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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (5/19/23)

The champions meet face-to-face!



The Bloodline is (not) fine.

Ahead of their Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship match, Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn meet NOT the Usos, Roman Reigns & Solo Sikoa face-to-face!


  • Pretty Deadly VS The Brawling Brutes; Pretty Deadly wins.
  • Asuka VS Zelina Vega; Asuka wins.
  • The Street Profits VS LA Knight & Rick Boogs; The Profits win.
  • Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn VS Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz; Fyre & Dawn win.
  • The Usos VS Rey Mysterio & Santos Escobar; Rey & Escobar win.


Roman Reigns is here!

The Tribal Chief is in Columbia, South Carolina, and he walks out with Paul Heyman, Solo Sikoa, and no Usos! Roman raises the belts for the pyro, the introductions are made and the Bloodline continues to the ring. Roman raises the belts again for more pyro, and then Heyman has the mic. Heyman holds onto the belts, then hands the mic over to Roman. Fans chant “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” but Roman just smirks. “That’s not how we start things here, no. Columbia, South Carolina. ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” Fans are torn between cheers and jeers, but here comes Kevin Owens! And of course, Sami Zayn is here, too!

Roman looks to be getting a headache already as the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions make their way to the ring. Fans cheer for “SAMI! SAMI!” as he and Kevin get mics of their own. Roman says this is perfect! The fans seem excited, and this was Roman’s plan all along. He was going to ask them out here, and there’s really only two things to do, and they can accomplish both right now. “Columbia already did it. Now it’s your turn to acknowledge your Tribal Chief. And when you’re done with that, you can drop off my titles and you can see yourselves out.” Kevin and Sami smirk, and fans rally behind them.

Kevin drops his mic, puts his belts aside, and looks ready to fight. Solo steps up but Sami and Roman have them calm down. Roman says it figures. “Fight Owens, Fight,” that’s all he does. But that’s fine. Roman addresses Sami, but can’t bring himself to say his name. “I’ve had a special career. I mean, I’ve experienced the highest of highs, and the lowest of lows. But I only have one regret. And that one regret is wasting my life on you.” Fans boo and Sami smirks again. Sami says that’s funny, because he has one regret: not blasting Roman with a chair sooner! It’s been a long time coming. They haven’t been in the ring together since Montreal and Elimination Chamber.

Sami thought for months, he’d never get this opportunity to stand here, look Roman in the eyes and say everything he’s wanted to say. He’s been dreaming about this for months. And now Roman’s greed has finally led us to this moment. And now that Roman is standing here, Sami has nothing to say. Except, Roman’s whole life, everyone’s told him he’s the best. He’s gotten everything he’s wanted, and now he wants the tag titles. But look at Sami, Roman. “At Night of Champions, you are not going to get them. And do you wanna know why you’re not gonna win the Undisputed Tag Team Championships? It’s because you’re just not as good as us.”

For that matter, Roman’s not as good as the Usos, either. Even Heyman is reeling from that! Roman tries to laugh it off and he says that’s how Sami feels, huh? That’s how Sami feels about the Tribal Chief? Roman says he took it easy on Sami! Roman gave Sami opportunity after opportunity, tried to serve it up, but wait! The Usos run in from behind and attack the champs! Jey takes out Sami, Jimmy has Kevin! Jimmy POSTS Kevin, Jey TOSSES Sami out, and the Usos DOUBLE SUPERKICK Sami over the desk! Roman seems surprised as the Usos join him in the ring. Fans boo and the Usos are fired up, but Roman refuses to celebrate with them.

Roman says this is HIS ring, and he didn’t tell the Usos to do that! It was a simple plan, it was HIS plan, and you don’t ever- Roman stops raging as he bumps into Solo. Roman leaves all by himself as fans boo. Is everything falling apart around the Head of the Table?


The Bloodline regroups in the private suite.

The Usos explain they were just trying to help. Roman says the Usos keep saying “we,” but it sounds like they were just talking about them! Is Roman a twin? Is Roman part of a “we?” This is US, the whole Bloodline! And who is the quarterback here? Roman. So why are the Usos running around doing random stuff? Roman had something he wanted to say! Roman gave a good portion of his life and career to that fool and he had something to say!! Does he get to say it? No. Why? Because the Usos did what they wanted to do. Not what’s been working this whole time, not what’s kept them in the Promised Land. Not just got them here, but kept them here, ON TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN!!

ROMAN is that guy! ROMAN makes those choices! Get out. NOW. GET OUT! The Usos hurry away, Heyman is clearly worried, is the Island of Relevancy sinking by the second?


Pretty Deadly speak.

Kit Wilson says, “The WWE Universe has been asking us, what’s the recipe for Friday night’s two tastiest snacks in Pretty Deadly? Well, you’re in luck. Grab a bowl, and add in two cups of charisma.” Elton Prince says to add “two tablespoons on unrivaled tag team ingenuity. And then, a dash of good looks. But the most important ingredients are…” One Kit Wilson and one Elton Prince. And that makes the delicious Pretty Deadly.

Pretty Deadly VS The Brawling Brutes!

Kit Wilson & Elton Prince may be new to SmackDown via the draft, but they should know better than to rile up big bad bruisers like Ridge Holland & Pete Dunne. Will Pretty Deadly wish they were still sleeping with the fishes on NXT? Or will they say #YesBoy to a big debut win?

Sheamus is on commentary, and he gets to reunite with Barrett. The Fella hasn’t hit the pubs yet, the day only got going. The teams sort out, Dunne starts with Kit. They tie up, Kit headlocks, Dunne powers out and things speed up. Dunne hurdles, drops, and then CLOBBERS Kit! Fans fire up and Dunne brings Kit up to ROCK him! And again! Dunne wrenches but Kit throws Dunne by his hair! Tag to Elton, Pretty Deadly double kick and double CLUB, then they stomp the hands! They both Scott Hall finger at Dunne, but Dunne grabs all those fingers! Dunne brings them down to STOMP the hands!

Dunne double dropkicks Pretty Deadly, then ROCKS Elton with a forearm. Tag to Ridge, he feeds Elton to a DROPKICK! Sheamus loves it, and Ridge brings Elton back up. Ridge suplexes, but Elton knees back. Ridge keeps Elton up for the SLAM! Ridge drags Elton up, headlocks and grinds, but Kit tags in. Elton powers out and leaps over for Kit to DDT Ridge down! Ridge flops out of the ring while Pretty Deadly poses, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Elton UPPERCUTS Ridge. Tag to Kit, Elton RAMS Ridge and Kit runs to UPPERCUT! Kit then brings Ridge around to tag Elton back in. Kit ROCKS Ridge, but Ridge rebounds to DOUBLE SHOULDER Pretty Deadly! They rebound together to DOUBLE SHOULDER Ridge! “Yes, boy~!” and SPLASH LEG DROP COMBO! Cover, TWO! Elton CLUBS away on Ridge, covers, ONE!! Ridge hangs tough but Elton pie faces him. Ridge throws body shots, Elton CHOPS but Ridge UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! Elton kicks low, whips, Ridge reverses and then POUNCES! Fans fire up and so does Sheamus!

Ridge and Elton crawl, hot tag to Kit! Kit jumps on Ridge for a SLEEPER! Ridge is fading, but fans rally up. Ridge gets a second wind, storms his way forward, hot tag to Dunne! Kit runs back, Elton runs in, Dunne DROPKICKS each of them! Dunne GERMAN SUPLEXES Elton! And then GERMAN SUPLEXES Kit! Dunne GAMANGIRIS Kit in one corner, GAMANGIRIS Elton in the other! Knee drop onto Elton’s arm! STOMPS for Kit’s hands! X PLEX for Kit! Cover, TWO! Sheamus gets a “FIGHT NIGHT!” chant going and Dunne powers up. Dunne storms up but Kit BOOTS him! Kit goes up but Dunne GAMANGIRIS!

Dunne climbs up, throws hands on Kit, but Kit HOTSHOTS Dunne! Ridge tags in, he picks Elton up on the way and RAMS into Kit! Ridge has Pretty Deadly double stacked! DOUBLE SAMOAN DROP! Ridge CLOBBERS Elton, Dunne has him on the ropes! Ridge sits Kit up, for DOUBLE BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! Dunne gets some extra shots in, but Kit RAMS Ridge into Dunne! Elton gets free, SPILT MILK! Elton then goes back to being “trapped!” Kit covers, Pretty Deadly wins!

Winners: Pretty Deadly, by pinfall

Kit “frees” Elton and they get away before Sheamus storms into the ring. No sense in crying over Spilt Milk, but will Pretty Deadly get going in the WWE Tag Division?


WWE mourns the loss of “Superstar” Billy Graham.

The Reflection of Perfection, from Paradise Valley, this WWE Hall of Famer was ahead of his time. Another intensity, another level, another color chart brighter than everyone else. He was constantly evolving and defining what was sports entertainment during his era. The man of the hour, man with all the power, too sweet to be sour, THE Superstar! Great physique, great work ethic, and an unrivaled charisma. In 1977, he shocked the world by defeating THE Bruno Sammartino to become WWF Champion. Billy Graham inspired Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes, among others.

Twenty years ahead of his time, the first ever sports entertainer. “What you see is what you get, and what you don’t is better yet.” RIP Superstar, and thank you for everything.


Asuka VS Zelina Vega!

The Empress of Tomorrow fired the first shot on Bianca Belair last week, wanting another shot at the Raw Women’s Championship. She’s got that shot at Night of Champions, but will Asuka be ready for La Muneca?

Vega is backstage, showing off her new LED helmet, and Kayla Braxton brings up this match. Vega knows where this is going. Is Vega ready for Asuka? Well, when Vega received that love and support from her people in Puerto Rico, she realized that she belongs with the top dogs of the Women’s Division. It doesn’t matter how much she is taken for granted, about her size or that she’s underestimated. Nothing matters. When she gave her all against Rhea Ripley, she showed that she can go toe to toe with the best of the best. Now, Asuka will see that Vega is ready! Will Vega prove that all right here and now?

The bell rings, and Vega ducks a roundhouse! She rolls Asuka, Asuka rolls through but Vega KICKS her! Vega brings Asuka up, Asuka shoves her back and pops her up, but Vega blocks knee into a takedown and cover, TWO! Asuka is disoriented and Vega DROPKICKS her to the ropes! Vega runs in, but Asuka ducks the 619! Asuka laughs, enjoying where this is going, and Vega goes out, into a ROUNDHOUSE! Asuka fireman’s carries and SNAKE EYES Vega off the desk! Asuka is having fun as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Asuka throws Vega by her hair! The ref reprimands, Asuka kicks Vega around, and toys with her. Vega blocks a kick, spins Asuka and ROCKS her! And ROCKS her again! And again! Vega whips but Asuka blocks. Asuka whips Vega to a corner, runs in, blocks a knee, but Vega reels her in for a shoulder! Vega then SHOTGUNS Asuka down! Vega runs but Asuka dodges. Vega dodges back and drop toeholds Asuka onto ropes! Vega redials, 619! Fans fire up and Vega goes up a corner. Asuka stands, Vega gives us some Latina Heat, to METEORA! Cover, TWO!! Asuka escapes and shocks Vega!

Asuka gets up, swings, but Vega gets around Asuka. Asuka pops the Destroyer away, waistlocks, but Vega victory rolls! Vega has the wrists for a cover, TWO, and Asuka tries to roll back. Vega traps her into the DOUBLE WRIST O’CONNER BRIDGE! TWO!! Asuka has Vega caught now, ASUKA LOCK!! Vega fights around, rolls back to a cover, TWO!! Asuka gets Vega with TRIANGLE HOLD! Then RINGS OF SATURN!! Vega verbally quits, Asuka wins!

Winner: Asuka, by submission

But Asuka makes her suffer! Fans boo, but here comes BIANCA! The RawEST Women’s Champion slides in, Asuka slips away, and Bianca helps Vega up. But Asuka comes back! Bianca sees her, almost has her, but Asuka SPRAYS THE MIST! Bianca just avoids getting hit in the eyes like last week, and she glares at Asuka. Will Asuka hit Bianca with a bull’s eye at Night of Champions?


It’s the SmackDown debut of the Grayson Waller Effect!

There’s spotlights all around, and a big introduction by Mike Rome: “Ladies and gentleman, please welcome the most talked about new sensation on Friday Night SmackDown, the man with the triple platinum tongue, the Viral Virtuoso, the Dynamite from Down Under, he is… the Moment Maker, the Aussie Icon, your host of the Grayson Waller Effect, Grayson! WALLER!” Waller is in the ring on set and he welcomes us to his show’s debut here on SmackDown. Fans boo but he says this is a treat to finally see this all in person. But right to it, his guest faces Seth Rollins for the World Heavyweight Championship at Night of Champions. He is the Phenomenal AJ STYLES!

Fans cheer as Styles makes his entrance and goes to the ring. Waller welcomes Styles as he takes a seat, and Waller says this isn’t their first encounter. They crossed paths as Styles visited NXT, and Styles said something to Waller then. “Try being phenomenal for 20-plus years.” Waller thought about that, and Styles is right. All the titles, all the amazing matches all across the globe, Styles is without a doubt a first ballot Hall of Famer. And next week, Night of Champions, Styles VS Rollins, Styles can add one more accolade. What does winning the title mean to Styles?

Styles will first say this. The last couple months, Styles was out with injury. That was the longest he was out of the ring in his career. All Styles could think about was getting back in it. So when he got cleared, all he did was get after it. He trained so hard, you’ve never seen someone train as hard as him. Waller believes it and fans cheer. Styles says he knew at some point that an opportunity would come along, and he’d be the World Heavyweight Champion. Fans cheer that, and Styles says he wanted it more than the air he breathes. Waller has to be honest, he has goosebumps.

Styles says Rollins is on a movie set. Styles is happy for him, that is great. “But surely, he’s exercising, doing a little bit of training, so that he can be ready. Because I assure you, as the heart that is beating in my chest, I am.” Waller says that will be an instant classic! Seth Rollins VS AJ Styles, a stacked night at Night of Champions, but the WHC is the match he’s looking most forward to. Waller is going to be most excited for when the announcer says–and take notes, Mike Rome–“AND NEW…! World, Heavyweight, Champion…! SETH! FREAKIN’! ROLLINS!” Waller looks at Styles right there, and Styles gets up. The 21st Century Success Story is still salty, but is his prediction going to come true?


The LWO talks backstage.

Word on the street, the Usos are the greatest tag team in the world. But Santos Escobar politely disagrees. Fact: Rey Mysterio is a hall of famer. Santos is a future hall of famer. Latinos all around the world need to know what they are all about. Si or no? Cruz Del Toro y Joaquin Wilde agree. Wilde says the Usos are good, but tonight, the LWO proves they’re better. And Cruz wants a favor, please. Tonight, you kick the Usos’ asses! Rey says the Usos will find out what happens when you mess with the L W O! That settles that, right? Will the King and Emperor of Lucha put Jimmy & Jey in their place?


The Street Profits VS LA Knight & Rick Boogs!

Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins aren’t going to be let out of any tag team discussion, but they’re going to use actions to speak for them. Will the Profits be up? Or will it be a #BoogieKnight on SmackDown instead?

SmackDown returns and The Mega Star makes his entrance. He has the music cut so he can “talk to ya!” Knight told everyone when he walked in the door here, he’s looking for titles! And the tag team titles ain’t safe, either! But then he sees the Profits walk in on his territory, walk into SmackDown, talking all that stupid trash, and Knight thinks, “I can beat them with anybody. And that’s exactly what I’m gonna do, courtesy of the man they call The Mega Star, with everybody saying L! A! KNIGHT! I’m gonna lead this team to a W, with this man, Rick Boogs!” Boogs makes his entrance, and he’s already Boogin’ out!

The teams sort out and Boogs starts against Ford. Ford “puffs” himself up, walks around a la Vinnie Mac, then things speed up. Ford LARIATS, but Boogs stays up! Ford runs again, LARIATS, but Boogs is still up! Ford tries again, ducks Boogs’ lariat, but jumps into Boogs’ arms! Boogs says he’s BOOGIN OUT! Trophy lift, and some presses! The fans count along, Boogs gets TEN! He throws Ford, and “OH MY GAWD~! I’m BOOGIN OUT!” Dawkins tags in and says he’ll handle this. They tie up, Dawkins headlocks, but Boogs lifts Dawkins to the ropes! Then he powers out of the headlock, Dawkins hurdles but Boogs runs him over!

Boogs brings Dawkins up, pump handles and carries Dawkins, for some bicep curls! Boogs gets seven, takes a breath, and then FALL AWAY SLAMS! Even Knight is impressed, and then he tags in. Knight says they’re a team, so they double whip. They double shoulder Dawkins, Boogs high-fives Knight, and then Knight brings Dawkins up, only for Dawkins to JAWBREAKER! Dawkins runs in, Knight scoops to POWERSLAM! Fans fire up with the “L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!” BIG elbow drop! Cover, TWO! Knight brings Dawkins up, tags in Boogs, and Knight coordinates the team They double back suplex, but Dawkins lands on his feet!

Hot tag to Ford! Ford goes up to DOUBLE CROSSBODY! Fans fire up, Ford dodges Knight to CLOBBER him! Ford swings on Boogs, Boogs back suplexes but Ford lands on his feet! Ford mule kicks, front kicks and ENZIGURIS! Boogs staggers, Knight returns, but Ford dumps him out to ENZIGURI! Boogs runs in, Ford sends him into Knight! Ford clotheslines Boogs out, then FLIES to take them both out! Ford puts Boogs in, Dawkins gives him the ANOINTING! Tag to Ford, and he climbs, to come in FROM THE HEAVENS! Cover, The Profits win!

Winners: The Street Profits, by pinfall

Knight may have overestimated his ability to gel with Boogs, and the Profits are indeed up! Will Comeback Season get going for the Summer? As for Boogs and Knight, Knight helps Boogs up, they shake hands and hug it out, but then Knight hits BFT!! Knight puts all the blame on Boogs, will Knight try a new partner next time?


Backstage interview with Cameron Grimes.

Megan says after the very impressive debut against Baron Corbin last week, what’s going through his mind? Grimes says that a few weeks ago, if you told him his name would be associated with one of the fastest wins in WWE history, he wouldn’t have believed you. But being here on SmackDown, he’s living a dream. He made a huge splash last week with that quick win, but that won’t stop him from being determined, from being focused, and going straight to the top! In fact, do you know where he wants to go? Where? TO THE MOON~! WOO! Grimes is all fired up, will he cause Cave-In after Cave-In until he strikes gold?


Karrion Kross speaks.

“They say justice is blind. Surely, that must be the case. Because I am the imminent threat to justice, and it has absolute no idea. Do you, Alan?” Scarlett plays the next tarot card, and it has AJ Styles on it as “justice.” Tick tock. Will Styles make it to the Night of Champions with Doomsday coming for him?


Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn VS Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz!

The Unholy Alliance, the wicked witches of NXT, are making a SmackDown in-ring debut, but so are their opponents! Will the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions cast a spell on Friday nights?

The teams sort out, Leon and Fyre start. The two circle, tie up, and Fyre knees low. Fyre throws Leon down by her hair, then drops a knee right on her head! Fyre drags Leon, tags Dawn, and Fyre KNEES Leon before feeding her to Dawn’s TARANTULA! Fyre mule kicks Leon while the ref counts, and Dawn lets Leon go so she can run and METEORA! Dawn taunts Leon, drags her up and slaps her around. Dawn whips, Leon holds ropes and tags Feroz. Dawn BOOTS Leon but Feroz goes up the ropes, only for Dawn to THROW her down! Dawn KNEES Feroz down, tags Fyre in, and the two circle around Feroz.

Fyre drags Feroz up and puts her in the Gory Especial. Dawn joins in, BLACK MAGIC FACEBUSTER! Cover, Fyre & Dawn win!

Winners: Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn, by pinfall

Double, double, boil and bubble, the wicked witches and their wicked ways are still strong. Will the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions prove they’re even better than the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions? Speaking of…


BREAKING NEWS regarding the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships!

Liv Morgan wasn’t cleared to compete on Monday, and it seems the injury to her jaw is even worse than that. Therefore, the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships are for all intents and purposes vacated! And on the Raw after Night of Champions, it will be a Fatal 4 Way to crown NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions! Bayley & Iyo Sky VS Sonya Deville & Chelsea Green VS Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler VS Raquel Rodriguez and a partner of her choosing will all battle for the belts! Will Big Mami Cool find someone who can live large like Liv Morgan? Or will there truly be new champions holding onto those titles?


Backstage interview with Raquel Rodriguez.

Kayla Braxton is with the now former champion and Raquel wants to give a shoutout to Liv. Even though they had to give up the titles, the way Liv pulled through in the match last week, there is no denying Liv is still a champion. And handing over the titles is the hardest thing Raquel’s had to do in her career. But she is NOT giving up. Liv is not replaceable, but Raquel will- But DMG CTRL walks in with sarcastic clapping. Bayley sarcastically says that’s so sad. But DMG CTRL give a shoutout to Dakota Kai who also got hurt but with a much more devastating and heartbreaking injury. Bayley blames Raquel for it!

So if Raquel can find that new partner in time for next week’s SmackDown, then Bayley & Sky will be waiting in the ring! Bayley laughs, but Sky seems just as surprised as anyone by this. Will the Role Model & Evil Genius take control no matter who, if anyone, joins Raquel?


Austin Theory is here!

The Now is here, still WWE United States Champion after surviving Backlash. But what does Theory have to say this close to Night of Champions? We’ll see, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Theory welcomes us to “Austin Theory Live!” Fans boo, but Theory says they know, their parents know, and their parents’ parents know who he is! But he has to say, coming to SmackDown last week, it wasn’t what he expected. He expected respect! Look at the list of legends he’s bodied! But what happened last week? Let’s talk about it, and he wants to boo it, too. Theory was “ganged up on” by former world champions in Bobby Lashley and Sheamus. He’s trying to figure it out. Both of those guys know that he would’ve gone on to beat Seth Rollins and become the NEW World Heavyweight Champion! And that’s not a theory, that’s a fact!

But he’s trying to figure it out. Lashley makes sense. Theory was on Raw, Lashley shows up. Theory moves to SmackDown, Lashley follows him. This is like a weird obsession. Lashley is jealous, duh. But Sheamus? Theory doesn’t understand. Theory thought he and Sheamus have something in common: They’re both tough, both strong, and both beat John Cena! The only thing is, Theory did it this year at WrestleMania, and Sheamus did that like 12 years ago. Theory was like 13 at the time. But that’s what he means! He- WAIT, Sheamus makes his way out! The Celtic Warrior storms right up to the ring and up to Theory.

Sheamus stares Theory down, pushes past him to get a mic, and then BROGUES Theory down! Mic drop, and Sheamus takes his leave. Is that Sheamus sending a message the best way he knows how?


The Usos hype up backstage.

They’re ready to show Roman what they can do. But Heyman walks over to say he’s got it under control. The Tribal Chief forgives Jey, and he forgives Jimmy. So he’ll be out there with them? Um… Excuse Heyman’s reach as he takes Jimmy’s hand. Because actually, no, Roman will not. Jimmy pulls his hand away. Heyman wants them to understand, Roman is the Tribal Chief. There’s a lot to go into that burden! The others don’t know what it’s like to have that. Roman has to go to Night of Champions to make a declarative statement. And then, two weeks from tonight on SmackDown, the 1000 DAY REIGN CELEBRATION!

Plus, c’mon! It’s the LWO! The Usos got this! They’re the greatest tag team of all come! They have this. But please, don’t make that a prediction, make that a spoiler. Yeet. Jey heads out first, Jimmy looks Heyman up and down, then says, “Yeet.” The Usos are ready, but will they get back in Roman’s good graces with this main event?

The Usos VS Rey Mysterio & Santos Escobar!

SmackDown returns as the Usos make their entrance. The teams sort out and Jey starts against Rey. They circle, but Rey is wary of Jimmy. Jey RAMS Rey into the corner, RAMS in again and again, then tags Jimmy. The Usos mug Rey, then Jimmy UPPERCUTS Rey down! Jimmy says, “You know what time it is, Uce!” Jey shouts, “Get the W!” Jimmy stalks Rey to a corner, Jimmy whips him corner to corner hard, and then looms over Rey as he falls over. Jimmy fireman’s carries, but Rey fights free! Jimmy kicks low, runs, but Rey kicks back! Rey runs, tags Escobar and sunset flips to rewind for Escobar’s basement dropkick!

Rey TOSSES Jimmy out, dodges Jey, and Escobar clotheslines Jey out! Then Escobar whips Rey, the Usos narrowly avoid getting a 619! Rey hops onto Escobar’s shoulders, the LWO is in control, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Jimmy taunts Escobar while the fans rally up. Jimmy drags Escobar up, but Escobar throws hands! Escobar DECKS Jey, fires off on Jimmy, but Jimmy keeps Escobar from Rey! Escobar reaches out, Rey reaches out in return, but they’re fingertips away as Jimmy whips Escobar into a corner! Escobar bounces off buckles and falls back into a roll-up, TWO! Jimmy is frustrated, and the rest of the Bloodline is watching backstage. Jimmy stalks Escobar to a corner, throws hands, and the fans rally up. The ref counts, Jimmy talks trash in Escobar’s face, then he CHOPS!

Escobar staggers, Jimmy whips him corner to corner, but Escobar comes back to DROPKICK Jimmy down! Fans fire up, both men crawl, and Jimmy hot tags Jey! Jey hurries past Escobar to UPPERCUT Rey! The ref reprimands but Jey goes back to Escobar. Jey drags Escobar up but Escobar cradles! TWO!! Jey escapes in time, and he UPPERCUTS Escobar down! Jey says right here, cover, TWO! Escobar is still in this and Jey grows frustrated. The fans chant “USOS SUCK!” and Jey throws hands. Escobar counter punches! Escobar throws more hands but Jey shoves him back to CLOBBER him!

Jey holds up the finger, then tags in Jimmy. Jimmy fires off on Escobar in the open corner. Escobar sits down, Jimmy raises the finger now, and says “UCE! SO!” Jimmy runs in to HIP ATTACK! Jimmy raises the finger again, and he goes corner to corner again. HIP- KNEE! Escobar takes Jimmy down and the fans rally up! Jimmy and Escobar crawl, hot tags to Jey and Rey! Rey fires off on Jey! Rey whips, Jey reverses but Rey tilt-o-whirls and RANAS Jey into ropes! Jey goes to a corner, Rey runs in but Jey puts him outside. Rey ROCKS Jey, goes up top, and SEATED SENTONS! Rey keeps moving, springboard CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!

Rey keeps his cool and brings Jey up, But Jey mule kicks! And UPPERCUTS! And whips, but Rey kicks back! Rey SOBATS, then hops on, SUNSET BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Jey survives but Rey calls the shot. Rey brings Jey up, throws forearms, whips, but Jey reverses. Rey holds ropes to stop himself, and he BOOTS Jey away! Jey distracts the ref and Jimmy ENZIGURI! Rey staggers, Jey brings him up, POP-UP NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Rey survives and Jimmy can’t believe it! “This is Awesome!” but Jey says it’s done. Tag to Jimmy, the Usos drag Rey up, and they double suplex. Rey fights free with knees!

Rey goes to ropes, the Usos run in but he dumps them both out! Hot tag to Escobar! Escobar builds speed, to FLY! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up! Escobar puts Jimmy in, he blocks a kick but not the DRAGON WHIP! Jimmy whips, but Escobar JUMP KNEES! Jimmy staggers to a corner, Escobar shouts “L! W! O!” DOUBLE KNEES! Escobar puts Jimmy up top, climbs up after him, SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO!! Jimmy survives and Escobar can’t believe it! Jimmy crawls to the apron, “This is Awesome!” as Escobar stalks him. Jimmy’s on the apron, Escobar KICKS him and has him in the ropes!

Tag to Rey, Escobar drags Jimmy out, LEG DROP NECKBREAKER COMBO!! Cover, JEY BREAKS IT! Escobar is frustrated, but Jey SUPERKICKS him down! Rey throws Jey out, and he dropkicks Jimmy’s legs! Jimmy’s on the ropes, Rey dials it up, but runs into a SUPERKICK!! Tag to Jey, USO SPLASH! Cover, TWO!?! The Usos cannot believe it! Columbia can’t believe it, either! Jey calls to Jimmy, he tags in, and the Usos go up the corners. But here comes Kevin! The Usos are distracts, and Escobar ENZIGURIS Jey! Kevin distracts the ref, SAMI shoves Jimmy off the top! Rey RANAS Jimmy onto ropes!

Tag to Escobar and Rey dials it up! 619!! Escobar goes up while Rey SEATED SENTONS Jey! Escobar FROG SPLASHES! Cover, THE LWO WINS!

Winners: Rey Mysterio & Santos Escobar, by pinfall

A huge assist to Kevin & Sami, and the entire Bloodline is upset! But while the Usos are upset with Kevin & Sami for doing this to them, Roman looks upset with The Usos. But as Solo starts to get up, Roman has him stop. Roman says he’ll handle this next week. What does The Tribal Chief have planned for Jimmy & Jey?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for SmackDown here, and is kinda part one of the go-home for SmackDown since I think they’re going to prerecord next week’s episode because they have to travel to Saudi Arabia next week. That’s why the face to face was tonight. Great opening promo segment, and the Usos attacking without checking in with Roman was a good way of growing the dysfunction in the group. Roman is losing control of his anger just like he is losing control of the faction, and something about him bumping into Solo makes me think it might not even be the Usos but Solo who costs them the title. Solo can choose his brothers over Roman and they overthrow him as Tribal Chief as part of this story’s next chapter.

That is doubled down by how, in a great main event, there was some overbooking so that the Usos get screwed over and lose. Roman and Solo are both upset, but I feel like only Roman wants to punish the Usos. Well, Solo might still beat on The Usos for the greater good of the Bloodline, but Roman says he’ll handle it, so who knows. But this is also great for the LWO, they’ve badly needed wins. Rey & Escobar make a good tag team, but I feel like Cruz & Wilde need to get going so Rey and Escobar can be the singles title guys. Escobar being US Champion would be cool. Theory and Sheamus had a good promo segment, mostly because Sheamus didn’t say anything, he just gave Theory a Brogue. That’ll be a great title match, but I feel like Theory will screw Sheamus over like he has everyone else.

Zelina had a great match with Asuka, but of course Asuka wins. Bianca making the save to almost get misted was a good little bit, and their title match could go either way. WWE still needs to address the whole “Raw title on SmackDown, SmackDown title on Raw” conundrum, and with Rhea still the SmackDown Women’s Champion, it feels like Bianca will retain the Raw title so that Bianca and Rhea can sort things out themselves. NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions on SmackDown as still champions is also something they need to sort out, but Fyre & Dawn get a good win off the quietly called up Feroz & Leon.

A shame about Liv being out of action, that all undercuts what Ronda threatened Raquel with on Raw. The Fatal 4 Way will be great stuff, as well “next week’s” match of Bayley & Sky VS Raquel and… Shotzi? Tegan? Is there another call-up in the women’s division I’m not remembering? I mean, this would be a great way to get someone new going. Pretty Deadly got that with a good promo and a really good match against Brawling Brutes. That was a clever way to cheat when they didn’t really need to, but I feel like Pretty Deadly VS Brawling Brutes could keep happening in the background of the tag title picture until it’s the right time.

The Profits also got a great tag team win, Boogs & Knight were an impressive team, but obviously a new team wasn’t going to beat WWE Triple Crown Tag Team Champions. And LA Knight does to Boogs in one week what was building between Boogs and Elias for months. They team up, they lose, and Knight turns on Boogs. Knight VS Boogs could be a lot of fun, too, winner looking stronger in the midcard title chase. Grimes has a good promo that I was more surprised wasn’t interrupted by Corbin. Maybe that will pick up again in a couple weeks once we’re past Night of Champions and on to Money in the Bank. Grimes in the MITB ladder match would be some great stuff.

And then the Grayson Waller Effect debut here on SmackDown wasn’t quite as, well, Grayson Waller Effective as it is on NXT. They didn’t have him do his Instagram live stream, he didn’t read comments from “fans,” but I did appreciate that he was passive aggressive with Styles given their feud from back in NXT. Styles bringing up Rollins being part of a movie (Marvel’s next Captain America movie) was a surprise, but that was also Styles’ argument against John Cena when they feuded. Now, I would hope just for the sake of story and what WWE has been building, we still get Rollins winning at Night of Champions. Styles & The OC can’t go moving back to Raw, and the new WHC can’t be on SmackDown where Roman is. This role may just be a one-off anyway, so don’t go assuming Rollins is following Cena and The Rock into Hollywood.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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