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Mitchell’s NJPW World Tag League Results & Report! (11/29/23)

B Block, round 4!



Will it be lights out for Bishamon?

Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi have been struggling despite being the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, will they finally gain some ground this round?


  • Six Man Tag: The Gates of Agony & Yuto Nakashima VS The House of Torture; The House of Torture wins.
  • Six Man Tag: TMDK VS Kaito Kiyomiya, Ryohei Oiwa & Boltin Oleg; Kaito, Oiwa & Oleg win.
  • Six Man Tag: The United Empire VS Bullet Club War Dogs; Bullet Club wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Tiger Mask, Ryusuke Taguchi, Shota Umino & Ren Narita VS Master Wato, YOH, Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii; Wato, Yoh, Yano & Ishii win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr. VS Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza; Fale & Bonza win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki VS El Phantasmo & Hikuleo; ELP & Leo win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Taichi & Yuya Uemura VS Lance Archer & Alex Zayne; Archer & Zayne win.
  • 2023 World Tag League, B Block: Bishamon VS Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr; Time Limit Draw.


Here are the current B Block standings!

Taichi & Yuya Uemura: 3-0, 6 points
Alex Zayne & Lance Archer: 3-0, 6 points
Atlantis Jr. y Soberano Jr: 2-1, 4 points
Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr: 2-1, 4 points
ELP & Hikuleo: 1-2, 2 points
Bishamon: 1-2, 2 points
Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza: 0-3, 0 points
Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki: 0-3, 0 points


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr. VS Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza!

Gene Blast & The King of the World took down the NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions in last round’s main event, but now they’re up against the Bullet Club’s Rogue Army, who are starving for a win! Will the Rogue General & Red Commando finally get on the board? Or will they just have to tranquilo in the fourth?

Fale & Bonza Too Sweet, and then Tsuji & Zando attack! The bell rings and Zando fires off on Fale but Bonza turns things around on Tsuji. Fale CLUBS Zando, then bumps him off buckles. Bonza drags Tsuji up, Rogue Army whip but the amigos dosido and return to CLOBBER Fale & Bonza! Fans fire up as the forearms fly. Then Tsuji sends Bonza into Fale! Zando sends Tsuji in to UPPERCUT! Bonza falls out of the ring, Tsuji runs in to SPLASH Fale! Fale flops out of the ring and the fans rally up with Zando. He and Tsuji high five then DOUBLE DIVE! Direct hit into the railing and down goes the Rogue Army!

Fans fire up as Zando & Tsuji stand back up. The ring count starts so Tsuji puts Bonza in. Tsuji & Zando stalk Bonza, and Zando SMACKS Bonza on the head. They double whip then POP-UP KNEE! Bonza falls over, Tsuji covers, TWO! Fans cheer while Tsuji keeps cool. Tsuji kicks Bonza to ropes, CHOPS him, but Bonza pie faces. Tsuji kicks low and CLUBS away on Bonza! Bonza blocks the whip, but Tsuji knees low. Tsuji whips, Bonza reverses but Tsuji ducks ‘n’ dodges, only to run into a lift and FLAPJACK HOTSHOT! Fale DECKS Tsuji while Bonza BLASTS Zando! Bonza stomps Tsuji around, then pulls off his Bullet Club shirt, to CHOKE Tsuji with it!

Fale distracts the ref, Zando storms in but now the ref has to stop him. Bonza just keeps choking Tsuji, but Tsuji gets to the ropes. The ref reprimands and counts, Bonza lets off to cover, TWO! The fans rally up for Tsuji but Bonza stands Tsuji up. Tsuji fights the scoop, so Bonza CHOPS him down! Tag to Fale and he BLASTS Zando! Bonza stands Tsuji up for Fale to scoop SLAM! Fale drags Tsuji around, then stands on his back! He uses Tsuji as a surfboard! Tsuji endures, Fale steps off, and he flips Tsuji over for a cover, TWO! Fans cheer as Tsuji hangs in there. Fale tags Bonza in, and Bonza steps through to have the EDGE-UCATOR!

Tsuji endures, Zando coaches him, and Tsuji reaches out. Tsuji fights to the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer but Bonza lets off in frustration, and BLASTS Zando for the hell of it! Bonza drags Tsuji up, suplexes, but Tsuji fights it! Tsuji tries to suplex, Bonza fights it! They fight for suplex control, and Tsuji gets Bonza up and over! Fans fire up while both men are down! Tsuji crawls his way over, hot tag to Zando! Zando rallies on Bonza, CLUBS him, then whips. Bonza reverses, but Zando stops to drop knees on Bonza’s back! Zando says tranquilo, but Bonza rushes in. Zando catches his lariat to send him into the corner!

Zando runs in to clothesline, then he snapmares and basement dropkicks! Fale runs in but Zando drop toeholds him onto Bonza! Zando then runs to basement dropkick Fale! Fans rally up behind Zando, but Fale runs in aga. Zando dodges to DROPKICK Fale out! Bonza goes to a corner, Zando calls to Tsuji, and they both storm up on Bonza. They double whip, double hip toss for the DOUBLE POWERBOMB! Tsuji SPLASHES, then sets Bonza up as Zando climbs. MOONSAULT! Cover, Fale kicks it apart! Tsuji fires off on Fale, throws him back out, and fans rally up. Tsuji drags Bonza up, he and Zando hook him up, but Bonza fights the Anchor!

Bonza CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Bonza fires up, runs, but into DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! The fans fire up as Tusji & Zando set up, for the ANCHOR! Then Tsuji goes up top and stands on Zando’s shoulders. But Fale body shots Zando! GRENADE for Tsuji!! Bonza ELBOWS Zando, Fale SPLASHES him! Then feed to a BACKBREAKER, and ELBOW DROP! Cover, ROGUE ARMY WINS!

Winners: Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Tsuji & Zando earn 0)

Bullet Club blows it up and finally has a win! Is there still a chance for them in the World Tag League? Can Tsuji & Zando rebound and set sail next round?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki VS El Phantasmo & Hikuleo w/ Jado!

Blue Justice & The Meanest Man in the World have not been able to put together a win while the Headbanga & Young Guerrilla really only have that first round shocker to stand by. Will the murder grandpas finally score some points? Or will the NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions keep from owing more golden tickets?

ELP gets fans to cheer referee Marty Asami, and even Nagata and Suzuki. Suzuki gets annoyed and tells ELP to shut up. ELP winds up and high fives Leo, which fans cheer. Suzuki dares ELP to step up, and so that’s who starts. Fans rally as the bell rings, and ELP taunts Suzuki as he takes off his shirt. ELP and Suzuki circle, they feel things out, and then knuckle lock. Suzuki kicks, wrenches, wristlocks, hammerlocks, but ELP spins back, wrenches free and wristlocks to then headlock. But Suzuki brings ELP to a knee to pop out and headlock back. ELP slips free and the fans cheer that opening exchange.

The two circle again, feel things out, and ELP gets a “SU-ZU-KI!” chant going. Suzuki storms up, ELP stays in a corner. The ref has Suzuki back up, and ELP comes back. They feel things out, ELP goes for a leg, then a waistlock. Suzuki wrenches at ELP’s arm, has the wristlock, then wrenches again. ELP rolls, handsprings, but Suzuki denies the wrench to then wrench again. Suzuki hammerlocks, headlocks, but ELP hits a BIG atomic drop! Suzuki hobbles away, ELP BLASTS Nagata, but Nagata runs in! Into an atomic drop! ELP hobbles his way over, saying his knee hurts from hitting those drops.

ELP storms up on Suzuki, but gets caught in a HANGING ARMBAR! Nagata runs to BLAST Leo! The ref counts, Suzuki lets go at 4, but Nagata sends Leo into railing! Suzuki drags ELP out to send him into railing, too! Nagata throws hands on Leo, whips again, as does Suzuki! ELP & Leo both hit railing hard! Suzuki stomps ELP, Nagata stomps Leo, and Jado can only protest. The ref reprimands, ELP hits Suzuki back with forearms, but Suzuki ROCKS ELP! ELP falls back, the ref starts the ring count, and Suzuki leaves ELP behind. The count reaches 10 of 20 while ELP crawls, and ELP staggers about at 11.

ELP steadies himself at 14, slides in at 15, and fans cheer. But Suzuki facelocks and he brings ELP over. Nagata tags in, the murder grandpas mug ELP, and then Nagata KNEES ELP against ropes. Nagata throws a heavy body shot! ELP doubles over, Nagata sits ELP up to KNEE him down again! Nagata drags ELP up for another body shot! ELP sputters and coughs his way to a corner, Nagata stomps him, then wrenches an arm. Suzuki tags himself in, and he kicks ELP low. Suzuki taunts Leo, then stands ELP up to ROCK him with a right! ELP wobbles, ROCKS Suzuki back, but Suzuki just glares. ELP throws more forearms but Suzuki just glares!

ELP apologizes to the murder grandpas, but Suzuki body shots then DECKS ELP! Suzuki gives Nagata a hard tag and fans rally up. Nagata drags ELP up to CLUB him on the neck! Nagata waits on ELP, to then KICK! And KICK! And KICK! ELP ends up in a corner, Nagata whips him corner to corner and BOOTS! Then clinch to EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! ELP is still in this and fans rally back up. Nagata drags ELP up, suplexes, but ELP slips free to waistlock! Nagata fights with elbows, ELP apologizes and wants time. But then he kicks! Nagata blocks that, only for ELP to ENZIGURI! Fans rally up while ELP and Nagata are both down!

ELP crawls his way over, rolls and hot tags Leo! Leo UPPERCUTS Nagata, BLASTS Suzuki, then swings on Nagata. Nagata dodges but Leo keeps moving to run Nagata over! Fans fire up with Leo and he runs in at the corner. Nagata dodges the splash, comes back, but into a scoop! SNAKE EYES and a BOOT! Fans fire up and Leo aims. Nagata rises, Leo clamps on the choke grip! But Nagata ROCKS Leo first! Nagata fires more shots, whips, but Leo reverses. Nagata rolls and fakes the enziguri to dropkick the leg out! Nagata gets up and Suzuki already tags in. Suzuki fires forearms on Leo! Suzuki eggs Leo on and Leo pounds the mat.

Leo choke grips! Suzuki breaks free to ROCK Leo again! Suzuki runs, but Leo scoops to SIDEWALK SLAM! Fans fire up while both men are down! Leo crawls, hot tag to ELP! ELP storms up on Suzuki and fires a forearm! Suzuki grits his teeth so ELP throws more shots! Suzuki just glares! ELP throws off his elbow pads to ROCK ELP! Suzuki smiles! ELP ROCKS Suzuki again and Suzuki ROCKS ELP in return! ELP wobbles then falls over! Suzuki drags ELP back up, whips him to a corner, and Nagata joins in. Suzuki BOOTS, Nagata SHINING WIZARDS! Then snapmare, and DOUBLE PENALTY KICK SANDWICH!!

The rivals shove each other, fans fire up, but then Leo shoves Suzuki into Nagata! Leo then runs, to DOUBLE LARIAT them both down! Fans rally up, ELP rises and he helps Leo get Suzuki up. They double whip Suzuki to a corner, then they whip Nagata into him! ELP sends Leo in to DOUBLE SPLASH! Nagata falls, ELP ELBOWS Suzuki! Then feed to the POWER TRIP! Leo then sets Suzuki up for the LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Suzuki survives and fans fire up again! ELP tunes up the band, SUDDEN- NO, Suzuki dodges! ELP kicks, runs, but Suzuki follows! Suzuki gets around to SLEEPER! Nagata grabs Leo for a CROSSFACE!

Fans fire up while ELP & Leo endure stereo submissions! ELP is turning red, ELP is fading! The ref checks, Suzuki lets off to cover, TWO!!! ELP survives and the fans fire up! Suzuki lets the fans rally up as he drags ELP up into another SLEEPER! And then a sin, but ELP jackknife bridges! TWO!! ELP BOOTS Suzuki, then SUPERKICKS! And then the tuck for C R 2!!! Cover, ELP & LEO WIN!

Winners: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Nagata & Suzuki earn 0)

The murder grandpas fall short again! What is it that’s missing in their formula? As for the “Blue Sexy Boys,” will they continue to be NJPW Strong as the WTL rolls on?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Taichi & Yuya Uemura VS Lance Archer & Alex Zayne!

The Holy Emperor beat his mentor with help from Heat Storm, but now things get even hotter as Taichi faces a former Suzuki-Gun ally! In a battle of 3-0 teams, will Taichi & Yuya be able to survive? Or will they get burned by the Monster Sauce?

Archer’s back to beating up Young Lions, and Zayne just sighs with an “Oh, you” attitude. The teams sort out and Archer wants to face the KOPW Champion. Taichi and Yuya give thumbs, and fans cheer as the former Suzuki-Gun members start. Archer says Taichi is still his brother but this is about WTL, so #EverybodyDies, even Taichi! Archer pie faces Taichi, but Taichi CHOPS! Archer just smiles, so Taichi CHOPS again! Archer eggs Taichi on, Taichi CHOPS again! Archer ROCKS Taichi with a forearm! Fans rally up, Taichi and Archer circle, and they feel things out. Taichi KICKS and KICKS but Archer blocks one to choke grip!

Taichi breaks free, but Archer waistlocks! Taichi fights free to PELE! Taichi runs, Archer follows and BODY CHECKS Taichi! Archer eggs Taichi on, but Yuya tags in. Archer stares Taichi down but then he KNEES Yuya low! Archer bumps Yuya off buckles, tags Zayne, and Monster Sauce double whip. Yuya gest around to shove Zayne into Archer and then arm-drag Zayne! Zayne gets up, Yuya DROPKICKS him! Yuya CHOPS Zayne, CHOPS again, and CHOPS again! Zayne is in the corner, Yuya whips him corner to corner. Zayne reverses, runs in, but Yuya dodges and Archer ELBOWS him down! Zayne comes back ELBOW Yuya!

Archer then whips Zayne to scoop, so that Zayne can tilt-o-whirl RANA Archer into Yuya! Fans fire up while Archer laughs. Zayne covers, TWO! Zayne brings Yuya over, tags Archer, and Archer stomps around. Archer taunts Taichi, then Monster Sauce mugs Yuya. Archer drags Yuya up and CHOPS him! Archer stands Yuya back up but Yuya CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Archer eggs Yuya on, Yuya throws more CHOPS, but Archer DECKS him! Archer says it isn’t Yuya’s time, this is all about Monster Sauce! Fans cheer, Archer whips Yuya corner to corner hard, and Archer has a cocky cover, but Red Shoes doesn’t wanna count?

Archer tells him to count but Red Shoes says not until it’s a real cover. Archer snarls and he drags Yuya up. He dares Yuya to go tag Taichi, then he short arm LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Taichi was also there but Archer grins as he gives him a pie face. Red Shoes has Taichi back off, and Taichi coaches Yuya on. Archer bumps Yuya off buckles, tags Zayne, and Monster Sauce mugs Yuya. Zayne brings Yuya out to ROCK him! Yuya CHOPS! Zayne ROCKS Yuya again but Yuya CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Zayne knees low, whips but Yuya reverses to reel Zayne in for a BIG back suplex! Fans fire up while both men are down!

Zayne and Yuya crawl, they reach out, hot tag to Taichi! Taichi storms in after Zayne to give him Kawada Kicks! Zayne goes to a corner, Taichi BOOTS him! Taichi snapmares to KICK Zayne, but Archer runs in to kick Taichi! Archer whips but Taichi reverses to wrench and HOOK KICK! But Archer rebounds, only for Taichi to DUMP him out! Zayne kicks and whips Taichi to a corner, but Taichi comes back to AX BOMBER! Fans fire up and Taichi gets them to get louder. And OFF COME THE PANTS! Taichi aims, but Zayne ducks the buzzsaw! Roll up, Taichi rolls through, but Zayne EDDY GORDO KICKS!

Taichi stays up, GAMAN- NO, Zayne ducks the kick! Zayne ROLLING AX KICKS! Fans fire up while both men are down! Zayne and Taichi crawl, and Zayne is up first. Zayne drags Taichi up to wrench and scoop, but Taichi pulls hair! Taichi CLUBS away on Zayne, but Zayne swings. Taichi ducks to SAI- NO, Zayne slips free! Zayne reels Taichi in but Taichi fights the suplex! Taichi tries but Zayne fights the suplex! Zayne then suplexes to FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Taichi is still in this but Zayne tags Archer. Archer says he told Taichi this was coming! Archer suplexes and THROWS Taichi!

Fans fire up as Archer storms around, and he runs in to ELBOW Taichi in the corner! Archer says that’s one! He runs corner to corner again, but Taichi BOOTS him! Archer snarls, runs back in but Taichi dodges! GAMANGIRI! Fans fire up while both men are down! Taichi crawls to his corner, hot tag to Yuya! Zayne runs in but Yuya arm-drags him! And arm-drags him again! Archer runs up to choke grip! CHOKE- DROPKICK! Yuya then DROPKICKS again! Archer is still up, and he blocks the arm-drag to send Yuya to the corner! Yuya dodges the splash, but Archer still blocks the arm-drag! Choke grip, but Yuya DOUBLE CHOPS!

Yuya DOUBLE CHOPS again, but Archer kicks low. Archer runs, into an arm-drag! Fans fire up as Yuya dropkicks the legs! Yuya DOUBLE CHOPS Archer down! Cover, ONE!! Fans rally up, Yuya pounds the mat and he goes to the corner. Yuya climbs up, but Archer STEP-UP KNEES! Archer then brings Yuya up in the inverted crucifix! But Yuya fights free, rolls Archer up, TWO!! Archer swings, Yuya gets under and shoves Archer into a Taichi’s BOOT! DOUBLE CHOPS! SOBAT! Yuya goes up to FLYING BULLDOG! Cover, Zayne breaks it! Taichi kicks and throws Zayne out and leaves it to Yuya! Yuya fires up and the fans are with him!

Yuya climbs a corner, takes aim as Archer stands, CROSS- NO, choke grip! But Yuya victory rolls! TWO!! Archer is up, Yuya blocks the boot to UPPERCUT! And DOUBLE CHOP! And ENZIGURI! Archer stays up so Yuya traps the arms! But Archer HEADBUTTS free! Yuya runs, into a scoop! ROLLING AX KICK SIDEWALK SLAM COMBO!! Cover, Taichi breaks it! Zayne dodges Taichi to scoop, BAJA BLAST!! And then Archer grabs Zayne, CHOKE SAULT! Fans fire up as Archer roars! Archer drags Yuya up, but Yuya CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Yuya DOUBLE CHOPS Zayne down, but Archer ROCKS him!

Yuya roars, but runs into the choke grip! CHOKE SLAM!! Cover, TWO?!? Yuya survives and shocks everyone! But Archer drags him into the drop zone, then lifts Zayne up! BLACKOUT SWANTON BOMB!! Cover, Monster Sauce wins!!

Winners: Lance Archer & Alex Zayne, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Taichi & Yuya earn 0)

Archer said it’s all about Monster Sauce, and Monster Sauce just won big! They are the ONLY 4-0 team in ALL of World Tag League 2023, are they going to be the only option for B Block? Or will Taichi & Yuya still find a way to change everything?


2023 World Tag League, B Block: Bishamon VS Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr!

Though Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi are IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions and former World Tag League winners, their road to the threepeat has not been easy. They’ve started to #TurnItAllAround, but can they keep it going? Or will the sons of lucha libre shine brightest here tonight?

The teams sort out and the luchadores offer handshakes. Bishamon accept and the fans cheer the sportsmanship. Hashi starts against Soberano and the fans rally up. They circle, tie up, and Soberano headlocks. Soberano grinds Hashi down but Hashi uses that to pop out the back and hammerlock. Hashi then headlocks, but Soberano fights up. Soberano throws body shots, trips Hashi with a leg takedown, then traps that leg. Hashi uses his free leg to pull Soberano down and goes after an arm. Soberano clasps hands, Hashi pries them apart and has the ARMBAR! Soberano shifts around, but Hashi pulls on the arm again!

Soberano turns Hashi over, and ties up the legs in a deathlock, then shifts to body scissors and roll! Cover, TWO! The two stand off and the fans cheer. Hashi and Soberano circle again, then they knuckle lock. Hashi wrenches, hammerlocks, and headlocks. Hashi hits a takeover, then grinds Soberano down. Soberano headscissors, Hashi fights around, but Soberano has the arms, too. It’s an inverted motorcycle stretch now! But Hashi powers his way out, floats to a headlock, but Soberano slips away. The fans cheer again, and Hashi tags Goto. Soberano says it was that close, and he tags Atlantis in.

Atlantis and Goto circle and the fans rally up. The two tie up, Goto puts Atlantis on ropes, and Red Shoes counts the break. Goto lets off with pats on the shoulder and fans applaud. Atlantis keeps cool, he and Goto circle, tie up, and Goto waistlocks. Atlantis reaches around, spins through and he facelocks. Goto wrenches out to hammerlock, and then headlocks. Atlantis slips out to waistlock but Goto gets the ropes. Red Shoes calls the break, Atlantis lets off with pats on the shoulder, and fans cheer again. Atlantis and Goto reset and feel things out. Atlantis wrenches an arm, CLUBS it, then double wristlocks.

Goto powers through, hammerlocks, then headlocks for a takeover. Atlantis headscissors, Goto kips free, and the fans cheer. The two circle again, and then tie up. Goto headlocks, grinds, but Atlantis throws body shots. Atlantis powers out, Goto RAMS into him, but Atlantis rebounds to run Goto over! Fans fire up and Atlantis shakes his arm out. Atlantis stands Goto up to fire forearms and stomps, then runs. Hashi slides in, Bishamon runs Atlantis over! Then ZANMAI! Soberano runs in, Bishamon kicks him first! They HAMMER away on Soberano, then fans fire up as Bishamon flexes. They stomp Atlantis to a corner, and Goto digs his knee in.

Red Shoes counts, Goto lets off quickly, but then stomps Atlantis. Goto CLUBS Atlantis down, clamps on a neck wrench, but Atlantis endures. Goto bumps Atlantis off buckles and Atlantis falls back. Tag to Hashi, Goto stomps some more, but lets off for Hashi to stand Atlantis up. Hashi wrenches Atlantis, CLUBS the arm, then wrenches again. And again, and again! Hashi keeps Atlantis from ropes, CLUBS the arm, and then brings Atlantis around. Atlantis CHOPS, so Hashi CHOPS back! Atlantis falls, Hashi brings him up to bump off buckles. Tag to Goto and they wrench the arms. Bishamon double whips but Atlantis ducks the lariats to RANA Hashi!

Atlantis dodges Goto to arm-drag him! And DROPKICK! Fans fire up while both men are down! Atlantis crawls for his corner, hot tag to Soberano! Soberano goes up to CROSSBODY Goto! Cover, TWO! Soberano is a little annoyed with the count but he looms over Goto. Soberano stomps Goto, kicks him around and eggs him on. Goto blocks the punch to ROCK Soberano! And again! Soberano run sin, but Goto DECKS him! Fans fire up and Goto drags Soberano up. But Soberano DROPKICKS again! And then STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Goto hangs in there but Soberano keeps his cool.

Soberano clamps onto Goto with shoulder claws, then a chinlock. Soberano snapmares Goto to then leg drop! Soberano keeps on Goto with a chinlock, and he pushes Goto out of the ring. Soberano brings Goto around to whip into railing! And then he clamps on a headlock to put Goto on the apron. APRON 619! Goto staggers back into railing and Soberano wants Red Shoes to be patient with him. Soberano drags Goto up, chicken wings him, and Atlantis kicks Goto low. Soberano then runs around to CLOBBER Hashi! Atlantis cranks Goto’s neck against railing! Soberano comes back for Goto and puts him in the ring.

Soberano “apologizes,” then he drags Goto up. Atlantis sticks his feet in, Soberano bumps Goto off the boots! Tag to Atlantis, and he ROCKS Goto with a forearm! Then a snapmare and chinlock. Atlantis squeezes tight, then shifts his grip so he can dig a knee into Goto’s back! Goto endures, Soberano runs in to BOOT! The luchadores stomp away on Goto, their frustration boiling up. Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Goto but Atlantis stomps him more. Atlantis drags Goto up, bumps him off buckles, and stomps a mudhole. Goto kicks back but Atlantis CLUBS that leg. Then Atlantis sets the leg up as Soberano runs in, and Soberano KICKS Goto in the thigh!

Goto hobbles and falls over, fans still rally, but the luchadores taunt the fans. Cover, Soberano intercepts Hashi, TWO! Goto is still in this but Atlantis argues the count. Red Shoes defends his count, so Atlantis drags Goto up in a facelock. Tag to Soberano, the luchadores mug Goto, but Goto fires forearms in return! They just hit him harder! The luchadores beat Goto down, HEADBUTT him, and then Soberano looms over Goto. Soberano clamps on a chinlock but Goto fights up. Goto throws body shots, but Soberano BOOTS! Goto goes to a corner, Soberano whips him corner not corner. Goto reverses, runs in, but Soberano BOOTS again!

Soberano runs, but Goto follows. Soberano dodges, but Goto deflects the belt to DISCUS LARIAT! Fans fire up while both men are down! Goto crawls, hot tag to Hashi! Fans fire up as Hashi fires up, and he runs corner to corner at Soberano to CHOP! Hashi whips to then CHOP again! And mule kick! Hashi turns Soberano, but Soberano fights free! Hashi still dropkicks the legs out! Hashi runs, to BLOCKBUSTER! The fans fire up as Hashi watches Soberano go to another corner. Hashi runs in again, to clothesline! And then a stalling suplex! Hashi holds on for EIGHT before the SLAM! Cover, TWO!

Soberano hangs in there but Hashi keeps cool. Hashi storms up on Soberano, drags him up, and ROCKS him! Soberano falls over, but Hashi stands him back up. Soberano ROCKS Hashi, eggs him on, so Hashi ROCKS Soberano! Soberano and Hashi go back and forth with forearms, and fans rally up as Soberano drops to a knee! Hashi fires off more forearms, then a CHOP! Soberano wobbles, but he shakes his head. Fans rally up, Soberano winds up to CHOP! Hashi sputters and Soberano eggs him on more. Hashi CHOPS back, but Soberano shakes his head. Soberano CHOPS again! Hashi winds up to CHOP again!

Soberano grits his teeth, fires himself up, and CHOPS! Soberano keeps egging Hashi on, so Hashi CHOPS again! Hashi gets in Soberano’s face so Soberano CHOPS! And CHOPS! Hashi ROCKS, body shots and CHOPS! Soberano goes to a corner, runs back in, but into a DOUBLE CHOP! Fans fire up with Hashi and he drags Soberano back up. Hashi reels Soberano in, hoists him up, but Soberano slips free! Hashi swings, Soberano gets around and RANAS! Fans fire up as Soberano runs, but Hashi ELBOWS him! Hashi runs, but Soberano BOOTS him! Hashi roars, runs, but into a POWERSLAM! Fans fire up while both men are down!

Hashi and Soberano stir and crawl for their corners as we pass 20 minutes. Hot tags to Goto and Atlantis! Fans fire up as they RAM shoulders! And RAM again! And RAM again! Now they throw forearms! Atlantis gets the edge, roars and runs, but Goto runs him over! Fans fire up again and Goto drags Atlantis up. Goto whips Atlantis to a corner, runs in, and MURAMASAS! Then SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Atlantis survives that solid landing but Goto drags him back up. Goto fireman’s carries, but Atlantis fights free. Atlantis shoves Goto to then POWERSLAM! And basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Goto is still in this and fans rally up!

Atlantis drags Goto up and whips him to ropes, but Goto slips free of the scoop! Goto waistlocks, Atlantis switches, but Goto RAMS him into a corner! Hashi returns and runs in, to clothesline! Feed to the fireman’s carry, but Atlantis slips free! Soberano BOOTS Hashi, Atlantis has Goto in a CROSSFACE!! Goto endures while Soberano sends Hashi into railing outside! Fans rally but Atlantis pulls on the neck! Goto reaches out, Hashi returns, he stomps Atlantis down! Hashi coaches Goto on but Atlantis kicks Hashi back out! Soberano then builds speed to FOSBURY FLOP! Down goes Hashi and fans fire up! And the CROSSFACE is back on!!

Goto endures, fans rally up, but Atlantis pulls way back!! Goto still fights, still reaches out, still crawls his way over, but Atlantis pulls even more!! Goto kicks and flails, ROPEBREAK!! The fans fire up as Atlantis lets off in frustration. Atlantis vows to end this and he drags Goto back up. Atlantis puts Goto in the ropes and Soberano climbs! DRAPING MOONSAULT!! Cover, TWO!!! Goto survives and the fans fire up again! Atlantis is frustrated, and we’re at 25 minutes! Soberano coaches Atlantis up and time is ticking away. They hurry to get Goto up, then double whip him to ropes. Double hip toss into a cradle, but Hashi makes the save!

Hashi fires forearms and CHOPS! Atlantis CHOPS Hashi! The luchadores stomp away on Hashi, Soberano is like a jackhammer! Soberano and Atlantis then wait on Hashi to get up, kick and run to BOOT! But Hashi’s right up!? He LARIATS Soberano, but Atlantis DECKS Hashi! Atlantis kicks Goto, runs, but into a fireman’s carry! USHIGOROSHI! Fans fire up as all four men are down! Goto roars and he drags Atlantis up. Goto dragon sleepers, but Atlantis fights from below! Goto blocks that arm, but Atlantis ROCKS him with the other! Atlantis swings again, but Goto catches him for a BIG suplex! And we’re at the three minute warning!

Fans fire up as Goto crawls, hot tag to Hashi! Hashi runs, but Atlantis blocks the lariat! So Hashi CHOPS! Atlantis rebounds, Hashi dodges the lariat to LARIAT Atlantis! Fans fire up again as Hashi drags Atlantis back up. Hashi has the leg, but Atlantis fights the fisherman suplex! Atlantis CHOPS Hashi, runs, but Hashi gets around to trap him! Goto BLINDSLIDE LARIATS! Two minute warning, Hashi SUPERKICKS! BUTTERFLY LOCK!! Goto catches Soberano, rolls him around, ARMBAR into SHORYU KEKKAI!! The luchadores endure stereo submissions! Atlantis fights around, ROPEBREAK!! Hashi lets him go and then coordinates with Goto.

Goto TOSSES Soberano, he and Hashi whip Atlantis to a corner. Goto clotheslines, then Hashi clotheslines! Then fireman’s carry and FIERCE FLASH! Final 60 seconds!! Bishamon drags Atlantis up, dragon sleeper and the legs, but Atlantis boots him! HIDDEN GAP! And then SHO- NO, Soberano busts it up! Final 30 seconds!! Goto CLOBBERS Soberano, Atlantis DECKS Goto! Hashi and Atlantis DOUBLE LARIAT and they’re both down!! Time is running out!! Someone has to do something! Hashi finds Atlantis to cover, Soberano breaks it!! FINAL TEN SECONDS!! Soberano tries to cover but he’s not legal! TIME IS UP!!

Time Limit Draw (both teams earn 1 point)

An incredible battle pushes both teams to their limits, but also pushes this to the time limit! The fans applaud both teams for giving it their all. And in the end, the teams shake hands again. But with no winners, there’s no closing address! The luchadores bow in thanks to all the fans, Bishamon wave good night, and they all head out. A draw is better than a loss, but will just getting one point this round come back to bite someone later on?


Here are the NEW B Block standings!

Alex Zayne & Lance Archer: 4-0, 8 points
Taichi & Yuya Uemura: 3-1, 6 points
Atlantis Jr. y Soberano Jr: 2-1-1, 5 points
Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr: 2-2, 4 points
ELP & Hikuleo: 2-2, 4 points
Bishamon: 1-2-1, 3 points
Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza: 1-3, 2 points
Yuji Nagata & Minoru Suzuki: 0-4, 0 points

My Thoughts:

A great round for B Block, with some real surprising results, too. Did not think Rogue Army would get their first win here, because I thought Tsuji & Zando were going to continue on pretty strong. Less surprised that Suzuki & Nagata still haven’t won, only because they were up against the NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions. ELP & Leo can’t lose too much, they’d be owing title shots all over the place. Then great stuff with Monster Sauce getting a big win over Taichi & Yuya, and a great move in the main event. Going for a time limit draw on a half hour match is a bit tricky, though, because things dragged a little in the middle to drag it out. But a draw is also a great way to keep Bishamon from owing more title matches while still not winning so as not to hurt Team CMLL.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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