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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (11/27/23)

Look in my eyes~! What do you see~?



CM Punk is back in the WWE?!

Just as the smoke settled at Survivor Series: WarGames, we witnessed the shocking return of CM Punk! On top of that, he’s going to be on Raw tonight!! What will the controversial “Best in the World” say about his return?


  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Tag Team Turmoil: The Creed Brothers win and will challenge The Judgment Day for the titles.
  • Bronson Reed VS Ivar w/ Sarah Logan; Double Count-Out Draw.
  • Nia Jax VS Zoey Stark; Nia wins.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Chelsea Green & Piper Niven VS Natalya & Tegan Nox; Chelsea & Piper win and retain the titles.
  • Randy Orton VS Dominik Mysterio w/ JD McDonagh; Orton wins.


The first hour of Raw is COMMERCIAL FREE!


Randy Orton is here!

Nashville fires up as The Viper is back! Orton came through for Cody Rhodes and the team in WarGames and they all defeated The Judgment Day plus Drew McIntyre, and he is feeling good being back on Raw. Orton signs a young fan’s action figure box, then goes to the ring. Orton thinks about how long it has been, and he steps up to finally and once again hit his pose! The fans cheer, and they chant for “RANDY! RANDY!” as Orton gets a mic. “Well, it seems, or I should say it sounds like a few of you missed me.” Fans cheer again, and Randy says, “I’m back! I’m back for as long as I can stay here. Now without any further ado, let me cut right to it. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw!”

Fans cheer again and Orton says he was gone awhile, wasn’t he? Nashville chants “Welcome Back!” and Orton nods. He thanks them and says the whole time he was gone, it gave him plenty of time to think about all his accomplishments and accolades. They already know all that and he won’t bore us to day, but he had never done one particular thing. And it was WarGames. So when his dear friend, Cody Rhodes–fans cheer a lot–called, of course Orton was in! But there was another reason he wanted in. It is because WarGames was invented by the late, great American Dream, Dusty Rhodes! To be part of that match is to be part of pro-wrestling history!

And guys, that is what it is all about. Making moments. Two nights ago at Survivor Series, he got to make a moment. But he also came back because he has unfinished business to attend to. And that business has to do… with The Bloodline. Now, if anyone gets where those guys are coming from, it’s him. Orton’s the Legend Killer, he made a living out of putting people on the shelves. He can forgive, but he can’t forget. So point of the matter is, he has a bag full of receipts for every single member of The Bloodline, and he means every single member! Now, he is sure they know what form the receipts come in, right?

These receipts are in the form of the three most dangerous letters in the WWE. NO, the most dangerous letters in ALL of Sports Entertainment: R K O! Fans fire up for that! But then Rhea Ripley makes her way out here? Mami waves hi to Randy as she struts down to the ring. Rhea is still Women’s World Champion after dealing with Zoey Stark, but she welcomes Orton back. What a performance he had at Survivor Series. She didn’t think he was the kind to do favors for others, or to team with someone who tried to end his career. Or have his big return a year in the making upstaged.

But hey, don’t get Rhea wrong. Randy looks more dangerous than ever, so it’d be a shame to have all of that wasted. Because Randy doesn’t realize that the landscape here has changed. The Bloodline has fallen, and the Judgment Day has risen as the most dominant force here in the WWE. Fans boo but Rhea says when it comes to WarGames, that was just a bump in the road. The reality is, Randy, they’re all dripping in gold! Rhea wiped the floor with Zoey, Her Dirty Dom is THE NXT North American Champion, and when it comes to Finn & Damian, they hold those Undisputed Tag Team Championships that Randy lost everything trying to get.

And if not for Randy, Damian would be the NEW World Heavyweight Champion! So he’s come in here, made all these enemies that could make his life a living nightmare. He needs to stop focusing on The Bloodline because unlike them, The Judgment Day gets the job done, and they will put Randy out permanently! Fans chant “R K O! R K O!” and Randy looks around. He stated how he kept in touch and watched for a year and a half. It’s Mami this, Mami that, blah blah blah. Guess what, Mami? Daddy’s back! Fans fire up for that! They chant “Who’s Your Daddy?” Randy says yeah, things have changed. A lot of things.

But the one thing that hasn’t changed, the one thing that will never, ever, EVER change as long as Orton is here, is that no one tells Randy Orton what to do. Rhea laughs and says he’s made his bed. She tried to warn him, tried to give him an out, but Orton has made them his enemy. And the Judgment Day attacks from behind! Dom, and McDonagh in a neck brace, stomp away on Orton in a corner! Orton fights back, POSTS McDonagh and puts Dom in ropes! Fans fire up as Randy drags Dom along, but McDonagh CLUBS Orton! RKO FOR JD!! Fans fire up as The Viper keeps the Irish Ace down and gets the mic back.

“Don’t you go too far, Dom. Don’t you leave this damn arena. Cuz as soon as I leave this ring, I’m gonna find Adam Pearce, and I’m gonna make damn sure I get you in this ring, one on one, TONIGHT!” Fans love the sound of that! Rhea freaks out, is her Latino Heat about to end up snakebit?


The Raw Tag Division gathers backstage.

Chad Gable says tonight is the night! For the first time ever, Otis & Tozawa team up! You guys ready? OOOH YEAH~! Woods & Kofi can’t believe this, the New Day’s been at this a decade and a team that literally just got put together is facing them? Maxxine & Ivy walk in, and no pressure but they have a very special guest. He is a CMA award winning, Grammy nominated and multi-platinum artist, it’s JELLY ROLL! Everyone’s excited to say hey, and Otis brings it for a belly bump! Jelly is excited to see them all in his hometown, but then R-TRUTH is here! Wassup, guys? Where’s them jelly rolls? His sweet tooth’s got a sweet tooth.

Uh, no, Truth, this guy is Jelly Roll. He’s got ’em all? He can’t have ’em all. Truth say she gotta go check catering. Tozawa, hit ’em with the roll. Ooooooh, that’s naaaaaaasty~! Truth’s confusion aside, will this Tag Team Turmoil be sweet and spicy?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Tag Team Turmoil!

Judgment Day held onto the titles on SmackDown last Friday, all thanks to Mami. The Profits are down, so who steps up to go after Finn Balor & Damian Priest next?

First out, Gable’s guys, Otis & Tozawa! And their opponents? Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano! Will the Psycho Killer and Johnny Wrestling finally get on track towards former glory?

Otis & Akira Tozawa w/ The Alpha Academy VS #DIY!

Ciampa and Tozawa start, tie up, and Ciampa headlocks. Tozawa throws body shots and powers out, but Ciampa runs him over! Things keep moving, Tozawa jumps but Ciampa catches him! Tozawa slips free, SOBATS, but Ciampa ducks the spin kick. Tozawa slides under, “A THANK YEW~!” Ciampa swings, Tozawa dodges and CHOPS! Then he does his Tozawa Shuffle! But Ciampa knees low in return. Ciampa whips, Tozawa reverses but Ciampa ducks ‘n’ dodges, tag to Gargano! Ciampa slides under, CHPOS, Gargano LARIATS and Ciampa JAWBREAKERS! Whip and LARIAT! Gargano does his shuffle, then puts Tozawa in a corner.

Gargano CHOP LARITS, whips corner to corner, but Tozawa reverses. Gargano BOOTS him away, goes up and leaps, but into a GUT BUSTER! Fans fire up, Tozawa and Gargano crawl, hot tags to Otis and Ciampa! Otis blasts past DIY, does it again, then rolls under to CLOBBER them both! Fans fire up as Otis whips Gargano, WRECKER ELBOW! Clinch on Ciampa, whip and WRECKER ELBOW! Otis ELBOWS Gargano in a corner, then SPLASHES Ciampa in another! DIY falls over, and Otis rips off the shirt! Tozawa joins in, but his shirt is a bit tougher… Otis rips it off for him! The fans fire up as they DOUBLE CATERPILLAR ELBOW!

Nashville fires up as Otis tags Tozawa back in. And then Tozawa gets on Otis’ shoulders! But Gargano SPERKICKS, and Tozawa falls into a JUMP KNEE! Ciampa DUMPS Otis out, tags Gargano, and DIY sets up! MEET IN THE MIDDLE!! Cover, DIY ELIMINATES Alpha Academy! But that only brings out Indus Sher! Will the Modern Day Maharaja’s menacing proteges pulverize DIY?

#DIY VS Indus Sher w/ Jinder Mahal!

DIY attacks first, DROPKICK and BOOT sends Veer & Sanga down! But then the brawl continues on the outside, and Indus Sher pick DIY up, to SANDWICH and POST! Jinder approves as Veer stomps away on Gargano in the ring. Fans boo but Veer whips Gargano to ropes. And then THESZ PRESS! Tag to Sanga, and Indus Sher double whips to CLOBBER Gargano! Sanga BOOTS Ciampa for good measure, then tags Veer back in. They drag Gargano up from the apron, have him along the ropes, and Sanga runs to BOOT Gargano down! Fans boo but Indus Sher shouts “NAMASTE!” Veer then runs in, but Gargano dodges!

Gargano manages a sunset flip, and high stack! DIY ELIMINATES Indus Sher!! But while Indus Sher is furious for getting caught off guard, here come The Creed Brothers!

#DIY VS The Creed Brothers w/ Ivy Nile!

Ciampa hurries to reset, and he starts against Julius. They feel thigs out, Julius hits a fireman’s carry takeover and then an armlock. Tag to Brutus, and they hit a fireman’s carry takeover! Brutus sends Ciampa into Julius’ fireman’s carry takeover! Then they DOUBLE fireman’s carry takeover! Brutus has a cording hold to keep Ciampa back from Gargano, tag to Julius. Julius wrenches but Ciampa fires shots! Julius scoops, Ciampa slips free and hits a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Fans fire up as both men crawl, hot tags to Brutus and Gargano! Gargano rallies on the Creeds! ENZIGURI for Julius! CHOP in a corner for Brutus! BULLDOG LARIAT COMBO!

Fans fire up and Gargano runs in at Brutus. Brutus puts him on the apron but Gargano PENALTY KICKS Julius, the SLINGSHOT SPEARS Brutus! Cover, TWO!! Brutus survives, Ivy is relieved, and fans rally up for “Johnny Wrestling!” Gargano feeds off that, tags in Ciampa, but Brutus sends DIY into each other! Ciampa sends Gargano back to ELBOW Brutus, then assisted SLICED BREAD! SLIDING KNEE! Cover, Julius breaks it! Gargano runs in, Julius TOSSES him out! Ciampa SLAPS Julius down, then goes back for Brutus. Brutus ROCKS Ciampa, SPLASHES him in the corner, and tags in Julius.

Julius feeds Ciampa to Brutus’ underhooks, then Julius runs, LEAP FROG FACEBUSTER! Cover, Gargano breaks it! Gargano TOSSES Brutus, then PLANCHAS! Fans fire up, Julius storms up on Ciampa and throws hands. Ciampa hits back, they go back and forth. Nashville is on Ciampa’s side, and he BOOTS! Then roll up! TWO!! Ciampa goes to a corner, Gargano tags in, GAMANGRI for Julius! Another BOOT, and DIY sets up again! MEET IN THE- BRUTUS POUNCES! Julius picks Gargano up, POWERBOMB! And deadlift, to then fireman’s carry! Tag to Brutus, and another pop-up, for the BRUTUS BALL DOOMSDAY!! Cover, Creeds ELIMINATE DIY!

Fans are stunned, but “it’s a New Day, yes it is!” The Creeds take on ELEVEN-TIME Tag Team Champions, who will make it through to face Imperium?

The Creed Brothers w/ Ivy Nile VS The New Day!

Woods starts against Julius, they tie up and Woods arm-drags! And SHOTGUNS! And then forearms! Tag to Kofi, Woods CHOPS and CHOPS and then feeds Julius into Kofi’s DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Kofi drags Julius up, brings him over, wrench and tag to Woods. Woods CLUBS the arm, wrenches it, and tag back to Kofi. Kofi goes up to DOUBLE STOMP the arm! Kofi pushes Julius down, covers, ONE!! Julius hangs tough but Kofi snapmares. Tag to Woods, PENALTY KICK! SLIDING LARIAT! IMPLODER SPLASH! ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Julius survives the speed blitz but fans rally behind the “NEW~ DAY~!”

Woods climbs up on Julius, rains down fists, but Julius stops him at five! Julius fights out of the corner but Woods trips Julius! And then Kofi SPLASHES in outta nowhere! Cover, TWO! Kofi clamps on with a chinlock and he grinds Julius down. Julius endures, fights up, and reaches out. Julius has Kofi as a backpack as he storms over, but Kofi slips around to knee low! Kofi cradles Julius, TWO! Julius has the cradle, then deadlifts Kofi from the mat! And the SLAM! Fans rally up as Julius crawls, as does Kofi. Hot tags to Woods and Brutus! Woods ducks ‘n’ dodges and slides to ROLLING ELBOW! Brutus rebounds, blocks the superkick and clinches! EXPLODER!

Fans rally as Woods goes to the apron. Brutus storms over, drags Woods up, and uses the ropes to deadlift Woods for a suplex! Cover, TWO! Woods toughs it out but Brutus tags Julius. The creeds whip to scoop and POWERSLAM! Brutus STANDING MOONSAULTS, and Julius STANDING SHOOTING STARS! Cover, TWO! Woods is still in this and the fans fire up. Julius drags Woods over, tags Brutus, and Brutus fireman’s carries. Julius runs, but Woods slips free and kicks Julius, TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Brutus hangs in there, but Kofi tags in. Woods lifts Brutus, Kofi goes up, BACKBREAKER and the DIVING STOMPS! Cover, Julius breaks it!

Woods runs up on Julius to CLUB away on him! But Julius TOSSES Woods out! Kofi TOSSES Julius out! Kofi claps and the fans join in, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Brutus stands, but ducks Trouble in Paradise! Tag to Julius, he runs but Kofi trips him! Kofi hurries up top, CROSSBODY! But Julius rolls through and lifts Kofi! Woods is back but Julius BOOTS him! FALL AWAY SLAM for Kofi! Brutus MOONSAULTS out onto Woods! Tag to Brutus, Julius has Kofi up, BRUTUS BALL DOOMSDAY!! Cover, CREEDS ELIMINATE NEW DAY!! But now, here comes European Elegance! Will Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci make Gunther proud by taking the golden tickets?

The Creed Brothers w/ Ivy Nile VS Imperium!

The brawl is on and fans fire up! Ludwig TOSSES Brutus, then he and Vinci mug Julius. The ref reprimands and counts, but Ludwig soaks up the heat. Vinci CLUBS Julius, Ludwig stomps Julius down, and Vinci stays legal. Ludwig sends Brutus into the desk! Julius whips, Vinci springboards to CROSSBODY! Vinci kicks Julius around, drags him up, and short arm LARIATS! Tag to Ludwig, he and Vinci taunt Julius, but Julius fights back! Fans fire up but it’s 2v1! Shove and SPINEBUSTER, then a PENALTY KICK! Ludwig shouts “NEIN!” but fans boo. Tag to Vinci and Ludwig goes up! Vinci hauls Julius up, IMPERIUM BOMB!! Cover, BRUTUS BREAKS IT!

Fans fire up but Ludwig tosses Brutus out. Ludwig tells Vinci to focus on Julius, but then Julius dumps Vinci out! Julius crawls, but he has no one to tag. Ludwig goes for legs, Julius boots him away! Julius hurries, Brutus is back, but Vinci intercepts! Julius dodges, hot tag to Brutus! Tag to Ludwig, but Brutus SMASH! He rallies on Imperium, clotheslines Ludwig up and out, and then SPINEBUSTER for Vinci! Brutus SMASH SMASH SMASH! Brutus snarls, gorilla crawls, then gets under Vinci to fireman’s carry! Ludwig CHOP BLOCKS a leg! Ludwig rains down fists but he isn’t the legal man! The ref counts, Ludwig fires off more furious shots, but lets off at 4.

Ludwig stands Brutus up to whip him into the corner. Ludwig runs in, blocks the boot, “NEIN!” And UPPERCUT! Vinci gets Brutus up, BACKBREAKER and a cover, TWO! Vinci clamps onto Brutus with shoulder claws but Brutus endures. Fans rally, Brutus fights up, and he arm-drags Vinci away! But DOUBLE BOOTS bring both men down! Vinci and Brutus crawl, hot tags to Ludwig and Julius! Julius clinches to OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY for Vinci! Another OVERHEAD for Ludwig! And another for Vinci! Ludwig fights the next one, Vinci adds on, but Julius DOUBLE NORTHERN LIGHTS!

Fans fire up for Julius, and he scoops to POWRSLAM Ludwig! Cover, Vinci breaks it! Vinci gets Julius up but Julius TOSSES Vinci! Ludwig rolls Julius up, TWO! Julius facelocks, Ludwig wrenches out and UPPERCUTS, then fireman’s carries. But Julius slips free to gut wrench and lift, POWERBOMB! Tag to Brutus, and they drag Ludwig up. Another Electric Chair, but Ludwig claws eyes! Vinci SHOVES Brutus down! Ludwig POSTS Julius! DISCUS LARIAT for Brutus! Tag to Vinci and Ludwig goes up. Vinci lifts Brutus, but Julius uses Vinci as a step up to get to Ludwig! Brutus runs with Vinci, SHELL SHOCK! Julius has Ludwig for a SUPERPLEX!!

Fans fire up again, “This is Awesome!” Brutus tags Julius back in, and they get Vinci up. Brutus climbs, Vinci fights desperately but can’t get free! BRUTUS BALL!! Cover, THE CREEDS WIN!

Winners: The Creed Brothers, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the Undisputed Tag Team Championships)

Diamond Mine doesn’t break, they thrive under pressure! But will Julius & Brutus be able to take down The Prince & Punisher to take those titles?


Judgment Day regroups backstage.

Rhea says Randy is dangerous, so Dom has to be absolutely focused. Finn walks in, he just finished watching Tag Team Turmoil. Those Creed Brothers are the real deal. Priest, we can’t take them lightly. Priest, you hearing them? Priest snaps out of his funk. He hears them. And he sees the look on their faces. Go ahead, say what you wanna say. They made him WarGames captain and he let them down. He lost the match, embarrassed them, let them all down. Go ahead, say it. Finn wasn’t gonna say any of that. Priest says no, he can tell. But Rhea says no, they’re a family. They all rise together and they all fall together.

Finn says yeah, don’t sweat it, it was one loss. They’re still champions, right? Dom says yeah, it’s all good. This is real? Yeah, 100%. Rhea says that just because Priest made himself team leader for WarGames and it didn’t go their way, that doesn’t mean they are gonna hold a grudge. Just relax. Priest says okay, that’s what families do, he appreciates it. And on that subject, how is McDonagh? Still getting checked out. Finn & Priest should go check on him. Good idea. The tag champs head out, but will their tensions be eased by the time they have to defend the titles?


Cody Rhodes is here!

Nashville fires up and sings along as the American Nightmare makes his way to the ring, “WHOA~ OH!” Cody goes to the ring and gets his pyro, “WHOA~ OH!” before he gets the mic. Fans cheer Cody on, and he gets fired up! Then he smiles and asks Nashville, “Whaddya wanna talk about?” Cody says so many stories stemming from this weekend. Here is one of gratitude. His team in WarGames was able to secure the victory, and Cody wants to thank each and every one of his teammates. Sami Zayn, #YeetMaster Jey Uso, the World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins, “WHOA~ OH~ OHH~!” And let’s not forget the man who came through, the Legend Killer, Randy Orton!

Fans cheer again, and Cody says Randy was a mentor, is still a mentor, and is a dear friend. They had a handful of memories before but they got a new one. Orton fed Priest to Cody for the Cross Rhodes and let him have the 1-2-3. But not just in any match, it was in his dad’s match. Fans cheer for “DUSTY! DUSTY!” and Cody gets a little teary eyed. The other story from Survivor Series: The WWE return of C M Punk. Fans are a bit torn, but plenty chant for Punk. Cody says no one knew that was gonna happen, and no one knows what will happen. That is why tonight, we’re all tuned in to see what Punk has to say. Here’s what Cody has to say: Welcome back.

But what’s the saying? Fishermen always spot other fishermen from afar. That is why Cody feels this news being made, all these stories, well Cody wants to make some news and make it right here. At this point, everyone here truly knows him. So there is only one destination for Cody now. And that is why, granted by Adam Pearce, Cody is the very first to declare for the 2024 Royal Rumble match!! Fans fire up for that! But then wait, the lights start going down? And then SHINSUKE NAKAMURA is on screen! “Cody… You are a brave hero who has won his battle. Now you say you need to continue your story. But, I need you to set me free. To awaken me. To evolve!”

Nakamura was patient to wait week after week, btu no more waiting! He will bring CHAOS to Cody! And then the REAL Nakamura is already behind Cody!! RED MIST!!! Cody writhes and fans boo but Nakamura grins a sinister smile. The King of Strong Style takes a bow, will he destroy the American Nightmare’s dreams?


Bronson Reed VS Ivar w/ Sarah Logan!

As if tonight wasn’t already a big night, things are about to get massive! Will Auszilla wipe out the War Beard with a Tsunami? Or will the chosen warrior slay this real life kaiju?

The bell rings and the two tie up. Ivar shoves Bronson, he and Ivar RAM! They throw clotheslines back and forth, and fans rally up with “Let’s Go, Meat! Let’s Go, Meat!” Ivar runs, Bronson swings but Ivar dodges to RAM him! But Bronson comes back, BODY CHECK! Fans rally up again and Bronson ELBOW DROPS! Ivar goes to a corner, Bronson runs in, but into a SEATED SENTON! Ivar drags Bronson up, reels him in, but Bronson blocks the suplex, to suplex! Fans fire up, Ivar bails out, and Bronson goes to the apron. But Sarah stands in the way! Then Ivar YANKS Bronson down, and HEEL KICKS him down!

Bronson sits back, Ivar SPLASHES him against the LED apron! Fans boo but Sarah revels in it as Raw goes picture in picture.

Ivar drags Bronson up and into the ring, then kicks him to a corner. Ivar throws elbows, then body shots! Ivar snarls as he sets Bronson up for more elbows. Ivar ROCKS Bronson, DECKS him, then runs to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Ivar clamps on to CLUB Bronson in the chest. Ivar clamps on a chinbar to twist the neck, but Bronson endures. Bronson fights to his feet, but Ivar Viking Chops! And he fires off hands! Ivar whips, Bronson reverses and Ivar hits buckles hard! Ivar tumbles up and down the corner even! Bronson storms up on Ivar, brings him up to HEADBUTT, and has him in a corner. Bronson RAMS into Ivar, but Ivar CLUBS in return!

The ref counts, Bronson lets off to HEADBUTT Ivar, and then he CHOKES Ivar on the ropes! The ref counts, Bronson lets off, and he brings Ivar up to HEADBUTT! Bronson clamps on a chinlock now and he squeezes tight. Ivar endures, fights up, and throws body shots. Bronson ROCKS Ivar, whips him to ropes, but Ivar ducks ‘n’ dodges, and DOUBLE LARIATS take both behemoths down! The fans rally while both men stir, and Bronson sits up. Ivar follows, and Ivar throws hands! Bronson hits back, they throw shots back and forth. Raw returns, fans chant “BEEF!” with the shots! Bronson HEADBUTTS Ivar to a corner, then SPLASHES!

Bronson CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! MACHINE GUN CHOPS! Fans fire up, but Bronson swings again. Ivar dodges to ELBOW! And ELBOW, ELBOW, ELBOW! Fans fire up and Ivar spins, but the kick is blocked! Bronson SUPERKICKS! Ivar goes to a corner, Bronson runs in but into a BOOT! Ivar runs, into a SAMOAN DROP! Fans fire up as Bronson then SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Bronson stalks Ivar. Ivar rises, Bronson ripcords but Ivar dodges! Ivar scoops to SPINNING POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Bronson survives and Ivar grows frustrated. Ivar drags Bronson to a drop zone, then he climbs up the corner!

Fans fire up as Ivar reaches the top, for the DOOM-SAULT! But he FLOPS as Bronson moves! Bronson now goes up and fans fire up again! Sarah distracts and fans boo! The ref reprimands, Bronson hurries down, and Ivar goes to the far side. The ref EJECTS Sarah! The fans fire up for that, Bronson runs at Ivar, but Ivar dodges! Ivar clotheslines Bronson out of the ring! Then Ivar goes to the apron, to CROSSBODY, but Bronson catches hiM! And SLAMS him! And then TOSSES him over barriers! Fans rally, a ring count starts, and Ivar BOOTS Bronson in return! Ivar drags Bronson over railing, we’re at 5 of 10!

Ivar DECKS Bronson, goes up the barrier, but Bronson hits him low! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER through the barriers!! And the count is TEN!!

Double Count-Out Draw

Fans fire up for more, and Ivar SMACKS Bronson with a chair! Ivar ROCKS Bronson, and this goes into the crowd now! Bronson HEADBUTTS, but Ivar sends him into the technical staff! The forearms fly, Bronson throws more HEADBUTTS! Ivar throws more forearms, security rushes in, but they get CLOBBERED! Adam Pearce reprimands, but Bronson scoops a guy to TOSS him at Ivar!! Fans cheer and Bronson revels in it, but Ivar goes up onto a road case! CANNONBALL onto Bronson and security!! Producers rush out here, they get Ivar away from Bronson while Nashville loses their minds! Bronson and Ivar shout that this isn’t done, but then when and where will this end?


Zoey Stark stalks with Shayna Baszler backstage.

Stark feels how close she was to beating Rhea. Shayna says yeah, she gave Rhea a good fight. She’ll get another shot, just relax. Right, Shayna’s right. But Nia walks in and sarcastically applauds. “Congrats, champ. Oh, that’s right, Zoey, you had a great match against Rhea at Survivor Series, and you took her to her limit, but you fell a little short, didn’t ya? And ya lost.” It should’ve been Nia against Rhea because then she’d be champ. But Nia will still tear through the division, so every woman should be on notice. That includes Zoey and Shayna. Shayna tells Nia to do us all a favor and “shut your hole,” before someone breaks your arm and puts you on the shelf, again.

Zoey says she’s got this, she doesn’t need someone standing up for her. So Nia, if you want a fight, then they can go 1v1 tonight. Nia says that’s exactly what she wanted. Nia heads out, Zoey and Shayna can’t deal, but will the Irresistible Force turn the Hunter into the Hunted?


Judgment Day regroups again.

But Priest, Finn & McDonagh can’t believe it. R-TRUTH is on their couch, eating jelly rolls, and has gotten powdered sugar EVERYWHERE! And all he can say is, “Wassup, dawg?” Finn asks what the hell! Truth found a comfy place to eat this award winning jelly rolls. Truth… This is THEIR clubhouse! And now it’s a mess! Yeah, and they don’t have a TV. But he heard they wanted a fifth member for WarGames, and so sign him up. Truth… That was Saturday! No! Yep. Did they win? How’d he do? Priest says Truth wasn’t in there, and they lost anyway, thanks for the reminder. Oh, sorry. Cheer up, though. Randy Orton’s back! Ain’t that cool?

The Judgment Day tell Truth to get out! Are they sure they don’t want any jelly rolls? NO!! NOW GO! Truth leaves, the couch is ruined, and McDonagh says he’ll take care of Truth. Is the Irish Ace going to make Truth wish he had stayed gone?


Nia Jax VS Zoey Stark!

Raw returns and Stark makes her entrance. The bell rings and Nia runs in! Zoey slide sunder, KICKS and KICKS and KICKS, then runs to ROCK Nia! But  Nia grabs Zoey to lift her up and TOSS her to a corner. Nia runs in, into a BOOT! Zoey boots again, Nia blocks to put her on the apron, but Zoey ROUNDHOUSES! And slingshots, but Nia ROCKS her! Fans boo but Nia tells them to shut up. Nia storms up on Zoey, drags her up, and TOSSES her, but Zoey handsprings through! Zoey runs back in, but Nia catches her, for a POWERSLAM! Nia mocks the fans cheering on Zoey, tells them to shut up, then TOSSES Zoey again!

Zoey ends up in another corner, Nia runs in to SPLASH! Nia throws Zoey away, then runs at her, but Zoey sends her out! Nia is furious and shouts at Maggle. Zoey goes up and up and FLYING LARIATS! The fans fire up and Zoey stomps Nia as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Nia has Zoey in a torture rack! Zoey endures, throws elbows, and gets free! Then she JAWBREAKERS! Nia wobbles, but she still ELBOWS Zoey down! Nia storms up on Zoey, stalks her and stands on her, then drags her up. The fans rally but Nia hoists Zoey up. Zoey fights with fists! Zoey tries but Nia stops the Rana, to SWING Zoey into buckles! Fans boo but Nia soaks it up. Nia drags Zoey out, dribbles her off the mat, then drags her up to scoop. Zoey slips free to SUPERKICK! And SUPERKICK! Zoey kicks the legs out, runs, but into a BODY CHECK! Nia snarls, runs in at the corner, but Zoey dodges to POST Nia!

Fans fire up as Zoey pushes Nia down, and ARABIAN CORKSCREW SENTONS! And then SLIDING BOOT! Cover, TWO! Nia is still in this but Zoey grits her teeth. Zoey drags Nia up but Nia HEADBUTTS her away. Nia runs in to SPLASH at the corner, and Zoey sits down. Nia runs in to HIP ATTACK! And then Nia drags Zoey into a drop zone, goes up the corner, but Zoey moves! SUPERKICK to the legs! Nia gets stuck, Zoey STOMPS her down! Deep stack, TWO!! Nia gets free, but Zoey goes to the apron. Zoey springboards and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO! Nia is tough but the fans are behind Zoey!

Zoey CLUBS away on Nia, then roars! Zoey goes up a corner, fans rally as she climbs, but Nia hits ropes to trip Zoey up! Fireman’s carry to a SAMOAN DROP! Nia isn’t done, she runs to drop a SENTON! And that’s still not enough! Nia drags Zoey into a corner and climbs up! A-NIA-LATOR!! Cover, Nia wins!

Winner: Nia Jax, by pinfall

The Irresistible Force could not be stopped, she puts another name on the list! Will it only be a matter of time before she steamrolls even Rhea Ripley?


Imperium regroups backstage.

Ludwig and Vinci argue over their loss, and Gunther walks over. Der Ring General expects them both to go to Adam Pearce and sort out this DIY issue. Vinci promises- Oh, Vinci promises?! Ludwig says HE promises to get it done. They head out together, Gunther grumbles, but then he turns around to see The Miz. Miz asks if there’s trouble. What does Miz want? Miz says he heard Gunther’s comments during the Survivor Series press conference. Gunther said his next challenger should be someone who challenges him to his face. Well here Miz is! Gunther chuckles. Is Miz sure about this? Oh, he’s real sure.

Miz is sure he CAN beat Gunther and take that title. Miz know sit, and now Gunther knows. Gunther knows that Miz is no threat to his legendary reign. But Miz did stand up for himself so Gunther gives him that. Miz came prepared for a fight. Miz can claim he belongs in that ring, just not with Gunther. So is that a no on a rematch from their great Survivor Series showdown? Or will the Hollywood A-Lister find a way to get that sequel made?


Seth Rollins is here!

Nashville fires up and sings along “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~” as the World Heavyweight Champion makes his way to the ring. The Visionary is feeling good after the WarGames win, but might be feeling some kinda way after seeing CM Punk return. We hear what is on Rollins’ mind, after the break.

Raw returns and the fans are still singing, “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” Rollins has the mic to say, “NASVILLE~! Welcome… to Mondaaay! Niiight! Rolliiins!” And he is a Visionary, he is a Revolutionary, he IS Seth FREAKIN’ Rollins! The singing returns, but there are also some “C M PUNK!” chants. Rollins takes off his sunglasses and says go on then. Come on with it. Is that all they got, Punk fans? Yeah, get it out of your system, because tell you what. Rollins won’t spend one more second, one more ounce of energy, on that hypocrite! Fans get riled up and Rollins says instead of talking about someone who don’t matter at all, let’s talk about what matters most!

Let’s talk about the title that for the last six months, Rollins has built into the most IMPORTANT title in this entire industry! Fans cheer that, and the singing returns. Now, Nashville, Rollins has to be real. Two days out from WarGames, he is not feeling too good. But he’s starting to get that itch again. He’s starting to get the itch to be a fighting champion again. And he went and saw Adam Pearce earlier today. They sat in the office, talked about- DREW MCINTYRE!? The Scottish Warrior walks down to the ring and Nashville is a bit torn. McIntyre gets a mic to say it has been a crazy 48 hours around here, hasn’t it?

Goodness, people are talking about a lot of things, about what happened outside the ring with McIntyre and Rollins, but they both know what is more important: what happens in the ring. So McIntyre wants to shake Rollins’ hands to congratulate him on the win in WarGames. Rollins accepts, and McIntyre then says Judgment Day had some master plan. They promised Jey Uso on a silver platter, but McIntyre didn’t get Jey, and the real plan was losing, so that’s one hell of a plan. Jey’s been driving McIntyre mental, and McIntyre realized these last 48 hours that he needs to refocus. Jey is on the backburner, McIntyre will focus on what is most important: the World Heavyweight Championship.

Now does Rollins remember what he said before their match at Crown Jewel? Rollins chuckles and says yes, he does. He told McIntyre that when Rollins beats McIntyre, McIntyre would have no one to blame but himself. And that it’d be the best thing to ever happen to him. Was Rollins right? Yes, 100% right. McIntyre has no one but to blame but himself for losing at Crown Jewel. And Rollins surely remembers that one point in the match. If anyone wants to watch it back, there was a point where McIntyre had Rollins on the steps, dropped him on the apron, and Rollins rolled into the ring. McIntyre could see it in Rollins’ eyes that he was finished.

That is where McIntyre should’ve struck. But something came over him as he saw Rollins writhing in pain. It was sympathy and compassion. Something about thinking of Rollins with his daughter backstage, it felt the urge to tell Rollins it was okay and it was over. McIntyre took Rollins by the face to say that, and Rollins SLAPS him! McIntyre deserved that slap, that was on him. Acting like that with Rollins, Rollins was always gonna win. To swim with shark, you gotta become the biggest shark of all. So no more sympathy, no more compassion, forget Jey Uso, McIntyre wants a damn rematch!

Rollins says if there’s one thing he has always respected from McIntyre, it is his honesty. And to be honest with McIntyre, Rollins does believe McIntyre deserves a rematch. The problem is, Rollins also believes there are some others who deserve an opportunity more. And that, Nashville, is why Rollins came out here tonight. He talked with Pearce, and he wanted to tell everyone right here, next week, Rollins defends the World Heavyweight Championship LIVE on Monday Night Raw! Fans cheer, McIntyre sighs, and he says Rollins is the champ, he calls the shot. But can McIntyre ask who the match is with?

Rollins is hesitant. Rollins says okay, he’ll just say it. It’s Jey Uso. Fans chant “YEET! YEET! YEET!” and McIntyre looks dumbfounded. Rollins says this wasn’t personal, it- GLASGOW KISS HEADBUTT!! Fans are stunned as McIntyre busts his own forehead open with that shot! And as he said, no more compassion! He RAMS Rollins into a corner, then OVERHEAD SUPLEXES! McIntyre gets in Rollins’ face again and asks if this really isn’t personal. JEY USO of all people?! McIntyre BEAT Jey two weeks ago!! He should be head of him! McIntyre throws down another HEADBUTT! But here comes Jey!

Fans fire up as Jey storms up to the ring, slides in, and he dodges McIntyre to fire off haymakers! The fans chant “YEET! YEET! YEET!” with every shot! Jey pops ‘n’ locks and ROCKS McIntyre! Then SUPERKICKS! Rollins is up, he and Jey DOUBLE SUPERKICK! Fans fire up while McIntyre is in retreat. Jey then picks up the world title, looks at it, but smiles and hands it over to Rollins. Fans cheer but will Main Event Jey finally reach the mountaintop next week?


Sami Zayn confronts McIntyre backstage.

McIntyre tells him not now but Sami says no, he needs to hear this. Sami doesn’t know what’s going on with McIntyre, but c’mon. He can’t beat Rollins so he has to headbutt him when he’s not ready? McIntyre says Rollins has something against him, and Sami doesn’t know what he’s going through. Oh, Sami doesn’t know? Guess what? You’re not the only one who’s had disappointments around here! McIntyre lost out on the Universal Championship against Roman Reigns in front of his family? So did Sami! McIntyre came up seconds short of beating Rollins? So did Sami! Every disappointment McIntyre’s had in his career, Sami’s had that times TEN!

The difference is, when Sami falls down, he dusts himself off, picks himself up and keeps moving forward because he knows the endgame for him is becoming World Heavyweight Champion! McIntyre has already been a world champion twice, and he’s 6’6″, 300 pounds of pure muscle! He has everything going for him, but he’s acting like a spoiled little brat. Sami says McIntyre is better than that. McIntyre says maybe Sami’s got a point. Maybe McIntyre should be taking everyone’s advice, including his own, and fighting his way up the ladder. He can go talk with Pearce to get a match next week. With Sami.

McIntyre heads out, and while Sami stood up to do the right thing, did he also just step on a landmine? Or better yet, in front of a Claymore?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Chelsea Green & Piper Niven VS Natalya & Tegan Nox!

The Hot Mess & Scottish Viper have been avoiding a fight with the Queen of Harts & Welsh Firecracker but there’s no running from it now! Will Chelsea & Piper be able to survive the Raw after Survivor Series? Or will Natty & Nox finally shut them up?

Raw returns and the champs make their entrance. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who really runs the Women’s Tag Division!

The teams sort out and Chelsea starts against Natty. They tie up before the bell, then go around. Natty trips Chelsea, floats to a facelock but Chelsea wrenches out. Chelsea grinds forearms into Natty’s face, puts her on ropes, then whips. Natty reveres but Chelsea reverses back, but Natty rolls over the dropdown. Chelsea whips again but Natty ELBOWS her, then DISCUS LARIATS! Natty goes for the legs but Chelsea kicks her away! Tag to Piper while fans boo. Piper storms up on Natty, she and Natty tie up but Natty waistlocks. Piper pries free, HEADBUTTS Natty to a corner, and runs in, but Natty POSTS her!

Tag to Nox, she runs up to wheelbarrow and STUNNER! Nox keeps going, PENALTY KICK! Tag back to Natty and Nox brings Piper up, for the CROSSBODY! Natty cheers herself and the fans join in as Raw goes picture in picture.

Natty tells Chelsea to kiss this, then she gets the fans cheering again. Natty stomps Piper, drags her from ropes, and steps through. Chelsea distracts the ref, Nox tells her to stop it, but now the ref is busy with Nox. Piper kicks Natty away and Chelsea is there to cheap shot her! Piper then runs up to SENTON! Cover, TWO! Piper tags Chelsea, Chelsea climbs and Piper sets Natty up, MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Chelsea taunts Nox, drags Natty up and taunts her, but Natty throws body shots! But Chelsea throws Natty down by her hair! Chelsea mocks the fans cheering Natty on, then stalks her to ropes.

Chelsea drags Natty over, tags Piper, and Piper scoops Natty to SLAM her! Then Piper scoops Chelsea to SLAM her onto Natty! Chelsea wants to go again, so Piper scoops and SLAMS her onto Natty again! Nox protests, the ref keeps her from getting involved, and then Chelsea tries to scoop Piper? Yeah, not that easy… Piper scoops Chelsea to SLAM her onto Natty a third time! Cover but the ref is busy telling Chelsea to go. The ref finally sees the cover, TWO! Piper keeps cool and she HIP DROPS Natty down! Piper taunts Nox, keeps Natty from Nox, but Natty and Nox reach out! Piper reels Natty in, short arm LARIAT!

Piper tells the rf to deal with Nox but the ref knocks to watch Chelsea. Chelsea plays innocent but Piper bumps Natty off buckles. Piper tags Chelsea, and Chelsea RAMS into Natty! And again! Tag back to Piper and Raw returns to single picture. Piper cobra clutches and ripcords so Chelsea can SLAP Natty, then Piper CLOBBERS her! Fans rally but Chelsea drags Natty back to the corner. Chelsea puts Natty up top, climbs up after her, but Natty hits back! Natty hits Piper, too! Natty sends Chelsea down, adjusts, but Chelsea is back up! Natty slips under to carry Chelsea out, SIT OUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!!

Chelsea survives but Natty hurries for her corner! Hot tag to Nox! Fans fire up and Nox rallies on the champs! Nox fires off hands, then LARIATS Chelsea! And again! And UPPERCUTS! Fans fire up with Nox and she runs up, but Chelsea SLAPS her! Nox just laughs! Nox HEADBUTTS, then reels Chelsea in. GOURD BUSTER, and then a KNEE for Piper! Piper tumbles down, Chelsea runs in at the corner, but Nox slips out to the apron! ROUNDHOUSE! Chelsea wobbles, Nox goes up, MOLLY-GO-ROUND! Cover, Piper breaks it! Piper drags Chelsea to their corner and tags herself in. Chelsea staggers after Nox but Nox rolls her up!

Chelsea rolls through to CODE BREAKER! Piper SENTONS onto it all! Cover, Natty breaks it! Fans cheer, Natty drags Piper up but Piper ROCKS her and TOSSES her! Piper tags Chelsea back in, and Chelsea storms up on Nox. Chelsea has the arms, but Nox shoves her away! Piper tags back in, Chelsea TOSSES Nox! Nox drags Chelsea out with her! Chelsea kicks Nox away, then CROSSBODIES, but Nox & Natty catch her! They DOUBLE SUPLEX her into barriers! Fans fire up, but here comes Piper! CANNONBALL!! Fans fire up and Piper puts Nox back in the ring. Piper runs, for the BASEMENT SPLASH!! Cover, Piper & Chelsea win!

Winners: Chelsea Green & Piper Niven, by pinfall (still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Once again, Piper does all the hard work to keep these belts on her and Chelsea. Chelsea smiles and celebrates, but will there come a time when even Piper isn’t enough to save this team?


Jey Uso talks with Randy Orton backstage.

Jey doesn’t want any trouble. Just wanted to find Orton before Orton found him. Is that so? Yeah. Jey wants to thank Orton for having their back at WarGames. And if it means anything, Jey heard about those receipts. He is sorry how everything went down back in the day. Cody gave Jey a second chance here on Raw, Jey is trying to do right by everyone. He wants to leave the past in the past. Orton understands that. Listen, Uce, Orton has been watching. He’s seen how these past few months, hell maybe longer than that, but Jey has had Cody’s back. Jey has had a lot of people’s backs. Cody trusts Jey, those other guys trust Jey, that goes a long way.

So as far as Orton is concerned, bygones are bygones. But Orton is handling unfinished business with The Bloodline. So long as Jey is out, they’re good. They shake hands on it and Jey wishes Orton luck. Orton thanks Jey, and now he has one less name on the list. But will Jey’s name just be replaced by Dirty Dom’s? That main event happens next!


Backstage interview with Becky Lynch.

Jackie Redmond is with The Man, and notes that just 48 hours ago, she was in her own WarGames match in Chicago, and came out the winner. How is she feeling now after such an epic battle? Well, she feels like she went to war in an epic battle, and she hopes she looks it. But Saturday was a night about making amends. There is a thin line between love and hate, and she never knows when one switches from one side to the other. But enough about that, she wants to talk tonight! The Man has come around to Nashville. And there’s a couple fights on the horizon, one more pressing than the other. Becky heads out, what fight could she mean?


Randy Orton VS Dominik Mysterio w/ JD McDonagh!

Raw returns and Orton makes his entrance. The bell rings and fans cheer on Orton. Orton and Dom circle, they tie up, and Orton powers Dom to a corner. The ref counts, Orton pushes Dom around and lets off. Dom sucker punches Orton! Fans chant “Who’s Your Daddy?” Dom runs, but gets run over! Dom bails out and regroups with McDonagh. McDonagh coaches Dom up, Dom rushes back in, but Orton fires haymakers! Orton has Dom on ropes, UPPERCUTS him, then whips Dom to back drop! Dom writhes from the crash landing and fans fire up as Raw goes picture in picture.

Dom bails out, wants mercy, but Orton storms up to the ropes. Dom gets away, so Orton strikes his pose. Dom wants a mic? No, there’s no time for that. Dom storms around, complains about something, maybe he’s missing his Mami. Orton smirks as Dom keeps pacing around but the ring count starts. Orton goes out after Dom to CLOBBER him! Orton chases McDonagh away while mocking his bad neck. Dom staggers up but Orton UPPERCUTS him down! Orton brings Dom around, Dom throws hands, but Orton SMACKS him off the desk! Orton puts Dom in and then stalks him, to trip him and have the leg.

Orton brings Dom around to stomp him in the stomach! Orton digs his heel in, then stomps a leg! Dom writhes and flounders to a corner but Orton is on him again. Orton whips corner to corner hard and Dom bounces off buckles. Orton drags Dom to a cover, TWO, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Orton drags Dom up while fans again chant “Who’s Your Daddy?” Orton TOSSES Dom out, storms out after him, and McDonagh hobbles away. Orton stands Dom up, to back- NO, Dom slips out of the back suplex, CLUBS Orton and RAMS him into steel steps! Fans boo while Orton writhes, Dom is after that repaired back and shoulder! Dom puts Orton in the ring, covers, TWO! Dom is annoyed by the count but the ref says his count is fair. Dom clamps on a chinlock, he squeezes Orton’s neck, but Orton fights up. Fans rally and Orton throws body shots. Dom CLUBS Orton, whips him to a corner, but Orton comes back to CLBOBER him!

Orton rallies on Dom, ducks him and SPIN POWERSLAMS! Fans fire up with Orton and he is feeling it! Orton puts Dom in the ropes, brings him out, and he grins at McDonagh as he hits the DRAPING DDT! Fans fire up again and Orton soaks it up. Because Orton’s hearing those voices! McDonagh drags Dom to safety! Fans boo, McDonagh asks what they’re all looking at. Wait, Jelly Roll is up front! Fans cheer as Jelly stands up. Jelly and JD argue, and Jelly shoves JD! Fans fire up as now Dom gets mad! So Jelly shoves Dom! Orton high-fives Jelly, goes back for Dom, and hits that BACK SUPLEX TO THE DESK!

Dom writhes and flops off the desk but fans want that one more time! Orton drags Dom up, brings him back around, and indeed, another BACK SUPLEX TO THE DESK! Orton puts Dom in, but McDonagh gets on the apron. Orton gets him for a DRAPING DDT! McDonagh writhes, Dom DROPKICKS Orton onto ropes! Dom dials it up, 619! Dom hurries up top, FROG SPLASH FLOPS! Orton aims, R K O!! Fans are thunderous, Orton covers, Orton wins!

Winner: Randy Orton, by pinfall

The Viper had a successful return to the ring at WarGames, and he has another successful return here tonight! Dom & McDonagh retreat, will Mami not be happy about this?


CM Punk is here!

Nashville fires up one more time and sings along with Cult of Personality. Punk goes to the ring, and gets a mic as the fans chant his name. Punk then says, “Looks like Hell just froze over.” Fans cheer that! And Punk means that as in, this is him, standing in a WWE ring, on Monday Night Raw, with a mic in his hand. He doesn’t mean that apparently, a Blackhawks fan is actually getting love inside the Predators’ territory. Sorry, had to say it. He’s gotta be himself. And lately, he’s been feeling a little more like himself ever since Saturday. That is a career highlight for him, and he’s been trying to come up with the words to explain exactly how he feels.

He has two words that he’s afraid to say. Not because they’re not true. It’s because he’s scared of how true they actually are. It is a bit corner, it won’t sound like CM Punk, but he’s a changed man. Once upon a time, an American Dream taught him that as long as you speak from the heart, you cannot go wrong, because it is the truth. So this is the truth: “I’m home.” Fans cheer that! Punk says he has come back to this familiar place, and he didn’t know how he was gonna react, he didn’t know how it was gonna go, but it has made him feel like himself again. Because this is where Punk belongs! This is home! And he’s been gone for TEN YEARS!

And yet for those ten years, no one ever forgot him, even when he maybe wanted to forget himself. And that is powerful stuff. The fans are all powerful. A bunch of continents, countries, arenas all over the world, people watching at home, they never stopped chanting his name. The fans chant it now! Punk says the Voiceless found their voice, and he couldn’t be more proud. He heard them, that is why he is back. Because he loves them! He loves them! He loves them, missed them, missed all of this, and wishes he could say he didn’t have to leave. But once upon a time, a Wise Man told him that for him to get everything he wants out of this place, he’d have to leave it and come back.

Hate to say it, but the Wise Man was right. But that is why Punk is back. He wants to get everything he needs out of this place. He is back for the fans because the fans are home. Fans cheer that! Saturday was an amazing moment, Monday is an amazing moment. He wants the words to explain how it feels, but in front of and behind the camera, it’s nothing but love, nothing but hugs. It feels like a family reunion. Everybody back there is happy to see Punk, a few kissed him, it is all “Welcome back, welcome home, we’ve missed you, we’re happy to see you. How’s AJ?” And AJ lee is fabulous and sends her regards. Fans cheer that most of all!

Punk says everyone has welcomed him back with open arms. Except… Some are afraid. They’re afraid of the truth, of what they don’t understand, but Punk understands. Everything he has ever wanted has always been right here. The competition, week in and week out, competes to be the Best in the World, but the Best in the World hasn’t been here in almost ten years. Punk understands being afraid. They’re afraid he’s set the bar to an unobtainable level, that he has the brass ring in his back pocket. That the most dangerous and controversial, feared man in this business, walked in and there’s nothing they can do about it.

Some are afraid that tomorrow, they’ll have to come to terms with how their best efforts at being the Best in the World in this ring, on this mic, even at commentary, isn’t just false, but a lie! Because the Best in the World is back, standing in this ring, live and in living color, in Nashville, Tennessee on a Monday night, and his name is… C M PUNK!! He’s baaack~! “I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to make money.” Will Punk prove he is still the Best in the World? Or will that be hard to do even for him?

My Thoughts:

A great Raw to follow Survivor Series, especially with everything they had to build upon. A touch disappointed Tag Team Turmoil wasn’t pretty much the entire commercial free first hour to give everyone a lot of time, and rather surprised that the Creeds won out. But at the same time, not that surprised, given that DIY and Imperium still have to settle things. But I’m a little surprised they didn’t give New Day a shot at Judgment Day, that feud is probably simmering for WrestleMania season. Creeds can still have a good feud with Judgment Day, Ivy can even step to Rhea, but I don’t see them winning the titles.

Great promos throughout the night with the winners and losers of WarGames. Orton and Rhea interacting was really fun, and of course Dom gets in trouble because of it. Great main event match from them with McDonagh of course there to also get whooped. And also good interaction of Jey and Orton to bypass Jey VS Orton happening. Orton is going strong, but I don’t expect him to just shoot up to the world title. Maybe he has a good showing in the Royal Rumble, but I bet he alters course to go after like the Intercontinental Championship and Gunther. Gunther had a good promo with Imperium and also with Miz, that’ll be a fun rematch before Gunther gets on his Road to WrestleMania.

Speaking of Rumble, great promo from Cody to not just declare for Rumble, but to also put WarGames into a heartfelt perspective. And then Nakamura going after Cody, great move there to help them both build momentum to Rumble. Awesome promo stuff with Rollins and McIntyre to give McIntyre’s Heel turn more heat, I busted up laughing that it was Jey getting his shot against Rollins next. McIntyre and Sami also have a great promo, and that rematch of the two of them is going to be great, too. And I just about died laughing during R-Truth’s promo with the Judgment Day. What a great way to bring Truth back, he is a national treasure.

Also really good promo from Becky, and maybe, just maybe, she’s saying she’s gonna go after Rhea now? Thought it was gonna be Nia, but she and Zoey had a good promo and match, maybe Nia has to get through the others first, meaning Shayna is next. Really good women’s tag title match but that could’ve been a touch better. Something seemed a touch off, who knows what. But Chelsea & Piper retaining is fine, because this is all leading to Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn taking those belts back. I kinda wished something had happened while we lingered on Chelsea smiling and waving after the win. Maybe they start on that build this Friday.

Awesome stuff from Bronson VS Ivar, though the crowd didn’t get into it right away. Great move to have it be a count out draw and then a brawl, they’re definitely gonna up the ante next time. And then CM Punk of course had the closing moment tonight. I had another laugh when Punk said he was “back home” in the WWE, perhaps out of surprise and how that buries his time in AEW. But whatever any of us think about Punk, from egotistical to hypocritical to emotional to passionate, he’s back, but also, this is it. He messes up here, he is done. He can’t go back to AEW, likewise can’t go to AEW’s friends like NJPW, and he clearly doesn’t want to go anywhere “small time” like Impact or NWA. He needs to keep it under control this time or lose whatever’s left of his legacy.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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