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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (6/29/23)

Is ROH tranquilo?



ROH Wrestling 2023

ROH opens its own Forbidden Door!

Post Forbidden Door, ROH welcomes NJPW back with open arms! And Los Ingobernables de Japon challenges The Mogul Embassy for the World Six Man titles!


  • Preston Vance & Dralistico w/ Jose The Assistant VS Mark Wheeler & Vikram Prashar; Vance & Dralistico win.
  • Alex Reynolds & John Silver w/ Evil Uno VS The Righteous w/ Stu Grayson; The Righteous win.
  • Diamante VS Leila Grey w/ Mark Sterling; Diamante wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: El Hijo del Vikingo, Komander & The Lucha Brothers w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Gringo Loco, Shane Taylor & The Workhorsemen; Vikingo, Komander & The Lucha Brothers win.
  • Lee Moriarty & “Big Bill” Morrissey VS KAROU & TARIQ; Moriarty & Morrissey win.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships: The Mogul Embassy VS Los Ingobernables de Japon; The Mogul Embassy wins and retains the titles.
  • El Desperado VS Willie Mack; Desperado wins.
  • Yujiro Takahashi & SHO VS Roppongi Vice; Roppongi Vice wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The United Empire VS Action Andretti, Darius Martin & Christopher Daniels; Action, Darius & Daniels win.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground Match: Athena VS KC Spinelli; Athena wins and denies Spinelli a title match.
  • ROH World Championship Proving Ground Match: Claudio Castagnoli VS Chuck Taylor; Claudio wins and denies Chuck a title match.


Backstage interview with Tony Khan & Stokely Hathaway.

Lexi Nair is with two-thirds of the ROH Board of Directors, and says they have a very exciting card here tonight. Tony thanks Lexi and says yes they do, it will be a great night for ROH. This has been a very special week. They had an amazing Forbidden Door on Sunday, and some of the top stars in NJPW are here in town for a massive show tonight. Multiple ROH champions in action tonight, including the ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships on the line! Brian Cage & The Gates of Agony take on Los Ingobernables de Japon! With NJPW here, Tony feels he needs to be backstage all night at gorilla with Jerry Lynn.

Stokely assures Tony that Stokely can handle everything backstage, he’s got his back. Tony appreciates that, so if Stokely needs anything, he knows where to find Tony. Great show tonight, and they throw it over to commentary. Will the ROH X NJPW Forbidden Door adjacent live up to the hype?


Preston Vance & Dralistico w/ Jose The Assistant VS Mark Wheeler & Vikram Prashar!

La Faccion Ingobernable is in action again, looking to add to their ROH win streak! Will Perro Peligroso y the Prince of Silver & Gold start heading for some gold?

The Code of Honor is upheld, but then Vance short arm LARIATS Wheeler while Dralistico SUPERKICKS Prashar! LFI puts Wheeler in a corner, they CHOP and CHOP and double whip corner to corner. Dralistico runs in to SPLASH, Vance hits a clothesline! Snapmare and basement dropkick! Fans are torn but Vance tells ’em up theirs. Dralistico stomps Wheeler, fans chant “PRESTON SUCKS!” Dralistico kicks Wheeler around, taunts him, then brings him up. But Wheeler UPPERCUTS! Dralistico CHOPS! SOBATS! KNEE LIFT! SCREW HIGH KICK! Fans do cheer that, and Dralistico puts Wheeler in the corner.

Dralistico runs side to side, and SUPERKICKS! Dralistico lounges up top, tags in Vance, and LFI drags Wheeler up. Feed to the SPINEBUSTER! Vance stands on Wheeler for a cocky cover, but Prashar breaks it! Vance eggs Prashar on, so Prashar throws a forearm! And another! And a CHOP! Vance dusts himself off, and DECKS Prashar! Vance brings Prashar up for Dralistico to SPRINGBOARD CODE BREAKER! Wheeler returns but gets caught into a ripcord, and KNEE! Then DISCUS LARIAT! Vance drags Prashar over, they stack and cover, LFI wins!

Winners: Preston Vance & Dralistico, by pinfall

La Faccion Ingobernable makes quick work of their opponents tonight and keep the win streak going. Will they soon take over the ROH Tag Division and make it tranquilo?


Alex Reynolds & John Silver w/ Evil Uno VS The Righteous w/ Stu Grayson!

The Dark Order has been struggling to keep friends, just look at AEW Dynamite last night. But is there still hope they can get Stu Grayson back? Or are Dutch & Vincent his brothers now?

The Righteous hold out their hands for the Code of Honor, but the Dark Order throws haymakers! The bell rings, the brawl is on, and Reynolds has Dutch while Silver ROCKS Vinnie! Dutch HEADBUTTS Reynolds, runs in, but Reynolds dumps him out to DIVE! Down goes Dutch and fans fire up! Silver keeps on Vinnie with forearms, whips, but Vinnie reverses. Silver ducks ‘n’ dodges to UPPERCUT Vinnie outta the ring! Fans fire up as Silver goes out and brings Vinnie up. But then Stu distracts Silver! Vinnie RAMS Silver into the apron! Vinnie puts Silver in the ring, but then Uno gets at Stu. Fans fire up and Stu wants Uno to get in the ring.

The ref tells Stu to get off the apron, but Uno spots Vinnie with a chair! Uno stops Vinnie but that means Uno now has the chair! The ref sees Uno and Uno tries to explain! But the ref EJECTS Uno! Fans boo as Stu & The Righteous suckered Uno into this! Vinnie grins but Silver grabs him by his hair! But Vinnie HOTSHOTS Silver, and Dutch hits the SCRAPBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Dutch clamps onto Silver, CLUBS him in the chest, and grins. Fans boo but Vinnie soaks it up. Dutch UPPERCUTS Silver to the corner, tags in Vinnie, and Vinnie throws body shots. Stu eggs Silver on and Silver hits Vinnie back with body shots, forearms and kicks!

Silver runs but Vinnie CLOBBERS him! Cover, ONE!! Vinnie rains down fists and then drags Silver up. Vinnie puts Silver in the corner, tags Dutch, and The Righteous mug him. Dutch CLUBS Silver down, then brings him around. Dutch ROCKS Silver, taunts Reynolds and runs in, but Silver BOOTS him! Silver DECKS Vinnie, Dutch knees Silver low! Dutch reels Silver in, but Silver suplexes Dutch! Fans fire up for Silver and he crawls, hot tags to Reynolds and Vinnie! Reynolds TACKLES Vinnie and rains down fists! Fans fire up, Vinnie pushes free, but Reynolds BOOTS Dutch! And then TACKLES Vinnie again!

Vinnie gets away again, but Reynolds is after him in the corner! He fires clotheslines and forearms, and roars as he goes corner to corner. Fans fire up as Reynolds runs in to KNEE Vinnie! Reynolds brings Vinnie up but Vinnie bails out. Reynolds goes out after Vinnie to SMACK him off railing! And RAM him into them! And then whip him into more railing! Dutch storms up to scoop, but Reynolds slips free and POSTS him! Silver BOOTS Dutch from the apron, and Reynolds TORNADO DDTS! Silver DOUBLE STOMPS! The fans fire up for The Dark Order as they get Vinnie in the ring. STUFF PILEDRIVER to BRAINBUSTER!

The Dark Order vow to end this, and they get Vinnie up. “You want us to be more aggressive, huh!?” But Dutch drags Silver out to RAM him into steel steps! Reynolds sees that, and the ref is busy with Vinnie. Vinnie is claiming bad shoulder, but Stu runs in to KNEE Reynolds down!! Stu gets away with it, Vinnie cradles, The Righteous win!

Winners: The Righteous, by pinfall

But they’re not done! Dutch RAMS Silver into barriers! And rains down fists on him! Vinnie rains down fists on Reynolds! Fans boo but Uno returns with that chair! Uno stares Vinnie down, but then Stu gets in and stands between them! Uno hesitates but Stu dares him to hit him! Fans want to see it, too, but Uno can’t bring himself to do it. Stu kicks the chair away, then pushes past him. Stu & The Righteous leave, Stu says Uno needs to show him what he’s got. Even Reynolds says Uno should’ve done it, but will this battle only rage on?


Diamante VS Leila Grey w/ Mark Sterling!

Last week, The Cuban Diamond refused to throw the match to split the winner’s purse, and got cheated out of the entire thing! Will she give The Last Baddie Standing a receipt? Or will Leila only double her winnings?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. They tie up, Leila headlocks but Diamante powers up, only for Leila to hold on tight. Leila grinds the headlock, gives Diamante a noogie, but Diamante rolls her to a cover! ONE, and Leila keeps on the headlock. Diamante fights up, pries free and hammerlocks to a headlock. Leila throws body shots, wrenches out, and wristlocks. Diamante rolls, kips up, breaks free and ELBOWS Leila! Fans fire up as  Diamante arm-drags Leila around! Diamante grinds the armlock, Leila fights up and reaches out, but Diamante wrenches her and whips her to ropes.

Leila holds ropes, bails out, and fans boo. Sterling coaches Leila but Diamante goes out. Diamante CLUBS Leila, and whips her into steel steps! Sterling protests but Diamante tells him to shut up. Diamante puts Leila in the ring, goes up the apron, but Sterling keeps barking. Leila BLASTS Diamante off the apron! Fans boo but she tells them to shut up. Leila goes out to stomp Diamante, puts her in the ring, and hurries after her. Leila CHOKES Diamante on the ropes! The ref counts, Leila lets off at 4, and then she KNEES Diamante in the back! And again! Diamante goes to a corner but Leila brings her up.

Leila snap suplexes, then soaks up the heat before she covers. TWO, and Leila grows annoyed. Leila grabs the arms for a motorcycle stretch, and Diamante endures the knee in her back. Fans rally, Diamante fights up, turns things around, but Leila turns it back around to wrangle Diamante with a chinlock! Diamante endures more, the fans rally up again, and Diamante fights up. Diamante throws body shots, then JAWBREAKERS! Leila staggers away, Diamante ROCKS her with forearms! Diamante dodges Leila’s clothesline to LARIAT! And again! Leila tries again but Diamante waistlocks, O’Conner Roll, CHAOS THEORY!

Fans fire up while Leila flounders to a corner. Diamante locks ‘n’ loads, Sterling shouts and Leila goes to the apron. Diamante is annoyed, grabs at Leila, but Leila HOTSHOTS her away! Leila hurries back in, clinches, SIDE EFFECT! Cover, TWO! Diamante is still in this and Leila grows frustrated. Leila argues the count then reels Diamante in. Diamante fights the underhooks, waistlocks, GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up, Diamante reloads and runs in, HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! Cover, Sterling helps the ropebreak! Fans boo and Diamante is furious! Diamante drags Sterling up to the apron by his jacket!

Leila rolls Diamante up, Diamante rolls through, CLUBS Leila and dragon sleepers, CROSS RHODES!! Cover, Diamante wins!

Winner: Diamante, by pinfall

And now they’re even! Will Diamante use this win to get up towards the ROH Women’s World Champion?


Backstage interview with Claudio Castagnoli.

Lexi Nair is with the ROH World Champion and says he has beaten challenger after challenger, so what’s next? Claudio says honestly, he has to ask himself that, as well. Not a lot of people seem to mention Claudio on ROH. No one wants to step up. He gets that, look at him and look at everyone else. But in walks Chuck Taylor! He says hi, and says that if Claudio’s looking for challengers, well, Chuck doesn’t like him. And he’s also beaten Claudio before so if Claudio wants a challenge, look right here. Chuck is ready to fight. Stew on that, Chuck will go get out of here, sorry to interrupt you, bud.

Claudio sighs, and says, “Just for the record, I’m not his buddy. Secondly, people like him call me ‘sir.’ Third of all, if he wants a shot, that’s fine. But it’s gonna be an Eliminator and it’s just gonna be a Proving Ground. And we’re gonna scrap that whole time limit thing. Because if you want to earn a shot at this, Chuck Taylor, you will have to beat me!” Will the Kentucky Gentleman regret tugging on the cape of the Swiss Superman?


8 Man Tag: El Hijo del Vikingo, Komander & The Lucha Brothers w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Gringo Loco, Shane Taylor & The Workhorsemen!

The Lucha Amigos ride again! Will the AAA Mega Champion, the Commander and the ROH World Tag Team Champions be standing tall against this fearsome foursome?

The Code of Honor is skipped and the teams sort out. Fans rally between “CERO MIEDO!” and “GRINGO LOCO!” Penta and Loco circle, and then Penta tells Shane to hush. Penta swaggers up, tells Gringo to listen, “CERO! MIEDO!” Pie face! Gringo shoves Penta, fans rally up more, and Penta pulls off the glove. Pass to Alex, perfect catch! Penta then says “CERO! MIEDO!” but Gringo blocks it! Fenix SUPERKICKS Gringo from behind! Anthony Henry CLOBBERS Penta from behind! Fenix kicks Henry, runs, but Henry WHEEL KICKS! Vikingo SCREW HIGH KICKS! Shane DECKS Vikingo! Komander springboards, but Shane catches him!

Shane goes to ropes but Komander RANAS Shane up and out! JD runs in to SHOTGUN BOOT Fenix! Penta SUPERKICKS JD down! Gringo SOBATS, runs, but into a half nelson, pump handle, MADE IN MEXICO! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up as Gringo survives! Penta stalks Gringo, brings him up, and tags in Fenix. Fenix goes up, “CERO! MIEDO!” but Gringo wrenches out to send Penta into Fenix! Gringo tags in Shane and they mug Fenix. They double whip but Fenix KICKS Gringo. Shane bobs ‘n’ weaves to HEADBUTT Fenix! Gringo trophy lifts and FACEBUSTERS! Shane SPLASHES down! Cover, Penta breaks it!

Fans fire up as Shane complains. The ref reprimands, Penta backs off, and Shane drags Fenix up. Shane reels Fenix in, says “CERO! F YOU!” But Fenix slips out to SUPERKICK! Tag to Komander and he springboards in, but Shane gets under. Komander ducks one lariat but not the SOUTHPAW! Shane tags Henry and Henry tags JD. Tag to Gringo, Henry KNEES Komander! JD CANNONBALLS! The Workhorsemen then get Komander up, FACEBUSTER to SHINING WIZARD! Gringo goes up to BEST MOONSAULT EVER! Cover, Vikingo breaks it! Henry goes after Vikingo and Gringo tags in JD.

The fans rally up but JD & Gringo mug  Komander. JD keeps Komander from his corner and CHOPS him off his feet! JD drags Komander up but Komander KICKS and KICKS and KICKS! JD DECKS Komander! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up but JD brings Komander up to a scoop. Komander fights free, ducks and PELES! JD wobbles, Komander tags Vikingo! Springboard MISSILE DROPKICK for JD! Vikingo dodges Henry to HEEL KICK him! Gringo runs in, Vikingo goes up to stand on Gringo’s shoulders! Then RANA! Fans are thunderous but Shane POUNCES Vikingo away! Fenix tags in, Vikingo BOOTS Shane!

Fenix mule kicks, SUPERKICKS, then SCREW HIGH KICKS Shane down! Tag to Penta and the Lucha Brothers get JD with DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Double mule kicks, then “UNO! DOS! TRES!” DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! And then wheelbarrow VICTORY SPLASH! Cover, TWO! JD survives but Penta fires up with the fans. Penta drags JD up, and KICKS him in the leg! JD hobbles, fans want “OTRA! OTRA!” So Penta KICKS JD again! “CERO! MIEDO!” Underhooks, but JD wrenches out! Penta dodges the lariat, both men run, DOUBLE LARIATS take them down! Fans fire up as they both crawl, hot tags to Fenix and Henry!

Fans rally as Henry and Fenix trade shots! Forearms and CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS! Then back to forearms! Fans are thunderous for the scrap, and Fenix ROCKS Henry with shot after shot! Fenix fires up, but Henry bobs ‘n’ weaves to palm strike and ENZIGURI! PENALTY KICK! Fisherman, AOI SHOUDO! Cover, all the luchadores break it! Shane runs in, he swats Komander but Vikingo dumps Shane out! Gringo runs in, Vikingo dodges to SPINNING RANA! Gringo bails out, Vikingo goes up top! Vikingo stands on the very corner post itself, and Komander tightrope walks in! ARIHARA MOONSAULT and SUPER FLYING RANA!!

Fans are thunderous but things speed up in the ring! Fenix Tiger Feint Rewinds to HEEL KICK! Down goes Henry! Tag to Penta, They DOUBLE SUPERKICK JD, and then DOUBLE SUPERKICK Henry! The Lucha Brothers coordinate, “This is Awesome!” “CERO! MIEDO!” DOUBLE STOMP FEAR FACTOR!!! Cover, the luchadores win!

Winners: El Hijo del Vikingo, Komander & The Lucha Brothers, by pinfall

Another huge win for this incredible quartet, and they dance in celebration! Will there be a fiesta in Chicago? Will anyone be able to stop these champions of lucha?


Samoa Joe speaks.

“Hello, Samoa Joe here, your ROH Television Champion. And this week, I take on Roderick Strong in the Owen Hart Cup. Roderick, you are a fantastic athlete, you are a dangerous individual in the ring. But if there’s one thing that’s always been true, Roderick, is that when it comes to facing me, you always come up short. And this week, it will be no different. Thanks to my marvelous benefactor, Tony Khan, I have my brand new championship-” Stokely applauds and says yes, show the gratitude. Tony’s at gorilla, working hard, that is why Stokely “The Big Dog” is here running things. Why not show him that same gratitude?

Oh, Stokely runs things? Yes, sir! Joe can actually get behind that. Can he tell Stokely why? Because when he thinks somebody is gonna handle business, he thinks Stokely Hathaway, “The guy who is gonna take ROH to another level.” Yeah, Stokely likes that. Stokely Hathaway, the big boss. Yeah! Stokely Hathaway, the man who only has to adhere to one rule to get things right. And you know what that one rule is? What is it? Stokely runs things! Yeah, yeah! “And I run you.” Stokely is afraid with Joe’s hand on his head. Joe pats Stokely on the head and says he looks forward to working with him. Has Stokely just signed his life away?


Lee Moriarty & “Big Bill” Morrissey VS KAROU & TARIQ!

#TAIGASTYLE and the human tower continue to roll as a duo, looking to take over the ROH Tag Division. Will they build a firm foundation? Or will they end up melting down in the Summer heat?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and Moriarty starts against Karou. They approach, but then Moriarty backs off to tag in Big Bill! Fans fire up as Bill makes Karou look normal! But Karou UPPERCUTS and CLUBS Bill! Bill just stands up, glares at Kaoru and CLUBS him on the back! Karou CLUBS Bill back! Bill CLUBS and CLUBS and CLUBS Karou, then runs to BOOT Karou down! Bill roars and fans are torn. Tariq tags in, ducks ‘n’ dodges and LARIATS but Bill stays up! Tariq fires hands and kicks and a CHOP, then repeat! And again! Bill stays up, Tariq runs, but into the SCRAPBUSTER!

Fans fire up with Bill and he tags Moriarty in. Ghost pin, TWO!! Tariq escapes but Moriarty brings him up. Tariq JABS Moriarty, but Moriarty gets mad and CLOBBERS Tariq! And then HAMMERS away on him! Bill loves it but the ref has Moriarty let off. Then Moriarty sucker punches Karou! Moriarty drags Tariq up but Tariq fights back. Moriarty gets around to clamp on a cobra twist! Tariq fights it so Moriarty KNEES low! Moriarty whips, Tariq reverses and RANAS! Moriarty stands up and sees Karou glaring at him. Moriarty wants the big guy to calm down, but then he turns around into a CHOP from Tariq!

Tariq tags Karou, Karou runs in to SPLASH! And then he runs to ROCK Bill! Karou roars, runs, but Moriarty dodges! Bill runs in to SPLASH! Tariq tags in before Bill clotheslines Karou out of the ring! Tariq leaps over Bill but Moriarty ENZIGURIS! Fans fire up as Moriarty hooks Tariq up, BOW ‘N’ ARROW SLAM!! BORDER CITY STRETCH!! Tariq endures but he taps, Moriarty & Morrissey win!

Winners: Lee Moriarty & “Big Bill” Morrissey, by pinfall

Morrissey & Moriarty are all fired up, and Moriarty does his dance. Will these two find themselves aiming at the top soon enough?


ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships: The Mogul Embassy VS Los Ingobernables de Japon!

Brian Cage, Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun keep on winning, having all but cleared out ROH. But now NJPW is visiting, and Bushi, Hiromu Takahashi & Shingo Takagi are looking for some action! Will the Black Mask, Ticking Timebomb & Rampaging Dragon be able to take these titles from The Machine & The Gates of Agony? Or will the Embassy be anything but tranquilo?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if LIJ kicks down the Forbidden Door!

The Code of Honor is skipped and the trios sort out. Bushi starts against Cage, runs in, but Cage runs him over! Fans boo and Bushi gets up to tag Takagi. Takagi runs in to RAM Cage! Cage stays up but Takagi smiles. Takagi runs to RAM Cage again! Takagi dares Cage to try so Cage runs, and they RAM shoulders! Takagi backs off and fans fire up as Hiromu tags in. Hiromu revs up, fans fire up more, and Hiromu runs in, to get run over! Cage whips Hiromu to a corner, runs in but Hiromu dodges. Bushi back elbows! Takagi clotheslines! Snapmare, BASEMENT DROPKICK SANDWICH! Fans fire up, Hiromu covers, ONE!!

Cage has power still so Hiromu hurries to scoop. Cage is too big, he scoops and SLAMS Hiromu! Cage whips Hiromu to a corner but Hiromu dodges. Hiromu runs in but Cage puts him on the apron. Cage blocks a shot to ROUNDHOUSE Hiromu! The Gates BLAST Bushi & Takagi! Cage drags Hiromu up, deadlift SUPERPLEX! Cage drags Hiromu up and over, tags Kaun in, and Kaun puts Hiromu up top. Liona tags in, Kaun has Hiromu for the TOP ROPE BACKBREAKER! Hiromu ends up on the apron, Liona SENTONS him! Cover, TWO! Hiromu survives and Nana argues the count, but Liona clamps a claw into Hiromu’s shoulder!

Hiromu fights up, kicks Liona low, but Liona whips Hiromu to a corner. Liona RAMS into Hiromu, hoists him up top, but Hiromu fires off hands! Hiromu BOOTS Liona, leaps, but into Liona’s arms! Liona swings Hiromu but Hiromu uses that to DDT! Fans fire up while both men crawl. Hiromu and Liona crawl, hot tags to Takagi and Kaun! Takagi knees Kaun, whips him, but Kaun reverses. Takagi dodges Kaun, keeps moving, Kaun dodges the Pumping Bomber but runs into an ELBOW! JAB! YUKON LARIAT! Fans fire up and Takagi runs in at the corner. Takagi blocks the boot, and clotheslines through!

Takagi fires off shots but Cage gets in to CLUB him! Cage & Kaun double whip, but Takagi ducks, sends Kaun into cage, and DOUBLE LARIATS! Neither man falls, surprising to Takagi. But Takagi still catches Kaun to a clinch, kicks Cage low and reels him in, COMPLETE SHOT DDT COMBO! Fans fire up again and Takagi drags Kaun up. Suplex high and hard! Cover, TWO! But Takagi says it’s time! Fans fire up more and Takagi drags Kaun up. Kaun throws a forearm, Takagi gives it back, they go back and forth! Kaun gets the edge, but Takagi fireman’s carries! Kaun slips free, BACKSTABBER!

Kaun drags Takagi up, underhooks, but Takagi wrenches free. Kaun breaks the wristlock, but Takagi feints lariat to DDT! Fans fire up and Takagi tags in Bushi. Bushi gets the fans fired up even more as he climbs up, MISSILE DROPKICK! Bushirooni! Liona runs in, throws Bushi to the corner, but Bushi dodge! Liona tumbles up and out, and Bushi DROPKICKS Cage! Hiromu joins in, he and Bushi double whip Kaun! Hiromu clotheslines, Bushi back elbows, and Takagi clotheslines! Feed to mule kick, front kick, LARIAT! FISHERMAN SCREW! Cover, TWO!! Bushi aims from a corner as Kaun rises.

Bushi runs in, but Kaun denies the Code Breaker to then LARIAT! Nana shouts for Kaun to finish this and Kaun fireman’s carries. But Hiromu dropkicks the legs out! Cage runs in to ROCK Hiromu, fires off shots, but Takagi fires off shots on Cage! Takagi & Hiromu double whip but Cage DOUBLE LARIATS! Cage scoops Takagi but Hiromu goes up to add on! But Cage stays up!? POWERBOMB POWERSLAM COMBO!! Fans are thunderous for the power levels! Cage goes out after Bushi, the ref is there, and Bushi BLACK MISTS Cage!! Nana protests but Liona grabs Bushi! Bushi rakes Liona’s eyes!

Bushi fires off hands, Kaun returns but Bushi fires off shots on him! Bushi fights the Gates of Agony, roars and runs, but into double shoulders! The Gates get Bushi up, DOUBLE FACEBUSTER! Cover, The Embassy wins!

Winners: The Mogul Embassy, by pinfall (still ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships)

LIJ pushed the Embassy better than most, but the Gates still slammed shut on them. Will any team ever be able to dethrone Cage, Kaun & Liona?


The United Empire speaks.

Kyle Fletcher says, “Now, you’ve been seeing my beautiful face, Kyle Fletcher & Aussie Open, running both AEW and ROH as of late, but this week is about opening up the Forbidden Door, so I brought two of my beautiful friends from NJPW, TJP and Jeffrey Cobb, baby.” Jeff is a bit confused by hearing his full name, but TJP wants to make this clear to those from ROH stepping to them. “The UE holds the crowns, and boys, you simply couldn’t touch us if this match took place in a phone booth. But perhaps, lucky for you, or maybe not so lucky, big man in here can’t fit in a phone booth.”

Cobb says that to be honest, it doesn’t matter what pairing of the UE it is, what company it is, from ROH to AEW to NJPW, “all pandas having fun,” because at the end of the day, the United Empire runs the world. #CrownsUp.


El Desperado VS Willie Mack!

The Rogue Luchador has been busy lately, but he’s more than ready to bring Strong Style to ROH. Will Desperado be rolling into next week’s “Final Death” with Jon Moxley? Or will the Return of the Mack send him packing back to Japan?

The Code of Honor is upheld and fans already chant “This is Awesome!” The bell rings and the two circle. They run in, RAM shoulders, and Mack stays up. Desperado runs, RAMS Mack, but Mack still stays up. Desperado applauds and dares Mack to go. Mack says okay, he runs, but Desperado drops then ELBOWS! Mack stays up against ropes, Desperado runs but Mack hurdles! Desperado leaps over, but runs into a CALF KICK! Fans fire up and Mack nods. Mack covers, TWO! Fans rally, Mack brings Desperado up, and he ROCKS Desperado! Desperado goes to a corner, but he comes back with a CHOP!

Desperado CHOPS and CHOPS but Mack ROCKS him! Mack CHOPS right back! Desperado falls and fans fire up with Mack. Mack pushes Desperado to a cover, ONE! Desperado shakes his head, and fans rally up. Desperado rises, Mack fireman’s carries, but Desperado fights free. Desperado waistlocks but Mack breaks it to switch. Desperado flails and goes to ropes to buck Mack away. Desperado runs in but into a SAMOAN DROP! Fans rally up, and Mack kips up! Not as smooth as Mack wants it, but he adds a bit of the Mack-a-rena to then STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up while Desperado writhes.

Mack stalks Desperado to a corner, then ROCKS him! Fans duel between Desperado and Mack, and Mack whips corner to corner. Mack runs in but Desperado dodges! Mack hits buckles, Desperado comes in but into an ELBOW! Mack winds up, but Desperado dropkicks the legs! Mack staggers, Desperado CHOPS! Desperado puts the and leg on ropes and pulls! The ref counts, Desperado lets off, and he BOOTS the leg! Desperado then gets Mack out of the corner, snapmares, and he grabs the bad leg. Desperado YANKS the leg and Mack clutches the knee. Desperado then SPLASHES the leg! Cover, TWO, but Desperado keeps on the leg.

Desperado steps over to HIP DROP, and then he ties Mack up in the INDIAN DEATHLOCK! Fans rally, Mack keeps his shoulders up but Desperado taunts him. Mack ROCKS Desperado, and again! And again! Desperado falls over and puts more pressure on the hold! Mack crawls to the ROPEBREAK! Desperado sits up to undo the hold, and “Oops!” he drops knees on the knee! Fans rally up, Desperado drags Mack up but Mack ROCKS him! And ROCKS him again! Desperado KICKS the bad leg! Mack drops to a knee, and Desperado brings him up. Mack ROCKS Desperado again! And again!

Desperado wobbles, Mack powers up, but Desperado KICKS the bad leg again! Desperado puts Mack in a corner, whips him corner to corner, but the leg won’t let Mack get that far. Desperado runs in but Mack pops him up to BLAST him! Fans fire up while both men are down! Mack huffs and puffs and goes to a corner. Desperado goes to the other, fans rally and duel, and Mack runs corner to corner, CANNONBALL! Fans fire up while Mack covers, TWO! Desperado is still in this but Mack shakes the bad leg out. Mack goes up the corner, and FROG FLOPS!! Desperado hurries to get the leg, STRETCH MUFFLER!!

Mack rolls Desperado to a cradle! TWO!! Desperado escapes, kicks the leg out, and then reels Mack in! But Mack fights the underhooks to DECK Desperado! Mack calls his shot, suplexes, but Desperado fights free. Desperado wrenches and dropkicks the leg! Underhooks and PINCHE- NO, Mack fights it, wrenches and ROUNDHOUSES! Fans fire up as Mack hobbles around. Mack drags Desperado up, reels him in, and gets him up, but Desperado fights free! Underhooks and PINCH- NO, Mack powers out with a back drop! Fans fire up as Mack throws off the elbow pads. Mack runs in, but Desperado wrenches, spins, and backslides!

Mack rolls through, but Desperado has the arms! PINCHE LOCO!!! Cover, Desperado wins!

Winner: El Desperado, by pinfall

Mack gave Desperado a great fight, and Desperado makes it a great win! Will this help Desperado be NJPW Strong next week against Moxley?


Yujiro Takahashi & SHO VS Roppongi Vice!

The Tokyo Pimp and Murder Machine are here representing The House of Torture, and going against a team that knows them, ROH and NJPW very well. Will Yujiro & Sho use every trick in the book to embarrass Trent Beretta & Rocky Romero? Or will Sho’s former mentors humble him once and for all?

RPG Vice wait on Sho & Yujiro for the Code of Honor, but they don’t wanna. Trent & Rocky shake hands then, only for Sho & Yujiro to attack! The bell rings, Sho kicks Rocky to a corner while Yujiro CLUBS Trent to the opposite. Yujiro knees low, Sho climbs up to smother Rocky, but the ref counts. Sho lets off, he and Yujiro whip Trent & Rocky at each other, but RPG Vice dosido and DOUBLE DROPKICK in return! Fans fire up, Rocky whips Sho into Yujiro! Trent whips Rocky into back body block them both! Trent then wheelbarrows Rocky and helps him DOUBLE KNEE Yujiro! Fans fire up as RPG Vice high-five!

Rocky drags Yujiro up to UPPERCUT! Rocky wrenches Yujiro, tags Trent, and they double whip to ropes. Double hip toss, and then Rocky runs to PENALTY KICK! Trent STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Trent drags Yujiro up, but Yujiro kicks low! Yujiro facelocks, suplexes, but Trent fights it! Trent suplexes but Yujiro fights it, and BITES Trent’s hand! The ref reprimands, fans boo, but Yujiro whips. Sho gets a cheap shot but Trent DECKS him! Yujiro runs in but Trent tosses him! Fans rally as Trent aims, PLANCHA takes out Tokyo Pimp! Fans fire up with Trent but Sho CLOBBERS him!

Fans boo but Sho drags Trent up. Rocky rushes over but Sho kicks and CLUBS him! Sho RAMS Rocky into barriers! Fans rally for RPG Vice but Sho claws Trent’s eyes. Sho puts Trent in, Yujiro slides in and grins. Yujiro brings Trent up to CLAW the eyes! Sho distracts the ref, Yujiro lets off on his own time, but fans still boo. Yujiro kicks Trent, tags Sho, and Sho goes after Trent. Sho rakes eyes, whips Trent, and back drops him! Cover, ONE!! Trent is tough, Sho is upset, and Sho whips Trent corner to corner. Sho runs in but Trent BOOTS him! Trent CHOPS Sho, then ROCKS him! Sho wrenches the arm to bring Trent to his knees!

Sho KICKS, KICKS and SUPERKICKS! Then deadlift suplex! Cover, TWO! Sho is annoyed and he tags Yujiro in. Fans rally, Yujiro drags Trent up and bumps him off buckles. Yujiro fires forearms and elbows in the corner, then backs up to run in, but Trent dodges! TORNADO DDT! Both men are down and fans fire up! Trent and Yujiro crawl, hot tags to Sho and Rocky! Sho swings, Rocky dodges to CHOP and ROCK and repeat! Rocky whips Sho, Sho reverses but Rocky ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Fans fire up with Rocky and he has Sho in a corner. Rocky climbs up to rain down fists! But Yujiro stops Rocky at six!

Yujiro whips Rocky corner to corner, runs in, but Rocky dodges! Rocky clotheslines Sho! Then Yujiro! Then back again! And again! But Sho dodges, only for Rocky to DOUBLE LARIAT the House! Fans rally up, Rocky drags Sho up and tags in Trent. Trent hangs Sho out to dry and Rocky DOUBLE STOMPS Sho down! SLIDING KNEE from Trent! Cover, TWO!! Sho survives, he is a former champion in his own right. But then Trent picks Sho up, Rocky climbs, only for Yujiro to SHOVE Rocky down! Sho turns things around on Trent, but Trent fights the piledriver. Trent gets around HALF ‘N’ HALF!

Sho flounders and fans rally up. Trent snarls while the ref checks Sho, and Yujiro slides in with his pimp cane! Trent blocks the pimp cane, kicks Yujiro low, and takes the cane from Yujiro! But Sho shows the ref what’s going on! The ref takes the cane, Yujiro BOOTS and Sho SPEARS! Fans boo but Sho drags Trent up and reels him in. POWER BREAKER!! Cover, TWO!!! Trent survives and Sho is furious! The fans fire up, Sho tags Yujiro and they drag Trent back up. They double whip Trent to a corner, Sho runs in and clotheslines! Yujiro runs in to BOOT! Yujiro puts Trent up top and then climbs up after him. SUPER FISHERMAN BUSTER!!

Sho blocks Rocky as Yujrio covers, but Rocky powers through to break the cover! Fans fire up again as Rocky CLUBS away on Yujiro! Rocky and Sho throws forearms back and forth, and Rocky roars! Rocky fires off a flurry, but Sho BENDS the fingers! The ref reprimands, Rocky kicks free and runs, but the ref is ushed as a shield! JUMP KNEE! Sho runs, but into DOUBLE JUMP KNEES!! Rocky builds speed to DIVE onto Sho! Trent stands, Yujiro runs in, but into a spin and backslide! Roll through, Alabama Lift! Rocky is up top, STRONG ZERO!! Cover, RPG Vice wins!

Winners: Roppongi Vice, by pinfall

The OG duo pulls it off, they knock down the House of Torture! But then Sho CLOBBERS them both from behind! Fans boo the sore losers as Sho & Yujiro beat down on Trent & Rocky! But wait! Here comes Orange Cassidy! Freshly Squeezed is a friend, so he’s “storming” down to the ring! Yujiro & Sho decide to bail out, they don’t want to deal with the AEW International Champion. Oh, hold on. Cassidy and RPG Vice GROUP HUG! You GOT to- Oh, wait, Excalibur isn’t here. Will Cassidy tip the scales in favor of Chaos? Or will the House of Torture find a way to stack the deck like they do in NJPW?


Six Man Tag: The United Empire VS Action Andretti, Darius Martin & Christopher Daniels!

Kyle Fletcher, TJP & Jeff Cobb spoke their minds earlier, and now they look to back it all up with action! But will the Aussie Arrow, Public Enemy and Imperial Unit conquer all levels of ROH? Or can the Sight to See, Air Wolf & Fallen Angel lead the resistance?

The Code of Honor is upheld, and the trios sort out. Fans chant “AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!” “OI OI OI!” but we start with TJP and Action. The two circle, feel things out, and knuckle lock. TJP spins and wrangles Action to the mat, but action rolls back. TJP wrenches but Action spins and bridges, then handsprings and wrenches back to a wristlock. Fans cheer the exchange but TJP rolls, cartwheels and headscissors for the twisting headscissors! TJP keeps Action down, but Action headscissors back. TJP headstands, fans rally up, and TJP then slowly pops free to pat Action on the knee. Fans cheer, and then TJP runs in!

Action ducks the kick, rolls TJP up, TWO! TJP kicks, whips but Action reverses. TJP RANAS but Action handsprings through! Action wags his finger, things speed up, and Action RANAS, but then TJP handsprings through! TJP soaks up the cheers and jeers, but turns around into a DROPKICK! Fans rally up as Action runs, springboards, IMPLODER TORNILLO! Cover, TWO! Action brings TJP over, tags in Darius, and fans rally as the two double whip. TJP ducks ‘n’ dodges and sends Action into Darius! Tag to Kyle and he runs in, but into a CHOP! KICK! Snapmare and PENALTY KICK to a BASEMENT DROPKICK!

Tag to Daniels and he runs in to clothesline Kyle in the corner! SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Daniels keeps his cool and fans rally. Daniels brings Kyle up but Kyle scoops to SLAM! Kyle growls, tags in TJP, and TJP runs in but into a hip toss! Daniels CHOPS TJP down! Daniels bumps TJP off buckles, CHOPS him down again, and whips TJP to ropes. TJP ducks ‘n’ dodges then goes Spider-Man in the ropes. Daniels runs in but TJP dumps him out! Daniels gets back up, Kyle runs in but Daniels DECKS him! TJP runs in but Daniels ROCKS him! But Cobb YANKS Daniels off the apron, pops him up, and POSTS him!

Cobb still carries Daniels, puts him in the ring and TJP brings Daniels around. TJP KNEES Daniels in the back, covers, TWO! Fans rally up, chant for “JEFF COBB!” so TJP tags in Cobb. Fans fire up as Cobb brings Daniels around. Daniels throws hands and forearms, but Cobb CLUBS Daniels in the back! Cobb runs Daniels over, GACHIMUCHI MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Daniels survives but Cobb suplexes him up! Cobb carries Daniels over, Kyle tags in, and Kyle takes the handoff! Kyle holds Daniels for a few more seconds, then SLAMS Daniels down! Cover, TWO! Tag to TJP and they mug Daniels.

TJP bumps Daniels off buckles, stomps Daniels down and scrapes laces off Daniels’ face! Fans rally up, the ref counts, and TJP goes side to side. But Daniels avoids the boot wash! Clinch and EXPLODER! TJP flounders, Daniels crawls, hot tag to Darius! Darius rallies on the Empire! CHOP for Kyle, forearm for Cobb, then Darius pops Kyle up for an atomic drop! ENZIGURI, then TORNADO DDT! Cobb gets in to knee low! Cobb runs, but Darius follows to BULLDOG HOTSHOT and GAMANGIRI! Then step-in COMPLETE SHOT! TJP runs in, Darius goes up and over and blocks a kick to kick back.

TJP blocks, slips through, BIG SAIDO! Darius tags Action, he dodges TJP to mule kick, knee lift, TJP ducks the enziguri but not the PELE! Fans fire up and Action whips. TJP reverses but Action handsprings, BACK ELBOW! Fans fire up with Action and he whips. TJP goes Spider-Man again, slides under Action, but Action stays up to deadlift suplex! FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! TJP survives but Action shakes his head. Fans fire up as Action runs in but TJP goes up and over! TORNADO DDT! Action flounders away to a corner, Kyle runs in to GAMANGIRI! Whip to Cobb’s ATHLETIC PLEX!

Kyle drags Action into position, MAMBA SPLASH!! Cover, Darius and Daniels break it! Cobb & Kyle toss them out, then help TJP up. They get Action up, whip him to a corner, and then they send TJP in, but Action dodges! Daniels & Darius drag Kyle & Cobb out of the ring! Action ROCKS TJP, then he and Darius whip Daniels in to forearm smash! Feed to the SWINGING SIDE SLAM!! Cover, Action and team win!!

Winners: Action Andretti, Darius Martin & Christopher Daniels, by pinfall

The United Empire is shocked! Action & Darius pull off another shocking underdog win, when will they stop being seen as underdogs and start being seen as contenders?


Backstage interview with Jerry Lynn and The Kingdom.

Lexi is with the other part of the ROH Board of Directors, as well as Maria Kanellis, Mike Bennett & Matt Taven. Jerry wanted to address a few comments The Kingdom made last week. Like, he didn’t realize they loved Cracker Barrel.  He loves it, too! He and Lance Storm always had Cracker Barrel napkins in their bags. And also, how could they possibly hate ECW? Oh, Mike will tell you a thing about ECW! Maria hushes Mike and Taven steps in. Taven loved ECW! He saw Jerry at Wonderland Ballroom in Boston, and used to stay up to one in the morning to watch him on the Spanish channel.

Jerry’s the man! Former ECW World Champion, and a former ROH World Champion, just like The Trend! And that is the problem. That is why Stokely has a problem with Jerry. Jealousy is a stinky perfume, and Stokely’s smelling like a portapotty popsicle right about now. He is jealous of the legend that is Jerry Lynn! Jerry IS ROH! Mike agrees there, Jerry is the history of ROH. And speaking of history, remember back to December of 2012, ROH Final Battle. Taven wants Mike to stop there but Mike says he’s got this. That was Jerry’s last ROH match, right? Who did Jerry wrestle that night? Who was it? Mike has been looking around for that guy.

Oh right, it was MIKE! Mike retired Jerry in Hammerstein Ballroom. Does Jerry remember that night? Yes, actually. And rather vividly. Didn’t Maria have something to do with that? Maria would never! Jerry says fine, they have made some valid points. He will go over Stokely’s head, and he’ll give the Kingdom a tag match. But not the typical kind of tag match. It will be a Six Person Tag. See how well you do against combat ready soldiers in their prime. That’s right, Mixed Six, Trish Adora & The Infantry VS The Kingdom! Good luck. Jerry leaves, the OGK are confused, and Maria blames Mike. As does Taven. So they’re not going to Cracker Barrel?

Mike’s gonna be on the couch while he’s in the proverbial dog house, but can he, Taven and Maria find a way to defeat the AfroPunk, Captain Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo? Or is the Kingdom about to fall?


ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Ground Match: Athena VS KC Spinelli!

The Fallen Goddess has yet to be stopped, and that includes a win in the Women’s Owen Hart Cup Tournament at Forbidden Door. Will Athena continue until she has dominated ROH and AEW? Or can the Maid of Honor prove she is made of honor?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and we’re on the clock. Fans rally for KC, she and Athena tie up, and KC hits a headlock takeover. Athena fights up but KC hits another takeover. Athena fights up again, but KC hits yet another takeover! KC grinds Athena and Athena gets frustrated. Athena fights up yet again, powers up and out, but KC runs her over! Fans cheer and KC runs, but Athena gets up, side steps and trips KC! Athena slingshots to SPLASH! Cover, ONE!! Athena is annoyed but she asks, “This the best you got, Canada?” Athena cheers herself on but KC backslides! TWO!

They stay hooked up, KC spins and fireman’s carries to a SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! KC CLUBS away on Athena, brings her up and half nelsons then dragon sleepers! KC locks ‘n’ loads but Athena fights out to CLUB KC, KNEE her, and then just CLUB away on her! KC hits back but Athena just HAMMERS KC down to the mat! Fans cheer and jeer, but Athena drags KC up again. Athena whips then UPPERCUTS KC! Athena goes side to side to ROCK KC! Athena snapmares, and tells the “piece of garbage” to get up! KC stands, Athena DECKS her! Cover, Athena wins!

Winner: Athena, by pinfall (denies KC Spinelli a title opportunity)

Angel Face goes down, and will probably wake up with a shiner in the morning. But will anyone anywhere be able to stop The Fallen Goddess from adding the Queen of Harts belt to her collection?

Wait, Athena isn’t done with KC, she SHOTGUNS her on the outside! And throws her into the steel steps! “This is MY show!” Athena then runs in to KNEE KC against the steps! Fans boo but Athena says it’s after the bell, the ref can’t do anything! Will management look to finally do something about Athena’s mean streak?


ROH World Championship Proving Ground Match: Claudio Castagnoli VS Chuck Taylor!

The Swiss Superman said it himself, if the Kentucky Gentlemen wants his shot at the title, he can’t just last ten minutes, he has to win! Will Chuck still have Claudio’s number in 1v1 competition? Or will Claudio tear Chuck down and prove no one is worthy?

The Code of Honor is upheld but barely, and the bell rings. The two tie up, Claudio puts Chuck in a corner then shoves him. Chuck shoves back, Claudio shoves again, and the forearms start flying! Chuck stomps away in the corner, then climbs up to rain down fists! Fans count all the way to TEN, and Chuck lets off to throw Claudio out. Chuck then goes out after Claudio and SMACKS him off steel steps! Chuck ROCKS Claudio, Claudio ROCKS Chuck back! Claudio fires body shots and forearms but Chuck returns those! Claudio gets in the ring, knees Chuck low, then whips him to ropes. Chuck reverses to hit SOLE FOOD!

Claudio tumbles out of the ring, Chuck pursues! Chuck brings Claudio around to whip, but Claudio reverses and Chuck hits barriers! Claudio runs in to UPPERCUT Chuck up and over into the timekeeper’s area! Claudio gets in the ring and fans cheer. The ring count climbs, Chuck drags himself back out of the timekeeper’s area, and gets in the ring. But Claudio BOOTS him right back out! The count starts again while Claudio soaks up cheers and jeers. Claudio lets that happen, Chuck gets back up, and Claudio BLASTS him back down! Claudio goes out, drags Chuck up and SMACKS him off the desk! And again! And again!

Claudio brings Chuck around to UPPERCUT him into the crowd! Claudio goes up and over, DDT onto a chair! Claudio hurries back into the ring, he wants the ring count to handle this. Chuck is down at 3 of 0, but wait, Trent & Rocky return. They cheer on their best friend, Chuck drags himself up and over as the count reaches 8 of 10! Chuck hurries up and in at 9! But Claudio runs in, only for Chuck to toss him back out! Fans fire up as Chuck FLIES! Direct hit and down goes Claudio! Fans fire up more and Chuck puts Claudio in the ring. Claudio staggers around, into a COMPLETE SHOT! KOJI KLUTCH!

Fans fire up as Claudio endures and reaches out! ROPEBREAK! Chuck lets go in frustration but he pounds the mat. Fans rally up with Chuck and he brings Claudio up. But Claudio fights the piledriver and UPPERCUTS! Chuck ROCKS Claudio! Claudio UPPERCUTS! Chuck forearms, Claudio fires off shots! Claudio UPPERCUTS in the corner! Claudio keeps moving, and he UPPERCUTS again! Claudio goes in again, into a SEXY CHUCKIE KNEE! STUFF PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Fans rally up for “CHUCKIE T! CHUCKIE T!” Chuck throws hands on Claudio and then runs, but into a POP-UP UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO!!

Chuck survives but Claudio stays right on him! GOTCH- NO, jackknife bridge! TWO!! Both men run in, Claudio LARIATS Chuck! Then RICOLA BOMB!!! Cover, Claudio wins!

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli, by pinfall (denies Chuck Taylor a title opportunity)

The time limit wasn’t needed, because Claudio still beat Chuck fast! And he barely keeps the Code of Honor this time, too. The Swiss Superman’s busy in AEW, but will he manage to find time for ROH this Summer?

My Thoughts:

A really good episode for ROH here, especially with the NJPW crossovers. Though, I’m a bit torn on Embassy VS LIJ. It is still impressive for Embassy to be undefeated this long, but I just knew Bushi was gonna take that loss no matter what. I’m not gonna say ROH World Six Man titles have been booked into a corner, but they’re going down a narrow alley where I can’t even figure out who could take those titles. And quite the surprise that the United Empire lost to Action, Darius & Daniels. The UE was running pretty hot, but I suppose they can take one loss. Darius & Action count as Junior Heavyweights, I would love if they got a shot at the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag titles after Catch 2/2 deals with Bullet Club.

Great stuff from Desperado VS Mack, and good win from Desperado to have momentum going into next week’s NJPW Independence Day events. Desperado & Jun Kasai VS Moxley & Homicide in a No Disqualification tag, and then Desperado VS Moxley in “Final Death,” those matches are going to be wild. And great stuff out of Roppongi Vice VS House of Torture. This is the one time House of Torture didn’t use Evil, Dick Togo and other shenanigans, but that’s cuz Evil & Dick probably didn’t make the trick. Great win for RPG Vice, and great save from Cassidy. I would love to get full House of Torture VS Cassidy, Rocky, Trent & Chuck but Forbidden Door is only an annual thing.

And even the pure ROH material was good stuff. Good win for Diamante in the rematch, good win for Moriarty & Morrissey as well as for LFI taking on new teams, and great win in the 8 Man Tag for Vikingo, Komander & Lucha Bros. Great promo from Samoa Joe to call out Roderick Strong and to intimidate Stokely, and great promo from Kingdom and Jerry Lynn. I just knew the Mixed Six was coming, that is going to be great stuff. I feel like it’d work better in story if Adora & Infantry won here, and maybe the Kingdom can escalate things like they did with Action & Darius. I feel like ROH has to figure out how to do the ROH Tag Team Championship story, Lucha Bros are doing more on AEW than they are here. There’s a tag tournament in AEW, why not do a big tag contender match in ROH?

The Righteous VS Dark Order wasn’t quite what I expected given how they were building things. Where is the No Disqualification Tag match? No Disqualification Trios match? I will say it was still a clever way to sucker Uno like that and that helps Righteous win, but we should get to a blowoff already. Athena of course wins another Proving Grounds match, and commentary keeps it in mind that she and Willow Nightingale are facing off in the Women’s Owen Hart Cup. Maybe if Willow wins their match, Willow can come back for another shot at the ROH Women’s title at Death Before Dishonor.

And good promo from Claudio and Chuck to set up their own Proving Ground match. I suppose Claudio winning is fine, he’s a lot busier in AEW right now with Blood & Guts set for just days before Death Before Dishonor. There’s also plenty of heat still between Claudio and Eddie Kingston, they could run it back at DBD, but that assumes either guy is in any shape after Blood & Guts. ROH has only been back 18 weeks and it already feels like a mess because there isn’t a hard divide between the ROH roster and the AEW roster. Whoever they get to face Claudio should really beat Claudio and then stay dedicated to ROH so there can be better stories.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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