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Mitchell’s NJPW WTL x BOSJ Results & Report! (12/6/20)

It’s a NJPW super show!




World Tag League and Best of the Super Juniors reunite in round 9!

With just one round left each, NJPW’s round robins combine their forces into a massive round nine super show! Who will be the finalists in both WTL 2020 and BOSJ 27?


  • Best of the Super Juniors 27: Yuya Uemura VS Robbie Eagles; Eagles wins.
  • World Tag League 2020: EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi VS Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens; Fale & Owens win.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 27: Ryusuke Taguchi VS DOUKI; Taguchi wins.
  • World Tag League 2020: HenarACE VS Guerrillas of Destiny; GOD wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 27: Master Wato VS Hiromu Takahashi; Hiromu wins.
  • World Tag League 2020: SANADA & Shingo Takagi VS The Empire; The Empire wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 27: SHO VS Taiji Ishimori; Ishimori wins.
  • World Tag League 2020: Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii VS Dangerous Tekkers; Dangerous Tekkers win.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 27: BUSHI VS El Desperado; Desperado wins.
  • World Tag League 2020: FinJuice VS Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI; FinJuice wins.


Here are the current Best of the Super Juniors 27 standings!

El Desperado: 6-2
SHO: 6-2
Hiromu Takahashi: 6-2
Taiji Ishimori: 6-2
Master Wato: 4-4 [ELIMINATED]
Ryusuke Taguchi: 3-5 [ELIMINATED]
Robbie Eagles: 3-5 [ELIMINATED]
Yuya Uemura: 0-8 [ELIMINATED]


Here are the current World Tag League standings!

The Dangerous Tekkers: 5-3
SANADA & Shingo Takagi: 5-3
FinJuice: 5-3
Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii: 5-3
Guerrillas of Destiny: 5-3
YOSHI-HASHI & Hirooki Goto: 5-3
The Empire: 4-4
EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi: 3-5 [ELIMINATED]
Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens: 2-6 [ELIMINATED]


Best of the Super Juniors 27: Yuya Uemura VS Robbie Eagles!

Two men out of the running are battling for pride! Will the Young Lion go without a single win?

The bell rings and both men rush in! Uemura dodges the boot to run and run Eagles over! Eagles gets up and Uemura runs to run him over again! Things speed up, Eagles hurdles but Uemura blocks the hip toss. Eagles blocks Uemura’s counter, but Uemura blocks Eagles’ Turbo Backpack! Uemura gets an armbar takedown! Eagles gets the ropebreak fast and Uemura lets off. Fans fire up as Eagles CHOPS and knuckle locks Uemura. Eagles goes up and around to arm-drag, then he dodges and ducks Uemura’s clotheslines to headscissor! But Uemura holds on to BOSTON CRAB! Eagles again gets the ropebreak fast and Uemura lets off, to stomp Eagles down!

Uemura drags Eagles up but Eagles throws forearms. Uemura gives the forearms back and then runs. Eagles follows to rolling chop block! And blindside lariat! Fans cheer as Eagles catches his breath before the cover, TWO! Eagles drags Uemura up to KICK him in the chest! And KICK, and KICK, and KICK! Eagles runs to KICK Uemura down! Cover, TWO! Uemura sits up but Eagles brings him up for a scoop and slam! Eagles drops knees on Uemura’s head, then fans fire up as Eagles goes to the corner. Eagles goes up top, WARP 4- No, Uemura dodges the splash, then dodges the running knee. Uemura puts Eagles out but Eagles counter forearms!

Eagles springboards but Uemura dropkicks him out of the air! Uemura saw that move from Eagles’ other matches and was ready! Uemura whips Eagles corner to corner and hits a back elbow! Fans rally as Uemura fires off forearm after forearm! Uemura drags Eagles up, whips him corner to corner then runs in, to dropkick Eagles down! Cover, TWO! Uemura fires up and has the legs again! Eagles resists but Uemura still turns him over for the BOSTON CRAB! Eagles endures as Uemura sits back! Fans rally up as Eagles reaches and crawls, but Uemura drags him away! Uemura sits back more, but Eagles turns it around to kick Uemura away! Uemura is right on Eagles with a facelock but Eagles breaks out and knees low. Eagles kicks but Uemura catches it!

Uemura spins Eagles, waistlocks, but Eagles throws elbows. Uemura catches the arms but Eagles gets another ropebreak! The ref calls for the break, Uemura lets off, but then walks into Eagles’ elbow! Eagles boots Uemura away, goes back to the apron, and enziguris Uemura. Springboard, missile dropkick to the leg! Eagles fires up as he gets Uemura’s leg, but Uemura cradle counters! TWO, and Eagles trips Uemura up. Uemura rolls Eagles again, TWO! Eagles ROUNDHOUSES, HEEL KICKS and PE- NO! Uemura ducks and then runs, to CLOBBER Eagles!

Uemura drags Eagles back, wrenches and traps the arm, but Eagles CHOPS with the free hand. Uemura catches that, Eagles resists the suplex, so Uemura rolls makes it a modified jackknife! TWO!! Uemura swings, Eagles dodges, blocks, hooks, TURBO BACKPACK! Cover, TWO!! But Eagles gets the legs in the RON MILLER SPECIAL! Uemura endures, crawls, reaches, but Eagles drags him back! Uemura taps, Eagles wins!

Winner: Robbie Eagles, by submission; ends at 4-5, Uemura ends at 0-9

The Sniper of the Sky shoots down one last target! The Young Lion fought so hard in the BOSJ 27 as a substitute for Yoshinobu Kanemura, but could not score over his many senpai! Will this dishearten or strengthen the rookie’s resolve?


World Tag League 2020: EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi w/ Dick Togo VS Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens!

Speaking of being out of the running, Bullet Club’s King of Darkness, Tokyo Pimp, Rogue General and Crown Jewel are without a prize to fight for. But given there’s been tension within the faction, will Bullet Club still (not) be fine after this?

Being this is all Bullet Club, Owens and Fale expect to join in on a group Low Sweet. They all throw it up, and the Low Sweet is honored. Perhaps Evil and Yujiro are more reasonable than Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa are. Owens and Yujiro start but Yujiro asks for the mic? “Chase, Pieter is coming now.” OMG really!? Yujiro’s vivacious valet is just a DISTRACTION! Yujiro rolls Owens up, TWO!! Owens says that’s not cool! You can’t tease us like that! Yujiro apologizes and lies down for Owens to make it up to him. Owens covers, TWO, and into a ghost pin! TWO! Owens is more upset now! Yujiro apologizes again, it was instinct.

Yujiro offers a handshake but Owens refuses, he can’t be trusted. Yujiro shakes hands with the ref to prove to Owens he’s cool. Owens accepts that, they shake hands, then Yujiro kicks Owens! Yujiro whips Owens and SURPRISE~! The buckle pad is loose! Owens gets bare buckles! First time it’s been the red corner. Fale runs in and Yujiro kicks low. Yujiro whips but Fale reverses and Yujiro gets buckles! Evil rushes in. Fale hits him and whips, but Evil stops himself from hitting buckles. Evil baits Fale in and Fale hits buckles! Evil distracts the ref, Dick gets Yujiro the Pimp Cane! Yujiro tosses it to Owens! Owens tosses it back, but Yujiro hurries to toss it back to him! It’s hot potato with the pimp cane!

Yujiro pretends he got hit! The ref sees Owens with the cane and assumes Owens did it! Owens defends his innocence, then grabs Yujiro, but Yujiro cradles! TWO, and Owens kicks and forearms Yujiro. Owens runs, but Dick trips him up! Evil distracts the ref again, but Fale is after Evil! The ref sees Dick and the choker is spoiled! Owens shoves Yujiro into Dick and rolls Yujiro up! And uses the ropes for leverage! Fale and Owens win!!

Winners: Chase Owens & Bad Luck Fale, by pinfall; end at 3-6, Evil & Yujiro end at 3-6

That’s why you don’t cheat! You’ll only get cheated back! But will Jay White like that Yujiro got some karma? Or will he worry that Bullet Club is being divided?


Best of the Super Juniors 27: Ryusuke Taguchi VS DOUKI!

The Funky Weapon just showed a side we hadn’t seen as he did his best to take down the Timebomb! But Taguchi is on the outside looking in, will he take his frustrations out on Japones del Mal?

The second Taguchi gets in the ring, Douki swings his pipe! Taguchi dodges, kicks back and runs, but Douki SMACKS the hip attack with the pipe! Taguchi tumbles out of the ring while the ref reprimands and confiscates the pipe. The bell rings, Douki whips Taguchi into railing! Douki drags Taguchi up and brings him up to POST the funky weapon’s front end! Taguchi writhes but fans rally up. Douki leaves Taguchi behind and the ring count climbs. The count reaches 9 before Taguchi gets up. Taguchi throws his shirt off and walks off the pain to get in at 18! Douki stomps Taguchi, drags him up and scoops for a slam! Douki runs and runs to DOUBLE STOMP! Cover, TWO!

Taguchi survives, still sore in the groin. Douki slaps Taguchi around then brings Taguchi up. Taguchi throws a hard body shot, then CHOPS! Douki knees low but not too low, and then suplexes Taguchi up. Taguchi slips out, waistlocks, but Douki elbows him away! Douki runs in at the corner but Taguchi boots him away! Taguchi runs at Douki but Douki gives the funky weapon an atomic drop! Douki runs, Taguchi somersaults but Douki avoids the hip attack! Douki taunts Taguchi, runs, but into the SPINNING HIP ATTACK! Fans are fired up as Taguchi sees Douki outside. Taguchi builds speed and FLIES! Taguchi takes down Douki at the ramp and fans fire up more!

Taguchi drags Douki up, puts him in the ring and aims from the apron. Fans rally up as Taguchi springboards, MISSILE HIP! Cover, TWO! Taguchi drags Douki back up and fans rally as he suplexes! Uno amigo! Dos amigos! Douki fights the third amigo off and rakes Taguchi’s eyes! Douki whips, Taguchi reverses but Douki sunset flips! Taguchi stays up, and pulls down the pants! Taguchi sits down to cover, TWO! OH MY ANKLE! Douki rolls to throw Taguchi off, and blocks the boots to pop Taguchi into the Gory Especial! DODON NO JUTSU! Cover, TWO!! Taguchi survives but Douki vows to end it! Douki goes to the apron, aims and slingshots, DAY-

NO! Taguchi counters to a gourd buster! Taguchi goes to the corner and powers up, oh and pulls his pants back up. “ORAYO!” BUM- NO! Douki rolls Taguchi to the ITALIAN STRETCH #32! Taguchi moves around and gets the ropebreak! Douki lets go at the ref’s count of 3 and goes back to the apron. Taguchi rises, Douki slingshots, DAYBREAK! Cover, TWO! Taguchi survives and Douki is furious, but Douki also has something more to try! Fans rally up as Douki drags Taguchi into the wheelbarrow. But Taguchi rolls and gets OH MY ANKLE LOCK! Douki flounders around, Taguchi cranks harder, then reels Douki in, DODON-

NO! Douki rolls, slips around and gets the ITALIAN STRETCH! Taguchi manages to stay up and move around, but Douki rolls him from ropes. Taguchi slips out to get OH MY ANKLE LOCK! Taguchi drags Douki around, Douki kicks but Taguchi still holds on! Douki flails, reaches, claws over to the ropes, but Taguchi drags him away again! Chicken wings and DODON BUSTER!! Cover, Taguchi wins!!

Winner: Ryusuke Taguchi, by submission; ends at 4-5, Douki ends at 2-7

And in total, Taguchi breaks through the 69 barrier! As proud as he was to have 69, there must always come a time when you leave 69 behind. Will Taguchi prove he can still score even though his BOSJ run is over for the year?


World Tag League 2020: HenarACE VS Guerrillas of Destiny!

Hiroshi Tanahashi and Toa Henare are at the bottom, but they could drag Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa down in the final round! Will GOD stay alive, only to watch their fate be put in the hands of others?

HenarACE makes their entrance first, only to be attacked by GOD from behind! Tama and Loa aren’t waiting for the bell as they beat down Tanahashi and Henare! Tama drags Tana out of his jacket and throws knees! The bell rings as Loa tries Henare’s jacket on for himself, and likes it. Tama puts Tanahashi in and he grabs a leg. Tama stomps away on the leg while Loa clubs Henare on the outside. Tama hits a leg DDT! Fans rally, “Let’s Go Ace!” but Tama drags Tanahashi around to hook up the legs, in a SHARPSHOOTER! Tanahashi endures but Henare gets in to throw forearms on Tama!

Tama holds on even as Henare keeps hitting him, and then he SPITS at Henare! So Henare HEEL KICKS Tama! Now Tanahashi is free but Loa gets in to clobber Henare! Loa flexes then drags Henare up. Henare throws forearms back so the two brawl! Loa forearms, Henare forearms, repeat and the fans fire up! Loa throws more forearms, but Henare HAMMERHEADBUTTS! Loa HEADBUTTS back! They BOTH headbutt! Hammerhead and Silver Back stagger, but Loa kicks. Henare blocks to elbow, but Loa enziguris! Loa runs, but Henare spins him to SAMOAN DROP! Tama CLOBBERS Henare from behind!

Tama whips Henare to ropes but Henare reverses, and HenarACE double elbow, to Tomahawk Elbow combo! And flex! Fans fire up as HenarAce coordinate, SLING SWEEP! Tanahashi DECKS Jado, blocks Tama’s kick and DRAGON SCREWS! Tanahashi drags Tama around and has the legs, for the CLOVERLEAF! Tama endures, Jado distracts and Loa SMACKS Tanahashi’s bad leg with the kendo stick! Tama gets Tanahashi’s legs and has the SHARPSHOOTER again! Loa sends Henare into railing to keep him away! Tanahashi TAPS, GOD wins!!

Winners: Guerrillas of Destiny, by submission; end at 6-3, HenarACE ends at 1-8

And it’s over already!? Tama won’t let go but Young Lions get in. Tama throws them aside and Loa uses the kendo stick on them! Tama lets go of Tanahashi when he’s satisfied, and GOD still have a path open to the finals. But will that path be blocked by the end of the night?


Best of the Super Juniors 27: Master Wato VS Hiromu Takahashi!

The Way of the Grandmaster was knocked off course, but he could do the same to the Timebomb! Will Wato spoil things for Hiromu this close to the finals?

The bell rings and Wato rushes Hiromu to dynamic dropkick! Hiromu sits up but Wato KICKS and KICKS from all sides! Hiromu blocks a kick but Wato SLAPS free, then shotgun dropkicks Hiromu out! Wato runs but Hiromu gets in to deny the flight! Hiromu comes back to sunset flip! Wato can’t hold on and the POWERBOMB hits! Fans cheer as the ref checks on both men. That wasn’t the cleanest bomb but Hiromu gets up and walks it off. Hiromu drags Wato up to whip him into railing! And then into more railing! Hiromu says Tenzan should watch this, as he JOHN WOO SHOTGUNS Wato into more railing! Fans fire up as Hiromu looms over Wato.

The ring count begins and Hiromu puts Wato in at 5 of 20. Hiromu kneels on Wato for a cover, TWO! Hiromu drags Wato back up, fireman’s carries, but Wato pops up! Hiromu shoves him away and clotheslines at the ropes! Hiromu runs and shotgun dropkicks again! Cover, TWO! Hiromu keeps his cool as he stomps Wato around. Fans rally up and Wato throws forearms! Hiromu eggs him on and Wato throws more forearms, but Hiromu ROCKS him with one! Hiromu mocks Tenzan’s flailing but Wato blocks the chops to ROCK him back! Wato whips, Hiromu reverses and runs in to corner clothesline! Hiromu rolls Wato but runs into the back elbow, back hand and SOBAT!

Both men are down, fans fire up, and Wato rises. Wato drags Hiromu up, whips and dropkicks! Hiromu bails out and Wato builds speed, TORNILLO! Direct hit at the ramp! Fans fire up with Wato and he drags Hiromu up. Wato puts Hiromu in, aims from the apron, and springboards, FLYING UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Wato drags Hiromu up, wrenches and reels him in, but Hiromu fights out of the Mouse Trap to fireman’s carry! Wato fights out of that to spin, but Hiromu ducks the back hand to ROCK Wato with a forearm! Hiromu runs but into another sobat, and Wato ROUNDHOUSES him down! Fans fire up as Wato brings Hiromu back up and in, MOUSE TRAP DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Wato fires up.

Hiromu anchors Wato’s foot so Wato drags him around to stomp him. Wato then goes to the corner, climbs up top, but Hiromu gets up to hit him first! Hiromu CHOPS, climbs, and throws forearms on Wato. Wato throws forearms back, then adjusts to sunset flip! Hiromu holds on but can’t, so he tries to huricanrana! Wato blocks to hit the JUMBO SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Wato is frustrated but he climbs back up top! R P P FLOPS!! Hiromu avoids the corkscrew and both men are down again. Fans rally and Wato drags Hiromu back up. Hiromu breaks free but Wato BACK HANDS him!

Wato scoops, Hiromu slips out and suplexes, but Wato fights that off. Hiromu ROCKS Wato with a forearm then SUPERKICKS! Hiromu runs, into a boot! Wato runs, into a LARIAT, but he stays up!? Fans fire up, Hiromu runs but Wato dodges to come back, Hiromu LARIATS him down this time! But Wato just gets back up! Hiromu runs and runs to LARIAT again!! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up as Hiromu drags Wato back up and into a fireman’s carry. Wato fights free, dragon sleeper but Hiromu slips out to VICTORIA! Cover, TWO!! Wato survives and Hiromu is shocked! Hiromu’s anger boils up and fans rally.

Hiromu brings Wato back up and fireman’s carries, for a CORNER DEATH VALLEY! Hiromu just fires up more and fans fire up with him! Another fireman’s carry, but Wato sunset flips out! TWO!!! Wato almost caught Hiromu there, but Hiromu drags Wato into a dragon sleeper! Hiromu lifts, for TIMEBOMB 2!! Cover, Hiromu wins!!

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi, by pinfall; ends at 7-2, Wato ends at 4-5

There is still time on the Timebomb’s clock! But will he be defused by someone else’s victory?


World Tag League 2020: SANADA & Shingo Takagi VS The Empire!

Other members of Los Ingobernables are now in action! Cold Skull and The Dragon pride themselves on having competed this entire three-day weekend, but will that come back to haunt them? Will Great-O-Khan and Jeff Cobb conquer LIJ for the glory of Ospreay’s Empire?

The Empire doesn’t move as LIJ enters the ring and takes off their entrance attire. Takagi says he’ll start, but then the Empire strikes! Cobb is after Takagi and Khan is after Sanada! Cobb stomps Takagi while Khan Mongolian CHOPS Sanada! The Empire whips LIJ at each other but they stop, and then send the Empire into each other instead! Sanada dropkicks Khan down then helps Takagi whip Cobb. They double elbow, drop elbow after elbow, then Takagi sentons! Sanada clubs Khan, LIJ whips him and Takagi clotheslines Khan at ropes. Takagi snapmares Khan for Sanada’s basement dropkick! Fans fire up with Takagi as he clubs Cobb.

Cobb gets up and stares Takagi down as fans rally, “L I J!” Takagi throws forearms but Cobb just tanks them. Takagi kicks low but Cobb fights off the scoop. Cobb clubs Takagi, suplexes, but Takagi slips out to waistlock. Cobb elbows but Takagi ducks and kicks. Takagi goes to whip but Cobb blocks and reverses, then catches Takagi on the rebound for a HUGE OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Cobb drags Takagi over, tags Khan in and the Empire stomps Takagi down. Khan drags Takagi up for an arm triangle but Takagi elbows out. Khan judo throws Takagi down and gets the arm triangle again! Takagi endures as Khan leans on the hold. Takagi kicks and flails, starts to fade, but gets the ropebreak!

Khan lets go at the ref’s count, but then he knees on Takagi’s head! The ref reprimands and Khan stands up. Khan waistlocks and dead lifts Takagi, to ram him into the Empire’s corner! Khan then climbs up to sit on Takagi’s head! The ref reprimands but Khan taunts Sanada. Khan pulls on the arms, the ref counts, Khan lets off at 4. Takagi sputters and Khan walks around. Khan drags Takagi up but fans rally up. Khan grinds Takagi’s face into his boot laces! Takagi fights free but Khan gives toying kicks. Khan dares Takagi to hit him, so Takagi throws forearms! And CHOPS! Khan stays put and Mongolian CHOPS! And chops! Takagi blocks to CHOP back! And ROCK Khan with an uppercut!

Khan holds off the suplex, throws body shots and suplexes, but Takagi resists and suplexes Khan instead! Fans fire up, Takagi crawls and tags in Sanada! Sanada throws forearms on Khan, Cobb clubs Sanada! The ref reprimands but the Empire mugs Sanada. The Empire double whips Sanada, Khan runs in but Sanada dodges to dropkick Cobb’s legs out! Sanada blocks a boot and drags Khan down, into Paradise! Sanada PLANCHAS Cobb down! Fans fire up, Sanada encourages them to get louder and they get much louder! Sanada returns to dropkick Khan out of Paradise! Cover, TWO! Sanada drags Khan back up, fans rally but Khan blocks the fireman’s carry. Khan clubs then Mongolian CHOPS!

Khan whips, Sanada elbows back then QUEBRADAS, to the dragon sleeper! Takagi intercepts Cobb to put him in one, DOUBLE DRAGON SLEEPERS! Takagi lets Cobb go, Sanada knees Khan down, then LIJ puts Khan in a corner. They whip him corner to corner, Sanada elbows, Takagi clotheslines, calm-fury combo! DROPKICK SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Sanada keeps focus as he drags Khan back up. Sanada fireman’s carries but Khan slips out. Sanada fights the waistlock off and whips. Khan reverses, Sanada goes up and out to springboard up and over! Sanada ducks but runs into a judo throw! Khan tags Cobb in and Cobb dead lift waistlocks!

Sanada fights that off with elbows, dodges Cobb to huricanrana, but Cobb blocks! Cobb brings Sanada up, Sanada gets Cobb with the rana this time! Fans fire up as Sanada tags in Takagi! Takagi blocks a boot to corner clothesline! Cobb resists the suplex and runs, but Takagi elbows him back! And LARIATS! Fans fire up and clap, “OI! OI! OI!” for Takagi. Takagi powers up and runs, SLIDING- Cobb tanks the lariat to arm triangle! And EXPLODER! Khan DECKS Sanada! The Empire regroups and whips Takagi corner to corner, then Khan whips Cobb in. BIG back elbow, and then Cobb gut wrench suplexes Takagi! Khan gut wrench suplexes Takagi back the other way!

Cobb gives Takagi a gut wrench BOMB! Cover, Sanada breaks it! Khan stomps Sanada, throws him out, and has Cobb handle Takagi. Cobb brings Takagi up, whips him, but Takagi holds ropes. Cobb runs in but Takagi boots him! Takagi calls for Sanada but he’s busy with Khan. Takagi BOOTS Cobb, Sanada springboards in to missile dropkick Cobb down! Khan gets back in, gets around and CLAW SLEEPERS! ELIMINATOR CLAW SLAM! Takagi dodges Khan to PUMPING BOMBER! Takagi fires off forearms on Cobb from all sides, but Cobb JABS! Takagi JABS! Cobb SUPERKICKS, Takagi LARIATS! Cobb HEADBUTTS!

Cobb fires up, runs, but Takagi clotheslines him at ropes! Takagi keeps going, Cobb dodges, REBOUND GERMAN!! Khan returns and BOOTS Takagi down! Khan drags Takagi up, and feeds him to the TOUR OF THE ISLANDS!! Cover, The Empire wins!!

Winners: The Empire, by pinfall; ends 5-4, LIJ ends at 5-4

Khan and Cobb have just spoiled LIJ’s run!! Even if other teams were to drop to 5-4, the Empire has the leg up on Sanada and Takagi! Will this mean the Dominator and Hawaiian Hulk become finalists?! For that matter, will Cobb look to take the NEVER Openweight Championship from Takagi?


Best of the Super Juniors 27: SHO VS Taiji Ishimori!

This is a very pivotal match placed at a very pivotal time! With the finals being made of the top two in the block, the winner here could have their foot in the door! Will High Voltage shock the Bone Soldier? Or will the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion keep his fate in his own hands?

The bell rings and Sho runs Ishimori over! Fans cheer as Sho drags Ishimori up but Ishimori rakes eyes! Ishimori CHOPS Sho, whips him corner to corner but Sho reverses. Ishimori slips out, slides under and slips out again to shoulde rin. Sho gets under the springboard, puts Ishimori back out and sweeps the legs! Sho runs to dropkick Ishimori off the apron! Then Sho goes to the apron himself, but Ishimori blocks the penalty kick to trip Sho up! Ishimori catches his breath and gets back on the apron. Sho throws forearms first, then waistlocks, to APRON GERMAN! But Ishimori lands on his feet!? And enziguris! For an APRON PILEDRIVER!!

The ref checks on Sho and somehow Sho’s still conscious, and even more surprising, able to continue! Ishimori puts Sho in, rolls him to the omoplata and the YES LOCK! Sho endures despite what just happened to his head and neck, and he reaches out with a leg. Fans rally, Sho crawls over, and gets the ropebreak! The ref counts, Ishimori lets go at 4, and keeps his cool as he looms over Sho. Ishimori drags Sho up but Sho throws forearms first! Ishimori throws forearms and elbows of his own, runs, but Sho dodges only for Ishimori to boot! Ishimori runs, Sho runs and redirects to SPEAR Ishimori down! Fans cheer as Sho has evened things up!

Ishimori goes to a corner, Sho runs in and clotheslines! Sho whips but Ishimori reverses, only for Sho to reverse back and KICK, KICK and KICK! Fans fire up as Sho grits his teeth and waits for Ishimori to sit up, to KICK him down! Cover, TWO! Sho drags Ishimori back up, wrenches to elbow breaker after elbow breaker! Ishimori avoids the penalty kick to his arm, Sho reverses the whip, Ishimori handsprings but Sho KICKS the arm after all! Sho drags Ishimori up, reels him in, but Ishimori pops out. Sho kicks low then runs, but into the JUMPING KNEE! Sho stumbles into the corner, Ishimori runs corner to corner to METEORA!

Ishimori throws Sho to center and runs at him to tilt-o-whirl but Sho blocks! Sho has the arm, drags Ishimori down, and gets the KIMURA! Ishimori endures as Sho cranks harder on the arm! Fans rally, Ishimori fights and moves around, but Sho stays in front of him. Sho gator rolls and has the arms crossed! Ishimori resists the lift to back drop out! Both men are down and fans rally up. Sho and Ishimori rise, Ishimori crawls over, and he throws the first forearm. Sho forearms back so Ishimori hits again. The forearms go back and forth as the two stand, and fans rally up as they pick up speed. Ishimori gets the edge but Sho KICKS the arm!

Ishimori LARIATS with the good arm but Sho stays up. LARIATS collide, and again! Sho runs, Ishimori dodges and RUNNING DESTROYERS! But Sho gets up to dodge and REBOUND GERMAN! Both men are down again and fans are fired up all over again! Sho gets to ropes and stands up. Sho hobbles and wobbles over to Ishimori and brings him up, but Ishimori CHOPS! Sho KICKS the arm, throws forearms from all sides, and fans fire up! Sho ROCKS Ishimori, runs, and LARIATS him down! The energy is building for High Voltage and he drags Ishimori up. Sho reels him in, lifts and POWER BREAKERS! Cover, TWO!!

Ishimori survives and Sho grows frustrated, but Sho takes aim with his bow! Sho drags Ishimori up and reels him back in, to double pump handle! SHOCK- NO! Ishimori slips out and half hatches, but Sho denies the Bloody Cross to get the pop up ARMBAR! Ishimori flails, tries to turn over but Sho keeps him down! Ishimori shifts, makes it a cover, TWO! BONE LOCK!! Sho endures, fans rally, but Ishimori cranks on the hold! Sho kicks and gets up so Ishimori rolls him from ropes! Sho denies Bloody Cross again to scoop! Ishimori slips out, Sho spins it around, CROSS ARM DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!! Ishimori survives and Sho fires himself up!

Sho takes aim with the bow, brings Ishimori back up, double pump handles and… SHOCK- NO! Ishimori body scissors and guillotines! Sho stays up but he’s fading! The ref checks and fans rally, and Sho gets a second wind! Suplex, but Ishimori slips out to backbreaker! BLOODY SUNDAY!! Cover, TWO!! Sho survives and fans are thunderous! Ishimori is furious and he drags Sho up! Half hatch, BLOODY CROSS!!! Cover, Ishimori wins!!

Winner: Taiji Ishimori, by pinfall; ends 7-2, Sho ends at 6-3

The IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion stays alive! But only for now! With Hiromu also 7-2 and having that early win over Ishimori, it all comes down to the last match of the BOSJ’s ninth round! Will Desperado fall to help Ishimori rise?


World Tag League 2020: Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii VS Dangerous Tekkers!

The Producer and the Pitbull are hoping to secure a shot at the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, even without being in the WTL finals! But will Yano have a trick up his sleeve that even the Sliest Wrestler and Submission Master won’t see? Wait, why does that sound familiar?

Yano is again impatient during the checks. Taichi makes the pecs dance even as Yano complains. Yano loses his cool and unties a buckle pad! Red Shoes reprimands but ZSJ is doing the same as Yano! Ishii and Taichi tie up, the bell rings, Taichi waistlocks but Ishii ducks and Yano SMACKS Taichi with the pad! Ishii stops ZSJ from untying his then whips him at Yano. But ZSJ reverses and it’s Ishii who gets the SMACK! ZSJ sunset flips Yano, cover, TWO!! Yano escapes, ZSJ gets him for an ARMBAR TAKEDOWN! Yano makes it a cover, TWO!! ZSJ healdocks, Yano powers out but ZSJ hooks him!

Yano goes around with ZSJ but the IRON OCTOPUS still hooks on! Yano pops out and hip tosses ZSJ down! Yano whips, ZSJ reverses and Taichi trips Yano! ZSJ ghost pins, TWO!! Ishii knocks Taichi down as Yano drop toeholds ZSJ onto ropes, Ishii forearms ZSJ back! Yano rolls ZSJ up, TWO!! Fans cheer and Yano stomps ZSJ. Yano complains to Red SHoes about the count but bumps ZSJ off buckles. Yano whips ZSJ corner to corner but ZSJ reverses. Yano stops himself from hitting bare buckles, baits ZSJ in but ZSJ stops himself. ZSJ baits Yano back in and sends him into buckles! Yano blocks the EuroClutch and feeds ZSJ to Ishii’s suplex!

ZSJ slips out and full nelsons, but Ishii boots Taichi. Ishii sends Taichi into ZSJ, Yano rolls ZSJ up, TWO! ZSJ hooks Yano, turns so that Ishii’s lariat hits Yano, and then backslides! Cover, TWO!! Yano escapes and flops out of the ring and fans are thunderous! Taichi whips Ishii into railing, ZSJ goes out but Yano POSTS him! Yano drags ZSJ up and tells Red Shoes to shut up. Yano uses the apron skirt to wrap ZSJ up, but ZSJ grabs Yano’s ears! ZSJ frees himself and then puts Yano in the skirt roll! ZSJ drags Yano down and leaves him behind to get in the ring! The ring count climbs as the Tekkers regroup.

Yano works to free himself from the human sushi, but Ishii just drags him up and puts him in at 17! The Tekkers stand on Yano’s chest and Red Shoes reprimands. Yano is freed of the apron skirt and ZSJ puts Yano in the corner. The Tekkers dig their boots into Yano, Red Shoes counts, the Tekkers put their hands up. No that’s not the problem! Red Shoes counts again, Tekkers still put their hands up. Red Shoes counts and this time the Tekkers step away. ZSJ and Taichi give toying kicks to Yano, then ZSJ pulls Yano up by his ears! Red Shoes reprimands the ear wrenching, ZSJ stops to throw a EuroUpper! Yano pulls hair, ZSJ throws another EuroUpper!

ZSJ runs, into an atomic drop! Yano dodges the clothesline to throw ZSJ by his hair! Fans cheer as both men are down and stirring. Yano and ZSJ crawl, hot tags to Ishii and Taichi! Ishii dodges the boot but Taichi dodges the clothesline. Ishii ducks the roundhouse and waistlocks. Taichi elbows but Ishii forearms! Ishii whips, Taichi reverses and then boots Ishii! Ishii stays up, roars and runs to ram Taichi! Taichi kicks, runs but Ishii runs him over! Taichi is up to BOOT Ishii but Ishii is right up to ram shoulders again! Ishii CHOPS, Taichi KICKS, repeat! Fans rally as they pick up speed, and Taichi gets the edge.

Taichi whips Ishii, Ishii reverses and Yano trips Taichi! Ishii DECKS ZSJ, Yano drags Taichi up. Yano whips Taichi to a corner, runs in but misses! GAMANGIRI! Taichi dodges Ishii, ZSJ runs in to EuroUpper! Taichi sobats, ZSJ PENALTY KICKS! Ishii sits up, BUZZSAW from Taichi! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up again as Taichi and Ishii are down! Fans rally up, Taichi rises and runs, but Ishii blocks the bomber to headbutt! Taichi ENZIGURIS Ishii down! ZSJ returns, drags Ishii up by his ears, and Taichi takes off the pants! But Yano gets in to shove Taichi into bare buckles! Yano dodges ZSJ and ZSJ gets bare buckles! Yano grabs both Tekkers by the hair, and feeds them to Ishii’s DOUBLE LARIATS!

Fans fire up with Chaos as Yano drags Taichi back up. Yano whips, Taichi reverses but Yano holds ropes. Yano dodges Taichi, Ishii clotheslines! Yano BELLY2BELLY, SLIDING LARIAT from Ishii! Cover, ZSJ breaks it in time! Yano throws ZSJ out hard, Ishii fires up and fans rally! Ishii drags Taichi up while Yano stands on ZSJ. Yano whips ZSJ to railing, Ishii runs at Taichi, but Taichi boots him first! Ishii swats the lariat but swings into a waistlock! Ishii fights off Dangerous saido! Taichi sobats, Ishii forearms! Taichi AX BOMBERS, but Ishii stays up to HEADBUTT! Ishii fires up and so do the fans! Ishii runs, Taichi stands, LARIAT from Ishii! Cover, TWO!!

Taichi survives but Ishii drags him up. Ishii suplexes, Taichi fights out and feeds to ZSJ’s boot! ZSJ scoops, Ishii slips out but ZSJ switches on the waistlock! Yano sneaks in, but ZSJ blocks the low blow! ZSJ hooks the arm for a TWIST! Ishii swats ZSJ, Taichi ROUNDHOUSES Ishii! ZSJ EuroUppers, Taichi ROCKS Ishii, then the scoop, TENSHOU ZACK DRIVER!! Yano returns, to get TENSHOU JUJIHOU!! Tekkers drag Ishii back up, Alabama lift, ZACK MEPHISTO!! Cover, Tekkers win!!

Winners: Dangerous Tekkers, by pinfall; end at 6-3, Yano & Ishii end at 5-4

The IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions are still in this! But with three teams having wins over them, will Taichi and ZSJ still be squeezed out of the finals?


Best of the Super Juniors 27: BUSHI VS El Desperado!

This is it! We’ve seen how the rest of the block has played out. And all Bushi has to do to keep Desperado out of the finals is not lose! Will Narazumono (Rogue) Luchador keep his run alive against Death Mask?

The bell rings and Bushi slowly circles with Desperado. Fans rally as the two appraoch, and Desperado kicks low. Desperado clubs, CHOPS, and whips, but Bushi holds ropes. Bushi baits Desperado in, dumps him out then builds speed, but fakes Desperado out to SLINGSHOT RANA! Fans cheer and Bushi drags Desperado up to whip him into railing! And into more railing! Bushi stalks Desperado around the way, drags him back up and puts him in the ring, which fans cheer. Bushi takes off his shirt to choke Desperado with it! Red Shoes reprimands but Bushi stomps Desperado down.

Bushi puts Desperado in a corner, stomps and whips him, but Desperado reverses to run in! Bushi slips out, but Desperado slides under to drag Desperado out! Now Desperado sends Bushi into railing! Desperado has media move aside so he can whip Bushi into even more railing! Bushi goes down in a heap and Desperado walks by to taunt commentary. Desperado snatches one of Milano’s pens! But Desperado hides it from Red Shoes, to then JAM IT in Bushi’s face! Desperado throws the pen away as Red Shoes reprimands. The ring count starts, Desperado goes in at 2 but Bushi staggers up at 8 of 20. Bushi hobbles, gets to the ring and inside at 14.

Desperado is on Bushi and his leg for a SHIN BREAKER! And then a splash onto the knee! And then knee drops onto the knee! Cover, TWO! Desperado is annoyed but he stalks Bushi to a corner. Desperado jams knees into Bushi’s knee, pulls on the leg, then puts the leg on ropes for a springboard sit down! Fans rally for Bushi but Desperago wags his finger. Desperado hooks the leg up and has the butterfly deathlock! Bushi endures, Desperado mockingly applauds, then adds pressure to the hold. Desperado mockingly asks what’s wrong as Bushi endures. Bushi drags himself and Desperado over and Desperado eggs him on.

Bushi gets the ropebreak, and Desperado says he needs help undoing the hold. “GOMEN!” Knee drop to the knee! Desperado stalks Bushi as fans rally up. Bushi throws body shots and forearms, but Desperado kicks the bad leg! Desperado suplexes, Bushi slips out and fires off forearms. Bushi catches Desperado’s clothesline and spins him to a DDT! Both men are down, fans rally up and Bushi heads after Desperado. Bushi throws forearms and whips but Desperado reverses. Bushi boots Desperado away and then missile dropkicks! And even Bushiroonis! Bushi hobbles over to Desperado and drags him up to suplex and hang Desperado out to dry.

Bushi CLUBS Desperado, goes to the corner and missile dropkicks him down! Bushi drags Desperado up and through the ropes, APRON DDT! Desperado tumbles down and fans fire up! Bushi builds speed, and DIVES! Direct hit sends Desperado into railing! But Bushi keeps going, anotehr DIVE! Desperado hits railings again and both men are down! The ring count returns and is up to 7 before either sits up. Bushi is up at 13, hobbles and gets in the ring at 15. Desperado is still out!? But he revives at 19 to spring in at 19.5!! Bushi lifts but Desperado tries to back drop! Bushi stops that, so Desperado trips him to get the STRETCH MUFFLER!

Bushi moves around, is so close but Desperado drags him away! Bushi manages to power out and fans fire up! Desperado hobbles over and kicks the leg, but runs into a dropkick! Bushi drags Desperado up, FISHERMAN SCREW! Cover, TWO! Bushi goes to a corner and fans rally up. Desperado rises, Bushi aims and runs, CODE- NO! Desperado throws Bushi, hooks the leg, and drags Bushi down to the MOUSE TRAP! TWO!! Bushi escapes and fans cheer while Desperado is furiously shouting! Desperado stomps Bushi, drags him up, Guitarra but Bushi slips out! Bushi waistlocks. Desperado switches and shoves him at Red Shoes!

Bushi stops himself, but sees the right hand coming and ENZIGURIS first! Fans fire up as Bushi goes back to a corner. Bushi aims at Desperado as he slowly rises. Bushi runs in, CODE BREAKER! Bushi doesn’t cover, he drags Desperado up, DESTROYER!! Cover, TWO?!? Desperado survives but Bushi isn’t done yet! Fans rally as Bushi climbs and aims from another corner. Bushi calls for it, leaps at Desperado, SPINEBUSTER! To STRETCH MUFFLER! Desperado reaches for an arm as Bushi reaches for ropes! Fans rally as Bushi crawls and claws, but Desperado drags him away and cranks on the leg!

Desperado leans on the hold but Bushi endures and powers up! Fans rally but Desperado rolls and gets the arms! NUMERO DOS!! Bushi still endures, but he can’t hold on! Bushi verbally quits and Desperado wins!!

Winner: El Desperado, by pinfall; ends at 7-2, Bushi ends at 4-5

The IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion has done it! He has secured a spot in the finals! And because they both have a victory over Ishimori, Desperado and Hiromu Takahashi will meet again!! Glad to hear it, Desperado gets the mic to speak!

“Bushi, you gave me more of a fight than I thought. Why don’t you bring that fire more often?” Be less talk, more actions! If you can do it like that, do it from the start! But moving on from Bushi, Desperado admits he’s better talking to someone directly than to a crowd. That said, he’ll talk directly to Hiromu! Fans clap “HI-RO-MU!” and look who appears! Hiromu claps for “Despy” as he walks down the ramp.

Hiromu goes into the ring and is given a mic so he may talk with Desperado. “I’m so very happy I get to have my revenge on you, and do it in the Budokan!” Hiromu wants Desperado to help him show the world the history they have in that venue! The finalists of BOSJ 27 stare down! They only have five days to prepare, who will be ready to hold up that Super Junior trophy?


World Tag League 2020: FinJuice VS Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI!

Again, this is it! And again, we’ve seen how the rest of the block has played out! David Finlay and Juice Robinson beat GOD, but so did the Fierce Warrior and Head Hunter, which really complicates things! If the 2019 WTL winners win here, they and GOD go to the finals together! If Chaos’ last pair standing wins, they are tied with GOD and Tekkers, and who knows what happens then! What will the WTL 2020 finals look like after this?

The teams sort out, and Finlay starts with Goto. Fans rally up and are loud already as the two circle. Finlay and Goto tie up, Goto powers Finlay to ropes but Finlay turns it around. Finlay lets off and circles with Goto again. They tie up, Finlay headlocks, Goto powers out to get a headlock in Finlay. Finlay powers out but Goto blocks the hip toss to give a hip toss! Goto runs to run Finlay over! Goto DECKS Juice for good measure, then tags in Hashi. Chaos whips Finlay to double shoulder, then the hip toss senton! Hashi and Goto bring Finlay up to hammer him on the back! Juice gets in but he gets hammered, too! Fans rally with Chaos as Hashi stomps Finlay.

Hashi drags Finlay up to club him to ropes. Hashi clubs Finlay more, headlocks, but Finlay powers out. Juice tags in, Finlay DECKS Goto and Juice scoop slams Hashi! Juice then scoops Finlay to slam him onto Hashi! Juice sits Hashi up and Finlay runs, basement uppercut! Juice splashes, covers, TWO! Fans cheer as Juice drags Hashi up. Juice suplexes, holds Hashi up and drops after 10! Cover, TWO! Juice tags Finlay, drags Hashi up, and Finlay drops ax handles on the arm. Finlay and Juice double whip, double elbow and then Finlay covers. TWO, but Finlay clamps onto the arm! Fans rally and Hashi fights up, but Finlay wrenches and brings Hashi to the corner.

Tag to Juice and Juice goes up to drop ax handles! Finlay hits a back suplex, Juice hits a back senton! Cover, TWO! Juice brings Hashi back up and wrenches the arm again but Hashi throws forearms! Juice wrenches again, tags Finlay and Finlay goes up to drop another ax handle! FinJuice whip Hashi, kick and DOUBLE BULLDOG! Juice DECKS Goto, Finlay covers, TWO! Finlay clamps on with a chinlock and he grinds Hashi down. Hashi endures, fights up and throws body shots. Hashi CHOPS Finlay but Finlay CHOPS Hashi down! Finlay grits his teeth and drags Hashi back up to suplex. Hashi fights it off, the two fight for suplex control and fans rally.

Hashi gets Finlay up and over! Fans fire up as both men crawl for their corners! Finlay drags Hashi away but Hashi kicks Finlay away! Juice tags in, but so does Goto! Goto runs Juice over, kicks Finlay and suplexes Finlay onto Juice! Fans fire up with Goto as he throws forearms on Juice then whips him corner to corner! MURAMASA, and BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Goto drags Hashi up, fireman’s carries, but Juice fights out to throw forearms! Goto forearms back and the fans rally as the two go back and forth! Juice ROCKS Goto then headbutts him! Juice runs, Goto and Juice collide with LARIATS! Both men wobble but Goto fires up!

Goto stands Juice up to run, but the LARIATS collide again! Both men roar and run, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Fans fire up as the two men stir. Juice sits up and flounders over, but Goto rolls, hot tags to Finlay and Hashi! Finaly forearms but Hashi returns it and now these two are fast and furious! Fans rally as Hashi gets the edge, but Finlay gives it all back! A EuroUpper added on! Finlay whips, Hashi reverses but Finlay LEAPING UPPERCUTS! Finlay runs at Hashi, Hashi CHOPS him first! Hashi fires up and runs back at Finlay to CHOP again! Hashi whips and CHOPS, then mule kicks and turns Finlay for the neckbreaker! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up stronger as Hashi drags Finlay up. Hashi reels Finlay in, Finlay slips out of the bomb but Hashi denies the stunner! Finlay swings into the full nelson, the tuck, but Finlay slips out! Finlay denies the superkick to SATELLITE DDT! Fans fire up as Finlay grits his teeth and Hashi writhes. Tag to Juice, Juice aims at Hashi in the corner and runs in. Big clothesline! Finlay back elbows! But Hashi fights back with forearms and kicks! Hashi uses a hip toss to CANNONBALL Juice onto Finlay! Fans rally, Hashi tags in Goto! Goto drags Juice up, whips him corner to corner and runs in to clothesline! Hashi runs in and CHOPS, then feeds to Goto’s kick!

Goto hooks Juice up, Hashi runs, HEAD HUNTER LEG SWEEP! Cover, Finlay breaks it! Hashi stomps Finlay and regroups with Goto. Hashi turns Finlay but Finlay fights free! Finlay swings on Goto, Goto spins Finlay to a suplex, but Finlay tries to suplex first! Goto fights that off, suplexes Finlay again and Hashi helps hold Finlay up! G Y R!! Fans fire up as Goto and Hashi drag Juice up! Goto dragon sleepers Juice, Hashi lifts but Juice kicks free! Juice suplexes, Goto fights out and Hashi SUPERKICKS Juice! Fireman’s carry, SUPERKICK GOROSHI!! Hashi intercepts Finlay as Goto covers, TWO!!

Juice survives and fans are thunderous! Chaos regroups, drags Juice back up, G Y W!!! Cover, Finlay breaks it!!! Hashi and Goto regroup again as fans rally up. Goto stomps Finlay, he and Hashi whip Finlay but Finlay SPEARS Goto! Hashi spinning back kicks Finlay, but Finlay catches him for the URENAGE BACKBREAKER! Fans rally up as all four men are down! It’s thunderous in here as Goto goes to one corner and Finlay runs in! Finlay hits a big EuroUpper, then suplexes for LAST SHOT! Finlay drags Goto up to the top rope, climbs up top, and Juice is up on the other corner. SUPERPLEX! Goto bounces, Juice FROG SPLASHES! Cover, TWO!?!?

Goto survives the combination and FinJuice is shocked! Juice pulls down the straps and drags Goto up. Juice Electric Chair lifts Goto, Finlay is up top, but Goto slips out to shove Juice into Finlay! Finlay tumbles down into railing, Goto dragon sleepers but Juice snapmares him away! Juice chicken wings Goto and turns him, but Hashi SUPERKICKS! Goto rolls Juice to a ghost pin, TWO!?! Juice swings but misses, Goto HEADBUTTS! Hashi and Finlay crash into railing on the outside while Goto drags Juice back up. Juice fights out of the suplex and feeds Goto to Finlay’s STUNNER! LEFT HAND O’ GOD!! Juice chicken wings and turns, PULP FRICTION!! Cover, FinJuice wins!!!

Winners: FinJuice, by pinfall; end at 6-3, Goto & Hashi end at 5-4

Finlay and Juice are back-to-back finalists!! And meeting them in that finals will be the Guerrillas of Destiny! FinJuice beat Tama and Loa to be IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions in the past, and even beat them in the earlier rounds, will they beat them again in the finals to be back-to-back WTL champions?

Juice gets the mic to say, “FUKUOKA!” But wait, GOD is here and a GUN STUN OUTTA NOWHERE!! Loa mugs Finlay in a corner, then stomps him down! Jado joins in as Tama says Juice needs to keep his eyes on them. Loa drags Finlay up, Tama has the legs, COMPLETE SHOT to CROSSFACE, and then SHARPSHOOTER for Juice!! Juice is tapping but it won’t matter tonight! The Guerrillas are just sending a brutal message to their rivals! Tama stops the Young Lions from saving Finlay, and Loa lets Finlay go when he’s satisfied.

Tama drags Juice up by his hair to say, “Rematch! It’s our rematch!” Jado has the mic to say, “World Tag League. FinJuice, the winners of this tournament is NOT you!” The real main event, the real leaders of this division are the Master Heater and GOD! “Bullet Club FOOOOOR LIFE!” Will Tama and Loa avenge those losses in the most impactful way? Will they be Bullet Club’s saving grace in WTL 2020?


Here are the FINAL Best of the Super Juniors 27 standings!

El Desperado: 7-2 [FINALIST]
Hiromu Takahashi: 7-2 [FINALIST]
Taiji Ishimori: 7-2 [ELIMINATED]
Master Wato: 4-5 [ELIMINATED]
Ryusuke Taguchi: 4-5 [ELIMINATED]
Robbie Eagles: 4-5 [ELIMINATED]
Yuya Uemura: 0-9 [ELIMINATED]


Here are the current World Tag League standings!

FinJuice: 6-3 [FINALISTS]
Guerrillas of Destiny: 6-3 [FINALISTS]
The Dangerous Tekkers: 6-3 [ELIMINATED]
YOSHI-HASHI & Hirooki Goto: 5-4 [ELIMINATED]
The Empire: 5-4 [ELIMINATED]
Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii: 5-4 [ELIMINATED]
SANADA & Shingo Takagi: 5-4 [ELIMINATED]
EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi: 3-6 [ELIMINATED]
Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens: 3-6 [ELIMINATED]


My Thoughts:

What a great super show between the tournaments! All the matches were good, though the matches in that first half of the card were pretty quick. Though, it makes sense when those matches had nothing to do with the finals of the tournament. And the matches that would affect the finals were amazing! Naturally GOD and Hiromu beat their opponents, that was for the drama, and the drama was definitely in Tekkers VS Yano-Ishii and Ishimori VS Sho. More Ishimori VS Sho than the tag match, though I did like the frantic nature of Yano’s trickery.

Empire spoiling things for Sanada and Takagi is a shocker, I really thought there’d be more for Sanada and Takagi to do as a team. I do get Cobb VS Takagi makes a great NEVER Openweight Championship match, which I suppose Takagi did need for WK15, but I would’ve liked if Sanada got something, too. Maybe Sanada gets something like a shot at Yano’s KOPW 2020 trophy. Sanada needs something, that’s all I’m saying.

But in the end, the main events determined the rest of this, and it was great stuff, especially in FinJucie VS Goto-Hashi. I almost thought for 2020, they’d make WTL a triple threat finals, but NJPW likes keeping things traditional. Two sides, one winner, that’s it. Plus, there’s history at stake here as FinJuice could be the third team in a row to win back-to-back WTL finals. That alone is reason enough to give us FinJuice VS GOD, but then you add their history on top of it and that’s going to be one for the ages, as will Desperado VS Hiromu.

My Score: 9.2/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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