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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (6/17/22)

Will Riddle have his revenge?



SmackDown 2022

Will the Bro dethrone the Tribal Chief?

Matt Riddle has been on a mission, and he’s just one match away from completing it! Will SmackDown crown a NEW Undisputed Universal Champion?


  • Last Laugh Match: Mad Cap Moss VS Happy Corbin; Moss wins.
  • The New Day VS Jinder Mahal & Shanky; The New Day wins.
  • Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier: Raquel Rodriguez VS Shayna Baszler; Raquel wins and advances to the Women’s MITB match.
  • Undisputed WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns w/ Paul Heyman VS Matt Riddle; Roman wins and retains the title(s).


Vince McMahon is here!

Rather interesting timing given what’s been in the news… But what will he have to say here tonight? Vince walks out on stage and then to the ring, a mixed reaction to be sure. Vince gets a mic and says, “It is a privilege as always to stand before you here tonight, the WWE Universe. Especially a privilege to stand here in this ring in Minnesota.” Fans cheer that, and Vince is here to remind us of the four words in the intro: Then, Now, Forever, and most importantly, Together. Welcome to SmackDown! Mic drop and an exit, but will that be the last we hear from him for some time?


Matt Riddle heads to the ring!

The Bro is ready for his Undisputed Universal Championship match in tonight’s main event, but he’s going to start off with a few words first. “Bro…! So, before I kick Roman Reigns in the head and take his WWE Undisputed Universal Championship, I want to take a stroll down memory lane, and take a look at the history between Roman Reigns, and myself.” He cues up a highlight reel going back to just last month, when the Raw and SmackDown Tag Team Championships were unified. But of course, it was only thanks to interference from Paul Heyman and Roman Reigns that the Usos survived to win.

And that was only the beginning of the worst night in RKBRO’s partnership, as The Bloodline completely devastated Randy Orton. The Viper was already enduring back problems and who knows if RKBRO will ever be a thing again. But that was the moment Riddle swore vengeance! Riddle fought Sami Zayn just last week and won the opportunity he has here tonight. Riddle took the fight to the Usos and told Roman he was coming to smoke his ass! But if he fails, he will never be able to challenge Roman for the top title(s) again. Back to the present, the fans are fired up for Riddle and chant “BRO! BRO! BRO!”

Riddle says, “Man, I’ve been waiting a long time for this opportunity. And I know that all my friends and family are watching at home. But more importantly, my best bro and our friend, Randy, is watching at home.” Fans cheer for “RANDY! RANDY! RANDY!” Riddle tells Randy that he has a big surgery coming up, and we all wish him the best of luck. Riddle is sure Randy is worried about something going wrong, not being able to train again and do what he loves and does best. Riddle says we all miss Randy. We want Randy back! It won’t matter what shape Randy is in, Riddle will always love him. Fans cheer that sentiment and chant for Randy again.

Riddle says for 20 years, Randy Orton has been killing legends, won like a gajillion championships, and the RKO videos have gone viral worldwide! “Dude, you even lit the Undertaker on fire! That was sick, bro. That was sick. But most importantly, for the last 20 years, you’ve sacrificed everything to entertain us. And I think I can speak for the whole WWE Universe when I say this: Thank you, Randy.” Fans chant “Thank You, Randy!”  and Riddle nods. Riddle says tonight, he challenges Roman for the WWE Undisputed Universal Championship, and he thinks everyone here, and watching at home, and every bro in the back knows, Riddle’s dedicating this one to Randy!

And when Riddle returns to the back to get ready for the biggest match of his life, head held high and strutting like a Viper, Riddle thinks he’ll play something we haven’t heard in a long time, and hopefully hear again when Randy returns. Riddle nods and points to the tron, and Voices plays! Will Riddle truly unlock his inner Legend Killer and take down the Tribal Chief once and for all? Or will a Bro mean nothing to a man living in #GODMODE?


Last Laugh Match: Mad Cap Moss VS Happy Corbin!

The insults, the brawling, and even No Holds Barred was not enough to end this between raging Riddick and brazen Baron! But he who laughs last, laughs best. So who will feeling amazing after finally putting this one to rest?

SmackDown returns and Corbin makes his entrance. Fans boo as Corbin’s pyro hits and he goes to the ring. The bell rings, Corbin and Moss circle and fans chant, “CORBIN SUCKS!” Corbin rushes Moss, Moss hurdles, then ducks to CLOBBER Corbin! Corbin picks Moss up to put him in a corner but Moss dodges to ROCK Corbin! Corbin kicks Moss’ shin, then throws big forearms! Fans boo and Corbin is annoyed so he ROCKS Moss. Corbin runs corner to corner but Moss KNEES him away! Moss goes up, leaps, FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! Fans fire up, Moss ROCKS Corbin again and knees low!

Moss puts Corbin in a corner, stomps a mudhole, then whips corner to corner. Corbin hits buckles hard and falls to the mat! Fans fire up and Moss brings Corbin up. Corbin ROCKS Moss back, then CHOKES Moss on the ropes! The ref counts, Corbin lets off at 4, and Moss sputters. Fans still chant “CORBIN SUCKS!” as Corbin ROCKS Moss again. Corbin whips Moss, then wraps him up in a half nelson chinbar! Corbin drags Moss down and leans on the hold. Moss endures, pries at the hold, and fans fire up. Moss gets up, but Corbin knees low. Corbin runs in but misses in the corner! Moss runs, ducks, dodges, clips and POUNCES Corbin!

Fans fire up with Moss and he runs in to RAM Corbin! Moss ROCKS Corbin with haymaker after haymaker! Corbin swings but misses, and then leaps into Moss’ arms! Moss hits a FALL AWAY SLAM! Moss brings Corbin up, reels him in, turns him, but no Punchline yet! Corbin POSTS Moss hard, and Moss flops to the floor! Fans boo but Corbin runs and slides out to CLOBBER Moss into the timekeeper’s area! Both men are down but Corbin is smiling as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and the two are brawling on the apron! Moss throws body shots and forearms, but Corbin knees low! Fans boo, but Corbin LARIATS Moss over the ropes and into the ring! Corbin then hoists Moss up top, climbs up and throws more hands. Moss hits back and fans fire up! Moss fires off more and more and more, then kicks at Corbin! Moss leaps to sunset flip, TWO! Corbin hurries up, Moss ducks and dodges him, but runs into a DEEP SIX! Cover, TWO! Corbin is frustrated but Minneapolis fires up again! Corbin drags Moss up, reels him in, then hoists Moss up. Moss slips out, but into a CHOKE SLAM!

Corbin catches his breath while Moss bails out. Corbin goes out after Moss but Moss kicks him low! Moss hurries into the ring, Corbin drags him back out and POSTS him again! Corbin goes in, but Moss drags Corbin out! Moss throws Corbin into the desk! Moss gets in, the count is 8 of 10! Corbin slides in at 9.9!! But into the PUNCHLINE! But Moss isn’t done there! He wants to punctuate this one! A SECOND PUNCHLINE!! Cover, Moss wins!

Winner: Mad Cap Moss, by pinfall

The hometown hero is victorious! Moss gets a mic to say, “Hey, Corbin. HAHAHAHAHA!” Moss truly has the last laugh, but will he be able to move on to bigger and better things?


The Street Profits are here!

They’re fired up backstage and tell the WWE Universe that it’s been awhile since they’ve been on SmackDown. “And my oh my did we pick the right time to show up on Friday Night SmackDown.” Moss got the last laugh, so Corbin isn’t so happy after all. But don’t forget tonight’s main event: Roman VS Riddle for THE Undisputed Universal Championship! Tonight? TONIGHT! But wait, who do you got? Dawks says Bros before Romes. But wait, then there will be only one set of undisputed champions in the Bloodline. Hmm…

Dawkins shouts, “JIMMY! JEY! We stacking all our chips in! Because it’s us versus you! And we want our babies back!!” Ford says they want a whole nursery for those titles! Because the Profits are up, and #WeWantTheSmoke! Will the Profits hit the jackpot in Vegas and be the ones to dethrone the Usos?


Happy Corbin gets a mic now.

He wants everyone to understand what just happened. Fans boo but he tells Pat McAfee that they’ve known each other a long, long time. Corbin hears Pat criticize him and make jokes. When Corbin was at rock bottom, Pat called him, “Bum Ass Corbin.” That was a good name. But then, Corbin hit it big and Pat still ran his mouth! Talking about the losses, about Happy Talk, and called him undeserving of pyro! Pat needs to watch his mouth, or else Corbin will drag him over the desk, throw his skinny ass in the ring and make him wish he were dead! Fans boo Corbin more, but how will Pat respond to being called out?

Well, we won’t have to wait long! Pat gets up from the desk to say, “Hold on now, Bum Ass Corbin! Before you walk out of this arena, I think what we were all expecting when we heard about a Last Laugh Match was that we’d see your sorry ass getting laughed out of an entire arena. So I think, with the hep of the beautiful people in M-I-N-N…” The fans continue with “E-S-O-T-A… MINNESOTA! MINNESOTA! MIIIIINNESOTA!” That we can all get what we’ve been waiting for since Corbin’s sorry ass came into the company! Pat wants everyone to laugh this JABRONI the hell outta Minneapolis? They all laugh and point at Corbin with Pat!

Corbin storms off, and the New Day heads down to the ring! They also laugh at Corbin, but they get serious right after because they’re taking on the Modern Day Maharaja and the Skyscraping Bollywood Boogie Machine! Who will be busting a move? And who will just get busted?


Backstage interview with Natalya.

The Queen of Harts is the #1 contender to the SmackDown Women’s Championship, and she says she will do so much more than challenge Ronda Rousey. Natty will beat respect into her! We all saw last week: Ronda was trapped in the Sharpshooter, screaming for pain and begging for mercy. If that’s not enough to convince everyone that Ronda was in dangerous and the Sharpshooter is the more dangerous submission hold, then Natty doesn’t know what will. Natty thinks we should ask Ronda tonight how it felt. Oh wait, you can’t! She’s not here! Ronda’s at home, licking her wounds.

Natty tells Ronda that sure, Ronda’s had some success with her little armbar. But Natty’s Sharpshooter breaks bones, tears tendons and humbles champions! Natty’s lineage, her resume, her pedigree, she has had so many first-evers in the WWE, and more than any other woman in WWE history! And she’s about to have another, and perhaps the most important one yet. If Ronda wants to brag about never quitting, then Natty will be the first to make Ronda TAP OUT! And then for the second time, Natty will be SmackDown Women’s Champion. Will Natty do the seemingly impossible? Or can the BOAT be the one to sink Rowdy Ronda’s reign?

The New Day VS Jinder Mahal & Shanky!

SmackDown returns and Jinder & Shanky make their entrance. Shanky sneaks his dance moves in behind Jinder’s back, just like last week. Will Shanky be able to keep focus on the former 11-TIME W, W, E, World, Tag, Team, CHAMPIONS~? Or will he have to blame a loss on the boogie?

SmackDown returns again, and we start this match with Jinder and Woods. Shanky is dancing on the apron but Jinder makes him hold the tag rope. The bell rings. Woods gets around Jinder to waistlock then headlock. Jinder powers out, scoops and SLAMS Woods, then he flexes. Kofi shrugs but Jinder ROCKS and stomps Woods in a corner. Jinder CLUBS Woods, whips him corner to corner, but Woods goes up and over, then ducks and dodges to shove and springboard, dropkick! Cover, ONE!! Woods hurries to get Jinder up and wrench. Tag to Kofi. the New Day double wrench and double CHOP!

The New Day kick the legs out, then DOUBLE BULLDOG! Cover by Kofi, ONE! Kofi wrenches Jinder’s arm but Jinder powers out. Tag to Shanky and Jinder tells him to take this seriously. Shanky and Kofi circle and fans rally up. Kofi dodges Shanky, dropkicks him, but Shanky stays up to CHOP Kofi off his feet! Shanky winds up as Kofi gets up again, and LARIATS Kofi inside out! Kofi flounders to a corner, Shanky brings Kofi up, and he elbows Kofi in the corner. Shanky stands Kofi up to elbow him again! Then he TOSSES Kofi corner to corner! Shanky roars but fans are torn. Woods gets his trombone out, and the music starts bringing out the boogie!

Shanky dances and fans get into it. Jinder says no, this is no time for dancing! Jinder tags in and Shanky dances his way out of the ring. Jinder hurries but into TROUBLE IN PARADISE! Cover, the New Day wins!

Winners: The New Day, by pinfall

Shanky dances as Woods plays the trombone more, and Jinder is upset all over again. Will Jinder ever get Shanky to focus on the fight? Or will the groove inside Shanky’s soul never stop?


Drew McIntyre is here!

The Scottish Warrior raises his sword and sets off the pyro, and he goes to the ring. He and the Celtic Warrior, Sheamus, are expecting a decision on Money in the Bank, but will either of them like what Adam Pearce has to say?

SmackDown returns and Pearce has joined McIntyre in the ring. But the Brawling Brutes are in the back talking about how they will not accept McIntyre getting in on MITB over Sheamus. But Ridge Holland has to keep “Butch” from running off. Sheamus tells the lunatic to stay in the back with Ridge. Sheamus is the one with the best opportunity to bring gold to the Brutes, yeah? Ridge, keep a leash on Butch. Yeah, yeah, he’s got it. The Fella heads out, will Northern Grit be able to contain Pete Dunne?

Sheamus joins McIntyre and Pearce in the ring, and Pearce addresses them both. They both failed to qualify for the MITB Ladder match, yet demand inclusion, and Pearce gets why. The MITB contract signifies and guarantees a title match anytime, anywhere, and has an 85% success- McIntyre speaks up, saying that this may come as a shock to Pearce, “but nobody gives a damn about numbers or statistics.” If Pearce wants to talk numbers, here’s some: If McIntyre is NOT in MITB, there’s a 100% chance McIntyre will just beat someone’s ass tonight! Sheamus says yeah, #BigD with the big ego.

But to explain something to him, putting McIntyre in the match would be the biggest mistake in WWE history. Because McIntyre will just bungle it like he always does. Let’s take it from someone like Sheamus, who has successfully cashed in his MITB contract. As opposed to someone who was cashed-in on. Sheamus guarantees McIntyre that he is the 15% of failure. Pearce reminds everyone they’re here for a reason. Seth Rollins already qualified from Raw, and it was an opportunity both of them had last week. They both got disqualified, then just kept brawling last week until they had to be separated.

Pearce tells them that he has reviewed the footage time and again while consulting with management. The decision has been made. “It is official: Sheamus, you’re in!” The Fella is all fired up! “How does it feel, Drew, ya big, dirty, hairy bullocks?! To know that you’re second best to the Celtic Warrior?!” Sheamus is going to Vegas and McIntyre will be sitting home on his arse! Sheamus vows to all of Ireland that he’ll win the contract and cash it in! But then McIntyre CLOBBERS Sheamus and fires off on him! Pearce tries to stop this but he is but one man! McIntyre clotheslines Sheamus out of the ring!

Pearce finally gets through to McIntyre and tells him that he was going to literally follow that up with this: McIntyre is ALSO in! They’re BOTH in the Men’s MITB Ladder Match! McIntyre shrugs and Sheamus is furious! Sheamus gets back in the ring, but gets a CLAYMORE! McIntyre kips up, throws off his shirt, and fires up with the fans! Will it be the Scottish or Celtic Warrior that brings down the briefcase?


Sami Zayn waits outside Roman Reigns’ room.

He hesitates to knock, but then Kayla Braxton shows up to bring up how it is Sami’s loss that put Roman into tonight’s situation. Sami doesn’t want her playing the blame game. That’s not good journalism. Well, has he talked to anyone in the Bloodline since last week? No, not directly. He was just about to take care of that. Is there any ill will given he’s to blame for Roman having to face Riddle? W-What? NO! No no no! Kayla, Sami is the Honorary Uce. Do you know any other Honorary Uces? Nope, they don’t exist, it’s just Sami. So no, there is no ill will, we’re all fine here. He is a locker room leader, Roman is the Tribal Chief, things are fine.

Kayla and Sami just stare at each other, and then Sami excuses himself to the restroom. Is Sami going to work on convincing himself that everything’s fine? Or will he just let that sleeping dog lie?


Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match Qualifier: Raquel Rodriguez VS Shayna Baszler!

Big Mami Cool pushed Ronda Rousey to the limit, but is sure that the Women’s MITB contract will be her golden ticket to the promised land! But will she be able to run down the Queen of Spades? Or will she have to #TapNapOrSnap instead?

SmackDown returns and Lacey Evans is on commentary to watch this match in person. Shayna makes her entrance, the bell rings, and Raquel rushes Shayna into the corner! Raquel RAMS into Shayna again and again, lets off to pick Shayna up, but Shayna sunset flips and grapevines a leg! Raquel CLUBS away on Shayna, hauls her up but Shayna ducks, only for Raquel to CLOBBER her! Cover, ONE! Raquel drags Shayna up, whips her to a corner hard, and Shayna hits the mat! Shayna goes to the apron, Raquel goes out after her, but Shayna blocks the boot! Shayna puts the leg in ropes, KICKS the leg, then traps it in the corner to TWIST!

The ref counts, Shayna lets off to KICK Raquel’s leg again. Raquel tumbles into the ring and gets to a corner. Shayna rushes in to fire a forearm, then put the bad leg on ropes. Shayna kicks away on it, runs side to side, and KICKS the leg again! Shayna soaks up cheers and jeers while we see Shotzi and Aliyah are watching this backstage. They’ll face off next week for their own spot, but they want to keep an eye on who’s in the match ahead of them. Back to the ring, Shayna puts Raquel in another corner and again wraps the leg around ropes. Shayna kicks away on the bad leg, then runs side to side again, but into an elbow!

Pat asks Lacey if she watches her opponents at all. Lacey says of course she does, from watching film to taking notes to putting in the training. Raquel wrenches Shayna but Shayna knees her low. Raquel comes back with a BOOT! Cover, TWO! Raquel shakes out the bad leg, stalks Shayna, then brings her up to scoop. Shayna slips off the scoop to CHOP BLOCK the leg! Fans cheer and jeer as Shayna PENALTY KICKS Raquel down! Cover, TWO! Shayna is a bit surprised, Lacey applauds the toughness, but Shayna gets Raquel in the SLEEPER! Not quite the Kirafuda as Raquel stands up and powers Shayna into buckles!

Shayna lets go but tries again! Raquel RAMS Shayna into buckles again and again, and is free. Raquel then gets Shayna up, TEXANA BOMB!! Cover, Raquel wins!!

Winner: Raquel Rodriguez, by pinfall (advances to the Women’s MITB match)

Lacey likes that! She wants the biggest, the baddest and the best opponents, and she might have just found one here! Lacey applauds now, but will she be able to wake up, work and win with Big Mami Cool in her way?


Shinsuke Nakamura finds Matt Riddle backstage.

The King of Strong Style gives Riddle a fist bump and nod, because he has faith in the Stallion. Will Riddle be able to ride off into the sunset having avenged Shinsuke and Randy?


A spotlight shines on the ring.

The ring announce says, “Please welcome the founder of the hottest modeling agency in the world today, Maximum Male Models… MAX! DU-PRI~!” At least, we’re supposed to see him. He’s backstage with Pearce and Max says he is disappointed in Pearce. Max’s men are standing by but Max will NOT send them out to the ring under these conditions. This was supposed to be the biggest presentation in WWE history, and why is that? Because Pearce promised Max the best acoustics, the best lighting. Does any of that look or sound like what Pearce promised? No, no, NO! This will not do.

Max says we will not see his clients’ beautiful faces or chiseled bodies until Pearce fixes this, and he will fix this, or he will be depriving the world of their beauty and “fail to titillate the juices of their guilty pleasure!” Max storms off, but what will Pearce do to satisfy these demands?


Backstage interview with Imperium.

Kayla welcomes Ludwig Kaiser and the NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion, GUNTHER! Kayla asks Gunther if- Ludwig stops her there and takes the mic. Ludwig says, “Gunther’s victory was inevitable. The Intercontinental Championship belongs in his hands. This title was created in a tournament in South America. It was won by a French Canadian. And it’s greatest champions were international superstars from countries like Canada, Mexico, England, Ireland, Italy! But it also has been besmirched by the likes of Ricochet, a man that embodies everything that’s wrong with America! Lots of flash, but very little substance.

“This title is never going to be held by an American ever again! It’s prestige is going to be restored, and it is going to remain in the iron grip of the man who holds the mat and the Intercontinental Championship sacred. Der Ring General… GUNTHER!” Gunther says he is the NEW Intercontinental Champion, but will he be able to keep the promise made by his lieutenant? Or will the One and Only once again become champion in a rematch next week?


Undisputed WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns w/ The Bloodline VS Matt Riddle!

The biggest match of the Bro’s career could perhaps be the biggest match in SmackDown history! But it’ll be the biggest moment of all time if Riddle can dethrone the Head of the Table! Will Riddle win one for the Viper? Or will the Tribal Chief keep his own iron grip on the top title(s) in the universe?

As always, Roman holds up the belts on stage for the pyro, goes down the ramp, and holds up the finger for #WeTheOnes. He sets off the second round of pyro, and he stares Riddle down. We see this battle begin, after the break.

SmackDown returns and the formal introductions are made. The black ‘n’ blue belts are raised, and we see who ends up black ‘n’ blue before this is all said and done!

Riddle rushes in and fires off on Roman at the bell! The ref counts, Riddle lets off from the corner, but comes back with KICK after KICK after KICK! Riddle lets off again, and Roman DECKS him with an uppercut! Roman seethes and Heyman revels in that shot. Roman brings Riddle up, smacks him off buckles, fires off hands and headbutts, then bumps Riddle off more buckles. Roman ROCKS Riddle again, then stalks him to another corner. Fans are torn as Roman whips Riddle corner to corner. Riddle goes up and over and KICKS Roman again! And then FISHERMAN BUSTERS! Roman hurries out of the ring while fans fire up.

Riddle goes to the apron, PENALTY KICK right to Roman! And then SPRINGBOARD FLOATING BRO! Roman is down and Riddle is fired up, while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns once again, Riddle fires off on Roman with forearms! But Roman DECKS him with another uppercut! Roman rains down forearms and Heyman is watching intently as the hits just keep on coming! Roman finally lets off and soaks up the cheers and jeers from Minneapolis. Riddle gets to ropes but Roman CHOKES him! The ref counts, Roman lets off, then goes outside to run and DRIVE-BY DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Roman is annoyed but fans are rallying as he clamps on a cravat. Riddle endures, fights up to his feet, but Roman grinds the neck wrench! Riddle still fights, and he throws body shots!

Roman ROCKS Riddle, Riddle CHOPS Roman! The forearms and CHOPS fly, Riddle fires off but Roman knees low! Roman is stinging, but he swings, into a spin and PELE! Roman staggers, Riddle kips up and fans fire up! Riddle runs in to forearm smash at the corner! And he goes side to side for another! Then the BROSPLODER! Heyman is worried now as Riddle hits the BROTON onto Roman’s knees! Roman got Riddle back, but he is checking his teeth. Riddle elbows Roman away, goes up top, FLOATING BRO ATTACK! Cover, TWO!! Riddle is shocked but Roman escapes in time! Riddle hurries to get Roman up in a waistlock.

Riddle ripcords, Roman breaks free, and he catches Riddle into an URENAGE! Cover, TWO!! Riddle survives, that was not Rock Bottom for the Bro! Fans fire up and Riddle flops out of the ring. Roman is talking to himself, and fans chant, “This is Awesome!” Roman goes out after Riddle, telling fans he doesn’t get why they like Riddle or Randy. But speaking of Randy, Roman gives Riddle a BACK SUPLEX TO THE DESK! Roman mocks the Viper, and dares Randy to come back. But Randy won’t, he’s scared of Roman! Roman mocks Randy’s back pains while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns once more, Roman is arguing with the ref about something. Roman raises the finger again as he goes to the corner. Some raise with him, and he locks ‘n’ loads! Roman aims at Riddle as Riddle stands. Roman runs in, but into Riddle’s FINAL FLASH!! Roman is reeling, clutching his teeth! He BOOTS Riddle away, runs, but into a POWERSLAM! Riddle hurries to put Roman through the ropes! Riddle has Roman draped but Roman fights free! So Riddle WRCKS Roman with a dropkick! And then a BACK SUPLEX TO THE DESK! Riddle fires up, brings Roman back around, but Roman POSTS Riddle!

Roman puts Riddle in the ring at 5 of 10 but the fans are thunderous for “RANDY! RANDY!” That gives Riddle power to get Roman, DRAPING DDT! Heyman is stunned and Roman is down, but Riddle is hearing those voices, bro! Riddle pounds the mat, demands Roman get up, RK- NO!! Roman just dunks Riddle off the cutter! SUPERMAN PUNCH!! Cover, TWO!! Riddle barely gets that shoulder up but Roman is beside himself! Heyman argues the count now, fans again say “This is Awesome!” as both men are down. Roman slowly sits up, and Riddle manages to push himself off the mat. Roman shakes his head, he won’t accept this!

Heyman tells Roman to finish him, and Roman talks to himself that he’ll smash Riddle. Roman says this is his ring, his company, his time! Fans boo but Roman lets out the battle cry! AND RUNS INTO AN RKO!!! Cover, TWO!?!? HOW?!?! Roman survives Riddle’s RKO and Heyman is thankful to God! But Riddle is right up top!! FLOATING BRO!!! But he’s not done?! Riddle wants more and so do the fans! Riddle stomps around, RK- NO!! Roman denies again, but Riddle springboards, into a SPEAR!!! Cover, Roman wins!!

Winner: Roman Reigns, by pinfall (still Undisputed WWE Universal Champion)

The Usos rush back to ringside to celebrate with Roman while Riddle is the one beside himself in frustration now. Roman gets both belts back, and together with Jimmy & Jey, raises the gold to the sky. Riddle can no longer challenge Roman for those titles, how long will Riddle have to wait to reach the top of the mountain?

Roman wants the mic from Heyman, and Heyman gives over the mic. Fans boo as Roman says, “There’s no one left. Wise Man. There is no one left!” The Usos are laughing and Roman says he told us all two years ago that he’s here to wreck everyone and leave! And that’s what he just did! He wrecked Riddle, and now he’s leaving. But, before he goes, there is one thing left they must do. “Minneapolis. ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” Fans are torn again, and the fingers are raised high to the sky. The Bloodline moves to exit, but wait! Is that…!? BROCK LESNAR!?!? The Beast has returned to the WWE! And he is grinning ear to ear as he looks right at Roman!

Roman has the Usos and Heyman clear out, and then asks Brock what he’s even doing here after WrestleMania. Lesnar gets in the ring with Roman, and it is pretty clear why Lesnar’s here. Fans lose their minds, and then Lesnar offers a handshake? Roman considers it, and Lesnar assures him this is legit. But then he fireman’s carries for the F5!! The Usos get in but Lesnar CLOBBERS Jey, then gives Jimmy an F5!! And then Jey gets an F5!! The Twin City becomes Suplex City, and it’s clear where this is headed! Will the Alpha Male of Our Species exact his own revenge by taking those belts back from Roman Reigns?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for SmackDown, but obviously we need to address the elephant in the room that is Vince McMahon’s newest scandal. A sex scandal, of all things. I won’t go into detail here but you can find it out there somewhere, and needless to say, a Vince McMahon sex scandal is as gross as that sounds. And him coming out just to give the most generic, pandering, self-indulgent show intro he could’ve here, and it’s garbage. Much like Vince. But I suppose I and everyone like me were foolish for thinking this would be anything of substance or meaning, and I hope this is finally where there’s a regime change so that Stephanie, Triple H and whoever else can finally right this ship.

Moving past Vince’s controversy, we got a very good “Last Laugh Match” from Moss and Corbin, though apparently that was just a fancy title to say the feud was over. I feel like this should’ve been where we got No Holds Barred or something, but whatever, Moss wins and he moves on from Corbin. I want him to get his first name back and be Riddick Moss. Or at least give him a cooler nickname that starts with M, like Muscle Moss. For that matter, give him a spot in MITB so he can be Moss in the Bank. Also, Corbin calling out Pat McAfee, that has to be a SummerSlam match, and I am going to love Pat kicking Bum Ass’s ass!

Speaking of MITB, I just knew McIntyre AND Sheamus were going to be included in the match, because they’ll both make it awesome. Rollins is still winning, though. And in the Women’s MITB, things are going rather obviously, because well, there aren’t even that many women on the brand. Lacey was fine on commentary during Raquel VS Shayna, which was a very good match. Raquel wins so that Shayna can face Ronda at SummerSlam, and then of course Shotzi VS Aliyah works as part of their feud. Liv, Alexa and Raquel are Faces, Lacey is still Face but could switch at any moment, so expect Shotzi to win against Aliyah so there’s a Heel in this match. But as I’ve said for Raw, I’m thinking Becky gets in, Becky gets the win, and Big Time Becks will look for a Big Time Cash-In.

New Day VS Jinder & Shanky was great, but mostly on comedy. Granted, Shanky had an awesome chop on Kofi, and he has the potential to be as accomplished as The Great Khali but with more charisma. Good delivery of the promo from Imperium, but I feel like they should be letting Gunther/Walter talking for himself more. Oh, and also, can we stop the trope of “Foreign Wrestlers hate Murica, so Murica should hate foreign wrestlers” for once?! It’s one of the most tired clichés WWE uses and, like, how lazy is that for writing? The rematch of Gunther VS Ricochet will be awesome, and while it should’ve been on MITB, whatever, ratings grab time.

Profits have a very good promo calling out The Usos for the Undisputed Tag titles, and that is going to be an awesome match. That might go either way, no idea, but I feel like the Usos are going to lose their belts before Roman does his. Well, maybe. We got an awesome main event that would’ve fit in easily on a PPV like MITB but again, whatever, ratings grab. That place would’ve exploded if Riddle won off that RKO he hit, but alas, Roman buries the finisher and retains the title. And then the show ends with a moment that has me conflicted. On one hand, Cowboy Brock is great, him throwing The Bloodline around is great, we’re going to have a great build to SummerSlam.

On the other, it’s Roman VS Brock, again. Vince just has this wash, rinse, repeat with these guys when he doesn’t see anyone else as worthy of the top title scene. He could’ve given us Nakamura VS Roman at some point before this, but nope, he just had creative spin its wheels. Orton is hurt and needs surgery, and might not be back until the Rumble, just like Cody and his pec, or later. All I know is, they’re saying 2023 is Orton’s return. But whatever, Brock VS Roman: The Never Ending Saga is happening. And now that I think about it, I am dreading the possibility that Rollins will cash-in at SummerSlam in an attempt to recreate the Heist of the Century. And he’ll fail this time, so that either Roman or Brock can win without the other taking the loss. These are truly dark times for RawDown.

My Score: 8.2/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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