Coming off Fastlane, Raw starts the straight shot to Mania! What sticks out in Bodeen's Top 5 moments?
It's a GOLDEN Raw!
Celebrate the NEW WWE World Champion!
Elimination Chamber is this weekend, and Bodeen provides his Top 5 for the go-home edition of WWE Monday Night Raw!
Will Raw be on fire tonight?
It's an old school GDMS with Greg and Patrick breaking out the Quick Hits to discuss Sting/AEW, Ratings, Cedric Alexander, The Acclaimed, and more!
The Queen is on Raw Talk!
TLC: Trop Loves Championships!
It's a golden Raw Talk!
Raw gives a phenomenal Handicap match!
Who is headed for the world title?
Tonight, Bliss VS Cross!
Whose tag division is this, really?
The WWE Draft continues!
Steve Cook makes sense of Cedric Alexander and The Hurt Business, and now he's sharing it! How does it involve Hulk Hogan and Ted Dibiase? Read...
Keith Lee gets another chance!