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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (1/3/23)

NXT enters the New Year!



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

The countdown is on!

Ahead of New Year’s Evil, Grayson Waller and Bron Breakker sign on the dotted line for their NXT Championship match, on Waller’s talk show!


  • Apollo Crews VS Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams; Melo wins.
  • Trick Williams w/ Carmelo Hayes VS Axiom; Axiom wins.
  • DIJAK VS Channing Lorenzo w/ Tony D’Angelo; Dijak wins.
  • Extreme Resolutions: Alba Fyre VS Isla Dawn; Fyre wins.
  • Oro Mensah VS Javier Bernal; Oro wins.
  • Andre Chase w/ Chase U VS Drew Gulak w/ Hank Walker; Gulak wins.
  • Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods VS Joe Gacy w/ The Schism; Kofi wins.


Apollo Crews VS Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams!

While neither man is champion leaving 2022, both men still have all of 2023 ahead of them! But will Apollo make the future he sees a reality? Or will Melo prove that he is that man?

The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally  and duel, the two tie up, and Apollo headlocks. Melo powers out but Apollo runs him over! And then runs him over again! Things keep moving, Apollo handsprings over Melo’s dropdown! Then he hurdles, drops, and dropkicks! Fans are torn but Trick coaches Melo up. Apollo brings Melo up into a headlock but Melo powers out. Apollo reverses the whip, Melo ducks to SPRINGBOARD LARIAT! Fans rally, Apollo staggers, and Mello runs in, but he blocks boots! Melo puts Apollo in the ropes to ENZIGURI, then FADE AWAY! Trick dribbles while Melo covers, TWO!

Melo keeps focus and he brings Apollo up. Melo CHOPS and shoots his free throw. Seems he made his shot, then he ROCKS Apollo in the corner! And CHOPS him! Apollo CHOPS back! And CHOPS again! And CHOPS again! Melo mule kicks, reels Apollo in, but Apollo suplexes first! Apollo holds Melo up for TEN before the SLAM! Apollo goes out, slingshots in and SENTONS! Fans rally, Apollo runs in at the corner to SPLASH! Apollo whips Melo, scoops and hits a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Apollo keeps cool while Melo crawls to ropes. Apollo is on Melo, CHOPS him again, then has Melo in a corner.

Melo headlocks, the ref counts, Melo lets off to ROCK Apollo with a sucker punch! Melo CLUBS Apollo down, brings him up and back suplexes. Apollo lands out of it, waistlocks and hits a GERMAN SUPLEX! Apollo holds on for another GERMAN SUPLEX! Melo fights the third, slips his arms in and snapmares free, but Apollo clinches! OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Fans fire up, Apollo clotheslines Melo up and out of the ring! Then Apollo goes to the apron to ASAI MOONSAULT! Fans fire up as Melo goes down, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Apollo waits for Melo in the ring while Trick coaches Melo up. Apollo goes out after Melo, stares Trick down, and he bumps Melo off the apron. Apollo CHOPS Melo against the apron, but Melo fires back! They brawl, Apollo throws Melo into the ring, and Apollo drags Melo back up. Apollo ROCKS Melo, throws body shots, and snapmares. Apollo runs to hit a BIG elbow drop! Cover, TWO! Apollo clams onto a chinlock and he grinds Melo down. Melo endures, fights up, and claws at Apollo. Melo fights up to his feet, pries the hold open, but Apollo hits a headlock takeover! Apollo grinds Melo down but Melo fights around.

Melo headscissors and now he has Apollo down. Melo CLUBS Apollo in the chest, pulls on an arm, but Apollo endures. Apollo pries at the armlock, moves around and pops out of the headscissors to get the headlock back! Melo endures all over again, fights up to his feet, and he throws body shots. Apollo CLUBS Melo down, then stands him up to clinch into a bearhug! Melo endures as Apollo thrashes him around! Melo huffs and puffs and pushes Apollo but Apollo just wraps on tighter. Melo throws elbows, Apollo puts on the squeeze, and NXT returns to single picture. Fans rally and duel as Melo wraps on a facelock to fight back.

Apollo powers Melo to the corner, the ref counts, and both men let off. Melo pie faces Apollo! Apollo rushes in but Melo puts him on the apron! Trick takes a swipe but Apollo avoids it! Apollo boots at Melo but Melo blocks! Melo BOOTS the other leg! Apollo falls to the floor while Melo dribbles the ball. Melo goes out after Apollo, drags him up, and he RAMS Apollo into the steel steps! Apollo hobbles, Melo puts him in the ring and covers, ONE!! Melo is annoyed but he has Apollo on the ropes. Melo RAMS Apollo into the corner, wraps the bad leg around ropes and pulls! The ref counts, Melo lets off at 4, then he kicks the bad leg!

The ref counts as Melo stomps a mudhole in, but Melo lets off at 4 again. Melo says he is him, and he drags Apollo up. Melo whips but Apollo reverses. Melo is in the corner, but he dropkicks Apollo’s leg out! Melo brings Apollo up, reel shim in, POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO! But into the HALF CRAB! Melo pulls on the bad leg and fans duel as Apollo endures! Apollo powers up and Melo can’t believe it! Melo hurries to sit deep on the hold! Apollo still endures, but he still powers his way and turns over to throw Melo! Melo holds on but Apollo BOOTS him away! Fans fire up as both men rise, and Melo hurries after the bad leg! Apollo ENZIGURIS Melo down!

Both men are down and fans duel again. Melo sits up in a daze and shakes out the cobwebs. Apollo gets to ropes and drags himself up. Melo swings but Apollo counter punches! Apollo LARIATS, ELBOWS, and ROCKS Apollo to LARIAT again! Melo staggers around, Apollo whips him to ropes. Melo rolls off the back but Apollo avoids the kick to BACKSTABBER! Apollo whips again, LEAPING LARIAT! Fans fire up as Melo goes to a corner. Apollo gets the bad leg working, and he storms up on Melo. Apollo blocks a boot to GAMANGIRI! Melo flops to the apron, Apollo goes up the corner! Melo anchors a leg but Apollo deadlift SUPERPLEXES!!

Fans are thunderous and Apollo crawls to a cover, TWO! Melo is still in this and Trick is relieved. “This is Awesome!” and it’s just the first match of the night! Apollo hauls Melo up, OLYMPI- ARM-DRAG! BOOT! Apollo roars! And then BOOTS Melo! Apollo reels Melo in, but Melo suplexes for the CUTTER! Melo hurries to the corner and climbs up! Apollo stands, and avoids Melo’s Three Pointer! Apollo BOOTS Melo, goes up, and BLOCKBUSTER DDTS!! Cover, TWO!?! Melo survives but Apollo is too tired to be upset! Fans cheer “NXT! NXT!” for giving them this opener! Melo goes to a corner, Trick is on the apron! He pulls Melo to safety!

Apollo CLOBBERS Trick! And JUMP KNEES Melo!! GERMAN SUPLEX! Melo is right up, but into the trophy lift! DROP and STANDING- NO! Melo avoids the moonsault! CODE BREAKER!! Melo hurries up top, NOTHING BUT NET!! Cover, Melo wins!!

Winner: Carmelo Hayes, by pinfall

Trick with the assist again, he’s the real MVP! But either way, Melo gets another big win to continue things from 2022! But AXIOM DOUBLE CROSSBODIES Trick Melo Gang! He is going to face Trick up next, so he aims again, ARIHARA MOONSAULT to the outside!! Axiom puts Trick in the ring, will Trick have to win the second half on his own? We find out, after the break!


Trick Williams w/ Carmelo Hayes VS Axiom!

NXT returns with this match underway, and Axiom fights up out of an armlock chinbar combo. Trick wrangles him back down and keeps on that double hold. Fans rally while Axiom endures, and Axiom claws at the chinbar. Axion fights back up to his feet, pries free and ROCKS Trick! And CHOPS! Trick ROCKS Axiom back! Trick CHOPS Axiom in the corner! Fans “WOO~!” and Trick says he’s gonna do that one more time. Trick puts some stank on it, but Axiom dodges! Axiom CHOPS back! Trick staggers away, Axiom swings, but Trick uses the ropes as defense. The ref backs Axiom down, and Trick then BOOTS Axiom, and LEAPING LARIATS!

Trick whips Axiom to ropes, but Axiom flapjack DROPKICKS! Both men are down and Melo coaches Trick. Fans rally, both men stand, Axiom ROCKS and CHOPS and ROCKS! Axiom whips, and DROPKICKS Trick again! Fans fire up and Axiom runs in to GAMANGIRI Trick! Trick flounders, Axiom goes to the apron and climbs up. Axiom CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! ARMBAR! Axiom has the arm but Trick clasps hands! Trick kicks around, fights his way over, but Axiom pulls the arm back! Trick’s leg gets the ROPEBREAK! Axiom lets off quickly, and he avoids a leg sweep, but not the EDDY GORDO! SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!!

Trick is shocked, and even Melo can’t believe it! Trick goes to a corner, he runs in, but spins into a HAYMAKER! Axiom aims now, for the GOLDEN RATIO!! Cover, Axiom wins!

Winner: Axiom, by pinfall

The Undeniable Truth gets payback, but Trick anchors his feet for Melo to CLOBBER him! Melo and Trick mug Axiom! But here comes Apollo! Apollo is still hurting, but he isn’t going to let Trick Melo Gang do what they want anymore! Will Apollo’s vision and Axiom’s mind come up with a way to shut down Melo and his main man in the New Year?


The New Day gives Pretty Deadly another shopping list.

Xavier Woods tells Kit Wilson & Elton Prince that the New Day needs Big Boss Man’s nightstick, AND The Rock’s eyebrow. The whole eyebrow. Pretty Deadly heads off, but The Schism barges in. Rip Fowler tells Woods & Kofi that they’ve talked to every tag team except The Schism, and they were wondering why. But now The Schism understands, looking in their eyes. The New Day knows The Schism is the biggest threat to the tag title reign! Uh, no. The New Day doesn’t talk to y’all cuz you look like extras from Texas Chainsaw Massacre. #NoCap. In fact, the New Day thought Rip & Reed would need a permission slip signed by daddy Gacy first! Chain of command and all that.

Joe Gacy tells “Mr. Kingston” that there is no chain of command. They are four roots, one tree. And from time to time, they look to Gacy for guidance, the same as how Big E & Woods leaned on Kofi for years. Whoa, okay, hold on. They lean on each other. E is here in spirit, too. They’re one pair of hips, five cheeks. Wait… Gacy says that sadly, Kofi thinks he knows family. But what he sees here is a real family. Oh, wow~! And here the New Day thought there was gonna be a problem with Rip & Jagger. But lo and behold, the problem is with Gacy. Kofi and Gacy can solve that problem, in the ring.

Gacy says knocking off a former WWE World Champion and perhaps the greatest WWE Tag Team Champion of all time will only make The Schism stronger. Guess that’s a yes. Will The Schism learn why everyone loves Kofimania?


NXT has footage of last Wednesday morning.

It was 2 AM, and Channing Lorenzo woke up cuffed to a chair in a room. Dijak walked over and put a cassette in the recorder. “Lorenzo, I know you’re probably starting to really regret the way you walked into my locker room and talked to me.” Stacks says he does what ever The Don needs him to do. Well, that’s great. But loyalty has consequences, and disrespecting Dijak will never go unpunished. Tony D’Angelo and Stacks have their way of doing things, but so does Dijak. Tony says he’s The Don of NXT? When it comes to fear, you’re looking at the face of fear! Dijak then punches Stacks right in the stomach!

Dijak takes off his sunglasses to look Stacks in the eyes. Stacks says Dijak should man up, uncuff him, and settle this in the ring. Dijak plans on it. This is just the beginning. Recording session over, and Dijak drops the key on the table. Will Stacks feel #HardJustice be served tonight in the ring?


Andre Chase finds his students at Drew Gulak’s class!

Gulak is showing them the proper collar ‘n’ elbow tie-up, and how to transition to a headlock takeover. Chase wonders WTF is this. Duke Hudson says they were all just getting in some extra ring time while Chase was grading papers. Gulak didn’t mean to encroach on anyone’s territory, but he is an equal opportunity teacher. Chase says he understands. Seeing as how Charlie Dempsey is not medically cleared, his match with Hank Walker is off. Gulak doesn’t buy that, and Chase says neither does he. But either way, Gulak can’t be putting Chase’s students in the ring without permission.

Well, maybe Gulak was just trying to figure out what Dempsey meant when he said Chase U was soft. Oh, okay. And Gulak’s assessment is…? Mixed results. Chase gets fired up but Thea Hail stops him, and Duke steps up! On behalf of Chase U, he takes exception! Hank steps up to say that Gulak didn’t mean any offense. It was just what he believes. Chase says he’ll give Hank something to believe, “you [censored]!” Nobody who wears Chase U red ‘n’ black is soft! Chase is shutting this down, and taking his students back. Duke supports that and they exit. Is this the beginning of a school rivalry?


DIJAK VS Channing Lorenzo w/ Tony D’Angelo!

The Don is with Stacks, and they’re both heated over what Dijak did. But will they both get a taste of #HardJustice? Or will Stacks make Dijak #fogedaboutit?

The bell rings and Stacks ROCKS Dijak with big haymakers! Stacks then ducks a shot to knee low and fire off more hands! Dijak pushes Stacks away, but Stacks blocks the boot! Stacks avoids haymakers to wrench and knee away on Dijak’s face! But Dijak choke grips in return! Stacks kicks free, but Dijak mule kicks him down! Dijak whips Stacks to ropes then kitchen sink knees! Cover, TWO! Dijak rains down fists on Stacks and Tony wants Stacks to get outta there! Cover, TWO! Dijak hammerlocks Stacks and HAMMERS away on that arm! Cover, TWO! Dijak smirks, he seems to enjoy Stacks’ toughness.

Dijak anchors Stacks’ leg as fans rally. Stacks kicks away with the free leg but Dijak stomps him down! And again and again and again! Stacks sputters, clutching his battered ribs. Dijak drags Stacks up to scoop him, and throws knees into him! Then Dijak swings and TOSSES Stacks away! Cover, TWO! Stacks continues to show his toughness and Tony coaches him up. Stacks crawls to a corner, Dijak runs in but Stacks dodges! Dijak hits POST! Fans rally, Stacks runs in and UPPERCUTS! Stacks keeps moving, for another UPPERCUT! And then another! And then- CYCLONE BOOT!! Stacks is dazed as Dijak covers, TWO!?!

Dijak is furious with Stacks now and he drags him up! Fans rally for Stacks, Dijak throws another knee! Dijak swings but Stacks rolls him up! TWO!! Dijak KICKS Stacks, drags him up, slingshots suplex into the FEAST YOUR EYES! Cover, Dijak wins!

Winner: Dijak, by pinfall

The judge, jury and executioner has passed his judgment! But he isn’t done, he drags Stacks back up! Tony rushes in and fires off on Dijak! Tony clotheslines Dijak up and out! “You think you’re tough, Dijak, huh!?” The Don says Dijak wishes he had half the heart Stacks had! If Dijak is talking about justice, then New Year’s Evil will teach you street justice, the Tony D way! Dijak says challenge accepted! Who will personify justice in NXT after next week?


Backstage interview with Oro Mensah.

McKenzie Mitchell says Oro joined NXT in 2022, but what are we to expect from him in 2023? Oro says that in 2022, he got his feet wet. In 2023, he’s diving in headfirst! But then Javier Bernal walks in. He is sorry not sorry for interrupting, but he says that 2023 is gonna be the Year of Big Body Javi! And what better way than by releasing a Christmas album! Uh, isn’t it a little late for Christmas? Uh, anyone can release a Christmas album during Christmastime. But Javi is not just anybody. He’s Big Body Javi! FIFTEEN classics, such as the 12 Days of Javi, We Wish You a Big Body Christmas, and of course, the title track: Feliz Javidad!

Oro says that’s cringe. But hey, when they’re done in the ring tonight, Javi won’t have much of a singing voice left. See you then. Oro heads out, will Javi have to shift from Christmas to the blues?


Toxic Attraction heads to the ring!

Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne may only be a duo now, but they’re not letting that hurt their mood. What will they have to say about their Toxic 2023 plans? We find out, after the break.

NXT returns and Toxic Attraction has the mics. Gigi starts by saying, “Toxic Attraction was, is and forever will be the most dominant female faction this brand has ever seen. And now it’s 2023. It’s time we leave 2022 where it belongs: in the past. Now, all eyes are on Jacy and I, and those eyes will watch in remorse. Watch as we push the envelope further than we ever did in these last 18 months. Watch as we cut through this roster with reckless abandon.” Jacy says, “Bonded by our battle scars, this year, Gigi and I will be the ones calling all the shots. And we don’t do stupid new year’s resolutions. We do revenge!

“While the entire world watches our every single move, we only watch and care about one woman. One woman, one target, Roxanne Perez. You wanna take down our Toxic Empire? Oh, well we’re gonna rebuild it brick by brick.” Gigi says Roxie’s broken body will be the foundation! But wait! Here comes Indi Hartwell! She is SO sick of hearing about Toxic attraction! When Roxie won the title, she thought that was the last of Toxic Attraction. But she doesn’t mind finishing what Roxie started. It is time for new blood at the top of this division, and that starts with-

Cora speaks up with “AHEM! Surprise, surprise, it’s Tuesday, and Indi Hartwell’s complaining once again. What’s new?” Cora makes her way from the crowd as she insults Indi’s “lifeless personality.” It’s no wonder everyone in Indi’s life has left her. And it’s a wonder why no one wants her to be champion. Everyone wants CORA as champion! She already beat Roxie- But then Nikkita Lyons speaks up, also from the crowd! She’s surprised Cora’s ego even still fits inside the building! Cora claims she deserves the world, but all she deserves is a kick to the face. And y’know what? Indi has a point: there needs to be new blood! And Lyons will throw hands-

But then Zoey Stark interrupts! She knew she smelled bad TikTok and future regret. Why is Lyons even here? Doesn’t she have more important things to do? Like showing off her assets on Instagram? Stark says to get back to reality, Roxie’s attempt at a title reign will be oh so short. But then WENDY CHOO interrupts! She’s wearing Little Mermaid pajamas as she says Zoey is always so angy! Honestly, no one wants an angry champion. And while Stark and Lyons don’t like each other, they don’t have to insult each other. Wendy doesn’t like Cora, but you don’t see her calling Cora an egotistical, self-centered, self-entitled BI-

WHOA! HEY! Cora has had enough! O M G! Thea can’t believe how many female superstars are here! GIRL FIGHT~! Thea rushes to the ring, as do the others, and that’s exactly what we get! Toxic Attraction, Lyons, Stark, Indi, Cora, Wendy and Thea are all fighting al over the place! But here comes ALBA FYRE! She wants a piece, but then ISLA DAWN ambushes her! The Wicked Witch and the Fire Keeper are going to have their own fight soon enough, but now the rest of the NXT Women’s Division is spilling out to ringside! Fans are loving all of this chaos! Kiana and Fallon, Isla and Fyre, Lash Legend is in there somewhere, and refs rush out!

Fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” but only two should be, and those two are headed outside! Fyre and Dawn are just fighting in the parking lot, but here comes the champ! Roxie has everyone calm down. They don’t need to fight each other yet. Roxie was just informed that next week on New Year’s Evil, there will be a TWENTY WOMAN BATTLE ROYAL! The winner will be the #1 contender to Roxie’s title, and they fight at Vengeance Day! Good luck to you all! But then the brawling is back on! Fyre and Dawn are still brawling and Dawn is sent into a dumpster! And then again! And again! And again!! Fyre then throws Dawn into a garage door!

Dawn kicks back, then she throws Fyre against the dumpster! Dawn hurries off into the shadows, but Fyre pursues! The first-ever Extreme Resolutions match is going to happen, but where will it end?


Extreme Resolutions: Alba Fyre VS Isla Dawn!

NXT returns and Dawn is choking Fyre against spare railing. The ref wants this to go to ringside but Fyre gets a Gory Especial! Dawn fights free, the forearms fly, and then Fyre sends Dawn into a road case! But Dawn sends Fyre into ladders! Dawn grabs a shelf rack and shoves it at Fyre! Fyre dodges, the shelves hit the ladders! Dawn throws forearms, and she keeps saying she knows “it” is inside Fyre! She wants Fyre to let it out! Dawn throws Fyre into the big X Bron Breakker once broke! Then she scoops! Fyre fires off elbows, then scoops to POWERSLAM Dawn on the X! More refs rush in, insisting this has to go to ringside!

Fyre and Dawn keep brawling, not listening to anyone. Fyre throws Dawn into a bin! Fyre tells the refs to shut up, but then Dawn SMACKS Fyre with spare signage! Fyre smacks Dawn off the road case, then she grabs a pipe! Dawn dodges before the pipe SMASHES the case! Dawn CHUCKS a trash can at Fyre’s head! Dawn grabs that pipe, she stalks Fyre, and she says she knows “it” is inside Fyre. But Fyre just JAMS Dawn with the pipe! Then DECKS her with a forearm! Fyre grabs a ladder, and throws it down! Dawn moves in time before being crushed! Dawn scurries back, HEADBUTTS low, but Fyre keeps pushing forward!

Dawn crawls to where spare ring mats are. She kicks Fyre away, climbs up, but Fyre is after her! They brawl up on top of the props! Dawn CLAWS Fyre’s eyes! Dawn then stands Fyre up but Fyre fires off forearms! Dawn wobbles, but she grabs hold of Fyre! Fyre HEADBUTTS Dawn! Dawn falls onto a pallet of chairs!! The refs say to stop this, now they need to get Dawn to medical. But Fyre doesn’t care, she drags Dawn up from the wreckage! Fyre drags Dawn over, sits her into an armchair, and wheels her towards gorilla! Dawn stops the chair but Fyre spins her around to DECK her out of the chair! Fyre grabs a trash can lid to SMACK Fyre on the back!

Dawn crawls, Fyre drags her up and makes her sit in a wheelbarrow! Fyre wheels Dawn the rest of the way, but they go around to the back end of ringside! Fyre DUMPS Dawn out in front of commentary! And then POSTS her! And then SMACKS her off the desk! Dawn sputters and fans fire up as this finally gets in the ring! Fyre grabs a chair! The bell rings to truly make this a match, and the two tug-o-war over the chair. Fyre RAMS Dawn into the corner, JAMS her again, then puts the chair down. Fyre drags Dawn up, but Dawn fights the suplex! Dawn throws body shots, to snap suplex Fyre into the corner! Fans boo Dawn as she crawls after Fyre. Cover, TWO!

Dawn drags Fyre around, SLAMS the arm down, then looms over her. Dawn pulls on Fyre’s arm, stands on the hand, and she grinds the fingers before she STOMPS them! Fyre shakes out her hand while fans boo. Dawn grabs the chair, and she JAMS Fyre in the stomach! Fans rally for Fyre but Dawn swings. Fyre BOOTS the chair away! Then SLAPS Dawn! But that’s the bad hand! Dawn eggs Fyre on, so Fyre CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Fyre whips Dawn to ropes, COHPS her again, then looms over her. Fyre drags Dawn up, fireman’s carries, but Dawn slips off to dragon sleeper! Fyre snapmares free to SUPERKICK!

Fyre Gory Especials, GORY BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Dawn survives but Fyre doesn’t even hesitate. She fetches the chair, brings it back over, and she SMACKS Dawn on the back! Dawn snarls but Fyre pushes the chair down into her. Fyre goes to a corner and climbs up top. Fans fire up as Fyre aims, but Dawn CHUCKS the chair into Fyre’s face!! Fyre falls to the floor as NXT goes picture in picture.

Dawn snarls and crawls her way tot he apron. Dawn drags herself up as Fyre staggers to her feet. Dawn METEORAS Fyre to the floor! Dawn is laughing even as she clutches her leg! The spirits are talking to Dawn, and she drags Fyre around. Dawn stomps Fyre, then goes looking under the ring. Dawn brings out a toolbox! Dawn opens it up, looks inside, and brings out a wrench! She grabs Fyre’s arm, wraps it around the ropes, and goes after the fingers! Dawn PULLS on the fingers! But Fyre SMACKS Dawn with her free hand! Fyre gets away but Dawn knees her down! Dawn grabs the bad hand again, and uses the wrench to TWIST a finger!!

Fyre endures as Dawn tortures her hand! Dawn lets off the index finger to go after the middle finger! Dawn grins as she bends that finger back more! NXT returns to single picture as fans rally for Fyre. Fyre fights against Dawn’s twisted twisting! Fyre fights up to her feet, arm-drags Dawn away, and ducks the tool shot to ROCK her! And ROCK her again! But Dawn ROCKS Fyre! Fyre ROCKS Dawn! The forearms go back and forth, but Dawn RAMS into Fyre! Dawn whips, Fyre reverses and reels Dawn in, GOURD BUSTER! Then PENALTY KICK! But Dawn ducks the second! Dawn rolls Fyre up, TWO! Fyre SUPERKICKS Dawn out of teh ring!

Fyre then DIVES to take Dawn out at the ramp! Fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” Fyre snarls and fans are on her side as she stands again. Fyre goes looking under the ring now, and she brings out a TABLE! Fans love seeing that! Fyre sets the table up as best she can with one hand, and then she goes back to Dawn. Dawn throws body shots but Fyre CLUBS her down! Dawn fights the Gory Especial! She whips Fyre into steel steps! Fyre staggers away but Dawn is on her! Dawn puts the bad hand in the toolbox, to SHUT IT CLOSED!!! The fans lose their minds while Fyre’s hand is caught! Dawn has the hammer! Fyre gets her hand out in time!

Fyre SHOVES the box into Dawn! Dawn fights the suplex, wrenches the bad hand, and reels Fyre in. Dragon sleeper, but Fyre slips free! HEADBUTT!! Dawn wobbles, Fyre pushes her onto the table! Fans fire up again as Fyre climbs up. Fyre goes to the very top! But Dawn is smiling!? Dawn wants Fyre to do this! SUPER SWANTON BOMB!! Fyre clips Dawn, the table stays standing! Fans are freaking out, so Fyre GORY BOMBS Dawn through the table!! Fyre puts Dawn into the ring, covers, and wins!

Winner: Alba Fyre, by pinfall

“Extreme” almost doesn’t even cover this! Fyre and Dawn went far beyond their limits, and it was the Firekeeper who stands tall! Will Fyre rise up in 2023 to have gold once again?


Backstage interview with Grayson Waller.

McKenzie points out that Waller has Bron Breakker as his guest tonight, with their contract signing just one week away from New Year’s Evil. Waller wonders how many times she practiced that in the mirror. But he just spent the last ten days at home in Australia on holiday, “manifesting the inevitable.” His mind and body are aligned, and next week, Waller becomes NXT Champion! So make sure to tune in for another can’t miss episode of the Grayson Waller Effect! McKenzie doesn’t get how he’s so confident when he’s about to be in the ring with a man who wants to rip his head off. Oh, well that’s why he has a talk show and she doesn’t.

The last few weeks, Waller has outsmarted Bron “and turned him back into the HULK SMASH guy.” That is when Bron is his most vulnerable. Pay attention now, because Waller is gonna finish the job and make New Year’s Evil a cake walk. Waller then talks to “Bronovan,” and says he has Bron’s number. Bron may have that dog in him, but that doesn’t make him immune to the Grayson Waller Effect. Waller mocks the dog bark then hurries off, but will he be the one getting bit tonight?


NXT looks closer at Indus Sher VS The Creed Brothers.

Sanga says, “Back home, we have the respect and admiration of an entire nation. 1.4 million people cheer us.” Veer says in India, they are celebrities. Veer is India’s very first MLB baseball player while Sanga is a television star of two series. They are global figures whose minor appearance on NXT gets millions of views in India. But here in America, no one cares. They respect the Creed Brothers, despite the fans not respecting them. So the only way they can get respect is by destroying the Creeds, so that is what they will do!

Julius Creed brings up Indus Sher claiming this is all about respect. But that’s BS! They’ve never been stepping stones for anyone. Veer says the Creeds were the best tag team of NXT in 2022. But it won’t be the same in 2023. Julius says Indus Sher chose the wrong ones. They aren’t making a name off the Creeds. But Veer says the Creeds should listen to Ivy Nile. Sanga says Indus Sher has waited for the perfect moment. They could’ve beaten down the Creeds when they were less than 100%, but they didn’t want any excuses. Not from the Creeds, and not from the fans.

Julius says that while Indus Sher wants respect, all they’re getting at New Year’s Evil is body blows and body slams. Brutus says respect is earned, not given, and they’re not giving a single inch! Indus Sher promises a mauling, but will it take more than they have to crush the Diamond Mine?


Oro Mensah VS Javier Bernal!

The Hottest Superstar Under the Sun loves music and the club scene, but he wouldn’t be caught dead dancing to Feliz Javidad. Will Oro take the lead as NXT enters 2023?

Wait! Javi attacks Oro during his entrance! Javi fires off haymakers but Oro fires off hands in return! Oro CLUBS Javi, puts him in the corner, and fans rally for Oro as the bell rings. Javi runs in to LARIAT! Javi rains down fists, digs his forearm into Oro’s face, but the fans chant “JAVI SUCKS!” Javi snarls as he drags Oro up to CLUB him! But Oro ROCKS Javi back! Javi kicks low, back suplexes, then covers, TWO! Javi whips Oro to the corner, then runs to BULLDOG! Javi keeps moving, LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Javi is annoyed but he stomps Oro around. Fans boo but Javi drags Oro up to ROCK him!

Oro throws body shots but Javi CLUBS Oro again! Javi whips Oro to ropes, and he ELBOWS Oro down! Javi smirks as he covers, TWO! Javi is annoyed again, and he drags Oro up to reel him into a facelock. Oro wrenches out to CHOP! Javi staggers, but Oro CHOPS, UPPERCUTS, and LEG SWEEPS! Javi flounders, but he fights the clinch with elbows. Javi uses Oro’s hair to reel him in for a LARIAT! And then a DDT! Cover, TWO!! Oro survives, fans again chant “JAVI SUCKS!” but Javi drags Oro up. Javi talks trash, then fireman’s carries. Oro fights free with elbows, and fires off more elbows! Javi reels Oro in but Oro back drops free!

Fans fire up as Oro rises again. Oro waits for Javi to stand, to CLOBBER him! And again! Javi staggers into more forearms! Oro whips Javi to ropes but Javi reverses. Oro QUEBRADAS! Fans fire up again, Oro runs, but Javi blocks the boot! Javi flips Oro but Oro ROLLING AX KICKS! Oro runs, Javi tosses him out but Oro lands on the apron! Oro hops on, REAR NAKED CHOKE in the ropes! The ref counts, Oro lets off and clinches Javi, for an EXPLODER! Oro kips up and fans fire up! Oro aims from the corner and says he’s calling his shot. Oro runs in to MURAMASA in the corner! Cover, Oro wins!

Winner: Oro Mensah, by pinfall

And the new year is off to a great start for Oro! Will the Freshest Flavor be heading for some gold soon enough?


Fallon Henley, Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen talk backstage.

There was good music, good food, good everything, but how about Fallon fighting like an animal? BOOM! 2023 is gonna be their year! Hell yeah! And now that the bar business is squared away, Fallon’s gonna win that battle royal, go on to Vengeance Day, and win that title! But then Kiana James walks in. Kiana says she isn’t here to fight, just to congratulate Fallon on the win. That was all fair and square. And while Kiana still thinks her condos would look great there, she’ll honor the deal. So good luck and see you in the battle royal. Jensen tells Briggs he was right about Kiana. And then Kiana tells Jensen she’ll see him later tonight. Oh, yes, he will. Since when…? What?!


Katana Chance & Kayden Carter meet with NXT Medical.

However, it seems someone is sharing this without their permission! “@NXT_Anonymous” filmed this, and both Katana & Kayden got at them on Twitter with “Why would you film a private conversation with medical?” “WTF??? #CREEPER” Just who is behind this anonymous account? And what was the medical meeting even about?


Andre Chase w/ Chase U VS Drew Gulak w/ Hank Walker!

It’s teacher VS teacher, professor VS professor! Will Chase U win big to start the new term? Or will “Gulak Tech” be giving Chase the #TeachableMoment?

NXT returns and Gulak makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally for Chase U as the two tie up. Chase wrenches Gulak’s arm, YANKS it, then wristlocks. Gulak powers Chase to ropes but Chase slips around to hammerlock. The ref counts, Chase lets off, and the two shake hands to show there is sportsmanship here. They go again, Gulak hits a headlock takeover, then shifts right to a toehold! Chase moves around, stands up, but Gulak clinches. Gulak gets around, hammerlocks an arm, then chinbars! Chase hurries to the ropes! The ref counts the break, Gulak lets off, and again they shake hands.

Gulak and Chase reset, feel things out, knuckle lock, and Gulak wrenches to wrangle Chase down. Chase kips up but Gulak wrangles him again! Chase kips up again, slips around, headlocks, but Gulak powers out. Chase goes up and over, then arm-drags! Gulak is surprised and fans fire up! Chase says that was a TEACHABLE MOMENT! Gulak smirks as he shakes out his arms. They circle again, tie up, and Chase wrenches. Gulak wrenches to hit a BIG back suplex! Gulak clamps onto Chase’s arm and has a chinbar. Dempsey watches backstage, and he throws off his sling?! Dempsey storms off, but where to?

Gulak drags Chase up, reels him in, but Chase fights the suplex. Gulak powers through, bridging cover, TWO! Gulak hopes Hank took notes there. Gulak cravats, Chase endures and slips through to headlock. Gulak powers out, things speed up but Chase dropkicks the legs out! Chase whips, Gulak reverses but Chase reverses back, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Fans fire up and Chase says to spell it out! C! H! A! S! E! U! What’s that spell? CHASE U! Chase ties up the legs for a FIGURE FOUR! Gulak endures the legendary leg lock! Gulak drags himself over, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Chase lets off quickly, and he waits on Gulak.

Chase wants a handshake, but Gulak SLAPS Chase! And then fires off forearms and knees and a HEADBUTT! Gulak fires off haymakers, he whips, then he CLOBBERS Chase! No more sportsmanship, the Philly Stretcher is back! Gulak scoops Chase to SLAM him into ropes! Chase flounders, Gulak slashes his throat! The GU-LOCK!! Chase taps, Gulak wins!

Winner: Drew Gulak, by submission

But Gulak doesn’t let go! He’s breaking his own rule! But he does let go, and he is fired up! He tells Hank that is how it is done! Hank still tries to point out the little detail, but does bending the rules matter when you win?


Backstage interview with Wes Lee.

McKenzie says 2022 was a whirlwind of a year for him, to say the least. He likes that metaphor. McKenzie says Tony D and Dijak aren’t going anywhere. Right? Wes says Tony’s flapping his gums about Dijak being why Tony isn’t champion, and Dijak is here building a strong case of his own. But, even though they say they want this title, they seem to want to fight each other even more. Wes can’t wait to see them beat the hell outta each other.

In fact, he’ll get a front row seat. He’ll be with Booker T and Vic, have some popcorn, and then whoever wins gets their shot at his North American Championship. McKenzie says that’s a great idea. Happy New Year! Who wins the fight of “Hard justice” VS “street justice” to take on the Must-See Champion?


Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods VS Joe Gacy w/ The Schism!

The New Day has only just begun their Triple Crown reign, but Mr. Inclusion wants to rain on their parade of positivity. Will #GrandSlamKofi humble the head honcho of the Schism? Or will the four roots of this one tree trip up one half of the NXT Tag Team Champions?

NXT returns and The Schism makes their entrance. Woods joins commentary as the bell rings. Woods confirms that because of the Freebird Rule, Big E is also an NXT Tag Team Champion. Kofi and Gacy circle, Kofi shoots in to waistlock but Gacy elbows free. Gacy runs to run Kofi over! Things speed up, Kofi hurdles and hurdles to then ELBOW Gacy down! Kofi pushes Gacy to a cover, ONE! Kofi keeps on Gacy, wrenches the arm, but Gacy kicks low. Gacy whips Kofi to the corner, Kofio goes up and up to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Kofi clinches, whips Gacy but Gacy reverses. Gacy runs in but Kofi slips out to SWING KICK!

Fans fire up and Kofi climbs but Rip Fowler distracts the ref! This allows Ava Raine to trip Kofi up! Fans boo but Gacy hurries over to climb up. Gacy brings Kofi up for a SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO! Gacy is annoyed and he stomps Kofi down. Gacy sits Kofi up to ELBOW him in the head! The Schism talks trash, Gacy stomps Kofi, and Gacy says, “Is this what you wanted?!” Gacy CLUBS Kofi, fans rally with “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Gacy CLUBS Kofi to the corner, whips him corner to corner, but Kofi goes up and up to MISSILE DROPKICK! Gacy staggers to a corner, Kofi runs in but into a BACKBREAKER!

Booker T runs down The New Day for showing up in NXT when they should be on SmackDown. Kofi is a FIFTEEN-TIME Tag Team Champion, on top of being a Grand Slam Champion, while Gacy is still comparatively new to this. But Woods says Gacy was the one man in the Iron Survivor Challenge to not be pinned, so Gacy isn’t some scrub. As such, Gacy drags Kofi up to scoop and hits another BACKBREAKER! Gacy CLUBS away on Kofi, then drags Kofi into a CAMEL CLUTCH! Fans rally as Kofi endures. Kofi fights up, throws elbows, and then arm-drags free. Gacy runs in but into a HEEL KICK! Both men are down and fans rally up!

Woods says this is what The New Day is here for. They’re here to make sure the NXT roster is rising to the occasion and becoming as good as we all know they can be. Kofi rallies on Gacy with chops and a DROPKICK! Gacy is back up, he dodges Kofi to swing, but into an S- NO, Gacy powers out of the SOS, pushes Kofi to the corner, but Kofi BOOTS back! Kofi goes up to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up, Kofi runs to PENALTY KICK! Kofi runs again, for the NEW~ DAY~ BOOM DROP! Fans fire up and clap along, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Kofi aims, spins, but Gacy avoids Trouble in Paradise to knee low and DDT! Cover, TWO!

The Schism coaches Gacy, Gacy drags Kofi up. Gacy fireman’s carries but Kofi fights free! Kofi mule kicks, reels Gacy in, LIGHTNING SPIRAL! Cover, TWO!! Gacy survives as Kofi busts out something different! Kofi goes back to a corner, he climbs up, but Jagger AND Rip distract! Kofi swipes at Reed and he runs off while Woods storms off commentary to get at Rip! Gacy ROCKS Kofi! Woods dares The Schism to do something, but Gacy drags Kofi up. Kofi dodges, to FLY! Down goes The Dyad! Fans fire up but Gacy drags Kofi in to whip and clinch! URE- NO, Kofi arm-drags free! TROUBLE IN PARADISE!! Cover, Kofi wins!

Winner: Kofi Kingston, by pinfall

The New Day defies the numbers game! Woods says that The Schism is good, but they’re not better than the New Day! Will Woods & Kofi prove these four roots, one tree is not big enough to get past them?


Gulak is still fired up backstage.

He again says that’s what Chase gets. Hank points out Gulak holding on, but Gulak says a win is a win is a win! Dempsey shows up and Gulak says, “Oh, Flower~! How’s the arm? Where’s your sling?” Dempsey says injured or not, it is on next week! Gulak says yeah it’s on! Hank will be ready. Dempsey better rest that arm, because Hank’s gonna rip it out of the socket! Yea- what? Hank is a bit stunned, but will he be able to stand up to Dempsey’s technical savagery?


Pretty Deadly is going over the list again.

Elton says they’re never going to pull this off. The New Day walks in, and is confused as to why Elton & Kit are still here. Kit says this list is impossible. Well, whether you can or you can’t, you’re right. Elton loses his cool! Enough talk, enough jumping through hoops! Pretty Deadly are the best tag team and the New Day knows it! Kofi wants him to calm down. Because the titles say the New Day are the best. As for second best, well, they don’t really worry about that. Kit tells Elton they need this. Kit says they’ll do it in the ring. They’ll run the gauntlet, taking on three of the best tag teams in NXT! And then Pretty Deadly will earn their title shot!

Woods says no one loves a gauntlet more than ya bois the NEW~ DAY~! But did they say three? Yes, three! Next week! Okay, then if they win, Pretty Deadly will be #1 contenders to the tag titles. Deal! Now go git! This is the New Day’s room.


The countdown is almost over.

And “the best way to predict the future is to create it. This will be my year.” But who is this that’s showing up at New Year’s Evil? We’ll just have to wait and see.


NXT presents an all new episode of the Grayson Waller Effect.

Waller himself welcomes us to this special edition of his talk show. It will be a night no one ever forgets, because it will be “the last public appearance of Bron Breakker as NXT Champion.” And what better way to celebrate than with live chat on Instagram? Keep that GWE Cam on him! He’s looking fresh! “In one week, I save NXT. I fulfill living that championship life when I claim the richest prize on this brand at New Year’s Evil.” But enough about him, put your “paws” together for the future former champion, Bron Breakker! But Bron interrupts the introduction with his entrance, and Waller takes his seat at the desk.

Bron enters the ring, Waller smiles and waves, and says this is the last time Bron raises that belt. Bron joins Waller at the desk and Waller says, “Look at this guy, interrupting me before I give him a big introduction.” But careful, “Bron-Bron.” Don’t break the TV like you did last week. Bron is oddly enthusiastic as he thanks Waller for having him on. Waller says Bron wants to rip his head off. Bron says we’ll see. But hey! Questions are coming in! So many people talking about this. But here’s one from, well, Grayson Waller! “What’s it like to play your hero, Goldberg, in the sequel to The Spear Seen Around the World?”

Bron must’ve felt so dumb! Why would Waller wear fur in Florida? Has Bron even watched Goldberg before? Bron says Waller did outsmart him there. Outsmarted? Waller turned Bron into a meme! He could watch that over and over and over! Yeah, Bron has seen some memes, that’s a point for Waller. A point? Well, alright. But if we’re talking points, it is Waller: two MILLION; Bron: ZERO. Yeah, that’s a lot of points. Waller is annoyed. What is Bron doing? Where’s angry Bron that wants to rip his head off and spear him out of his body? Is that Bron even still in there? If not, next week won’t be a contest, just a coronation of the NEW NXT Champoin!

Hold on, hold on, Waller is smarter than this. He knows what Bron is up to. Bron says Waller is good, he’s smart,  he’s crafty, but Waller says okay, keep going. Bron gets to the good part. Okay, then. Everyone can shut up so that the former champ can say stuff about Waller. Bron says what separates Waller from everyone is that he knows how to get under anyone’s skin. Better than anyone else! Right. So, if you think about it, the best possible compliment Bron can give Waller is admit that Waller is outsmarting everyone else. It’s what he does. He is just better than everyone. All he does is go viral. That’s his thing.

But let’s talk about those viral moments. How about WarGames? Waller jumping off the cage: viral moment. Waller hitting Gargano in the back with a chair: viral moment. Waller jumping off that super tall ladder at Stand & Deliver: viral moment. Waller gets hyped, and says yeah, that’s what he does! He makes viral moment after viral moment! Bron must be jealous. Yeah, and what about blinding Apollo’s vision? But to Bron, those are just distractions. Bron knows at New Year’s Evil, Waller gives it his all. Some might even leave talking about Waller that night. But Bron leaves still NXT Champion. Oh, Bron thinks so? Yeah, and that, friend, in a nutshell, IS the Grayson-

Don’t you dare do that! That’s Waller’s thing! Waller…! STOP! NO!! This is Waller’s show, don’t you disrespect him! Effect. That’s pretty big, coming from an overrated champion whose only real accomplishment is stealing his dad’s gimmick. Uh oh… Bron was leaving, but now he turns around to get in Waller’s face. Waller wants Bron to get mad and do something to him, but Bron just laughs it off. Bron tells Waller, “I don’t give a damn what you say, I love my father. So see you next week.” But now Waller gets mad, repeating what he said, so Bron DECKS him!! Waller flounders up and staggers around, into the trophy lift! BREAKKER SLAM!!

Waller flounders out of the ring as Bron rips off his shirt. Bron gets Waller’s shirt and says here’s a viral moment. Bron FLIES to take out Waller! Fans fire up while Waller sputters at ringside. Bron has the fans barking as he holds up the belt and drops the phone. That is a viral moment right there, but will there be even more of them for New Year’s Evil?

My Thoughts:

A really good NXT as the go-home to New Year’s Evil, but I think one of NXT’s resolution for 2023 should be to somehow trim down on promos. I know that these new stars need to get their talking reps in, that’s one of the ways you build your character, but it feels like there’s just too many of them for just two hours. And why are we having “@NXT_Anonymous” on top of Scrypts being mysterious and targeting stars? I already foresee a “SmackDown hacker” level of disappointment where the person behind it isn’t even on paper yet. Why not have it be NXT Media being paparazzi-ish and upsetting KC Squared that way?

The Toxic Attraction promo turning into a cascade of promos was odd, but then it was rather comical how many superstars were showing up ringside. And Thea Hail being so over the moon about the impending brawl was great. Roxie is still a bit too sugary sweet in her promos, but it makes sense for the champion to announce a huge contender’s match like the battle royal. That match is going to be a lot of fun, and honestly, I can’t be sure who wins. It would make the most sense for either Gigi or Jacy to win, but it’d be great if someone unexpected rises up. This could be the fast track for Lyra Valkyria to get to the title, but it’d be a shame to pit her push against Roxie’s.

Great opening match from Apollo VS Melo, but of course Trick gets involved. Though with that, it was also great for Axiom to go after Trick & Melo, and then for Axiom to win really quickly. I sense a tag match brewing, and perhaps Trick Melo Gang loses, but that could really go either way. Dijak having Stacks in his mysterious interrogation room was very much an 80s to 90s action movie thing, which is totally what Dijak should be going for. Dijak VS Stacks was good stuff but I was surprised Stacks did so well. Tony D of course stood up for Stacks to set up the match I knew they’d have, and I like that in Wes’ promo, he makes it into a contender’s match. I would think Dijak wins, though, as he and Wes haven’t had a match yet.

Good promo from Oro and Javi, as Javi continues to be a great comedic Heel. Oro VS Javi was good stuff, but it makes sense for Oro to win. Good promo from Fallon, Briggs, Jensen and Kiana, with the best part of it being that Jensen and Kiana seem to be dating after all. Again, Valentine’s Day is on a Tuesday, I hope we get something big with that story. And who is this showing up next week? I thought it was Tiffany Stratton but the voice didn’t sound anything like her, unless she’s been putting on a voice this entire time. Actually, what would be big is if it IS Tiffany, she takes out someone before they enter the 20 Woman Battle Royal, and then she wins to challenge Roxie.

Really good stuff out of Chase U and Gulak. Of course, Chase is always great. Chase VS Gulak instead of Dempsey VS Hank was a nice substitute, and y’know what? I think they did what I expected. Last week, I said they should’ve given Hank more time to prepare, and because of Dempsey’s “injury,” they have! Gulak winning made sense, and I like that they’re playing on how Gulak is being rougher than the others expect. Dempsey VS Hank might even give us Gulak and Dempsey teaming up in Catch Point 2.0. Honestly, that’d be a great move, they’d be a very technical wrestling duo and I’d love to see them make a run at the tag titles.

Good promo from Indus Sher and the Creed Brothers, and their match is going to be awesome. Though, the winner  of that won’t be the #1 contenders to the tag titles because of the great stuff out of Pretty Deadly, The New Day and The Schism. I do like the twist that Kofi himself pointed out, where Gacy was getting on his case. They had a great main event match, and it was a great move for Kofi to win. I like that Pretty Deadly defied the scavenger hunt, and that gauntlet match is going to be wild stuff. I suppose Pretty Deadly has to win that match, though. But at the same time, I want to see Dyad (Grizzled Young Veterans) VS New Day, that can also be a banger of a match.

And good stuff from the Grayson Waller Effect talk show. Though, despite them saying it was supposed to be a contract signing segment, I saw no contract or anyone representing NXT management. It just turned into the usual talk show segment of the Heel host egging on his Face guest and getting clobbered for it. But I do like that Bron was trolling Waller back by not getting upset. Then Waller still gets what he deserved and was asking for with Bron hitting him. Bron stands tall, but I feel like he’s going to defy go-home math and retain the title. I still feel like Melo will face Bron at Vengeance Day, and finally, on the road in front of a fresh audience, we see Bron lose and Melo begins a new era in NXT.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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