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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (10/7/21)

Who will face the Big Strong Boy?



Coverage NXT UK 2021

The NXT Heritage Cup Tournament Finals are here!

It’s a battle of Scotsmen as the NXT UK Heritage Cup Tournament wraps up! Will it be Mr. Supernova 11 or Gallus’ Wolfgang going after Tyler Bate?


  • Jinny w/ Joseph Conners VS Emilia McKenzie; Jinny wins.
  • Sam Gradwell VS Mark Andrews; Gradwell wins.
  • NXT UK Heritage Cup Tournament Finals: Noam Dar w/ Sha Samuels VS Wolfgang w/ Gallus; Dar wins and will challenge Tyler Bate for the cup.


Jinny w/ Joseph Conners VS Emilia McKenzie!

The Spoiled Princess riled up Meiko Satomura’s protégé and will now be putting her money where her mouth is! Will #SuplexMillie prove Jinny is NOT worthy of a match with the Final Boss?

The bell rings and the two tie right up. They go around, Millie waistlocks but Jinny wrenches and YANKS the arm. Jinny wristlocks, Millie slips through to wrench and wristlock back. Jinny throws a forearm but Millie wrangles her to the mat. Millie grinds the shoulder, wrenches again and YANKS back. Jinny stands, spins and slips through to wrench back then backs Millie up to WRING her out! Cover, ONE, but Jinny stays after Millie with a facelock. Millie rolls through to facelock and lateral press, TWO! Millie still has the facelock but Jinny throws body shots. Jinny stands, wrenches out and wristlocks again, but Millie spins and wrenches back.

BT Sports Studio rallies up as Jinny rolls and spins to wrench and drop toehold! Jinny ties up the legs, throws some elbows into Millie’s back, then pulls back on the deathlock. Jinny also pulls hair, the ref reprimands and counts, Jinny stops at 4. Conners says Jinny knows the rules, but Millie scrambles. Jinny pulls hair to keep Millie from the ropebreak to get a headlock. Jinny hits a takeover, Millie fights up to her feet and she throws body shots. Millie powers out, arm-drags Jinny around then dropkicks her down! Millie hurries to get Jinny up, TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Cover, TWO! Conners is relieved but Millie stalks Jinny.

Millie waistlocks, deadlifts, but Jinny fights back with elbows. Jinny crawls, Millie holds on but Jinny again fights with elbows. Jinny gets to ropes and uses them to HOTSHOT Millie away! Jinny whips Millie to a corner hard, then hurries in to stomp a mudhole into her! Conners says school is in session, but Millie hits back with haymakers to Jinny’s legs. Jinny gets an arm to WRING her out again! Jinny stands on the arm to SNAP it back! Millie writhes and holds the arm but Jinny drags her back up. Jinny wrenches, hooks Millie up and throws clubbing elbows into the IRON OCTOPUS! Millie endures and BT Sports Studio rallies for her! But Jinny shifts to a sunset flip, TWO!

Millie storms in but into a takedown! Jinny has the leg, kicks away at it, but Millie kicks back! Jinny turns Millie over and has a deep HALF CRAB! Millie crawls, Conners taunts her, but Jinny stomps Millie down before the ropebreak! Jinny tries the Half Crab again but Millie gets the ropebreak! Jinny lets off, stomps Millie in the corner, then gets the leg again. Millie boots Jinny away but Jinny throws a forearm! Millie forearms back but Jinny knees low! But Millie breaks the waistlock to CUTTER! The Viper would be impressed by that one! Millie fires up, drags Jinny up and hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Jinny is still in this but Millie aims. Conners swipes at her but she runs him off!

Here comes MEIKO SATOMURA! The Final Boss ROUNDHOUSE the Righteous Knight! Jinny runs at Millie but into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Jinny survives but Meiko coaches Millie up. Millie gets Jinny up but Jinny SLAPS her! S Millie SLAPS back! Underhooks for the JAY DRILLER!! Cover, TWO!?! Millie is furious that Jinny survives but Jinny flounders to a corner. Millie runs in but only gets POST! Jinny comes back to ROCK Millie with a forearm! Ripcord and ROLLING LIGER KICK! Cover, Jinny wins!

Winner: Jinny, by pinfall

Even with the NXT UK Women’s Champion countering Conners, Millie could not crush Jinny. And Jinny gets a mic to say, “look at her, Meiko. Look at your protégé. Defeated by me. And now, I’ve got your attention. No one or nothing is gonna stand in the way of me and my destiny.” Meiko gets in the ring to stare Jinny down as Jinny says it will be the Final Boss VS The Fashionista for the NXT UK Women’s Championship. Meiko simply holds up the belt. Challenge accepted, but will the Best in the World prove exactly why she is that again?


NXT UK Media spots Blair Davenport walking in.

They ask her what she’s doing here while still on suspension. Well she’s banned from competing, not from having meetings. She barges into Sid Scala’s office and sarcastically says, “Good to see you.” When is she coming back? Sid tells her that she will be reinstated next week. But not as a reward for what she did. This is at the request at her opponent, Stevie Turner. And to make one thing perfectly clear: anymore behavior of that nature will NOT be tolerated. Blair says, “Alright. I’ll play by your rules. But let me make one thing perfectly clear. I always get what I want.” What does she mean by that? Will Stevie Turner find that out firsthand next week?


NXT UK hears from A-Kid.

“Styles make fights. And Ilja Dragunov’s not going to be able to handle my style.” Dragunov is powerful, but precision beats power, and timing beats speed. Ilja, A-Kid does respect you. But you’ve never been a champion like he has. AK knows what that pressure is like. He knows that he needs the NXT UK Championship to begin his legacy. AK vows to win and give Dragunov no option but to tap. Will the Moscow Madman make El Nino Anonimo eat those words?


Sam Gradwell VS Mark Andrews!

The Thunderstorm did as he’s always done: talk a lot of smack, and push everyone’s buttons. But he pushed the High-Fiving, Stage-Diving, Skateboarding, Rock ‘n’ Rolling member of Subculture too far when he broke one of Andrews’ skateboards. Will Andrews break something of Gradwell’s? Or will his anger leave him open to Gradwell rattling his jowls and wobbling his kidneys?

Gradwell barks that he’s a fighter, not like Andrews, as he gets to the ring. The bell rings and the two stare down. They tie up, Gradwell wrenches an arm and hits an ELBOW BREAKER! Then he grinds the arm and taunts Andrews as he steps over to then wrangle him down. Andrews endures the wristlock, gets to his feet and rolls to then handspring and break free! Dropkick and arm-drag, now Andrews has Gradwell down! Andrews gives back the smack talk, Gradwell gets up and puts him on ropes. The ref counts, Gradwell lets off but Andrews ducks the cheap shot to SLAP Gradwell! Gradwell gets mad and chases Andrews, but runs into Andrews’ tiger feint!

Andrews steps in to tilt-o-whirl headscissor! Gradwell gets up, but Andrews slides under to PELE! Gradwell bails out but Andrews builds speed! Gradwell moves, Andrews bails out of the tope to tumble and CHOP Gradwell! Then ROCK him with a forearm! Gradwell shoves Andrews away but Andrews comes back, to leap into his arms! Gradwell pops Andrews around to SLAM Andrews down! Gradwell puts Andrews in the ring at 8 of 10, CLUBS him then covers, TWO! BT Sports Studio rallies as Gradwell mocks the skater boy. But Andrews CHOPS back! Gradwell CLUBS Andrews on the back again, then brings him around to snapmare and KNEE him in the back.

Gradwell pulls Andrews’ hair, lets off to CLUB him in the back again, and cover. TWO, and Gradwell keeps Andrews down with knuckles in Andrews’ ear. Gradwell digs knuckles into ribs, then rains down fists. The ref reprimands the hair pulling so Gradwell lets off. Andrews CHOPS back and ROCKS Gradwell with forearms! Andrews whips, Gradwell reverses but Andrews goes up, only to get caught! Andrews holds ropes, Gradwell gets him to let go, but Andrews CLUBS away, so Gradwell dumps him out! Andrews lands on the apron, shoulders back in, then ROCKS Gradwell with another right! Andrews goes up, Gradwell YANKS him down to the mat!

Gradwell brings Andrews around, BIG butterfly suplex! Cover, TWO! Andrews is still in his but Gradwell is still on him with a chinlock. Gradwell grinds but BT Sports Studio rallies up. Andrews endures as Gradwell keeps him on the mat. Andrews pushes back with forearms then fights up to his feet. Andrews throws body shots, but Gradwell pulls the ear! The ref reprimands, Gradwell talks trash but Andrews CHOPS away! Gradwell shoves Andrews away but runs into a BOOT! Andrews goes up, Gradwell gets him again, but Andrews turns the yank into a FLYING DDT! Both men are down and BT Sports Studio fires up!

The ref starts a standing count but Andrews drags himself along the ropes. The count is past 5, but Andrews stands at 8! He runs in and ROCKS Gradwell with forearm sand CHOPS! Gradwell ROCKS Andrews back but Andrews LARIATS! Gradwell stays up and eggs Andrews on, so Andrews throws more LARIATS! Andrews then ducks and dodges Gradwell to wheelbarrow BULLDOG! Andrews keeps moving and he CLOBBERS Gradwell with a clothesline! BT Sports Studio fires up as Andrews kips up! Andrews fires up to mule kick, then DOUBLE STOMP to the back! Just like a skateboard! Cover, TWO!! Gradwell grits his teeth but Andrews is right after him.

Andrews sits Gradwell up but Gradwell anchors him from running. Gradwell ROCKS Andrews with a forearm, then hits a ROLLING ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Gradwell shakes his head, clamps onto Andrews with another chinlock and he grinds Andrews down. BT Sports Studio rallies up, Andrews rolls this to a cover, TWO! Andrews is free and he ROCKS Gradwell, CHOPS him, then ROCKS him again! Gradwell shoves again, boots and spins, but Andrews slides under to PELE, into a fireman’s carry! Gradwell roars as he USHI- STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRE?! But Gradwell flops out of the ring! Andrews readjusts, feints the Plancha to mule kick! And ARIHARA MOONSAULT!!

Both men are down at the ramp but BT Sports Studio fires up! Andrews gets Gradwell up and in at 6 of 10 then hurries to the apron. Gradwell grabs the ear again! The ref reprimands, Andrews breaks free to GAMANGIRI! Andrews adjusts, springboards, but into a fireman’s carry! Andrews fights against it, but Gradwell still hits an LANDSLIDE! Cover, Gradwell wins!

Winner: Sam Gradwell, by pinfall

Whether or not the Thunderstorm is the better man for ridiculing Andrews’ hobbies, he is the better wrestler this night. “He was a skater boy, I said, ‘Get on that, ya yogurt!'” Will Gradwell keep talking trash all the way to a title opportunity?


Flash Morgan Webster finds Sha Samuels backstage.

The East End Butcher asks the “mug” what he wants, and The Modfather says that if Sha loves games so much, he has one for him. SLAP! “Tag! You’re it!” FMW runs but Sha gives chase! Will Sha get back at Flash for that bit of cheek? Or will he focus on helping his pal, Noam Dar, through tonight’s tournament finals?


Ilja Dragunov responds to A-Kid.

“I respect you, A-Kid. I really do, and that’s the reason why I prepared myself so hard for this.” A-Kid’s path wasn’t easy, competing against some of the very toughest. But please don’t be naïve. Dragunov isn’t here to compete. He is NXT UK Champion because he fought for his life! And he’ll do it again and again and again. “Bring more than just you’re best, because that’s how I became The Czar.” Will A-Kid learn what it takes to be THE champion in NXT UK?


NXT UK Heritage Cup Tournament Finals: Noam Dar w/ Sha Samuels VS Wolfgang w/ Gallus!

The Scottish Supernova managed some rather sneaky ways of getting through his opponents, Oliver Carter and Kenny Williams, while the Last King of Scotland simply bulldozed his way to this point. Will Dar prove he can turn heritage and prestige up to 11? Or will Wolfgang be howling all the way to a battle with the Big Strong Boy?

The bell rings and round one begins! Dar and Wolfgang circle, and Sha is already telling Dar to use his speed. Wolfgang and Dar feel things out, and Dar gives a testing kick. Wolfgang doesn’t flinch, they keep going around, and Dar tries another kick. Dar plays around but Wolfgang starts to corner him so Dar uses ropes as a defense. Wolfgang backs off, Dar comes back and they circle. They tie up, go around and Wolfgang puts Dar on ropes. Dar calls for the ropebreak and so does the ref, and Wolfgang wants Dar to let off first. The two let go of the collar ‘n’ elbow but Dar shoves Wolfgang. Wolfgang keeps cool and dares Dar to bring it first.

They go again, circling and feeling it out. Dar wants a leg, Wolfgang’s too big for a takedown like that so Dar gets a waistlock then headlock. Wolfgang powers out but Dar kicks him! Wolfgang rushes in, Dar dodges, but Wolfgang anticipates the table top and waistlocks for a deadlift! Dar fights the suplex with a headlock, but Wolfgang powers up, only for Dar to hold on tight! Dar grinds Wolfgang down to the mat, Sha coaches him up, but Wolfgang fights up to throw body shots! Dar facelocks but Wolfgang powers up to put Dar on the top rope! We’re at a minute left and Dar holds onto the facelock. The ref counts the ropebreak but Dar wrenches a knuckle lock! Wolfgang SLAPS free!

Wolfgang backs off, Dar mocks the howling and then hops down to the apron. Dar gets in and we’re at 30 seconds now. Dar goes for an arm, Wolfgang counters with a chinbar but Dar wrenches the arm to a wristlock. ELBOW BREAKER! Ten seconds and Wolfgang throws body shots! Wolfgang whips, Dar goes up and under but gets caught! Wolfgang lifts and Dar’s ready to punch, but the bell ends the round! No bomb and no elbows here! Wolfgang reluctantly lets Dar down and backs away to his corner.

Dar: 0; Wolfgang: 0

Sha has Dar refresh while Mark Coffey helps Wolfgang. Both men are ready and round two begins. Dar and Wolfgang circle, Wolfgang blocks a haymaker to ROCK Dar! Wolfgang puts Dar in a corner for a EuroUpper then a whip corner to corner. Dar goes up, fakes Wolfgang out and SHOTGUN dropkicks him down! Cover, ONE!! Dar drags Wolfgang up to a facelock but Wolfgang RAMS him into a corner! And throws heavy body shots! Dar can’t get away, Wolfgang throws more hands! Wolfgang then RAMS Dar corner to corner, and SPLASHES in! Wolfgang goes up as Dar staggers, FLYING AX HANDLE! Sha shouts at Wolfgang but Mark shouts at Sha!

The ref tells the cornermen to back off, but JORDAN DEVLIN attacks Joe Coffey! The Irish Ace wants revenge on the Iron King for last week’s Gallus Boy screw job! Referees rush out to get Devlin away but Joe Coffey pursues! Mark tries to help his brother, Wolfgang is distracted and Dar CLUBS him from behind! Roll up, with tights! Dar gets the fall!

Dar: 1; Wolfgang: 0

The Irish Ace in the hole helps Dar get the important first point! Will this be a sweep for Mr. Supernova 11? Both men go to their corners and Wolfgang shakes it off  to start round three.

SPEAR!! Wolfgang clobbers Dar and covers, Wolfgang ties it up!!

Dar: 1; Wolfgang: 1

FIVE SECONDS! The fastest fall in NXT UK’s history! We’re back at square one and Sha is shocked! Will Dar be able to recover as we go into an early fourth?

Dar finally sits up, the round begins, and Wolfgang waits on Dar. Dar stays by the ropes, clutching his ribs, but he still gives kicks. Wolfgang ROCKS Dar with a forearm! Wolfgang keeps on Dar with EuroUppers in the corner, then a whip hard into the other corner! Wolfgang poses over Dar then drags him up to EuroUpper again! Wolfgang brings Dar up but Dar fights. Wolfgang whips, Dar goes up and under so Wolfgang just aims from the corner. Dar bails out before another Spear can come in! Dar catches his breath as the ring count begins but Wolfgang goes out. Mark keeps his eyes on Sha and Sha says he’s staying back. Wolfgang puts Dar in but Dar KICKS him in the ropes!

Dar staggers up, runs, and SLIDING DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO! Wolfgang goes to a corner while Dar get sup. Dar gets an arm to STOMP it down, then he gets the other arm to wrench it around. We’re under a minute, Dar knees the arm into a wrench but Wolfgang body shots! Then corner SPLASHES again! Wolfgang climbs, Dar trips him up! Dar KICKS Wolfgang while he’s stuck up top, and then KICKS him off the corner! Thirty seconds, Dar wants the count-out! Mark fans Wolfgang, he gets up but Dar BOOTS him back down! Dar goes out and tells the timekeeper to move. Wolfgang puts Dar in, Dar swings around and then suckers Wolfgang into a throat chop!

Wolfgang’s up against the post, but he moves as Dar kicks, so Dar’s foot hits steel post! We’re under 10 here, and Wolfgang runs back in, only to throw himself into barriers as Dar dodges! The round ends with Wolfgang down on the outside!

Dar: 1; Wolfgang: 1

The round bell saves Wolfgang from the count-out, but now both men have to refresh fast for round five! Sha wants Dar to finish the job, and as the round bell rings, Dar runs corner to corner! DROPKICK into a downed Wolfgang! Dar fires off haymakers, then stomps a mudhole in! The ref counts, Dar lets off but Wolfgang shoves him away. Dar talks trash to Mark, runs in and BOOTS Wolfgang in another corner! Dar keeps moving, another BOOT! Wolfgang flounders, Dar aims from the corner. SLIDING CLOTHESLINE! Cover, TWO! Mark shouts to Wolfgang, Sha coaches Dar and BT Sports Studio rallies up.

Wolfgang is in a corner, Dar runs in and leaps, into Wolfgang’s BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Sha is stressing out but Mark keeps cool as Wolfgang gets up. Wolfgang reels Dar in, but Dar wrenches out to KICK the leg! Dar comes back but Wolfgang throws body shots! Dar wrenches the arm, but then catches the left! Wolfgang resists the takedown to scoop as we’re under a minute, and Dar slips through to get CHAMPAGNE SUPER KNEEBAR!! Wolfgang endures, reaches for ropes, but then turns over. Dar stomps Wolfgang down, twists the foot, but Wolfgang fights up! Wolfgang rains down fists and is free at 30 seconds!

Both men are down, BT Sports Studio is fired up, and we’re at 20 seconds as both men slowly stand. Wolfgang grabs Dar, but Dar BACK ELBOWS! Wolfgang blocks the kick but Dar ELBOW JABS him in the forehead! Last 10 seconds, Dar aims from a corner with pinkies out! NOVA ROLL- SPEAR!!! Cover, THE ROUND ENDS FIRST!!!

Dar: 1; Wolfgang: 1

Now Dar was saved by the bell! Sha helps Dar get to the corner to help him wake back up. Mark is fired up for Wolfgang as he is standing at the ready. The ref gets Sha out of the ring and the sixth round begins! Wolfgang waits on Dar, and Dar steps up to LARIAT! Wolfgang stays up! Dar KICKS, bobs ‘n’ weaves, KICKS more and more, but Wolfgang just snarls. Wolfgang grins as he tanks the forearm shots and haymakers! Wolfgang shoves, Dar dodges but kicks into an EXPLODER! Sha is freaking out and shouting at Dar, Wolfgang runs in but Dar dodges! Wolfgang gets caught up in the ropes, Dar sweeps the leg! Dar then hurries to the corner, to DOUBLE STOMP the prone leg!!

Wolfgang writhes, Dar runs, but Wolfgang manages a LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!! Dar survives, Mark coaches Wolfgang and BT Sports Studio is loving “UK! UK!” Wolfgang drags Dar up, Dar rolls him up, TWO! Wolfgang blocks a kick but Dar elbows again! BUZZSAW! Cover, ONE?!?! HOW?!? Sha is telling Dar to keep calm but Mark says Wolfgang should fire up! BT Sports Studio knows “This is Awesome!” NOVA ROLLA!! But Dar doesn’t cover, and Wolfgang sits right back up!? Dar runs in again, NOVA ROLLA!! Cover, DAR WINS!!

Winner: Noam Dar, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the NXT UK Heritage Cup)

Wolfgang survived much more than expected, but Dar had so much more to give! And now, Dar is headed straight for Tyler Bate! And speaking of, here comes the NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion! Sha and Dar dare him to get in the ring now, but Bate is ready to wait. Will Mr. Supernova 11 be able to do it all again against the Big Strong Boy?

My Thoughts:

Another great episode, and with only three matches. Jinny VS Millie was a really good opener, and I am a bit surprised Jinny won. I suppose Meiko does have to defend her title again at some point, I just thought we’d get someone else first. Meiko VS Jinny technically only happened in the #1 contender’s gauntlet so seeing a full match between them is going to be a lot of fun, but I would think Meiko wins. Blair Davenport has a good segment with Sid Scala to make it official that Blair VS Stevie Turner is happening. That is going to be really good, but I would think Blair wins, and she continues her build towards the title.

We got pretty good vignette promos from A-Kid and Ilja Dragunov to hype up next week’s championship match. That is going to be a great match, but Dragunov surely wins as a great way to truly start his reign and return to NXT UK. Dragunov has plenty to do, I really hope he gets to string together a great list of defenses to put himself on par with Bate, Dunne and Walter. Andrews VS Gradwell was a great match, and it was a bit surprising Gradwell wins, but I guess sometimes the bully does win out. I’m sure this can continue between them, but I’m surprised Flash Morgan Webster is starting beef with Sha Samuels. Will Gradwell and Sha team up to face Subculture?

Speaking of Sha, he doesn’t have as big of an impact on Dar VS Wolfgang as he had the previous match-ups, because instead it was Devlin who had an effect on things. I have been talking about Dar, Sha and Devlin teaming up, with Kenny Williams even being a fourth, so this is a great step towards that. They pushed this to six rounds, which is great, and it is even better given how quick the third round went. There need to be more British Rounds matches where a round ends in the blink of an eye, but there also need to be British Round matches that end quickly period. We got a couple great “saved by the bell” finishes to the rounds, though, so it was just fine to push this one to the end. I figured Dar was winning because we still do Face VS Heel here in WWE, and Dar VS Bate is going to be a lot of fun.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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