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Mitchell’s NJPW World Tag League Results & Report! (11/26/23)

B Block, round 3!



Will the Headbanga & Young Guerrilla have to tranquilo?

The NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions have been rolling through World Tag League, but will that roll come to a screeching halt against Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr?


  • 8 Man Tag: Tomoaki Honma, Yuto Nakashima & The Gates of Agony VS Bullet Club War Dogs; Bullet Club War Dogs win.
  • Six Man Tag: The United Empire VS The House of Torture; The United Empire wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Chaos VS TMDK; Chaos wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Shota Umino, Ren Narita & Oskar Leube VS Kaito Kiyomiya, Ryohei Oiwa & Boltin Oleg; Kaito, Oiwa & Oleg win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Lance Archer & Alex Zayne VS Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr; Archer & Zayne win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Bishamon VS Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza; Bishamon wins.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki VS Taichi & Yuya Uemura; Taichi & Yuya win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo VS Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr; Tsuji & Zandokan win.


Here are the current B Block standings.

Taichi & Yuya Uemura: 2-0, 4 points
Alex Zayne & Lance Archer: 2-0, 4 points
Atlantis Jr. y Soberano Jr: 2-0, 4 points
ELP & Hikuleo: 1-1, 2 points
Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr: 1-1, 2 points
Bishamon: 0-2, 0 points
Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza: 0-2, 0 points
Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki: 0-2, 0 points


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Lance Archer & Alex Zayne VS Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr!

The Monster Sauce just pinned the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions while the sons of lucha managed to bring down the Rogue Army. Both teams are 2-0 but still hungry for more, so who is eating their first loss here tonight?

Zayne is for some reason suddenly shy, and he keeps his jacket closed as he walks out here. Archer doesn’t understand why, either. He claims he’s cold? Archer insists he put the jacket aside, so Zayne reluctantly does, revealing he is just wearing basketball shorts. Did his luggage not make it? Well, the teams sort out, Archer starts against Atlantis and the bell rings. Fans rally up as the two tie up, and Archer laughs at he puts Atlantis in the corner. The ref counts, Archer lets off with pats on the shoulder, and the two reset. They approach, Atlantis gets around and throws a forearm! Archer doesn’t budge!

Archer takes a swing, Atlantis bobs ‘n’ weaves, runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges then CHOPS! Atlantis whips, Archer reverses but Atlantis holds ropes. Archer runs in, Atlantis dodges and comes back, but Archer puts him on the apron. Archer runs in but Atlantis shoulders him back! Atlantis slingshots but Archer stays up! Archer drags Atlantis up, TOSSES him to a corner, and then runs corner to corner. Atlantis dodges to BLAST Zayne, and Soberano GAMANGIRIS Archer! Atlantis & Soberano stomp away on Archer, the ref counts but they let off. Fans fire up and the luchadores mug Archer to then double whip. Archer swings but they dodge the double lariats!

Soberano runs back in but Archer catches his crossbody! Archer BOOTS Atlantis then FALL AWAY SLAMS Soberano! Zayne runs in, UPPERCUTS Atlantis then UPPERCUTS in the corner! Archer ELBOWS Atlantis, then helps Zayne with the HIP TOSS CANNONBALL! Fans fire up and Archer drags Atlantis up. Archer bumps Atlantis off buckles, then tags Zayne. Fans cheer and Zayne CLUBS Atlantis down. Zayne drags Atlantis up to ROCK him, and Atlantis falls back towards a corner. Zayne stands Atlantis up to knee low, then reels him in. Tag to Archer, Zayne scoops to SLAM! And then Archer scoops Zayne to SLAM him on Atlantis! Cover, TWO!

Archer argues with the ref and chases him around. Archer then goes back to Atlantis to snap suplex! Archer talks trash on Soberano then stands on Atlantis at the ropes. The ref counts, Archer steps away and he tells fans to urusei! Archer then whips Atlantis hard into the corner! Tag to Zayne and he clamps on a facelock. Atlantis endures, fights up, and throws body shots. Atlantis is free, he dodges Zayne and then scoops to BACKBREAKER! Fans rally up, both men crawl, and hot tag to Soberano! Soberano DROPKICKS Zayne, whips him to a corner, and then runs in to DROPKICK again! Zayne staggers, into a RANA!

Fans cheer and Soberano eggs on Archer. Soberano keeps Zayne from him, then holds out a hand tauntingly. The ref has to keep Archer back and Soberano CLUBS Zayne. Soberano taunts Archer, whips Zayne but Zayne reverses. Soberano BOOTS Zayne, Atlantis tags in, and Soberano BOOTS Zayne down! Soberano runs in and Atlantis puts him up top, but Archer runs in! Soberano BOOTS Archer, Atlantis SUPERKICKS, and then Zayne runs in. Atlantis gets around to waistlock Zayne, Soberano MISSILE DROPKICK SPLASH COMBOS, sending Zayne into Atlantis’ GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Atlantis covers, TWO!

Fans cheer as Zayne hangs tough, and Atlantis stands him up. Atlantis ROCKS Zayne, Zayne ROCKS Atlantis. They trade forearms, Zayne gets the edge and ELBOWS Atlantis. Zayne runs in at the corner but is put up top! ENZIGURI and Zayne’s in the Tree of Woe! Atlantis runs to DROPKICK him down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up while Atlantis argues the count. The ref says his count was fair, so Atlantis brings Zayne up to throw forearm after forearm. Atlantis runs, Archer gets in to scoop! ROLLING AX KICK SIDEWALK SLAM COMBO! Cover, Soberano breaks it! Archer ROCKS Soberano, then runs in, only for Soberano to dump him out!

Soberano aims and SLINGSHOT RANAS Archer! Atlantis puts Zayne on ropes, Soberano GAMANGIRIS and Atlantis DROPKICKS! Fans fire up and Atlantis tags Soberano. Soberano goes up to TORNILLO! Cover, TWO! Zayne is still in this and the fans fire up again. Soberano drags Zayne up to a fireman’s carry, and then hits a WASTELAND SLAM! Soberano goes to a corner, climbs up, but Archer STEP-UP KNEES! Zayne runs, NO HANDS STEINER! And then CHOKE SLAM SAULT but onto knees! Archer hurries to grab Soberano, CHOKE- NO, Soberano slips free and ENZIGURIS! Mule kick for Zayne, and Soberano stands on Zayne’s back!

But then Zayne avoids the Elevator Famouser! Atlantis runs in, but into a schoolboy KICK! Soberano kicks low, reels Zayne in and vows to finish this! Canadian Rack, into the Gory Especial! Swing and- NO, Zayne blocks the knee! Soberano avoids the lariat, but springboards into the choke grip! CHOKE SLAM! Atlantis runs in, into a POP-UP POWERBOMB! Fans fire up with Monster Sauce and they say, “ITADAKIMASU~!” Zayne hauls Soberano up, straitjacket and pump handle, TACO DRIVER!! Cover, Monster Sauce wins!

Winners: Lance Archer & Alex Zayne, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Atlantis & Soberano earn 0)

The sons of lucha libre just got burned! Will they be able to recover from this in the next round? Will Archer & Zayne keep things going until they feast in the finals?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Bishamon VS Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza!

It is rather shocking that Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi, THE IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, have started 0-2. However, the Rogue General & Red Commando are also 0-2, could this be a huge rebound for them? Or will the Fierce Warrior & Headhunter be the ones to finally get on the board?

The teams sort out and Bonza starts against Goto. Fans rally as the two circle, and they tie up. They go around, Bonza waistlocks but Goto wrenches and wristlocks. Bonza rolls, wrenches and waistlocks, but Goto switches. Goto full nelsons, spins Bonza to cravat then headlock, but Bonza pries the hold open to hammerlock. Goto goes to ropes, Bonza lets off, but then Bonza kicks low! Bonza headlocks and he grinds Goto, but Goto pries at the hold. Bonza clamps on tighter, but Goto powers out, only for Bonza to run Goto over! Bonza runs, Goto stays low but Bonza stomps him down! Bonza paces around then stands Goto up.

Bonza whips but Hashi tags in. Bishamon run Bonza over with double shoulders! Hashi runs and Goto sets up, ZANMAI! Fale runs in but Bishamon kicks him first! “SE~ NO!” They HAMMER away on Fale! Fale explodes out, but then Bishamon runs to double shoulder Fale down! Fans fire up and now Bishamon bring Bonza up. “SE~ NO!” and they HAMMER away on Bonza! Fans fire up, Hashi brings Bonza around to CLUB him again. Hashi whips Bonza to a corner, then storms up to CHOP him! Hashi ROCKS Bonza with a forearm, and then another, and then whips corner to corner. Bonza reverses but Hashi dodges the splash!

But Fale’s there to CLOBBER Hashi! Bonza BLASTS Goto, Fale drags Hashi out and throw body shots. Hashi falls over, the ref reprimands, but Fale sends Hashi into railing! Hashi falls in a heap, Bonza goes out to fetch him. Bonza drags Hashi up, puts him in the ring, and then tags Fale in. Bonza drags Hashi around and Fale stands on Hashi’s chest! It’s technically a cover so the ref counts, TWO! Hashi hangs in there but Fale drags him up. Fale CLUBS Hashi back down! Bonza applauds and Fale taunts Goto. The ref is busy with Goto so Bonza stands on Hashi’s head! Bonza gets away with that, and Fale stands Hashi up.

Fale scoops and SLAMS Hashi, then stands on his back! Fale goes surfing, but then lets off to cover, TWO! Fans applaud as Hashi hangs tough. Fale drags Hashi over, tags Bonza, and the Rogue Army mugs Hashi with a CHOP! Bonza ROCKS Hashi, ROCKS him again, then runs to BLAST Goto! Bonza returns to Hashi, but Hashi fires forearms in return! Hashi fires up, dodges Bonza and sends him into Fale! Roll up, with a bridge, TWO! Bonza checks, he’s safe, but then Hashi kicks. Hashi runs, but into an ELBOW! Bonza whips, Hashi ducks, but Bonza blocks the superkick into an STF! But Goto stomps Bonza!

Bonza BOOTS Goto and kicks him out of the ring! Bonza complains to the ref, then mocks the fans cheering on Hashi. Bonza drags Hashi up, reels him in, but Hashi suplexes! Bonza fights it, Hashi tries again, but then Bonza suplexes! Hashi slips free but Bonza elbows him away. Bonza runs but Hashi dropkicks the legs out! Fans rally up while both men are down! Hashi crawls over to the corner, hot tag to Goto! Goto runs in to run Bonza over! Goto fires off forearms, whips Bonza corner to corner, and runs in to MURAMASA! And then SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Goto keeps his cool and he ROCKS Fale! Fale grabs Goto!

Bonza CLUBS Goto, runs, but Goto follows to LARIAT! Fale runs in, Goto kicks him first! Goto reels Fale in, and aims for Bonza! But Fale blocks the suplex to scoop! Goto slips free but Fale elbows him away. Bonza runs in at the corner, but into a BOOT! Fale tries but Goto dodges the splash! Goto fires off forearms on them both! Goto runs, but Bonza drops and Fale LARIATS! Bonza covers, TWO! Fans rally up but the Rogue Army coordinates. They get Goto up, Bonza scoops, BACKBREAKER to Fale’s ELBOW DROP! Cover, Hashi breaks it! Fans fire up but Fale stomps Hashi and throws him out. But then Hashi RAMS Fale into railing!

Fans fire up while commentary takes a hit! Yoh is stunned and Milano Collection AT almost falls out of his seat like yesterday! Bonza has Goto, suplexes, but Goto slips free to waistlock. Bonza switches, Goto elbows free and runs, but Bonza BOOTS him! And LARIATS! Fans fire up and Bonza drags Goto up to reel him in. Gut wrench, DOCTOR BOMB!! Cover, HASHI BREAKS IT!! Hashi saves Goto from disaster but Fale ROCKS and CHOPS Hashi to a corner. The Rogue Army regroups and double whips corner to corner. Fale runs in but Hashi dodges to LARIAT Bonza! Hashi runs to clothesline Fale in the corner!

Hashi roars, fires off forearms, and then a kick and a CHOP! Fale stays up, but Hashi gets around him! Goto is back up and he LARIATS from behind! Bishamon fires up to DOUBLE LARIAT Fale up and out! Fans fire up, Bonza runs in to ELBOW Goto! Hashi blocks Bonza’s kick, Goto KICKS that leg! Goto fireman’s carries, for FIERCE FLASH into SHO- NO, Bonza kicks Hashi away! Goto feeds Bonza to HIDDEN GAP! And then SHOTO!! Cover, BISHAMON WINS!

Winner: Bishamon, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Rogue Army earns 0)

Finally, the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions have points! Does this mean their dream of a WTL threepeat is still alive? Does this third loss in a row mean the Rogue Army needs to call in reinforcements?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki VS Taichi & Yuya Uemura!

Blue Justice & The Meanest Man in the World are 0-2, but the Holy Emperor & Heat Storm are 2-0. But will Suzuki be able to bring down one of his former proteges? Or will Taichi and his new protege keep their roll towards the finals going?

The teams sort out and while Suzuki stares down Taichi, Nagata stares down Yuya. The fans rally up, the ref has the teams settle down, and Taichi starts against Suzuki. The fans fire up with the bell as the two circle. Taichi and Suzuki stare down and Suzuki smirks. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and Suzuki powers Taichi to ropes. The ref counts the break, Suzuki lets off slowly, but Taichi is chill because he knows “Boss” Suzuki well. Suzuki grins as he and Taichi reset. They feel things out again, knuckle lock, and now Taichi puts Suzuki on ropes. They pull hair and ears, but Taichi still lets off. Fans applaud as the two reset again.

Suzuki tags to Nagata and fans applaud. Taichi then backs away to tag Yuya. The fans cheer as these two tie up, and Nagata wrenches. Yuya spins, wrenches, and WRINGS Nagata, reaches down, but Nagata headscissors. Yuya kips free and the fans cheer. Nagata and Yuya reset and circle again. They knuckle lock, then go shoulder to shoulder in a test of strength. They push each other, hands up then back to shoulder to shoulder. Yuya wrenches, hammerlocks then headlocks, and he holds tight as Nagata tries to power out! Fans cheer as Yuya facelocks to keep Nagata down. Nagata fights up, Yuya goes back to the headlock.

Nagata endures as Yuya grinds the hold. Yuya hits a takeover, Nagata headscissors, Yuya kips free and hits a flying takeover! Fans cheer as Heat Storm has Blue Justice back down. Nagata fights up, Yuya grinds the hold, but Nagata throws body shots. Nagata sends Yuya to a corner, runs in, but Yuya dodges to arm-drag! But then Nagata kitchen sink knees! Fans rally up and Nagata KICKS Yuya in the back! Yuya gets up, fires off forearms and CHOPS, but Nagata ROCKS him then snapmares to KICK him again! Nagata tags Suzuki and Suzuki reluctantly gets in. Suzuki drags Yuya up to wrench and hammerlock then headlock.

Yuya endures as Suzuki grinds, then he hits the headlock takeover. Suzuki goes after an arm and shifts to the double wristlock! Yuya endures, clasps hands, but Suzuki changes up to a facelock. They go to the corner, Nagata tags back in, and the murder grandpas mug Yuya. Nagata CLUBS Yuya, snapmares and clamps on the chinlock! Nagata shifts his grip as Yuya pries at it, and Yuya endures as the fans rally. Nagata KNEES Yuya in the back, KICKS him, and brings Yuya to the corner. Nagata ROCKS Yuya, ROCKS him again, Suzuki tags in just as Yuya starts hitting back! Nagata ROCKS Yuya and Suzuki BOOTS him!

Suzuki stomps Yuya, digs his boot in, but the ref counts. Suzuki lets off, fans rally up, and Suzuki brings Yuya around. Yuya shoves Suzuki but Suzuki pulls hair to throw a knee. Suzuki whips, but Yuya reverses to DROPKICK! Fans fire up while both men are down! Yuya and Suzuki stir, Yuya crawls, hot tag to Taichi! Taichi runs to BLAST Nagata, and then he goes back to his mentor. Taichi gives Suzuki some Kawada Kicks! Suzuki just stands up and laughs! Taichi kicks low then fires off more Kawada Kicks! Suzuki kicks back, whips, but Taichi reverses to wrench and DANGEROUS HOOK KICK! Fans fire up as Taichi watches Suzuki go to a corner.

Taichi runs corner to corner to BOOT Suzuki! And then he brings Suzuki around to snapmare and KICK in the back! Suzuki laughs and kicks back, to then snapmare and KICK! Fans cheer and Taichi stands back up. Taichi smiles, SOBATS, then runs to BOOT! Suzuki rebounds to BOOT! Taichi BOOTS again, so Suzuki BOOTS again! They egg each other on and the fans love it! Suzuki fires a forearm, Taichi paces. Taichi KICKS but Suzuki stays up. Suzuki ROCKS Taichi with a forearm, but Taichi KICKS in return! Suzuki laughs as he and Taichi go back and forth, forearm for kick! Suzuki gets the edge, then he eggs Taichi on.

Taichi winds up to ROCK Suzuki! Fans fire up, Taichi KICKS again! Suzuki drops to a knee and Taichi fires up! Taichi’s chest is bleeding but has he surpassed his mentor? Taichi kicks, but Suzuki blocks! Suzuki headlocks, Taichi powers out but Suzuki pulls Taichi’s hair! HEADBUTT! Taichi staggers, Suzuki throws another forearm, but Taichi roars! So Suzuki DECKS him! Fans fire up with Suzuki as Taichi flops against him! Suzuki eggs Taichi on and Taichi slowly rises. Suzuki BOOTS, Taichi growls! Suzuki BOOTS, Taichi BOOTS Suzuki down! Suzuki gets up to BOOT Taichi down! And hot tag to Nagata!

Nagata brings Taichi up to KICK! And KICK! And KICK! Nagata whips corner to corner, runs in and BOOTS! Nagata clinches but Taichi fights with elbows! Nagata waistlocks, Taichi pries free to PELE! Nagata falls and fans fire up! Taichi crawls his way over, hot tag to Yuya! Yuya runs up to CHOP and CHOP and CHOP, but Nagata kicks low. Nagata whips, Yuya reverses and arm-drags! Yuya keeps moving, and he DOUBLE CHOPS Nagata down! Nagata goes to a corner, Yuya runs corner to corner to SPLASH and BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up while Yuya stays focused. Yuya drags Nagata up again and clinches!

Nagata fights the lift, Suzuki attacks from behind! Taichi attacks Suzuki, then runs, but Suzuki follows to shoot around and SLEEPER! Fans fire up and Suzuki spins Taichi, but Taichi knows that one! Taichi slips free, Suzuki dodges a haymaker, but not the AX BOMBER! Fans fire up while those two fall, and then Yuya aims at Nagata in a corner. Yuya fires up and runs in, to DROPKICK! Nagata staggers and Yuya roars! Yuya traps one arm, then the other, but Nagata turns that into a SAIDO! The fans fire up again while all four men are down! Nagata and Yuya stir, and Nagata roars as he rises! He eggs Yuya on, and then fires a forearm!

Yuya fires a forearm back! The forearms go back and forth, and fans rally up! Nagata eggs Yuya on so Yuya fires a flurry! Nagata keeps returning the shots, they go harder and harder back and forth, and the fans love it! Nagata ROCKS Yuya, ROCKS him again, but Yuya DOUBLE CHOPS! DOUBLE CHOPS! And DOUBLE CHOPS! Nagata WHEEL KICKS outta nowhere! Fans fire up as Yuya flounders to a corner. Taichi returns to kick and whip, but Nagata reverses to SHINING WIZARD! Yuya is back but Nagata BOOTS and ENZIGURIS! Taichi sends Suzuki into railing! Nagata SAIDO- CROSSBODY from Yuya! Cover, TWO!!

Nagata is up, Yuya gets around, Taichi returns, feed to a BOOT! DOUBLE CHOP! GAMANGIRI! Fans fire up with Yuya and he hurries up top. Yuya aims while Taichi keeps Suzuki out! CROSSBODY! But Yuya isn’t done, he traps the arms! KANMUKI SUPLEX BRIDGE! J5G WINS!!

Winners: Taichi & Yuya Uemura, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Nagata & Suzuki earn 0)

The youngest star in this match just pinned the highly decorated living legend, and the duo stays undefeated! Is this a sign that Yuya & Taichi are on the right track? Will Suzuki & Nagata ever get on the board?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo w/ Jado VS Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr!

The NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions just lost last round in the main event, but they’re back again, looking for redemption! Will they prove they can rebound from anything? Or will Gene Blast & The King of the World sink their ship and grab some golden tickets?

ELP enjoys the fans cheering him on. Then the fans cheer on “Yota! Yota!” and he smiles. The teams sort out, and Zando steps up. ELP jokes that Jado should step up, but Zando pushes ELP. ELP says okay then! ELP gets sexy with taking off the shirt, and a great toss to Leo. The bell rings and fans rally up as Zando offers a handshake. ELP thinks about it, but then Zando puts some spit on it! ELP puts a lot of spit on his! They shake hands after all! And then Zando headlocks! ELP powers up and out, but Zando runs him over! Zando shouts he’s El Rey Del Mundo, then things speed up. ELP drops, hurdles, but then Zando leaps over!

Zando dodges ELP, but ELP RANAS! ELP swings, Zando dodges and he RANAS in return! Fans fire up more, and Zando runs in at the corner. ELP BOOTS him, eggs him on, and then blocks the haymaker to knuckle lock and CHOP! ELP goes up and up and jumps around to FLYING RANA! ELP handsprings up and fans fire up again! ELP does jumping jacks to show off, even. Zando backs off, tags Tsuji, and Tsuji smiles as he steps to ELP. But then Tsuji calls out the big guy? Leo looks around, it has to be him. Leo tags in and he steps to Tsuji. Fans rally and Tsuji grins. Leo puts some spit on his handshake, and Tsuji leaves him hanging!

Leo swings, Tsuji dodges and fires a forearm! Then a body shot! Tsuji fires more shots, but Leo ROCKS him! Leo drags Tsuji up, suplexes, but Tsuji slips free to dropkick a leg out! Tsuji runs, but Leo scoops! SNAKE EYES, and Leo runs, but Zando trips him! Tsuji basement dropkicks! ELP gets in but Tsuji kicks low. Tsuji & Zando double whip, then POP-UP KNEE! ELP falls out of the ring and fans fire up. Tsuji storms up on Leo, drags him up, and CHOPS him! Tsuji brings Leo up and around to bump off buckles. Tag to Zando, and he stomps a mudhole into Leo! Red Shoes counts but Zando lets off to bring Leo up.

Leo pushes Zando away but Zando BOOTS him! Zando then thrashes Leo around by his hair! Zandn CLUBS Leo, tags Tsuji, but Leo CHOPS! Tsuji eggs Leo on, so Leo CHOPS again! Tsuji pulls Leo’s hair, then throws him down by his hair! Tsuji BLASTS ELP, but ELP gets back in! Red Shoes keeps ELP back and Tsuji stomps Leo to the corner. Tsuji & Zando dig their boots in, Red Shoes warns ELP to cool off, then counts at him. ELP backs off, Tsuji & Zando let off, and Tsuji grins at ELP. Fans rally, Tsuji stomps Leo and tags Zando. Zando & Tsuji bring Leo around to then CHOP and CHOP in a corner. They double whip corner to corner, then Zando runs in.

Leo dodges Zando to UPPERCUT Tsuji! Fans fire up but Zando CLOBBERS Leo! Zando BLASTS ELP, then looms over Leo. Fans rally, Tsuji & Zando double whip Leo, but Leo DOUBLE LARIATS them first! Fans fire up and Leo crawls, hot tag to ELP! ELP goes right up top to AX HANDLE Zando! Then atomic drop on Tsuji! ELP mocks Tsuji’s pain, then ducks Tsuji’s punch to atomic drop again! ELP TOSSES Tsuji out, the fans rally and ELP runs, but Zando is there to kick him down! Zando whips ELP to a corner, runs in, but ELP catches him into headscissors, for an ELBOW! ELP then eggs Zando on, gets him for another headscissor and an AX KICK!

ELP runs in, BOOTS Zando down, and then suplexes high and hard! Somersault to the LIONSAULT! But ELP keeps going, and he DIVES onto Tsuji! Tsuji hits railing and fans fire up with ELP! ELP throws a fan’s LIJ hat! ELP gets back in, Zando dodges but then ELP dodges, only for Zando to SNAP SAMOAN DRIVER! Zando drags ELP up, “IKU YO~!” Canadian Rack and DOMINATOR! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives and the fans fire up! Zando tags Tsuji in and Tsuji BLASTS Leo! Tsuji fires up and the fans are with him as he goes back to ELP. Tsuji stands ELP up, reels him in and suplexes, but ELP fights it and wrenches free!

But Tsuji ROCKS ELP first! ELP swings, but into the BACKBREAKER! COMPLETE SHOT! ELP avoids the stomp, and the chop, to ENZIGURI! Fans fire up while both men are down! ELP rolls to hot tag Leo! ELP then torture racks and Leo runs, BOOT UFO, into the BRAIN SALAD! Cover, TWO!! Tsuji survives and fans fire up! Jado pounds the apron, the fans clap along, and Leo takes aim. Tsuji stirs, then slowly rises. Leo choke grips, for GOD- NO, Tsuji flips through and runs in! Leo scoops, but Tsuji slips free again! But Leo UPPERCUTS! And choke grips again! Zando runs in, Leo grabs him, too! But Zando & Tsuji break free!

Zando & Tsuji double whip, but Leo breaks the line, only to get double basement dropkicks! Ten minutes have passed, but Tsuji & Zando get Leo up. But ELP saves Leo from the Anchor! ELP CHOPS Zando, Tsuji CHOPS ELP! Leo CHOPS Tsuji, Zando CHOPS Leo! Leo roars, runs in, but Zando dumps him out! Zando fires the fans up and he builds speed, to DIVE! Down goes Leo into the railing! ELP runs at Tsuji but he’s put on the apron. So ELP ASAI MOONSAULTS Zando! But Tsuji is up top! SUPER CROSSBODY! Fans fire up as all four men are down on the outside! Red Shoes calls to them, then starts a ring count.

Fans rally, Tsuji sits up first, and he grits his teeth as he stands. Fans fire up with Tsuji, and he puts Leo in at 10 of 20. Fans rally, Tsuji drags Leo up and reels him in. But Leo fights the suplex! So Tsuji ROCKS Leo! Leo fires up but Tsuji V-TRIGGERS, SUPERKICKS, but Leo HEADBUTTS! Leo reels Tsuji in, but Tsuji suplexes first!! Cover, TWO!! The fans rally up, Tsuji calls to Zando and Zando says, “VAMOS AMIGO!” Tsuji climbs, then stands on Zando’s shoulders! Leo stands first, and he reaches up to grab Tsuji! But Zando SUPERKICKS! Tsuji SUPERKICKS! They get Leo up and ANCHOR!! Cover, ELP breaks it while hitting a DESTROYER on Zando!

Tsuji fires off on ELP but ELP fires back! Tsuji gets the edge, whips ELP but ELP reverses to hurdle, and Leo gets in there to POWER TRIP! Fans fire up and Leo coordinates with ELP! ELP tunes up the band, and SUDDEN DEATH, into the choke grip! ELP DIVES at Zando, but Zando catches him! T K O to the floor! Then Tsuji victory rolls Leo!! TWO!! Leo escapes, but Tsuji blows past, and he KNEES the Power Trip down! CURB STOMP!! Fans fire up as Tsuji roars and he takes aim from a corner! Leo rises, into the GENE BLAST SPEAR!!! Cover, LIJ wins!!

Winners: Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr, by pinfall (gain 2 points; ELP & Leo earn 0)

The Guerrillas of Destiny have fallen again! Two losses in a row, will the NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions be owing a lot of golden tickets after World Tag League?

As for Tsuji & Zando, Tsuji gets the mic first to say, “Oi, Hikuleo. Don’t think this win is my revenge for the G1! I haven’t really beaten you yet. Back when we were in the dojo, we talked about our hopes and dreams. Let’s spin the rest of the story now.” Fans applaud this show of respect, and Tsuji continues by saying, “Apparently, Hikuleo & ELP are Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions. My apologies, but I don’t care for that brand.” But he knows Leo & ELP aren’t the kind to just accept a loss. Tsuji vows that he and Zando will win World Tag League and go to the Tokyo Dome. Then maybe after that, how about a rematch here in Japan? Or maybe in Zando’s home of Mexico?

Fans like the sound of that! Tsuji then properly introduces his tag partner, Zandokan Jr. About a year ago, while Tsuji was in Mexico on excursion, they teamed up. In Mexico, the fans throw money into the ring when you’ve had a great match. Now that is being a rainmaker! And those memories are still vivid in Tsuji’s mind. “Thank you, Zandokan. Let’s keep it up.” They shake hands and the fans applaud. Tsuji then says “It seems like the owner, Kidani, is really behind Bishamon, huh? He needs them to keep the younger ones down. But I’m not that young…”

Tsuji then calls out Kidani, and says “me and Zandokan Jr. will crush your quiet favorites who don’t move the needle. Please count on us.” Fans fire up hearing that bold statement! Tsuji then asks them, “Are you ready?! We will win this World Tag League!” Then together with Zando, he shouts, “VAMOS AMIGOS!” Gene Blast and the King of the World are ready to claim all the treasure, will they be the ones with the trophies and the titles?


Here are the NEW B Block standings!

Taichi & Yuya Uemura: 3-0, 6 points
Alex Zayne & Lance Archer: 3-0, 6 points
Atlantis Jr. y Soberano Jr: 2-1, 4 points
Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr: 2-1, 4 points
ELP & Hikuleo: 1-2, 2 points
Bishamon: 1-2, 2 points
Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza: 0-3, 0 points
Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki: 0-3, 0 points

My Thoughts:

A great third round for B Block, and a sixth day for NJPW World Tag League. Awesome stuff from Monster Sauce and the CMLL luchadores, and since only one was going to keep their streak going, I really like that Archer & Zayne keep on going. Quite shocking that Nagata & Suzuki are 0-3, but a great match with Taichi & Yuya where the younger guys look great for having beat the old guard. Rogue Army being at the bottom still makes sense, given they gave Bishamon their first win of this tournament. Bishamon needed to get something, so here it was.

And great main event of Tsuji & Zandokan getting one over on ELP & Leo. Bit rough that Tsuji out and says he doesn’t really care about NJPW Strong, that’s like if someone in WWE out and says they don’t care about NXT or someone in AEW doesn’t care about ROH. But I did like the boldness of him saying Bishamon aren’t needle movers/money makers for NJPW, because in a way, I do agree. Goto & Hashi are great, have been great, but they really only have the Heavyweight Tag titles back because Mark Davis got hurt and Aussie Open couldn’t defend the belts. And then Aussie Open moves over to AEW, only for Davis to get hurt again. There’s a very good chance that the WTL winners become the landmark 100th champions, depending on who they give the nod to for winning WTL in the first place.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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