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Mitchell’s NXT Stand & Deliver Results & Report! (4/2/22)

Everything is bigger in Texas!



Will Bron Breakker be back on top?

On the most STUPENDOUS WrestleMania Weekend, NXT is in Dallas to Stand & Deliver! All the champions are defending their titles, who leaves with the gold?


  • Kickoff Show – NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Toxic Attraction VS Raquel Gonzalez & Dakota Kai; Raquel & Dakota win and become the new NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions.
  • NXT North American Championship Ladder Match: Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams VS Santos Escobar VS Solo Sikoa VS Grayson Waller w/ Sanga VS Cameron Grimes; Grimes wins and becomes the new NXT North American Champion.
  • Tommaso Ciampa VS Tony D’Angelo; D’Angelo wins.
  • NXT Tag Team Championship Triple Threat: Imperium VS The Creed Brothers VS MSK; MSK wins and become the new NXT Tag Team Champions.
  • NXT Women’s Championship Fatal 4 Way: Mandy Rose VS Cora Jade VS Io Shirai VS Kay Lee Ray; Mandy wins and retains the title.
  • LA Knight VS GUNTHER; Gunther wins.
  • NXT Championship: Dolph Ziggler w/ Robert Roode VS Bron Breakker; Ziggler wins and retains the title.


It’s the Stand & Deliver Kickoff Show!

Join McKenzie Mitchell, Beth Phoenix and Sam Roberts in discussing, analyzing and predicting the biggest event in NXT 2.0 history!

Kayla Braxton and Peter Rosenberg are even on site at AT&T Stadium for WrestleMania 38 later today, but they join in on the Stand & Deliver predictions!


NXT share Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams taking in the sights.

Trick says, “Yo, Melo. You realize that for the past five months, you’ve been running the game? Imagine tomorrow at Stand & Deliver. You get your final Infinity Stone, brother. It’s time for you to snap.” Melo says it is. Everything that the light touches will be his. Being up here in Reunion Tower, it reminds him of the height that he’s brought the title to, and the heights he will continue to take it. He will stand atop the ladder and be atop as the greatest North American Champion of all time. And everyone will realize, when Melo shoots, he don’t miss.


Malcolm Bivens joins the panel.

Today is big money, it doesn’t get any bigger than this. He can’t wait to have the ducketts, the cheddar, the mulah, the coins in his pocket. Sam says that could happen, but there are other things to consider. Just standing by Imperium, money was the last thing on his mind. Sam felt in danger, and he was just talking to them! How can the Creed Brothers contend with a force that? Uh, he just said they were broke! MONEY is the most powerful force! No, Sam didn’t say that. He said they were scary. Well he’s easily scared. He looks scared now! But it is hard to argue against former tag champions in MSK.

No disrespect to Imperium, Beth is with MSK. They won the Dusty Cup, won the titles, they innovate, this is their night as Beth sees it. Sam is going with the Creeds cuz Bivens is staring him down. Big money! McKenzie is sure everyone is torn. But why didn’t McKenzie ask Bivens his choice? Well, uh… But wait! Edris Enofe interrupts on the tron! Tonight ain’t about the Creeds, MSK or Imperium! It’s about his boy, Malik da Freak! Bro, c’mon! Is this gift basket enough? Enofe says that ain’t what she’ll be worried about. Dude, c’mon! Malik just thought this would be nice. It is nice. Maybe they should just leave it.

No way! Man up! Walk in! What’s the worst that can happen? He walks in, and Enofe just pranked Malik! This was the IMPERIUM dressing room! April Fools! Man, it’s April 2nd! Now he’s scarred for life…


NXT hears from Grayson Waller.

He sits on a longhorn bull statue as he says, “A ladder match for the North American Championship at Stand & Deliver, and what better place than the Lone Star State.” Melo’s been great and all but his time is up. It’s time the title went viral! Waller likes the view here but he’ll like it better on the ladder. Only one man will do what it takes and that man is Waller! WrestleMania Weekend is gonna feel the Grayson Waller Effect, #AndNEW.


NXT hears from Santos Escobar & Legado del Fantasma.

“Last year, I climbed a ladder and made history. But this year’s ladder match is more important.” Stand & Deliver, with the whole world watching, they will witness Escobar become the greatest luchador of all time! Escobar leaves four others in the dust, climbs the ladder, and grabs the North American Championship! He’ll do it for history, for legacy, and for family. Legado del Fantasma!


#InDex is at Byrd’s Wester Store.

Indi Hartwell & Dexter Lumis are getting ready to take on #Dusia. They are gonna look so hot at Stand & Deliver. They will make Dexter the sexiest cowboy in Texas. He gives a thumbs up, and they get to browsing. Nice leather belt. He planning on using that on her tonight? But meanwhile, Duke Hudson & Persia Pirotta are also shopping. They’ve been here an hour but that’s never been a problem for them before, right? Hat, boots, and Dexter! What’re they doing here? Same back to you! Persia is gonna make Duke the sexiest. No, Dexter will be! Sexy Dexy! Sexy Duke! That sounds horrible. No it doesn’t!

Montage of outfits, and Dexter almost gets Duke with a belt! Things get a bit frisky, but in the end, the looks are in. What will the WWE Universe think?

#Dusia is here live, as is #InDex. Use the right hashtags to vote for your favorite couple. Persia and Indi argue, the boys stare down, and Akbar Gbaja-Biamila has joined the panel. He’s Team InDex all the way!


Kickoff Show – NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Toxic Attraction VS Raquel Gonzalez & Dakota Kai!

Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne thought they were in the clear just because Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray couldn’t resist going after Mandy Rose. But wouldn’t you know, Toxic Attraction pushed Big Mami Cool and #CobraKai back together! Will the inaugural NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions get these belts back and start anew? Or will Toxic Attraction remain the attraction?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if the reunion tour is a success!

Toxic Attraction jump on Raquel and Dakota at the bell! Jacy goes after a knee but gets TOSSED! Raquel then BOOTS Jacy out, but Gigi is right after her with kicks! Raquel knees low, reels Gigi in, ALLEY-OOP HOTSHOT! Gigi staggers and Raquel CLOBBERS her! Tag to Dakota, and they work together for a BIG DOUBLE STOMP! Cover, TWO! Dakota brings Gigi up, whips her but Gigi gets around to shove then follow. Dakota spins Gigi to a cradle, TWO! Gigi rushes in but into a crucifix takedown! TWO, Gigi has the ghost pin, TWO! Dakota has the ghost pin back, TWO! Gigi trips Dakota up, hooks the arms, O’Conner Roll! TWO!!

Dakota escapes and Gigi is furious! Fans rally up and Dakota leaps to flying-mare! Gigi staggers, Dakota runs in to forearm smash! Raquel tags in, she DECKS Jacy then SPLASHES Gigi! Torture rack, tag to Dakota! Dakota runs, BOOT to SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Dakota covers, TWO! Dakota hurries to get Gigi up, but Jacy tags in before the roll-up! Jacy hits a NECKBREAKER of her own, then fires off on Dakota! Jacy roars but fans boo. Jacy says she doesn’t care, and then she taunts Raquel with a “SUCK IT!” Jacy drags Dakota up, puts her in the corner and stomps her down. Tag to Gigi, Toxic Attraction work together, clothesline, stomp and SENTON!

Gigi PENALTY KICKS, then taunts Raquel. Gigi drags Dakota up, fans rally and Dakota hits back with body shots. Gigi gives Dakota Kowata Kicks! Gigi then drags Dakota by a leg for a toehold. Dakota endures, fans rally, and Dakota kicks her way free! Jacy tags in, grabs at Dakota and drags her back! Dakota rolls to throw Jacy away! Raquel avoids the cheap shot, and Dakota slides under Jacy! Hot tag to Raquel! But the ref didn’t see it?! Dakota has to get back in, she JAWBREAKERS Jacy, now a tag to Raquel! Raquel rallies on Jacy, CHINGON- NO! Jacy slips out but Raquel BOOTS her down!

Fans fire up as Raquel steps on Jacy then goes up, TWISTING VADER! Cover, TWO! Raquel growls and she drags Jacy up. Raquel TOSSES Jacy into the corner, tag to Dakota! Raquel puts Jacy up top, then gives Dakota a boost! Dakota has Jacy for a SPIDER GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, Gigi breaks it! Raquel goes after Gigi, reels her in, but Gigi ranas to a HEEL HOOK! Jacy BOOTS Raquel down, but Dakota BOOTS Gigi! Dakota scoops but Jacy slips out, DOUBLE FOREARMS! Jacy ducks a kick, Dakota blocks a kick, DOUBLE BOOTS take both women down! Fans rally up for “NXT! NXT!”

Jacy and Dakota get up and they start throwing forearms! They go back and forth, Jacy ROLLING ELBOWS! Dakota staggers, Jacy tags Gigi, and Toxic Attraction mug Dakota! They double whip, Jacy SNAP GERMANS and Gigi HALF ‘N’ HALF! Bridging cover, TWO!! Dakota narrowly gets out of that and Gigi can’t believe it! Gigi snarls, drags Dakota up to CLUB her down, then CLUBS her again. Tag back to Jacy, and they coordinate, TOXIC SHOCK! Cover off the high-low, TWO!?! Dakota survives and Toxic Attraction can’t believe it! But then Gigi turns around, and WENDY CHOO is there! PILLOW BOP! Wait, that didn’t do it.

ORANGE SODA SPLASH! And then Raquel’s BOOT! Gigi is down, Jacy is pissed, and Dakota SCORPION KICKS her! Jacy staggers around, Dakota runs in around the world to BOOT! Tag to Raquel, and she gets Jacy for a CHINGONA BOMB!!! Cover, Raquel & Dakota win!

Winners: Raquel Gonzalez & Dakota Kai, by pinfall (NEW NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Reunited and it feels so good! Wendy is happy for these two friends, will this new chapter be even better for Raquel & Dakota?


NXT hears from Cameron Grimes.

“They say that the journey is better than the destination. Well this journey’s definitely been a struggle, and tomorrow will be no different. Five men want the same thing: to be called a champion. The other four men, they want acknowledgment, fame, clout and legacy. But I, I have a promise to fulfill. I told my father I would be champion. And this is my last chance at Stand & Deliver. Dad, I’m taking the North American Championship to the moon.”


High noon in the Lone Star State.

This is WrestleMania Weekend, and the superstars of NXT stand on the doorstep to immortality. They all vow to stand, to deliver on promises they’ve made to us, and to themselves. “We stand on the shoulders of giants.” They vow to stand victorious, to stand as champions, and to deliver instant classics, and to take one step closer to greatness. This IS NXT Stand & Deliver!


NXT North American Championship Ladder Match: Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams VS Santos Escobar VS Solo Sikoa VS Grayson Waller w/ Sanga VS Cameron Grimes!

History starts NOW! Melo says when he shoots, he don’t miss. But he’s the one with a target on his back! El Hijo del Fantasma, the Street Champion of the Island, the 21st Century Success Story, and the Carolina Caveman all want what he has, but who is the one that literally climbs over the others to get it?

The introductions are made, the belt is already high above, and we see who is really The A Champion around here!

All five men look up at the belt as the light shines on it, and Melo says it doesn’t matter, “This is the most important championship here, and you, you, you and you don’t deserve it!” Melo BOOTS Waller, but then everyone else goes after him! Trick saves Melo from the mugging, and then everyone else brawls with the others. Waller helps Escobar against Solo, they double whip, but then Melo and Trick trip Solo and drag him out to throw into barriers! Grimes tosses Waller out, dodges Escobar then CLOBBERS him! Grimes keeps moving, another forearm for Escobar !Fans fire up and Grimes runs corner to corner to BOOT! Escobar is down, Grimes is up but Melo shoves him down!

Melo gets back in, sees he’s all alone, and he tells Trick to get a ladder! But then Legado gets in Trick’s way! Solo gets in, Melo talks smack but Solo SAMCKS him! Solo fires off hands, whips, but Melo avoids superkick to BOOT! Escobar clotheslines Solo out, then fires up with the fans. Escobar and Melo circle, Escobar dodges the boot and doges again to dropkick Melo down! Fans fire up with the whistle as Escobar runs. Grimes trips Escobar, drags him out, gets back in, and so does Solo. They mug Melo with big forearms and CHOPS and KICKS! KICK after KICK and Melo is just caught! Waller CLOBBERS Grimes!

Escobar goes after Solo, he and Waller throw them out. Sanga helps Waller get a ladder, but so does Legado on the other end! They bump into each other and start throwing hands! Escobar ROCKS Waller, dodges, him, WRECKS Sanga and Grimes, but turns around into Waller’s JAB! Waller WRECKS Legado, and then he dodges Escobar to LEG LARIAT! Fans boo but Waller tells Sanga to get the big one! Sanga gets the ladder for Waller, but then Solo goes after Sanga! Sanga ROCKS Solo, knees low, and puts him back in the ring. Grimes trips Waller on the apron! Then PENALTY KICKS Sanga!

Solo runs and FLIES onto Sanga! Escobar builds speed, ARROW FROM HELL! Direct hit on Solo at the ramp and fans fire up again! Even Melo nods some respect. But now Melo runs in, but Grimes tosses him out. Melo ROCKS Grimes, then ducks and Grimes FLIES onto Escobar! Melo sees he’s alone again, and he’s torn between the belt and the spot. ASAI MOONSAULT to Grimes! Fans fire up as everyone is down on the outside! “This is Awesome!” but then Waller gets in and gloats. He runs, just to get the ladder! He sets it up, but that’s a small one. Solo drags him down and ROCKS him with a right!

Solo whips Waller into the ladder! Solo then folds the ladder and JAMS Waller wit it! Solo wedges Waller into a corner, Melo runs in but EATS Ladder! Solo sets Melo up to throw hands against the ladder! Escobar has a new ladder, Solo dodges and Escobar ends up sandwiching Melo and Waller! Solo DECKS Escobar, and fans fire up with “UCE! OH!” Solo runs in, HIP ATTACK SUPER SANDWICH! And he even catches the ladder Escobar brought. Solo stands it up, starts the climb, and fans fire up! But Grimes hurries to drag Solo down! Solo fights back, they brawl, Solo HEADBUTTS Grimes down!

Solo sands Grimes up but Grimes dodge and superkick hits ladder! Grimes DECKS Solo and fans fire up with “TO THE MOON!” But Melo GAMANGIRIS Grimes down! Melo folds the ladder and he gives it to Grimes to SUPERKICK it into him! Things speed up, Melo slips off Grimes’ back but Grimes ROCKS Melo. Grimes scares Trick off, then CLOBBERS Melo! But Escobar SHOTGUNS the ladder into Grimes! Escobar sits the ladder up to RAM into Grimes’ coins! And then dropkicks it in deeper! Grimes falls out of the ring, Escobar stands up the ladder! And this is a tall one! But Waller wants it, too!

Escobar SMACKS Waller with the ladder! Escobar stands the ladder up while Waller is in the corner. But Waller somersaults to CUTTER! Escobar flops out of the ring and Waller has a clear path! Waller climbs, he reaches up, but Mello stops him in time! Melo drags Waller down but Waller scoops, fireman’s, and Electric Chairs, only for Melo to get up the ladder! Waller brings Melo down to JAB! Waller climbs, but Melo goes after him, Waller kick shim away but Melo uses that to springboard and FLYING SLINGBLADE! Trick is fired up for Melo and Melo starts to climb! But Solo grabs at him! Melo throat chops back and springboards, into a SUPERKICK!

Trick is shocked but Solo gets up the ladder! He’s at the top but Escobar catches up quick! Low jab through the rungs, then more haymakers up top! Solo hits back, Escobar hits Solo! Solo keeps Escobar from grabbing the belt! Escobar goes up higher, SMACKS Solo off the rung, SUPER SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB onto the other ladder!!! Fans lose their minds and even Escobar is stunned that the ladder didn’t break! But Solo might have been broken off those rungs! Escobar sees Grimes in the corner, he runs in to DOUBLE KNEE! Escobar runs, Grimes ROCKS him, but Grimes runs, into a KNEE!

Escobar runs, ducks the kick, but runs into COLLISION COURSE! Both Grimes and Escobar are down in the ring, Trick checks on Melo outside, and Trick gets a new ladder in play. Trick sets it up! He shouts to Melo to get up, but Sanga gets in to choke grip and TOSS Trick! Then Sanga CHOPS the ladder apart!! Lopez gets in, for Legado to missile dropkick! Wilde and Mendoza use the pieces of ladder to beat up Sanga! They ram Sanga out, then give Lopez a boost so she can go up and up and CROSSBODY onto Waller! Legado keeps after Sanga but he throws Wilde away and SLAMS Mendoza down!

A ladder bridge is set up nearby, and Wilde tries to hide! Sanga grabs Wilde, but Mendoza SMACKS Sanga from behind! Another ladder bridge is set up, LADDER VICE on Sanga! Then Legado hurries to bring out yet another ladder! But Solo goes after them both! He fireman’s carries Mendoza, then Wilde, to DOUBLE SAMOAN DROP! Solo hurries to get a ladder and stand it up. Solo climbs, but Escobar hurries in! Escobar hurries up after Solo, they both paw at the belt, but Trick shoves the ladder over! Solo and Escobar end up getting HOTSHOTS off the ropes! Trick resets the ladder and he does a quick prayer.

Trick is climbing?! But his legs are getting wobbly! He reaches up, but Grimes is there! Grimes waves bye and then tips the ladder! Trick FLIES onto Sanga and Legado!! Fans are shouting “TO THE MOON!” and Grimes resets the ladder! Grimes climbs, his eye on the prize, but Melo drags him back down! Melo SMACKS Grimes off the rungs! Then Melo hurries to climb! But he’s out of reach! Waller is up top to fire off! They brawl, CHOP and SLAP, Waller SMACKS Melo off the rung, but Melo grabs Waller’s arms! Grimes sets a new ladder up, he and Solo climb that! Escobar is setting up another as fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!”

Waller starts to fade, Escobar is joining in, all five men are reaching out! Waller knocks Escobar away, and kicks the ladder with Solo and Grimes on it! They fall, but Melo ROCKS Waller! Waller hits back, they start dropping, Waller YANKS Melo through the rungs! Then he SHOVES Escobar down! Waller is all alone, but he can’t resist the spot, either! But instead, he grabs the belt! Only for Escobar to drag him down! Waller and Escobar brawl on the side of the ladders, and Waller pulls Escobar up by his hair! Escobar throws more hands, whistles, SUPER RANA!! Both men are down, Solo is up top! FLYING SPLASH!

Solo sees he’s alone, and he gets the smaller ladder out of the way. He starts climbing, but Grimes return! Grimes brings Solo back down but Solo ROCKS and SUPERKICKS! Solo runs in, but Grimes dodges to POST Solo! Solo ends up by the ladder bridge! Grimes CAVE-IN onto the ladders! Grimes tries to get back in but Melo BOOTS him first! They’re on the apron, Grimes BOOTS back! DOUBLE BOOTS put both men on the ladders! And then climbing that super tall ladder Sanga fetched, is WALLER! Waller wants to go viral like WarGames, so he stands on the very top! BALLER ELBOW only gets ladders!!

Fans lose their minds as Waller writhes in the wreckage! Referees check on Waller while Melo gets on the ladder in the ring! Melo has a hand on the belt, but Escobar drags him down! GUTBUSTER, then fireman’s carry for PHANTOM DRIVER! Escobar turns around into a SUPER CAVE-IN!! Grimes climbs, fans are going nuts, Grimes has the belt! GRIMES WINS!!

Winner: Cameron Grimes (NEW NXT North American Champion)

He’s done it! He’s fulfilled the promise he made to his late father! Grimes finally has gold all his own! Is he taking us all #ToTheMoon?


Tony D’Angelo pulls up.

He’s in a Galaxie 500 with Netflix’s AJ Galante. Is this the seal of approval on the new don in NXT?

Tommaso Ciampa VS Tony D’Angelo!

9/9/15 to 4/2/22. That is what the Pulse of NXT had on his chair last Tuesday. Win, lose or draw, this is the last chapter for Ciampa. But will it be his Fairy Tale Ending? Or will Tony ruin it all for everyone?

The bell rings and the fans are fired up for Ciampa. Ciampa and Ton tie up, go around, and Ciampa puts Tony on ropes. Tony puts Ciampa in a corner, the ref counts, and Tony lets off. But then Tony kicks low and throws hands! Tony eggs Ciampa on, CLUBS him, then whips him to ropes. Ciampa hits a knee smash that looks familiar, then he whips Tony for a jumping knee that also looks familiar! Then he hits a familiar looking SPINEBUSTER! Ciampa takes a bow to The Game, but Tony bails out. Ciampa chases Tony, gets back in but Tony stomps him down! Fans boo but Tony eggs Ciampa on more.

Tony ROCKS Ciampa, RAMS into the corner, then stomps him down! Tony scuffs his feet and pats himself on the back, all mocking Ciampa. Fans boo but Ciampa turns things around to CHOP and forearm and stomp Tony down! Fans fire up as Ciampa lets off, then runs in to KNEE Tony back down! Ciampa says night night, then runs to KNEE Tony again! And then again! Ciampa goes out and brings Tony with him, to RAM into steel steps! Ciampa then runs in to PUNT Tony! Ciampa sits on the apron to applaud and pat himself on the back! Fans applaud, too, and Ciampa leaves Tony to the ring count.

The count is 5 of 10, but Ciampa decides to go out and peel up floor mats! Fans chant on the Psycho Killer, but this mat is not cooperating. Ciampa says he’s got it, third time is the charm! Ciampa gets back in to fetch Tony but Tony TACKLES him! Tony rains down fists, then stomps Ciampa! Tony throws hockey fight punches, then HALF HATCHES Ciampa! Cover, TWO! Tony is annoyed but he stomps Ciampa down. Tony chokes Ciampa on ropes but the ref counts. Tony lets off and throws more body shots. Tony whips Ciampa to ropes, CLOBBERS him with an elbow, then says, “This is your guy, huh? I’m the guy now!”

Fans taunt Tony and Galante with “Where’s My Pizza?” Tony chinlocks Ciampa and grinds him down but Ciampa endures. Tony taunts Ciampa, but Ciampa fights up as fans rally. Ciampa throws body shots, breaks free and CHOPS! And CHOPS! Ciampa whips, Tony reveres but Ciampa stops to CLOBBER Tony! And again! And again! Ciampa runs in to clothesline at the corner, but that’s just the start! Ciampa keeps hitting clothesline after clothesline in the corner! Tony staggers, swings on Ciampa but Ciampa dodges to CLOBBER Tony again! Fans fire up with Ciampa as his Black Heart gets pumping!

Ciampa aims from the corner and he runs in, but Tony dodges the knee! Tony kicks low, reels Ciampa in, FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Ciampa is still in this but Tony goes for the fisherman! Ciampa trips him, rolls him, and reels him in! Ciampa underhooks, but Tony fights! Ciampa spins Tony to fireman’s carry and- NO! Tony slips off rolls up with tights! TWO!! Ciampa rolls Tony up, with tights! TWO!! Tony pie faces Ciampa and says, “Who do you think you are? This is MY ring!” Ciampa SLAPS Tony, then CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Ciampa rips Tony’s shirt open to CHOP and CHOP and CHOP!

Ciampa puts Tony up top, CHOPS him again, then climbs up after him. Ciampa fireman’s carries Tony, tucks him in, but Tony fights with elbows! Tony shoves Ciampa down then adjusts up top, to leap, into a KNEE! Both men are down and fans are fired up! A standing count starts, and we’re past 5 of 10 before Ciampa sits up. Ciampa stands at 8 and goes after Tony with haymakers! Tony hits back, they start brawling with big shots! Ciampa gets the edge, but Tony kicks low! Tony swings, but into a ripcord, ROLLING ELBOW! Tony staggers all the way to the other corner, but he elbows Ciampa away!

Tony looks to his favorite corner, and he has his favorite crowbar! This is supposed to be a fair match! But Ciampa dodges to BOOT Tony down! The ref gets the crowbar, but Tony LOW BLOWS! SO much for fair! BADA BOOM!! Cover, TWO!!! Ciampa survives and Tony is furious! Tony argues with the ref but that was the count! Fans boo, Tony tells them to shut up! Tony tells everyone to do their damn jobs, and he gets his crowbar back! But as he gets in the ring, Ciampa catches him in the ropes! WILLOWS BELL!! And then the underhooks, FAIRY TALE ENDING!! Cover, TWO!?! No one can believe Tony survives!

But Ciampa clamps on a GargaNO Escape! Shoutout to Johnny Wrestling! Tony reaches out, Ciampa cranks way back, but Tony still fights his way to the ROPEBREAK! Ciampa lets Tony go, fans chant for “Johnny Wrestling!” Tony slips out, but Ciampa gets him with a waistlock! He wants to use the bare concrete! But Tony fights out and switches! Ciampa fights out, but spins into a DDT to the concrete! Tony makes Galante proud but the ring count is climbing! Tony hauls Ciampa in at 7 of 10, and he looms over Ciampa. Ciampa slowly gets up, and Tony says this is it! He BOOTS Ciampa back down! Cover, Tony wins!

Winner: Tony D’Angelo, by pinfall

Galante says he told us all, and here’s proof! The Don of NXT has just taken out another black ‘n’ gold star, is there no denying him now?

As for Ciampa, fans chant, “Thank You, Ciampa,” for the near seven years he’s given to the brand. Ciampa kisses the mat, and perhaps closes the book on NXT. But as he exits, Ciampa encounters TRIPLE H!! The Game is here to say good-bye to one of the greatest in NXT history! Where will we see the Black Heart next?


Andre Chase University are in the crowd!

Andre Chase, Bodhi Hayward, and the top of the class are here perhaps recruiting new students.


NXT Tag Team Championship Triple Threat: Imperium VS The Creed Brothers VS MSK!

Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner may have their condescending opinions about Americans and American pro-wrestling, but they still have to prove they’re the best in the world. Will Julius & Brutus bring gold to the Diamond Mine? Will Wes Lee & Nash Carter finally become two-time tag team champions? Or will the mat continue to be sacred?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who finds a way to Stand & Deliver!

In this Triple Threat, one man from each team is active, so Barthel, Brutus and Lee start off. Barthel avoids a takedown and then a roundhouse. Then he CHOPS Lee but Brutus waistlocks. Barthel stomps a foot, switches on Brutus, but Brutus arm-drags and Lee BUZZSAWS! Lee then uses Barthel as a step to leap and BOOT Brutus! Lee dropkicks Brutus out of the ring, but Barthel ROCKS Lee! Barthel whips but Lee goes up and around to ENZIGURI! Lee whips Barthel, then SHOTGUNS him into the corner! Barthel puts Lee out but Carter tags in ! LE ENZIGURIS, Carter BRONCO BUSTERS!

Brutus returns to back suplex Carter but he lands on his feet! Carter fires off strikes on Brutus, ENZIGURI! Then Barthel runs in, Carter dodges so Barthel CHOPS Brutus! Carter waistlocks, Barthel slips out to whip and uppercut Carter! Barthel then shoves Carter into ropes! Aichner tags in As Barthel runs, but Brutus goes after Barthel. Aichner goes after Brutus, Brutus fights him off, then DECKS Carter! Brutus fires off again, Aichner headlocks. Brutus powers out, Aichner ducks and dodges and runs Brutus over! Carter is in but Aichner hits him, scoops, but Carter slips off! Lee tags in, shoulders Aichner, then slingshots over, only to run into a pop-up BACKBREAKER!

Brutus CLOBBERS Aichner! Tag to Julius, he rallies on Imperium, then on MSK! CHOP BLOCK for Aichner! Julius tackles Lee and Brutus tags in! Feed to a fireman’s carry throw, then whip to ropes for Brutus to POUNCE Lee out! But Aichner YANKS Julius into ropes! Aichner JAWBREAKERS Brutus, BOOTS Lee, then tags Barthel. Lee is stuck i ropes, Imperium goes to the corners, but Brutus intercepts Barthel for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Julius intercepts Aichner for an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! GERMAN SUPLEX to Lee, but Carter tags in! Carter misses the kicks, Brutus tosses and CLOBBERS Carter!

Brutus grounds ‘n’ pounds Carter, then roars! Barthel runs in, but into a BIG gut wrench suplex! Brutus KNEES Carter to the corner, tag to Julius. Julius drags Barthel up with underhooks for a DEADLIFT OVERHEAD! But he turns around into Carter’s KNEE! Tag to Lee, Lee runs in and the MSK Blitz is on! ENZIGURI and DOUBLE STOMPS! Barthel runs in, but Lee trips him, catapult to SUPERKICK! Then DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, Julius breaks! Bivens is worried at ringside. Barthel shoves Julius and Aichner trips him! Barthel blocks Lee’s boot, “NEIN!” GAMANGIRI! Barthel suplexes then goes up to FLYING UPPERCUT!

Fans fire up as Barthel sets Julius up. Tag to Aichner, now Imperium sets up, DOUBLE DROPKICKS in the corner! Aichner runs to CLOBBER Lee, and he BOOTS Brutus! Carter gets in, he dodges and ducks but runs into a scoop and SLAM! Aichner turns around to block Lee’s boot, reels him in for a LARIAT! Cover, Carter breaks it! MSK keeps this match alive and Carter whips Aichner. Aichner reverses to toss Carter, then he CHOPS Julius! Aichner whips, Julius reverse but he leaps into the fireman’s carry! Aichner does a squat, then SAMOAN DROP! But then MSK knocks Aichner out of the ring! And FLYING RANAS Barthel onto him!

Imperium manages to get up but Lee runs in to SASUKE SPECIAL them both down! Lee puts Aichner in, tag to Carter. Carter is up top, Lee tags back in, SWANTON BOMB and a TORNILLO SENTON!! Cover, TWO!! Aichner survives and MSK can’t believe it! Carter tags back in, MSK drags Aichner back up. But Julius is also climbing, so Carter trips him up first! MSK goes after Julius, but he shoves Lee down! Carter holds on, Aichner goes after them both! Barthel goes after Carter, Lee goes after Barthel! Those two brawl, only for the DOUBLE SUPERPLEX to drop down onto them!

Fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” while everyone is down! MSK regroups on the outside, the Creeds are left inside the ring. Julius staggers his way over to tag Brutus in, and Brutus climbs!? Brutus CANNONBALLS onto everyone!! Fans lose their minds and Bivens smiles. Brutus gets up and he fires up! Brutus puts Carter in, tags Julius back in, and the Creeds coordinate. They drag Carter right up for a SPEAR! Cover, but Aichner drags Julius off! Julius DECKS Aichner, Barthel CLOBBERS Julius into steep steps! Bivens freaks out, but Brutus grabs Barthel! Aichner attacks Brutus first!

Aichner gets Brutus in position and Barthel is on the apron, EURO BOMB to the floor! Imperium gets in, they get Carter up for the same! But Carter sunset BOMBS Aichner, and Lee GAMANGIRIS Barthel! SUPER STEINER to POWERBOMB!! Cover, MSK wins!!

Winners: MSK, by pinfall (NEW NXT Tag Team Champions)

A year long journey with ups and downs finally ends with the biggest win of their career! Lee & Carter are finally back on top! Will they once again make these must-see titles?


Joe Gacy speaks.

“Here it is, Harland. The famous Dealey Plaza. In November, 1963, the world stopped as there was a tragedy in these streets. And on that day, the nation, the world, came together as one. But why is it that only tragedy unites us when it should be triumph? There has to be a better way. I put that on my shoulders. I make it my responsibility. I will unite people. I can only hope you freely choose peace so we don’t have to suffer loss or tragedy ever again. But that depends on all of you, now doesn’t it?” Gacy sends out quite the veiled threat. Will anyone choose to join him? Or will they defy him?


NXT Women’s Championship Fatal 4 Way: Mandy Rose VS Cora Jade VS Io Shirai VS Kay Lee Ray!

Toxic Attraction just lost two belts, this is the last one they have! The Toxic Goddess says she’s the baddest, but she’s up against some bad bitches in their own right. #GenerationJade wants this to be her time, the Evil Genius wants to be back on top, and the Scary Queen of Scots wants to make history by having held both NXT UK and NXT titles in her career! Will Mandy finally lose this belt? Or will she use her challengers against each other and survive once again?

The introductions are made, the newly recolored belt is raised, and we see if Mandy cashes in on that 25% chance of winning!

The four women approach, watching each other closely, and then all three challengers turn to look at Mandy. Mandy ROCKS KLR then elbows Shirai away, then shoves Cora into Shirai! But then all three stomp Mandy down! Mandy bails out, KLR and Shirai go after Cora! Cora dodges, but KLR snapmares her for a KICK! Shirai basement dropkicks, then KLR drags Cora up again. They double whip, Mandy trips Cora and drags her out to SLAP her! Cora grabs Mandy by her hair! But then Shirai and KLR DOUBLE DIVE onto them! Fans fire up with the Scary Geniuses as KLR CHOPS Cora!

Shirai headlocks Mandy, Cora hits KLR back. Mandy knees free, smacks Shirai off apron, a nd Cora throws KLR into apron! Cora stomps KLR, Shirai hits Mandy and AX KICKS her down! KLR SMACKS Cora off the announce desk! Shirai and KLR get in the ring, and now teammates must be opponents. Fans fire up as the two shake hands, then KLR whips! KLR hooks Shirai up but Shirai fights the Gory Especial, so KLR just backslides! TWO, but KLR tries again! Shirai sunset flips, TWO! KLR kicks Shirai low, reels her in, but Shirai fights the suplex to kick low and underhook. KLR fights to back drop free!

Shirai lands on her feet and fans fire up again! Shirai then drop toeholds KLR onto ropes, but KLR avoids the Tiger Feint! Mandy drags Shirai out hard, then ROCKS KLR out of her dive! Mandy gets in and smirks as she looms over KLR. “I already beat you!” But KLR KICKS Mandy from below! Cora gets in and hits a THESZ PRESS for fast hands! Cora fires off on Mandy all over, CLUBS her on the back, but Mandy ROCKS her! Cora swings, into a waistlock and SLAM! Mandy snarls, whips, and hits a SPINEBUSTER! High stack but KLR drags Mandy off! KLR and Mandy scrap. Mandy throws KLR out onto Shirai!

Mandy puts Cora in a corner, stomps away on her, then digs her knees in! Mandy lets off to soak up the heat from the fans, and then she goes back to Cora. Mandy digs her knee into Cora to choke her on ropes! Cora sputters and coughs but she throws body shots back. Mandy CLUBS Cora, drags her up and suplexes, and manages to hold Cora up for five before the SLAM! Cover, TWO! Mandy DECKS KLR off the apron, then she DECKS Shirai. Mandy goes back to Cora, runs in at the ropes, but Cora dumps Mandy out! Cora goes to the apron as fans duel, Cora CANNONBALLS and takes Mandy out!

But KLR sees Cora, goes up and SUPER CANNONBALLS! But now Shirai is up top! KLR turns around into her ARIHARA MOONSAULT! They crash into the desk and hit the floor! Fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” and Shirai gets KLR back in the ring. Shirai hobbles over, brings KLR up, waistlocks, but KLR elbows free. KLR runs, but into a back elbow! Shirai drags KLR up but KLR waistlocks. Shirai victory rolls to DOUBLE STOMP! Fans fire up with KLR on the ropes, Shirai hits the TIGER FEINT! KLR flounders, Shirai goes up top! KLR stands for the missile dropkick! Cover, but Mandy breaks it!

Mandy throws Shirai out of the ring, goes to cover KLR, TWO! Mandy is fuming but KLR gets her in a KOJI KLUTCH! Cora stomps away on them both but Shirai rolls Cora! TWO, so Shirai gets a TEXAS CLOVERLEAF!  And it’s in deep, too! Fans fire up as these submissions are dueling! Mandy endures, Cora fights and kicks Shirai onto the clutch! All four women are down and fans fire up again! Shirai is up first and she SHOTEIS Cora! KLR gets Shirai for a GOURD BUSTER! Mandy LARIATS KLR! Fans chant for “Women’s Wrestling!” as Cora and Mandy stare down. Mandy whips, Cora RANAS and fires up!

Cora runs in, dodges Mandy, then dropkicks a leg out! BUZZSAW! Cora roars and fans fire up with her! She shakes out the bad leg, runs to springboard and DOUBLE STMOP Mandy on the back! Mandy gets to a corner, Cora runs in, and forearm smash! Then another! And another! Cora goes one more time, but Mandy puts her on the apron! Cora ROCKS Mandy back, blocks KLR’s superkick, and hops on for an APRON DESTROYER!! Fans fire up and lose their minds over that one! But Shirai is back and she TIGER FEINTS Cora in the back! Shirai then climbs up, aims at Mandy, missile dropkick! Mandy is in a corner, here comes SHINKANSEN!

Shirai drags Mandy back up, wrenches to a waistlock, but Mandy fights the suplex! Shirai still GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO!! Mandy survives and shocks Shirai! Mandy drags herself to the apron but Shirai is after her! Mandy HOTSHOTS Shirai while fans duel. Shirai ends up on the other side of the corner, Mandy smacks her off buckles! Mandy climbs up?! SHOTEI from Shirai! Shirai gets back in and climbs back up to then go after Mandy, for a SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Cover, Cora SUPER SENTONS to break it up!! Fans rally up as Cora and Mandy are the only two left in the ring!

Mandy gets up, Cora SHINING WIZARDS against ropes! Cora cravats goes up, SLICED BREAD! And then, underhooks for a BUTTEFLY DDT! Cover, KLR breaks it! Cora is furious and she fires off on KLR! KLR HEADBUTTS back! KLR reels Cora in, Gory Especial for the K L R BOMB!! But KLR doesn’t cover, she puts Cora in a drop zone and goes up! But Shirai shoves KLR down! Shirai goes up and fans fire up! OVER THE MOONSAULT!! Cover, but Mandy KNEES Shirai down! High stack, Mandy wins!

Winner: Mandy Rose, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Champion)

Mandy survives again! She made sure everyone else was done for before she pounced! Mandy holds up the gold, will anyone ever take it from her?


Backstage interview with Indi Hartwell, Dexter Lumis, Persia Pirotta and Duke Hudson.

McKenzie is with #InDex and #Dusia, and Persia gives Duke one more kiss for luck. The winner of the fan poll is… INDEX! 89% to 11% is a landslide, but Persia insists there needs to be a recount! There’s no way this is right! Duke slaps the hat off Dexter but Dexter goes to choke Duke! The ladies keep them apart, but they argue the results just as much. Referees rush in to keep this from getting any more heated, but will the only way to settle this be in the ring?



The Megastar may have a big mouth, YEAH, but he doesn’t back down from a fight. And he is definitely going to get a fight from Der Ring General! Will LA Knight survive this shootout in Dallas? Or will Gunther redeem Imperium with his own hands?

The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally and chant “WAL~TER!” Knight and Gunther egg each other on, they tie up, and they’re in a deadlock. Knight finds a point of leverage but Gunther puts Knight in the corner. Knight turns it back around, the ref counts, they continue to go along ropes but Gunther has Knight in the corner. The ref counts, Gunther lets off, but then he SLAPS Knight! Gunther eggs Knight on so Knight fires off haymakers! Knight backs Gunther down, stomps a mudhole in, then lets off as the ref counts 4. Knight goes corner to corner, but Gunther bails out. Knight goes to the apron, FLYING LARIAT!

“YEAH!” echoes through the crowd as Knight ROCKS Gunther, then SMACKS him off the apron. But Gunther RAMS Knight into the apron, then reels him in, APRON POWERBOMB! The ring count climbs as the Ring General gets in. Knight is able to get in at 8 of 10, but Gunther corners him. Gunther stomps, EuroUppers, but Knight kicks back. Knight fires haymakers but Gunther shoves him to ropes to ROCK him with a forearm! Gunther CLUBS Knight, brings him around to scoop and SLAM! Cover, ONE!! Gunther KNEES him in the back, then clamps on a chinlock. Gunther grinds Knight but fans rally up.

Knight fights up, Gunther CLUBS him again. Fans chant “YEAH!” but Gunther EuroUppers again! Gunther brings Knight out to EuroUpper again! But Knight fires off more haymakers! Gunther gets around to ROCK Knight in the back! Gunther shoves and ROCKS Knight again! Gunther rings Knight around to whip to a corner, but Knight avoids the chop for a JUMPING NECKBREAKER! Knight gets up but Gunther BOOTS him down! Gunther gets the legs, Knight resists, but Gunther still gets the BOSTON CRAB! Knight endures as Gunther sits deep! Fans rally and Knight pushes up. Knight reaches out but Gunther shifts to an STF!

Gunther grinds Knight but Knight endures. Knight gets his leg free so Gunther focuses on the crossface. Fans rally, Knight fights up and slips out, but Gunther HEADBUTTS him! Gunther whips Knight hard into a corner! Knight bounces off buckles and drops to the mat. Gunther hauls Knight up, whips him corner to corner but Knight reverses! Then he BACK DROPS Gunther! Since when has anyone hit a back drop on the Ring General?! Fans fire up but Gunther CHOPS Knight off his feet! That you see a lot with Gunther. Gunther drags Knight up, suplexes, but Knight fights to suplex back! Fans fire up while both men are down!

Both men slowly rise, Gunther goes to a corner. Knight runs in but Gunther puts him on the outside. Knight slingshots and shoulder tackles Gunther down! Gunther goes to a corner, Knight stomps away on him, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Fans fire up and Knight gives another round of stomps, “YEAH!” Knight runs corner to corner to KNEE Gunther down! Gunther staggers up, Knight reels him in, but Gunther fights the lift! Gunther CLUBS Knight, shoves him, but Knight ROCKS Gunther this time! Knight avoids the chop to scoop and SLAM! Fans spell the name and Knight drops an elbow!

Knight clotheslines Gunther in the corner, and he hauls him up top! Gunther hits back but Knight fights up top. Gunther CHOPS Knight off the ropes! Gunther stands up, but Knight springs right back up! SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO! Knight drags himself to ropes while Gunther shakes out the cobwebs. Knight stalks Gunther, kicks but no BFT! CHOP blocked! Knight ROCKS Gunther but Gunther hits back! They brawl, but Gunther CHOPS! Gunther ROCKS Knight in the back, then wraps on a SLEEPER HOLD! Knight flails, but he’s fading! Fans rally, Knight gets a second wind, and he torture racks Gunther! BURNING HAMMER! Cover, TWO!!

Knight grits his teeth as Gunther survives! Fans rally back up and Knight goes to a corner. Knight climbs, but Gunther CLUBS him first! Gunther climbs up but Knight throws elbows! Gunther drops back but then he CHOPS the legs out! Knight is stuck, so Gunther goes out to CHOP, then CLOBBER Knight! Knight tumbles, Gunther goes up, SUPER SPLASH! Then a POWERBOMB!! Cover, Gunther wins!

Winner: Gunther, by pinfall

Der Ring General got more of a fight than he expected out of Knight, but he is still the one standing tall! Will Gunther continue to deliver punishing performances until he is on top of NXT?


NXT Championship: Dolph Ziggler w/ Robert Roode VS Bron Breakker!

The Show-Off showing up in NXT was surprising enough, but him winning this title was shocking! Of course, he did have GLORIOUS back-up helping him. But that was in a Triple Threat. Will the Dirty Dawgs be able to pull off another screw job? Or will the biggest moment in young Bron’s career be his moment to shine?

Bron wears all white in his singlet, but he grabs himself an NXT 2.0 colored chainsaw! And he uses that chainsaw to literally cut down an old school NXT logo! The Dawgs then make their entrance, the introductions are made, and then Ziggler SLAPS Bron! The ref has to keep Bron back, then the belt is raised. The bell rings, and Bron TACKLES Ziggler to the corner! Bron fires off on Ziggler, Ziggler bails out but Bron chases after! Fans fire up, Bron puts Ziggler in the ring, but Ziggler gets right on Bron with fists! Ziggler digs his knee in, but lets off as the ref counts. Ziggler whips, Bron reverses but Ziggler leaps to hit a rolling Blockbuster!

The two get up as Ziggler holds the facelock. Bron powers out but Ziggler kicks him! Bron staggers but he comes back, dodges, and catches the hurdle for a SPINEBUSTER! Fans bark for Bron and he runs in at Ziggler to LARIAT! Bron looms over Ziggler then drags him from ropes. Cover, TWO! Ziggler is dazed but Bron drags him up. Bron OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes! Roode coaches Ziggler but Bron has him again, another OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Bron stalks Ziggler, brings him around again, a third Belly2Belly! Bron says this is done, and he brings down the straps. But Roode goes after Bron!

The ref gets Roode to stop, and he EJECTS him! Fans fire up but Roode is furious! Bron goes out to chase Roode off, but Ziggler is pulling buckle pads away! Ziggler waits for Bron to return but Bron gets under the superkick! BIG back suplex! Bron looms over Ziggler, drags him up and bumps him off buckles. Bron puts Ziggler up top, climbs up after him, but Ziggler slips out and trips Bron up! Bron gets stuck on the top, Ziggler steadies himself and comes back, for a SUPER NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Ziggler hurries to wrap on a SLEEPER HOLD! Bron endures, Ziggler pushes up for pressure, but Bron is still in this.

Bron fights up, fans rally and Bron pries free to throw body shots! Ziggler kicks Bron’s leg out to then turn him, NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Ziggler drops an elbow! Cover, TWO! But Ziggler clamps onto a CROSSFACE! Bron endures, fans rally again, and Bron moves around. Bron gets back up, throws more body shots, but Ziggler shoves him into ropes! Bron clutches his neck but Ziggler fires off more hands! Ziggler lets off and runs in, but into a back elbow! Bron goes up but Ziggler trips him up again! Bron hits buckles on the way down and he again clutches his neck. Ziggler eggs Bron on as he gets back up.

Ziggler digs his knee in at the ropes but the ref counts. Ziggler lets off, and he drags Bron into the SLEEPER HOLD! Bron endures, Ziggler squeezes tighter and even gets the body scissors. Bron pries at the hold, reaches out for ropes, but he’s also turning purple! Ziggler drags Bron from ropes and then bridges to put on more torque! Bron still endures so Ziggler resets to have the chinlock. Ziggler shakes his head, this has to be the end. But Bron fights up, pries free and throws more body shots! Ziggler kicks low, kicks the legs out, then scrapes laces on Bron’s face! Fans boo but Ziggler soaks up the heat.,

Ziggler turns Bro, swivels hips, but Bron powers out to run Ziggler over! And again! Bron reels Ziggler back in, OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Bron whips, tilt-o-whirl scoop, for a SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Bron grows frustrated but he also clutches his neck. Ziggler is in the corner, Bron storms over. Bron drags Ziggler up, fans duel, and Bron puts Ziggler up top. Bron climbs up after Ziggler, and he goes to the very top! Shout out to his uncle, SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO! Ziggler survives again and the frustration is growing in Bron. Bron glares as he aims from a corner. Ziggler gets up, Bron runs in, into a KNEE!

Ziggler is shocked that Bron didn’t fall! Bron runs, Ziggler hurdles, SPEAR on the return! Cover, TWO!! Ziggler survives again and no one can believe it! Bron grits his teeth, drags Ziggler up and choke grips. Ziggler wants mercy, but then he YANKS Bron out of the ring! Bron gets back in, into a RUNNING BOOT! Cover, TWO!! Ziggler is beside himself as Bron survives that shot. Ziggler slaps sense into himself and goes to a corner. Fans rally and Ziggler starts tuning up the band! Bron stands, but he blocks the superkick! Bron shoves Ziggler away then SPEARS him again! Fans fire up and bark it up as Bron drags Ziggler up!

Bron trophy lifts Ziggler and carries him, for the BREAKKER SLAM! Cover, but Roode returns?! Roode drags Ziggler out of the ring! The ref tries to stop Bron, Roode argues with the ref, and Roode says Ziggler doesn’t need this. But Bron builds speed to FLY! Direct hit on both Dawgs! Bron almost loses his singlet but the fans are fired up again! Bron drags Ziggler back into the ring, then he goes after Roode! Bron RAMS Roode into steel steps! The ring count is climbing, Bron gets in at 9 of 10. Ziggler is there, FAMOUSER!! And ZIGZAG!! Cover, TWO!?!? Bron survives and Ziggler is losing his mind!

Fans chant for “NXT! NXT!” as Ziggler goes back to a corner. Ziggler goes up the corner, leaps, MACHO ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Bron is still in this but Ziggler gets to another corner. Ziggler tunes up the band again, fans fire up, but Bron is standing right up! Ziggler shakes his head, he can’t believe this! Bron LARIATS, then SPEARS! And then Bron drags Ziggler back up, trophy lifts him again, but Ziggler rakes eyes! BARE BUCKLE SHOT! SUPERKICK!!! Cover, Ziggler wins!!?

Winner: Dolph Ziggler, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

He had Roode and a bare buckle help him survive, and Ziggler sure stole this title! Will the Show-Off continue to hold this title by any means necessary? What will it take for Bron to get back on top?

My Thoughts:

A great event for NXT to get back out on the road with, but sadly so much of it showed that this is Vince’s NXT, not HHH’s. The kickoff show was good, with great promos from the North American Championship field, and a rather… controversial basis for Gacy’s promo. But I suppose as a Heel, Gacy would indirectly want to bring up JFK’s assassination… Then that whole montage with #InDex and #Dusia, at least it all happened on the kickoff show and not part of the main show. We got a great Women’s Tag Team Championship match, and it seems that Wendy Choo is totally okay with Dakota going back to Raquel. Great win for Raquel & Dakota, they become two-time tag champs together, and perhaps will get to make up for their insanely short first run back in the black ‘n’ gold days.

But with Toxic Attraction losing the tag titles, I figured they were going to hold onto the singles title. The Fatal 4 Way was awesome stuff, and it was clear from the entrances that it was between Cora and Mandy. But seeing as how Mandy had Robert Roode’s old GLORIOUS Podium while Cora had other skateboarders kinda awkwardly going around the stage, Mandy had the stronger entrance and she capitalized on Shirai taking Cora down. Shirai is certainly moving on to RawDown, KLR and Cora can still try 1v1, but it sadly feels like it’ll be a long time before Mandy loses this belt the way they’re booking her.

Opening with the North American Championship Ladder match was an awesome choice because that was an awesome match. It was “overbooked” with Sanga, Legado and Trick all ringside, but it worked out for amazing extra spots like Lopez leaping from the top and Trick falling from the ladder. The one spot that was the roughest thing all night was Waller and those ladder bridges. Obviously, any spot with a ladder or table runs the risk of injury, but this one was really bad. Hopefully he’s only banged up, not dealing with a dislocation or break. Waller’s been on a strong Heel run, it’d be a shame if it stopped now. Especially with Grimes winning that belt! What a great moment for him, and it was pretty clear it was happening with this all being dedicated to his dad.

Ciampa VS Tony was some really good stuff, both with good custom intros, but man, that was an anticlimactic way for Tony to win. I get it, tradition says the guy leaving loses. But c’mon! It’s Ciampa! And couldn’t they have booked a better finish than that? I almost didn’t realize the DDT happened until Ciampa was the one in a bad way. Tony wins and I’m sure he’ll go for a title now, while Ciampa will surely be full time on Raw since we even saw him in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal last night. Maybe Ciampa can hit the ground running with a midcard title feud. Balor seems busy with Priest and Theory so maybe SmackDown to face Ricochet?

The NXT Tag Team title Triple Threat was awesome stuff, too, but I really thought we were going to get interference from the Creed Brothers’ stalkers. Guess that’s being saved for the post-Mania NXT, even though it made way more sense if it was here. But even so, still made sense for MSK to win. Imperium was at the disadvantage, and clearly Creeds have this feud coming up, MSK can carry these belts and either feud with Imperium more or take on any number of the other teams in NXT. Knight VS Gunther was great stuff, and of course Gunther was winning. Fans still want to chant “WAL~TER!” and I still wanna type it, but one way or another, Der Ring General is going to be climbing up the ranks.

But then there’s the main event. I just don’t get it. Bron got another of his “I’m smashing the past to be the future” type entrances, he and Ziggler were doing great stuff, going back and forth, and there were still some rough edges being smoothed out at the beginning with miscues, but I just don’t get why Ziggler won. It’s obvious how he won, but why? Why book Bron like he’s NXT Superman and going to defy everything to get that belt back, only for this to happen? Vince’s brain just seems out of alignment when it comes to writing this stuff. I bet if you gave him peanut butter, jelly and bread, he’d somehow use them to make a salad.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 7.25.2024

Slammiversary Fallout! Where do things go on the way to Victory Road?



Well now we start the fall out of Slammiversary. Josh Alexander in his bad bitch summer, X-Speedball legacy, ABC got the t-a-g and Jordynne is still in charge of the Knockouts division. Like I said at the end of Slammiversary, all of the champions being Babyfaces is stupid. They need to drop a couple titles fairly quickly, because I don’t care what some people say, Nic Nemeth ain’t gonna bring any eyes to the brand. He’s about as hot as day old Hamburger Helper over a camping sterno.

We’ll probably open with the luke warm champion, so tune in like 10 minutes late for anything of substance to be happen.


  • Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner: Maclin wins via KIA – *
  • AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan: AJ wins via Down Payment – **
  • Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young): Hammer Your ASH wins via Torture Rack – ** 1/2
  • The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey): Broken Alphabet wins via Twist & Splash – ***



Nemeth gives the ole “I’ll be a fighting champion…blah blah” promo and drops the “any company” line that we’ve already understood what that means. Campaign Singh cuts him off…and I never thought I’d be happy for Campaign Singh to walk out and say anything…ever. And…Mustafa’s promo is worse than Dolph’s. He’s gone from parody to caricature even saying “it was the biggest screw job Montreal ever saw”. Like some of these lines are cheap heat, but most are just brain dead comments that wouldn’t get a reaction out of anyone (and the crowd was silent for that comment). Mustafa gets caught in an Archer “phrasing” moment about getting screwed hard, but this is painful. Promos written by 14 year olds everyone…

This ends with Ali challenging Nemeth for the World Title. While I’m not against walk up challenges, I watch Japanese wrestling, I don’t really get the point aside from doing it just to do it. 

ABC and Matt Hardy have a small promo, and I’m still not really a fan of Unbroken Matt Version 6.0. The floating between Broken voice and his normal voice sounds amateurish.

OH LOOK, finally a match 20 minutes into the show. And it’s my son Steve Maclin! OH CHRIST he’s facing Deaner. This has been 25 minutes of talking followed by the worst god damn attempt at a gimmick. Deaner’s little “Papa Santino told me I can wipe my ass only if the crowd agrees”. This gimmick should die in a fire.

Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner

Deaner started off quick because Maclin was in disbelief that Deaner was actually gonna fight him. Maclin dodges a Crossbody, Busaiku Knee, and just starts beating on Deaner for fun. And this is fun, maybe Maclin can make sure Deaner gets stretchered out and written off forever. How do you call for an ambulance in French? Maclin with the old Back Breaker into a stretch. Deaner tries to nerd rage up, breaks the Back Breaker Stretch, his punch combo, into a Manhattan Drop and Bulldog. Deaner hits the Crossbody, but Maclin kicks out. This is entirely too competitive.

Deaner goes for the Deaner DDT, blocked, Olympic Slam into Splashing Deaner into the corner, Caught in the Crosshairs, K-I-A, thanks for coming you damn dweeb. Stay in Canada and don’t travel Deaner, please.

AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan

As the bell sounds, Sami knocks Rich off the apron, Low Bridges AJ, does the Beats of the Bodhran on AJ and then AJ eats the offense and strategizes with his crew. Bishop and Rich swarm the ring, Sami allows himself to get distracted so AJ slides in and starts beating on Sami. AJ throats Sami across the middle rope and Rich makes his presence felt, AJ distracts the referee and Rich gets in a lot of cheap shots. Bishop throws Sami back in the ring, and AJ keeps up the pressure. Lots of 5 count chokes and leverage moves. After the commercial break ends, Sami dodges a Tennessee Whiskey Knee, gets in a few shots before Rich trips Sami as he’s setting up a Dive, and then AJ takes advantage of the position and hits the goofball knee strike.

AJ calls for his Chokeslam, Sami tries to break it with Axe Handles, then claws the eyes. Sami goes for a Scoop Slam, gets him part way up and then falls over. AJ Chokeslam again, but he bites his hand and starts fighting back. Launches himself at AJ, sends him bouncing off the ropes and uses the momentum to hit that Scoop Slam that was teased earlier. Sami goes for a Western Lariat but eats a Big Boot. AJ does a little Hulk Hogan pose to signal a Leg Drop, but Sami dodges and then connects on a Sliding Lariat. Thumbs Up, Thumbs….interference. Rich distracts the ref, Bishop lays out Sami, AJ connects with the Down Payment.

Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young)

ASH and Jordynne exchange slaps and then Jordynne starts to out muscle ASH. Spinebuster from Jordynne, Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights off, rope run, Sattelite DDT into both tagging out. EY does the Flair corner flop, slides back in between Hammer’s legs, and connects on a Neckbreaker. EY is the quicker of the two, but Hammer finally gets his hands on him and a Release Belly to Belly into a full mount raining of fists, then a near fall. Hammer smashes EY in a corner, Arm Wringer into an Irish Whip across, but EY moves and Hammer tags out to ASH. ASH levels Jordynne, peppers EY with a few shots and pulls him back to their corner and starts some tandem offense with Hammerman. Hammer Guerilla Presses ASH and throws her into EY for a near fall. Hammer looks to aim for either a Powerbomb or Nightmare Pendulum, but EY drops it into a Small Package, pinfall kick out, they both run, Double Lariat spot. The Knockouts get tagged in.

Jordynne is in control early, World’s Strongest Slam into a Vader Bomb. Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights it off and tags out to Hammer. Jordynne and EY do some schoolyard stuff with the old Push while Jordynne is down to trip Hammer. All four get in, ASH gets leveled, EY gets leveled, Hammer and Jordynne have a brief face off, but Hammer throws Jordynne to the apron and ASH connects with a Meteora from the apron. Death Valley Driver from Young on Hammer, ASH stares in shock, EY tells her to get, ASH runs away. EY goes up for his Macho Elbow, and ASH causes him to fall to Hammer’s feet, Torture Rack, and EY submits.

Josh Alexander comes out, with new heel music. And it’s not that bad, definitely better than some other people’s new music. Josh yells at the crowd a bit, says he can’t wait til he’s back in a real Canadian town, like his home of Toronto. Then he drops the mic in lieu of an explanation. The crowd chants him off with the “Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey Hey”.

The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

JDC and Hardy start, but JDC quickly tags out to Myers and that doesn’t go well. Hardy grabs a hold of Myers, a few Delete chops, drags him to his corner and they all get in a few shots punctuated with Hardy getting tagged back in and an Elbow into Myers’ extended and worked on left arm. Myers stays isolated, back into the corner, Boot to the gut, Ace tags in and wallops Myers. Ace connects on Double Kicks, into Russian Leg Sweep and his half of Click Click Boom, for a 2 count. Myers finally gets free with a Jaw Breaker and tags out to Eddie. But The System gets no momentum, Ace stifles Eddie’s offense and starts a few quick tags with him and Bey for tandem offense. Moose finally comes down the ramp as Eddie kicked out of yet another pinfall attempt because The System has had nothing going for them. Eddie finally gets some offense since Moose was a big enough distraction.

Eddie thinks they have a spot, so he tags back in JDC, but The ABC stop him cold, tag in Matt Hardy, and Matt walks down JDC, but JDC Low Bridges. Matt is on the outside, so all of The System surrounds Hardy, then Joe Hendry’s music hits! That stops the heel beatdown, and we follow Hendry’s entire entrance. So that proves Hendry is bigger than the 8 other people in this frame. Not really sure if that’s optics you want to push along. Ace and JDC try to remind people there’s wrestling going on, but JDC thumbs the eye to get a little something going. Vertical Suplex for a near fall, tag out for Eddie and Eddie lights up Ace with some of those NOAH Chops. Ace retreats to the ropes and Alisha chokes him with the ropes while the ref is distracted.

Myers gets tagged in, Ace tries to use the crowd energy, Myers stops it at first but then Ace slips a Scoop Slam and tags out to Bey. Hot tag, strike rush, Double Stomp, educated feet, Leap Frog to the corner but Lish climbs on the apron and yells at Bey which stops his rhythm. Myers kicks his feet out and causes Bey to crash. Eddie tags in for a few shots, then to JDC and Slingshot Knees, Wringer Snapmare, Bow and Arrow Submission, and JDC is just doing solid wrestling work right now. Uppercut between the Shoulder Blades as Bey tries to get out, tag to Myers and Bey is still eating offense. Eddie tags in, Bey tries the Sunset Flip, but Eddie tags out before going over, so Myers folds up Bey for a near fall and then tags out to JDC who connects on a Standing Suplex, slams Bey’s face into the corner, Eddie tags in, and Bey finally fights up to his feet, Eddie just flatten Bey’s comeback, tries a Tiger Driver but eats an Enzuigiri for a simultaneous tag. JDC and Hardy come in, JDC tries to exit halfway in, but Hardy is wrecking shop. He disposes of Eddie, Myers slides in but eats a tandem Neckbreaker/DDT from Hardy. Face team does the Delete Corner Face Smashes. Poetry in Motion into a Side Effect into Corkscrew Swanton for only 2 since Myers breaks it up! Everyone throwing hands, referee is distracted, Moose comes in to Spear Hardy, but Hardy dodges and throws him into JDC (I get the call back), Hendry then lays out Moose with the big Lariat. Twist of Fate from Hardy, Splash from Bey, Broken Alphabet wins!


Overall Score: 4/10

Ugh, cliche promos, too damn much talking, a competitive squash match with an imbecile as our first “match”, into an overbooked and slow heel match, finally a decent tag match (with the right team going over), into another overbooked match with a “tease” for the mystery backup being more obvious than Jericho’s WWF debut.

Aside from the afore mentioned tag match, The Rascalz promo and The System Promo; this was hard to watch. A lot of cornball promos, Rosemary licks her conspiracy board, storylines got zero traction. Whoopity Doo, Ryan Nemeth got a match next week and we get an undead wedding.

While this was a bad episode, it was bad by at least new standards. We’re not back in the TNA Dark Days again, but this was…a useless show.

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