Oba blocks the whip. Oba whips but Luca goes up, only to get caught going over! Oba hits a SHOULDER BUSTER! Luca writhes, the fans rally for Oba, and Oba wrenches the arm. Oba YANKIS the arm, RAMS the shoulder, and repeat! Oba WRINGS Luca out, then stomps him around. Oba DECKS Luca, then KNEES him in the back! And KNEES him again!

Oba clamps onto Luca, but Luca fights up to JAWBREAKER! But Oba LARIATS in return! The fans rallies as Oba clamps on a COBRA CLUTCH! Luca endures, fights up, but Oba whips, only for Luca to JUMP KNEE! Stacks coaches Luca, and Luca fires hands! Oba clamps onto Luca, but Luca CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS! Luca turns Oba, but Oba shoves him away! Luca ducks the lariat to NECKBREAKER after all! The fans fire up as Luca rises, but Oba is right up! CHOKE- CODE BREAKER! Luca counters the power, and hurries to slingshot. Oba steps back to CHOP Luca down! Oba then storms in, to SHOTPUT Luca!!

Luca flounders, the fans fire up, and Oba reels Luca in, FALL FROM GRACE!! Cover, Oba wins!

Winner: Oba Femi, by pinfall

Luca put up a fight, but it wasn’t enough to topple the mountain! Stacks checks on Luca, but Oba TOSSES him! Oba rains down fists on Luca, then drags him up to POST him! Stacks returns to fire hands! But Oba SHOVES him out hard! Oba promised Tony would not have his family to support him in Hershey, and now he brings out things from under the ring! A toolbox, and then a TABLE! The fans fire up as Oba sets that table against the barriers, then picks up the toolbox. But Tony attacks! The fans rally, but Oba ROCKS Tony, and RAMS him into steel steps! The Don clutches his arm but Oba brings out zip ties!

Oba rains down fists on Tony, then ties Tony to the corner! Tony is stuck, and he can’t do a thing as Oba CLUBS him! Oba goes back for Stacks, and he makes sure Tony watches as Oba SHOTPUTS Stacks through the table!! Then Oba shoves Luca down, and he clears the desk! The fans go nuts as Oba brings out a LADDER! Oba is giving us a preview of Sunday as he makes a ladder bridge! Oba brings Luca up, and the scare is this POWERBOMB through the ladder!! The fans lose their minds as Tony’s family has suffered Oba’s wrath! Will The Don truly be all alone as he and The Ruler fight for the title one last time?


NXT prepares for a change.

Delta is on her way, ready for Halloween Havoc. But just as “Delta” means change, she transforms and has become… ZARIA.


Andre Chase speaks.

“Andre Chase University has all the little things in life. It’s all about empowerment, potential, giving opportunity to people when nobody else would, opening doors for them when others would slam them in their face. It’s a place where you can truly make a change for the better, if you want. But that wasn’t the case for you, was it, Ridge Holland?” Ridge came back to NXT looking for redemption, and together, one day at a time, Chase U was going to help him prove he was unrightfully labeled. For the first time, he felt what it was to belong. They won tag titles together, that redemption was there in his hands!

But that is when Chase realized, “The measure of a man doesn’t come in victory, it comes in defeat.” Chase realized there is no saving Ridge, that everyone was right all along. Chase can’t make Ridge feel the pain he caused Riley and Duke, and certainly not the heartbreak Thea felt. But Chase will make Ridge feel what he felt when he was put in an ambulance. So this Sunday, Halloween Havoc, Chase puts an end to Ridge’s misery IN AN AMBULANCE MATCH! Things are getting dangerous, but will this become a #TeachableMoment for everyone?


Ethan Page heads to the ring.

All Ego is here, the red in his ensemble very fitting given he is about to step onto The Devil’s Playground this Sunday. And speaking of, here comes Trick Williams! Tricky Two-Time Two-Time NXT Champion Williams is wearing the gold, as well as all white. Trick has the mic to say he appreciates everyone, and wants to get to the point. With what Ethan did to Trick last week, Trick should’ve come out here and dropped Ethan like a MakeSafe. But Trick promised Ava he wouldn’t do that, and that he’d wait until Sunday. But what Trick knows from last week is Ethan is scared. Ethan isn’t All Ego, he’s All Desperate!

Ethan has a mic to say, “Maybe. Maybe I am desperate. Or maybe that’s just what I wanted you to think.” Ethan says he knows when Trick looks at him, he thinks “There he is! A man that is always pointing at his smile and boasting about how great he is.” You might even know Ethan as a father, husband and a wrestler who has been in this game for over 17 YEARS. The fans do applaud that. But when Ethan talks about his 17 years, he often glosses over everything he had to go through to get here.

But he’ll tell us a little something. Ethan and Trick have had very different paths. Ethan never had a Performance Center with state of the art equipment. Staff on site 24/7, catering to everyone. Ethan never had the greatest minds in pro-wrestling coaching and guiding him, preparing him for a top position in the top company. Ethan had to go through Hell to get where Trick is today. Trick gets that, Ethan had to work hard, but Trick did, too. Trick won’t be shamed for being blessed. Oh, so he “gets it?” That line alone says Trick does NOT get it!

Ethan will ask Trick a question: Has Trick ever been busted open? Blood and sweat blurring his vision? And then, still get up and keep going? Has he ever been hit so hard that it tears flesh and you feel it all? And again, you have to get up and keep going! Better yet, has Trick ever tasted his own blood, and gotten that copper and salt taste that makes everyone else uneasy and queasy? But then have it happen so many times, that eventually, you start to like the taste!? Trick says he gets it, Ethan’s been through a lot to get here. And good to know Ethan is used to it, because Trick will bust him open this Sunday.

Ethan smiles with Trick, and says, “There he is! Yeah!” The fans chant ‘WHOOP DAT TRICK!” and Ethan says that’s the silver-tongued, smooth-talking, dressed-to-the-nines TWO-TIME NXT Champion, Trick Williams! All flash, and fake confidence. Speaking of flash, that’s why Ethan hit Trick with the light last week. It was to give Trick an idea of The Devil’s Playground. It is anything goes, and Ethan means anything. That only benefits one man, and that’s All Ego. Wait, why does Ethan think that? Oh c’mon, look at yourself, Trick! Trick looks great! All oiled up, abs out, bling, fur, not a single hair outta place. Trick is immaculate!

Hell, Trick even has every skill he needs to defend that title. The only thing is, Trick doesn’t have what Ethan has in him, and that is a devil inside of him! Trick just isn’t tough. And he isn’t built for this match. Is Ethan stupid or something? He may not have been here that long, but saying Trick isn’t tough is crazy. Did Ethan not see Trick go to war with Melo? With Ilja Dragunov FOUR TIMES? Everything with Pete Dunne? Oh, and Trick actually thinks those men are as savage as Ethan? You really think Melo thought of every single way he could inflict pain on Trick? Every option he had at hand?

Does Trick actually believe that those men thought of ways to make him regret of ever even trying to become a pro-wrestler? Sunday, Trick sees a version of Ethan that not only these people have not seen, but a version that we’ve ever seen in his entire career. Trick says All Ego is All Talk. He’s been talking since he got here. Ethan’s done everything BUT beat Trick. Ethan could never beat Trick. Ethan didn’t even pin Trick for the title. So like Trick said from the jump, Ethan is desperate to stay close to the title, but it won’t happen. Ethan asks if this looks like the face of a desperate man. Because yeah, he’s 1000% percent right!

It took 17 YEARS for Ethan to become a champion in the WWE! And after he got a taste, he became addicted. And Ethan promises he will satiate that addiction when he gets back what’s his! They are about to play on the Devil’s Playground! And for the first time in Trick’s career, he’ll actually go through hell as they play by the Devil’s Rules. AKA, Ethan’s rules! Trick says he looks forward to it. Trick has the last word, but will he have the last say on how this era of NXT goes?


Cora Jade & Roxanne Perez talk.

They can’t believe the big game Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer are talking. It is one thing to be a big deal everywhere else, and it is another to be a big deal in NXT like Cora & Roxie. The two hottest free agent signings of 2024 have zero chance against the pillars of this division. But if they actually liked them- Jacy Jayne interrupts by saying they don’t. No one likes Giulia & Vaquer. Fallon Henley says that’s because they don’t deserve to be here, like Kelani Jordan doesn’t deserve to be NXT Women’s North American Champion. That’s why The Fatal Influence will handle Kelani on Sunday, while Roxie & Cora handle Giulia & Vaquer. Or what’s left of them.

Roxie says yes, girls like Giulia & Vaquer come and go, but these five have been the backbone of NXT. Kelani steps in and says she actually agrees with them. They really have been holding up this division for the past three years. But now they’re nervous because they can feel it slipping through their little fingers. But ladies, which one is it facing her on Sunday? Out with it. Fallon says that’s cute. One day Kelani will learn is that when you have control, you don’t just give it up. She’ll find out on Sunday. As for tonight, the wheel determines what match they have. The Fatal Influence heads out, what will the future have in store for them all?


Sol Ruca VS Karmen Petrovic!

Just a bit of teasing from the Sol Surfer seemed to touch a nerve with the Blackbelt Beauty. Will Sol get Karmen to be honest with herself? Or will Karmen have everyone watching what they say around her?

NXT returns as Karmen makes her entrance, and we all see that Adonis is in the crowd talking up a different blonde. The bell rings and the two tie up. Karmen powers Sol back but Sol slips away. Sol says just focus, and they tie up again. Karmen headlocks, but sol fights the takeover. the fans rally, Sol powers up but Karmen uses the corner to tornado takeover! Karmen grinds the hold, Sol rolls to a cover, ONE! Karmen thrashes the headlock, btu Sol headscissors. The fans rally, Karmen moves around, and Karmen rolls Sol over. Karmen floats to the headlock, but Sol powers up and out. Karmen goes to sweep but Sol handsprings over!

The fans rally, Sol headlocks now, and Karmen fires body shots. Sol holds on, the fans sing, but Karmen fires more body shots. Karmen whips Sol to a corner, runs up, and MONKEY FLIPS, but Sol handsprings through! The fans fire up, and Sol sweeps the legs! Sol stands on Karmen, and uses her to hang ten! Sol steps off, and SUPERKICKS Karmen down! Cover, TWO! Karmen stays in this but Sol whips her to the corner. Karmen SOBATS, then glares at Adonis. Karmen hits a DISCUS LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Karmen clamps onto Sol and rains down fists! Sol kicks free and hurries away, but Karmen runs in to SLIDING KICK!

Karmen drags Sol up, bumps her off buckles, and KICKS away! The ref counts, Kamren shoves Sol down, and takes aim. Karmen runs up, wrenches, and JUMP KICKS Sol down! Cover, TWO! Sol toughs it out but Karmen frowns. Karmen drags Sol up, but Sol hits a CODE BREAKER! Karmen falls back and the fans fire up! Adonis doesn’t even care, he’s just talking to his lady friend. Karmen swings, Sol counter punches! Sol JABS and DECKS Karmen, then runs to springboard BODY BLOCK! And then CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Sol stays on Karmen, brings her up to whip her. Karmen dodges Sol but sol goes to the apron.

Sol ROUNDHOUSES Karmen, goes up, but Karmen KICKS her! ICONOCLASM! Karmen aims, winds up, and glares at Adonis as he heads out with his lady friend. That distracts Karmen, and SOL SNATCHER!! Cover, Sol wins!

Winner: Sol Ruca, by pinfall

All’s fair in love and war, but Karmen is letting those two get all mixed up! Will she be able to get her head and her heart sorted out so she can get some wins? Will Sol be riding a wave of momentum to a title in the meantime?


Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe talk with Nikkita Lyons.

The #TYGERS are happy to see Lyons back. She’s killing it! She thanks them and she is on the prowl. Best believe that after what she’s been through, she’ll always pounce first. But what’ve they been up to? Well, they’re just waiting for their chance. When that moment comes, they’ll be ready. Okay, but hold on, you don’t know when that moment comes. You gotta be aggressive. Don’t wait for tomorrow, you gotta do it today. Take it from someone who got blindsided, you have to take. Oba Femi picks up Lyons’ coat and says she dropped this. He hands it to her and she thanks him. Oba says no, thank you.

Wait, what? What did Oba mean by that? Is there something going on between The Ruler and The Lyoness?


OTM VS Hank ‘n’ Tank w/ Cole Custer!

A dispute over parking spaces sounds like something you’d get in a corporate job, but it seems pro-wrestling isn’t different from any other job. But then who gets the job done with a big win here tonight?

Hank ‘n’ Tank make their entrance, only for Nima & Price to rush out and meet them on the ramp! The fans fire up for the brawl, and Tank ROCKS Price! Hank BOOTS Nima, then puts him on the apron. Tankr uns in to BODY BLCOK Nima off the apron! Cole fires up with the boys, and then Hank KNEES Price. Hank puts Price in, the bell rings, and the hands continue to fly! Hank KNEES Price again, tags Tank, and “HONK! HONK!” BIG BELLY SANDWICH! Cover, TWO! Price survives and the fans rally up. Tank whips, Price reveres but Tank dodges. Tank runs up but Price BOOTS him down!

Price tags Nima and Nima whips Tank into the corner. Nima fires hands on Tank, the ref counts, and Nima lets off to run side to side. BOOT WASH! Tag to Price, and OTM whip Tank to then URENAGE! Price fires up, stalks Tank, then runs up to LARIAT in the corner! Price pushes Tank down, then clamps on a chinlock! The fans rally, Tank fights up, and Tank fires body shots. Tank reaches out but Price keeps him from Hank! Price back suplexes, but Tank lands out! Tank dodges, hot tag to Hank! Nima tags in, but Hank fires BOOTS and HANDS on OTM! Hank SPLASHES Nima in a corner, whips and SPLASHES again!

Hank hits a BULLDOG! The fans fire up as Hank goes out to run in and POUNCE Price onto the desk! Hank hurries up top, to FLYING LARIAT Nima! Price runs in, Hank DUMPS him back out! The fans fire up and Hank catches Nima to the BOSS MAN SLAM! Cover, Price breaks it in time! The fans boo but we see Jaida eyeing Tank. Jaida runs up, but Lola runs in! Lola CLOBBERS Jaida, the two scrap on the ground, and the refs rush out! Nima KNEES Hank low, runs up, but Cole uses his racing helmet to SMACK Nima! Tank tags in, Hank scoops Nima! COLLISION COURSE!! Cover, Hank ‘n’ Tank win!

Winners: Hank ‘n’ Tank, by pinfall

Cole Custer may be a NASCAR champion, but he just helped his guys win a demolition derby! Will Hank ‘n’ Tank HONK HONK on the way to the tag titles? Wait, Lola joins in and gets everyone to shimmy and shake. The fans cheer as Hank, Tank and even Cole dance with the Mayor of Vice City. Will Lola make sure Miss Parker learns a thing about respect?


Fraxiom talk with Ava Raine.

Frazer is heated, “Je’Von has done NOTHING in NXT and he wants to slap me in the face!?” Frazer wants a match! Je’Von, Cedric, both of them, even with the titles! Ava says maybe run that by your partner first. Frazer says Axiom’s fine with it! Axiom isn’t fine with it, though! But are they the best tag team or not? They are. Then they’ll see Je’Von & Cedric next week. Fraxiom heads out, and in steps Lexis King. He knows Ava is busy with whatever that was just about, but he needs some help. He needs a cornerman for the Heritage Cup match, and everyone he has asked has said no. It’s like they don’t trust him or something.

Hmm, no one trusts the king? Yeah, can’t she just point to someone for him to ask? No, Lexis, that’s not how this works. No one can be forced to be his cornerman. Lexis sighs. No one trusts him because they all think he’s like his dad, but everyone loves Ava because everyone loves her dad. He’ll stop wasting her time. Lexis heads out, will he just have to go it alone against the No Quarter Catch Crew?


Ridge Holland speaks.

Well, first he laughs menacingly, and then asks, “Mr. Chase, why all the anger? All the hostility for one of your former, let’s just say, ‘students.’ After all, I wore the Chase U colors proudly. But Chase, how’s it feel as a teacher to always have control? To now having none. Watching your creation be torn apart piece by piece. The cathedral that is Chase U be torn down brick by brick, member by member, until the only one standing in front of me… is you. Are you sure that you want an Ambulance Match at Halloween Havoc? Because now I can freely be the man that everyone slated me to be: The most dangerous man in all of NXT!

“This Sunday, Chase U gets destroyed for good! And you? You’ll be taking your last ride!” Ridge closes ambulance doors, will he do that for real in Hershey, Pennsylvania?


Backstage interview with Tony D’Angelo.

Sarah Schreiber asks The Don how he feels after finding Adrianna Rizzo down and out, then he has to watch the destruction of Luca & Stacks at the hands of Oba Femi. Tony says he doesn’t know what’s going on. Someone took out Rizzo, then Oba ties Tony to the ring while he beats the snot out of Luca & Stacks. Halloween Havoc won’t be about who climbs up the ladder faster to grab the belt. Oba has made it more than that! Tony took what Oba loved, Oba returned the favor. Sunday, it will be more than just a championship match. Tony will use every table, ladder and chair he can to beat Oba’s ass!!

Tony tells Oba that he wanted Tony all alone, but careful what you wish for, because Sunday, he gets it. The Don is furious, will Oba regret pushing him this far?


Stephanie Vaquer & Giulia head for gorilla.

But on the way, some old friends from Stardom walk by to say hi. Iyo Sky & Kairi Sane smile, Vaquer & Giulia smile back. Will we see that dream match for WWE in the future? Or will the Women’s Tag Division soon be under the Influence?

Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer VS The Fatal Influence!

NXT returns as The Dark Angel makes her entrance, followed by the Beautiful Madness. The teams sort out and Giulia starts against Fallon. They tie up, the fans rally behind Giulia as she puts Fallon in the corner. The ref counts, Giulia lets off, but Fallon runs up to waistlock. Fallon SLAMS Giulia, facelocks, but Giulia wrenches out to wristlock. Fallon rolls, but Giulia full nelsons! Fallon fights it, switches it, but Giulia slip around, headlocks, spins Fallon to arm-drag! Then Giulia SHOTGUNS! Fallon flounders, tags Jacy, so Giulia eggs Jacy on. Jacy runs up, Giulia dodges to BOOT Jacy down!

The fans rally as Giulia scoops for a SLAM! Cover, TWO! Giulia drags Jacy up, brings her over, and tags Vaquer. The fans fire up and Giulia bumps Jacy off Vaquer’s boot! Vaquer steps in to snap suplex! Vaquer then wraps on the headscissors, to DRIBBLE Jacy off the mat! The fans fire up, Fallon shouts at Vaquer, but then runs away as Vaquer storms over. Jacy RAMS Vaquer into the corner, Fallon tags in and she whips Jacy for the back body block! Jacy snapmares, KICK and SLIDING FOREARM! Cover, TWO! Fallon is frustrated already but she bumps Vaquer off buckles. Tag to Jacy and the Influencers mug Vaquer. Jacy fires hands, but Vaquer JAWBREAKERS!

Vaquer BOOTS Jacy to a corner, whips her to ropes, but Jacy ducks ‘n’ dodges. Jacy RANAS and the fans boo as she taunts Giulia. Jacy turns around, and Vaquer DROPKICKS Jacy down! Tag to Giulia and the international stars double whip. They bypass, bypass, drop toehold and 619! Then Giulia adds a DROPKCIK! Fallon runs up, Giulia dodges, Vaquer BOOTS Fallon down! Then they handshake and DOUBLE ELBOW DROP! The fans fire up as Giulia runs in, but Jacy puts her on the apron. Giulia ROCKS Jacy, then lines up a shot, but Jazmyn Nyx trips her up! The fans boo as the ref misses that!

Giulia runs at Jazmyn but Fallon BOOTS her! Jacy PENALTY KICKS from the apron! The Influence stands over Giulia while fans boo, and NXT goes to break.


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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (10/21/24)

It’s a badass rematch, Uce!



Time to run it back!

Did Jey Uso disrespect Bron Breakker? He thinks so, and wants to get him back for it in a rematch for the WWE Intercontinental Championship!


  • WWE World Tag Team Championship#1 Contenders Tournament Opening Round: The New Day VS Authors of Pain; New Day wins and advances.
  • Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez VS Damage CTRL; DMG CTRL wins, by disqualifications.
  • WWE World Tag Team Championship#1 Contenders Tournament Opening Round: Rey Mysterio & Dragon Lee w/ Zelina Vega VS The Creed Brothers w/ American Made; Rey & Dragon win and advance.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: Jey Uso VS Bron Breakker; Bron wins and becomes the new WWE Intercontinental Champion.


The Crown Jewel Championships have arrived.

The attendants shine it up while security checks it. It all looks good, but who will look good once they win it?


Team American Made arrives.

And on their way in, Chad Gable, Ivy Nile & The Creed Brothers cross paths with The Alpha Academy. Otis, Akira Tozawa & Maxxine Dupri hold their tongues, but will American Made show they’re better by advancing in the World Tag Team Championship Contenders Tournament?


Bronson Reed arrives.

The Colossal Aussie is in Philadelphia, but there’s no brotherly love as SETH FREAKIN’ ROLLINS ATTACKS! The Visionary came outta nowhere, and now uses Bronson’s own luggage to beat him down! Security drags Rollins away but Rollins says he’s just getting started! Rollins dares Bronson to join him in the ring, and that’s where Rollins is going! He throws off his blue sequin jacket at someone in gorilla, then storms right to the ring! The fans fire up and sing Rollins’ song, but Rollins grabs a mic to say cut the music! “Philly, let’s get crazy, right here, right now! Bronson Reed! You wanna be famous, big boy? I’ll make your ass famous! Get out here, and let’s FIGHT!”

The fans are fired up, but Pearce says no no no! But then Bronson TOSSES security out of his way! Bronson heads for the ring, but it takes half a dozen men to drag him down! So Rollins then DIVES and bowls them all over! The fans are thunderous but then Bronson RAMS Rollins into the apron! Bronson puts Rollins int he ring, then RAMS him into a corner! More security rushes in but fans boo! Rollins and Bronson are separated, but not for long as they both get free! Rollins BOOTS Bronson, gets moving, but he runs into a DEATTH VALLEY DRIVER! Bronson hurries up top, but Rollins hurries out! So Bronson just FLYING SHOULDER TACKLES!

The fans are going nuts as Bronson clears the desk! Bronson drags Rollins up and HEADBUTTS him onto the desk! The security tries to stop Bronson but Bronson is climbing the barriers! He SHOVES guards off him, one guy becomes a backpack! So Bronson TOSSES that guy onto the rest! And then with Rollins on the desk, TSUNAMI! But only Bronson hits the desk! Rollins avoids disaster and the fans go nuts! Rollins is also going nuts, he wants after Bronson again! Security and even producers herd Rollins away, and Bronson rises up! Bronson goes out into the crowd but he warns Rollins this isn’t over!

The fans sing Rollins’ song again, “WHOA~ OH~ OHH~!” but when and where will The Visionary see Bronson again?


Backstage interview with Damage CTRL.

Jackie Redmond is with Iyo Sky & Kairi Sane and says that tomorrow night on NXT, they have a match with Meta Four’s Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson. They arguably coast DMG CTRL the tag titles, so is there anything DMG CTRL wants to say first? Iyo says that Lash & Jakara are just in the way. DMG CTRL are not done with Jade & Bianca. Soon, they will be WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions again! But then Liv Morgan steps in and says sorry not sorry, she needs to talk about what Nia Jax did to her last week. Jackie, you can go. Thanks, bye. Jackie steps out and Liv talks to camera.

“Nia, if you’re watching this, which I know you are, I know you only came to MY show last week because you’re just jealous of me. You’re jealous of me because I have it all. I have the Women’s World Championship, I have Dirty Dom, I have The Judgment Day, I have Raquel Rodriguez, and after I beat you at Crown Jewel, I’m gonna have the Crown Jewel Championship, too.” Kairi speaks up, “Choto, choto, choto. <Hey, hey, hey.>” Liv says she’s not done, but Kairi says she interrupted THEIR interview. Liv doesn’t care. Kairi tells them to go away, Iyo echoes it, and Liv says oh, they’re mad because they’re talking about the tag team titles.

But see, Liv & Raquel were champions before Rhea cost them. That means they could be tag team champions again any time they want. Iyo says Liv is not skipping the line! DMG CTRL could fight later, or they could fight TONIGHT! Raquel stares Iyo & Kairi down, and Liv says if they wanna fight, then let’s fight. Raquel, Liv, and Liv’s platform shoes leave, will they truly be standing tall after taking down The Evil Genius & The Pirate Princess?


WWE World Tag Team Championship#1 Contenders Tournament Opening Round: The New Day VS Authors of Pain w/ The Final Testament!

Speaking of tag team supremacy, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods want to return to that, even if that means fighting through the biggest and the baddest. And well, that’s where they’re starting! Will New Day be the ones writing this story? Or will Akam & Rezar make this the Final Chapter?

Raw returns and as Samantha Irvin is moving on to a new phase in her career, the legend that is Lilian Garcia is back! She gives the introductions as AOP makes their entrance, Final Testament leading the way. The teams sort out, and Woods starts against Akam. They circle, Woods waistlocks, and then headlocks. Akam powers up and out but Woods ducks ‘n’ dodges, then tags Kofi before he slides! Woods ROCKS Akam, Kofi SOBATS, and Woods mule kicks! Kofi hits a FAMOUSER! Cover, ONE! Akam is tougher than that but Kofi KICKS him back down. Kofi tags Woods, and he PENALTY KICKS AKam! Woods SLIDING LARIATS!

Kofi IMPLODER SPLASHES! Woods goes up the ropes to ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Woods brings Akam up to wrench an arm, and YANK it! And YANK it! And CLUB away on it! Tag to Kofi and he climbs up, to DOUBLE STOMP the arm! Kofi wrenches, RAMS, and grinds the arm! Akam pulls hair, the ref reprimands, but Akam puts Kofi in a corner. Kofi dodges to CHOP! The fans fire up, and Kofi wrenches Akam to tag Woods. Woods goes up to AX HANDLE! Woods wrenches the arm again, but Kam keeps him from Kofi! URENAGE, and Akam DECKS Kofi for good measure! Woods bails out, but Karrion Kross is lurking.

Kross asks if Woods wants to shake his hand now. They can stop this if Woods just shakes his head. The fans rally, the ring count starts, but wait! Miz is watching from the front row now? Kross nods to Miz while Rezar tags in. Rezar CLUBS Woods down, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Woods endures a bearhug from Rezar! Kross talks with Miz, making the sales pitch to join Final Testament. Woods fights with elbows, but Rezar shoves him back. Woods ELBOWS Akam, BOOTS Rezar, but Rezar scoops! Woods fights free, reaches for Kofi, but Rezar keeps him back! The fans fire up as they’re just fingertips away, but Rezar YANKS Woods back! But Woods dodges, hot tag to Kofi! Kofi springboards to AX HANDLE! Kofi rallies with DOUBLE CHOP, DOUPBLE CHOP and DROPKICK Kofi runs, but Rezar dodges to back suplex! Kofi lands out! Kofi BOOTS from the corner, then goes up to SPLASH Rezar down!

Akam gets up but Kofi BLASTS him! Woods is back and he DIVES! Down goes Akam in a heap! Rezar TOSSES Kofi to the corner, runs in, but into the SWING KICK! Kofi climbs, leaps, AX HANDLE! Rezar is down and Kofi runs, to “NEW~ DAY~” BOOM DROP! The fans fire up and clap along, “NEW! DAY ROCKS! NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Kofi aims again, spins, TROUBLE IN- NO, Rezar catches Kofi! FALL AWAY SLAM! Kross cheers while Rezar and Kofi are down. But wait, R-TRUTH IS HERE! He TACKLES Miz! The fans fire up but Kross drags Truth up! Truth BOOTS Kross! Rezar is furious, but Kofi sunset flips! NEW DAY WINS!

Winners: The New Day, by pinfall (advance to the next round)

Truth celebrates with ya bois, they all get some payback on The Final Testament! But uh, Truth hangs around too long. Kross DECKS Truth, and Miz adds on! And now Woods says leave him!? Kross grins, his plan working, but wait! The lights go out! THE PIANO PLAYS! The fans fire up and the fireflies come out, it’s THE WYATTS! They’re all on the corners! And then they LEAP into action! Nikki Cross takes out Scarlett, Erick Rowan & Joe Gacy go after AOP, and Miz scurries away while Dexter Lumis LARIATS Kross up and out! The fans fire up as The Wyatts clear out The Final Testament, and then Rowan CLOBBERS AOP!

The brawling continues, The Wyatts DUMP AOP over barriers, and then Rowan picks Lumis up! He THROWS Lumis at the Authors of Pain! Lumis then adds on more fists, and then the brawling spills into the crowd! Miz is all alone, and he grins because he’s safe. But then UNCLE HOWDY is there! But Ellering rushes in! He gets a MANDIBLE CLAW for it!! Miz runs away and Ellering fades out! The fans fire up, have The Wyatts come to right the Final Testament’s wrongs?


Backstage interview with Adam Pearce.

Jackie Redmond is with the Raw General Manager to say it is yet another chaotic Monday night. How does he plan on getting things under control? But before he can answer, Bronson Reed storms over, only for ROLLINS TO ATTACK! The brawl is on again! Security drags Bronson off of Rollins, only for Rollins to LEAP onto Bronson! Producers rush over to help separate these two, but what IS Pearce going to do if this madness is to stop?


Backstage interview with Jey Uso.

Cathy Kelley is with the Intercontinental Champion and says the tensions have escalated. Ahead of his match with Bron Breakker, could he address the issues going on with The Bloodline on SmackDown? Jey says yeah, it’s a bit ironic. We’re in the City of Brotherly Love but he has no love for his brothers right now. But he said what he said on Friday. It is what it is. But tonight is about this belt on his shoulder. Jey Uso VS Bron Breakker, Round 2. But Jey promises that tonight, the people will here #AndStill Intercontinental Champion, Main Event Jey Uso~! YEET.


Raquel Rodriguez speaks.

Big Mami Cool says Rhea’s business won’t end until she gets the world title back. Mamita, as long as Raquel is here, that will NEVER happen! Bad Blood was a warning, chiquita. Don’t think Raquel forgot what Rhea did to Liv, taking her out with a torn shoulder for six MONTHS. And Raquel hasn’t forgotten what Rhea did to them both when she cost them the tag titles! Reha, the only reason you rose up was because Raquel was gone. But she’s back now, and the smartest thing to do would be walk away. But we all know Rhea won’t. So since Rhea won’t end this, Raquel will. Ricky Desperado has put Rhea on notice, will Rhea heed the warning?


Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez VS Damage CTRL!

Speaking of warnings, Liv & Raquel have sent theirs to Nia and Rhea, and Iyo & Kairi sent one to Lash & Jakara. Who backs up all that talk with a big win here tonight?

Raw returns and we see Meta Four is watching from the front row, again. Will they affect things like last time? Then Liv & Raquel make their entrance, but uh, where is Dominik Mysterio? He gets the introduction but he seems to be absent. Well, whatever, no one needs Dirty Dom here, except for Liv. The teams sort out, and Iyo runs up to TACKLE Liv! Iyo rains down fists, the fans fire up, but Liv gets away! Tag to Raquel, and Iyo backs up. Raquel steps in Iyo fires hands, but Raquel shoves her away. Iyo jumps up but the rana is blocked! Iyo fights free of the bomb, then gest around to hop on for a SLEEPER!

Raquel flails, reaches back, and FLINGS Iyo off her. Raquel then suplexes Iyo, but Iyo slips free! Tag to Kairi, then Iyo redirects Raquel. DMG CTRL shove, trip, and AX KICK! Raquel is down, DMG CTRL run up to DOUBLE DROPKICK! The fans fire up as Kairi storms around. Kairi runs in, but Raquel puts her up top! Kairi gets to the apron, RAMS into Raquel, and then goes back up. Kairi leaps, but Raquel ducks under! Kairi says kiss this, then she goes up, around, and RANAS Raquel into buckles! Tag to Iyo, DMG CTRL double wrench, KICK, and DOUBLE- NO, Raquel fights the suplex! Raquel lifts BOTH Iyo & Kairi!

The fans fire up, but now DMG CTRL slip down! She stays up, but DMG CTRL avoid the double elbows! SLIDING D into Ghost Pin! TWO!! Raquel escapes, Iyo stomps her down, and tags Kairi. Kairi clamps on with a facelock, but Raquel stands up. Iyo runs up, Raquel shoves her back, and then Raquel THROWS Kairi at her! DMG CTRL stays up, Kairi dodges but Raquel LARIATS Iyo! Then she SOUTHPAW LARIATS Kairi! Liv cheers, and already hugs the Crown Jewel Women’s Championship. The fans boo and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Raquel covers Kairi, TWO! The fans rally, Raquel drags Kairi up and gut wrenches to a Canadian rack. Kairi endures the backbreaker rack and the fans rally up again. Kairi fights but Meta Four isn’t that impressed. Kairi slips down, reaches for Iyo, but Raquel brings her around, Kairi dodges the lariat to ROCK Raquel! Kairi jumps, but Raquel catches her! Raquel throws Kairi back but Kairi URAKENS! Kairi then dodges Raquel, hot tags to Iyo and Liv! Iyo SHOTEIS, SHOTEIS and DROPKICKS! The fans fire up as Iyo whips. Liv reverses but Iyo goes out. Iyo HOTSHOTS Liv, then blocks Raquel’s boot!

Iyo puts the leg in ropes, to DRAGON SCREW it! Iyo then DOUBLE STOMPS Raquel on the apron! The fans fir eup and Iyo springboards in! MISSILE DROPKICK for Liv! Liv tumbles, Iyo kips up, and the fans fire up again! Iyo runs in, SHINKANSEN! Iyo drags Liv to the cover, TWO! Liv survives but Iyo scoops her, to SLAM her! Iyo steps on Liv, tags Kairi, and then Kairi tags Iyo back. DMG CTRL stand on Liv, the fans fire up, and Kairi runs for the POP-UP ELBOW! Iyo runs to jackknife bridge, but Raquel breaks it! Kairi is furious, and she runs up to SPEAR, but Raquel blocks it! Raquel SWINGS Kairi around before she THROWS her!

Raquel runs up, but Kairi dodges! Raquel POSTS herself and falls to the floor! Liv is furious now, and she BACK BODY BLOCKS Iyo! And then SHINING WIZARDS !Liv roars and shoves Iyo away. Liv adjusts up top, to leap, into a SHOTEI! The fans fire up while Liv flops out of the ring! Iyo goes to the apron, and she MISSILE DROPKICKS Liv into barriers! Iyo then DUMPS Jakara over! Lash DECKS Iyo! That’s a DQ!

Winners: Damage CTRL, by

Lash steps over, but gets a FLYING ELBOW from Kairi! Kairi & Iyo beat down on Lash! They put Lash in the ring, beat up on her more, but Jakara runs in! The brawl is on while fans boo, and Lash ROCKS Iyo! Lash fireman’s carries Iyo, and swings her into Kairi! Jakara hits the SUGAR RUSH BULLDOG! Then Lash hits the LASH EXTENSION on Iyo! The fans boo as Meta Four again stands tall, but now they stare down Liv & Raquel. BUT HERE COMES RHEA! Lash & Jakara smile, cuz Mami ain’t here for them. Philly fires up as Rhea storms her way out here, and Meta Four says bye. Raquel has Liv stand down, she can handle this.

Rhea runs in, and HEADBUTTS Raquel! Raquel stays up!? Rhea fires hands on her, but Raquel shoves her down! Raquel runs up, but Rhea DUMPS her out! Rhea grins as Liv is all alone! Liv runs but Rhea grabs her by her hair! Rhea reels Liv in, TOSSES her around, but Liv comes back to CODE BREAKER! Rhea comes back to KNEE Liv down! Rhea grabs Liv’s legs, ties them up, PRISM TRAP!! Liv flails, Rhea lifts her higher, but has to let her go when Raquel returns! Rhea DROPKICKS Raquel down! Liv is alone again, but she dodges Rhea to kick and wrench! Liv wants a Cobra Twist but Rhea HEADBUTTS her down!

Liv is dizzy, Rhea hauls her up! Pump handle and RIP- NO, NOW Dom is here! Dom saves Liv, she did need him after all! But Rhea TOSSES Dom in!! The fans fire up as Rhea puts Dom in the PRISM TRAP!! Dom flails, Liv AND Raquel have to drag him out to save him! The fans boo, but Rhea warns them all that it’s only a matter of time. Liv may have the Crown Jewel Championship on her mind, but will she have to watch her back from now until the end of time?


Seth Rollins finds Pearce.

They argue about how things have gone down tonight, but BRONSON POUNCES ROLLINS!! Rollins is sent onto tables and Bronson hammers away! Yet again, these two are separated and Pearce shouts, “ENOUGH! ENOUGH!! Did either one of you selfish bastards stop to think for one second that I was gonna give you what you want? No, of course not! But you are! At Crown Jewel! Bronson Reed, Seth Rollins, a definitive victor! Now get them outta my building!” Rollins laughs as he and Bronson are hauled away, but Bronson says this is the worst mistake Rollins has ever made! Will there be nothing but blood and sand after this showdown?


The War Raiders speak.

“As we walked this path, there’s been setbacks that would’ve ended lesser men.” “But we rise time and again.” “But we’ve shed our armor, and headed to our future without fear.” “We look to our ancestors, the Viking warriors of the past, for inspiration.” “They crossed oceans, conquering everything in their path.” “We, too, have traveled the word, raiding gold far and wide.” “Your time to run and hide… has ended.” Erik & Ivar have made their impact, advancing in the World Tag Team Championship Contenders tournament. Will they completely take over before it is all said and done?


The Judgment Day regroups.

Finn Balor, JD McDonagh & Carlito are in the clubhouse as Dom, Liv & Raquel return. The Irish Ace asks what they think of the new spot, and Raquel says, “You wanna know what I think? What I think is what I need to do is to find Rhea Ripley. And when I do, I am gonna RIP her head off!” Liv calms Raquel down and says they’ll deal with Rhea when the time is right. For now, Liv needs to focus on Nia at Crown Jewel, and the boys need to focus on their tag titles. Right, Finn? Finn says everyone knows he and JD can handle any team on Earth. What he is worried about is Damian Priest making another claim at the World Heavyweight Championship.

Liv thought they were done with Priest. Dom says, “What if I’m the one who beats Gunther for the world title?” The others laugh, except for Liv. Liv says that’s not cool, Daddy Dom could totally beat Gunther. JD has Finn calm down about others wanting the world title, and then Raquel asks Carlito what he even does around here. Uh… Well, let’s just say he brings the cool factor. And he’s the fixer. In fact, he’ll fix this right now. Dom is going to be a champion in no time! Carlito heads out to talk to Pearce. Finn backstabbed Priest over the world title, will he be compelled to do it again to Dom?


WWE World Tag Team Championship#1 Contenders Tournament Opening Round: Rey Mysterio & Dragon Lee w/ Zelina Vega VS The Creed Brothers w/ American Made!

The King of Lucha & The Boy Wonder are ready to reign together, but that’s going to be an uphill battle. Will the lucha legend and the future of lucha libre grab gold for the LWO? Or will Julius & Bronson prove this tag team division is American Made?

Raw returns and American Made makes their entrance. The teams sort out and Dragon starts against Julius. They circle, and Julius shoots right in for the takedown! Julius gator rolls but Dragon gets away to ropes. The ref has Julius back off, but then Julius grabs an arm to wrench. Julius wristlocks, Dragon cartwheels, wrenches, and wristlocks back. Dragon knuckle locks, CHOPS, and then goes up, up and even turns Julius’ trip into a handspring! Julius stops the wheelbarrow but Dragon elbows free. Things speed up, Dragon rolls to sunset flip! TWO! Julius escapes, but Dragon kicks low! Dragon RAMS him into the corner, tag to Rey!

Rey & Dragon double wrench, double whip, to theN SOBAT, KICK and dropkick to the legs! Rey adds a basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Rey spells it out and the fans cheer. But Julius basement suplexes! Julius SLAMS Rey down, tags Brutus, and then Julius gut wrenches Brutus to SLAM him into Rey! Brutus covers, TWO! Brutus stalks Julius to the corner, whips corner to corner, and Rey bounces off buckles! Brutus laughs like a hyena but the fans boo. Brutus storms up on Rey, brings the straps down, and BRUTUS SMASH! Rey can only guard and crawl away. Brutus tags Julius, and they haul Rey up.

The Creed whip, Rey slides under, but Brutus grabs him, Rey BOOTS Julius, ELBOWS Brutus, and then goes up and over. Julius Electric Chair Lifts, but Rey RANAS him out! Tag to Dragon, and Rey holds the way open! Dragon DIVES to take out both Creeds! The fans fire up for the LWO while Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Dragon BOOTS Julius from a corner! Dragon fires hands, then runs, but into a clicnh! OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! The fans boo but Gable is proud of Julius. Julius brings down the straps, drags Dragon up at the corner, and he deadlift SUPERPLEXES! Cover, TWO! Dragon survives and the fans fire up. Julius clamps on with a BULLDOG CHOKE! Dragon endures but Rey & Zelina coach him. The fans rally while Gable coaches Julius on the crank. Dragon fights up, fires body shots, but Julius CLUBS him! Julius gorilla presses Dragon, but Dragon slips around to RANA Julius into buckles!

The fans fire up as Dragon and Julius crawl! Julius grabs for a leg, Dragon gets away, hot tags to Brutus and Rey! Rey dodges Brutus to then tilt-o-whirl RANA! Brutus staggers back up, into another RANA! Brutus goes to a corner, REy runs in, but Brutus puts him on the apron. Rey RAMS Brutus, GAMANGIRIS, then goes up the corner! Rey leaps to SEATED SENTON! Fans fire up as Rey ELBOWS Julius, then runs up to tilt-o-whirl DDT Brutus! Cover, TWO! Brutus survives and American Made is relieved. The fans rally for “6 1 9! 6 1 9!” Rey nods and brings Brutus up. But Brutus SHOVES REy away! Rey KICKS back!

Rey goes up and QUEBRADAS, but Brutsu catche shim! Tag to Julius before the SLAM! Brutus goes up to SECOND ROPE MOONSAULT! Julius goes up to TOP ROPE MOONSAULT! Cover, DRAGON BREAKS IT! Dragon whips Brutus out of the ring, then goes to the apron. Dragon goes up top, but Julius is righ ton him! Only for Dragon to trip him! Tree of Woe, WOE STOMPS! Dragon then FLIES out onto Brutus!  Rey DROPKICSK Juilus onto ropes! Th efans are thundeorus as Rey runs, but Gable is in the way! Rey swipes at Gable, but Juilus JUMP KICKS Rey down! Zelina thrwos her chancla at Gable!

Gable is upset, but Ivy gets mad, too! The Diamond Pitbull runs up, but Zelina dodges! Tilt-o-whirl and RANA into the Hydration Station! Julius storms up on Rey, drags him up, but Rey fights with fists! RANA and Julius is on ropes! Rey dials it up, 619!! Tag to Dragon and he FIVE STAR FROG SPLASHES!! Cover, LWO WINS!

Winners: Rey Mysterio & Dragon Lee, by pinfall (advance to the next round)

Master Gable is upset but he’s the one who angered La Muneca! The Latino World Order is joining The New Day and The War Raiders next week, who wins the Triple Threat tournament finals to then go after Judgment Day?


DMG CTRL talks with Pearce.

They’re obviously upset and he knows, he saw what Meta Four did. He will talk with Ava Raine about this, they will figure out a solution, he gives them his word. DMG CTRL accept that and head out, still riled up. But in steps Carlito. Carlito says he has to learn Chinese. Sigh… What does Carlito want? He heard from a little birdie that Pearce needs challengers for Gunther. Carlito has just the guy: Dominik Mysterio. Pearce laughs really hard at that. Oh, wait, Carlito’s serious? DOM?! No, Dom hasn’t done, well, anything to deserve a shot. And if Dom wants the shot, why is Carlito asking for it? Because he’s the fixer.

And what is he fixing? Aw c’mon, Pearce! Give Dom a chance! Please? Fine! Dom gets his chance. Let Dom know that next week, if he can beat a former world champion, then Dom will be a contender. Carlito thanks Pearce, they shake hands, and Carlito heads out. Pearce needs a drink. But just who will Pearce set Dom up against to prove he’s worthy of Der Ring General’s time?


Backstage interview with Bron Breakker.

Jackie is now with the Badass and says in moments, he faces Jey Uso for the Intercontinental Championship. Is he feeling any more confident knowing that Jey is a bit preoccupied with his family? Bron says he didn’t come here for a Philly cheesesteak. He is here to take back what is his and that is the Intercontinental Championship. Bron does respect Jey Uso. Jey as a champion si great. But Jey is not a focused champion. Jey has all kinds of family drama going on, which is exactly why Bron takes back that title. Now, Bron IS a Badass, so it is time to do what badasses to do. He has one question for us: We got any dogs barking in Philly?!

The fans can be heard barking, and Bron makes his entrance. Will Breakker back up all that talk by breaking Jey? Or is Jey going to YEET Bron to the back of the line?


Backstage interview with Gunther.

Cathy is with Der Ring General, the World Heavyweight Champion, and says he has his eyes set on becoming the first-ever Crown Jewel Champion. Cathy asks Gunther if he has a response to Cody Rhodes’ invitation to SmackDown for Friday. Gunther says he doesn’t understand, even though Cody does it every time, is that Cody drags those closest to him into his business matters. Mentioning his daughter as his reason why was totally uncalled for. Cody just loves the drama. It has nothing to do with family, and everything to do with a match between generational champions for the newly established Crown Jewel Championship.

The winner gets to establish the legacy of that title. And no disrespect, Cody is a fantastic champion on top of his game. But to be honest, the title he is holding was established long before his time. Gunther thinks Cody is just one of many. Unlike Gunther. Gunther is one of one. Everything he touches turns to gold. So yes, he will be in Brooklyn on Friday. But then in steps Priest! Priest says relax, no one is walking in here to smack Gunther up. Yet. Priest has no issue with Gunther anymore, all his issues were with Judgment Day. Priest handled that. So it is only fair that now, he gets back what he never should’ve lost in the first palce.

And before Gunther says anything, Priest isn’t looking for a handout. He’ll earn that shot like he has everything else. So Gunther can go to Crown Jewel, handle business, and when he comes back, he’ll have a problem with Priest. In fact, he’ll have a big problem because Priest is going to again become El Campeon. Gunther says okay, “El Campeon,” good for you. Gunther heads out, but will we see him and The Punisher run it back?


WWE Intercontinental Championship: Jey Uso VS Bron Breakker!

Raw returns and Jey makes his entrance. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is truly badass!

The bell rings, the fans fire up, and the two stare down. Then the haymakers start flying! The fans “YEET!” for Jey and “BOO!” for Bron! “YEET! BOO! YEET! BOO!” Jey ROCKS Bron, whips him, but Bron reverses. Jey goes up and over, then UPPERCUTS! “YEET! Bron staggers around, Jey runs up to LARIAT him up and out! The fans fire up as Jey watches Bron. Bron snarls and grits his teeth, but Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and the fans rally while Bron CHOKES Jey on ropes! The ref counts, Bron mocks the yeet bounce, but Bron lets off at 4. Jey sputters and rolls to the apron, but Bron storms out there after him. Bron drags Jey up, reels him in, and he suplexes, only for Jey to block! The fans fire up as Jey lifts, but Bron fights it! They fight for control, but then Bron RAMS Jey into the post! Bron brings Jey back up, RAMS him back into the post, then snarls as he looms over Jey. Bron stands Jey up, turns him around, and APRON BACKBREAKERS! Jey flops to the floor and Bron snarls. The ref wants this in the ring, but Bron soaks up the heat.

Bron hops down, drags Jey up, and SMACKS him off the apron! Bron pushes Jey in the ring, drags him up again, and whips him to the corner hard! Jey bounces off buckles and falls to the mat. Bron soaks up more heat, then goes back for Jey. Bron stands Jey up but Jey ROCKS him with a right! And another! And another! Bron wobbles, Jey ROCKS him more! Jey whips, Bron reverses but Jey leaps! Only for Bron to catch him! BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Bron does pushups just to show off. The fans boo but Bron looms over Jey. Bron then drags Jey up, DECKS him with a right hand, then STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO!

Jey stays in this but Bron smirks. The fans rally and Jey grits his teeth, but Bron stalks him. Bron tells Jey to just give up already. Bron stomps Jey, taunts the fans, “I’m a badass!” Bron drags Jey up again, but Jey blocks to fire hands! “YEET! YEET! YEET!” Jey pops, locks ‘n’ puts some stank on the HAYMAKER! “YEET! Jey throws off the armbands and the wrist tape, and he gets an “UCE! OH!” Jey runs in, Bron puts him on the apron, but Jey GAMANGIRIS! Bron staggers, Jey climbs, but Bron goes after Jey! Jey fires hands, Bron hits back! Bron climbs up, brings Jey to the top, but Jey fights! Jey HEADBUTTS, and HEADBUTTS, and Bron staggers back!

But Bron springs right back up! SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO! Bron is frustrated but the fans rally up as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once again and Bron RAMS Jey into a corner! Bron puts Jey up top again, then climbs, but Jey again fights! Jey SHOVES Bron away, slips down, and runs up to SPEAR! Cover, TWO!! Bron survives and Jey grows frustrated. The fans rally up, Jey catches his breath and rises up, but wait! The fans notice someone heading to ringside, and it’s THE BLOODLINE! Solo Sikoa mockingly holds up a Yeet shirt! He shows he has tickets, he’s here as a fan, Uce! Jey is upset with his brother, and the fans chan tfor “O T C! O T C!” Jey asks why Solo is here and Solo says he’s here to help him win.

Solo says look out! Bron runs up but Jey ROCKS him first! They get in the ring, Bron KNEES Jey down! Bron drags Jey up to TOSS him back out. Bron goes out after Jey to then whip, but Jey reverses! Bron hits POST! The fans fire up and wait! Tonga Loa & Tama Tonga are on the other end? They cheer Jey on and pat his shoulders, but Jey pushes them back. Jey SUPERKICKS Loa! Jey DUMPS Loa down, but has to dodge Tama! Jey SUPERKICKS Tama! The fans boo The Bloodline but Solo says his guys were trying to help! Solo jumps the barriers, he and Jey argue, and Jey is not falling for the gaslighting.

Bron lurks! Bron runs up, Solo pushes Jey aside! The SPEAR hits Solo!! The Tribal Chief actually helps Jey! But then Bron comes back to KNEE Jey! Bron pushes Jey into the ring, but here comes Jacob Fatu! The Samoan Werewolf is upset that Bron hit his Tribal Chief! Bron sees Jacob, and the straps come down! The fans are going nuts as these two animals stare down! But then Jey DIVES onto them both! Jey wipes out Bron AND Jacob, and the fans are thunderous! Jey drags Bron up, puts him in the ring, “This is Awesome!” as Jey hurries up a corner. USO SPLASH  but onto knees! Bron sets up in a corner now!

Bron runs, runs, and JEY HURDLES! SUPERKICK! Bron wobbles into another SUPERKICK! Jey runs to SPEAR!! Jey hurries up top again, USO SPLASH!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Bron survives and Jey cannot believe it! The fans boo, they don’t believe it, either! And now Tama & Loa distract the ref! The ref calls in reinforcements and the producers get the Guerillas of Destiny to leave ringside. Jey isn’t sure what to make of this, but he sees Bron stirring. Jey decides to borrow one of Bron’s plays, and he runs in, but JACOB SUPERKICKS JEY!! The Samoan Werewolf fireman’s carries, to SAMOAN DROP Jey on the desk!!

The ref misses this from having to help with Tama & Loa! Jacob gets Solo outta there while Bron grins. Bron drags Jey off the desk, puts him in the ring, and Bron roars! Bron runs, runs, and SPEARS!! Cover, BRON WINS!

Winner: Bron Breakker, by pinfall (NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion)

The Badass had a point about Jey’s family drama getting in Jey’s way. Jey just wanted his family’s feud to end peacefully, and Solo has to go and ruin things for him. The belt is back on Bron, will he make sure to never let it go again? As for Jey, will he have no choice but to fight his own brother?

My Thoughts:

An awesome episode of Raw here tonight, and I love that there was chaos right from the start. They framed Bronson’s arrival to the arena so well, you really could see Rollins run in from somewhere to then run right up on Bronson. Great stuff from them both and of course they’re getting their match now, but I’m a little surprised it is for Crown Jewel. At the same time, not much has even been made for Crown Jewel in terms of the card, so this match happening over in Saudi Arabia is great stuff. Rollins is a big name, and Bronson is surely a rising star, this is great stuff for them both. No idea who wins, but the winner will surely be in the world title conversation.

Great overlapping of stories in the women’s division, with Liv & Raquel stepping on toes with DMG CTRL, even as they’re all building other feuds. The tag match was great, but I just knew that with Meta Four on site, they were going to “ruin” the match. As I’ve said before, I hope this builds to a big tag title match for Survivor Series, Meta Four representing NXT, DMG CTRL representing Raw and possibly Piper & Chelsea for SmackDown. As for Liv & Raquel, great stuff with Rhea sending them all running to keep that story alive. Maybe they add Rhea VS Raquel to Crown Jewel, that’d be great stuff that also keeps the story moving.

With that, they also had a great segue into the rest of the Judgment Day story. I like that Dom thinking he can beat Gunther makes the others laugh. After what Pearce said, Dom’s definitely facing Priest, who is a former world champion. Priest also had a good promo with Gunther, and that has to be what’s next going into Survivor Series. Finn being surly about someone else getting the shot while he’s still just a tag champ is also good stuff, I can’t wait to see what he does with that.

Speaking of the tag titles, great stuff in each of the tournament matches tonight. Both results were surprising to me, but definitely the right moves all things considered. Truth going after Miz and helping New Day was good stuff, and yet I should’ve figured Woods would be selfish and leave Truth hanging. But the Wyatt Sick6 showing up was great stuff, because it was clear they were going to feud with Miz and Final Testament. Great match from LWO VS American Made, and Zelina interacting with Ivy was good stuff, too. Zelina VS Ivy would be a great match, can’t wait to see that. LWO advancing is great, but it still feels like The War Raiders are going to challenge Finn & JD.

And great stuff in the Intercontinental Championship story that also ended up being The Bloodline story. I should’ve figured Solo and crew would cost Jey, but the detail of Solo claiming he’s helping and then actually trying to be helpful was good stuff. It backfired on Solo, and so his help turned into hinderance, Jey loses so now he has nothing but that feud. As for Bron getting this belt back, he’s got any number of possibilities for challengers, maybe it could be Sheamus. Remember that Sheamus hasn’t ever held the Intercontinental Championship, and he could definitely give Bron banger after banger.

My Score: 9/10

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