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Andrew’s IMPACT Rebellion Results & Match Ratings: 4.16.2023

New World Champion and Knockouts Champion are guaranteed! Rebellion is set to shake things up and send us into an interesting road to Slammiversary!



So look at this, an Impact Wrestling PPV on Sunday. This show has been marred with late in the game injuries; but honestly the matches for the vacant titles are still worthy of the top of the card.

It will be weird to move forward into storylines without Josh Alexander as the warrior champion, and possibly with Mickie James done for the foreseeable future. But TNA/Impact has lasted over 20 years with changes at the top, so lets just see where this all goes!


  1. Ultimate X Tag Team Championship: Motor City Machine Guns vs Ace Austin & Chris Bey (c) – I’m bias to MCMG, but ABC should win because they’re fresh and have some momentum.
  2. X Division Triple Threat Title Elimination: Trey Miguel (c) vs Mike Bailey vs Jonathan Gresham – I’m going to go with Gresham just because he could change the pace of the X Division and he’s a proven champion in other companies.
  3. Hardcore War: Team Bully vs Team Dreamer – Bully’s team better win and stretcher Dreamer out because Dreamer shouldn’t be wrestling anymore.
  4. Last Rites Match: PCO vs Eddie Edwards – Eddie should win to put PCO behind him and maybe this could be the last time we see PCO in IMPACT.
  5. Santino Marella, Joe Hendry & Dirty Dango vs The Design – I’m hoping team goofy gimmicks win and Callihan snaps on The Design.
  6. Knockouts World Title: Deonna Purrazzo vs Jordynne Grace – I’m a fan of Deonna…so lets see a New Jersey sweep!
  7. World Championship: Steve Maclin vs Kushida – I gave away my answer in the last prediction, but lets go Maclin!



  • Ultimate X: Tag Team Championship Match: Motor City Machine Guns vs Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c): ABC retains as Chris grabs the belts – ***
  • Santino Marella, Joe Hendry & Dirty Dango vs The Design: Marella wins via Da Cobra – *** 1/4
  • Last Rites Match: PCO vs Eddie Edwards: PCO wins via Chokeslam into Casket – *** 1/2
  • X Division Triple Threat Title Elimination: Trey Miguel (c) vs Mike Bailey vs Jonathan Gresham: Trey retains via Rollup w/Tights – ***
  • Hardcore War: Team Bully (Bully Ray, Moose, Brian Myers, Masha Slamovich & Kenny King)  vs Team Dreamer (Tommy Dreamer, Frankie Kazarian, Yuya Uemura, Killer Kelly & Bhupinder Gujjar): Dreamer wins via Splash off ladder through table – ** 3/4
  • World Championship: Steve Maclin vs Kushida: Maclin wins via Super K.I.A. – **** – TITLE CHANGE!!!
  • Knockouts World Title: Deonna Purrazzo vs Jordynne Grace: Deonna wins via Queen’s Gambit – **** 1/4 – TITLE CHANGE!!!


Ultimate X: Tag Team Championship Match: Motor City Machine Guns vs Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c)

The Guns are taking more of the heel side of the tactics in this match. They start fast, then at one point Shelley tries to distract them by begging off and actually kissing their boots before grabbing them at the ankles while Sabin tries to sneak up the post.

From there on, we see them go after body parts with Dragon Screws, they try to twist body parts through the metal trusses, which makes their usual tandem attacks feel a little more cruel. Most of ABC’s offense starts off of miscommunication between Shelley and Sabin, but all of the limb work is starting to show. Bey fights through the pain and pulls off a few moves while making sure to sell the damage. Ace manages to take out both Guns even though he’s selling his left arm, the okey doke on the apron and then a big Fosbury Flop wipes out the Guns and pops the crowd pretty hard.

Ace goes for the belts, but MCMG take care of Bey, pull down Ace, Manhattan Drop, High Speed Dirt and after a few failed corner attacks they all decide to climb across to the title. Kick fights, and then after they land a few tandem attacks. Super Kick and Spinning Back Kick on Shelley, then ABC 1-2-3, Ace lifts Bey up, Sabin tries to grab him but Bey gets his feet up so Sabin misses. Bey then unhooks them before Sabin can do enough to stop him, and Bullet Club retains!

Santino Marella, Joe Hendry & Dirty Dango vs The Design

So it’s a 4v3, a little odd but The Design have Deaner and Angels…so it’s still kinda 3v3. Santino gets tagged in early, reminds us that Angels is a jobber, and then he starts off a few Hip Tosses as The Design run in, but get the best of Santino. Angels tries to keep the pressure on, but he eats a Saito Suplex from Santino because Angels sucks.

Hendry gets the hot tag and has Sack of Shits for everyone! Kon tries to go power for power, but Hendry gets the best of him until Angels takes a cheap shot. Space happens after Callihan tags in, so Hendry tags to Dango and we gets some weird offense. A little Dirtbag Shuffle, but then Dango gets used like a punching bag, Kon gets tagged in and beats on him, then they shove him in their corner, quick tags to stomp a mudhole in Dango.

Santino gets the tag, we see some classic Santino silliness, including the split into the Lariat. Hendry stacks Deaner and Angels, so a Double Stack Sack of Shit! Deaner lays out Santino after some crazy stunts, calls in Callihan to finish the job…but then stops Callihan before the Cactus Driver. Deaner grabs a baseball bat, Callihan looks giddy, then Deaner hands the bat back to Callihan. Thumbs Up – BAT TO DEANER’S FACE! Thumbs Down, fuck you Design.  Santino starts to come to as Deaner is rocked, the crowd chants for Da COBRAAA! KKOOOO–BBBRRRAAAHHH, small delay cause there was no ref, but then she comes down and we get a 3 count!

A match that had no reason to be as fun as it was. Good stuff and we get the expected turn from Callihan, but its good predictable. 

Last Rites Match: PCO vs Eddie Edwards w/Alisha

Lish and Eddie kiss and then she heads back before PCO comes out. I’m hoping she returns with some kind of crazy weapon to help Eddie later. As I’ve said before, I love Lish as a character…just not a wrestler. 

Bell rings while Eddie is still on the outside and PCO just dives on him. A few strikes exchanged on the outside, PCO throws Eddie back in and finally takes off his Jacket and Eddie dives out on him. Frying Pan Chops from Eddie, a Headcutt, a few short jabs as well from Eddie, and he’s just trying to be deliberate with the attacks on PCO.

Eddie thinks he’s got some momentum after a Corner Splash, a few Back Elbows, but then PCO follows Eddie, Lariat, immediate DDT and Eddie is on the receiving end. Code Breaker and then a Guillotine Leg Drop to the back of Eddie’s neck. Eddie tries to powder for space, but PCO sets up Eddie for the Deanimator and it connects!

PCO tries to throw Eddie towards the Casket, but Eddie yanks him by the arm into the ropes and we see the weird dislocated Shoulder Blade thing that PCO has happen. PCO short circuits, then rams his shoulder into the ring post to reset it. Meat Slappin Meat spot again! Its not even Fighting Spirit its just slapping the crap out of each other. Eddie connects with a Buckle Bomb, but PCO no sells and levels Eddie. Scorpion Death Drop, PCO goes up for the PCO-Sault and connects!

The ref opens the casket, and PCO looks to try and grab Eddie but Eddie powders off the ramp. PCO don’t care and he hurls himself at Eddie. A few weak kicks from Eddie give him some room to work at least. Eddie tries something, but PCO goozles him and Chokeslams him into the edge of the ramp. PCO looks to set up a murder scene but Eddie gets a small moment and just kicks PCO off the ramp. Eddie drags him up to the ramp, they then brawl a little, Tiger Suplex onto the ramp, Boston Knee Party, PCO is bleeding but Eddie tries to put him in the casket and PCO says no. Lish comes out with a shovel, PCO just turns, Eddie tries to take out PCO but PCO pulls the shovel from Lish so she’s too close and Eddie Superkicks his wife. Chokeslam into the casket, PCO wins.

I guess PCO is sticking around for a while.

X Division Triple Threat Title Elimination: Trey Miguel (c) vs Mike Bailey vs Jonathan Gresham

They go for a weird little triplicate tie up end around thing…which looks stupid. Trey powders in the weirdest way possible, tries to take advantage of a moment but the other two are aware and Trey misses. But Trey’s offense just looks like garbage early on, even more than usual. Speedball lights everyone up, ties up Gresham with the start of a Figure Four, grabs Trey, hits a Twisting Brainbuster which also transitions the Figure Four to the ground.

Gresham and Speedball fight in the middle and every time Trey tries to get involved both men stop and lay out Trey; then they go back to fighting each other. Its nice to see Gresham and Speedball don’t respect Trey. German Suplex into move of a Tombstone Style Michinoku for 2! Poison Rana from Speedball on Gresham, Trey tries the Lightning Spiral but Speedball blocks, they try to do stuff and end up crashing to the outside.

A little bit of quick offense, Step Over Stunner from Trey on Gresham for a 2.9, but only a near fall. Gresham then locks in the Figure Four on Speedball, and Trey hits the Meteora on Gresham since he’s wide open. Gresham is the first one eliminated. Speedball begs the ref to untangle their legs, but Trey untangles them and then locks in his own Figure Four. After some struggle and a few near falls, Bailey powers through to the ropes. Bailey limps up and Trey starts with some awful overhand slaps.

Standing Spanish Fly from Bailey, Bailey kicks away Trey’s foot, Tornado Kick, Ultima-NOPE! Trey tries the Hiromu outside Sunset Bomb after Bailey powders, but Bailey blocks, Moonsault Knees. ULTIMA WE-NO AGAIN! Brainbuster, but Speedball slips it, Victory Roll, but Trey rolls back through and grabs the tights so he retains.

Well this was disappointing. Trey is a garbage wrestler, and even if he won via heel means like a heel should…I would rather get a colonoscopy by Edward Scissorhands than sit through 10 more seconds of Trey doing anything.

Hardcore War: Team Bully (Bully Ray, Moose, Brian Myers, Masha Slamovich & Kenny King)  vs Team Dreamer (Tommy Dreamer, Frankie Kazarian, Yuya Uemura, Killer Kelly, Bhupinder Gujjar)

Kaz and Moose starting is great, Kaz starts flinging weapons at Moose before coming at him with a head of steam. Moose ends up on the receiving end for the early going. Going back in the ring Moose tries to cut off Kaz, but Slingshot DDT and then the Springboard Guillotine Leg Drop from Kaz. Myers is next in, tries to rush the ring but Kaz catches him, Backdrops Moose over the ropes onto Myers and holds his own early on. Myers hits the Baseball Slide Trip, Moose lands a Leg Drop, and now the heels are utilizing the numbers advantage.

Bhupinder enters for Team Dreamer, and then cleans house, Kaz throws in a cheese grater to Gujjar and he cuts up Myers. Kenny King comes out wearing a trash can lid like he’s a homeless Kung Lao. A few nice kicks, including the Eddy Gordo and the heels are doing fairly well. Killer Kelly comes out next and gets in Kenny’s face with a staple gun. King tries to Powerbomb her, Staple to the face, Staple to Myers’ foot and Moose gets another staple to the dick! Then Kelly staples her own face…gotta love Kelly.

Makes sense for Masha to come out next, and this is great. For guys who like aggressive women, it doesn’t get much better than these two. Kaz and Myers come in, grab the opposite Knockout, Myers throws Kelly, but Masha hits a Frakensteiner on Kaz. Myers gives Masha a chair, then she hits a Chair flavored Swanton onto the group of everyone. Yuya gets the big energy spot, coming in looking like the baby Tanahashi that I have always felt like he looked like. Team Dreamer holds the ring while Bully’s music hits and hits entire team is on the outside.

Team Dreamer all pay attention to Bully as he brings down a table, Team Bully then slides in, beats on the guys and single out Kelly. They just hold her down and taunt her without actually doing anything. Bully will probably use Kelly as a shield for when Dreamer comes in. And that’s exactly what happens. Kelly bites Bully to open him up to Dreamer. We then get a stupid Human Centipede chain submission spot, until the two Knockouts lock eyes and decide to break up the stupidity by hitting everyone with a chair.

Kelly gets the best of the Masha in the chair fight, Death Valley Driver through the chair, for 2! Kelly goes to the top, Bully shoves her off and into Kaz and Myers. Bully tries to set up Dreamer for Lights Out, But Dreamer moves and Moose hits Bully. Yuya throws a chair at Moose, Crossbody, and then signature spams. Masha and Dreamer are the last two standing, Masha spits on Tommy, Dreamer hits the Piledriver and does his old ECW pose. Good Hands hit the ring to help but Kaz takes them both out.

Things are breaking down with weapons, bodies and just so many spots. Good Hands go after Kelly, but Kelly headbutts Hotch, then Back Drops him onto the apron and he bounces off hard. Kelly Slingshots Skyler so Kaz can Cutter him through the tables on the outside. Dreamer was looking to do something to Bully, but a Low Blow gives Bully the moment, now Bully asks the refs to hold the ladders again, but they shake their heads, then the referees beat on Bully. Dreamer Driver, all four referees count, but Bully kicks out. Though technically…that’s an 8 count.

Dreamer asks the referees to hold the ladder and they do. Dreamer Splash from the ladder through the table and Team Dreamer wins.

It had its funny and entertaining moments, but went too damn long and Dreamer winning makes me sad since that means he’s probably not going away. 

World Championship: Steve Maclin vs Kushida

They get a guest announcer, and its Nick Aldis! He confirms that he’s back in Impact Wrestling and looking to aim at the top from day one. 

Bell rings, Kushida connects on a Dropkick and tries to shoot the half but Maclin fights it, then Kushida searches for the Hoverboard fast as well, but Maclin gets to the ropes and takes a breath. Then Maclin grabs a Canadian flag, wipes himself down, including his ass and then stomps on it. This Canadian crowd has been pretty into the show, its one of the more alive crowds they’ve had. Kushida wrestles Maclin down, and then smothers Maclin, refusing to let him back up.

Kushida keeps a Headlock cinched in, Kushida goes for his Hip Toss/Dropkick but Maclin rolls away and avoids the Dropkick to Kushida’s slight surprise. Kushida goes for a big rope run spot to the point where Maclin is taken off balance a little trying to keep up and eating a Crossbody. Kushida goes for the Hoverboard again, but Maclin finds the ropes. Kushida holds a little long, so Maclin throats Kushida with the ropes.

Maclin finally takes this time to sink in offense with Backbreakers, stomps and attacks on Kushida’s core. He shoves Kushida in a corner and then Bow and Arrows him around the ring post. Maclin makes some eye contact with the French and English announce tables, but doesn’t say anything to Aldis. Maclin Suplexes Kushida to the floor, hops onto the apron, flips off the Canadian crowd and hits an Elbow Drop on Kushida. Looks like he hurt himself a little giving the move, but he antagonizes the crowd right before throwing Kushida back in. Olympic Slam from Maclin for 2.

Kushida tries to grope at Maclin to get up, so Maclin just slaps him around a little. Kushida tries to throw some desperate attacks, but Maclin is squeezing the life from Kushida. Knee right between the Shoulder Blades as he cranks the neck. Another Olympic Slam try, but nope, Kushida slips, Hip Toss, Handspring Back Elbow and Kushida is building momentum. A few kicks, Hip Toss, Cartwheel Dropkick connects! Maclin retreats to the corner, Kushida Penalty Kicks the left elbow, Shotei drops Maclin, Cradle from Kushida for 2. Fisherman’s Buster attempt from Kushida, but Maclin blocks. Maclin gets rocked, BACK TO THE FUTURE for 2!

To the top rope, Kushida looks for a Moonsault, Maclin crotches Kushida. Caught in the Crosshairs from Maclin, but Kushida sits up and Maclin misses! Dropkick rocks Maclin as he’s on the ramp, Kushida tries to drop the knee on the left arm, Maclin moves, Pele Kick rocks Maclin! Knee Drop finally connects back in the ring, Hoverboard attempt but Maclin just German Suplexes Kushida to stop the attempt at offense. Kushida runs into Maclin’s boot, Buckle Bomb, Sitout Powerbomb for 2! Enzuigiri to the left arm as Maclin is perched, Kushida gets pushed off, Handspring Double Boots, Avalanche Flying Armbar from Kushida! But Maclin keeps his hands gripped and rolls to the ropes. Maclin tries to break Kushida’s grip, they start to brawl and Kushida hits a Flatliner right into the French announce table.

PK Kick attempt from Kushida misses, Kushida follows him to the corner, Maclin Tree of Woes him, Caught in the Crosshairs, K.I.A. – 1 – 2 – NO. Kushida kicks out at 2, and Maclin goes to the top. Maclin goes for a Splash, Kushida catches him in the Hoverboard Lock. Maclin just punches Kushida in the face to break the submission, on the shoulders Kushida tries the Hoverboard, Maclin Death Valley Driver but Kushida doesn’t let go, Maclin stands up enough to DVD him in the corner. Maclin looks for something and Kushida goes full Spider Monkey and tries to Hoverboard AGAIN – but Maclin fights through, Super K.I.A. MACLIN WINS!

Hannifan has a great line, once Forgotten, now always remembered. Maclin plays up heel beautifully says D’Amore said he’s hand him the belt himself, so he demands D’Amore comes out and crowns him. D’Amore only takes so much insult, as he hands it to Maclin but won’t kiss his ass further. Maclin then cold cocks D’Amore with the title, causing Aldis to get up and go to the ring. The stare down is all we get, as Maclin walks out with his well deserved title. 

Knockouts World Title: Deonna Purrazzo vs Jordynne Grace

They start off with a handshake, and yes, babyface-ish Deonna is still weird as hell. Both women start with some close quarters chain wrestling, so this definitely has that slower Japanese main event pacing. Which is smart since the crowd needs time to fire back up, and as soon as Grace starts with some Snap Suplexes the crowd makes a little bit of noise.

Deonna has most of the control and as Grace tries to take a few swings, Deonna catches her between the ropes, but then a big Headbutt sends Deonna reeling. Big Dive from Jordynne, then a Jackhammer onto the floor and Deonna is worse for wear. Jordynne rolls her back in, near fall, but then starts with the pesky mocking kicks. Jordynne pushes Deonna into the corner and uses the Shoulder Blocks to keep Deonna short on air, Scoop Slam, with back to back pinfalls just to force a kick out. Jordynne gets a little cocky, Stalling Suplex for a 20 count before dropping Deonna and posing for the crowd.

Jordynne perches Deonna, looks for the Kinniku Buster, but Deonna fights back and then kicks at the left arm. Deonna focuses the left arm, a running Knee Lift into a Russian Leg Sweep and then a Fujiwara Armbar! Jordynne rolls it into a pinfall to break the submission and now they’re fighting on the ramp. Deonna wanted Queen’s Gambit, Jordynne counters with an attempted Alabama Slam, but Deonna grabs the ropes. Deonna shoves Jordynne off the ramp into the guardrail and then connects on the Moonsault from the ramp!

Jordynne tries to block Deonna, a Jacknife Cradle forces Jordynne to kick out. Flatliner into a Koji Clutch is a close finish but Jordynne tuns it into a pinfall attempt. Some corner action, Jordynne goes straight to Japan for her next few moves. Aja Kong Spinning Backfist and then the Megumi Kudo Kudo Driver for 2! Grace Driver attempt, no, more corner action, Deonna does that forward Leg Whip out of the corner. Deonna gets a little cocky and “Woos” as she sets up the Figure Four, Jordynne kicks Deonna into the corner, catches her in a Rear Naked Choke. Deonna rolls it into a pinfall, they get up, throw a strike and then connect to simultaneous Headbutts.

Fighting Spirit spot, fast strikes, Pump Kick from Deonna, Jordynne fires, Naciente from Deonna as she tries to hold onto the arm for a Fujiwara or Venus de Milo. Deonna doesn’t quite have the Venus locked in, and Jordynne gets to the ropes. Deonna tries something, but Jordynne catches her with a fierce Spinebuster for 2. Jordynne throws some Vader Hammers, Deonna with a Body Scissors, Wheelbarrow action, but Jordynne catches her, Grace Driver – KICK OUT! Jordynne looks for something in the corner, Deonna turns it into a Sunset Bomb, then collects Jordynne quickly, Queen’s Gambit! AGE OF THE VIRTUOSA RETURNS!

Overall Score: 8/10

Well now, this was definitely a damn good show. The last two matches were very worthy of title fights, the crowd was into mostly everything and every was entertaining. Yes I can gripe (and I will) about Trey having no wrestling talent or how I can’t stand Dreamer and that match turned into a bit of a cluster after the Knockouts got in there. BUT – that doesn’t mean it wasn’t amusing or entertaining.

Also the confirmation of Nick Aldis returning to Impact is great news for Impact Wrestling. Yeah, I’m pretty sure Nick was probably hoping for WWE (especially after watching his CVV interview), but Impact is a better fit for him than AEW. I wouldn’t want to see him be Maclin’s first challenger, but the stare down to hint toward something in the future; maybe Bound for Glory timing, I can buy that.

So this was a good day for Jersey, OverKill new album review, Deonna is on top of the Knockouts Division and Maclin is the Impact World Champ. Yup…pretty good day for Jersey, and a solidly entertaining show from start to stop.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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