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Mitchell’s NXT In Your House Results & Report! (6/4/22)

Will Joe Gacy take over?



NXT puts it all on the line In Your House!

All the gold in NXT from top to bottom is all on the line! Will Bron Breakker keep his cool or lose his title to Joe Gacy in their No Champion’s Advantage main event?


  • High Stakes Six Man Tag: Legado del Fantasma VS Tony D’Angelo, Channing Lorenzo & Troy Donovan; The Don wins and absorb Legado into the faction.
  • NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Toxic Attraction VS Kayden Carter & Katana Chance; Toxic Attraction wins and retains the titles.
  • NXT North American Championship: Cameron Grimes VS Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams; Hayes wins and becomes the new NXT North American Champion.
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Mandy Rose VS Wendy Choo; Mandy wins and retains the title.
  • NXT Tag Team Championship: Pretty Deadly VS The Creed Brothers; The Creed Brothers win and become the new NXT Tag Team Champions.
  • NXT Championship, No Champion’s Advantage: Bron Breakker VS Joe Gacy; Bron wins and retains the title.


It’s the In Your House Kickoff Show!

Join McKenzie Mitchell and Sam Roberts in discussing, analyzing and predicting all of the action coming up tonight!


Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams interrupt via video.

Trick tells McKenzie and Sam, “Whoa whoa whoa whoa” when it comes to talking about the North American Championship. “When Melo shoots, he don’t miss. And Melo doesn’t need to worry about history being on his side because he is the man who writes and rewrites the history books.” Melo likes the sound of that. And ever since Stand & Deliver, Melo’s been watching Cameron Grimes with Melo’s title. And he means his title. But he has to give it to Grimes. Trick says Grimes is aight. Melo says he can’t stand the way Grimes walks, the way Grimes talks, but he has to give him this much: Grimes fights with passion, emotion and he gives it everything he has.

Grimes will fight like hell tonight, but he’s against Melo. And no matter how great Grimes is, Melo is at a level nobody in this business can reach. And tonight, we welcome back THE A Champion. That’s all it is, and that’s all it’s gon’ be. Sam, McKenzie, back to you. Melo is as confident and ready as he’ll ever be, but will Grimes block that shot and keep that title?


Ivy Nile talks to Roderick Strong and Damon Kemp.

Has he calmed down after last Tuesday? Strong says he knows he lost his cool but we’re all good. So he doesn’t want to kick the Creeds out? No, he meant that. IF they lose, they’re out. The Creeds walk in and Brutus says Strong is a leader who doesn’t back down. Never have, never will. Well the Creeds don’t either. They take on their challenges and conquer them head-on. See you later, boss. Kemp says the Creeds look ready, and Strong says they better be. Will Julius & Brutus bring the gold back to Diamond Mine? Or will they be left out in the cold?


Malik Blade & Edris Enofe join the panel.

McKenzie says these are are very familiar with all the teams in the NXT Tag Division, who do they see winning between Pretty Deadly and The Creed Brothers? Fans chant Enofe’s name, he appreciates the fans, and he says they have to get something out of the way. Malik Blade right here is every woman’s dream! He’s the never overbearing, the sweater vest wearing, MALIK DA FREAK BLADE! And Enofe is “Mistah 200 Pounds. Mistah Six Feet Standin’ Up, Seven Feet Layin’ Down!” Malik has Edris hold on right there. The point is, their invitations to that gauntlet match a month ago must’ve gotten lost in the mail. A bit suspicious.

But either way, the Creeds are one of the toughest teams around, except for their own team. But they see the work those two put in, this added pressure from Strong will only make the Creeds better. Edris adds Pretty Deadly will be in for a long night. Their stamina is almost as bad as Malik’s! But if Pretty Deadly can’t retain the titles, they’ll be looking Pretty Awful, Pretty Disgusting, and Pretty Atrocious. Sam defends “the most gorgeous men I’ve ever seen in my life.” But more than that, Pretty Deadly won the titles their first nights in NXT 2.0. That doesn’t happen by mistake. Edris gets serious and asks Sam why he’s bald.

Sam says this isn’t about him, it is about Pretty Deadly VS The Creeds, and the Creeds won’t have the focus because they’ll be worried about what the Diamond Mine is going through. But as for their picks, Malik & Edris are unanimous in saying the Creeds, but Sam says Pretty Deadly. Will Kit Wilson & Elton Prince stay golden with that #SidePlateCheck?


Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

NXT has kicked the door wide open for tonight’s In Your House spectacular! Two factions look to raise the roof in a battle for control! The main event has NXT Champion, Bron Breakker, defending his title against Joe Gacy. But Gacy and his goons break in, and now we’re entering a dark place. “In Your House… is no more!” Gacy burns the logo, but will he burn down Bron’s family legacy?


High Stakes Six Man Tag: Legado del Fantasma VS Tony D’Angelo, Channing Lorenzo & Troy Donovan!

It is faction VS faction, familia VS familia! Only one can be in charge of NXT, but will Santos Escobar and his hermanos take over The Don’s crew? Or will Tony D, Stacks & Two Dimes get them some new foot soldiers to boss around?

Legado points out Tony’s favorite corner and have him inspect it. The ref looks, and surprise! Tony’s favorite crowbar is there! Guess The Don’s ace in the hole is gone. The Don’s crew gets quite the introduction, talking about preferring fear over respect, and fear translating to control. But they also point out Escobar’s favorite corner. Those turn up clean, so it seems this will be a fair(er) fight compared to last time. Fans are fired up for Legado as the leaders shake hands on the deal. The trios sort out, and the leaders step up! Until Wilde convinces Escobar to switch out. Two Dimes switches in, too, and they tie up at the bell!

Dimes shoves Wilde but Wilde rolls Dimes! TWO, Wilde gets a leg but Dimes gets a headlock. The leaders stare down while Dimes powers out. Wilde ducks ‘n’ dodges to dropkick! Tag to Cruz and Stacks and these two circle now. They tie up, Cruz gets the arm and wrenches to an elbow breaker. Cruz keeps on the arm, Stacks wrenches back, Cruz whips but Stacks reverses. Cruz runs Stacks over, fire sup, and then fakes out the dropdown to drop an elbow! Cruz whips, Stacks reverses, hurdles but Cruz flips over! Things keep moving, Cruz RANAS Stacks! Fans fire up and Cruz CHOPS Stacks!

Cruz whips corner to corner then run sin, but Stacks BOOTS him! Stacks goes up, FLYING UPEPRCUT! Cruz deflects the dropkick, Stacks dodges the enziguri, both men HAYMAKER! Fans fire up and both men back off. The leaders tag in and fans are thunderous! Tony and Escobar tie up, go around, end up on ropes, Escobar shoves and DROPKICKS Tony! Fans are thunderous as Escobar runs but Stacks gest a cheap shot! Escobar TOSSES Stacks but Tony fires off! The soldiers fire off on each other, too! It’s chaos but fans are loving it! Escobar DECKS Dimes but Tony CHOP BLOCKS! Tony stomps Escobar and fans boo.

Tag to Dimes, Dimes drags Escobar up but Escobar fires off hands! Escobar tags in Cruz, they mug Dimes, and Cruz brings Dimes up to uppercut. Fans fire up and Cruz runs in to clothesline and tag! Wilde runs in to clothesline and tag! Escobar runs in to clothesline and tag! Cruz goes again, GAMANGIRI! Then an ANARCHY SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up, but Dimes fireman’s carries. Cruz fights free, waistlocks, spins Dimes but Dimes shoves him away< Cruz ducks, dodges, but leaps into Dimes’ arms! Cruz slips off the scoop, ROCKS Dimes, but Dimes SHOVES Cruz off the springboard! Fans boo and Stacks tags in.

Stacks taunts Cruz, drags him up and stomps him down to then RAM into the apron! Stacks puts Cruz in and drags him up to the corner. Tag to Dimes, they mug Cruz with body shots and stomps, Tony tags in to join in. Stacks tags back in to stomp, Dimes tags in to stomp, and then Dimes drags Cruz up. Dimes throws a body shot, tags Stacks, and feeds Cruz to Stacks’ knees! Stacks talks trash, Tony talks trash, and Stacks isolates Cruz’s arms for a deep motorcycle stretch! Fans rally and duel, Cruz fights up and works to turn this, and he fires off forearms and JABS! Stacks staggers into more shots, but he stops Cruz from reaching Legado!

Stacks RAMS Cruz into buckles, tags in Tony, and Tony throws heavy hands. Tony brings Cruz around, headlock punches then HALF HATCH SUPLEXES! Escobar is furious with Tony but Tony tags Stacks back in. They mug Cruz, Dimes tags in, and the wise guys blow kisses to Legado. Dimes RAMS Into Cruz, tags Tony and feeds Cruz to a scoop and BACKBREAKER! Channing tags and adds an elbow drop! Cover, TWO! Stacks talks more trash on Legado, but fans rally up for Cruz. Stacks kicks, CLUBS and then clamps on a chinlock. Cruz endures, reaches out and fights his way up. Cruz throws body shots and gets free, only for Stacks to anchor a foot!

Stacks drags Cruz away, Cruz slips out of the back suplex and trips Stacks to hot tag Escobar! The Emperor of Lucha rallies on The Don’s crew! BOOT sends Tony into Dimes, then Escobar RANAS Tony! Tony puts Escobar on the apron but Escobar GAMANGIRIS! PENALTY KICK for Stacks, then AX HANDLES for Tony! Fans are fired up, Wilde and Cruz get in, they crisscross PLANCHA! Direct hits on Stacks AND Dimes, then a DIVE onto Tony! Escobar shoots Tony down with the Arrow from Hell and the fans are thunderous! Escobar puts Tony in, soaks up the adulation of the fans, and then slingshot sentons! Cover, TWO!

Escobar rains down fists and brings Tony up., Fireman’s carry, but Tony fights free! Tony RAMS Escobar into buckles, but misses the splash! Escobar CHOPS, haymakers, CHOPS again, then hoists Tony up top! GAMANGIRI! Escobar climbs up, but Stacks trips him! Tony and Escobar fall rather than go for the Super Steiner ride! Fans rally as both leaders are down, hot tags to Cruz and Dimes! They fire off haymakers over and over, back and forth! Cruz fires off a strike fest but Dimes whip shim away! Forearm smash, then whip the other way. Cruz slips out, Dimes hits buckles! Cruz springboard missile dropkicks!

Cruz hurries to put Dimes in a drop zone and climbs up. PHONIEX- NO, Dimes dodges and CLOBBERS Cruz! Tag to Stacks, they get Cruz up to double wrench, BADA BING, and BAD- NO! Wilde trips Dimes, Cruz CLOBBERS Stacks! Tag to Wilde, tilt-o-whirl, LEGADO SLICE! Cover, Dimes breaks it!! “This is Awesome!” and just the first match of the night! All six men are down but they crawl over to their corners to regroup. The factions stand up and stare down. They yell and the brawl is on!! Fans are loving this! The sidekicks all fall out, Escobar shoves Tony then dodges, but so does Tony! DOUBLE LARIATS COLLIDE!!

The leaders are down again, but Lopez sneaks Escobar the knuckles! She was the one hiding them this time! But Stacks brings out a crowbar from under the ring! Wilde DECKS Dimes, KICKS Tony, and gets the crowbar! Lopez distracts the ref, Wilde aims at Tony but Stacks takes the hit!! Tony BOOTS Escobar, takes his knuckles, BRASS KNUCKLE PUNCH to Wilde!! Dimes shoves Stacks onto Wilde for the cover, TONY’S SIDE WINS!!!

Winners: Tony D’Angelo, Channing Lorenzo & Troy Donovan, by pinfall (absorbs Legado del Fantasma into the family)

Escobar is in shock! Their own tactics get used against them, and now Legado must kiss the Don’s ring! Tony is all smiles, what business will he have Legado handle for him first?


Alba Fyre speaks.

“To understand me now, I have to explain my past, and embrace my heritage. I come from a long line of warrior women who roamed Scotland. Among those women stood the Fire Keeper. She kept the flame burning because it was vital to survival while the others learned to live off the land.” Alba calls upon her family’s spirit. Since coming to NXT, she has had success but has fallen short of her maximum potential. Now SHE is the Fire Keeper, forging her future and leaving her opponents in ashes where they lie! When the smoke starts to surround you, remember: Where there’s smoke, there’s Fyre.

The other women of NXT are watching.

Lash Legend is the only one not impressed. Fyre used to be like that, but now- Oh, is Lash gonna keep running her mouth? Or is she going to go ask Fyre for a match? Excuse you., If Lash and Fyre got in the ring, Fyre would be ancient history. Just like Taum. Well fine, if Lash isn’t brave enough, Tatum will. Tatum wants a match with the Scary Queen of Scots? Lash says she has issues.


NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Toxic Attraction VS Kayden Carter & Katana Chance!

Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne have had these belts for eight months, but KC Squared feel that’s been eight too many. But will the champions ruin the party and keep NXT toxic? Or will Kayden & Katana be doing a victory dance in the club with these belts?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see just who is the real deal around here!

Gigi & Jacy attack before KC Squared can sort out! But then they get thrown out! Kayden PLANCHAS Gigi, Katana TORNILLOS Jacy! Fans fire up and Kayden gets Jacy in the ring. The bell finally rings, Katana tags in. Kayden whips Jacy to a corner, Katana traps her for the SHOTGUN! Cover, TWO! Katana drags Jacy up, puts her in the corner, Kayden tags back in. Kayden traps Jacy now for the SHOTGUN! Kayden gets Jacy up to stomp a mudhole in the corner. Tag to Katana, she brings Jacy out with a facelock but Jacy powers her way to the corner. Gigi tags, Jacy whips Katana and Gigi pulls hair! Jacy CLOBBERS Katana, Gigi KICKS her! Cover, TWO!

Gigi taunts Katana, clamps on a hammerlock and brings Katana up to buckle bump. Tag to Jacy but fans taunt them as “Toxic Waste!” Gigi feeds Katana to Jacy’s LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Jacy drags Katana back, Gigi tags back in, and Toxic Attraction mug Katana. Gigi drags Katana by her hair and dribbles her off the mat. Gigi scuffs Katana but fans rally as Katana throws hands. Gigi DECKS Katana. talks trash and pulls hair, then BOOTS her to the Toxic corner. Gigi stands on Katana, Jacy mocks her, and Jacy tags in. Jacy runs in to HIP ATTACK! Jacy hollers, taunts Kayden, then CANNONBALLS! Tag to Gigi and she drags Katana for a suplex!

Katana fights free to dragon sleeper! Gigi gets free to ROUNDHOUSE! And she sucker punches Kayden! Fans boo but Gigi drags Katana around into a modified chinbar. Katana endures, Gigi pulls the ear but the ref reprimands. Fans rally as Katana fights up and throws body shots. Gigi knees low, whips Katana, but Kayden gives her some Silly String for the RANA! Gigi tags Jacy, Jacy gets Katana, and TOSSES her! Katana lands on her feet, hot tag to Kayden! Kayden rallies on Toxic Attraction! She stacks them in a corner to UPPERCUT them both! Jacy is down, Kayden DROP-SAULTS! Fans fire up, Jacy reverses a whip but Kayden victory rolls to SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!

Kayden keeps focus and she drags Jacy up. Jacy JAWBREAKERS, spins Kayden around, ROLLING ELBOW! Tag to Gigi, they shove Kayden to GERMAN SUPLEX and SWITCH KICK! Cover, TWO! Gigi rains down hands on Kayden! Gigi drags Kayden over, tags Jacy, they mug Kayden. Jacy drags Kayden up but Kayden slips under, to BOOT Jacy! Kayden runs in, blocks boots, puts Jacy in ropes, DRAPING BACKBREAKER! Katana adds DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, TWO! Tag back to Kayden, they hoist Jacy up top. Gigi rushes in to help but Katana ROCKS her! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS from KC Squared and Gigi  is down!

Katana goes up, Kayden helps out, SUPER STEINER sends Jacy onto Gigi! Cover, TWO!! Toxic Attraction survives but Kayden hurries to tag Katana back in. But Gigi trips Kayden up and DECKS her! Jacy GAMANGIRIS Katana then ROCKET LAUNCHES her! Jacy seethes, she tags Gigi, and Jacy runs, TOXIC ANNIHILATION!! Cover, Kayden breaks it!! Fans fire up while all four are down! The teams regroup, Jacy and Kayden go tot he apron. They brawl with body shots and haymakers! Jacy shoves, Kayden SUPERKICKS! Then APRON CUTTER!! Kayden and Jacy are down, fans fire up as Katana and Gigi get up!

Gigi snarls and drags Katana up by her hair, then CHOPS! Katana CHOPS! Gigi ROCKS Katana with a forearm, but Katana comes back with fury! SOBAT, KICK and SWEEP! Then a step-up SHOOTING STAR! Cover, TWO! Gigi survives but Katana tags Kayden. KC Squared coordinate, for the HUMAN HIGHLIGHT REEL!! Cover, Jacy drags Kayden out! Jacy yells at Kayden, but Katana wheelbarrows! But Jacy SLAMS her on the apron! Kayden DECKS Jacy! Kayden storms up on Gigi, fireman’s carries, but Gigi gets off to waistlock. Kayden switches, O’Conner Roll, TWO! Jacy ROCKS Kayden, GERMAN SUPLEX from Gigi! Bridging cover, Toxic Attraction wins!

Winners: Toxic Attraction, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions)

They didn’t need Mandy, they could cheat all by themselves! But with as close as KC Squared came, is luck running out for Toxic Attraction?


Pretty Deadly warm up… their vocal cords?

They look phenomenal, and they “sound” phenomenal. They sing YES BOY~! They hate the Creed Brothers~! But will they take the match serious when the Creed Brothers are in do-or-die mode?


NXT North American Championship: Cameron Grimes VS Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams!

Trick tells Melo, “Let’s get it back.” The former A Champion makes his entrance, with his bouncers wearing the #GetItBack shirts for him so he can swagger in his fur coat. But will Melo get back the belt he broke out with? Or will the Carolina Caveman continue flying #ToTheMoon?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, who takes their shot and hits the mark?

Melo and Grimes stare down, tie up, and go around. They end up on ropes, then in a corner, then back on ropes. Melo has Grimes but Grimes turns it around and back again. Grimes waistlocks, SLAMS, then facelocks. Grimes whips, Melo hurdles and RANAS, but Grimes handsprings! Fans fire up but Melo scowls. Melo ducks the Penalty Kick, but Grimes blocks the roll up to roll-up. Melo slips through but Grimes stares him down. Melo says he’s getting that belt, but Grimes gets him for a victory roll! But Melo turns it around, ONE! Grimes has it, TWO! Grimes slips through to Oklahoma Roll! ONE, and Melo has a cover, ONE!

Melo trips to jackknife, TWO as Grimes bridges! Spin to a backslide, TWO! Melo and Grimes stand off again and fans cheer. Melo takes off his leg band and resets with Grimes. Grimes trips Melo, Melo kicks him away and things speed up. Grimes holds ropes to hold off, then he puts Melo on the apron. Melo shoulders in, goes up a corner, and leaps, but Grimes avoids the ax handle! Melo avoids the Cave-In! Fans fire up as Grimes tells Melo it was that close. Trick tells Melo he’s still got this, and Grimes waits on Melo. Melo slowly resets with Grimes, Grimes bobs ‘n’ weaves to CHOP! Grimes whips and BOOTS Melo down! Then KICKS Melo in the chest!

Grimes ROCKS Melo, but Melo elbows Grimes back! Melo storms up, into a back drop! Grimes runs to PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO! Grimes pulls Melo’s hair and drags him up. Grimes wrenches, uppercuts the arm, and Melo gets to a corner. Grimes runs in but is put on the apron. Melo ROCKS Grimes, runs and slides, but Grimes jumps over! Melo trips Grimes, SLAPS him, then gets in the ring. Trick talks trash, Melo builds speed, but Grimes GAMANGIRIS him down! Grimes goes up top and leaps, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Grimes keeps cool, and he keeps Melo from getting away. Melo has the ropes, then he kicks Grimes!

Grimes goes out to the apron, Melo blocks to trip Grimes up! Grimes hits the apron, Melo gets in and Trick nods as Melo drags Grimes up by his hair. Grimes shoulders into Melo, steps up to get Melo by his hair, but Melo elbows Grimes! Melo slingshots, APRON DDT!! Fans lose their minds and Trick talks trash on Grimes! The ring count begins while the fans rally, and we’re at 5 of 10 before Melo gets up. Melo soaks up the cheers and jeers while he fetches Grimes into the ring. Melo has Grimes on the apron, ROCKS him, then gets in the ring. Melo kicks Grimes around, drags Grimes up, and DECKS him!

Fans rally, Melo drags Grimes up again and bumps him off buckles. Melo throws hands, CHOPS, and then brings Grimes out with a facelock. Grimes throws body shots to get free but Melo throws him down by his hair! And KICKS him in the back! Cover, ONE! Cover again, ONE! Melo is annoyed, Trick is frustrated, but fans rally. Grimes throws body shots, Melo knees low! Melo whips, Grimes reverses but Melo slips of the back. Melo blocks the kick, spins Grimes around to a waistlock but Grimes puts him in buckles! Grimes runs in but misses! Melo blocks boots, puts Grimes in the ropes and KICKS! IMPLODER-

NO, Grimes avoids the leg drop to bump Melo off buckles! Grimes goes up, but Melo avoids the stomps to SLINGBLADE! Cover, TWO! Melo keeps his focus but fans rally as Grimes gets to a corner. Melo throws big haymakers in the corner, then he brings Grimes up. Grimes is in the ropes, the ref counts, Melo lets off at 4. Melo gets Grimes and CHOKES him, Trick even holds Grimes down! Trick ties Grimes’ arm to the ropes with Melo’s leg bandana?! Grimes fights off Melo and Trick, gets free, but MYSTICO FACEBUSTER from Melo! Cover, TWO!! Grimes survives and Melo grows frustrated.

Melo drags Grimes and gets the arm. Melo gets the double wristlock and twists the arm! Fans rally as Grimes endures. Grimes fights up, arm-drags free, but Melo storms back up. Grimes elbows Melo away, then BOOTS him! Tricks swipes at Grimes! Grimes kicks at Trick but Melo kicks low. Melo runs, but Grimes follows him into the springboard! SECOND ROPE SPANISH FLY! Fans are fired up and lose their minds again while both men are down! Grimes and Melo stir, and Grimes is up first. Grimes aims from a corner, fans fire up and Grimes throws a haymaker! Melo gives it back!

Grimes hits again, Melo CHOPS, but Grimes forearms! The forearms keep flying, but Melo kicks low! Melo throws hands, whips Grimes, but Grimes CLOBBERS him! Grimes rallies with more forearms, then runs in, into BOOTS! Melo runs into a RANA! Melo ends up out of the ring, Grimes goes to the apron, PENALTY KICK! Even Trick is stinging from that! Grimes puts Melo in, hurries after, dodges the lariat and scoops, for a swinging SIDE SLAM! Cover, TWO! Fans rally while Grimes is beside himself. Grimes gets Melo up, suplexes, but Melo slips out and waistlocks. Grimes switches, Melo resists the lift, but Grimes SUPERKICKS! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!

Grimes can’t believe it! Melo survives by inches! Fans rally back up, Melo scuffs Grimes but Grimes gets a foot. Melo has the ropes. Grimes yanks him up to his feet to ROCK him! And POISON- NO, Melo holds ropes to deny Grimes the Poison-Rana! CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Grimes survives and Melo is furious! Melo goes to the corner and climbs up top! Grimes stands, Melo leaps, but Grimes avoids the shot! He blocks the Code Breaker, they run, COLLISION COURSE!! Cover, TWO!! Melo survives again but Grimes hurries to a corner. Grimes fires himself up, “TO! THE! MOON!” But Melo BOOTS! Grimes ROUNDHOUSES! And POISON-RANA!

Melo is back outside, Grimes FLIES! Direct hit on Melo AND TRICK on the ramp! Fans are fire dup for “NXT! NXT!” while Grimes hurries to put Melo in the ring. Grimes gets in but Trick anchors a foot! Grimes kicks free and gives Trick a CAVE-IN! Grimes rushes Melo but Melo turns that into a SNAKE EYES! Melo goes up top, for the THREE POINTER!! Cover, Melo wins!!

Winner: Carmelo Hayes, by pinfall (NEW NXT North American Champion)

Melo shoots, he scores! He is now a TWO-TIME A Champion! But fans chant already for “SO~LO! SO~LO!” With the Street Champion of the Island next in line, will the A Champion only have a few days as champion?


Joe Gacy speaks to his druids.

“We’ve studied his every move. Bron Breakker’s days as NXT Champion are no longer numbered. His minutes as NXT Champion are no longer numbered. His seconds, his seconds as NXT Champion are numbered. Our time has come. We’ve reached our moment. We’ve torn down nostalgia, and now, we’ll tear down the present and hopes of building a new future. Tonight, I leave In Your House a beacon of change! Tonight, I leave the new NXT Champion!” Gacy laughs like the maniacal villain he is, but will his plan come to fruition?


NXT Women’s Championship: Mandy Rose VS Wendy Choo!

The Toxic Goddess has found way after way to prove she’s not just a transitional champion. But while she’s done everything it takes to stay on top, her eccentric and fun-loving pajama powered opponent has been quite literally dreaming of this moment. Will Wendy finally add some gold to her eclectic collection? Or will Mandy make this a living nightmare for her and all the NXT Universe?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if the Women’s Division stays 100% Toxic!

Wendy slingshots another spit wad! Mandy fires off in anger! The ref backs Mandy off, now the bell rings, and the fists start flying! Wendy backs Mandy down, she ROCKS Mandy, then whips. Mandy reverses, Wendy leaps but into Mandy’s arm! FALL AWAY SLAM! Mandy then runs in to RAM into Wendy! And again! And again! The ref counts, Mandy lets off, Wendy backslides! ONE, but Wendy dropkicks Mandy down! Wendy ROCKS Mandy to a corner, runs in and BOOTS! Mandy goes down, Wendy runs but the Sleepy Elbow misses! Mandy basement dropkicks then rains down fists! The fans boo but Mandy just soaks it up.

Mandy drags Wendy up to hip drop her down. And then dribbles Wendy off the mat! Fans rally and duel, Wendy gets up ropes, Mandy CHOKES her! The ref counts, Mandy lets off and covers, TWO! Mandy snarls, has Wendy in a corner and fires off forearms! Mandy chokes Wendy, lets off and brings her up to snap suplex! Fans fire up as Mandy taunts Wendy. Mandy dribbles Wendy off the mat again, then drags Wendy back up to snapmare. Mandy puts on the body scissors squeeze! Wendy endures, fans rally and duel, and Wendy pushes back to cover! ONE, Mandy CLUBS Wendy on the back! Mandy keeps the squeeze on but fans rally again.

Wendy throws back elbows, gets free, then JAWBREAKERS! Wendy runs but Mandy CLOBBERS her! Mandy covers, TWO! Mandy snarls and she drags Wendy up. Fans rally, Mandy suplexes but Wendy blocks! Wendy makes it a cradle, TWO! Mandy ROCKS Wendy with a right! Mandy covers again, TWO! Mandy is growing further frustrated but she whips Wendy. Wendy reverses to ROCK Mandy, and again! And then she rolls Mandy up, TWO! Wendy kicks low, but Mandy scoops for a GUT WRENCH SLAM! Cover, TWO! Mandy continues to glare down at Wendy and she brings Wendy up. Fans rally as Mandy slaps Wendy around with part of her own windbreaker!

Mandy drags Wendy up to scrape laces off her face. Mandy stomps Wendy around, taunts her, but Wendy CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Wendy fires big forearms, but Mandy fires haymakers back! Fans boo but Mandy drags Wendy up to wrench and tie her up, for an OCTOPUS STRETCH! Fans rally, Wendy endures, but Mandy thrashes her around! Wendy still endures, so Mandy rolls her! Wendy sit son the cover, TWO! Mandy has the sunset flip, TWO! Wendy high stacks, TWO! Wendy hurries to get the arm but Mandy shoves her away. Wendy ROCKS Mandy on the return! Then counter punches! And another!

Wendy KICKS, KICKS and CLOBBERS Mandy! Wendy fires up and fans fire up with her! Wendy whips, and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes Mandy! Fans fire up, Wendy handspring forearms! Mandy is down, Wendy hits the NAPTIME ELBOW! But Mandy bails out! Wendy builds speed to WRECK Mandy with a dropkick! Wendy pursues with a handspring, but into a SPINEBUSTER on the ramp! Fans fire up and Mandy says this is done! She goes to ringside while Wendy writhes. Wendy drags herself to ringside as the count climbs, and Mandy holds up her belt as if she’s won already.

The count is 5 of 10, Wendy is only now getting back tot he ring! Wendy springs up and in at 9.9!! Mandy is furious, ANOTHER SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!?! Mandy can’t understand it, but Wendy is still in this match! Wendy goes to a corner, Mandy runs corner to corner, but into the pillow! Mandy is furious! Mandy grabs Wendy’s body pillow and tear sit all up! The stuffing is everywhere! Wendy SHOTGUNS Mandy! Fans fire up, Wendy tackles Mandy and fires off furious fists! Mandy kicks Wendy away, but Wendy fireman’s carries! DEATH VALLEY BOMB! Wendy throws off the tracksuit and fans fire up! She’s got a T-Shirt that crosses out Toxic Attraction!

Wendy wraps Mandy up in chicken wings and body scissors! Mandy’s arms are caught inside the jacket sleeves?! JACKET CLUTCH, TWO!! But Wendy gets a SLEEPER HOLD!! Wendy squeezes tight, Mandy endures and moves around, they roll into the ropes! The ref counts, Wendy lets off and stomps her down! Wendy goes up a corner, Mandy yanks her down! Mandy runs in, but Wendy gets her for the FULL NELSON SLAM! Wendy hurries to get back up top! Fans are fired up, but Mandy uses the jacket sleeve to TOSS Wendy! KNEE FROM A ROSE!! Cover, Mandy wins!

Winner: Mandy Rose, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Champion)

Try as Wendy might, the Women’s Division is still Toxic! Mandy, Gigi & Jacy all celebrate together, they’re all still dripping with gold! Will anyone ever stop the Toxic Attraction


Backstage interview with Tiffany Stratton and Roxanne Perez.

Our finalists for the Women’s Breakout Tournament are here, and Tiffany doesn’t like McKenzie talking at her. That is rude. If you want to be on the good side of the future winner, you’re failing. Wow she thinks she is going to win? Yes! If there was a trophy for this tournament, Tiffany’s name would already be on it. Because this is the Women’s Breakout Tournament, not the Little Girls Breakout Tournament. Doesn’t Roxanne have a bus to catch? Insult her all you want, but this Tuesday is the biggest match of Roxie’s life. These kinds of things may just be handed to Tiffany, but Roxie’s had to fight for every single one. And she won’t leave without that contract.

Who gets the inaugural Women’s Breakout Contract? Tiffany says McKenzie is the worst person ever, but will she end up the last loser of this tournament?


NXT Tag Team Championship: Pretty Deadly VS The Creed Brothers!

The former NXT UK Tag Team Champions became the NXT Tag Team Champions by getting in on the Tag Team Gauntlet and taking advantage of a worn out Julius & Brutus. That loss put on the pressure, but so has Roderick Strong’s Diamond Ultimatum. Either Julius & Brutus win the titles for the Diamond Mine, or they’re OUT of the Diamond Mine. Will the Creeds crack under pressure? Or will they be made into true diamonds?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see just who the top tag team in NXT really is!

The teams sort out and Brutus starts with Prince. They approach, but then Wilson tags in. Brutus avoids the leg takedown but Wilson fires off hands! Wilson EuroUppers and CHOPS Brutus in a corner. Brutus gets under Wilson to clinch, but Wilson throws elbows. Brutus tosses Wilson away but misses in the corner. Brutus blocks the boot, avoids the punches and gets Wilson in a waistlock! Brutus SLAMS Wilson, then SLAMS him again! Brutus facelocks, gator rolls Wilson around and around, but Wilson reaches for Prince. Brutus brings Wilson away, brings him up, but Wilson pulls an ear!

Brutus shoots around to a waistlock and he puts Wilson in a corner. Brutus TOSSES Wilson, then TOSSES him again to keep him from Prince! Fans fire up, Brutus waits on Wilson to get up. Wilson swipes at Julius but misses, so he eggs them both on. Tag to Julius and fans fire up. But Wilson runs away! Julius chases him, Wilson gets in and stomps Julius down! Tag to Prince, Pretty Deadly mugs Julius. Fans rally, Julius fights back! He SLAMS Wilson, whips Prince and back drops him! Fans fire up and Julius drags Prince up with a deadlift gut wrench! Julius SLAMS Prince down again!

Julius waistlocks Prince, SLAMS him down again, then holds on with a waistlock. Wilson grabs Prince’s hands but he gets dragged into the ring! Brutus gets Wilson, the Creeds get the two to stop holding hands, DOUBLE GERMAN SUPLEXES! Fans fire up, Brutus has an ANKLE LOCK, and Julius has a STRETCH MUFFLER! Prince endures, the ref reprimands Brutus, pretty Deadly both get to ropes! The Creeds let the champs go, and Pretty Deadly throws a hissy fit! Wilson even kicks the steel steps and pushes the top half away. Fans taunt “Pretty Angry!” as Prince gets back in the ring. The champs talk strategy, but Julius arm-drags Prince!

Fans fire up as Julius grinds Prince into a chinbar. Ma and Pa Creed are watching as Julius keeps on Prince. Prince chinbars Julius but Julius shoves him away. Prince runs Julius over, things speed up, and Julius hurdles! Prince runs into ropes and then into an arm-drag! Julius has the armlock, Prince moves around but Julius grinds the arm. Fans rally, Brutus tags in, they toss Prince! Then Julius gut wrench SLAMS Brutus on Prince! Cover, TWO! Brutus facelocks, brings Prince up, tag to Julius. Feed to the fireman’s carry slam, and Julius has the armlock! Prince is frustrated but he endures as Julius grinds the arm.

Prince fight sup, Wilson hops in to tag but that’s not allowed! It is just to throw sucker punches! Prince shoves Julius, Wilson DECKS Brutus, then they give the Creeds the Scott Hall spooky fingers! The Creeds regroup, fans fire up, and Brutus trades shots with Wilson! Wilson EuroUppers, kicks and CLUBS, fires more forearms, but Brutus whips him corner to corner. Wilson bounces off buckles, into a BIG elbow! Tag to Julius, the Creeds knee Wilson back and forth! Cover, TWO! Julius drags Wilson over, tags Brutus, and they give him more knees! Brutus drags Wilson to a cover, TWO!

Brutus waistlocks Wilson, Wilson elbows free! Tag to Prince, they trip Brutus for a leap frog elbow drop! Cover, TWO! Prince drags Brutus up but Brutus RAMS him to the corner! Julius tags in and dropkicks Wilson! Then he dropkicks Prince up top! Fans fire up, Wilson CROSSBODIES, but Julius rolls it through! ROLLING SPINEBUSTER! Brutus TOSSES Prince down beside him! Fans fire up, but Pretty Deadly get away before the sliding forearms! Julius waits, fans rally and duel, but then Julius goes out after Prince. Prince POSTS Julius! Brutus rushes in but the ref keep shim back! Pretty Deadly use that to DOUBLE SPINEBUSTER Julius on the steps!

Prince gets Julius in, covers, TWO! Julius is still in this but Prince brings Julius up to RAM into the corner. Tag to Wilson, they mug Julius and then Wilson runs in to back elbow! Julius flops down, Wilson drags him up, but Julius blocks the suplex. Wilson knees low, suplexes high and hard, then covers, TWO! Wilson bring Julius over, tags in Prince, and fans duel as Pretty Deadly double suplex, only for Julius to block! Pretty Deadly power through to double suplex after all! Cover, TWO! Julius survives but Prince drops elbows on his lower back over and over! Prince chinbars and gets an arm but Julius endures.

Fans rally, Julius fights up and hits a JAWBREAKER! Prince keeps Julius from Brutus but Julius tries to power up! His lower back won’t let him, Prince tags Wilson. Wilson goes up top, Prince stomps Julius, Wilson MACHO ELBOWS! Cover, TWO! Wilson taunts Julius, stays between the Creeds, and then pushes Julius around. Wilson gets the legs and has a BOSTON CRAB! Julius endures the pain in his lower back and crawls for the ROPEBREAK! Wilson holds until 4 and then reaches for the legs again. Julius BOOTS Wilson, but Prince tags in! Prince intercepts Julius and keeps him from Brutus!

Julius keeps fighting forward, keeps reaching out, but Prince pulls tights! Julius uses leverage to toss Prince! Hot tag to Brutus! Fans fire up as Brutus rallies with the double CHOPS! Then the tackle and the ground ‘n’ pound! Wilson gets in but Brutus DECKS him! Brutus bear crawls up behind Prince, gut wrench and a TOSS into Wilson! Wilson goes down, Brutus stalks Prince again. Fans chant, “BRUTUS SMASH! BRUTUS SMASH!” Brutus hits a GERMAN SUPLEX! Brutus goes up, BRUTUS BALL!! Cover, Wilson breaks it!! Wilson saves Prince and saves their title reign! But fans are thunderous for the Creeds as Wilson has to drag Prince away.

Wilson tags in but Brutus gets him for a BIG back suplex! Now Wilson has to crawl back to his corner. Prince slides the belt in, but it goes way past Wilson! Julius has the belt, but he won’t do what Pretty Deadly would. The belt is given to the ref, and Julius dodges Wilson’s attack! Brutus gets Wilson in a torture rack and Julius goes up top! RACK BOMB to a SHOOTING STAR!! And them, the SLIDING FOREARM!! Cover, the Creeds win!!!

Winners: The Creed Brothers, by pinfall (NEW NXT Tag Team Champions)

The fans re going nuts for this! Julius & Brutus get the gold and stay in Diamond Mine! Ma and Pa are so proud, will Strong be even prouder of these two?


NXT Championship, No Champion’s Advantage: Bron Breakker VS Joe Gacy!

The Big Booty Nephew, the Son of the Dog-Faced Gremlin, and already TWO-TIME NXT Champion has been carrying this brand on his shoulder, but Mr. Inclusion says that weight will break Bron. Gacy looks to prove a point to both the fans and to Bron himself that the rage inside him will cost him everything. Will Bron’s anger and aggression be a strength or weakness when there’s no protection from disqualification?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Bron loses both his cool and the title!

Gacy gets in Bron’s face right away but the ref has Bron stay back. The bell rings and Bron RAMS Gacy into a corner! Bron RAMS him again but Gacy gets loose, and he SLAPS Bron! Bron seethes but he holds back as he RAMS Gacy into a corner again. Bron RAMS and RAMS but lets off right at 4. Gacy sputters, but he YANKS Bron into buckles. Gacy runs in but into a buckle! Bron dodges Gacy, but runs into a dropkick! Fans fire up, Gacy brings Bron up to facelock. Bron gets loose to throw hands, then he whips. But Gacy turns things around to CLUB and ROCK Bron! Gacy scoops Bron for a BACKBREAKER!

Bron gets to a corner, Gacy storms up to whip corner to corner. Bron slides to a stop, comes back and CLOBBERS Gacy! Fansn fire up more, Bron OVERHEAD suplexes Gacy! Fans bark it up, Bron RAMS into Gacy again! Bron fires off hands, lets off at 4, then brings Gacy up. Bron scoops but Gacy slips off and shoves. Things speed up, Bron catches Gacy for a SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up and bark while Gacy bails out. His crimson druids stay back as Bron goes out. Bron watches the goods closely, but one has a chair! Bron snatches that away, threatens the druid, but Gacy POSTS Bron! Fans boo but Gacy looms over Bron by commentary.

Gacy gets Bron up, puts him in the ring, and then stomps Bron around. Gacy throws forearms, drives in knees, then puts Bron in a corner. Gacy CLUBS Bron, Bron throws body shots. Gacy kicks low, runs, and knee lifts to a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Gacy clamps on with a chinlock to grind Bron down. Fans rally, some are actually on Gacy’s side, but Bron endures. Bron fights up, thrwos body shots, then whips. Gacy reverses, runs in and back elbows, then corner clotheslines! Gacy keeps moving for a FOREARM WASH in the corner! Gacy has a crazed look in his eye, and he paces while Bron is on the apron.

Gacy goes out to join Bron, he APRON SENTONS! Bron sputters and writhes but Gacy puts him in to cover, TWO! Gacy keeps cool and he CLUBS Bron on the neck. Gacy sits Bron up to CHOP back down! Bron is in a corner, Gacy stands him up to CHOP again! Fans are stinging as Gacy knocks Bron onto the apron. Gacy drags Bron up, brings him through and pushes him around to a cover, TWO! Bron is still in this but Gacy keeps his focus. Gacy brings Bron up, but Bron throws body shots! And a haymaker! Gacy ROCKS Bron with a haymaker of his own, and has Bron in a corner for point-blank lariats!

Fans rally, the ref counts, Gacy lets off at 4. Gacy fireman’s carries Bron out but Bron slips off to O’Conner Roll! TWO, and Gacy has a REAR NAKED CHOKE! Bron flails, but Gacy has the body scissors! Fans rally, Bron fights around and reaches out. Fans bark as Bron pries at the chinlock. Bron gets the body scissors undone but Gacy keeps his grip. Bron pushes back, rolls to a cover, TWO! Bron is free, but Gacy gets him for an URENAGE! Cover, TWO! Gacy starts to get frustrated with Bron, but then he hangs in the corner like a bat! Fans chant, “WYATT! WYATT!” Gady eggs Bron on, then gets him for a DDT! Cover, TWO!

Gacy CLUBS Bron, stomps him down, and fans are dueling, “Let’s Go, Gacy!” “GACY SUCKS!” Gacy climbs up, Bron DECKS him! Gacy has a rough landing, and Bron has a chance to get his bad arm moving. Bron goes out, stomps Gacy, and he drags Gacy up to put him in the ring. Fans rally, Bron snarls and runs in at Gacy in the corner, but Gacy CLOBBERS him! Cover, TWO!! Gacy clamps right on with a chinlock and he is seething as he squeezes tight! Fans rally, Bron endures, and he fights up to throw elbows. Bron fires off hands, haymakers, but Gacy HEADBUTTS, and SAIDOS! Fans rally while both men are down!

“Let’s Go, Gacy!” “GACY SUCKS!” Gacy gets up and he brings Bron up. Bron throws hands so Gacy gives them back! Gacy BOOTS Bron, then he stalks Bron to ropes. Gacy pie faces Bron to taunt him, but Bron throws body shots. Gacy thrwos hands, pie faces again, and fans rally up. Bron slowly rises, and he blocks Gacy’s punch! Bron roars to fire off haymakers! Gacy hits back, Bron BOOTS, and then Bron hits a FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! And another! Bron dodges to SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up and Bron barks with them. Gacy bails out to the ramp side, the ring count starts, but Bron says what the hell. Bron FLIES! Direct hit and down goes Gacy!

Bron fires up and the fans fire up with him! Bron looms over Gacy, drags Gacy up, and he CLUBS Gacy into the ring. The ring count is broken at 6 of 10 and Bron goes up the corner. But one of the druids rushes up! Bron ROCKS him and TOSSES him in! But the other slips Gacy the chair! Gacy pulls a Guerrero! He smacks the floor and plays dead! The ref sees Bron with the chair and Bron explains what it was! But then another ref rushes out to defend Bron’s innocence!! Fans fire up for the second ref, Bron is found not guilty! But Gacy gets a cradle!! TWO!! Bron escapes, dodges and ducks, to CLOBBER Gacy!

The straps come down and fans fire up again! Bron runs to SPEAR Gacy off the apron and through the announce desk!!! Fans lose their minds and Gacy writhes in the wreckage! Bron goes out after Gacy to stop the ring count, and he throws haymakers. Bron stalks Gacy back to the ring, ROCKS him against the apron, then puts him back in at 5 of 10. Gacy wants the chair but Bron gets it away from him. Bron goes up the corner, and hits the FLYING BULLDOG! Cover, TWO!?! Gacy survives and he goes for the chair again! He slides it to Bron! He wants Bron to use it, and Bron grins. Bron says if Gacy wants it, then hell no!

The chair is given to the ref, but Gacy LOW BLOWS BRON!! Cover, TWO!?!? Bron survives Gacy’s scheming, the ref goes for the chair, but now Bron wants it! Bron’s rage is boiling up! The ref warns Bron but Bron aims at Gacy. Wait, the druids are creeping up again. So Bron SMACKS them! That’s not a disqualification! Gacy handsprings, but into the SPEAR!!! Did Bron just outsmart Gacy!? Bron trophy lifts Gacy, for the BREAKKER SLAM! Cover, Bron wins!

Winner: Bron Breakker, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

The mind games are over, because Bron has won! Has Bron finally proven himself to everyone that he is truly a worthy champion?

My Thoughts:

This was a great, fast-paced special for NXT! Pretty good promo from Trick & Melo in the kickoff show to hype up the North American Championship match, and for good reason because that ended up a great match. I was pleasantly surprised Melo won, and now we’ll get Melo VS Solo in a 1v1 feud and that will be a lot of fun. Great American Bash is on its way back, having a month to build to it could really make that match a great one. We also got a decent promo from Malik & Edris, but they came off a bit nervous being on the kickoff panel. I hope those guys get going in the tag division, they’ve got a lot of personality and can get fans on their side.

Speaking of the tag division, that was a great NXT Tag title match. Fans were all red hot for the Creeds, and it was a great moment that Mr. & Mrs. Creed were in attendance for this win. The Creeds are champions, they get to stay in Diamond Mine per Strong’s challenge, but I don’t think the tension goes away. Strong will still push things to a point where he’ll be expelled from the group in a mutiny and we’ll have to see where that goes. And where Strong goes, because he was hoping to make his exit from NXT and WWE not too long ago. The rest of his friends (i.e. Undisputed Era) and even his wife, Marina Shafir, are in AEW, I would think he wants to join them as soon as he can.

As cheesy as the build was for Legado VS The Don’s crew, with the mob movie parodies and all that, the Six Man Tag was great stuff. It was very clever for both sides to check the other’s corners for weaponry, only for both sides to have back-up plans. And even without the chaotic finish with the crowbar and the knuckles, fans were really into this. Tony D and his guys winning wasn’t quite that surprising, they’re the ones getting the push right now. Chances are, they’ll play up being the Heels by making Legado do menial and demeaning jobs, and fans will want to see Legado rebel pretty quickly. Legado will do just that, come out the Faces in the rematch, but who knows how that goes. Maybe a Losers Leave NXT match to send Legado to RawDown?

Alba Fyre had a good promo vignette to explain why her name is now “Alba Fyre,” and Lash had a pretty good trash talk response promo. Tatum also had a good part throwing Lash’s words back at her, and Tatum VS Fyre is going to be a good match that Fyre of course wins. Pretty sure Lash will even come out after to talk more trash and then Fyre makes her put up or shut up. Great matches out of both women’s titles, but as I figured on the go-home, since Wendy & KC Squared stood tall and touched the belts, they were going to lose. Still great showings, and that was probably the best match Wendy Choo has had in NXT, including when she was Mei Ling of Tian Sha and her real self, Karen Q. But now the way is open for Roxanne to win the Breakout contract and challenge any number of the champs for the summer.

And of course, the main event. As I figured, Bron wasn’t going to lose, and I laughed seeing a couple fans in the front row were disappointed that he won. The match was still really good stuff, and of course the druids got involved. A shame we didn’t see them unmasked but I guess Gibson & Drake aren’t meant to be exposed, even though where the kayfabe hell are they then? It was still a clever finish for Gacy to try an Eddie Guerrero only for another ref to point it out to the main ref. WWE seems to be getting smarter with how refs officiate these matches so that such tropes are subverted. But again, Bron wins because he is Mr. NXT 2.0, and he is NOT going to be a three-time champion so soon, meaning he needs to make this second reign last.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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