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Mitchell’s NJPW Summer Struggle Osaka Report! (7/23/21)

LIJ VS Tekkers, round two!



NJPW Summer Struggle Osaka

This isn’t a replay, Osaka, it’s a rearrangement!

NJPW liked the idea of LIJ VS Dangerous Tekkers in separate singles matches so much, they’re doing it again! But now, Sanada and Naito trade opponents!

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • SANADA VS Taichi; Sanada wins.
  • Tetsuya Naito VS Zack Sabre Jr; Naito wins.



The Cold Skull and the Submission Master caught each other in a double pin draw just 24 hours ago, so that only bolsters the confidence of the Sliest Wrestler in the world! Will Taichi sweep Los Ingobernables de Japon’s golden duo? Or will Sanada make up for falling short with his second at-bat?

Much like yesterday, Taichi takes his time with the elaborate ring gear, and shows off the dancing pecs. Unlike Naito, Sanada is done rather quickly, and Red Shoes does his checks. The bell rings and the fans cheer as the two stare down. Taichi and Sanada slowly approach, Taichi does more dancing pecs just to show off, and then asks Sanada to do his. Sanada also has dancing pecs! Sanada passes it back to Taichi, so Taichi shows off with the alternating movement. Taichi again passes it back to Sanada, and he gets on the corner so more can see! And Sanada again passes it to Taichi. Fans rally up so Taichi climbs a corner. Sanada takes his turn without being asked!

Fans cheer as the dancing pecs keep on dancing! They finally hop down off the corner and they go down to ask commentary who has the better pair! Well obviously Yoshinobu Kanemaru is going to be on Taichi’s side. But they go back to Red Shoes, and Red Shoes determines the fan applause to be in favor of… SANADA! Taichi is upset and he chokes Sanada into a corner! Red Shoes counts, Taichi shifts to digging his boot in, but Red Shoes counts again. Taichi lets off and argues about the pec contest results. Red Shoes says the claps were honestly in favor of Sanada! Maybe this is a case of popularity over skill?

Taichi goes back to Sanada but Sanada gets around for a BIG atomic drop! Sanada gets the legs, then the arms, but Taichi kicks Sanada away. Taichi blocks a kick, trips Sanada up, and considers stealing Paradise! But Sanada kicks him away before then! Sanada gets up but Taichi chokes Sanada again! Taichi puts Sanada on ropes to use those to choke him, but Red Shoes counts. Taichi lets off fast, and then gets the arms and legs! Taichi is going to use the ropes in Paradise like Sanada sometimes does, and it makes for a good fix. Taichi has the fans fire up, also like Sanada would, and then Taichi gets a three point stance. Taichi runs in to basement dropkick Sanada out of Paradise!

Sanada falls to the floor, Taichi goes out after him. Taichi hopes Milano liked that one. Taichi gets Sanada up as fans rally, and he whips Sanada hard into railing! Sanada slumps down while Taichi paces. Taichi gets a camera cable to choke Sanada! Red Shoes goes out and reprimands, then counts. Taichi lets go with one hand but Red Shoes makes him let go completely. Sanada sputters but Taichi digs his knee in. A ring count begins, Taichi lets off on Sanada and paces about. We’re at 10 of 20 as Taichi gets Sanada up, then 15 as he puts Sanada in. Taichi takes his time getting Sanada back up, and he hides a choke inside the chinlock! Red Shoes knows this trick, he counts!

Taichi lets go, but smirks as he stalks Sanada. Taichi gets Sanada up to snapmare and choke! Again, Red Shoes has seen this trick enough, so he counts. Taichi lets off, to choke with both hands! Red Shoes counts again, so Taichi stops. Taichi mockingly applauds as he paces about. Taichi gives Sanada toying kicks, but Sanada gets up to throw forearms! Taichi just takes them, kicks low and snapmares to KICK Sanada in the back. Taichi gets Sanada in a standing cobra twist! Sanada endures, even as Taichi thrashes him about. Fans rally, Sanada fights, but Taichi clubs him in the ribs! Sanada still endures as Taichi mockingly asks, “What’re you gonna do?!”

Sanada powers up and gets the ropebreak! Taichi lets off, brings Sanada back and reels him in, but Sanada blocks the lift! Taichi CHOPS Sanada on the back, but Sanada back drops free! Taichi gets up fast but Sanada dropkicks one of Taichi’s legs out! Both men are down as fans rally, “SA-NA-DA! SA-NA-DA!” Sanada stands, gets Taichi up, and throws more forearms. Sanada whips, Taichi reverses and gets a choke grip! But Sanada breaks free to choke grip back! Sanada whips, hurdles, hurdles, and dropkicks Taichi out of the ring! Fans fire up and Sanada takes aim. Taichi stands, but avoids the Plancha!

Sanada is on the apron, he ROCKS Taichi, then springboards, but Taichi dodges! Sanada blocks a boot, and trips Taichi to put Taichi in Paradise! Fans get louder and louder as Sanada encourages them, and he likes what he hears. Sanada runs in to dropkick Taichi out of Paradise now! Cover, TWO! Sanada keeps cool and drags Taichi up to a fireman’s carry. Taichi fights free, Sanada switches but Taichi resists the slam to PELE! Both men are down again and fans rally back up. Sanada gets to a corner while Taichi sits up. Taichi runs in, clotheslines, then whips corner to corner to clothesline again! Snapmare and cover, TWO! Sanada is still in this but Taichi keeps focus.

Taichi raises his arm and the fans get louder as he powers up. Sanada rises, Taichi builds speed, but Sanada ducks Ax Bomber! Sanada comes back, Taichi boots his clothesline then ROUNDHOUSES! Taichi runs, but into a fireman’s carry! TKO! Cover, TWO!! Taichi survives and both men are down as fans rally up again. Sanada stands up, drags Taichi up but Taichi kicks from below! Sanada staggers, but he comes back to give Kowata Kicks! Taichi gets mad, mostly because they weren’t that strong. Taichi kicks low then gives Sanada his Kowata Kicks! Sanada shrugs those off?! Sanada throws a forearm, Taichi KICKS a leg!

Sanada grits his teeth to throw another forearm, but Taichi KICKS again! Forearm, KICK, repeat! Fans fire up as they go faster and faster back and forth. Taichi gets the edge and fires up. Taichi eggs Sanada on and Sanada EuroUppers! Taichi staggers but comes back to BOOT! Sanada stays up and he comes back to boot Taichi! Taichi boots back, so Sanada boots him! Fans cheer as both men stay up and Taichi boots Sanada again. Sanada boots Taichi, both take a moment to catch their breath, but Taichi fires up to boot, only for Sanada to block and EuroUpper! Taichi gets right up to wrench and HOOK KICK!

But Sanda’s right up to ROLLING ELBOW! AND TIGER DRIVER!! Cover, ONE?!?! Taichi is right up, and he reels Sanada into DANGEROUS SAIDO! But Sanada’s right up!! Both men are dizzy and they both fall over! Fans are fired up while Kanemaru is surprised on commentary. Taichi slowly sits back up and crawls towards a corner. Taichi fires himself up and fans rally behind him. OFF COME THE PANTS! Taichi powers up, aims at Sanada, but Sanada dropkicks him first! And ROLLING- Choke! CHOKE SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Sanada survives but Taichi powers up his left hand? Taichi drags Sanada up in a choke grip, reels him in and back suplexes, but Sanada lands on his feet!

Sanada shoves Taichi to a corner, Taichi dodges Sanada and comes back to GAM- No, Sanada blocks to QUEBRADA, and dragon sleeper! But Taichi slips out to SEITEIJYUJIRYOU! But Sanada arm-drags free before it locks in! Sanada spins Taichi to SHIRANUI to dragon sleeper! Fans cheer but Taichi fights free again to Alabama lift! Sanada fights out, SOBAT! Sanada runs to tilt-o-whirl into the dragon sleeper! Borrowing a bit from Naito’s Destino there! SKULL END! Taichi is caught, but he flails and reaches as Sanada squeezes tight! Fans rally up, Taichi scoots around as best he can, but he is fading! Sanada squeezes more as Taichi reaches for Red Shoes!

Red Shoes checks on Taichi, Sanada lets him free and goes to the corner! ROUNDING BODY PRESS to Taichi’s back! Sanada flips Taichi over, goes back up top, ROUNDING BODY onto knees! Taichi saves himself and fans fire back up! Sanada and Taichi stir, go to opposite corners, and Sanada grits his teeth as he gets up. Taichi stands in the other corner, Sanada runs in but into a boot! Taichi runs in but into a boot! Taichi mule kicks, Sanada fires up but Taichi ROCKS him with a forearm! BLINDSIDE AX BOMBER! Sanada staggers and rebounds off ropes into a GAMANGIRI! Taichi roars and fans are thunderous now!

Taichi gets Sanada back up, reels him in, gets him up, TAICHI STYLE LAST RIDE! DEEP high stack, TWO!! Sanada survives but Taichi is too tired to be surprised. Fans rally up again and Taichi gets up. Taichi vows to end this now, and he drags Sanada back up. Alabama lift, tuck, but Sanada springs out to O’Conner Roll and- No bridge, Taichi turns it to GEDO CLUTCH! TWO!! O’CONNER BRIDGE! SANADA WINS!!

Winner: Sanada, by pinfall

Taichi can’t believe it! He was so sure he had Sanada, but Sanada snatches victory from the jaws of defeat! Now the singles series is 1-1-1, an absolute tie! Taichi is in denial but can he make up for this at the Tokyo Dome?


Tetsuya Naito VS Zack Sabre Jr!

As we just saw, LIJ and the Tekkers have one win, one loss and one tie in their miniseries so far. It all comes down to the Uncontrollable Charisma and the Submission Master! Will Naito make up for his loss to Taichi by helping LIJ sweep the night? Or will ZSJ make him #JustTapOut to end the action in Osaka?

Naito again takes his time with the entrance gear but ZSJ stays patient. Wait was there more to it this time than usual? With that done, Red Shoes does his check, and the bell rings! Fans rally up already, and Naito insists it is “NA-I-TO!” Naito and ZSJ circle, approach, and Naito keeps changing the test of strength on ZSJ. ZSJ is annoyed by this but fans cheer. Naito and ZSJ circle again, approach, and ZSJ gets Naito on the ropes. ZSJ lets off, Naito kicks him and throws him out! Naito then waits on ZSJ for the test of strength. Fans cheer but ZSJ paces outside. ZSJ returns, circles with Naito, and still Naito wants a test of strength.

ZSJ and Naito finally tie up with knuckle locks but Naito kicks and throws ZSJ out again! ZSJ throws a fit against the railing and fans cheer. Naito waits as ZSJ goes around the corner, and Naito grins as he waits on ZSJ. ZSJ says Naito is very amusing, then he gets in. Naito kicks and throws ZSJ out again, ZSJ rushes back in but now Naito bails out! Fans cheer as Naito trolls ZSJ and asks him to tranquilo. ZSJ paces around in the ring and Naito has Red Shoes keep him back. Naito then returns, only to roll back out. ZSJ goes out and chases Naito around, Naito gets in the ring and Naito hits an atomic drop! And dropkicks the bad leg out! And still Naito wants the test of strength.

ZSJ of course refuses since he’s on the mat, so Naito stomps his bad leg! Naito still wants the test, but he stomps ZSJ again. ZSJ gets to ropes so Naito stomps him to the apron. Naito goes out but ZSJ grabs his hair, so Naito rakes ZSJ’s eyes! Naito throws elbows into the bad leg then drags ZSJ out to RAM him into railing! Naito keeps ZSJ up, wraps the bad leg around railing and pulls. Red Shoes reprimands but Naito pulls the leg more! Red Shoes counts so Naito BOOTS the railing! ZSJ falls over and Naito goes into the ring. Fans rally up as a ring count starts. ZSJ has to scoot and hobble over at 10 of 20 and hop in at 12.

Naito stomps the bad leg again and ZSJ gets to a corner. That doesn’t stop Naito from stomping! Naito snapmares ZSJ, ties up the legs, rolls him over, and has a Trailer Hitch! ZSJ endures as Naito keeps on the bad leg. ZSJ reaches back, but Naito pushes up to add leverage! ZSJ moves around, gets the ropebreak, but Naito insists he’s stuck. Red Shoes tries to figure this out but then Naito “accidentally” falls! Naito blames Red Shoes for tripping him! Naito stomps ZSJ’s bad leg, gets him up but ZSJ resists the shin breaker lift. Naito kicks the bad leg, gets ZSJ’s leg again but again ZSJ holds off the lift! Naito CLUBS the leg, runs, but ZSJ dodges the dropkick to NECK TWIST!

Fans cheer as both men are down, and ZSJ works on his bad knee. Naito clutches his neck and shoulder as he goes to ropes while fans rally up. ZSJ hobbles over and puts Naito in a headscissors. ZSJ pushes up and moves around to twist Naito’s head, and then ZSJ mocks the LIJ fist salute. ZSJ gets the legs, too, he’s modifying Cremation Lily a little. Naito endures so ZSJ grabs ropes to push up and crank the headscissors. Red Shoes counts, ZSJ lets Naito go and Naito bails out. ZSJ goes out after him to fire off EuroUpper after EuroUpper! Naito falls over and fans cheer as ZSJ goes back in the ring. Fans rally as the ring count starts again.

The count is 10 of 20 before Naito sits up. Naito crawls around at 13, gets to his feet at 15, and gets in at 17. ZSJ stands on Naito at the ropes, wraps the arm around ropes then digs his boots in. ZSJ lets off to give toying kicks. Naito gets up to CHOP ZSJ and fans like that. ZSJ EuroUppers, Naito forearms, repeat, and fans rally up as ZSJ EuroUppers and runs. Naito elbows, atomic drops, and dropkicks the leg out! Fans cheer again as both men are down. Naito gets up first, gets ZSJ up to fire off hands, then whips him to ropes to elbow him down. Naito runs to basement dropkick ZSJ in the back!

ZSJ gets to a corner, Naito whips him corner to corner and rocket kicks! Leg sweep and slingshot, but ZSJ guards. But Naito was faking him out! Naito dropkicks the bad leg! Fans cheer, and Naito takes his time going back after ZSJ. Naito stands ZSJ up to throw a back elbow, kick the leg, and repeat! Naito then CLUBS ZSJ down and eggs him on. ZSJ gets up, Naito snapmares him, then Naito goes for the bad leg. Naito drops an elbow on the knee! ZSJ fights back with a chinlock but Naito pulls on the toehold. Fans rally up as the two fight with holds, and ZSJ pulls at Naito’s nose. Red Shoes reprimands, Naito pulls on the bad leg! ZSJ scrambles to get the ropebreak!

Naito lets ZSJ go and ZSJ gets to a corner. Naito kicks at ZSJ, and kicks, and eggs him on. ZSJ gets up but Naito hammerlocks an arm. ZSJ resists Gloria to snapmare and NECK TWIST! Again, Naito clutches his shoulder area as fans rally up. ZSJ puts on a full nelson, uses that to lift Naito, but Naito fights free to arm-drag! ZSJ drops in to get a leg, then an arm, but Naito avoids the Pele to dropkick the leg out! Naito hurries after ZSJ and gets the foot for a SHORT LEG SCISSOR! ZSJ endures and fans rally up as Naito thrashes the knee! ZSJ pries at the scissors but Naito pulls on the leg. ZSJ drags himself and Naito over and gets the ropebreak! Fans cheer as Naito lets go.

Naito gets back up and paces to make sure his own legs are still good. Naito gets ZSJ up, throws more back elbows, then kicks the bad leg out! Naito dares ZSJ to get up but ZSJ dares Naito to come after him. Naito stands ZSJ up for even more back elbows, and then he kicks the leg again! Naito tries again but ZSJ dodges! ZSJ forearms, Naito forearms, ZSJ PELES the arm! ZSJ whips, catches Naito’s leaping forearm and has a GUILLOTINE! Naito stays up even as ZSJ body scissors, and Naito puts ZSJ in a corner. Naito fires body shots, whips corner to corner but ZSJ reverses. ZSJ runs in, Naito dodges, but ZSJ goes up and tornado DDT’s into a GUILLOTINE!

Naito is caught in the center of the ring as fans rally up! Naito moves around but ZSJ shifts from Guillotine to Triangle Hold! ZSJ squeezes as tight as he can and Naito is fading! Red Shoes checks but Naito gets a ropebreak with a foot! ZSJ lets go and fans rally up, “NA-I-TO! NA-I-TO!” Naito stirs but ZSJ gets him up. ZSJ throws a hard EuroUpper but Naito stays up. ZSJ shoves him so Naito CHOPS! ZSJ EuroUppers, Naito CHOPS! ZSJ comes back to EuroUpper again and Naito CHOPS again! Fans cheer as the two stay up, ZSJ EuroUppers but Naito kicks the bad leg. Naito eggs ZSJ on and ZSJ comes back to EuroUpper again. Naito just kicks the bad leg again!

Naito keeps egging ZSJ on, ZSJ scoots over and stands back up. ZSJ EuroUppers, Naito kicks! Naito stomps the bad leg, stops to line up a shot, but ZSJ blocks it! ZSJ EuroUppers, whips, but Naito reverses to TORNADO DDT! Fans fire up as both men are down again! Naito gets up, drags ZSJ up, and hoists him to the top rope. Naito climbs up to SUPER STEINER! Fans fire up again as Naito aims from the corner. ZSJ rises, Naito runs in, but ZSJ BOOTS him! Naito tries again but ZSJ BOOTS! ZSJ whips, Naito reverses to kick and ENZIGURI! Naito gets ZSJ up, hammerlock and lift but ZSJ slips out to SLEEPER! Naito snapmares free but ZSJ throws EuroUppers!

ZSJ swings but Naito catches him and spins him. ZSJ spins through the neckbreaker to backslide! Naito slips off but ZSJ NECK TWISTS again! Fans rally up as both men are down again and ZSJ gets to ropes. Naito rolls towards a corner, ZSJ runs in! ZSJ hits a EuroUpper, shoves Naito out, then gets a SLEEPER! Naito rolls but ZSJ holds on tight! ZSJ traps an arm, then another, then has a DRAGON SLEEPER! ZSJ might be inventing a new hold before our very eyes! Naito endures and reaches with his legs but he’s caught! Naito manages to move his arms but ZSJ drags him back! ZSJ lets Naito out of the arm trap to pull on the dragon sleeper harder!

ZSJ then scoops Naito, but Naito slips out and dropkicks the bad leg from behind! Both men are down again but fans rally up. ZSJ and Naito go to opposite corners again, and Naito stands first. Naito runs in and dropkicks the bad leg out! Naito gets ZSJ up at the corner as he climbs, ESPERANZA! Cover, TWO!! ZSJ survives and fans fire up as Naito goes back to the corner. Naito eggs ZSJ on, ZSJ stands, and Naito runs in, tilt-o-whirl, CORRIENDOSHIKI! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Naito gets ZSJ up again. Naito scoops, ZSJ slips out and SNAP DRAGON SUPLEXES! But Naito is right up to SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX ZSJ!

ZSJ staggers up, runs but Naito spins and fires off elbows and kicks! ENZIGURI! ZSJ rebounds to PENALTY KICK! Both men are down again and fans are thunderous now! ZSJ drags himself over to Naito as fans rally up. ZSJ stands Naito up, but Naito scoops to VALENTIA!! Naito fires up, fans join in, and Naito gets ZSJ up to wrench and tilt-o-whirl, DESTINO!!! Cover, Naito wins!!

Winner: Tetsuya Naito, by pinfall

And LIJ walks away with the singles series, 2-1-1! Sanada comes out to join Naito, but Taichi appears to join ZSJ. It’s quite the switch from just last night. Naito applauds ZSJ’s efforts as ZSJ and Taichi take their leave. Naito and Sanada watch the Tekkers exit completely before Naito says, “Buenos tardes, OSAKAAAAA~!” Taichi last night, ZSJ tonight, both of them Sunday, they’re really busy. But first, he thanks everyone for being here the last couple of days, even with everything that’s been happening. “Gracias, amigos!” He knows that they know just a couple weeks ago in Sapporo, Naito & Sanada won and became the 90th IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.

Now, he and Sanada will have to defend the titles against Taichi and ZSJ in a rematch. “They both seem to have it in for me,” but Naito still likes wrestling them. So Taichi, Zack, if you can hear him right now backstage, Naito wants all four of them to really enjoy themselves in the Tokyo Dome, cabron! Who will have these belts when NJPW comes back through Osaka later this year? Everyone, please look forward to that time! But of course, until then, TRANQUILO~! Assen na yo! Fans cheer and Naito hopes to see everyone again in Osaka for G1 Climax 31’s opener on September 18th and 19th! But NJPW Summer Struggle Osaka has to of course end with the role call!

“Bushi! Sanada! Hiromu! Takagi! Y Naito! Nosotros! Los Ingoberrrrrnableeees~! DE! JA! PON!” LIJ is going strong into the Dome, but will they be able to stay golden into the Climax?

My Thoughts:

Another good event for NJPW, but yes, I did skip a lot of stuff. I will say, Bullet Club gave us a unique combo in an opening Six Man. JADO of all people gets a pin on Ryusuke Taguchi to slow down the Mega Coaches ahead of a Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship match. But other parts felt like rehashes, such as Tokyo Pimp taking another loss so Ishii and his teammates can be strong without hurting Evil or Kenta. The United Empire gets another win as Jeff Cobb gets another pin, just not on Okada, and Takagi & Bushi win another one against Honma & Wato. The math is all about the same there as I felt it was yesterday, really.

But the real math was in the LIJ VS Tekkers singles swaps. Both matches were a touch dragged out but they both still fired up at the end. Sanada and Naito both getting wins here was a big surprise. Naito was of course going to win to stay even in his own rights, but Sanada was perhaps the bigger surprise. NJPW doesn’t usually give us a case where the winners in the go-home then lose the title match, but it isn’t so easy to call it anyway. Naito & Sanada could lose and then go back to chasing singles titles, or the same could be for the Tekkers where they lose and go after singles titles. Either way, this match will be great, as will the entire Wrestle Grand Slam Tokyo show.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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