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Mitchell’s NJPW New Beginning Nagoya Results & Report! (1/20/24)

Will Darkness Fall?



The Good Bad Guy VS The King of Darkness!

Tama Tonga just got the NEVER Openweight Championship back, will he lose it all over again? Or will Evil be denied his New Beginning in Nagoya?


  • Kickoff Match – Shoma Kato VS Katsuya Murashima; Time Limit Draw.
  • Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma VS Ren Narita & Yujiro Takahashi; Narita & Yujiro win.
  • 10 Man Tag: The United Empire VS Bullet Club War Dogs; Bullet Club War Dogs win.
  • #DespeWato VS SHO & Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Sho & Kanemaru win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Tomohiro Ishii & Togi Makabe VS TMDK; TMDK wins.
  • 10 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Just5Guys; Just5Guys win.
  • KOPW Championship 10 Minute Ring Fit Match: Taiji Ishimori VS Great-O-Khan; Khan wins and becomes the new KOPW Champion.
  • NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo VS Chase Owens & KENTA; ELP & Leo win and retain the titles.
  • NEVER Openweight Championship: Tama Tonga VS EVIL; No Contest, restarted as…
  • NEVER Openweight Championship Lumberjack Match: Tama Tonga VS EVIL; Evil wins and becomes the new NEVER Openweight Champion.


8 Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Tomohiro Ishii & Togi Makabe VS TMDK!

The Rainmaker shocked the world by announcing he’s leaving NJPW! The countdown begins now, will he, The Ace, the Stone Pitbull and the Uncaged Gorilla start things off with a bang? Or will Zack Sabre Jr, Shane Haste, Mikey Nicholls & Kosei Fujita ruin this New Beginning?

The teams sort out and fans already cheer for Okada. However, it is Ishii who steps up to start, and he gets Hysterical Haste. The bell rings, the fans rally as the two go forehead to forehead, then go forearm for forearm! Shane and Ishii go back and forth, Shane UPPERCUTS then runs. Shane RAMS Ishii, Ishii rebounds but Shane drops then hurdles. Ishii swings, Shane dodges, but Ishii blocks Shane’s kick. Ishii waistlocks, Shane resists the lift and elbows free. Shane snapmares, basement dropkicks, and fans fire up as he flexes. Shane KICKS Ishii in the back, but Ishii stands right up! Ishii grabs Shane by the neck, but Shane ROCKS Ishii!

Ishii ROCKS Shane, Shane BOOTS Ishii, but then Ishii full nelsons and spins Shane to a suplex! Tag to Tanahashi and fans fire up! “Ace-Sachou” fires forearms, whips Shane, but Shane reverses. Mikey gets a cheap shot in, but Tanahashi DECKS him for it! Tanahashi fires off shots on Shane, runs, but Fujita gets a cheap shot in! Tanahashi storms up but Fujita CHOPS first! Shane DROPKICKS Tanahashi, Fujita BLASTS Ishii, Okada & Makabe off the corner! Shane tags Mikey and he drags Tanahashi up to the corner. Mikey fires off body shots, then smothers him! Tag to ZSJ and he wrenches Tanahashi again and again.

ZSJ slips through, wrenches again, then tags Fujita. They double wrench Tanahashi to then double leg trip and double standing toehold! Shane BLASTS Ishii off the apron while ZSJ & Fujita split the wishbone! Then they both STOMP Tanahashi’s arms! ZSJ falls back and Ichiban Sweet Boy stands Tanahashi up to CHOP! Tag to Shane and he CHOPS Tanahashi! Tag to Mikey and he CHOPS Tanahashi! Tanashi sputters, but he fires back with forearms. Mikey knees low, tags Shane, and they double whip. They DOUBLE ELBOW Tanahashi down, then FIST DROP SPLASH COMBO! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up but Shane keeps Tanahashi down with a chinlock, that he then shifts to a chinbar and forearm grind. Tanahashi endures and fans continue to rally. Mikey tries to hold the ropes back, but Tanahashi still gets the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer and Shane lets off, then he tags in Fujita. Fujita stomps Tanahashi, drags him up, and UPPERCUTS! Tanahashi goes to ropes, Fujita CHOPS him, then Fujita tags Mikey. Mikey kicks Tanahashi but Tanahashi fires forearms. Mikey knees Tanahashi low, BLASTS Okada & Ishii, but then runs into BOOTS! Tanahashi runs up, into an elbow! Mikey suplexes, but Tanahashi fights that to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT!

The fans fire up while both men are down. They crawl, and hot tag to Okada! Fans fire up as Okada rallies on TMDK! He BOOTS Mikey, runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges to then ELBOW Mikey down! Fans fire up, Okada runs in at the corner and JUMP ELBOWS! Then kick low, but Shane runs in. Okada kicks him, too, and DOUBLE DDTS! Cover on Mikey, TWO! The fans fire up as Okada waits on Mikey. Mikey stands, Okada Alabama Lifts but Mikey CLUBS free. Mikey runs in, but Okada pops him up to REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Fans rally again as Okada scoops Mikey and SLAMS him down! Okada goes to the corner but Fujita attacks!

Mikey runs up to ROCK Okada, then ROCKET LAUNCH him! Tag to Fujita and he runs up to DROPKICK! Fujita fires forearms on Okada, ROCKS him, but Okada gets up Fujita’s face! Fujita CHOPS him! Fujita whips corner to corner, runs in, and CHOPS again! Okada sputters, Fujita goes up and out to springboard MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up but Fujita slashes his throat. Fujita hauls Okada up but Okada fights the suplex! Fujita throws body shots, CHOPS, then runs, but Okada FLAPJACKS him down! Fans fire up again while Okada and Fujita are down. Okada crawls, hot tag to Makabe!

Fans rally as Makabe BLASTS ZSJ off the apron, then SPLASHES Fujita in the corner. Makabe climbs and rains down fists! But Fujita slips out to DROPKICK Makabe down! Makabe storms up but Fujita gets around to waistlock. Makabe elbows free, runs, but into a WHEEL KICK! Fujita and Makabe are down, and Fujita crawls his way over, hot tag to ZSJ! ZSJ UPPERCUTS Makabe, UPPERCUTS again, then UPPERCUTS again! Makabe roars and he ROCKS ZSJ! Makabe runs, into a BOOT! But he spins, only for ZSJ to wrench and PELE the left arm! ZSJ then isolates and STOMPS that arm! Then he and TMDK BLAST the Dream Trio!

Ishii storms in but Shane & Mikey whip him to a corner. ZSJ runs in, Ishii dodges and he sends Mikey into Shane! Ishii blocks ZSJ’s boot, gives it to Tanahashi, DRAGON SCREW! Then Ishii and Tanahashi get Shane and Mikey for DOUBLE DRAGON SCREWS! They double whip Fujita, he ducks ‘n ‘dodges, then DOUBLE DROPKICKS them! Okada gets in, Fujita CHOPS! Fujita runs, but Okada DROPKICKS! Fans fire up as Okada gets Fujita out of the ring. ZSJ runs in, but Makabe LARIATS ZSJ! Then Makabe runs to LARIAT ZSJ again! Fans fire up and Makabe goes up a corner! KING KONG- NO, ZSJ avoids the knee!

ZSJ STOMPS the leg, then PENALTY KICKS! Cover, TWO!! But into a KNEEBAR HEEL HOOK!! Makabe endures, but ZSJ shifts to DEATHLOCK!! Makabe taps, TMDK wins!

Winners: TMDK, by submission

The Front Man may no longer be NJPW World Television Champion, but he is still a Submission Master! And he calls out Bryan Danielson and his one good eye, telling him to be ready for their rematch! Will ZSJ make the American Dragon #JustTapOut? And with Okada’s days in NJPW literally numbered, is this a sign his Dream Trio is going to give up the gold to Fujita, Haste & Nicholls? Either way, Okada gets back in the ring to bow to the Nagoya fans one last time.


KOPW Championship 10 Minute Ring Fit Match: Taiji Ishimori VS Great-O-Khan!

The Bone Soldier Reborn won the championship scramble and quite literally ran away with this belt. But now he’s really going to test both his and Khan’s cardio in this modified version of the scramble! Ten minutes on the clock, and every three minutes they stop for a 30 second “high intensity circuit training” session! As for falls, you either pin your opponent, make them submit, or have physical possession of the belt by the end. Will Khan’s body fail him before his spirit does? Or will the Dominator find a way to beat Ishimori at his own game?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is truly fit to be champion!

The bell rings, we’re on the clock, and Khan kicks low! Khan CLUBS Taiji, Mongolian Chops him down, then stomps him. Khan drags Taiji up but Taiji pokes him in the eye! Taiji CLUBS Khan, whips him corner to corner but Khan reverses. Taiji slips out, slides under, goes around, and shoulders into Khan, to then springboard SEATED SENTON! Fans fire up and Taiji flexes. Taiji drags Khan up to throw hands, then runs, but Khan shoots around! IRON CLAW SLEEPER! Khan drags Taiji down, Taiji flails around, reaches out, and manages the ROPEBREAK! The fans cheer, but Khan lets go slowly.

Khan drags Taiji up, UPPERCUTS him, and Taiji goes to a corner. Khan UPPERCUTS again, then UPPERCUTS again! Taiji sits down, Khan drags him up, and Khan TOSSES Taiji across the way! Taiji writhes, Khan covers, TWO! The fans cheer but Khan storms around. Khan stomps Taiji, drags him up, and CLUBS him on the neck. Khan whips, Taiji slides out, and we’re nearing the first three minute mark. Taiji grabs the belt and starts running with it! Khan gives chase, they go out to the crowd, but Taiji is just stalling for time! It’s time for the circuit training! The clock stops so both men can return to ringside.

Fans cheer as this first 30 second period is: Jumping, high knees, and burpies! Khan is already unsure he can do that. Khan makes his way back into the ring, he and Taiji set up, and the ref says go! Taiji does his jumps and his high knees so much faster than Khan, and goes to burpies after only seven seconds! Khan does his best to keep up, and Taiji’s down at 20 seconds! Khan finishes just in time, and the fans cheer! Now, we get back on the 10-minute clock and we have another three minutes! Khan keeps Taiji from going back outside so Taiji fires off forearms! Khan UPPERCUTS Taiji down! Then has to catch his breath!

Khan paces, gives a thumbs up, and then suplexes Taiji. But Taiji blocks! Khan keeps trying, he gets Taiji up, but Taiji kicks and flails! Khan still holds Taiji up, but then lets him down to Mongolian Chop! Khan even drops to his knees, still needing to catch his breath. The fans rally, Khan throws hands, then whips. Taiji handsprings but into Khan’s clutches! Khan pops Taiji around to suplex high and hard! Fans fire up but Khan is still gasping. Khan crawls his way over to Taiji, covers at the five minute mark, TWO! Khan is frustrated but he drags Taiji around, into the HEAD ‘N’ ARM TRIANGLE! Taiji endures as Khan puts on the squeeze!

We’re 30 seconds away from the next period, Taiji fights up, but Khan SAYANAGIS, back into the HEAD ‘N’ ARM! Taiji endures, we’ve got 10 seconds! Khan leans all his weight, but Taiji is saved by the buzzer! Khan is frustrated, but the ref tells him to let go! Khan lets go, because now it’s time for push-ups, “V-crunches,” and squats! Khan and Taiji set up, and begin! Taiji blazes through the push-ups, and a “V-crunch” is where you bring up your legs as well as upper body to make a V shape! He blazes through those, too! And he gets to squats at 10 seconds! He’s done at 20, just like before! Khan hustles up, and he finishes in time!

Fans cheer but Khan is surely feeling the burn inside and out. No pain, no gain, as they say! We’re back on the regular clock now, and Taiji CLUBS Khan! Khan eggs Taiji on, and Taiji kicks him low. And again! Khan goes to ropes, still eggs Taiji on, so Taiji CLUBS him! Taiji whips, but Khan flops right over! The ref checks Khan but Khan says he’s still in this. Taiji removes the blue buckle pad while the ref isn’t watching! Taiji wrenches Khan, and sends him into the POST! We’re at the seven minute mark, and Taiji wrenches to hit an ARM CODE BREAKER! Taiji takes aim, BANG, and he drags Khan back up.

Taiji brings Khan into a cradle, TWO! Another cradle, TWO!! Khan just barely gets his arm off the mat and Taiji can’t believe it! Taiji argues with the ref, Khan swings, but it’s so sluggish! Taiji rolls Khan up, TWO! Eight minutes in and Taiji has the BONE LOCK! Khan scrambles, reaches out, but Taiji kicks off the ropes to get Khan turned around! Khan endures, and he BITES Taiji’s arm! The ref reprimands, Taiji pulls on the hold, but Khan keeps fighting! Khan reaches, maybe he can last until it’s time for the final circuit training session! The fans count it down, ROPEBREAK, and it’s time! The final session: More jumping, “jumping lunges,” and “mountain climbs!”

Khan and Taiji set up, and Khan is begging for mercy. The ref says sorry, these are the rules. Khan stands, and it’s go time! Taiji jumps, Khan tries to keep up, but Taiji’s already at the lunges! Taiji goes to the “climbs” at 10 seconds, and he finishes at 20! Taiji’s pace is consistent, but Khan’s slowing down! He barely finishes the lunges and time is up! Taiji wants the ref to name him the winner, Khan couldn’t finish that set! Khan begs not to, there was nothing about actually having to! The fans want it, though, so Khan has to finish his lunges and climbs after all! At least he gets all 30 seconds to do it! Wait, he still doesn’t make it?

Taiji kicks at Khan now, so Khan flips him off! Khan just keeps doing the climbs, and the fans help him count! Khan finishes, and finally, we can have the final minute! Taiji gets the belt, shoves the ref aside, and takes aim! But Khan IRON RIGHT HANDS first!! Khan on weak legs goes for HITSUJIGOROSHI! But Taiji powers out, LA MYSTICA, but Khan shifts to the HITSUJI- NO, Taiji flips free! Last 30 seconds as Taiji wants the Bone Lock! Khan resists, but he also needs to score a fall! TEN SECONDS! IRON CLAW! ELIMINATOR!! But Khan falls the wrong way! Time’s up, and wait! Khan fell on the belt!! KHAN WINS!!

Winner: Great-O-Khan, by possession of the belt (NEW KOPW Champion)

Khan wakes back up, and realizes he’s actually triumphed! He can barely stand right now, but emptying the gas tank was worth it! Will this be a new era for both the KOPW Division and the United Empire?


NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo w/ Jado VS Chase Owens & KENTA!

The Headbanga & Young Guerilla held onto these belts through a Battle in the Valley, but Bullet Club has a lot of ammo to throw at them! The Crown Jewel & Fang Revived are locked and loaded, will they bring these belts back to the Club? Or will ELP & Leo make them regret ever kicking them off the team?

The introductions are made, the blue belts are raised, and we see if the Guerillas can stay NJPW Strong!

The fans rally for “E L P! E L P!” already, and ELP lets a young fan hold the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team titles for a photo op. ELP then gets fans to cheer Leo and Jado as the teams sort out. ELP starts against Kenta, and fans rally up as the two stare down. Kenta is confused by the fans being so strongly behind ELP, but he and ELP still circle. But then Kenta backs off before he and ELP circle again. Kenta then steps outside to the apron, and he taunts trash on the fans. ELP gets the fans to cheer Kenta on if it’ll encourage him to get back in. Kenta ignores the fans, but the ref tells him to get in the ring, so Kenta steps back in.

But then ELP returns to favor by stepping outside. Leo gives ELP a shoulder rub to loosen him up. The fans rally for ELP, and ELP handsprings back in. ELP and Kenta stare down, but then Kenta tags out to Chase. ELP sighs and Chase takes his own time getting warmed up. Chase then bails out, and ELP points out how no one cares. ELP rushes out and chases Chase, but Chase gets in. ELP avoids Chase & Kenta stomping him, then they egg him on! ELP says no thanks, and then Kenta & Chase turn around to see Leo! Leo grabs them both, meeting of the minds, then a double shoulder tackle! Fans fire up and ELP gets in, he and Leo put Chase & Kenta in the corners.

ELP & Leo send Chase and Kenta into each other, then they atomic drop in stereo! Both Kenta and Chase hobble around, so Leo sends Chase into a corner. ELP sends Kenta into Chase, then sends Leo in to DOUBLE SPLASH! Kenta falls, ELP runs up to ELBOW Chase! Feed to Leo, SIDEWALK SLAM and FALLING AX HANDLE! Fans fire up and ELP winds up, for the high-five! ELP flexes and the fans cheer while he brings Chase up. ELP ROCKS Chase, ROCKS him again and Chase falls over. ELP eggs Chase on, but Chase knees him low! Chase runs, but ELP hurdles, drops, and DROPKICKS! Then handsprings up!

Fans cheer and ELP flexes again. ELP brings Chase up but Chase fires off fast hands and a forearm! Chase runs up to forearm smash, then short arm LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally but Chase stays cool. Chase coordinates with Kenta, and he sends ELP in. ELP stops himself, ELBOWS Kenta, then backflips over Chase to duck ‘n’ dodge and springboard CROSSBODY! ELP somersaults to ropes, but Kenta YANKS him up and out! Chase BLASTS Leo, and Kenta sends ELP into railing! Kenta then POSTS ELP, then stomps him down. Kenta argues with the ref, then he puts ELP in the ring. Chase covers, TWO!

Chase argues with the ref but the fans cheer. Chase whips ELP to ropes and CLOBBERS him! Tag to Kenta, and he drags ELP up to whip. Kenta ELBOWS ELP down, covers, TWO! Kenta clamps on a chinlock and he grinds ELP down. ELP endures, even as Kenta pushes up to put on the pressure. ELP fights around, fights up, and throws body shots. But Kenta throws ELP down! Kenta tags Chase, and they split the wishbone on ELP! Chase stalks ELP, keeps him from Leo, and headlock punches! Chase then hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as ELP reaches out for Leo, but Chase slaps Leo’s hand away!

Chase drags ELP away as the ref keeps Leo back. Kenta tags in and Bullet Club mugs ELP. Kenta KICKS ELP, sits him back up, and KICKS again! Kenta eggs ELP on but ELP fires forearms in return! Kenta claws the eyes! Fans boo, but Kenta snapmares to KICK ELP! Cover, ROPEBREAK! ELP’s long legs save him there, and Kenta is frustrated. The fans rally behind the Guerillas, but Kenta drags ELP around. Kenta bumps ELP off Chase’s boot. Kenta tags Chase, and Chase puts ELP under the ropes to ROPE GUILLOTINE! Kenta goes out after ELP to RAM him into railing! Leo storms over and Kenta hurries away.

The ring count is climbing, Leo coaches ELP up, but ELP is still down at 10 of 20. ELP crawls, Leo stares Kenta down, but ELP makes it in at 15! Chase is on ELP with a facelock, CLUBS him on the back, then tags Kenta. Kenta storms up on ELP to whip him to ropes. ELP sunset flips, TWO! Kenta gets free, and he grabs ELP’s leg to keep him from Leo! Chase tags in, he stomps ELP down, and then he drags ELP up. Chase & Kenta double whip but ELP holds ropes. ELP BOOTS Chase, DUMPS Kenta out, then runs up to RANA! The fans fire up and ELP hurries for the corner! Hot tag to- NO, Kenta YANKS Leo down!

Fans boo as Kenta stomps Leo, and Chase stomps ELP. Kenta slides in, he and Chase double back suplex! But ELP lands on his feet! ELP goes up and over Kenta, slides under Chase, but Chase grabs legs! ELP ENZUGIRIS Chase! Kenta hurries in to grab ELP’s legs, but ELP BOOTS him into Chase! Hot tag to Leo! The fans fire up as Leo rallies on Kenta with big elbows! Chase ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Leo runs him over! Kenta staggers up, Leo scoops him to SNAKE EYES! Leo keeps moving and he runs Kenta over! Chase fires forearms but Leo clamps on! Leo TOSSES Chase to a corner, then runs up, only for Chase to BOOT him!

Chase runs up to ROCK Leo, but Leo UPPERCUTS Chase! Leo choke grips Chase, grabs Kenta, but they break free! They kick low, double whip, but Leo breaks the line to DOUBLE LARIAT them! The fans fire up and Leo aims at Chase. Choke grip, but Chase breaks free! Chase aims, but Leo UPPERCUTS! Leo reels Chase in but Chase wrenches out to BOOT! Chase blocks Leo’s haymaker to KNEE back! Chase reels Leo in, tucks the arms, but Leo’s too big for the Heist! Leo back drops free! Chase sunset flips, but Leo drags him up with both hands! But Kenta pulls hair to THROW Leo onto Chase’s knees!

Leo writhes, Chase tags Kenta, and Kenta runs to WRECK ELP with a dropkick! Kenta then sends Chase in at Leo to forearm smash! Chase goes up and over, sweeps the legs, and Kenta runs up to HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! Leo is down in the drop zone and Kenta climbs up! DIVING DOUBLE STOMP!! Cover, TWO!!! Leo survives the Coup De Grace and Kenta can’t believe it! Fans fire up but Kenta slashes his throat. Kenta drags Leo up, fireman’s carries, but Leo is so big! Leo then flails free, grips Kenta, but Chase runs in! Leo shoves Kenta to BOOT Chase! Kenta blocks Leo’s kick to KNEE BREAKER!

Kenta fires off haymaker after haymaker, and Leo falls to his knees! Kenta runs up, but into the SNAP POWERSLAM! Fans fire up while both men are down! Leo crawls his way over, hot tag to ELP! ELP goes up the ropes to SWANTON BOMB! Then he somersaults to LIONSAULT! But he keeps moving, another somersault so he can TORNADO DDT Chase to the floor! Fans fire up as ELP hurries back up! ELP climbs a corner, and he THUNDER KISS- NO, Kenta moves! ELP rolls through, Kenta runs up to JUMP KICK! Then he puts ELP in the ropes, GREEN KILLER! Cover, TWO!!

The fans fire up as ELP survives, but Kenta brings down his kneepad. Kenta drags ELP up, fireman’s carries, but ELP fights free to backslide! Roll through, arms tucked, but Kenta fireman’s carries free! ELP slips free again, tucks again, but Kenta wrenches out! Kenta blocks a haymaker to URAKEN! ELP roars, but Kenta URAKENS again! Fireman’s carry for GO- NO! ELP turns GTS into a cradle, TWO!!! Kenta runs up, ELP gets around, O’Conner Roll! TWO into a BOOT from Chase! APRON DDT!! The ref reprimands but Kenta rolls ELP up, TWO!!! ELP survives and the fans fire up! But Kenta gets an arm, for the GAME OVER CROSSFACE!

ELP endures, he reaches out, and Jado coaches him towards that side! Kenta pulls back, but ELP has the ROPEBREAK with a foot! Chase runs up to stomp ELP! Leo storms in to kick Chase and CLUB away on him! Kenta fires off on Leo, but Leo choke grips! Chase CLUBS Leo, Kenta runs up, but Leo gets free! The BOOT takes out Chase! Leo CHOPS Kenta, ELP straitjackets and torture racks! Leo runs to BOOT Kenta into BRAIN SALAD!! Cover, TWO!! Kenta survives being the “Unidentified Flying Opponent,” but Leo & ELP pound the mat! They take up the corner and tune up the band!

Kenta rises, but Chase trips Leo! Chase YANKS Leo backwards into the post! Kenta dodges Sudden Death to DISCUS LARIAT! ELP and Kenta are down but the fans rally up! Kenta tags Chase, we’re at 20 minutes of the 30 minute time limit, and Bullet Club double whip! Double hip toss into a TU LO SABE! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives the powerbomb-neckbreaker combo, but Kenta hurries up top! Chase drags ELP up to tuck him in, but ELP wrenches free! ELP sends Chase to the ropes, and that trips Kenta up! ELP rolls Chase up, TWO! Chase runs in, ELP dodges the C-Trigger to SUDDEN DEATH!! Cover, TWO!!!

ELP hurries to haul Chase up, straitjacket and torture rack! BURNING HAMMER!! But Kenta aims, leaps, but ELP moves! Chase takes the DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS!! Leo storms in, choke grips Kenta, GODSEND!! ELP gives Chase CR2!!! Cover, the Guerrillas win!!

Winners: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo, by pinfall (still NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions)

A great win for ELP & Leo, but this was just round one. Chase & Kenta will be back for those IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships in Osaka, February 11th! Will the Two Belt Guerillas make it through the New Beginnings?


NEVER Openweight Championship: Tama Tonga VS EVIL w/ House of Torture!

The Good Bad Guy knows what it is to win and lose this belt, but so does the King of Darkness. With Sanada thwarting Evil from stealing the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship from Naito, will Evil just steal this title instead? Or will nothing stop the THREE-TIME NEVER Openweight Champion?

Naturally, Evil has the entire House with him tonight, but Tama decides to come out here on his own. The introductions are made, but the moment Tama’s in the ring, he CLOBBERS Evil! The fans fire up and Red Shoes rings the bell as Tama throws down fists! Evil gets away and bails out but Tama pursues. Evil kicks low, whips, but Tama reverses to send Evil into railing! Fans fire up as Tama whips Evil back into the railing! Evil writhes, the House complains, but Tama puts Evil in the ring. Tama storms in, he CLUBS away on Evil, then he brings out scissors! Red Shoes says no, but Tama wants to return the favor of the bad haircut!

Evil grabs at Red Shoes, and that keeps him from seeing the House get in! They grab the scissors, mug Tama, and fans boo as Evil keeps Red Shoes from seeing all this! But wait! Here come the Guerrillas, and even Desperado & Shota Umino! The Roughneck goes after his nemesis, Narita, Desperado goes after Kanemaru, Leo & ELP go after the rest! Fans cheer, Red Shoes asks what the heck, and here comes Jado with a kendo stick! The brawl is all over the ring, Tama keeps after Evil and vice-versa, and oddly no one else has touched either guy so there are no reasons to disqualify this one!

Red Shoes still reprimands as Tama pulls Evil’s hair and Evil claws at Tama’s face! Jado and Yujiro square off, kendo stick for pimp cane! Leo CLUBS Yujiro, Jado runs Dick Togo off! Red Shoes sighs as Shota choke Narita and ELP keeps Sho down. Evil claws Tama’s eyes, knees low, and Red Shoes says this is enough! Throw it out!

No Contest

The fans boo, it was just getting good! But Red Shoes’ orders are absolute, and Tama retains the title because of this. Tama didn’t want it like that, he still wants to fight! Evil shouts at Tama, too, but what can they do with all these other guys around? Tama gets a mic so he can speak, and the fans cheer him on. Tama says, “Hey, Evil, you SOB! We’re not done! We’re not done! We’re fighting today! You have your people, I have MY people! Let’s make this… a LUMBERJACK MATCH!” Fans like the sound of that! Evil says fine, and then Red Shoes assesses the situation. He makes sure this is all kosher, and the match is a go!

NEVER Openweight Championship Lumberjack Match: Tama Tonga VS EVIL!

Nagoya is all fired up for this escalated main event, and Evil slides in. The bell rings, and the brawl continues between these two! Tama fires off haymakers and an UPPERCUT, but Evil claws the eyes! Evil runs, but Tama CLOBBERS him! Evil bails out, but nope! Tama’s lumberjacks put him right in! Tama HEADBUTTS Evil, fires off body shots and an UPPERCUT, then storms around. Tama storms back up on Evil, but Evil shoves him away. Evil crawls out but Tama drags him back in! Tama kicks low, fireman’s carries, but Evil claws eyes! Fans boo, Red Shoes reprimands, but Evil TOSSES Tama out to the House’s side!

Tama fires off on Evil’s lumberjacks, and then Tama’s lumberjacks run up to fight them off! Fans fire up, even as Dick uses a chair and Yujiro uses his pimp cane! The House ends up standing tall as Evil blocks Red Shoes from seeing things clearly, and then Dick & Kanemaru drag the mats up! They DOUBLE SUPLEX Tama to the hardwood floor! Tama writhes, Evil gloats, but fans boo. Evil drags Tama up and brings him around. The lumberjacks continue to scrap, such as Narita and Shota going after each other, but Evil RAMS Tama into the timekeeper! Down goes Abe-san! Evil grabs the mic while Sho unties the blue buckle pad.

Evil says Tama’s FIRED from NJPW, then he stomps away on the Good Bad Guy. Evil storms into the ring, Sho throws Tama back in for him, and Evil drags Tama up. Evil talks more trash, then he whips Tama into the bare buckles! Tama writhes but Evil wants Red Shoes to check him. Red Shoes does check Tama, but Tama isn’t done just yet. Evil is being sneaky, he has Red Shoes check Tama’s guys so that he can then CHOKE Tama with a House of Torture shirt! Fans boo, Tama’s guys protest, but Evil gets away with that one. Evil then covers, but Red Shoes refuses because he knows there were shenanigans!

The House complains but the fans cheer, this is what Evil gets! Evil taunts Tama, Tama pushes him away, but Evil scuffs Tama around. Evil drags Tama up, tosses him back out, and Sho throws Tama back in. Evil then throws Tama back out, just so Sho can throw him back in. They’re doing this just to disorient Tama, but he DECKS Sho all the same! Tama is dizzy but still fighting, and ELP tells Sho to back off. Sho storms up so Leo goes after him! ELP joins in again, the brawling is back on, and at least it keeps Tama from taking cheap shots. Red Shoes tells them all to separate, and then Sho pushes Tama back into the ring.

Evil soaks up the heat, stomps away on Tama, and then CLUBS him down. Cover, TWO! The fans cheer but Evil clamps on with a chinlock. The fans rally as Tama endures, fights up, and pries the hold away. Tama body shots and elbows low, then runs. But Kanemaru trips Evil! Evil runs, so Desperado trips him! Fans cheer as the Rogue Luchador evens things with The Heel Master! Evil and Tama stir, the fans rally up, and both men stand. Evil swings but Tama counter punches Evil! And then counter punches again! And again! And again, and again, and again! Fans fire up as Tama punches then whips, but Evil reverses!

Tama comes right back to LARIAT! Tama rallies on Evil with more LARIATS, then the House gets mad! Tama DECKS Dick, DECKS Narita and DECKS Yujiro! Tama dodges Evil, hoists him up, BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Tama then goes up a corner, but Evil rolls away to the far side. Sho laughs at Tama but Tama says okay, PLANCHA! Down goes Sho & Kanemaru! But wait, Evil is trying to run away with the belt! This isn’t a scramble, that was earlier! Leo CLOBBERS Evil from behind! Leo stands Evil up for ELP to PURPLE NURPLE~! Evil endures the pain and then ELP brings him back to ringside.

ELP puts Evil in, the fans rally up as hard as they can, and now Evil wants mercy? Tama says nope, and he fireman’s carries! S R C! Tama goes up to the top, for SUPREME FLOW! Cover, TWO!! Evil survives, but Tama doesn’t waste time being frustrated! The fans rally as Tama slithers around and watches Evil. Tama’s guys pound the mat along with him, and the fans clap along. Evil rises, Tama GUN- NO, Evil uses Red Shoes as a shield! Then Evil kicks low, hoists Tama up, and he uses Red Shoes to help in MAGIC KILLER!! Yujiro drags Tama out, the House goes after the Guerillas, and Yujiro hits PIMP JUICE to the floor!

Fans boo as the House has control again, and Yujiro puts Tama in for Evil. Evil crawls to the cover, Red Shoes counts, TWO!!! Tama survives and the fans fire up! Evil is frustrated but he drags Tama up. Evil fireman’s carries, for DARKNESS FALLS! Cover, TWO!!! Tama survives again and the fans are thunderous! Evil is beside himself, and the fans are chanting “Let’s Go, Tama!” Evil says no, and he slashes his throat. Evil drags Tama back up, EVERYTHING- NO, Tama fights the STO with elbows! Evil LARIATS, but Tama stays up! The fans fire up again but Evil runs again, to LARIAT! Tama is still up on his feet!!

Tama grits his teeth, Evil throws off the elbow pad, and he runs, into a TONGAN TWIST!! Both men are down and the fans fire back up! Red Shoes checks, Tama and Evil stir, and both men push up off the mat. Evil grabs at Tama but Tama CHOPS! And CHOPS again! And CHOPS again! Evil kicks low, whips, but Tama reverses! Evil hits bare buckles! But he fights the back suplex! Tama waistlocks, Evil grabs Red Shoes’ sleeve! Tama lifts but Evil holds on, but Red Shoes swats Evil’s arm away! Tama O’Conner Rolls Evil, TWO!! Into a CHAIR SHOT from Dick!!! Evil rolls Tama up, TWO?!?!? The House can’t believe that didn’t work!!

Fans fire up as Tama rises! Evil runs in, but Tama drop toeholds him into Jado’s KENDO STICK STRIKE!! Roll up, TWO?!?!? Evil survives and the House is relieved! Tama goes to a corner, Evil sits up as he clutches his head, and Tama runs in. But the SPLASH is sent into Red Shoes! Narita BOOTS Tama! Shota SHOTGUNS Narita! Sho and Desperado get in! Desperado dodges the “Murder Tool” to SPINEBUSTER Sho! But Kanemaru dropkicks Desperado’s legs out! Leo storms in but Kanemaru dropkicks his legs out, too! Yujiro runs up, he and Kanemaru double whip, only for Leo to DOUBLE LARIAT!

ELP joins in, Leo gives him the boost to go up and up and ARIHARA MOONSAULT! Down goes so much of the House! But Evil has the belt!! He runs up, but Tama dodges! DROPKICK sends the belt into Evil’s face!! Tama aims, GUN- NO, Evil blocks, for EVERY- NO, Tama powers out! Tama runs to GUN- NO?!? Evil blocks, sends Tama at the bare buckles, but Tama stops himself! Evil shoves Red Shoes, Tama jumps up and over to GUN STUN!!!! Cover, TWO!?!?!? HOW?!?! Tama roars, he just drags Evil up again! Underhooks for the DIVE SHACK DRIVER!!! Cover, DICK DRAGS RED SHOES OUT!!!!

Fans boo as The Spoiler has his SPOILER CHOKER!!! Tama fights it, Jado SMACKS Dick! GUN STUN for Dick!! The fans are thunderous as Tama drags Evil back up. Underhooks and lift, but Evil fights it! Evil rams Tama to the ropes, Narita CRACKS Tama with his push-up bar!! EVERYTHING IS EVIL!!!! Cover, EVIL WINS!!!!

Winner: Evil, by pinfall (NEW NEVER Openweight Champion)

Just when Tama thought he could make it past one-and-done, just when he thought he had things fair and square, The House of Torture finds a new way to cheat! The Good Bad Guy’s final singles match in NJPW in Japan, and it has to end like this. After 14 years, is it going to be this asterisk that punctuates Tama’s career?

As for Evil, he truly does steal this title, and the House heads out to celebrate. What is going to become of NJPW if the House of Torture continues its reign of terror?

As for Tama, he stands back up, naturally emotional over what this moment really means. The fans cheer him, and he gets the mic again. “NJPW, arigato gozaimashete. NJPW fans, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for giving me a home. Thank you for giving me a chance to know you. I love you.” The fans cheer again as Tama sets down the mic and blows a kiss goodbye. He also hugs it out with Leo, Jado and the rest. As the song says, ain’t nobody realer than Guerrilla, but what does the future hold for the Good Bad Guy?

My Thoughts:

A great event for NJPW to start a stacked New Beginning series. Okada announcing he’s on his way out of NJPW was definitely shocking, but he’s still gonna wrap things up with this New Beginning series. Good 8 Man Tag tonight, a little surprising TMDK won here but perhaps they and Okada’s team go back and forth leading up to the NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag title match. I would think TMDK wins that, and we worry about where Okada finds himself (AEW VS WWE, obviously) afterward.

Great “Ring Fit” match, and while Taiji wasn’t always doing best form as he blazed through the exercises, it was hilarious story for him to be so quick at it while Khan struggled. But what a great surprise that Khan still won out. Khan wants to make the KOPW more serious, similar to Takagi and Taichi, so I can’t be sure how much more he can do when Takagi was having endurance matches and No Disqualifications. Well, maybe Khan chooses to do that, too, with a more technical flair given he’s an established amateur wrestler and Mixed Martial Artist. Though, let’s not do the amateur judo match he did with Takagi. The fans voted for it but then got bored watching it.

Great Strong Openweight Tag Team Championship match with ELP & Leo of course retaining against Kenta & Chase. Them putting this on as a preview of the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship match was an interesting move, but Nagoya sure didn’t care about Chase & Kenta. Hopefully the next crowd gets a bit more invested in the Heels, though I don’t suspect ELP & Leo losing the heavyweight titles, either. And wild stuff with Tama VS Evil. The No Contest, then the Lumberjack match, all pretty much allowing The House of Torture to do all the cheating they want, but I suppose it makes sense with Tama also on his way out.

Tama’s impending departure might be overshadowed by Okada’s, but Tama has always been a solid part of NJPW over his 14 years. From helping found Bullet Club with Prince Devitt/Finn Balor to carrying Bullet Club as members left for other places, to being ejected from Bullet Club, all the while building a great IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship legacy, and even having the NEVER Openweight Six Man and NEVER singles title along the way, Tama is himself a solid get for any stateside promotion. Though, I feel like he’d just get lost in the shuffle in AEW or even in WWE. He could go fulltime NJPW Strong, but maybe staying in NJPW in any form would kinda undercut the emotional goodbye we just got tonight.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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