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Mitchell’s NJPW Summer Struggle Osaka Report! (7/22/21)

LIJ VS Tekkers, round one!



NJPW Summer Struggle Osaka

Osaka heats up, but will it Tranquilo?

NJPW returns to Osaka, and Los Ingobernables de Japon is all over it! Will Bushi, Takagi, Sanada y Naito ALL be victorious?

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • Shingo Takagi & BUSHI VS Kota Ibushi Tomoaki Honma & Master Wato; Takagi & Bushi win.
  • SANADA VS Zack Sabre Jr; double pinfall draw.
  • Tetsuya Naito VS Taichi; Taichi wins.


Awful news for NJPW!

It’s another awful development for the Golden Star as he has been diagnosed with aspiration pneumonia! On behalf of everyone here at the Chairshot, I hope Kota Ibushi a strong, speedy recovery. Unfortunately, if he must miss Wrestle Grand Slam Tokyo for the sake of his health, then it is best he not push himself. But card subject to change, the show must go on!


Shingo Takagi & BUSHI VS Tomoaki Honma & Master Wato!

With the big title match in question, the Dragon will still prepare as if he were to face Kota Ibushi in Tokyo. Will he and Black Mask take down the substituting Kokeshi and the Way of the Grandmaster?

The teams sort out, Wato steps up and so does Bushi. Fans cheer and rally up as the two circle. They tie up, Wato trips Bushi then runs. Bushi drops, hurdles, Wato leaps, but Wato also ducks and dodges to RANA Bushi down! Wato swings on Takagi but Takagi doesn’t even budge! Wato hits Takagi again, still nothing, and Takagi ROCKS Wato. Wato dropkicks Takagi down! Bushi kicks Wato, things speed up again, Wato back elbows, back hands and sobats! Wato drags Bushi up, drags him over but Bushi gets away before Honma tags in. Honma wants Takagi! Bushi obliges and Takagi tags in! Fans cheer as the Dragon gets in and circles with Honma.

Takagi and Honma tie up, are in a deadlock, but Takagi uses leverage to get Honma on ropes. The ref calls for the ropebreak and Takagi lets off, but Honma blocks the cheap chop! Honma fires off forearms, clamps on a headlock, and holds on as Takagi tries to power out. Honma grinds the hold, Takagi fights with body shots and gets free. Honma bumps Takagi but Takagi rebounds to run Honma over! Takagi steps on Honma, flexes, then drops an elbow! And another! Then drops a back senton but FLOPS as Honma moves! Honma CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS Takagi to a corner. Honma whips corner to corner, runs in and back elbows, to then BULLDOG!

Fans fire up as Honma runs, but Takagi avoids the falling headbutt! Bushi runs in to DECK Wato and then goes out after him. Takagi throws elbows into Honma’s shoulders while Bushi whips Wato hard into railing. BACK SENTON! Takagi hits his target this time, and then he brings Honma up. Takagi bumps Honma off buckles, RAMS his shoulder into Honma again and again, then lets off. Honma kicks back, kicks again, but Takagi stays up. Honma BOOTS Takagi but Takagi double CHOPS! Takagi reels Honma in to suplex high and hard! Fans cheer as Takagi covers, TWO! Honma stays in this but Takagi tags in Bushi.

Bushi stomps Honma, kicks him, but Honma eggs him on. Bushi bumps Honma off buckles, brings him around and CHOPS! Honma growls so Bushi CHOPS more and more! Bushi brings Honma back around to knee low, then he goes up and leaps to missile dropkick! Bushirooni! Takagi gets in to BLAST Wato off the apron, then LIJ gets Honma up. Bushi puts Honma in a corner, he and Takagi double whip corner to corner, then Takagi runs in. Honma dodges, Bushi kicks him and holds him, but Honma boots Takagi! Honma spins around to reel Bushi in, Takagi runs in but Honma catches him, too! DDT COMPLETE SHOT COMBO! Fans rally up as all three men are down!

Honma crawls, Wato is back, hot tag to Wato! Wato aims, springboards in, FLYING UPPERCUT to Bushi! Takagi knees low, runs, but into a calf kick from Wato! Takagi bails out, Wato builds speed, TORNILLO onto Bushi! Wato gets Bushi up and in, fans rally up and Wato stands Bushi up for a strike fest. Wato KICKS Bushi down, drags him back up and whips him to ropes. Tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Wato keeps his cool as Bushi survives, and Wato drags Bushi up. Wato wrenches, reels Bushi in, but no Mouse Trap! Bushi ducks a roundhouse, Wato blocks one kick and ducks the enziguri, but the heel kick connects!

Wato comes back but swings into a spin, and Bushi gets the FISHERMAN SCREW! Both men are down and fans fire up again. Wato and Bushi crawl, Bushi tags to Takagi. Takagi runs at Wato in the corner to clothesline! Feed to Bushi’s ENZIGURI! Takagi gets Wato up, Bushi runs in, SPINEBUSTER BACKSTABBER COMBO! Takagi sits Wato up to run, SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Wato survives but Takagi drags Wato up, Honma sends Bushi into railing, Takagi hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, Honma breaks it just in time! Honma gets Takagi up and the two stare down. Honma throws forearms but Takagi eggs him on.

Fans rally as Honma throws more forearms, Takagi grits his teeth and fires boxing elbows back! Takagi whips Honma and KNEES him at the ropes. Takagi runs, into a FLYING HEADBUTT! Honma knocks Bushi off the apron then gets Wato up. They coordinate on Takagi, double whip but Takagi holds ropes to DOUBLE PUMPING BOMBER! Takagi gets Wato up, NOSHIGAMI! Cover, TWO! Wato survives but Takagi says he’s not done, either! “OI! OI! OI!” Fans rally with Takagi as he runs at the corner, corner clothesline! Takagi keeps moving, Wato dodges, pop-up to RANA! Cover, TWO! Takagi escapes, Wato rolls him, again, TWO!! Wato hurries to BUZZSAW Takagi down!

Fans fire up as Wato fires off more kicks. Takagi JABS, Wato BACK HANDS! Wato runs but Takagi follows to clothesline him at ropes! Takagi runs, Wato follows and dodges, but Takagi hits PUMPING BOMBER!! Cover, Takagi & Bushi win!

Winners: Shingo Takagi & Bushi, by pinfall

Wato couldn’t withstand that full speed Pumping Bomber and the Dragon is red hot! But with Kota Ibushi’s health a concern, will we have to wait a little longer for them to slug it out?


SANADA VS Zack Sabre Jr!

The Cold Skull and Uncontrollable Charisma are the NEW IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, but it seems the former champions aren’t going away just yet. Takagi & Bushi just won, can Sanada keep this LIJ rally going?

The bell rings and fans rally as ZSJ oddly offers a handshake. Sanada is wary, but fans clap that he should accept. Sanada accepts, and surprisingly, it is a clean handshake. The two circle, feel things out, tie up, and ZSJ headlocks. Sanada puts ZSJ on ropes, Red Shoes calls for the ropebreak, and Sanada lets off clean. They go again, feeling out the grapple. ZSJ waistlocks, puts Sanada on ropes, but lets off even before Red Shoes brings up the ropebreak. ZSJ and Sanada go again, ZSJ gets around to a full nelson but Sanada spins through, only for ZSJ to snapmare. ZSJ runs but Sanada table tops him to go after a leg. ZSJ rolls, gets up, and cravats.

Sanada breaks free, ZSJ gets the cravat again, but Sanada arm-drags free. ZSJ gets up and evades the arm-drag! Fans cheer as ZSJ grins and Sanada gets back up. They reset, circle again, feel things out, and knuckle lock. ZSJ wrenches, steps over to trap the arm, and then cravats. ZSJ snapmares, wraps on a straitjacket, and this has become a signature exchange of the two as Sanada gets up. Sanada tries to get out but ZSJ changes it up, he ripcords and whips Sanada, only for Sanada to reverse the whip. ZSJ goes up but Sanada snapmares him. Sanada runs into a headlock, powers out but ZSJ catches him for a cobra twist! Fans cheer, but Sanada hip tosses free!

Sanada reaches down, ZSJ bridges up to cravat and snapmare! Sanada handsprings through, but ZSJ fakes him out to go for a schoolboy. Sanada sits on the roll-up, but ZSJ sunset flips! Sanada rolls through to high stack but ZSJ headscissors that to a cover. Sanada keeps rolling to sunset ZSJ but ZSJ rolls through to jackknife! Sanada rolls through to go for the legs, but ZSJ avoids Paradise by popping Sanada into a sunset! Sanada kicks ZSJ down, this is a double cover! ONE as both men get a shoulder up! The shoulders come down again, so it’s a double cover again! ONE as the other shoulders come up! Back to a double cover, TWO as both men get both arms up!

Fans cheer the impressive core strength and both men scramble away. ZSJ and Sanada think the other was closer to losing that one but fans rally up, “SA-NA-DA!” “Z S J!” Sanada and ZSJ reset, feel things out again, and knuckle lock. ZSJ rolls to wrench and wristlock and he wrangles Sanada down. ZSJ bends fingers while digging a knee into Sanada’s head. ZSJ uses his head to get leverage but Sanada gets up. ZSJ wrenches the wrist more, but Sanada stays on his feet. Sanada rolls, handsprings, cartwheels and handsprings to WRING ZSJ! ZSJ reaches up to headscissor and drag Sanada down, but Sanada kips free to arm-drag ZSJ!

ZSJ headscissors again and holds tighter! Sanada has to kip a couple more times to get free, he arm-drags ZSJ again, but again ZSJ headscissors Sanada down! Sanada is caught again and fans cheer this new exchange. ZSJ squeezes tight, Sanada fights up and around but ZSJ pushes up for leverage. ZSJ digs elbows into Sanada’s back, but Sanada hops and hops and handsprings free! Fans cheer and ZSJ keeps cool as he and Sanada reset again. ZSJ and Sanada circle, feel this out again, and double knuckle lock. ZSJ rolls, gets a foot and trips Sanada up to a toehold. Sanada endures, ZSJ traps the leg but Sanada gets a body scissors.

ZSJ endures a squeeze now but he pushes back to a deep cover, ONE as Sanada pushes ZSJ back. ZSJ pries at the feet but Sanada makes it a body scissor clutch, ONE! ZSJ pushes back again, TWO! Sanada shakes his head, saying that won’t work. ZSJ uses his own leg to pry the hold but Sanada rolls over to a clutch again, ONE! ZSJ still works on the legs, pushes back yet again, TWO! ZSJ is free and has a toehold, Sanada turns over but ZSJ blocks his escape and ties up the legs! ZSJ Bow ‘n’ Arrows but Sanada pops free to cover! TWO!! ZSJ gets up but Sanada blocks the boot. ZSJ EuroUppers and runs but Sanada dropkicks ZSJ’s legs out!

Fans fire up as ZSJ bails out and Sanada catches his breath. Sanada goes out to fetch ZSJ, gets the leg and wraps it around railing! ZSJ fights back with fish hooks but Sanada shrugs him off. Sanada lets go of the leg to BOOT the railing into it! ZSJ falls over and Sanada paces. Red Shoes checks on ZSJ but he’s okay to continue so Sanada brings him back up. Sanada puts ZSJ in the ring, fans cheer, but ZSJ hurries to ropes for safety. Sanada gets ZSJ up, gets the leg, and hits a SHINBREAKER! ZSJ writhes and rolls to ropes on the far side, but Sanada drags ZSJ back. Sanada rolls to tweak the legs, does it again, then ties the legs up in a figure four knot.

ZSJ endures as Sanada pulls on figure four. ZSJ turns over but Sanada stomps the leg, then SMASHES the knee into the mat! Sanada watches as ZSJ clutches his leg. Sanada gets the leg again but ZSJ stands up out of the smash! ZSJ gets an arm to WRING Sanada into the mat! Fans cheer while ZSJ catches his breath. Sanada writhes and rolls to the apron and out of the ring. ZSJ pursues, gets Sanada up and wraps the bad arm around railing! ZSJ BOOTS the railing like Sanada did! Then he hammerlocks and STOMPS the arm into the floor! Red Shoes has ZSJ back off to check on Sanada. ZSJ gets in the ring to rest while Sanada clutches his arm.

A ring count starts as fans rally “SA-NA-DA! SA-NA-DA!” The count reaches 7 of 20 before Sanada sits up, and 10 before he stands. Sanada gets up at 15 of 20, grits his teeth and hurries in at 18! But ZSJ is right after him and the bad arm! ZSJ isolates and STOMPS the arm again! Sanada writhes and rolls but ZSJ gets a knuckle lock. ZSJ steps over the arm for a Disarmer, pulls back and twists the wrist! He bends the fingers, tweaks the wrist, hammerlocks with his legs, and then gets the other arm to pull it way back! Sanada manages a ropebreak with his legs! ZSJ lets go clean, drags Sanada up, but Sanada rolls to trip ZSJ to a toehold.

ZSJ fights back with fish hooks but Sanada shrugs that off. ZSJ slips out of the toehold to get the bad arm. Sanada clasps hands but ZSJ pries the fingers apart. ZSJ pulls the arm, Sanada endures and fights up to his feet. Sanada reaches for ropes but ZSJ wrangles him back down! Sanada keeps moving around as fans rally back up. Sanada rolls, floats, but ZSJ avoids the facelock to hammerlock the arm! ZSJ clamps down on the shoulder, Sanada endures and fights back up, and Sanada slips around, but ZSJ slips back to keep the hammerlock. ZSJ chinbars, drags Sanada down with the hammerlock, and grinds the shoulder more.

Sanada fights back up again, reaches for ropes as he runs around, but uses that momentum to throw ZSJ out of the ring! Fans cheer while ZSJ sits up. Sanada shakes out the bad arm, aims, and PLANCHAS! Direct hit and Sanada gets the fans cheering louder! And louder! Sanada is satisfied with that and gets ZSJ back up into the ring. Cover, TWO! Sanada gets ZSJ up, fireman’s carries, but ZSJ fights to wrench, but Sanada avoids the Pele to STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Sanada is annoyed but the fans rally up again. ZSJ and Sanada go to opposite corners, Sanada runs in corner to corner but ZSJ boots him!

ZSJ runs to sunset flip, Sanada rolls through, and he has the legs! ZSJ fights Paradise off to omoplata ARM TWIST! Sanada is down, clutching the shoulder. Fans rally up again as ZSJ sits up. ZSJ kicks at Sanada, pushing him towards ropes. Sanada gets to a corner, ZSJ kicks the bad arm. Sanada dropkicks the bad leg out! Both men are down and fans cheer. ZSJ sits up to give kicks, but Sanada basement dropkicks ZSJ back down! ZSJ gets to ropes, Sanada slowly rises, and fans rally again. ZSJ pushes up, even with the bad leg. He gets Sanada’s bad arm, wrenches, wristlocks, double wristlocks, then just wrenches the arm again. ZSJ tortures Sanad’s arm from fingers to shoulder!

Sanada stays standing, but ZSJ wrenches, wrangles, and isolates the arm! Sanada avoids the stomp, gets the bad leg, and DRAGON SCREWS ZSJ down! Both men are down now as each clutches their bad limb. Sanada gets up, drags ZSJ to a drop zone and then climbs a corner, ROUNDING BODY KNEES! ZSJ saves himself, omoplatas the bad arm, and gets the far arm! Not quite Far Away From Home as Sanada scrambles for ropes! Sanada reaches out to get a ropebreak with a foot! ZSJ lets go fast but is frustrated that Sanada survives. Fans rally up again as Sanada gets to the apron. ZSJ pursues, gets Sanada up and wrenches the arm, but Sanada throws forearms! ZSJ PELES the arm!

Sanada gets the leg through ropes! DRAGON SCREW! Sanada gets back in, gets the leg and FIGURE FOURS! ZSJ scrambles and gets the ropebreak! Sanada holds on but Red Shoes undoes the hold. Fans still rally as ZSJ and Sanada are down, resting their bad limbs. ZSJ sits up, scoots after Sanada and Sanada gets him up. Sanada EuroUppers, ZSJ EuroUppers back! Fans cheer as Sanada catches his breath. Sanada comes back with another EuroUpper, but so does ZSJ! Sanada EuroUppers, ZSJ EuroUppers, and we have a EuroUpper brawl! Sanada ROCKS ZSJ with a EuorUpper, ZSJ ROCKS Sanada right back!

Sanada EuroUppers again, but so does ZSJ. They go again and Sanada knocks ZSJ down with one! ZSJ gets up but Sanada gives him more EuroUppers! ZSJ catches one to backslide, but then spins to a scoop! Sanada slips out to dragon sleeper, but ZSJ breaks free! Sanada waistlocks, they go to ropes, Sanada rolls ZSJ back to an O’Conner Roll! But ZSJ rolls through to O’Conner! TWO!! Fans fire up as Sanada fireman’s carries, throws ZSJ into a dragon sleeper, but ZSJ rolls through to EuroClutch! But Sanada slips out to the O’Conner Roll with bridge! TWO!! ZSJ narrowly escapes but Sanada trips, steps through, but ZSJ small packages, TWO!!

Fans fire up more as Sanada and ZSJ go again. ZSJ dodges the dropkick, Sanada blocks the Penalty Kick! Sanada gets up, and DRAGON SCREWS! Fans fire up again as Sanada goes to the corner and up top! ROUNDING BODY PRESS to ZSJ’s legs! Sanada steps through, ZSJ pops him down to a Euro-NO! Sanada chicken wings the arms for a Tiger Plex Bridge! But ZSJ pushes Sanada down with his feet, it’s a DOUBLE COVER, DOUBLE THREE COUNT!!?

Double Pinfall Draw

Red Shoes explains it, as ZSJ thought he got a shoulder up while pushing Sanada down! Sanada argues that ZSJ was still down! ZSJ says “USO! (LIES!)” ZSJ says he won! Well, Red Shoes’ word is final, this was a draw! The fans cheer, they never expected that! But the arguing continues, each man saying the other lost. But then they shove each other, and Sanada drags ZSJ down to a cradle! ZSJ rocks it back, it’s like the match is still going! Red Shoes tells them to stop, none of this matters! The Young Lions get them to separate! ZSJ demands they use replay, Sanada says ZSJ should just accept it. But then ZSJ rushes Sanada, and they go back and forth with sunset flips/prawn holds!

Again the Young Lions back these two off, and both men are adamant about who won and who lost. The two finally leave ringside, also arguing who gets to go up the ramp as the winner. If this is how close it was 1v1, just how much closer will it be when they’re 2v2?


Tetsuya Naito VS Taichi!

Well, it’s hard to say what the batting average for LIJ is tonight, but in the end, their charismatic leader steps up to the plate! Will he hit it out of the park like Takagi & Bushi? Will he end up in a draw like Sanada? Or will he completely strike out against the Sliest Wrestler in the World?

Both men take their time with their elaborate entrance attire, and Taichi shows off the dancing pecs. Taichi also mocks how Naito holds the title belt with how he holds his towel. Naito finally finishes with putting his things away, the fans cheer, and the bell rings. Naito mocks Taichi fishing his hair as the fans rally up, “NA-I-TO! NA-I-TO!” Taichi and Naito circle, but both men wait on the other to make a move. Neither does, so they circle again. They still wait on the other, back off again, and circle. Finally the two tie up and Naito puts Taichi on ropes. Red Shoes calls for the break, Naito lets off cleanly and the fans cheer.

Taichi and Naito reset again, tie up again, and again Naito puts Taichi on ropes. Taichi is taking it easy, Naito lets off, and Taichi applauds with the fans. Naito and Taichi circle more, tie up a third time, and Naito pulls Taichi along so that it looks like Taichi’s putting Naito on the ropes! Taichi is confused, but he lets off with a shoulder pat. Then he kicks low, clubs away on Naito’s back, and whips. Naito holds ropes, boots Taichi then runs to RANA Taichi down! Fans cheer as Taichi bails out and Naito builds speed. Naito fakes Taichi out, but then even fakes Tranquilo to WRECK Taichi with a dropkick! Taichi crashes into railing at commentary! Naito Tranquilos on the apron!

Naito then goes out and stomps Taichi down! Naito drags Taichi up, whips him hard into railing, and Taichi flounders to the floor. Naito heads over, drags Taichi back up, and he RAMS Taichi into the railing in front of commentary! Naito grinds Taichi into the railing with a cravat, right in front of Milano Collection! Taichi flails, reaches out, but there’s nothing to stop this! The ring count begins, Naito CLUBS Taichi down at 7 of 20 then goes back in at 11. Taichi sputters and we reach 15! Taichi gets up at 16, in at 18! Naito is after Taichi at the ropes, and chokes him on the bottom one! Red Shoes counts, Naito lets off and paces.

Naito drags Taichi up, snapmares Taichi and then holds onto the cravat to wrench the neck. Taichi endures, pulls Naito’s hair, but Naito cranks on the cravat. Taichi scoots around, Naito floats to a cover, TWO! Naito keeps Taichi down with a chinlock but Taichi throws hands from below. Taichi reaches out and get a ropebreak with a leg. Naito lets off only to bring Taichi up and CLUB away on his back! Naito gets the cravat again, puts Taichi in a corner, but Taichi throws body shots. Naito whips corner to corner then runs in, but Taichi avoids the rocket kick to GAMANGIRI! Fans cheer as both men are down.

Naito checks his face while going to the apron. Fans rally up again, “NA-I-TO!” “TA-I-CHI!” Taichi and Naito both bail out of the ring and Taichi goes around the way to fetch Naito. Taichi whips Naito hard into railing! Taichi drags Naito up, and whips him hard into more railing! Naito gets stuck on the railing, Taichi brings him back down and uses camera cables to choke him! Red Shoes reprimands, Taichi acts like nothing’s wrong, so Red Shoes counts. Taichi lets go with one hand, but chokes with the other. Red Shoes counts again, Taichi lets go of Naito but stomps him down. The ring count begins, Taichi brings Naito up at 7 of 20, and puts him in at 10 of 20.

Fans cheer as this continues in the ring, and Taichi CHOKES Naito inside of the chinlock! Red Shoes can tell, so Taichi lets off. Taichi drags Naito up, and chokes him inside the headlock! Taichi STO’s Naito down, and still chokes him! Red Shoes reprimands but Taichi insists it’s a type of pin! Red Shoes doesn’t fall for that at all and counts, but Taichi lets off. Taichi says if Red Shoes wants a choke, here’s a choke! With both hands! Red Shoes counts, Taichi lets off, and fans cheer the general moxie of Taichi. Taichi snapmares and KICKS Naito in the back! Naito just sits there so Taichi gives him toying kicks, then a real KICK! And another KICK!

Fans rally, “NA-I-TO!” as Taichi kicks more. Naito gets up and fires off forearms! Naito runs, but into a choke grip! Naito blocks the slam so Taichi shoves him away. Naito comes back to atomic drop and NECKBREAKER! Both men are down as fans rally up again. Naito gets up first, brings Taichi up, and throws forearms and kicks. Naito whips, elbows Taichi down then runs to basement dropkick! Taichi gets up and Naito whips him to a corner, for the rocket kick! Sweep and COMBINACION CABRON! Fans fire up as Naito strikes his pose. Naito gets Taichi up, dragon sleepers and NECKBREAKERS! Then the leg hold full nelson! Taichi endures but Naito slaps him around.

Taichi eggs Naito on so Naito puts more pressure on the hold. Taichi tries to choke Naito even from here! Red Shoes reprimands, Naito puts more pressure, but Taichi moves around. Fans rally, Naito claps along, but Taichi reaches out with a leg. Naito thrashes the hold, Taichi keeps reaching, and Taichi gets the ropebreak! Red Shoes counts and Naito lets Taichi go. Naito gets Taichi up to hammerlock and lift but Taichi fights back. Naito clubs, whips but Taichi reverses to HOOK KICK! Both men are down again as fans cheer. Fans rally again as Naito and Taichi slowly rise. Taichi stands first, Naito sits up, Taichi KICKS him in the chest! Naito eggs Taichi on, so Taichi KICKS him again.

Taichi KICKS Naito down then stands on his head. Taichi kicks at Naito toyingly as fans rally up. Naito gets up and throws more forearms. Taichi eggs him on, Naito keeps going, then Taichi KICKS a leg. Naito forearms, Taichi kicks, repeat! Fans rally up as they go faster, Taichi gets the edge and KICKS Naito off his feet! Taichi dares Naito to get back up, and Naito slowly sits up. Naito blocks the Buzzsaw, shoves Taichi, then blocks the boot to fire back elbows in the corner! Taichi slumps down, Naito brings him up and throws more elbows. Taichi flops over and Naito wants Red Shoes to check him. Taichi is okay to continue so Naito stands him up and puts him up top.

Naito climbs up, Taichi slips out and brings Naito off the corner, but Naito RANAS! Both men get up, Taichi BOOTS then GAMANGIRIS! Both men are down again and fans fire back up for “NA-I-TO!” “TA-I-CHI!” Taichi gets up first and powers up. Naito rises, Taichi runs, but Naito blocks the Ax Bomber! Taichi mule kicks, Naito dodges but runs into the AX BOMBER after all! Cover, TWO!! Naito survives but Taichi keeps on him with Seiteijyujiryou! Naito endures being twisted, stretched and bent! Fans rally up as Taichi cranks the hold harder! Red Shoes checks on Naito, Naito grabs at Red Shoes but Taichi cranks Seiteijyujiryou even harder!

Naito starts to fade, but he kicks and flails as best he can! Taichi lets go to cover, TWO!!! Naito survives and Taichi is annoyed. Fans keep rallying as Taichi slowly gets up. Taichi gets Naito up, reels him in, but Naito blocks the bomb lift. Taichi tries again but still Naito resists, so Taichi gives him Kowata Kicks! Now Taichi gets Naito up but Naito fights free! Taichi boots, whips, Naito reverses to TORNADO DDT! Both men are down again and fans fire up! Naito crawls after Taichi as Taichi goes to a corner, and Naito brings Taichi up. Naito hoists Taichi up top, climbs up and fires off forearms. Naito goes to the very top, throws down more hands, then SUPER STEINERS!

Fans fire up as Naito aims from the corner. Taichi slowly rises, Naito runs in, but into an Alabama lift! Naito fights but Taichi hits an ALABAMA SLAM! Taichi staggers back into a corner while Naito is dazed on the mat! Fans rally up harder and Taichi fires himself up. OFF COME THE PANTS! Taichi focuses, powers up, but Naito SHOTUGN BOOTS! Taichi is back up, Naito dodges the superkick to tilt-o-whirl, CORRIENDOSHIKI! Cover, TWO!! Taichi survives but Naito says he’ll end this now! Naito gets Taichi back up, wrenches to tilt-o-whirl, DESTI- NO! Taichi slips out, but Naito ENZIGURIS! Taichi ends up in a corner, Naito has the wild grin as he heads over.

Fans are thunderous as Naito goes up the corner and brings Taichi up. Naito reels Taichi in, but Taichi fights to GAMANGIRI! Naito is stuck up top! Taichi drags Naito into position for the Alabama, but Naito grabs ropes! Taichi tries to get Naito to let go, but Naito uses that momentum to spin and DDT! Cover, TWO!! Taichi survives again but Naito keeps focus as fans fire back up. Naito stands Taichi up, reels him in and scoops, VALENTIA! But he’s not done there, Naito gets Taichi up to wrench, tilt-o-whirls, DESTI- BLACK MEPHISTO!! Cover, TWO!?!? Naito survives, that was 2.9! But Taichi is too tired to be frustrated. The fans, however, are thunderous again!

Naito and Taichi slowly rise, and they go to opposite corners. Taichi fires up and demands Naito stand! Naito rises, they head for each other, Taichi BOOTS, but Naito stays up. Naito fires up, but he feints the run, only for Taichi to BOOT him again! Naito runs for real, but Taichi gets around, DANG- No! Naito holds off the saido to throw back elbows! Taichi ROCKS Naito with a forearm! Naito SLAPS Taichi! Taichi wobbles on his feet, stays up, and hits a three point stance?! Taichi DECKS Naito with a sumo forearm! Naito staggers up but Taichi reels him into a DANGEROUS SAIDO!! Cover, TWO!?!? Naito survives again and fans are thunderous again!

Taichi gets back up as fans rally hard as ever. Again, Naito and Taichi are in opposite corners. Naito gets up, TENSHO JUJIHO SUPERKICK!! But Taichi isn’t done there, Alabama to the BLACK MEPHISTO!!! Cover, Taichi wins!!!

Winner: Taichi, by pinfall

What was the pitch count on that one!? It was a battle until the very end, and in the end, Naito strikes out!! Taichi didn’t need any tricks, just his grit and determination! ZSJ joins Taichi in celebrating, but Sanada returns to make sure it stays at this. But this isn’t over here, as tomorrow will call for the trading of dance partners! Taichi is already telling Sanada that he’ll get the same, and ZSJ says he’ll see Naito tomorrow. Sanada helps Naito up and Taichi looks Naito in the eye to rub in this defeat. But even then, Naito manages to grin back at him. Will Naito be able to shrug this loss off and turn things around next round?

But as LIJ leaves, ZSJ gets the mic. “Oi, Naito. Job well done.” ZSJ even said that in Japanese! And ZSJ says he’s looking forward to tomorrow. And then back in English, he makes sure Sanada knows they’re not done yet. And more importantly, “Taichi, kyo sugoi yo! (You were amazing today!)” But soon, the Dangerous Tekkers will get those tag titles back. Tomorrow is a bit of fun, though, right? Hasta manana~! Oh, do the fans understand Spanish here? Nice. “Mina jozu. (Everyone’s so smart.)” ZSJ now lets Taichi have his turn on the mic.

“BUENOS NOCHES, OSAKAAA~!” Taichi’s mocking Naito’s introduction! And he likes how it feels. He wants Naito to know, it really does feel good to say it like that. But Naito didn’t get to say it tonight, and he won’t get to say it tomorrow, either. Taichi promises that Naito’s gonna lose two in a row! “And Sana-yan, you’re next!” LIJ has no chance against the Tekkers. Taichi’s looking forward to beating him, so Sana-yan better be ready. Taichi vows to win again tomorrow, then Sunday in the Tokyo Dome, they win the titles back. “It’s all decided. We are the toughest team, the Dangerous Tekkers.” The Sliest Wrestler is also very confident, but will it all be for naught this weekend?

My Thoughts:

A very good event to open things in Osaka! I skipped the opening Six Man, it was just the flipside to Eagles & RPG3K VS Suzuki-Gun, keeping the math even with Desperado getting the win there. Then Hiroshi Tanahashi pinned Yujiro Takahashi in another Six Man, keeping Bullet Club on their heels as they try to go after Chaos’ Six Man titles. The United Empire wins against Okada and Goto, specifically Cobb pinning Goto so that Cobb and Okada will stay even going into their special attraction singles match this Sunday. I’m sure a lot of this is to make up for Ospreay not being here to face Okada, but Cobb is going to look awesome against Okada, even if he loses.

Awful news for Ibushi that he has a form of pneumonia, and my statement at the start of the article is genuine. If Ibushi needs to miss Wrestle Grand Slam Tokyo, that’s just how it is. The match we got out of Takagi & Bushi VS Honma & Wato was still really good, but naturally Takagi & Bushi win this one. If by a minor miracle Ibushi is 100% by Sunday, Takagi will be going in with a lot of momentum. I wasn’t really seeing Ibushi winning this because Takagi seems to really have a lot going for him, from the fans liking him to obviously management seeing him as a star to get behind, but if Ibushi can be in any shape to wrestle, he’ll give Takagi one hell of a match.

Sanada VS ZSJ was awesome stuff, and they perfectly played off how familiar these two are with each other. The double pinfall draw was so masterfully built to, it was such a great surprise ending to this match. Then we got an even greater match out of Naito VS Taichi, again playing off some familiarity between both men. I didn’t see Taichi winning here for some reason, but it was a great move since tomorrow will see LIJ and Tekkers go again. I’m not sure how to factor the draw into the go-home math on this, though. Will there be another draw? I feel like not, because it might be too obvious after tonight. Maybe Taichi does come through on his 2-0 so that the math favors LIJ winning in the Tokyo Dome?

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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