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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (1/22/24)

What shape is Seth Rollins in?



How is the Visionary looking on the Road to WrestleMania?

We’re just FIVE DAYS away from The Royal Rumble, but Seth Rollins must first address his physical condition as WWE World Heavyweight Champion!


  • Imperium w/ Gunther VS The New Day; Double Count-Out Draw.
  • Ivy Nile w/ Maxxine Dupri VS Sarah Logan; Ivy wins.
  • The Miz VS Dominik Mysterio w/ Finn Balor & JD McDonagh; Dom wins.
  • Chad Gable VS Ivar; Ivar wins.
  • Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell VS Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark; Shayna & Stark win.
  • Drew McIntyre VS Damian Priest; McIntyre wins.


Seth Rollins is here!

The fans fire up as The Visionary makes his way out to the ring, but that knee brace stands out against that volt green suit he’s wearing. The World Heavyweight Champion still high-fives fans and smiles for them as he goes down the ramp. Fans still sing “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” as Rollins gets the mic. The fans cheer for Rollins, and even shift to “Thank You, Seth!” as they anticipate what he’s here to say. Rollins takes a moment, and he tells, “New Orleans! Welcome to Monday Night Rollins. And it has been a long week, so, I really appreciate that. Thank you, guys.”

Rollins continues by saying seven days ago, he was in this ring, defending the WHC against Jinder Mahal. Fans boo but Rollins says it’s okay, he beat him. But he jumps off ropes, moonsaults like he usually does, and he just felt his knee kinda go in in a way that it is not supposed to. He did what he does, he finished the match, beat Jinder. He went to the back, sat down, and that was the first time it set in that he might be out for a long time. Earlier that night, he’d spoken backstage about how every single title defense, he only gets better and stronger, so he couldn’t help but feel, sitting there all helpless, that he was a liar.

Fans say no, but Rollins is a bit emotional as he says this was the first time where it was a real possibility that he’d miss WrestleMania. Fans again chant “NO! NO! NO!” Rollins appreciates all that, but they still had to get the MRI, get a look at it, and middle of the week the results came in. They weren’t great. A grade two tear of the MCL, a partial tear of the meniscus, and the docs are saying that even with surgery, we’re talking three to four months. Now if it were up to him, he’d be back next week, stomping heads into the mat because it’s what he loves to do.

But unfortunately, it isn’t just up to him. He can’t just say no, as much as he’d like to. “We don’t really know what the future holds.” So he’s taking it day by day, week by week- And then Imperium interrupts… Der Ring General, Gunther, leads the way as he, Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci make their way out to the ring now. Fans boo as the Intercontinental Champion steps into the ring to stand across from the World Heavyweight Champion. Rollins says he has no time for this. If they’re gonna make an example out of him, then just do it. Don’t waste time, just bring it. Gunther says not to worry about Ludwig & Vinci, they have a match later tonight.

What Rollins should worry about is Gunther. Fans boo again but Gunther says he thought and Rollins were avoiding each other, and that today would be a great opportunity to just honestly let Rollins know what he thinks of him. Rollins chuckles and says okay, if that’s the case, should they let him say what he thinks? Fans are torn but Rollins says have at it. Gunther says no reason to be on edge. Just from the beginning, Rollins was in a tough spot. He was labeled the workhorse champion right from the start. He had to be the guy that came out here, every week, and fight honestly for every victory, becoming a champion that brings dignity, respect and honor to a title.

Gunther says Rollins became a champion that everybody can be proud of. Just like Gunther. But now, it pulls on Gunther’s heartstrings to see Rollins like this. And now we find Rollins might not make it to Mania, that honestly makes Gunther sad. Well, see, Gunther, he and his boys should’ve let Rollins finish. What he was about to say is that he doesn’t give a damn what the doctors tell him. He doesn’t give a damn how hard he has to rehab, how hard he has to push his knee, he WILL keep his promise and take this title into WrestleMania! The fans fire up for that! And Rollins will do every single thing in his power to walk out of Mania the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!

Fans fire up hearing that, and Gunther says that’s great! Happy to hear it! Because Gunther thought we were gonna see a great champion fall. But now Rollins is proclaiming to do everything it takes to be a champion at Mania. Gunther admires that. Because Gunther would do the same thing if he was in Rollins’ position. And in fact, Rollins reminds Gunther of himself. So from one great champion to another, on Saturday, Gunther will win the Royal Rumble. And then he will choose Rollins as his opponent for WrestleMania! But with all due respect, Gunther will target that knee, that back, and everything that is not 100%, and he will beat Rollins to become WHC!

Fans boo as Gunther smirks at Rollins, and even chant “You Suck! You Suck!” But Rollins says, “I appreciate your honesty, Gunther. Now here’s a little honesty from me. You can challenge me at WrestleMania if you win the Royal Rumble but I want you to remember one thing. Remember who you’re coming after.” Rollins drops the mic and offers a handshake. Gunther says, “You better remember who’s coming after you.” Gunther drops his mic and shakes Rollins’ hand. The challenge is made, but will either man be in that ring in Philadelphia?

Wait, Xavier Woods jumps out from the crowd to CLOBBER Ludwig & Vinci!! Kofi jumps in, too! The New Day gets the jump on Imperium, and Rollins gets out of the ring as quickly as he can so the brawl can get in the ropes! Woods TOSSES Vinci back out, Kofi clotheslines Kaiser up and out! Gunther is furious, will Imperium rebound from this embarrassing ambush?

Imperium w/ GUNTHER VS The New Day!

Raw returns and the match is already going. Vinci scoops, Kofi slips out to shove but Vinci ducks ‘n’ dodges to CROSSBODY! Fans boo but Vinci CHOPS Kofi in a corner. Vinci BOOTS Kofi, stomps a mudhole, then lets off to BOOT Kofi again! Vinci talks trash on Kofi, brings him around, and Kofi fires off haymakers! Fans fire up as Kofi whips, but Vinci reverses. Kofi goes up and up and MISSILE DROPKICKS! Kofi drags Vinci up, bumps him off buckles, then stomps a mudhole in. Woods tags, he stomps away on Vinci, too! The ref counts, Kofi lets off but Woods keeps going! Fans fire up, the ref counts more, and Woods lets off.

Woods warns Kaiser, then he CLUBS Vinci. And CHOPS Vinci! And CHOPS again! But Vinci FLAPJACKS Woods off ropes! Vinci then LARIATS Woods down! Tag to Kaiser and he rains down fists. Kaiser then sits Woods up to PENALTY KICK! Kaiser stares Kofi down, then fires hands on Woods. Kaiser CHOPS Woods, fires off hands and stomps, then lets off. The ref reprimands, Kaiser storms up but Woods throws a body shot, then a CHOP! Kaiser snarls, he goes after Woods and he rains down fists! The ref counts, Kaiser lets off and fans boo more. Kaiser drags Woods up to kick, but Woods blocks!

Woods snarls, and he CHOPS! And CHOPS! And ENZIGIRIS! Kaiser flops out of the ring, Vinci shouts to him, but the fans rally. Woods crawls, Vinci runs in but Woods TOSSES Vinci out hard! Fans fire up as Woods crawls, but Kaiser drags him out! Vinci gets Woods up to APRON BACK SUPLEX! Then Kaiser THROWS Woods into barriers! Kofi rushes over to back Imperium off, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Woods fires CHOPS on Vinci, but Vinci CHOPS back! The fans “WOO~!” with every CHOP, but Vinci kicks a leg out. Vinci whips Woods to a corner, runs up, but Woods BOOTS him down! The fans fire up as Woods and Vinci crawl for their corners, hot tags to Kaiser and Kofi! The fans fire up as Kofi springboards to AX HANDLE Kaiser! Kofi BLAST Vinci, fires off on Kaiser, but Vinci storms in to CLUB Kofi! Kofi DECKS Vinci! Kofi clotheslines Kaiser up and out, then he DIVES onto Vinci! Kofi keeps moving to DIVE onto Kaiser! Kofi rains down fists on Kaiser, then drags him up for forearms!

But Vinci WRECKS Kofi with a dropkick! Imperium mugs Kofi but Woods WRECKS Imperium with a dropkick! Woods fires off on Vinci, Kofi fires off on Kaiser, and the fans are thunderous! Kofi HEADBUTTS Kaiser, Woods CLUBS away on Vinci but Vinci throws hands back. Kofi sends Kaiser into barriers, the ring count hits TEN!!

Double Count-Out Draw

Fans boo but Kofi then sends Vinci into barriers! Kofi runs up but Vinci TOSSES Kofi up and over! Vinci goes out, this brawl continues in the crowd! Woods meanwhile POSTS Kaiser, then RAMS him into barriers by the timekeeper’s area! Kofi and Vinci brawl in the tech area, Woods and Kaiser ringside, Woods HAMMERS away! Woods KNEES Kaiser down! Vinci DECKS Kofi! Kaiser gets up to POST Woods! Kaiser TOSSES Woods into the timekeeper’s area! Kaiser stomps away on Woods, Vinci CLUBS Kofi, and fans boo as Kaiser grabs a chair! Kaiser shoves things around to make room, and Vinci brings Kofi over

Kaiser says they’re gonna end this once and for all! But then Woods BODIES Kaiser into road cases! Woods fires off on Vinci, then throws hands down on Kaiser! Woods brings Kaiser up onto the road cases!! The fans are going nuts as Woods fires off more haymakers on Kaiser’s face! Then Woods looks down below and smiles. Woods brings Kaiser around and fireman’s carries! But Vinci hurries up to attack Woods! Fans boo as Imperium mugs Woods! Imperium gets Woods up, to DOUBLE SUPLEX, but Kofi makes the save! DOUBLE SPEAR off the cases and through some tables!! New Orleans loses their minds over it!

The refs hurry over to check on all four men. Assuming these four can stand back up, will they only go after each other with even more ferocity?


The Judgment Day talks backstage.

They just finished watching the hype package for Damian Priest VS Drew McIntyre, and Finn is fired up. Rhea can’t believe they’re going to war with Drew. Because it just feels to her that Priest wants to fight everyone. She just talked with Adam Pearce and he informed her that Priest & Finn defend the tag titles against DIY. So she really thinks McIntyre should be the least of their worries. Priest says he isn’t trying to go around fighting everyone! But McIntyre WILL be handled by Priest! And he’s not the one walking around here with a big head just cuz he’s on the cover of 2K24. And he’s also not the one going into Pearce’s office to make matches for the team every other week!

Here’s an idea, Rhea: stop going to Pearce’s office! Priest is gonna go clear his head for his match tonight, but he wants Rhea to understand Judgment Day business is under control. Priest storms out, Rhea complains to the others about what Priest just said. She then tells JD & Dom that DIY should’ve been handled a long time ago! Finn agrees, a long time ago. Rhea is disappointed in them. See? You disappointed Rhea! JD apologizes. And then Rhea turns his attention to Finn. What’s so funny? Why’s he smiling and snickering all the time? Finn says it’s kinda funny.  Rhea says nothing’s funny. Priest will handle McIntyre alone.

Which means Finn is ringside for Dom’s match. It’s been awhile since we’ve seen that vicious side of Finn Balor. Oh, she wants vicious? He’ll show us vicious. Finn leads the boys out, will the Prince help Dirty Dom handle biz against The Miz?


Backstage interview with Ivy Nile & Maxxine Dupri.

Jackie Redmond is with them at gorilla position and says we’ve seen the workout videos, Ivy has been training so hard for this Saturday and the Royal Rumble. But she has “Valhalla” Sarah Logan tonight, what would this win do for her? Maxxine says here’s the thing: Lil’ Miss Val ain’t ready for Ivy Nile! She ain’t the Pitbull for nothing! The Creeds then walk in and hype up “big guy” Ivy. She has them calm down and says she’s got this. “Let’s get this barefooted freak.” Ivy heads out, Maxxine following, and Julius scolds Brutus for being too hyper. But will the Diamond Mine’s top dog show Sarah Logan who runs the yard?

Ivy Nile w/ Maxxine Dupri VS Sarah Logan!

Raw returns and “Valhalla is here” as Sarah makes her entrance. The bell rings and Sarah rushes in, but Ivy fireman’s carries! Sarah slips free, claws at Ivy’s face, but Ivy snapmares free and KCIKS her! Ivy whips, Sarah reverses and KNEES Ivy against ropes! Wait, is that Nikki Cross on the ramp? Sarah CLUBS away on Ivy, the ref counts and Ivy flops out of th ering. Sarah goes out to CLOBBER Ivy! Fans boo but Sarah hauls Ivy up to put her in the ring. Sarah then stalks Ivy, sits her up and smothers her into some fishhooks to the mouth. The ref counts, Sarah taunts Ivy as she brings her up, but Ivy fires forearms!

Sarah RAMS into Ivy but Iviy throws mroes hots! Sarah ducks the roundhouse but not the ENZIGIRI! Sarah goes to ropes, bites the ropes, and runs back in. Ivy UPPERCUTS, UPPERCUTS, then dodges the counter punch to tilt-o-whirl RANA! Fans fire up and Ivy gts moinv, but into a POP-UP HEADBUTT! Cover, feet on the ropes! Maxxine points it out, the ref stops Sarah, and Sarah snarls at Maxxine. Maxxine says it’s the rules! Sarah runs up on Ivy but Ivy dodges! Sarah hits buckles, Ivy runs in but Sarah puts her on the apron. Sarah climbs up, brings Ivy to the top, and Sarah bends Ivy! But Ivy SMACKS Sarah off the post!

Ivy climbs up, uses the post for balance, and the fans fire up for Ivy’s SUPER BULLDOG! Cover, Ivy wins!

Winner: Ivy Nile, by pinfall

The #Pitbulldog gets Ivy a huge win! Will Ivy fight harder than all of the 29 other women in the Rumble to get the biggest win of her career?


The New Day regroups backstage.

They made it through the medical exam, but Jey Uso walks over to say his bois the NEW~ DAY~ have new ways to get down ‘n’ gritty here in New Orleans. He is hyped up, and then Jackie walks over for an interview. This situation with Imperium is getting more and more intense, where does this end? Woods says first thing’s first, The New Day is sick and tired of people walking into the WWE and thinking at first glance, New Day doesn’t do this. They are not 12 TIME Tag Team Champions for no reason! They are the best tag team today and have been for a decade!

Kofi says people have it confused that because of the unicorns and the pancakes and the cereal, that they can’t get down when the time is right! What you saw out there with them taking out Imperium was an example of what happens when you push them too far and cross the New Day. Jey ain’t the only one planning on winning belts this year. New Day took out the henchmen, it’s time for the big boss! Wait, Damage CTRL walks in in the background, what’re they doing on Raw? But as Kofi says, he is challenging Gunther for that Intercontinental Championship next week, here on Raw! Jey adds, “Yeet!”

Win or lose in the Rumble this Saturday, Kofi is looking to get some gold of his own. He’s held the Intercontinental Championship before, will he take down the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion ever to hold it again?


Nia Jax is here!

The Irresistible Force has come to New Orleans and the fans boo her as she goes to the ring. Nia gets the mic to say, “The first time I came face-to-face with Rhea Ripley, one of the most dominant champions in our history, she got squashed. The first time I went 1-on-1 with Becky, excuse me, ‘The Man,’ Becky Lynch, one of the greatest superstars in the history of this business, she got squashed. Now I know you think I’m coming out here to complain that they were in this very ring last week saying, ‘I wanna face you at WrestleMania, Becky!’ ‘I wanna face you at WrestleMania, Rhea!’ I completely understand!

“Rhea wants to face Becky, who she thinks she can beat. She doesn’t wanna face me, who she knows she can’t beat! And Becky… Becky’s on her path to WrestleMania. And she knows that any path with me in it has her getting squashed again. So this Saturday at the Royal Rumble, I’m gonna kill both of their dreams. I’m gonna go to WrestleMania as-” WAIT! Here comes Becky! The fans fire up as we’ve just entered the Big Time, and Becky says, “Shut up, Nia, ya dope. Congratulations, you beat me. At least that gives you something new to talk about for the next five years.”

Becky gets in the ring with Nia and says what is interesting is, going into the Rumble, she knows she has a big target on her back. But nobody has a bigger target on her back than Nia. And not because she is literally bigger, but because that locker room, they don’t agree on anything. They don’t agree at all, except on one thing: Nobody likes Nia. Fans cheer that! Becky says yeah, Nia pushes them down, throws her weight around, probably injured half of them, and so, on Saturday, Becky isn’t sure what she’ll enjoy more: Winning the Rumble a second time in her career; or watching Nia lose the Rumble.

But wait! Here comes Bayley! “Ding dong, hello, guys! Actually, both of you idiots are gonna lose, ha ha!” Bayley says she wanted to talk to Rhea, but this is almost better. Her two old pals. She tells fans to shut up! Then she says this is quite the reunion here. Nia, long time, no see. But Bayley is here to make one thing absolutely clear: SHE is winning the Rumble! SHE is gonna point to the WrestleMania sign! Because 2024 is the Year of- SHE SHOVES BECKY INTO NIA! Bayley punches away on Becky but Nia puts Bayley in a corner for stomps! Becky runs up to fire off on Nia! Bayley returns, but gets a MANHANDLE SLAM!

Nia storms up to TOSS Becky up and out, a la the Rumble! Then Nia runs to drop the leg, brother! Bayley got squashed now, and Nia grins. The refs rush out here to stop this from getting any worse! But will Nia be able to squash and toss 29 other women to be #1 contender? Or will even she fail to defeat the odds?


The Miz VS Dominik Mysterio w/ Finn Balor & JD McDonagh!

The Awesome Truth tried but failed to bring down The Prince & The Punisher, but the Hollywood A-Lister is looking to avenge R-Truth. Will Miz make this a must-see chapter in his story with Judgment Day? Or will Dirty Dom win this one with help from the boys?

Raw returns and The Miz makes his entrance. The bell rings and Miz circles with Dom. They tie up, Miz powers Dom back but Dom puts Miz in a corner. The fans chant, “We Want Truth! We Want Truth!” but Dom lets off on Miz with a shove. JD says no, they don’t get Truth! Miz storms up on Dom, ties up with him again, and puts Dom back in a corner. Dom fights but Miz keeps him cornered, but then lets off at 4. Miz fakes chop and he gets Dom to flinch! Dom runs up but Miz arm-drags! And arm-drags! Dom avoids the third but Miz avoids a kick to roll Dom up! TWO, and Miz CHOPS! Miz whips, Dom KICKS! But then Miz LARIATS Dom!

Fans fire up with Miz as he taunts Finn & JD. Miz kicks Dom, throws haymakers, and he has Dom in a corner again. The ref counts, Miz lets off at 4, but Dom kicks a leg! Dom throws hands, then TOSSES Miz out! Dom distracts the ref and Finn DECKS Miz! Fans boo but Finn does as Rhea wants. Dom builds speed and DIVES, sending Miz into the desk! Fans boo as Dom flexes, and Finn & JD both flex with him. Dom puts Miz in, gives some Latino Heat, and then slingshot SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Dom stays on Miz with a rain of fists, then soaks up the heat. Fans boo more, but Dom stalks Miz. Dom sits Miz up but fans chant “YOU SUCK!”

Dom ROCKS Miz with a right, but the fans rally behind Miz. Dom throws more fists, Miz stands up, and he CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Miz whips, then kitchen sink knees! Dom goes to a corner and gets the A-LIST LARIAT! Miz pushes Dom away, kicks at JD, but Dom kicks the ropes! Miz gets jammed up and Dom dumps him out! Dom soaks up more heat as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and both men are down after a collision during commercial! The fans rally as Dom and Miz stir, and Miz stands up first. Miz counter punches Dom as the fans rally behind him! Dom kicks low, runs, but into a LARIAT! Miz rallies, gets Dom for a dragon sleeper, BACKBREAKER to NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Dom survives the A-List Combination and that helps JD & Finn breathe. But Miz says, “MASSIVE! BALLS!” Finn distracts him, though! Dom rolls Miz up, TWO! Miz has the roll-up, TWO! Miz ducks ‘n dodges to WRECK Finn with a dropkick! Then Miz RANAS JD to join him!

Fans fire up as Miz shoulders into Dom, springboards and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Miz stands up again. Dom sits up, into a KICK! And KICK! KICK! “YES! YES! YES!” Miz winds up, to BUZZSAW! Dom wobbles, into a SUPERKICK! Miz KICKS Dom in the side, then full nelsons, but Dom victory rolls through! Miz ends up on ropes, Dom dials it up, but Miz ducks the call! Miz ELBOWS Dom away, but JD distracts the ref! Finn GAMANGIRIS Miz, Dom redials, 619!! Dom then goes up, FROG SPLASH!! Cover, Dom wins!

Winner: Dominik Mysterio, by pinfall

Fans boo as Judgment Day steals this, and then Finn fires off fists! Finn is showing he’s vicious, but here comes DIY! Fans fire up for Gargano & Ciampa rush out there! Ciampa dodges Dom, Gargano SUPERKICKS him! Ciampa RAMS into JD & Finn, then Gargano SLINGSHOT SPEARS JD! Ciampa sends Finn running, so Gargano brings JD up! The Irish Ace is fed to Miz for the SKULL-CRUSHING FINALE! And then Miz sets JD up so DIY can- NO, Finn saves JD and the Judgment Day retreats! Fans boo, but we’re just one week away from DIY VS Prince & Punisher! Will Ciampa & Gargano soon be undisputed?


Backstage interview with Damian Priest.

Speaking of those tag titles, Jackie is with the other half of the Tag Team Champions. This match with McIntyre has been months in the making, so what is his mindset going into tonight’s main event? Priest first congratulates Dom on the win over Miz, just like Priest knew he would. As for McIntyre- Truth barges in. He has Priest’s cut for this week’s sales on the “Tom & Nick Mysterio” shirts. Now, we gotta do something about JD McDonagh, he added Truth on Venmo. Priest has Truth slow down. What Priest has going on is pretty serious. He appreciates Truth’s sense of humor, but not the right time. Oh, right, Truth understands.

Truth hurries out and says he’ll see DP later. Priest gets back to McIntyre. McIntyre likes to talk and “be real,” so here’s some real talk on McIntyre. “The guy talks about when he was the man around here, right? That was at a time when everyone was struggling. Then everyone was back to 100, and what happened? He couldn’t beat Roman, he couldn’t beat Gunther, and now he can’t beat Seth Rollins. And out of pure jealousy, he wants to make sure I don’t become champion.” One way or another, from cashing in or winning the Rumble to on to Mania, Priest will be World Heavyweight Champion.

As far as McIntyre goes, he WILL receive his punishment. Priest heads out, determined as ever, but will Senor Money in the Bank make an example out of the Scottish Terminator? Or will it be the other way around?


Bronson Reed speaks.

“I am fully aware that Jey Uso intends to become a singles champion here in the WWE. But Jey, like I’ve told you, so do I. And that means that eventually, our paths are going to cross. And the sooner, the better. Because nothing will stand in my way. So Jey Uso, face me next week on Raw so you can be made an example of by BIG Bronson Reed!” The Colossal Aussie has thrown down the challenge, will Main Event Jey be ready for a Tsunami?


Chad Gable VS Ivar!

Akira Tozawa pulled off the huge upset when he pinned the War Beard, but then Ivar was a sore loser and smashed Tozawa in return. Will Master Gable make sure Ivar loses a second match in a row? Or will nothing stop the Viking Raider on his way to the Rumble?

Raw returns and Ivar makes his entrance. The bell rings and Gable ROLLING KICKS Ivar! Ivar staggers, Gable shoves him and goes up, to FLYING CLOTHESLINE! Ivar stays up so Gable CHOPS and CHOPS! Gable whips, Ivar reverses but Gable goes up and over. Gable then ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Ivar scoops him for a SPINNING POWERSLAM! Ivar snarls and he CLUBS away on Gable! Ivar then BOOTS Gable, then hauls him up. Ivar back suplexes, Gable lands on his feet and DORPKICKS! Ivar rebounds but Gable avoids the elbow drop! Gable fires off forearms, uppercuts, and a throat chop!

Ivar swings, Gable dodges and he mule kicks! Gable runs to SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Gable hurries up top, and he DIVING HEADBUTTS! Cover, TWO! Ivar is still in this but Gable keeps his cool. Gable waistlocks and lifts, but Ivar elbows free! Ivar swings, but into a clinch! Ivar is too big for that lift and he UPPERCUTS! Ivar then suplexes Gable near the ropes! Gable tumbles up and out to the floor, then Ivar goes to the apron! Ivar DIVING SPLASHES to the floor! The War Beard is standing tall while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and both men are up top! Gable and Ivar brawl, and then Gable clinches! Gable brings Ivar to the very top, for a SUPER EXPLODER!! New Orleans goes wild while both men are down! Ivar flounders away but Gable drags himself up with the ropes. Gable runs up on Ivar to CROSSBODY Ivar and himself out of the ring! Ivar runs up, but Gable dodges! Ivar clips the post, Gable pushes Ivar in! Ivar hobbles around as Gable gets in, but then Ivar catches Gable into underhooks! TIGER DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Ivar is frustrated as Gable survives, but the fans rally up. Ivar goes back, Gable gets the leg! DRAGON SCREW!

Gable hurries, goes up, and he victory rolls Ivar, into the ANKLE LOCK! Fans fire up as Ivar flails and reaches out! Gable leans on the hold, but Ivar turns over to BOOT Gable away. Ivar goes to a corner, Gable runs in, but into a SEATED SENTON! Ivar has Gable in the drop zone and he goes up the corner! Ivar DIVING LEG DROPS! Cover, TWO?!? Gable survives and the fans fire up again! Ivar waits on Gable to get up, and Gable goes to the other corner. The fans rally, Ivar spins, but Gable blocks the heel kick!? And then he has the ANKLE LOCK!! Ivar flails, reaches out, claws his way forward, and has the ROPEBREAK!

Gable lets go in frustration, and storms up, but into a SKY HIGH! Cover, TWO! Ivar huffs and puffs and hobbles his way to the corner. Ivar climbs up again, the bad leg slowing him down. Fans freak out as Ivar DOOMSAULTS but FLOPS as Gable moves! Gable hurries to waistlock, and GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO?!?! Ivar is still in this and fans can’t believe it! But Gable hurries up the corner now, only for Ivar to CHOP him! Ivar ROCKS Gable, he climbs up after him, and he brings Gable up to SUPER- NO, Gable slips around, SUPER GERMAN SUPLEX!! Gable hurries back up, to see Sarah there?!

Sarah SHOUTS at Gable, and Ivar ROCKET LAUNCHES Gable!! Gable is in the drop zone, Ivar goes up top, and he DOOMSAULTS!!! Cover, Ivar wins!

Winner: Ivar, by pinfall

“Valhalla” helped the chosen warrior, and Ivar is now 2-1 with The Alpha Academy. Will the raid continue on and find its way to WrestleMania?


Cody Rhodes is here!

New Orleans fires up for the American Nightmare as he makes his way to the ring, and sings along with his song, “WHOA~ OH~!” The pyro goes off, Cody continues down the ramp to high-five fans and autograph signs. Cody then gets the mic and hears the fans chanting for him. But then here comes CM Punk! Fans fire up again as the Second City Saint, the Best in the World, makes his entrance, and now the fans sing along with Cult of Personality. Punk says “IT’S CLOBBERING TIME~!” and he high-fives fans on his way to the ring. Punk takes a moment to revel in the cheers before stepping in to be face to face with Cody.

Cody and Punk shake hands, and then Punk gets himself a mic. Punk says that they should just take a moment to enjoy this. They’ve been on very different paths to get to here. Saturday night changes everything, hopefully they’ll still be friends on Sunday morning, but let’s just enjoy this moment. The fans chant for Cody, for Punk, maybe both at the same time, it’s hard to tell. Cody then says, “So, NOLA…! More specifically, CM Punk… What do you want to talk about?” Punk thinks while the fans chant for him again, and he says he wants to talk about Cody’s dad.

Punk doesn’t know if Cody knows this story, but in 2007, Dusty calls Punk on the phone and says he is sending his youngest son to Ohio Valley Wrestler to start his journey as a wrestler. And Dusty told Punk to keep an eye on his boy. Punk wasn’t sure he was the right guy for the job, he surely didn’t know Cody then. But when the American Dream asks you for a favor, you say yes. Fans cheer that, and Punk says it wasn’t a hard job. Punk stayed out of Cody’s way, Cody didn’t get himself into any trouble that he couldn’t talk his way out of, and Cody didn’t fall for the same vices so many others did.

Punk watched Cody grow from a preliminary wrestler into the bonafide, main event caliber superstar that stands before us today. And it might sound a little condescending coming from Punk, but Punk is proud of Cody. Punk brings that story up and Dusty up, because on Saturday, Punk feels like he’s breaking a promise. When the Rumble is happening, when the bell rings, should they cross paths, Punk is not gonna be looking out for Cody, Punk is gonna be looking for him. Punk will do what he has to, from punching him in the face to throwing him over the top rope, because Punk vows to WIN the Rumble and main event WrestleMania.

Fans are torn there, but Cody says Punk isn’t alone in that feeling of talking to Cody but thinking about Dusty. Cody has met countless legends, luminaries and dignitaries in this industry, from Michael Hayes to Bruce Prichard to Triple H to even Mr. Heyman. When they see Cody, they can’t help but see The American Dream. It’s a very large shadow. But Cody knows Punk knows that Cody has done everything in his power to not be in the shadow but to be the light in that shadow, to subvert the expectations on his own last name and be his own man.

Talk about OVW, Punk isn’t lying. Cody showed up there, folk style wrestling only, no matches under his belt, a complete nepotism hire, and there Punk was. Punk had toiled on the indies for 10 YEARS. He could’ve treated Cody poorly, but he did not. Punk treated Cody as a peer, and from then on, they have been friends. That is what makes this all bittersweet. Because in the Rumble, there are no friends. Punk says what about on Sunday? Yeah, there’s no friends in the Rumble. Punk’s been in more than Cody has. But what about Sunday morning? Punk can separate business from personal. Can Cody?

Punk wasn’t born into this but Cody was. Cody grew up in this business, personal to him IS the business. Cody is the son of one of the most legendary pro-wrestlers of all time! And Punk said to start this, they have traveled very different paths. Punk had no famous dads. When Cody showed up to OVW, other people saw Dusty, but not Punk. Punk saw Cody. It wasn’t nepotism to Punk, because where everyone saw Cody being on third base and being afforded all these opportunities that Punk didn’t get because he had to scratch and claw to where he was, he saw the burden of Cody’s last name.

Punk saw how hard it’d be for Cody to get out of that shadow, and congratulations, because Cody has done that with flying colors. The fans cheer that, and Punk says for all the differences, such as Cody in his very nice and expensive suit and Punk in his workout clothes, they’ve had very different paths but have one very similar goal. Punk didn’t have the famous dad, Dusty Rhodes, American Dream, “Son of a Plumber” and global, international heavyweight champion superstar wrestler recognized on the streets, dined with kings and queens. How does the rest of it go? Cody says “Slept in alleys, dined on pork and beans.”

Yeah, Punk didn’t have the famous dad with all that. His dad was just a regular guy, an electrician. So it’s kinda ironic, huh? Punk is more The American Dream than Cody is. Cody says okay, then, “American Dream,” here is what Cody wants to talk about. Let’s talk about “The Pipebomb.” Punk throws the WWE logo off his mic and says go ahead. Cody reminds us that Punk sat on stage, said words, rattled off the formula for a revolution, and inspired countless numbers. There are wrestlers who got in this ring because of that speech. Count Cody as one of them. But then, Punk left. And when Punk left, he really left.

Punk didn’t pass the torch, he just dropped it on the way out. He didn’t care who picked it up, but Cody’s pretty sure Punk knows who did. Cody did. “Everything that you spoke about, I literally did! So where you talked, I walked. And what is actually ironic, that makes me more CM Punk than you!” Fans are fired up hearing all this! Punk takes off the hoody and puts that aside, saying it’s getting hot in here. Cody is more Punk than Punk? Well allow Punk to give Cody the full Road to WrestleMania CM Punk experience. Cody has carried this company on his back for a soul-crushing two years, and he’s right around the corner and he’s handed to cover of 2K24.

Congrats, by the way! On sale pretty soon, huh? And right as Cody’s about to cross the finish line and #FinishTheStory, what’s that in the distance? A much bigger superstar who hasn’t been here in a very long time, coming to take it all away from you! And Punk is talking about himself. Oh, there you go, Punk looking out for Cody. Punk might be right. He talked about the American Dream, so he should know Dusty was Cody’s best friend. Dusty frequently quoted John Wayne, and the one Cody heard the most is, “Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyways.” Punk may be right but Cody has only one direction he can go, and that is forward!

That direction in the Royal Rumble goes through Punk. Cody drops the mic, and then so does Punk. Cody goes to leave but Punk turns him right around! The fans fire up as these two are forehead to forehead, then the two back off. The fans are torn between these two, and both men exit the ring on opposite ends. This could very well be a collision that is destined to happen, will we see it in the Royal Rumble?


Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell VS Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark!

While the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships are being defended this Friday, The Poison Pixie & #IndiWrestling are finding their way into the title picture. But the same can be said of The Queen of Spades & The Hunter! Will Candice & Indi or Shayna & Stark take one more step closer to the gold as we head down the Road to WrestleMania?

Kayden Carter & Katana Chance are ringside to watch this, even though The Kabuki Warriors are coming for them on SmackDown. The teams sort out and Shayna starts against Candice. These two tie up, are in a deadlock, but Shayna trips Candice and then scuffs her. Candice gets up in a huff and she resets with Shayna. They tie up again, Shayna powers Candice back to a corner, but the ref counts. Shayna scuffs Candice again, then trips her to sit her down! Shayna taunts Candice, then runs up, but Candice dodges! Candice feints to trip Shayna now! Candice eggs Shayna on, and Shayna runs up, into an arm-drag!

Candice arm-drags again, and again, then taunts Shayna more. Stark tags in but Shayna says she had this. Stark says no, she’ll get this. But Indi tags in, kicks and JABS and DECKS Stark! Indi puts Stark in ropes, UPPERCUTS her, then runs side to side. Tag to Candice before Indi BOOTS Stark down! Shayna runs up, Indi TOSSES her, and Candice goes up! Indi helps her tightrope walk, to then FLYING RANA Stark onto Shayna! The fans fire up as Candice & Indi stand tall, and Indi copies Kayden’s dance moves as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Stark CLUBS away on Indi. Stark scuffs Indi around, then runs, to springboard, into a SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up while both women are down, and Stark crawls. Chelsea green & Piper Niven are watching as hot tags are made to Shayna and Candice! Candice fires off on Shayna, LARIATS then DROPKICKS! Stark runs up but into a kick and ENZIGIRI! Candice UPPERCUTS Shayna in a corner, snapmares her, then runs up, CODE BREAKER SENTON COMBO! Cover on Shayna but Stark breaks it! Indi whips Stark but Stark reverse. Indi is on the apron, Stark SUPERKICKS her down!

Candice TOSSES Stark out, but Shayna grabs Candice for the KIRAFUDA KLUTCH! Candice RAMS Shayna into a corner, but Stark tags in! Shayna carries Candice in the sleeper, but Candice pushes back to roll back! But it won’t count as a cover, Stark is legal! And speaking of, Stark deadlifts Candice up to Z 360!! Cover, Stark & Shayna win!

Winners: Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark, by pinfall

The champs like the teamwork they just saw, and they step into the ring to say they’ll be ready to take them on. But wait! The Kabuki Warriors attack! Shayna & Stark back off to let Asuka & Kairi beat down the champs! The showdown happens on SmackDown, will the party be over for Kayden & Katana?


Backstage interview with Drew McIntyre.

Jackie is with the Scottish Terminator and says before talking about tonight’s main event, which has been fueled by months of animosity, does McIntyre have anything to say about what we saw from Cody and Punk? No. Everything he had to say, he already said to each of their faces. They’re the ones following in his footsteps. He won the Royal Rumble and then actually won at WrestleMania, so he has nothing for them. But he did hear what Priest had to say. Yeah, things weren’t 100% when McIntyre was champion, they weren’t 100% right in the world. But he is sick and tired of people trying to put a negative spin on that time! They needed a hero, he stepped up!

Here’s some names: Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, AJ Styles. That aside, that was the most proud McIntyre was of his entire career. People have literally come up and told him he saved their lives! But tonight, Priest is not ready to be WHC. You need to be physically and mentally tough enough and Priest just isn’t. Everyone talks about their story, but there’s only room for one Chosen One, and you’re looking at him! McIntyre is ready to tear Priest apart, will he do that and have one less obstacle on his journey back to WrestleMania?


DMG CTRL regroups backstage.

They’re all excited after their ambush on the tag champs. But how is Bayley feeling? Oh, she’s fine. But she feels much better after seeing what happened out there. But then Tegan Nox & Natalya confront them! DMG CTRL thinks they can just show up on Raw and get away with that stuff? Uh, why do they care? Uh, well, why are you here? They all shout and argue, and Adam Pearce storms in to say save it for the Rumble! He asks Nox & Natty to give him a moment with DMG CTRL, and the Queen of Hart says fine, they’re tired of being disrespected anyway.

Natty & Nox leave, and Pearce then says he invited them here for two reasons: promote The Rumble, and promote the tag title match. They were NOT supposed to go into business for themselves! Uh, if he has a problem, take it up with Aldis. Oh, funny. If he can pry Aldis away from staring himself in the mirror, Pearce will do that. Well, then get used to seeing DMG CTRL here. Once Asuka & Kairi win those tag titles on Friday, they’ll be showing up on Raw a lot more, buddy. Bye~! DMG CTRL heads out, Pearce turns around and Indus Sher is there. Jinder steps forward to say they need to talk.

What are Pearce’s plans for him, The Modern Day Maharaja, the most talked-about man of 2024, the man who stepped up to The Rock, and who is responsible for damaging Seth Rollins. Right now is good, right? Pearce says okay, just meet him in his office. Veer & Sanga leave with Jinder, and Pearce says he needs a drink. Will the Raw GM be spotted on Bourbon Street after tonight?


Drew McIntyre VS Damian Priest!

Ever since the uneasy alliance back at Survivor Series, the Scottish Terminator and Senor MITB have been wanting to throw hands against each other. And now, just days before the Royal Rumble, they will have that fight! Will McIntyre’s “jealousy” cost him his momentum going into this Saturday? Or will Priest’s pride be the cause of his fall?

Raw returns and McIntyre makes his entrance. The bell rings and the fans rally up as the two stare down. McIntyre and Priest slowly circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. McIntyre headlocks, Priest powers up and out, but McIntyre runs him over! Fans fire up as Priest storms up and shoves McIntyre. McIntyre kicks low, headlocks, but Priest powers up and out again. They RAM shoulders, Priest rebounds and he runs McIntyre over! McIntyre gets up to shove Priest, so Priest ROCKS him! Priest stomps a mudhole in the corner, CLUBS away on McIntyre, then lets off as the ref counts. Priest whips, McIntyre rebounds to LARIAT!

Fans fire up as McIntyre fires off on Priest in a corner, then CHOPS! Priest storms around, then ROCKS McIntyre! McIntyre tumbles out of the ring, and Priest goes out around the way. Priest runs in and leaps off the step, but McIntyre catches him! McIntyre hits an OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! McIntyre then puts Priest into the ring, storms in after him, and CHOPS him against ropes! Fans “WOO~!” and McIntyre brings Priest up to ROCK! Priest ROCKS McIntyre back! Priest runs, but McIntyre clotheslines Priest up and out! McIntyre storms out after Priest but Priest mule kicks him! Priest whips, McIntyre reverses, and he clinches again!

Priest claws the eyes and RAMS McIntyre into the post! Priest drags McIntyre up, reels him in, and aims for the desk! BROEKN ARROW on the desk!! The desk doesn’t break but maybe McIntyre just did! Priest stands tall and fans fire up as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns once again and Priest fires shots on McIntyre. Priest talks trash, KICKS and KICKS and UPPERCUTS McIntyre around the ring, then KICKS him more. Priest talks more trash, but McIntyre CHOPS in return! And ROCKS! And CHOPS! McIntyre whips, Priest reverses but McIntyre KICKS the back drop away! McIntyre runs, Priest follows, and he LARIATS McIntyre down! Cover, TWO! Priest clamps onto McIntyre for a chinlock and he grinds McIntyre down. The fans rally, McIntyre fights up, and McIntyre pries the hold away. Priest lets off to CLUB McIntyre in the back!

Priest shoves McIntyre to ropes, McIntyre holds ropes and ELBOWS Priest! McIntyre runs up, DOUBLE BOOTS bring them both down! The fans fire up and McIntyre snarls as he sits up. McIntyre seethes as he runs up to LARIAT Priest! And LARIAT again! Priest gets up, McIntyre clinches him in the corner, OVERHEAD BELLY2BELLY! Then the NECKBREAKER! Both men are down again, but McIntyre kips up! The fans fire up with McIntyre and he aims from a corner. The countdown begins, “THREE! TWO! ONE!” But Priest dodges the Claymore! Priest runs up, but McIntyre ducks the heel kick to CHOP!

McIntyre runs, Priest follows, but McIntyre SPINEBUSTERS! Jackknife bridge, TWO! McIntyre seethes again, clutching his side from the crash on the desk earlier. McIntyre drags Priest up, fireman’s carries, but Priest fires elbows. And then BELL CLAP! Priest whips McIntyre to a corner, shakes the stars out and runs in, but into a BOOT! McIntyre runs in, but into a FLATLINER! Cover, TWO! Priest grows frustrated, but he runs in at the corner to- NO, McIntyre catches the jump elbow! McIntyre can’t hold on long, and Priest fires off KICK after KICK! Priest then spins, into the GLASGOW KISS HEADBUTT!

Priest goes to a corner, McIntyre runs in but Priest puts him on the apron! McIntyre goes right up top to FLYING- NO, Priest dodges! JUMP KICK! Then Priest runs up, tilt-o-whirls, but McIntyre slips free! So Priest suplexes for a BROKEN ARROW! Cover, TWO!! McIntyre survives and bails out of the ring! Priest builds speed and goes up the ropes, to ROLLING KICK!! Fans fire up as Priest then brings McIntyre up, puts him in the ring, but wait! Is that R-Truth? Fans fire up as Truth wants to give Priest his cut, but Priest shoves him down!? Truth realizes duh, put it in the briefcase! McIntyre storms up but Priest ROUNDHOUSES him from the apron!

Priest steps in, springboards, but into a kick! Underhooks and FUTURE SHOCK!! Truth asks what the password is for the briefcase’s lock! McIntyre aims from the corner, but Truth gets on the apron to talk to Priest. McIntyre’s fury turns to Truth, and he DECKS Truth! The money goes flying! Priest choke grips McIntyre, SOUTH OF HEAVEN!! Cover, but the ref is busy with Truth!! Priest would’ve won! Priest is furious and he tells Truth to get out! Truth is trying to explain but Priest TOSSES him! Fans boo, but then CLAYMORE!!! Cover, McIntyre wins!!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

Truth tried to put the money in the bank for Priest, but that all backfired! McIntyre is rolling into the Royal Rumble, will he win his way back to former glory?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for Raw, especially as a go-home to the Royal Rumble. Rollins opens with his announcement, which didn’t seem as heavy as I expected going into this, because Gunther also shows up to call him out for a possible match at Mania. Rollins said “three to four months,” but that could be exaggeration for the sake of making him look John Cena levels of superhuman in a return just in time for WrestleMania. No vacating of the title, too, so the leg must not be in as bad of shape as thought. As great as Gunther VS Rollins would be, I don’t know the likelihood of that, with all the other possibilities in the Rumble match itself.

To that point, we got an awesome promo from Cody and Punk, probably a top contender for promo of the year already.  Honestly, all the promos we’ve gotten out of Cody, Punk and McIntyre have been great stuff. Also, we really need Cody VS Punk before Mania, that’d be such good stuff. I’d still lean towards Punk winning the Rumble to go for the World Heavyweight Championship. And in connection to Roman VS Rock in the works, I don’t think Cody even bothers shifting over and using the Elimination Chamber to get at the Universal Championship, he really will just have to wait until some later event.

Great opening match of Imperium VS New Day, and taking the count-out draw and making it into a wild brawl with the table spot. I was hoping they’d announce a Street Fight Tag rematch, but instead, Kofi just straight up wants Gunther and the Intercontinental Championship. Pretty sure Gunther retains, but he and Kofi are going to have an awesome match. Bronson also has a good promo calling out Jey, Jey VS Bronson is going to be great stuff, and Jey beating Bronson is definitely going to set him up for a match with Gunther. Not sure what happened to Pearce’s plans for the IC title, but Ricochet getting a concussion back in December that WWE kept quiet about probably tanked a lot of that. Maybe Ricochet makes a return during the Rumble.

Really good stuff out of Ivy VS Sarah, and great stuff out of Gable VS Ivar. Ivy gets a strong win with a new finisher, though honestly a flying bulldog is a bit riskier than a submission hold. Ivar gets the win because of Sarah, but he and Gable are both going strong into the Rumble that they’re not winning anyway. Really good surprise appearance of DMG CTRL tonight. I like that Bayley interrupts Becky and Nia confronting each other only for her to take the beating so that Becky and Nia are mostly even going into the Rumble. She wants to be Women’s World Champion per the DMG CTRL golden mission, so smart to have her here tonight.

Also good involvement of DMG CTRL going after Kayden & Katana to hype up the tag title match this Friday. I can’t be sure how the go-home math works out here, given how the DMG CTRL story is still heading for Bayley being kicked out. For now, I’ll stick with what I said last Friday that Kabuki Warriors could win the belts, that puts pressure on Bayley, and then when Bayley fails, she gets kicked out. And really good tag match of Shayna & Stark beating Candice & Indi, so maybe Shayna & Stark are the ones waiting for whoever comes out of this Friday’s match for at least a match at Elimination Chamber.

And of course, great stuff in the Judgment Day story tonight. Good little promo of them arguing with the tensions getting high again, and Rhea just kinda snapping at everyone there. Finn & JD of course help Dom beat Miz, but DIY of course runs Judgment Day off. Finn & Priest VS DIY is going to be great stuff, and at this point, it could go either way because Judgment Day looks close to imploding. Truth was again brilliant, and what a brilliant way for him to cost Priest against McIntyre. That main event was awesome stuff even with Truth getting involved, Priest losing adds to both the Judgment Day story and McIntyre’s story. McIntyre is looking strong going into the Rumble, and even though Punk seems like the likely choice, we could and should get McIntyre VS Punk on the way to Mania.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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