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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (3/15/21)

It’s a GOLDEN Raw!



Coverage Raw 2021

The Raw Tag Team and United States Championships are on the line!

Though Fastlane is just a week away, titles are on the line tonight! Will Matt Riddle still be WWE United States Champion? Or will Mustafa Ali shut him down?


  • The Miz w/ John Morrison VS Drew McIntyre; McIntyre wins.
  • Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke VS Naomi & Lana; Rose & Brooke win.
  • Raw Tag Team Championships: The Hurt Business VS The New Day; The New Day wins and become the new Raw Tag Team Champions.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship All Due Respect: Truth becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • Damian Priest w/ Bad Bunny VS Jaxson Ryker w/ Elias; Priest wins.
  • Shane McMahon VS Braun Strowman; No Contest.
  • Asuka VS Shayna Baszler w/ Nia Jax; Asuka wins.
  • WWE United States Championship: Matt Riddle VS Mustafa Ali w/ Retribution; Riddle wins and retains the title.
  • Sheamus VS Bobby Lashley w/ MVP; Lashley wins.


BREAKING NEWS for WrestleMania!

Drew McIntyre WILL challenge Bobby Lashley for the WWE World Championship! But speaking of…


Bobby Lashley and MVP head to the ring!

The CEO of the Hurt Business, the current WWE Champion, and the All Mighty Rocky Mountain Machine is accompanied by Montel Vontavius Porter as he walks out with belt and crisp, new suit. They get mics to address the WWE Universe, “This is an official announcement from the Hurt Business.” Last week, a statement was made but not everyone got it so MVP will repeat it for you. “We have entered the All Mighty Era! After 16 YEARS of dedication and decimation, the CHO of the Hurt Business finally had an opportunity to take the WWE Championship.” And Lashley did!

Lashley has proven the haters, the naysayers and the doubters wrong by doing what he said he’d do. Lashley wasn’t given anything, he had to fight his way to this title. Lashley did that by destroying McIntyre at Elimination Chamber, and vows to do it again in the main event of WrestleMania! Then after McIntyre, Lashley will destroy everyone else on Raw and reign supreme! Right now, this is THE All Might Era! But here comes The Miz! He and John Morrison are here and Miz says, “Wow, Bobby. I should be preparing for my match with Drew McIntyre, but I had to come out here and say that speech was truly remarkable.”

Morrison says Lashley has a way with words. But they’re not here to steal the spotlight or the title, but to congratulates. They’re all in on the All Mighty Era! The branding and name are so powerful! Just like Lashley. These past two weeks, Miz was so proud to share the ring with him. It was an honor, really. But Miz would be lying if he were to think this budding rivalry was over. All the great rivalries had great final showdowns at WrestleMania! Hogan VS Andre! Bret VS Shawn! Rock VS Stone Cold! And it’s 3:16 Week and we’re all celebrating Steve Austin! If you wanna see The Miz and Bobby Lashley go 1v1 for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania, give Miz a hell yeah! AWW HELL YEAH! Only Morrison said that…

Miz is sure Lashley is thinking Miz has had his chance. But Lashley is a fair guy, and Miz isn’t going to diminish anything Lashley has done. But Miz defended his title twice in one night. And was suffering from gastrointestinal distress! Miz wasn’t 100%! Doesn’t Lashley want to face Miz at full strength? But here comes McIntyre! McIntyre storms right past Miz and Morrison as he glares right at Lashley. Lashley doesn’t move as McIntyre gets in the ring with him. McIntyre says “I’ve not had the chance to formally congratulate you.” A long time coming, with 16 years. But McIntyre had the same with 17 years waiting.

McIntyre knows about traveling those roads, “being the hardest workers in the room, and yet opportunities just kept  passing us by.” When everyone else is going to bed, these two work in the gym. Then neither of them i sin the WWE, they came back and scratched their ways up from the bottom to the top. And it feels so good to get hands on that title. But the only difference here, is McIntyre beat 30 other men, won the Royal Rumble, and BEAT BROCK LESNAR! MVP wants to talk but McIntyre cuts him off to say Lashley made a deal, screwed McIntyre over, and now he’s champion. Whatever it takes, right?

MVP says McIntyre needs to worry more about Sheamus. McIntyre says they’ve already beaten the hell out of each other. But wait why is MVP here? It used to make sense: MVP was the puppet master and Lashley was “Frankenstein’s monster,” with MVP talking for him. But Lashley proved he can talk for himself, he’s a champion now! Is MVP living vicariously through Lashley? Lashley says worry less about MVP and more about Lashley! Miz adds himself to that list, but no one takes that seriously. McIntyre forgot Miz was still here. McIntyre does owe Miz, though.

McIntyre gives Miz two options: McIntyre will turn around, finish talking to Lashley and A) Miz can attack, though not recommended, or B) run for his life. Because in their match, McIntyre will hurt Miz, make an example of him, then go to Fastlane to go to war with Sheamus, and then at Mania, McIntyre VS Lashley, no one over those two days will match this heavyweight clash! They will beat the hell out of each other, but McIntyre will end this era to regain his title from the “big bald bitch!” MVP keeps Lashley from fighting things out here and now, and the Hurt Business heads out. Miz says McIntyre should calm down. Lashley BLINDSIDES McIntyre off that minor distraction!

Lashley rains down fists, claws McIntyre’s face, then rains down more fists! Miz has a big smile on his face because his match with McIntyre… is NEXT! Miz rains down fists on McIntyre now that he’s been tenderized! But then SHEAMUS jumps Lashley!? The Celtic Warrior still feels he should’ve been in the title fight, will he and Lashley have something to settle here tonight?!


Raw returns with a backstage interview with Sheamus.

Why is it he attacked Bobby Lashley earlier? Sheamus wants to beat Drew McIntyre this Sunday, but not at 90% but at 100! Sheamus doesn’t want McIntyre to have excuses! He’s sick and tired of excuses! Lashley is messing in Sheamus’ business, so Sheamus wants a match with Lashley. Because after Sheamus beats McIntyre, he’ll even show us all now what McIntyre won’t be able to do at WrestleMania! Tonight, Sheamus shows us all who he really is as the Fella who beat Bobby Lashley!


The Miz w/ John Morrison VS Drew McIntyre!

The Hollywood A-Lister pounced on the damage done by Lashley, but will he only come to regret it now that McIntyre is even angrier?

The bell rings, Miz runs in and fires off on McIntyre in a corner! The ref counts, Miz lets off and McIntyre picks him up to RAM him into the opposite corner! McIntyre CHOPS and Miz falls to his knees! McIntyre bumps Miz off buckles, throws haymakers, then lets off as the ref counts. McIntyre stands Miz up to CHOP him, then suplexes to TOSS him across the way! McIntyre snarls as Miz goes to the other corner. McIntyre runs in but into an elbow! Miz throws haymakers back then kicks, but McIntyre shoves him away. Miz kicks McIntyre but McIntyre just glares at him. Miz runs into a GLASGOW KISS!

McIntyre drags Miz around to stomp him, then hauls him up into a corner for heavy hands! The ref counts, McIntyre reels Miz into a LARIAT! Miz bails out, Morrison protests but McIntyre drags Miz up into the ropes for an assisted camel clutch! “I WARNED YOU!” McIntyre lets off at the ref’s count and Miz crawls away. McIntyre drags Miz up at the ramp to throw into barriers! And CHOPS him again! McIntyre puts Miz in the ring at 5 of 10, but Morrison lurks. Morrison grabs at McIntyre’s foot but McIntyre glares at him. McIntyre goes back to Miz but Morrison throws his sunglasses at him? McIntyre just STOMPS the glasses!

Miz attacks from behind! Miz chokes McIntyre against ropes and digs his fingers into McIntyre’s face! The ref counts, Miz stops at 4 to RAM into McIntyre in the corner! And again, and again! Miz runs corner to corner, but McIntyre CLOBBERS him! McIntyre hauls Miz up to toss into a corner, and powers through the boot to elbow Miz! INVERTED ALABAMA SLAM! Miz staggers up, but Morrison drags him out of the ring to escape the Claymore! The ref tells McIntyre to stay back and he reprimands Morrison. Morrison argues so the ref EJECTS Morrison! The Guru of Greatness is furious but Miz is all alone as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and McIntyre fires off hands in the corner! McIntyre whips Miz corner to corner, then scoops him on the rebound. Miz slips off, shoves McIntyre to a corner, but McIntyre stops from hitting buckles., Miz kicks a leg out, and basement DDT’s! Cover, ONE!! Miz keeps on McIntyre but no Finale just yet! McIntyre arm-drags free to rally with clotheslines! McIntyre whips and OVERHEAD SUPLEXES Miz! Then gets him in a corner for another OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Fans are fired up on their ThunderDome screens as McIntyre hits a NECKBREAKER! McIntyre kips up, throws Miz out, and then follows him.

McIntyre RAMS Miz into barriers, RAMS him into the apron, and repeat! McIntyre SLAPS Miz, refreshes the ring count, and then has Miz by the steps. McIntyre dribbles Miz’s head off those steps! McIntyre says Miz should’ve taken option B of running away. McIntyre puts Miz in the ring, stalks him, spins him around and hits FUTURE SHOCK!! But McIntyre won’t cover, because he’s not done hurting Miz! McIntyre aims from a corner again, skips the countdown and hits the CLAYMORE!! Cover, or not? McIntyre must not feel Miz has had enough yet. McIntyre sits Miz up and points to the camera then the WrestleMania sign. HE USES THE HURT LOCK!!! Miz taps, McIntyre wins!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by submission

The Scottish Warrior sends a direct message to the Rocky Mountain Machine! But he’s on to Fastlane and the Fella, will it end up a roadblock on the Road to WrestleMania?


Damian Priest and Bad Bunny walk backstage.

They talk about Bunny’s Grammy performance and Grammy win, and look ready for the Archer of Infamy’s match later tonight. Will Priest make sure Jaxson Ryker and Elias are singing the blues tonight?


Raw returns with Braun Strowman already in the ring.

The Monster Among Men DEMANDS Shane McMahon show himself after the antics from last week. Shane O’Mac does appear, and he says being on stage is close enough. he senses hostility coming from Braun, and has no idea why. But Braun keeps demanding things. Braun says he’s been bullied by smartasses like Shane just for not going to a fancy Ivy League school. But none of that makes Shane smarter than Braun! Shane says he would never make fun of another man, he means that. Not another human being, never. Well Shane apologized to Braun but we all know that McMahons don’t apologize for anything.

Braun knows Shane wanted to confront Braun but got scared and mumbled around because his mouth was going to write a check his ass couldn’t cash. Well Shane wants to know what’s going on in Braun’s mind. Actually, Shane knows inside, Braun’s brain is flatlining. Braun says Shane doesn’t have the guts to say what he wants! He’s afraid of what Braun can do! Shane doesn’t have the balls to challenge Braun to a match so Braun challenges Shane instead! Shane says Braun couldn’t handle Shane! Now he knows Braun is stupid! He looks stupid, acts stupid, definitely sounds stupid. And the sayings are true: stupid is as stupid does. Braun IS stupid! The T-Rex is extinct because it was too dumb!

IS SHANE GOING TO ANSWER THE CHALLENGE OR NOT!? Well then if you want brains VS Braun, you’re one! Is Shane actually facing the Monster Among Men in a straight-up match?! Braun says Shane’s dad can’t save him from this! Or is Shane going to have a trick up his sleeve?


Mandy Rose, Dana Brooke, Naomi & Lana talk backstage.

But then in barges R-Truth! Or is it Stone Cold Truth? Can I get a hell yeah? It’s 3:16. Austin 3:16, that is. But today is the 15th. What? Nevermind all that. Y’all want a drink? No, they have a match next. Your loss! Truth CHUGS the Steveweiser! That’s the bottom line, cuz R-Truth said so! All that aside, will the #SexyMuscleFriends be the ones to #FeeltheRavishingGlow?


Shayna Baszler & Nia Jax head to the ring!

The Queen of Spades may have a match with the Empress of Tomorrow later tonight, but she and the Irresistible Force want to keep on eye on WWE Women’s Tag Division contenders! Will they have a part to play in the match we’re about to see?


Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke VS Naomi & Lana!

Raw returns and the WWE Women’s Tag Champions join commentary as Team Flex Appeal make their entrance. Then the Ravishing Glow makes their entrance, adding glow sticks to the routine! The teams sort out, Naomi starts with Dana and they tie up. Dana headlocks, Naomi powers out but Dana runs her over. Dana speeds things up, Naomi dodges and slides to elbow Dana! Mandy tags in as Naomi spins Dana to ROUNDHOUSE! Naomi mule kicks Mandy, runs but Mandy catches her for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Mandy stomps Naomi, drags her up and bumps her off buckles. Mandy stomps a mudhole, tags Dana, and Dana runs to handspring and back elbow!

Tag to Mandy, and they snapmare Naomi for Mandy’s RUNNING KNEE! Cover, TWO! Mandy drags Naomi away, puts her in the corner and fires off forearms! The ref counts, Mandy tags Dana then scoop slams Naomi! Dana runs in to handspring SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Dana keeps Naomi down with a chinlock but Lana rallies for her. Naomi endures, fights up, and throws body shots. Naomi reaches, Dana pulls her in and back suplexes, But Naomi lands on her feet to JAWBREAKER! Mandy tags in but so does Lana! Lana dodges Mandy, comes back to tilt-o-whirl and Russian Leg Sweep! Lana DECKS Dana to run in and hits a takedown! Another takedown!

Mandy reverses the whip, runs in but into an ax kick! Lana runs and BULLDOGS! Lana fires up and Nia is confused where this is coming from as Lana runs to KNEE Mandy against ropes! Lana reels Mandy in for a RAVISHING AWAKENING! Cover, Dana breaks it! Naomi gets in but Dana whips her away, and the Sexy Muscle Friends DOUBLE FLAPJACK Naomi! Lana KICKS Dana down but Mandy ROCKS Lana! Mandy snap suplexes, but here comes Asuka?! The Raw Women’s Champion might want after Shayna early! Shayna figures to return the favor and let Nia hold both belts. The Queen of Spades rushes the Empress, but the Empress is ready to HEEL KICK Shayna!

Asuka fires off on Shayna on the ramp, WWE officials rush out to stop this! Pat Buck, Adam Pearce and Jamie Noble have their hands full, but Nia only halfheartedly thinks about helping Shayna. Mandy rolls Lana, TWO!! Lana waistlocks, Mandy fights it, Dana tags in! O’Conner roll turns into a BOOT! Mandy underhooks but Lana fights it to hit the FACEBUSTER! Dana runs in to ROLLING NECKBREAKER!! Cover, the Sexy Muscle Friends win!!

Winners: Dana Brooke & Mandy Rose, by pinfall

Dana stares Nia down but Nia is just confused. Will the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions have a busier Road to WrestleMania than they thought?


The New Day talk backstage when Matt Riddle rolls up!

The Bro says they just missed his sweet 360 he did! He dropped in off a ramp, but anyway, he raced here to wish them luck in the Raw Tag Team Championship match against the Hurt Business! They thank Riddle, and compliment the great steed that is the scooter. But it is about ya bois the NEW~ DAY~ once again claiming their spot atop the mountain, babyyyy~! And then they can all ride off into the sunset after Riddle deals with Mustafa Ali! Ugh, he’s the worst.

Riddle says that’s a great point. But hey, that could be the beginning! There are endless possibilities, like matching tattoos and all you can eat pancakes. Pancakes, sure, but tattoos are a bit match. Right, sorry, that was more a jumping off point. Then what about matching scooters to ride off into said sunset? Now that is an idea! Riddle gives the New Day their secret handshakes for luck, will it work out for the currently 10-time tag team champions?

Raw Tag Team Championships: The Hurt Business VS The New Day!

Raw returns as the Hurt Business make their entrance. With MVP surely keeping Bobby Lashley cool for his match with Sheamus later, Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin go to the ring alone. The introductions are made, the tag titles are raised, and this battle so close to Fastlane begins!

Xavier Woods and Cedric Alexander start and circle. They tie up, Alexander gets a foot for a takedown and a toehold. Woods counters with a chinlock, but Alexander fights up so it becomes a headlock. Alexander wrenches out to keylock the arm and he talks trash. Woods slips around, headlocks again, but Alexander brings Woods down to a knee. Alexander steps over to headlock but Woods powers out, only for Alexander to run him over. Things speed up, Woods hurdles and rolls back to hurdle again. Alexander shoves Woods, switches roles to hurdle, but Woods waistlocks! Alexander fights to a switch, but Woods victory rolls! TWO, and Woods arm-drags Alexander to an armlock!

Alexander endures, fights up, but Woods wrenches to whip him to the corner. Woods forearms, Kofi tags in and says, “GET OVER HERE!” UPPERCUT! But Alexander mule kicks back hard! Kofi catches Alexander with a leg clutch cradle, TWO! Alexander CLOBBERS Kofi, Benjamin tags in. Hurt Business whips Kofi to a corner, Alexander monkey flips Kofi into a SPINEBUSTER from Benjamin! Cover, TWO! Benjamin drags Kofi up, and reels him in for a LARIAT! Benjamin KNEES Woods down for good measure! Benjamin drags Kofi up, scoop slams then scoops again for another slam! Benjamin drags Kofi up to knee low, then whip Kofi into the corner.

Benjamin tags Alexander, Alexander digs his knee in but the ref counts. Benjamin gets away with throwing Woods into steel steps! Alexander drags Kofi up, CHOPS him, then tags Benjamin. The Hurt Business double whip Kofi to ropes, elbow him down then basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Woods crawls his way to his corner but Benjamin tags Alexander in. Benjamin bumps Kofi off buckles, Alexander RAMS his shoulder in and RAMS again! Alexander puts Kofi up top, throws forearms, but Kofi hits back! Kofi ROCKS Alexander, leaps up and STOMPS him down! Both men are down, crawl for their corners, hot tag to Woods!

Woods rallies on Alexander, hits Benjamin, then whips Alexander. Alexander reverses but Woods dodges to shove and LEG LARIAT! Benjamin gets in but gets thrown to ropes, for a ROLLING ELBOW! Woods puts Alexander on ropes with a drop toehold, runs to dropkick him in the back! Woods suplexes but Alexander fights that to suplex. Woods fights that, wrench and ELBOW! Alexander bails out but Kofi gets in. The New Day run to DIVE, but the Hurt Business was ready! Alexander THROWS Woods over the desk, Benjamin RAMS Kofi into steel steps! The New Day is down as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Alexander fires off hands on Woods! Alexander eggs Woods on but Woods throws forearms back! They go back and forth, forearm for forearm, and Woods ROCKS Alexander! Alexander ROCKS Woods back! Alexander runs but into a forearm from Woods! Woods runs but into a clothesline from Alexander! Alexander runs again but Woods forearms even harder! Woods runs but Alexander CLOBBERS him! Alexander fakes Woods to knee him low. “You are not ready!” Alexander whips, scoops and MICHINOKU DRIVERS! Cover, TWO!! Woods survives and Alexander is shocked! Benjamin shouts to Alexander about Kofi and Alexander BOOTS Kofi down!

Alexander turns to Woods but Woods SUPERKICKS him! Both men are down, Kofi returns to his corner, Woods and Alexander crawl. Hot tags to Benjamin and Kofi! Kofi leaps in and over, blocks a kick but gets the DRAGON WHIP! Cover, TWO! Benjamin puts Kofi in a corner, whips him corner to corner, but Kofi goes up and up and FLYING RANAS! Then STOMPS Benjamin down! Cover, TWO!! Kofi keeps on Benjamin but Benjamin shoves him away to pop him up for a FREE FALL! Then swings, into the SOS!! Cover, TWO!! Benjamin survives again but Kofi steadies himself. Kofi goes to a corner, powers up with the “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” clap. Kofi spins, but Benjamin ducks!

Benjamin runs in but into a boot! Kofi goes to the apron, ROCKS Benjamin, then goes up top. Benjamin springs right up for a SUPER ARM-DRAG! Cover, Woods breaks it! Alexander runs in but is put on the apron! GAMANGIRI! Woods steps in, FLYING TORNADO DDT!! Kofi sees that, Benjamin rolls him up! Kofi slips free, and hits TROUBL EIN PARADISE! Tag to Woods, he goes up and tightropes, while Kofi FLIES to take Alexander out! LIMIT BREAKER!! Woods isn’t done there, he tags Kofi back in! They combine for DAYBREAK!! Cover, the New Day wins!!

Winners: The New Day, by pinfall (NEW Raw Tag Team Champions)

They are back on top of the tag team division for the ELEVENTH TIME!! Are they going to take these titles all the way to WrestleMania?

But wait! AJ Styles appears? Him, and Omos. The New Day remember Omos giving Woods perhaps the biggest choke slam ever, and now Omos and Styles are going to the ring. Styles congratulates them but says that’s all they’re here for. Congratulations on another tag team title victory! How many times has it been? Who cares. But just in time for WrestleMania is great! Styles and Omos are currently without plans for Mania. Crazy, huh? Now, Styles has been WWE Champion, Intercontinental, United States Champion, and even faced The Undertaker! But his bucket list is getting short. Omos had a great idea! Omos says he and Styles should be Raw Tag Team Champions!

But they’re not a tag team! They are now! And this man has been like a little brother to Styles. Omos will shine and jaws will drop! Do you have any idea what is in store when Omos gets in the ring? Omos says Woods already knows. But then, if the New Day haven’t put it together, these two are officially challenging them for the W, W, E, Raw, Tag, Team, CHAMPIONSHIPS~… at WrestleMania! Kofi gets a mic to say, “First and foremost, are y’all to even registered?” Yes. “Secondly, do you even know how to work as a team? And third…” Woods says if the big man wants his match, he’s got it! This is phenomenal news! Kofi says Omos needs to get him some gear, but this is going to happen! Is Omos’ first match going to be for gold?!


Miz and Morrison are backstage.

Morrison complains about the ref that ejected him, but they run across Priest & Bad Bunny. Priest says Miz looks a little… What is that word? Awful? Yeah that’s it. And Miz has been looking worse and worse since losing the WWE Championship. Wait Miz was champion? Way to kick a man when he’s down. Miz may not be WWE Champion or Mr. MITB, but he’s still The Miz! What have Bunny ever done? Grammys? Platinum records? The WWE 24/7 Championship? That’s nothing compared to what Miz has done! NADA! Miz beat John Cena, is the star of the Marine Franchise, and the ONLY TWO TIME GRAND SLAM CHAMPION!!

And Priest is off to a great start, sure. But what has he won? What awards does he have? True, Priest will need time to do what Miz has done. But how about starting right now? Miz and Morrison say it’s started, but they still head out. And then Truth sneaks up with a lunchbox! Priest sees him and Truth stops. It isn’t what it looks like. Well it looks like you were sneaking up on them. Right, and it’s not that. Truth has gifts! It’s 3:16 day! Here’s a limited edition Stone Cold doll, and a limited edition Stone Cold title belt! Here hold this. This is the Austin 3:16 lunch box! Put your Grammy in there! Truth gives those to Bunny, and Bunny asks what Truth wants. Well uh… The 24/7 title?

Oh, right, of course. Bunny and Priest talk about it in Spanish, and the decision is… As much as they respect Truth and the business, Truth does deserve to have “his baby” back. They can trade. Bunny keeps the Stone Cold title and he hands the 24/7 title over to Truth! But remember, what’s his name? Bad Bunny.

Truth is the NEW WWE 24/7 Champion

But then the chase is on!! Gulak, Carrillo and others chase Truth backstage! Will Truth be able to keep his baby through the night?


Damian Priest w/ Bad Bunny VS Jaxson Ryker w/ Elias!

Raw returns as The Drifter and his follower are already in the ring. While Elias couldn’t make Priest #DriftAway, will Ryker make Priest accept that WWE will #WalkWithElias?

The bell rings and Ryker rushes Priest with heavy hands! Ryker gets Priest in a corner, lets off to bring him out, but Priest blocks the suplex. Priest suplexes for the BROKEN ARROW! Priest fires up, drags Ryker up, HIT THE LIGHTS!! Cover, Priest wins!!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall

But Elias attacks! Elias stomps Priest, then goes out to grab his guitar! Bunny gets in to grab the guitar from him! Elias grabs Bunny, scoops him, but Bunny slips out to ROCK Elias! Priest gets back up and snarls, dodges a haymaker to BELL CLAP, and HIT THE LIGHTS!! Bunny got his shot in and Priest is impressed. Will these two party hard on the Road to WrestleMania?

Wait, John Morrison returns to try and join in on the celebration. “You guys are good!” He says they’re a real team! But then Miz gets Elias’ guitar and SMASHES Bunny!! Miz and Morrison run away and Priest is shocked! Priest wants to tear into Miz and Morrison, but will he get that opportunity tonight?


Backstage interview with the Hurt Business.

MVP shouts that the All Mighty Era has begun! And he will be DAMNED if Sheamus thinks he can blindside the WWE Champion and try to embarrass him. Sheamus wants McIntyre at 100 for Fastlane? After tonight, Sheamus won’t be 100% for Fastlane! The exact same thing that happens to Sheamus tonight will happen to McIntyre at WrestleMania. They leave it at that, but will it be far from that easy against the Celtic Warrior?


Shane McMahon VS Braun Strowman!

Well, well, well. Shane O’Mac is actually battling the Monster Among Men! Shane waits in the ring as “BRAAAUN!” makes his entrance. Braun is all but salivating to get at Shane but then Shane gets out of the ring to get a mic and speak. “Oh it’s happening, Braun, you just gotta give me a second.” Shane doesn’t perform every week, he needs a warm up. Shane does some steps, some push-ups, then some jumping jacks. Braun says he’s just delaying the ass whooping. Shane says this is for Braun, because talking about going back to the schoolyard. Shane has a hopscotch set up? He hops and tells Braun this can help him count.

Braun rushes out after Shane, but it’s a cat ‘n’ mouse game as Shane scurries all around, in and out of the ring. But Braun catches him!! And he drags Shane out hard! Braun RAMS Shane into barriers, then ROCKS him with a right hand! And BOOTS him into more barriers! “Who’s stupid now, Shane?!” Braun told Shane he’d regret running his mouth, and then speaking of running, Braun builds up speed! The Strowman Express come sin, but Shane USES A CAMERA TO CLOBBER him! Shane SMACKS Braun on the back with the camera! Now Shane’s fire up because he has Braun on the ground! Shane kicks Braun around, throws body shots, then SMASHES Him with the camera to the head!!

Shane clears off the announce desk, keeps the camera close, and SMASHES Braun again! Braun falls back onto the desk, Shane goes to the corner, and in true Shane O’Mac fashion, he climbs up top! COAST2COAST THROUGH THE TABLE!! Both men are down but Shane is laughing at Braun! Shane gets in Braun’s face as he calls him stupid, but Shane has more in store! Shane has buckets of something under the ring? He brings one over and sits Shane up, so he can dump GREEN SLIME on him! Is this Nickelodeon or something? Or some kind of Shrek joke? “Stupid is as stupid does, Braun!”

Shane gets the other bucket of green slime and he DUMPS it out Braun! Shane says Braun is to NEVER challenge him to a match again! Braun sputters as Shane walks away, leaving him behind in the goopy mess. Has Shane humiliated Braun into being humble? Or is the Monster Among Men only going to be like the Incredible Hulk from all that green slime? “I’M GONNA RIP YOU IN HALF!” That answers that… Will Braun smash puny Shane the next time they meet?


Raw returns to Alexa’s Playground.

Alexa Bliss says it’s time for her favorite game! Truth or Inflicting Pain! Is that like Truth or Dare…? Alexa says if Randy Orton wanted her out of her life, he has to take her out. Sunday at Fastlane is his chance. Is he going to take it? Alexa laughs and swings, but will the Viper attempt to strike?


Asuka VS Shayna Baszler w/ Nia Jax!

The Empress finally returns after getting kicked so hard, she lost a tooth and a tag match. But with the Queen of Spades and Irresistible Force trying to take over more of the Women’s Division, will Asuka kick them to the curb this close to Fastlane?

Raw returns as the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions enter. Shayna gets in the ring and Asuka is right after her! Nia get sin but gets a CODE BREKER! ROUNDHOUSE for Shayna, SLIDING WIZARD for Nia! Asuka is all fired up and Shayna wants the match! The bell rings and Asuka hip attacks Shayna into the corner! Asuka fires off, snap suplexes Shayna, then hip attacks Nia off the apron! Asuka elbows Shayna away, boots her, then runs, only to miss! Shayna KNEES Asuka in the mouth! Asuka clutches her jaw but no tooth went flying this time. Shayna KICKS Asuka down, but Asuka eggs her on. Shayna rains down fists, Asuka turns it around to hit back!

Asuka gets an arm but Shayna holds off the armbar. Nia gets on the apron again but Asuka baseball slides her, then BOOTS her into the post! Asuka talks trash to Nia but Shayna gets the KIRAFUDA!! Asuka slips out to ASUKA LOCK!! Shayna switches back, KIRAFUDA, but Asuka rolls it back to a cover! ASUKA WINS!!

Winner: Asuka, by pinfall

Shayna holds on until Asuka fades out! Shayna takes aim, kicks but Asuka BLOCKS! Asuka has the leg, reels Shayna in, and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Asuka fires up, gives Shayna Kowata Kicks and a BUZZSAW! Asuka drags Shayna back up, gets her arms and SURFBOARD STMOPS Shayna into buckles!! Asuka undoes a buckle pad, she wants this one to hurt! Asuka drags Shayna back with a neck wrench, takes the mouth guard away, and drags Shayna back up, to JAM HER JAW into the steel!! Asuka stands on Shayna’s head, the ref tells her to let off but what does it matter when the match is over? Asuka sits Shayna up, surfboards the arms, but the ref gets in between Shayna and buckle!

The ref asks Asuka what’s going on with her, but Asuka asks, “What’s the problem?!” For Asuka, it is eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, but hasn’t gotten her satisfaction yet. Will the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions reconsider going after the Empress?


Mustafa Ali shouts at Retribution backstage.

He is growing tired of failure after failure! Tonight, Ali will right their wrongs by becoming- Is that Riddle zipping by on his scooter? Will Ali not only make Riddle pay for the sins of WWE, but for interrupting his less than encouraging rally cry?



After Shane used mind games and green slime to mess with Braun, he’ll have to step up and face the Monster Among Men in a match at Fastlane! Will Sunday be when Braun #GetsTheseHands on Shane and makes him pay?


WWE United States Championship: Matt Riddle VS Mustafa Ali w/ Retribution!

It took The Bro many tries to finally get this title off the Rocky Mountain Machine, so he won’t let it go so easily. But the Beacon says the Retribution is done failing, so will he succeed in shutting down Riddle’s reign?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and golden redemption could be at hand!

Riddle and Ali circle, Ali shows knuckle lock but kicks low and throws uppercuts! Ali tells Retribution that’s how it’s done but Riddle CHOPS back! Ali throws a forearm but Riddle blocks the whip. Ali kicks low, throws more haymakers, then whips. Riddle reverses, gut wrench suplexes Ali, and glares as Ali scrambles away. Riddle runs in to PENALTY KICK Ali out of the ring! Riddle goes out to fetch Ali but Ali throws Riddle into the corner of the announce desk! Riddle sputters and coughs, Ali gets in the ring but Riddle gets in, only for Ali to KICK him down! Retribution enjoys seeing that as Ali snarls.

Ali runs but into Riddle’s headscissors! They go to the apron, Riddle kicks Ali then stands up. But Ali throat chops and hits a FLYING NECKBREAKER to the floor! Both men writhe as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Ali throws hands with Riddle! Ali knees low, uppercuts hard, then chokes Riddle on ropes with his boot! The ref counts, Ali stops but then digs his boot back in! The ref counts again, Ali backs off and hauls Riddle up. Ali whips corner to corner, then runs to NECKBREAKER again! Cover, TWO! Riddle is still in this, but Ali taunts him. Ali drags Riddle up to elbow him down, then again. Riddle goes to a corner and CHOPS back! And CHOPS again! Ali ROCKS Riddle, whips him corner to corner again, but Riddle reverses! Ali slides to a stop, slips out and Riddle hits buckles! Ali drags Riddle out, spins him around and tuck shim under the apron skirt to fire off forearms!

Ali lets Riddle out, somersaults and NECKBREAKERS again! Cover, TWO!! Riddle survives again but Ali clamps on with a chinlock. Riddle endures, fights up, and throws body shots. Fans rally on their screens, Riddle powers up and back drops, but Ali sunset flips! Riddle rolls through to PENALTY KICK Ali down again! ALi gets up but Riddle fires off slapping palm strikes! Riddle boots, spins Ali and PELES! Riddle kips up, runs in and forearm smashes! Riddle hits a BROSPLODER! Then the BROTON! Riddle dead lifts to the FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cradle, TWO!! Riddle grits his teeth as he fires back up.

Ali crawls, Riddle reels him in with a waistlock, ripcords but Ali blocks the knee to WHEEL KICK!  Ali brings Riddle up but Riddle ROUNDHOUSES! Riddle O’Conner rolls but T-Bar distracts! Ali turns it around, Retribution tells the ref to look, TWO!! Riddle gets Ali in a sleeper, then shifts to dragon sleeper, inverted suplex, and the BRO DEREK!! Cover, Riddle wins!!

Winner: Matt Riddle, by pinfall (still WWE United States Champion)

Retribution tried to help their leader but that might’ve cost him! Riddle says maybe the others can get their turn next. Ali is furious, but is he going to go from shutting it down to melting down?


Backstage interview with Randy Orton.

What is his reaction to Alexa’s challenge for Fastlane? His reaction to a match challenge for Fastlane? Correct him if he’s wrong, but Orton is pretty sure Alexa dared him to kick her out of his life. That is EXACTLY what Orton will do! Is the Viper going to be very, very literal this Sunday?


Drew McIntyre heads back to ringside!

The Scottish Warrior wants to watch this main event very closely, because both men are on his hit list! McIntyre smiles because either way, he’ll be watching Sheamus and Lashley beat the hell out of each other, after the break!



The Raw Tag Team Championship match for WrestleMania will be phenomenal! AJ Styles & Omos ARE getting their shot at the titles against the New Day, but will it be as colossal as Omos?


Raw returns, and Drew McIntyre speaks.

“Now I know what you’re thinking. ‘Damn, it’s good to see that handsome Scottish devil again.’ But also, ‘Drew, it’s been over two hours. Why haven’t you showered and changed?'” McIntyre says this is what he wears all the time now. He saves tons on shirts and underwear. But also, he’s been watching the show. McIntyre was paying attention to some little details, and he heard those guarantees MVP was making. Guaranteeing something is so dangerous in this business, because if you make one and you don’t deliver, fans get upset and sparks fly. 

But McIntyre makes a guarantee right now: At Fastlane, McIntyre and Sheamus will bring a level of physicality like we’ve never seen before! These two have been doing it 20 years as friends, but NO DQ took it to the next level. And Fastlane being the last stop before Mania, Sheamus wants to take him out. Ain’t happening. McIntyre promises to beat the hell out of Sheamus, stand tall and go to Mania to take back the title. But McIntyre’s out here because he wants to see this main event close up. McIntyre is going to have a first-hand view of what’s happening. “So get yer asses out here, lads.”

Sheamus VS Bobby Lashley w/ MVP!

First out is the real-life Titan, the All Mighty WWE World Champion, as well as MVP. McIntyre doesn’t even leave the ring yet, so he and Lashley get another stare down. Then the Celtic Warrior makes his entrance and McIntyre gets himself a chair. Raw takes another break, but will we return to see one man break the other?

Raw returns again, the bell rings, and McIntyre is actually sitting on the ramp side. Sheamus runs in, Lashley picks Sheamus up to RAM him into the corner and fire off hands! The ref tries to get Lashley away but MVP says there’s a five count to use. Lashley backs off but Sheamus goes on the attack now! Sheamus puts Lashley in buckles, fires off, and the ref has to stop him now! Sheamus lets off, Lashley picks him up for a SPINEBUSTER! Lashley and Sheamus scrap, Lashley goes after Sheamus with elbows and then grinding forearms! Sheamus sits up but into a chinlock. MVP shouts this is what Sheamus wanted as Lashley puts him in a corner.

The ref tries to back Lashley off again as he and Sheamus trade forearms. Lashley stomps, whips and runs in, but Sheamus elbows Lashley from the corner. Sheamus runs, Lashley hurdles and CLOBBERS Sheamus! Lashley is seething as he chokes Sheamus on the ropes. The ref counts, Lashley lets off at 4, then he hauls Sheamus up. Lashley stares McIntyre down as he suplexes Sheamus. Sheamus slips out to CHOP BLOCK, then CLUB and drop knees on Lashley over and over! Sheamus clamps on, wanting after arms. Lashley resists but Sheamus claws Lashley’s face! The ref reprimands and counts but Sheamus stops at 4 to drive elbows in over and over!

Sheamus knees and CLUBS Lashley more, MVP coaches Lashley up to get mad, and Lashley elbows away the clinch. Lashley blocks a kick to spin and elbow, then kick low! Lashley again glares at McIntyre as he suplexes Sheamus up, holds him for a few seconds, then SLAMS him down! Lashley clotheslines Sheamus out of the ring! MVP taunts Sheamus while Lashley stares down McIntyre. McIntyre is stoic as Sheamus gets on the apron. Lashley knees Sheamus down, goes out to bring Sheamus around the way, and has him right in front of Sheamus as he fireman’s’ carries. But Sheamus slips off to shove Lashley, only for Lashley to stop from hitting post!

Lashley elbows Sheamus, POSTS him, and pushes him into the ring at 8 of 10! Sheamus KICKS Lashley in the ropes, stomps him and clubs him! Sheamus lets off for a moment before he stands Lashley up for forearms to the back! Then Sheamus stands Lashley up for Beats of the Bodhrain! Lashley blocks and elbows back! Sheamus CLOBBERS Lashley off the apron! Lashley stands up but Sheamus pursues. MVP warns Lashley and he catches the flying lariat for an EXPLODER! Lashley stares McIntyre down but MVP keeps things from breaking down. The ring count is climbing, Lashley fetches Sheamus and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns once more and Lashley leans on Sheamus with a neck wrench. Sheamus endures, Lashley puts more pressure as he digs a knuckle into Sheamus’ head! Sheamus pries a hand away but Lashley knocks Sheamus down! Lashley drags Sheamus up to throw him out, then drags Sheamus up to RAM him into barriers! And then RAM him into the barriers again! The ring count passes 5, Lashley bumps Sheamus off the apron and gets in at 8. Lashley throws elbows into Sheamus in the corner over and over, but the ref has him back off. Lashley again glares at McIntyre, runs corner to corner at Sheamus and RAMS into him again!

Lashley throws more elbows, then tells McIntyre this one is for him. Lashley runs corner to corner, but Sheamus moves and Lashley POSTS himself!! Sheamus goes out after Lashley, drags him up, and gets the arm for an ARMBAR DDT! The ring count is 5 of 10 already, Sheamus puts Lashley in at 7 and climbs up at 8! FLYING LARIAT! Cover, ONE!?! Sheamus is on the arm and Lashley endures the hold. Sheamus adds a chinbar, drives his elbow in over and over, but MVP coaches Lashley up. Lashley fights to his feet, throws forearms, then kicks low. Lashley whips, Sheamus holds ropes then baits Lashley in to toss him out!

Sheamus catches his breath while Lashley climbs up onto the apron. Sheamus hotshots Lashley down! Lashley slowly stands up again but Sheamus throws body shots! Sheamus turns Lashley around for Beats of the Bodhrain! Sheamus gets all 10, then brings Lashley in for an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Cover, ONE?!? Lashley is superhuman but Sheamus hits another IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Sheamus gets the legs, ties them up, and it isn’t just a Cloverleaf but a twisted Sharpshooter! Lashley powers up, fights with kicks, and manages to SPINNING POWERSLAM Sheamus down!! Cover, TWO!! Sheamus survives but Lashley keeps on him.

Lashley reels Sheamus in for a LARIAT! McIntyre’s focus is unwavering as Lashley drags Sheamus back up. Lashley whips, Sheamus kicks him back! Sheamus runs but the Brogue misses! Lashley wants the full nelson but Sheamus elbows free! Sheamus swings, into a COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO! MVP says this is almost over, and Lashley drags Sheamus up. Lashley puts Sheamus on the top rope, climbs up to join him, and MVP wants Lashley to end Sheamus! SUPERPLEX! Both men crash down and McIntyre likes what he sees. Lashley aims from a corner as Sheamus rises, and Lashley runs in, into a KNEE! Sheamus hauls Lashley up for WHITE NOISE! Cover, TWO!!

Sheamus and Lashley go to opposite corners. Sheamus rises up and calls his shot, but Lashley SPEARS!! Cover, Lashley wins!!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by pinfall

In the blink of an eye, the All Mighty turned things around on Sheamus! And now he puts Sheamus in the HURT LOCK! McIntyre gets on the apron, gets in the ring as Lashley throws Sheamus aside, and now Lashley dares McIntyre to do something. Sheamus stumbles into MVP and that distracts Lashley, McIntyre CLAYMORES Lashley down!! That’s for punking McIntyre out at Elimination Chamber! McIntyre promises that is just a taste of WrestleMania! But McIntyre promises Sheamus that the two of them will give the fans a match we’ll never forget! If so, who will be the one we always remember winning at Fastlane 2021?

My Thoughts:

A great Raw and a great go-home! There was great build for what we’re getting at Fastlane but also a lot more for WrestleMania. Officially establishing that McIntyre is challenging Lashley for the title seems a bit easy, but it at least means WWE is going to commit for the next month. The world title story was pretty strong tonight, with Miz having one last bit part before he and Morrison solidly move back towards the feud with Priest and Bad Bunny. McIntyre gets a strong win to go into his match with Sheamus, and we just saw Sheamus VS Lashley tear it up in the ring. McIntyre VS Sheamus in another match for Fastlane is going to be great, but I can only see McIntyre winning that.

Speaking of that transition for Miz and Morrison back to Priest and Bunny, Priest gets a very fast win over Ryker, but then Miz gets the drop on Bunny with that guitar hit. Bunny did a good job selling that shot, the build to the tag match for Mania looks pretty good already. And it was interesting timing with Bunny handing over the WWE 24/7 Championship back to Truth. I guess that was just the easiest way to get the title off Bunny, and Truth was very clever with his Austin 3:16 shtick. Maybe Truth confronts Miz about that on Raw Talk tonight.

Braun VS Shane not happening here at all was actually a very clever way to keep things going. Shane kinda recycled his promo material, but him smashing Braun with a camera, hitting his favorite elbow table spot and then bringing out slime was all very good stuff for this. Their match happening “for real” at Fastlane is an interesting move, but maybe it’s so Braun can have a bigger (and younger) opponent for WrestleMania. I still hope Shane is going to give the nod to Dabba-Kato/Babatunde since Raw Underground was ended so abruptly and we never got all that much to Braun VS Kato at the time.

The New Day VS Hurt Business was a great tag team title match, and it’s pretty big for New Day to get those titles back. I’m surprised Styles and Omos are calling New Day out for Mania, but again the problem with Raw is the shallow tag division. Styles is just missing tag titles in order to be a Grand Slam Champion, but I don’t know if Omos in his debut, and at WrestleMania, is going to take the titles off the 11-time, record-setting New Day. Riddle was great with that scooter, especially interrupting Ali backstage. The match for the US Championship was pretty good, and we got glimpses of Ali from when he was on 205 Live. But of course Retribution is why Ali loses, and we’re getting ever closer to some sort of break-up.

We got good stuff out of the Women’s Division, especially with Asuka’s return. Asuka getting at Shayna during the tag match was good stuff, and it was quite the surprise that Mandy & Dana won. Naomi & Lana were kinda wasted in their tag title shot and it feels like Raw is going to put up the #SexyMuscleFriends for what I am still hoping is a Triple Threat for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships. Asuka beating up Shayna and Nia in her return match was great stuff, this is the Asuka that we needed to come back. She must again be the wild terror that tears into opponents. There are almost too many choices on Raw to face Asuka, but let her go on a new streak against them all, even working twice on Mania weekend.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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