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Andrew’s Impact Wrestling Results and Match Ratings: 6.29.2023

Trey gets his contractually obligated rematch for the X Division title and Nick Aldis addresses why he shanghai’d Alex Shelley!



So let’s see if I remember how to do this. Unlike some of my other gaps in coverage, it wasn’t because of business or a drop in quality of the product…it was an accident which saw me hospitalized for like a month; plus the last few Thursdays have just been bad days in my recovery. BUT – here we are, it is Thursday and I feel pretty good.

Honestly the accident came at an awful time since I love the Motor City Machine Guns, and for both of them to be at the top of the important singles divisions is an era I’m completely here for. Also recently I read that Moose is sticking around with Impact Wrestling, so that’s a wonderful thing. Time to get into things and see if I can figure out where the stories are at.


  • X Division Championship: Trey Miguel vs Chris Sabin (c): Sabin retains via DQ – ***
  • Trinity vs Jai Vidal w/Savannah Evans & Gisele Shaw: Trinity wins via Starstruck – ** 1/4
  • Lio Rush vs Jack Price: Lio Rush wins via Final Hour – **
  • KiLynn King w/Taylor Wilde vs Masha Slamovich: Masha wins via Russian Death Device – ** 1/2
  • Yuya Uemura vs Kenny King w/Sheldon Jean: Kenny wins via Royal Flush – ** 1/4


X Division Championship: Trey Miguel vs Chris Sabin (c)

Ahh its so nice to see garbage ass Trey without the title and good ole Hail Sabin as the 9 time X Division icon. 

A simple wrist control traded bunch of Arm Wringers and general World of Sport kind of start. Nothing special, very chalk for a Junior Heavyweight match nowadays. Rolling Collar and Elbow tie up, neither man relents until they end on the ramp first and then out of the ring the next roll. After a small staredown Sabin trips Trey on apron and he eats apron. Sabin gets cocky and then gets kicked in the face.

Sabin lands a punctuated Back Body Drop into a Punt Kick for a slightly arrogant pin attempt that Trey kicks out of. Trey takes advantage of Sabin taking his foot off the gas for a near fall, and takes control int he match. Fireman’s Carry Neck Breaker from Trey for another near fall and then he wiffs on a Lionsault. Swift kicks from Sabin send Trey to the corner, Yakuza kick and Sabin looks for a Superplex and hits it! But only a 2 cout.

Desperation Lightning Spiral from Trey, but its countered, Victory Roll from Sabin transitioning into a Cross-legged Double Knee Breaker and then Sabin sinks in the STF; but Trey gets to the ropes. Slingshot Frankensteiner from Trey, into a Meteora, that Sabin rolls through back to the STF. Transitions the STF to the Cradle Shock and ZACHARY WENTZ ATTACKS SABIN! Finally we have a talented Rascal!

I hate Trey, but I love Wentz…so…I’m gonna be super conflicted.

Trinity vs Jai Vidal w/Savannah Evans & Gisele Shaw

Deonna comes out on commentary looking like the New Jersey mafia housewife snack that she is. This probably means Deonna will end up helping Trinity from the numbers that Gisele’s squad brings, but I’m not mad at babyface Deonna.

Jai runs his mouth and then runs out to powder which annoys Trinity. Jai takes advantage of that, gets her in the corner and literally slaps her in the face. Trinity fires back up, slides on her knees and returns the favor. Then Trinity does her…corner move where she grabs his head with her feet and I guess…twerks on his face? That’s a bit unique of a move. Jai is disgusted and its a solid comedy spot. Gisele distracts the referee so the combo of Jai and Savannah can trip up Trinity.

Vidal hits a Mutoh-esque Flashing Elbow for 2. And then Trinity starts to make a comeback. Sunset Flip, Jawbreaker, Lariat, Flying Back Elbow and a Heel Kick into a Disaster Kick for 2. Avalanche Crossbody from Trinity, Jai tries to powder and Trinity kicks the middle rope and locks in Starstruck.

Deonna takes her sweet time before making the save, expressly going after Gisele since that’s her Down Under opponent. 

Lio Rush vs Jack Price

This is Lio’s Impact on AXS debut since he was seen on the Multiverse show earlier in the year.

Lio disrespects Price early by being nonchalant and then slapping him. Then we watch him rope run circles around Price landing a quick kick and the enhancement talent isn’t fairing too well. Handstand Kick drops Price to the outside, Rush misses the Baseball Slide, eats a punch for his troubles but that’s the extent of Price’s offense as Rush continues to evade and run circles around the guy.

Suicide Dive lays out Price, Sweeping Dragon Kick into the Final Hour for the win. The result was never in question.

KiLynn King w/Taylor Wilde vs Masha Slamovich

KiLynn has a few early moments, especially when she catches Masha running into the ropes and counters with a Snap Mare out of the ring. Taylor makes her presence felt a little in the corner, but generally speaking the action is slow and no really big moves get hit. KiLynn tries to set up some kind of Pump Handle move, but Masha counters and snaps off a Belly to Back Suplex. Five Hole Slide from Masha connecting with an Upkick to KiLynn’s face, corner smash, Spinning Heel Kick off the rope run but King slows down Masha’s offense. Hip Attack in the corner, into the short arm Fireman’s Carry Slam for 2.

Flurry of Blows from Masha, ending with a nice high Round Kick for 2. Masha charges King after she retreated to the corner, gets dumped out, King tries a Dive but Mash blocks it and lands he own Twisting Dive. Taylor attacks Masha while the ref is busy checking on King in the ring. But Killer Kelly shows up with a chain and starts choking out Taylor and biting her with a huge grin on her face. Savat Kick into Russian Death Device for the win!

Kelly and Masha…okay yes give me the sexy psychos team. Kelly is still wearing the chain from their dog collar match, walks in the ring and Masha tugs on the chain in a very dominant and sexy way. She then puts the other end around her own neck to solidify them as a team, but Masha WALKS Kelly out of the ring and up the ramp. So…Masha is the Dom in the relationship. Enemies to Lovers is such a great trope! Wait…no, I agree with what I just said.

Yuya Uemura vs Kenny King w/Sheldon Jean

Joe Hendry has a new song for Kenny King, they cut to him in the production truck telling Josh Mathews to wait for his cue. This should be glorious.

Top Wristlock, Yuya gets out of it and reverses it before Kenny moves to the corner to break. Kenny tries to take a swing at Yuya, but Yuya counters and keeps most of the momentum. Hip Toss block from Yuya with one of his own into a Dropkick, which sends Kenny to the corner to beg off and hide in the ropes. Cheap Shot turns into Kenny being in control now. Chin Checker attempt but Yuya counters, tries to capitalize but Kenny shoves him off and kicks him in his chest for his trouble.

Kenny tries to counter Yuya with the Up and Over in the corner with the Twisting Body Scissors, but its a bit botched, so Kenny audibles fairly quickly so it doesn’t look too awful. Kenny misses the Leg Drop, Dropkick from Yuya into a Snap Suplex and big corner Body Splash followed by the Bulldog for 2. Kenny goes for a Stalling Suplex, but Yuya knees him in the head and counters it into his own suplex. Commercial break happens and both men are trading punches. Yuya lays out King, fires like the baby Tanahashi he is, goes to the top…but gets cut off. Avalanche Crossbody misses from Yuya and King lines up his prey… Spinning Overhead Kick from Kenny, but that misses, Eddy Gordo kick into Royal Flush for 3!

Aldis comes out to address Alex Shelley about why he attacked him with the belt two weeks ago. He calls Alex out because he wants to explain it to his face. Nick claims its an unsafe working environment since Shelley kicked Jimmy Jacobs in the face last week, so he tells Shelley to take a seat with the fans. 

Wait, Nick’s reason for taking the cheap shot was because Sabin hot tagged to Shelley in the 10 man because he thinks there’s a conspiracy to make him look bad. That is a level of disillusioned that I haven’t heard in a hot minute. But I will say, Aldis is best as a heel, so this is much better than him trying to play nice. Aldis said Shelley is butthurt…and its just hilarious coming out of Aldis’ mouth. 

Adlis’ promo works perfectly. Shelley cuts him off and has the crowd behind him, then there’s a bit of a donnybrook. Sabin makes the save for Shelley, but then Lio Rush attacks Sabin. So Aldis and Rush are weird bedfellows, but it kinda works.


Overall Score: 7.5/10

Well it’s been a while since I’ve watched a full episode, and this was fun. We saw the formation of two new alliances (Lio/Nick and Masha/Kelly), a wrinkle in Brian Myers little lackey parade, Scott D’Amore had a great tribute, Santino cut the best non-comedy promo of his career, and the prodigal son Zachary Wentz has returned! I loved Wentz in Wrestle-1, his first run in Impact and I can totally tolerate him with Trey because it means he’s back!

So while the wrestling left a little to be desired, all of the story stuff was more than worthwhile. Am I bias because we’re in a Machine Gun era, with BDSM babes, Taylor Wilde in leather and Zachary Wentz back on TV? Yes…yes I am quite bias. But I still think the episode holds up without the slant.

I’m pretty excited for being a little more than 2 weeks away from Slammiversary!

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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