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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (12/7/20)

Raw gives a phenomenal Handicap match!



WWE Raw Coverage 3.0

Will Raw see a Hollywood remake of last week?

After trying to help Miz cash-in, AJ Styles is taking a more direct approach! Will he, Miz and Morrison get another go at McIntyre’s WWE Championship?


  • Asuka w/ Lana VS Shayna Baszler w/ Nia Jax; Asuka wins.
  • Mixed Tag: Ricochet & Dana Brooke VS Slapjack & Reckoning w/ Retribution; Ricochet & Dana win.
  • Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods VS Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hurt Business; Kofi wins.
  • Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods VS Cedric Alexander w/ The Hurt Business; Alexander wins.
  • 3v2 Handicap: The Miz, John Morrison & AJ Styles w/ Jordan Omogbehin VS Drew McIntyre & Sheamus; Styles, Miz & Morrison win.
  • Bobby Lashley w/ The Hurt Business VS Jeff Hardy; Lashley wins.
  • Bray Wyatt VS Randy Orton; No Contest.


WWE and Raw mourn the loss of Pat Patterson.

Once again, Vince McMahon and the many superstars of the roster stand on stage for a moment of silence and the ten rings of the bell.


Randy Orton heads to the ring!

The Viper prepares to meet The Fiend at TLC, but has also promised to “visit” the Firefly Fun House. Orton knows Bray Wyatt quite well, and has a lot in common with Bray’s newest creation. But Orton found Bray’s weakness before, and he’s found it again. “Any ordinary man would tremble at the mere thought of facing The Fiend. But I am no ordinary man. I smashed my moral compass years ago, and there’s no boundary that I will not cross!” But Orton doesn’t wear a mask to show his darkness. When the time comes, when Orton’s time comes, he “will stare the devil right in the eyes and let him the most evil SOB has come home.”

But in the meantime… Orton is knocking on the Fun House door, waiting and wondering just exactly who is going to #LetHimIn. But speaking of, the Firefly Fun House is here! Bray waves hi to “Randy Bo Bandy,” and says it’s so nice to see him tonight. Alexa Bliss would be here, too, but Orton was being mean. Orton is the last person Bray wants to play games with. Wait, did Orton say games!? Bray Barker becomes the host of our favorite new game show, Let’s Get Randy! Here is the prize! A brand new crucix! Meticulous crafted from the wood of the Tree of Knowledge by St. Louis’ most skilled shaman of the dark arts, this was used by Randy Orton to destroy the dark heart of Sister Abigail!

But wait, there’s more! Smell that? It’s the rotting corpse of Friendship Frog! This perfect addition to any circle of hell, this and the crucix are priced at $49.95! But the question is: How should Orton be punished at TLC? Mercy the Buzzard says… Oh wait he just wants to eat the button. Huskis the Pig Boy says it should be an endless buffet. Sister Abigail says hell no. Sorry, Huskis. Ramblin’ Rabbit says it should be a discussion of their feelings. Why would he say something like that? That’s sick, Ramblin’! Well no one got it right, so unfortunately for Orton, “he” always has the right answers.

Orton plays along. He wants a match TONIGHT, but not with The Fiend. Tonight is for BRAY! Really? Yowie wowie! Challenge accepted! See you soon~! But who is being more foolish, Orton and Bray?



After their two consecutive non-title wins over the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Asuka and LANA are going to be facing Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler again, with the titles on the line! Are we going to see Lana finally have her first title in WWE?


Asuka w/ Lana VS Shayna Baszler w/ Nia Jax!

Well before the tag title match, the Empress of Tomorrow and Queen of Spades go 1v1 to build momentum! Will not even Shayna be ready for Asuka? Or can Shayna make Asuka #TapNapOrSnap even before TLC?

Raw returns and Nia says Shayna should forget last week. Lana got lucky. Tonight is Asuka. Asuka is dangerous, but Shayna is the Queen of Spades, one half of the most feared women’s tag team EVER. So when Shayna goes out there, the focus is on demolishing Asuka! Tear her limb from limb. Twist her until she screams for mercy! But Lana is not getting off that easy. When they’re done with Lana, she will be hideous, with her body twisted and contorted. Her back will look like her front, her front will look like her back. Yeah, she’ll have boobs on her back… Well, those technicalities aside, will Shayna make an appetizer out of Asuka before feasting on Lana at the PPV?

The bell rings and Shayna circles with Asuka. They tie up, go around, and Asuka shoves Shayna away. Asuka talks some trash in Japanese and circles with Shayna again. They tie up, Asuka hooks a leg and rolls her to an ankle lock! Shayna gets up but Asuka reels her in. Shayna elbows out, gets Asuka’s leg, but Asuka fights it off. They fight over leg locks but Shayna has the heel hook! Asuka counters with one of her own! The two of them crank on the other, but Shayna’s is harder! Asuka just gets her back with a KNEEBAR! Shayna drags Asuka with her as she goes for ropes, but then she backs up to stand up and pry Asuka off! BIG back suplex!

Asuka bails out, Lana regroups with her, and the ref tells Nia to stay back. Shayna goes out and says Lana needs to back off. Nia and Shayna go after Lana and Asuka, and throw them both down! The tag champions are in control of this singles match as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Shayna wrangles Asuka down with a keylock and slam! Then Shayna drops a leg on the arm! Asuka resists the short arm scissor and Lana grows worried, but Shayna keeps at it. Nia likes what she sees as Shayna cranks way back on the arm! Lana rallies with the ThunderDome screens and Asuka makes it a cover! TWO, and Shayna KICKS the legs out! Then KICKS Asuka! Asuka shakes her head defiantly so Shayna KICKS her again! And again! Asuka sits up again and shakes her head. She ducks a kick to get the leg for an ANKLE LOCK! And then a GERMAN SUPLEX! Lana is fired up for Asuka but Nia coaches Shayna up.

Asuka goes to a corner, Shayna runs in but Asuka elbows her away. Asuka boots, runs and CODE BREAKERS! Lana smiles as Asuka runs, but Shayna knees her down! Shayna runs in but into an armbar takedown! Shayna resists, Asuka pries at the hands, but Shayna rolls back. KIRAFUDA! Asuka flips back to pop out to a cover, TWO! Asuka wants her lock! Nia POSTS Lana just because! Well it also distracts Asuka and Shayna CLOBBERS her! Nia hauls Lana up but Lana slips off and shoves Nia into steps!

Shayna is distracted now as Lana climbs up and LEAPS at Nia! The seated senton is CAUGHT! But Lana ranas and Nia hits the desk!! Shayna is shocked and shouts at Lana but Lana runs off, and Asuka rolls Shayna up! Asuka WINS!

Winner: Asuka, by pinfall

The Ravishing Russian accomplished two things at once! She got payback on Nia for all those table slams, and she helped Asuka pin Shayna! Will they do something similar at TLC to become champions together?


The Hurt Business arrives backstage.

Cedric Alexander’s win over Xavier Woods was a “definitive statement,” but this week will- Wait, who is this in their way? Move! Pick that up and go! Yes, sir, sorry. No, not this way. Go that way. The poor staff member gets the boxes out of their way either way, and MVP notes how Alexander’s been feeling pretty good. Will the entire Hurt Business feel even better after handling their business tonight?


Ricochet and Dana Brooke talk backstage.

Dana is still showing the shiner from “Reckoning” hitting her in the eye. That’s rough. But they are preparing a game plan for their Mixed Tag later tonight. But first, Matt Riddle walks by with a sampler of “Bronutts.” He asks if they’ve seen MVP and/or Bobby Lashley tonight. Sorry, Riddle, no. But they were talking strategy- Right, right the mixed tag with Retribution! So if he could- Give them Bronutts? No, sorry, Dana’s cutting back. Okay, but let him know if they change their minds.

Sarah then walks in and asks them about their match. This isn’t a “lonely” crusade. He isn’t opposed to being on teams. Just not n a team of jackasses. But Retribution does understand one thing: strength in numbers. That’s why he and Dana will show Slapjack and Reckoning what real change looks like. And if slapping Mustafa Ali across the face got Retribution’s attention, then she’s clearly gotten the point across. She won’t let someone disrespect all of her hard work. Tonight, this is about team work. if Ali tries to disrespect them again, she won’t hesitate to slap him around again. And as for Reckoning, Dana promises a shiner in return.

Mixed Tag: Ricochet & Dana Brooke VS Slapjack & Reckoning w/ Retribution!

Mustafa Ali is the only one accompanying his henchmen to the ring this time, but surely T-Bar and Mace will be waiting in the wings. Will the Beacon prove one plus one won’t get it done?

Raw returns and the Flex Appeal makes her entrance, followed by the One and Only. Being a mixed tag, it’s ladies first and Dana SLAPS Reckoning! Reckoning SLAPS back and then Dana tackles her! They brawl on the mat, Reckoning kicks Dana away and kicks her low. Reckoning whips Dana to a corner and BOOTS her! Then Reckoning brings Dana around but Dana enziguris! Tag to Ricochet and Slapjack gets in, for ricochet to huricanrana! Ricochet builds speed and FLIES to take Slapjack down! Ricochet puts Slapjack in but Ali talks smack about “You think anything’s gonna change?!” Ricochet gets Slapjack but Slapjack Falcon Arrows! Cover, TWO!

Ricochet is in a corner, Slapjack CANNONBALLS but only gets buckles! Both men are down, but Reckoning tags in! And she dropkicks Dana down! Ali says this isn’t working the way they wanted but Reckoning says she has this! But then she runs into Dana’s fireman’s’ carry, to a SAMOAN DRIVER! Cover, Dana and Ricochet win!!

Winners: Dana Brooke & Ricochet, by pinfall

And Ali is not pleased. He says this is Reckoning’s fault! She’s embarrassed Retribution again! And where was Slapjack!? Ali says HE made them better, but this is how they repay him?! Is Retribution’s strength in numbers actually becoming a weakness?


Keith Lee finds Sheamus backstage.

The Fella asks if he has something to say. Yeah. Keith isn’t buying Sheamus’ good guy routine. It is only a matter of time before Sheamus stabs McIntyre in the back. Well as Sheamus said last week, excuse him while he “turns” on McIntyre and beats the hell out of him. Sheamus’ sarcasm isn’t proving anything to Keith, but will Sheamus’ actions do that for him?


Raw presents a new Miz TV!

John Morrison and Mr. Money in the Bank welcome us to the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show. Miz has been very busy, from Tribute to the Troops to the new season of Miz & Mrs. on USA Network. But tonight, oh tonight! Tonight’s special guest earned a WWE Championship match against Drew McIntyre, in a TLC match at the TLC PPV, it is the Phenomenal A! J! STYLES! Styles and Jordan “Omos” Omogbehin head to the ring to join Miz and Morrison. But there’s no chair big enough for Omos. That’s okay, he likes standing. Miz says Styles’ match is in fact THE Tables, Ladders and Chairs match. How is Styles going to use that to stop the Scottish Warrior?

Well, this will be the first time Styles and McIntyre have gone 1v1 ever! That alone is a challenge. But simply put, Styles will take that steel chair and wrap it around McIntyre’s back until the chair breaks. Then ever table Styles see,s he’ll put McIntyre through it. McIntyre will be spitting up splinters! McIntyre is huge, he has heart, strength and passion, but it won’t matter when Styles knocks him out cold, climbs the ladder and brings down the title to be atop the mountain as the NEW WWE World Champion! Phenomenal! Must-see! If McIntyre makes it as champion. Because tonight, these three could DESTROY McIntyre and Sheamus in a Handicap match! Good accent! Omos likes it, too.

Morrison mocks the “Naughty Scotty” while Miz is “Sheamus.” Tha only ting bigger than Sheamus’ potato head is his love o’ whiskey and fightin’! McIntyre likes fightin’ too! Then that’ll come in handy when Sheamus Brogues McIntyre’s arse and takes the title “for me self!” You wouldn’n dare! He would! Blah blah and scene. Styles loved it! Morrison practiced watching Shrek. But here comes the Celtic Warrior! He says that was hilarious! You nailed those accents, lads. Hats off too ya. But as entertaining as all that was, Sheamus is sick that everyone thinks he’s betraying McIntyre.

The thing is, listening to them talk, he could close his eyes and transport himself back to the Long Haul pub in Dublin. But if they were actually in there, and he heard these two “twerps” talking trash like that, “I’d nail yer faces to the bar, kick your dopey heads off, and sling you out with the slops into the gutter where you belong!” Morrison says Ireland must not teach math. How many friends does Sheamus have right now? Zero. CORRECT. How many are here right now in the ring? Three! CORRECT! Which means Sheamus is outnumbered, fella! Styles loves the accents. Sheamus says they’re a bit off on that. Because here comes McIntyre!

The Celt and the Scot enter the ring together and McIntyre has a mic now. “Where do I begin?” He’ll start with Styles and his threats. But here’s the deal: McIntyre doesn’t make threats, he makes promises. A TLC match gives Styles an advantage, as does having big bad Omos. But McIntyre has had odds against him and he’s overcome them to be WWE Champion. It could be Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton or “Jackass and the Beanstalk.” As for Miz and Morrison, he will actually compliment them. No matter how many times you knock them down, they keep coming back for more. But some in the back have been talking some crap about Miz. What was it again? Oh yeah, no guts, no balls, all that.

But McIntyre knows that’s not true. Miz has balls! Just not his original pair. McIntyre watched Miz & Mrs. and clearly Maryse keeps Miz’s pair in the purse. But Miz replaced his balls with Morrison’s, when they teamed back up and Miz made Morrison into a “sidekick bitch!” Styles gets out of the ring and says it’s not 3v2 but FOUR and two! Or even four and a half. But it’s only 2v2 in the brawl!! Miz and Morrison get tossed and then so do the chairs! Sheamus dares Styles to bring the rest of that four! And then McIntyre TOSSES the MITB briefcase, and it hits the stage! Will McIntyre and Sheamus make sure that briefcase isn’t a factor later tonight?


Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods VS Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hurt Business!

While Xavier got caught by Cedric Alexander’s Lumbar Check, the other half of the W, W, E, Raw, Tag, Team, CHAMPIONS~ will surely be wary of the Gold Standard hitting Pay Dirt. Will the series of singles matches be tied up after tonight? Or will Benjamin cash-in and win the Hurt Business another go at the gold?

Raw returns and the Hurt Business makes their entrance, minus the “CEO” Bobby Lashley, as he has to get ready for his own match. That aside, MVP and Alexander are watching very closely and the bell rings. Benjamin and Kofi tie up, Benjamin knees low and clubs Kofi down, then throws forearms. Kofi kicks back, fires off, and runs but into a flapjack! Benjamin KNEES Kofi then BOOTS him! Cover, TWO! Kofi can’t get away, Benjamin covers again, TWO! Benjamin drags Kofi up to scoop and slam! MVP has Alexander take notes, so to speak, and Benjamin drags Kofi back up.

Benjamin facelocks Kofi but Kofi resists the suplex. Kofi throws body shots, Benjamin shoves him away and throws knees in. The ref counts, MVP says Benjamin has until 5. Benjamin whips at 4 but Kofi comes back with a DOUBLE STOMP! Woods rallies for Kofi and Kofi stands, to rally on Benjamin! The double drops and dropkick send Benjamin down! Benjamin ducks the leaping lariat, kicks back and whips, but Kofi goes up and over! SOS denied to a POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO, but into an ANKLE LOCK! That’s a unique angle and it hurts just as much! Kofi scrambles and gets the ropebreak! Benjamin lets go but goes after Kofi again.

Benjamin climbs up to monkey flip but Kofi lands on his feet !Kofi hobbles, leaps but Benjamin waistlocks and TOSSES Kofi out! Kofi tumbles and clutches his leg, but the Hurt Business mocks his pain. Benjamin runs in but Kofi dodges! Benjamin hits barriers, Kofi gets in the ring, and the count is past 5 of 10! MVP shouts at Benjamin to get up and in, and he does at 9! TROUBLE IN PARADISE!! Cover, Kofi wins!!

Winner: Kofi Kingston, by pinfall

A fast and furious fight, and Kofi ties things up! Alexander is pissed off and says they need to “run that back!” Alexander is sick of New Day slipping through their fingers! If Kofi is a real man, he’ll take Alexander on and take the whooping Alexander put on Woods! Kofi and Woods won’t let that trash talk stand so they accept! Will Kofi sweep after the break?

Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods VS Cedric Alexander w/ The Hurt Business!

Raw returns and the brawling is already happening! Alexander gets a leg but Kofi stays up to club him. Alexander still gets Kofi in the corner and the body shots are flying! The ref counts, Alexander lets off but Kofi dodges as he runs back in. Kofi then comes back, but is put on the apron! The leg buckles, and Alexander sweeps the leg! Kofi tumbles down, Woods checks on him, but Alexander has the leg to SLAM it on the floor! Alexander puts Kofi up and in to cover, TWO! Alexander has the leg for a heel hook! Kofi endures but Alexander gets up to LEG DDT! Kofi writhes and gets to a corner but Alexander drags him back out for a toehold.

Alexander cranks on the leg but Kofi uses chinlocks and forearms to fight back. Fans clap on their screens but Alexander hammers the leg. Kofi kicks with his free leg and is free of the toehold! Kofi gets to a corner, Woods coaches him up but MVP shouts at Alexander. Alexander runs in but Kofi BOOTS with the good leg! Kofi crawls, Woods gets the “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” beat going. Kofi hobbles, Alexander runs over but into CHOPS! And more CHOPS! But Alexander just gets mad and storms over, only for Kofi to tilt-o-whirl and cradle, TWO!! Alexander escapes but runs into SOS!! Cover, TWO!!

The Hurt Business is furious but Alexander did survive. Kofi slowly rises, Alexander has the leg! Alexander back drops, Kofi sunset flips then high stacks, TWO! Alexander dropkicks the bad leg out! Then he drags Kofi up, BRAIN BUSTER!! Cover, TWO!?!? Kofi survives and MVP is furious again! Alexander grits his teeth, drags Kofi back up, and Alexander rams Kofi into a corner! Alexander puts the bad leg around ropes and pulls but lets off as the ref counts. Alexander runs back in but Kofi elbows him away. Kofi hops up but Alexander uppercuts first!

Alexander climbs, brings Kofi up, but Kofi fights back! Kofi gourd busters Alexander down! Then he adjusts to LEAP! Alexander moves, the leg jams, LUMBAR CHECK!! Cover, Alexander wins!!

Winner: Cedric Alexander, by pinfall

Now the series is  2-1! Alexander has pinned both Raw Tag Team Champions, though with special circumstances on the second. But will this mean he and Benjamin get a second chance at the tag team championships?


Raw pays further tribute to Pat Patterson.

We celebrate the life of the legend we lost, with Frank Sinatra’s “I Did It My Way,” and Pat’s own karaoke cover of it, playing. The inaugural WWF/WWE Intercontinental Champion, the inventor of the Royal Rumble match, and the architect of countless memories in pro-wrestling history, we will never forget him. Thank you, Pat, for everything.


3v2 Handicap: The Miz, John Morrison & AJ Styles w/ Jordan Omogbehin VS Drew McIntyre & Sheamus!

Last week’s main event is remade and modified so that the Phenomenal One will have to participate rather than interfere! Will the #1 contender improve his chances at TLC one way or another? Or is he just going to get a sample of what’s waiting for him in two weeks?

Raw returns and Sheamus makes his entrance. Miz makes his entrance, then is joined by Morrison. And then Styles (and Omos) returns, and there doesn’t seem to be hard feelings between him and the Greatest Tag Team of the 21st Century. The teams sort out and McIntyre starts against the Guru of Greatness. Morrison throws a forearm, McIntyre DECKS him right back! McIntyre drags Morrison up to TOSS him to the corner! McIntyre dares Styles to tag in, so Styles does… not. Styles isn’t doing this on McIntyre’s schedule, and Morrison get sup, to get a HEADBUTT! McIntyre puts Morrison in the ring, tag to Sheamus, and they mug Morrison!

Sheamus throws Morrison down with a headlock takeover, and he holds off the headscissor. Morrison rolls Sheamus over, floats to a headlock of his own, but Sheamus fights up. Sheamus throws body shots but Morrison throws clubbing elbows. Sheamus headlocks back, wrenches an arm and hammerlocks to add a chinbar. Morrison spins through to headlock Sheamus, but Sheamus throws body shots. Sheamus powers out of the headlock but Morrison throws kicks and forearms! Morrison runs, into a hammering ax handle from Sheamus! And then another! Sheamus stalks Morrison but KNEES Styles off the apron!

Sheamus keeps Morrison from running away and CLUBS him on the back! Morrison resists the Bodhrain, Miz runs over but Sheamus DECKS Miz! Morrison uses body scissors to throw Morrison out, but McIntyre makes sure Miz doesn’t sucker punch Sheamus! Sheamus runs in, Miz moves and McIntyre almost gets a forearm! Sheamus says it was meant for Miz and McIntyre says that’s fine, just give a heads up. Morrison slingshots and PALNCHAS, but is CAUGHT!? For a DOUBLE FALL AWAY SLAM over the announce desk! Morrison ends up in Byron’s seat and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Sheamus clinches with Miz in a corner. The ref counts, Sheamus lets off but then throws body shots and haymakers on Miz! Sheamus stomps but the ref backs him off. Sheamus reels Miz in for a clothesline! Sheamus hops up and drops a knee! Cover, TWO! Sheamus drags Miz up and over, tags McIntyre, and they mug Miz. McIntyre bumps Miz off buckles then CHOPS him! McIntyre brings Miz over, tags Sheamus back in, and they double suplex Miz to TOSS him! Sheamus taunts Miz and gives him kicks. Sheamus dares Styles to get in but Morrison says they follow the rules!

Sheamus drags Miz up, tags McIntyre in, and they double whip to double hip toss Miz! McIntyre holds Miz’s hand out for Styles to tag, but then he STOMPS the hand! Miz jawbreakers back! Miz hurries and rams McIntyre into the corner! Miz rams in more and NOW Styles tags in! Styles rams his shoulder into McIntyre, then Morrison tags in to ROCK McIntyre with forearm after forearm! Tag to Miz and they mug McIntyre. Miz stomps and grinds McIntyre into the buckles, then lets off to taunt Sheamus. McIntyre fights back with big forearms and elbows! McIntyre fires off, tags in Sheamus, and they mug Miz with CHOPS and CHOPS and a kick!

Sheamus throws Miz out to the apron then drag shim up. Sheamus has Miz on the ropes and gives him Beast of the Bodhrain! Sheamus even eggs Styles on to do something! Sheamus gets all ten beats, brings Miz up and hits a ROLLING SENTON! Morrison gets on the apron but Sheamus tosses him in! Morrison distracts the ref, Miz rakes Sheamus eyes and chop blocks the leg! McIntyre protests but Miz BOOTS Sheamus down! Miz drags Sheamus to ropes to choke him! The ref counts, Miz lets off at 4, and Morrison KICKS Sheamus down! McIntyre is furious but the ref keeps him at his corner.

Tag to Morrison, he and Miz bring Sheamus up for a DOUBLE GUT BUSTER! And a blindside lariat! Cover, TWO! Morrison stomps Sheamus, rains down forearms then alternates. The ground ‘n’ pound continues, Morrison covers, TWO! Morrison KICKS Sheamus at the ropes, and KICKS and then throws more forearms! Sheamus eggs Morrison on, blocks a kick and shoves Morrison away! But Morrison flips around on Sheamus to gator roll him away! Tag to Styles and Styles stomps Sheamus down. Styles has Sheamus in a corner, throws big forearms and CHOPS, but Sheamus blocks the whip. Styles KICKS Sheamus, then brings him up.

Styles keeps Sheamus away from McIntyre but Sheamus powers up! Styles throws elbows, rolls Sheamus and gets the CALF CRUSHER! Sheamus endures, but Styles gets more torque! McIntyre gets in to stomp the hold apart! Styles is angry at McIntyre and says he’s lucky to have gotten back to his corner. Styles reels Sheamus in, but Sheamus fireman’s carries out to WHITE NOISE! Both men are down and McIntyre fires up! Styles and Sheamus crawl, hot tags to McIntyre and Morrison! And McIntyre CLOBBERS Morrison! And rallies with clotheslines! McIntyre whips and OVERHEAD SUPLEXES Morrison! And then again!

Miz runs in but McIntyre rams him into Morrison! McIntyre OVERHEAD SUPLEXES them both! And kips up! McIntyre grins and aims at Morrison, brings him up, but no Future Shock! Morrison resists the whip, dodges the clothesline, but runs into a BIG back drop! McIntyre aims from a corner as fans go nuts on their ThunderDome screens. Miz gets Morrison out and Styles gets a cheap shot in! Morrison gets back in but Sheamus tags! Styles tags, but runs into an IRISH CURSE! BROGUE for Miz, but Morrison springboards! Sheamus ducks the Flying Chuck, but then Morrison dodges, BROGUE HITS MCINTYRE!! The misdirection paid off, Styles hits a PHENOMENAL FOREARM! Cover, Styles and team win!!

Winners: AJ Styles, The Miz & John Morrison, by pinfall

High-five to Omos! The Phenomenal, the A-Lister and the Guru of Greatness got the better of the #CelticConnection! But will McIntyre accept the truth that it was friendly fire?


Lana freaks out backstage.

After the confrontation that happened during Asuka VS Shayna, the Ravishing Russian must face Nia Jax 1v1! And she is telling Asuka that she just can’t! She can’t! She will get slaughtered! Asuka and Lana together might be able to be tag team champions, maybe. They’re a great team, but Lana can’t face Nia! Asuka says Lana can! Trust in yourself. Believe in yourself! Say it! “I believe in myself. I can beat Nia Jax! And then we will become Women’s Tag Team Champions!” The affirmations are giving Lana courage, but then Nia shows up and all that courage goes away. Lana slowly slips off screen, will she regret ever trying to fight the Irresistible Force?


Sheamus paces backsatge.

Charly Caruso comes over and asks about the Brogue to his best friend. What does he think- Sheamus isn’t going to say what he thinks, he’s going to say that he just knows McIntyre will storm up and kick his ass! But Sheamus will kick McIntyre’s ass back. But then, was what happened intentional? NO! But before Sheamus can explain, McIntyre walks in. Sheamus says it wasn’t intentional. McIntyre knows that. But Sheamus knows what happens next, right? The two stare down, and we go to break! Are these two about to wreck catering?!

Raw returns and it IS a brawl! Erik, Nikki Cross, Akira Tozawa, even Dana Brooke, are all cheering this on, but referees are trying to stop it! Sheamus shoves McIntyre into bins but McIntyre hits back! The haymakers fly, then McIntyre tosses Sheamus into ladders! The Lucha House Party is here to watch and Gulak is getting this for his social media! Officials try to get in and Pat Buck finally gets them to stop brawling! Sheamus and McIntyre just look at each other, and they go after Buck! They pull his suit apart, then his under shirt, then they DOUBLE CHOKE SLAM him through the table! McIntyre and Sheamus laugh it off now and agree to go get a pint. But this time, McIntyre’s buying. It seems the friendship is just fine, but what about Buck?


Bobby Lashley w/ The Hurt Business VS Jeff Hardy!

Thanks to Cedric, the Hurt Business broke even against Kofi Kingston. Will the All Mighty United States Champion get the group back up at the expense of the Charismatic Enigma?

Before Hardy heads out, Riddle walks over and asks him to spare a minute. But Hardy has to go for his match. Riddle says that’s fine, he’s been thinking about tag teaming. The Hurt Business is a team, and the “business” part is obvious because of those sick suits, but Riddle just got that hurt part last week. It didn’t hurt the body so much as it hurt his heart, right? Yeah, Hardy gets that. So what’s Riddle’s plan? Well, the Hardy Boyz are one of the greatest tag teams to ever exist, right? But imagine, Jeff Hardy and Matt Riddle, and they’re the #HardyBros! Hardy likes the offer, and the idea of “Broetry in Motion,” but it’s match time. Aw, but he didn’t even try one of the Bronutts! Oh well, more for Riddle!

Hardy makes his entrance and the bell rings. For the first time in WWE, Hardy and Lashley circle and tie up. They go around, Lashley waistlocks and SLAMS Hardy down! MVP says this isn’t going to be good for Hardy and Lashley bumps Hardy off buckles. Lashley drags Hardy up and puts him in a corner to throw big elbows! The ref counts, Lashley lets off but then he gives one more forearm! MVP says Hardy’s back is hurting from the Symphony of Destruction, so Lashley straddles and knocks Hardy down! Lashley stalks Hardy, throws haymakers in the corner, then stomps him. The ref counts, Lashley lets off, only to dig his heel into Hardy’s head!

Lashley lets off, MVP mocks Hardy’s pain, and Lashley drags Hardy up to bump off buckles. Lashley throws hands, the ref reprimands, but Lashley runs to corner splash Hardy hard! MVP says this is why they’re the Hurt Business! Lashley throws more forearms and haymakers but the ref counts. Lashley digs a knuckle into Hardy’s eye! Lashley runs but into boots! Hardy runs but Lashley hurdles and kicks back! Lashley reels hardy in for the gut wrench, Canadian rack, and DOMINAT- No! Hardy lands on his feet out of the toss, and drops a leg on Lashley!

Hardy waits for Lashley to stand, kicks him low, but Lashley denies the Twist! Hardy resists the full nelson and throws elbows! Lashley shoves Hardy to a corner but Hardy elbows back! Hardy goes up, MVP is there to distract! Lashley Electric Chairs Hardy off the top, but Riddle trips MVP! Hardy fights out and throws Lashley to the outside! Hardy swings and dropkicks Lashley away, then goes to the apron! FLYING LARIAT! Downs goes Lashley and Riddle is fired up as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Lashley CLOBBERS Hardy! Lashley cleans off his hands from the hair and face paint he got from throwing Hardy around, and then he stomps Hardy. Riddle rallies for Hardy as Lashley drags Hardy up. Lashley clubs Hardy, throws him out, then glares at Riddle. Riddle says Lashley should be careful if he wants some of the stallion. Lashley RAMS Hardy into barriers, then puts Hardy back in the ring. Riddle coaches Hardy up and Hardy tries to stand, but just can’t. Lashley digs his fingers into Hardy’s face! The ref counts, Lashley stops, but Riddle and the fans rally up.

Lashley brings Hardy up and hoists him to the top rope to put him in a Tree of Woe. Lashley stomps away on Hardy’s stomach! Lashley paces while Hardy manages to get free of the tree, and Hardy kicks back! Lashley drags Hardy back up and suplexes! Cover, TWO! Riddle says it’s not that easy, Lashley! Lashley looms over Hardy, slaps him around, and then brings Hardy up. Hardy again fights off the Hurt Lock, rolls, but Lashley goes for a sleeper! Hardy is caught in body scissors but Riddle coaches Hardy through! Hardy fights the body scissors off but Lashley still keeps on the sleeper. Hardy fights up, throws body shots then a jawbreaker!

Lashley staggers, MVP tells him to shake it off! Hardy gets up, counter punches Lashley, and then throws haymakers! Hardy whips, Lashley reverses but Hardy CLOBBERS Lashley! Atomic drop, trip up and leg splitting leg drop! Basement dropkick added on, then the SPLASH! Cover, TWO! MVP says Lashley needs to shut this down! Hardy kicks but Lashley blocks, only to get the spinning mule kick! Hardy hurries up top, for a WHISPER IN THE WIND! Direct hit and both men are down! MVP and Riddle shout as Hardy covers, TWO! Lashley is still in this but Riddle says Hardy is close! But then Lashley FLAPJACK HOTSHOTS!

Lashley brings Hardy around for a COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO!! Hardy survives but MVP says to finish this! Lashley stalks Hardy as he rises, and then reels him in for another suplex! Hardy slips out, kicks and hits TWIST OF FATE! Hardy throws the shirt off, climbs up top, but Lashley gets up! Hardy jumps over, but his back tweaks, and he turns around into a SPEAR!! Lashley won’t let it end there, he drags Hardy back up and puts him in the HURT LOCK!! Hardy is a rag doll, he taps out, Lashley wins!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by submission

Lashley won’t let Hardy go! Riddle gets in, kicks MVP away, but Lashley throws Hardy into him! Lashley dares Riddle to do something but is retreating with MVP. And they even take the Bronutts! MVP eats one but throws the rest away. Will the Hurt Business be dining on much better meals? Or will the #HardyBros make sure they get their just desserts?


Randy Orton hears a knock on his door.

He goes over to answer, and it’s… No one? Wait, down here! It’s Ramblin’ Rabbit! He wants Orton to know Bray can’t wait to see him in the ring! It’s gonna be so much fun! Ramblin’ hops away and the Viper prepares to strike. Will Orton be the only one having fun beating down Bray before facing The Fiend?


Bray Wyatt VS Randy Orton!

Before The Fiend has his turn, the Firefly Fun House host has a chance to “play” with The Viper. But will Bray regret accepting the challenge? Or will Orton regret making it in the first place?

The bell rings and Orton stares Bray down. They circle, tie up, and Orton headlocks. Orton grinds Bray down, but Bray powers out to run Orton over! Bray is fired up as he and Orton circle again. Orton shrugs it off and kicks Bray low to then club Bray and throw European Uppercuts! Bray tumbles out of the ring but Orton is right after him! Orton bumps Bray off the desk but Bray fights off the back suplex! Bray then gives Orton the back suplex to the desk! Bray runs over, takes a headset from commentary, and says, “Yowie wowie, we’ll be right back!” And just as he says, Raw goes to break!

Raw returns once more and Orton looms over Bray. Orton stomps Bray’s foot, then scrapes his laces on Bray’s face! Bray just laughs as Orton stomps a mudhole into him! The ref backs Orton off but Orton goes after Bray again to dig his heel into Bray’s neck! Bray is still laughing even as Orton lets off. Orton doesn’t understand why but he doesn’t care. He hurries over but Bray throws a throat chop and haymakers! Bray whips and runs but Orton elbows him back! Orton scrapes Bray’s face then drops a knee! Cover, ONE, but Orton stomps Bray back down! Orton stalks Bray, pulls him into a chinlock and squeezes tight. Bray just smiles as he endures!

Orton cranks harder on the chinlock but Bray fights up. Fans rally and clap on their screens, Bray fights up and pries free, then throws body shots! Orton kicks low and throws Bray down by his hair! Cover, TWO! Orton drags Bray back into the chinlock and squeezes tight. Bray smiles as he fights back up and throws elbows. Orton kicks and runs but Bray LARIATS him! Bray isn’t laughing anymore as he goes to a corner. Bray gives us the spider walk, then throws haymakers on Orton! Orton swings but into Bray’s atomic drop! Bray runs in and corner clotheslines! Bray keeps going, BODY CHECK! Bray seethes as he kicks and DDT’s Orton down! Cover, TWO!!

Bray drags Orton up by his chin and reels him in, for SISTER- NO! Orton slips out, and hits the back2backbreaker! Cover, TWO! Orton keeps his cool while he watches Bray sputter. Bray goes to ropes but Orton stomps him down! Orton stomps the legs, the ref reprimands and counts and Orton lets off. Orton brings Bray up on the apron and headbutts him down! Bray staggers away but Orton brings him to the desk, for the BACK SUPLEX! Orton puts Bray in, slithers in and runs, but into SISTER A- NO! Orton slips out, thumbs Bray’s eye and puts him through ropes! Orton throws haymakers, drags Bray out, DRAPING DDT!

Orton hears the voices in his head! But then the lights start turning off! But Bray is right here! Orton still hits the RKO!! Cover, but the lights go out! The ref can’t count in the dark! When the lights come back, they’re read, and Orton has the FIEND in the ring! MANDIBLE CLAW!!! The Fiend smothers The Viper!! Orton tries to fight free but The Fiend just slams that other hand down! Orton passes out and The Fiend shouts, “LET! ME! IN!!!” Perhaps now, that regret sinks in! Will Orton fear what is coming for him at TLC?

My Thoughts:

A great Raw with some great progress towards TLC. First, obviously we were getting Asuka and Lana VS Nia and Shayna for the tag titles, so good to see it confirmed. Asuka VS Shayna was a very good match, even with Lana and Nia doing stuff ringside. In fact, the Lana Rana was a great moment for her since she got back at Nia just a bit. But next week’s Lana VS Nia for the go-home is going to be a pretty strong indicator for how the title match turns out. I really hope next week announces the title match will be a Tables match. It’s the only justification for Lana being put through an announce desk as many times as she was.

Speaking of tag titles, we got great stuff out of the New Day and Hurt Business with Kofi doing a double header. Alexander is himself red hot, and I feel like he’ll put it on himself to win the match, which could blow up in his face. There was also good developments with the Hurt Business and Matt Riddle. Instead of Keith Lee, we swap in Jeff Hardy and we revisit #HardyBros from the time on SmackDown where it looked like that was going to be a thing. It can be a thing now, but with Lashley as US Champion, I would think TLC is about the title. Hardy Bros VS MVP & Lashley can be the go-home, Riddle gets a pin on MVP and then we get Riddle VS Lashley announced. There’s a chance Hurt Business is completely golden outside of MVP, but even that can change if the 24/7 Championship comes back into things.

I am glad to see I guessed right on Ricochet and Dana joining forces against Retribution. Mustafa Ali might be too strict on his team, but that could be the real drama of the story. He’s pushing his team too hard and they’re just going to quit on him until he is the one trying to do this all alone. Still wishing they’d have Keith Lee realize something is familiar about Reckoning and/or T-Bar. Speaking of Keith, he again puts Sheamus on notice, but I didn’t get why he then didn’t come back around after the other segments. The Miz TV stuff was great, especially McIntyre CHUCKING the briefcase and I would think shoot breaking LED paneling.

The 3v2 was great stuff, too, and Sheamus accidentally hitting McIntyre with the Brogue was a great detail. Again, where was Keith? But I did like that Sheamus and McIntyre brawled not because they were turning on each other, but because that’s just how they handle things. I would actually like if the #CelticConnection went the way of Bliss-Cross, in that they were a team that stuck together despite what everyone said. They don’t have to be tag champions, but if they stuck together as allies for a good amount of time, I’d be fine with that. Then maybe Sheamus can turn after a year of being Face.

Then of course, Styles was great as being selfish and worrying more about himself than Miz actually cashing in tonight. There’s still a go-home, but I bet the next cash-in attempt will be in the TLC match and Miz can climb that ladder to take the belt from McIntyre and Styles at the same time. And lastly, Orton’s story with Bray was good tonight. I was hoping when Orton invited himself to the fun house, he meant getting on the show. But I guess no one who has invaded the Firefly Fun House before gave Orton the tips on how to do it himself. Speaking of FFH, Bray had a good promo in there with the game show gag, but I was hoping the “answer” was going to be their own TLC match, non-title so it’s just about using the weapons. Maybe not. Maybe just a Chairs match so they can use those on each other?

Bray VS Orton tonight was good, but The Fiend swapping in at the end there was a great move. Fiend gets the last laugh tonight, but I’m not sure how the go-home goes. What can Orton do to turn the tables on Bray to make it seem like he has a chance at TLC? I would be shocked if Orton gave Alexa an RKO so she couldn’t make TLC to support Bray, but also a little excited because that means Alexa’s on some new level in her own right.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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